Troubleshooting-Oss Compress

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########################## CAP_IRestarting ipcdir_server #######################

It should normally not be necessary to restart the ipcdir_server manually. Pleas
e see the on-line manual page for ipcdir_server.
The Directory Table for CAP_IPC is defined in the ndbm files and is called .ipcd
ir_ndbm_table. To find out the actual directory, enter the command:
# tbs_env get TBS_DAT
If these files are accidentally deleted, the ipcdir_server must be restarted. Ho
wever, in this case all the directory information for the interprocess communica
tion in the system has disappeared; therefore, a complete start-up of the system
should be done.
If the Directory Table has been corrupted, and this cannot be repaired by using
the ipcdir_cleanup process, the Directory Table has to be manually deleted befor
e the system is restarted. The symptom of a corrupted Directory Table is that so
me or all of the TBS managed processes will not start after boot.
If the ipcdir_server is to be restarted for another reason:
1.Log in to the TBS master host as root.
2.Start ipcdir_server by writing:
root@server> /opt/ericsson/nms_cif_tmos_tbs/bin/ ipcdir_server

################################# root@htossm1o> crontab -l ####################

#ident "@(#)root 1.21 04/03/23 SMI"
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
10 3 * * * /usr/sbin/logadm
15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
#10 3 * * * /usr/lib/krb5/kprop_script ___slave_kdcs___
30 0 * * * /opt/ericsson/nms_cif_am/bin/
0 10 * * * /opt/ericsson/nms_cif_dsa/bin/StartReadServerAddress
0 22 * * * /opt/ericsson/nms_cif_dsa/bin/StartReadServerAddress
0 * * * * su - nmsadm -c '/opt/ericsson/smia/etc/' >/dev/null 2
0 * * * * su - nmsadm -c '/opt/ericsson/ccpdm/bin/' >/dev/n
ull 2>&1
0 * * * * su - nmsadm -c '/opt/ericsson/ccpdm/etc/' >
/dev/null 2>&1
#0 9 * * 0 su - nmsadm -c '/etc/opt/ericsson/isp/rbs/RBS_ISP_command' >/dev/null
#0 1 * * 0 su - nmsadm -c '/opt/ericsson/bin/BSS_ISP -e -c syrip' >/dev/null 2>&
#0 5 2 * * su - nmsadm -c '/opt/ericsson/bin/BSS_ISP -e -c lasip' >/dev/null 2>&
#0 22 * * 5 su - nmsadm -c '/opt/ericsson/bin/BSS_ISP -e -c sts' >/dev/null 2>&1
13 1 * * * isql -Ucna -Poss123 -Smasterdataservice < /opt/ericsson/cna/etc/cna_u
#for RNO brf Update...
15 1 * * * /opt/ericsson/bin/
#run the mgsvp command for all the ericsson MSCs every 2 min after 1h
2 * * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
#bcpfiles collection for TPM Project as requested by Stephen Katsokore
#10 * * * * /home/ossadm/cron_path.bck/ > /dev/null
#10 2 * * 1,5 /home/ossadm/cron_path.bck/ > /dev/null
#Cronjob to Monitor DIGI_To_DIGI Accounting Info on Ericsson Switches
0 0 * * * /opt/ericsson/bin/ops_nui -file /home/nmsadm/cha/cmdfile/DIGI_To_DIGI_
TEST.ops > /dev/null
#Entry created for ADC (Automatic Data Collection) Implemented by Ericsson
47 22 * * 4 /opt/ericsson/arne/bin/ -f /ossrc/home/adcuser/adc-arne.xml
\ -o; chown adcuser:nms /home/adcuser/adc-arne.xml
##############BSM Auditing Maintenance#################################
0 6,18 * * * /usr/sbin/audit -n > /dev/null
0 7 * * 1 /usr/bin/find /var/audit/htossm1o/ -type f -mtime +6 -exec /usr/bin/rm
{} \; > /dev/null 2>&1
0 12 * * 1 su - nmsadm -cf 'source .login; /opt/ericsson/bin/PMR_UpdateDb' >/dev
/null 2>&1
# to make the cleanup
0 * * * * /bin/find /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/apgfiles/sts -type f -mtim
e +2 -exec /usr/bin/rm {} \; > /dev/null 2>&1
5 2 * * * /bin/find /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/asn1 -type f -mtime +2 -ex
ec /usr/bin/rm {} \; > /dev/null 2>&1
5 3 * * * /bin/find /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/xml/mgw -type f -mtime +2
-exec /usr/bin/rm {} \; > /dev/null 2>&1
5 4 * * * /bin/find /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/apgfiles/oms -type f -mtim
e +3 -exec /usr/bin/rm {} \; > /dev/null 2>&1
######################### Running Cell Availability ########################y
10,25,40,55 * * * * /opt/ericsson/nms_umts_car/bin/ > /dev/null
0 5 * * * /opt/ericsson/nms_umts_car/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
15 1 * * * /opt/ericsson/bin/
