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Nama : Faradin

Kelas : B1/R2

NIM : 21121012

Prodi : Teknik Kimia


Analysis of the Effect of Consumer Motivation, Quality Perceptions, and

Consumer Attitudes on Purchase Decisions for Honda Motorcycles (Study on
Consumers of Honda Motorcycles in Semarang).
Yan Januar Akbar

Diponogoro University


This research is motivated by the decline in sales of Honda motorcycles in the period
2005-2008. This decline in sales indicates a decrease in consumer purchasing decisions on
Honda motorcycle products so that it can be formulated in this study that how consumers make
decisions to purchase motorcycles in the midst of the phenomenon of increasingly fierce
competition based on consumer motivation, perceived quality, and consumer attitudes. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of consumer motivation, perceived quality,
and consumer attitudes on purchasing decisions for Honda motorcycles.

This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected by using
questionnaires and interviews. Respondents in this study were 100 people who met one of five
criteria; initiator (initiator), influencer (influencer), decision maker (decider), buyer (buyer), user
(user) Honda motorcycles in the city of Semarang. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested
using Regression Analysis. Meanwhile, qualitative analysis is taken from the interpretation of the
data by providing information and explanations. The results showed that consumer motivation,
perceived quality, and consumer attitudes had a significant relationship with purchasing
decisions. Consumer motivation also has a higher influence on purchasing decisions than
perceptions of quality and consumer attitudes.

Keywords: Purchase Decision, Consumer Motivation, Quality Perception, Consumer Attitude.


 Research Tittle :
Analysis of the Effect of Consumer Motivation, Quality Perceptions, and Consumer
Attitudes on Purchase Decisions for Honda Motorcycles (Study on Consumers of Honda
Motorcycles in Semarang).

 Research Writer :
Yan Januar Akbar, from Diponogoro University, 2010

 Research Background :
This research is motivated by the decline in sales of Honda motorcycles in the period
2005-2008. This decline in sales indicates a decrease in consumer purchasing decisions
on Honda motorcycle products so that it can be formulated in this study that how
consumers make decisions to purchase motorcycles in the midst of the phenomenon of
increasingly fierce competition based on consumer motivation, perceived quality, and
consumer attitudes.

 Research Purposes :
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of consumer motivation,
perceived quality, and consumer attitudes on purchasing decisions for Honda

 Methode Research :
This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected by using
questionnaires and interviews. Respondents in this study were 100 people who met one of
five criteria; initiator (initiator), influencer (influencer), decision maker (decider), buyer
(buyer), user (user) Honda motorcycles in the city of Semarang. Three hypotheses were
formulated and tested using Regression Analysis. Meanwhile, qualitative analysis is
taken from the interpretation of the data by providing information and explanations.

 Research Result :
The results showed that consumer motivation, perceived quality, and consumer attitudes
had a significant relationship with purchasing decisions.

 Research Conclusion :
Consumer motivation also has a higher influence on purchasing decisions than
perceptions of quality and consumer attitudes.

 Keywords :
Purchase Decision, Consumer Motivation, Quality Perception, Consumer Attitude.

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