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---Wood's Athenae Oxonienses (edited by

Cernel, and the fact that he wrote in 998 his Canons 4 as

Dr C. T. Boke (q.v.), who was there from 1840 to 1843.

minutes, a good illustration of the slowness of this process.

admiralty to act as a prize court, or establish a vice-admiralty

civilizations; and the absence of evidence elsewhere for the

five sons, of whom the eldest, baron of Strabane, succeeded

conditions. In later periods at Cnossus accumulation seems

Hochvernagtspitze. . . . . . . 11,585 Pflerscher Tribulaun . . . . . . 10,178

On the 6th of January 1779 Admiral Byron reached the West

outline of the ordinary form of a charter-party for a voyage.

recent introduction in the north, had been in general use for

contained priceless manuscripts in many languages. In his

intrinsic charge---the nature of the mobility of the latter,

depth, or to the artificial heaping up of a mound by later

Tennessee to relieve the inhabitants of that district, who,

ToBedawiet. Those of Kosseir will not speak this before

trial of a milder administration. In December 1573 the

Louis. During a journey through Texas he was robbed of

only. If now we cut the freezing-point surface by planes

strongly ignited in flat retorts made of boiler-plate; the sodium

author shows himself as a keen observer of men and things; the

British naval administration is conducted by the Board of

fresh fat from slaughtered healthy hogs. Leaf-lard is the

{ Tunis. }

a thriving town, with broad streets and good modern houses;

surprisingly varied. The lists of insects, birds and mammals

picture-galleries, a library and a collection of antiquities;

and with wethers amongst sheep--the sooner it is ready for

of holding up the appropriation necessary for its execution,

a vessel to receive and condense the vapour, called the head

virtues, who surrounded him with wise counsellors, watched

by coffee plantations, and tobacco of excellent quality

the Erythraean sibyl, the initial letters of which form the

Louis Charles of Bavaria . . . . . . . . . .Mar. 21, 1848

gestis circa Parisiacam urbem et de divine in eos ultione

rapidly increased, and he died on the 8th of October 1803.

Antwerp. In the exhibition of Alma-Tadema's collected works

(Wakikuyu, Wakamba, Wapokomo, Wataita, Wachaga, &c.), who are

until his resignation in 1823, when Keppel returned to

wood keeping the vane on the mast-head. The etymology of the

place which he assigns to faith in the individual Christian

a happening out of the ordinary course of things. In the

machines, which gradually raise the surface into a series

waters. For 5 or 6 m. north of the junction of the Victoria

on account of it. It was destroyed at the Revolution. The

records, recruiting, issue of commissions, &c. Individual

African War, being fitted with beds, kitchens, dispensaries,

in Genesis which tells us that ``the Lord had respect unto

on whose return to the royal favour he was elevated to the

of expression and strict attention to the laws of metre and

of the emperor Jehangir that his vassal had surpassed him in

attempts to reach the unknown parts of the continent by

importance, was born about A.D. 325-330 at Antioch; the

at the same time to increase the value of farm labour and of

of 1863 laid the basis for the change in the land system

cartridges; Group II. contains small-arm cartridges, fuzes,

conquest. A road has been cut through the centre of the

observed but also predicted many new ones. His original

sharer in that plotter's schemes, he gave a reasonable pretext

ALBA FUCENS (mod. Albe), an ancient Italian town occupying

d'Albret, queen of Navarre, who married Anthony de Bourbon,

to be faithful to James; but about the same time the duke with

apparatus may approximately be ascertained by the formula

of a little pigment and of occasional wholly pigmented young

Aldhelm into Latin verse (printed by Delrio, Mainz, 1601).

See Athanasius Kircher, Musurgia Universalis, where the aeolian

Henry II.) in 1534, and negotiated the marriage of James V.

this is effected by two retractor muscles which run from the

where N is the ``scale'' or magnification of the image. For

the workers in these processes, which were a monopoly of the

simple, straightforward definition of the amateur given

ABRUZZI E MOLISE, a group of provinces (compartimento)

hands of so competent and influential an English layman. In

his death, which occurred in London on the 6th of September

The life in his own monastery proved no more congenial than

article on the alphabet in the Jewish Encyclopaedia, vol.

classic syntheses of benzene homologues. Aluminium bromide,

innumerable, some art criticisms, rejoinders to the attacks

combine), a term generally applied to the intimate mixtures

1901); W. Bateson, E. R. Saunders, R. C. Punnett and C. C.

the other ``Mass vestments,'' and remained out of use in the

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