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Indonesian Journal of Rheumatology Vol 11 Issue 2 2019

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Patriotika Ismail1, Cecep Suryani Sobur1, Cyntia Olyvia2

1Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia/Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital
2Hepatology Division, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia/Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital


Rheumatic fever (RF) may often be encountered in
Recurrent Rheumatic Fever
Rheumatic Fever developing country including in Indonesia. RF is autoimmune
disease resulted from Group-A Streptococcus upper respiratory
Corresponding author:
E-mail address: tract infection. RF diagnostic criteria underwent some changes
All authors have reviewed and since it was first arranged. Patients with RF episode history have
approved the final version of the
manuscript. a higher risk to experience recurrence following Group-A
Streptococcus pharyngeal infection and need long-term antibiotic
prophylaxis to prevent severe disease and RHD. Here we present a
Case report about patient who has RF and RHD history since the
age of 10 years old. This case is reported to show the management
and prophylaxis treatment for recurrent RF that can be done next
to prevent recurrence of RF in the future.

1. Introduction
Rheumatic fever (RF) prevalence is quite high and World Health Organization (WHO) classifies RF
more common in children and rarely in adults. RF is diagnostic criteria into primary episode, recurrent
autoimmune disease resulted from Group-A episode, and rheumatic chorea with chronic valve
Streptococcus upper respiratory tract infection. This lesion. RF is diagnosed based on Jones Criteria
Streptococcus is gram positive extracellular pathogen consisting major and minor criteria. Supporting
that usually infects pharynx.1 RF evokes general evidence of Streptococcus infection becomes one of
inflammation involving heart, joints, skin, and brain, the diagnostic criteria used.3 Patients with RF
either simultaneously or selectively. RF can usually episode history have a higher risk to experience
cause rheumatic heart disease later in life. recurrence following Group-A Streptococcus
In the case of rheumatic heart disease (RHD), pharyngeal infection and need long-term antibiotic
with heart valve damage, the proper management can prophylaxis to prevent severe disease and RHD.4
be implemented, RHD be controlled.2 RF diagnostic
criteria have changed from the beginning. Currently,
palpitations and fatigue. He was diagnosed with RF
We hereby submit a case report about RF and RHD
and RHD by paediatrician. He routinely went to the
suffered by a patient since the age of 10 years old. He
doctor and get Penicillin G benzathine injection until
also has undergone routine treatment and has been the age of 18 (for 8 years). He was also prescribed
declared cured since the age of 18 years old. He never analgesic medication. Two-years PTA, general
experiences any symptoms for 2 years until finally at evaluation, including echocardiography, was carried

the age of 20, he experienced RF and pharyngitis out, and the results were good. He was declared cured

symptoms caused by Group-A Streptococcus. Based of RHD and RF.

For the past 2 years, he no longer went to
on the diagnostic evaluation, it was considered as
doctor, all drugs have been stopped, and no
recurrent RF. After the treatment was done, his
symptoms have been appeared. He does his usual
condition improved and he was allowed to go
daily activities, including climbing mountains. He did
outpatient. This case was reported to show recurrent not consume drugs or suffer from diseases such as
RF management and prophylaxis treatment can be diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, asthma, and
done next to prevent recurrence of RF in the future. all kinds of allergic reactions. He is the first child of
two siblings.
Case Illustration
Currently he is a student. He became a
Twenty-year old male patient complaint about legs smoker and has a history of alcoholic beverages. He
and arms pain which is felt getting worse 1 day prior has stopped consuming alcohol for the last 4 months.
to admission (PTA). These symptoms occurred when He does not engage in promiscuity or taking drugs.
he was doing ordinary activities. There was no His dietary habit was nutritious. He lived with his
traumatic history before. These symptoms first parents and used national health insurance.
appeared 2 weeks PTA, started with fever, cough, and
Physical examination showed vital signs and
rhinorrhea. Suddenly high fever occurred
body mass index within normal limits. General
accompanied by sore throat and non-productive
physical examination such as conjunctiva, pharynx,
cough. He also felt lumps in several area of his body,
heart, lungs, abdomen, and examination of the
such as plantar part of left foot, left edge of left foot, extremities is normal. Capillary filling time < 2
dorsal-part of right foot, upper left quadrant of seconds. On local physical examination, there are
abdomen, and near the left elbow. These lumps were several lumps in several areas such as the left leg,

