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Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator Estimate the cost savings you can realize by migrating your workloads to Azure all My saved reports ® Sign In Over 5 year(s) with Microsoft Azure, your estimated cost savings could be as much as 2 5,729,474,981 Total on-premises vs. Azure cost over time Savings from running workloads in Azure accrue over time. The following shows how those savings add up over years. 1 On-premises cost 258, 208 158 108 58 ° Year 2 Years Total on-premises over 5 year(s) TCO of on-premises environments tends to be driven by compute and data center costs. 25,741,969,222 Total cost Microsoft Azure cost 3 Years 4Years 5 Years Total Azure cost over 5 year(s) In Azure, certain cost categories decrease or go away completely. 312,494, 9, 100% ove 0% 0% 0% Compute center Networking Storage IT Labor Total on-premises cost breakdown In Azure, several of the cost categories from the on-premises environment are consolidated and decrease with the efficiency that comes with the cloud. 9, 85% ove 0% 5% 9% Compute center Networking Storage IT Labor Total Azure cost breakdown In Azure, several of the cost categories from the on-premises environment are consolidated and decrease with the efficiency that comes with the cloud. %25,741,969,222 Cost over 5 year(s) On-premises cost breakdown summary 12,494,241 Cost over 5 year(s) Azure cost breakdown summary Category Compute Hardware Software Electricity Virtualization Database Data warehouse Data Center Networking Storage IT Labor Total Cost %25,729,220,056.06 606,418.89 31,988,762.00 33,289,745.48 Category 411,277.28 2%222,580,570.62 325,500,343,281.79 OMPute ¥10,152,110.11 Data Center xasa.a253e Networking x67,986.02 Storage 32,080,613.90 ‘| Labor Cost %10,662,481.58 20.00 247.30 675,796.32 1,155,929.649¢ 25,741,969,222,23 —_____ Total 312,494,241.23 Estimated on-premises cost (5 year(s) Estimated Azure cost Chat with Sales Compute cost Hardware cost Cost per 1 proc 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM physical server for Windows Number of servers required Cost per 1 proc 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM physical server for Windows Number of servers required Total cost for physical server(s) Cost of maintaining physical server(s) - 20% of cost of physical server(s) Virtual machine density - Number of virtual cores that can be created per physical core Cost per 1 proc 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM virtualization server for Windows: Number of servers needed for 3 virtual machine(s) - 1 core, 1 GB RAM Total cost for virtualization server(s) Cost of maintaining virtualization server(s) - 20% of cost of virtualization server(s) Total cost of maintaining server(s) over five year(s) Total hardware cost over five year(s) Software cost Cost of Windows datacenter license per 1 proc, 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM virtualization server 101,069.42 1 101,069.42 1 202,138.84 240,428.08 101,069.42 101,069.42 20,214.04 303,210.60 606,418.89 530,336.53 Azure compute cost Virtual Machines cost Number of hours per month 730 Atv2 Standard (1 core, 2 GB RAM) Windows (Azure Hybrid SKU# AAA: Benefit) Number of virtual machines 3 Total virtual machine cost per month 35,946.97 Atv2 Standard (1 core, 2 GB RAM) Windows (Azure Hybrid SKU# AAA Benefit) Number of virtual machines 1 Total virtual machine cost per Total ¥ 31,982.32 Total Azure Virtual Machines on 475,758.00 SQL Database cost General Purpose Single GenS 2 vCores (Azure Hybrid Benefit) "0.79248 /hr SKU# AAD- 17850 Instance Count 1 Cost Per Month 29,281.31 Total SQL Database cost over five year(s) %556,878.89 Azure Synapse Analytics cost SKU# AAA- Gen2 - 1500 68934 Cost Per Month 160,492.68 Instance Count Number of servers needed for 3 virtual machine(s) - 1 1 core, 1 GB RAM Cost of Windows datacenter license per 1 proc, 1 core, 0.75 %530,336.53 GB RAM physical machine Number of licenses needed 1 Cost of Windows datacenter license per 1 proc, 1 core, 0.75 %530,336.53 GB RAM physical machine Number of licenses needed 1 Total software license cost 1,591,009.60 Total Software Assurance cost 397,752.40 Total software cost over five year(s) 31,988,762.00 Electricity cost Price of electricity per kWh 311.82 Power rating of 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM server Total electricity cost for 1 server(s) - 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM server per month 105 Watts 906.07 Power rating of 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM server Total electricity cost consumed by 1 server(s) - 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM server per month 105 Watts 906.07 Power rating of 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM server Total electricity cost consumed by 1 server(s) - 1 core, 0.75 GB RAM server per month 105 Watts 2906.07 Total kW/h consumed by Oracle Exadata for Electricity and Cooling 4,409.32 Total Electricity consumed by Oracle Exadata in a month 352,110.88 Total electricity cost over five year(s) %3,289,745.48 Virtualization cost Total Azure Synapse Analytics cost over five years 39,629,561.06 Threat detection cost Cost of threat detection per node per month 31.58 Number of nodes covered by 3 threat detection Total Threat detection cost 283.60 over five years Virtualization software license cost 20.00 Per virtual machine, per month, cost to load balance, backup 22,284.87 and patch virtual machines Number of virtual machines 4 Virtual machine management cost per month 6,854.62 Virtual machine management cost per year 82,255.46 Total virtualization cost over five year(s) 411,277.28 SQL Database cost Total CPU cores 4 SQL Server Enterprise License cost per 