MAPEH VII (Arts) (3rd Quarter) Written Work No.1

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MAPEH VII (Arts) (3rd Quarter)

Written work No.1

Name: Grade/Section: Date: Score:

I-Directions: Read each of the questions carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to correct
answer in your activity notebook.

1. Which of the following occasions involves the exchange of T’nalak?

A. giving birth C. offering prayer

B. attending mass D. wedding rituals

2. How is the Ikat process of the B’laan done?

A. The B’laan first cuts the fabric s into different sizes before dyeing it.
B. The B’laan ikat process is done by tying the fabric using a string of abaca and dipping it
in dye after the actual weaving
C. This ikat process is done by combining different strings and then dipping the tips of the
strings in colored paint.
D. The B’laan’s process is done by dyeing the fabric where the yarns are
tightly wrapped with strings before weaving.

3. Which of the following is defined as a process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are
wrapped with strings and dyed before weaving?

A. badjulapi C. malong
B. ikat D. pinalantupan

4. Which of the following is described as a special textile woven from abaca fibers used
by Bagobo people?

A. ikat C. seputangan
B. malong D. t’nalak

5. Which of the following characteristics BEST describes the malong of Maranao?

A. It is woven from abaca and embellished with embroidery, buttons, and beads.
B. It is a woven fabric with complicated beadworks and beautiful brass ornaments.
C. It is woven using deep brown abaca treated in the ikat process to achieve an
intricate design.
D. It is a hand-made or machine made multi colored cotton cloth, bearing a variety of
geometric or floral design.
6. What is the MOST distinct characteristic of the T’boli accessory, Hilot?

A. It is furnished with ball-bearings.

B. It is hung from a distinctive brass.
C. It uses vines and geometric patterns.
D. It has triangular amulets with symbols

7. In what way do Maranao people use malong?

A. They use malong to cover their crafts.

B. They use malong to wrap a newborn baby.
C. They use malong to create a bag or a sack.
D. They use malong to make a cowl or a raincoat.

8. Which of the following is known to be a symbolic protection from spears and knives
during combat?

A. gilim C. pis
B. kandit D. saruk

9. Which of the following ornaments is believed to protect one’s life from illness caused by
evil spirits?

A. anting-anting C. maniksembulan
B. maniktegiyas D. pegupaan

10. What okir pattern depicts a leaf?

A. Dapal C. Poyok
B. Pako D. Todi

11. Which of the following is NOT a part of a Yakan wedding attire?

A. kandit C. pis
B. okir D. saruk

12.Which of the following is a piece of cloth worn like a turban to protect one’s self from the

A. Kayab C. maniksembulan
B. maniktegiyas D. Pegupaan
13.Where do the Yakan people get their inspiration to weave symmetrical patterns?

A. Their ancestors send design inspirations through their dreams.

B. Their inspiration for design comes from their loved ones who support them.
C. Their design inspiration comes from other groups that use the same geometrical
D. Their inspiration for designs comes from their environment and the influence of
Islamic sacred geometry.

12. How is the Bagobos textile design related to that of T’bolis?

A. Both use T’nalak as a fabric in making clothes.

B. Both use symmetrical patterns.
C. Both textile designs exhibit a cosmological color scheme
D. Both use resist-dyeing to produce a good textile design.

13. Which of the following shows the MOST unique characteristics of the Sarimanok?

A. It has sharp claws covered with yellow-gold skin.

B.It has tiny pieces of artificial feathers in different colors.
C. It has a long and sharp beak holding a fish or a golden coin.
D. It has colorful wings, a feathered tail, and its head is decorated with
scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs.

II-Directions: Below are statements with faulty concepts about the arts and crafts of
Mindanao. Your task is to identify and encircle the words that make the statement
incorrect. Then, write the accurate words inside the text box to make the statements
Example:Maranao T’boli women usually use malong as as skirt, a dress, a blouse or a gown.

1. The Okir motif is an artistic pattern that is profusely used

by the Mangyan people.

