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Change to project management plan or any configuration element requires a change request.

Project management plans are also approved by sponsor and SH.

Lessons learned repository is an organizational process asset (OPA) not EEF.
The management reserve is defined as the cost or time reserve that is used to
manage the unidentified risks or “unknown-unknown”.
The management reserve is a part of the project budget but not the cost
baseline. It is not an estimated reserve.
Contingency Reserve: You manage identified risks with the contingency reserve.
This reserve can be in either cost or time.
RACI - common type of responsibility assignment matrix.
Project acceptance criteria is also listed in the scope statement not charter.
leader solve problem for the team. leader handle uncertainties, risk and changes.

Project sponsor is external to the project.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation
Stakeholder collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
12 principles of agile

Highest priority is to satisfy customer Welcome change and changing requirements

Deliver working products frequently Build projects around motivated people

Face to face communications Working product over all other things

sustain the pace of work Good design (planning)

Simplicity - work not done Self organizing teams

Regular reflection - retrospectives

Charter Create business BC- complete cost-benefit analysis
case and benefits BMP- processes for creating, maximizing and sustaining the
management benefits provided by a project.
MOU can be used as an input to the project charter.
Assumption log record assumptions and constraints
OPA Review and study governance functions and processes to
provide guidance and decision making.

SH register Identification, assessment and classification of SH,

communication with SH
Scope acceptance Create scope statement
criteria Output of scope management > requirement mgt plan
Requirement Determine how requirement activities will be planned, tracked
management plan and reported.

Collect One of the Collect requirements, using charter, stakeholders,

Requirement component of understanding of required, desired and optional criteria.
process PMP Traceability matrix

Scope Scope statement After scope statement and requirement gathering are finished.
management > WBS

Project Cost management Project management approach

Management plan > knowledge Defines the basis of all project work and how the work will be
plan mgt performed. Should be presented and receive approval. Invite all
Requirement people based on the OPAs.
management plan

Communication management plan How project communication will be planned, structured,

implemented and monitored, escalation process.

Resource Alternative analysis selects the best resolution for correcting

management variance in resource utilization.

kickoff start executing. inform and engage SH and gain commitment


Monitoring and Controlling

Direct and

issue log document inconsistencies

problem, gaps

Manage lessons learned Use existing knowledge and create new knowledge to achieve
project register project objective and contribute to org learning.

establish and show progress and product road map from time to time during
maintain project planning
vision with SH

Integrated Change log change requests

change control Approved change request (output)

Risk Register Update the risk register to reflect any changes to previously
agreed upon risk response.

review PMP to ensure the project met objectives. hand
deliverables to operations team
transfer knowledge into lessons learned
measure SH satisfaction

Obtain final acceptance, transfer ownership of deliverables,

obtain admin closure, collated LL, archived project documents
and obtain feedback from SH and share final project report and
lastly release the team.


On hybrid projects, requirements are elaborated at several intervals, delivery is divided into subsets of
the overall product; change is incorporated at periodic intervals; risk and cost are controlled by
progressively elaborating the plans with new information, and key stakeholders are regularly involved.
Release Plan: high level summary timeline of the release schedule and. can be reviewed with the team
and SH to stay on track. Determines # of iterations. project roadmap drives the release plan Define
which features will be available at the end of each iteration

leaders enable team members to act. team members create working agreements. leaders handle
uncertainties, risk and changes.

Project charter project/product Remember the future game list of key deliverables
vision employee training user manual not formal document

scope major project deliverables

Manage and

Daily standup What did i do yesterday?

What is the plan for today
Are there any impediments?
Backlog Prioritize backlog Business analyst > SH >project owner
Single list of work

communication display burndown/up charts, training, metrics, quality,

velocity etc.

Sprint planning Make sure the scope of the iteration is fixed.

Collect requirements, define scope and create WBS

Sprint review demo of project built, gather feedback from SH and

approval from PO and validate project scope.

establish and show progress and product road map from time to
maintain project time during planning
vision with SH

lessons learned/ CI iteration retrospective

Quality Conduct technical performance analysis to compare

actual results delivered defects against target.

backlog if work getting impacted: analyze and prioritize


CI/CM retrospectives

Closing Once last sprint is completed, verify the deliverables

meet the definition of done
It's based on the agile method of project management, which aims to strictly establish factors like
the cost of a product, quality, and requirements as early as possible. “MoSCoW” is an acronym for
must-have, should-have, could-have, and won't-have

Kano Analysis consist of : must have - satisfiers - delighters- dissatisfiers

An agile leader wants to ensure that the team follows the Agile Manifesto value of working software
over comprehensive documentation. What should the agile leader recommend to the team?
Add must-have documentation user stories to the backlog. Agile Manifesto Value # 2 states, "We value
working software over comprehensive documentation". This does not mean, however, that no
documentation should be created on an agile project at all. Reasonable documentation is still required.
For example, customers may need user manuals, teams need requirement documents, and the project
and the organization may still require project management plans and project schedules. Creating this
documentation requires an effort from the agile team. Therefore, the team should account for this work
and add it to the product backlog as documentation user stories.

The first iteration of an agile project is about to begin. The sponsor gathers the team,
the agile coach, the product owner, and other project stakeholders for the kick-off
meeting. The sponsor emphasizes the need to identify and respond to the project risks
as early in the project as possible and at a minimal cost. What is the best way for the
meeting participants to implement the sponsor's request?
The team and stakeholders should frequently review product increments.

Listen to the advice of procurement manager if selecting between vendors.

A company is about to undertake a project that will use new technology. It is expected that the
customer will request a very large number of changes throughout the entire project life cycle. The
project sponsor indicated that delivering incremental value to the customer frequently while
maintaining the cost baseline under control is of the utmost importance for the project.
Which of the following would help the most in addressing the frequent changes?
Time-boxing. tool used where requirements are evolving.

A vendor has been contracted by a business to develop a marketing campaign for their
new product. Some of the contract items are fixed, such as warranties and arbitrations,
and are locked in a master services agreement (MSA). Others, such as services rates
and product descriptions, are subject to change. Which of the following should the
business use to secure contractual relationships with the vendor for these subject-to-
change items? Schedule of services: document describes outsourced work items that
are subject to change.

A project manager meets with the team to decide on the technology to be used on their
upcoming agile project. At the end of the meeting, the project manager obtains
consensus from the team on the choice of technology. Which of the following agile
practices do the project manager and the team demonstrate in this situation?
Participatory decision making

You have just performed a variance analysis for your project and determined that the
CPI is .9 and the SPl is 1.2. This project is considered high profile, and it is critical that
you meet all project objectives. Based on the variance analysis, what should you do
next? Conduct further research to isolate and understand the variance from the cost

A large multi-year manufacturing project relies on traditional and agile methods to

manage the vast project complexities and external dependencies. Due to those external
dependencies, there are many challenges that cannot be addressed or budgeted for in
the two-week iteration cycle. How should the team address the longer-term budget
challenges? Facilitate a quarterly review of the budget and explore potential future
budget challenges

A project manager has been assigned to a project that will transform a large
organization from a predictive environment to agile methodologies. In its current state,
the work in the organization is decomposed into departmental silos, and the employees
are best described as specialized contributors. What is the best strategy for this agile
transformation? Use hybrid life cycles as a transition strategy from predictive to agile

A large construction project is in execution. According to the project schedule, today the
project manager has individual mentoring sessions with three stakeholders that are new
to the project. When mentoring these stakeholders, which of the following project
management processes might the project manager be performing? (Choose two.)
Manage Communications. Develop Team

A company has been merged with a former competitor. The merger undergoes a major
reorganization. As a result, an agile team is assigned to a new manager who announces that
the project has dropped in priority and will lose two of its ten members, but would still need to
deliver on time. What is the best course of action for the project manager?
Work with all project stakeholders to reprioritize the remaining features preparing a
new product roadmap and backlog to meet the original project completion date

website developed and received acceptance email of deliverables. to close project PM gather SH and
demonstrate the website to confirm that the product scope and deliverables were achieved.

A project charter has been approved, and the project manager has just completed the
Identify Stakeholders process. Before project planning begins, what should the project
manager do? Inform the key stakeholders of the approved project charter

As part of its transformation to agile, an organization selects a pilot team for a project to develop a
software tool. An agile coach is assigned to the team to guide them throughout their transition. For
the first few iterations, the coach works with the project manager and team to coach them on agile
practices and assign tasks to the team members. What is the agile coach's best course of action to
determine if the team has acquired the required skills? skills to perform the upcoming iterations without
coaching? Hold iteration retrospectives (used to review work progress and improve).

Shortly before rolling out a product in a newly targeted country, a company realizes that
the product does not fully comply with local data privacy laws. Due to budget
constraints, the company has to decide on whether to pay incompliance fines or do
rework. Part of the rework would involve adding new user stories to the product backlog.
In this situation, which of the following is most likely to help? A phase gate

An agile team meets with the customer and stakeholders to plan their upcoming agile
project. The participants are looking for a tool that would help them understand the sets
of high-value features to be created over time, identify omissions in the backlog, and
effectively plan releases that will deliver value to the customer in every iteration.
Which of the following tools would best meet the needs of the meeting participants?
User story mapping: A story map is a high-level planning tool that is used by agile
project stakeholders to map out the project features and their priorities in the early
planning stages of the project. The main difference between the story map and the
roadmap is that the product roadmap organizes the features placed on the story map in
releases, which allows the stakeholders to see what features will be delivered in each

As the project manager, you are in the process of developing a draft of a document that authorizes a
new software development project. You have
reviewed the agreements and both business documents.
What else should be done as part of this process?
Study the governance functions and processes to provide guidance and decision making

The first iteration of an agile project is about to begin. The sponsor gathers the team, the agile coach,
the product owner, and other project stakeholders for the kick-off meeting. The sponsor emphasizes the
need to identify and respond to the project risks as early in the project as possible and at a minimal cost.
What is the best way for the meeting participants to implement the sponsor's request?
The team and stakeholders should frequently review product increments.

You are leading a software development project using agile methodologies. If the
project is successful, it will open up vast opportunities for future revenue and growth.
The project has a high risk of failure, but the potential benefits outweigh the risks. These
risks and rewards must be considered when selecting the content of each iteration.
Which features should be prioritized and developed first in this scenario?
High-value and high-risk features. An important concept in agile is 'fast failure' which
suggests that if a project is going to fail, it is better to fail early in the project life cycle
when fewer resources have been expended.

A product owner meets with the agile team and stakeholders to prioritize features in the
product backlog. Each feature is categorized based on the risk associated with its
development and the value the feature provides to the customer. Which features should
the product owner prioritize to be developed first in order to maximize the probability of
project success? High-risk / high-value

A project manager is leading a six-member agile team. The team's current velocity and
the number of story points remaining in the backlog indicate that the project is trending
to meet the schedule baseline. Midway into project execution, the project sponsor
informs that three team members are being reassigned to a new higher priority project
and will not be replaced. What should the project manager do next?
Submit a change request to revise the schedule and/or scope baseline based on the
remaining resources and evaluate the options on how to proceed

A scheduling error occurred on a construction project that you are managing. The
painting contractors arrived as scheduled, but the drywall was not yet finished. As the
project manager, you want to know who was responsible for scheduling the contractors
and should held Accountable. What tool or technique is most helpful in this situation?
Responsibility assignment matrix A RACI chart is a common type of responsibility
assignment matrix (RAM) that uses responsible, accountable, consult, and inform
statuses to define the involvement of stakeholders in project activities. A RACI chart is
developed during the Plan Resource Management process, and it is the best tool to
identify the responsible party for a project activity as well who is accountable.
Late in a project, a key team member leaves the company. The project manager realizes that he does
not have enough team members to meet the
hard deadline. At a weekly status meeting, the project manager discusses several options with his
project team, including authorizing additional
overtime, hiring subcontractors, or bringing in additional resources from another project team within
the company. Which resource management technique does the project manager use?
Alternatives analysis

1-You are preparing the plan for the acquisition of the team, which will manufacture product
Given the highly regulated nature of the work, you will need assistance in ensuring compliance with
various government and union regulations. What tool or technique is most useful in this situation?
2- A project is in planning. The project has many unknown components making it hard to decompose
and schedule adequately. You are a senior project manager, and in a project like this, you would
typically plan the schedule to a higher level first and wait until the project has begun to plan the
lower levels. However, this project has been assigned to a junior project manager. She is in the
process to develop the schedule management plan and approaches you for advice on how to
better accomplish this task. By looking for your advice, what tool is the junior project manager using to
plan her project?
Expert judgment. provided based upon expertise in an applicable area of the activity being performed.
Expertise should be considered from individuals or groups with specialized knowledge or training in
complying with the applicable government and union regulations.

A new scrum master joins an agile team that is been through its fifth
iteration. The scrum master notices that the level of trust in the team is
low, the team members are guarded, and conflict often arises within the
team. As a result, team performance suffers.
What is the best course of action for the scrum master to help resolve
conflict within the team?
Be assertive rather than submissive when setting the scene for conflict resolution

Your company policy states that all projects must incorporate the use
of a change control board (CCB).
Where do you document the level of authority given to the CCB for
your project? It should be captured in the change management plan
A majority of the project is planned out, although some sprints are being
incorporated from time to time. When those sprints occur, the normal
communication cadence is disrupted.
What should the project manager do in terms of communication during
those sprints? Propose changing communications during the sprints

An agile coach wants to ensure that expectations between him and the team members are properly set.
The coach meets with the team and emphasizes that he will adhere to the servant leadership approach
while working with the team members. What should the team expect the least from the agile coach?
Providing feedback on the product increment developed by the team

The budget of the project you are leading is set on an annual basis. From time to time, the team needs
to switch to an agile approach to research new technologies and conduct experimentation. This is
causing tremendous amounts of budget variation. What is your best course of action? Monitor the
budget variations and communicate regularly with relevant stakeholders to adjust as needed

You are managing a project team that has recently been expanded by new team members working
remotely from another country. Their roles have
been outlined to form a preliminary team charter. Nevertheless, you have noticed a considerable lack of
acceptance of cultural differences in the team, resulting in frequent conflicts.
Which of the following techniques could help you in this situation? (Choose three.)
Focus groups Ground rules and Meetings

You are managing a project to build 100 site towers, and you have just completed
building the 50th tower. To mark the successful completion of this first significant
milestone, you hold a celebration where you share the developments, challenges, and
lessons learned so far on the project. In what process will you use this information and
knowledge gained so far to improve the future performance of the project?
Direct and Manage Project Work: implement planned activities and approved changes
as a result of improvement suggestions identified during the project.

A project manager wants to take advantage of knowledge available within the organization to better
manage their current project. What is the best course of action for the project manager in order to
achieve this goal?
Create an atmosphere of trust so that people are motivated to share their knowledge

You are leading a project to transform an organization from a predictive

project management approach to agile methodologies. At regular
intervals throughout the project, as part of team development, you
conduct individual and team assessments to evaluate the team's
knowledge and comfort levels with agile. What should you do with these assessments
after they have been completed? Update the skill assessments' section of the enterprise
environmental factors

After losing a member of her high performing team, the project manager implements the response
planned for this risk by hiring an independent contractor. However, as a result of adding the new team
member, the team is thrown back to the storming stage of team development, and the project falls
behind schedule. How might the project manager have avoided this situation?
Developed a response plan for the secondary risk

An agile team operates in an organization whose policies and

procedures require every project to produce extensive documentation.
As the organization considers undertaking a new agile project, the
product owner is already frustrated with the fact that the team will have
to spend more time creating the documentation than developing the
product. What is the best course of action for the project manager? Build a shared
understanding among the project stakeholders regarding the deliverables

During iteration planning, an agile coach wants to ensure that her development team
has an easy way of organizing their work as well as a visual representation at a glance
of the work remaining to be completed in an iteration. Which of the following tools is
best for the agile coach to use to accomplish his goals? A task board

Which of the following integrates scope, cost, and schedule and should
be updated to reflect changes to a project?
Performance measurement baseline

A project is carried out using traditional methods. To produce project

deliverables more frequently, the project manager wants to incorporate
some agile practices into the team's work. An agile coach is brought in to
conduct a workshop with the project team.
What should the project manager do next to verify that the team has
acquired the agile skill set needed to meet the project objectives?
Facilitate a focus group to evaluate the effectiveness of the
workshop and then prepare a team performance assessment

A project manager has just been assigned to an online gaming website

development project that requires extensive and specialized graphics
and animations. The company has never needed this talent set on
previous projects, so the project manager has to go outside for
contractors. Where can the project manager look to obtain rough estimates for this
work package? Enterprise environmental factors

You are in the process of leading and performing the work as outlined in the project
management plan. As part of this process, you have successfully inspired and
motivated your scrum team through servant leadership to produce project deliverables
at a rapid pace. As a result, the project is trending to meet and exceed the performance
measurement baseline. What activities might you need to perform as part of this
process? (Choose two.)
Implementing approved change requests
Facilitating the daily standup meetings

Project processes

Project lifecycle: provides the series of phases that project passes through from its initiation to its

Project Charter: document that authorize the existence of a project, name of PM and authority to apply
organizational resources to project activities.

Monitor and Control Project Process

Process in which project is gliding along and you are controlling scope, schedule, cost, staff. During this
process also important to capture issues in the issues log (input to the monitor and control process).
Once information is entered in the issues log PM assigns a responsible party to follow up on the problem
and record the info in the issue log.

Organization Process Assets:

After completing the project management plan and wish to schedule the meeting. Before project
execution plan is presented to the SH in accordance with company’s policies and procedures contained
in the organization process assets.

Iternation Retrospective: Continuous improvement understanding what took place during the last
iteration and how it could have been improved.

Iteration review: Used to validate and accept the deliverables that meet acceptance criteria.

Risk Management
Risk register provides details of indentifed individual project risks and risk

Monitor Risk: Process monitor the implementation of the risks response plan, tracks and identifies new
risks. risk owner evaluate and report on their risk plan effectiveness throughout the project.

Plan Risk response: process risk owner are assigned responsibility of project risks and address the risk.

Functional accountability: let the team figure out technical details. Scrum master job is not to do
technical stuff or advise.

Integration issues with beta united release. To rank the risks, find the basic expected monetary values
(EMV) . Risks with highest EMV have the priority to address first. EMV = Risks probability x impact.

Schedule management

of all the info presented only story points can calculate the SPI. story point done/planned. 45/50. = 0.9.

SPI can be calculated for waterfall, agine and hybrid methodologies. team velocity is

High level of unpredictability in the project lead to many change requests and behind schedule. PM
should use iterative scheduling with a backlog. hard to define scope with uncertainty and
unpredictability. Adaptive planing defines a plan but acknowledges that priorities may change and plans
may need to be updated. Iterative scheduling is a type of rolling wave planning based on adoptive
lifecycle. The requirements documented in user stories that are then prioritized and refined and the
product features are developed using timeboxed period of work.

agile team want to use a quick method using relative size to estimate the user stories. story point should
be used to determine the relative size of a user story compared to other user stories in the backlog. It is
also a measure of effort required to implement a story. Story point could be related to complexity, the
number of unknowns, or the effort required to complete a task.

Three scrum teams develop the deliverables and coordinate their work twice a week using extended
standup meetings. PM also include Scrum of Scrums (SoS) in the project schedule. when project has two
or more scrum teams with dependencies, teams will need to coordinate their work accompblished by
SoS or meta scrum.

multi-phase project. all but one phase managed waterfall. during the agile phage of product
development update periodically as the phase progress.

Earned Value Analysis (EVE): is used to compare planned vs actual cost and schedule performance to
decide if a corrective/preventative action is required.

CPI= cost performance index – measure cost efficiency of budgeted resources.

CPI= EV/AC = CPI < 1 = more money spent than planned for work completed at the time of calculation vs

CPI >1 more work is being done for less amount (i.e., CPI of 1.5 indicate project getting $1.5 worth of
work out of every $1.00 spent).

SPI = EV/PV = SPI > 1 more project work completed than planned vs if SPI < 1 then project is progressing
slowly than planned.

If CPI > 1 and SPI <1 then we can spend more money to bring additional people on the project to bring it
back on schedule: (crashing the project schedule). project behind schedule and under budget.

To- complete performance index (TCPI) is a measure of the cost performance that is required to be
achieved with the remaining resources in order to meet a specified management goal. It is expressed as
the ratio = cost to finish the outstanding work/budget available. TCPI <1 = within the remaining budget.

Communication management
SH not receiving project communication, even if the PMP has the instructions on how project info
should be shared with SH. most likely reason for missed communication is failing to review the
agreement as part of the identify SH process.

A software development project is in planning. After applying all available schedule compression
techniques to the max, the project manager squeezes the schedule into 18 months duration and
submits the project management plan for approval. However, the client rejects the plan saying it's
unacceptable that the project will not deliver any value for 18 months. What is the best course of action
for the project manager?
Incorporate incremental product development within a predictive model
A vendor has been contracted to develop a product using agile best practices. The buyer wants to
put a contract in place that would stipulate payment each time a new product increment is
successfully delivered and accepted. What is the best type of contract to be used in this situation?
Incremental delivery with payment on incremental acceptance

A project manager is leading a hybrid project with all but one project aspects being managed using a
waterfall framework. The product of the project will be developed using an incremental and iterative
approach with regular customer feedback and reviews. PM is currently conducting an analysis of the
stakeholders' influence. What should the project manager take into account during this analysis?
Stakeholder influence will remain strong throughout project execution.

A project has to procure goods and services from a seller. Most of the procurement items are well-
defined up-front. However, the scope is subject to change and will be elaborated as the project
progresses. Which of the following is best for the project manager to use to address the scope part of
the procurement while contracting with the seller?
Lightweight statement of work, mostly fixed items, such as warranties and arbitration, can be locked in a
master services agreement (MSA), while more dynamic items, such as scope, schedule, and budget, can
be formalized in a lightweight statement of work. In the scenario, the scope is subject to change and will
be elaborated as the project progresses.

Standup meeting are a valuable element of project’s communication plan. meeting can increase
communication about issues, evolving trends, status and other relevant discussions. the primary value
of the meeting is to assist the team to communicate evolving details, needs and status with greater
frequency. it is not to align the iternation to the project road map as that is part of the iteration

Communication management plan is a component of project management plan. Plan has info such as
stakeholder, communication requirements , what info to be communicated, the reason for distribution
of info and escalation process. If immediate sponsor unavailable, then consult the communication plan
to understand the escalation process.

global team, concern about communication among team members. PM will enroll the team in cultural
training to raise awareness.

renovate project affect people. website being used to inform progress of

renovation. best communication method is pull communication. typically used for
large audiences and require recipients to access content at their discretion. push
communication (letter fax, email etc.) since website is being used then we are not
sending info to all residents.
After a change request to expand the scope of the project has been
submitted to the change control board (CCB), the project manager is
reassigned to another project. The CCB approves the change and
communicates the status of the change request to the newly hired
project manager. What should the new project manager do first? Consult the
change management plan

A project manager is leading a large project to develop a new model of

smartphone. Early in project execution, to foster the stakeholder
involvement, the project manager holds a meeting as specified in the
stakeholder engagement plan.
What type of meeting does the project manager likely hold?
A project kick-off meeting to explain the roles and
responsibilities of stakeholders

To estimate project resources, the resource management plan calls to

use data from a previous similar project that employed a fully
dedicated scrum team of four developers. You decide to acquire five
developers since another project needs 20% of their time. However,
after the first three sprints, the team's velocity is insufficient to
complete the project within the approved schedule baseline.
What might have prevented this problem?
If possible, the two projects should have been carried out
sequentially rather than concurrently.

Potential communication channel = [n * (n-1)]/2 where n = # 0f stakeholders. Project manager is a SH

as well. So add PM with the list of SH if not already listed. f

Escalation Process:

Integration management
meet with SH to negotiate agreement. participants collaborating on development of charter and initial
product backlog. who is responsible for the activities

hybrid project. project charter provides link between project and strategic objectives of the org, formal
record of project and commitment to project, establishing roles and responsibilities to ensure proper
delivery. In hybrid projects, scope can be developed using WBS or backlog or combination. backlog
typically prioritized by owner but since the option isn’t provided its the PM.

complexity and diverse teams involvements, confusion among SH where to find materials and info on
project. PM should set up an information management system to store, share, and codify the project

draft project charter (GPS) app for plane. Prior company experience in the marine environment. PM
should find consultant with extensive tech knowledge of the aviation industry. this will help develop
project description, boundaries, and key deliverables.

The Key deliverables are identified very early during the Develop Project Charter as part of the pre-
project (i.e. working software, employee training materials, user manuals etc.)

hybrid project. sponsor leaves midways. bring new sponsor up to speed. Sponsor requests a
confirmation on hybrid approach so PM show the development approach specified in the project
management plan.

If your application with little modification can run much faster along with better security, then submit a
change request to modify the application to fit the newest device needs., instead of creating a cost
forecast and communication with the SH. Cost forecast comes once the change is approved. If the
change is not approved then the next step won’t be necessary. And even prior to submitting the change
request better option would have been to conduct a reserve analysis to see how much of a management
reserve is available.

To ensure lessons learned are captured and documented throughout the project life cycle to manage
project knowledge in the LL register. Create new knowledge to achieve project objective and contribute
org learning.

If a problem indicates that delays have exceeded the established scheduled variance threshold and a
corrective action is required > assign a responsible party to follow up on the problem.

To better use the existing knowledge and create new knowledge for a project the PM is looking for ways
to identify any knowledge gaps by using the resource breakdown structure. This structure includes
information on the composition of the team and may help understand what knowledge is available and
what is missing.

Project charter is the signed formalized document as an output from the initiation process and is
prepared by someone external to the project and is utilized as a catalyst for the project to move

Business case: feasibility study if the project is economically sound. Lists the reasons and ibjectives for
the project initiation and is an input to the develop project charter process.

Scope Statement: detailed description of the project and the product the project will deliver. Scope
statement is an output of the Define Scope process and is developed by the project team .

Change management
if budget is limiting the project and may effect completion date and company’s/project success then ask
for a change in budget/resources etc.

Contingency reserves - Allocated for known risks that have been identified during risk analysis.

Management reserves – additional funds to cover unforeseen risk that can impact the project. Not
included in the cost baseline but are part of approved cost budget. (Change request required to use)

While developing document that authorizing a new software development (project charter) project
along with reviewing agreements on and both business documents should also study governance
function and processes to provide guidance and decision makings.

Benefit management plan + business case = business management plan. (PM doesn’t edit business


The enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Develop Project Charter process
include but are not
limited to:
uu Government or industry standards (e.g., product standards, quality standards, safety
standards, and workmanship
uu Legal and regulatory requirements and/or constraints,
uu Marketplace conditions,
uu Organizational culture and political climate,
uu Organizational governance framework (a structured way to provide control, direction, and
coordination through
people, policies, and processes to meet organizational strategic and operational goals), and
uu Stakeholders’ expectations and risk thresholds.
Scope management
hybrid project. SH wondering approach to accept deliverables. Deliverables will be reviewed and
accepted incrementally throughout the project.

scrum project - pharma company. worked about the impact of change in business environment (i.e. reg,
technical, geopolitcal and marketplace) on the project.

changes to the external environment should be sought, identified, and analyzed before changes to the
product backlog can be made.

labor issues and reduce cost. automation, some automation, no automation. least likely option to be
included in the business case is do less than minimum work possible to address the problem.

If near the end of an iteration the project team is ready to lead a product review with the project
manager then objective of this review is to validate the product scope.

minor modification to the project deliverable will improve overall performance. you believe minor
change to scope, schedule and budget and should be approved without going to the change process. PM
should review the change change management plan and follow the established process for processing
change requests.

