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Mainit, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines


This Research Paper is submitted to:

Ms. Honey C. Salino

Subject teacher in Research

Grade-10 (ESEP) Humility

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Research subject


Ceferino John V. Lomongo

Loremie O. Cabalan

Joshua C. Lopez

Neil Melton M. Albiva

S.Y. 2019-2020
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students


First and foremost, we would like to thank our Lord in heaven whose guidance and

wisdom was granted to us throughout the process of making the study. May through this

work we may give him back all the glory he deserves.

We would also like to show and express our never ending love and gratitude to our

supportive parents who gave us financial and moral support that we needed on creating this

project in order to have a successful study and final output. And we are also very thankful for

allowing us to have extra time on for making this study without any hesitation.

We are also thankful to our friends and other relatives to help us find additional

information and helping us on finding interviewees that is very crucial on this type of

study.To all that we interviewed, thank you very much for your time and patience that you

have given to us. Thank you also for sharing your experiences and fragments of your

memories that really helps on working this study.

And last but not least, thank you to our ever supportive research adviser, Ms. Honey

C. Salino, for her guidance and abundant knowledge on this kind of field. Thank you also for

your beneficial critiques that helps us to aim perfection in this study.

Truly, words are not enough to express our gratitude for those who contributed a lot in

order to make this a successful one. May God bless you with infinite blessings!

-The Researchers
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students






Background of the Study 1

Significance of the Study 2
Review of Related Literature 3
Philosophical Underpinning of the Study 4
Research/Exploratory Questions 5

Research Design 6
Sampling and Informant Selection 6
Instruments 7
Biodata/profile of the informants 8-12
Transcripts of interviews 13-25


Summary of findings 26
Conclusion 27-28
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Indigenous education in the Philippines has been a recent phenomenon, starting in

the past decade. Legislation supporting indigenous peoples rights as well as giving

legitimacy to establishing indigenous schools were only authored in the past 8 years.

According to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO, 2003).’Local and indigenous knowledge’ refers to the cumulative and

complex bodies of knowledge.

Before, indigenous people especially their children are prohibited to pursue

education due to their tradition. According to Jener Murillo (2016) at first, we were not

allowed by our elders to go to school as it would discourage our tradition. Many

indigenous tribe have long rejected education considering it as a negative influence on

their customs resulting to a poor quality education of their people. Indigenous people also

known as first people are ethnic groups that first inhabited to a specific location or place.

But now indigenous people are free to acquire education on school after the late President

Fidel V. Ramos Signed the Republic Act No. 8371 Indigenous people’s Rights Act of

1997 (Wikipedia).

Although indigenous people are well protected by the government they are still

notsafe on discrimination due to their race, culture, and behavior. According to Katie Dupere

(2016) Indigenous students will most likely face Institutionalized racism, estrangement,

bullying and cultural shock. According to Lolita Tabugol (2017) before we’ve been educated

people downtown teased and discriminates us, until now we are still
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

discriminated in the community as well as in the campus. Hence, the goal of this study is

to discover and learn more about the concern and aftermath of the indigenous students in

their school and how they face it as a student and a member of their school.

Significance of the Study

The data obtained from this study helped for the exploration of the experiences of

indigenous students in 2 high schools in the municipality of Mainit, Surigao Del Norte, the

Mainit National High School and the San Nicolas Academy. This study aims to learn more

about the indigenous student’s perspectives and what are the common problems they face in

their schools by sharing their experiences and stories.

The findings of this study will redound to the benefit for the awareness of the lives of

indigenous students in their perspective schools. This will give some knowledge about the

viewpoint of some indigenous students on what they feel and how they take action on certain

issues regarding their studies and culture. The findings of this study will also help on leading

a better understanding on how to approach the indigenous students and giving them

assistance and protection against certain issues like racism and estrangement.

This will be significant to school workers, advisers, and guidance councelors on

providing a better emotional support. This can also help the youth to understand more about

the side of indigenous people and how to encourage them to be one with the social circle of

their school or even in the community. Thus, the goal of this is to provide a better learning

environment to those indigenous students as well as to have a better overview of their

everyday lives.
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Review of Related Literature

As what the Episcopal Commission on Indigenous People stated (2015) School is a

venue of discrimination. Until today, discrimination is considered as one of the many

traumatic experiences an indigenous individual can have, with the school being the venue of

such big problem. Reports against bullying from students and school personnel are also

present, according to Nicolas Biddle and Naomi Priest (2014) Indigenous students skips

school to avoid bullying and racism.