0 8 * * * /ericsson/dmr/bin/dmtool -s sys_dump_monitor
13 2 * * * /opt/ericsson/cna/bin/ masterdataservice /
opt/ericsson/cna> /dev/null 2>&1
0 12 1 * * /opt/ericsson/cna/etc/ /var/opt/ericsson/cna/l
og> /dev/null 2>&1
13 2 * * * /opt/ericsson/bsmcm/bin/ masterdataservice
/opt/ericsson/bsmcm> /dev/null 2>&1
15 4 * * * /opt/ericsson/eba_ebsg/etc/ > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /opt/ericsson/eba_rpdbi/etc/ > /dev/null 2>&1
15 4 * * * /opt/ericsson/eba_rpdbi/etc/ > /dev/null 2>&1
15 3 * * * /opt/ericsson/eba_rpdbi/etc/ > /dev/null 2>&1
15 5 * * * /opt/ericsson/eba_ebss/etc/ > /dev/null 2>&1
25 * * * * /opt/ericsson/eba_ebss/etc/ > /dev/null 2>&1
# Statistics Collection Issue Alert for AXE, GSN and MGw platforms
#2,17,32,47 * * * * /home/nmsadm/scripts/ossadm_scripts/ /dev/
null 2>&1
10 * * * * /home/nmsadm/scripts/ossadm_scripts/ /dev/null 2>&1
1 0 * * * /opt/ericsson/nms_axe_cha_cha/nms_axe_cha_cha/etc/
00 01 * * * /opt/ericsson/amos/bin/
0,20,40 * * * * /usr/sbin/logadm tss_audit_rotation_by_size
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /opt/ericsson/nms_tss_server/bin/rota
30 * * * * /usr/sbin/logadm tss_audit_rotation_by_period
##For MobileSubState
#0 7-9,11-13,18-20 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
0 7-9,11-13,18-20 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
0 7-9,11-13,18-20 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
30 7-9,11-13,18-20 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
##For Voila Subscriber
1 8,13,20 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
1 8,13,20 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
1 8,13,20 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
## For Media Gateway
* 11 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
15 5 * * * /opt/ericsson/eba_ebsw/etc/ > /dev/null 2>&1
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /opt/ericsson/secpf/sftp/bin/
30 05 * * * su - sybase -c "/ericsson/syb/conf/diag_proc_cache_test.ksh >> /eric
0 6 * * * su - nmsadm -cf '/opt/ericsson/fm/fmx/bin/add_fmxgw' > /dev/null 2>&1
0 0 * * 0-6 /opt/ericsson/nms_hc_server/dat/
* * * * * su - nmsadm -cf '/opt/ericsson/ltx/bin/' > /dev/null 2
0 8 * * * su - nmsadm -cf '/opt/ericsson/wrx/bin/' > /dev/nul
l 2>&1
5 0 * * * /opt/activiti/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
0 02 * * 0 /opt/ericsson/sck/bin/
7 2 * * 2 /ericsson/solaris/bin/vxfsdefrag -a -q -d
0 2 * * 3 /ericsson/solaris/bin/vxfsdefrag -q -d -e /ossrc/data/pms/segment1
30 2 * * 3 /ericsson/solaris/bin/vxfsdefrag -q -d -e /ossrc/data/sgw/sgwcg
0 03 * * 0 /ericsson/syb/backup/
15 06,18 * * * /ericsson/syb/backup/
01 00 * * * /opt/ERICddc/bin/ddc START
05,20,35,50 * * * * /opt/ERICddc/bin/ddc TRIGGER
58 23 * * * /opt/ERICddc/bin/ddc STOP
# Clean up the ORB sockets from the /tmp directory at 3:30 am.
# This script will delete unused sockets, keeping the /tmp
# directory relatively clean.
# The time can be changed to suit, and this script can be run
# more or less frequently depending on preference.
# If you do update this entry, bear in mind it will be replaced with
# the original value the next time you upgrade.
30 3 * * * /ericsson/bes/bin/
0 0 * * * /etc/opt/ericsson/fm_core/startscript/IM_update_statistics >> /var/opt
/ericsson/fm_core/log/statistic 2>&1
0 0 * * * /opt/ericsson/fm/FMBA_update_statistics fmdataservice fma_handler
_1 >> /var/opt/ericsson/fm/statistic
0 0 * * 0 /opt/ericsson/fm/FMBA_reorg_compact fmdataservice fma_handler_1 >
> /var/opt/ericsson/fm/reorg_compact
5 * * * * /opt/ericsson/bin/FM_generate_statistics >> /var/opt/ericsson/al_stati
stic 2>&1
5 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * * /ericsson/eniq/bin/ -R -l /v
ar/opt/ericsson/eniq >> /dev/null 2>&1
##############################.- The other way that NodeB EM can be opened is th
rough Master Server applying next Remedy:#############
a) open UAS terminal
b) ssh -X masterservice
c) Type password
d) cex_client
Job Manager contains a script,, that deletes old logs and stores
this information, so that data traceability is preserved.
This script is stored at the following location: /opt/ericsson/jm/bin.
This script needs to be executed regularly in order to keep the ActivitySupportD
atabase "healthy".