Quality management
surgical device development. product requirements unclear and expected to change frequently.
regulatory approval very structured process. best approach is to use waterfall for regulatory approval
and crystal red for th product development. crystal red (agile) appropriate for large projects (or phases)
that are characterized as life-critical. Crystal orange (agile) not suitable for large teams and life-critical

A pharmaceutical company is about to begin planning a large project to perform human trials as
part of the development of a new chemotherapy drug. The compliance categories, including legal,
regulatory, statutory, and corporate, will be a significant consideration for this project. Thus, the
company has just hired a project management consultant that is skilled with the crystal family of
project management methodologies. What is the best course of action for the consultant?
Suggest the project utilize crystal red due to the criticality of the project. suitable for large projects with
high criticality
Crystal is a family of methodologies. Crystal methodologies are scalable and suitable for projects of
various sizes and criticalities. The family of methodologies uses different colors based on "weight"
to determine which methodology to use. The selection criteria are based upon the staff size and
criticality of the project. Projects of small size and low criticality can use lighter weight project
management methodologies such as crystal clear. Larger projects with high criticality, including

CPI 1 and SPI 0.8 what is primary concern for an audit? work performed lines up with company policies,
processes, and procedures. audit = quality check not concerned with schedule or cost performance.

Cost management
project over budget > bring back to baseline. agile project > use emotional intelligence and personality
indicator to achieve better cost-efficiency. use Fiedler’s LPC (least preferred coworker) scoring system
help identify team members with emotional intelligence and personality indicator as it lets the
respondent rate their coworker by ultimately assessing the respondent’s motivation type task oriented
or human relations-oriented. check sheets: quality management tool to organize facts in manner that
will facilitate the effective collection of useful data or potential quality problem. Tuckman Ladder: model
describing five stages of team development. team that reach performing stage function as well-
organized units. Impact map: collaborative planning technique that often used on agile projects to help
teams with strategic product planning.

Agile project delivered in small increments have tight budgets and feedback from SH determines the
scope of each subsequent release then add prioritized features to the project scope with each release
until the budget is exhausted.

f there is a major risk that may derail the project or make equipment obsolete then there should a
contingency reserve to ensure resources can be allocated to mitigate the risk. This would of course
happen before initiating the project and setting cost baseline. If the risk was encountered during the
project than a change request to increase the budget would have to be submitted.

PM have difficult time coming up with cost as project require material delivery from abroad. prices are
unstable due to political instability. The PM should use light weight estimation method. (used for agile
products). this will allow generating a fast, high-level forecast of costs, which can easily adjusted as
changes arise.

Resource management
dispersed development team. despite video conference, significant misunderstanding was uncovered
during recent interaction that caused delays. PM could have incorporated periodic round robin check-
ins for participation and check consensus for decisions round-robin check-ins may have revealed the
misunderstanding during the iteration planning. This method allows team members to generate ideas
without being influenced by any one person. You can then take these ideas into the next stages of the
problem-solving process.

org moving from traditional to hybrid to agile. consulting firm hired to advise management. Consultant
emphasis the role of PM will change from command and control to agile servant leadership. The PM’s
day to day role wil be setting directions for the team, providing guidance, and facilitating work.

PM to motiavet staff. Maslow hierarchy of need states physiological needs such as water, food and sleep
must be met before financial compensation, recognition dn social relationship can motivate the team.
McCleland’s theory of needs suggest three universal motivator include achievement, affiliation and
power. one of three will dominate

large team, remote work, time differences, difficulty coordinating meeting. communication technology
will be most beneficial.
project execution starting and project team is still forming. The forming stage of team development is
where team members meet and learn about the project and their roles/responsibilities. PM will
schedule a team building meeting

new employee not performing as expected. the first attempt the coach should make is that the team
member lacks information and tools.

new project using scrum. org new to scrum PM will be providing the following training for success of
project. agile workshop on agile mindset and principles, how work flow through kanban board and WIP
(work in progress (WIP) limits set the maximum amount of work that can exist in each status of a
workflow. limits, product owner understand how to groom backlog.

Unclear requirements Request that the product owner grooms the backlog

Team struggles with obs Help clear the impediments t progress

Work is not complete Assist the team to create a definition of done

Technical debt Suggest that the team uses refactoring in every iteration

Unclear working agreer Facilitate the development of for the team a team charter

agile project for inventory tracking system. PM notice extra features not part of the initial design. best
course of action to find contract info of developer who added the feature is to consult the team
management plan

You are a project manager working with a new team on a project using Scrum best practices. You
know that the team members have little experience in Scrum and will need some training. Where would
you document training needs and strategies required for your team members for this project?Team
management plan
self driving car. hybrid approach. prototype phase performed by self-organizing team and generalizing
specialist. PM will try to avoid increased time for decision making.

team member falsified certification. info verified and wish to terminate the member but first review the
enterprise environmental factors.

machine needed for tseting is down causing two day delay. to avoid delay check for alternative and
discover test can be swapped with another activity. Problem solving is the best tool used to determine
the solution.

switching from waterfall to agile. tracking and representing the team status to the organization is not
done much (least) in agile compared to waterfall. agile PM (servant leaders) spend time facilitating
rather than managing, providing resources and removing impediments.

agile aggressive release goal. the performance of a developer is low. PM should meet with developer
privately and determine what motivates them.
Team on flex schedule is becoming roadblock as some team members are not available for meetings.
Team wants standard time and flextime be only used during emergencies. The PM should discuss the
issue with the team and update the team charter. don’t go HR as the issue may only be with one project
team and project. change management done to update the baseline of project management plan. under
standard practices team charter is not a controlled document and doesn’t require change management
to update the team charter.

if Development team and project owner don’t agree on project deliverable, PM calls the meeting to
determine the root cause of misunderstanding. The team will define the problem statement and select
fishbone, five why or other method to conduct the meeting. The outcome of the meeting is to resolve
the issue and deliver an acceptable product and avoid making similar mistakes in future. The PM will not
be maximizing the number of action items as its counterproductive to the meeting.

failed sprint. development team and project owner arguing on who is responsible. after root cause
analysis PM discovers product owner determines how many user stories were to be completed during
the sprint. product owner can prioritize user stories in the backlog but can’t determine how many are to
be competed during the sprint. its the development team that decides how many they can complete.

Five techniques for resolving conflict:

1: Withdraw/avoid: satisfy own concerns not teams.

2: Smoothing/accommodating: high desire to satisfy own and team concerns.
3: Compromising/reconciling: low desire to satisfy own and team concerns
4: Forcing/directing: High desire to solve team concerns not own.
5: Collaborating/problem-solving: moderate desire to satisfy own/team concerns.

If product being developed by virtual team, and want the dealers to provide regular feedback
throughout the product development then invite the dealers to attend product demo via video
If agile team member encounter tech issue with a user story, best course of action is to request the rest
of the team swarm on the user story. If the user story was unclear then the solution would be to ask the
product owner to clarify, but if its of technical nature then team can resolve it working among

project with dispersed development teams, one using waterfall and other extreme programming (xp aka
pair programming). to prioritize team collaboration set up remote pairing for xp teams and provide
video conferencing capabilities in XP one person writes the code and the other reviews the code. video
conferencing will help the team to communicate.

Procurement management
If the requirements of the deliverable are not well-understood at the time of the contract, best to use
the agile framework to manage/procure the project and the best approach for negotiating the
agreement is to pursue a shared risk-reward contract relationship. Agile contracts need to focus on
collaborative efforts and aligning the contract with the project goals. Contract type and terms may differ
compared to waterfall project but vendor agreements should still be captured.

An agile project team has just completed its fourth iteration, but no product increment has been
demonstrated at the iteration review. The stakeholders are frustrated that no value has been created.
The scrum master comes to the team's defense. What did the scrum master most likely tell the
stakeholders? The team spent time analyzing issues to mitigate project risks. Not all iterations deliver
value to the customer. Sometimes agile teams need to learn something about the system that they are

Your last agile project suffered from various delays, such as time
passing between stating and verifying requirements, writing and testing
code, and asking customers to clarify requirements and receiving
clarifications. In your upcoming agile project, you want to apply some
lean-agile practices to ensure that time waste reduced or entirely eliminated. What is your best course
of action while planning your upcoming project?
Create a self-directed team and provide them with the resources they need

You are managing a new needs assessment project. While you are
analyzing the monthly progress data your team has submitted, you
notice that one of your project team members has spent half as much
time working on a project activity than you had planned.
What should you do? Investigate further to determine if there is a problem

A project manager has just been hired to lead a project, which is

already in the execution stage. Even though the project team members
demonstrate strong social relations and collaborative working
environment, the project manager wants to improve the performance of
the team and provide the training necessary to achieve the project's
objectives. Among the following, what should the project manager do first?
Evaluate the team members' current skills and competencies
A project manager is in the process of developing a project team to enhance project performance.
Which of the following activities is the project manager least likely to perform in support of this resource
management process? Ensuring that the resources are available as planned control resources is the
process of ensuring resources are assigned to the project, but the question is talking about building a
team that pimples using skills like build, motivate, inspire teams.

As the project manager begins the Collect Requirements process, it is becoming evident that only high-
level requirements are known at this moment, and the scope will be evolving as the project work is
carried out. Therefore, the decision is made to develop the product incrementally using agile practices.
The sponsor states that quality will be a primary focus.What is the best course of action for the project
manager to ensure that the effectiveness of the quality process is reviewed throughout the project life
cycle? Include a quality review with each iteration retrospective. The scenario implies that the project is
managed using a combination of traditional and agile project management approaches, where the
requirements are collected using the traditional Collect Requirements process and the product is
developed incrementally using agile practices to accommodate the fact the requirements are unknown
up-front. Agile methods call for frequent quality and review steps that are built-in throughout the
project rather than just at the end of the project. Recurring iteration retrospectives regularly check on
the effectiveness of the quality processes. They look for the root cause of issues and then suggest trials
of new approaches to improve quality. Subsequent retrospectives evaluate any trial processes to
determine if they are working and should be continued, adjusted, or dropped from use. Therefore, in
this hybrid environment, of the choices provided, to ensure that the effectiveness of the quality process
is reviewed throughout the project life cycle, including a quality review with each iteration retrospective
is the best course of action for the project manager viewed throughout the project life cycle? Include a
quality review with each iteration retrospective.

Midway into project execution, a developer leaves your scrum team. You
follow the risk management plan, review the risk register, and implement
the planned response by acquiring a new developer. The new developer
is highly qualified but is new to the organization and not familiar with the
Scrum framework. You introduce the developer to the other team
members. What is your next best step?
Request the team members to rotate with pair programming
so that each team member has an opportunity to mentor the new developer

A project team is using an on-demand scheduling approach as specified

in the schedule management plan. During an iteration retrospective, a
conflict between team members surges around incomplete work items
being passed along to the next column on the Kanban board. As a result,
the amount of rework grows, putting cost and schedule baselines at risk.
How should the project manager resolve this situation? Bring up the team charter and refer to the
team's working agreements for the definition of done

A few days before the end of the last iteration, the team informs the
project manager that they will be unable to finish two work packages, A
and B, because the WBS is insufficiently refined. The team thinks they
might be able to complete package A on time but will need an additional
week to complete package B which has a higher priority.
What is the best course of action for the project manager?
Consult with the product owner and make a decision accordingly

An agile coach reflects on his past agile projects and realizes that his
ability to understand human motivation, expression and dynamics played
a large part in his success. Which of the following interpersonal skills does the agile coach refer to in
his personal retrospective? Emotional intelligence

PM of an engineering firm. bidding for a solar project. The best fit for the project is to look for the
selection method in the procurement document of the bid package.

Iteration retrospective meeting to learn about, improve and adapt the process the team uses to develop
product not to obtain feedback on product.

During the execution of a project to renovate one floor of their office

building, the company has decided to renovate the office building entirely.
An analysis reveals that it would be less costly and more efficient to
include the scope of the current project within a larger renovation project
rather than managing both projects separately.
What should be done with the current project?
Terminated for convenience

Risk management
project planning: two vendors one low cost but may not provide all services, second vendor high cost
and provide all services. vendor one selected contingency reserves set aside for the risk, once risk
realized second vendor contracted for remaining work. PM should first update the risk register.

new agile project, PM review policies and procedures Re: compliance and only some policies are
applicable to the project. so you classify the compliance categories to determine the expenditure of the
project resources. If a potential threat to the regulatory compliance for the project is learned as the
project is being initiated then the PM should analyze the consequences of non-compliance. Agile often
view compliance as unnecessary overhead that does not deliver value to the customer. However to
understand the appropriate amount of resources to invest in compliance activities, the project manager
should first analyze the consequences of non-compliance.

As a project execution begins, high winds prevent a team from installing the windows as scheduled.
These weather conditions were accounted for in planning, but no one anticipated that the speed of
the wind would be that strong. What tool or technique would the project manager use to determine if
he will be able to complete the project according to the project management plan?
use reserve analysis to determine if the project will be completed according to the PMP. PM is
performing monitor risk process. reserve analysis can be used to access project risk contingency reserve
to alleviate the impact of identified risks (schedule, cost, risks). determine if adequate reserves have
been set aside to address identified risks.

After losing a member of her high performing team, the project manager implements the response
planned for this risk by hiring an independent contractor. However, as a result of adding the new team
member, the team is thrown back to the storming stage of team development, and the project falls
behind schedule. How might the project manager have avoided this situation?
Developed a response plan for the secondary risk

Stakeholder management
Stakeholder plan identifies the strategies and actions required to promote the productive involvement
of stakeholders in decision making and execution.

Schedule management

Agile - If team failed to achieve sprint goals and PM wants to implement changes to improve velocity
and verify performance improvements then PM should review the burnup chart. Burnup chart shows
how much has been completed, burndown chart shows work remaining to be completed.

Burnup Chart: show work completed toward the release of a product/shows development teams
productivity over time.

Burndown chart might provide useful info regarding the development teams productivity, but the
amount of work completed can be distorted if work gets added to or removed from backlog.

Less money spent; less work completed than plann

You are part of an agile team. Your team can only finish one story at a time. The team is
working on a large feature that contains several stories. Few of the stories have already been
completed but there are remaining stories to complete the feature you are working. Which tool
should your team use to show the completed value?
Burndown charts show where the project is going over time and usually show Story Points
Burnup charts show the work completed over time.
Feature burnup/burndown charts may show that requirements grew during the project.
The feature complete line shows that the team completes features at a regular pace.
The total features line shows how the project's total features changed over time. The features
remaining burndown line shows the rate of feature completion varies. Every time features are
added to the project, the burndown lir changes

The project iteration's costs are below estimates and work is being completed well ahead of
schedule. The resource costs and the scope are being measured in story points.
How should the burndown chart look? The remaining work line is below the ideal burndown rate

A project manager is leading an infrastructure development project and is in the process of

comparing actual overall project performance against the performance objectives described in
the project management plan. Which of the following activities is the project manager least likely
to conduct during this process?
Analyzing individuals or groups affected by the project (SH analysis)

A project management plan specifies that the deliverables will be developed iteratively, but the
reporting to the stakeholders will be done using predictive tools and techniques. As project
execution begins, the project manager collects trends about velocity, costs, and quality per each
iteration. Then the project manager sums up the data and extrapolates it at a project level.
What is the project manager likely trying to accomplish? Tracking project performance

To schedule team building activities, the project manager wants to find details on the availability
of the team members so that the meetings would have a minimal impact on the project team
assignments. What should the project manager do? Look at the resource calendar

A project to develop and roll out a new diagnostic system for the healthcare industry is in
planning. Due to the criticality of the project, a corresponding crystal method has been selected
for product development, which will be followed by a predictive phase for regulatory approval.
The regulatory approval process will involve a team of experts from around the world.
How will the transition from a colocated team to a virtual team impact the project?
Osmotic communication will be lost after the transition from product development, and
virtual tools will have to be utilized for team collaboration during the approval phase.

A project manager is leading a retrospective for a project that is running behind schedule and
over budget. Feedback from the meeting suggests that the project manager was too focused on
problem-solving and operational issues and did not effectively inspire and motivate the project
team. What could the project manager have done differently to have been more successful?
Spent more time developing the project team and providing a vision for project success

A team can only finish one story at a time. To complete a large feature that contains several
stories, the team will have remaining stories to complete and may not complete that entire
feature until several more time periods have passed. The team can show its completed valu
with a product backlog burnup chart. Many successful agile teams are made up of "T-shaped"
people. What does this mean? A focus specialty plus a breadth of experience across multiple
skills. This means team members have both a focus specialty plus a breadth of experience
across multiple skills, rather than a single specialization.

Managing the project team for an agile based project, the project manager takes a servant role
and allows the team to be self-organizing. Why is this possible?
The team is comprised of generalists and able to support each other fluidly.

In an effort to get your new project team to be as cohesive as possible, you have been
conducting a series of on-site team-building activities. You believe that your efforts have helped
team members improve both their interpersonal relationships and the level of trust in the team.
What should you do next to determine if your efforts have been successful?
Conduct team performance assessments

As a project manager, you are in the process of obtaining team members. You lobbied for a
particular developer that has worked on similar projects, however, that developer is now
committed to a different project. What should you do?
Add a recommendation in the lessons learned register to use pre-assignment as
needed for future projects

You have developed a project schedule, but the project completion date falls beyond the
deadline defined by the project sponsor. You explained this situation to the sponsor and asked
them to provide you with additional funds to bring in more people, but the sponsor refused.
What can you do to shorten the project duration? Fast track the project
activities on the critical path that were planned to be performed sequentially are performed in
parallel for some or all of their duration, thus shortening the overall project length. While no
additional resources are required while applying fast tracking, the project manager should be
aware that fast tracking may result in rework and an increased risk.
Your development team is involved in writing automated tests in advance of the
project in order to design and mistake-proof the product. Which of the following practices does this
describe? TDD: test driven development
Many successful agile teams are made up of "T-shaped" people. What does this mean?
A focus specialty plus a breadth of experience across multiple skills. This means team members have
both a focus specialty plus a bread of experience across multiple skills, rather than a single

Program Management
Which statement is most accurate?

Program and Project management focus on doing program and projects the right way

portfolio management focus on selecting the right programs and operations

Earned Value

which of the following does governance include

Rules and policies
procedure and norms
relationships and systems
all of the above.
change may be requested by any stakeholder with the project and may occur at any time throughout
the project life cycle. doesn’t have to go through the change control board. change can also be made
before a baseline is set to a project. The change process is conducted from start to finish and is the
ultimate responsibility of the project manager.
If a change request not impacting cost and schedule is disapproved after 2 months, PM should agree
with the rejection and document the outcome as an output in the issue log for communication.
During a meeting, the product owner restated the product vision, described the target user groups,
the business goals, and main features to be delivered by the agile project in its upcoming releases.
Then, to visually depict these features, the product owner created the product roadmap.
Which of the following best describes the purpose of the meeting?
Establish a shared project vision among the project stakeholders

At each iteration planning meeting, one of the project stakeholders is suggesting new product features.
However, these features are not aligned with the overarching goal agreed to by all the project
stakeholders. This repeating situation results in conflicts between the stakeholder and the team. What is
the best course of action for the agile project leader?
Remind the meeting participants of the project vision

An agile project team is developing a smartphone mobile app. The team members continuously
integrate the software modules that comprise the app and use automated tests as part of their quality
assurance processes. In spite of these efforts, the escaped defects rate has been increasing for the last
two iterations. What should the project manager recommend to the team to help lower the defect rate?
Have the team members work in pairs while developing code

To comply with the customer's contract, the project must use a certified agile practitioner to lead
and coach the project team. However, the only certified agile practitioner employed by the
company was just assigned to another project. The project manager must now hire an independent
contractor to serve as the agile coach, which delays the start of project execution.
Which of the following may have helped to avoid the delay in executing the project?
Securing the internal agile certified practitioner with a pre-assignment when this
requirement was first identified. The question suggests that the project manager is performing the
Acquire Resources process.Pre-assignment is one of the tools and techniques that may be used in
this process. When physical or team resources for a project are determined in advance, they are
considered pre-assigned. This situation can occur if the project is the result of specific resources
being identified as part of a competitive proposal or if the project is dependent upon the expertise of
a particular person. Need would have been determined in advance.

A traditionally managed project is using Scrum to develop the project deliverables. The agile
release plan calls for the recently completed MVP to be deployed into production. However, the
quality assurance (QA) department rejects the MVP, stating that the department's policies and
procedures do not address the implementation of interim deliverables. After recording the issue on
the impediment board, what should the project manager do next?
Request the project sponsor's help with obtaining the necessary approvals. The fact that the quality
assurance department lacks policies and procedures for interim deliverables represents an
organizational impediment. One of the responsibilities of the project manager as a servant leader is
to address and remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team so that the team can
deliver the most value to the organization.

An agile team is developing custom manufacturing equipment for a

client. After three iterations, a functional prototype is ready, but it lacks
critical safety features as well as several enhancements that can be
installed on-site in future releases. To get early feedback from the
client, the product owner requests that the team deliver an MVP as
soon as possible. What should the project manager do to address the product owner's
request? Install the safety features only on the prototype and deliver it to the client

A project manager is looking to replace one of the agile team members

who left to take another position. After interviewing several applicants
to backfill the position, the project manager narrows down the list to
four individuals. Which of the following candidates should the project manager hire?
An individual with a diverse skill set to be able to play many agile roles

A company undertakes its first hybrid project. The project schedule is

measured against the baseline, and the product is developed using
Scrum. Agile training is provided to the team. The project completion
date is due, and the team submits what they were able to complete so
far. The customer inspects the product and indicates that an important
feature was not delivered. What was the most likely reason that caused this situation?
A product owner was not included in agile training or was not even assigned to the project.

Your project is running behind schedule because some of the project team members have been
reassigned by their functional managers to other projects. Who would be the best person to help you
resolve this issue? The project sponsor
A project manager hired contractors for a project. Currently, the change control board (CCB) is
reviewing a change request to update the communications management plan to include the
contractors in all project meetings, events, and celebrations. There is a concern that treating the
contractors similar to employees might create a liability to provide employee benefits to contractors.
What is the best course of action in this situation? Ask the legal department to provide their insight

The latest iteration in the project went far better than the first iteration. Some claim it was the
increased communication. Others credit the change in the social media strategy. While others feel
it was due to the inclusion of a training course. What should the project manager do to make the
next iteration even more successful?
Update the lessons learned register with what worked well. These communications lessons need to
be recorded or documented in some way for the project manager and team to learn from and apply
that learning to the current project and future projects. The lessons learned register is a project
document used to record knowledge gained during a project so that it can be used in the current
project and entered into the lessons learned repository. Updates to the lessons learned register is an
output of the Monitor Communications process described in the scenario.

The United Nations initiates a project to develop digital catalogs for every country represented in the
organization. The catalogs are supposed to be relatively similar in size and scope. After the scope
and cost baselines are approved, the sponsor requests that the catalogs be delivered as they are
completed, rather than in bulk at the end of the project. Which scheduling approach should the
project manager avoid for this project? Critical path

As the project progresses, you notice that controlling the schedule becomes more and more
challenging. The variance between the schedule baseline and actual project performance changes
with each completed iteration. You realize that the traditional methods you are using to control the
schedule are not well suited for the way the product is developed. Which of the following practices
should you avoid for the remainder of the project? Evaluating the critical path

A project is re-roofing five houses in a staggered timeline using different teams. Each team properly
documented all the issues and solutions. The first two houses are complete. Both experienced
problems with the installation of the flashing, which required rework. Now, the project manager sees
the same issue for the third house, which is delaying the project. What might be going wrong?
The project teams are not reviewing the project documentation.

You are leading a project team with the development of the stakeholder engagement plan. Using a
data representation technique, you have created the diagram below, and you are sharing it with your
team. How might you explain the purpose of this diagram?

As a scrum master, you are leading a user story relative sizing exercise, when two developers begin
screaming at each other over the number of points that should be assigned to a particular user
story. You separate the two developers before the argument becomes physical. Considering this is
not the first such incident, what should you do to try and resolve the conflict? Dismiss the meeting
and meet with the developers afterward.

A project manager is in the execution stage of a construction project. Poor weather conditions that
have hampered progress on the project caused the project to fall behind schedule. Additionally, two
of the vendors have been unable to perform as contracted. The project manager now needs to
implement the responses planned for these risks.
What tool or technique will be most valuable to the project manager in this scenario?
Influencing to encourage risk owners to take necessary action.
A stakeholder frequently calls and emails the development team to get status on the project, thus
negatively affecting the team progress. How should an agile coach handle this situation?
Guide the stakeholder on proper agile practices.

The third iteration of an agile project is underway. A stakeholder is not happy with the progress the
team made so far. The stakeholder approaches the team and requests that from now on the team
informs her about the status of their work on an ongoing basis. How should a servant leader
respond? Suggest that the stakeholder periodically reviews the information radiators

You are facilitating a meeting with the customer, team, and key project stakeholders. It becomes
evident that requirements are unclear at this point and will frequently change as the project
progresses. The customer also mentions that they want the features delivered as the features are
completed even if the time between the deliverables will vary from one feature to another.
What life cycle would you recommend for the project?
Flow-based agile. team pulls features from the backlog based on the teams capacity to start work
rather than iteration based schedule. not time boxed.

A company is about to undertake a project that will use new technology. It is expected that the
customer will request a very large number of changes throughout the entire project life cycle. The
project sponsor indicated that delivering incremental value to the customer frequently while
maintaining the cost baseline under control is of the utmost importance for the project.
Which of the following would help the most in addressing the frequent changes?
Time-boxing. tool used where requirements are evolving.

A multi-phase project will deliver a self-driving car. Most phases have well-defined requirements, a
clear cost structure, and a fixed schedule. The prototype phase is characterized by high variability.
To maximize focus and collaboration, the project manager decides that the prototype phase will be
performed by a self-organizing team of generalizing specialists. Which of the following is the project
manager trying team?
Increased time for decision making. Self- organizing teams make decisions faster.

You are leading a project to write content in three different languages. The project team is colocated
for greater effectiveness. Unfortunately, the only project team member who can translate the
documents into French has a leg injury and is unable to commute to the office for the next three
weeks. What is the best course of action if you want to keep the project on track?
Organize the project team members as a virtual team

Your marketing project started with a team of junior graphics designers. Throughout the
project, you have invested heavily in courses to strengthen the proficiencies of the team members.
Now, you are evaluating the professional knowledge of each team member. What would be most
likely updated as a result of your efforts?
Skill assessments, example of EEF updates an outfrom from the develop team process.

During the execution of an agile project, a key SH has been regularly contacting the development
team offering suggestions. While the stakeholder's support is vital to the success of the project, the
suggestions have not been particularly helpful and are distracting to the development team. What
would be the best approach for the project manager to address the issue with the stakeholder?
Invite the stakeholder to attend the regularly scheduled sprint planning meetings instead of
contacting the development team directly
An internal project will deliver a new tool to the performing organization for use by its employees.
The project team wants to use short development cycles to gain early feedback and manage the
high rate of change coming from the employees. The training manager, on the other hand, insists
on creating a detailed training plan upfront to train the employees.
What is the best way for the project manager to resolve the conflict?
Facilitate a compromise by adopting a hybrid approach. The scenario describes a conflict regarding
the best project management framework for the project. Product development would be best served
with an agile approach to provide early feedback and manage the high rate of change. However, the
training manager's aspect of the project would be better suited to a predictive approach. Since the
product development and the training represent two distinct stages of the project, there is no reason
to force a specific approach to both stages. Each stage can adopt the project management
framework that is best suited to it. Providing a compromise by adopting an agile framework for
product development and a predictive

A deliverable is comprised of several parts. Two team members disagree on how to test it. One
wants to test each part before the final assembly, while the other wants to run very detailed tests
on the completed deliverable once it's assembled. With facilitation, they agree to test some parts
before the final assembly and perform only basic testing of the whole deliverable after it's
assembled. What was the conflict management technique used in this scenario?