A survey of secondary students in 4 states discovered 80% of students from Non-

Anglo backgrounds and with migrant and refugee backgrounds reported that they’ve been

experiencing racial discrimination in their lives. Many of the students of the students also

reported experiencing of racism occurred at school. More data are also present in Australia

tackling about the experiences of racial discrimination that shows 14% of the students aged

14 years were reported by their guardians to have been bullied and experiencing unfair

treatment due to their indigenous status (Nicolas Biddle and Naomi Priest, 2014).

Another recently articulated dimension of discrimination relates to other problems in

school life. Requirement of school uniforms and shoes, things beyond the financial capacity

of an indigenous are also an articulated situation that causes discrimination. Being slow

learners are also a tendency to ignite an issue that causes a huge impact to the Indigenous


In the past decades the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has attempted to

collect inclusive and comparable data about Indigenous disadvantages. A progressive

Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

improvement causes a capacity to collect more data, enabling more comprehensive and

enthralling reports about Indigenous disadvantages. In 1975, the Australian Council for

Educational Research (ACER) conducted the first national survey of literacy and numeracy in

Australia. The survey aims to get an overview of literacy and numeracy in schools, the results

showed a large difference. The findings led to various initiatives intended to reduce the

disparity between Indigenous peoples.

According to Erlinda Montillo-Burton (2011) Discrimination is a common practice in

societies that distinguish between minority and majority groups on the basis of various

characteristics which are generally not acceptable as they may be perceived to be offensive

and/or unpleasant by the group being discriminated against. It’s estimated that about 70% of

the world’s indigenous people are in Asia (IFAD, 2000-2001). Barnes et al (1995) stated in

the book Indigenous Peoples of Asia that the indigenous peoples first came into existence

during the post-colonial Asia where many governments neglected their existence and

distinction. The Philippines has estimated 20% indigenous people and it’s the only Asian

country to have used the term indigenous people (Vinding, 2003, p. 236). Thus, indigenous

people are often defined as antecedent rather than original inhabitants.

Philosophical Underpinnings of the Study

This theoretical outline of the study is selected from Miguel Van der Velden’s (2018)

philosophical ideas of the world’s many indigenous communities. Miguel van der Velden

mentioned that many indigenous people are scared that speaking of indigeneity as a global

phenomenon connecting across the world. Even within continents, most indigenous people
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

prefer to identify by the specific tribe or nation to which they belong rather than by their so-

called ‘ethnicity’. We should indeed be proud of our distinct individual cultures, but coming

together and acknowledging our similarities does not harm our individuality. Indigenous

communities represent most of the world’s cultural diversity. There are over three hundred

million indigenous people worldwide, belonging to vastly different cultures with vastly

different languages, customs and beliefs.

One may argue that communities living on opposite sides of the globe who have been

separated by tens of thousands of years of history cannot share worldview, and to an extent

that is certainly right.

When stereotypes and racist confessions are made… It really can make a student feel

unsafe in an environment where they’re supposed to learn and fell safe. The divide is real that

the non-indigenous students are sitting far away or completely separate from other students

(Lonechild, 2018).

Research/Exploratory Questions

The purpose of this phenomenological study is to learn and understand the point of
view of some indigenous students about their problems and lives.

The following were the guide questions used in the study:

1. Do you face any racism in your school? Share an experience.

2. What are the challenges you face every day as an indigent student?

3. As an indigent student, is it hard for you to make friends? Why?

4. Does being an indigent student affect your studies? Why?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an indigent?

Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

6. How does being an indigent affect the relationship between you and the people around?

Chapter 2
Research Design
In this study, the researchers used a type of qualitative research called as

phenomenological research design. Phenomenological Research is a study that focuses on the

study on a single person’s lived experiences on a fragment of his/her personal life. This is the

best study to use in this situation because it is the most appropriate above all on finding our

desired answers for this study. This type of research can also help us to learn more and dig

deep about the lives and personal experiences of our chosen interviewee to gain more

information that we can utilize for a better understanding and output.

Sampling and Informant Selection

The chosen informants of this study were carefully picked in order to guarantee a

great and high quality data. The informants carefully and openly shared their life experiences

regarding their problems and concerns as an indigent student. Their point of view, culture,

mannerism, explanations, and traditions provided great information for the creation of this

study. Informant is an individual that can give information as a witness on a specific

discussion or topic. Choosing a good informant is crucial and important because they can

express their thoughts, feelings and opinions which are essential on this type of study.