2. The gangsa is derived from the totem bird of the Maranaos called
3. The B’laan people also cut mother-of-pearl into small shapes that look
like sequins called
4. T’boli women traditionally make the textiles for their cultural dress
known as the Semmek.
5. The Malay ethnic group is known for applying face painting on brides
and grooms as part of their traditional wedding ceremony.

Parents’ Signature:__________________ Students’ Sinature:____________________

MAPEH VII (Arts) (3rd Quarter)
Written work No.1
Answers Key
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. Maranao
17. Sarimanok
18. Taknum
19. Yakan
20. Yakan
MAPEH VII (PE) (3rd Quarter)
Written work No.1
Test I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What can you do to become physically fit?

A. Eat a lot. B. Play online games.
C. Sleep more and exercise less. D.Engage in physical activities regularly.

2. Why is it important to be physically fit?

A. Because it is now a trend B. Because I just want to be fit
C. Because my mother told me to benefit D. Because it has great impact on our health

3. Does eating a lot of food make our body healthy? Why?

A. Yes, because I love eating.
B. Yes, because eating a lot of food make us stronger.
C. No, because I do not have money to buy a lot of foods.
D. No, because our body needs only an exact amount of calories otherwise it would be unhealthy.

4. All are examples of dynamic exercises, except ______________.

A. hopping B. skipping
C. close step D. stretching

5.It is a type of questionnaire that will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you
start engaging in physical activities.
Test II. True or False
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is true and write F if the
statement is false.
_________ 1. Regularly engaging in physical activities helps you become fit.
_________ 2. Sleeping 10 hours and more makes your body stronger.
_________ 3. Being fat is healthy.
_________ 4. Being thin is unhealthy.
_________ 5. PAR – Q is done after engaging in physical activity.
_________ 6. If we are actively engaging in physical activities, we will be able to develop
our muscles and reduce our fats.
_________ 7. We should see our doctor and get regular checkups.
_________ 8. Being active every day has a positive impact in our lives.
_________ 9. Having a physically fit body means having a longer life span.
_________ 10. Eating healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise are good for our
_________ 11. We should see our doctor and get checkup daily.
_________ 12. Being active every day has a negative impact in our lives.
_________ 13. Eating Junk foods is good for our body.
_________ 14. Fruits and vegetables are unhealthy foods.
_________ 15. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is good for our health.

Parents’ Signature:__________________ Students’ Signature:____________________

MAPEH VII (PE) (3rd Quarter)
Written work No.1
Answers Key

Test I
1. D
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. D
Test II
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. T
11. F
12. F
13. F
14. F
15. T
MAPEH VII (MUSIC) (3rd Quarter)
Written work No.1
Test I
Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of vocal music of Mindanao?

A. throaty sound C. fixed rhythm
B. melismatic singing D. uses tremolo

2. In Islamic music, the vocal aspect must overpower the instrumental. What does the given
statement mean?
A. Same volume for instrumental and vocal parts
B. More emphasis on the vocal parts than the instrumental part.
C. Musical accompaniment is required.
D. A full band must sing the song.

3. Why is Mindanao music different from Luzon and Visayas folksongs?

A. Because the Spaniards were not able to penetrate Mindanao during their era.
B. Because Mindanao has a different set of instruments for their songs
C. Because most recording companies are situated in Luzon and Visayas.
D. Because their way of life is different.

4. Aside from rituals, which of the following is the other purpose of Islamic music?
A. sports C. entertainment
B. education D. birthdays

5. The paggabang are songs accompanied by a gabbang and byula. These songs are also
said to be less serious in nature. What Islamic music tradition speaks of these practices?
A. The melismatic style of singing.
B. The vocal aspect must overpower the instrument.
C. The delicate patterns of melody and rhythm.
D. Songs for rituals must be sung in acapella while those for entertainment requires a
musical instrument.
6. Why are Vocal parts important to Muslim music?
A. Because it is a form of expression of ideas.
B. Because the singers can do their vocal exhibitions.
C. Because it is like talking to Allah.
D. Because they lack musical instruments.

7. Islamic vocal music requires improvisation. What do you think a singer must do when
A. The singer must always sing the original tune. C. The singer’s voice must be
B. The singer must always rely on the musical piece. D. The singer can also be composer.

