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1. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

I wish I could have been able to do so. I was born and raised in the countryside, so I had never
seen a movie until I moved to the city in middle school. But actually we have a movie channel on
TV and I often caught a movie when I had some spare time to kill.
2. Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?
Yeah, absolutely. I often go to the movies with my BFFS once we get some leisure time. It's quite
the way for us to unwind and bond with each other. We'll visit the cinema whenever there's a new
blockbuster from Hollywood.We really enjoy the atmosphere of the cinema, you know, the special
effect and soundtrack is really magnificent.
3. Do you still enjoy watching the movies that you loved when you were a child?
Well, to be honest, my taste has changed a lot over years. I think the main reason is that mentally I
am mature enough ... and the movies I watched when I was very little were a bit naive or simple. I
prefer watching something profound or thought-provoking as I grow up.
4. Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?
It really depends. If I'm alone, I prefer catching a movie at home because there's always a lot of
traffic and it's pretty time-consuming to only watch a movie by myself.. what's more, the ticket is a
bit expensive. However, if I'm with friends, I enjoy watching a film in the cinema because I don't
get bored and we can discuss the plot of the movie and do something else after the movie.

Born and raised : be born and bred eg. He's a Parisian born and bred.
catch a movie: to watch a film eg. Let's eat now and maybe we could catch a movie later.
BFF : best friend forever, a way of referring to a person's best friend
eg. I fell in love with my BFF's brother.
unwind: to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work
eg. A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work.
blockbuster: a book or film that is very successful
magnificent: very good, beautiful, or deserving to be admired
profound : showing a clear and deep understanding of serious matters
eg. The review that I read said that it was "a thoughtful and profound film".
thought-provoking: making you think a lot about a subject eg. a thought-provoking book/film
time-consuming: A time-consuming task takes a lot of time to do
eg. Producing a dictionary is a very time-consuming job.
plot: the story of a book, film, play, etc
> Nouns
email account electronic message
commercial correspondence (= business communication)
attachment spam (= junk mail)
cyberspace: an electronic system that allows computer users around the world to communicate with
each other or to access information for any purpose:
> Verbs
send out deliver delete
> Adjectives
web-based prompt speedy virtual
> Idioms
snail mail (= sending letters through the post)
eg: Snail mail is extremely time- consuming
lost in cyberspace (= lost somewhere on the internet)
Sometimes emails get lost in cyberspace
At the push of a button = very easily
With email you can send a message at the push of a button
1. Do you often send emails?
well, honestly speaking, I seldom send emails unless it's necessary, like sending big attachment to
others or submitting my assignments to professor. Apart from that, I almost never send emails
because social app is a good replacement. I use WeChat quite frequently because it almost has every
feature that you can imagine, like texting messages, making phone calls and sending small
documents, to name but a few.
2. When would you send emails to others?
Well, like I said before, in my school session, I send my assignments or essays to my professor on
a regular basis. I sometimes fire off emails to some foreign friends, probably twice a month... It's
because some foreign friends just don't use any social media in China.
3. Is sending emails popular in China?
well, I don't like to generalize, but most people enjoy using social media to contact with each
other. Even a 70-year-old citizen has a WeChat ID. I guess it's a goodreplacement for emails. We
only use emails to turn in our assignments at school or to send a remarkably big file, weighing in at
least 100M (mega-bytes).
4. Do you think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?
I think sending emails will become less popular in the future because social media has stormed
into our private lives. People cannot live without it. The features can meet most of your daily
needs, like making video phone calls, paying water and electricity bills, sending files, you name it.
So it is evident that emails is a bit out of date.

meet the needs: to satisfy the requirements of something

out of date : it's old or not fashionable
Generalize : If you generalize, you say something that seems to be true in most situations or for
most people, but that may not be completely true in all cases.
I don't like to generalize, but...
on a regal basis : quite frequently
fire off emails : compose a message quickly and then send it off immediately
attachment: a computer file that is sent together with an email message
replacement: a person or thing that replaces another
to name but a few: giving only these as examples, even though more could be cited.

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