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07-17 18:11:13.445 19100 19100 E com.shopee.

id: Not starting debugger since process

cannot load the jdwp agent.
07-17 18:11:13.614 19100 19100 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10298; state: DISABLED
07-17 18:11:13.617 19100 19100 D _V_SystemFonts: verifyDefaultFont path:
07-17 18:11:14.062 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.067 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.069 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.071 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.072 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.073 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.075 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.076 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.077 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.078 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.085 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.086 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.087 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.087 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.088 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.089 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.090 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.091 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.092 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.093 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.117 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.118 19100 19100 W Entry not found
07-17 18:11:14.146 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.146 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.147 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.148 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.149 19100 19100 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-17 18:11:14.172 19100 19100 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:14.188 19100 19100 I _V_VPerformance: Connecting to vperf service.
07-17 18:11:14.215 19100 19100 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for
'' set to: 'default'
07-17 18:11:14.216 19100 19100 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
07-17 18:11:14.226 19100 19100 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in
07-17 18:11:14.228 19100 19100 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
07-17 18:11:14.232 19100 19100 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
07-17 18:11:14.236 19100 19100 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
07-17 18:11:14.236 19100 19100 I MultiDex: Installing application
07-17 18:11:14.237 19100 19100 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
07-17 18:11:14.301 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:14.382 19100 19100 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all
Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
07-17 18:11:14.461 19100 19287 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
07-17 18:11:14.461 19100 19287 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
07-17 18:11:14.486 19100 19100 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Crashlytics
07-17 18:11:14.600 19100 19100 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
07-17 18:11:14.659 19100 19100 W com.facebook.UserSettingsManager: You haven't set
a value for AdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled. Set the flag to TRUE if you want to
collect Advertiser ID for better advertising and analytics results. To request user
consent before collecting data, set the flag value to FALSE, then change to TRUE
once user consent is received. Learn more:
07-17 18:11:14.879 19100 19100 W LogUploaderContentProvider: onCreate
07-17 18:11:14.882 1650 3045 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10298 callingPid:19100
07-17 18:11:14.935 19100 19421 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10298; state: DISABLED
07-17 18:11:14.944 19100 19100 D NativeHomeLaunchTrace: native_home_page_render
07-17 18:11:14.962 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:14.963 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:14.967 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:14.971 19100 19439 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:14.976 19100 19100 I MMKV : <native-bridge.cpp:101::JNI_OnLoad>
current API level = 31
07-17 18:11:14.976 19100 19100 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:192::initialize> page
07-17 18:11:14.977 19100 19100 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:206::initializeMMKV> root dir:
07-17 18:11:14.984 19100 19100 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:335::loadFromFile> loading
[alpha_launch_config] with 91 size in total, file size is 4096, InterProcess 0
07-17 18:11:14.984 19100 19100 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:359::loadFromFile> loading
[alpha_launch_config] with crc 1131466959 sequence 10 version 1
07-17 18:11:14.984 19100 19100 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:380::loadFromFile> loaded
[alpha_launch_config] with 1 values
07-17 18:11:14.984 19100 19100 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:14.985 19100 19100 D default : [thread_id:2 name=main]
needStartLaunchFramework :
07-17 18:11:14.985 19100 19100 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:14.986 19100 19100 D default : [thread_id:2 name=main]
needStartLaunchFramework : true
07-17 18:11:14.998 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:14.999 1650 1914 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10298/19100 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 182 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10298 RequestorUid: 10298 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks:
Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
07-17 18:11:15.002 19100 19439 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:15.005 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.005 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
PerformanceTrace: native_home_engine_init_duration finished, duration=31 ms
07-17 18:11:15.006 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.006 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template start preload
07-17 18:11:15.006 19100 19439 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:15.009 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.009 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.016 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.021 19100 19439 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:15.022 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.022 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.022 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.022 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template end preload
07-17 18:11:15.022 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.022 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.022 19100 19439 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:15.029 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.033 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.033 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.039 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.039 19100 19439 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:15.040 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.040 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
PerformanceTrace: native_home_cache_load_duration finished, duration=17 ms
07-17 18:11:15.045 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.045 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.045 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name skinny_banner
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.045 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.045 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.045 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.046 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.046 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
skinny_banner_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.046 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.046 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.046 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
skinny_banner_item_click_section should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.049 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.056 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.056 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.056 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name top_product
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
daily_discovery should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
shopee_food_banner_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.057 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name live_streaming
should not override from 2 to 2
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
trending_search should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
top_product_more should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.058 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.059 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.059 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name group_buy_item
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.059 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.060 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.060 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name dd_label_text
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.060 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.060 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.060 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name category_item
should not override from 2 to 2
07-17 18:11:15.060 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.060 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.061 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
featured_collections_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.061 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.061 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.061 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
dd_organic_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.061 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.061 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.061 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
daily_discovery_tab_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.062 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.063 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.063 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.063 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
dd_placeholder_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.063 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.063 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
daily_discovery_no_item_found should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
food_order_status should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
digital_product_banner_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.064 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
shopee_food_more should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name collection
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name deal_nearby
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.065 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
digital_product_quick_buy_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
trending_search_item should not override from 2 to 2
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name shopee_food
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.066 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.067 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.068 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.069 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.070 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
live_streaming_see_more should not override from 2 to 2
07-17 18:11:15.070 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.071 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.071 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name dd_label_img
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.071 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.071 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.071 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
dd_label_live_flag should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.071 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
shopee_mall_more should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
live_streaming_item should not override from 2 to 2
