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in TESOL - Module 5 Essential Questions

Claire Archer
3rd April, 2022

1. What do these terms mean in the literature? (8 marks)
Strategy: Although some sources use the term strategy in the same way as activity,
according to TESOL (2009), strategies are "overall plans for reaching learning goals in the
classroom". Thus, a strategy is an overarching plan that would be used throughout an entire
lesson. An example of a strategy is the Vocabulary Quilt strategy used within the Biography-
Driven Instruction Approach (Herrera et al., 2011).

Technique: Techniques are the step by step procedures by which a particular strategy is
accomplished in the classroom. A technique for using the Vocabulary Quilt strategy would
be to have the students draw a table on a piece of paper with a key vocabulary item in each
box, then write or draw something they already know about each item, then discuss in a
group, then periodically return to the table to add information throughout the lesson, then
write a summary using all the words in the table.

Activity: An activity is something specific that a student does in the classroom. Normally,
more than one activity would be carried out within the course of using a strategy. For
example, one activity used as part of the Vocabulary Quilt strategy is group discussion.

Task: The word task is sometimes synonymous with activity; however, it may more
specifically involve an activity with a clear goal that the students must accomplish. For
example, the students' final task in a lesson using the Vocabulary Quilt strategy could be to
write a summary of what they have learned using all of the words on the quilt.

2. Select one term; define it, and then show 2 ways it can facilitate language learning. Be
sure to illustrate. (3 marks)

A strategy is an overarching plan used throughout a lesson in order to achieve some specific
language objective(s). The use of a strategy can facilitate learning because it makes the
connection between the learning activities and objectives clear and explicit to students. To
take the Vocabulary Quilt strategy used as an example in question 1, this strategy makes it
very clear to students that their goal is to gain a greater understanding of a specific set of
vocabulary items. Because they keep coming back to the same quilt, the students are able
to see how the lesson activities are helping them to learn the vocabulary items. Then,
through the final activity, they will be able to see if they have achieved this goal.

The second way a strategy can facilitate learning is by assisting the teacher in planning a
complete lesson in which the stated objectives are achieved since the strategy provides a
framework for the teacher to plan the lesson procedure. For example, though there is some
variation in the technique used to carry out the Vocabulary Quilt strategy, once the teacher
has decided on the strategy, he or she knows that the lesson will begin with the students
filling out the quilt with their prior knowledge, that the students will add to the quilt
throughout the lesson and that he/she must plan a final task or activity which draws from
that same quilt.
3. Explain 3 ways in which teacher feedback can promote learning. (6 marks)
Three ways in which teacher feedback can promote learning is by making students'
language more accurate, encouraging students to keep learning and helping students to
formulate learning goals.

First, when teachers give feedback, they often correct student errors in grammar,
pronunciation or usage. This type of feedback can improve the accuracy and
appropriateness of students' language use, as long as it is done in a way that does not
discourage, embarrass or overwhelm the student. Thus, it is important to establish that
making errors is part of language learning and to be selective in when corrections are given
and which corrections are given.

Second, it is important to include positive feedback to students, praising them for what they
have done well. This helps students to be encouraged to keep learning, and is especially
important in language learning since students are often emotionally vulnerable when
learning a second or other language.

Third, when a teacher gives individualised feedback to a student, the student can then use
that as a basis for his or her learning goals. For example, a teacher may notice that a
particular student very often uses the simple past tense where the past perfect should be
used. Once the teacher points it out as a general error, then the student can set a goal to
use that construction correctly, and it will become a point of focus for that particular
student in their writing and/or speaking.

4. Select one material and discuss 3 ways it can be used to facilitate learning. (3 marks)

One material that can be used in the classroom is a comic. A short comic strip can be used
to provide an engaging introduction to a specific grammatical construction that is to be the
focus of the lesson. This facilitates learning because it provides the presentation stage of
teaching grammar, giving the students the opportunity to notice the construction. This fits
in with Snow's (2007) procedure for teaching grammar.

Another way a comic strip can be used is as a writing exercise in which students fill in the
speech bubbles. This may help students to make the connection between language
structures and language use because they have to think about appropriate constructions or
phrases to use within the context shown in the strip.

Thirdly, a longer comic can be used to facilitate the learning of reading comprehension.
Since comics usually contain visuals as well as written text, the visuals can provide
scaffolding for students as they carry out a comprehension exercise based on the text.

Herrera, S. G., Kavimandan, S. K., & Holmes, M. A. (2011). Crossing the vocabulary bridge:
Differentiated strategies for diverse secondary classrooms. Teachers College Press.
Snow, D. (2007). From language learner to language teacher: An introduction to teaching
English as a foreign language. TESOL, Inc.
TESOL, Inc. (2009). Facilitating Language Learning.

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