Lucia 08

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【 】
Philarch was a city-state with a population of less than 300,000 people. Rather than
the country itself being famous, Ixium, the comprehensive Academy that operated
within Philarch, was more famous.

The amount of people living in Ixium had grown to over 70,000, including the
professors and staff affiliated with Ixium, and once the employed manpower was
included, there were nearly 150,000 people living mainly in Ixium. The Academy,
Ixium, was a national project of the city-state of Philarch.

People flocked to Ixium to build the best connections and get the best education. They
paid the expensive tuition and spent a considerable amount on living expenses. A part
of the money went into investing in the Academy’s faculty and facilities. As the quality
of Ixium was constantly being improved in order to avoid losing their position as the
best academy, a virtuous cycle repeated in which more students flocked to the school.

Chris, a 15-year-old this year, enrolled into Ixium to complete a six-year mandatory
course. The mandatory course curriculum combined 3-4 school year courses of the
preparatory grade and 1-4 school year courses of the regular grade.

Ixium’s curriculum was based on a 12-year course with 4 years each, of preliminary
grade, preparatory grade, and regular grade, and students were able to split or
combine them as they wished, according to their age and standards. Chris had been
enrolled for a year now and was a 3rd year student of the preparatory grade.

The learning curve in Ixium was very difficult, but even if your grades were at the
bottom, you were given your certificate of graduation. Receiving the costly tuition and
dealing with the profits was the Academy’s riddle. In exchange, the certificate for
course completion was only given to students with a certain grade(results) or higher.
If someone wasn’t familiar with this system, you could publicly claim to them that with
only the certificate of graduation, you had completed the academy’s courses

Unfortunately for Chris, his father was very familiar with this cheating of the system.
When he sent Chris to Ixium, he threatened that if Chris came back with only the
graduation certificate, he would strip him and chase him out of the house.

Chris had just finished his 3rd school year and his grades were barely managing. Still,
it wasn’t too bad. He was merely happy with the fact that he could go home without
having to take additional semester courses.

As Chris was passing by the campus, he turned his gaze to the subject of the students’
stir. A hot topic of discussion in the school was passing by. It was a dark-haired boy,
too young to be called a youth and too mature to be called a child.

‘The heavens are unfair.’

Chris thought every time he saw Damian. Damian has a remarkable appearance that
stood out among the thousands of boys that infested the Academy. And that wasn’t the
only thing. He was an outrageously brilliant guy that had never run for head position
in the school.

‘And what’s with that out-of-place fox?’

Chris felt like a bigger and fiercer animal would be more suitable for Damian to carry
around. However, the yellow-furred fox that was always following after Damian was
tiny. Interestingly enough, the fox looked very haughty for a mere beast. At times, it
seemed like it was showing off to people but Chris told himself he was just imagining

‘Same as usual, eh.’

Today as well, Damian completely ignored the students’ leering gazes. He didn’t look
like he was putting on airs, he just had no interest, whatsoever.

‘…No matter how many times I see it, they look so alike.’

Whenever Chris saw Damian, there was someone that always came to mind. That
person was someone famous in Chris’s home country, Xenon. There was almost no one
that did not know him.

Chris had made his official social debut at this year’s New Year party. Many nobles
made their official debut at the new year party held by the royal family. This was
because the party was huge, and many nobles attended the party. Chris’ family was
not poor, but Chris’ father did not want to spend money on holding a separate debut

It was at this party that Chris first saw the ducal couple; the Duke of Taran and his
wife, who were attending. The Duke of Taran’s particular features were quite famous,
so Chris was well aware of them, but the person he saw was quite different from what
he had imagined.

The rumors surrounding the Duke of Taran painted him as a fearsome, crude,
terrifying person, but the appearance of the Duke of Taran dressed in a tailcoat, was a
very well-built, refined aristocrat. The impressive sight of the Duke of Taran had
continued to float around his head. Which is why when Chris first saw Damian, he was
overrun with shock.

Chris wasn’t the type to be privy to rumors but soon after he was enrolled, he heard
rumors about Damian. A monstrous genius who was boarding in the dorms. It was
said that he had never not gotten first place, and even for a skill like swordsmanship
that had to be cultivated, he was proficient enough to compete with the professors for
dozens of times. When he saw Damian, Chris realized that there were really geniuses
in this world.

‘We are completely different species.’

Maybe because the gap between them was so wide, Chris didn’t even envy him. Rather
than envy, he was more curious about the connection between Damian and the Duke
of Taran.

‘There’s no way they can look so alike if they didn’t have a blood connection.’

In Ixium, there were many comments going around about Damian’s obscure identity,
but no one mentioned the Duke of Taran. At first, Chris wondered why, but now, he
knew. They were all being careful with their words.

‘For the Duke of Taran to have such a big son… it’s too young, isn’t it?’

Chris didn’t know Damian’s exact age. Physically, Damian looked like he was the same
age as Chris or perhaps even older.

‘I mean, I’ve heard that the Duke of Taran has a daughter, but I’ve never heard of a son.’

If Damian wasn’t the Duke’s son, then a relative maybe? Chris wanted to grab Damian
who was walking farther away and ask.

“Can’t you look where you’re going?”

As Chris was turning around, he heard an abrasive voice and turned back again. When
he saw the scene occurring a little distance away from him, a frown formed on his

‘With the way these bastards are picking a fight, you have to wonder if he is really
related to the Duke of Taran… ’

The books Damian were holding had fallen to the floor and two boys stood in front of
Damian, blocking him.

‘Those guys again, huh.’

This was a frequent occurrence. Once those two boys saw Damian, they were itching
to pick a fight.

‘Ai, the fact that guys like these are from my country is a disgrace.’

Damian’s country of origin, let alone his status, was obscure. His family obviously had
enough money to cover for Ixium’s tuition fee, but seeing as he was boarding in the
dorms, people guessed that he was probably not from a noble family. When the boys
coming after Damian were not penalized or put at a disadvantage, the idea that
Damian’s status wasn’t anything much, became more concrete.

Chris didn’t see why Damian’s nobility or lack thereof, was a reason to pick a fight. He
also couldn’t understand why there were a lot of people who were secretly unfriendly
towards Damian. He accidentally overheard his classmates talking and learnt that
there were a lot of people bitter at Damian.

Regardless of the circumstances, Damian had never shrunk or looked intimidated in

front of anyone. Apparently to them, such an attitude was arrogant. They didn’t bluntly
say ‘arrogant’, but Chris felt that his classmate, who were dancing around their meaning,
were really pathetic.

‘It’ll end the same way, today too.’

This frequently occurring scene had never led into a fight. The saying was ‘it takes two
to tango.’ Damian didn’t go against them at all. So the bastards picking a fight had no
choice but to fume and step back. Chris admired Damian’s choice to ignore them. They
weren’t even opponents worth facing.
‘These two again.’

Damian inwardly clicked his tongue. These bastards never got tired of this childish
attempt of theirs. He wanted to tell them to go and read a book with this tenacity of

Damian’s eyes were frosty. These were the same guys that would fall to the floor and
lick his feet if they knew who he was. They were not worthy to be his opponent.

Damian never forgot the experience he had a few years ago at the garden party. He
learnt that not all older adults were wise. He knew that the boys harassing him at the
academy were still kids that were yet to mature, and he had also learnt that age didn’t
matter when it came to the cowardice of human beings, which differed on the outside
and inside.

He wanted to see what kind of attitude people would have towards him when he was
a person with only skills and no background. Which is why he was purposefully
attending the Academy quietly.

It was impossible to climb to the seat of ‘Shyta’ that he wanted, with just skills by itself.
It was a thoroughly political position. He wasn’t arrogant enough to claim that he
would do it with his power alone. He would gladly use the name of the Duke of Taran
when he needed it. He planned on revealing his identity as the Duke’s successor
during the next year.

No one knew Damian at the Academy. There were a few from the north among the
enrolled students and they had made a rough guess, but when Damian told them to
shut their mouth, they were careful with what they said. Thanks to that, the secret was
well kept.

Krrar. Feeling threatened instinctively, Asha exposed her teeth and her fur hardened.
However, despite Asha being grown up, she was small enough to be sent flying from a
kick. As expected, the boys harassing Damian laughed jeeringly at the fox.

Damian called her name and restrained her. Asha looked up at Damian with her meek
eyes then she turned back to Damian. Damian was worried that Asha might get caught
up in this and get hurt. Asha was the first gift his mother gave to him and she was also
Damian’s first friend. If something happened to Asha, he felt like he might not be able
to keep to his father’s request.

[Don’t kill people at the Academy.][1]

The reason why Damian didn’t respond to their constant annoyance was because it
was too troublesome. To get angry, you have to be made angry. Like usual, Damian
chose the option of silently picking up his book from the floor. Tak. The book he tried
to pick up was kicked and fell to the floor again. Damian’s line of sight followed the
owner of the foot, looking up to find a brown-haired boy, smiling spitefully.

“You can’t hear me? I said look where you’re going. If you make a mistake, you have to
apologize, don’t you think?”

They were going a little overboard today. Damian’s red eyes flatly stared at the boy
with brown hair. Why were they consuming such unnecessary emotions? Upon
receiving Damian’s tranquil gaze, the boy who had picked a fight, flew into a rage. The
boy felt like Damian was mocking him as pathetic with his eyes and also discovered
his brother’s sneer.

“You—” (?)

“Stop it.” (Chris)

Chris interrupted, unable to watch any longer.

“Why are you attacking someone who’s just passing by?” (Chris)

“Who are you to butt in?” (?)

The brown-haired boy was unhappy, but he was also cautious since he knew who Chris
was. Although Ixium was relatively free from nationality and status, one’s background
could never be ignored. Chris was the son of a well-known Marquis, in the same
country where the brown-haired boy was from.

“I’m saying don’t make an issue out of nothing. The path is obviously wide enough, but
you left that alone and intentionally bumped into him. You’re obviously picking a
fight.” (Chris)

“What do you mean intentionally!”

While the two of them were quarrelling, Damian diligently picked up his fallen book
and stood up. He took out his handkerchief from his coat and wiped off the footprints
on his book. He was slightly annoyed this time. This was a special book.

It was a present from his mother; she always sent him a book when she found a good
one. When the guy—Damian didn’t even know any of their names—stepped on his
book, Damian had unknowingly clenched his fists. If Chris hadn’t intervened, he might
have thrown a punch.

The other guy harassing Damian, the ash-haired one, stretched his hand towards
Damian. Rather than an attack, it was a move to grab Damian’s shoulder and make
Damian face him.

Damian was already a little alert, so he reflexively drew back and fiercely whipped out
his hand. With that, the book he was holding was aimed at the boy’s neck. Every
motion he made took place almost simultaneously. It was a swordplay move that he
had done subconsciously. Damian slowly lowered his hand, but the ash-haired boy had
already turned red with anger.

The fuming ash-haired boy caught something white at the corner of his eyes. He picked
up the handkerchief that had fallen onto the floor. Honestly, the boy wasn’t that ill-
natured. But the moment he was about to ask, ‘Is this yours?’, he met Damian’s agitated

Damian’s apathetic gaze which always seemed like he was looking at lifeless organisms,
had changed at some point. However, upon seeing Damian’s restless for the first time,
the ash-haired boy’s intent twisted. His nastiness flared.

“Give that back.” (Damian)

That was the handkerchief his mother had personally embroidered and sent to him.
When Damian stretched out his hand and took a step forward, the ash-haired boy took
the same step backwards. As Damian reached for it, he waved his hand around so that
Damian couldn’t get the handkerchief. After that repeated itself a few times, Damian’s
eyes got redder.
The ash-haired boy felt a glow of pleasure. He dropped the handkerchief onto the floor
in a flaunting manner. Then he fixed Damian a contented grin and slowly trampled the
handkerchief under his feet. Damian’s eyes burst into a blaze.

The ash-haired was suddenly struck by a strong force and tumbled down. He was
momentarily dazed as he collapsed to the floor. He touched the area of his lips that
was tingling with pain and blood rubbed off on his hand.

“You want to fight, huh?!”

As soon as he realized he was hit, he clenched his fist and dashed at Damian. The
brown-haired boy who wanted to go there to help him was blocked by Chris. Chris
slightly avoided the fist coming at him angrily and also swung his fist. But the punch
he threw really connected. The two of them began to go at it for real.

“Argh! This damn fox!”

Even Asha joined in to assist against her master’s enemy. She used her small body to
nimbly dodge and bit their arms or feet. The fact that she didn’t attack Chris showed
her intelligence in distinguishing between enemy and friend.

A rarely seen spectacle in Ixium was happening right now. The students gathered around
in a circle to witness the scene of four boys and one animal exchanging blows.

Only after an order supervisor ran over and forcefully pulled them apart, did the
dogfight stop.

Unless the issue was related to a student’s grade or that of conduct i.e. insulting one’s
teacher, the primary disciplinary right was within the Conference’s scope of authority.[2]
The conference exercised their disciplinary power over the four students that had
broken order in the school.

They were suspended from classes for 3 days, had to write a reflection, and also reflect
on their attitudes. But Damian alone was punished to be suspended for 7 days. The
reason was that Damian threw the first punch and also didn’t manage his pet properly,
causing it to attack people. Of course, the real reason was something else. With the
exception of Damian, the other boys had remarkable identities. In particular, a friend
of the two boys who had picked a fight was a member of conference.

“This is ridiculous.”

Chris was angry. The treatment was extremely unfair. Those guys were the ones who
came looking for trouble first. It was low and childish.

“Don’t just stand there, make a complaint! Submit a formal objection to the Appeals

If you have any complaints against your first disciplinary hearing, you could file for a
trial with the Appeals committee. Damian’s face was deadpan as he watched Chris,
who was rampaging around after coming all the way to his dorm room, then he briefly

“It’s fine.”

His fingers were gently combing through Asha’s fur in a leisurely manner as she lay on
his knees.

“Fine?! What’s fine! Those kids started it first.”

Chris learnt Damian’s age for the first time due to this incident. He thought Damian
was at least as old as himself, but he was surprised to find out that Damian was only
12 years old. Those boys were fifteen and sixteen years old, respectively. They had
attacked and harassed a boy who was much younger than them.

“Do you know how big a one week suspension is at Ixium? It’s a huge red line on your
school record!”

Damian was calm. His father never told him that he shouldn’t cause any trouble. He
wouldn’t say anything for passable incidents as long as it wasn’t expulsion. Which is
why Damian didn’t care if his school record had a red line or not. That much red line
wasn’t even going to be a block on his road to becoming Shita. (1)

“And you?” (Damian)

“What?” (Chris)

“You were drawn into this because of me. Isn’t that a problem on your own school

“This degree of suspension is okay. It’s basically a warning for a first-timer.”

Damian looked at Chris who had now become a ‘knowledgeable person’ in his books
and wondered why the guy had even interfered in his business. They had not had any
exchanges before this and were basically strangers.

“Thank you.” (Damian)

Chris, who was fuming, looked at Damian in surprise. It was obvious from his expression
that he didn’t expect to hear that.

“Wh… for what?”

“For trying to help me, back then. Although you didn’t need to.”

Chris’s mouth was in a wide grin at the first sentence, but the second sentence ticked
him off. He glared at Damian for a bit but soon tossed his annoyance aside.

“Are you really not going to appeal?”

“I won’t.”

“If you’re suspended, the notice will go home, though.”


He didn’t know that.

Translator’s Corner:

[1] I remember laughing hard when Hugo said this in chapter 46 [part 1]

[2] I think ‘Conference’ was also mentioned in 46 [part 1]. From the chapter henceforth:

‘Conference’ is changed to ‘Council’

Damian went into the administrative office to look into the situation. The staff there
told him that he was one step too late.

“For a disciplinary action beyond suspension, a notice of the punishment is immediately

forwarded to the necessary address, regardless of whether or not an appeal has been

Damian’s address was listed as Philarch, not the north or the mansion in the capital.
The office meant for handling all matters regarding the young master, such as Damian’s
guards and reports, was located in Philarch. It was this office that was officially
registered as Damian’s address.

The office manager received all the documents sent from Ixium and forwarded the
documents to the Duke along with the written reports. In other words, all of Damian’s
documents went to the office first. Damian considered going to the office that he had
never been to before, but he changed his mind.

‘Father’s the one receiving it, anyways.’

Damian figured that his father wouldn’t care much about a few days of suspension,
especially since it wasn’t expulsion. Damian’s speculation was correct. Before Ixium
had even sent a notice of Damian’s suspension, Hugo learnt of it from his subordinate’s
report. After getting the report, Hugo mumbled disinterestedly.

“Suspension? No big deal then.”

There were two things that would make Hugo have interest in Damian’s academy life.
Damian being terribly harmed (or killed), or something happens that would prevent
Damian from graduating. Apart from these, everything else was left to Damian. This
was also why he left the guys that were disturbing Damian alone. If Damian couldn’t
handle things like the guys trying to pick a fight with him at the Academy, then he
wouldn’t be able to handle becoming the lord of the north.

‘What is he thinking…?’
Damian was attending the academy in a state where his status was uncertain. At first,
this was Hugo’s intention. When Damian first enrolled, Hugo registered his name as
‘Damian’ only. He didn’t leave any trace that would lead to the boy’s true identity. At
the time, Damian was too young, and had no power befitting of his status as the heir
to a Duke. Once people became aware of his identity and focused their attention on
him, unexpected and dangerous things could happen, so Hugo took appropriate

Once Damian grew older and was capable of discernment, if he asked to reveal his
identity, Hugo had no plans of stopping him. However, Damian was still enduring the
attacks on him with bated breath and letting them pass. Judging from the line-up of
the bastards looking for trouble, it was obvious that they were empty husks that
wouldn’t dare to speak rashly if they knew that Damian was the son of the Duke of

The Academy was a small society made up of children, but that was also why there
were more thorough in the pecking order amongst themselves. When they got out into
society, they would realize that status was not a perfect solution, but as of now, the
children’s world was still narrow. In the eyes of the arrogant children, the Damian,
who wasn’t the Duke of Taran’s son, was a stone on the floor that they could step on
as much as they liked.

‘If he has the conceited idea of not using his background at all, then that is rather dull.’

If Damian’s status was elevated due to the knowledge that he was the Duke’s son, then
that was thanks to his background, not his ability. If Damian hated that and was in the
process of being stubborn, then Hugo would be quite disappointed. Background was
also part of one’s ability. This was a world where one could never rise above a certain
height without a background.

‘There’s still time, so I’ll just have to wait and see.’

It would be fine to simply call the boy and ask him what he was thinking but Hugo did
not do that. He had no plans of spoon feeding the boy. The boy had to be strong. If
something happened to Hugo by any chance, he had to be capable of protecting his
mother and younger sister. He didn’t originally intend to let Damian grow in a
greenhouse like a flower, but after his daughter was born, he was thinking of making
Damian stronger.
Hugo was not interested in the suspension. But he was interested in the fact that the
suspension was caused by a fight. The boy wasn’t the type to be easily provoked to
come to blows. As he chuckled, thinking ‘a child is a child, as expected’, he read the
attached document which gave a full account of the fight.

Hugo’s expression gradually turned ominous. When he got to where it stated that they
had trampled the handkerchief, he gripped the document in his hand tighter.

‘These young bastards are excessive.’

His wife did not accept his request to make a handkerchief for him when she was
making one for Damian.

[When the one I gave you gets old, I’ll make you a new one for you.]

Hugo didn’t use the handkerchief Lucia gave him because he felt like it was too
valuable. So, there was no way it was getting old. He just had no choice but to watch
Lucia make a handkerchief for Damian. With the birth of Evangeline, Lucia was busy
making things for her daughter to use too. Hugo didn’t know why he couldn’t get his
wife to make something for him too when she was making stuff for their daughter.

Hugo checked to see which family the perpetrating child came from and committed it
to memory. He wasn’t going to do anything currently, but if anything came up for him
to find fault in, he would remember this day. He could hold grudges for a very long

The organization of the mails that poured in was one of the important things she had
to do. Lucia checked the mails that came in for her. Most of them were invitations but
occasionally, there were personal letters. The mails she usually waited for were letters
from Damian or the occasional letter from Norman.

Lucia picked up an envelope, brought out its contents and as she read through it, her
expression became increasingly strange. She checked the envelope again to verify who
the sender was. It had the official seal of Ixium, signifying that it was sent from there.

This mail was not originally sent to Lucia. Today, Jerome was busy with something else
so he left the sorting of the letters to another person, but that person mistakenly put
it in the Madam’s mails. Lucia looked through the contents again.


It was a notice stating that Damian had been punished with seven days of suspension.

“What do they mean Damian has been suspended?”

She read the official notice several times, but it did not say the exact reason for the
suspension. It only stated that he disrupted order in the school and violated the rules.
There was no way her well-behaved son would cause enough trouble to be suspended.
Something was wrong here.

Thankfully, her husband didn’t go out today; he was in the office, grappling with
documents. Lucia took the notice in her hand and headed to her husband’s office.
The door opened quietly and the mild scent of tea wafted in. Hugo was buried in his
work, not lifting his head, but when the sign of someone approaching didn’t disappear,
he lifted his gaze. He discovered his wife, standing there with a tea tray in her hands
and his eyes grew wide.

“How come you’re here?”

“Did I interrupt you? I would like some of your time. Is now okay?”

“Ah. Yes, now is fine.”

Hugo swiftly got up and sat opposite of her on the sofa. Lucia filled the two teacups
with tea and placed one in front of her husband and herself.

“I felt like it would be right to talk with you here because it’s both a personal matter
and formal matter.”

Lucia placed the mail she had brought with her on the table. Hugo looked through the
contents of the mail with an indifferent expression and as Lucia watched him put it
back inside the envelope, she said:

“You know what this is about, right?”

“It’s nothing big. He seems to have fought with his classmates.”

“Is Damian hurt?”

Hurt? Damian’s swordsmanship was at a professional level. The sword skills he learnt
were the standard one, so they couldn’t surpass the killing skills that Hugo learnt as a
mercenary slave, but it would be difficult to find his match among his peers.