The criteria for choosing informants are students that are born or raced as an

indigenous and are current students to their chosen school. Note that indigenous people who

are students in the past were not chosen for we are focusing on present experiences. The
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

informants that have been picked were ensured that they meet the criteria of selection. Formal

and proper invitation and asking to the informants before interviews were also conducted for

this study due to the fact we are tackling a personal and intimate discussion regarding lives.


Sources and information of data in this study utilized verbal information harvested on

the interview that has been conducted. Software documents were also used in this study for

more and wider understanding for this specific study. Most documents used in this study

were gathered and collected via internet and books. Videos and documentaries were also used

in this study as well as books and papers with topics that are similar to this study. Lastly,

devices and gadgets like cellphones, laptop, USB’s, etc. were utilized in this study for

interviews and writing process.

Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Biodata/personal information of the informants


Name: Vanessa A. Mayag Religion: Christian

Address: San Jose, Mainit, Surigao Del Norte Age: 18
Civil Status: Single Weight: 39kg
Citizenship: Filipino Height: 150 cm
Place of Birth: Bobonaon, Mainit Surigao Del Norte Sex: female
Date of Birth: June 02, 2001
Name of Father: Carlo B. Biog (Stepfather)
Name of Mother: Rebecca A. Mayag
Languages or Dialects Spoken: Mamanwa and Bisaya

Elementary: Paco Elementary School Year Graduated: 2016
High School: Mainit National High School Year Graduated: Present

Special Skills: Cooking

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, and Story telling
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students


Name: Daisy H. Macopahon Religion:Roman Catholic

Address: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao del Norte Age: 13
Civil Status: Single Weight:
Citizenship: Filipino Height:
Place of Birth: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao del Norte Sex: female
Date of Birth: February 06, 2006
Name of Father: Erlindo A. Macopahon
Name of Mother: Enriqueta H. Macopahon
Languages or Dialects Spoken: Mamanwa and Bisaya

Elementary: Cantugas Elementary School Year Graduated: 2018
High School: San Nicolas Academy Year Graduated: Present

Special Skills: Singing and dancing

Hobbies: Playing Volleyball
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students


Name: Jocil H. Macopahon Religion: Christian

Address: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao Del Norte Age: 17
Civil Status: Single Weight: 54
Citizenship: Filipino Height:
Place of Birth: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao Del Norte Sex: female
Date of Birth: February 04, 2002
Name of Father: Erlindo A. Macopahon
Name of Mother: Enriqueta H. Macopahon
Languages or Dialects Spoken: Mamanwa and bisaya

Elementary: Cantugas Elementary School Year Graduated: 2016
High School: San Nicolas Academy Year Graduated: Present

Special Skills: Dancing

Hobbies: Playing Volleyball
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students


Name: Roseanne G. Fernandez Religion:Roman Catholic

Address: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao Del Norte Age: 15
Civil Status: Single Weight:
Citizenship: Filipino Height:
Place of Birth: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao Del Norte Sex: female
Date of Birth: May 23, 2004
Name of Father: Robin B. Fernandez
Name of Mother: Conchita G. Fernandez
Languages or Dialects Spoken: Mamanwa and bisaya

Elementary: Cantugas Elementary School Year Graduated: 2018
High School: San Nicolas Academy Year Graduated: Present

Special Skills: Singing

Hobbies: Reading and cooking
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students


Name: Khean A. Yubos Religion: Catholic

Address: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao del Norte Age: 14
Civil Status: Single Weight:
Citizenship: Filipino Height:
Place of Birth: Cantugas, Mainit, Surigao del Norte Sex: male
Date of Birth: January 27, 2006
Name of Father: Marcelo C. Yubos
Name of Mother: Roselyn A. Yubos
Languages or Dialects Spoken: Mamanwa and Bisaya

Elementary: Cantugas Elementary School Year Graduated: 2017
High School: San Nicolas Academy Year Graduated: Present

Special Skills: Dancing and Singing

Hobbies: Basketball and badminton
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Transcripts of interviews

Informant no. 1(11)

Interviewer Good afternoon, so unsa gani imo name nimo?

I1 Vanessa Mayag.

Interviewer Asa man kaw naka puyo?

I1 Sa Paco.

Interviewer Pwede kami mag question sa imo?