One of your project team members, who was responsible for several key deliverables, has
suddenly left the company. You overhear a heated debate among the team members over what to
do next. It sounds as if the team is split - half want to hire a new team member; the other half want
to contract out the work. As the project manager, you want to resolve this conflict in a way that
solves the problem and keeps the team unified. Which of the following approaches should you take?
Work with the team to research different options, present ideas, and come up with a solution. Project
management best practices advocate for problem-solving and collaboration when it comes to
resolving issues or conflicts, as it is a win-win conflict resolution technique that typically leads to
greater buy-in and the most lasting solution. The 'collaborate/problem-solve' approach emphasizes
open dialogue, cooperation, and incorporating multiple viewpoints to find the best outcome for the

After checking the internal resources, the project manager realizes that the company does not have
developers who are experienced in the programming language required for the project.
What should the project manager do next?
Acquire the resources externally

Your current project has just completed a phase that used a predictive project management
approach. The nature of the next phase requires that the project team will utilize agile. You want to
empower the team for this transition and ensure that the team members understand how their roles
and responsibilities will change. What should you do first?
Work with team to define the purpose so they can engage and coalesce around the goal of phase.

A project manager is leading a project that recently transitioned from a predictive phase to an agile
phase that will utilize Scrumban. As the development team reviews the Kanban board, they begin
arguing over who will complete the required user stories. At an impasse, the project manager begins
assigning the user stories to team members. What might the project manager have done differently?
Facilitated an update to the team charter for the agile phase of the project team charter that was
developed for a predictive phase is not likely to contain agreements for how the work will be
assigned. Therefore, the project manager revisit the team's social contract (team charter) before the
start of an agile phase and have the team align on how they will collaborate the complete work.
An agile team is working on their first project together. The objectives for the first iteration were
missed, and there is significant dissension among the members of the development team. During
the iteration retrospective, it is discovered that some team members are working odd hours and
have been unavailable when needed. What might the agile coach have done differently to prevent
this situation? Facilitated a meeting to establish a social contract

You are the project manager for a project that is in its early stages. During a meeting, your boss
informs you that senior management would include a staff member on your project team because of
their necessary expertise. You have not recruited any other team members, and the project has not
even been formally authorized yet. How should you handle senior management's request?
Accept the request, since identifying specific resources for the project can occur as
part of the early planning process. Pre-assignment is when physical or team resources for a project
are determined in advance, often as part of a competitive proposal or if the project is dependent
upon the expertise of particular.

A project manager is assigned to an agile software development project for a large banking
corporation. With the project just getting underway, the project manager has learned about new
hacking tactics that present a potential threat to regulatory compliance for the project.
What should the project manager do next?
Analyze the consequences of non-compliance. Agile practitioners often view compliance as
unnecessary overhead that does not deliver value to the customer. Therefore, the project manager
may consider 'minimizing' resources (time, money, team members) allocated for compliance.
However, to understand the appropriate amount of resources to invest in compliance activities, the
project manager should first analyze the consequences of non-compliance.
Review the risks during the project retrospective. Happens end of project. Too late.
Submit a change request to update the risk management plan. Change request not in agile

During project execution, the new state-of-the-art technology that is used on the project to produce
the deliverables is unstable, which puts the whole project at risk of failure. Your sponsor is on
vacation and cannot be reached. To get immediate attention to the issue, you want to know what is
the escalation procedure. What should you do next?
Consult the communications management plan

In their first iteration, an agile team completed only half of the planned work. It turns out that before
the current project began, the team members were requested to provide ongoing support for the
prior release. Angry project stakeholders meet with SM and complain that supporting prior releases
should have never been included in the project plans. How should the scrum master respond?
Explain that routine work of supporting prior releases may be included in project plans. However this
work should be built in the sprint.

Midway into project execution, a key stakeholder leaves the company. A new stakeholder fills in the
vacant role. The project manager understands that the stakeholder engagement plan should be
updated to reflect the strategies and actions required to involve the new stakeholder in the project.
The project manager meets with the new stakeholder for an interview.
Which of the following questions would be the most helpful for the project manager in updating the
plan? (Choose four.)
How much risk are you willing to take for an anticipated benefit? Risk appetite is among enterprise
environmental factors (EEFs) used to plan SH engagement process.
What are your communication preferences? Understanding communication requirements, need and
preference help plan effective communication.
Do you have any lessons learned to share from your previous projects. LL from previous projects
part of organizational process assets (OPA) serve as an input to planning SH engagement
Do you think it was the right thing to undertake the project? Find support and awareness of SH.
EEF- input in plan communication management. Conductions not control of the team, which can
influence the project.

Due to confidentiality requirements, all of your project's

communications are uploaded to a secure intranet website where the
information can be accessed by stakeholders. However, during project
execution, you had to spend a lot of time repeating project information
to the stakeholders as many of them complained that they are not
always up to date on the communications. You have discussed this
issue with the project sponsor who says the communication method
cannot be changed. What is the most likely reason behind the project sponsor's comment?
The enterprise environmental factors are imposing a constraint

The project was a tremendous success. The project exceeded

expectations by coming in under budget and exactly on schedule. To
celebrate the success, a party was announced and scheduled for the
project team. The party will be financed from cost savings that have
been added to the contingency reserves. But as the project is closing,
the project manager and other stakeholders are feeling it is better to
use the funds allocated for the party to shore up future business with
the customer and appease the project sponsor. What should be done with the funds allocated for
the party? Spent on the party as planned

A project manager wants to ensure that communications are properly managed on her project.
Which of the following enterprise environmental factors should the project manager consider?
Political climate

During the development of the project management plan, the project manager learns that past
projects suffered from scope creep, ineffective change control process, and low stakeholder
satisfaction. To ensure the current project is managed better, the project manager decides to
institute regular interactions with the stakeholder community throughout the project.
Which of the following would be the least likely outcome of the project manager's decision?
Reduced scope: regular SH involvement will help better define scope but not reduce it.

A new developer joins the project. However, her productivity is limited since she lacks the
competency in one of the programming languages. This language is not only used on this project
but will also be required on future projects. Training costs were not included in the project budget,
and the project CPI is 0.75. What is the best course of action for the project manager?
Seek approval for the performing organization to absorb the training costs. One of the tools and
techniques associated with the Develop Team process is training. Training the
new developer in the lacking programming language will enhance the productivity of the project
team. According to the scenario, the project CPI is 0.75 implying the project is over budget,
Therefore, absorbing the required training costs is problematic for the project.

To mitigate recent labor issues and reduce their risk in the future, senior executives are considering
alternatives for automating production. One executive is not in favor of using automation at all; a
second executive suggests adding some basic automation, and yet another one is in favor of
automating the entire production line. Which of the following is the least likely option to be included
in the business case? Do less than the minimum work possible to address the problem

To comply with the customer's contract, the project must use a certified agile practitioner to lead
and coach the project team. However, the only certified agile practitioner employed by the
company was just assigned to another project. The project manager must now hire an independent
contractor to serve as the agile coach, which delays the start of project execution.
Which of the following may have helped to avoid the delay in executing the project?
Securing the internal agile certified practitioner with a pre-assignment when this
requirement was first identified. physical/team resources for project determined in advance are
considered pre-assigned.

You are preparing for an upcoming software development project. The project will be initiated and
planned using a predictive approach, while the development team will use Kanban. A budget has
been established for training, and you need to determine how to allocate those funds.
What is your best course of action?
Deliver training to convert I-shaped people into T-shaped people. T-shaped= generalizing specialist,
I=specialist. T-shaped can perform a wide range of tasks.

A vendor has been contracted by a buyer to develop a new device. The vendor insisted that the
contract thoroughly capture the device specifications. The buyer does not have clear requirements
upfront and, therefore, requested that the vendor develop the device using agile. The vendor delivers
as per the contract, but the buyer is not satisfied with the outcome. Which Agile Manifesto's value
was most likely not appropriately applied?
Customer collaboration over contract negotiations. Collaboration forms the basis for joint decision-
making to ensure the customer receives the intended. Customer collaboration forms the basis for
the joint decision-making process. It establishes a bond between the customer and the development
team, helping ensure the customer receives the intended benefits of the project.

A scrum master is leading an agile project in which the development team has failed to achieve the
sprint goal for the past three iterations. During the sprint retrospective, the team decides to
implement several changes to improve velocity.
How might the scrum master verify any performance improvement?
Review the burnup chart A burnup chart is a graphical representation of the work completed toward
the release of a product., can compare the team's velocity before and after the proposed changes
are implemented. If the development team completes more story points in the following sprint
compared to the previous sprint, it will be reflected in the burnup chart.

You are leading a software development project, which is utilizing an agile framework. While
monitoring the progress of the project, it is apparent that velocity is trending down, and you are
aware of some setbacks that have been encountered by the development team. You want to
capture and analyze lessons learned so far during the project to improve the process going
Forward. What is the best way to achieve this goal?
Conduct an iteration retrospective The iteration retrospective is a specialized meeting that is held by
the project team at the end of an iteration. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss what went well
during the iteration as well as what improvements can be made for future iterations. Meeting also
hed to ring the SH together and address concerts and rebuild support for the project.

As part of project planning, you review the lessons learned repository. You notice that although
most of the project management processes have been properly performed on all of the past
projects, the quality of deliverables was far from being perfect. You want to ensure that your project
delivers better results and that quality issues are detected early in the project life cycle.
What can you do to achieve your goal?
Conduct recurring retrospectives. When such an approach is used, quality activities are typically
performed toward the end of the project. Therefore, quality issues are likely to be detected late in
the project life cycle. One way to detect quality issues early is to incorporate some agile practices
into the quality processes.
A project manager is leading an agile project for a startup company.
Although this is the first such project for the organization, there will
likely be many more similar projects to follow. Therefore, the project
manager wants to ensure that the knowledge gained during this project
is used for the benefit of future projects.
Which of the following practices will best support the transfer of
knowledge to benefit future projects? (Choose three.)
Document knowledge gained in the lessons learned register throughout the project
Ensure that the lessons learned register is finalized and transferred to the lessons learned repository
Conduct regular retrospective meetings with the project team and relevant stakeholders

A project manager was asked to prepare a document, which the

project sponsor will sign to authorize a new software development
project Which of the following will the project manager want to include in this
document? The key project deliverables

Two project team members have had frequent clashes, which have at times resulted in shouting
matches during team meetings. The project manager has intervened, asked them to resolve their
differences, and even facilitated a meeting between them, but things have gotten worse. The
project manager is concerned that the situation is negatively affecting team cohesion and is placing
the successful completion of the project at risk. What should the project manager do next?
Use formal procedures including disciplinary actions. Project team members are initially responsible
for resolving their own conflicts. If the conflict escalates, the project manager should help facilitate a
satisfactory resolution. If the disruptive conflict persists, formal procedures may be used, including
disciplinary action. In this scenario, the project manager has already given the team members the
opportunity to resolve their own issues and attempted to facilitate a resolution. The project manager
should not allow conflict to put the success of the project at risk. The project manager should use
formal procedures including disciplinary actions to resolve the issue.

Two team members arguing over report format. Project with critical time constraints and can’t
afford delays. In this case select the report format and make the decision.
Resolve themselves: (withdrawl/avoid technique). This method would take time.
Approach to satisfy both team members: (collaborative/problem solving technique, win-win). Not
plausible due to time and nature of conflict.
Request team member return to work to avoid delays: (plausible but not resolving the issue)

A project manager is leading a meeting with key stakeholders to

update them on the progress of the project as well as address any
questions or concerns of the stakeholders. In order to capture relevant
information from the meeting, the project manager assigns a project
team member to be the meeting scribe. The meeting is a success with
enthusiastic participation among the stakeholders.
With the meeting concluded, what should be done with the meeting minutes?
Documented in the organizational process assets

A project to develop self-service ordering kiosks for an international

fast-food chain has begun its execution. Although the project scope
was rigorously defined, the team members feel they hit a wall each
time they try to develop the next work package. The project manager
decides that the team should work closely with the customer and end-
users in a co-creative process.
Which of the following would be the most likely outcome of this
collaboration? Improved stakeholder involvement and higher satisfaction

A project sponsor is reviewing a draft of a project charter, which was created by the project
The project sponsor notices that a key element is missing from the charter. Which of the following
tasks might have the project manager overlooked during the pre-project work?
Identification of key deliverables

You are an executive in a large organization that considers a gradual transition from a predictive to
the agile project management approach. You hire an external consulting company to evaluate the
current practices and propose the best way for the transition. After observing your organization for
several months, the consultant lays out several options. Which option would you select?
Incorporating standup meetings into the daily routine of the project teams

A manufacturer of medical devices has just initiated a new project for a client. The project is similar
to past projects performed by the company, with most of the project constraints, such as cost,
schedule, quality, and risks being known upfront. The scope, however, is not clearly defined since
the client is new to the market and cannot provide detailed specifications. In these circumstances,
what should the project team focus on? Establishing the process for ongoing discovery and
refinement of the scope and specifications

An organization has decided to gradually transition from traditional methods to hybrid and then
agile. A consulting firm has been hired to lead the process and advise management. To start the
process, the consultant emphasizes that with this transition, the role of project leaders will have to
change from command and control top-down approach to agile servant leadership.
What will this transition mean for the project leaders in their day-to-day work?
Setting the direction for the team, providing guidance, facilitating work

To produce deliverables, your project has to contract with several vendors. The deliverables will be
developed using an agile framework with constraint-driven delivery, which will influence the
contractual relationship with the vendors. Which of the following strategies would be the most
appropriate for this project? (Choose three.)?
Pursue a shared-risk-reward relationship with the vendors
Adopt fixed-price increments when contracting with the vendors
Include an early cancellation option in the vendor contracts

To help improve the communication of a virtual team, the project manager deploys an online chat
tool with channels for various topics that everyone uses while working. Often, all is quiet, but
sometimes, there are sudden long streams of chat about many topics, both related and unrelated
to the project work. The chat stream can be quite distracting, and it is often difficult to find
important points that relate to work. What is the best course of action for the project manager?
Request the team to use another channel for non-work related conversations.

A change request is approved to add functionality to a deliverable. The client's representative

agrees to the additional expense in a follow-up call. At the end of the project, the client disputes the
charges for the extra functionality. It turns out that the representative has left the company.
What should the project manager have done differently to avoid this situation?
Followed up the phone conversation with a different choice of media

The performance measurement baseline has been approved, and project execution has begun.
According to the project management plan, the scope should be incrementally developed by the
team over the course of 12 iterations that are planned to be completed in 6 months.
What should the project manager do to determine if any changes to the project scope, schedule, or
execution processes are necessary as the project progresses?
Conduct iteration review and iteration retrospective meetings

You are managing a project, and members of your project team are at odds about the tasks they
are assigned. Disagreements between the team members have escalated and have created a
reduction in performance across the project. What tool or technique will you use to address the
team's issues and get the project back on track?
Conflict management. The probability of a project manager successfully managing their project
teams often depends on their ability to find resolutions when differences arise within the team using
this tool or technique.

You are leading a project to build single residential houses. The houses will be powered by solar
energy. The requirements are very clear, and the project is one of many you have managed in the
past. However, due to a technological advance in solar panels, the client requested that you install
the latest panels available on the market. What project management approach is best for you to
select for this project? Predominantly predictive with some agile components

You are leading a project with some of the deliverables being developed using Scrum while others
produced using traditional methods. The project sponsor is replaced midway into project execution.
As part of your efforts to bring the new sponsor up to speed, you tell them that the deliverables are
produced in a hybrid way. The sponsor requests a confirmation. What is the best course of action for
you to address the sponsor's request?
Show to the sponsor the development approach specified in the project management plan

You review the WBS of your project and realize that due to the lack of in-house expertise, some of
the deliverables will need to be outsourced to a vendor. However, the requirements for these
deliverables are not well-understood at the moment. Therefore, you decide that the outsourced
portion of work will need to be managed using an agile framework.
What is your best approach in negotiating an agreement with the vendor?
Pursue a shared-risk-reward contract relationships Agile methodologies are typically used when
requirements are not well-understood upfront. Thus, agile contracts need to focus on collaborative
efforts and aligning the contract terms with the project goals. Unlike an adversarial approach of
winners versus losers, which will likely result in an increased risk to the project, a collaborative
approach is one that pursues a shared-risk-reward relationship, where all sides win.

As the project progresses, the project manager finds pair programming to

be particularly effective in transforming highly specialized team members
into generalizing specialists. Although this type of on-the-job training had
not been included in the project management plan, the project manager
wants to ensure that this XP technique is used for the remainder of the
project What should the project manager do next?
Include the knowledge gained about the pair programming in
the lessons learned register and submit a change request to
revise the resource management plan

An agile coach is leading an iteration planning meeting, which is being dominated by a highly
respected senior developer. The agile coach is concerned that the senior developer might be
exerting too much influence and overcommitting the team. What is the best course of action?
Suggest that the team holds a round of fist-of-five voting, Even though the iteration plan should be
determined by the development team, the agile coach, as a servant leader, should take steps to
provide each team member with the opportunity to express their opinion and ensure any
commitments are agreed upon by the entire team. Under these circumstances, it is appropriate for
the servant leader to perform a consensus check. One common method of conducting a consensus
check is the fist-of-five voting method.

You are leading a project with two dispersed development teams. One team is using traditional
waterfall methods, and the other is using XP for product development. Budgetary constraints
prevent any of the team from being colocated. What should you prioritize for team collaboration?
Setting up remote pairing for the XP team and providing video conferencing
capabilities for both teams

You are managing a project team that has recently been expanded by new team members working
remotely from another country. Their roles have been outlined to form a preliminary team charter.
Nevertheless, you have noticed a considerable lack of acceptance of cultural differences in the
team, resulting in frequent conflicts.
Which of the following techniques could help you in this situation? (Choose three.)
Focus groups: team assessment tools to develop team process. Receive insight to better
understand the root cause of conflict and fine solutions.
Ground rules: set clear guidelines for team members
Meetings: team building, addressing issues etc.

A vendor has been contracted by the government to develop a software application to count votes
for the upcoming elections. The requirements are well defined so that the project can be managed
traditionally. However, due to failures in similar applications in the past, the government wants the
vendor to allow rapid feedback on the suitability of the deliverables. What scheduling approach is
best for the vendor's project manager to select? Adaptive

A project manager has just received a signed formalized document as an output from one of the
initiation processes in her project. This document was prepared by someone external to the project
and will be utilized as a catalyst for the project to move forward.
Which of the following describes this document?
The project charter The project charter is a document developed during the Initiating Process Group
that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the
authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. The project charter is typically
developed by an entity external to the project, such as the project initiator or sponsor, and is the
primary output of the Develop Project Charter process. For these reasons, the project charter is the
best answer to the question asked.

At the daily scrum meeting, a team member brings up a problem accessing a database that
impedes his progress. Another team member offers a possible solution, which triggers a
conversation between the two. After a few minutes, the scrum master cuts off their conversation,
reminding them that the daily scrum is not the appropriate venue for their discussion.
What should the scrum master do next?
Suggest the two team members place the issue in the parking lot and discuss it once
the meeting is over. 15 min meeting limited to work performed since day prior. Roadblocks deferred
to parking lot.

The project you are leading is supposed to upgrade the application developed by your company on
desktop computers and mobile devices. a major supplier of electronics unexpectedly released a new
mobile device. You realize that your application, with a little bit of modification, can run much faster
and more securely on the new device. What should you do next in regards to this opportunity?
Submit a change request to modify the application The modification could have a significant impact
on multiple project constraints, including project scope, schedule, cost, quality, communications,
risk, etc. Therefore, a change request should be submitted and analyzed first before any decision is
made. Ideal answer: conduct reserve analysis to see how much management reserve is available
followed by a change request.

A manufacturer has initiated a project as the result of a Lean Six Sigma value stream mapping
exercise of its production process. In this scenario, which specific factor led to creation of project?
Business process improvements. the company has analyzed its production process and
recommended improvements, which can be made with the initiation of a project to realize greater
efficiency. Value stream mapping is a lean enterprise technique used to document, analyze, and
improve the flow of information or materials required to produce a product or service for a customer.

A project manager submits a formal change request to the change control board (CCB). After a
month with no response, the project has fallen significantly behind schedule. The project manager
follows up and is shocked to learn that the CCB approved the change request several weeks ago.
What should have been done to avoid this mix-up?
The CCB should have communicated their decision to the project manager.

After lengthy and thorough discussions, the change control board (CCB) rejects a change request
to update design despite the fact the project manager, who is also a member of the CCB, supports
the change. The stakeholder who submitted the change request is unhappy with the decision and
demands that the project manager updates the design anyway.
How should the project manager respond?
Re-communicate the decision of the CCB to the project stakeholder and state that the decision is
final. The PMBOK® Guide defines the change control board (CCB) as "a formally chartered group
responsible for reviewing, evaluating, approving, deferring, or rejecting changes to the project and
for recording and communicating such decisions." Unless there is an individual or a group that has
the authority to overrule the CCB's decision (this information would have been documented in the
change management plan).

1- While monitoring project work, the project manager notices an increase in actual costs that have
not been accounted for in the original budget. To understand whether a change request to update
the cost baseline should be submitted, the project manager gathers raw observations and
measurements of all of the costs that have been authorized, incurred, invoiced, and paid.
What has the project manager gathered?
2- You want to determine the progress that the team members have made so far on the project you
are leading. You see that activity A was completed on July 30th and took 25 hours, activity B is not
yet complete, but has taken 12 hours so far, there have been 15 change requests, and the actual
costs are $1.1 million. What is this information called?
Work performance data. Work performance data are the raw observations and measurements
identified during activities performed to carry out the project work. In the scenario, the project
manager collects all of the costs, which have been authorized, incurred, invoiced, and paid. Those
are best described as the work performance data. Only after these raw data have been analyzed, will
it become work performance information.

You are a project manager preparing materials to be used for a status

report that will be shared with senior management. The communications
management plan indicates that the status report should be sent to
senior management on a weekly basis. Included in the status report will
be earned value graphs, forecasts, reserve burndown charts, defect
histograms, contract performance information, and risk summaries.
What type of reporting is being shared with senior management? Work performance reports

PMP approved and project is in execution. PM want to communicate status with SH. PM should send the
work performance report to the SH to achieve immediate goals. report is intended to generate
decisions, actions, awareness and project status.
A project will use an adaptive approach to prepare plans, develop the
product, and monitor progress. Initiating and closing processes, however,
will have to be managed traditionally due to the constraints imposed by
the organization. In this hybrid environment, the project manager decides
to use information radiators.
What is the most likely reason behind the project manager's decision?
To communicate progress, share issues, drive continuous improvement activities, and manage
stakeholder expectations

You are leading a software development project for a client. Due to unstable requirements, you
have elected to use a change-driven life cycle. currently facilitating an iteration planning meeting
with the product owner and the development team. What should you do as part of the meeting?
Make sure the scope of the iteration is fixed for agile projects, the correct answer choice refers to
the fixed scope of a particular iteration. Even on agile projects, the scope should be clearly defined
and approved for at least the duration of one iteration.

Team trying to determine ideal iteration length. Team having intense argument, but no one
compromising. What should SM do?
Recommend evaluating the pros and cons of each of the suggested iteration lengths.
When an argument reaches an impasse, and a positive outcome is unlikely, the
scrum master should facilitate the discussion between the involved parties so they can reach
an agreement. Providing the pros and cons of each one of the suggested iteration lengths
would likely soften the tension and bring the discussion down to a reasonable level.

During the current sprint, the product owner's availability has been limited due to other
commitments. At the daily standup, the team members complain that they cannot get
answers from the product owner, and, as a result, the development of the product
increment is delayed. What is the best course of action for the scrum master?
Contact the product owner on the team's behalf. Agile Manifesto Principle # 4 states,
"Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project."
Making product-related decisions without the product owner is not aligned with agile
best practices. The absence of the product owner could cause issues, as team
members may not adequately understand the needs of the business. The product
owner is accountable for the product backlog prioritization as well as for the clarification
of the backlog items for the development team. The product owner serves as the point
of contact with the business and customers. Therefore, the scrum master should
contact the product owner and request them to meet with the team in order to clarify any
questions the team members have about the product

Your project is midway into execution when a new executive joins the
company. The sponsor tells you the executive will play a significant role
in your project. What should you do first?
Meet with the executive to review the project charter

Planning is underway for a project to develop a new online collaboration tool. The team
will use the eXtreme Programming (XP) method to develop the tool, while the
deployment to the customers will be managed using a waterfall approach. The agile
coach wants to gather early customer feedback on a working tool to ensure it's aligned
with the product vision. What is the best course of action?
Plan for the development of an MVP for a release to a subset of customers
An MVP (minimum viable product, or sometimes called a minimal viable product) is a
functioning product but contains the least development that will satisfy early adopters.
An MVP might be used to gather feedback from a subset of customers that can then
influence the development of the remainder of the fully functioning product. Additionally,
an MVP allows the organization to get the product to market in the shortest timeframe to
gain market share and start generating revenue.

An agile team is tasked with the development of a robot. The project manager wants to
ensure that before the actual robot is built, the team receives early feedback on
requirements and adapts the design accordingly. Which of the following should the
project manager use to achieve that goal?
Prototyping. Prototyping is a method of obtaining early feedback on requirements by
providing a model of the expected product before actually building it.

Customer requirements for the new application to be developed by an agile team limit
the technology choices to only two approaches. The team members are not familiar with
any of them and ask the scrum master for advice. Which of the following should the
scrum master recommend to select the best approach?
An architectural spike. Technical timeboxed experiment aimed to explore a technical
approach to use an familiar technology to provide a proof of concept that demonstrates
a technology is suitable for the project. Risked based spike is a short timeboxed effort
used to investigate and reduce an issue or threat to a project.
During an iteration planning meeting, an agile team is having difficulty estimating the
work required to develop the product increment because the approach selected to
develop the increment involves new techy, with which the team is unfamiliar. The use of
this technology also represents a potential risk to the entire project if the approach fails.
What should the team do to determine the impact of using the new technology?
Conduct a spike. A spike is a short time interval within a project, usually of fixed
duration, during which a team conducts research or builds a prototype for an aspect of a
solution to prove its viability. Spikes can contribute to a learning process and may be
used in various circumstances, such as estimation, acceptance criteria definition,
understanding the flow of a user's action through the product, etc.

You have just been assigned to an upcoming agile project. As part of pre-project work,
you review all of the organization's policies and procedures regarding compliance. You
realize that only some of them may be applicable to project. What should you do first?
Classify the compliance categories to determine the expenditure of project resources.
One of the principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto states, "Simplicity - the art of
maximizing the amount of work not done - is essential." Compliance activities represent
overhead, which does not directly provide value. In keeping with an agile mindset, the
project manager should minimize the overhead and only include those compliance
activities that are necessary.

You are a scrum master leading an agile project team that has been consistently
meeting the goals set for each iteration. The product owner is pleased with the team's
progress, and the performance measurement baseline shows no deviations. However,
you feel that one team member is less productive than the others. What is the most
appropriate feedback approach for you to take in this situation?
Allow the project team members to address the issue if they deem necessary.

As your project progresses, a team member suggests a minor modification to one of the
project deliverables, saying that the modification will improve the overall performance of
the final product. You believe that the modification constitutes a minor change to the
project scope, schedule, and budget, and should be approved without going to the
change control board. What should you do next?
Review the change management plan and follow the established process for
processing change requests.

