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22-00833-JAW Dkt 138 Filed 07/18/22 Entered 07/18/22 12:42:44 Page 1 of 3


Judge Jamie A. Wilson

United States Bankruptcy Judge
Date Signed: July 18, 2022

The Order of the Court is set forth below. The docket reflects the date entered.
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November 22, 2021

Dear Valued Customer,

Congratulations on the purchase of your Generac Guardian Series home standby

generator! We wanted to be the first to welcome you to the Generac family of over 2
million homeowners worldwide. You made the right choice by selecting the #1 brand in
home standby generators to protect your home and family.

Due to ongoing global supply chain shortages, an inconsistent supply of microprocessor

chips, and continued shipping delays for key components required to build our
generators, we are experiencing extended production timelines that are delaying the
delivery of your new generator and are outside the control of our dealer partners.

To meet this unprecedented demand we have expanded production, increased hiring at

all our US-based manufacturing facilities and are communicating production updates as
frequently as possible to your local dealer.

We understand how important it is to power your home. We take great pride in the
responsibility we have to help keep your family safe and look forward to the date your
home or business is proudly protected by a Generac product. We apologize for the
inconvenience and appreciate your patience.


Generac Sales Team

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Debtor CASE NO. 22-00833-JAW



COMES NOW, Ellen Foster, ("Foster"), who files this Objection to Motion to Enforce

Automatic Stay and For Other Relief [Docket #30], and would show unto Court the following:

1. Generator Technologies, LLC, (o'Debtor"), filed bankruptcy April2T ,2022.

2. On August 20,2021, Foster accepted a proposal related to purchase and

installation of a Generac Generator to be delivered and installed by Debtor. See Exhibit A.

2. In connection with execution of the proposal, Foster remitted $7,000.00 by Visa

credit card as partial payment for delivery and installation of the generator. After seven months

with no delivery of the product, on March 21,2022, Foster wrote Debtor to cancel her order. See

Exhibit B attached and incorporated herein by reference. Foster requested refund ofher

$7,000.00 deposit.

3. Receiving no response from Debtor, on or before April 26,2022, Foster disputed

the charge through her credit card company and requested a refund from Visa. See Exhibit C

attached and incorporated herein by reference. The dispute of the credit card charge was not

initiated until after the Notice of Cancellation was sent March 2I,2022, and after multiple phone

calls were made by Foster to Debtor from April 20,2022, until April 25,2022, from which no

response was provided by Debtor. Foster did nothing further with regard to this disputed

transaction for request for a refund. Subsequently, the credit card company did credit Foster's

card for the disputed deposit. All of Foster's actions having occurued pre-petition, Foster is not
22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 2 of 11

in violation of the automatic stay.

WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Foster requests that this Court dismiss the

Motion to Enforce Automatic Stay and For Other Relief as to Foster. Foster requests such other

relief as this Court deems appropriate under these circumstances.

DATED: May 17 , 2022,

Respectfully submitted,





1201 Cherry Street
Vicksburg, MS 39183
Telephone : 601 -636-6565
Facsimile: 601-631-01 14
MS Bar #9044


I, B. Blake Teller, do hereby certiff that I have caused to be served this date, via
electronic filing transmission, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing to all counsel of

This the flh^rof May, 2022.

22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 3 of 11
DocuSign Envelope lD: DA50C297-9602-4AD9-81 C3-1OA6251 Bl 687


2187 Hwy 51
Suiie B
MADIS0N, t4$ 3$110
(601) 8S2-3419

August 1g,20Zl

Oear Ellen Foster: Fropo:al For

y:: opportunity
to clnduct an in*rome survev
Jh.ul.k lqtgle
oetair'Ateeruenni6c#iirlroroeresii;,;;ril;J;.H,'r"##H:i*T:o#,ffi -* Ell6n Foster
:'ffff -
11OO Warrerdon Rd
fi:"ff::"',ffi?ff:"J:l;ffHr"1trtr :ffi;tr€T#fl:
srancov s"ne,itil-;J1,,",",n* Vicksburg, MS SgteO
pleased lo otfer you tr*
pur*nur"ioo pr"p"lli. -* 1--' u'+QU€ reQUir€merds- As a result, we ars
H; {€81} 62s-z3sa