I1 (nods) Yes.

Interviewer Amo pinakauna na question is “Do you face any racism in your

I1 Umm… sometimes. Kanang word na “kongking” kanang ingaana so

sometimes kanang kuan kay para sa amo kay it means kaning kuan
usaka ka “animal” or kaning ingon nila nga uno pa kanang “monkey”
ingana.Tapos kay lahi kag color and usually sa amo tribe kay naa sa
bukid naka puyo so mao na nga kanang ingana ang tawag sa uban tribu
specially na sa ijo.

Interviewer So unsaon man nimo na pag face na problem?

I1 Dapat gajud naa kay jaun mo humble lang gajud ka, kanang dapat
gyud strong ka.

Interviewer Umay formal namo malaong namo sa imo?

I1 Ang tawag sa amo tribe kay “Mamanwa”

Interviewer So amo second question sa imo is What are the challenges you face
everyday as an indigenous student?

I1 Jaon iban student na dili makisama sa imo kay lahi kaw, kay dili kaw
parihas sa ila ug color di ka parihas sa ila ug buhok so murag mo
avoid sila sa imo and then kanang kuan jaon small kayo ang
paglantaw nila sa imoha, sometimes dili ka nila kuanon…. ifriend.
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Interviewer So sa imo mga classmate diri kuman okay ra sila sa imo?

I1 Diria okay ra kaayo sila.

Interviewer Next question namo is… it hard for you to make friends?

I1 Oo. Kay maskin ikaw gusto nimo makigfriend ang iban mo layo sa
imoha, so hard kaayo.

Interviewer What are the advantages and disadvantages as an indigenous student?

I1 Ang weakness namo siguro kay kuan kanang dili gani ka nila itreat ka
na tao, kanang magpataka ra sila og sulti sa amo na maka discriminate
so dali ra to maka break sa amo heart so maskin sa ako tagtrabahoan
as a working student so dili lang sila kabalo na sa dihang mo sulti sila
wala sila kabalo na naghilak na baja ako. And then kuan, siguro jaon
tun sa tawo mahimo ka kusgan depende sa imo problema. Depende ra
sab ton kung magpadala ka sa ila discrimination, dapat jud be

Interviewer Umay imo advantages na maka laong kaw mas angat kaw sa iban?

I1 Umm…siguro sa amoa advantage namo kanang sanay kami mamuhay

sa bukid kay kasagaran kay kabalo kami mo survive maskin walay
amo bugas og mag himo ng indigenous na butang example kay kanang
luwag kay sa amoa gani kanang pinaka center sa lukay pwede ra ka
mag utod o hiwaon and then maski sa bukid kabayo kami magdakop
ug animals na amo makaon. Pariha anang gitawag nila na “batingaw.”

Interviewer Lisod sab tun sila dakpon?

I1 Oo. Lisod siya dakpon kay rare rakan man gyud tun sila.

Interviewer (Amazed) aww okay. So unsa man sab ang makalaong sa imo Mama
ug Papa na nagskwela ka? Inyo parents ba ang ga push sa inyo na

I1 Kuan, sa amo kuman na generation ang amo ginikanan ang ga push sa

amo na muskwela kaya adtong nine-years-old na ako naka grade one
kay adtong bata pa ako mahadlok ako muskwela kay surahon man
gyud ako.

Interviewer As a student, jaon sab time na ang mga school personnels or teachers
tag tagdiscriminate ka or lain ila pag lantanaw sa imo?
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

I1 Oo. Sa teacher naka try ako, taglangan ako na “maskin lamang kaw sa
class nijo mas palabihon gyud tung anak sa kuan na imo classmate na
capitan or something kay basin maulawan daw sila.”

Interviewer Naka experience pa giapon kaw ana kuman sa imo present school?

I1 Gamay rakan kay friendly man ang mga tawo diri.

Interviewer Until now maka feel gihapon ka ug boundary between sa imo ug iban

I1 (nods) Oo. Maka feel gihapon na naay boundary between nako ug sa


Interviewer As an indigenous student what is your main problem?

I1 Kanang unfairness sa pagtagad sa amo. Sometimes sab dili kaw nila


Interviewer So how does being an indigenous affect the relationship between you
and the people around you?

I1 Kanang walay strong ug close na relationship ug walay maayo na

relasyon kay murag naay division kay tungod sa atoang lahi-lahi na
pagtanaw sa matagusa. So wala gayud ma build na relationship kung
dili kita magtinagdanay.