A project with a tight budget to update an inventory control system is underway. A key
stakeholder submits a request to replace all barcode scanners. The request is rejected
by the CCB. The stakeholder contacts the project manager and insists that replacing all
the scanners is necessary as some of the existing units are broken. The project
manager is concerned that the stakeholder may become resistant to the project if the
issue is not addressed promptly. What is the best course of action?
Offering to assist the stakeholder by submitting a change request to replace only the
broken scanners. It is best to negotiate a reasonable solution to the concern raised by
SH to retain their support for the project.
You have been assigned to manage an agile project to develop various analytical tools
for your company's executive team. Everyone involved in the project is new to agile
methodologies. After the first few tools are released, the executives are frustrated that
the tools they needed the most are still in the pipeline for future development. What
might you have done differently to avoid this issue?
Provided the product owner with the training on how to prioritize the product backlog
The product owner is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog according to
business value. Training for the product owner might have been beneficial in helping the
product owner understand how to prioritize the product backlog properly.

An agile project has entered its seventh sprint. Two days before the end of the sprint,
the customer informs the product owner that they forgot to include one feature in the
sprint. A senior manager overhears the conversation and states that including the
feature represents scope creep and should not be allowed. What is the product owner's
best course of action?
Work with the customer to prioritize the feature in the product backlog.

Development team members argue with the product owner who rejected a deliverable
the team developed during the recent iteration. The project manager schedules a
meeting with the team, product owner, and other relevant stakeholders to break down
the situation and identify the root cause of a misunderstanding. Which of the following
will be considered an antipattern if used during the meeting?
Drawing a fishbone diagram, Using the five whys method, define a problem statement.
Maximizing the number of action items

You are leading a software development project for a client. Due to unstable
requirements, you have elected to use a change-driven life cycle. You are currently
facilitating an iteration planning meeting with the product owner and the development
team. What should you do as part of the meeting?
Make sure the scope of the iteration is fixed. Change driven-adaptive=agile. Scope fixed
for the iteration.

A project has short iterative planning and executing cycles where the requirements are
progressively elaborated. The key stakeholders are continuously involved and provide frequent
feedback allowing the team to respond to changes more quickly. What is the best way for the
project manager to manage quality in this type of project environment?
By scheduling regular retrospectives Quality is managed by scheduling regular retrospectives to
check on the effectiveness of the quality processes. During a retrospective, root causes of
issues are sought, and new approaches are suggested to improve the development process in
general and quality in particular.

You meet with your team to determine the life cycle for your project. After
analyzing the best way to define and manage requirements, develop
deliverables, handle changes, control risk and cost, and engage key
stakeholders, the decision is made to select a hybrid life cycle.
With the project life cycle selected, how will risk and cost be controlled?
By progressively elaborating the initial plans with new information

An agile team member encounters a technical issue while developing one of the user stories
she selected for the current sprint. After multiple unsuccessful attempts to resolve the issue, the
team member approaches the scrum master for advice. What is the best course of action?
Request that the rest of the team members swarm on the user story. Helping each other is one
of the virtues of successful agile teams.

To manage its workflow, an agile team is using a Kanban board. The agile coach notices that
WIP limits have been recently violated, causing delays in tasks' completion. To expedite work
across the board, the coach suggests that the team reinstates the WIP limits and collaborate on
the tasks. Which of the following collaboration techniques will the team least likely apply to
implement the coach's suggestion? Jamming (made up word)
Pairing Swarming and mobbing are all terms used for collaboration in agile.
A scrum master is working with stakeholders to develop the project vision for inclusion in the
project charter and wants to ensure that regulatory compliance measures are incorporated into
the project requirements. How might the scrum master analyze the consequences of non-
Play a session of "remember the future"

An agile coach has been assigned to a newly formed team with their first project. The coach
colocated the team, provided training on agile best practices, and explained that agile teams are
self-managing. However, the team members are struggling to assign user stories from the
Kanban board, and productivity is suffering as a result of the lack of collaboration. What is the
best course of action for the agile coach?
Take a more directive approach since the team is still in its forming stage.

You meet with your team and key stakeholders to decide on what approach, waterfall or
agile, should be used for your project. You explain to the meeting participants that
continuous improvement is of utmost priority for the project. Someone asks you how
waterfall methodologies compare with agile as it relates to continuous improvement.
How should you respond to this question?
Agile teams tend to be more focused on continuous improvement and will review
performance more regularly. Agile projects conduct retrospectives to incorporate
continuous improvement as a foundational element throughout the project.

During a sprint retrospective, the team members complain that the business analyst has
been unresponsive to clarify the work package to be developed in the sprint. As a result,
the work package has not been accepted by the customer. The scrum master reaches
out to the business analyst and requests them to collaborate with the team during the
upcoming sprints. What else should the scrum master do?
Continue monitoring the business analyst's involvement

A project manager is estimating the length of time the project will take. The project
manager worked on a comparable project two years ago that installed 10 miles of
guardrails at a rate of one mile a day in similar weather conditions, using the same size
crew on the same type of highway. What estimating technique would be the appropriate
option for the project manager to use for his duration estimate?
Parametric estimating Since the project manager has duration data from a similar
project with definitive parameters, he can extrapolate the rate of producing the
guardrails from the previous project to arrive at an estimate for the new project.

You are leading an off-grid housing construction project. Each of the ten homes in the
development will have solar shingles to generate energy and a novel energy storage
system. The performing organization is highly experienced with traditional construction
methods, but this is their first project to incorporate energy generation and storage. How
might you best support continuous improvement efforts throughout the project?
Construct the homes sequentially using a predictive model and hold a retrospective
after the completion of each home. Adopting an incremental approach by constructing
the homes sequentially and, after each consecutive home is built, learning what went
well and what should be improved will allow the project team to gain valuable
information that can be applied to the construction of the subsequent homes in the

You are leading a project to developed incrementally in small releases. Requirements

have been established for the initial release. Feedback from a focus group will
determine the scope of each subsequent release. The client has established a strict
budget for the entire project. which is the best way to proceed?
Add prioritized features to the project scope with each release until the budget is

You are drafting a stakeholder engagement plan for a software development project.
The product will be built using a scrum framework. You want to ensure that the
stakeholders' level of influence on product development is analyzed and categorized.
What is your best course of action?
Suggest that the product owner use a power/influence grid When using a scrum
framework, the product owner works directly with the stakeholders to determine project
requirements and incorporate stakeholder feedback in the development of the items in
the product backlog. the product owner analyzes and categorizes the stakeholders'
influence. A power and influence grid can assist the product owner in a grouping of
stakeholders according to their level of authority (power) and ability to influence the
outcomes of the project

As a project progresses, existing knowledge is used, and new knowledge is created to

achieve the project's objectives and contribute to organizational learning. Which of the
following enterprise environmental factors would contribute to this process?
Trusting working relationships. Organizational, stakeholder, and customer culture is an
example of the EEFs that are among the inputs to the Manage Project Knowledge
process. The culture of trusting working relationships and a no-blame culture is
particularly important in managing knowledge on a project as it allows people to feel
comfortable sharing information.

You have been assigned to lead an agile project. You want to ensure that project
information is shared within and across the organization, so that any misalignments,
dependencies, or other issues related to the frequently changing requirements are
surfaced as quickly as possible. How could this goal be best achieved?
By promoting aggressive transparency, sharing project information between the
developers, client, users, and other project stakeholders directly, quickly, and effectively
rather than going through layers of management?

1- Near the end of an iteration, the project team is ready to lead a product review with
the product Manager. What is the objective of the review?
2- A project team has just finished development and is planning to have the customer
and the sponsor inspect the system's user interface for acceptance. Which project
management process will facilitate this activity?
Validate the product scope Validate Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of
the completed project deliverables. This process can be carried out at the end of an
iteration (sprint), phase, project, or any other point where the product work can be
reviewed and inspected. Inspections are among the tools and techniques of the Validate
Scope process. In the Validate Scope process, stakeholders are determining whether or
not the scope completed is acceptable. review deliverables with customer/SH and
obtaining formal acceptance.

Two days before the end of the last iteration of the project, an agile coach noticed that
the performance of one of the developers significantly degraded, risking the iteration
goal. The coach and the developer have a one-on-one coaching meeting scheduled a
day after the iteration's end Date. What is the best course of action for the agile coach
to take in this situation?
Employ real-time feedback to address the issue with the developer Coaching is aimed
to help the team members perform at their best, to stay on track, to resolve issues and
concerns, to continuously improve their skills. Swarming won’t work as only two days
are left and team members have to complete the other tasks.

You are managing a project with stakeholders from many different departments
including marketing, engineering, and information technology. As you are monitoring
stakeholder engagement, it becomes clear to you that stakeholders from the marketing
department who used to be supportive appear to be neutral. After researching the
reasons for the gap, you discover the marketing department views the project
communications to be too technical, leading them to lose interest in the project. What
might be your next step?
Perform a communication styles assessment. Determine communication style and
identify the preferred communication method, format and content for planned project

The project requires ongoing stakeholder engagement and needs to respond to high
levels of change. The project manager has chosen an adaptive life cycle for the project.
The backlog contains an ordered list of requirements and work. At the beginning of each
iteration, the team determines how many backlog items can be delivered within the next
iteration. Which process(es) will the project team need to repeat with each iteration?
Collect Requirements, Define Scope, and Create WBS. Often the full scope of the
project is not understood at the beginning of the project, or it evolves during the project.
Therefore, the deliverables are developed over multiple iterations where a detailed
scope is defined and approved at the beginning of each iteration. In an adaptive life
cycle, a high-level vision for the project is decomposed into an ordered list of
requirements and work which is contained in the backlog list.

A project has been chartered to develop a new rechargeable battery. At the kick-off
meeting, the project manager understands that the product development phase will
require continuous customer and stakeholder engagement and their feedback on the
deliverables. The decision is made to carry out the development phase iteratively. Given
these circumstances, how will the Control Scope and Validate Scope processes be
performed? Repeated for each iteration

Your company has been contracted by a client for a software development project. The
project will use agile methods to deliver product increments. For the client, however, this
project will be their first experience with agile. You want to make sure that the client
gains the full benefit of early and continuous delivery of software.What is your best
course of action?
Gain alignment with the client on the timing of project deliverables. If the requesting
organization is not prepared to accept the deliverables when they are deployable, then
the return on investment will be delayed. Therefore, in this scenario, it will be important
for the performing organization to gain alignment on the timing of the deliverables, so
the full benefits of the project's output can be realized.

As a project manager, you recently completed a project team performance appraisal,

and a previously unknown competency gap in technical skills was uncovered, which
needs to be Addressed. What should you do next?
Implement the response planned for this risk Conduct unplanned training to address the
competency gap. If project team members lack the necessary management or technical
skills, such skills can be developed as part of the project work. Scheduled training takes
place as stated in the resource management plan. Unplanned training takes place as a
result of observation, conversation, and project performance appraisals conducted
during the management of the project team.

A project manager is leading a project, which is running behind schedule. A review of the team
performance assessments indicates that one developer's productivity is lacking compared with the
others due to repetitive attendance issues. What should the project manager do to determine the
appropriate disciplinary actions specific to this project?
Check the resource management plan The resource management plan is a component of the project
management plan that describes how project resources are acquired, allocated, monitored, and
controlled. The resource management plan specifies guidance on providing team member rewards,
feedback, additional training, and disciplinary actions as a result of team performance assessments and
other forms of project team management.

A project manager is leading an agile software development project to create a new inventory
tracking system. During an iteration review meeting, the project manager notices that the data
entry screen has extra features, which were not part of the initial design. What is the best course of
action for the project manager to find the contact information of the developer who added the
Review the project team directory. To determine who developed the extra features and then be able to
contact the responsible project team member to address the issue, the project manager needs a list of
project team members along with their project roles and communication information. The project team
directory is a documented list of project team members, their project roles, and communication

An agile team is using a Kanban board to manage their workflow. A stakeholder approaches the
team lead and asks why the cycle time in this project is longer than the cycle time in the previous
project. The team lead wonders how stakeholder came to conclusion. The stakeholder explains that they
used the Little's law formula. Which of the following formulas did the stakeholder most likely use?
Work in progress divided by throughput. Little's law is an important concept used to help project teams
analyze and minimize work in progress (WIP) when implementing a Kanban board to manage workflow
on an agile project. Little's law is states that "the more things you have going at the same time, the
longer each thing will take." To understand the formula, let's break down the different parts of it and
describe what each variable means: Cycle Time = Work in progress / Throughput
Cycle time is the time through the progress for each item. Work in progress (WIP) is the number
of items the team works on at the same time. Throughput is the average time it takes the team
to complete each item. Eventually, the cycle time represents the duration from the time the team
starts working on a task until the team completes the task.

After several iterations spent developing a product, the client states that the product shown at a
demonstration does not reflect the product vision and requirements initially discussed. The client
says that the product needs significant changes before it would be acceptable. What might have
prevented this situation?
Allowing higher transparency of the work in front of the stakeholders. The scenario implies the
project is lead using an agile approach. To accelerate the sharing of information among
stakeholders, agile methods promote aggressive transparency. The intent of inviting any
stakeholders (which would include the client) to project meetings and reviews is to surface as
quickly as possible any misalignment, dependency, or other issue related to the changing
project. On agile projects, often the client, user, and the development team exchange
information in a dynamic co-creative process leads to more stakeholder involvement and higher
satisfaction. A product increment developed during the course of an iteration is demonstrated at
the end of the iteration rather than after several iterations have been completed.
An agile project leader wants to ensure that the product vision does not fade away in the team
members' minds throughout the course of the project.
Which of the following would be the best way for the agile leader to achieve that goal?
Re-communicate the product vision at beginning of each iteration. Product vision drives product
roadmap; product roadmap drives release plan; the release plan establishes the iterations.

A company authorizes an internal scrum project to develop a reporting tool for senior
To save costs, the company requests the technical lead to also act as a product owner. The
works with the management to develop user stories. At the sprint review, the management
representative is disappointed as the tool is not what they expected. What is the technical lead's
best course of action? Ask the company to provide a dedicated product owner

You have been assigned to lead an agile project. However, when you meet with your team for the
first time, you realize that due to various company's imposed constraints, most of the team
members would not be able to be 100% dedicated to the project. What is your best course of action?
Adjust assignments based on individual capacity Ideally, agile team members are colocated and 100%
dedicated to the team and project. However, having all team members 100% dedicated to the project is
not always possible. The main problem with partially dedicated team members is multitasking and task
switching. Multitasking reduces the throughput of the team's work and impacts the team's ability to
predict the constant delivery of value to the customer. Multitasking slows the process of the entire team
because team members waste time by context switching and/or waiting for each other to finish work.

A new developer has joined an agile team in the middle of project execution. During the tour of the
work area, the scrum master gives a brief overview of the agile practices used by the team and
introduces the new developer to the team members.
What would be the next most logical step for the scrum master to take in this situation?
Let the team members introduce the project to the new developer. empower the team and let them
take ownership of the project.

A manufacturing company charters a project to develop the hardware and software needed to
automate the company's production line. The deliverables will be produced using an agile
What strategies might be appropriate to gain formal acceptance of the product scope?
Conduct a demonstration whenever enough features have been developed to form a
coherent set 2 Have the team demonstrate the completed user stories to the product owner at the
end of each iteration

To collect requirements for the new software application, a product owner facilitates a meeting with
developers, customer representatives, and other stakeholders. The participants create short,
textual descriptions of the required functionality, indicate those who will benefit from the feature, as
well as the goal of and the motivation behind the functionality. What type of meeting does the product
owner facilitate? User story workshop. A story-writing workshop is a meeting that includes developers,
customer representatives, end-users, and other stakeholders who can contribute to writing the user
stories. During the workshop, the participants write as many user stories as they can. No priorities are
associated with the user stories at this point because the customer will have a chance to do that
later. While the initial user stories are often written during a user story workshop, stories can be
written at any time throughout the project.

You hold a video conference with the stakeholders and the development team to demonstrate the
product increment completed during the last iteration. A stakeholder brings up a concern regarding
the functionality of the application. To ensure you understand the concern, you are using active
listening techniques. Which of the following quotes from the video conference illustrates the active
listening skill of confirming understanding?
"It sounds like what you're looking for with the page transition is a loading animation to
show that the system is working on it. Am I correct?" Techniques of active listening involve
acknowledging, clarifying and confirming, understanding, and removing barriers that adversely affect

An agile team has just completed the development of the final project's deliverable. The team
members are seeking advice from the project manager as to their next step.
What should the project manager advise the team to do next?
Verify that the deliverables meet the definition of done (DoD) ensure that the completed deliverables
meet the previously agreed definition of done to verify they meet the project's requirements. The
definition of done can be described as a team's checklist of all the criteria requirements to be met so
that a deliverable can be considered ready for customer use. All of the incorrect answer choices
represent actions that would not be conducted immediately following the completion of project
deliverables. after this activity hold project retrospective.

A product owner approaches the agile team lead with concerns of slow team's progress during the
last few sprints. The product owner suspects that judging by the tired looks and low energy in
recent stand-up meetings, the team members are burnt out.
What is the best course of action for the team lead to take in this situation?
Bring the issue up with the team to discuss. Agile teams are self-organizing, self-managing, and
empowered to make decisions concerning their work. It is up to the team to determine whether it is
burnout or any other factor that slows down the team's performance, and whatever the reason is,
decide on potential solutions. Agile leaders should refrain from making decisions for the team. In the
reference provided the author states.

Two team members continue to have arguments and opposing views on an issue. As a project
manager, you are becoming concerned that their disagreement could affect their other tasks. You
understand the issue but have not intervened hoping they can resolve the issue between
themselves. Which of the following is the most appropriate action to take?
Meet with the two project members in an attempt to facilitate a solution

An agile project is being performed for an external customer. After the sprint review meeting where
the team demonstrated the new capabilities of the web user interface, a stakeholder approaches the
product owner and suggests an improvement to one of the screens. The stakeholder insists this
improvement would make it easier for the user to navigate the interface.
What is the product owner's best course of action?
Discuss the stakeholder's request with the customer and decide if and when it should be
implemented. According to the scenario, the project is carried out for an external customer. Therefore,
any new requirements coming from stakeholders would have to be discussed with the customer to
determine if the customer is even interested in the requirement in the first place. If the customer is not
interested, the requirement should be rejected, and no further action is needed. If, however, the

An agile team wants to use a quick method using relative size to estimate the user stories.
Which metric would you recommend to the team?
Story points arbitrary unit measure used to determine the relative size of a user story compared to the
other user stories in the backlog. It is also a measure of the effort required to implement a story. In
simple terms, a story point defines how hard the story will be to develop. Story point values could be
related to complexity, the number of unknowns, or the effort required to complete a task. A story point
value is defined as a range of relative values.

You are leading a project to develop a software application. The application is being built
incrementally using a scrum framework. Due to low stakeholder engagement, you submit a change
request to update the stakeholder engagement plan with an invitation for key project stakeholders
to participate in sprint planning and retrospectives. What tool or technique are you planning to use?
Meetings. The question implies that the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process is being performed.
Of the available choices, meetings, expert judgment, and communication skills are all tools and
techniques associated with the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process. Sprint planning and
retrospectives are types of meetings that are conducted when using the agile project management
approach known as Scrum. You plan to invite key project stakeholders to participate in sprint planning
and retrospectives, implying you are using meetings as a tool to enhance stakeholder engagement

An agile coach is holding a training session for project managers in an organization that is
transitioning from a traditional to an agile project management approach. The coach explains how
the role of the project manager changes with this transition. Which of the following would the project
managers do the least after the transition is complete?
tracking and presenting the team's status to the organization

The project manager and project team have worked together for many years. There is a deep sense of
community and collaboration. Everyone knows their stuff. Which leadership style of the project
manager is most effective in deepening those connections? Servant leadership

You are leading a project design a new and innovative system based on newly developed technology. In
past projects, using a traditional waterfall project management approach, you have encountered issues
with scope creep. However, given the nature of the current project, you have decided to use an agile
approach. As it relates to project scope, how will this project differ from your past projects
The project scope will evolve during the project. An agile framework is more likely to be used when the
requirements are not well understood at the

A project has been chartered with so many unknowns and little clarity as to how the products are to
be built and designed even though it is extremely clear to all that something has to be done and
fast. What is the best approach for the project manager to take?
Establish an evolving product roadmap, then define and refine the scope as the project
progresses. Without clear knowledge of what needs to be done and how,
deciding as a team all that needs to be done before started is difficult. Attempting to fully define the
project work before starting work may be more time consuming compared to starting with a
roadmap and some less clear requirements.

A small organization with one project manager decides to transition from a traditional waterfall
project management approach to agile. However, the relevant organizational personnel lacks
experience with agile methodologies. The organization has elected to use hybrid life cycles as a
transition strategy. What else should be done to facilitate the transition?
Contract an external agile coach to assist the organization with the transition. use the services of an
external agile coach to help guide the transition and allow the internal personnel to gain exposure and
experience with agile methodologies. The external agile coach will have the advantage of experience,
but the disadvantage of weak relationships with the client organization. An internal project manager will
have established strong relationships but will lack the experience.

A project to integrate hardware and software is in execution. The hardware requirements are well-
defined with a detailed WBS. The software requirements, however, are vague and frequently change,
forcing the team to develop the product incrementally with short feedback loops. The team
is very frustrated by the frequency of changes. How should the project manager respond?
Absorb the team's frustrations and demonstrate positivity.

To reduce potential conflict and increase productivity, the project manager creates a team charter
with clear expectations of acceptable behavior and diligently enforces the terms of the charter.
Despite these efforts, team conflict has become a significant issue and threatens the successful
completion of the project. What could the project manager have done differently to avoid this situation?
Allow the project team to develop the team charter

As product increments are developed and then deployed at customer premises, the customer
initiates new requirements, submits changes, and reports defects. The requirements, changes, and
defects are reviewed by the CCB comprised of the project manager, product owner, and team, and
prioritized for the upcoming iterations. The scope baseline is updated accordingly. How should the work
on the new requirements, changes, and defects be carried out? Using a single-list-of-work-and-changes
approach (aka backlog)

To address teamwork issues encountered on previous projects, an agile coach facilitates a

meeting with the team. The team creates a comprehensive list of 27 items and include them in the
team charter. Despite these efforts, the previously experienced problems surface during the first
iteration. What is the best course of action for the agile coach?
Recommend reducing the working agreements to the top five to ten items

You are an executive in a large organization that considers a gradual transition from a predictive to
the agile project management approach. You hire an external consulting company to evaluate the
current practices and propose the best way for the transition. After observing your organization for
several months, the consultant lays out several options. Which option would you least likely to select?
Tracking the project progress using weekly meetings

A project to develop a medical device has an aggressive timeline. The project scope will be
decomposed into a WBS during initial planning, and the device will be developed iteratively and
incrementally. The final product must comply with all government health and safety requirements
before it can receive regulatory compliance approval. What is the best strategy to balance the needs of
the project and the regulatory requirements?
Perform the Control Quality process during each iteration. The project team will need to ensure that the
product meets all of the requirements for regulatory approval. While the governmental regulatory body
is only concerned with the final product, the project team should still verify that each product increment
meets any requirements specific to that product increment. Deliverables (even interim deliverables) are
verified as part of the Control Quality process. If the Control Quality process uncovers a
nonconformance issue, it is best to discover that issue during the iteration so that steps can be taken to
avoid the issue in future product increments.

A project manager is facilitating a kick-off meeting with project stakeholders. The project will be
managed traditionally, but its deliverables will be developed incrementally over the course of ten 2-
week iterations. Some of the stakeholders are wondering about the approach used to accept the
deliverables. How should the project manager respond?
The deliverables will be reviewed and accepted incrementally throughout the project.

A project management plan for a multi-phase project is under development. As part of the Define
Activities process, the project manager creates the activity list. All but one phase, the development of
the product, will be managed traditionally. The product development phase will be carried out using
agile techniques. How should the activity list be handled during the product development phase?
Updated periodically as the phase progresses.

Your agile project needs specialists that are not available locally. You find the needed resources
across the globe, but due to various constraints, cannot colocate them for the duration of the project.
You decide to organize the team in a virtual environment. The kick-off meeting is in a few weeks
from now, and the company allows only one quarterly in-person meeting. What is your best course of
action to have the team attend the kick-off?
If possible, bring the team members to attend the kick-off meeting in person

As part of its transformation to agile, an organization selects a pilot team for a project to develop a
software tool. An agile coach is assigned to the team to guide them throughout their transition. For
the first few iterations, the coach works with the project manager and team to coach them on agile
practices and assign tasks to the team members. What is the agile coach's best course of action to
determine if the team has acquired the required skills? skills to perform the upcoming iterations without
coaching? Hold iteration retrospectives (used to review work progress and improve).

A project has just completed a phase that utilized a traditional waterfall approach. The next phase
will use Scrum. The project manager wants to ensure that the most appropriate recognition and
rewards system is integrated into each phase.
How should the project manager adjust the recognition and rewards criteria for the upcoming
phase? Change the recognition criteria from individual performance to team-based

A project manager schedules a meeting for the scrum project team to reflect and adapt.
What will the participants be most likely doing at this meeting?
Looking for any improvements to the team's process

A software development project is transitioning from its first phase that was carried out using a
traditional project management approach to the second phase, which will be implemented using XP.
Since the software created by the project will process personal data, cybersecurity to comply with
regulations will be paramount.
What modifications will need to be made to the Control Quality process to ensure regulatory
Responsibility for the Control Quality activities will transition from specified team members to
the entire team. eXtreme Programming (XP) is known for the concept of collective code ownership.

You meet with your team to determine the life cycle for your project. After analyzing the best way to
define and manage requirements, develop deliverables, handle changes, control risk and cost, and
engage key stakeholders, the decision is made to select a hybrid life cycle.
With the project life cycle selected, how will the change be managed?
Incorporated at periodic intervals

You are working in a matrix environment, and your project team has recently been reduced by
three team members. As a result, you will need more time from a team member who only spends
50% of their time on your project. Which of the following will have the most significant impact on your
ability to acquire more of this employee's time? Influencing

You are managing a project to develop a new instrument. During planning, the number of design
reviews was reduced. This reduction in design reviews allowed a lower project budget and a
shorter timeline. The instrument has been transitioned to operations, and unfortunately, the support
costs are significantly higher than expected as several field modifications on the instrument are
being performed. What could you have done differently to help avoid this situation
Consider the impact of fewer project design reviews before deciding to reduce them

A business considers engaging with a vendor to develop project deliverables. While most of the
deliverables have well-defined requirements, some are still unclear and will be discovered and
elaborated as the project progresses. Which of the following is best for the business to use to contract
with the vendor? Master services agreement (MSA)

Leading colocated project team that ll create deliverables in agile, followed by roout
phase in predictive. PM concerned transition from agile to waterfall may cause friction
within the team. With development phase complete, how will the team working
agreement change?
Social contract should reflect a transition from collective to individual responsibility for
the project. agile= self organizing teams, collective responsibility. waterfall= PM assign
task, individuals responsible for the task not the team.