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.072 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.073 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.073 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
deal_nearby_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.073 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name shopee_mall
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
food_order_status_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.074 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
featured_collections_more should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.075 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.075 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.075 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
shopee_mall_banner_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.075 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
food_order_status_item2 should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
daily_discovery_list should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
digital_product_scroll_icon_more should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.076 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
top_product_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
feed_section_header should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
deal_nearby_banner_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.077 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name group_buy
should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
dd_label_disc_flag should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
digital_product_scroll_icon_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.078 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
shopee_food_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
digital_product_quick_buy_more should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.079 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name cutline should
not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
shopee_mall_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
dd_label_installment should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.080 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
digital_product should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name category
should not override from 2 to 2
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
dd_collection_item should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 V default : CANNOT GENERATE LINE INFO
07-17 18:11:15.081 19100 19439 D default : [thread_id:103 name=pool-31-thread-1]
template loadTemplate start
07-17 18:11:15.082 19100 19439 W UiCodeLoader_TMTEST: load view name
daily_discovery_tabs should not override from 1 to 1
07-17 18:11:15.082 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.082 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.086 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.092 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.092 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.096 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.101 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.101 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.105 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.112 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.112 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.115 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.123 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.123 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.126 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.133 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.133 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.136 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.139 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.139 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.145 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.151 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.151 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.156 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.160 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.160 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.172 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.177 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.177 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.181 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.186 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.186 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.190 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.199 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.199 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.201 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.209 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.209 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.215 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.219 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.219 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.221 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.228 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.228 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.232 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.238 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.238 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.241 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.248 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.248 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.253 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.257 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:15.257 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-17 18:11:15.264 19100 19100 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-17 18:11:15.268 19100 19100 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-17 18:11:16.117 19100 19100 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 71
07-17 18:11:16.117 19100 19100 D HttpDNS : httpdns version:1.0.5
07-17 18:11:16.123 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:16.163 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:16.194 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] bugsnag monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.194 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] fps monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.194 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] launch monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.194 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] page loading monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.194 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] storage monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.194 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] network monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.194 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] custom event monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.202 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] image monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.202 19100 19670 D Hamster : [ApmSG] memory monitor turned on
07-17 18:11:16.202 19100 19670 D Hamster : [TaskManager] start task
07-17 18:11:16.202 19100 19670 D Hamster : [TaskManager] start task
07-17 18:11:16.202 19100 19670 D Hamster : [commoninfo_monitor] start
07-17 18:11:16.209 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:16.220 1650 12793 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10298/19100 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 184 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10298 RequestorUid: 10298 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks:
Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
07-17 18:11:16.237 19100 19670 D Hamster : [TaskManager] start task ui_monitor
07-17 18:11:16.237 19100 19670 D Hamster : [TaskManager] start task bugsnag_monitor
07-17 18:11:16.237 19100 19670 D Hamster : [bugsnag_monitor] start
07-17 18:11:16.237 19100 19670 D Hamster : [BlockMonitor] stop
07-17 18:11:16.317 19100 19566 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.317 19100 19566 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.318 19100 19566 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.319 19100 19566 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.319 19100 19566 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.347 19100 19563 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:335::loadFromFile> loading
[] with 13161433 size in total, file size is
16777216, InterProcess 0
07-17 18:11:16.359 19100 19566 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.372 19100 19566 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.385 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.385 19100 19166 D _V_NightModeController: = true
07-17 18:11:16.385 19100 19166 D _V_NightModeController: disable nightmode
07-17 18:11:16.385 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.396 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:16.402 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.414 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:16.414 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.418 19100 19566 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:16.420 19100 19724 W Hamster : [network_monitor] [get] can't find call
07-17 18:11:16.420 19100 19724 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:16.421 19100 19724 D HRQ :
07-17 18:11:16.434 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:16.455 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:16.456 19100 19100 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: FPT o =
FPTData(name=appl_oncreate_total, startTime=523932, stopTime=525420)
07-17 18:11:16.456 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:16.457 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:16.457 19100 19100 D Hamster : [ApmSG] ApmSG.onApplicationOnCreateEnd()
is called
07-17 18:11:16.461 19100 19738 W System.err: SLF4J: Failed to load class
07-17 18:11:16.461 19100 19738 W System.err: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation
(NOP) logger implementation
07-17 18:11:16.461 19100 19738 W System.err: SLF4J: See for further details.
07-17 18:11:16.473 19100 19100 I RNPushNotification:
RNPushNotificationBootEventReceiver loading scheduled notifications
07-17 18:11:16.478 19100 19743 W Hamster : [network_monitor] [get] can't find call
07-17 18:11:16.478 19100 19743 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
HRQData(url=, method=GET)
07-17 18:11:16.487 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:16.527 19100 19100 W System.err: Unable
to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
07-17 18:11:16.532 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.533 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.533 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.533 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.533 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.533 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.535 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.536 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.536 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.536 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.536 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.536 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.536 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.536 19100 19100 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:16.537 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:16.549 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:16.553 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:16.553 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchTypeDetector] Launch type is 1
07-17 18:11:16.588 19100 19563 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:359::loadFromFile> loading
[] with crc 3931080341 sequence 2919 version 1
07-17 18:11:16.611 19100 19766 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: BCI o =
BCIData(message=Network Changed, data={"type":"4G","state":"DISCONNECTED"})
07-17 18:11:16.619 19100 19670 W BugsnagNDK: Attempted to enable crash reporting
without first calling install()
07-17 18:11:16.625 19100 19116 W Suspending all threads took:
07-17 18:11:16.626 19100 19100 W Hamster : [ui_looper_monitor] UIThreadMonitor is
not init, init now
07-17 18:11:16.650 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:16.660 19100 19563 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:380::loadFromFile> loaded
[] with 9 values
07-17 18:11:16.676 19100 19670 D Hamster : deviceRegion from gradle plugin is ID