The following is an example of how to remove logs older than three days:
Table 4 Example Command To Delete All Log Files Older Than Three Days
>./ -d 30
./create_sybdev /ossrc/sybdev/oss/sybdata 700 ddev_lvlogdb
################ how to find user log for RNC ###############################
lgolqn <hours>h'

############################ Creating a User Account with the SMC GUI Tool #####
Start the SMC by issuing the following command:
/usr/sadm/bin/smc &
################################ how to set date in Solaris ####################
The date command takes the syntax mmddhhmmyy, or month day hour minute year . You h
ave to be superuser to set the time.
# date 1201010106
Fri Dec 1 01:01:00 PST 2006

########################## unable to run RRINC command #########################

This problem is related to TSS access priority command
go to TSS via Citrix
select a user
select a role then click on role overview on the bottom
in the "Activities Set" windows, click and type the command you want to filter i
n the "available activities"
then add the cooamnd in the "included activities "
############################## How to recover the lost AXE statistics ##########

1. Recovery the copy of raw files saved in OSS.

1.1 For that it is needed to make sure that the missing files exist here
find the raw files /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/apgfiles/sts
and rename it with the format as below:
the easy way is copy all the raw files in a new folder
mkdir /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/apgfiles/recover
cp -p C20120428.0500-20120428.0600_BSCNAME:1000 /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfile
Note.-before to execute the stept below is necesary stop sgw MC
Then for each file that you want recover,you will need write a command as below:
cd /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/apgfiles/recover
cp C20120428.0500-20120428.0600_BSCNAME:1000 /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/inputfiles/ap
cp C20120428.0500-20120428.0600_BSCNAME1:1000 /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/inputfiles/a
cp C20120428.0500-20120428.0600_BSCNAME2:1000 /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/inputfiles/a
cp C20120428.0500-20120428.0600_BSCNAME3:1000 /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/inputfiles/a
cp C20120428.0500-20120428.0600_BSCNAME4:1000 /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/inputfiles/a
- After copy all the missing files start "sgw" MC and then Symlinks will be crea
ted and stast will be parsed and loaded

####################### how to increase database segment capacity #############

A- check where the log or data device is located.
root@htossm1o> isql -Usa
1> sp_helpdevice ddev_lvlogdb
2> go
device_name physical_name
status cntrltype vdevno vpn_low vpn_high
------------ --------------------------------------
------ --------- ------ ------- --------
ddev_lvlogdb /ossrc/sybdev/oss/sybdata/ddev_lvlogdb
raw device, special, dsync off, directio on, physical disk, 3100.00 MB,
Free: 100.00 MB
2 0 39 0 1587199
now we know is in /ossrc/sybdev/oss/sybdata/
B- check the space available
root@htossm1o> df -h /ossrc/sybdev/oss/sybdata
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
62G 43G 18G 70% /ossrc/sybdev/oss/sybdata

C- go on /opt/ericsson/sck/lib/create_sybdev
and run the command to increase log and data device
root@htossm1o> ./create_sybdev /ossrc/sybdev/oss/sybdata 700 ddev_lvlogdb
SYB lock successful.
root@htossm1o> ./create_sybdev /ossrc/sybdev/oss/syblog 50 ldev_lvlogdb
SYB lock successful.
D- alter data segment according to the change
sybase@htossm1o> isql -Usa
1> alter database lvlogdb on ddev_lvlogdb="700M"
2> go
Extending database by 358400 pages (700.0 megabytes) on disk ddev_lvlogdb

E- check hte modification

sybase@htossm1o> /ericsson/syb/util/ | grep lvlogdb
Device: ddev_lvlogdb, Total Device Size: 3800.00 MB
Allocated Database :lvlogdb
Device: ldev_lvlogdb, Total Device Size: 980.00 MB
Allocated Database :lvlogdb
lvlogdb system 3700MB 1087MB 2612MB
lvlogdb logsegment 900MB 896MB 3MB

