De Francisca, Jean Rose O.: Constitution) P. 10

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De Francisca, Jean Rose O.

AB – Public Administration 4

State versus Nation

State is a community of persons more or less numerous permanently occupying a definite

portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render

obedience and enjoying freedom from external control. People are the one elements of the state

because without people of the government there is no subject to be governed. Another is Territory is

the one elements of the state it is important because without land, waters, like rivers, bays, seas the

people are not living them with their needs everyday like food are not being needed. Government, it

refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and carried out. It is

more important also the government because without government of our society are not improving

because the policies or laws of the government are not being implemented. Sovereignty, it is the

supreme power of the state, because to have freedom from foreign control. They have a power by using

sovereignty. (Hector S. De Leon and hector M. De Leon Jr. 1987 Philippine Constitution) P.6,7,8,9.

Nation, is a group of people bound together by certain characteristics such as common social

origin, language, customs, and traditions, and who believed that they are one and distinct from others.

Every one of us should be need to care our nation so that or country are being developing like other

country. We help to improve our nation. (Hector S. De Leon and hector M. De Leon Jr. 1987 Philippine

Constitution)P. 10

Being a public servant in the future I help our nation, all of the crimes in our nation, I help to

catch them and also I help our nation to being good governance. In our nation we have different

Some of the people in our nation are poor but the national governments are making a way to

solve the problem so that the people are not difficult in their life. They give an opportunity like

organization of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) these organizations are big help of the

people specially the poor people. And also, the national government are having implemented program

which is the other universities are free tuition of their school, so these is a big opportunity and big help

of the students and their parents.

The most important ingredients in making a nation is Nationalism which is the loyalty and

devotion of one’s nation, and it’s also culture that having our nation. Through this Culture this is

important because its refer to the abstraction of characteristics acquired in one of us through earning

after birth. Religions, in our nation there are so many different religion. It a set of beliefs and practices

involving rituals and the study of cultural traditions. Even, there are many different in our nation it

should be one God only in our nation the almighty God, because he is the most powerful of all.

Language, this is the speech of nation which is the different people in our nation are having different

dialect. Customs, it is one practice followed by the people of certain group so that our nation is being

improving like other countries.

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