07-17 18:11:16.678 19100 19100 W Accessing hidden field
Landroid/view/Choreographer;->mLock:Ljava/lang/Object; (max-target-p, reflection,
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils: [android.os.Looper:loop(334)]
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.683 19100 19100 E Matrix.ReflectUtils:
07-17 18:11:16.684 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: [UIThreadMonitor] false
false false false false false frameIntervalNanos:16393442
07-17 18:11:16.686 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: [onStart] callbackExist:
[false, false, false]
07-17 18:11:16.686 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: at
07-17 18:11:16.686 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: at
07-17 18:11:16.686 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: at
07-17 18:11:16.686 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: at
07-17 18:11:16.686 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: at
07-17 18:11:16.686 19100 19100 I Matrix.UIThreadMonitor: at
07-17 18:11:16.688 19100 19100 W Matrix.HandlerThread: warning: create new handler
thread with name matrix_time_update_thread, alive thread size:1
07-17 18:11:16.690 19100 19670 D Hamster : [bugsnag_monitor] bugsnag start success
07-17 18:11:16.690 19100 19670 D Hamster : [TaskManager] start task fps_monitor
07-17 18:11:16.690 19100 19670 D Hamster : [fps_monitor] start
07-17 18:11:16.690 19100 19670 D Hamster : [FpsUICollector] lifecycleCallbacks is
07-17 18:11:16.711 19100 19100 W Matrix.AppMethodBeat: [onStart] current
07-17 18:11:16.712 19100 19100 I Matrix.AppMethodBeat: [realExecute]
07-17 18:11:16.713 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19100/comm
07-17 18:11:16.713 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19100/comm
07-17 18:11:16.713 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is
07-17 18:11:16.713 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.713 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19106/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19106/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Runtime worker
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19107/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19107/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Runtime worker
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19108/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19108/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Runtime worker
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19110/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19110/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Runtime worker
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19111/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19111/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Signal Catcher
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: SIGBLK_HEADER length is 8
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: is_thread_signal_catcher_sigblk tid is
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19114/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19114/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is perfetto_hprof_
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19115/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19115/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Jit thread pool
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19116/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19116/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is HeapTaskDaemon
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19117/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19117/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is ReferenceQueueD
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19118/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19118/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is FinalizerDaemon
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19119/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19119/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is FinalizerWatchd
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19120/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19120/comm
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Binder:19100_1
07-17 18:11:16.714 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19136/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19136/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Binder:19100_2
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19166/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19166/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is vivo.PerfThread
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19243/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19243/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Profile Saver
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19259/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19259/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is SplitCompatBack
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19287/comm
07-17 18:11:16.715 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19287/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is ScionFrontendAp
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19290/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19290/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-7-thread-1
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19291/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19291/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-7-thread-2
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19295/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19295/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-9-thread-1
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19296/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19296/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-10-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19297/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19297/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-8-thread-1
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19301/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19301/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Crashlytics Exc
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19303/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19303/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is queued-work-loo
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19306/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19306/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is lytics.startup1
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19311/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19311/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-13-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19314/comm
07-17 18:11:16.716 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19314/comm
07-17 18:11:16.719 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is awaitEvenIfOnMa
07-17 18:11:16.719 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19316/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19316/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is firebase-instal
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19319/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 1650 12793 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10298/19100 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 186 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10298 RequestorUid: 10298 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks:
Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19319/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is firebase-iid-ex
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19321/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19321/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is firebase-instal
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19324/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19324/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-19-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19327/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19327/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-20-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19329/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19329/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-18-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19336/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19336/comm
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Measurement Wor
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.722 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19338/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19338/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Firebase-Messag
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19339/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19339/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Firebase-Messag
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19355/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19355/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is FB-AsyncTask #1
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19358/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19358/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is FB-AsyncTask #2
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19362/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19362/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is FB-AsyncTask #3
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19363/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19363/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is FB-AsyncTask #4
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19375/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19375/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-24-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19377/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19377/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-25-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19416/comm
07-17 18:11:16.723 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19416/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-26-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19417/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19417/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is Thread-3
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19421/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19421/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-28-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19427/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19427/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is pool-29-thread-
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: All :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19434/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists :
is_thread_named_signal_catcher /proc/19434/comm
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR: Exists thread name is GoogleApiHandle
07-17 18:11:16.724 19100 19100 W BugsnagANR:
07-17 18:11:16.983 19100 19100 W Single-pool-ind: type=1400 audit(0.0:6421): avc:
denied { read } for name="drivers" dev="proc" ino=4026531853
tcontext=u:object_r:proc_tty_drivers:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
07-17 18:11:17.011 19100 19743 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 337
07-17 18:11:17.011 19100 19743 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
HRSData(url=, status=0,
requestID=null, error=Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname)
07-17 18:11:17.012 19100 19743 W Hamster : [network_monitor] [get] can't find call
07-17 18:11:17.022 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.040 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.049 19100 19724 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
HRSData(url=, status=0,
requestID=null, error=Unable to resolve host "": No
address associated with hostname)
07-17 18:11:17.049 19100 19724 W Hamster : [network_monitor] [get] can't find call
07-17 18:11:17.050 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.052 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.052 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.132 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.133 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.134 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.140 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.144 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.153 19100 19670 W BugsnagNDK: Initialization complete!