2{ltw Air-Coolad Standby

G"n_cr.ror w, wi-Fi, Aluminum
Encrosur€, ZOO SE (7210-11

24kW Afu -c'ooled srandby Ge.nerater

wlth Wi-Fir Alurriinurll Fnclosure, ZOO


QTY caner|aitoltilr

I 2ztkWAir-Cooted Standby C€neraror

ryith WFFi, Atuminurn Enclosure,2m
SE {not CUL) {Modet ?2i0_1}
QTY Aircootcd

1 Annua!$ervlce

1st year mainienance agreement

h included. AgreBment covers aflnual
spark dugs, battery ehecll complote routine maintefiancs
operations check) {change oil, filters,
clTT curt0ln lnst lt

1 Custom lFslallatior|

Generator Teehnologies wili provlde

al, labgrand material rFcessary
lO csmplete the described task.
QTV Extended$taranry

1 5 yearextendsd warranty

Generator Technologes will provide y€arext€nded

E wanenty-

22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 4 of 11
Docr.rSign pnvelop lD: DA50C297-9602-4AD9-81C3-1OA6251 81687

QTY Extcndediterr.nty

Generator T€chnologies Wananty

All work eznies Gonerator Technologies'

I lraer parls and labor wananly
QTV Fininoing & Depo*lt

1 Financing ard Oeposil

p*:o is resuired at nms or s{Ioins ror

AillffiHiH#";1ff*T: aircoobd home $land4y

*O of pqrdlase prh6 is r€quired at tirne of

signrng for tQuid-cooted home/rsrsines$
f#*Hff. " srand-bv

ffif"iH:rr*:ltffJ,ls?:tt#ifffrffsit is r€quired' rhis amount is draurn ar time or srsnins rrom

is deliverod to cu$toffer. 10p/o r€rainase

:trf,t-:fHf"i.T$ilffffiXt: may be herd untir seneraror is



t GenPad

Leveling of ground and prrnricte Genpad

br gsnerator rnounling.
OTY t{at0r.l cec

1 NG Connoc{ions

Natural gas connections inclrjded.

Sub-Totat: $r2,095.0O
Salss Tax: $909.6s
Total: $13,904.65
Down Paym€ntr
Balane Due: i!3,904.65
22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 5 of 11


iff{i$Jiiff ffiffii,h:H3;ffix#H'rh?$r,L1i:iiilil"**il?,?J$*m:ffiil*ffi
:iffiHr."*,ffi ,y:#,,HTr*
All guotes are valid
for g0 days.


Ryan Foper

I ac'cept this proposal

and lvish to procsed uth the purchass and instailadsn
ot my Gar€rac arrtomafic
standby generator

fua* +r"L 8/20/2A2L



You, ths buyer, may

cancollation form frir 1im6 prior to midnight of lh€ third b|lsiness day
afte, rhe datoot thk hansactiofl.
Seo the aftaciod nolicc

Gensef location right srde

of hasscl naar gas tltatet,

Selected payment orltlon:

22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 6 of 11
Docusign Envelope lD: DA50C297-9602-4AD9.81 C3-10A6251 81687

llotice of Cancallatiot

Daie of Pilrchase:

Yor may CANCEL this transac{ion,

without any Penalty of oblbatbfl,
wilhin rHR€F zuslNEss DAys from the above date.
lf you cancel, any prsperty trade{il,_?ny payments
relumed wthin TEN BuslNEss onvs mad6 b.y you undsr the coflt'act or sala,.ard
tix't,nihe|cJi;i6ttf," serGrorvoJri"rt?iLiti any negot&able instrum€nl executed by you
yvill be cancelted. will b€
and arry-secrriy interest arrsing out o, rhe
""rce, transacrion

lf you canc€l' you must make availabl€-to

the sellerd your rosidence, ln substantiafiy
#irili"JJ:lt gl"t;:ll **' or vou mav, ir vo' wisir]cornpv *in irt' i,r-#,,J#l'3rfi"as good condition as when ycu received,
,.rr* ,rsaroins *re ietririr-Jipm.nt o,ahy goods deliv€red to
rhe soads a*he

tho seller and fail to do io, then you
temdin naoie roi'iJrior*.no ot obrigarbns-under fie oonrracr. . u agree to return ilre g'o'odsi;