painful, mobile, and felt a bit soft. He experienced right leg, left arm, right arm, and upper left
abdominal quadrant. The lumps are soft, easy to
limitation during movement because of these painful
move, warm, and painful when touched. The lumps
symptom. Two days PTA, due to fever symptoms, he
are considered as erythema nodosum.
was treated in a private hospital. There,
Based on laboratory findings there are
echocardiography and ASTO examination were done, Hemoglobin 16,2 g/dL, hematocrite 46%, leucocyte
and he was referred to the Cipto Mangunkusumo 20.300/µL, thrombocyte 310.000/µL, electrolyte
hospital. Na/K/Cl 141/3,8/105 mg/dL; PT/APTT 10,7” (10,4”)
/ 37,8” (30,6”) ; urea/creatinine17/1,0 mg/dL; LED
Ten years on PTA, the patient had
68 mm AST/ALT10/5,5 /µL; MCV/MCH: 82/29.
experienced the same symptoms accompanied by
Urinary findings are within normal limits. Some
joints pain in the arms and legs. He also complained
antibiotics such as Cotrimoxazole, Tetracycline, normokinetic wall movement, TR trivial, good systolic
Amoxicilin/Clavulanic acid, Ceftriaxone, LV and RV function (EF 71%, TAPSE 26.3), good
Meropenem, Levofloxacin, and Moxifloxacin-were diastolic function, no vegetation (figure 2.4). His
found to be still sensitive to Klebsiella pneumonia ASTO positively resulted 400 and reactive.
from pharyngeal swabs. Gram staining examination Therefore, this patient’s assessments were
found Gram negative bacteria, leucoyte 0-1, ephitelial multiple erythema nodosum, recurrent RF, acute
cells 0-1. Chest X-ray (figure 2.1), and tonsilopharyngitis. The management given were soft
electrocardiography (figure 2.2) are normal. diet 1700 kcal/day, room air O2, IVFD Normal Saline
Echocardiographic examination results in 2014 500mL/8 hours, Benzathine penicillin 1x1,2 M unit
(figure 2.3) were obtained within normal limits, no IM (in emergency department), Clindamycin
valve abnormalities, global normokinetic wall 4x600mg (po), Sodium diclofenac 2x50mg (po),
movements, and no pleural effusion. Re-evaluation of Methylprednisolone 3x8 mg (po), Lanzoprazole 1x30
echocardiographic examination found global mg (po).

Figure 2.1. Chest X-Ray (7th March 2018)

Figure 2.2. Electrocardiography (7th March 2018)

Figure 2.3. Echocardiography (2014)

Figure 2.4. Echocardiography (12nd March 2018)

Figure 2.5. Photo of patient (with patient’s permission)

Figure 2.6. Erythema nodosum (with patient’s permission)

