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Systems Analysis and Design

Table of Contents
1. POOC Matrix.............................................................................................................................2
1.1 Description........................................................................................................................3
2. Data Flow to Data Warehouse.................................................................................................4
3. Use Case Analysis.....................................................................................................................5
4. Use Case Diagram.....................................................................................................................6
5. Context DFD (Activity Diagram)................................................................................................7
6.1 Description........................................................................................................................7
7.1 Decision Table.......................................................................................................................8

1. POOC Matrix
Problem, Cause/Effect Objective Constraint
Multiple DW team Cause: Specific data bases Human
member and In-synchronization for each department
departments among departments with unique staff ID
and team members
Inconsistency in data
input and in
appropriate data
Excel Sheets are not Causes: A real time sales System and Human
received on time Sales staff is input system will be
inefficient; in place to process
System processing each sales
issues transaction at same
Effect time it occurs
Processing is not
made on time
Excel sheets are Cause: Real time system in Human
populated wrongly Some of the sales place to track all the
data is missing data at sales time
Delays in ELT process
Extracting sales data Cause: DW technical and Human
from flat files Missing sales data non-technical team
invalidated the members are there
extracting data. to ensure the receipt
Effect: of correct data.
Reconciliation of
system sales report
will take time to
initiate the actual ETL
ETL process related Cause: Data warehouse and Human and System
errors Miss match in sales data base are
extracted flat files synchronized to find
data and warehouse differences of actual
data will cause errors warehouse and sales
Effect: data

Delays in data
1.1 Description
In the aforementioned system design there are multiple team members and departments are
involved including DW and divisions. It is more likely to cause in consistency and miss match
among the departments and individuals which will result into inappropriate data. A department
specified data bases will be in place which can be accessed by each member interacting with
system with a unique ID that will create a log file for the data processed by each employee
which will be helpful in phase of reconciliation in case of data correction. It is more likely that
flat files (excel sheets) are not received timely which is more likely in case of inefficient,
untrained and lazy staff. This will result into delayed data processing. This will be tackled
through installing a real time software that will record every sales transaction into backup file at
the time of its origin. Another likely problem which can occur is the wrong input of data into
excel file which may be the reason of staff negligence and therefore will affect the ETL process
for data verification. At time of extraction likeliness of miss matching data is present because of
the fact mentioned above this will end in discarded ETL process and will require updated flat
files which will result into time wasting. Also any missing data will cause and interrupted ETL
due to errors and will affect system’s productivity to provide timely reports.


ata Flow to Data Warehouse

3. Use Case Analysis

Use Case Description Actors

Complete Sales data The Head of sales track for sales data of Head of Sales (HOS)
tracking regions in constituted vicinity.

Retail outlets In this use case the HOS retrieves data for Head of Sales (HOS)
performance evaluating each retail outlet in any regions
for measuring the sales performance.

Sales data The data received by data warehouse (DW) DW Team

comparison team member from sales staff will be
compared with data retrieved from
principal data base (i.e. data warehouse).

Data validation In this case DW team members validate all DW Team

the data gathered from sales staff and
stores to update it into data warehouse.

Employee This case describes the interaction by Area Manager

Performance respective area managers to analyze the
employee performance based on its sales

Commissions to This use case lets the payroll department Payroll Manager
Employees Reports (payroll manager) to interact with the sales
data of employees for disbursing the
commissions earned by each individual.

Generation of Sales In this case any respective individual Multiple (GM, HOS,
Summary authorized to access the system can Area Manager, DW
interact for generation of timely sales Team)
reports. GM marking uses this for analyzing
over all regional trends in sales. Area
managers may use this to benchmark last
year’s / month performance.

4. Use Case Diagram

5. Context DFD (Activity Diagram)

Delivering Excel She ets Wa rehouse
Tea m
De pa rtments SQL Query
Loading Files
Querying newly
Unloaded Files loaded sa les data
Excel Sheets Re Re quest
Exce l Sheets

Agrre d
of DW and
Divisiona l Data
DB Warehouse

Receiving Flat
File s

Divisional Da ta Bas e

Mana ge ment Vendor / Supplie rs

6.1 Description
The above context data flow diagram has a complete activity process including in it. As
mentioned in case study the process starts with delivering excel sheets to each division with a
file contained unique ID. However, it does not as simple as it is. It has certain complexities
during the whole process, mainly the red highlighted text. Data warehouse team after receiving
files from the divisions have no clue about the authenticity of data and therefore has to extract
it through SQL server which in results provide the validity of data. In case of invalid data the DW
team has to send back the issue to the relevant division for furnishing the correct data into
sheets. This whole process does waste substantial time. Also, at times of uploading the files any

inconsistency in data results into system halt and delays which resumes the uploading system
back which is more likely to cause because of staff and system faults. In this case the requested
query will not be completed and therefore will be sent back to DW team to run the query again
and unless not done with great deal of care the query will not run and ETL process will not be
initiated. Noticeably in the data flow to warehouse diagram above has two flat files with the
same names, although from the same division, but for the different brands. Therefore, it is
highlighted that chances are high where sales staff mistakenly includes cross brand figures
which will result into invalid data reports. The validated data finally will be stored into data
bank to be used by management and for the vendors of raw material for stock ordering.

7.1 Decision Table

All Stores variance <1% ≥1%
Single Store (more than 2000 items in stock) Variance <10% ≥10%
Accept √
Reject √

Site Value difference >$2000
Duplicated Data (vendor & POS)* ≥10%
Accept √

Falgged Data**
Above rules do not apply untill flag is removed

*if single average of any store is not above 10% file will be accepted irrespective of absolute average above 1%
**Flag data is the data that includes any occasional error which has not been identified in system design

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