&ffi"q#; T"#fiffs1#Js'.19fl ;,tgiiffli i{fl rf,l^"J,$s-:il3j5fff send a r€,esram, ro



22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 7 of 11
DocuSign Enveftrpe lD: DA50C2S7-9602-4AD9-81 C3-1 0A625181687

grsr,!ffirf#{.." GEilEHAE"


Administration preparation

r Dgeler Site $urvey

r Dealer -
Euilding permit
r Oealer Electrical permit
r Dsller Plumbing permit

lnstallation preparation

. Deslsr Call Electric company


. Dealcr lnstall base

r Dealer Mount transfer switch
. Do.ler lnstall Fuel Line
r Dgaler Landscaping

Post tnstall / Aerlvation Followup


r Dealar Activation
r Dealer Demo a Simulated Outage
. Dgaler Fuel Pressure Check
r Dealer Final lnspectircn
22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 8 of 11

V'{^^.1,-JL }oe+

JA *&ffi, ^h

.t 60

22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 9 of 11

Date of Purchas€: 3
You may GANCEL this tfansaction, without any Penalty or Obligation. within THREE zuSINESS 0AYS lrom ihe above date.

I{ you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under lhe @ntract or sale, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be
returned wilhin TEN BUSINESS DAYS following receipt by the seller of your cancellat'on notioe, and any security interesi arising out of the bansaction
will be cancelled.

tf you cancel, lrou must make available to the setler at your residence, in subslantially as good conditon as wfien )rou receivd, any goods delivered to
]'ou under lhis oontract or sale, or pu may, if you wish, comply with th€ instruc{ions of the seller regarding the retum shipment ol the goods d the
sellerb e)@nse and d$c

$ you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pbk them up within 2g days of the date of your Notice of e,ancellation, you may
retain or dispose of the goods without any further obliigatbn- lf yqr fail lo make lhe goods a€ilabb to fie seller, or if you agree b retum the goods
lhe seller and fail to do so, ihen you remain liable for perlormance of all obligatlons under tfie contract.

thh transaclion, mail or deliver a sign€d and daied @py of this Cancellation Notice or any oiher wdtten nothe, or sead a ielegram. to
To canc€l


(Dae) f



22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 10 of 11

trHAsE$ El
Cardmember Services
P.O. Box 15299 t" 1-goo-a4g-gsr4
Wilmington, DE 1 9850-5299 E 1-BBB-640-s624
We accept operator relay calls

04546 oMS 056 001 1 1 622 NNNNNNNNNNNN 0tsp0003 P,frii
VICKSBUFIG MS 39180-5949
April ?6,2022

Updatei Here's an update sn your dispute(s)

Your account ending in 5146


We appreciate your businoss and want to keep you updated with the latest information about the charge(s)
you disputed.

Transaction Post Date Merchant Name Transaclion Amouni


Here's what you need to know

. You do not have to pay for any disputed amount(s) while we research the dispute.
" rye gave you a temporary credil for the disputed amount(s), including any relaled intereei charge(s).
You'll see this credit now al and on one of your next two billing statements.
r The merchant(s) can provide informalion supporting the charge(s) during the next two billing periods. lf
lhey do not respond during lhat period, our credit(s) will remain on your account.

Please save all documentalion and receipts relaled to your dispute(s). This could include:

Original sales receipt(s), credit roceipt(s), proof of return or cancellaiion, or
A record of corespondence with the merchanl aeknowledging the billing error.