Interviewer Unsa man imo malaong sa mga tao as a voice to your people?

I1 Acceptance sa amoa tribe. Kay nagtry gyud ako na makisabay kung

unsay nakita nako na maayo kay kabalo ako na makabenefit tun sa amo
tribe. Tapos unsa na color og lahi dapat equal kita kay ang ako na learn
as Christian kay we are all equal sa iya love ugsa dili dapat kita
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Informant no. 2 (I2)

Interviewer Good Afternoon so unsa gani name nimo?

I2 Jocil Macopahon

Interviewer Ang amo first question is “Do you face any racism in your school?

I2 Oo, pero panagsa ra pero di sad laong na tanan, di sad ingon na pirme
panagsa ra.

Interviewer So uno may kasagaran ilait sa imo te?

I2 Ining “kongking” pero panagsa ra sad muingon ug itom, dili an ingon

nga always mi nga ingnon mi nga itom. Ang amo ra gajug ikakuan sa
iban tawo…lait sa amo ingon ming kongking. Sakit man gud sa amo
buot na ingnon ming kongking man gud kay naa raman gud na sa

Interviewer Aw, so uno may kilay anan sa tribu sanan sa kongking te?

I2 Ang kongking naa ra man gud na sa bukid. Di man gud na sila manaog
sa ubos kay tagaw man gud na sila.

Interviewer Kuan ang next question namo is uno may ijo adlaw-adlaw nijo na mga
problema as an indigent student?

I2 Sa pagskwela namo sa amo pagkaon maglisod kon magting-uwan. Di

makapanguwarta ang among papa.

Inteviewer Umay kasagaran na panginabuhi sa ijo papa.

I2 About sa kanang bukid, bukid tapos mao ra mag kuan sa mga lubi `
kanang copras.

Inteviewer So kung as an indigenous student uno man ka hard sa imo, uno ka

lisod sa imo maghimo ng friend, lisod ba sa imo or dili?
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

I2 Lisod pero experience nimo na murag masipog ko pero kung di ko ma

ulaw di man lisod sa ako.

Interviewer So mga experiences nimo na murag masipog kaw tungod sa imo mga
di kaw makahimo ug friends. Para sa imo jaoy boundary nijo maka
feel kaw nan boundary?

I2 Oo, sama sa kanang sa uban tawo masipog mi makipag close. Ma happy

ra pag unhan.

Interviewer So as an indigenous student, nakaaffect ba sa imong pagtuon na usa ka

ka indigenous student?

I2 Dili kay kasagaran sa amo kay naa naman guy nakahuman og skwela,
naay teacher, naay may makatabang sa amo. Makabalo na mi unsaon
pagkuan nga di nami maglisod.

Interviewer So umay mga lang on nato imo advantage og disadvantage as an

Indigenous students? Umay mas lamang kaw kaysa sa iban mga student
bilang sa ka indigenous student?

I2 Kanang pagkuan pagtarong sa eskwela

Interviewer Dedication kibali?

I2 Oo.

Interviewer Umay disadvantage nimo as indigenous student sa skwelahan?

I2 Simple ra, mubo ra

Interviewer So uno may maka um… makaapekto ba sa imoha lang on na imo as

indigenous student makaapekto ba sa imo ang relasyon nimo sa ijo
sa isa ka tawo sa imo classmate makaapekto ba as indigenous student?

I2 Oo kung sobra na. Sobra na pangbully, masuko man gajud mi ana.

Ingnon mig Kongking. Okay ra man sa amo kung ingnon ming
mamanwa as in okay ra amo, pero kung sama anang ingnon ming
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

konking, sakit man na sa amoa. Musukol na gajud mi ana kay dili man
mi ingana. Dili na mao tawag sa amo.

Interviewer Uno may ma…uno may imo mashare or malaong nimo sa tawo bahin
sa imo life as indigenous student sa ijo skwelahan?

I2 Sa amo skwelahan? Ako ra lamang maisulti tana nga sa tanan studyante

diri tana dili sila mambully kay ang pagbully sa amo kay sakit para sa
amo kay pareha ra tanan tawo ug pareha ra sab tanan nga may
communikasyon sa uban, dapat sad na magrespeto pud sila kun unsay
ila nakita o unsa ilang nakat unan respeto lang ba.

Interviewer So mao ra to ha Thankyou karajaw.