####################### To set DB to single user mode, do the following:########

1>sp_dboption db_name,"single user",true
Once completed, set the affected DB "single user" to false and re-run syb_diagno
stic and monitor the Sybase Error Log as above.
###################### OSS monitoring tool is now accessible ###################
To logon to it:
- Open Firefox e.g. on UAS1
- URL:
- user/pass: hqadmin/hqadmin
The most useful view is probably resources view (please see picture)
######################## to connect to the STORAGETEK server ###################
open a terminal
mozilla (ip address for the bis)
google netbackup cheat sheet for more information
if we have issue with netbackup do the following action on
connect to the backup server
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
1-./bp.kill_all to sopt all netbackup process
2- ./bp.start_all to refresh
######################## About the analysis of the CSR STS not coming for SGSN #
I can see that data collection into the SGSN is creating the .tar file with the
counter information, the problem is related to the get process from the SGSN to
the OSS. File is correctly created in SGSN side but OSS is not able to get it to
the OSS Filesystem. Files are in queue in SGSN filesystem.
ossuser@eqm01s13p2:/Core/log/OSS_files$ ls -lart
total 413184
drwxr-xr-x 2 ossuser gsnuser 28672 Jan 31 2012 TarFiles
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 112640 Jul 2 22:03 Meas_0702122216.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 112640 Jul 2 22:18 Meas_0702122231.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 112640 Jul 2 22:33 Meas_0702122246.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 112640 Jul 2 22:48 Meas_0702122301.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 112640 Jul 2 23:03 Meas_0702122316.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 122880 Aug 8 14:31 Meas_0808121446.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 122880 Aug 8 14:46 Meas_0808121501.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 122880 Aug 8 15:01 Meas_0808121516.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 122880 Aug 8 15:16 Meas_0808121531.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 122880 Aug 8 15:31 Meas_0808121546.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 om_admin gsnuser 122880 Aug 8 15:46 Meas_0808121601.tar
drwxrwxrwt 29 root root 4096 Aug 8 15:46 ..
drwxrwxrwx 3 om_admin gsnuser 102400 Aug 8 15:46 .
According with the logs about the ftp error:
TRACE : 2012-08-08 16:06:11 (UTC-04:00) Error : SGwGSNFileCollnDistnEngine.col
lectAndDistribute() => Collector Type <GSN> Encountered Exception while trying t
o do cd to /tmp/DPE_COMMONLOG/OSS_files/ for NE < SGSNHT02> Exception: SGwFileCo
llnDistnEngine.listAllFiles(),Encountered Exception while trying to list the fil
e(s) in < /tmp/DPE_COMMONLOG/OSS_files > Ftp Error Code: 550==>The response valu
e from the command "MDTM /tmp/DPE_COMMONLOG/OSS_files/TarFiles" did not match th
e list of allowed responses.
The response from the server was: 550 Could not get file modification time.
The verification included the ftp to the node to discard any issue with the acce
The only issue is that into the directory where the OSS goes to get the files th
ere are a lot of files for over a month. To fix the issue is needed that from SG
SN side move or remove the files as maybe are affecting the ftp commands of list
or get due the amount of files included into the output.
Please let me know when the suggestion were performed to verify if the data coll
ection from OSS starts again.

######################### Need to become real administrator#####################

need to configure interface on a server

check backup status and using Netbackup
troubleshooting on CIF platform
troubleshooting and maintenance on ENIQ platform
#This is command to find what version of OS you are running. It seems that anyth
ing above solaris 8 (probaly earlier) is running 64bit.
isainfo -v
#You can issue the following command to find the users who do not have passwords
logins -p
#3.Verify the state of each Backup client:
vxprint -htrg
# Check that File systems are mirrored:
metastat | more
#You can verify that the crontab fi le exists from the output of the following c
ls -l /var/spool/cron/crontabs

************** run the commande below via alom ip to boot the server if it's han
ging for a particular reason ********************
#console -d 0
#type y
#then type ok boot
#for backup on OSS, copy is saved on /ericsson/dmr/log/recovery

to check the process ID of particular user

#ps -ef | grep -i "username"
#Backups can fail if the Solaris Server has locale issues:
#this will help you to find log people on RNC
lgoqln <hours>h'
# more /var/opt/ericsson/sck/data/cp.history
Check the last row of the output.
#REDE Output file Issue
give access to all users: chmod 777 directory_output_name
create a new profile folder
Check Server s IP Address
# getent hosts masterservice | awk '{print $1}'