The documentation you provide us may greally influence our ability to resolve the dispute in your favor.

lf you have questions, pleaee call us at 1-800-849-9574. We're available Monday through Friday from g a.m.
to I p.m. Eastern Time.

We appreciate your businees,


Customer Service Specialist

CLAIM lD: C-2o220425-8452

22-00833-JAW Dkt 42 Filed 05/17/22 Entered 05/17/22 10:37:16 Page 11 of 11
Page 2
lf you haven't already done $o, your rnust notiff us of potential billing errors in writing at the Cuslomer $ervice
address shown on your billing statemenl. Please refer lo lhe back of your billing statement for further
information on Your Billing Bights, including how the process works.
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22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 1 of 19
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 2 of 19

AC Supply
P.O. Box 54846
New Orleans, LA 70154-4856

Ally Auto Finance

P.O. Box 380901
Bloomington, MN 55438

Jonathan Alpin
115 Poplar Drive
Brandon, MS 39047

AMEX Prime
P.O. Box 981535
El Paso, TX 79998-1535

Leon Anderson
1748 Countrywood Dr.
Jackson, MS 39213

Tom Anderson
521 Mullican Road
Florence, MS 39073

5815 Dearborn St.
Mission, KS 66202

Elbert Austin
4660 Nordell Street
Jackson, MS 39206

Ben Bailey
603 Longleaf Cove
Madison, MS 39110

Bain Foote
P.O. Box 1400
Madison, MS 39110

Bobby Barlow
3775 Bovina Cut-Off Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180

Betty Beamon
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 3 of 19

6525 Ebenezer Pickens Rd

Pickens, MS 39146

Elton Bebee
8036 Romalo Rd
Hermanville, MS 39806

Randy Bell
138 Bradshaw Road
Flora, MS 39071

Leland Benton
241 Sawbridge Dr.
Ridgeland, MS 39157

762 N Orange St.
Wilmington, DE 19801

Barbara Blackmon
5861 Madison Edward St.
Jackson, MS 39206

Charlesetta Blanchard
1552 Riverwood Drive
Jackson, MS 39211

Kevin Blanton
1019 Craig Circle
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Clark Bobst
277 Martin Drive
Carthage, MS 39051

Brook Bonar
141 B Sanctuary
Canton, MS 39046

Randy Boudreax
197 Locust Lane
Madison, MS 39046

Gene Boykin
1519 Willett Rd
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 4 of 19

Mayersville, MS 39113

Joseph Bracey
821 Grandberry St.
Jackson, MS 39213

Kerwin Brandon
241 Miggins Road
Canton, MS 39046

Brenda Brinson
213 Reservoir Way
Brandon, MS 39047

Broadway Capital
1413 Ave J, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11230

David Browman
345 Wicklow Circle
Brandon, MS 39047

Kaisesr & Gwen Brown

114 Ingleside East Dr.
Madison, MS 39110"

Roland Brown
105 Clyde Chapman Dr.
Byram, MS 39212

Bruce Fire Department

118 E. Calhoun St.
Bruce, MS 38915

John Carter
744 E Harper St.
Richland, MS 39218

CenterPoint Energy
P.O. Box 4981
Houston, TX 77210-4981

Bo Chaney
756 Stokes Rd
Flora MS 39071
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 5 of 19