You have been assigned to lead a drug development project for a small pharmaceutical
company. The drug development aspect of the project is characterized by a high degree
of uncertainty, complexity, and risk. The governmental approval process, on the other
hand, is highly structured and well defined. What project management approach would
you recommend for this project?
Agile for the drug development phase, and predictive for the governmental approval
process. The drug development phase, being characterized by a high degree of
uncertainty, complexity, and risk, is well-suited to an agile project management
framework. Governmental approval is described as a highly structured and well defined

To determine the budget for your project, you aggregate cost estimates of the work
packages and send the draft budget to the sponsor for review. The sponsor replies with
a request to remove training costs for the project team arguing that since the product
will be developed by a self- organizing agile team, the team members can self-study the
missing knowledge. How should you respond to the sponsor?
Explain that even if the team members may learn the missing skills on their own, the
budget will still have to cover the time the team will spend to close the knowledge gap
since the team will be less productive during that period

A vendor has been contracted by a business to develop a marketing campaign for their
new product. Some of the contract items are fixed, such as warranties and arbitrations,
and are locked in a master services agreement (MSA). Others, such as services rates
and product descriptions, are subject to change. Which of the following should the
business use to secure contractual relationships with the vendor for these subject-to-
change items? Schedule of services: document describes outsourced work items that
are subject to change.

You are midway into an agile phase of a predictively managed project. You have just
been notified by the company's CEO that, due to a growing pandemic, all non-essential
personnel will be required to work remotely, including your project team. However, the
resource management plan mandates the use of physical colocation to enhance
communication and collaboration. What is your best course of action?
Request a change to the resource management plan to incorporate the use of virtual
tools to replicate colocation in a remote environment

A program manager requests regular updates on the progress of the projects under the
program. All but one project in the program are managed using traditional methods. The
program manager indicates that there are too many scope changes across the program
and wants to see how these changes affect the overall progress of the various projects.
What is the best course of action for the scrum master leading the agile project to
address the program manager's request?
Periodically send the release burnup chart to the program manager. release burnup
chart has same info displayed as a release burndown chart. main difference - burnup
chart show changes in scope.

1- An executive wants to begin initiating a project by developing a project charter, but

since she has never sponsored a project before, she is looking for a document to use as
a template. Where should the executive look first?
2-A project manager has resigned from her position right after the execution processes
of the project she managed have been completed. You have been asked to close the
project. You want to find project closure guidelines that establish the protocols for the
transfer of ownership and knowledge. Where would you find this information?
Organizational process assets. charter template is found in org process assets.

1: A project manager has resigned from her position right after the execution processes
of the project she managed have been completed. You have been asked to close the
project. You want to find project closure guidelines that establish the protocols for the
transfer of ownership and knowledge. Where would you find this information?
2: As a new project manager, you have just been assigned to a project
and asked by the project sponsor to create a draft of the project
charter. The company has a project management office (PMO), which
is best described as supportive. Unsure of the format the project charter should take,
what should you do first?
Organizational process assets (OPAs)

According to the communications management plan, the project should

use a dashboard to communicate information to stakeholders. Some
team members are struggling to keep their project data current.
What is the best action for the project manager?
Offer help to those team members who are struggling to report on time

A team member working in a matrix organization has produced two major

deliverables that failed to meet the quality specifications. The project
coordinator tried to clear up misunderstandings about the specifications,
but the quality issues persisted. The project coordinator approached the
employee's functional manager to help resolve the problem.
What kind of power is the project coordinator asking the functional
manager to invoke? Legitimate aka positional, formal authoritative power.

On a project, two change requests were recently submitted for review and approval.
One change request was submitted to repair a defective system. The other change
request was submitted to modify the terms and conditions of a contract with one of the
suppliers. Both of the change requests have been reviewed and approved by the
change control board (CCB). Which of the following processes is least likely to be
performed as a result of the approved change requests? Perform Integrated Change
Control. no longer require since change request are already approved.

During project initiation, the project manager realizes that due to the resource
requirements of other higher priority projects, some resources may not be available for
the current project. If this happens, the project may fail. The project manager wants to
ensure that this risk is known to key project stakeholders as one of the conditions to
terminate the project. What should the project manager do?
Establish the project exit criteria. defines the conditions that need to be met in order to
close or to cancel the project or phase. The scenario implies the project is set up for
failure if resources are unavailable to fulfill the project requirements. By proactively
identifying the risk of resources being unavailable, establishing the project exit criteria
early in the project, and documenting the criteria in the project charter, the key project
stakeholders would be aware of the circumstances. In the event risk realizes

A project to bring a new model of a product to market is in execution when a competitor

files a lawsuit claiming that the product violates several of their patents. The courts have
sided with the competitor and issued a cease and desist order. What should the project
manager do first? Seek approval to terminate the project

To enable osmotic communication, the project manager colocates the agile team
members. This setup works well until some of the developers start complaining about
the chit-chat noise, preventing them from focusing on some difficult programming tasks.
Which of the following tools would help the team in resolving the issue?
Caves and common

You are performing activities necessary to close out the second phase of a multi-phase
project. The project documents of this phase indicate that the planned risk responses to
several of the realized risks were found to be ineffective. What should you do next
before moving to the next phase of your project?
Transfer the knowledge gained to the lessons learned repository

You are assigned to a software development project. The product requirements are not
clearly defined upfront. Therefore, it has been decided to develop the product using an
agile framework. Other aspects of the project will be managed using the traditional
waterfall project management approach. Which of the following might you spend less
time developing and/or implementing for this project?
The change management plan

As the project progresses, the project manager gets complaints from stakeholders who
say that project status meetings and email reports are too infrequent to keep the
stakeholders up-to-date with the project's status. The project manager reviews the
communications management plan and submits a change request to modify the way the
status is reported. Which of the following is best for the project manager to include in
the change request Incorporating the use of information radiators

A charter for a two-phase project to build a space satellite has just been approved. The
first phase is design; the second phase is development. Requirements for the first
phase are well-defined up- front. Requirements for the second phase are known only at
a high level. Some satellite components will be produced by vendors. How should the
project manager approach planning for the second phase?
Involve as many project team members and stakeholders as possible

Your enterprise software integration project has just begun execution when your
organization acquires a new subsidiary and involves them in the project. The new
subsidiary recently finished a similar integration project using a compatible tool. Using
the tool may accelerate both your project and the new subsidiary's assimilation into the
organization. However, the schedule and cost variances to take this opportunity do not
quite meet agreed-upon risk thresholds. What should you do?
Submit a change request to adjust the risk thresholds that consider the new
stakeholders' risk appetite and to update the baselines.

As part of monitoring and controlling costs for your project, you need to calculate a cost
variance (CV). You have already determined that $22,000 has been spent thus far on
the project. In order to calculate the CV, what should you do next?
Review the cost baseline and project schedule
The formula for cost variance is CV = earned value (EV) - actual cost (AC).

An enterprise is in the process of transitioning from traditional waterfall

to SAFe®. There are five co-located development teams that comprise
the Agile Release Train (ART), but each team is located in a different
country. The program management plan indicates that Program
Increment (PI) Planning must occur every eight weeks.
What is the best strategy to conduct the Program Increment (PI)
Planning? Arrange for five meeting rooms that will be connected with
continuous live audio and video communication between the sites

Once a month, you attend a steering committee meeting to report on

project status as specified in the communications management plan.
During the meeting, the committee members challenge you on the
productivity of your project team, pointing out that your team has a
velocity of 40 story points per sprint, while another project team is
averaging 80 points per sprint.
What is your best course of action? Take the opportunity to coach the steering
committee members on the proper use of the velocity metric

A newly formed agile team is creating the working agreements for their
current project. What would an agile coach recommend to the team as part of this
process? Conduct a workshop where all team members collaborate
on drafting working agreements

On October 3rd (represented by the red line on the Gantt chart below), the project
sponsor asks you to provide a progress report including the CPI for a project status
meeting the following morning. You update the project schedule management tool,
which produces the following chart. The method used to determine the earned value is
based on percent complete. What are the project's current CPI and status?
The CPI is 1.21, and the project is running under planned costs
EV = (100% * $500) + (75% * $1,000) + (50% * $5,000) = $500 + $750 + $2,500 =
$3,750 AC = $600 + $500 + $2,000 = $3,100
Therefore, the CPI can be calculated as:
CPI = EV I AC = $3,750 / $3,100 = 1.21
Since the CPI of 1.21 is greater than 1.0, the project is running under planned costs.

A project manager is leading a scrum team with a product development

project. The resource management plan provides the project manager
broad discretion for recognition and rewards. To cover the cost of recognition and
rewards, a budget has been allocated and accounted for in the cost baseline. What is
the best strategy for the project manager to use these funds?
Set up a recognition dinner at the end of each sprint to show appreciation for the efforts
and hard work the team members have been doing

Withdraw / avoid Postpone the issue for potentially resolving it later

Smooth / accommodate Focus on those points that the team members agree on

Compromise / reconcile Suggest an idea that would partially satisfy everybody

Force / direct Support the solution suggested by the senior developer

Collaborate/problem solve Continue the discussion until a win-win solution is found

Due to the lack of expertise, some agile project deliverables will need
to be outsourced to external vendors. The performing organization
wants to ensure that the selected vendor will use agile as their delivery
method to produce the contracted deliverables.
What is the best course of action for the project manager?
In the source selection criteria, specify that the vendor must use agile as their project
management approach

Your company policy states that all projects must incorporate the use
of a change control board (CCB).
Where do you document the level of authority given to the CCB for
your project? It should be captured in the change management plan

You have just drafted a document which, at a high level, will ensure a common
understanding by the stakeholders of key deliverables, milestones, and the overall
project risk. Before you wrap up the current process, what should you do
Obtain approval of the document you have drafted

When estimating resources for your project, you have determined that the company
does not have enough developers to complete the required work. You can either hire
additional developers as permanent employees or bring temporary contractors. The
make-or-buy analysis resulted in a return on investment (ROI) of 25% if the project work
is completed by adding permanent employees and an ROI of 20% if you bring in
contractors. You decide to bring in the contractors. Which of the following was the most
likely reason for this decision? To avoid expanding permanent employment obligations

As part of the quality assurance efforts, the project team identifies that several
deliverables do not conform with the quality requirements. What should the team do
next? Review the quality management plan to determine what to do with the
nonconforming products

A project manager is analyzing the communication needs of stakeholders in order to

develop the communications management plan for a project that will use a hybrid
project management framework. The project manager understands that the plan should
accommodate the needs of both predictive and agile aspects of the project. How should
the plan accommodate the agile aspects of this project?
Secure facilities to support face-to-face interactions

A defense contractor has been engaged by the government to develop an anti-missile

system to intercept missiles launched from neighboring countries. The contractor
completed similar projects in the past using an established predictive project
methodology. However, due to the new type of missiles used by the attackers, the
solution for the anti-missile system is unclear. A combination of what project
management approaches would work best for this project.
Traditional and agile

As a new project manager, you have kept your project on track by relying on control and
focusing on the bottom line. Although the project team is doing what has been asked of
them, they feel that they are being micromanaged and lack the autonomy to make
independent decisions for the betterment of the project. How might you improve the
performance of the team?
Develop leadership skills to inspire trust and focus more on the horizon

A project manager focuses on systems and structure to accomplish

project goals. As a result, the project manager has a strained
relationship with the project team. Although the current project is
trending to meet project objectives, excessive turnover of the project
team threatens the project.
For self-improvement, what type of skills should the project manager
spend time developing? Leadership skills

A project manager has been experiencing unnecessary delays during

project execution in obtaining signatures from senior management due
to an inadequate notification process when a signature is required.
Addressing the issue only requires a minor update to the
communications management plan.
What should the project manager do next? Submit a change request

You are leading a project to transform an organization from a predictive

project management approach to agile methodologies. At regular
intervals throughout the project, as part of team development, you
conduct individual and team assessments to evaluate the team's
knowledge and comfort levels with agile. What should you do with these assessments
after they have been completed? Update the skill assessments' section of the enterprise
environmental factors

You are a member of a project team responsible for project quality

management. You have found that some of the testing procedures are
not consistently detecting the issues they were designed to detect. If
these procedures are not corrected, the project may end up failing or
require a lot of rework. You recommend several suggestions to
improve the procedures.
What is the best way for you to deal with this situation?
Issue a change request to apply the improvements

A current project is much larger in size and complexity compared to the previous
projects that the project manager has managed. To save time and effort, the project
manager uses the risk management plan and risk register from a historical project as a
template. During project execution, several unexpected high-impact risks were realized,
which derailed the project and caused its termination before completion. What most
likely caused the project to be terminated?
Lack of tailoring of the risk management plan and risk register

You meet with your team to determine the life cycle for your project. After analyzing the
best way to define and manage requirements, develop deliverables, handle changes,
control risk and cost, and engage key stakeholders, the decision is made to select a
hybrid life cycle. With the project life cycle selected, how often will the key stakeholders
be involved? Regularly

A project manager is leading a product development project within a centralized

organizational structure. One of the project team members has left the organization and
needs to be replaced if the project goals are to be met. The project manager has
identified an employee within the organization that has the necessary skill set to fill the
vacancy. What should the project manager do first?
Negotiate with the employee's functional manager

You are leading two independent teams working on the same project. The nature of the
deliverables requires that one team takes a predictive approach, while the other uses
scrum. Due to dependencies between the teams and the variable nature of the outputs
from the scrum team, the predictive team needs to confirm their understanding of the
scrum team's activities with the shortest feedback loop possible. What is your best
course of action?
Have the predictive team attend the daily scrum meetings. What scrum ceremony would
provide the shortest feedback loop. Feedback loops implies two way communication.

A project to develop visualizations of the safety and efficacy of a new

drug is underway. Scrum has been selected as the development
approach. Midway into the third sprint, a project team member finds
that the data provided is missing a mandatory parameter. The risk of
getting incomplete data was identified and recorded in the risk register
earlier, during project planning.
When would be the most appropriate approach to surface this problem?
The team member should raise the issue as an impediment during the daily scrum

You have been assigned to manage a project midway into its execution since the
previous project manager was transferred to another division within the company. As
you review the documentation on the project, you realize that a project charter was
never established. What is your best course of action?
Establish a project charter at the point where you entered the project

You are in the process of developing the project management plan for a project which
will use agile
methods for product development. You want to ensure that the key stakeholders will be
kept apprised of the business value delivered throughout the course of the project.
What is your best course of action? (Choose three.)
Invite the stakeholders to attend the regular iteration review meetings
Utilize information radiators such as a Kanban board and burn charts.
Ensure the communications management plan specifies periodic project status
reporting to the stakeholders

It has been decided that the project will be managed using waterfall. However, due to
ambiguous requirements, the software will be developed in short iterations using Scrum.
After acquiring a team from within the organization, the project manager realizes that
the organization lacks technical expertise in several key areas and will require external
resources from a vendor. The organization, however, wants to preserve its strategic
discretion on the work performed. What is the best contracting technique for the project
manager to maximize collaboration with the vendor?
Team augmentation: approach where suppliers services are embedded directly into
customers organization to enhance collaboration.

According to the risk management plan, the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process
should be conducted once during project planning and then during project execution
each time a major risk is identified. Midway into project execution, the team members
feel the risk management approach does not address the iterative nature of the product
being developed. What is the best course of action for the project manager?
Conduct the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process before the start of each

You gather your project team to examine and document the effectiveness of the
implemented risk responses in dealing with the realized risks. As the discussion
progresses, it becomes evident that several issues have arisen as the result of the risks
that have occurred. Which of the following best describes the activity in which you and
your team are involved? Risk review meeting
A project sponsor creates a draft of the project charter and asks you to complete its
development and lead the project. What should you do next?
Gather information from stakeholders to document high-level details on the project

The project requires frequent input from the senior management team. Some of the past
projects succeeded to engage the team, however, most failed as senior management is
notorious throughout the organization of responding slowly and not attending meetings.
What is the best strategy for the stakeholder engagement plan of the current project?
Review lessons learned from other projects involving the management stakeholders

You have tasked the project team with identifying and documenting the specific
activities required to produce a key project deliverable. The team's work will result in
schedule activities that can provide a basis for estimating, scheduling, executing,
monitoring and controlling the project work. Which of the following tools and techniques
is least likely to be used during this process? Leads and lags

The first iteration of an agile project is about to begin. The sponsor gathers the team,
the agile coach, the product owner, and other project stakeholders for the kick-off
meeting. The sponsor emphasizes the need to identify and respond to the project risks
as early in the project as possible and at a minimal cost. What is the best way for the
meeting participants to implement the sponsor's request?
The team and stakeholders should frequently review product increments.

A project manager has been assigned to a project that will transform a large
organization from a predictive environment to agile methodologies. In its current state,
the work in the organization is decomposed into departmental silos, and the employees
are best described as specialized contributors. What is the best strategy for this agile
transformation? Use hybrid life cycles as a transition strategy from predictive to agile

An agile team meets with the customer and stakeholders to plan their upcoming agile
project. The participants are looking for a tool that would help them understand the sets
of high-value features to be created over time, identify omissions in the backlog, and
effectively plan releases that will deliver value to the customer in every iteration.
Which of the following tools would best meet the needs of the meeting participants?
User story mapping: A story map is a high-level planning tool that is used by agile
project stakeholders to map out the project features and their priorities in the early
planning stages of the project. The main difference between the story map and the
roadmap is that the product roadmap organizes the features placed on the story map in
releases, which allows the stakeholders to see what features will be delivered in each

A project manager is executing the quality management plan of a project to

manufacture a new reusable rocket to launch commercial satellites. Due to the
extremely high cost of failure, the tolerances for the parts are held to a very exacting
standard. The project manager has established a threshold of no more than 3.4 defects
per million opportunities (DPMO). What is the best approach to accomplish this goal?
Use Six Sigma as a quality improvement methodology

A project manager goes into the monthly steering committee meeting and says the
project has a cost variance of $25,378.22. Instead of being praised for running under
budget, one of the executives at the meeting expresses frustration at the number.
What is wrong with the variance? The level of precision is not correct.

As an agile team works its way through the seventh iteration, a new stakeholder joins
the project. The stakeholder frequently contacts the team members to request
information and question their methods. The scrum master notices that the productivity
of the team drops. What is the best course of action for the scrum master?
Remove impediments and roadblocks that interfere with the team's progress

A company needs to purchase a 3D printer for a project in the planning stage. The
project manager assigns a project team member to be responsible for acquiring the 3D
printer while two other team members will be trained on operation and maintenance and
can then be consulted when needed. What tool or technique is most useful in
documenting these responsibilities for future reference?
RACI chart: A RACI chart is a common type of RAM that uses responsible, accountable,
consult, and inform statuses to define the involvement of stakeholders in project
An organization that is steeped in a predictive project management approach has
decided to adopt hybrid methods as a transition strategy to agile project management. A
pilot scrum project has been chartered and scrum roles and responsibilities assigned.
The project manager wants to ensure the optimal delivery of value to the customer.
What should the project manager do next?
Schedule scrum training for the product owner

You are in the process of implementing the resources management plan for your
technology development project. The plan indicates that a team performance
assessment should be conducted monthly to support continuous improvement efforts.
The project is characterized by high variability and is following an agile lifecycle for
product development. How should you approach the team development strategy for this
project? Incorporate individual and team assessments into the existing iteration
retrospective meetings and use the information obtained to create the monthly team

A project manager is in the process of monitoring and controlling various changes to

project artifacts for a bridge construction project. Which of the following will most likely
require an approved change request before the change can be accommodated?
A suggestion has been made to change from predictive to a hybrid development
approach. The project is running well over budget, and the cost baseline needs to be
revised to reflect reality. The project sponsor wants to add a document to the
configuration management plan. A senior executive has recommended updating the
project life cycle description to include an additional phase. An agile team is in the
middle of a sprint when the sponsor asks the project manager to stop work on several
user stories in the current sprint. With a recent news announcement of new technology
soon to hit the market, the sponsor is inclined to think that these user stories would be
of little value. What should the project manager do?
Contact the product owner and ask if the user stories are still a priority
A product development project is underway. The project is using an agile
lifecycle for software development and is operating within an overarching
project management plan. Despite careful planning, after two software
versions have been released, the user's guide was not updated to reflect
the latest release, causing a great deal of confusion for end-users.
What should the project manager do to ensure this problem does not recur?
Ask the CCB to perform a configuration audit to ensure that
the composition of the project's configuration items is correct
issue with version control. config audit will help identify the source of the issue.

A project manager meets with the team to decide on the technology to be used on their
upcoming agile project. At the end of the meeting, the project manager obtains
consensus from the team on the choice of technology. Which of the following agile
practices do the project manager and the team demonstrate in this situation?
Participatory decision making

A project manager has just taken over during the first phase of a project, which is
running ahead of schedule. Each phase of the project will require different
competencies, and the project manager needs to understand what training should be
provided to the team in preparation for the upcoming phases and when this training will
be needed. What is the best course of action? Consult the project schedule

It has been decided that a project will be managed using an agile framework. The
project is now in execution. In this adaptive environment, what should be the focus of
the project manager? Building a collaborative decision-making environment

2: A sponsor is worried that the agile project does not progress fast enough since no
project status reports are being sent. The sponsor approaches the scrum master with
their concerns. The scrum master reassures the sponsor that the project is moving
ahead as planned and invites the sponsor to attend a meeting and see the progress
with their own eyes. Which of the following meetings did the scrum master most likely
invite the sponsor?
2: At the end of an agile project chartering session, a stakeholder asks
the project manager when will be the first opportunity to view the
team's progress on the development of the new application.
Which scrum event should the project manager suggest to the
stakeholder to attend?
Sprint review meeting
A company is about to undertake an agile project for an external customer. Due to a
lack of expertise, most of the deliverables will be outsourced to a vendor. The project
manager is reviewing the list of prospective vendors who submitted their proposals.
Which of the following is most important for the project manager to emphasize and
ensure when selecting and contracting with a vendor for this project?
Maintaining regular contact and feedback between the customer and the vendor

A project manager has developed a comprehensive project management plan, including

a fully elaborated WBS and detailed project schedule. Despite these efforts, the project
is running behind schedule because the change control board (CCB) is unable to cope
with the high volume of changes, even though they were approved by the product
owner. What is the project manager's best course of action to get the project back on
track? Seek approval to bypass the change control process and have the project team
collaborate directly with the product owner

In the middle of the construction of a new water treatment plant, the government
established more stringent water quality requirements for treatment plants.
What should the project manager do next?
Submit a change request to update the quality management plan

Shortly before rolling out a product in a newly targeted country, a company realizes that
the product does not fully comply with local data privacy laws. Due to budget
constraints, the company has to decide on whether to pay incompliance fines or do
rework. Part of the rework would involve adding new user stories to the product backlog.
In this situation, which of the following is most likely to help? A phase gate

A project manager informs the agile team members that, due to

unexpected personal issues, the product owner will be unable to attend
the upcoming sprint review.
What would be the most likely outcome of this situation?
It will be unclear whether the product increment developed by
the team during the sprint is accepted or not

A project manager is leading a six-member agile team. The team's current velocity and
the number of story points remaining in the backlog indicate that the project is trending
to meet the schedule baseline. Midway into project execution, the project sponsor
informs that three team members are being reassigned to a new higher priority project
and will not be replaced. What should the project manager do next?
Submit a change request to revise the schedule and/or scope baseline based on the
remaining resources and evaluate the options on how to proceed

When reviewing the issue log, the project manager finds a new entry indicating that
additional fencing is needed to address ground security risks on the project. After
reviewing the risk register, she finds ground security among the risks identified during
project planning. She wants to address the risk but is not sure if the project has enough
funds to cover it. Which data analysis technique can be used to make this
determination? Reserve analysis

You are leading a road construction project. Increasing crude oil prices
have driven up the cost of asphalt for your project by 25%. This risk
was identified and analyzed during project planning with funds set
aside in case the risk is realized. The cost baseline is safe for now, but
you feel additional price increases may be incurred before the project
is completed. What should you do next? Perform reserve analysis
Reserve analysis compares the contingency reserves remaining to the amount of risk
remaining at any time in the project. to determine if the remaining reserve is adequate.

You are leading a project that was terminated at the beginning of the
seventh sprint due to the exit criteria being met as defined in the
project charter. The project was canceled despite the fact that you had
diligently followed the project management plan, and the project was
trending to achieve all of the objectives. What should you do next? Conduct a project
retrospective and ensure the knowledge gained from the project is transferred to the
lessons learned repository

A project to roll out a new payroll system for the organization has been
completed. Training the employees on the new system was a key
deliverable in the scope baseline. The training was provided to all
employees in a single class but proved inefficient as the payroll
department was overwhelmed with incorrectly filled out timesheet
forms, which delayed paychecks. What might the project manager have done differently
to prevent the incorrectly submitted timesheets? Incorporated incremental delivery
along with retrospectives in the project management plan

To develop a charter for the project you have been recently assigned to
lead, you have reviewed the business documents and studied the
agreements. You lack the information about the key project
deliverables which should be included in the charter.
What is the best way to obtain this information?
Facilitate a meeting with key stakeholders

You are assisting a project sponsor with the development of a

document, which authorizes a product development project. Currently,
you need to identify the project's key deliverables for inclusion in the
document. What might you do to obtain this information Invite the project sponsor and
other key stakeholders to join a conference call

You are leading a hybrid project with an agile team developing the web application and
a traditional engineering team to design the servers that will host the application. You
want to determine what your company says about the their needs and expectations.
What is your best course of action?
Check the organizational process assets include corporate policies and procedures for
social media. Review company’s social media policy.

During a project, the project manager introduces a new column to the risk register. This
modification proves to be beneficial in monitoring project risks. The project manager
documents the best practice in the lessons learned register and plans to transfer this
information to the lessons learned repository. What else might the project manager do
to ensure this best practice is considered for future projects? Update the organizational
process assets. one of the outputs of the Monitor Risks process. Organizational process
assets may include templates for project forms and documents. Organizational process
assets, including templates, serve as inputs for future projects.

Your project team is about to begin the adjourning stage of team development.
How can you best support your team during this process?
Reward the team with a celebration meeting and ensure that the team members are

A project has just been approved and formally chartered. What is one of the first things
the assigned project manager should do? Inform stakeholders of the approved project

After reviewing proposals for a large-scale product development project, vendors X and
Y are equally qualified to deliver both the hardware and software. The project manager
believes the hardware should be developed with a traditional project management
approach, but the software might be better suited to an agile framework.
What is the best course of action?
Contract with either vendor X or vendor Y for both hardware and software and utilize a
master services agreement

It has been decided that a project will be managed using an agile framework. The
project is now in execution. In this adaptive environment, what should be the focus of
the project manager? Building a collaborative decision-making environment

You are conducting the source selection analysis for a project that will
procure services from a vendor. Since the value of the procurement is
relatively small, you have decided that a full selection process does not
make sense. With three prospective vendors under consideration, what is the best
course of action? Establish a qualifications only selection method

A project manager meets with the team to decide on the technology to be used on their
upcoming agile project. At the end of the meeting, the project manager obtains
consensus from the team on the choice of technology. Which of the following agile
practices do the project manager and the team demonstrate in this situation?
Participatory decision making

As project execution begins, the project manager acquires the project team and, based
on project needs, decides that the team will use Scrum to develop the product of the
project. After conducting an assessment of the project team's Scrum skillset, the project
manager realizes that according to the Shu-Ha-Ri model, the team is at the Shu level.
What should the project manager recommend to the team?
Closely follow Scrum ceremonies. At the Shu level, the project team has little, if any,
experience with the Scrum framework. The Shu-Ha-Ri model describes the progression
of skills acquisition by an individual or group. The Shu level indicates, in this case, that
the project team lacks proficiency

You meet with your team to determine the life cycle for your project. After analyzing the best way to
define and manage requirements, develop deliverables, handle changes, control risk and cost, and
engage key stakeholders, the decision is made to select a hybrid life cycle.
With the project life cycle selected, how will the requirements be managed on your project?
Elaborated at periodic intervals during delivery. Hybrid requirements can be roughly defined upfront
and then elaborated at periodic intervals during delivery.