4. Definition Streptolysin O may trigger antibody response,

antistreptolysin O (ASO), which forms the basis of
Rheumatic fever (RF) is non-suppurative sequelae and
antibody testing. The antigenicity of which is inhibited by
inflammatory response to Streptococcus pyogenes (group
lipid layer of the skin that explains the least association
A beta-hemolytic streptococcus [GABHS]) infection which
between streptococcal infection of the skin and RF.
commonly occurs 2-3 weeks after a throat infection,
Streptococci has many antigens similar with mammalian
affecting mainly children and young adults.1
tissues and can cross-reacts with joints, heart
(myocardium and heart valves), skin, kidneys, and brain.5
Streptococci is a group of gram-positive bacteria that is
morphologically characterized by coccus and its chains.
The prevalence of RF is high especially in developing
Streptococcus pyogenes, which belongs to GABHS, has the
countries. The global incidence of acute RF is estimated at
ability to produce toxins capable of lysing the red blood
471,000 cases per year with incidence in children aged 5-
cells. The cytoplasmic membrane is surrounded by a thick
15 years between 10 to 374 cases per 100,000 in pacific
layer of peptidoglycan of which is surrounded by S layer
region.6 The peak incidence of acute RF is children aged
consists of carbohydrates, proteins, and glycoproteins.
5-15 year.2,7 Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is the most
There is also specific type of carbohydrates, rhamnose-N-
common complication of RF. The number of deaths due to
acetyl-glucosamine dimers with the ability to cross-react
RHD is around 233,000 deaths per year. It is estimated
with the glycosides of heart valves.5
that there are 15 million people with RHD worldwide,
The S layer also contains M proteins that have varying
affecting mainly children and young adults.1,8 Recurrent
molecular structure. The GABHS has more than 130
RF is associated with the increased frequency of carditis
serotypes of M proteins. M proteins play an important role
and other cardiac abnormalities. The incidence of
in the pathogenesis of streptococcal infection, each of
recurrent RF is about 15–34%. The recurrence is high in
which can cause different clinical manifestation. Some M
people with the history of carditis as well as young age.8
serotypes are associated with acute RF. M proteins may
Individual with family history of acute RF have five-fold
also escape from immune system by inhibiting the
greater risk of developing RF.7
complement activation and phagocytosis. M-like proteins
bind to Fc part from IgG and IgA molecules, thus exposing
the immunoglobulin layer around the bacteria with Fab
RF is a consequence of Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngeal
part facing outward. This mechanism can inhibit
infection. The antigen mimicry of the organism and
phagocytosis and immune recognition. The bacteria cell
proteins from the human body can cause both humoral
walls are surrounded by hyaluronic acid capsules. Since
and cell-mediated autoimmune reaction leading to RF. It
its molecular structure is very similar to human
takes about 3 weeks after the S. pyogenes infection to
hyaluronic acid, it gives additional protection against
induce a RF as well as causing inflammation of the brain,
human innate immunity. Some rheumatogenic M
joints, skin, heart, and other organs.7 S. pyogenes
serotypes have thick capsules and produce mucus when
contains M, T, and R proteins which are associated with
grown on blood agar.5 Streptococci produces many
the attachment of bacteria to the epithelial cells of the
extracellular products, such as erythrogenic toxin,
throat. M serotype proteins have the highest
streptolysin O, streptolysin S, streptokinase,
rheumatogenesity amongst the other serotypes. The class
diphosphoridyne nucleotidase, and deoxyribonuclease.
II HLA molecules, which contributes in antigen
presentation of T-cell receptors) appears to be more
associated with an increased risk of acute RF and RHD
compared to class I HLA molecules, although there has
not been any single or combination of HLA molecules
which consistently associated with rheumatic disease
susceptibility. The molecular mechanism of class II HLA
molecules and its effect to the rheumatic disease
susceptibility has not been fully understood.7
The autoimmune reaction of RF occurs when the
antibodies of GABHS react to human heart. After binding
to antigen peptides, the HLA complex initiates an
inappropriate T-cell activation. Molecular mimicry of M
protein and other heart proteins (myosine, tropomyosine,
creatine, laminine, and vimnetin) as well as T-cell cross-
recognition of antigen have been identified as the Figure 3.2. The immune cross-reaction response
underlying mechanism of RF.9 Mannose-binding lectin between GABHS and heart11
(MBL) is acute phase inflammatory protein that functions Clinical Manifestation
as soluble pathogen recognition receptor. MBL binds Acute RF is usually preceded by GABHS pharyngitis. All
various type of sugars on the pathogen’s surface and has clinicians, especially in high-risk populations must
important role in innate immunity due to its ability to thoroughly distinguish GABHS pharyngitis from other
attack pathogen, enhance phagocytosis, and activate pathogens.
complement cascade through lectin pathway.10 Cytokines
(IL-1, IL-6, TNF- α) also have a role in acute RF.

