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Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.

Bill of Supply For: MAR-2020

Websit e ha disc
GS TIN of MS EDCL 27AAECM2933K1ZB HS N c ode 27160000
BILL NO.(GGN): 000000734541490

Consumer No: 190560480109 Bill Date : 16-MAR-20

Due Date : 07-APR-20
If Paid Afte r Due Date : 1,440.00

Mobile/Ema il: 88******46/***aic haru@ gm ail.c om

Billing Unit : 0914 :S ATARA (U)
Ta rif f /Ca t egory: 090 /LT I Re s 1-Phase S c an this QR
PC/MR/Rout e Sequenc e/DTC: 6 / 29-0376-1088 /4117160 Code with BHIM
Pole No: 00000111 Sec urit y Deposit (Rs): 2,000.00 App for UPI
Sa nc t . Loa d: 3 KW Supply Da t e: 06-May-01 Paym e nt
Current Rea ding Da t e: 12-MAR-20 Previous Rea ding Da t e: 11-FEB-20
Curre nt Previous
MF Unit Adj. Unit Total QR कोड ारे भरणा के यास, भरणा
Re ading Re ading
दनांकानुसार लागू असलेल ी त पर दे य क भरणा
35958 35845 01 113 0 113 सूट कवा वलंब आकार पुढ ल दे य कात समा व
. कर यात येईल.
Met er No: 09000101560
Rea ding Group: K6
Met er st a t us: NORMAL
Bill Pe riod: 1 Month(s) /

Billing Hist ory:

* For any que rie s on this bill
150 139 ple ase c ontac t
127 MSEDCL Ca ll Cent er:18002333435/18
120 001023435/1912.
113 110 113 112
100 87


Spec ia l Messa ge :
* Consum e rs c an pay e le c tric ity bill online through MS EDCL offic ial we bsite www.m ahadisc om .in and through MAHAVITARAN
Mobile App without any e xtra c harge s. Consum e rs will not be c harge d any e xtra c harge s for e le c tric ity bill paym e nts m ade
through Ne t banking, UPI, De bit c ard, Digital walle t and Cash c ards.
* MS EDCL has starte d fac ility to give inform ation of m e te r re ading through S MS on re giste re d m obile num be r of the c onsum e rs
afte r m e te r re ading take n. Consum e r c an vie w the photo of m e te r re ading on ‘Consum e r Portal’ of MS EDCL.
* आपला न दणीकृत मण वनी .88******46 आहे. आपला मण वनी मांक बदल यासाठ /नवीन मांक न दणीसाठ महा वतरण संकेत थळ/मोबाईल ॲप वापरा कवा
99303 99303 ा मांक वर खालील संदेश पाठवा MREG 28512608185.
* छापील बला ऐवजी ई- बला साठ न दनी करा व येक बलामागे १० पयांचा गो - ीन ड काउंट मळवा .न दणी कर यासाठ :-
https://c onsum e rinfo.m ahadisc om .in/gogre e n.php (CGN नंबर तुम या छापील बलावर वर या बाजूल ा डा ा कोप याम ये उपल ध आहे.)

Billing Unit : 0914 Co nsume r No : 190560480109 PC: 6 Tarif f : 090 If Paid by t his Dat e : 26-MAR-20 1,420.00
If Paid Af t e r t his Dat e : 07-APR-20 1,440.00
Due Dat e : 07-APR-20 1,430.00

Bank Co py: DT C No : 4117160 Due Dat e : 07-APR-20 1,430.00

If Paid by t his Dat e : 26-MAR-20 1,420.00
Billing Unit : 0914 Co nsume r No : 190560480109 PC: 6 Tarif f : 090
If Paid Af t e r t his Dat e : 07-APR-20 1,440.00