********************** how to send a pop up message via citrix ****************

connect to UAS server
#cd /opt/CTXSmf/bin
# ./ctxmsg -a "the message to be sent"
or you can check the server id of user and send a particular message
to identify the server id run the script below
# ./ctxqsession
EX :#./ctxmsg -w htossa1o:280 "bay Oss yon souf man, Edy"
The following example shows how to display a message and begin the shut down pro
cess after two
minutes. Applications that have registered window hints are given a further thre
e minutes to attempt
to interactively log users off.
go to this directory : opt/CTXSmf/sbin
then run the script below
# ctxshutdown -m 120 -l 180 Please log off now

***************************************** OSS health check *********************

#cd /opt/ericsson/bin
run the script
then go to tmp for download the fileand open it in a web browser

************************************* Check Nameserver ************************

Check that nameserver are properly defined on the server by running
the following command:
# more /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver

*********************************** Check Veritas Licence ********************

Check that the Veritas License has not expired via the command:
# /sbin/vxlicrep

********************************** To update the Veritas License ***************

run the command:
# /sbin/vxlicinst

********************************* Server Runtime *******************************

Check how long the server is up and running:
# uptime
Number of Java Processes
Check the number of java processes running on the server:
# ps ef | grep c java

*********************************** Check the CPU Consumption ******************

Check that no process is consuming the CPU using top command:
# top

Check for the TIME and CPU columns, if CPU column is more than
10% and TIME value is more than 10:00 (10mins), it means that
the process is in question. Get the PID of the process and use /usr/ucb/ps
to check details of process in question
# /usr/ucb/ps -auxww <PID>
******************* check interface VLAN for the backup server
#cat /etc/hosts then type
or connect to another server and run the command below
#ifconfig -a
**************** SMF Commands to enable services *******************************
check faulty services
#svcs -x
svcadm manipulates services:
# svcadm enable enables services, services start when dependencies are rea
# svcadm disable disables services
# svcadm restart stops and starts services
# svcadm refresh commits the current properties to the running snapshot and
runs the refresh method
# svcadm clear signals that a service in maintenance has been fixed
With -s, enable & disable wait until completion
With -t, enable & disable are temporary until next boot

If the state is in maintenance, it s either the service instance encountered

an error or the server is not configured to run the service.
Online the service with the following command:
# svcadm clear <FMRI>
********************************* Check Run Level service **********************
Run level 3 is the default run level of the OSS.
To check the OSS Run level, run the command:
# who r
If server run level is not on Run level 3, change the
milestone by running the following commands:
# svcadm milestone svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
**************************** How to set online a Use who is OFFLINE for a RNC **
the problem :
When I tried to login with RNCTG01 IP address than that works fine but when I us
e RNC name still having same issue.
sgurjeet@htossa2o> amos RNCTG01
__ __ ____ _____
/\ | \/ |/ __ \ / ____|
/ \ | \ / | | | | (___
/ /\ \ | |\/| | | | |\___ \
/ ____ \| | | | |__| |____) |
/_/ \_\_| |_|\____/|_____/
OSS Framework for MoShell-9.0g

$amosrb_pid = 7241
Last MO: 0. Loaded 0 MOs. Total: 1 MOs.
Preparing offline MIB:
0% ~50%

0;OFFLINE_RNCTG01 - AMOS - Stopfile=/tmp/7226

QUIT : q
For offline browsing of PM ropfiles, run "pmr/pmx -l <pmropfiles>".
For offline browsing of CPP logfiles, run "lg[options] -l <cpplogfiles>".
The PM ropfiles and CPP logs can be fetched when online, using command "dcgf"
0;OFFLINE_RNCTG01 - AMOS - Stopfile=/tmp/7226

AMOS should now be working. The problem was that the user was logging their sess
ion using the name/IP of the node in their home directory. This causes a conflic
t with AMOS which attempts to read the file as an IOR file. if there is file whi
ch has the same name as the nodes located in the users home directory, then mosh
ell will consider this file is the IOR file, and it will try to resolve the cont
ents of the file, but actually this is not a real IOR file, it will return the e
rror that this is offline node.
1. Moving file
sgurjeet@htossa1o> pwd
sgurjeet@htossa1o> mv RNCTG01 RNCTG01.orig
sgurjeet@htossa1o> ls -alrt | grep -i rnc
-rw-r--r-- 1 sgurjeet nms 3018 Feb 4 11:46 RNCTG01.orig
2. Starting AMOS
sgurjeet@htossa1o> amos RNCTG01

*********************************** How to connect to Symantec Net BACKUP *****


first way
htossa1o{nmsadm} # echo $DISPLAY
htossa1o{nmsadm} # xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
htossa1o{nmsadm} # ssh -l root
Last login: Wed Jul 4 17:30:54 2012 from
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
You have new mail.
# tcsh
# c
c: Command not found.
# cd /usr/openv
# cd java
# setenv DISPLAY
# ./jnbSA &