Figure 3.3. GABHS acute tonsilopharyngitis12

Table 3.1. Clinical features and diagnosis of GABHS
Figure 3.1. Acute Rheumatic Fever Pathogenesis11 pharyngitis13
Clinical features of suspected GABHS infection:
• Abrupt sore throat
• Odynophagia
• Fever
• Headache
• Scarlet fever rash
• Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
• Hyperemic tonsils and pharynx
• Exudates on tonsils and pharynx
• Soft palate petechiae (doughnut-like lesions)

• Hyperemic and swollen uvula can be triggered by stress and overstimulation.15
• Tender anterior nodules
• 5-15-year old patient Diagnosis

• previous exposure history Diagnostic Criteria

Clinical features of viral infection: Jones criteria is commonly used to diagnose acute RF. In

• Conjunctivitis high-risk population, these criteria are commonly used,

• Coryza while in the low-risk population, these criteria cannot be

used. Moreover, the criteria have tendency to overdiagnose
• Hoarseness
and made further specific examination required, such as
• Cough
echocardiography. Hence in 2015 American Heart
• Diarrhea
Association revised the criteria. The diagnosis acute
• Exanthema
rheumatic heart disease could be made if there are two
• Anathema
major criteria or one major with two minors.14

Generally, major clinical features of acute RF first episode

Table 3.2. Revised Jones Criteria (2015)
are carditis (50-70%) and arthritis (35-66%).14 Carditis
First episode of acute Recurrent RFL
(valvulitis), which is one of acute RF major criteria, can be
rheumatic fever:
clinically diagnosed by finding the murmur in
- Two majors - Two majors
auscultation indicating mitral regurgitation (systolic
- One major + 2 minors
murmur) or aorta regurgitation (diastolic murmur). Mitral
- One major + two minors,
valves are the most common affected valve. Pericarditis
and myocarditis may rarely also be affected. Classic RF-
3 minors
related arthritis symptom is migratory asymmetrical
polyarthritis which commonly affected big joints.2
Low-risk population Moderate and high-risk
The other symptoms of RF are sydenham chorea (10-30%)
which commonly affects women, subcutaneous nodules
Major criteria: Major criteria:
(0-10%), and erythema marginatum (<6%).14
- Carditis (clinical and/or - Carditis (clinical and/or
Subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum are
subclinical) subclinical)
very rare findings but very specific in diagnosing acute
- Arthritis (polyarthritis - Arthritis (monoarthritis,
RF.13 Erythema marginatum is a hyperemic skin lesion
only) polyarthritis and/or
with pale center, round (serpiginous) margins. A non-
- Chorea polyarthralgia)
pruritic or painful rashes usually occur on the body trunk
- Erythema marginatum - Chorea
or proximal extremities. Subcutaneous nodules are non-
- Subcutaneous nodules - Erythema marginatum
painful nodules commonly found on the extensor joints,
- Subcutaneous nodules
especially knee, elbow, wrist, as well as thoracal and
Minor criteria: Minor criteria:
lumbar vertebrae joints. Syndenham chorea is involuntary
- Polyarthralgia - Monoarthralgia
and non-stereotypical movements of the trunk and
- Fever (≥ 38,5oC)
- Fever (≥ 38,5oC)
extremities. Other symptoms are speech disturbances, - Increased ESR ( ≥60 mm
- Increased ESR ( ≥60 mm
frequent dropping of objects, impaired writing ability, and in the first hour) and/or
in the first hour) and/or
emotional disturbances.2,14 Syndenham chorea is a self- CRP (≥3 mg/dL or more
CRP (≥3 mg/dL or more
limiting symptom which usually takes few weeks to 6 than normal value)
than normal value)
months to heal while some may take 2-3 years. Mild to - Prolonged PR interval
- Prolonged PR interval
moderate chorea does not need specific therapy. Chorea (unless carditis is major