According to the reports, he could even win against his seniors that were three to four
years older easily. By the time he graduated, he wouldn’t lose to anyone in a pure
swordsmanship match. The generations of men in the Taran family had sturdy
constitutions. Equipped with the skill of innate ability, they had no opponent.
“It’s fine. Kids fight as they grow.”

As he watched Lucia breathe a sigh of relief, Hugo thought that she treated Damian
too much like a child. He didn’t know what she was so worried about when her son
was already so much taller than her.

“So why is he suspended for a simple fight? What’s going on? Was the child he fought
greatly hurt?”

“It’s not really that.”

Hugo couldn’t help but briefly explain what Damian’s current situation was like. He
explained that Damian lived hiding his status so there were guys who often came to
look for his trouble and that this time, he received an unfair punishment. Hugo spoke
lightly but Lucia’s expression gradually hardened as she listened.

“So you’re saying that Damian was ridiculously and unfairly punished.”

“…Sounds about right.”

“So what do you plan to do?”

Hugo didn’t care much about it. He was going to just let it pass by. But when he was
about to reply with, ‘what am I supposed to do,’ he felt like his wife’s eyes would turn
up sharply, so he quietly shut his mouth.

Lucia’s maternal love was at its peak after giving birth and raising Evangeline. The
knowledge that Damian was being oppressed at the Academy made unbearable anger
surge within her. How dare they— to my son!

“Actually, I have been thinking about things regarding Damian.”

Not long ago was Evangeline’s first birthday. Hugo borrowed a hall in the royal palace
and held an extravagant and grand birthday party. It was big enough for the attendees
to insinuate that the party was bigger than Princess Selena’s. Despite receiving a
swarm of congratulatory messages, Lucia was disheartened by Damian’s absence

When she sent Damian an invitation to attend, Damian replied that he was sorry, but
it was difficult because he was in school. Damian truly couldn’t spare time during the
semester so he couldn’t attend. However, Lucia took it differently, in that, she thought
that Damian was averse to presenting himself before other people.

The capital’s high society did not know of Damian’s existence. The people who were
always in-the-know with rumors definitely knew, but because they were caution of
the Duke and Duchess of Taran, they didn’t spread it.

Lucia did not intend to hide Damian. However, Damian was too young to make a social
debut and because he went to the academy, he was never at the capital, which meant
that even if she said anything, it would just cause useless rumors to spread so she
simply kept to herself.

Lucia’s mind began to change due to the New Year party this year. Every year at the
New Year’s party, many noble children made their debut in the social circle. She
watched as the parents of the children busied around everywhere, trying to make sure
their children who were debuting, made even the slightest good impression.

Lucia had smiled as she greeted the young boys and girls of fourteen years who were
just making their debut. And then, there was a boy who strikingly stood out to her. It
was Chris, the son of Marquis Philip. People’s attentions were focused on the debut of
the child of a family in power. He wasn’t greeting people, rather, they were greeting

As Lucia watched the confident and brightly smiling young boy, Damian came to her
mind. She thought to herself, that Damian was as qualified as the Marquis’s son to be
standing there confidently, with people’s attention on him.

“Do you really want Damian to stay in the dorms until he graduates?”

“I promised to let him graduate from the day he entered.”

“I’m not saying that he shouldn’t graduate. I’m just asking if he needs to be on the
boarding course? Other kids are on vacation while Damian had to have dates annually
issued for him to go out. This cannot go on until his graduation.”

“So what are you thinking?”

“Change his course. It shouldn’t be boarding course, but something that allows him to
come home on vacation like the other kids at the academy.”
“I don’t think that’s possible within the Academy’s regulations.”

“I know you can change it.”

Hugo was shocked speechless by the fact that such words came out from his wife’s

“In addition, there is now a need for Damian to introduce himself into the social

“Why all of a sudden?”

Damian’s social debut wasn’t something he had considered. Damian would be

eighteen years old when he finished his 12 years of boarding. At that point, he would
have learnt what he needed to do at the academy, plus he would be at the proper age,
so he would then be taught what needed to be taught. That was Hugo’s plan.

“It’s not all of a sudden, this is something I have been thinking about. When Damian
graduates, his social debut will be too late.”

Social debuts usually happened at fifteen, and at the earliest, it was one or two years
earlier. However, there weren’t many cases where someone made a debut considerably
late. Families who followed the rule of succession mostly kept to this principle.

“It’s not that necessary. A social debut isn’t that important.”

“It is important. Damian’s birth had a weakness. So I think it will be better to have him
debut very early and make people recognize that he is definitely your successor.”

Until now, the Taran family had gone by without participating in many activities in the
social circles. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that they had locked themselves up in
the north. In this generation, Hugo unusually broadened their activities. According to
his precedents, social activities in the capital were meaningless.

However, there was a possibility for changes in the way the Taran family ran when
Damian took over. In addition, the social debut arrangements of the children was the
Lady of the House’s responsibility. Therefore, Hugo couldn’t find any reason to oppose
his wife’s idea.

“I want to hold a debut party before the end of this winter.”

“I think that’s early.”

“By the time New Year comes around, he will be thirteen. He’s taller and more mature
than those his age so it’s fine.”

“Do what you want.”

“Ask His Majesty for use of the hall like you did for Eve’s birthday.”

“Borrow what hall. The New Year party is soon after this winter anyways. It can be
done then.”

“But Damian isn’t the focus at the New Year’s Party.”

“It isn’t good if he stands out too much on his first debut stage. Especially since to the
other people, his existence isn’t even known and then, he suddenly appears.

“Is that so… you have a point. I’ll think about it again.”

Hugo borrowing a hall in the royal palace to throw an unprecedented grand ball for
Evangeline’s social debut was still something in the distant future.

“So, you’ll resolve Damian’s suspension issue, right?”


“Thankfully, the semester has just finished so you should go bring him back.”


“Are you busy?”

He was busy indeed. Plus, he didn’t know why he needed to go there personally and
pick up the boy. He had already bought a pass for the gate, and using the gate, it was a
half-a-day distance from the Academy to the ducal residence.

However, Hugo couldn’t win against the pressure of his wife, who was looking straight
at him. This was his wife who took every opportunity to talk about building the
relationship between father and son. Hugo thought that he and the boy had just the
right amount of distance between them. Of course, he kept this thought to himself.
“…I will go.”

Since she had cleanly solved the issue at hand, Lucia lightly rose to her feet.

“I took more of your time than I thought. I won’t bother you anymore.”

Hugo quickly hooked an arm around his wife’s waist as she hurried to leave.

“Since we’ve already been talking so far, let’s keep on talking.”

“Talking about what?”

Hugo held her waist firmly, keeping her close in his arms and his other hand went
down to her behind. He wove his knee between her legs and squeezed it between her
thighs then he pressed down his lips on her slender, long neck. Lucia’s face flushed

“Th—you’re nuts.”

“I’m absolutely nuts for you.”

“This is where you work!”

“It’s not like this is the first time.”

Lucia’s face burned even redder.

She remembered the night when he carried her to the second floor in the middle of
the night, her nakedness wrapped with a bedsheet, and she was so afraid that
someone would see that even her fingertips were tense. It was a thrilling night. But
the fact that she committed such a messy act in her husband’s workplace continued
to make her feel awkward and embarrassed.

“It wasn’t daytime then!”

When he hugged her, Lucia pounded on his chest. Holding her to his chest, Hugo used
his arm to push away all the documents on his desk then he placed her on it. Some
documents and writing materials fell to the floor but he didn’t care.

“Hugh! Someone will come!”

“No one will come unless they want to die.”

Hugo leaned on his desk with both arms and kissed her before she found more things
to nag about. He enjoyed tasting her full lips and her small, soft tongue. He sucked on
her chewy, soft lower lips then he pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth. Her
mouth felt feverishly hot to him.

His tongue scoured her mouth and swept over her gums. Their salivas mixed together
in both a hurried and calm manner. Kisses with him were always hot and pleasuring.
Lucia tasted sweetness in his mouth just like how he swallowed her saliva like sweet

Their tongues slid against each other, tangling and untangling. His hand held the back
of her neck supporting her, while her two arms were wrapped around his neck. Their
lips momentarily separated before coming together again. At some point, Lucia had
become so absorbed by the kiss that she clung to him. She felt electrified to her
fingertips and heat rose in the area between her thighs. She couldn’t stop his hand as
it came into her skirt and pulled it down. Rather, she lifted up her butt to help him
remove it.

“Haa… Haa…”

She was short of breath thanks to the unceasing string of kisses. Hugo’s red eyes
flickered with dark desire as he watched her try to catch her breath with her slightly
swollen lips.

He groped along her thigh then he lifted her skirt and place his hand between her open
legs. As soon as she felt cold air brush against her bare lower abdomen, something hot
rubbed against her entrance. Her mouth watered at the thought of his blazing red eyes,
his lips glistening with saliva, his erotic scent and the pleasure he would give her.


His hot manhood broke through her flesh and entered. He gripped her butt and
vigorously thrust into her. Her privates had already begun to get wet during the kiss
so she swallowed his huge size with no resistance. As he filled her so much that she
almost couldn’t breathe, he moved in and out of her with ferocity. Lucia’s body shook
all over the place as she hung from him with her arms around his neck. The intense
stimulation between her legs quickly brought Lucia to her climax.

Lucia put her arms around his shoulders and leaned back. Her shoulders shuddered
as her sight blacked out for an instant before becoming clear again. The orgasm that
came in less than no time was as short as it was intense.

As the tremors of her inner walls around his member lessened, Hugo bit her ear.

“Is that all?”


Before she could even reply, he moved. Lucia moaned and began to move up and down
again. Every time he plunged in deep and touched somewhere, something deep inside
her body grew hotter. She was captivated by a sense of contradicting hopes and fears
in that she wished for the thing to come and at the same time, she didn’t want it to
A chill began to crawl up her spine. Recognizing what this feeling was, Lucia tried to
hold back a tearful moan. The worry that someone might knock on the office door at
any time brought her even more excitement. Not long after, just as something erupted
inside her, he moaned and hot semen flooded into her. Lucia’s mouth was open as her
inner walls spasmed carelessly, but she couldn’t even utter a moan. Her head was
turned to mush from the incessantly rising pleasure.

“Hn… Hng…”

Lucia clung to him as she sobbed. Her whole body was trembling. Hugo buried his face
in her neck and drew in a deep, rough breath. He had never seen a woman as sensitive
as her. The moment he entered her, her entire body quivered. Her body was a lewd
one that orgasmed over and over again.

She hit her climax in her second or third orgasm faster than in her first. Her entire
body quivered, her chest was swollen, her nipples were perked, and her inner walls,
especially, which clung tight to his member, was no joke.

Her tender and hot insides had clamped down on his thing and gripped him tight. He
was almost unable to resist and cummed inside her in surrender. And then the spasms
of her inner walls were almost endless, like a heartbeat.

Even though he was just staying still inside her, he couldn’t help but moan. As time
passed, the spasms of her inner walls gradually lessened. Every time it clenched
around him very slowly and gripped him tight, small creases formed on his forehead.

He began to plant light kisses along the line of her neck. He moved up her neck, to the
bottom of her chin, before reaching the side of her lips. He lightly kissed the top of her
lip then he enveloped her lips, put his tongue in her mouth and pressed them into a
heated kiss.

He moved his waist backwards, pulling out of her, then he lifted her and placed her
down facing the desk. When the cold wood of the desk touched her cheek, Lucia felt
embarrassed, but her body shook with excitement.
His thick manhood brushed past the flesh of her thighs and penetrated her deeply. He
only came to a stop when his thighs slowly came to touch her butt. Now fully inside
her, he let out a rough breath.

Her extremely sensitive insides squeezed his intruding member tight. His view felt
giddy causing him to grit his teeth. He couldn’t move. After giving birth to a child, his
wife’s body had become so much more mature. He took a few hard breaths then he
pulled his waist back and rammed in strongly.


His movements began to grow a little faster. As flesh smacked against flesh, the sound
of liquid splashing could be heard. Lucia pushed against the desk in an effort not to
fall, but both her body and the desk were rocking back and forth. Whenever his hard
flesh intensely filled her up to the brim, Lucia screamed, moaning with pleasure.

“Ah! Ahh!”

When it hit deep inside, her vision flickered. When her vaginal walls clenched, he
groaned. His hands on her hips gripped her a little harder. He thrust in a few more
times then he rammed all the way in and sprayed into her womb. As he heaved,
fighting for breath, he bit her earlobe and licked it. Her insides went into a fit of spasm
and her body shook from the pleasure.

“I won’t… come to your office again.”

Hearing her say that as she panted, Hugo burst into laughter.

The last semester of this year ended, leaving about a month or so until the first day of
the new year. And about two months after the vacation marked the start of the first
semester of the following year. In the summer, most students returned home within a
day or two after the summer vacation begins, so the campus would get very quiet.
However, the winter vacation tended to remain crowded even a week into vacation
due to graduation.

Today in particular, was the day of graduation and densely packed carriages kept filing
into the campus.
The day that Hugo decided to visit Ixium was the graduation day, of all days. Two
carriages with the vivid symbol of a black lion, mixed with numerous other carriages
and entered Ixium. Unlike the other carriages, it didn’t head to the auditorium where
the graduation was in full swing but to the Head Office.

The entrance of the Head Office was relatively quiet. But there were a few people
standing outside as if they were waiting for someone. Waldo, the Dean of Ixium, had
been nervously rubbing his hands and once he caught sight of the carriage, he
promptly flew down the stairs, skipping a few steps on the way. As he watched the two
carriages stop and attendants came down from the rear carriage to stand beside the
carriage in front, he swallowed nervously.

The door of the carriage opened, and a dark-haired man stepped out. The man stood
out, with hair as dark as shadows and a height and frame like that of a fierce knight.
The irises under his thick eyebrows were as red as blood and the bridge of his nose
was straight on his symmetrical features. In all, he was a man with a rarely seen

However, the people that saw him were overwhelmed by the atmosphere around him
rather than his appearance. They could feel a ferocious energy beneath his cool gaze
and ice dripped from his expressionless face. The feeling emanating from him was as
though as one would be cut down if they dared to approach him.

Waldo respectfully bowed his waist and seeing Waldo move to escort his guest and
entourage inside, the staffs of the Head Office that stood with him, whispered amongst
themselves as they didn’t know who the guests were.

“The Dean’s nose almost touched the floor. Who in the world has come?”

The students of the Academy were either royal descendants, aristocrats, or a least the
child of someone with enormous capital. As someone who had dealt with all kinds of
people in high positions, the Dean of Ixium’s pride was high.

“It must be Xenon’s Duke of Taran.”

“Duke of Taran? You mean that Duke of Taran?”

“Is there any other Duke of Taran in Xenon?”

“To see someone you’ve only heard of through rumors is quite amazing. I didn’t expect
him to be so young. His aura is frightful, indeed.”

Waldo wasn’t nervous just because his guest was the Duke of a nation. He was nervous
because the Duke of Taran had great influence over the board of directors, which was
capable of replacing the Dean of the Academy. In addition, the Duke was a sponsor
that gave a considerable amount of scholarship to the school every year.

As a standard, Ixium received huge tuition fees and enrolled royals or nobles from
around the world, but they also paid attention to attracting scholarship students with
outstanding academic ability, regardless of status, in order to produce future
professors. Having outstanding faculty members has raised the Academy’s quality to
a higher level. Therefore, how much scholarships the Dean can attract was also a
measure of his ability.

“If I had been notified in advance, I would have taken more care to make sure nothing
would inconvenience you. Things are a bit rowdy due to the graduation and the
preparations are insufficient. I apologize.”

Waldo was only abruptly informed of an important guest’s visit this morning. Because
it was the day of graduation, he was very busy. He had many people to meet and his
schedule was packed, but he postponed everything, including his speech at the
graduation, and focused on receiving the guest.

Some might say that Waldo was being servile. In actuality, some parts of him was.
Waldo had only the reasonable capability for his position, but he had kept his seat as
the Dean of the Academy for nearly a decade because he was outstandingly tactful and

Waldo secretly took note of Hugo frowning slightly after taking a sip of the tea served
to him then putting it back. He immediately knew that his secretary had screwed up
the tea. He had been tolerant because it was a relative with special consideration, but
from today onwards, they were fired.

“Please tell us what you need, Your Excellency and we will promptly sort it out for you.”

“I am here to meet my son who is enrolled here in Ixium.”

Waldo felt his back go cold. He had never heard that. Never. If he’d heard it, there was
no way he would have forgot. Waldo kept a special record of royals or high-ranking
noble students that he needed to pay attention to. The Duke of Taran’s son would have
been at the top of that list.

“I was sent this thing.”

Waldo took the envelope the Duke gave to him and when he looked at its contents, his
hand trembled. 7 days of suspension? What crazy bastard—!

“I personally looked into it and found that there was a problem with the procedures.”

How dare you give my son 7 days suspension. It looks like you’re tired of playing Dean.
That’s how it sounded in Waldo’s ears.

“I will investigate this and fix it right away.”

Waldo’s mind was scattered. He was agitated and wanted to quickly find out how such
a huge incident had happened.

“My son is in the boarding course. I would like to take him home, but he hasn’t received
permission to go out. Moreover, he’s still in confinement…”

“There is no problem at all. You can take your son with you right away, Your Excellency.
Shall I bring him here now?”

Hugo thought about it for a moment then he shook his head. The waiting time was

“I’ll go meet my son and take him from there.”

“If he’s in confinement, then he should be at the dorms. I will take you personally…”

“There’s no need for that.”

As Waldo sent off the Duke of Taran, he emphasized his statement.

“Please do not worry about the matter concerning your child. I will definitely look into
it and correct the mistake.”

Waldo’s face was rigid as he watched the departing carriage. This incident was a huge
threat to his position as Dean. His schedules for today that he had postponed was none
of his business.
He was going to find out how this ‘7 days of suspension’ came about, why he didn’t
know that the Duke of Taran’s son was enrolled in Ixium and he planned on dealing
with his staff who didn’t do their work properly.
As Damian flipped the page of his book, he heard an odd sound and looked in that
direction. The sound came from Chris, who had been sleeping sprawled out on the
sofa but fell to the floor when he tossed in his sleep. The sight of Chris climbing back
onto the sofa made Damian chuckle.

Even though vacation had already began, Chris remained at the Academy. And
whenever it was time to eat, he would knock on the door of Damian’s room. Once it
reached the third day, Damien asked Chris why he wasn’t going home, and Chris
scratched his head, looking awkward and replied.

[I feel like things got bigger because I got involved and all the blame was shifted to
you. I know you never went against those guys before. Because of me, your fight with
them got bigger and you were even punished with suspension.]

[It’s not your fault.]

[I feel terrible, I can’t just go home like this. I’ll stay and be punished with you. Uh…
Am I bothering you by any chance? If you tell me not to come, I won’t.]

Even though he said that, it was glaringly obvious that Chris was worried that he was
really being a bother, so Damian couldn’t tell him not to come to his face.

[…Do what you want.]

And so from the next morning onwards, Chris came to Damian’s room to kill time and
stayed until it was late as if it was his own room. He wasn’t doing anything much. He
didn’t disturb Damian’s reading, he played with the fox, then picked up a book and if
that was boring too, he took a nap. The interesting part was that Asha, who was usually
shy of strangers, quickly became friendly with Chris. For Damian, it was his first time
dealing with a guy like Chris who approached him so cheekily. He didn’t know how to
handle him but he didn’t hate it.


“Is it time for dinner yet?”

“Lunch wasn’t that long ago.”

“Time is moving really slow today, must be because it’s the last day. Is your name your
real one?”

According to the academy’s policy, when a teacher called a student, or when students
referred to each other, they must be called by their names, not honorary title,
regardless of their status. Many of the students who found it insulting to have anyone
call their noble name, registered a pseudonym for use only in the academy.

“Yes, it is.” (Damian)

“Mine is my real name too. Will you keep staying at the academy during the vacation?”

“I have to go home.”

“Ah… you’re going home.”

Chris wanted to invite him to his house, but could only smack his lips with regret. After
their brief conversation ended, Chris sprawled himself across the sofa again and when
he heard a knock on the door, he abruptly lifted his head. Damian put his book down
and fixed his gaze on the door too. When the knock on the door came a second time,
Chris sprang to his feet.

“I’ll get it.”

Chris ran to the door and opened it.

Hugo glanced at Chris, who was frozen in place as he held the door open, then he
entered inside. Damian jumped to his feet in surprise. He couldn’t believe his eyes.


Chris had been alternating gazes between the Duke of Taran and the small Duke of
Taran with eyes as wide as saucers, and when he heard the word that came out of
Damian’s mouth, his jaw went slack.
Hugo cast a glance around the room, taking in its sights for the first time. The small
decorations that filled up the room had obviously been used for a long time and the
interior design of the room hasn’t been changed after it was put in this dorm. Apart
from the width, there was nothing particularly eye-catching. Hugo paid a huge amount
of money for Damian’s dorm every year. The enormous tuition fees were going
elsewhere because this kind of place was definitely not a VIP suite.

‘I have to give my thanks.’

He was looking for a reason to change Damian’s boarding course to something else
and this was perfect. Changing a course involves dealing with the foundational rules,
so an amendment was difficult. Hugo could exert a great deal of influence over the
board of directors, but he didn’t have the decisive vote to change the foundational

Among the courses at the academy, was a two-year intensive course. As long as you
wanted to, during those two years, you could attend any course you wanted to. It was
part of the academy’s business insight. In exchange, no certificate for graduation or
completion was given. In order to prevent the falsification of academic level due to
changing from the intensive course to another course, it was stated as a closed
construct rule that one course couldn’t be changed to another.

From the way the dorm looked, it was obvious that not just one or two coins were
stolen. If this was audited, there was likely going to be a few board of directors caught.
From the looks of it, he was going to be able to secure the decisive vote in the board of
directors. Since he had now found a way, his wife’s request was practically solved.