Pam Chapman
1054 Petrified Forest Rd
Flora, MS 39071

Don Chisholm
23069 MS 12
Lexington, MS 39095

P.O. Box 382001
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-8001

Mary Chunn
986 Mullinville Rd
Camden, MS 39045

Jinya Clarke
17320 Hwy 503
Decatur, MS 39327

Katrina Collins
1127 Harrison Road
Fayette, MS 39069

Colonial Life
P.O. Box 1365
Columbia, SC 29202-1365

1701 John F Kennedy Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Community Bank Credit Card

P.O. Box 790408
St. Louis, MO 63179-0408

Community Bank
P.O. Box 2019
Brandon, MS 39043

Linda Cooksey
292 Hwy 80
Lake, MS 39092

Copiah County Schools

22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 6 of 19

254 W Gallatin St.

Hazelhurst, MS 39083

Chris Corley
3078 S Liberty St.
Canton, MS 39046

Sam Courtney
115 Bella Fleur Drive
Florence, MS 39073

Myles Cross
47 Deer Haven
Madison, MS 39110

Allen Davis
131 Fountains Blvd.
Brandon, MS 39047

Jason Defatta
5009 Sixth Place
Meridian, MS 39301

Guzel Dempsey
215 Allstate Drive
Jackson, MS 39211

Hill Denson
112 Dumaine Place
Madison, MS 39110

Dorothy Dickey
254 Elms Court Cr
Jackson, MS 39204

William Dykeman
5420 Old Hillsboro Rd
Forest, MS 39074

Emmett Eaton
132 Medowlark Lane
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Linda Edwards
4735 Attala Road 1106
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 7 of 19

Carthage, MS 39051

Mike Ellison
535 Johnston Drive
Madison, MS 39110

Olivia Elzy
1797 Marigold Street
Greenville, MS 38701

P.O. Box 8105
Baton Rouge, LA 70891-8105

Clarence Evans
322 Cox Crossing
Madison, MS 39110

Guy “Butch” Evans

401 Bay Cv
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Helen Evans
3917 Hwy 80
Lawrence, MS 39336

P.O. Box 6404
Sioux Falls, SD 57117

Mary Fehr
Lot 3 Newcastle
Madison, MS 39110

Don Ferguson
495 County Line St.
Union, MS 39365

1969 Rutgers University Blvd.
Lakewood, NJ 08701

Jim Fitchie
105 Woodlands Green Drive
Brandon, MS 39047
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 8 of 19

Ora Flagg
1292 Jonas Flagg Rd
Edwards, MS 39066

James Ford
45 Sims Lane SE
Meadville, MS 39653

Rod Forest
204 Red Oak Cove
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Ellen Foster
1100 Warrenton Rd
Vicksburg, MS 39180

1920 E Hallandale Beach Blvd.
Suite 503
Hallandale Beach, FL 33009

300 Montgomery Suite #900
San Francisco, CA 94104

Generac Power Systems

P.O. Box 295
Waukesha, WI 53187

Tom Gerity
244 Honours Drive
Madison, MS 39110

GM Financial
P.O. Box 183593
Arlington, TX 76096

Greg Grant
610 Pinecrest
Madison, MS 39110

Grantham Poole
1062 Highland Colony Pkwy
Ridgeland, MS 39157
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 9 of 19

James Graves
204 Camp Garaywa Rd
Clinton, MS 39056

James Gregory
1912 Barnes Rd
Canton, MS 39046

1645 E 6th St., Ste 200
Austin, TX 78702

Jimmie Harris
6022 Waverly Drive
Jackson, MS 39206

Maxine Harris
104 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Arcola, MS 38722

One Freedom Square
Laurel, MS 39440-3367

Holmes Community College

P.O. Box 399
Goodman, MS 39079

Ronisha Hopson
146 Brown Rd
Porterville, MS 39352

Billy Horne
1933 Pepper Wilson Rd
Vaughn, MS 39352

Jan Howard
7 Belle Wood Dr.
Hattiesburg, MS 39402

Internal Revenue Service

Ogden, UT 84201

Attn: Ed Martin
22-00833-JAW Dkt 14 Filed 05/02/22 Entered 05/02/22 17:41:33 Page 10 of 19

P.O. Box 571811

Houston, TX 77257-1811

Alice Jackson
101 Cadell Court
Clinton, MS 39056

Cindy Jackson
1486 MS-471
Brandon, MS 39047

Maurice James
830 Camden Street
Jackson, MS 39206

Kenny Jenkins
104 Belle Cove
Madison, MS 39110

Kathy Johnson
1141 Hallmark Dr.
Jackson, MS 39206

Roosevelt Joiner
1135 Rose Rd
Terry, MS 39170

Jay Jordan
103 Sumter Ct.
Madison, MS 39110

Fritz Katzenmeyer
118 First Colony Blvd
Madison, MS 39110

Leroy Kelly
899 Old Agency Rd
Ridgeland, MS 39157-9447

Gail Kerna
8760 Attala Rd 4101
Sallis, MS 39160

Carol Kirkland
187 Dogwood Lane
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Madison, MS 39110