criterion) (unless carditis is major should be used as a diagnostic tool for all cases of
criterion) suspected acute rheumatic fever.
Evidence of preceding GABHS infection (positive throat Table 3.4. Doppler assessment in rheumatic valvulitis
culture, positive rapid antigen detection test (RADT), Pathological mitral regurgitation (all 4
criteria met)
increased of anti-streptococcal antibodies titer).
- Seen in at least 2 views
- Jet length ≥ 2 cm in at least 1 view
- Peak velocity > 3 m/s
Table 3.3. The comparison of echocardiography - Pansystolic jet in at least 1 envelope

involvement in diagnosis guidelines : Pathological aortic regurgitation (all 4

Use echo criteria met)
Perform - Seen in at least 2 views
to - Jet length ≥ 1 cm in at least 1 view
echo in
Perform confirm - Peak velocity > 3 m/s
all- - Pan diastolic jet in at least 1 envelope
echo in carditis
confirmed Loading conditions should be accounted for at
all as major
Year Guidelines cases of time of echocardiography/doppler assessment
suspected criterion .
cases of in
ARF? absence
of Table 3.5. Echocardiogram in rheumatic valvulitis
murmur? Acute mitral valve changes
- Annular dilation
Jones - Chordal elongation
1992 No No No
Criteria - Chordal rupture resulting in flail
leaflet with severe mitral
Jones regurgitation
2000 Criteria No No No - Anterior (or less commonly
posterior)leaflet tip prolapse
Workshop - Beading/nodularity of leaflet tips
WHO Chronic mitral valve changes: not seen in
2001 Yes No No
guidelines acute carditis
- Leaflet thickening
Indian - Chordal thickening and fusion
2008 working Yes No No - Restricted leaflet motion
- Calcification
Aortic valve changes in either acute or
chronic carditis
2008 Zealand Yes Yes Yes - Irregular or focal leaflet thickening
- Coaptation defect
- Restricted leaflet motion
Australia - Leaflet prolapse
2012 Yes Yes Yes
guidelines On occasion, particularly early in the course
Jones of acute rheumatic fever, mitral or valve
morphology may be normal on
2015 Criteria Yes Yes Yes echocardiogram while Doppler shows
2015 regurgitation. These findings can also seen in
chronic rheumatic heart disease.

Diagnostic tools Laboratory examination

Echocardiography and Doppler Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and/or C-
In an era where auscultation ability tend to be decreasing reative protein (CRP) is one of rheumatic fever criterion.
and the availability of more advanced cardiac ultrasound Leukocytosis and mild anemia are often found but not
is increasing, echocardiography combined with Doppler specific for ARF. The diagnosis of preceding streptococcal