8. Which of the following characteristics is present in the vocal music of Islamic Mindanao?
A. the use of tremolo in singing. C. a fixed ending for songs.
B. the time signature. D. the observance of the instrumental accompaniment

9. What do you mean by Tausug?

A. Moro people C. People of Mindanao
B. Muslim people D. People of the current

10. The music of Mindanao has not changed for a very long time. What character traits
does this show?
A. The people of Mindanao are not open for changes.
B. The people of Mindanao are only patronizing what is from them.
C. The people of Mindanao value their culture and tradition.
D. The people of Mindanao are not open-minded people.

11. What kind of song is the pangantin?

A. funeral C. baptism
B. birthday D. wedding

12. Which of the following songs can be accompanied by a musical instrument?

A. Lugu C. langkit
B. pangantin D. baat
13. Which of the following is usually done by women in Mindanao?
A. Lugu C. baat
B. langan batabata D. sindil

14. Which of the following terms is used for epic legends?

A. Baat C. pangantin
B. kissa D. sindil

15. Which of the following songs is characterized by high vocal tension, slow tempo long
and sustained notes and melismatic and tremolo singing.
A. Pangantin C. langkit
B. kissa D. lugu

Test- II Enumeration
1-2. Give at least 2 examples of Vocal Music in Luzon.
3-4. Give at least 2 examples of Vocal Music in Visayas.
5. Give one example of Vocal Music in Mindanao.

Parents’ Signature:__________________ Students’ Signature:____________________

MAPEH VII (MUSIC) (3rd Quarter)
Written work No.1
Answers Key
Test I
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. D

Test II

Luzon vocal music: Visayas vocal music: Mindanao vocal music:

1. Rosas Pandan 1. Paru-Parung Bukid 1. Kissa

2. Dandansoy 2. Magtanim Ay di Biro 2. Langan Batabata

3. Condansoy 3. Bahay Kubo 3. Sindil

4. Matud nila 4. Leron-Leron Sinta 4. Luguh

MAPEH VII (HEALTH) (3rd Quarter)
Written work No.1
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on your notebook.

1. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also determine how we handle stress, relate to
others, and make choices
A. Mental health C. Emotional health
B. Eustress D. Distress

2. Which of the following best describes eustress?

A. Arguing with siblings C. Getting high grades
B. Losing loved ones D. Having separated parents

3. It refers to the things that make a person stressed.

A. Stress C. Distress
B. Eustress D. Stressor

4. It is defined as the physiological and emotional responses to a significant or unexpected

change or disruption in one’s life.
A. Stress C. Distress
B. Eustress D. Stressor

5. If you woke late for work, feeling angry and disappointment you are having a kind of
stress called.
A. Stress C. Distress
B. Eustress D. Stressor

6. What do you call the dimension of health that deals with a person’s thoughts and
A. Physical dimension C. Emotional dimension
B. Mental dimension D. Social dimension
7. What do you call the physical and emotional response to a sad and unexpected situation
due to some experiences?
A. Anxiety C. Grief
B. Stress D. Love

8. Any situation that may cause stress to a person is called?

A. Love C. Distress
B. Stressor D. Eustress

9. Which of the following is considered stressful?

A. Losing your money C. Attending a party
B. Going to a new place D. Witnessing a tribal dance

10. If you feel happy when you got an outstanding grade in the exam after long hours of
review, what kind of response is that?
A. Eustress C. Distress
B. Anxiety D. Stress

Test II-
Directions: Read the following situations. Draw a smiling face if you consider it as a source of
eustress and a sad face if it causes distress.

_____1. Choosing a gift for a friend _____ 6. Losing your money

_____2. Arguing with a classmate _____ 7. Getting a birthday surprise
_____3. Going to a new place _____ 8. Attending a party
_____4. Having a new born sibling _____ 9. Witnessing a tribal dance
_____5. Getting a failing mark _____ 10. Watching a traditional play.

Parents’ Signature:__________________ Students’ Signature:____________________

MAPEH VII (HEALTH) (3rd Quarter)
Written work No.1

Answers key

Test I

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. B

8. B

9. A

10. A

Test II

1. 8.

2. 9.

3. 10.





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