2nd way
open a terminal
#ssh -X root@
#jnbSA &
************************ how to set gauge period to 15min for GGSN node ********
root@htossm1o> pwd
root@htossm1o> grep GAUGE_INTERVAL_VAL cxc.env | head -1
You need to restart PDM processes in order to put it into effect. Please run the
following command in Master Server:
# smtool coldrestart PDM PDM_SNMP reason=other reasontext= change PDM gauge period
Please note it will disturb statistics collection and might result gaps in SNMP
based nodes. So please choose time suitable for you to perform this activity.

******************************************************Change Node password******

########################## Sybase Diagnostic ###################################
A menu driven diagnostic tool for Sybase is available to perform the following o
1. Check database consistency
2. Display Size of Logfiles
3. Display Logfiles
4. Display Space used by databases
5. Display Transaction Log space
6. Display Mirror status
7. Display Database Configuration
8. Display Server Configuration
9. Display Application Log table size
To run Sybase diagnostic tool run the syb_diagnostic script:
# /ericsson/syb/util/syb_diagnostic

############################################# Sybase Useful sql commands #######

Run the following commands as user sybase:
sp_who lists the current SQL users. You can kill a running sql process with kill
sp_help reports information about a database object
sp_helpdb lists information on the database
sp_helpdevice lists information about the sybase devices
select db_name() shows which database you are in
sp_configure number of locks checks the value of a parameter
sp_configure "number of open indexes",2000 sets a parameter
sp_helpindex FMA_alarm_log Displays information about a table's indexes, includi
ng the segments where the indexes reside
select count(*) from FMA_alarm_list count the number of alarms in FM database
select * from <table> where 1=2 just shows the columns headings
select * from master..sysprocesses where spid=<spid> to check the status of a pr
select name from sysobjects where type = U just shows user tables
dump database model to /var/tmp/model.dump to dump a database
select @@version this will show the version of sybase
########## Sybase Connectivity Problems #####################################
Check the Server is running ps ef |grep sybase
Check Running Servers
Check MC s especially TSS
Try to login as sa
Examine Sybase Errorlog
Examine ServerName.cfg File, has this been changed recently?
Start Sybase Manually
Verify the UFS for existence of /export/sybdev
Verify Backups / take error message to EEI Sybase Support
################### Sybase Database Full #####################################
Use or sybase info
Login as sa
Check sp_who and SPID s or running processes
Dump transaction with no_log or truncate_only
Check Application Error Log & Sybase Errorlog
Check for DB Threshold Messages
Is your DB appropriately sized / is there space available to increase size
Force the Last Chance Threshold (LCT)to Activate and Abort Transactions causing
the Log Full or failure of Log to dump
1>select lct_admin("abort",0,db_id( DB Name"))
Can you truncate tables?
Can you Restart sybase
############################ tempdb Full #####################################
Check syspocesses select * from sysprocesses where spid = #
Is the Process physical_io increasing in size Check that the Process is runnin
select physical_io from sysprocesses where spid=# < rerun this command and obser
ve physical io size>
Check the underlying UNIX PID - select hostprocess from sysprocesses where s
ptree - a hostprocess
Check syslogshold table for any entries
What process is filling tempdb sp_who <user>
Check tempdb_usage script
Can you increase tempdb? Can you kill the Process?
Force the LCT to activate an abort select lct_admin( abort ,spid)
Can you restart Sybase
Check Sybase errorlog
Isolate the application causing this problem to ensure mandatory applications (
FM) is not effected
###################### AMOS command ############################################
h,m,n,p Help screens
l <command> Execute UNIX command
l+/l- Stat and stop logging
mom RncFunction <parameter> Give description of RNC parameter
mom UtranCell <parameter> Give description of CELL parameter
lt Load MO tree
pr UtranCell List all cells
lpr UtranCell List all cells and related Mos
pr GsmRelation List all GSM Neighbors
st UtranCell=<cell> Print state of cell
lst UtranCell=<cell> Print state of cell and channels
st UtranCell

lk UtranCell=<cell> Print all Mos linked to cell

str Show site availability at Iub level
lkr Show Iub configuration and resource usage
uer Show calls in network
uer -c <cell> Show calls on cell
uer -i <IMSI> Show call information for IMSI
uer -r Iub_CUR005

al Display alarms
alt Display alarms chronologicaly
ala Display alarms with detail
get UtranCell <parameter> Display table with parameter for all cells
get UtranCell=<cell> <parameter> Display parameter for cell
set cell <parameter> <value> Change parameter to specified value for all cell