Glennie Kirkland
3454 Attala Road 5047
Kosciusko, MS 39090

Lakeland Seniors LLC

848 Lakeland Drive
Jackson, MS 39216

Clark Lambdin
447 Johns Shiloh Road
Brandon, MS 39042

Rocky Langston
811 Hooper Mill Road
Edinburg, MS 39051

Stan & Martha Lawson

105 McLendon Dr.
Raymond, MS 39154

Jeff & Susan Leber

121 N Oak Drive
Madison, MS 39110

David Lee
4736 E Crescent Lake Drive
Meridian, MS 39301

Jesse Lidge
437 South Bochamp
Greenville, MS 38703

Ollie Linson
133 Northshore Pointe
Madison, MS 39110

P.O. Box 530970
Atlanta, GA 30353-0970

Candi Maddock
1437 Ruby Pointe
Flowood, MS 39232
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Mallory Community Health Center

8715 Hwy 12 West
Tchula, MS 39169

Mallory Community Health Center

33795 Hwy 12 East
Durant, MS 39063

Christopher Markham
5553 Marblehead Dr.
Jackson, MS 39211

Joyce McCants
364 Heritage Place
Jackson, MS 39212

Woody McCullough
1304 Hwy 51 Ste D
Madison, MS 39110

JC McDonald
184 Spring Creek Rd
Flora, Mississippi 39071

John McIntyre
242 Fox Hollow Pl.
Ridgeland, MS 39157

John Medina
10454 Attala Rd 420
Kosciusko, MS 39090

Ken Melchar
123 Hampton Way
Madison, MS 39110

James Miggins
382 Miggins Road
Canton, MS 39046

Bruce Milam
3173 Attala Rd 3106
West, MS 39192

Henrietta Miller
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639 CR 286
Quitman, MS 39355

Jim Miller
149 Silvertree Crossing
Madison, MS 39110

Donald Mills
227 Center Street
Benton, MS 39039

Mississippi Department of Revenue

P.O. Box 23075
Jackson, MS 39225-2808

Jeff Mitchell
P.O. Box 267
Forest, MS 39074

ML Factors
456A Central Ave., Ste 128
Cedarhurst, NY 11516

Roxanne Moncure
919 Rutherford Drive
Jackson, MS 39206

Shirley Monroe
1000 B.B. King Road
Indianola, MS 38751

Hatem Mourad
5283 Dancing Rabbit Rd
Meridian, MS 39301

Lillye Myers
420 Ridgeland Rd
Bassfield, MS 39421

N2 Company
P.O. Box 745759
Atlanta, GA 30374-5759

Nationwide Auto Insurance

P.O. Box 77210
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Minneapolis, MN 55480-7200

Neill Gas
P.O. Box 551
Vicksburg, MS 39181

Benji Nelson
243 Industrial Drive North
Madison, MS 39110

Elaine Nelson
9455 Hwy 495
Meridian, MS 39305

James Newman
1705 Williamson Rd
Clinton, MS 39056

Ladonna Northington
6073 Whitestone Road
Jackson, MS 39206

Myra Norville
1635 County Line Rd
Carthage, MS 39051

Richard Palmer
115 Hawks Nest Cove
Madison, MS 39110

Elnora Patton
3713 Love Road
Lexington, MS 39095

Louis Pellegrine
408 Tremont Place
Madison, MS 39110

Chad Penn
276 Gunter Rd
Canton, MS 39046

Tony Perry
163 Green Glades
Ridgeland, MS 39157
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Mark Pilgrim
545 W. Washington St.
Moorhead, MS 38761