2 cores 31,228,345.77 Enterprise cores 4 Total license cost %2,456,691.54 Enterprise Software Assurance cost per 2 cores %22,012,387.91 Enterprise cores 4 Total Software Assurance cost %220,123,879.10 Total SQL Database cost over five year(s) %222,580,570.62 NOTE: A minimum of four core licenses are required for each physical processor on the server or VM Oracle Exadata hardware cost Number of Database servers 2 required Number of High Capacity 3 Storage servers Required Cost per Oracle Exadata Database server $3,618,864.21 Cost per Oracle Exadata 4,308,172.02 Storage server Annual cost of maintaining Oracle Exadata servers ¥4.204,775.807 Total Server Cost %21,023,879.03 Total Oracle Exadata hardware cost over five years %42,047,758.07 Oracle Exadata Software cost Number of Processor Cores 96 Number of Disk Drives 30 Total License Cost before discount 31,237,651,607.38 Total License Cost after discount %495,060,642.64 Average Maintenance Cost per ¢4 999 646,976.06 year 4992,6465 Total Oracle Exadata Software Cost over five years %25,458,295,523.73 Total cost over five year(s) %25,729,220,056,06 — Total Azure compute cost over year(s) 10,662,481.58 Data center cost Azure data center cost Compute cost Total Azure data center cost 0.00 over five year(s) Number of rack units per rack 42 Rack units required per 1 core, 1 0.75 GB RAM server Number of 1 core, 0.75 GB 1 RAM server Total number of rack units 1 required Rack units required per 1 core, 1 0.75 GB RAM server Number of 1 core, 0.75 GB 1 RAM server Total number of rack units 1 required Rack units required per 1 core, 1 0.75 GB RAM server Number of 1 core, 0.75 GB 1 RAM server Total number of rack units 1 required Total number of rack units 3 required for all server(s) Data center construction cost per rack unit amortized over 20 %26,044.41 years Data center compute cost 278,133.23 Total Data center compute cost over five year(s) £390,666.10 Storage cost Total number of rack units 1 required for all storage Number of rack units for DAS or SAN Rack mounting/installation pes 26,044.41 Total Data center storage cost over five year(s) 130,222.00 Oracle Exadata cost Number of racks required for 1 Database and Storage servers Cost per rack 33,618,864.21 Rack Infrastructure Cost 39,564,141.18 Annual cost of Data center 313,416.15 Total Data center cost for Oracle Exadata over five years Total Data center cost over five sin ara san as Femi | 9,631,221.93 year(s) Networking cost Total hardware + software cost over five year(s) 2,595,180.89 Network hardware and software cost assumed to be 15% of hardware and software cost over five year(s) 389,277.09 Network maintenance cost assumed to be 15% of network hardware and software cost over five year(s) 58,391.92 Service provider cost/GB per month ‘Amount of bandwidth needed (GB) per month 2.61 1 Total service provider cost per Tanith 212.61 Total networking cost over five year(s) 448,425.38 Storage cost Hardware Local Disk/SAN-HDD Cost per GB 31733 Total Azure data center cost cover five year(s) 30.00 Azure networking cost Total outgoing bandwidth needed per month 168 Total outgoing bandwidth cost per month 20.79 Total Azure networking cost cover five year(s) 247.30 Azure storage cost Page Blob storage Usable storage volume in GB 512 Storage cost per GB/month 473 Annual storage cost per us volume CRAWASBS Storage (RAID 10 configuration) volume in GB (GRS enabled Storage volume doubled to provide geo-redundant capability) Total storage procurement cost Backup Total backup and archive volume in GB Backup volume per tape in 1B Number of Tape drives required Cost per Tape Drive Backup and Archive cost over five year(s) Storage Maintenance Storage maintenance cost (10% of storage procurement cost) over five year(s) Total storage maintenance cost over five year(s) Oracle Exadata cost Required Tape Storage for Data warehouse per data center (GB) Total HP LTO-7 Tape drives required per data center Total Storage Procurement Cost Total Storage Maintenance Cost per Year Total Oracle Exadat Storage Cost over five years(s) 1,024 17,749.53 2,048 HP LTO-7 BB873A, 6 1 313,786.46 313,786.46 8,875.55 8,875.55 2,048 213,786.46 32,757.61 327,574.49 Total Page Blob GRS storage maintenance cost over five year(s) Backup Total backup and archive volume in GB Storage cost per GB Backup and Archive maintenance cost over five year(s) SQL Database Server storage Usable storage volume in GB Price per GB/Month Active DB Storage Cost/Month Annual storage cost per usable volume Total SQL Database Server Storage cost over five year(s) SQL Database Backup storage Billable backup storage volume inGB Price per GB/Month Backup Storage Cost/Month Annual storage cost per usable volume Total SQL Database Backup Storage Cost over five year(s) Azure Synapse Analytics storage cost Storage required in TB 145,223.40 2,048 33.5297 SKU# AAL- 31896 433,733.65, 3 32.994 9.061 3326.19 1,630.90 0.00 215.80 20.00 0.00 Total storage cost over five year(s) IT labor cost Number of IT admin hour(s) needed per year Hourly rate for IT administrator Total IT labor cost over five year(s) Total on-premises cost over five year(s) 67,986.02 210 1,981.54 %2,080,613.90 Monthly data storage and snapshot cost 3453.04 Monthly Geo redundant disaster recovery cost 1,133.77 Total Azure Synapse Analytics storage cost over five years 295,208.30 Total Azure storage cost over five year(s) 675,796.32 Azure IT labor cost Number of IT admin hour(s) needed per year 116.67 Hourly rate for IT 2198154 administrator Total Azure IT labor cost over five year(s) 1,155,929.6496 225,741,969,222.23otal Azure cost over five year(s) %12,494,241.23 Atotal savings of %25,729,474,981.00 with Microsoft Azure = Chat with Sales

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