07-17 18:11:17.184 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.191 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.192 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.198 19100 19917 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:17.213 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.218 19100 19917 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
status=0, requestID=null, error=Unable to resolve host "data-": No address associated with hostname)
07-17 18:11:17.221 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.221 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.221 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.221 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.221 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.227 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.228 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.232 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.249 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.223 19100 19100 W sps-core: type=1400 audit(0.0:6424): avc: denied {
read } for name="u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=212
tcontext=u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
07-17 18:11:17.267 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.275 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.304 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.309 19100 19738 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:17.310 19100 19956 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:17.326 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.326 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.326 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.327 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.327 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.328 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.328 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.328 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.328 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.329 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.329 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.329 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.330 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.330 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.330 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.330 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.331 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.331 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.331 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.332 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.332 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.332 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.332 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.333 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.333 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.333 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.333 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.334 19100 19960 D SoLoader: found on /data/app/~~f7eR3-
07-17 18:11:17.334 19100 19960 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
07-17 18:11:17.339 19100 19970 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
bundle_configs.json, method=GET)
07-17 18:11:17.339 19100 19738 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
status=0, requestID=null, error=Unable to resolve host "": No
address associated with hostname)
07-17 18:11:17.346 19100 19956 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
status=0, requestID=null, error=Unable to resolve host "": No
address associated with hostname)
07-17 18:11:17.350 19100 19682 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.358 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.359 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.359 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.360 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.360 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.360 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.361 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.361 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.361 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.361 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.362 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.362 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.362 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.363 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.363 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.363 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.363 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.364 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.364 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.364 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.365 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.365 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.365 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.365 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.366 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.366 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.366 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.366 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.366 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: couldn't find DSO to load: libhermes-
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 0:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags =
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 1:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 2:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 3:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 4:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 5:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 6:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 7:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 8:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 9:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 10:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 11:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 12:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 13:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 14:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 15:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 16:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 17:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 18:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 19:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 20:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 21:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 22:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 23:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 24:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 25:
com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 26:
com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /data/app/~~f7eR3-
T472fIFTKtjDEYQQ==/ flags = 0]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 27:
com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /system/lib64 flags = 2]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: SoSource 28:
com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /vendor/lib64 flags = 2]
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: Native lib dir: /data/app/~~f7eR3-
07-17 18:11:17.379 19100 19960 E SoLoader: result: 0
07-17 18:11:17.381 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.381 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.381 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.381 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.382 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.382 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.382 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.382 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.382 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.382 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.382 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.383 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.383 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.383 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.383 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.384 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.384 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.384 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.384 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.384 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.385 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.385 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.385 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.385 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.385 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.385 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found
on /data/data/
07-17 18:11:17.386 19100 19960 D SoLoader: found
on /data/app/~~f7eR3-T472fIFTKtjDEYQQ==/
07-17 18:11:17.386 19100 19960 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
07-17 18:11:17.388 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.390 19100 19970 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
bundle_configs.json, status=0, requestID=null, error=Unable to resolve host
"": No address associated with hostname)
07-17 18:11:17.399 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.401 19100 19682 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.409 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.414 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.430 19100 19684 D _V_VivoThemeResourcesPackage:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme isolate system resource
07-17 18:11:17.430 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.431 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme support global theme
07-17 18:11:17.452 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.455 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.455 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.456 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.456 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.457 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.457 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.458 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.458 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.461 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.463 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.463 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.464 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.465 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.465 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.465 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.465 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.466 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.466 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.466 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.466 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.467 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.475 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.475 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.476 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.476 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.476 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.476 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.477 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.477 19100 19960 D SoLoader: found on /data/app/~~f7eR3-
07-17 18:11:17.477 19100 19960 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
07-17 18:11:17.493 19100 19960 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:335::loadFromFile> loading
[rn_encrypted_async_storage] with 0 size in total, file size is 4096, InterProcess
07-17 18:11:17.493 19100 19960 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:380::loadFromFile> loaded
[rn_encrypted_async_storage] with 0 values
07-17 18:11:17.498 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.511 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.512 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.512 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.512 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.512 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.512 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.513 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.513 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.513 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.513 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.513 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.513 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.514 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.514 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.514 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.514 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.514 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.514 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.515 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.515 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.515 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.515 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.516 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.517 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.517 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.518 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.518 19100 19960 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.518 19100 19960 D SoLoader: found on
07-17 18:11:17.518 19100 19960 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
07-17 18:11:17.522 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.534 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.534 19100 19960 E unknown:ReactNative:
ReactInstanceManager.createReactContext: mJSIModulePackage null
07-17 18:11:17.537 19100 20022 E ReactNativeJNI: logMarker CREATE_REACT_CONTEXT_END
07-17 18:11:17.537 19100 20022 E ReactNativeJNI: logMarker RUN_JS_BUNDLE_START
07-17 18:11:17.541 1650 3401 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10298/19100 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 188 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10298 RequestorUid: 10298 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks:
Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
07-17 18:11:17.542 19100 19100 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: FPT o =
FPTData(name=RN_main_bundle_load, startTime=525881, stopTime=526507)
07-17 18:11:17.543 19100 19100 D Hamster : [LaunchInfoHolder] lifecycle:
07-17 18:11:17.560 19100 19684 D _V_VivoThemeResourcesPackage:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme isolate system resource
07-17 18:11:17.561 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
07-17 18:11:17.566 19100 19684 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme support global theme
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build :
e1ac91e, I2b3b5fbd00
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date :
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S
P 10.0.7 AArch64
07-17 18:11:17.585 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver
Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/
07-17 18:11:17.596 1650 3045 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10298 pid=19100
07-17 18:11:17.609 19100 19684 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
07-17 18:11:17.642 19100 19100 E unknown:ReactNative: Unable to launch logbox
because react was unable to create the root view
07-17 18:11:17.678 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.679 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.680 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.680 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.680 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.681 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.681 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.682 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.682 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.682 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.687 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.687 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.688 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.688 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.689 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.691 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.693 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.693 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.697 19100 19118 W System : A resource failed to call close.