An agile project is completed on schedule and budget, and the final product has the
features that the customer values the most, even though they deviate from the original
plan. The project retrospective shows that success can be attributed to the light change
management process where the product owner reprioritized features based on
customer feedback. What Agile Manifesto value was demonstrated most significantly in
this scenario? Responding to change over following a plan

A project manager is considering changing the Control Costs process currently used on
her project. Instead of submitting budget change requests to the CCB, she wants to
invite stakeholders to the parking lot portion of the daily standups and discuss
requested changes there. The project manager meets with the stakeholders to propose
the process change. Which of the following arguments would be least likely to convince
the stakeholders of the benefits of the new process?
Only those budget change requests that do not affect the project cost baseline will be
Discussed. The cost management and change management plans will be updated to
reflect the new process, Earned value analysis data from a previous project will be
compared to iterative data accumulation. Other PM in org going through similar process
change will be consulted are all ideas that will be successful implementation of change.

During project initiation, the project manager had provided an initial estimate of
$250,000 with a range of -25% to +75%. The project is now in planning, and, as part of
the Estimate Costs process, the project manager has to refine this estimate to a much
narrower range. How should the project manager determine the estimating methods
that can be used and the accuracy required for the cost estimate?
Review the cost management plan The question states that the Estimate Costs process
is being carried out. The cost management plan serves as an input to the Estimate
Costs process. The cost management plan describes estimating methods that can be
used and the level of precision and accuracy required for the cost estimate

Gold plating had been an issue with your current software development project.
However, you found that ever since instituting daily stand-up meetings, no more
features or functionalities that the customer did not request have been introduced into
the project. What is your best course of action to prevent gold plating for the remainder
of the current project and on future projects?
Capture the best practice in the lessons learned register

A project manager is leading a project, which has experienced greater than anticipated
weather- related delays. To keep the project on schedule, the pm will need to access
the contingency reserves allocated for risk. What should the project manager do next?
Access the contingency reserves as needed to meet the project objectives. Contingency
reserves are included in the cost baseline and can be accessed when a risk listed in the
risk register realizes.

You are managing a project for a customer with whom you have signed an Intellectual
Property (IP) agreement requiring that the component design be unique. When the
vendor to whom you outsourced the design makes a delivery, you are surprised to see
that it is the same aone that the vendor had delivered to another of your clients. You
review your contract with the vendor and realize that it does not include the uniqueness
clause that would protect your customer's IP. Which of the following actions should you
take to resolve this situation?
Use the contract change control system and request vendor to redesign the component

A project team that is experienced in the waterfall project management approach has been
assigned to their first agile project. To make the transition easier, it has been decided to keep some
elements of the waterfall approach in place. During the iteration review, it was realized that a
misunderstanding among the development team has led to a duplication of efforts.
How might the project manager address this issue?
Bring up the topic during the upcoming iteration retrospective.

A new smartphone will be developed by two teams: a hardware team that will use a
predictive project management approach and a software team that will use an agile
framework. Each team is collocated but resides in two different parts of the country. The
teams will need to coordinate their activities very closely, but bringing them together in
one location is not an option. What should the project manager do to create the most
collaborative environment?
Create a fishbowl window: video conference links to connect with virtual teams.

A project manager has been asked to draft a charter for a project to develop GPS applications for
use in aircraft. However, the company's past projects have been in the marine and automobile
industries. What should the project manager do first to determine the high-level requirements,
boundaries, and key deliverables for the project?
Find a consultant with extensive technical knowledge of the aviation industry.
The client contends that the project's deliverables do not meet the agreed-upon specifications and
have to be reworked. The client shows the meeting minutes to the project manager saying that the
standard for the acceptance of the deliverables was discussed earlier in the project, during one of
the status calls. What should the project manager do first?
Review the agreements for the acceptance criteria.

The project manager is conducting a meeting to gain approval for the project management plan.
The project sponsor notices that a component that was always included in the project management
plans of previous projects is missing from the current plan and requests that the project manager
add the component to the plan. How should the project manager respond?
Explain that the needs of the project determine which components of the project management plan are

As a project manager, you monitor resource availability and determine that a machine, which is
needed for the testing is down for unscheduled maintenance, which will cause a two-day delay. To
avoid the delay, you check alternatives and discover that you can swap this type of test with
another activity. What tool or technique did you use?
Problem solving. is one of the tools and techniques that can help the project manager solve problems
that arise during the Control Resources process. Problem solving involves identifying the problem,
defining the problem, investigating, analyzing, solving, and checking the solution.

A project manager is conducting the initial process of identifying stakeholders for a new
infrastructure development project. The project manager has just compiled a list of potential
stakeholders' names. What should the project manager do next?
Conduct stakeholder analysis followed by Develop the stakeholder engagement plan

A project manager is in the process of creating a document that formally authorizes a building
renovation project. The renovation requires the removal of asbestos insulation, which is a known
carcinogen. How might this situation influence the process currently underway? The document needs to
incorporate compliance with any applicable government and industry standards

To complete some of the project activities, the project manager supplements the physical
resources assigned to the project with those outside the control of the project team but available
from within the organization.
What should the project manager do?
Update the enterprise environmental factors are conditions, not under the immediate control of the
team, that influence, constrain, or direct the project. Enterprise environmental factors that may be
updated during the Acquire Resources process include resource availability within the organization and
the amount of the organization's consumable resources that have been used. Company resources are
generally not under the immediate control of the project team until they have been assigned to the
project. Thus, the necessary supplemental resources in this scenario are considered enterprise
environmental factors.

A project manager and team lead meet with the customer to discuss project progress. The project
manager notices that when the team lead communicates with the customer, she tends to mirror the
customer's body language. Nearly every time the customer folds their arms, sits back in their chair,
or puts their hands together on the table, so does the team lead. What should the project manager do?
Do nothing. There is nothing wrong with the team lead's behavior

You hold a video conference with the stakeholders and the development team to demonstrate the
product increment completed during the last iteration. A stakeholder brings up a concern regarding
the functionality of the application. To ensure you understand the concern, you are using active
listening techniques. Which of the following quotes from the video conference illustrates the active
listening skill of confirming understanding?
"It sounds like what you're looking for with the page transition is a loading animation to
show that the system is working on it. Am I correct?" Techniques of active listening involve
acknowledging, clarifying and confirming, understanding, and removing barriers that adversely affect

A project manager is performing quality assurance for a complex software development project.
The project has experienced a trend of increasing escaped defects. To improve the quality of the
product, the project manager and the team have created the diagram below. How is the team
attempting to reduce defects and improve quality in this scenario?
utilizing an affinity diagram to show areas that should be focused on the most.

affinity diagrams are used during manage quality process. organize potential causes of defects into the
groups showing areas that should be focused on the most.

You are preparing the resource management plan for your new product development project.
Although colocation would be preferred, the scrum team will consist of subject matter experts from
around the world that will need to collaborate in a virtual environment. Which of the following elements
are least likely to be included in the resource management plan? A description of how, when, and by
whom project information will be administered and disseminated

You are a project manager for an engineering services company, in the process of bidding to work on
a solar energy project for a utility company. What is the first thing you should do to position your
company as the best fit for the project?
Look for the selection method in the procurement documents of the utility company's bid
package. After this step you can attend the bid conference as you would be ready to ask the questions.

At the yearly performance review, an agile coach receives a low score for their leadership skills. The
coach's direct manager suggests that the coach develop their emotional intelligence competence to
become a better servant leader for the team. The agile coach decides to create a path to develop
their emotional intelligence. At a high-level, what should this development path look like?

Step1 Self-awareness

2 Self-management

3 Social awareness

4 Relationship management

5 Team leadership
ability id, assess, ,manage the personal emotions of oneself and other people and collective emotions of
people. start with yourself and then others.

A retailer has an aggressive expansion plan for four new stores. Each of the four projects is led by a
project manager. The projects are being managed in a coordinated manner. Three of the stores are
ahead of schedule. The fourth store is well behind schedule, and its project manager wants some
construction workers from the other locations to be transferred to help out.
What should the project manager do first to secure the additional workers?
Escalate the issue to the program manager. has the authority over projects that are being managed as a
group. Programs are managed by program managers who ensure that program benefits are delivered as
expected by coordinating the activities of a program's components.

A company must decide between renovating an existing building or constructing a new one. Each
approach would require an initial investment of $250,000. The renovation has a payback period of
2.5 years whereas the new construction has a payback period of 4.5 years. Your company president
would need to make the final decision. All else being equal, which approach should you recommend as
the better investment?
The renovation of the current office building The payback period refers to the period of time required to
recoup the funds expended in an investment or to reach the break-even point. The shorter the payback
period, the more attractive the project because the money is free to be used elsewhere. In this scenario,
renovating the current office building is the better investment because it has a shorter payback period
than building a new office building.

A project manager is informed by a project stakeholder that the newest project team member has, on
more than one occasion, arrived at work more than 30 minutes late. haven't had any similar issues with
the project team previously. What may have prevented this situation? or if team members have issues
with one another
Reviewing the team charter periodically with the team. The team charter establishes clear expectations
regarding acceptable behavior by project team members.
Agile team charter typically includes elements such as defining what done means so the can judge
completeness consistently. may also provide agreements for limiting work in progress so that user
stories can be driven to completion as quickly as possible.

An agile project manager has contracted with a vendor to develop some of the deliverables required for
the project. The vendor is also using an agile project management approach to deliver their work. How
should the progress of the vendor be assessed? by reviewing the released version of vendors work.

A project manager is developing the project schedule and wants to empower the team with more
decision making authority than past projects. He creates a Gantt chart that displays activities down
to the work package level of the WBS, which are assigned to the team rather than individuals. He
then records the work packages in the backlog of a Kanban board. How might the project manager use
inspirational motivation to empower the team through idealized attributes and behaviors? Use a
transformational leadership style: described as empowering followers through idealized attributes and
behaviours, inspirational motivation, encouragement for innovation and creativity and individual
Laissez-faire leadership style is described as allowing the team to make their own decisions and
establish their own goals.
Utilize management by exception: Management by exception best describes a transactional leadership
style, e.g., focus on goals, feedback, and accomplishment to determine rewards. In the scenario,
however, the project manager is empowering the team rather than just managing by exception

A company is about to undertake an agile project. Before the first iteration of the project even
began, the team members and relevant stakeholders gather for a meeting and discuss how
successful the iteration was. What are the meeting participants doing?
Playing a collaboration game called "Remember the future"

You are leading a large and complex project. Due to the size and complexity of the project, you
have decided that a project management team will perform most of the planning, and the
remainder of the project team will be brought on when the initial planning is complete. In this scenario,
when is the best time to conduct the project kick-off meeting? As project execution begins

A project manager is approached by the sponsor who requests to provide an estimate as to how
long will it take for the agile development team to complete the project. How should the project
manager respond? Once the velocity is established, the total amount of story points divided by the
velocity of the project team will determine the project duration.

Matt is a Project Manager assigned to a software development project. He is an

experienced project manager. Since he understands that projects are unique, he is
considering tailoring the Project Procurement Management process in order to fit the
project nature and requirements. While you understand that tailoring could include a
wide range of components, which of the following elements would you advise Matt to not
consider? Advise him that he should not consider Project Importance while tailoring the Project
Procurement Management process.

You are a project manager newly assigned to a multimillion-dollar, highly complex

project. Your project sponsor insisted that you hire a project management team to assist
you since the project management workload is expected to be high, as a guideline he
advised to delegate all project management areas except that of project integration. As a
knowledgeable project management professional, why should you not delegate project
integration? Project Integration Management should always be delegated as it limits your personal

A junior project manager is assigned to a company internal project that aims to improve
company customer sales experience. While going through project scheduling, he got
confused to which production system is a pull system where production takes place if,
and only if, there is demand. As you are a senior member of the project management
office, he turned to you for advice. Which of one the following do you advise? Advise him that the
mentioned pull production system that takes place only if there is demand is called Kanban.

Alex is assigned as a Project Manager to a project. He has good experience in managing

projects and since he is closely observing emerging trends in project management, he is
considering utilizing the new practice in project procurement management in order to
manage the project in the best way possible. Which of the following should he not put
into consideration as an emerging practice in project procurement management?
Emergent risks can be tackled through developing project resilience. Transfer the emergent
risk to the seller to manage the risk and to bear the impact if the threat occurs.
project risk management not procurement BMP.

To gather and document lessons that are learned throughout the project, the project manager
facilitates retrospectives at the end of each iteration, as specified by the project management plan.
However, the first two retrospectives have not been productive as the development team was in the
storming stage of team development. What is the best course of action for the project manager?
Work with the team to establish an atmosphere of trust so that the team members are
motivated to share their knowledge

Another project team has to now work closely with your project. That team uses a plan-driven project
management approach with all the tests performed at the end of production prior to delivery. Your
uses agile to carry out their work. What is the logical first step to coordinate the quality methods used
by each team? Identify the stakeholders involved in the project quality management activities

A project manager is estimating the number of work periods needed to complete individual project
activities with estimated staff. To complete this process, the project manager should consider all of the
following factors except for: Political awareness

For its upcoming agile project, the performing organization has hired developers of various
nationalities but speaking a common language. The team will be colocated, and the project
manager understands that given the cultural diversity, providing an environment of effective
communication and collaboration will be an important factor in project success.
What is the best course of action for the project manager? Provide the team with a war room
You are managing a construction project with several contractors involved and want to finalize
dates for painters to come on site. You do not recall the planned finish date for the drywall installation,
which will need to be completed before painting work can begin. Where do you find the dates when the
drywall contractor is planned to start and complete their activities? Project schedule

Project team members develop a document that describes values that are important to the team's
success such as sharing best practices, listening to each other with an open mind, and
communicating respectfully during meetings. What would be the result of the team's effort?
Team charter

You are leading a traditional waterfall project that incorporates Kanban to manage the software
development workflow. As the project team works to complete the user stories captured on the
Kanban board, the testers are getting into arguments with the programmers regarding the
completeness of work submitted for testing, causing an increase to work in progress.
What might you do to address the conflict? Have the team revise their team charter

As a result of extensive training and development activities specified in the resource management
plan, all of the teams working on the project perform at their best. However, as the project
progresses, one of the teams sees substantial turnover. You realize that the team will need specific
training and coaching to align its performance with the rest of the teams.
What is the best approach for you to take in this situation?
Conduct individual and team assessments. The scenario implies the project manager is carrying out the
Develop Team process. Individual and team assessments are one of the tools and techniques that can be
used during this process. Team performance assessments are an output of this process. The best way to
measure team performance is by assessment. In this case, individual and team assessments should be
given to the team experienced high turnover to ensure that you can most effectively target any
shortcomings It will not be useful to base your adjustments on past performance, because, as a result of
the significant turnover described in the question, a substantial part of the team consists of new ppl.

1- The project manager arranges a series of planning meetings with relevant stakeholders to
determine the type and quantity of materials and hardware needed to complete the project. The
meeting participants also discuss the required skill levels of each team resource needed for the
project and the effort required to complete each activity in the work packages. Which of the following
documents is the least likely outcome of these planning meetings?
2- During a project to develop a new robot, a previously identified risk is realized. The risk response
plan calls for a project team member specially trained in robotics to address the problem, but the
individual named in the response plan has left the project. You reassign another project team member
with the required training to address the issue. Which project document should be updated first?
Project team assignments: key output of acquiring resource process. but resource requirements, basis of
estimates and resource breakdown structure are likely outcomes of these meetings.

Your software development project has an approved project management plan that will incorporate
an iterative approach as well as constraint-driven delivery to complete the project on time and
budget. You have empowered the development team with a high level of decision-making authority,
and the team has established a stable velocity that is exceeding expectations.
Which of the following decisions is least likely to be delegated to team members?
Moving up the release date in response to the accelerated delivery of features
A project involves a diverse group of stakeholders and team members from different cultures all
across the world. The project manager decides to use a social media tool to enhance communications on
the project. However, this would require everybody to create an account for the tool to interact with
others. What is likely to be the biggest issue that the project manager will face? Some project
stakeholders and team members would be reluctant to use the tool

Throughout a project, the project team's overall performance should be evaluated to identify
specific training, assistance, or changes needed to improve performance. Using the results from
formal or informal evaluations, the project manager can take action to resolve issues, modify
communication, address conflict and strengthen team interaction. Which of the following would be used
in this situation?
Team performance assessments are inputs to the Manage Team process and should be used
throughout the project life cycle to evaluate a team's performance and effectiveness. By using
project-specific indicators, the project management team can assess and identify specific training,
coaching, mentoring, assistance, or changes required to improve performance. Regular formal and
informal assessments allow the project management team to address issues and develop
strategies to increase the likelihood of successfully meeting project goals.

You have been assigned to lead an agile project at an organization with historically high employee
turnover. Knowing that turnover can be disruptive and result in a loss of critical project knowledge
and experience, you want to take an approach that would help increase knowledge sharing across
the team and minimize the impact of turnover.
What is your best course of action?
Colocate the team and have the customer work closely with the developers.Co-located teams benefit
from osmotic communication by accumulating tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge can be described as
people's ideas and experiences. Creating user stories and building the product increment, where
developers and customers talk among themselves and share ideas, is one such example.

A software development team implemented pair programming as a risk response. In a subsequent

risk review, it was determined to be highly effective in catching programming errors and dramatically
reducing the number of escaped defects.
As a result of the risk review meeting, what should the project manager do first?
Capture the information in the lessons learned register. A risk review meeting is conducted as part of
the Monitor Risks process. The question describes knowledge gained in the form of an effective risk
response as the result of the risk review meeting. The lessons learned register is updated with any risk-
related lessons learned during risk reviews so the knowledge gained can be used in later phases of the
project. At the end of the project, the information contained in the lessons learned register is
transferred to the lessons learned repository for use on future projects.

As part of quality assurance, a project manager wants to ensure that a list of requirements has been
satisfied. What is the best approach for the project manager?
Use a checklist

An agile project team is developing a smartphone mobile app. The

team members continuously integrate the software modules that
comprise the app and use automated tests as part of their quality
assurance processes. In spite of these efforts, the escaped defects
rate has been increasing for the last two iterations.
What should the project manager recommend to the team to help
lower the defect rate? Have the team members work in pairs while developing code

A project manager has been chosen to lead the project to find a

location for a second headquarters. The project manager wants to
formalize the authority that has been assigned to her and to gain
commitment and acceptance for the project.
What is the best thing for the project manager to do?
Obtain project charter approval from the sponsor

During your most recent conference call, the key stakeholders suggest that it would be more helpful
to them if the status reports were sent via email instead of the weekly call. What area of
communications management will you have to change to address the stakeholders' request?
The communication method

During project execution, some of the project team members are working in different cities. It has
come to the attention of the project manager that these team members are multitasking during video
conference calls and missing vital information. As a result, team cohesion is lacking which has
caused the project to fall behind schedule. What tool or technique could the project manager use to
address the issue and get the project back on schedule?
Colocation. colocation would bring the team together in order to improve team performance.

In the middle of the project to build an e-commerce website, the customer asks the project manager
to create a mobile application in addition to the website. This opportunity was identified by the project
sponsor early in the project, and then discussed and documented by the project team during project
planning. What should be done next?
Implement the risk response plan as specified in the risk register and later Submit a change request to
expand the project scope. It is important to remember that risks may include threats as well as
opportunities. Therefore, to make sure an organization takes advantage of opportunities, the project
should be planned in a way that the opportunities are maximized when they arise. Implement Risk
Responses, which is the process the project manager is about to carry out in the scenario described,
ensures that agreed- upon risk responses are executed as planned in order to address overall project
risk exposure, minimize individual project threats, and maximize individual project opportunities.
The question states that the opportunity described by the question was identified and analyzed during
project planning, which suggests it was recorded in the risk register. The risk register will contain the
agreed upon risk response plan along with the risk owner.

At the beginning of a project to build homes, the project manager learns that a lumber supplier wants to
liquidate their inventory. The project manager implements the previously documented response for this
opportunity and buys all of the lumber at a greatly reduced cost. When the project manager shares the
good news with key stakeholders, some state that the company does not have the facilities
to store the extra lumber. What might the project manager have forgotten in this scenario?
Gain agreement for risk response plans

The equipment that is used to connect parts has broken. The maintenance crew has begun repairs
and ordered replacement parts per the response plan. The crew expects the equipment to be down
for at least three days. What should the project manager do next?
Inform all affected stakeholders of the situation and the response plan. As known project risks are
realized, the risk response plans are implemented as part of the Implement Risk Responses process.

The project you are leading has a current CPI of 1.0 and SPI of 0.8. You have been notified by the
project management office that your project has been selected for a quality audit that is scheduled to
take place over the coming weeks. What should be your primary concern with regards to the audit?
That the work performed lines up with company policies, processes, and procedures. A quality audit is
among the tools and techniques of the Manage Quality process, which is concerned with translating the
quality management plan into executable quality activities that incorporate the organization's quality
policies into the project. A quality audit is a structured, independent process used to determine if
project activities comply with organizational and project policies, processes, and procedures.

An agile project is being carried out by a small startup company.

Everybody is located in the same office space. The sponsor likes to
come by to the team space every day to see how the project
progresses. Due to personal circumstances, the sponsor will be away
for several weeks, and requests the project manager for a weekly project status update. What is the
best way for the project manager to accommodate the sponsor's request? Take pictures of the
information radiators and email them to the sponsor
The project team is virtually spread all across the country. With an
over-budget project nearing a deadline, emails are being sent so often
that they are becoming hard to track, read, and respond to.
What should the project manager do?
Review the lessons learned repository for a method that works better

An agile coach facilitates a meeting with the team to reflect and adapt
on the iteration the team has just completed. The coach and the team
members set the stage for the discussion, create a shared picture of
what happened during the iteration, evaluate the data generated in the
previous step, and decide what to do about the problems identified
during the discussion. What should be the next step in this meeting? Close the meeting

As a project manager, you are leading a project, where you have

twelve programmers. Two of them have just handed in their letters of
resignation. This realized risk had been identified and accounted for
during the planning stage of the project. If no action is taken, you will
not meet your deadlines.
What should you do next? Review the risk register

A project manager is having difficulty getting project team members to

meet their weekly performance targets. The project manager has
provided team training and team-building activities, but so far these
and other efforts have been unsuccessful. The project manager would
like to use a reward system to incentivize team members to meet their
performance goals.
What should the project manager do first? Consult the resource management plan
As the project manager working on a large, multi-year project, you have
conducted an extensive series of training and development activities for
the team. This has greatly benefited both the team and the productivity of
the project, resulting in a very successful initial year.
What should you use to ensure that your team members will be
recognized for their performance after they leave the project? Personnel assessment

A project manager is leading a project kick-off meeting with the project

team and other stakeholders. The goal of the meeting is to gain the
commitment of the team for the project and inform the stakeholders of
the project's objectives as well as define the stakeholders' roles and
Which of the following interpersonal and team skills is least likely to be
utilized during a kick-off meeting?
Nominal group technique. used during collect requirements process to enhance brainstorming with a
voting process to rank the most useful ideas for brainstorming and priortization.

During a meeting, two attendees begin debating the facts of a major

topic of the last meeting. More participants join in and begin arguing.
The debate escalates, and conversations veer farther and farther from
the prepared agenda. To avoid further discord, you announce the
remaining agenda items will be discussed at the next meeting and
abruptly end the meeting.
What should you have done differently to have a better outcome in this
situation? Used better meeting management skills

You work as a project manager for an organization that has a directive

type of project management office (PMO). The PMO requires you to
document relevant information in the lessons learned register.
What is the main purpose of preparing this documentation? To enable the ongoing improvement of
products, services, and processes

At an iteration retrospective meeting, two senior developers express

frustration that junior team members call them with questions late at
night, waking them up and disrupting their family time. As a result, the
developers are less productive during the work hours, which negatively
affects product quality and creates variance with the performance
measurement baseline.
What could the project manager have done earlier in the project to
avoid the situation altogether or at least reduce its severity?
Facilitated a meeting to develop a team charter as part of
the Plan Resource Management process

A project manager is leading a project with a predictive life cycle.

Detailed plans were provided by the requesting organization before the
start of the project. What will be the focus of the project manager?
Controlling scope to meet schedule and budget

You are managing a hotel construction project, and you have asked your project team to calculate
the current earned value metrics to determine the project performance. Your team reports back that
the project's to-complete performance index (TCPI) is 0.9 based on the budget at completion (BAC).
Which of the following is true regarding your project's current situation as reflected by this TCPI
value? The project is within budget. The to-complete performance index (TCPI) is a measure of the cost
performance that is required to be achieved with the remaining resources in order to meet a specified
management goal, expressed as the ratio of the cost to finish the outstanding work to the remaining
budget. TCPI = work remaining/funds remaining
TCPI = 1 = on budget TCPI <1 under budget, TCPI > 1 = over budget. A TCPI value equal to

The following table represents the current project status. According to the project schedule, system
analysis, system design, and system development should now be complete as planned. The
project manager is confident that the project objectives will be met. The method used to determine
the earned value is based on percent complete. What is the project's current schedule performance
index, and what does this mean for the project?

SPI is 0.81, project behind schedule. SPI - EV/PV

EV= (5000 x100%) + (50000 x100%)+ (50000x75%)=52000
PV= 5000+10000+50000= 65000

You are in charge of a large project to install internet hubs across your city. Although most of the
project variables are clear and can be managed using the waterfall approach, technical aspects are
not fully defined and will be elaborated as the project progresses. The sponsor requests that
project information will be communicated more frequently and quickly. To address the sponsor's
request, you will use all of the following, except: Communicating project status weekly. Project
environments subject to various elements of ambiguity and change have an inherent need to
communicate evolving and emerging details more frequently and quickly. In such environments, project
managers should encourage frequent team checkpoints, information radiators, and holding SH reviews.
not sure if weekly cadence is frequent enough for SH.
As the project progresses and deliverables are being produced, the project manager revisits the
stakeholder engagement plan to determine what refinements can be made to the plan to improve
stakeholder engagement.
Among the project documents, which will be the most influential to the project management process
being performed? (Choose three.)
Stakeholder register: provide list of SH, additional classification data needed for planning SH
Risk register: risk are linked to specific SH(risk owner). this info help with improve SH engagement.
Issue log: managing and resolving issues on issue log will require communication with SH.
The stakeholder engagement plan is a component of the project management plan that identifies the
strategies and actions required to promote the productive involvement of stakeholders in project
decision making and execution.

You have just finalized the project management plan for your project. The plan is ready to be
approved. What should you do to obtain approval?
Present the project management plan to relevant stakeholders according to applicable policies and
procedures. The plan describes how the project will be executed, monitored and controlled, and closed.
It integrates and consolidates all of the subsidiary management plans and baselines, and other
information necessary to manage the project. Ensuring all project stakeholders are on the same
the page is crucial for project success. Therefore, obtaining approval of the project management plan
from relevant stakeholders will help get their buy-in for the project. By following policies and
procedures included in the organizational process assets, you can determine what should be done
next to get the approval of the project management plan.

A project manager has been asked to manage a new project that the organization is about to
undertake. Which of the following tasks should the project manager do first?
Obtain approval for the project charter from the sponsor

A change request has been approved to establish the estimate at completion (EAC) as the new
project cost baseline. While looking at the cost baseline graph (shown below), the project manager
sees that the last point of the stair-step line representing funding requirements is higher than the
EAC. What does this relationship mean for the project?
Total funding for the project exceeds the project's anticipated needs. not over budget as the
ladder project budget is higher than EAC. EAC is the new baseline/budget.