Hugo turned to Damian and looked him over, up and down. He looked bigger than the
last time he saw him. Whether it was Damian or Evangeline, once he looked away and
turned back, something about them had changed.

“Do you have something left to do?” (Hugo)

Damian had been standing nervously ever since his father’s gaze fell on him, so he
quickly replied.

“No, I do not.” (Damian)

“If there’s anything you need to pack, pack it now. We’re going home.” (Hugo)
“But I’m currently under confinement…”

“That’s taken care of.”

“Did something happen at home, by any chance?”

Damian was quickly filled with worry after his surprise over his father’s visit had
settled down. The face of his mother and younger sister quickly flashed in his mind.

“‘Something happen’? Well, I can’t say nothing happened.”

As he listened to the pair of father and son talk to each other, Chris stealthily
approached and continued to alternate glances between them. When he saw them
separately, he thought they looked similar, but seeing them side by side, they didn’t
just look similar, they looked exactly alike. Anyone could tell that they were definitely
not strangers. Despite that, if you didn’t hear the call of ‘father’, your first thought
would definitely not be that they were as father and son. You would think that they
looked more like brothers with a huge age difference.

‘So Damian is really the son of the Duke of Taran? But why doesn’t anyone know?’

He could not understand why people didn’t know that someone as famous as the Duke
of Taran had a son as big as Damian.

Hugo frowned slightly, seeing the boy who had stopped a few steps away from him,
shoved his head forward, and was blatantly and rudely staring at him.

“Who are you?”

Chris realized his mistake and stiffened to attention. His father’s strict eyes flashed
before his eyes. If Chris’ father, who was always talking about prudence in appearance,
saw Chris’ action today, it wouldn’t just end with a few smacks.

“That was rude of me. I apologize. I am Chris, an academy classmate of Student Damian.
It is an honor to meet you.”

Hugo stroked his chin as he watched Chris bend over till he was practically in half.

“You seem familiar.” (Hugo)

“I’m sorry? Ah… I once gave you my greetings at the New Year party earlier this year.”

‘Don’t tell me he remembers something from almost a year ago?’

When his father was introducing him to people, he had greeted the ducal couple only

‘Oops. I didn’t introduce my name properly.’

While Chris agonized over whether to introduce himself again after realizing his
mistake, Hugo’s memory came back to him. Hugo’s memory was extraordinary, the
only problem was that he hadn’t really cared about it.

“The second son of Marquis Philip.” (Hugo)

“Huh? Y-Yes, you’re right.” (Chris)

“Academy classmate, you say? What are you doing here?”

“For that, I…”

Chris was going to confess that he had a huge responsibility in Damian’s suspension.
But Damian spoke first.

“He’s my friend.”

Chris has stayed in his room continuously for several days but Damian couldn’t define
his relationship with Chris. But after he said it, he realized. Chris was his friend. The
first friend he made at the academy. He looked at Chris and found the boy grinning at
him and he laughed.

Hugo looked at the two boys with intrigue in his eyes. His wife was very interested in
Damian’s friendships.

[Damian never mentions friends in his letters. Could he have no friends?]

[Such things aren’t necessary.]

Hugo had never had a friend in his life, nor had he ever wanted one or thought it was
necessary. When he said that, his wife looked at him prudishly.

[Well, for me, I hope Damian doesn’t end up resembling you in that area.]

Hugo felt wronged; he was criticized even though he was innocent. He felt like at this
rate, if Damian had no friends, he would hear that Damian really took after him to be
like that. He had been considering sticking a few similar henchmen-like friends by his
son’s side. But with this, his wife would definitely love to hear that Damian had
someone to call a friend.

“You said you were Chris, right? Are you also boarding?” (Hugo)

“No, sir. I will be going home soon.” (Chris)

“That’s good then. Come with me too.” (Hugo)


Hugo urged Damian, not answering Chris’ puzzlement.

“If you’ve packed everything, hurry up.”

There wasn’t even time to pack but Damian simply carried Asha in his arms without
complaints. And as he followed after Hugo, who was heading to the door, he spoke to
Chris, who was just standing there, spaced out.

“What are you doing? Let’s go.”

“You mean me?”

As he looked at this back of his cold-blooded friend, who didn’t bother to reply a
second time, Chris followed, still dazed. To him, the way this pair of father and son
talked was strange.
‘Why am I… ’

Without even realizing it, Chris was some way or the other, sitting inside a carriage
running through the capital’s streets. And inside the carriage, sat the famous Duke of
Taran on the opposite side of him and beside the Duke, was Damian with his fox on his

‘I’m thankful that journey to the capital was comfortable and fast but… ’

Chris didn’t know why he was currently in the same carriage with the Duke of Taran
and his son, going to who-knows-where. He couldn’t muster up the courage to ask the
Duke of Taran where they were going nor could he say that he was very grateful to
have been brought this far and that if they let him down anywhere now, he could find
his way home. Chris felt like if he went home now, he could actually look at his strict
father straight in the eye. Compared to the Duke of Taran, his father was a very
comfortable person to be around.

“You mentioned earlier that something had happened. May I ask what that is?” (Damian)

What Hugo said before in the dorms had kept on swimming around in Damian’s mind.
He waited for his father to say something first but when there were no signs of that,
he couldn’t hold back and asked.

“Your mother received your notice of suspension.” (Hugo)

“…” (Damian)

Damian’s face sank. He didn’t want to make his mother worry.

“When I said don’t kill people at the Academy, I didn’t mean you should get beaten by
irrelevant turds.” (Hugo)

“…I’m sorry.” (Damian)

“Do you bear the weak thought that no matter the issue, killing isn’t an option?” (Hugo)
Hugo was worried that Damian might show weakness like his biological father. Once
he became the head of the Taran family, he couldn’t avoid the subjugation of
barbarians in the north. He must be prepared to reap numerous lives.

“No. Whenever I lift my sword, I am always prepared to stop my opponent from


Chris turned ghastly pale and his body shook with fright. His hands gripped his knees
harder. Was he hearing something he shouldn’t be hearing? Would be dragged to some
quiet place and ended at this rate? All sorts of thoughts ran through his head.

Unfazed by Chris’ terror, the Taran father and son continued their bloody conversation
like it was an everyday occurrence.

“Your mother wants to introduce you into the social circle. Don’t argue and just do as
she says.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’ll go back to the academy when the semester starts. I’ll take care of the outing issue.”

“I want to go back at least a week before the semester starts.”

Hugo hummed, as he thought it over.

“I am in the process of speaking to His Majesty about your title. If the bestowment
procedures finish quickly then it is possible. For now, we’ll have to wait and see.”

“When you say title…”

“The successor to the Taran name cannot go without a title after debuting in the social

Chris’ face, which had been deadly pale, now looked dazed.

‘Title? Successor?’

Chris looked at Damian with new eyes.

‘What? This guy is the next Duke?’

Chris figured that the reason why Damian’s status was unknown was because he was
a precious young master, experiencing the world. A wicked smile crept onto Chris’ lips.

‘You’re all dead now.’

Chris laughed inside, thinking about how black the faces of those two guys who caused
the suspension incident would look, as well as the bastards who kept looking for
Damian’s trouble for no reason.

‘Still, even if he is the successor, he’s already being given a title? Is that possible?’

Most of the people that were conferred titles were usually around twenty years old.
The successor of Marquis Philip, Chris’ elder brother, was 19 years old, but he had not
received a title yet.

Despite Chris’ expression seemingly changing every minute, the Taran father and son’s
dry conversation continued.

“After today, rumors that you are my son will likely spread in your academy.”

As they were on their way to the carriage after leaving the dorms, a string of students
who were returning to the dorms after the graduation ceremony saw them. Some of
them seemed to be from Xenon because when they saw them, they looked like they
were going to have a fit. Rumors were bound to spread quickly from their mouths.

“Did you plan to keep hiding it?”

“No. I was going to reveal it soon.”

Hugo remembered what his wife had carefully said before he left.

[I’m worried that Damian might be hiding himself purposefully because of his birth.
Please comfort the child so that he won’t be anxious or uncertain.]

“Damian. I said I will give you my position and I never go back on my promise. I think
you can do well.”

“…Yes. Father.”

Damian’s gaze slowly fell to the floor. His flushed ears itched like it had a rash. Glancing
at the red-eared Damian, Chris thought for the first time, that Damian looked his own

‘Although the manner of speaking is stiff and the content of their conversation is
dubious, it’s not very different from my relationship with my father.’

Chris was relieved. He didn’t know why but he was just relieved. Chris’ feeling of
contentment only lasted a moment.

“If I ever hear of the heir of the Taran family being beaten again, graduating from the
academy or not, I will stick you at the northern border to train.”

“I will keep that in mind. Such a thing will not happen again.”

Chris’ face went ghastly pale again.

‘Like I thought, these people’s conversation is odd somewhere. Oh? That’s my house.’

Chris sorrowfully watched his house, which he weirdly missed a lot today, getting
farther through the window as the carriage rode on.

The carriage entered the ducal residence then it stopped. Chris came down from the
carriage and looked around. The surrounding view was immersed in darkness, but
thankfully, he wasn’t being dragged to a scary place like he feared. After handing Asha
over to a servant, Damian approached Chris, who was looking around, and tapped him
on his shoulder.

“What are you doing.”

“Huh? Oh. We’re at your house…?”

“Of course, where else would we be? Ah, do you have to go home right now?”

You’re only asking now? Chris mumbled inwardly as he shook his head.

“There’s nothing urgent.” (Chris)

“Come in then.” (Damian)

Chris silently watched Damian’s retreating back, then he hesitantly followed.

Lucia came out to greet her husband with Evangeline in her arms. Evangeline stretched
out her little hands to Hugo, happy to see him.


Hugo took Evangeline into his embrace and pecked her on the cheek, then he wrapped
an arm around his wife’s waist and lightly kissed her lips.

“You must be tired from the carriage ride all day? You haven’t had dinner yet either.”

“What about you?” (Hugo)

“I waited to have it with you when you came back.”

“I told you not to wait when it’s late.”

“It’s not that late. You should stop by your office first. Your aide has been waiting for
you for a while now. I think it’s urgent.”

Hugo returned his daughter to his wife and headed for his office. Lucia turned away
from her husband’s retreating back and gave Damian a bright smile.

“Damian, welcome home. You must be tired, right?”

“Have you been well, mother?”

“Wow, my son had already grown so much taller. Alright, let me hug you.”

Lucia gave Evangeline to the nanny and gave Damian a big hug. He was now so tall and
big that Lucia couldn’t wrap him up in her arms anymore. Going from holding a soft
baby girl to hugging a boy with a sturdy frame, made her feel his growth more
distinctly and she felt emotional. She felt like he was growing up so quickly.

“Bobba. Bobba.” (T/N: She’s trying to say Oppa, I think.)

Evangeline, who was with the nanny, excitedly reached for Damian when she saw him.

“Looks like Eve is excited to see her older brother. Say hello.”

Damian took Evangeline into his arms as the nanny handed her over and Evangeline
clung tight to his neck with her short arms. Damian supported her with his hand and
held his small, soft little sister firm. She had the sweet smell of a baby, mixed with the
smell of milk. His heart grew warm and it finally hit him that he had really come home.
He was thrilled that his sister hadn’t forgotten him even though he hadn’t seen her in
a couple of months.

“Who did you come with?”

“He’s my friend from the academy. I invited him.”

“Oh my, a friend?”

As soon as the Duke of Taran who seemed like he could kill someone with his eyes
alone left, Chris watched the figure full of warmth with wonder, then he bowed
towards the Duchess.

“Greetings to the Duchess. I am Chris Philip.”

“Ah, we have met before. I’m glad to meet you again as Damian’s friend.”

Lucia sweetly received the greeting with pleasure. Chris was amazed that both the
Duke and the Duchess remembered him even though he had only greeted them once
about a year ago.

‘Maybe my impression is so strong that people can’t forget me once they see me.’

Chris’ confidence was boosted with his delusion.

“You both must be hungry. Damian, can you take your friend up to your room? I will
call you when the food is ready. Do you want me to take Eve?”

“No. I’ll watch Eve.”

“You’ll do that?”
Damian took Chris to his room with Evangeline in his arms. As soon as the door to the
room closed, Chris sighed heavily as if he was letting out the breath he had been holding.

“Wow. I thought I would die from nervousness. Hey! How can you let me freak out like
this? You could have at least told me in advance!”

“It was beyond my control. I didn’t know my father would come either.”

“Let’s never ride in the same carriage as your scary father for hours again, hm? There
shall be no uncontrollable incidents in the future. If such a thing happens again, you
must block it. Okay?”

Chris stared at Damian, who shrugged his shoulders vaguely in response, then he put
on a friendly expression and approached Evangeline, who was clinging to Damian.
Once he touched the pretty little hands hanging onto Damian’s neck, Evangeline pulled
her hand away and quickly turned her head.

“Ai, little lady, you’re discriminating against me.”

Chris muttered dejectedly.

“I wish the little brat at home was a cute little sister.” (Chris)

“You have a younger brother?” (Damian)

“I have a little demon. Like you, I’m quite older than my brother. He’s five years old
and once you take your eyes off him, he causes an accident.”

Evangeline fell asleep in Damian’s arms. Chris carefully observed the child that was
sleeping peacefully with her arms still clinging tight to Damian’s neck.

“The baby is so quiet, is it because she’s a girl? My little brother gets so cranky before
he sleeps. I’m glad to meet you, lady Taran. Although it’s sad the feeling isn’t returned.”

Chris couldn’t resist gently holding the small hand of the baby girl, his remaining
regrets manifesting.

Damian was about to leave his room to put Evangeline to bed in the nursery room,
when he met the maid who was coming in just as he was leaving. The maid informed
him that their meal was ready.
Damian took Evangeline to her room first and lay her down. Chris, who was following
like a baby duck, held Damian’s arm when Damian started to head down to the dining

“Wait, do we have to eat with your father when we go down?”

“Probably. Father hasn’t had dinner yet too.”

“…I think I might get indigestion.”

“I’ll give you medicine for it.”


Chris ate dinner and eventually asked Damian for digestive medicine.

The last month of the year was the busiest month but once there were only ten days
left till the New Year, everything had been finished and it became the slowest time of
the year. People usually took a break from work for about 10 days to meet friends that
they had rarely heard from or ended the year by spending time with family. It was a
custom that most people followed, regardless of their status or position.

Today was the last day to visit the palace this year. Hugo sat opposite of the King,
enjoying a relaxing teatime after his year-end meeting was over.

From this evening onwards, it was the beginning of a very long holiday. Last year,
Damian has come home for the winter but had to leave for the academy just a few days
before New year because of limited time. This year, Damian would be attending the
New Year party and also making his social debut, so this was going to be the first end-
of-the-year where all four members of the family were together.

His wife was excited, and he was also affected so he felt like he was looking forward to
a special holiday.

“Have you found my replacement?” (Hugo)

When Kwiz first established the central policy-making body, he promised Hugo that
he would leave him in charge for only two years. Two years had already passed and
several months had also passed. Hugo wanted to simplify his unnecessarily busy
schedule. And so, for a few months now, he had been urging the King to find his
replacement. When the King only drank his tea without saying anything, Hugo raised
a brow.

“Gong, why don’t you keep holding onto it?” (Kwiz)

“You made a promise, Your Majesty.”

Hugo frowned, showing that he certainly did not want to.

“I have no one but you.”

“I am sure there are a lot of people who want to sit in that seat.”

“There are a lot indeed. Which is why it can’t happen.”

The central body which the King had been pushing forward with lightning speed, had
been growing steadily over the span of two years and would remain the country’s top
department as long as Kwiz was king. The head of the central body was at the center
of power.

“To be brutally honest with you, this King has absolutely no intention of making the
central department a playground for nobles.”

“I am a noble too.”

“Gong is excluded.”

After watching the Duke of Taran hold the position of Head of Central for two years,
Kwiz reconfirmed that the Duke was truly not interested in power play. Although he
was in the best political position to cultivate power that was only next to the King in
those 2 years, he remained alienated from noble politics like before.

Kwiz was also very satisfied with the way the Duke did his work. He wasn’t interested
in picking only obedient people for the important positions and simply picked them if
they did well at their work. Even if it was a politically influential noble, if they weren’t
proficient at their job, he cut them off without any hesitation. Thanks to that, the
central body had a surprisingly transparent structure, considering the amount of
power it held and it consistently gave great results.
Kwiz had figured out that the Duke was not a wolf that led the pack but a lone tiger.
No one was strong enough to stand on their own, but he was not the type to lead the
majority. He was someone that was more accustomed to energetically blowing
someone’s head off than engaging in an intricate mental fight where you smiled even
if you didn’t like it or held hands on the outside while hiding a knife in your heart.

Kwiz trusted in the Duke of Taran’s disposition, which found the struggle for power
bothersome and he also liked the Duchess’ actions. Just like her husband, she was not
interested in taking control of the social circle. He didn’t know whether the two of
them became a couple because they were similar but if the couple continued to live
satisfied like this, he couldn’t see the Taran family becoming a problem in the future.

“It is a controversial position regardless of who has it. As long as it is Taran Gong,
people can’t exactly say anything openly.”

Everyone knew about the King’s firm trust in the Duke of Taran. Day in, day out, the
King called the Duke to meet privately for food after every important meeting. The
king’s favor was like a double-edged sword, so although many were envious of the
Duke, no one dared to move carelessly.

People were afraid because the Duke was unpredictable. The Duke’s image as a knight
was stronger than his image as a politician. And knights were a group that caused
trouble when they were displeased. To put it bluntly, if he were to kill every single one
of them and run to his territory, there was nothing they could do and the dead had
died uselessly. There was no one who wanted to be subjected to such a state.
Hugo heaved a sigh when he saw the firm determination in Kwiz’s eyes.

‘How annoying.’

A high position only gave immense headaches, there was nothing good that came out
of it. The fact that he frequently went home late was something he really didn’t like.
When he got back late, he could only see his daughter’s sleeping face while she got
prettier every day, he couldn’t eat dinner with his wife, couldn’t take a walk with his
wife, and he was even having a hard time getting some fun at night.

However, being close to the King was definitely convenient. He needed the king’s help
in order for Damian to take over his position.

“It is not my hobby to work unpaid.” (Hugo)

“…Gong. Do you know what kind of position you are sitting in? If this king were to offer
the position, there will be a string of people lining up to kiss this king’s feet.” (Kwiz)

“Then give it to one of those in the line.”

Kwiz groaned loudly.

“What do you want? I’m curious if there is anything this king can give you.”

“I need a title.”

“A title? What are you using that for?”

“I plan to introduce my son to the social circle at this New Year party.”

“Hoh. Is your son already that old? How old is he?”

“He will be thirteen soon.”

“But what title is given so early? There has never been such a case.”
A young successor may inherit a title due to the loss of his father, but such situations
were very rare.

“Then this will be a new precedent.” (Hugo)

“…” (Kwiz)

“I promised my son that I would help ensure that his succession is unshakable.”

“Alright. Alright. I’ll begin the process.”

“Is it possible to be ready by the New Year party?”

“Do you think titles are made and spat out overnight? There are a lot of procedures to
get there.”

“Then, Your Majesty can do simply do the conferment ceremony at the New Year party
and have the procedures done separately. And while you’re at it, please give me
another title.”

“You want me to give two titles to your son? What’s he going to do with two?”

When Lucia heard that Hugo was going to ask the King to grand Damian a title, she
was concerned.

[Damian just made a friend, so I’m worried that his relationship with his friend might
become strained if his position suddenly rises.]

Hugo planned to resolve his wife’s concerns by giving Damian’s friend a title too.

“I would like it to be given to the second son of Marquis Philip.”

“Why Marquis Philip all of a sudden?”

“The Marquis’ second son is my son’s friend.”

“…so because he is Gong’s son’s friend. In other words, you’re going to give him help
from behind?”

“In any case, he’s the second son of a Marquis so he’ll be getting a title someday anyways.”
“Look, Gong.”

Kwiz massaged his temple. Bestowing a title wasn’t something as simple as giving
candy to a baby. Granting titles was the King’s sole unique right. It was a weapon for
the King to use as much as he wished to coax the nobles who loved honor and

If a privilege got overused, its value would fall. There was a limit to the total number
of titles that could be given out. Titles were returned due to circumstances such as a
lack of descendants and so on, or the successor that was supposed to inherit the title
from his father returned it, creating a vacancy. Therefore, there weren’t many titles
that the king could bestow every year.

“Let’s be materialistic for a little bit. The responsibility that follows in accordance to
the title held, isn’t an easy thing. What is going to happen to taxes? Your son aside, do
you think Marquis Philip’s young second son can afford to pay taxes?”

People who received titles when they were around 20 were usually successors to their
family. The children from second son and below usually received titles after they got
married or they received a large residence on a piece of land from their father. There
were also many cases where they didn’t get anything at all. The title-based tax was one
of the reasons why it was important.

“Your Majesty can give him a title with tax exemption and that solves that. I can satisfy
the tax deficit with another cause.”

Kwiz fixed Hugo a stare then he gave a deep sigh.

“It must be really nice to handle everything so simply, Gong.”

“If there’s an issue due to the limited number of titles, I can make two vacancies.”


“I will deal with that on my own.”

The way he would deal with it was most likely frightening. Kwiz wouldn’t put it past
the Duke to reap two lives in order to make vacancies. He decided to be a benevolent
king and save the two poor unknown lives.
“This king will handle that matter.”

When Kwiz thought about it, he wasn’t losing anything. Marquis Philip was a noble in
the Royalist party and he was an inflexible person when it came to aristocratic politics,
so he was someone that Kwiz trusted as a close associate. By gifting a tax-exempted
title to the Marquis’ son while listening to the Duke’s request at the same time, he
could lord it over both parties. In addition, the Duke of Taran said that he would repay
the deficit from the tax-exemption. He had been given a lot of work to do during this
holiday, but he could bear it.