infection could be established if one of the following • Carditis: prednison (1-2 mg/kg/day), preferred
criteria is found: via oral route, maximum dosage 60 mg/day. The
• Increased anti-streptolysin O (ASTO) titre or other full dosage can be divided into 2 or 3 dosage/day
streptococcal antibodies (anti-DNASE B) for 15 days and then tappered 20-25% of the
• A positive throat culture for group A β-hemolytic dosage for every following week.13
streptococcus • Chorea: Mild to moderate chorea does not need
• A positive rapid group A streptococcal specific therapy besides enough rest and avoiding
carbohydrate antigen test in a child whose clinical stressors.15 Severe chorea can be treated with oral
presentation suggests a high probability of haloperidol (1 mg/day divided to 2 times/day), the
streptococcal pharyngitis. dosage can be titrated 0,5 mg every 3 days until
the desired effects is reached or maximum dosage
Usually, ASTO is checked first and if the result is negative
5 mg/day. The treatment is given for 3 months.17
then anti-DNASE B test can be done. ASTO titer will
Extrapyramidal symptoms commonly occur when
increase after one week of infection, and reach its peak
the dosage is close to maximum dosage. The
level on the third week to sixth week post infection. The
alternative is valproate acid (30 mg/kg/day,
increase in titer of ASTO and anti-DNASE B may persist
starting from 10 mg/kg/day titrated 10
for several months after GABHS infection.
mg/kg/week).18 The acute RF guidelines by
Australia and New Zealand prefer the valproate
First-line treatment of RF is to eradicate the agent of
acid and carbamazepine as the first-line therapy
infection, which is GABHS. The preferred choice of
for chorea due to its fewer side effects.15
antibiotics is penicillin G benzathine 1,200,000 IU
intramuscularly (IM) for children weighed >20 kg or Complication
600,000 IU for children weighed <20 kg. Other alternatives Mild to moderate carditis, the valve regurgitation can be
include:13 stable and get better 12 months after diagnosis.
• Patients which cannot receive intramuscular Individuals with severe carditis in the first or recurrent
injection due to hemorrhagic disease can be given episode is at higher risk of developing chronic RHD,
oral penicillin V (50 mg/kg/day, 4 times/day) or associated with higher risk of heart failure, infective
amoxicillin (50 mg/kg/day, 3 times/day) for 10 endocarditis, pregnancy complication, stroke, arrhythmia,
days and premature deaths.2
• Patients allergic to penicillin and its derivatives
can be given erythromycin (40 mg/kg/day, 4 Recurrent rheumatic fever
times/day for 10 days) or azithromycin (20 The diagnosis of recurrent rheumatic fever can be
mg/kg/day, once daily for 3 days). Tetracycline established in individuals with history of acute RF or have
(high risk of resistance), sulfonamide (cannot been diagnosed with RHD and documented GABHS
eradicate the agents), and chloramphenicol (high infection (2 major criteria or 1 major and 2 minor criteria
toxicity) should not be used. or 3 minor criteria, or 2 minor WHO criteria).14 Risk
factors of higher risk of RF recurrence:8,19
Other clinical manifestations can also be treated:
• Young age (<23 years old)
• Arthritis: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• Inadequate secondary prophylaxis
(NSAID) for 7-10 days, preferred via oral route:16
• History of heart failure
o Acetylsalicylic acid (80-100 mg/kg/day)
o Naproxen (10-20 mg/kg/day) Prevention
o Ibuprofen (30 mg/kg/day) The strategy of RF prevention divided into primary and
o Ketoprofen (1.5 mg/kg/day) secondary prevention, which are very important to reduce
the incidence of RHD. dosages (max.
Primary prevention 1.8 g/day)
The ideal prophylaxis should be able to prevent acute RF Azitromycin 12 Oral 5 days
episodes, especially when given immediately after the mg/kg/day,
diagnosis of pharyngitis. Primary prophylaxis aims to once daily
eradicate GABHS infection through pharyngitis screening (max. 500 mg)
and oral or IM antibiotics. All patients suspected of Clarithromycin 15 Oral 10 days
GABHS pharyngitis (Table 1) is recommended to have mg/kg/day
throat swab culture or rapid antigen detection test (RADT). divided into 2
Recommended antibiotics for primary prevention are the dosages
same antibiotics given for the treatment of RF.13 Sulfonamide, tetracycline, and fluoroquinolone are
Table 3.6. Primary prevention of RF (streptococcal not recommended.
Therapy Dosage Roue Duration 3.10.2. Secondary prevention
Penicilin: Secondary prevention aims to prevent the recurrence or
Penicillin V Children (BW Oral 10 days chronic RF. Recurrent RF can also occur even in patients
(phenoxymethyl ≤27 kg): 250 who have undergone optimal therapy thus the secondary
penicillin) mg, 2-3 prevention is continuously given to prevent the
times/day recurrence.13
Children (BB Table 3.8. Secondary prevention of RF (prevention of
>27 kg), recurrence)13
adolescence, Therapy Dosage Route
dan adults: Benzatihine 600,000 IU (BW ≤27 IM
500 mg, 2-3 penicillin G kg), 1,200,000 IU (BW
times/day >27 kg) every 4 weeks
Amoxicillin 50 Oral 10 days Penicillin V 2x250 mg Oral
mg/kg/day Sulfadiazine 0.5 g/day (BW ≤27 kg), Oral
(max. 1 g) 1 g/day (BW >27 kg)
Benzathine 600,000 IU IM Single Alternatives Varied Oral
penicillin G (BW ≤27 kg), dose when allergic to
or 1,200,000 penicillin or
IU (BW >27 sulfadiazine:
kg) Macrolide or
Alternatives when allergic to penicillin: azalide
Cephalosporin Varied Oral 10 days
narrow Table 3.8. Duration of secondary prophylaxis for RF13
spectrum Category Duration after last
(cephalexin, episode
RF with carditis and 10 years or until 40 years
Clindamycin 20 Oral 10 days
residual heart disease old, some cases need
(persistent valve lifelong treatment
divided into 3

