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Discriminant and Quadratic Inequalities

The discriminant of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is D = b2 – 4ac

For equations with

– 2 distinct real roots: b 2−4ac>0

– 1 real root/equal roots/same root: b 2−4ac=0

– No real roots: b −4ac<0

To solve inequalities of the form ax 2 +bx +c≥0 , ax 2 +bx +c≤0 , ax 2 +bx +c >0

and ax 2 +bx +c <0

– Find the roots of the equation. (factorisation/completing the square/formula)

– Graph the U-shaped curve, (make sure coefficient of x2 is postive) indicating clearly
the roots.

– For above the axis

x < α or x > β

For below the axis


Question 1

Find the range of values of k for which the line y = kx - 3 does not intersect the curve

y = 2x2 – 6x + 5 . [4]
[Ans: −14< k <2 ]

Question 2

(a) Find the range of values of x for which (x + 4)( x−1)−6≥0 . [4]

(b) Given that the curve y=x 2 +(3 k −1) x +( 2 k +10) has a minimum point that lies

above the x-axis, find the range of values of k. [4]

[Ans: (a) x≤−5 or x≥2 (b) − < k <3 ]
Question 3
(a) Explain why the curve y= px + 2x− p will aways cut the line y=−1 at 2

distinct points for all real values of p.

(b) Find the values of a such that the curve y=ax 2+ x+ a lies entirely below the

x-axis. [4]
[Ans: (a) show D > 0 (b) a <− ]

Question 4

The straight line y = 2m +1 does not intersect the curve y=x + .

Find the largest possible integer value of m. [5]

[Ans: largest m=−1 ]

Question 5

A quadratic function f(x) = k ( x−2)2−( x−3)(x + 2) , where k is a constant that cannot be

equals to 1.

(i) Find the value of k such that the graph of y = f(x) touches the x-axis. [3]

(ii) Find the range of values of k such that f(x) has a minimum value. [1]

(iii) Find the range of values of k such that the value of f(x) never exceeds 18. [3]
25 47
[Ans: (i) k = (ii) k >1 (iii) k ≤ ]
16 56

Question 6
3 2
A curve has equation y=x + px + px .

Find the set of values of p for which the curve has no stationary points. [3]
(Hint: use both differentiation and discriminant)
[Ans: 0< p<3 ]

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