Terms & Condit ions: Co nsume r No : 190560480109

Ele c tric ity Duty Calc ulation is as pe r gove rnm e nt notific ation no Re ce ipt s co nside re d up-t o : 12-MAR-20
ELDP/P.No-21/Ene rgy -1 dt 13/04/2015.Tax on S ale c alc ulation is as pe r
Gove rnm e nt notific ation dt 21/04/2015.For m ore inform ation ple ase   Rs. Ps.
c he c k orde rs of Ele c tric ity Re gulatory c om m ission. Fixe d rate is use d for Fixed Charges 90.00
c alc ulation till m e te r is installe d. Energy Charges 395.35
1) Any disc re panc y in the bill should be c onveye d in writing to the loc al
Wheeling Charges 144.64
offic e .Eve n if the re is disc re panc y in bill, to avoid de lay paym e nt
c harge s, pay te ntative am ount for tim e be ing or pay full am ount along F.A.C. 75.04
with applic ation to re c tify the m istake in the bill. In c ase of dispute or Electricity Duty 112.80
abnorm ally high bill am ount, bill e qual to ave rage c onsum ption of Tax on Sale 0.00
previous pe riod will be issue d till the c om plaint is re solve d, The Previous Bill Credit 0.00
diffe re nc e of whic h will be c harge d in ne xt bill.
2) For bill paid afte r due date of previous bill and showing as arre ars in Current Interest 0.00
c urre nt bill, ple ase show the previous bill re c e ipt to the c ashie r while O ther Charges 0.00
paying for the c urre nt bill. To t al Curre nt Bill(Rs) 817.83
3) For all type of c orre sponde nc e ple ase m e ntion c onsum e r num be r
(along with PC and BU). Net Arrears 610.98
4) In c ase of loss of bill , for e ac h duplic ate bill Rs 1 will be c harge d, but Adjustments 0.00
re que st to c hange bill due date will not be e nte rtaine d. Interest Arrears 0.00
5) This bill is se nt in ac c ordanc e with Ele c tric ty supply ac t , tariff orde r ,
Total Arrears 610.98
re gulations and Orde rs as pe r Govt of Maharashtra .
Inst ruc t ions f or Cheque payment : Net Bill Amount 1,428.81
6) Che que should be a/c paye e only. Che que should be payable in Ro unde d Bill(Rs) 1,430.00
nam e of 'MS EDCL', and issue d by loc al bank. Ple ase attac h bill with the Last Re ce ipt Dat e 10-FEB-20
Che que and do not staple the m . Post-date d c he que will be not Last Re ce ipt Amo unt 0.00
ac c e pte d.If am ount is paid by Che que /DD, the date on whic h am ount
de posite d in 'MS EDCL' bank ac c ount will c onside r as a bill paym e nt DPC:10.22
date . Afte r this date : 07-APR-20
7) While putting c he que in c olle c tion drop box, ple ase m e ntion
Pay Rs. 1440
c onsum e r num be r (along with PC and BU) on the bac kside of the
c he que .Pl m e ntion c he que de tails on the bac kside of re c e ipt stub.
8) As pe r ne gotiable instrum e nt ac t 1981 artic le 138,c he que bounc e is a
punishable offe nc e and liable for le gal ac tion.
Prom pt Paym e nt Disc ount: Rs. 7.05 , if bill is
9) As pe r MERC orde r for Case No 321 of 2018 revise d Che que Bounc e
paid on or be fore 26-MAR-20
c harge s of Rs. 750 plus GS T or Bank c harge s whic heve r is highe r will be
applic able from 01 S e pte m be r 2018. Payment Hist ory:
T his elec t ric it y bill should not be c onsidered a s a proof f or proper t y Rec eipt Da t e Pa id Amount
ownership. If perma nent ly disc onnec t ed c onsumer rec eive elec t ric it y
10-Fe b-2020 1,410.00
bill, t hey should c ont a c t c onc erned subdivision. Do not modif y or
03-De c -2019 1,780.00
c orrec t t he bill illega lly, suc h bill will not be a c c ept ed. Any a djust ment
in bill will be on a bove t erms a nd c ondit ions only. 16-S e p-2019 700.00
31-Aug-2019 3,990.00
Revised Ta rif f a pplic a ble wef 01-APR-19 23-Mar-2019 1,090.00
LT I Re s 1- 17-Jan-2019 450.00
Unit 0-100 101-300 301-500 501-1000 >1000
Charges(Rs): Amt (Rs) 3.05 6.95 9.90 11.50 12.50
FAC(Rs) 0.61 1.08 1.37 1.53 1.62

As pe r Inc om e Tax provision vide se c tion 269 S T c ash re c e ipt of Rs.2.00 lakhs and above will not be ac c e pte d by MS EDCL
against any type of Paym e nt.
For Any Paym e nt to MS EDCL , ENS URE & INS IS T for c om pute rise d re c e ipt with unique syste m ge ne rate d re c e ipt num be r.
Do not ac c e pt handwritte n re c e ipts. Pay online to avoid any inc onve nie nc e .
In c ase of e ne rgy bill paid through NEFT / RTGS , date of am ount c re dite d in MS EDCL bank ac c ount will be c onside re d as
bill paym e nt date .
For Billing Com plaint c ontac t IGRC: Vidyut Bhavan, Krishnanagar, Kore gaon Road, S atara. Phone -02162244563
If Com plaint not re solve d ple ase c ontac t CGRF: Baram ati Zone , Urja Bhavan, 3rd Floor, Bhigwan Road, Baram ati - 412102 Phone -244771

* For que rie s re late d to your online paym e nt transac tions, ple ase c ontac t helpdesk_pg@ ma ha disc
Any unauthorise d c hange s m ade in this bill will le ad to non-ac c e ptanc e of the bill.

© 2020,Maharashtra S tate Ele c tric ity Distribution Com pany Lim ite d.

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