The sight of two men in tailcoats standing side by side in the lounge on the first floor
wasn’t something one saw every day and even the employees couldn’t help but look
from time to time. The gazes of the maids stayed especially longer. Some of the maids
hid in the corner of the hallway and stole glances at the pair of father and son.

Their outward features of dark hair and red eyes were distinct but eerily similar like
an image, but one of them was taller and more well-built, while the other, the younger
one, radiated maturity. When you looked at the smaller, and younger one separately,
you could see a perfectly grown youth, but when they stood side by side, he looked
like a young boy.

“Her Grace is blessed indeed.”

“I know what you mean. I mean, the first day I saw the young master, I thought ‘what
chaos is this’.”

The sudden appearance of the Duke’s grown-up son made people feel sorry for the
Madam for a while. But as the maids watched the two men obediently listen to
whatever their wife or mother said, they were jealous of the Madam who had obtained
such a wonderful and filial son without going through the trouble of carrying him in
her belly and raising him.

“Ehem. Ehem.”

The maids who were peeking at the edge of the hallway, discovered the butler when
he was clearing his throat and they were frightened. Upon seeing the butler frown,
they flinched and quickly scuttled off.
Tsk. Jerome clicked his tongue as he watched the maid scattered, then with a tea tray
in his hand, he approached the pair of father and son, who were standing idly, not
saying anything to each other.

From her spot on the top of the stairs, Lucia watched her husband and her son, drink
tea together, and her cheeks were stained with red. Antoine, who was right next to
Lucia, also looked in the direction of her gaze and clasped her hands together, showing
how moved she was. She was filled with joy to see the tailcoats she had personally
made be worn by perfect creations.

‘Ah, my masterpieces. It’s perfect. It’s fantastic.’

As gentleman’s tailcoat consisted of only two colors, black and white, so although they
all looked similar at a glance, it was a garment unique to noble parties. Designers put
a lot of work into making delicate designs to overcome the limitations of the two
colors. A gentleman’s tailcoat was in a more profound field than a noblewoman’s
flashy dress.

Lucia commission Antoine for all the outfits for this New Year’s party. When Antoine
first saw the small Duke of Taran, she held her chest and staggered, expressing her
feelings in an exaggerated manner. She was excited to have new material to work with
and made a bunch of tailcoats for Damian.

Antoine insisted that all of them had different designs but to Damian, they were all the
same, so from his standpoint, he had to go through the trouble of trying out the same
outfit many times.

Hugo’s tailcoat had the classic design of a high-class item that exuded sharpness.
Antoine judged that it was more attractive to show off the Duke’s icy impression than
suppress it. So, she chose the most basic design with no useless and unnecessary
decoration, and put a brooch gemmed with rubies as the focus of the outfit.

Damian’s tailcoat was lined with dark blue fabric on the sleeves and collar, and the
black base material shone with a blueish light when it was illuminated. It was a
different design from the conventional practice so far of using just plain black fabrics.
It wasn’t an outfit that an elderly person could pull off, but it blended well with
Damian’s fresh and youthful aura, so it was luxurious without sacrificing formality.

Damian was momentarily stunned, looking at Lucia. It was his first time seeing Lucia
groomed and draped in a party dress. Her silver dress, with elaborately woven fine
beads, shone like butterfly wings reflected in sunlight. Her reddish brown hair
drooped over her pearly white shoulders. It was only after Lucia came down the stairs
with her hand in Hugo’s that Damian regained his senses and politely kissed the back
of her hand.

“You look beautiful, Mother.”

“Thank you. You look dashing yourself. You will definitely be the main focus today.”

“I think you will be the main focus today, Mother. They all will not be able to take their
eyes off you.”

Lucia burst out laughing. Damian was usually blunt and taciturn, but sometimes he
said things that could shake a woman’s heart surprisingly well. Lucia alternated
glances between father and son, and thought to herself, ‘as expected, like father, like
son’. When she saw that Damian’s gaze was fixed on the second floor, she reassured

“It’s fine. Eve is asleep. She won’t wake up till tomorrow morning. Just enjoy your time
at the banquet hall. Don’t worry about Eve.”

“Yes, mother.”

Lucia climbed into the carriage escorted by Hugo and Damian. She had once vaguely
imagined that such a day would come. When was that? Lucia was filled with excitement
and felt like she was dreaming.
“Aren’t you nervous?”

“I am fine.”

Lucia talked to Damian, trying to make him relax. She kept remembering the party
break that happened back in Roam. She scolded herself for having ominous thoughts
on such a good day. Although it was hardly possible for there to be someone tactless
enough to insult the Duke’s successor in a venue where he was being accompanied by
the ducal couple, Lucia couldn’t let go of the anxiety that Damian might get hurt.

Hugo saw through her anxiety and frowned.

“My dear, you are more nervous than him. Don’t worry about the boy, he’s not a child.”

“I am really okay, mother. I don’t want you to feel uneasy because of me.”

Although their manner of speaking was different, both men were more worried about
Lucia. Lucia looked at them and smiled sweetly. She decided to be at ease and enjoy
the merry New Year party to the fullest extent.

The carriage stopped in front of the hall to the Outer Palace and the door opened from
outside. Damian came out of the carriage first and watched his father follow behind
him, escorting his mother down. A quick glance around showed him that carriages
were already parked here and there, and that a line of carriages were just entering. As
he looked at the blindingly bright lights coming from the party hall, Damian’s heart
began to beat a little faster. Even though he was completely unbothered just a little
while ago, it wasn’t because he felt nothing but because it hadn’t felt real yet.

“Let’s go in.”

“Yes, mother.”

Damian sucked in a breath as he entered the party hall alongside his parents. It was
his first time seeing so many people in extravagant costumes gathered together.
The moment when all their eyes were simultaneously drawn to him and his parents
was mind numbing. He thought he was already used to people’s gazes but there was
something different from the gazes in the north and the academy.

It was strange. There was neither malice nor goodwill. They were definitely surprised
by Damian’s presence but none of them outrightly showed such feelings. Damian
faintly came to a realization. There were people who were well-versed in controlling
their emotions and the high society was a place where such people were gathered.

Hugo called a servant and asked.

“Where is His Majesty?”

“Yet to arrive.”

Hugo then suggested to his wife:

“Shall we eat something simple first?”

“That sounds good. We won’t have time for that later.”

When Lucia discovered the familiar face approaching them, she happily greeted him.

“Oh my. Chris.”

Damian quirked a brow when he saw a face he was very familiar with, Chris, approaching
and dragging along the two boys whose faces he was definitely not happy to see.

The New Year party held in the Outer Palace hall had started late in the afternoon and
by the evening, it was practically crawling with people. The noble children who had
expectably debuted into the social circle at this year’s New Year party, were going
around greeting people with their parents.

‘I was once like that too.’

Chris got sentimental watching all the inexperienced little kids, even though he was in
that spot just a year ago. The New Year party was one of the large-scale parties held
by the royal family so the young boys and girls making their debut, were mesmerized
by the splendor. Even if they tried to act calm, their flushed cheeks were filled with
excitement, exposing their nervousness.

‘The way they’re walking is so stiff. I wasn’t that bad.’

Watching his juniors who were obviously just debuting, Chris patted himself on the
back with groundless praise. When he saw a servant passing by with a tray full of
cocktails, his eyes grew round. He stealthily looked around then quickly picked up a
glass of cocktail. The translucent pink drink looked way too appetizing.

“I finally found you. Where have you been?”

“Elder brother…”

Chris froze with the glass of cocktail in hand. Although he was prepared to get chewed
out, his brother, Raven, merely frowned slightly upon seeing the cocktail and said,
‘Father is looking for you’, then he turned around. Chris followed after him and quickly
finished the cocktail in one gulp. Then he grimaced at the unexpectedly strange taste
and the sudden wave of tipsiness that hit him.

Going around and greeting people with his father and brother was really boring. Chris’
expression imperceptibly showed his unwillingness.

‘I understand that my brother will inherit the mantle of Marquis in the future so he
has to do this, but why do I have to do this too?’

Although he bowed his head as he was told, his mind had flown elsewhere. He glanced
at the entrance at intervals, checking to see when Damian would arrive.

‘Oh, it’s those guys.’

He found familiar faces. The ash-haired boy and the brown-haired boy. They always
went around together at the academy and even here, they were together too. They
weren’t alone but were mixed with several of their peers, both male and female,
forming a group. A mischievous smile slowly crept onto Chris’ face.

“Elder brother. I’m going to go, I have something else to do. You can take care of the

Raven sighed as he watched Chris disappear into the crowd. He recalled the conversation
he had had with his father not too long ago, when his father returned from the palace
after receiving the King’s summon.

[You will be presented your title at the New Year party, so keep that in mind.]

[Didn’t you say you would apply for my title later?]

[I don’t know if I should say that it is because of your brother or thanks to your brother.]

When Kwiz was looking into giving Chris a title, he realized that the Marquis’ heir and
eldest son had not received a title yet. So he called the Marquis, explained the situation,
and said that since the order was wrong, both sons of the Marquis could receive titles.

[I’m sure you have already heard of the Duke of Taran’s extramarital son. You see,
Taran Gong is quite protective of this son of his. His son will soon be debuting in the
social circle and it seems Taran Gong wants to give his son a title as a present. Now,
Taran Gong’s son made a friend at the academy, but this friend happens to be your
second son. And it seems the Duke of Taran is very satisfied with his son’s friend, so
he requested a title for him too. It is a tax-exempted title, so you don’t have to worry
about that issue. Now, what do you think? Would it be fine for this king to put aside
your first son and only give your second son a title?]

The Marquis had no choice but to reply that he would accept both titles.

Chris’ father, Marquis Philip, had sent Chris to the Academy because Chris wasn’t
particularly talented in anything nor was he interested in dating anyone. All he did
was play with his younger brother every day, causing the Marquis to worry for his
future. However, Chris had made a connection that his father had never expected him
to make. It was always this way. Even though Chris handled everything without much
serious thought, he always got good results.

Chris and Raven had completely different personalities and they weren’t very close
brothers. Raven didn’t hate his brother, but he usually couldn’t understand what was
going on in his brother’s head. But honestly, sometimes, he was jealous of his brother’s
manner of going with the flow.
T/N: Maybe I should have translated Marquis Philip as Marquis Philippe instead. Since
we already have a Philip haha.

The faces of the ash-haired boy and the brown-haired boy fell when they saw Chris
approaching. The ash-haired boy, Henry, was the second son of a Count and the brown-
haired boy, Steve, was the third son of a Marquis. They had fought with Chris not too
long ago, so they didn’t want to have to go out of their way to greet each other.

Steve held a huge grudge against Chris. Although it had been refreshing to watch the
arrogant Damian get suspended, Steve had been disgraced at the disciplinary hearing
before the punishment was handed down.

Actually, Damian had been quiet but Chris had actively tried to defend Damian,
testifying to the number of times that Steve and Henry had come to look for Damian’s

Steve believed that Damian had tattle to Chris, who was volunteering every detail.

Steve’s elder brother was a member of the Council in charge of their first disciplinary
hearing. Thanks to that, Steve and Henry were able to receive light punishments. And
later on, Steve was called out separately by his brother and criticized heartlessly.

[I am not asking a lot from you. I only ask that you do not disgrace our family, is that
so difficult? What kind of low-grade act is this? You’re not even a child. I am scolding
you because my face is heated from embarrassment.]

He was very displeased because Steve had chosen a cheap method like that of a vulgar
street rat, not because Steve had harassed Damian. Steve was sick of his elder brother
acting every time like he was trying to teach his pathetic little brother. His elder
brother wasn’t even that much older than himself. But because his brother had helped
him, he couldn’t reply back and could only hang his head while his face burned.

“Been a while.” (Chris)

“…It has been a while, Sir. Philip.” (Steve)

Steve sourly accepted the greeting. He didn’t want to greet Chris but ignoring someone
who had greeted you first was an immature, undignified behavior, so he was forced to
act polite.

Chris chuckled inside. The reason he rarely ever hung out with other noble children
was because he didn’t like their pretentious imitation of adults. Once they made their
debut in the social circle, they only talked to each other with honorifics, never
addressed each other by their actual names and made sure to always add the title ‘Sir’
to their family names.

Only knights or title-holding nobles could use the address ‘Sir’ in an official occasion,
but among the nobles, there was a fixed practice of adding ‘Sir’ to the family name
when they referred to each other.

But it was too much for children who were not even of adult age to be calling each
other ‘Sir/Lady’. The adults referred to children who hadn’t yet come of age as
‘Mr./Miss’, even if they had debuted into high society.[1] Therefore, it was more
reasonable for the kids to call him ‘Mr Philip’, than ‘Sir Philip’.

Chris swept a glance over the gathered group. There were faces he recognized and
faces he didn’t. They were likely all children from families ranked Count and beyond.
Chris didn’t like this sort of thing either. The kids were already only hanging around
with people who matched their standards.

Chris thought the privilege of being young was the freedom to get along with all sorts
of people and not care about status. Just because your father was a Count, didn’t mean
that all of your father’s children would become Counts. Non-successors were not likely
to get titles and there was no guarantee that a Count’s daughter would become a

When Chris was around ten-years-old, his mother was pregnant with his younger
brother and suffered from severe depression. Due to this, the atmosphere at home was
dark and the busy Marquis didn’t have time to take care of his young son. So he left
Chris with his grandparents for a year.

Chris’ grandfather was a Count, but it would be more accurate to call him a wealthy
merchant that headed many businesses. Chris followed his grandfather to journey
across many national borders. He saw and experienced so many things and realized
that the world was vast. It became an important opportunity that shaped Chris’ values.

“If you go by Sir Philip then… are you the esteemed son of Marquis Philip?”

The young ladies showed a great deal of interest in Chris. Since he was a Marquis’ son,
even if he wasn’t the successor, he would at least be titled a Count, so if they were
looking to be a Countess in the future, conquering Chris was a good method.

Chris politely greeted the lady as he had been taught, even though he could completely
see through her.

“That is correct, Lady…”

“Winsor. Audrey Winsor. Count Winsor is my father.”

“Lady Winsor. I am glad to meet my academy classmates at such an occasion and I have
something urgent to talk to my classmates about, so can you forgive me for having to
put off our greetings for later?”

“Oh my. You are attending the Academy too. As a matter of fact, I was just listening to
stories about the academy. I will gladly excuse myself and allow you gentlemen to
discuss in-depth.”

Although not a queen bee yet, Lady Winsor seemed to be the leader of the flock, so
when she turned around, the other young ladies followed too.

‘Male or female, adult or child, they’re all the same.’

Chris didn’t understand why people liked to hang around in big groups. They weren’t
gathered together because they were truly friends, but more like they were coasting
along. When many people gathered together, some people would stand out and some
people would be excluded.

Just because he was the son of a Marquis, Chris would never be excluded, even if he
didn’t say a single thing. Because he didn’t like such shallowness, Chris gradually went
less and less to gatherings with his peers. Perhaps, that might be the reason he kept
getting interested in Damian, who always moved around the Academy by himself.

“What is the meaning of this?”

Steve’s tone denoted his unhappiness with Chris’ rude actions of doing whatever he
wanted and sending all the girls away.

Chris found it ridiculous for someone like Steve to be acting like a gentleman when he
had just been involved in a dog fight on the academy’s campus a month ago. Chris gave
a lopsided grin.

“So, stories about the academy, huh? Did you tell them about how you rolled and
fought on the floor? I bet it would be a very interesting tale.”

Anyone could tell from Chris’ provoking tone that he was trying to pick a fight. Those
who didn’t want to get unnecessarily involved in a fight between two Marquis’ sons
quietly slipped away. The gathered group dispersed, and the only people left were
Chris and Steve who stood opposite of each other, and Henry who stood behind Steve.

Steve’s clenched fists trembled.

“What in the world are you doing?”

Steve didn’t want to have a particularly bad relationship with Chris, a Marquis’ son. He
considered Chris to be one of the few people on the same level as him. Steve couldn’t
understand why Chris would take the side of a guy with no background at the

“Are you aware that you are a huge coward? But then again, if you were aware, you
wouldn’t do such a thing. You started the fight and then dumped the blame on the
victim. If you are already doing such a despicable thing, you can’t be the good adult
with refined speech that you’re trying so hard to imitate.”

Chris turned to look at Henry.

“Same goes for you too. Let’s act with dignity in the future. OK?”

Henry got angry and came forward.

“Who are you calling a victim? That low-born guy started punching people, not
knowing his place. He even made the beast he was carrying run amok. Don’t disrupt
order with your ridiculous sympathy.”

Ha. Ha. Ha. Chris gave short exaggerated laughs. Then while massaging his temple with
his hand, he deliberately mumbled in a serious manner.

“It’s my mistake for having too much useless sympathy. How can you guys understand
the generousness of my heart in doing what I can to aid those pitiful guys?”

Seeing the two boys looking at him like he was crazy, Chris smiled craftily like he was
cooking up a scheme.

“You two. Do you know who you provoked?”

At that moment, people began to stir. The gaze of the crowd gathered at one spot and
the children who were fascinatedly watching the Marquis sons bicker, got curious and
flocked over. Chris felt like he knew why people were acting like this. He threw his
arms around the shoulders of both boys and hooked it around their neck so they
couldn’t escape.

“What are you doing!”

“Let go!”

“Now, now. Come with me. I’ll show you something good.”

It wasn’t that Chris was so strong that the two boys couldn’t shake him off. They were
afraid that if they forcefully shook him off, it would draw people’s attention and look
like they were fighting, so they had no choice but to follow along. Chris was able to
easily drag the two boys because they took appearance and honor so seriously. Chris
squeezed and pushed through the crowd and took the two of them to the front.

And just as Chris expected, the talks of the town had appeared. The ducal couple of
Taran and Damian. Chris was certain that Damian’s appearance would cause a stir in
the social circle. The ducal couple of Taran simply accompanying someone would
become a hot topic, talk less of them accompanying a boy who looked like the Duke of
Taran. The appearance of the boy was a shock itself.

‘Although, I doubt people are as shocked as these two guys right here.’

With his hands still on the shoulders of the two boys, Chris alternated gazes at both
sides. The both of them had gone white and they looked like they had lost their soul.
They were stiff like a frog when it meets a snake. Seeing Steve and Henry enveloped
in shock and horror, Chris decided to play with them a little more. Dragging them by
neck, he approached the Ducal family of Taran.

Translator’s Corner:

English doesn’t have that many respectful titles, so I had to make do. Here, Miss

doesn’t have a male equivalent, so we’re stuck with Mr. I might have translated it as
Lord/Lady but we’ve been using ‘sir’ so far, no need to change it now.
“Oh my, Chris.”

The duchess smiled brightly and greeted Chris happily. When their eyes met, Damian
used his eyes to ask Chris what he was doing. Chris smiled mischievously in response.
Then when he faced the Duchess, he wore a polite look on his face.

“Chris. It saddens me to not have seen you for a few days now. Will you come to hang
out again from tomorrow?”

Since the day Chris was forcefully invited to the Ducal residence, he had been visiting
frequently. He even brought his younger brother, Jude. He stayed from morning till
night, ate snacks, lunch, took naps, read a book; basically, he enjoyed himself like it
was his own house. The only thing he declined was the Duchess’ proposal to have
dinner before he left. He wanted to avoid eating with the Duke of Taran.

Visiting someone else’s house a few days before the New Year wasn’t good etiquette,
so he stopped visiting to avoid acting out of line.

Lucia liked Chris’s friendliness. He seemed like he would be a good friend and a great
balance to Damian’s stiff personality. She also liked his shamelessness in happily
visiting the ducal residence without reserve.

“Yes. I will gladly come to visit if you invite me.” (Chris)

For the few days that they didn’t go to the ducal residence, his little brother, Jude, kept
whining, asking when they were going to see the princess again. Jude called the Duke
of Taran’s little daughter, ‘princess’. When Chris asked him why he referred to her like
that, the little boy fidgeted and replied:

[She’s pretty.]

Chris was dumbfounded. The little brat had a good eye.

“There’s no need for an invitation. You are always welcome. By the way, who are these
two gentlemen?”
Chris held the shoulders of the two boys firmer. He giggled inside as he felt them trying
not to stagger.

“They are classmates from the Academy.”

Steve and Henry stated their names and greeted the ducal couple. Lucia figured they
were probably nervous, so she accepted their stiff expressions.

“Damian, are they your friends?”

When Damian’s indifferent gaze swept over the two boys, their clear faces darkened.
Damian glance at Chris, who was grinning with satisfaction, and he secretly smiled.
Chris had kept grinding his teeth over the suspension incident and it looked like he
couldn’t stop himself from playing a trick on the two boys. Damian decided to play
along with Chris.


Damian drew out the end of his sentence and observed the paling expressions of the
two guys.

“…are not my friends, mother.”

‘Mother’. This was practically killing them and making sure they were dead. The
arrogant guy who didn’t know his place was in fact, the Duke’s son. They already had
a bad feeling when Chris talked with the Duchess in a friendly manner and revealed
that he had been visiting the Ducal residence without reserve. Steve and Henry really
felt like dissipating on the spot.

Damian didn’t plan on torturing or taking the two boys to task for something that had
happened in the past. If they kept acting up in the future, he would definitely crush
them but that hadn’t happened yet. To the two boy who didn’t know what he was
thinking, it sounded like a declaration of war.

“And I don’t think they will be in the future.”

From Damian’s answer, Lucia sensed that their relationship was not very good, so she
stopped being interested any further.

“Chris, where are your parents? My husband and I have already met them, but Damian
should officially say hello.”

Chris let the two boys go and joined the ducal family. As Steve and Henry watched
them get farther away, their legs trembled, and they sank to their knees. Their knees
touched the floor and they supported themselves with their hands. The only comfort
was that most people were focused on the ducal family of Taran, so they didn’t pay
much attention to the unseemly sight of the two boys.

The Duke of Taran couple and the Marquis of Philip couple greeted each other, then
they moved to a separate room and had a light meal together. The Marchioness was
very thrilled to learn that her son had a connection with the Duke of Taran’s son, so
she was excited throughout the meal. Chris felt embarrassed because of his mother’s
overreaction and grumbled to himself.