07-17 18:11:17.707 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.708 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.708 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.708 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.709 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.709 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.710 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.710 19100 20022 D SoLoader: not found on
07-17 18:11:17.710 19100 20022 D SoLoader: found on
07-17 18:11:17.710 19100 20022 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
07-17 18:11:17.735 19100 19444 D Hamster : network connectivity changed,
networkState is cellular
07-17 18:11:17.806 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.809 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.814 19100 19444 D Hamster : [commoninfo_monitor] network
connectivity changed, networkState is cellular
07-17 18:11:17.819 19100 19766 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: BCI o =
BCIData(message=Network Changed, data={"type":"4G","state":"CONNECTED"})
07-17 18:11:17.880 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.880 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:17.896 19100 20093 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:17.916 19100 20128 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
sentry.json, method=GET)
07-17 18:11:17.938 19100 19682 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
07-17 18:11:17.952 1464 5426 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.CAMERA_OPEN_CLOSE_LISTENER from uid=10298 pid=19100
07-17 18:11:17.953 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.954 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.955 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.959 19100 19120 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.959 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.960 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.960 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.973 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.973 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:17.973 19100 19682 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:18.067 19100 19100 W single-pool-2-t: type=1400 audit(0.0:6463): avc:
denied { read } for name="if_inet6" dev="proc" ino=4026533715
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c42,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
07-17 18:11:18.033 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
(blocked,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err:
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
android.content.res.AssetManager.nativeOpenAsset(Native Method)
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OO0O000oo.0OOOOO0oo(Unknown Source:45)
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OO0O000oo.0o00ooO00(Unknown Source:2)
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.034 19100 19684 W System.err:
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
android.content.res.AssetManager.nativeOpenAsset(Native Method)
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OO0O000oo.0OOOOO0oo(Unknown Source:45)
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OO0O000oo.0o00ooO00(Unknown Source:2)
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.035 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.038 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.038 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.038 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.038 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err:
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
android.content.res.AssetManager.nativeOpenAsset(Native Method)
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OO0O000oo.0OOOOO0oo(Unknown Source:45)
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OO0O000oo.0o00ooO00(Unknown Source:2)
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.039 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.139 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.142 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.143 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.145 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.146 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.146 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
String;)V (max-target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.162 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.162 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.163 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.164 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.164 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.165 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
String;)V (max-target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.165 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-target-
q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.166 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-target-
q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.167 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.115 19100 19100 W single-pool-2-t: type=1400 audit(0.0:6464): avc:
denied { read } for name="sdcard" dev="tmpfs" ino=10524
tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_sdcard_file:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=0
07-17 18:11:18.185 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.303 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.304 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.306 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.307 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.308 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.308 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.309 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.checkbox.ReactCheckBoxManager
07-17 18:11:18.323 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.324 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.335 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.336 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.337 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.337 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.337 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.337 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.338 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.341 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.344 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.345 19100 19857 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:18.345 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.345 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.345 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.345 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.345 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.345 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.346 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.347 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.352 19100 20250 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
timestamp=1658056278&, method=GET)
07-17 18:11:18.354 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.uimanager.LayoutShadowNode
07-17 18:11:18.356 19100 19684 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/InputDevice;->getGeneration()I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.356 19100 19684 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
android.view.InputDevice.getGeneration []
07-17 18:11:18.356 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.oOo00O0O0(Unknown Source:8)
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.sdk.spspdt.utils.OO00oOOoo.0o0o0O0O0(Unknown Source:5)
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.O00Oo00OO(Unknown Source:145)
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.o00oOOOOo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0o0000O0O.oOOooO0oO(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOOoo0OOOo.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
07-17 18:11:18.357 19100 19684 W System.err: at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:18.360 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.picker.ReactDialogPickerManager
07-17 18:11:18.362 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.drawer.ReactDrawerLayoutManager
07-17 18:11:18.363 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.367 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.370 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.371 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.372 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.373 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactScrollViewManager
07-17 18:11:18.375 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.slider.ReactSliderManager
07-17 18:11:18.377 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.378 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager
07-17 18:11:18.381 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.382 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.385 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.385 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.386 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.386 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.388 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.image.ReactImageManager
07-17 18:11:18.391 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ReactModalHostManager
07-17 18:11:18.392 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ModalHostShadowNode
07-17 18:11:18.393 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.393 19100 20128 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.394 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextManager
07-17 18:11:18.394 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextShadowNode
07-17 18:11:18.401 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.402 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.402 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputManager
07-17 18:11:18.402 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.403 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.404 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.405 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
String;)V (max-target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.407 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-target-
q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.408 19100 20250 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.411 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.412 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.412 19100 20093 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.417 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextViewManager
07-17 18:11:18.419 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextShadowNode
07-17 18:11:18.423 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.view.ReactViewManager
07-17 18:11:18.426 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.viewpager.ReactViewPagerManager
07-17 18:11:18.434 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.435 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextShadowNode
07-17 18:11:18.435 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class com.shopee.react.modules.videoview.VideoViewManager
07-17 18:11:18.436 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.437 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.438 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.438 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.440 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.440 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.442 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.442 19100 19857 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.449 19100 19857 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.450 19100 19857 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.452 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.454 19100 19857 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:18.454 19100 20022 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find
generated setter for class
07-17 18:11:18.395 19100 19100 W single-pool-2-t: type=1400 audit(0.0:6467): avc:
denied { read } for name="arp" dev="proc" ino=4026532128
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c42,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
07-17 18:11:18.625 19100 19684 W libc : Access denied finding property
07-17 18:11:19.186 19100 20022 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 110
07-17 18:11:19.186 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: undefined,
'[NativeModule.BundleManager.isLoadBundlesAvailable] sync call', { tags:
[ 'NativeModule.BundleManager.isLoadBundlesAvailable' ],
07-17 18:11:19.186 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: data: { args: [], res: true },
07-17 18:11:19.186 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: context: {} }
07-17 18:11:19.193 19100 20023 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: RNU o = {"flow":
["NativeModule.BundleManager.isLoadBundlesAvailable"],"message":"sync call","data":
07-17 18:11:19.200 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: undefined, '[BundleLoadState]
Loaded new bundle: base', { tags: [ 'BundleLoadState' ],
07-17 18:11:19.200 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: data:
07-17 18:11:19.200 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: { name: 'base',
07-17 18:11:19.200 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: bundleInfo: { rv: '5.48.6',
sh: '9a09b4c18e7a3cf39897d1e835f7ac16' },
07-17 18:11:19.200 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: loadedBundles: [ 'base' ] },
07-17 18:11:19.200 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJS: context: {} }
07-17 18:11:19.203 19100 20023 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: RNU o = {"flow":
["BundleLoadState"],"message":"Loaded new bundle: base","data":
07-17 18:11:19.318 19100 20233 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:335::loadFromFile> loading
[mmkv.default] with 809384 size in total, file size is 1048576, InterProcess 0
07-17 18:11:19.324 19100 20233 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:359::loadFromFile> loading
[mmkv.default] with crc 2651421461 sequence 275 version 1
07-17 18:11:19.325 19100 20233 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:380::loadFromFile> loaded
[mmkv.default] with 76 values
07-17 18:11:19.395 19100 20023 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: RNU o = {"flow":
07-17 18:11:19.397 19100 20022 E ReactNativeJNI: logMarker RUN_JS_BUNDLE_END
07-17 18:11:20.110 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:20.111 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:20.112 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:20.113 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:20.113 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:20.114 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
String;)V (max-target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:20.115 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-target-
q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:20.115 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:22.697 19100 21096 E TD_JAVA : Must invoke `FMAgent.init` first!!!