You have replaced a project manager midway through project execution. You discover that
although financial project reports that include CPI and SPI are prepared weekly, the financial
database repository has never been updated. Which tailoring consideration did your predecessor most
likely miss earlier in the project?
Knowledge management. one of the considerations associated with the cost management process.
not earned value analysis since the PM did create CPI/SPI reports.
As an agile team works its way through an iteration, a developer
realizes that the user story she is currently working on was
underestimated for its size. The developer understands that she
cannot complete it within the current iteration. The developer raises the
issue at the daily standup. What is the best course of action for the team to resolve this situation?
Suggest splitting the user story

During a sprint review, the product owner rejects a deliverable stating

that it does not meet the acceptance criteria. The quality assurance
team, who verified the deliverable as part of the Control Quality
process, argues that there is nothing wrong with the deliverable and
that it should be accepted. The product owner disagrees and rejects
the deliverable. What is the project manager's best course of action to ensure that this type of
misunderstanding does not recur?
At the upcoming sprint retrospective meeting, facilitate an exercise to identify the underlying cause of
the misunderstanding

During project execution, a vendor is not able to deliver on their

contract. Before executing on the previously planned risk response of
contacting a secondary vendor, the risk owner goes on vacation and
delegates the finalization of the procurement to a project team
member. Unfortunately, the project team member forgets to complete
the procurement process. Who is ultimately accountable for ensuring the implementation of the risk
response plan in this situation? Project manager

The project team that you are managing is entirely virtual and distributed all over the country. You
know that as the project progresses, your team will learn things and gather more information about
the project. You would like to ensure all that knowledge and information does not get lost. By
managing project knowledge, you can improve current project outcomes as well as support future
projects. Which of the following will you need to remember when managing knowledge on this project?
Explicit knowledge can be easily shared but isn't always understood correctly. Knowledge is commonly
split into two forms. Tacit knowledge is personal and hard to express. It involves the collective know-
how, techniques, and expertise gained from one's experiences. Tacit knowledge is difficult to organize
and is typically shared through conversations and interactions between people. Explicit knowledge can
be expressed in words, numbers, and symbols and therefore can be easily documented and shared, but
lacks context and open to interpretation/misunderstandings.

A project manager has diligently captured the knowledge gained from

each iteration retrospective and recorded the information in the lessons
learned register. After the project retrospective, the project manager
finalizes the lessons learned register and transfers the information to the
lessons learned repository as specified in the project management plan.
However, when other project teams review the lessons learned as part of
planning their projects, some of the information is misinterpreted, and
knowledge is lost. How might the project manager have avoided this situation?
Invited the other project managers to attend the project
retrospective so the tacit knowledge can also be transferred
A project manager has been reassigned from a traditional project to a
hybrid project, in which the progress is measured against the baselines,
while the product is developed incrementally over the course of several
iterations. In this hybrid environment, the project manager is struggling to
find a way to carry out the Monitor Risks process.
What tools and techniques would be best for the project manager to use
in this situation?
Risk burndown charts, daily stand-up meetings, and risk reviews

therefore can be easily documented and shared. However, explicit knowledge lacks context and is
open to different interpretations making it been easily misunderstood. You need to remember this
drawback of using only explicit knowledge in order to effectively manage knowledge on this project.

You are leading a research and development project where knowledge in specific areas is
essential to project success. You want to understand what knowledge your team possesses as a
group and what knowledge is missing. What should you do?
Review the resource breakdown structure. The resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical
representation of resources by category and type. This document includes information on the
composition of the team and may help understand what knowledge is available as a group.

In which process should the risk response owners periodically report to the project manager on the
effectiveness of their assigned risk response plans?
ID Risk > Pan Risk Response> Monitor Risks. Risk should be monitored and assessed as the project
progresses to manage the impact of risks and opportunities on the project. During the Monitor Risks
process, the risk response owner periodically monitors the implementation of the risk response plans
and reports on how their risk plan strategy is performing. The risk owner uses performance information
generated during the project execution to determine if implemented risk responses are effective,
whether or not the status of identified risks has changed, and if project risk strategy is still valid.
Therefore, to periodically report to the project manager on the effectiveness of their assigned risk
response plan, the risk response owners should use the Monitor Risks process.

According to the project management plan, your team will be virtual. To select the project team
members, you are using an analytical approach by ranking and evaluating the candidates on
various criteria such as experience, knowledge, cost, and even time zones.
What tool or technique are you using?
Multicriteria decision analysis. According to the scenario, you are performing the Acquire Resources
process. Multicriteria decision analysis is an example of the decision making technique that can be used
as part of this process. Selection criteria are often used to select the project team members. Using a
multicriteria decision analysis tool, criteria are developed to rate or score potential resources. In the
scenario, you are ranking and evaluating the candidates on various criteria such as experience,
knowledge, cost, and even time zones.

You are leading a software development project for a client. The change control board
(CCB) has been inundated with change requests from the client throughout the project
as the product has evolved. This situation drives the team crazy and makes controlling
the project scope extremely challenging and time-consuming. Which of the following
tailoring considerations might you have missed earlier in the project? Stability of
requirements. The stability of requirements should be considered to determine the
appropriate development approach.

You are attempting to coordinate activities between your project, another related
project, and operations, all of which are being managed as a group. A conflict has
arisen over control of a key resource that is vital to both projects as well as operations.
The conflict has reached an impasse and needs to be resolved by a higher authority.
What is your best course of action?
Discuss the problem with the portfolio manager A portfolio is a collection of projects,
programs, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives. Only a
portfolio manager has direct responsibility for projects, programs, and

After having disagreements to determine the best approach to develop

the product, the agile team members meet with the project manager to
discuss the issue. However, after a very long meeting, the team is unable
to reach a consensus. To avoid any schedule delays, it is essential that
an approach be selected by the end of the meeting.
What should the project manager recommend to the team?
The team should use a simple voting technique.

A new team of agile practitioners meets for the first time. The agile coac
is facilitating the meeting. The team members come from different
organizations, have various backgrounds and agile experience, and use
different agile methods. The meeting participants are wondering as to
what agile method to use in their upcoming project and what process
tailoring to apply.
What should the agile coach do first? Synchronize everyone's understanding of agile

As part of a larger initiative involving many projects, all the activities from this and all of
the other projects have to be aligned and be carried out perfectly. What is the best
course of action for the project manager?
Coordinate with the program manager to ensure accurate direction

You are leading a project to research, develop, design, and manufacture a new internal
combustion engine. With the design phase complete and closed, it has become evident
that the new engine, although more fuel efficient, is not a viable product due to very high
anticipated manufacturing costs. What should you do next?
Recommend the termination of the project

An agile project team meets with the product owner, project manager, and other key
project stakeholders to discuss the multiple levels of planning that the project will have
to go through. The participants acknowledge that planning will be required at the
release and iteration level. The project manager indicates that planning will also be
required on a day-to-day basis. Which of the following does the project manager refer
to? Synchronizing and coordinating the individual activities that lead up to the
completion of a task

A senior manager hands the project manager the business case that will be used as an
input to develop the project charter. Several sources served as the triggers for the
creation of the business case. Which of the following would not be one of those
triggers? Project manager's expert judgment

Senior management has changed direction on the products and features

to roll out this quarter. Your agile project is impacted.
What is your best next action as the project manager?
Evaluate the delta between the current product backlog and
the new features

On a project, several programmers were hired as independent

consultants to supplement the in-house programmers to ensure the
timely completion of the project. Towards the end of the project, the
project manager has performed some analysis and determined that the
CPI is 0.8 and the SPI is 1.2.
What is the best course of action to bring project performance back into
alignment with the project management plan?
Reduce or eliminate the independent contractors

A government-sponsored project uses both traditional and agile project

management approaches. From the beginning of the project, an agile
coach has been struggling to convince some of the stakeholders who are
used to the traditional project management approach to alter the way
they react to changes to the project management plan.
Which of the following should the agile coach explain to the stakeholders
to appease them when dealing with changes? Adaptive action

A software developer on an agile project team has discovered that

adding a second computer monitor has increased productivity by
reducing the time spent opening and closing screens. The company
has extra monitors in storage, so cost is not an issue. As an agile
coach, you want this practice to be adopted by the rest of the team
members. What is your best course of action? Have the project team member share the
best practice during the upcoming iteration retrospective

You are planning a kick-off meeting for your new project. The meeting will communicate
the start of the project, key milestones, and other relevant information. Which of the
following best describes the objective of this meeting?
Inform and engage stakeholders and gain commitment. The project kick-off meeting
usually takes place at the end of project planning and the start of executing.
The project team and stakeholders attend the meeting to communicate the objectives of
the project gain commitment, explain roles and responsibilities.

The project management plan and the performance measurement baseline have been
approved.As you monitor the project's progress, you realize the approved budget is
limiting the project and will affect the targeted completion date. This constraint could
affect the company's success in the new venture.What is your best course of action?
Ask for a change in the budget. Take action to achieve company’s strategic goals.

You are the project manager for the initial design phase of a new ergonomic pen. You
have conducted multiple interviews with pen users and have tested various design
concepts. Your most recent design has been verified and accepted by key stakeholders.
The pen design is ready to transition to the team managing the next phase. Which of
the following should you consult to find out who will take ownership of the pen design?
The project management plan: defines bases of all project work and how work will be
performed. PMP indicates who will manage the next phase of the project.

During the Develop Project Charter process The key deliverables are identified during
the Develop Project Charter process as part of the pre-project work. The identified key
deliverables are then included in the project charter, Of the available choices, the
Develop Project Charter process occurs earliest in the project life cycle, and it is when
key deliverables are first identified. Its not during define scope as key deliverables are
identified earlier in the project life cycle (initiation) and are listed in the charter.

First, a project manager assisted with the development of the project charter which has
been approved. Second, he completed the development of the stakeholder register.
What should the project manager do next?
Establish the scope of the project, refine the objectives, and define the course of action
required to attain the objectives that the project was undertaken to achieve. First step
SH register and identify SH process, and charter complete = initiating process group
complete. Next step is to begin project planning.

A project manager has just received formal acceptance and final payment from a client
for a software development project. The project manager needs to begin preparing the
final project report. Which of the following will be most useful in creating the final report?
Project charter

You are planning a research and development project, and you need to determine how
the project costs will be estimated, budgeted, managed, monitored, and controlled. To
complete this process, you need to know if there are any preapproved financial
resources from which the detailed project costs can be developed. What should you do
next? Review the project charter

A project manager has written a charter but has been unable to get the charter
approved by senior management. His manager has asked him to begin the project
without the charter. What is the best thing for the project manager to do?
Refuse to proceed with the project

Project team members periodically approach the project manager with various issues
that block the team from completing project activities. To analyze the situation and
determine critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team, the project
manager uses various tools and techniques. How will the following techniques help the
project manager accomplish the tasks necessary to perform the analysis?

Retrieve in-depth data Root-cause analysis

get insights from the team Facilitated group sessions

Retrieve special expertise Expert judgment

Create a confidential atmosphere Team member interviews

Get insights from a larger group Surveys

Past projects in the organization have been managed in traditional and

agile methods. There is confusion as to how many resources to
allocate to the upcoming project that anticipates using a hybrid of
How should the project management team estimate resources for the
upcoming project?
Base resource estimates on the comparable scope of the previous projects

The project manager is 6 months into a multi-million-dollar project. The latest analysis
shows a CPI of 1.5 and an SPL of 0.6. What should she do?
Consider crashing the project schedule. Shorten schedule by adding more staff

The last project iteration has just begun. After reviewing the information radiators, the
project manager realizes that the team will be unable to complete all the remaining work
planned for the project. It is evident that without adding more developers, either the
schedule baseline will be unattainable, or some work packages will have to be removed
from the WBS. What is the best course of action for the project manager?
Meet with the product owner and suggest crashing the schedule (working overtime or
adding resources)

A project manager is developing a quality management plan for a project to build a

custom industrial stamping machine. The machine will be assembled from parts
produced by vendors. To determine the cost of quality, the project manager examines
the costs of conformance and nonconformance. Which of the following should the
project manager review to determine the cost of conformance?
Costs associated with training of the project team. Expenses related to the testing of
individual parts of the machine prior to assembly Losses incurred as the result of
destructive testing. Costs related to inspections of subassemblies during the
manufacturing process

An inspection of a shipbuilding project has identified consistent welding

failures in critical components resulting in substantial rework, schedule
delays, and budget overruns. A quality management team has been
tasked to identify the root cause of the problem. The team has
determined that inadequate welder training was the predominant
reason. What should the project manager do next?
Determine training options and prepare a quality report with a summary of the issue and
recommendations for corrective actions.

You are a project manager conducting a meeting with your project team. The goal of the
meeting is to improve the overall team environment to enhance project performance.
The meeting becomes contentious with team members interrupting each other and
being disrespectful to each other's suggestions. You attempt to return civility to the
meeting by establishing ground rules for acceptable behavior, working relationships
may already be damaged. What might you missed that could have prevented this
Involving the project team in the creation of a team charter and gaining agreement with
the content. Charter records team value, agreements, and operating guidelines.

To better use existing knowledge and to create new knowledge for a project, the project
manager is looking for ways to identify any knowledge gaps. Which of the following
would help the project manager the most to complete this process?
Resource breakdown structure Using existing knowledge and creating new knowledge
for a project is essentially the resource breakdown structure, as it pertains to the
Manage Project Knowledge process, includes information on the composition of the
team and may help to understand what knowledge is available as a group and what
knowledge may be missing.

You have been provided a list of concerns some stakeholders have with your project.
You meet with them to address the concerns in hopes of gaining their support and
cooperation. You pay close attention by actively and effectively listening. You focus on
each person's input to ensure you are aware of and are taking all perspectives into
consideration. You then clearly articulate your point and your position and ask for their
support. Which tool or technique best describes the skills you are using?
Influencing interpersonal and team skills which is a tool and technique used in the
Manage Team process. Vital influencing skills include an ability to be persuasive, clearly
articulating points and positions, high levels of active and effective listening, awareness
of, and consideration for, the various perspectives, gather info to address issues and
raach agreement while maintaining mutual trust.

To better use existing knowledge and to create new knowledge for a project, the project
manager is looking for ways to identify any knowledge gaps. Which of the following
would help the project manager the most to complete this process?
Resource breakdown structure. When the knowledge that the project has is compared
to its knowledge needs, then the gaps in knowledge can be identified and addressed.
Specifically, the resource breakdown structure, as it pertains to the Manage Project
Knowledge process, includes information on the composition of the team and may help
to understand what knowledge is available as a group and what knowledge may be

A project manager is determining the budget for a software development project where
the product will be built incrementally. Since the project is subject to a strict budget, the
project manager has to ensure that scope and schedule baselines stay within cost
constraints. The project manager includes budgetary requirements in the release plan.
How can the information in the release plan help the project manager with determining
the project budget?
Review meetings with stakeholders can be used to discuss the scope and schedule
Hybrid projects subject to strict budget but scope and schedule are often adjusted.
Review meeting with SH may expose you to additional info that can be used to refine

A project has to procure goods and services from a seller. Some aspects of the
procurement are well-defined up-front while others will be known only after initial
deliverables are validated and Accepted. What contracting technique would work best
for this procurement?
Multi-tiered structure: agile or hybrid contracting technique when some aspects of the
work are unknown. Use MSA to document fixed items and lightweight SOW to capture
those that are yet to be discovered.

A project manager is implementing the quality management plan for a project to

construct a natural gas pipeline. During this process, an internal audit discovers that
while the project meets all applicable government regulations, there is a discrepancy
with ISO 9000 criteria. Which tailoring consideration did the project manager most likely
neglect earlier in the project?
Standards and regulatory compliance

During an initial project planning meeting, the project team decides to save a portion of
cost estimates in the work package to offset the potential risk of advances in
technology, which would make their current equipment obsolete. What is the best
course of action for the project manager?
Create a contingency reserve. The project manager and team have set aside a budget
for an unplanned event. For known risks. Its an estimated figure
For unknown risks use management reserves. % of cost/duration of project.

A client completed a walkthrough of the deliverables and formally accepted the work.
The next day, the project manager returns to the project site to pick up company
equipment and make arrangements for final payment. What should the project manager
do when meeting the client as part of project closure?
Confirm the final acceptance of the deliverable. Close project process, in which you
must confirm final acceptance of deliverables. Even Though question states
deliverables are formally accepted. Its not validating if scope objectives have been met
as this is part of monitoring and controlling process. Its not confirming QA because this
should have been done in manage quality process.

The plan for the first iteration was to complete 80 story points. However, the team was
only able to complete 60. Each story point earns $1,000 for the project. The actual cost
of the iteration was $70,000. As the iteration retrospective approaches, the scrum
master requests that the team prepares all the data required to calculate the various
earned value metrics. At the retrospective, the team determines that the schedule
performance index (SPI) of the iteration was?
EVM= earned value management
SPI= completed story point/planned story points. 60/80
CPI= earned value/actual cost - 60000/70000. CPI is opposite of SPI. value less than 1
= over budget.

Project stakeholders meet to discuss the threat of a severe staff shortage due to a
potential union workers strike that might take place during project execution. With
various response strategies on the table, the stakeholders want to make a decision as
to how to address the issue should the threat occur. What response strategy will the
stakeholders be using while deciding to implement one of the following decisions?
Cancel the project Avoid Eliminate the threat/protect the project from impact.

Outsourcing staff Transfer Shifting ownership of threat to third party (i.e. insurac)

Automate process Mitigate Reduce the probability/impact of risk

Hire reserve Accept Risk existence is acknowledged, no immediate action

worker is taken, instead reserve is put in place.

Delegate to mgt Escalate Out of PM control/authority >escalate

A project is plagued by various issues, such as deteriorating team performance, cost

and schedule overruns, defective deliverables, etc. The project manager is struggling to
monitor and control the work and decides to use some of the data analysis techniques
to identify the issues and determine the best course of action. How the project manager
use the following techniques to identify the various issues impacting this project?

Corrective action for better performance Alternative analysis

Corrective action regarding the cost Cost benefit analysis

Integrated perspective on project Earned value analysis

Identify reason for the problem Root cause analysis

Forecast performance based on data Trend analysis

Compare planned and actual Variance analysis


Non applicable Business analysis

During project execution of a high priority project, a previously identified risk is realized.
The project manager sends an email to the risk owner and receives an automated
response indicating that this individual will be out of the country on vacation for the next
two weeks. The risk owner did not disclose a backup contact to use during the interim.
What should the project manager do first?
Record the information in the issue log An issue log is one of the project documents that
may be updated during that process. The issue log is a project document where all
issues are recorded and tracked. Data on issues may include the issue type, who raised
the issue and when, description, priority, who is assigned to the issue, target resolution
date, status, and final resolution. The issue log will help the project manager effectively
track and manage issues, ensuring that they are investigated and resolved.

The project management plan calls for the use of daily standup
meetings. During the meetings, impediments are surfaced by the team
members, but follow up has been inconsistent. The situation worsens
with each passing day as the impediments are accumulated, causing
schedule delays and even risking the schedule baseline.
What is the best course of action for the project manager? Record the impediments in
the issue log where they can be assigned and tracked to resolution

You are conducting a meeting to update key stakeholders on the progress of your
current project. One of the key stakeholders states that the project no longer makes any
business sense and should be terminated. What should you do first?
Update the issue log. An issue can be described as a current condition or situation that
may have an impact on the project objectives. A key stakeholderf stating that the project
no longer makes business sense is an issue which, at the very least, will impact
stakeholder engagement. The issue log documents all known issues related to the
project and stakeholders. after this have meeting with SH, escalate to sponsor. etc.

You are leading a project team that will consist of a mixture of internal employees and
contractors, and you have decided to use a chart that will ensure the assignment of
roles and responsibilities is clear. The table has a list of activities as well as indication of
which team member is accountable, responsible, providing consultation, or is an
information resource for the activity. Which of the following choices describe this chart?
Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM). The scenario describes a RACI (responsible,
accountable, consult, inform) chart which is a specific example of another type of chart.
The RAM is a tool used during Plan Resource Management to illustrate the connections
between work packages and project team members. The matrix format shows all
activities associated with one person and all people associated with one activity
ensuring there is only one person accountable for any one task. By using RAM, the
project manager can avoid confusion about who has authority for the work.

After several meetings with the customer, various project stakeholders, project team,
and subject matter experts, you realize that the nature of the project and the product to
be delivered require a hybrid project management approach. You have several options
on the table. Which option would be the best one for you to chose to comply with the
selected approach?
Developing the product using Scrum, but controlling the budget using the cost baseline

A project manager creates a procurement statement of work (SOW) from the project
scope baseline. The scope of the SOW, however, is not yet well defined, therefore the
project manager decides to contract with a vendor to provide an agile team of
programmers. The contract is structured with fixed-price increments based on user
stories. How might the project manager verify that the vendor has met the contractual
Request the product owner to approve or reject user stories during a sprint review

A request for proposal (RFP) which includes a procurement statement of work (SOW)
has been prepared and forwarded to three of the prospective sellers. You have just
received the last of the seller responses, and after reviewing all three responses, you
see there is a 100% difference a between the lowest and highest estimates. What
should you do first? Review the procurement statement of work
The prospective sellers either misunderstood or failed to respond adequately to the
procurement SOW. Expert judgment and data analysis can be used as tools and
techniques to evaluate the seller responses during the Conduct Procurement process
described in the scenario. The procurement SOW can be reviewed, revised and refined
as required until it has been incorporated into a signed agreement with a seller.

You have been hired to replace the previous project manager. You are reviewing the
project charter to get a sense of the project as well as to help you start developing the
project management plan. Which would you not find in the project charter
Project objectives and their success criteria, Project exit criteria, Scope baseline
Overall project risk

You are developing an inventory tracking software system for a retailer to scan
barcodes of their products using traditional barcode scanners. During the first sprint
review, the customer requested additional functionality to use tablets for the scanning of
barcodes. The change request has been submitted. If the change request is approved,
which of the following must be updated?
The scope baseline is the approved version of a scope statement, work breakdown
structure (WBS), and its associated WBS dictionary. In this scenario, the added
functionality represents an expansion of the project scope. Thus, once the change
request is approved to include the additional feature, the scope baseline must be
updated to reflect the increase in project scope

After completing eight iterations, the team realizes the mistakes they made in the first
iteration. What is the next best action for the project team to do?
Apply the lesson learned to the next iteration. can’t go back and fix the first iteration, but
take the lessons and see if you can fix the mistake in this iteration.

During a daily standup meeting, the project team raises a risk that was
not identified earlier in project planning. The team discusses the risk with
the project manager, who realizes that a potential response to the risk is
beyond his authority. The risk management plan does not provide any
guidance on how this type of risk should be managed.
What is the project manager's best strategy to deal with this risk?
Adopt risk escalation as a response strategy so that the risk
can be appropriately managed

An organization that manages its projects using waterfall has decided to adopt scrum as
the development approach for all of its future projects. You have been assigned to lead
an upcoming project. You follow the resource management plan to acquire the project
team when you realize that the team members are unfamiliar with scrum.
What is your best course of action?
Schedule a scrum workshop and request training funds from the organization

You are managing a project to build 100 site towers, and you have just completed
building the 50th tower. To mark the successful completion of this first significant
milestone, you hold a celebration where you share the developments, challenges, and
lessons learned so far on the project. In what process will you use this information and
knowledge gained so far to improve the future performance of the project?
Direct and Manage Project Work: implement planned activities and approved changes
as a result of improvement suggestions identified during the project.

You are leading a meeting with the project sponsor and key stakeholders to review the
recently completed project management plan. The goal of the meeting is to establish a
common understanding of the plan, answer any questions or concerns, and gain formal
approval of the project management plan. Which of the following interpersonal and team
skills is the least beneficial to the project manager to use to achieve the meeting's goal?
Team building

A project manager and team are in the process of finalizing all project activities. They
have obtained final acceptance and transferred ownership of deliverables, obtained
administrative closure, collated lessons learned, archived all project documents, and
obtained feedback from relevant stakeholders. Finally, the project manager and team
have been released and reassigned to other Assignments. Based on the information
provided, what might have been forgotten?
Sharing the final project report. the final project report should be prepared and shared
according to the communications management plan.

You are working with your project team to obtain administrative closure of a project. The
project was performed exclusively with internal resources provided by the functional
leaders. Which of the following is most likely to be the last action taken in this scenario?
Releasing the project team

Your company's project management office maintains checklists and forms for project
management activities which are stored in the corporate digital database and organized
in folders with the following labels: verified deliverables, project exit criteria, close
procurements, administrative closure. You need guidelines on how to transfer
ownership of the final output of your project to the operations team. Which folder will
help you the most?
Administrative closure covers all the processes/activite of the closing process group,
including final results transition.

The project manager has gained the support of senior management who has committed
to providing the necessary funding to design and develop a prototype for a new
initiative. The project manager is working on creating the project charter and needs
someone to serve as the project sponsor. Which of the following best meets the needs
of the project manager? Project management office (PMO

A project team is using the Stacey Complexity Model to evaluate the degree of
uncertainty in the project and select the appropriate project life cycle. The team maps
the technical degree of uncertainty on the horizontal axis and requirements' uncertainty
on the vertical axis. The resulting mapping suggests that a predictive life cycle would
work best for this project. Where on the Stacey Complexity Model did the team most
likely map the project?

An agile team is about to begin the first iteration of the project to develop a software
application for a customer. The sponsor requests that the team works in collaboration
with the customer to increase the chances of the project's success. Which of following
should the project manager encourage to support the sponsor's request? Welcoming
changing customer requirements, even late in the development of the product

You are managing a project that is nearing its end. You have been reviewing the project
management plan to ensure that all the project work is completed and that the project
has met its objectives. The next thing you need to do before moving on to the next
project is to complete the administrative closure of the project. Which of the following
activities will not be performed as part of this process?
Closing seller contracts: done during procurement.

You are leading a project to replace an aging bridge spanning a river in a heavily
populated area. The new bridge would include a pedestrian pathway, that is not a
feature of the existing bridge. The bridge is well under construction when residents learn
the pathway would allow strangers to enter their neighborhood at all times. The
residents demand the elimination of the pathway.
What would have been the best course of action to avoid this situation?
Identify the pathway as a possible point of contention with stakeholders early in the
project The project team under the guidance of the project manager needs to be able to
assess the project situation, balance the demands, and maintain proactive
communications with stakeholders in order to deliver a successful project. In this case,
a thorough assessment of the project's impact on all stakeholders early in the project life
cycle may have identified the potential resistance of the local residents to the pathway.

To ensure that lessons learned are captured and documented throughout the project life
cycle, the project manager creates the lessons learned register. What project
management process is being performed?
Manage Project Knowledge is the process of using existing knowledge and creating
new knowledge to achieve the project's objectives and contribute to organizational
learning. The lessons learned register is an output of the Manage Project Knowledge

A project manager is currently in the process of determining, documenting, and

managing stakeholder needs and requirements. Due to the sensitive nature of the
project, there is concern that some stakeholders will not provide candid feedback unless
confidentiality is maintained. What is the project manager's best course of action?
Conduct interviews to elicit information from stakeholders by talking to them directly the
project manager will need to employ data gathering techniques to elicit feedback from
the stakeholders to determine their needs and requirements. An interview is a formal or
informal approach to elicit information from stakeholders by talking to them directly.

You are creating the schedule to deploy a new ERP software in your company. The
company is currently undergoing an agile transformation, so it was decided to develop
the new ERP iteratively. The first release of the ERP should be rolled out in four
months, and you know that another project, a company-wide operating system upgrade,
is scheduled in three months. With the upgrade project affecting your schedule, an
impact on which of the following should you assess to determine the number of
iterations until rollout? another question with same answer
You are planning a project to develop a new video game. The project will consist of
three releases, five iterations per release. The first release will provide the must-have
features required for a minimum viable product with additional features added after each
subsequent release. The customer wants to know which features will be available at the
end of each iteration. What is the best tool or technique to use in this situation?
Release planning Agile release planning provides a high-level summary timeline of the
release schedule based on the product roadmap and the product vision. there is a
potential impact on the schedule from another project, the project manager should
analyze the impact and take the findings into account when developing the release plan
for the current project. The assessment and evaluation of this impact could be done
using the what-if scenario analysis, which is an example of the data analysis technique
that can be used as part of the Develop Schedule Process. Help assess feasibility of
project schedule under different conditions.