bl Block
bl Soft Block
deb Deblock
get RncFeature ! Display features enabl
ed on RNC
get RncFeature featureState ! Display features enabled on RN
get RncCapacity currentCapacityLimit Display RNC User and Throughput Capacity
get ChannelSwitching Display RNC Channel Switching Parametrs
get Handover Display RNC Handover Parameters
get Paging Display RNC Paging Parameters
get RabHandling Display RNC RAB Handling Parameters
get Hsdsch
get Eul
get RbsLocalCell Display RBS Parameters
get Iub Disblplay Iub Parameters (maxHsRate)

pmr Run PMR with stats for last hour

pmr -m X Run PMR with stats for X hours
pmxh <counter1>|<counter2> -m X Run PMR with counter value for X hours
!Acceess Class Baring!
get . accessClassNBarred
get CUR005 accessClassNBarred
lset BON0 accessClassNBarred 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0

!Site Availability!
moshell -v password=rnc -m RNCARU2,RNCCUR1 'lt all; st utrancell; exit;'
moshell -v password=rnc RNCARU2 'lt ^utrancell; st utrancell; exit;'
mobatch -o /home/swright/ABCSITES.txt 'lt all; alt' /home/swright/mobatch
mobatch -v password=rbs -o /home/swright/ABCSITES.txt 'lt all; lga' /home/swrigh

!Log of Alarms!
lset BON007X accessClassNBarred 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
lset BON007X accessClassNBarred 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

!RBS Resources
ced | sort -k 9 ! Sort on interference
cedh !CE Resource usage
cedh | sort -k 8 !CE ResourceL CEs

!VSWR < 15 dB is limit >20 is good

lh ru fui get vswr ! without ASC
lh asc dbg vswr 0 get -k ! with ASC
!Inventory, including feature
! Events & Alarms in last 24 hr
lgaevs 24h
! Show CVs
! Save CV
cvms [CV NAME] [USER] [Info]
! Delete CV
cvrm [CV NAME]
!Get faults in RBS 3518 Main Remote
lh ru fui get faults
! Nobe B - Get DUW and connections and LED state
! RNC - Get Boards and connections and LED state
!Get faults in ASC
lh asc dbg faults
lh asc dbg status get 0
get syncr

!Cell Definition Check

hget ExternalGsmCell ncc|bcc|lac|cellIdentity|bandIndicator
hget Utrancell primaryScramblingCode|localCellIdlocationarea|localCellId

!Check Locked Status

get HDO113 cellReserved
get HDO113 accessClassNBarred
st HD0113
!Directed Retry Target
lset Utrancell=HDO010Z directedRetryTarget ExternalGsmNetwork=Digicel_Haiti_2G,E
cd /home/eric/moshell
######################## Linux setup shared directory #########################
by Vivek Gite on January 11, 2006 · 6 comments· last updated at January 11, 2006

Sharing a directory among users in same group is one of the essential tasks. You
need to use chmod command and add user to appropriate group. To make idea clear
here is an scenario:
/home/myproj : is shared directory
usr1, usr2, ... usrN : would like to work and share files in /home/myproj direct
padmin : Main project administrator user
Step # 1: Create a shared directory /home/myproj
If this directory does not exist then create it:
# mkdir /home/myproj
Step # 2: Create the group shared group
You need to create a new group. Let us assume group name is myproj
# groupadd myproj
Step # 3: Add user project administrator (padmin) and setup password:
# useradd -d /home/myproj/ -g myproj -m padmin
# passwd padmin
Step #4: Add rest of users to group myproj
# useradd -d /home/myproj/ -g myproj usr1
# passwd usr1
Add second user:
# useradd -d /home/myproj/ -g myproj usr2
# passwd usr2
... and so on...
Step #5: Setup permission on /home/myproj directory as follows:
(a) Setup group ownership to myproj group:
# chown -R padmin.myproj /home/myproj/
(b) Setup full permission for group and owner on a directory:
# chmod -R 775 /home/myproj/
(c) Setup sgid bit. So what is sgid bit? Normally whenever you creates file in a
directory it belong to default group of user. When a file is created in a direc
tory with the sgid bit set it belogns to the same group as the directory. The re
sult is all users of myproj group can create/alter files in /home/myproj directo
# chmod -R 2775 /home/myproj/
# chmod -R g+s /home/myproj/
################ HOW TO CHECK PASSWORD ON A node ###############################
how to list nodes and users
root@htossm1o> pwAdmin -list
how to see the password
root@htossm1o> pwAdmin -get SGSNHT02 ossuser
pwAdmin: Error: Invalid option: -get <argument missing>. Use 'pwAdmin -help' for
root@htossm1o> pwAdmin -get SGSNHT02 normal ossuser
FAILED (in server): The given combination of system: 'SGSNHT02 (normal)' and acc
ount: 'ossuser' is not defined in the password service.
root@htossm1o> pwAdmin -get SGSNHT02 NORMAL ossuser
how to change password
root@htossm1o> pwAdmin -changePw SOFTWARE NORMAL ossuser -pw<new password>
1) list all nodes info
pwAdmin -list
2) check help to know how to use pwAdmin password
pwAdmin -help
Usage: pwAdmin
[-list [ system [type] ] |
-create {system type account [-pw pw] [-info info] | -f file} |
-delete {system type account | -f file} |
-changePw {system type account [-pw pw] | -f file} |
-setInfo {system type account info | -f file} |
-get system type account |
-changeKey [key] |
-init |
3) get current password for the node(example BSCTG10)
EX:pwAdmin -get BSCTG10 NORMAL ossuer
ptintout: Pass123
4) set a new password after
pwAdmin -changePw system type account
ex: pwAdmin -changePw BSCTG10 NORMAL ossuser

