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Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

Distinguish Text-types According to Purpose and Features

Lesson 1

Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification,
explanation, enumeration and time order (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1).

Writing is done for a number of different purposes and for different audiences.
These different forms of writing are often known as text types. These are written for
a variety of purposes, using different forms and standards of composition. Features
depend on the purpose of the text. Some of it commonly use signal words for better
understanding of the text. Text-type purpose includes enumeration, classification,
time- order and explanation.

Are you familiar with Corona virus or known as COVID-19? Let’s read a
selection about it.

(1)The world’s biggest health crisis of our time
is the rise of corona virus pandemic that not only
threatens people but kill thousands of lives around
the globe. It originates in Wuhan China last 2019 and is
a highly contigious disease that easily spread around
the world. COVID-19 is a virus that looks like a corona
that can easily transferred by humans through sneezing
or coughing. Most people infected with the COVID-19
virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory
illness and recover without requiring special treatment.
Older people and those with underlying medical
problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop
serious illness.
Indeed, Corona virus is a socio economic crisis too that leaves a deep scar in the
economy of the country it touches.
According to an article written by Center by disease control and prevention
Corona viruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. There are four

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

main sub-groupings of corona viruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.
Human corona viruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The three well
known coronaviruses are MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS). Second is SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that
causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS) and the third one SARS-CoV-2
(the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19) which we
are currently facing today.
(2))MERS-CoV is is a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus
(Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, or MERS‐CoV) that was first
identified in Saudi Arabia. The clinical spectrum of MERS-CoV infection ranges from
no symptoms (asymptomatic) or mild respiratory symptoms to severe
acute respiratory disease and death. A typical presentation of MERS-CoV disease is
fever, cough and shortness of breath. Pneumonia is a common finding, but not
always present. Gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhoea, have also been
reported. Severe illness can cause respiratory failure that requires mechanical
ventilation and support in an intensive care unit.
On the other hand SARS-CoV is a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
is a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus called SARS-associated
coronavirus (SARS-CoV). SARS was first reported in Asia. The illness spread to
more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe, and
Asia before the SARS global outbreak of 2003 was contained.
Since 2004, there have not been any known cases of SARS reported anywhere in
the world.
Lastly, the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-
19 is a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the name
given to the 2019 novel coronavirus. COVID-19 is the name given to the disease
associated with the virus. SARS-CoV-2 is a new strain of coronavirus that has not
been previously identified in humans.

(3)After this let’s take a look with the diagram below that shows the time when
did each viruses occur and live thousands of death as it touches the whole world.
The illness spread to more Middle East respiratory syndrome
than two dozen countries in (MERS) is a viral respiratory
North America, South America, disease caused by a novel
Europe, and Asia before the coronavirus (Middle East
SARS global outbreak of 2003 respiratory syndrome coronavirus,
was contained. or MERS‐CoV) that was first
The novel coronavirus detected in identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012.
China in 2019 is closely related
genetically to the SARS-CoV-1

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

These viruses especially COVID-19 pandemic is a serious problem that every

one of us must be involve. But everything will end up well if everyone will
cooperate and follow. Prayer and self-discipline are the best protection to shield us
with this deadly virus we are facing today.

1. What is the paragraph all about?
2. What are the three well known viruses that occur in different year?

3. Who are the people who are prone with COVID-19?

4. What is the best protection from this pandemic today?

5. Identify what kind of text type is the following paragraph?

#1 Explanation
#3 ________________ Time Order
Problem and Solution
#4 _________________

Did you find our activity a little harder? Now let’s have some discussion
about it. In this part you will understand deeper the different kinds of text
type according to its purpose and features.

Text-type According to Meaning and Examples

Purpose and Features
Those who are dieting can talk to a doctor about a plan for
them. Weight loss pills can be taken, if proper precautions
and directions are followed. Individuals who are severely
overweight can talk to a doctor about having surgery to lose
the weight that they need.
In this paragraph the different options of people in losing
their weight. It is identified as:
Classification □ exercise
□ diet
□ weight loss pills
□ surgery

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

Each of it was describe according to their differences and

impact in losing one’s weight.
Focuses on listing facts, characteristics or features.
Signal words include to begin with, secondly, then, most
important, in fact, for example, several, numerous, first,
next finally, also, for instance and in addition.
By using enumeration, writers lay emphasis on certain
ideas to elaborate them further. In fact, enumeration
easily creates an impression on the minds of the readers.
The details and listing make it easy for them to convey the
real message they want to impart. However, if there is no
Enumeration use of enumeration in a text, it might become difficult for
the reader to get the true meanings of ideas.
Example 1: Battle against coronavirus Paragraph #2
In this paragraph the different viruses are listed/enumerated
were in a brief description is given. It also uses signal words.