Informant no. 3 (I3)

Interviewer Ummm…ah Good afternoon tuod, so uno gani imo name?

I3 Daisy Macopahon

Interviewer Unoy nay imo grade?

I3 Grade 8

Interviewer Ahh., so ang mga question namo is about sa imo mga issues and
concerns of indigenous student in your school so ang pinaka una namo
na question is na lait na ba kaw sa lain mga tawo? Do you face any
racism in your school?

I3 Hm..panagsa kang kintahay naay kasuko namo murag nalain mi sa ila

Interviewer di kaw tawag-tawagon na lain na mga words?

I3 dili

Interviewer Uno may kasagaran i lait sa ijo?

I3 Usahay makabati mi nga mamanwa, mga kongking mga ing-ana busa

malain kami sa ila.
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Interviewer Unsaon man ninyo kibali para dili kamo masakitan?

I3 Mo kuan rakan kami… magpaubos rakan kami.

Inteviewer So what are the challenges you face everyday as an indigenous student?

I3 Ano amo kasagaran problema kay walay ika plite panagsa uyan, tapos
usahay ma late kami kay walay masakyan, tapos usahay maapsan kami
ng uyan busa malate kami.

Interviewer Unsaon man kibali inyo buhaton kung kibali mo ulan para lamang
maka skwela?

I3 Magdala rakan kami ng extra na baro tapos mag-ilis ra kami sa


Interviewer As an indigent student, is hard for you to make friends?

I3 Dili kay makig amigo man sab sila.

Interviewer What are your advantages and disadvantages as an indigenous student?

I3 Oo (smiled). Kay dili man sila kasabot sa amo estoryahan.

Interviewer What are your weaknesss?

I3 Wala man karajaw

Interviewer How does being an indigent affect the relationship between you and the
people around you?

I3 Dili man sab makaapekto sa ako.

Interviewer Dili sab kaw lait-laiton?

I3 Oo kay pagsa makadungog ako sa mga estorya, tapos malain sab kami
sa ila.
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Interviewer Libak-libakon sab ka nila?

I3 Oo, panagsa masuko sila sa amo kay lainan sila sa amo busa malain sab
sa ila kay makabati na kami nan dili amo.

Interviewer So uman ang maikalaong nimo sa mga tao sa inyo skwelahan.

I3 Makalaong gyud nako na dapat dili sila mag-ingana kay pareha raman
kita tawo. Tana na dili sila magtamay-tamay sa amo, ingonon kami na
“kongking” para masuko mi, tana dili mag-ingon ug lain estorya kay
malain man kami ana.

Interviewer So mao ra to Thank you kaayo sa time.

Informant no. 4 (I4)

Interviewer Good Afternoon(smiles), pwede kami mag interview sa imo?

I4 Oo. Okay ra.

Interviewer So what is your name again?

I4 Umm… Roseanne Fernandez.

Interviewer So… “Do you face racism in your school?”

I4 Oo gyud! specially sa una adtong grade 7 pami kay tawag-tawagon ako

Nila nan bisan unsa na makasakit sa ako. Until kuman sab pa ig-igon
gihapon ako nila pero lahi ra gyud to sa una.

Interviewer Unsa man sab ang ila i-estorya sa imo?

I4 Ang usually nila i-estorya sa amo kay “kongking”tapos laiton sab kami
nila na “itom” or “kulot” kay tungod sa amo itsura.

Interviewer Masakitan sab kamo? Unsaon man sab ninyo paghandle kana na
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

I4 Oo. Masakitan gyud kami, samot na kung sobra na ila pag bully sa amo.
maskin na joke ra para sa ila pero sakit na amo baja adto.

Interviewer Umm… “What are the challenges you face every day as an indigenous

I4 Challenges? Hmmm…(thinking). Kuan kanang masipog ako sa uban

nako na classmate ug sa iban na students. Kana sab bullying kay
mahitabo sa ako. Tapos kanang problema sa kwarta (laughs). Kana sab
lisod muskwela kay mayaot ang panahon.

Interviewer Makaanhi sad kamo sa inyo skwelahan kung ulan?

I4 Panagsa. Pero naa sab time na dili gyud.

Interviewer Is it hard for you to make friends?

I4 Oo. Samot na adtong sa una pa kay tungod tingali na masipog kami sa ila
ug mahadlok kami na dili kami nila dawaton or dili sila ganahan sa amo,
tapos basin kataw-an ra kami nila.

