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301 Minor Avenue North #426 Seattle, Washington 98109


21 years experience developing profitable, award-winning products and services 16 years experience managing cross-functional teams across a variety of industries and sectors 8 years experience managing executive teams to improve their productivity and business performance Environmental Impact Reporting work sample: Opportunity Green 2010 Sustainability Report

Sustainability Director | Opportunity Green (Los Angeles, California) Re-built and managed internal sustainability program, with six direct reports and a tactical team of 200. Determined which impacts are monitored, how theyre measured, and how theyre communicated to stakeholders. Trained successor and provided ongoing support during transition.
93% of attendees rate sustainability aspect as a favorite of the conference In 2011 executive management quadrupled the resources allocated to our sustainability program Awarded 2010 Golden Arrow for Overall Excellence in Product Stewardship

Integrated Reporting Manager | Opportunity Green (Los Angeles, California) Developed and implemented a cohesive reporting process for producing an annual sustainability report for the largest B2B multidisciplinary sustainability conference. Developed and managed data pipeline, managed partner data, interpreted all data, supervised layout and copywriting. Used the Global Reporting Initiative integrated reporting framework.
First GRI-compliant report ever to be issued by a business conference Designed report content to be easily repurposed for external and internal messaging

Carbon Footprint Manager | Elemental Herbs (Morro Bay, California) Developed Scope 1 & 2, single-generation carbon footprint assessment for this wellness brands top-selling SKU.
Created marketable environmental impact data Engaged suppliers and vendors in improving clients business performance


Strategy & Execution Support | Syndrome Skateboard Distribution (Mid-sized Action Sports Brand) Owners wanted to move from B-player to A-player status. Completely overhauled executive reporting and corporate performance assessment processes.
35% increase in revenue Revealed and resolved negative cost-benefits in product manufacturing processes Re-aligned management team around personal and company values

Strategy & Execution Support | Elemental Herbs (Emerging Organic Wellness Brand) Owner/founder was unable to assess opportunities or develop strategic direction. Served as out-sourced COO and key advisor for 30 months.
500% increase in revenue 200% increase in profitability Developed Brand Platform and implemented associated marketing initiatives Formed Advisory Board

Execution Support | eBridge (Mid-sized Local Search Provider) Owners strategic growth plan required a more mature management team. Conducted six-month intensive management development process.
2% increase in profitability Board of Directors confident in management teams ability to new execute strategic growth plan

Growth Coach | Euphoria Loves Rawvolution (Emerging Raw Foods Cafe and Food Products Brand) Owner/founder struggled to develop and implement a comprehensive strategic plan. Guided strategy development. Implemented accountability and performance reporting processes. Directed other process improvement efforts.
15% increase in profitability in four months 165% increase in year-over-year revenue

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Launch Strategy & Support | (Emerging Online Retailer) Owner/founder experienced several false starts in launching online business. Supported selection of development team. Implemented accountability system and performance reporting processes. 300% increase in year-over-year revenue Growth Coach | WaterWays Surf Travel (International Surf Travel Agency) Owner/founder frustrated by dysfunctional work environment. Ran stakeholder survey and co-created strategic plan.
250% increase in profitability in 12 month

Organizational Development | Benevolent Vision (Boutique Non Profit Consultancy) Owner sought to eliminate constant state of operational overwhelm
Mapped roles and responsibilities to increase accountability New marketing initiatives developed and implemented 15% increase in clients-on-retainer(KPI) 30% decrease in staff overtime

Organizational Development | BDA Sports Management (International Sports Marketing Agency) Director sought to eliminate constant state of operational overwhelm. Guided Director and Management through formal process of mapping roles and reporting responsibilities.
20% increase in clients-on-retainer (KPI) 10% decrease in staff over-time

Ownership Transition Support | Benefit Strategies (Boutique Employee Benefits Firm) Junior partners prepared to buy-out their senior partner but transition process was stalled. Implemented values-based re-alignment of priorities.
Transition completed in three months All participants pleased with outcome

Re-launch Strategy & Support | Salani Surf Resort (South Pacific Surf Resort) Resort wiped out by tsunami as new owners struggled to turn it around. Guided owners and management through process of mapping roles and reporting responsibilities. Implemented accountability and performance reporting processes. Advised on hiring policies.
Resort re-opened September 2011


Animation Director | Angel Studios (San Diego, California) Managed animation production for 15+ projects over five years. Delivery formats included real-time, prerendered, standard and interpolated gameplay moves. Developed and managed production pipelines. Developed and managed motion data creation processes. Managed cross-functional teams of artists, engineers and designers
Most projects delivered on-time and on-budget Facilitated professional development, trainings, seminars, panels and industry workshops for artists, engineers & designers Clients included Nintendo, Sega and Walt Disney Imagineering.

Animation Director | THQ (Los Angeles, California) Directed player character and non-player character animations for a beloved cartoon franchise using 3D character animation and optical motion capture techniques. Collaborated with game designers to map gameplay character and non-player character animations. Managed outside vendors
Developed playable game in three months

Animator | Walt Disney Imagineering (Glendale, California) Animator | Activision (Santa Monica, California) Animator | Metrolight (Hollywood, California)


BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC | Bachelor of Music, Film Scoring (Boston, Massachusetts) UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE | ISOS Group certified February 2011 (San Diego, California) COMPARISON INTERNATIONAL | Facilitator (UK)

GREEN BUSINESS NETWORKING | Co-founder (Los Angeles, California) PROVISORS | former Group Leader GREEN (US) GREEN PARKING COUNCIL | Advisory Board Member (Hartford, Connecticut)

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