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University of the Philippines Manila


Main Campus
Palo, Leyte

Care of Infants and Children

Learning Log
Unit 1: Introduction to Care of Sick infant and Child

Direction: Complete concisely and honestly each statement corresponds to this week lesson

I used to think that this course will help me on how to give care in children, infants and other
stages of being a child.

Now I know that children feel most comfortable with their parent so allow a child to begin an
exam comfortably seated in a parent's lap. Also, A review of systems or questions about body
parts and systems can stir the memory of parents and reveal illness information. Physiologic
splitting is an extra heart sound caused by late closure of the pulmonary valve on inspiration.

Another, health assessment usually begins with inspection. Auscultate the abdomen before
palpating or percussing or bowel sounds will be suppressed. Color discrimination abnormalities
(color blindness) occur most frequently in boys. Two-year-old cannot normally name colors. A
Goodenough-Harris test is a simple test of I.Q. that requires a child to draw a picture of a person.
The number of body parts drawn is compared to a standard scoring scale.

The fifth level of communication (peak communication) is a sense of oneness or being able to
know what the other person is experiencing without any words being voiced. Reflecting is
restating the last word or phrase a child / patient has said when there is a pause in the
communication. It is a technique, like attentive listening, that is so simple that its importance is
easy to discount. Through this, the child assured you are listening and interested. Perceptions
change in a relationship. Initially, people can view others positively (for example, confident,
thrifty, funny), then later in the relationship that person changes (arrogant, cheap, childish). The
person hasn’t changed. Only our perceptions of them have changed. That is why we focus on
perception in a communication book because often, our perception affects how we communicate.
It also has an impact on what we listen to and how we listen. Therapeutic communication is an
interaction between two people that is planned ( e.g., you deliberately intend to determine how a
child truly feels), and is helpful and constructive ( e.g., at the end of the change you will know
more about the child than you did at the beginning , and ideally , the child will know more about
a particular problem or concern

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person’s place and understand be sensitive to the
feelings, of another. Adolescents are very present oriented; they learn procedures and new
information best if they can see how it will benefit them. They learn procedures and new
information presented to them is something that will affect them at some future date.

Many toddlers are in daycare or parents may introduce play dates now. Toddlers enjoy having
other kids around, but don't expect them to "play" cooperatively with each other or to be thrilled
about sharing toys. Have plenty of toys for everyone and be prepared to step in when they don't
want to share.It is common for school-age programs to serve children from 5 to 12 years of age.
Children in this age group represent a wide range of physical, emotional, and cognitive
development. Playing board games is entertaining, but that is only one benefit of board game
playing. There has been quite a resurgence in the popularity of board games, and for many
people, playing board games connects them with their past, lastly, Children in a concrete
cognitive stage learn best by seeing something happen.

However, the study of human development is a rich and varied subject. We all have personal
experience with development, but it is sometimes difficult to understand how and why people
grow, learn, and act as they do.

However, I am not sure if I can understand all the topic for this course. There are some topics
that for me very hard to understand. But by repeating reading, little by little I understand other

I hope/plan to read constantly the module that given, for me to learn a lot

I found the activity downloading my module easy because of the good internet connection.

I found the activity making my case study week 1B difficult because I need a lot of source to
write the rationale.

I hope there would be a change in this kind of learnings because its hard to adjust and to
understand the topic by my own understanding.

Overall, I feel blessed and satisfied because I am able to understand and to comply my
requirements on time, even there are many hindrances like internet connection and understanding
the topic.

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