Example 2: MOON
The moon is our closest neighbor. It’s gravity is only 1/6 of
Earth. In addition, there is no atmosphere on the moon.
The lack of atmosphere also means there is no water on the
moon, an important problem when travelling there.
In this paragraph moon is the main topic. The features
of the moon are listed in it.
Present ideas according to the time which they occurred.
The major supporting details are arranged in sequence order
to when they happened or should happen.
Signal words are first, after, while, during, next, last, later,
Time order finally, then. It is often used in story, historical topics,
directions, procedures or processes.
Example 1: Battle against coronavirus Paragraph #4
In this paragraph the occurrence of the three viruses were
listed down in the chart depending on the year and place
it begins. It is based on the data of World Health
Organization (WHO). You can use flow chart to easily
restate the paragraph and understand it.
Example 2: Cooking Adobo
First prepare all the ingridients needed in cooking chicken
adobo. Then marinate it for 30 minutes. Drain and
reserve marinade. After it fry chicken in oil until golden
brown. Lastly, combine chicken with marinade then
simmer until chicken is tender. Finally add Del Monte
Pineapple tidbits and top with fried garlic. In this

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

paragraph the steps in cooking adobo is listed so the reader

can easily follow the steps. Signa words is important to give
a clue on what will be the next step.
Is a non- fiction text which describes why or how things
happen. Example of explanation text includes:
□ How something occur
□ Why something happened
□ Why things are alike or different
Explanation □ How to solve a problem
Example 1: Battle against coronavirus Paragraph #1
Explains what is Covid-19, how can you be infected by the
virus and who are susceptible with this.
Example 2: Day and Night
As Earth rotates on its axis, around the Sun. the section
facing the sun will be the daylight. The section facing away
the sun will be in darkness, experiencing night. One half of
the Earth is always experiencing day while the other half is
experiencing night. (Source :
This paragraph explains how night and day occurs.
Explains to the reader the cycle of night and day.


Congrats! You have reached this part. Now let’s measure your knowledge how
well did you understand our lesson. Are you ready for this activity? Then if Yes,
Let’s do it! Analyze and identify what kind of text type is the given paragraph
and article below? Write your answer in the blank below.

A. Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory

illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is
caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2).
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild
to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special
treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical
problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and
cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
On the other hand flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses.
Symptoms can be mild to severe. The most common symptoms include: high fever,
runny nose, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, headache, coughing, and feeling
tired. These symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most
last less than a week. The cough, however, may last for more than two weeks. In
children, there may be diarrhea and vomiting, but these are not common in adults.

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

Diarrhoea and vomiting occur more commonly in gastroenteritis, which is an

unrelated disease and sometimes inaccurately referred to as "stomach flu" or the "24-
hour flu". Complications of influenza may include viral pneumonia, secondary
bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and worsening of previous health problems
such as asthma or heart failure.
Because some of the symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are similar, it may be
hard to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone, and testing may be
needed to help confirm a diagnosis. Flu and COVID-19 share many
characteristics, but there are some key differences between the two.
(Source: html)
1. What kind of text type?

B. The World Health Organization (WHO), continuously advice the people to

follow the precautionary measures as a temporary solution to avoid being infected
and one of the spreaders of the disease.
One of this is regular hand washing. This will eliminate the transmission of the
disease. Bringing and using alcohol or hand sanitizer will be a big help too. Second
is wearing a mask is a must. In the so called new normal everyone is encouraged
to wear a face mask or face shield for their own safety and protection. Social
distancing is also strictly implemented in public areas and vehicles. Also, public
gathering is prohibited to avoid the spread of the disease.
Another one is, stay at home especially if there is nothing important to do
outside. If you feel you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing which is one of
the symptoms of Covid-19 immediately report it to the nearest health centre for
monitoring to seek medical attention. Keep away with the people who are sneezing or
coughing. And if you feel the same do not hesitate to cover your mouth or nose with
your elbow or a tissue.
These are the possible solutions as of now while each of as is waiting for the
vaccine. Together let’s have self-discipline this is the key to prevent the spread of the
1. What kind of text type?

C. Timeline of WHO’s response to COVID-19

This timeline supersedes the WHO Rolling Updates and WHO Timeline
statement published in April 2020. It is not intended to be exhaustive and does not
contain details of every event or WHO activity.
As of 29 June 2020, the following milestones and events focused on COVID- 19
have taken place: First, The Director-General and Executive Director of the WHO
Health Emergencies Programme have held 75 media briefings. The Director-
General's opening remarks, transcripts, videos and audio recordings for these media
briefings are available online. Second, there have been 23 Member State Briefings

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

and information sessions.