Enter new password for ossuser at BSCTG10:
Note1: the password must be 1st defined in node APG by concerned team
note2: after having modified the node password from OSS side, the ONRM database
must be updated by using modify function in ONE.

############################# NTP Readiness for Daylight Saving Time ###########

1. Check the timezone on the server
MSCHT1_sam_1_6_1 SAM014:> echo $TZ
Check the setting for DST on the server for 2012
MSCHT1_sam_1_6_1 SAM014:> zdump -v America/Port-au-Prince | grep 2012
Edit the file /usr/sbin/zic /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/src/northamerica
where the Zone is equal with your TZ
Backup the file before
>>>cp /usr/sbin/zic /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/src/northamerica /usr/sbin/zic /usr/
Make sure that the Rule is present inside your Zone
# From Stephen Colebourne (2007-02-22):
# Some IATA info: Haiti won't be having DST in 2007.


Rule Haiti 1983 only - May 8 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Haiti 1984 1987 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Haiti 1983 1987 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
# Shanks & Pottenger say AT is 2:00, but IATA SSIM (1991/1997) says 1:00s.
# Go with IATA.
Rule Haiti 1988 1997 - Apr Sun>=1 1:00s 1:00 D
Rule Haiti 1988 1997 - Oct lastSun 1:00s 0 S
Rule Haiti 2005 2006 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Haiti 2005 2006 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
Rule Haiti 2011 max - Mar Sun>=8 2:00 1:00 D
Rule Haiti 2011 max - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 0 S
Zone America/Port-au-Prince -4:49:20 - LMT 1890
-4:49 - PPMT 1917 Jan 24 12:00 # P-a-P MT
-5:00 Haiti E%sT

After editing completed compile the file

>>>>/usr/sbin/zic /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/src/northamerica
Then check the DST setting again
>>>>> zdump -v America/Port-au-Prince | grep 2013
You should see the DST settings
America/Port-au-Prince Thu Feb 7 14:43:46 2013 UTC = Thu Feb 7 09:43:46 2013
EST isdst=0
America/Port-au-Prince Sun Mar 10 06:59:59 2013 UTC = Sun Mar 10 01:59:59 2013
EST isdst=0
America/Port-au-Prince Sun Mar 10 07:00:00 2013 UTC = Sun Mar 10 03:00:00 2013
EDT isdst=1
America/Port-au-Prince Sun Nov 3 05:59:59 2013 UTC = Sun Nov 3 01:59:59 2013
EDT isdst=1
America/Port-au-Prince Sun Nov 3 06:00:00 2013 UTC = Sun Nov 3 01:00:00 2013
EST isdst=0
Reboot the server
#init 6
################################## how to load license on OSS #################

See below the process of loading the licenses on the OSS.

After the process is completed, sun smtool l on the master server to see a list of
the running licenses/processes. If the recently loaded license is either failed
or offline, you can use smtool online licenseName to put it online.

Basically that is the procedure.

Open a tcsh session
# tcsh
You have to copy license file lservrc_STW000000324288_IPB7800002 (OSS)_172.20.1.
164_expire_20120507.txt in suitable directory, could be /tmp or /var/tmp.
Preferable change name file to lservrc_STW000000324288_IPB7800002_expire_2012050
7.txt to avoid issues with some characters in name.
Change to Sentinel directory /opt/Sentinel/bin
Set variable "sentenv LSFORCEHOST"
Load license file ./lslic -F /var/tmp/lservrc_STW000000324288_IPB7800002_expire_
That it is all


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