A company is planning a very large project and considering managing some of its
aspects using agile methods. The project manager is concerned that agile may not be
the best approach given that a large effort would be needed for additional processes,
structure and support systems, thus making the execution of the project more rigid and
less agile. Which of the following practices will assist in scaling this project while
keeping some of its aspects agile and less process and structure focused?
Managing the project using multi-level release planning. As a fhybrid project grows in
size and complexity, to help establish both product focus and project visibility, a release
planning session and a release plan are required.

To engage the newly identified stakeholders in the project at the earliest opportunity, the
scrum master suggests inviting them to the upcoming sprint review meeting to
demonstrate to the stakeholders that the team is moving in the right direction and get
feedback from the stakeholders about what the team has accomplished. Which of the
following is another reason for inviting the stakeholders to this meeting?
To discuss the high-level plans for the next sprint Stakeholder engagement is critical to
the success of any project. On agile projects, changes are typically driven by
stakeholder needs. When new stakeholders are identified during an ongoing project, the
stakeholders should be engaged as soon as possible. One of the earliest opportunities
for that engagement is at the sprint review meeting. Sprint review conducted for three
reasons. 1: to prove team is moving in the right direction 2. Get feedback from SH on
work completed, 3. Discuss work for the next sprint with SH.
A project has just been formally authorized, and the project manager is currently
identifying stakeholders. What should the project manager do to find information on the
responsibilities of key project stakeholders?
Review the project charter. project just started. charter has high level info on SH.

A project manager is developing the communications management plan. She has

determined which stakeholders need what information and how often she will distribute
the various reports. What else should the project manager do as part of this process?
Determine how the information will be transmitted An effective communications
management plan addresses 'who,' 'what,' 'when,' 'where,' and 'how' of project

The project team reports that they have finished creating the requirements management
plan, the requirements documentation, and the requirements traceability matrix. The
team informs that they are going to start working on the project work breakdown
structure (WBS) next. What has the project team forgotten to do?
Create the project scope statement. The project team has completed the requirements
management plan, which is an output of the Plan Scope Management process.
Additionally, the team has completed the requirements documentation and
requirements traceability matrix, which are outputs of the Collect Requirements process.
The next step in the Planning Process Group is the Define Scope process and the
creation of the project scope statement. Before creating the WBS, the project scope
must be well defined and documented in the project scope statement. The completed
project scope statement sets the boundaries for the project by defining the work that is
included in the project as well as the work excluded from the project. The project scope
statement serves as a guide when creating the WBS and should be completed before
work begins on the WBS.
Project acceptance criteria is also listed in the scope statement not charter.

A project manager is developing a quality management plan for a project to design a

medical device. Given the nature of the product, quality will play a vital role. Additionally,
the acceptance criteria for the project deliverables will have a direct impact on quality
standards. The project manager wants to gain an understanding of the acceptance
criteria. What document should the project manager review for this purpose?
The scope statement One of the inputs for the Plan Quality Management process is the
scope baseline. The WBS, along with the deliverables documented in the project scope
statement, is considered while determining which quality standards and
objectives are suitable for the project, and which project deliverables and processes will
be subjected to quality review. The scope statement includes the acceptance criteria for
the deliverables. The definition of acceptance criteria may significantly increase or
decrease quality

You are leading a project to design a car with new self-driving technology. During
project planning, existing government regulations regarding the new technology were
virtually non-existent. You identified this ambiguity risk during project planning and
developed a risk response. Now, with the car ready for production, new regulations
have been enacted. The new regulations are so complicated that you have trouble
understanding them and their implications for the project. What should you do next?
Seek the opinion of a recognized expert to validate or modify the risk response

A company has been contracted to develop software for a hydroelectric plant. The
project management plan specifies Scrum as the development approach. Few sprints
into the project, regulators notify the performing organization that due to new
environmental laws, safety features originally not included in the scope baseline will
need to be built into the software. What is the project manager's best course of action?
Issue a change request to update the project management plan and, once approved,
ensure that the scope baseline is updated

A scrum team is midway into a sprint when the project sponsor approaches the scrum
master and requests that a new, urgent, and potentially complex mandatory
compliance-related requirement should be developed immediately in the current sprint.
The sponsor stresses that if the requirement is not implemented, the entire project may
be canceled. What is the scrum master's best response?
Discuss the requirement with the product owner, and let them make a decision,
including sprint cancellation

A small company is occupying one floor in an office building. A new senior manager has
been assigned to oversee several projects. The manager contacts an agile project
leader and asks for a monthly report that summarizes the project status and the
projected finish date. How should the project leader respond to this request?
Invite the senior manager once a month to review the information radiators

Several team members seem disinterested in the daily standup meeting and are
carrying on a side conversation. What should the agile coach do first?
Let the team uphold its own ground rules

A construction project experienced delays from lower than anticipated worker

productivity, errors in construction, as well as worse than expected weather. Although
these individual risks were previously identified, the combined effects of these realized
risks were greater than the individual risk response plans were able to address, and a
critical project deadline was missed. What might have been done differently to plan
better for the risks? Performed a Monte Carlo simulation

1: You need to hire one contractor. You are leaning toward one who has
an 80% chance of delivering in one month with a cost of $5,000, and a
20% chance of delivering in two months with a cost of $10,000.
Another contractor has a 90% chance of delivering in one month with a
cost of $6,000, and a 10% chance of delivering in two months with a
cost of $12,000. What technique would you use to select the contractor?
2: During project risk planning, the project manager and the team are
trying to decide whether to invest $10 million to develop new software
or to instead invest $5 million to upgrade the existing software. The
team is uncertain how strong will demand be for their product and,
therefore, must account for this uncertainty in their analysis.
What would be the best tool for the project manager to use in this
Decision tree analysis

The resource management plan calls for six developers to serve on the
project team who are all internal employees. In the process of putting
together the project team, the project manager discovers that only
three developers with the necessary skillset are available for the
project due to attrition and higher priority projects.
What should the project manager do next?
Submit a change request to update the necessary project plans and/or documents
You have just been hired by a decades-old construction company to
lead a custom home construction project. The project has been
plagued by thefts occurring at night. You have read the project
management plan and all project documents, none of which addresses
the theft issue.
What should you do next? Review the organizational process assets
You are the product owner for a retail mobile shopping application
developed using an agile approach. You have envisioned seasonal
promotional content and new features based on user requests. At an
upcoming user conference, your customers expect to learn what
features have already been released and what is planned going
forward. What should you present?
The product roadmap of features in each iteration

A majority of the project is planned out, although some sprints are being
incorporated from time to time. When those sprints occur, the normal
communication cadence is disrupted.
What should the project manager do in terms of communication during
those sprints? Propose changing communications during the sprints

As the project progresses, the project manager tracks the detailed costs
of a project in a spreadsheet by listing out each task, associated
resources (human and other), the resource rates, and the hours the
resources are used. The data gathered indicates that the project is on
track. However, the finance manager claims that the actual project's costs
are much higher than those reported by the project manager.
What did the project manager most likely do wrong?
Failed to include indirect costs into the cost baseline

A project is carried out using traditional methods. To produce project

deliverables more frequently, the project manager wants to incorporate
some agile practices into the team's work. An agile coach is brought in to
conduct a workshop with the project team.
What should the project manager do next to verify that the team has
acquired the agile skill set needed to meet the project objectives?
Facilitate a focus group to evaluate the effectiveness of the
workshop and then prepare a team performance assessment

A tanker with crude oil has run aground. Oil is being transferred to
another ship, but the oil leaks into the ocean before it's all transferred.
The risk of a leak was documented. The team implements the risk
response by deploying an oil containment and recovery system to
prevent the spread of the crude oil. So far, the system is keeping up with
the rate of oil leakage. The overall project risk has been dramatically
What should the project manager do with this information about the
overall project risk? Revise the risk report and share it with the stakeholders

You are in the process of leading and performing the work as outlined
in the project management plan. As part of this process, you have
successfully inspired and motivated your scrum team through servant
leadership to produce project deliverables at a rapid pace. As a result,
the project is trending to meet and exceed the performance
measurement baseline.
What activities might you need to perform as part of this process? (Choose two.)
Implementing approved change requests. Facilitating the daily standup meetings

You need to hire one contractor. You are leaning toward one who has an 80% chance
of delivering in one month with a cost of $5,000, and a 20% chance of delivering in two
months with a cost of $10,000. Another contractor has a 90% chance of delivering in
one month with a cost of $6,000, and a 10% chance of delivering in two months with a
cost of $12,000. What technique would you use to select the contractor?
Decision tree analysis

You are leading a large and complex project. Due to the size and complexity of the
project, you have decided that a project management team will perform most of the
planning, and the remainder of the project team will be brought on when the initial
planning is complete. In this scenario, when is the best time to conduct the project kick-
off meeting? As project execution begins

A project manager is leading a large project to develop a new model of smartphone.

Early in project execution, to foster the stakeholder involvement, the project manager
holds a meeting as specified in the stakeholder engagement plan.
What type of meeting does the project manager likely hold?
A project kick-off meeting to explain the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders

1- A project manager has been communicating with 10 stakeholders regularly. Last

week 2 more stakeholders were identified and added to the communications
management plan. What is the number of potential communication channels?
2- To develop the communications management plan, the project manager needs to
determine the number of potential communication channels (or paths) of sprint planning
meetings. The project manager realizes that the following individuals will have to be
invited to the meetings: the product owner, four programmers, two testers, and a UX/UI
designer. What should the project manager do next with this information?
The number of potential communication channels can be calculated by n*(n-1)/2, where
n = SH. 78

A large multi-year manufacturing project relies on traditional and agile methods to

manage the vast project complexities and external dependencies. Due to those external
dependencies, there are many challenges that cannot be addressed or budgeted for in
the two-week iteration cycle. How should the team address the longer-term budget
challenges? Facilitate a quarterly review of the budget and explore potential future
budget challenges

The resource management plan calls for six developers to serve on the project team
who are all internal employees. In the process of putting together the project team, the
project manager discovers that only three developers with the necessary skillset are
available for the project due to attrition and higher priority projects. What should the
project manager do next?
Submit a change request to update the necessary project plans and/or documents

During the last few sprints, the scrum team has been unable to
complete any of its sprint goals due to the defects coming from
previous releases, unexpected calls with the salespeople, and work
requested by the team members' functional managers. The scrum
master approaches the sponsor requesting help. The sponsor replies
that the situation is unlikely to change.
What is the best course of action for the scrum master going forward?
Allocate placeholder user stories to account for interruptions

You are managing a new needs assessment project. While you are analyzing the
monthly progress data your team has submitted, you notice that one of your project
team members has spent half as much time working on a project activity than you had
planned. What should you do?
Investigate further to determine if there is a problem

You are in the initiation stage of a project that aims to deploy and then maintain the
robotics for an automated production line for a returning client. In the project charter,
you need to include the agreed mean time to recover (MTTR) in the event of a
breakdown. What should you do to find this information?
Check the service level agreement with the client. A service level agreement (SLA) can
serve as an input into the Develop Project Charter process. An SLA may define agreed-
upon service levels such as mean time to recover (MTTR). According to the scenario,
the project is going to be undertaken for a returning client, suggesting an SLA might
already be in place from previous projects.

During the last few sprints, the scrum team has been unable to complete any of its
sprint goals due to the defects coming from previous releases, unexpected calls with the
salespeople, and work requested by the team members' functional managers. The
scrum master approaches the sponsor requesting help. The sponsor replies that the
situation is unlikely to change. What is the best course of action for the scrum master
going forward? Allocate place holder user stories to account for interruptions
A government-sponsored project uses both traditional and agile project management
approaches. From the beginning of the project, an agile coach has been struggling to
convince some of the stakeholders who are used to the traditional project management
approach to alter the way they react to changes to the project management plan. Which
of the following should the agile coach explain to the stakeholders to appease them
when dealing with changes? B Adaptive action

You have just been assigned to a project with a tight deadline. The preapproved
financial resources have already been established for the project, but you have not
been authorized to spend any money. What should you do first? Have the project
sponsor sign the charter

Your last agile project suffered from various delays, such as time passing between
stating and verifying requirements, writing and testing code, and asking customers to
clarify requirements and receiving clarifications. In your upcoming agile project, you
want to apply some lean-agile practices to ensure that time waste reduced or entirely
eliminated. What is your best course of action while planning your upcoming project?
Create a self-directed team and provide them with the resources they need

A project has just been initiated to transform an organization from a functional

organizational structure to project-oriented. If the project is successful in meeting its
objectives, what will be the most likely outcome?
The organization will shift from the current state to the desired future state.
The project manager(s) will have control over the project budget.
The project manager(s) will have significantly more authority over projects.

A project is carried out using traditional methods. To produce project deliverables more
frequently, the project manager wants to incorporate some agile practices into the
team's work. An agile coach is brought in to conduct a workshop with the project team.
What should the project manager do next to verify that the team has acquired the agile
skill set needed to meet the project objectives?
Facilitate a focus group to evaluate the effectiveness of the workshop and then
prepare a team performance assessment

During a procurement audit, it is discovered that a vendor's project team is spending an

amount of time using a group review technique which was not stipulated in the contract,
thus causing a delay to the project. A corrective action has been taken to address the
issue. What should the project manager document in the lessons learned register
regarding the vendor? Effectiveness of corrective actions used to improve vendor's

According to the construction plan for a custom home, a standard type of concrete will
be used for the patio since the patio is required to support significantly less weight than
a foundation on which the patio is built. During an inspection, it was found that the
concrete used for the patio is of a stronger type, the same type that was used for the
foundation. Which of the following statements is true?
The patio of the house will be of a higher grade than originally planned.

An agile project has been successfully completed. The customer is very happy with the
project deliverables. Which of the following most likely contributed to the project
success and customer satisfaction?
Representatives of the customer were always available to answer the team's

A project to develop visualizations of the safety and efficacy of a new drug is underway.
Scrum has been selected as the development approach. Midway into the third sprint, a
project team member finds that the data provided is missing a mandatory parameter.
The risk of getting incomplete data was identified and recorded in the risk register
earlier, during project planning. When would be the most appropriate approach to
surface this problem?
The team member should raise the issue as an impediment during the daily scrum

A company undertakes its first hybrid project. The project schedule is measured against
the baseline, and the product is developed using Scrum. Agile training is provided to the
team. The project completion date is due, and the team submits what they were able to
complete so far. The customer inspects the product and indicates that an important
feature was not delivered. What was the most likely reason that caused this situation?
A product owner was not included in agile training or was not even assigned to the

A.request for proposal (RFP) has been sent out to prospective sellers. The sellers'
responses came back with a much higher cost than expected. However, per company
policy, if the responses meet the specifications and the quality requirements, which the
responses do, the requested service must be selected from one of these sellers. What
is the best course of action for the project manager?
Update the cost baseline

A project team is using an on-demand scheduling approach as specified in the schedule

management plan. During an iteration retrospective, a conflict between team members
surges around incomplete work items being passed along to the next column on the
Kanban board. As a result, the amount of rework grows, putting cost and schedule
baselines at risk. How should the project manager resolve this situation?
Bring up the team charter and refer to the team's working agreements for the definition
of done

As the project approaches its completion and the acceptance process begins, the
customer expresses their frustration saying that the project did not accommodate
quickly changing requirements that were essential to meet market demand. The project
manager states that these rapid changes slowed the project down and wreaked havoc
on the schedule. What has the project manager most likely done wrong?
A project manager has been requested to assist the sponsor with the development of
the project charter. What would be the most appropriate next step for the project
manager? Your boss is giving you a rough outline of the scope, constraints, and risks
involved in a prospective client's project. The project is similar to the project you are
currently closing. The sponsor wants to know how long this project would take your
team to complete. You think your team need two months, what should your answer be?
"If it truly resembles this project we are closing, it could be six to ten weeks."
Considering your immediate experience of a similar project, you should give an estimate
in the form of a range. The range accounts for risk contingencies. These contingencies
may be some threats of delay or opportunities to gain efficiencies and accelerate the
schedule. A project in the initiation phase might have a rough order of magnitude
estimate in the -25% to +75% range. If you would estimate 8 weeks is most likely, a
rough range of 4 to 12 weeks is reasonable.

The project manager is facilitating a sprint planning meeting. The team estimates user
stories and commits to completing 60 story points for the upcoming sprint. However,
based on the team's velocity of 40 points from the last three sprints, the project
manager thinks completing 60 points is unrealistic and would negatively impact the
schedule baseline. What is the project manager's best course of action?
Point out the fact that the current velocity is 40 points per sprint and see if the team
wants to revise the plan based on that information

To determine the project needs and structure, the project manager has had several
meetings with the project sponsor and some of the key stakeholders. As a result, the
project manager has completed the development of a document that describes the
project purpose, quantifiable criteria that must be met by the project, and key
deliverables. What should the project manager do next?
Get approval for the document

A project manager is leading a scrum team with a product development project. The
resource management plan provides the project manager broad discretion for
recognition and rewards. To cover the cost of recognition and rewards, the budget has
been allocated and accounted for in the cost baseline. What is best strategy for project
manager to use these funds? Set up a recognition dinner at the end of each sprint to
show appreciation for the efforts and hard work the team members have been doing

As your project progresses and creates product increments with each consecutive
iteration, the project team carries out the Collect Requirements process and Identify
Risks process to collect new requirements and identify new risks. You want to ensure
that work planned for the upcoming iterations is completed with the consideration of the
new risks and requirements. What is your best course of action?
Reprioritize work in a risk-adjusted backlog. The scenario describes a hybrid project
where the product is developed incrementally using an agile framework over the course
of several iterations, while the requirements and risks are collected and identified using
the Collect Requirements process and Identify Risks process which are associated
with the predictive project management approach. Products developed incrementally in
an adaptive approach by cross-functional project teams are frequently reviewed to
accelerate knowledge sharing and ensure that risks are understood and managed.
Risks are identified, analyzed, managed, and considered when selecting the content of
each iteration. Additionally, the requirements are kept as a living document that is
regularly updated.

A project manager is having difficulty getting project team members to meet their weekly
performance targets. The project manager has provided team training and team-
building activities, but so far these and other efforts have been unsuccessful. The
project manager would like to use a reward system to incentivize team members to
meet their performance goals. What should the project manager do first?
Consult the resource management plan

PM requested to assist sponsor with developing project charter. most appropriate next
step? Assess external and internal influences that may impact project strategy. It is the
project manager's duty to understand any factors that may have a favorable or
unfavorable effect on project implementation. The question states that the project
manager has been requested to assist the project sponsor with the development of the
project charter. Whatever the situation is, of the choices provided, it makes the most
sense for the project manager to assess external and internal influences, or in other
words, assess the impact of the EEFs and organizational process assets (OPAs) on the
project implementation making this choice the best answer to the question asked.

An organization has established a controlling project management office (PMO). The

first task of the PMO is to update the guidelines for project compliance in the
organization. Which of the following could the PMO enforce? (Choose three.)
Use of particular project management methodologies
Adoption of specific templates, forms, and too
Conformance to governance frameworks

You are leading a construction project that involves a vendor. A team member tells you
that based on the rough assessment of the vendor's current work in progress, she
suspects that the vendor will be unable to complete their work on time. You share your
concerns with the vendor, but they claim that they are progressing as planned. What is
your best course of action to ensure a mutual understanding of the work in progress?
Conduct a walkthrough. EVA can’t be done since PM only has rough assessment of
work, not verified work completion. Inspection of work being completed so vendor and
buyer are on the same page.

After completing an iteration, an agile team is planning to hold an iteration review

meeting to demonstrate the new product increment developed during the iteration. To
ensure that relevant stakeholders are invited, the team is classifying all project
stakeholders according to the type of requirements the stakeholders are likely to be
interested in during the demo. How should the team classify the stakeholders with
regard to their requirements?
Non-functional requirements ata security Product meet security, policy
expert and regs.

Functional requirements End user Product features

Organizational Requirements Project sponsor Political financial support.

Tech requirements Developer If tech requirements are

properly implemented

All type of requirements PM Whole picture is main focus

An agile coach wants to ensure that expectations between him and the team members
are properly set. The coach meets with the team and emphasizes that he will adhere to
the servant leadership approach while working with the team members. What should
the team expect the least from the agile coach?
Providing feedback on the product increment developed by the team

Non-functional requirements
End user
Technical requirements
All types of requirements
Project manager

process that belongs to the Executing Process Group

Project nearing end, reviewing project management pan to ensure project work is
compete and met objectives. Before moving to the next project complete the admin
closure of project. Which activity will not be performed.
Closing the sellers contract. Transferring the knowledge gained to the lessons learned
repository, handing over deliverables to ops, measuring SH satisfaction.

Weak Matrix: (low) PM has low authority over resources, but PM has some authority.
Functional: (little or non)
Functional manager has full authority
Balanced matrix: low to moderate authority. Resources managed by both
Strong matrix: moderate to high Projectized : high to total authority

In a matrix organization, a project manager requests that a department manager allow

one of the departmental staff members to contribute to the project. The project manager
proposes a plan on how to best schedule and share the resource for the duration of the
project. What technique is the project manager using? Negotiation

A conflict between the project manager and the team has been going for a while. The conflict
negatively impacts the team's morale and jeopardizes the project's goals. To address the conflict,
the project manager maps the desire to satisfy the parties' concerns on the chart below. Based on
the map, the project manager decides to find a collaborative solution.
Where did the project manager most likely map the desire to satisfy the team members' concerns
vs. the desire to satisfy his/her own concerns?
B: high desire to satisfy team and PMs concerns. Collaborative/problem solving win-win situation.

Project post-mortem = project retrospective occurs at the end of the project. .

Requirements are defined up-front before development begins in predictive, not hybrid,
project life cycles. Such up-front planning is possible when requirements are stable and
are unlikely to change significantly as the project progresses.
Agile promote the concept of failing fast/early rather than avoiding it. Rather know if the
project will right away than finding out years later.

Requirements are elaborated as often as needed during delivery in agile, not

hybrid, project life cycles. Typically requirements on agile projects are vague, and only
hight level knowledge about the product exists. Requirements are elaborated as often
as needed as more information becomes available.

A company experiences a decrease in customer satisfaction. The current customer relationship

management software is identified to be the root cause of the problem. To address the issue, the
company decides to replace the software and assigns you to lead the project. To develop the project
charter, you use a template where you fill in the relevant information about the project. To which
category of high-level information in the project charter template will you map the following items?
Project purpose Improve customer service

Measurable project objective Improve customer retention rate by 10%

High-level requirements Identify customer needs through a survey

Overall project risk Lack of experience with new technology

Summary milestone schedule The first release is ready by mid-June

Project exit criteria Sufficient market share improvement reached

During a daily standup meeting, the project manager goes from one team member to another
questioning each one on the work they have accomplished and reprimanding them for the slow
progress the team made so far. The meeting lasts for almost an hour and turns into a status
meeting. What should the project manager do differently to avoid the next standup meeting turning into
a status meeting? Ask a team member to facilitate the standup instead of the project manager

As part of a larger initiative involving many projects, all the activities from this and all of the other
projects have to be aligned and be carried out perfectly. What is the best course of action for the project
manager? Coordinate with the program manager to ensure accurate direction
Since project execution began, the project has been experiencing a high volume of new features,
change requests, and defect repairs. The project manager has a difficult time managing and controlling
project work, performing change control, and validating scope. What approach is best for the project
manager to take to address the situation going forward?
Combine the new features, change requests, and defect repairs into a single backlog

A project to build a new production line is in execution. A change

request was submitted and approved to apply corrective action to a
component of the new production line. The implementation of the
change request requires technical knowledge that no one on the
project team has. What should the project manager do to resolve this situation?
Bring in a qualified consultant

Due to funding related issues a few months ago, your company was
forced to terminate some of its projects. Since then, one of the projects
has been re-initiated, and you have been assigned to manage it. You
want to find out the exact reasons for the termination of the project.
Which of the following should you review to obtain this information?
Project or phase closure documents

A project to roll out a new payroll system for the organization has been completed. Training the
employees on the new system was a key deliverable in the scope baseline. The training was
provided to all employees in a single class but proved inefficient as the payroll department was
overwhelmed with incorrectly filled out timesheet forms, which delayed paychecks.
What might the project manager have done differently to prevent the incorrectly submitted
timesheets? Incorporated incremental delivery along with retrospectives in the project management

After the work breakdown structure (WBS) has been created, the project manager facilitates a
sprint planning meeting with the team to estimate activity durations and, eventually, establish the
schedule baseline. The project manager suggests that the team uses the fist-of-five voting technique to
determine the number of story points that will be included in the sprint. How should the project
manager determine when sufficient support has been reached per each proposed estimate?
Each team member holds up three or more fingers.

Midway into project execution, a developer leaves your scrum team. You follow the risk
management plan, review the risk register, and implement the planned response by acquiring a
new developer. The new developer is highly qualified but is new to the organization and not familiar
with the Scrum framework. You introduce the developer to the other team members.
What is your next best step?
Request the team members to rotate with pair programming so that each team
member has an opportunity to mentor the new developer

An agile project team meets with the product owner, project manager, and other key project
stakeholders to discuss the multiple levels of planning that the project will have to go through. The
participants acknowledge that planning will be required at the release and iteration level. The
project manager indicates that planning will also be required on a day-to-day basis.
Which of the following does the project manager refer to? Synchronizing and coordinating the individual
activities that lead up to the completion of a task

You are assisting a project sponsor with the development of a document, which authorizes a
product development project. Currently, you need to identify the project's key deliverables for
inclusion in the document. What might you do to obtain this information?
Invite the project sponsor and other key stakeholders to join a conference call

An agile coach facilitates a meeting with the team to reflect and adapt on the iteration the team has
just completed. The coach and the team members set the stage for the discussion, create a shared
picture of what happened during the iteration, evaluate the data generated in the previous step,
and decide what to do about the problems identified during the discussion.
What should be the next step in this meeting? Close the meeting
A project to develop self-service ordering kiosks for an international fast-food chain has begun its
execution. Although the project scope was rigorously defined, the team members feel they hit a
wall each time they try to develop the next work package. The project manager decides that the
team should work closely with the customer and end-users in a co-creative process.
Which of the following would be the most likely outcome of this collaboration?
Improved stakeholder involvement and higher satisfaction

You are in the process of finalizing all activities for your project. As part of this process, you are
preparing the final project report which includes a summary of the project performance.
Once the final report is complete, what should you do next?
Share the report according to the communications management plan

Your project team is located in a building that undergoes renovation. During project execution, the
power goes out. You know that response plans were made in the event of a power outage which
includes the use of a generator, fuel, and an uninterruptible power supply, but you cannot recall
where all these items are located. What should you do next? Review the risk register

You have been assigned to lead an agile phase within an otherwise

traditional waterfall project. On your first day on the project, you conduct
an introductory meeting with the development team, and it becomes
apparent that some of the team members have gaps in their skillsets to
function as generalizing specialists. What should you do first?
Review the resource management plan to gain an understanding of what training and development
activities have already been put in place for the project team members

As the project manager working on a large, multi-year project, you have conducted an extensive
series of training and development activities for the team. This has greatly benefited both the team
and the productivity of the project, resulting in a very successful initial year.
What should you use to ensure that your team members will be recognized for their performance
after they leave the project? Personnel assessment

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