RF with carditis without 10 years or until 21 years had routinely gotten treatment for 8 years. The risk factor
residual heart disease old of recurrent RF is inadequate secondary prophylaxis.
(no valve disorder) Secondary treatment for carditis related-RF must be given
RF without carditis 5 years or until 21 years for 10 years. The other recurrence risk factor is RHD as
old RF complication. Patients who have RHD tend to have a
higher recurrence risk compared with the others without
Patients’ compliance of taking secondary prophylaxis is RHD history. This patient has also been gotten an
very important. Doctors should provide enough intramuscular injection of benzathine penicillin with dose
information to the patients or parents about the benefits 1x1.2 M unit. This treatment should be continued as the
and importance of adherence in order to achieve treatment secondary prophylaxis for 5 years.
success, ensure patients about the effectivity of the Clindamycin was used to eradicate Group-A
treatment, using the control cards, optimize support from Streptococcus. Clindamycin is effective for Group-A
the family and environment to help the patients take Streptococcus, and this antibiotic can be given orally.
medication regularly. The patients need supervisor to NSAID was given to relieve erythema nodosum-related
ensure the patients take the medicine regularly until the pain symptom. Erythema nodosum is a lump with
schedule is finished.19 characteristically pain on palpation symptom. It can grow
Discussion in any part of body, but some were related with systemic
Based on evaluation, it was obtained several assessments disorder. Although erythema nodosum was not included
such as recurrent RF, multiple erythema nodosum, acute in RF diagnostic criteria, its prevalence was fairly high.
Recurrent RF Multiple Erythema Nodosum
The patient is 20-year old male. His chief complaint was The pain at both leg and arm were felt since 2 weeks PTA.
painful lumps 2 weeks PTA. This symptom is immunologic There are multiple lumps in hand, foot, and abdominal.
phenomenon that is called Erythema Nodosum. This These lumps were characteristically pain on palpation,
symptom was preceded by acute pharyngitis episode, and slightly soft. There was RHD history. We considered it
accompanied by childhood RF history. Erythema as erythema nodosum because its characteristic was
nodosum is not cardinal symptom of RF. Distinguished different, either from erythema marginatum or
from rheumatic nodule, erythema nodosum subcutaneous nodule which do not have pain on palpation
characteristically has pain on palpation. Erythema symptom. We excluded other systemic diseases by
nodosum appearance does not necessarily leads to performing several examination such as chest X-ray to
recurrent RF disease until the other causes related to this exclude Tuberculosis, and sputum examination cannot
lump were excluded. carried out from patients and we don’t do the biopsy
In this case, recurrent RF diagnosis was made by because at this time patient have a good respond for our
the elevated ASTO titer showing evidence of Group-A treatment. Group-A Streptococcus infection evident
Streptococcus’s infection. The RF minor criteria in this showed that this pathogen can cause erythema nodosum.
case were fever, polyarthritis, elevated ESR, and previous Based on these findings, we considered there was relation
RF history. Although there is no evidence of carditis due between erythema nodosum, Group-A Streptococcus
to normal result of electrocardiography and infection, and RF.
echocardiography, based on Jones criteria, this patient
can be diagnosed as recurrent RF based on the presence Acute Tonsillopharyngitis
of polyarthritis as the major criteria and additionally The patient experienced fever, sore throat, cough, and
presence of fever, elevated ESR, elevated ASTO titer as the rhinorrhea. Physical examination showed hyperemic
minor criteria. This patient has been diagnosed RHD and pharynx. Laboratory findings show elevated leucocyte
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