Interviewer Ingana gihapon imo paglantaw until kuman?

I4 Panagsa, pero kuman mutry na ako makipag-amigo sa iban.

Interviewer Good for you(smiles).

I4 Hahahaha!!! Thank you.

Interviewer So next kay… “What are the advantages and disadvantages as an

Indigenous student?”

I4 Para sa ako ang ako advantage kay abtik ako manginabuhi tungod tingali
kay kinahanglanon gyud namo para maka-kwarta kami tapos kahibayo sab
ako mag tanom nan lahi-lahi na gulay. Ang ako disadvanges siguro kay
ang ako pagkamasipogon kana ra tingali.

Interviewer Thank you. So next question is “How does being an indigenous affects the
relationship between you and the people around you?”
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

I4 Unsa gani toh?

Interviewer Kibali maka-apekto ba ang imong pagka indigenous sa relasyon nimo sa

uban tawo?

I4 Oo. Kay tingali masipog ako sa ila or dili sila ganahan makig close sa ako
kay tungod indigent lagi ko, pero naa man sab willing makig amigo sa ako
busa ma happy ako so makalaong gyud ko na makaapekto gyud ang ako
pagka indigent sa relasyon nako sa uban.

Interviewer Unsa man ang imo makalaong sa ila?

I4 Ang ako malaong?

Interviewer Oo.

I4 Ang ako ra tingali makalaong sa ila kay tana na sabton kami nila tapos tana
dili sila mag estorya-estorya nan makalain sa amo kay wala man sab kami
nanhilabot sa ila. Tapos tana ang amo friendship kay dili mag matter sa ako

Interviewer So mao ra adto, thank you karajaw haa(smiles.)

I4 No problem(laughs.)

Informant No. 5 (I5)

Interviewer Good Afternoon…. Ay! Good Evening na baja hahaha!!!

I5 Hahaha! Good Evening sab.

Interviewer Unsa imo name?

I5 Khean Yubos.

Interviewer Ang amo first question kay “Do you face racism in your school?”

I5 Oo.
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Interviewer Pwede nimo ishare?

I5 Adtong ila ako taglangan na unggoy tapos “kongking.”

Interviewer Na unsa man kaw adto?

I5 Nalain ako tapos nasuko pero waya may ako mahimo lisod sab makigaway
ako sa ila.

Interviewer Unsaon man sab tun nimo paghandle na problema?

I5 Kanang magpugong rakan di makahimo nan away, pero usahay makig away
na ako kay sobra na sila.

Interviewer So next is… “What are the challenges you face every day as an indigenous

I5 Unsa na challenges?

Interviewer Kanang something na makahatag ug bug-at sa imo adlaw-adlaw as a


I5 Kanang mga lections nila ma’am sa skwelahan tapos kana sab pa ig-igon nan
iban studyante. Challenge pud sa amo panagsa ang kanang wayay kwarta.

Interviewer Mag-unsa man sab kaw para masolba nimo kanang mga challenges nimo?

I5 Sa pagskwela kay… magtarong ra gyud. Usahay sab muabsent ako kay

muiban ra kay Papa para manginabuhi sa bukid para makakwarta.

Interviewer Unsa man sab inyo panginabuhi sa bukid?

I5 Panagsa muadto kami sa bukid para mag kuha ug dugos(honey), Usahay

Magpasuhol kami pareha anang pagkopras.

Interviewer Lisod sab magkuha nan dugos(honey)?

I5 Oo kay dilikado man gyud mabangaan ana tapos lisod maghanap.

Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Interviewer Aww… okay. So is it hard for you make friends?

I5 Usahay, kay kanang itaboy ako nila kay lahi ako, tapos bago ila pananaw
nila sa ako. Usahay sab kay kanang feeling nako dili sila gusto na muduol
ako sa ila kay mulaong man tun sila na “Nay jaon na sab ang mamanwa.”

Interviewer Amo… unsa man imo buhaton?

I5 Wala. Dili rakan ako muduol sab.

Interviewer Ka sad sab ana

I5 (nods sadly.)

Interviewer What are your Advantages as an indigenous student?

I5 Unsa na advantages?

Interviewer Kanang strong point nimo or kusog nimo na makalahi nimo sa lain tawo.

I5 Awww… Kana sigurong ako pagka hardworking nako sa pagskwela ug

panginabuhi para makakwarta.

Interviewer Imo disadvantages?

I5 Umm… siguro ang akong pagkadali masuko busa ila ako ibully perminte.