07-17 18:11:22.699 19100 21096 E No implementation found for
java.lang.String) (tried Java_cn_tongdun_android_shell_common_HelperJNI_err0r and
07-17 18:11:22.803 19100 20017 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;->getNetworkOperator(I)Ljava/lang/String; (max-
target-p, JNI, denied)
07-17 18:11:22.803 19100 20017 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-p, JNI, denied)
07-17 18:11:22.804 19100 20017 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;->getSimOperator(I)Ljava/lang/String; (max-
target-p, JNI, denied)
07-17 18:11:22.804 19100 20017 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;->getSimOperatorName(I)Ljava/lang/String; (max-
target-p, JNI, denied)
07-17 18:11:22.804 19100 20017 W Accessing hidden method
Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;->getSubscriberId(I)Ljava/lang/String; (max-
target-p, JNI, denied)
07-17 18:11:23.412 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:23.413 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:23.419 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:23.420 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:23.420 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:23.420 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:23.442 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:23.556 19100 19118 W System : A resource failed to call close.
07-17 18:11:23.556 19100 19118 W System : A resource failed to call close.
07-17 18:11:23.670 19100 20559 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:23.682 19100 19857 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:23.690 19100 19448 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ } ]
07-17 18:11:24.949 19100 21477 E TaskManager: [, , 0]:postOnHeavyThread error
07-17 18:11:24.958 19100 19417 I a : [, , 0]:message
07-17 18:11:24.958 19100 19417 I a : [, , 0]:secret
07-17 18:11:24.959 19100 19417 D URLConfig: log collector config url = https://log-
07-17 18:11:24.959 19100 19417 D i : [, , 0]:reallyRequestUrl = https://log-
07-17 18:11:24.963 19100 20559 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
B2A8IyVO8KYTc0jo7DLJaNIaSqp1pC&timestamp=1658056284, method=GET)
07-17 18:11:25.228 19100 20559 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:25.332 19100 19100 E TaskManager: [, , 0]:postOnUIThread error
07-17 18:11:25.342 19100 21477 E TaskManager: [, , 0]:postOnHeavyThread error
07-17 18:11:25.451 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:checkServiceOn
07-17 18:11:25.451 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:checkServiceOn 2
07-17 18:11:25.452 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:startTimer 1
07-17 18:11:25.452 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:startTimer:
07-17 18:11:25.452 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:initGetEndService
07-17 18:11:25.460 19100 20093 E PbFileUtils: [, , 0]:SPSTR:
07-17 18:11:25.475 19100 20093 E EndRetriverCache: [, , 0]:updateMemoryData -1
07-17 18:11:25.475 19100 20093 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:onEndPointGetSuc
07-17 18:11:25.475 19100 20093 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:endTimer:
07-17 18:11:25.476 19100 20093 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:doCheckJob
07-17 18:11:25.476 19100 20093 E EndPointGetProvider: [, , 0]:RETRY GET ENDPOINT:
07-17 18:11:25.476 19100 20093 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:startTimer:
07-17 18:11:25.482 19100 19721 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:GetEndPointProcess
07-17 18:11:25.484 19100 19724 E EndPointGetProvider: [, ,
0]:updateDataWithLocalFile 0
07-17 18:11:25.485 19100 19721 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:11:25.490 19100 19721 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:11:25.491 19100 19721 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:11:25.500 19100 19854 E Test : into JNI_ONLoad
07-17 18:11:25.502 19100 19721 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:11:25.502 19100 20093 E EndPointGetProvider: [, ,
0]:updateCloudConfigDataWithLocalFile 0
07-17 18:11:25.505 19100 19721 E GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getEndPointData in
07-17 18:11:25.506 19100 19721 D GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getStrategy requestBody:
Processor rev 14
07-17 18:11:25.507 19100 19721 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:11:25.507 19100 19721 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:getEndPointUrl:
07-17 18:11:25.511 19100 19721 E EndPointGetProvider: [, , 0]:getEndPointList 0
07-17 18:11:25.521 19100 20606 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
HRQData(url=, method=POST)
07-17 18:11:25.590 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:25.590 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:25.593 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:25.594 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:25.595 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
(max-target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:25.596 19100 20606 W Accessing hidden method
String;)V (max-target-q, reflection, denied)
07-17 18:11:25.596 19100 20606 W Reached maximum number of hidden
api access warnings.