After the meal, Damian stayed with his parents and greeted the nobles that came up
to them endlessly. Around when all the faces were starting to blur together, the King
made his entrance. Damian was finally able to take a breath. The chamberlain faced
the party guest and spoke loudly.

“His Royal Majesty has arrived.”

People lowered their clamoring voices and stepped aside, making a path for the King
to come in. Kwiz was donned in white robes with a crown on his head and golden
mantle draped over him, revealing the majesty of a king. This was an appearance that
was only seen on the King when it was an important and official occasion. The crowd
hasn’t heard of anything beforehand, so they began to stir.

“I look forward to endless jubilation in Xenon’s future as we face the glorious first day
of the New year.”

The King gave a short speech to his attentive aristocratic audience.

“I am pleased to have the opportunity to borrow today’s occasion to present to you all,
the excellent pillars of our nation.”

When the King stopped speaking, the chamberlain unfurled the scroll in his hand that
was covered in red silk, then he spoke sonorously in a loud voice.
“Damian, son of Taran. Raven, son of Philip. Chris, son of Philip. Come forward and
accept the honor bestowed onto you by His Majesty.”

Chris nodded his head when Damian’s name was called and when he heard his
brother’s name, he was a little surprised, but when he heard his own name, his eyes
widened. He blankly watched his brother and Damian walk forward then he felt
someone hit his back and turned around. His father was frowning and scolded him,
‘what are you doing, not going out there?’

“Huh? F… Father. Why…”

“Hurry up and go!”

The Marquis clicked his tongue as he watched Chris go forward hesitantly.

‘That boy. He didn’t know?’

The Marquis thought that his eldest son had already told Chris while Raven thought
that his father had already told Chris. In other words, Chris had absolutely no idea that
he would be receiving a title today.

Chris’ soul flew away as he stood, suspended with a red mantle over his shoulder and
a silver emblem on his collar, symbolizing his title as Count. He didn’t know what
senses he had used to finish the ceremony.

Every noble learned the ceremonial procedure for receiving titles or medals because
it was mandatory. Chris was able to subconsciously react thanks to this rooted
memory, but he didn’t remember anything he had done. He could only guess that he
hadn’t made any mistakes since his father didn’t have a fierce expression.

“…Have I really become ‘Sir. Philip’…”

He had gained the official qualification to become Sir. Philip instead of Mr. Philip.

‘What’s with this count title.’

He had received a Count title alongside his brother. He had never seen such a case before.

Damian patted the shoulder of his completely distracted friend.

“Are you even listening? Our parents just arranged to have dinner tomorrow evening
at your house.”


Light came back to Chris’ eyes.

“We’ll be eating with our parents? It’s not just our parents together?”

The awkwardness during the meal some time ago had been very unbearable for him,
so what was this talk about invitation! He could already see a vivid image of his mother
turning the house upside down to clean it from tomorrow morning.

“Of course, you and I will be there too.” (Damian)

“…Ah. Indigestion again.” (Chris)

“If you don’t have digestive medicine at home, I’ll bring some for you.”

Chris mumbled gloomily.

“…I’m so thankful I could cry.”

All Chris knew was that he was envious of his friend’s sturdy stomach.

[End of sidestory: Damian]

【 】
The torches that brightened up the darkness like day, cast a darker despair than the
cover of the night. The chaotic scene was tidied up in the blink of an eye, and the
household of the Count was bounded and lined up. The dozens of servants in the house
were gathered in one place while the soldiers stood guard.

The servants hugged each other and wept soundlessly. Their chances of survival were
slim. They were fated to share their life and death with their master who had committed
the crime of plotting treason.

The sound of a group of people approaching could be heard. The thudding sounds of
their footsteps were like signals leading to death. The soldiers straightened up tensely,
along with the knight who was conducting them. The man approaching the criminals
was accompanied by dozens of knights and his hair was so dark that it melted into the

“Status report.”

The conductor at the scene took a disciplined step forward before opening his mouth.

“All but two members of the traitor’s household have been captured.”


The tone of the voice asking was fierce. The knight flinched and quickly added.

“The traitor’s third son was confirmed to be currently enrolled at the Academy and
immediately after confirmation, an arrest unit departed for Ixium. We expect to hear
from them by tomorrow morning. But only the whereabouts of the traitor’s wife is

The man listening to the report raised a brow.

“And her maid’s testimony?”

“Neither the family members nor the servants closely serving her have any idea. We
are currently combing through the mansion repeatedly. I have also sent people to look
outside the mansion.”

“What is the possibility she has already left the mansion?”

“The maid testified she had last served the traitor’s wife late in the evening. No one
among the servants are missing.”

It was hard to believe that a noblewoman had escaped alone into the dark without
anyone helping her.

“She might have been hidden away because she was carrying the traitor’s seed. Look
into that.”

“Yes, sir.”

“If she is in the mansion, then she is hiding somewhere. Which means there is a secret
compartment in this place. Dean, pick out a few men with good eyes.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“I am innocent! There must be a mistake!”

Hugo’s indifferent gaze turned to the direction the sound came from.

“Please let me see His Majesty!”

The chubby man kneeling on the floor with his hands tied behind his back had a
silhouette like that of a pig. Just like he looked, the sound of his screams were
unpleasant to hear.

The Count of Matin. If Hugo had not been told by his subordinates on his way here, he
would not have known who this house belonged to. This man was the most
insignificant game among the targets Hugo had hunted until dawn. Perhaps the man
was falsely accused like he claimed, but Hugo didn’t care. The mere fact that he was a
subject of suspicion and got on his hunting list was a crime.

After taking a brief glance, Hugo coldly turned around and headed into the mansion.
The annoying cries grew louder, then after a scream, it became silent. An eerie chill
enveloped the surroundings like a fog.
As Hugo stepped into the mansion, a corner of his lips went up slightly. He didn’t think
there was a day that suited his life more than tonight.

The office of Count Matin was already a mess from being turned upside down. But
Hugo could see a few documents that were neatly arranged on the desk. Hugo
skimmed through the documents with a bored look on his face. He didn’t expect
anything important to come out of here from the beginning.

After a while, the knight came in and reported:

“I have confirmed that it is unlikely for the traitor’s wife to be pregnant with a child.
According to her maid, she is infertile and incapable of having children. For further
verification, I have sent someone to bring over the doctor that visited here.”

“There’s no family doctor?”

“There is apparently not one because of the cost of employment.”

The life of one doctor was saved thanks to Count Matin’s stingy nature.

“When the woman is found, execute her with all the traitors. I will report it to His
Majesty separately.”

There were a few more places they had to stop by and clean up. There was no more
time to delay here. Leaving the finishing up to his subordinates, Hugo left the Count
residence that would soon become a haunted house.

No one would want to buy a house where the former residing family committed
treason and dozens of people died in the courtyard. Even if it continued to be empty
and grew old and hideous, it would take at least 10 years before it was torn down and
a new house built in its place.
The clean-up of the Count of Matin, a supposed ‘small fry’ was moving at a snail’s pace.
The traitor’s third son who was attending school at the Academy had luckily escaped
to another country and the traitor’s wife had still not been found for three days.
Thanks to this, the lives of the traitors was extended by several days and because
leaving them at the count’s residence while monitoring them was a waste of
manpower, they were all taken to prison.

On the fourth day, Hugo got a report from Dean stating that he had found a device that
led to a secret area.

“Have you gone in?”

“I have not checked inside as you ordered, my lord.”

As a day passed, then two, then three, Hugo became curious about the woman who
had hidden herself so deeply. She had definitely not left the mansion. Currently,
security in the capital was water-tight and anyone suspicious would definitely
standout. Since she had no one helping her, a noblewoman who had lived an easy life,
would not be able to hide without leaving any trace. Therefore, Hugo figured that there
was a secret location in the mansion and that she was hiding there. He told his
subordinates that if such a place was found, they should immediately report it to him
instead of combing through it.

He took only a few knights with him and went to the deserted house of Count of Matin.
As Hugo watched Dean manipulated the device to reveal the darkness behind, his red
eyes narrowed slightly. A knight lit his torch, cutting through the darkness.

Hugo looked around with interest. The expertly-made secret area was impressive.
After descending for a while, they reached a chamber with dimly lit walls. Upon
finding the shadow of a person lying in the corner, Hugo’s footsteps came to a stop.

He stopped his knights behind him, grabbed a torch and approached the shadow.
There was no movement from the woman who was lying down, with her body curled
up. Hugo lifted the torch higher to illuminate the surroundings. The temporary bed
that the woman lay on was made of several layers of blankets and the surrounding
leather sacks were filled with dry food. He also saw a bundle of clothes.

‘I suppose it’s a prepared shelter.’

The Count of Matin’s family did not know about the existence of this place. It was clear
that the woman had prepared all of this by herself. It wasn’t possible that she knew
about the Count’s household extermination beforehand. So why? Hugo’s red eyes
gazed down at the soundly sleeping figure of the woman.


The woman’s struggle was intriguing. Hugo couldn’t understand the woman’s passion
for life. This was boring and tedious world. If the woman had a child then he could see
why, but both the maid that served her and the doctor in charge of her treatments said
that she was infertile.

[She is definitely infertile. Even if she were not infertile, her husband has been incapable
of having children for a few years now.]

Without even being asked, the doctor spoke about Count Matin’s sexual dysfunction.
It was as if the doctor thought that proving the Countess’ infertility would save the
Countess’ life. It was never a good thing to get involved with someone who had been
caught up in a plot of treason, but the doctor looked to be more worried about the
Countess’ situation than being afraid.

It felt like a contradiction for a woman who was supported by the people around her
to have found a route to escape alone, abandoning her husband and children, even if
the children weren’t actually her own. Was the life of a woman who chose the lifelong
status of a fugitive worth being so obsessed about?

Hugo searched through his memories, checking to see if he remembered a woman

called the Countess of Matin. He had a good memory, but he couldn’t remember people
he didn’t have an impression of, or simply passed by without talking to. He had no
memory of the Countess of Matin.

Hugo turned away from the woman.

When their lord began to climb up the stairs without saying anything, the knights
followed silently as well. After they had fully exited the secret space, Hugo ordered:
“You have not seen anything today.”

The knight simply accepted without asking questions.

“Get a female body, put some noble clothes on it and throw it in the woods. The hair
color should at least be similar.”

Hugo felt somewhat merciful and decided to save a member of the traitor’s family,
giving her a chance to escape. It was on a whim, but he, himself, didn’t know why. Since
she wanted to live so much, why not let her try. A noblewoman that had enjoyed a nice
and easy life; how long could she endure? There was some cynicism mixed within.

“However, don’t slack on tracking down that damn third son.”

He could allow an infertile, childless, traitor woman to live, but a child was impossible.
His usual belief was to never leave an ember behind.

The next day, all members of the Count Matin household were executed.

About a month later, Hugo attended an event where the king intimidated the nobles,
calling it a party as a pretext, then sometime after midnight, he was on his way home.
As he was passing by a noble’s mansion, he saw a shadow through the window and
suddenly got curious.

‘That woman. She must have escaped, right?’

He had his carriage change directions to the Count of Matin’s residence. The Count’s
residence was now a bleak sight and it only got gloomier as the day grew darker. Hugo
manipulated the device, opening up the secret space and headed down. Sensing the
presence of several people, the small creatures scuttling around quickly scattered in
the dark. When he lit the torch and looked around, there was no person in sight, only

Although he had already guessed that she would be gone, Hugo felt empty for some
reason. He slowly looked around and found traces showing that someone had been
here until just a few days ago.
‘She stayed in this place for over a month?’

He admired her extreme patience and tenacity. He didn’t expect such attributes from
a Countess who was formerly a Princess. He couldn’t help but wonder what in the
world had given her so much sustainment. Was it simply just the wish to live?

“There should be a passage out of here. Find it.”

The knights scoured the surroundings, then they manipulated a device and found a
dark passage. Hugo and his knights walked along the narrow path of the tunnel for
quite some time. When they finally got to the other side, one of his knights said that
they were at a public cemetery at the outskirts of the capital.

The light in the sky was dim. As it was a cemetery, the area was completely void of
people, not even shadows could be found. Hugo stared at the morning sun which was
shining light on the graveyard.

“Do we track?” (?)

“…No need.” (Hugo)

This was the result of his useless curiosity. Hugo decided to stop here in doing things
that were unlike himself. No matter how the woman lived after this, it was a matter
that had left his hands.

His carriage was at the Count’s residence. Rather than waiting for one of his knights
to bring a vehicle for him to ride, he decided to use the passage and go back. Hugo
turned around, about to go into the passage entrance, but then he halted and bent
down. He cleared away a pile of rubble and a small wooden jewelry box, usually used
by noblewomen, was revealed underneath. He took off the cover and chuckled. The
rings and necklaces heaped inside the box didn’t seem like very expensive items.

‘Must be an escape fund. So she hid all her trinkets here instead of carrying it on her
body. Clever judgement.’

As he was about to cover it again, Hugo’s gaze fell on his left chest collar. There was
brooch pinned to the collar of his tailcoat. It was in the shape of a lion’s head
exquisitely crafted from silver and had two small red jewels embedded on it. It was an
ornament that represented the lord of the Ducal House of Taran.
Hugo tore off the brooch from his chest. It was more valuable than several of the rings
in the jewelry box. He threw it into the box without any hesitation, covered up the box,
put it back where it originally was and even piled up the stones like before.

Hugo stayed squatting like that for a very short while. He shook off his thoughts,
feeling strange and rose to his feet. Then he unhesitatingly began to walk into the dark
tunnel. His knights immediately followed after him. Their figures quickly disappeared
into the darkness.

Three years later, Hugo received a report that Bruno Matin, the third son of the traitor
was caught and executed on the spot. The third son of Count Matin, who had been
evading the tracking unit with his sudden appearance and disappearances was a hot
topic in the social circle for a considerable amount of time, but as time passed, people’s
attention turned elsewhere. And so, Bruno Matin’s death was quietly buried.
【 】
The King came to the Queen’s Palace without sending any message in advance. When
he appeared, Beth was in the middle of a conversation with a noblewoman that she
had invited. The noblewoman couldn’t blame person that had suddenly disrupted
them and had to rise in the middle of their discussion to leave.

Beth wondered why the King abruptly intruded into her palace. It was hardly possible
for the king not to know that the time when she met with the noblewomen was in its
own way, an important part of her itinerary as Queen.

“What might be the matter, Your Majesty?”

“This king got stood up.”

Kwiz plopped down on the sofa with a peeved expression on his face.


“This king is the only one in the world that can stand someone up. Yesterday, Selena
definitely promised to have lunch with me today.”

Kwiz was really looking forward to the lunch appointment with his lovely daughter
whom he wouldn’t trade for all the treasures in the world. Even when it went past the
appointment time, he gratifyingly thought that she was running late because she was
a young lady and had to prepare. But even after waiting for a good while, there was no
news. He got concerned and sent a servant to check but the servant returned with a
hollow answer. Princess Selena had already gone out in the morning, so she wasn’t

Kwiz was terribly hurt by his daughter’s betrayal. It seems like just yesterday when
she was clinging to him and crying ‘Royal Father’ and he couldn’t believe that she’d
already found other things more interesting than her parent’s embrace.

In Xenon, there were two men who showed off their unstoppable love for their
daughters. One of them was Beth’s husband and the sovereign of this country, and the
other was the Duke of Taran, a man who held power second only to the king.
Beth recalled the ridiculous matter that happened because of the highest authorities
in the country. It was called the dollhouse case.

Kwiz custom-made a dollhouse with a cutely decorated bedroom for his daughter.
Selena took that dollhouse to the ducal residence and boasted about it to her friend.
Evangeline was very envious and waited for her father who was returning home late
that day.

Hugo was moved to see his daughter came out to meet him with sleepiness in her eyes.

[Father. I want a dollhouse too.]

When Evangeline rubbed her head in his chest and whined, Hugo felt very regretful
that he couldn’t put a dollhouse in front of his daughter right that instant. And the very
next day, he found a constructor and began production for the dollhouse immediately.

My daughter should have the best in the world!

A larger, fancier dollhouse with a living room inside a bedroom, became Evangeline’s.
Selena, who visited the ducal residence, was shocked to see her friend with a better
dollhouse and ran to Kwiz.

[Royal father. Eve has a better dollhouse.]

Who will make the nicer, more fabulous, more expensive dollhouse?

Beth and Lucia watched, completely dumbfounded at the two men who were competing
with each other over something immature.

It went past the standard of being a toy and crossed into the territory of artworks.
They chiseled a small bathtub out of marble, called a watchmaker to make a miniature
clock to hang inside the dollhouse, commission a famous painter for a painting to hang
on the wall of the dollhouse, and even got adopted equipment facilities for the small
bathtub to receive water.

After almost six months, the dollhouses were completed, and the two men came to a
mutual agreement and set up an objective judging panel to judge their work. They got
the same score in the first round and chose a date for the second round. Their wives
who had just been observing the situation came forward. It was a competition that
had nothing to gain even if you won and would only hurt the feelings of whoever lost.
[It looks like we are both troubled by husbands who can’t act their age, Duchess.]

[I know what you mean, Your Highness.]

The two women comforted each other and forcefully concluded the fight by agreeing
to donate the dollhouse to the showroom in the Outer Palace hall.

In fact, while the fathers were busy fighting over the dollhouse, their two daughters
had already lost interest and were focused on other ways to entertain themselves.

The amazing competition that drew the attention of many people, fizzled out in the
end without a winner. The two huge dollhouses, made in the form of a three-story
estate mansion, became a specialty for foreign envoys to see at least once.

After the dollhouse incident, it became a trend for people to look at their youngest
daughter and go, ‘our daughter is the cutest.’

“She’s at an age where she forgets promises she makes easily, even firm ones.” (Beth)

“She went to the Duke’s residence again, right?” (Kwiz)

“There’s no other place that Selena goes to.”

“It is troubling for the princess to form the habit of going out continuously from a
young age. Why do you allow it, Queen?”

“It’s the Duke’s residence, I see no issue there.”

“Still, when you consider it, an esteemed young lady should be the one entering the
palace. How can the princess be going out to meet an esteemed young lady?”[1]

Beth chuckled. Her husband wasn’t the type of person to be strict or nitpicky over such
formality. He was grasping at straws.

“They are children. It’s not a matter that requires the pride of adults.”

“There’s also the issue of safety.”

“To be quite frank, the Duke’s residence would be safer than the palace.”
Kwiz couldn’t say anything to that. The guards around the Duke of Taran’s residence
reminded him of an impenetrable fortress. Kwiz always wondered how heavily
guarded the security was at the ducal residence. So last summer, he lightly made a bet
with the Duke.

[Gong. This king is going to try to go through the guards at your residence. Will you
take up this king’s challenge?]

[I never avoid a challenge.]

Kwiz also made a second bet with his adjutant. Naturally, he bet that he would succeed,
and the adjutant had no choice but to bet on the remaining option.

The way the wager worked was: if the mansion’s intruders brought back a specific
mark in the mansion’s garden, it was Kwiz’s win, and if the infiltration failed, it was
Hugo’s win. The result was terrible. Kwiz was soundly defeated. Two out of three
attempts, they couldn’t even get past the wall before being discovered, let alone
acquiring the mark.

In exchange for the bet, Kwiz had to meet the Duke’s demand for another title and
once again, he could not use a word chosen by his adjutant. So far, his bets with his
adjutant have all been consecutive defeats.

The adjutant was overwhelmed with pride because Kwiz’s conduct had become more
refined since he became king.

There were no doubts about the safety of the ducal residence, and so, Kwiz didn’t need
to worry about Selena. Kwiz couldn’t think of anything else to nitpick on, so he sullenly
shut his mouth.

Translator’s Corner:

[1][Gongnyeo] vs [Gongju]: Gongnyeo is used to refer to a young woman with high

status, Gongju is the formal title for princesses, i.e of royal family. Gongju Katherine =
Princess Katherine. In a way, Gongnyeo can also mean princess but it isn’t a title. I
didn’t want to use princess(because it overlaps) so I translated gongnyeo to esteemed
young lady.
“Nowadays, Ethan is also going to the Duke’s residence with Selena.” (Beth)


Kwiz didn’t anticipate this unexpected news about his third son.

“Ethan is going to the Duke’s residence? Why?”

“The third son of Marquis Philip often visits the ducal residence and apparently, his
age is very similar to Ethan’s. He seems very excited about making friends with his

“Hmm, the children have already reached the age where they are looking for friends
more than their parents.”

Although it was said that children only listened when they were young, Kwiz wasn’t
yet ready to let Selena out of his protection.[1] As her husband mumbled while looking
discouraged, Beth said something even more shocking to him.

“The reason Selena keeps going to the ducal residence isn’t just because she enjoys
playing with the Duke’s young daughter.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about Selena.”

Beth couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she spoke.

“She fell for Sir. Taran.”

Kwiz didn’t understand the Queen’s meaning for a moment then his eyes gradually
grew bigger and his gaze quivered with shock.

“…Sir. Taran? You mean, Count Taran, son of Duke Taran?”

When the Queen nodded, Kwiz slammed his hand on the table and jumped to his feet.

“What is this—?! Do you know how old Count Taran is right now?”

“When Selena is seventeen, Sir. Taran will be 27. Their age difference isn’t unsuitable.”


Kwiz sat back down. The difference between eight and eighteen felt like a huge gap
but once you added 9 years to it, it changed into a commonly acceptable difference.

“…but still, what does an eight-year-old know?”

“Just like Your Majesty says, what does Selena know? It’s probably just curiosity and
yearning in the same manner when she sees a pretty doll and indulges in it. However,
Your Majesty. Girls grow up quickly. In five years’ time, that yearning will change to

He hadn’t even released her from his protection yet. Kwiz had never thought about
marrying off his daughter. She couldn’t live by his side forever. He knew that but when
he realized that his daughter’s marriage might not be that far away, he felt like he had
lost all the energy in his body.