Interviewer As an indigent student naka experience ba kaw na idiscriminate nan imo

teachers or other school personnels in your campus?

I5 Oo. Pero wala sila kabalo, kibali kanang magstorya sila sa ako pero waya sila
kabalo nalain na diay ako sa ilang tagpangsulti sa ako.

Interviewer Last question, “How does being an indigenous affects the relationship
between and the people around you?”
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

I5 Panagsa dako ang apekto kay ila man ibasi ang ako pagka “mamanwa”
kung ila ba ako amiguhon. Tapos ila ako gara-garaan kay tungod ingani ra

Interviewer Pero naa man guro imo mga amigo?

I5 Naa man.

Interviewer Dawbi unsa man ang imo mailaong?

I5 Tana na mabago na ini na problema tapos di tana magbase sa unsa kaw ug

uno kaw pag-abot sa pag-amigo kay pare-pareha raman sab kita diri sa
kalibutan. Mao ra adto.

Interviewer Thank you kaayo Khean haa.

I5 Okay ra.
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Chapter 3


Summary of Findings

According to the respondents on question no. 1 most of them did suffer racism.

Informant no. 1 mentioned that “sometimes I was called as “kongking” which means an

animal or monkey. “Uhmm… yes!, pero panagsa ra.” informant no.2 said. “Hmm,

panagsa”,short response of informant no. 3. “Oo, gud! Especially adtong grade 7 pa ako

tawag-tawagon nila ako nan bisan unsa.” Claimed by informant no. 4. Based on informant no.

5 she said “adtong taglang-an ko na unggoy.

In question no. 2, informant no. 1 said she was bullied because of having different

color of skin and hair. According to the statement of informant 2, 3 and 4 they faced the

challenge of how hard to find something to eat and livelihood as well as traveling to school

during bad weather. Informant no. 4 also said she did face the challenges as same as

informant 1, 2 and 3 did. Informant no. 4 said that she had faced difficulty in having friends.

Also informant no. 5 stated that she did face not having any money.

In question no. 3 all of them immediately replied yes!

In question no. 4, Informant no.1 and 4 both said that their advantages are their

knowledge in livelihood and survival as well as great knowledge about the forest. And

disadvantage of informant no. 1 said “Ang disadvantage siguro nako kay dili ka nila e treat na

tao ka “. The disadvantage of Informant no. 4 is her shyness. Informant no. 2 said that her

advantage is hard working and her disadvantage is that she is being bullied. Informant no. 3

said that her advantage is knowing a dialect that other people don’t know and her
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

disadvantage is being backstab. Informant no.4 said that her advantage is her ability of having

money on her own and her disadvantage is her bashfulness.

In question no.5 the informants have various replies. Informant no.1 said “kanang

walay strong og close na relationship og walay mayo na relasyon kay murag naay division

kay tungod sa lahi-lahi na pag tan-aw sa matag usa”. Informant no. 2 also said “Oo sobra na.

Sobra na pang bully, masuko man gajud mi ana”. Informant no. 4 mentioned “Oo, kay tingali

masipog ako saila”. And informant no. 5 shortly replied “Oo kay mamanwa man ako”.


Some of the indigent student that we interviewed was facing painful incident such as

bullying, poverty, and lack of self-confidence. Some of them said that “murag feeling nimo

na di ka human”. There were judged and treated like an animal. Although laws are there to

protect them from any kind of harm, but it’s not enough. They feel like walls were there

separating them from others causing a serious estrangement between them and the people

around them especially in the community and their respective schools.

The lack of financial support is also a concern for them because most of them can’t go

to school and cover their food for everyday consumption as well as for their transportation.

Most them also have absents due to the fact that they need to earn money by working or

doing livelihood.

Bad weather is also a problem to them for they cannot go to school due to the

strong rains and muddy roads that they need to cross. This problem causes a great threat to

their performance and grades in school especially on their academics, that’s why most of

them sleeps and lives in boarding houses to avoid the hassle of this enigma.
Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

The Enigmas and Concerns of Indigenous students

Therefore, we conclude that being an indigent student is not easy. Facing racism and

discrimination affect their lives and their actions in school especially on their academics.

Discrimination and racism also have a great negative impact to them, and one of those is it’s

hard for them to make friends with the people around them. Lastly, discrimination makes

them upset for it’s not only them that they discriminate but also their tradition, culture, and

their tribe as indigenous people.

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