07-17 18:11:25.601 19100 20559 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
HRSData(url=, status=200,
requestID=null, error=null)
07-17 18:11:25.603 19100 20559 D GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getCloudConfigData body
07-17 18:11:25.606 19100 20559 D GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:code:0
07-17 18:11:25.804 19100 20606 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
HRSData(url=, status=200,
requestID=null, error=null)
07-17 18:11:25.806 19100 20606 D GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getStrategy body
07-17 18:11:25.806 19100 20606 D GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:code:0 msg: Success
07-17 18:11:25.812 19100 20606 D GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:
07-17 18:11:25.834 19100 20606 E GetLocationManager: [, , 0]:provider: fused
07-17 18:11:25.882 19100 20606 W Report : [, , 0]:header:Header{id=80001,
scene_id=109, uid=454316713,
device_id=H5JpuARpUMBeFIPZ5wkPZDbVoAMUzDYMP98W8/ksElU=, device_model=vivoV2025,
os=0, os_version=31, client_version=28431, client_ip=, network=5, country=ID, ua=,
sdk_version=v1.0, timestamp=1658056285881, adjust_timestamp=1658056285881,
ab_test=, biz=101}
07-17 18:11:25.886 19100 20606 W Report : [, ,
0]:body:MMSImgGetStrategyEvent{action_id=0, ver=2, cost=301, retry_count=0,
latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0}
07-17 18:11:25.893 19100 20606 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndPointGetSuc:
EndPointData{var=2, interval=7200000, pull_time=1658056286, api_timeout=4000,
ttl=9000000, configs={100=Config{compress=Compress{type=0, quality=100, scale=1.0},
upload=Upload{slice=5242880, retry_count=2, concurrency=3, backoff_time=50,
default_img_count=3}, endpoint=Endpoint{default_suffix='', extend_suffix='',
domainRules=DomainRules{origin_domain=[], dest_domain=[]}}}}}
07-17 18:11:25.898 19100 19854 E EndRetriverCache: [, , 0]:updateMemoryData 1
07-17 18:11:25.898 19100 19854 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:onEndPointGetSuc 1
07-17 18:11:25.898 19100 19854 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:endTimer:
07-17 18:11:25.899 19100 19854 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:startTimer:
07-17 18:11:25.902 19100 19100 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:getEndPointData back 0
07-17 18:11:26.053 19100 21096 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
07-17 18:11:26.047 19100 19100 W DefaultDispatch: type=1400 audit(0.0:6528): avc:
denied { search } for name="net" dev="sysfs" ino=39437
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c42,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_net:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
07-17 18:11:26.047 19100 19100 W DefaultDispatch: type=1400 audit(0.0:6529): avc:
denied { search } for name="net" dev="sysfs" ino=39437
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c42,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_net:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
07-17 18:11:26.139 19100 21096 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: TRQ o =
TRQData(cmd=255, serviceId=2, subCmd=3, requestID=5224485537109081530)
07-17 18:11:26.172 19100 19100 E SPSPDT : [, , 0]:SPSPDT
07-17 18:11:26.172 19100 19100 V SPSPDT : [, , 0]:D=c08aeb21-2595-4f37-833b-
f31a070f038f, S=53747c63-cfd9-4858-8df2-f5f8fbafd8c6, B=1001
07-17 18:11:26.172 19100 19100 D SPSPDT : [, , 0]:sps-po: br can=false, sb=false,
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 V SPSPDT : [, ,
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : [, , 0]:S62,vivo,false,
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 V SPSPDT : [, , 0]:S44,false
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 E SPSPDT : [, , 0]:LangmuirLilmXorWrapper: s=3227
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 V SPSPDT : [, , 0]:S45
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : [, , 0]:java.lang.NullPointerException:
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null
object reference
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oo000ooo.0OOO00ooo(Unknown Source:44)
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOO00OO0o.OOOOO00Oo(Unknown Source:7)
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.OOoO000O0.00OOOOOoOo.oOO00OO0o.Oo0OOo0o0(Unknown Source:0)
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
com.shopee.spspdt.utils.0oooOo0o0$ Source:43)
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
07-17 18:11:26.173 19100 19100 W SPSPDT : at
com.shopee.spspdt.0oo00oO0o$OOOOO0O0O$ Source:0)
07-17 18:11:26.174 19100 19100 E SPSPDT : [, , 0]:65533=0
07-17 18:11:26.174 19100 19100 V SPSPDT : [, ,
07-17 18:11:26.174 19100 19100 V SPSPDT : [, , 0]:wc-
07-17 18:11:26.174 19100 19100 E SPSPDT : [, , 0]:42=1
07-17 18:11:26.184 19100 21625 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: TRS o =
TRSData(cmd=255, serviceId=2, subCmd=3, requestID=5224485537109081530, error=1,
notiCode=-1, taskName=null)
07-17 18:11:27.229 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:27.233 19100 19917 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:27.628 19100 19917 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
status=200, requestID=null, error=null)
07-17 18:11:27.629 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:27.629 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:27.629 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:27.653 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:27.653 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:27.653 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:27.712 19100 19118 W System : A resource failed to call close.
07-17 18:11:27.712 19100 19118 W System : A resource failed to call close.
07-17 18:11:27.712 19100 19118 W System : A resource failed to call close.
07-17 18:11:28.702 19100 20250 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
timestamp=1658056278&, status=200, requestID=null,
07-17 18:11:31.016 19100 20022 I ReactNativeJNI: Memory warning (pressure level:
TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND) received by JS VM, running a GC
07-17 18:11:37.332 19100 23590 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:37.338 19100 23590 I e : preProcessParam encoderId:
5Eezrq23AQD2HrkaAAAAAA%3D%3D videoId:5Eezrq23AQD2HrkaAAAAAA==
07-17 18:11:37.362 19100 23590 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:37.366 19100 23593 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
post_id=5Eezrq23AQD2HrkaAAAAAA%3D%3D, method=GET)
07-17 18:11:37.664 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:37.772 19100 23593 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
post_id=5Eezrq23AQD2HrkaAAAAAA%3D%3D, status=200, requestID=null, error=null)
07-17 18:11:37.814 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:37.815 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:37.968 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:37.969 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.006 19100 19917 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
07-17 18:11:38.059 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.102 19100 19917 I Hamster : [RNLogHookUtil] type: HRQ o =
status=200, requestID=null, error=null)
07-17 18:11:38.105 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.105 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.105 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.110 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.110 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.110 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:38.520 19100 23652 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : Load failed for
AnoygYUAnHmHkv0hLgEUAEc.jpg with size [-2147483648x-2147483648]
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.r:
Failed to load resource
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : There was 1 cause:
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : com.bumptech.glide.load.e(Not Found)
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : call
GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : Cause (1 of 1): class
com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.r: Fetching data failed, class,
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : There was 1 cause:
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : com.bumptech.glide.load.e(Not Found)
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : call
GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : Cause (1 of 1): class
com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.r: Fetch failed
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : There was 1 cause:
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : com.bumptech.glide.load.e(Not Found)
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : call
GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 W Glide : Cause (1 of 1): class
com.bumptech.glide.load.e: Not Found
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : Root cause (1 of 1)
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : com.bumptech.glide.load.e: Not Found
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : at
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : at
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : at
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : at
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : at
07-17 18:11:39.064 19100 23858 I Glide : at
07-17 18:11:39.273 1650 5501 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
07-17 18:11:39.274 1650 2551 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
07-17 18:11:39.287 1650 2551 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:19100,uid:10298,shown:true
07-17 18:11:39.287 1650 2551 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:19100,uid:10298
07-17 18:11:39.315 1650 12124 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
07-17 18:11:39.316 1650 2551 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
07-17 18:11:39.326 1650 2551 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:19100,uid:10298,shown:true
07-17 18:11:39.326 1650 2551 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:19100,uid:10298