“My Queen, you seem to be very pleased with Sir. Taran.”

“Oh, very much so. Sir. Taran’s succession seems to be set in stone and whether it is
his personality, appearance or ability, there is nothing to complain about. Hasn’t Your
Majesty also praised Sir. Taran frequently?”

“Well that…”

Even if you say he was named the youngest Count thanks to his father’s support,
becoming the Academy’s youngest Shyta wasn’t something that could be achieved
with backing alone.

‘Taran Gong is such a lucky devil, eh.’

In most cases, if the father was outstanding, the children’s capability was usually
below their father’s. However, Taran Gong’s son seemed to have inherited his father’s
capability but none of his father’s personality defects, so he was more perfect.
‘And he’s only a year older than the Crown Prince.’

Compared to Count Taran, the Crown Prince was very young and immature.

“Do you want Selena to be seated as the Duchess?” (Kwiz)

“I cannot say I do not want that. Seeing Taran Gong’s unchanging affection for the
Duchess has made my heart lean towards them. Wouldn’t Sir. Taran love his wife like
that as well, seeing as he grew up watching his parents in that manner? It is every
mother’s wish for her daughter to be loved by her husband and live happily.” (Beth)


“Were you merely jesting when you asked Taran Gong about becoming in-laws?”

“When the Duchess was pregnant, I was honestly willing to pair Selena up with them
if the Duchess had a boy.”

“Why didn’t you consider pairing our son with them if they had a girl?”

“My Queen. Can you imagine how much dowry one would have to give to bring in
Taran Gong’s daughter? This king can’t handle that.”

Beth gave her husband a sidelong scowl as he changed realistically concerning their
son’s issue.

“I made a slight mention of it to the Duchess in passing but I ended up withdrawing.

She told me the Duke was disinclined to a union between cousins.”


Kwiz considered the meaning of that word for a while. Strictly speaking, since the
Duchess was his half-sister, their children were cousins. However, Kwiz had never
thought of putting it in that category. It wasn’t because Kwiz was stupid or daft, but
because in the royal family, the concept of having relatives between descendants was
rare, unless they were blood siblings.

In Xenon, there was a law forbidding the marriage of blood relations within the second
cousin. However, for the royal family, that law was practically nullified. Whether it was
for political reasons or for carnal reasons, a king had more than ten concubines and
many more children than that. Kwiz having only a few concubines and no children
from those concubines was quite a rare case.

The women who entered the back palace for political reasons were daughters of noble
families. If they were all slapped with the title of ‘relatives’, their descendants would
not be able to find a marriage partner in the future when they grow up.

Especially in the case of the late King, whose licentiousness was to an excessive degree,
quite a number of noble families were relatives.

There would be a limited scope of political marriage partners for their level. Thus,
intermarriage between royal descendants such as cousins was something that
happened openly.

Moreover, Count Taran was not even the Duchess’ biological son. Of course, since he
was entered into the family register, their mother-son relationship was acknowledged
as no different from biological according to the law, but in a place where intermarriage
occurred between blood-related cousins, what was so uncomfortable about a
marriage between people who were only acknowledged as cousins by law? Kwiz
figured this was just another way to spin the rejection.

“I don’t believe Your Majesty isn’t thinking about it at all. Consider an engagement
between Selena and Sir. Taran.”

Kwiz fell into deep thought.

Becoming in-laws with the Duke of Taran. It wasn’t a bad idea. If that happened, the
royal family would be in-laws with the two Duke Houses that held the highest power
in the nations. When it came to building a strong relationship, there was no means
more stable than blood.

Translator’s Corner:

This is saying that means: Children tend to obey their parents when they are young

but do as they wish when they grow up.

Every three months, a joint conference was held by the king and it was attended by all
the key figures in the nation’s leading administration. It was an important state
conference with the largest number of personnel attending.

The attendants of the meeting began to arrive one at a time, from early in the morning,
to participate. And as they entered the conference hall, they took at least one glance
at the pair of handsomely tall young men standing some distance away.

The two of them were young men around twenty-odd years of age. They conversed
briefly with each other while reading the documents they held in their hands. One of
them had dark hair and the other, silvery blond hair, and when they stood side by side,
the contrast of vibrant colors on their head was eye-catching.

A pair of red eyes quickly skimmed through the meeting files for today, then he spoke
to the blue-eyed young man next to him:

“The contents are different from what I received a few days ago. Why has the agenda
for today’s meeting changed so much?”

“Indeed. I should have double-checked it yesterday.”

A man in his mid-thirties was about to enter the conference hall when he discovered
the two young men, so he turned and approached them. Damian and Bruno halted
their conversation and bowed in greeting towards the man walking to them.

Robin’s eyes had a hint of wonder in them as he looked at the two young men who
were stirring up all the young women in the high society recently. It wasn’t an
exaggeration to say that any party attended by these two youths would be crowded
with ladies.

“Observing again today?”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

After Duke Ramis passed away two years ago, his heir, Count Ramis, succeeded him.
Robin, who became the new Duke of Ramis, took a different path from his father.
Although his sharp political insights fell short compared to his father, he was
recognized for successfully and smoothly establishing himself in politics with a gentle

“Why are you standing here instead of going in?” (Robin)

“When all the empty seats are filled, we’ll go in. I don’t think it’s appropriate to take a
seat first when we’re just observing.”

Robin nodded, pleased with the answer the tall, dark-haired young man gave him. This
merely 18-year-old youth didn’t show off his power, even though he held the honor of
being the youngest Count and was the successor to the Duke of Taran, a man who held
power second only to the King. Robin really like the young man’s prudence.

‘He looks so much like the Duke of Taran but he’s the complete opposite.’

There were people who were put off by the Duke of Taran’s powerful arrogance, which
feared nothing in the world, but even those people were in favor of the next Duke who
was both courteous and civil.

The platinum-haired youth that was always next to him, was also a desirable talent.
He was rumored to have an extraordinary mind from a young age and as he got older,
people said he was equipped with wisdom too. The Duke of Taran set his mind on the
youth early on and even asked the king to grant him a title. Bruno was born the third
son of a Count and currently, he was a Count alongside his elder brother, Count Matin.

Robin admired the Duke of Taran’s ability to recognize talent and marveled at the bold
rewards he gave them for becoming his people.

“What interesting story might you discussing?”[1]

Marquis DeKhan slipped into conversation and greeted the three men, who were
gathered together. The Marquis looked at the two youths, with a gaze just as pleased
as the Duke of Ramis’. Perhaps because he had gotten older, whenever he saw young
people with manners towards adults, he was very happy.

Since the next Duke lowered himself, other people had to do the same. The Marquis
was very aware of the younger people suppressing their youthful feistiness and being
careful with their attitudes. It was all thanks to Count Taran’s initiative.
“I remember Sir. Matin caused a huge incident not long ago.”

Bruno grimaced slightly, looking troubled. It was something that happened a week ago
or so, but everyone he met brought up the same story.

“By ‘a big incident’, you mean…?”

“I suppose Ramis Gong hadn’t heard of it yet. Sir. Matin here, poured cocktail on a
Count’s daughter’s head.”

“Oh no, that is quite the mistake.”

“It wasn’t a mistake though, so the social circle was abuzz. He poured it on her head
deliberately and embarrassed her.”

No one had ever done such a thing in the social circle, where being courtesy to a lady
was the virtue of a gentleman; even if they were a troublemaker. When the Marquis
was told about the incident by his son, he had laughed for quite a while. He couldn’t
remember the last time he had laughed till his stomach hurt.

When you met a lot of people in the social circles, it was inevitable to meet at least one
woman who made you think, ‘what? such women exist?’. But you still had to endure it
and be courteous with good manners. This was the etiquette they had learnt from as
they grew up and they couldn’t do something that would bring criticism to their family

There were a lot of men who were extremely delighted to learn that Count Matin did
something others hadn’t dared to do, and boldly at that. Robin was also momentarily
surprised to hear this news, but his mouth twitched as he tried to suppress his

“People’s interest fade quickly, Sir. Matin. But you’ll still have to watch yourself for a

“Yes, sir. I’ll be prudent.”

Ever since the incident, Bruno had refrained from going to gatherings, but honestly, it
felt more like a reward than a punishment. The few days he had spent relaxing in the
evening was more than satisfactory.
“I don’t think any consolation is necessary. This incident does Sir. Matin more good
than harm.”

The Marquis had been watching the situation with interest because it was flowing in
a different direction that he’d expected.

“At first, public opinion was mostly sympathizing with the Count’s daughter. But as
time went by, the critical gazes on her began increase.”

“How come?”

“Well, because the two gentlemen who have stolen the hearts of all the ladies in the
social circle, stopped going to parties. I hear the ladies’ resentment for the culprit, aka
the Count’s daughter, is unspeakable.”

Since Bruno was under self-probation, Damian decided to put off outside itinerary for
the time being. As the two of them disappeared from parties in the social circle, the
number of party participants also dropped significantly. And it was practically only

The number of attendants was a major factor that contributed to the success of a party.
Especially for parties with a lot of ladies attending, the number of men that came was
always proportional to the ladies. This event had led party organizers to realize the
value of Bruno and Damian.

There were already a lot of invitations going to the two young men, but now, they were
practically pouring in. Previously, the invitations to Damian were overwhelmingly
more, but now it was almost the same. Bruno’s popularity had increased explosively.
Now, when people said ‘Count Matin’, they were referring to Bruno, not Bruno’s elder
brother who was the actual lord of the Matin family.

Bruno’s actions deserved to be criticized. However, the criticism of Bruno lost its
power when Bruno went to apologize to the Count’s daughter personally and
expressed that he was reflecting by not show himself even after a week went by,
despite people expecting him to show up at parties like nothing had happened.

Bruno was a friend and close aide of Damian, who was no doubt going to succeed the
Duke of Taran. In people’s eyes, Bruno’s future was promising. Even though he was
young, he was in a position comparable to those with significant power.
Traits of humility in those in power was something that cultivated favorable
impressions. As the favorable gazes towards Bruno increased, the people critical of
him were careful with their words. No one wanted to provide a reason to become an
enemy that could never build a relationship with future powers.

‘Why did he do that?’

Robin wanted to ask Bruno for the details of the incident, but he pushed down his
urge. Asking about the situation would be gossiping about the Count’s daughter, and
to the public, gossiping about a lady was an act more vulgar than dumping alcohol on

‘If it was someone else that did this, he would be buried in the social circle.’

But according to Marquis DeKhan, rather than being buried, Bruno was boasting
unabated popularity. Robin had never understood Bruno’s popularity. He was
surprised to hear that Bruno had poured alcohol on a lady’s head, but he wasn’t
shocked. To him, it was something very possible for Bruno to do.

In the social circle, Bruno was originally famous for being rude to young ladies. To
older noblewomen, he was courteous and well-mannered but to the ladies who
approach him as women, it was common for him to spit out hard words and for the
girl who were courageous enough to ask him to dance, he rejected them right to their

The older noblewomen called him a polite young man and were pleased, while the
young ladies watched Bruno’s every move during parties and giggled happily amongst

Now, it wasn’t even a humiliation to be refused by Bruno for a dance. Bruno was
known for not saying a lot but when he was rejecting a dance request, he spoke longer
than usual so the girls who wanted to hear that, constantly asked him to dance. Thanks
to that, Bruno was annoyed to death.

Robin simply couldn’t understand, so he asked his female relative, who had recently
debuted, about the reason for his popularity.

[I mean, he’s rude to everyone fairly. Whether it’s a Marquis’ daughter or a Baron’s
daughter, they’re the same to Sir. Matin. Do you know how cute Sir. Matin looks when
he’s annoyed?]
As he watched his female relative cup her reddened cheeks with a dreamy expression,
Robin thought to himself that he would never truly understand a woman’s mind.

While Robin was preoccupied with the secret that was Bruno’s popularity, Marquis
DeKhan looked at Damian, covetously.

‘He will be such a perfect partner for Molly.’

Marquis DeKhan really desired Damian as his future son-in-law. His status as the next
Duke was certainly part of it, but whether it was in his character or capability, there
was no undesirable part. Compared to Damian, all other guys were dead wood.

His daughter, Molly, was thirteen years old. An age difference of five years was
absolutely desirable. However, Molly had yet to make her social debut. There were a
lot of individuals who drooled over having Damian as a future son-in-law. The Marquis
was anxious about someone swooping in within the span of a few years, so he was
considering pushing Molly’s social debut a little earlier.

The sight of the Duke of Ramis and Marquis DeKhan chatting amicably with the
embarrassed young men at the side, attracted people’s gazes as they entered the
conference hall, one after another. As they glanced over, repeatedly, their eyes were
filled with the desire to be engaged in that conversation one way or another.
A group of people approached the conference hall from beyond the hallway. When the
Duke of Taran, the Head of Central, appeared leading central officials, the atmosphere
in the conference hall changed. The knights standing guard in front of the conference
hall stood more upright and there was a strange tension in the air.

The Duke of Taran became a real authoritative power while he was serving as head of
the central administration. As he entered his mid-thirties, his experience aged with
him and his aura grew more dignified. But at the same time, his aura co-existed with
a feeling of being ‘rough around the edges’.

Marquis DeKhan looked the Duke of Taran, whose figure was drawing closer and
closer, then he looked at the Count of Taran. Their appearances were similar, but father
and son had very different atmospheres.

The Duke of Taran was like a wild beast. There was violence, dormant in those red
eyes of his, akin to a hunter looking carefreely at the prey around it, right after it had
eaten its fill. It made you fear for when he might run in and rip out your throat.

On the other hand, his son grew up among people, so he was like a human friendly
beast. It felt like he would at least give you a warning before he ran in and took a bite
out of you.

As a matter of fact, if you looked at Damian separately, he was definitely not the easiest
person to approach. His personality was cold, he was only appropriately courteous
and set a defined distance with people so they couldn’t approach beyond that.
However, compared to Hugo, there was room to take a step forward with Damian.

Those who wanted to lean on the Duke of Taran’s power went after his son, Count
Taran, rather than the Duke himself. Unlike Hugo who ignored everything, Damian
responded politely. But on a closer look, there was in fact no difference.

Whether it was Hugo or Damian, they were both the same in having no interest in
people outside their own. The reason why Damian was polite to pathetic people he
didn’t even want to bother with, was because there were times when his mother saw
his effort and praised him because she was very pleased. Damian always tried his best
not to act against his mother’s teachings.

Hugo went into the conference hall without as much as a glance at his son, who was
standing in the hallway. Usually, whenever people witnessed the stiff distance
between father and son or their rigid manner of speaking, they would admire the Duke
of Taran for educating his successor well.

As Duke Ramis and Marquis DeKhan also went into the conference hall, the people in
the hallway decreased and the two young men remained standing there.

“Everyone always brings up that story when they see me.”

Bruno grumbled. He kept hearing the same thing over and over again so he was
annoyed to death. His expression was askew, with a hint of cynicism.

“Don’t do it again. This was the first time, so it passed over somehow but if you do it
again, you’ll be branded as a scoundrel.”

“I know.”

Bruno was also aware that what he had done was not a minor mistake. But at the time,
he couldn’t hold back.

It happened around the time he went to break room to avoid the dance requests that
were surging despite his constant refusal. He heard some Count’s daughter yapping
away about something; he couldn’t even remember her name.

[As you all know, there are almost no cases of an illegitimate child taking over a family.
Who knows what will happen when the Duchess gives birth to a son.]

It was a widely known fact that Damian was not the Duchess’ biological son. When
Damian first debuted in the social circle, it became a very hot topic.

When people gathered, they talked about the Duke of Taran’s successor. There were
many who were uncomfortable with the Duke’s decision to have an illegitimate child
succeed him. There were no reputable noble families who haven’t had illegitimate
children enter the family register and it was a common headache to have an illegitimate
child with superior capability earn the family head’s trust over the qualified heir.[1]

In Xenon, the position of illegitimate children was vague. Compared to other countries
which didn’t even treat illegitimate children as human beings, Xenon was generous.
There were no limits on the number of illegitimates that could be entered into the
family register, and as long as the illegitimate child was in the register, they were
treated as qualifiers.[2] What was funny however, was that in other countries, it wasn’t
too uncommon to see an illegitimate child succeed the family.

However, Xenon was very conservative when it came to such matters. Even if their
only descendant was an illegitimate child that was entered into the register, they
would adopt a relative and have the relative inherit the family. Damian’s existence was
a challenge to the deeply rooted custom in Xenon.

The uncomfortable looks that were sent to Damian lessened over time. The
noblewomen were cautious because the Duchess’ tender affection for Damian
remained unchanged while other people were careful with their words because they
knew that the Duke did whatever he wanted to do, without caring what people said.

Around when a gentleman with a charming appearance like the Duke of Taran’s but
polite manners different from the Duke, began to capture the hearts of the noble
ladies, Damian became the Academy’s Shyta.

Initially, students of Ixium, were usually second sons of families and below. Successors
were taught by specialized tutors then built their connections by going to meetings or
social parties. However, that changed, and successors also began to attend Ixium.

Ixium’s reputation rose tremendously over the years as it became clear that the
academy’s status would be a central figure in the power of each country in the future.
People began to see the Damian who had become Shyta, as an individual with
outstanding capabilities.

Now at this point, there was no one who clamored about Damian’s birth status. It
became an unstated rule to not bring it up even if you knew. However, Bruno was
disgusted with the Count’s daughter who arrogantly brought up such unsavory details
as a topic of conversation. Right then, something surged inside him and he took a
cocktail from the tray of the passing servant and emptied it on the girl’s head.

Bruno knew that Damian wouldn’t really care even if he heard such talk personally.
His friend was an interesting guy who didn’t have the slightest gloom concerning the
weakness of his birth status. But still, it wasn’t exactly something good to talk about
so Bruno kept his mouth shut about why he did it.
“I just hate those girls who say whatever they want.” (Bruno)

“There you go again.” (Damian)

When Damian frowned, Bruno gave a half-hearted, ‘my bad’.

“I know you wouldn’t do it for no reason.” (Damian)

The Bruno that Damian knew might not be the most amicable of persons, but it wasn’t
possible for him to do such a thing without reason, so Damian guessed that the Count’s
daughter must have done something pretty rude.

“But my mother is right. You are in a position where you have to consider things more

When the Duchess was brought up, Bruno’s sharp blue eyes grew warm.

“Mother is always right.” (Bruno).[3]

“That is true.” (Damian)

The two young men nodded at each other seriously while saying something that
would make people laugh if they ever heard.

Translator’s Corner:

[1]I think I’ve explained this before, but a second time won’t hurt. The family register
is basically an official document that states you are a member of a certain house. It
also gives you rights not applicable to those not on the register. Rights to noble titles,
rights to take over the family’s mantle, etc.

[2] Qualifier: qualified to succeed the title in your family.

[3] He says ‘mother’ not ‘your mother’. This is not a mistake.

[Quote: “the Duchess’ tender affection for Damian remained unchanged“]

T/N: So, the more literal translation for this sentence would be “the Duchess kept
pouring unchanging tender affection on Damian”. But when I was typing this, I had this
imagery of Lucia holding a bucket filled with ‘affection’ and just dumping it on
Damian’s head, so I ended up changing it _(:3」∠)_
Lucia had not attended the party where Bruno poured cocktail on a lady’s head. She
only heard about the incident after the fact, then she called Damian and Bruno, sat
them down and talked to them.

“Bruno. I don’t think you did that for no reason. But I am worried because I hear that
young gentlemen look very favorably on your actions. Do you want to become their

“I didn’t do it for something like that.”

“Yes. I believe that’s not the case too. But think about the effects your actions could have.
A gentleman observing good manners with a lady is proper courtesy and a promise for
all. But if your actions are justified as right, someone will try to imitate you. There will
definitely be someone who will rather insult and humiliate an innocent young lady in an
attempt to become the center of discussion in the social circle. I do not want you to
become a role model for someone so foolish.”

“I’m sorry. I was thoughtless.”

“I want the two of you to use this incident as an opportunity to once again realize that
you are in a position capable of influencing a lot of people. Bruno, you go find that
Count’s daughter and apologize respectfully. And then you two, stay away from parties
for the time being and behave yourselves.”

“Yes, mother.”

“Yes, mother. Sorry to worry you.”

The next day, Bruno went to the Count’s manor and apologized respectfully; not only
to the girl, but to her parents as well.

Bruno couldn’t forget the day he first visited the ducal residence upon receiving an
invite from Damian.

[It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bruno. I’ve heard a lot about you.]
The Duchess looked at Bruno with tearful eyes, then she gave the boy a big hug.

Bruno had no memory of being hugged by his own mother, so he stood frozen stiff, in
that warm embrace. For Bruno, the Duchess’ warm hospitality was both shocking and

During academy vacations, Bruno stayed at the ducal residence like he was family.
Despite how large it was, the ducal residence was always filled with warmth. At first,
Bruno was stupefied to see Chris shamelessly coming to the ducal residence to eat and
sleep like it was his own house and even bringing his brother, but then, the next thing
he knew, he was doing the same thing.

The time he spent feeling the Duchess’ loving care, passing the days with Damian,
Chris, the troublemaking Jude and the cute and lovely Evangeline, were filled with
happiness like a dream. Even the Duke of Taran, whom Chris found it difficult to be
around, became an adult that Bruno adored and wanted to be like. And then from one
day on, Bruno began to call the Duchess, mother.

Damian woke Bruno, who had been absorbed in past memories for a while.

“Let’s go in before His Majesty comes.”

“Ah, right.”

The time for the meeting to begin was drawing near so there was no longer anyone in
the hallway. Damian and Bruno went inside before the doors to the conference hall

The conference, which began in the morning, came to an end in the afternoon. After a
long meeting filled with fierce battles of results and reports, people left the conference
hall, looking tired.

Near the door of the conference hall, Damian and Bruno waited for the Duke of Taran
to come out. Who knew what other people had in mind but their schedule for today
wasn’t over yet. After attending the national conference, they had to organize the
contents of today’s meeting, discuss reports and exchange questions with the Duke of
‘…I am exhausted.’

