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Name: Judy Ann Y. Palingcod Course/Section: BEED 4C

Cooperating Teacher: Mr. John Paul Gania Date: 4/13/22
Subject: Internship

LEARNING TEACHING EXPERIENCE 4: Knowing my Cooperating School


1. After the orientation, draw the organizational structure of your cooperating school. This
consists of the names and designated position of the school personnel arranged hierarchically.

2. Spend some days going around the premises and facilities of the school. What activities are
being held in the different places in the school. You may interview the person in-charged to
gather information.

School Auditorium- The auditorium is a specific place at our school where important
events are held. It has both a hallowed area and a stage. It has a microphone and a speaker
for audio effects. A lovely backdrop with little stairwells on both sides of the stage. It is
use in Research Colloquium and other events in our school (DHVSU).

DHVSU Gym- it is a space in our building designated to sports or athletic activity.

Library- where students and stuff have access to a variety of resources.

-These are some different places in our University

3. Sketch an aerial view of the school showing various structures or buildings inside the school
premises. Label each of the structures. Indicate where the main gates are.


Identifying Purposes of the School Facilities

1. In your orientation notes, were you able to obtain answers to the questions you have
posed during the orientation session? Are there issues and concerns you have sensed

a. Area of the school

In the orientation session they have said that DHVSU have different branches in
Pampanga. Like, in Mexico, Apalit, Lubao, Candaba, Sto Tomas, and Porac.

b. School Personnel (teachers and staff )

They also introduced us the school personnel (teachers and staff). The DHVSU
President, Dr. Enrique G. Baking and the teachers in the University.

c. Student Population
And the number of students enrolled in Don Honorio Ventura University,
23,478 (as of second semester, A.Y. 2018-2019)

d. Classrooms
The number of classrooms and respective sections and year level. The classrooms
in DHVSU is a good environment in which a student can come to work on specific
goals outlined in the class objectives.

e. Facilities
They also introduced facilities in DHVSU. Like, the library, auditorium,
gymnasium, the buildings of different college departments and etc.

f. Learning resources
And the DHVSU Library, were it provides suitable documents and information
helpful in educational programs and extracurricular activities of the school. And all
the available text books and other additional reading material for all subjects
as per the requirement of teachers and students.

g. Playground
The school playground a spacious gorund were students want to play after class or
doing activities related in their discussion. An essential safe spaces where children
can be themselves and express their fun-loving nature while developing crucial
cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills.

h. School Location
DHVSU located at Baranggay Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga

Creating Impressions of My Cooperating School

Based from your observation notes, during orientation, what are your initial impressions
on your Cooperating School.

My Initial Impressions on My Cooperating School

My Initial impression is that, the University was very spacious, there are many
trees, waiting sheds, and different college deparment facilities. I felt a variety of vibes
when I walked into the university. One factor could be the environment of the school
and how teachers and students interact. Physically, I believed that the construction of
the schools had an impact on the instruction of the pupils. In my first week, I visited a
variety of school. This encompasses their educational motto and ideals. They use
different behavior management systems. Between buildings, the culture of the
employees and students varies greatly. I've discovered something that I'd like to adopt
throughout my classroom. I was delighted to be assigned to the teacher I was. He is
smart, kind, efficient, attractive, and engaging. I was amazed the first time I saw
he work with a student. While leading the classroom, he acted so confidently and
smoothly. I'm really looking forward to this semester. With everything I've learned in
the first week, it's already felt like a semester. 

4.5 DISSEMINATION: Building My Cooperating School’s Profile

Using all information, you have gathered, prepare a bulletin information for your
Cooperating School. This document should contain the most important information helpful to
anyone who would like to feature the school in a magazine or website.

Bulletin Information of my Cooperating School

Name of School: Don Honorio Ventura State University

The Don Honorio Ventura State University was very spacious, there are many trees, waiting
sheds, and different college deparment facilities. The DHVSU is located at Baranggay
Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga And it also have different branches in Pampanga.
Like, in Mexico, Apalit, Lubao, Candaba, Sto Tomas, and Porac. And different facilities in
the University; the library, auditorium, gymnasium, the buildings of different college
departments and etc. The classrooms in DHVSU is a good environment in which a student
can come to work on specific goals outlined in the class objectives. I felt a variety of vibes
when I walked into the university. One factor could be the environment of the school and how
teachers and students interact. Physically, I believed that the construction of the schools had
an impact on the instruction of the pupils. In my first week, I visited a variety of school. This
encompasses their educational motto and ideals. They use different behavior management


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