Robert Pope
5085 Old US 80
Bolton, MS 39041

Richard Prewitt
111 Northbay Place
Madison, MS 39110

Jimmy Proctor
5083 Sunnyvale Drive
Jackson, MS 39211

QB Capital/Cross River Bank

P.O. Box 84210
Sioux Falls, SD 57118

James Readel
839 Rushton Circle
Brandon, MS 39047

Larry Reedy
128 Barron Rd
Florence, MS 39071

Craig Reid
316 Bluebird Ln.
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Jeff Rhinewalt
4683 Cliff Armstrong Road
Lena, MS 39094

Bill Richardson
640 Cox Ferry Road
Flora, MS 39071

Gary Rikard
108 Whittington
Madison, MS 39110

Robin Ring
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1433 Wisteria Drive

Vicksburg, MS 39180

Cecille Roberts
6450 Arkadelphia Road
Bailey, MS 39320

Billy Roby
1111 Avon Way
Jackson, MS 39206

Doug Rogers
P.O. Box 1718
Collins, MS 39428

Kevin Ryals
45 Hwy 395
Philadelphia, MS 39350

Salvation Army
110 Presto Lane
Jackson, MS 39206

Suzanne Sanders
311 Eastridge Drive
Brandon, MS 39042

Charles Scott
2651 SCR 85e
Mize, MS 39116

136 West St., Ste 101
North Hampton, MA 01060

Harold Shannon
304 Chapman Street
Indianola, MS 38751

Angie Simmons
548 Silverstone Dr.
Madison, MS 39110

Billy Simpson
114 W Bradford Pl.
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Madison, MS 39110

David Skeen
3159 Alford Rd
Crystal Springs, MS 39059

Hazel Smith
1432 Good Hope Rd
Edwards, MS 39066

Jacqueline Smith
2340 Worell Road
Utica, MS 39175

Lillie Smith
2242 Wells Rd
Little Rock, MS 39337

Brenda Smoot
4150 Siwell Road
Byram, MS 39212

Eddie Steele
116 Eagle Cove
Madison, MS 39110

Claude Stevens
3440 Elraine Blvd.
Jackson, MS 39213

John Swilley
1499 Bradford Drive
Greenville, MS 38701

Crosby Tanner
609 Bay Park Drive
Brandon, MS 39047

The Smarter Merchant

460 Park Avenue S
New York, NY 10016

Willie Thomas
504 Fairways Drive
Vicksburg, MS 39183
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Lorene Tolliver
4773 Canada Cross Road
Edwards, MS 39058

Linda Trigg
105 Lord Nelson Cove
Madison, MS 39110

U.S. Small Business Administration

14925 Kingsport Rd
Forth Worth, TX 76155-2243

United HealthCare
P.O. Box 94017
Palatine, IL 60094-4017

Mike Upton
212 Bell Pointe Drive
Madison, MS 39110

Donald Vaughns
1747 Countrywood Drive
Jackson, MS 39213

Dale Wachtel
125 Whisper Lake Blvd.
Madison, MS 39110

Christine Watson
244 Old Hwy 18, No. 1
Port Gibson, MS 39150

Julia Webber
3910 Niven Road
Benton, MS 39039

Peggy Webster
157 Castle Cr.
Madison, MS 39110

Rickey Welch
12575 Hwy 51
Vaiden, MS 39176

Wells Fargo
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P.O. Box 105743

Atlanta, GA 30348

WFMN-FM SuperTalk MS
6311 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211

Pearlean Wilburn
5280 Medhurst Pl.
Jackson, MS 39206

Andy Wilhelm
154 Rolling Meadows Rd
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Eddie Williams
213 Lynn Court
McComb, MS 39648

Issiac Williams
5147 Watkins Drive
Jackson, MS 39206

Jolynn Williams
900 Maple Avenue
Philadelphia, MS 39350

Vedale Williams
1400 Pine Grove Road
Jackson, MS 39209

Kevin Wisnoski
130 Wrangler Way
Canton, MS 39046
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