The time after a long meeting like this was the hardest for Bruno. It wasn’t because
reports or discussion were beyond his capability, but because his stamina sucked.
Seeing Damian’s face brimming with energy next to him, Bruno was in awe.

‘Monsters. They’re all monsters.’

The stamina of this pair of Duke father and son was really terrifying. Bruno had never
once seen any of them tired, both Hugo and Damian. It wasn’t only all day long, even
if they stayed up all night, they would be brimming with vigor as if they had just gotten
a good night’s sleep.

When the Duke of Taran came out, Bruno raised his slouched shoulders and stood

Hugo approached Damian and Bruno and handed them a piece of paper.

“I have something important to discuss with His Majesty so both of you can go home
first. As for the report, I’ll hear it when I get back.”


Damian took the piece of paper valuably, like it was an important document. As he
looked at its contents, his expression stiffened slightly.

“Father. This…”

Curious about the source of Damian’s bewilderment, Bruno tilted his head slightly to
see the contents of the paper. The stiffness of his expression was more obvious than

The piece of paper had two short phrases written on it.

{ Dream’s Kiss

Summer Garden Rose }

Was this a new secret code for confidential information? Under the questioning gazes
of the two young men, Hugo’s face didn’t even twitch.
“Since I’m going to be getting back late, you guys should go buy that before going back.
The name of the bakery is Muiller. That, on the paper, is the cake’s name. Your mom
says she wants to eat it.”

After telling the coachman to head to the Muiller Bakery, the two young men climbed
onto the carriage. Shortly after the carriage departed, Bruno’s shoulders trembled as
he tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it and burst out laughing. Infected by Bruno’s
laughter, Damian began to laugh as well.

“Mother is really amazing. Who else can send the Duke of Taran on an errand to the

“Only Mother can do it.”

“Do you know what surprised me the most during my stay at the ducal residence? That
the strongest person in the house wasn’t His Grace the Duke but mother.”

Damian agreed with Bruno as he chuckled. His father was definitely a much stronger
and taller man, but his much smaller mother kept winning in the strength department.
When Damian was young, he could not understand it. And now, rather than saying he
understood it, it had just become an expected thing.

He had never once seen his mother raise her voice or get angry. In his memories, his
mother always had a smile on her face. However, there were times when his mother
turned expressionless. That particular sight was truly scary. When that happened,
even his father was well behaved in front of his mother.

“Let’s not forget the dollhouse case too. Mother got rid of the dollhouse that His Grace
had put so much effort into, overnight.”

It was the first time Bruno realized the Duchess’ face could actually be so scary when
she welcomed all three males back that evening without her usual warm smile on her

[I have dealt with the dollhouse matter. As a matter of fact, I went to meet Her Royal
Highness in the palace today. Honey, let’s talk for a bit.]

For some reason, Bruno couldn’t help but think that the Duke’s back looked small as
he followed the Duchess up to the second floor that day.
‘This guy definitely grew up well, watching his parents like that.’

Bruno had no warm memories with his parents. His biological father always put his
greed first, and his birth mother wallowed in self-pity, so she was always depressed.
When he heard the news of his father’s death, he didn’t shed a single tear, and when
he was abandoned by his mother, he felt like just giving up.

So every time he saw the affectionate couple at the ducal residence, a sight he could
never imagine at home, he felt strange, and envious of Damian.

“Any news from Chris?”

As soon as Chris graduated from the academy, he left to travel with only a bundle on
his back.

[I want to leave my footprints on every corner of the world. It has been my dream for
a long time.]

Chris didn’t leave any word of his destination or even when he would return. Marquis
Philip got the news late and angrily tried to get back his son, but Chris’ escape was as
slippery as an eel.

After that, there was no news from him, then a few months ago, one letter arrived from
an unknown source. It was a short greeting letter, saying ‘I’m doing well’.

“If you don’t know, then there’s no way I’d know.”

Bruno frowned at Damian’s calm reply.

“Send people to find him. If you don’t use your power as the Duke’s heir at a time like
this, when will you use it?”

“I know where he’s going.”

“Oh really? If he doesn’t attend this time, he forfeits his title. Does that kid not
understand seriousness?”

Aside from paying taxes, titled nobles were obligated to attend a regional meeting held
twice a year. It was a duty that you couldn’t be exempted from, without special
circumstances, such as war. It was described as a meeting, but in reality, it was closer
to a banquet. It was a place for asking each other about their wellbeing, and resolving
small issues, if there were any, through their connections.

Failure to attend this aristocratic meeting at least once a year would be understood as
you failing your duties as a noble and the procedure for deprivation of your title would
proceed. If Chris didn’t attend the meeting that would be happening in two months, it
would be exactly two consecutive absences.

“Who knows, he might be thinking it’s a good thing. He did say going to those noble
meetings was more nauseating than an exam.”

“I don’t know why I’m more stressed over the guy’s issue than he is.”

Bruno heaved a long sigh and looked out the window, feeling annoyed.

“Probably because he is most indifferent when it comes to his own issues.”

“That’s what I want to say. I mean, how can there be talk of forfeiting a title? Something
so ridiculous is about to happen in front of my eyes. Won’t His Grace the Duke be angry
about this? He did personally request the title from His Majesty, after all.”

“My father won’t care about something like that. He’ll probably think of a way to
retrieve the forfeited title. That way is much simpler than getting someone to go
capture Chris.”

“…that way is simpler, huh?”

Bruno was tired and stopped talking. Now he knew why Damian was so nonchalant
about this. He thought he had gotten used to it but sometimes he couldn’t keep up with
the vastly different ways the duke father and son thought.

The carriage stopped in front of the Muiller Bakery. The two young men getting out of
the carriage, paused at the sight of the pink signboard. They had a very ominous
foreboding. Then again, the cake’s name wasn’t exactly ordinary.

“…I’m feeling more and more like he shifted this over to us.”

Damian was also thinking that might be the case.

The inside of the Muiller bakery was quite spacious, and it was filled with female
customers who were either ordering a cake or seated at a table eating a cake. The area,
which was filled with the chattering of women suddenly became quiet. Everyone’s
gaze was drawn to the two handsome young men that had just entered the shop.

Damian and Bruno were both accustomed to being looked at by a considerable

amount of people, but at this moment, their faces were so hot that they wanted to turn
around and go back this instant.

The interior was as pink as the signboard outside and the decorations were like
entering into another world. The colorful flowers, drooping laces, sweet smell that
filled the air, and the scorching gazes of the women glued to their face, made their head

For a while, the two young men stood at the entrance, like they were frozen.

The moment Bruno took a slight step back, Damian quickly grabbed him. Before he
could turn around, his arm was swiftly caught by Damian.

“Are you sure you won’t come here again? If you’re going to go by yourself when that
time comes, I might as well do the assignment Father gave me this time.”

Bruno gave up on running away. He could never come here alone. It was better for the
both of them to come here twice, than for him to come here once and alone.

After taking a brief glance of the interior and verifying where the place to order was,
Damian was about to walk over, but then he flinched. His eyes trembled at the back
view of the woman who was talking to the staff at the counter.

Ashen blonde hair.

Damian unconsciously moved quickly, approaching her, then he grabbed the woman’s
arm and turned her around to face him. The woman’s murky brown eyes shook with

Her eyes were not clear green. And on a closer look, the hair color was different. Her
hair was a much brighter color.

Damian immediately let go of the woman’s arm and apologized for his rudeness.

“I’m sorry, lady. I mistook you for someone else.”

As he watched his friend from afar, Bruno clicked his tongue.
“Oh my, Sir. Taran. How unexpected to see you here.”

Seeing the face of the middle-aged woman who was greeting him, Damian quickly
plastered on the expression of a dignified and upright youngster.

“I hope you’ve been well, Marchioness.”

Marchioness Philip’s eyes were filled with satisfaction as she looked at her son’s
reliable friend. If she had a daughter under her roof, she would definitely fight to have
him as a son-in-law, and the fact that she couldn’t, made her feel regretful. As Bruno
approached and greeted her as well, the Marchioness felt like it was truly a pity as she
looked at the two dignified young men before her. Her son should have also been
beside them.

‘Oh, Chris. I’m vexed because of this childish son of mine.’

What ‘traveling around the world’. This wasn’t the time to do something so useless.
The Marchioness was more than a little worried that at this rate, Bruno would fully
occupy the position of Damian’s closest aide.

As the Marchioness warmly discussed the current hottest topics in the social circle
with them, the noblewomen who came with her covertly showed their interest and

“Marchioness, you must have fate with these lovely gentlemen.”

“Goodness me, you didn’t know? Marchioness’ son is close with Sir. Taran and Sir.
Matin. Very close.”

Hearing the envious voices of the noblewomen, Marchioness Philip’s mood was
greatly lifted. The two young men thought to themselves that if their friend, Chris were
here, he probably won’t be able to stand it.

The Marchioness was a very typical noble madam. She liked gossiping, bluffing
moderately and worldly things. Chris didn’t like that side of his mother.
[It would be so good if my mom resembled half of the Duchess.]

Chris had once said lamentfully.

“What brings you gentlemen here?”

“I came to buy a cake for my mother.”

“Oh my, as expected. The Duchess must be so happy to have such a reliable and filial

Damian and Bruno were being courteous towards their friend’s mother, so they
quietly went along with the Marchioness’ long chat.

After they managed to free themselves, Damian stood in front of the shop’s counter to
buy the cake they came for.

“Can you please write down the name of the cake you would like to buy on the order
sheet in front of you?”

Damian was very relieved to hear what the staff said. He was glad he didn’t need to
say the embarrassing name of the cake. As he positioned to write the cake’s name on
the slightly yellowish paper like the employee said, he glanced at the note his father
gave him. Damian alternated glances between the note in his hand and the bakery
order sheet, comparing them. Both papers had the same size and material. He put
down the pen and handed the note he was given over to the employee.

“Your order has been received. Please wait while your product is packaged.”

Damian came to the conclusion that his father had come here at least once. He wasn’t
shifting the responsibility over to his son. It looks like as long as his mother was
concerned, his father wouldn’t care about entering a pink looking bakery to buy a cake
for her.

Damian took in the entire view of the bakery and tried to imagine his father coming
inside here, alone. But he couldn’t imagine it at all. Damian really respected his father,
in various ways.

In the carriage heading home, Bruno glanced at Damian’s expression. And as usual,
Bruno’s eyes looked upset for some reason.
“Why don’t you just get people to go search?” (Bruno)

“Are we still talking about Chris?” (Damian)

“Not Chris. I mean, Ted. Although her real name is probably not Ted. Do you know her

“…I do.”

“I said this before but, it is at times like this you’re supposed to use your power as heir
to the Duke.”


“Our Ixium’s youngest Shyta is really talented, huh. Even gets to date in the Academy
teeming with dudes. Since we’re on this topic, when did you find out Ted was a girl?”

“At the beginning of the school year.”

“What. So you knew not long after Ted came to school. That said, I don’t think Ted went
to you and told you she was a girl herself. How did you find out?”

Damian chuckled instead of answering. Who would have thought that a girl would
dress up as a man and come to the Academy? If not for an unexpected event, Damian
wouldn’t have known, and he wouldn’t have paid attention to the one girl among the
numerous newly enrolled students.

“Anyways, when I think about that time, I really… When I thought you were romancing
a man, I was unexpectedly scared. Chris, that guy didn’t even give me a hint even
though he knew.”


“Look for her. Instead of being heart-broken here.”

When they returned to the Academy after summer vacation, Ted had withdrawn from
school and disappeared.

“…I only know her name.”

“You don’t know which family’s daughter she is? Or her home country?”

“No idea.”

Bruno looked at his book-smart friend and clicked his tongue.

“Well, since she enrolled into the Academy, there should be a clue there, somewhere.
If you dig, it’ll show up.”

Seeing that Damian wasn’t replying, Bruno didn’t say anything more.

Ted had disappeared after leaving one letter with Damian. Bruno didn’t know what
was written inside but his friend, who seems like he was going to toss everything aside
and rush out to look for her, merely locked himself up inside his dorm room for one
day, then

returned to his daily life like nothing had happened.

But sometimes, Bruno could sense it. Damian hadn’t forgotten Ted, he was just
pressing down his emotions and enduring for now.

Lucia’s face was full of smiles as she read the letter from Norman. She opened the book
that was delivered alongside the letter and read the quote on the first page over and

<< I dedicate this book to my dear friend and sister, Lucia. >>

It was a novel written by Norman, who had picked up her pen again after a long time.
She hadn’t been writing novels since she got married.

Norman had become the mother of two children, and she was enjoying a life of
happiness with the little things. Norman’s letters were packed with events where she
sometimes got annoyed with her husband, or whined about her two troublemaking
sons, and she made little things sound extraordinary, so her letters were as interesting
as novels. Her letters were one of the ones Lucia anticipated the most.

There was another letter Lucia was happy to see today. It was a letter from Kate in the
north. Kate was also already married and the mother of two children.
Initially, Lucia only exchanged New Year greeting letters with Kate. But after she went
to the north three years ago due to hearing the news of Madam Michelle’s passing, the
both of them began to exchange letters more frequently. Kate was very grateful to
Lucia for taking the lengthy carriage journey down to the north.

After she was done reading all her personal letters, Lucia began to organize the
invitations. There was still an enormous amount of invitations sent to her, but there
was a difference from the past. Majority of the invitations weren’t aiming for Lucia but
wanted to invite Damian and Bruno, so they intended to conquer Lucia.

There were also letters from girls who were inquiring after Lucia’s wellbeing, out of
nowhere. It was very obvious to Lucia that the girls had a crush on either Damian or
Bruno so they were asking even though they weren’t curious at all and after reading
such letters, she couldn’t help but laugh for a while.

With the invitations organized, there were various other letters left. Among them was
advertisement letters from designers. Although people thought Antoine was the
Duchess’ exclusive designer, Lucia didn’t have an exclusive contract with Antoine. She
just couldn’t find a design she liked better than Antoine’s. She had already thought
about commissioning another designer if she found a better design. Hence why she
was always interested in looking at the advertisement letters that designers
constantly sent to her.

It wasn’t only cloth designers that sent advertisements, jewelers did the same. As
Lucia was looking through, she caught sight of a letter from some jeweler and her eyes
open wide with surprise.
<< This is the design for His Grace the Duke’s brooch. If Your Grace is satisfied with the
attached design, please make a commission to our jeweler. >>

The attached design depicted a lion’s head with two red gems as its eyes. Like the
letter stated, it was a design for the Duke of Taran who represented the Taran family.

Lucia’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the familiar brooch design. It
brought memories from her dream for the first time in a long while.

Lucia had lived with the mentally unsound old woman for half a year, then her identity
became the old woman’s daughter, Lucy, around when she held the old lady’s funeral.
A long time had passed since the old woman’s daughter was reported missing, so her
daughter’s records were erased due to it being ruled as a death.

When Lucia reported the old woman’s death, she also notified them to withdraw the
ruling of the daughter’s death. And at the same time, she requested that an altercation
be made to her name because it was recorded incorrectly. The similarity between the
names, Lucy and Lucia, allowed for the name change to proceed smoothly.

Using the excuse that her hair had turned white due to an illness, Lucia was given
permission to dye her hair black. And so, she succeeded in remaking her identity into
a new Lucia, with amber eyes and dark hair.

In order to make a living, she had to work. Lucia didn’t want to spend the rest of her
life in the old lady’s old and isolated home. Even as she feared that someone might be
tracking her down, she got a job in a small workshop. And perhaps the workshop’s old
mistress noticed Lucia working diligently because half a year later, she said to her:

[I plan on scraping this workshop and moving eastward. Do you have any money
saved? I’m thinking of handing it over to you.]

So for the first time in a long while, Lucia visited the cemetery that led to the secret
tunnel of the Count Matin residence. She went at dawn, and she made sure there was
no one was in sight, several times. It had been a long time, but fortunately, the jewelry
box she’d hidden was just as she had left it.

After returning to her place, Lucia checked the jewelry box to verify its contents and
discovered an ornament that she was seeing for the first time. It was a man’s brooch
in the shape of a lion’s head. She thought about it, over and over again but she couldn’t
figure out the source of the item. So eventually, Lucia sold everything in the jewelry
box, but she couldn’t sell the brooch.

‘Are the designs the same?’

She couldn’t be sure because the one in her hand was just a design pattern. Lucia
stared at the design for a while, seized with a strange feeling, then she drew up a letter
of commission.

“Milady. The young Miss’ guests are about to leave.”

“Oh, is that so? It’s already gotten so late.”

Lucia stood up, leaving the organization that she was doing alone for the time being.
There weren’t that many letters left anyway. As Evangeline got older, she grew more
interested in playing with her friends than being with her mom, so Lucia’s days were
relatively relaxed.

“Jerome, how is Roxy doing?”

Lucia asked about Jerome’s daughter, whose one year old birthday had recently
passed. The girl had suddenly gotten a fever last night, so the doctor came to see her
several times throughout the night.

“When I saw her around lunch, her fever looked like it had gone down a lot.”

“Haven’t you gone since you saw her at lunch?”

Seeing that Jerome wasn’t replying, Lucia clicked her tongue. Even after marriage,
Jerome’s inflexible nature remained the same. The place wasn’t even far. The building
right next door was Jerome’s newlywed home. Even though it had been a while, Lucia
was still amazed by the fact that Jerome dated somebody and got married.

Jerome’s wife, Olga, used to be a newly hired maid in the ducal residence. And she was
a woman whom Lucia had a connection with in her dream. When Lucia ran the
workshop, Olga was a very sincere and sociable worker she had.

Jerome had been receiving employment applications constantly because of the maids
who kept quitting and when Lucia made a short visit to his office, she found a familiar
face on one of the applications. So Lucia recommended Olga. And about a year after
Olga was hired, Jerome and Olga came together to see her and told her they would be
getting married.

Lucia had absolutely no idea that the two of them were even dating, so she was
surprised to hear that Olga was pregnant and when she saw Jerome standing with his
head bowed, she had burst into laughter.

The empty outbuilding was completely clean and revamped into a home for the two
of them to live in. And nowadays, Olga was ridiculously busy with raising her two
children, so she rarely came to the main house.

“Jerome, it will be very hard on Olga to take care of two children when one of them is
even sick. Stop here today and go home.”

“Yes, Milady.”

Lucia left the receiving room to see her daughter’s guest off.

“I shall be returning as of now. I appreciate your kindness in accommodating me again


Prince Ethan, who gave his goodbyes in a mature manner.

“Today was fun. See you tomorrow.”

And the mischievous Jude, whose cheekiness was just like his brother, Chris.

“Thank you for your kind consideration, Duchess.”

Seeing the proud and prim young princess Selena, Lucia smiled pleasantly. They were
all lovely children.

“Lady Eve, let’s play together again tomorrow.”

“Oh my, Lady Selena. I wanted to say that first.”

“Like I thought, we definitely have something connecting us.”

“It’s because we’re cultured ladies.”

Even though they were imitating noblewomen, the two girl’s unique childish voices
were unnatural, making it obvious that their conversation was imitating something
they had heard somewhere.

Lucia desperately tried to hold back her laughter so she wouldn’t hurt the two girls’
feelings. Lately, the two girls were very fascinated by acting as noblewomen, so they
would have odd conversations with a weird tone.

The way Ethan looked at his sister made it clear he found her acting ridiculous and his
snort was quite loud. Selena glared fiercely at Ethan. Then she hmphed and whispered
loudly in Evangeline’s ear.

“Lady Eve. A cultured lady should be most careful of idiots like this one.”

“What? Hey! Selena!”

“Look at that. How uncultured.”

Ethan fumed but held back when Evangeline’s gaze fell on him. If they were at the
palace, he would have grabbed his naughty sister’s hair. Ever since Selena began to
speak well, Ethan was slowly realizing that he could never out-speak his sister.

As she watched Ethan sulk with an offended expression, Evangeline smiled sweetly.

“Lady Selena, Sir. Ethan is not an idiot. He is the elder brother of the cultured Lady
Selena, is he not? Lady Selena’s elder brother can’t be someone like that.”

Ethan’s expression was awkward as his ears flushed red.

Selena knew that her elder brother was the type to torment her once they got back to
the palace because he was angry, so she was in favor of making him feel better and
replied primly.

“Hnn, well, that’s true.”

“Hooh. What of me? How am I?”

Jude butted in. Seeing Jude’s eyes filled with expectation, Evangeline thought for a
moment then she said:

“Jude is a good person. You’re nice.”

“Hehe. Then, will you marry me later, Eve?”

Lucia’s eyes opened wide and she watched the children’s conversation with rabid
interest. Evangeline tilted her head and fell into thought. Lucia, the other children, and
even the surround servants, held their breaths as they waited for the girl’s answer.

“The two young masters have returned.”

When a maid came in and reported this, Evangeline screamed ‘Elder brother!’ and ran
out, her face gleaming with happiness. Selena, who had been acting like a noble lady,
tossed that aside and ran after her at full speed.
“Elder brother!”

As Damian came down from the carriage, he smiled at the girl running towards him
with her golden blonde hair fluttering in the wind. Damian caught his sister as she ran
towards him with all her might then he hugged her tightly, lifted her into the air and
placed her down.

The sound of the girl’s boisterous laughter spread in the air. Damian’s heart felt full
every time he heard his sister’s clear laughter.

“Pretty big brother!”

Evangeline hugged Bruno tight too and greeted him. Evangeline had three big brothers,
so she called them in a different way. For Damian, it was simply ‘elder brother’, for
Chris, it was ‘Jude’s big brother’, and when Evangeline first saw Bruno, she shouted.

[It’s a pretty big brother!]

And since then, Bruno’s name became pretty big brother. Bruno sighed as he stroked
his cute little sister’s head.

“Eve. Can’t you change the way you call me? You can just call me big brother. Or call
me by my name rather.”

“Okay, pretty big brother.”