07-17 18:11:41.825 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 18:11:42.946 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 18:11:44.038 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 18:11:45.133 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 18:11:46.328 19100 19710 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.329 19100 19710 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.330 19100 19710 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.330 19100 19710 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.330 19100 19710 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.335 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.370 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.370 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.408 19100 23593 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.449 19100 24861 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.465 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.465 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.465 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.466 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.467 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.467 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.469 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:46.469 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:48.123 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:48.198 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:48.198 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:48.198 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:48.199 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:48.199 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:48.199 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:11:58.209 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:12:14.173 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:12:14.211 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:onNetworkChange
07-17 18:14:38.608 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:14:38.609 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:57.484 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:57.492 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:57.492 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:57.532 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:onNetworkChange
07-17 18:17:57.707 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:57.712 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:onNetworkChange
07-17 18:17:58.047 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.054 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.054 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.056 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:onNetworkChange
07-17 18:17:58.071 19100 19100 E EndPointGetProvider: [, , 0]:RETRY GET ENDPOINT:
07-17 18:17:58.072 19100 19854 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:GetEndPointProcess
07-17 18:17:58.083 19100 19854 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:17:58.090 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.096 19100 19854 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:17:58.099 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.099 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.110 19100 19854 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:17:58.124 19100 19100 E EndPointServiceManager: [, , 0]:onNetworkChange
07-17 18:17:58.134 19100 19100 E EndPointGetProvider: [, , 0]:RETRY GET ENDPOINT:
07-17 18:17:58.138 19100 20093 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:GetEndPointProcess
07-17 18:17:58.140 19100 19854 E GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getEndPointData in
07-17 18:17:58.144 19100 20093 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:getEndPointList is in
07-17 18:17:58.145 19100 19724 E EndPointGetProvider: [, , 0]:getEndPointList 0
07-17 18:17:58.150 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.151 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:17:58.155 19100 19854 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:17:58.155 19100 19854 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:getEndPointUrl:
07-17 18:17:58.175 19100 19854 E EndPointGetProvider: [, , 0]:getEndPointList 0
07-17 18:18:07.617 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:07.618 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:07.622 19100 19721 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:07.626 19100 19100 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:07.630 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:07.632 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:17.633 19100 6838 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:17.634 19100 6838 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail retry:
07-17 18:18:17.634 19100 6838 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:GetEndPointProcess
07-17 18:18:17.636 19100 6837 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:17.639 19100 6838 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:18:17.660 19100 6838 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:18:17.674 19100 6838 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:18:17.680 19100 6838 E GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getEndPointData in
07-17 18:18:17.682 19100 6838 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:18:17.683 19100 6838 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:getEndPointUrl:
07-17 18:18:17.683 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:17.683 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:17.683 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:17.683 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:17.683 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:17.690 19100 6837 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:17.709 19100 6837 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:17.710 19100 6837 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail retry:
07-17 18:18:17.710 19100 6837 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:GetEndPointProcess
07-17 18:18:17.713 19100 6837 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:18:17.724 19100 6837 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:18:17.728 19100 6837 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:18:17.731 19100 6837 E GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getEndPointData in
07-17 18:18:17.733 19100 6837 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:18:17.734 19100 6837 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:getEndPointUrl:
07-17 18:18:17.738 19100 6838 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:17.747 19100 7369 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:17.747 19100 7369 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail retry:
07-17 18:18:17.747 19100 7369 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:GetEndPointProcess
07-17 18:18:17.749 19100 7369 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:18:17.755 19100 7369 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:18:17.757 19100 7369 E RequestBodyUtils: [, , 0]:MD5:
07-17 18:18:17.762 19100 7369 E GetEndPointNet: [, , 0]:getEndPointData in
07-17 18:18:17.764 19100 7369 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:baseUrl3: country: ID
07-17 18:18:17.764 19100 7369 E MmsCountryApi: [, , 0]:getEndPointUrl:
07-17 18:18:17.765 19100 6838 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:17.783 19100 6838 E GetLocationManager: [, , 0]:provider: fused
07-17 18:18:17.794 19100 6838 E GetEndPointProcess: [, , 0]:onEndGetGetFail:1001
07-17 18:18:27.693 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:37.731 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:37.731 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:37.731 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:37.731 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:37.731 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:18:47.744 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:04.647 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:04.651 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:04.652 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:04.700 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:04.700 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:04.700 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:07.632 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:07.632 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:08.133 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:08.133 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:08.188 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:08.188 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:08.188 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:08.188 19100 20093 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:08.203 19100 19724 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:14.713 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:14.813 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:14.814 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:14.814 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:14.820 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:14.820 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:14.820 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:19:24.833 19100 19917 E Log : Please call init first.
07-17 18:31:38.806 19100 19961 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:5
strType=android.sensor.light delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.shopee.libdeviceinfo.device.b num: 0
07-17 18:31:38.920 19100 19961 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.shopee.libdeviceinfo.device.b num: 1
07-17 18:31:38.964 19100 19961 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.shopee.libdeviceinfo.device.b@64e631dsensor=NULL num: 1
07-17 19:00:51.768 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 19:00:53.098 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 19:00:54.424 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 19:00:55.736 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:
07-17 19:00:57.034 3011 3229 E _V_SysProcFs:

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