Third, WHO convenes international expert networks, covering topics such

as clinical management, laboratory and virology, infection prevention and control,
mathematical modelling, servo epidemiology, and research and development for
diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines, which have held frequent
teleconferences, starting in early January. These networks include thousands of
scientists, medical and public health professionals from around the world.

Fourth, EPI-WIN, WHO’s information network for epidemics, has convened 60

technical webinars, making available 287 expert panelists to more than 13,500
participants, from more than 120 countries and territories, with representation
from as many as 460 organizations.

Next, The Open WHO platform has had more than 3.7 million enrolments,
over 80% of which are in COVID-19 courses. Free training is available on 13
different topics translated into 31 languages to support the coronavirus response,
for a total of 100 COVID-19 courses.

On the other hand, WHO’s landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines lists

17 candidate vaccines in clinical evaluation and 132 in preclinical evaluation.

Lastly, The Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Infectious

Hazards (STAG-IH) have met 35 times. STAG-IH provides independent advice and
analysis to the WHO Health Emergencies Programme on the infectious hazards that
may pose a threat to global health security.

1. What kind of text type?

Directions: Read each of the following items carefully and write E on the blank
provided if the text-type used is Explanation and N if it is not.

_____1. Press and hold to select a word, and then drag the selection handle.
_____2. In the nineteenth century, which was dark and inflationary age in typography
and text design, compositors were encouraged to stuff extra space between sentences.
_____3. Magma is found underneath the earth. The lava from volcano comes down
through the valley with tumbling rocks and minerals to a flat land.
_____4. The reason why crystal has different colors is because of its mineral content.
_____5. Crystal grows in different shapes because of their atoms.

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

Directions: Draw a happy face if it is an enumeration text type and a sad face

if it is not. Let’s begin.

1. There are many sources of light. Some are from natural sources and others are from
artificial lights.
2. The coconut tree is called the tree of life. All the parts can be used in many ways from
roots up to its leaves.
3. My first airplane ride was an unforgettable experience for me. My heart beats faster
and I was trembling when the plane was going up.
4. Candles, electric bulbs, flashlights, torches, and lamps are artificial lights. Many
things around us can give us light.
5. Fruits are not only eaten but they can also be used for cleaning materials, fuel, and
decorative materials.

Directions: The whole world is suffering from the Covid-19 virus. Place the events
in the correct time order by writing letters A-E on the blanks.

A. Japan was in a state of emergency over the coronavirus, while the US reached a
hundred thousand deaths, and also Spain with 27,000 deaths which happened from
May 25-31, 2020.

B. From March 23-29, 2020 the US accounted for the highest number of infections in
the world. India and South Africa imposed lockdowns. Kenya, Kazakhstan, and
Honduras reported their first deaths.

C. From April 27 - May 3, 2020, the number of US cases surpassed one million, while
the death toll exceeded 57,000. Afghanistan's health ministry raised the alarm over the
spread of the new coronavirus.

D. From April 13-19, 2020, India and France extended a nationwide lockdown. Taiwan
reported no new cases for more than a month. Turkey surpassed Iran for the most
infections in the Middle East.

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

E. The WHO announced that the disease caused by new coronavirus would be called
"COVID-19". Japan and Taiwan confirmed its first death. Egypt reported a case and
France reported Europe's first death from the virus, from February 10-16, 2020.

Directions: Read the following paragraphs and identify the text type according to
its purpose. Choose the correct answer from the words inside the box. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Classification Explanation Enumeration

Time Order Description

1. Many kinds of crabs are found along the seashore. Among these are the blue crab,
the rock crab, the hermit crab, and the fiddler crab. Crabs that have shed their
hard shells are called soft-shelled crabs. The soft-shelled blue crab is used for
food. _______

2. Granite is a kind of rock that is not easy to break. That is why it is used in
buildings and bridges. It usually comes in gray and pink. Inside this rock are
quartz and mica. The quartz makes the rock glassy. Granite is found in mountains
and hills. ________

3. Taking pictures is a great hobby. The art of doing that is called photography. The
person taking the picture is called the photographer and the image on the paper is
the photograph. ________

4. The group of instruments that produces sound by striking, shaking, or scraping

belongs to the percussion family. Drums, cymbals, xylophone, castanets,
tambourines, triangles, and pianos are all members of the percussion family.

5. One afternoon, after classes, his class adviser gave him an envelope for his
parents. He immediately went home and handed the envelope to his mother.
Hurriedly, his mother opened and then read the letter. ________

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Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

Taal District
L earning A ctivity
Quarter 3 – Week 1-2

Teacher III Principal III

Bringing Unparalleled Legacy of Innovative Educational System

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