Bruno suspected she was doing this on purpose since she was definitely at an age
where she could understand his meaning now. She had a wide smile on her face and
her expression was full of mischief. Bruno chuckled as if saying it was his loss.

Selena had run over like Evangeline but couldn’t hug them like Eve did, so she stood
some distance away with envy in her eyes. Selena also had elder brothers of similar
age like that of the two in the ducal residence, but there weren’t many chances to come
out and greet them.

She felt very envious to see Eve’s elder brother look at Eve with a gaze full of affection,
hug her and indulge her. And above all, Eve’s brother, Damian was far cooler and
awesome-r than Selena’s older brother. To Selena, he was a prince dreamy beyond

“It has been a long time, Princess.”

When Damian greeted her, Selena hesitantly approached them, picked her skirt
slightly and returned the greeting.

“It has been a while, Sir. Damian. Lady Eve, I believe it’s time to say my regretful

“Lady Selena, goodbyes are really regretful. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Damian and Bruno glanced at each other with a strange look in their eyes then they
turned away and tried their best not to laugh.

After watching the carriage leave with the children that came to visit, the three
siblings turned around. The fox, Asha, who had at some point, noticed that her owner
was home, came to rub her head at Damian’s feet.

Damian picked Asha up and hugged her. She was now quite old, and her movements
were not as fast as before. Asha closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Damian caressing
the back of her neck.

“Ah, right. Elder brother, what is marriage?”

“Marriage is… uh… when a man and a woman come together to make a family. Like
mother and father. Father and mother got married and so Eve, you were born.”

“Hmm, I see. So if I marry, my little sibling will be born?”

“That’s not how it wo… wait, Eve. Why are you suddenly curious about this?”

“Jude asked me to marry him. Can I?”


Damian and Bruno shouted at the same time.

Hugo’s discussion with the king took longer than he expected. After managing to reject
the King’s invite to dinner, Hugo returned home later than usual. As soon as he entered
the mansion, he approached his wife who came to greet him like usual.

“You’re late.” (Lucia)

“What of Eve?” (Hugo)

“She’s asleep. She played hide-and-seek with her friends for quite a while so she must
be tired. You’re hungry, right?”

He was hungry indeed, but he wasn’t sure which hunger it was. Hugo decided to deal
with the urgent one first. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulled her to his chest
and covered her lips as her eyes widened in surprise. He sucked her soft lips and
breathed in the sweet air around her. Her scent tickled his nose. His thirst for her could
never be satisfied.

When she wriggled hard in his embrace, Hugo was a little unhappy. It was still not
enough. He pressed her with a fiery kiss. She smacked his chest and pushed against
him with all her strength.

Hugo didn’t removed his firm hand on her waist, but he had no choice but to loosen
his embrace and take his lips away. When he saw the angry amber eyes that met his,
he found it really cute. He seriously considered just taking her to the bedroom like

“What are you doing? The kids are here.”

Lucia whispered through clenched teeth. It was only then that Hugo lifted his gaze and
took notice of the two boys who were standing with their heads lowered. When he
saw the boys, he remembered what he had asked them to do.

“Did you get the cake?”

Lucia glared at him, prudishly. She couldn’t help but be moved by her husband’s
consideration of her. He had asked his son to bring the cake because he felt he would
be late. The anger and embarrassment she felt because the children had witnessed
that shameful sight, lessened slightly.

“I got it. It was delicious. Thanks, honey.”

Lucia pecked him on the cheek. Just before Hugo could go after her lips again, Lucia
covered his lips with her palm and shook her head minutely. Tch, he grumbled
inwardly and gave the tactless disturbers a fierce look.

“If you finished the errand I sent you on, then you’re done. You don’t have to report to

“They came out to greet you.”

“Hm? No need. Next time, you don’t need to come out. Since you’ve greeted me, go up.”

The three men usually came back together, but when Damian and Bruno came back
first, they would normally come out to greet Hugo with their mother. He was just being
unreasonable. Lucia knew he was simply grumpy because their kiss was interrupted.

“Where should they go? The kids haven’t had dinner yet.”

His plan to eat dinner alone with his wife on the second floor fell apart. Hugo frowned.

“Why haven’t you guys eaten yet?”

“Geez, I’m embarrassed to face the kids. Just come here.”

Lucia quickly pulled Hugo’s arm and headed for the dining room. Hugo followed like
he was helpless while grumbling.

“Next time, let them eat first.”


The two young men’s expressions were very weird as they watched the two go to the
dining hall. They felt both taken aback and in disbelief. The same person who said he
would hear the report of the meeting when he got home seemed to have now forgotten
about it.

The two looked at each other and burst into laughter.

“Why aren’t you coming in?”

Lucia’s voice calling them could be heard from the dining hall.

“Yes, we’re coming.”

Damian and Bruno replied in a loud voice and walked to the dining hall.

Translator’s Corner:

*Evangeline calls Chris, Damian and Bruno the same term, aka ‘Orabeoni’. She attaches
something different in front for each though. I wanted some distinction, so I used big
brother for Chris and Bruno.
Jerome, who was usually there to oversee their meal, was nowhere to be found. Her
husband didn’t outright asked where he was, but his eyes were obviously looking for
him, so Lucia said.

“I told the butler to go back early today. He seemed worried about his sick child.”

“Is it very serious? Was the doctor called?”

“Yes, a while ago. According to the doctor, her fever has gone down a lot, so it’s not
very dangerous. It looks like babies have fevers for no particular reason. Eve was also
like that; it surprised me many times.”

“True. You were crying and weeping that Eve is going to die.”

Lucia was embarrassed and cleared her throat. Even when she thought about it now,
back then, she had thoroughly lost her reason. She screamed and cried at her husband
to make her better somehow, even though her husband wasn’t a doctor. But it was
thanks to him keeping his composure and consoling her that she was able to come
back to her senses and not be devastated.

“Does Princess Selena still come here frequently?”

“It’s almost every day. She gets along with Eve very well.”

“Mother. The princess isn’t an issue but as for Jude and Prince Ethan, shouldn’t we stop
them from coming at this point?”

“Stop them? Why?”

“I think it’s past time for them to keep playing together like they did as children.”

“Past time? I think it’s still okay.”

Damian felt his mother was going to just pass over his serious suggestion, so he
decided to ask his father for support. When it came to Eve, his father’s thinking was
far more rigid than Damian’s.

“Father. Eve told me Jude asked her to marry him. That is, she received a marriage


How dare that cocky little midget—!

Hugo immediately turned to his wife and spoke with a grim aura around him.

“His entry is forbidden. Right away, starting tomorrow.”

Knowing that whatever she said right now would go in one ear and out the other, Lucia
obediently replied.

“Okay, I’ll do that.”

Looking at the father and son who were now focusing on their meal as if they were
finally satisfied, Lucia gave a wry smile.

“Why did His Majesty suddenly want to speak with you?”

“The discussion was long, but the conclusion was simple. His Majesty wants an
engagement. Between Selena and Damian.”


At the same time Lucia exclaimed in surprise, Damian dropped the knife he was
holding, and it fell on his plate with a clatter.

Lucia glanced at Damian’s flustered figure and a playful smile crept onto her lips.

“Her Royal Highness did mention such a thing to me a while back.”

“Is that so? Then I suppose the offer wasn’t made on an impulse.”

“What do you think?”

“It’s not a bad offer. The dowry doesn’t have to be too much either, just enough to keep
up appearances. Damian, if you want, I’ll let you marry.”


Damian made a long face. Princess Selena was only eight years old. She was just a year
older than Eve. Sure, in ten years, the children would grow into beautiful ladies but
that was still in the distant future. If there was an eighteen year old who saw an eight
year old as a marriage partner, then that person was honestly crazy.

Bruno was doing his utmost best not to burst into laughter. Images of the tiny princess
he saw earlier spun through his mind. The little girl that was playing pretend
noblewoman and speaking in a manner that didn’t suit her. When he imagined her
becoming Damian’s fiance and standing beside Damian, he felt like he was about to
howl with laughter. His hand holding his fork trembled so he placed the fork down and
picked up a glass of water.

“That is absurd. Think about how old Princess Selena is.”

Hugo looked indifferent as he received Damian’s objection.

“Who said it had to be done now? You can get engaged and then marry when the
princess gets older.”

Lucia supplemented from the side.

“As a matter of fact, Damian met the princess earlier, on her way back to the Royal
Palace. I suppose there would be no need to set up an introductory meeting.”


Damian’s face, which was changing between pale and red, turned dark. It was natural
for children to marry according to the arrangements made by their parents. A union
between the ducal house and the royal family was obvious a perfect stratagem.

As Damian’s expression stiffened gravely, Bruno’s face also sank even though he had
been grinning endlessly. Bruno looked at Damian and inwardly clicked his tongue.

‘If you don’t like it, just say so. This foolish guy.’

The Damian that Bruno knew would never oppose his parents. When you saw him
dealing with things as the Shyta of the Academy, you would think he was very
stubborn, but before his parents, he was a very obedient son. Even if he collapsed
inside, as long as his parents wanted it, he would not only marry Princess Selena but
do more than that without any complaints.

‘They aren’t the type of people to push their son into something he doesn’t want
because of greed.’

Should he expose his friend’s dating issue? While Bruno considered what to do to pull
his friend out of the mire, Lucia spoke first.

“Damian, since you’re taking this so seriously, I can’t tease you anymore.”

Lucia spoke warmly to her somber son.

“I do not plan on forcing you into something you don’t want. How can we decide
something like marriage that concerns your life?”

Damian looked at Lucia with an expression like he had come back from death’s door.
Seeing Damian looking at her like she was some kind of savior, Lucia found it so
adorable and smiled. Her big son still had some traces from his childhood left.

Lucia felt happy as she looked at the black lion who was still keeping his position as
king even though he’d grown older, and then at the young black lion who was no longer
a cub but still had much left to grow. Two of her most beloved men were just as lovable
as ever.

“Your father is also of the same thought. Isn’t that right? You originally didn’t want to
have a marriage with the royal family.”

Hugo snorted when he saw Damian looking at his mother eagerly. His wife was too
overindulgent with Damian. A child should listen to their parents. However, Hugo
didn’t reveal what he was thinking inside and wrapped his words up in a pretty

“I won’t force him into a marriage he doesn’t want.”

“What did you say to His Majesty?”

“I suspended it because it wasn’t the right time to discuss it. I said if the boy doesn’t
have a woman by the time the princess makes her debut at fifteen, I’ll think about it.”

“Why make such a promise…”

“Damian, you have no confidence in getting a woman in seven years?”


Damian couldn’t give a reply.

Hugo decided to act like he knew nothing when he saw his son feigning ignorance. He
already knew that his son had a woman from the reports of those planted in the

“That isn’t something that can be solved with time.”

Lucia took to her son’s defense.

“By the way, why are we only talking about Damian’s engagement? How about our Eve.
There are three princes to pair her with.”

“Not a chance.”

“That can’t happen, Mother.”

“It’s too early, Mother.”

Lucia laughed incredulously when she saw the three men uttering similar words at
almost the exact same time. In this ducal residence, there were three men who became
idiots when it came to Evangeline.
Sometime after dinner was over, Fabian came to the ducal residence. While he was
waiting for his master, the mistress, and the young masters to finish their meal, Fabian
had gone to visit Jerome and his family in the outbuilding.

After Jerome got married, Fabian felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off his back.
He didn’t say anything, but he had been worried to see Jerome only caring about taking
care of the ducal house and not thinking about marriage, even when he was past thirty.

Now, Fabian was both happy and envious to see Jerome happy as the head of a decent

‘Lucky brat.’

It was already envious enough that Jerome got to marry a young woman despite their
big age difference, but she was also extremely beautiful. After Fabian relentlessly
pestered them to tell him about their love story, Olga answered him with a blush.

[I fell for him and chased after him.]

Fabian couldn’t understand. Why in the world? What part of him did she fall for? It
was the biggest mystery of his life.

When he saw Jerome and his wife acting coy and bashful even after having two kids,
he felt like something was crawling on his skin, so he quickly left for the main house.

Hugo told Damian and Bruno that the report of the observations from today’s meeting
would be pushed to tomorrow then he went to his office with Fabian. Fabian turned
in his report and verbally reported the most essential thing.

“News of Philip’s death came.”

Hugo, who was about to open the report, paused. He looked at the death certificate
attached to the first page of the report for a while.

‘What a tenacious old turd.’

Seven years ago, Hugo ordered for Philip to be dragged to the dungeon in the north
after his tongue was cut off and his ankle tendon severed. He left him in charge of
treating vicious criminals in the underground prison where no sunlight ever came in.
According to the occasional news he got, the old man silently devoted himself to
treating prisoners. Hugo wondered how long he could endure in that grim
underground dungeon despite his old age, and he finally died after seven years.

While he was searching for Philip’s family records, he also found the training camp for
women to continue the Taran bloodline. It was actually in the capital. It was disguised
as an orphanage and the women who were fed the mugwort(ssamyupsuk) herb were
isolated and cared for as if they had a special illness.

Hugo wanted to kill them all, but he thought of his daughter and endured it. He didn’t
want to stain his daughter’s birth with the spilling of blood and resentment.

The women didn’t know why their bodies became like that or for what purpose it was
made like it. They were all given the cure and only after their menstruation came back
and it was confirmed that they were normal again, were they released. This work
actually took quite some time and only finished some years ago.

“How is a prisoner’s corpse dealt with?”

“If their family doesn’t collect their bodies then in the summer, every day, because the
bodies rot easily, and in the winter, every few days. The bodies are all cremated at

Philip had no family to hold his funeral. At this rate, he would be cremated with the
corpses of other criminals and eventually, not even a chip of his bones would be found.

“There’s a burial ground for the family doctor. Take steps to have him buried there. No
need to take care of a separate funeral.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

His resentment towards Philip hadn’t disappeared. Philip’s death didn’t make his
crime go away. He was obsessed with a fruitless pretext, schemed, and threatened his
master. Even if his body was torn to pieces while he was alive, his crime was deserving
of it.

When he learned from Philip’s records that Philip had put a woman in his bedroom,
he couldn’t believe it. He was so angry that he felt like steam was rising from his head.
The reason why Hugo left Philip alive was because of his cold-hearted desire for Philip
to be tormented for a long time instead of suffering a short death.

However, Philip saved his brother’s life. He brought Damian who resembled his
brother to Hugo. And it was also because of his scheme that Hugo got his daughter,

Not all the results of Philip’s actions were bad. Strictly speaking, Philip didn’t do all
that to gratify his self-interest. Philip was also a victim of his family’s shackles and he
could never get free.

‘I have changed indeed.’

Just like Philip told him a long time ago, Hugo thought that he had changed. To think
he was feeling pity for a criminal who deserved his death. If it were the past him, he
would have dragged out even the old man’s corpse, ordered them to chop it to pieces
and fed him to beasts.

However, despite feeling this change in himself, Hugo was happy. He felt like he wasn’t
just the Hugo imitating his late brother, but actually his own person.

With Philip’s death, everything was now over. No one outside the family knew his
family’s secret. He thought it would be relaxing to know but he merely felt strange.
The heavy weight on his body was still there. But this weight was not the terrible type
he wanted to escape from, but a responsibility he ought to bear.

He realized that unless he tossed everything aside and ran away, he had to share his
fate with the Taran family until he died. And for him now, abandoning his family was
no longer an option.

The Taran house would protect his family, and he would protect the Taran house.

Philip’s death served as a force to free Hugo from being trapped in his late brother’s
shadow. Henceforth, Hugo acknowledged that both Hue and Hugo were the same
person. The young Hue who was mercenary slave and the lord of the north, Hugo
Taran, were both himself.

“The other news that came from the north is about Sir. Krotin.”
Irritation flashed across Hugo’s eyes. Who knew where the guy had dug himself, not
even his shadow could be found. So much manpower and time had been spent on
trying to find him. Some time ago, he even ordered his knights that if Roy was found,
he should be bound like a prisoner and dragged over here.

Two years ago, the Duke of Ramis passed away and his son, Robin, succeeded him. And
about a year ago, Hugo negotiated with the king and the new Duke Ramis about
reinstating Roy and succeeded.

Roy was no longer a heinous criminal. Since he had already been ‘killed’ as a death
row prisoner, it would be difficult to have him conspicuously in the capital, but he
could be reinstated into the northern knights with no issue at all.

The problem was Roy’s whereabouts. Shortly after he went to the north disguised as
a death row prisoner, Roy could not be found and the last news of him was from a
witness who saw him going into the barbarian territory. Hugo thought Roy would
return soon but when nearly a year passed with no news from Roy, his knights entered
the barbarian land to search for Roy. Dean had participated in the search party back
then and was able to meet Roy in the span of a few days.

[I prefer going unnoticed, anyway. It’s comfortable here. You know I’m not the kind of
guy to die easily, right? Don’t worry about me and don’t look for me. I’ll be staying here
for a while.]

When Hugo heard of this, he told them to leave him alone. Roy was like a wild horse
anyways, he couldn’t be reined. However, when Roy was reinstated a year ago, Hugo
ordered them to call him in, but he couldn’t be found.

The barbarian land was very large. But because he couldn’t exactly gather a huge
search party for Roy due to circumstances, it had been a year since only a handful of
people began to search for Roy.

“Did you find him?”

Hugo ground his teeth. If the guy was brought before him, he would definitely beat
him up first before talking.

“Rather than finding him… we got news from him.”

Fabian nervously continued speaking.

“A boy appeared before the knights and gave them a letter from Sir. Krotin. And…
according to the letter, the boy is Sir. Krotin’s son. It’s at the back of the report.”

Hugo immediately turned to the back of the letter.

<< My lord. My son said he’ll pay the debts I owe you. He wants to be a knight so I
taught him and if he’s useful, give him something to do, otherwise, you can chase him
out. But you know, I taught the brat personally so he’s pretty good. I hear you’ve been
trying to find me lately? I’ll come and see you when I want later, my lord. For now, I’ll
live like this. >>


Hugo was speechless and forced a laugh. Even in the past, it was impossible to know
what this guy would do but this time, he really struck him in the back of the head.

“His name is Khali. He’s eight years old this year.”


Hugo felt like he was about to have a headache and massaged his temples. If the boy
was eight years old then it meant that Roy had caused an accident a few months after
he was sent to the north.

“And from the looks of it, the child’s mother is very likely a barbarian.”

“…he’s doing all sorts of things.”

As far as Hugo knew, Roy didn’t treat barbarians like people of the same species. They
were preys to be hunted.

In addition, although Roy didn’t really kill the women and children, he didn’t think like
a knight, but as a true hunter looking for strong prey; in other words, he was a crazy
bastard. If there was a reason to kill a woman, he would; he didn’t do things that would
lead to future troubles.

Now they were saying that such a Roy had a child with a barbarian woman. Before
Hugo could even be surprised about, he found it hard to believe.

“Are you sure it’s Roy’s child?”

“According to Sir. Heba… they are very similar.”

Hugo flipped to the report before Roy’s letter and found the attachment written by
Dean. As he read Dean’s report, Hugo’s expression gradually grew askew.

From beginning to end, Dean was pouring compliments on Roy’s young son. In
conclusion, Dean was saying he was a very talented boy who might very well bring the
knights’ name to new heights, so he wanted to take him in and cultivate him as a

‘If the boy is left to Dean and taught from a young age, he won’t act as recklessly as his
father. Well, certainly if he’s Roy’s son, he will be talented.’

If his skills were as good as Dean claimed, he might consider bringing the boy to the
capital later. A skilled knight was needed for when Evangeline grew up and debuted
in the social circle, so this was a good opportunity.

“Tell the search team looking for Roy to withdraw, and have Dean be in charge of
teaching Roy’s son.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

Afterwards was just minor reports.

By the time he arrived at Roam after a few days journey on his horse without sleep,
the entire situation was already over and waiting for him. As soon as he entered the
walls of Roam, he could feel a gloomy aura in the air. The people that came out to see
him gave their greetings with utmost respect. Their attitude wasn’t that of meeting
the young master but that of greeting a new master.

He slowly got down from the horse. He couldn’t take a step forward; it was as if his
two feet were rooted to the floor. Someone approached him and said something to him
but it went unheard.


“Pardon? The two bodies are insi…”

“Not that!”

“Th—the west tower…”

“All of you… withdraw. Do not come until I call for you. If I catch you in my sight, I will
cut off your head.”

His voice started off calmly but ended in a tone oozing with blood. He swept a cold
glance over the wavering and unmoving figures of the people around him then thick
bloodthirst burst forth from him. He was suppressing his desire to rip out the necks
of everyone here and slaughter them.

Several weak-minded people held other people for support as they sank to their knees
and dispersed with pale complexions. His cold red eyes gazed at them then he headed
for the west tower.

As soon as he reached the top of the stairs and opened the door, he was swarmed with
the smell of blood. A smell he had never found repulsive before made him feel
nauseous. The stone floor was smeared with a large black blood stain.

The vassals were shocked by the fact that the culprit who murdered the ducal couple,
was the spitting image of the young master so they couldn’t bear to move the body and
left it there. All they did was take a wooden coffin and put the corpse inside.

He dragged his feet to the wooden coffin. As he looked at the closed coffin, he took in
a deep breath like he had just ran a race. He slowly bent down and got on his knees,
then he pushed the lid of the coffin aside with trembling hands.

A young man with a grey complexion, like that never seen on a living being, lay inside
with his eyes closed. The cracked wounds on his neck were spotted with dried blood
stains. The expression on the dead body was serene. The stench of the corpse that was
beginning to decay pierced his nose.

As he looked at the face of the young man, which was just like him, extreme emotions
swirled in his eyes. It felt like his blood was flowing backwards. Grief, and anger that
seemed to drive him mad burst forth from within.


Hugo opened his eyes with a start. The warmth of the body next to him quickly
dragged him back to reality.

A dream. Hugo heaved a sigh.

As he stared into space, he felt the own unstable pounding of his heart.

‘That damned guy.’

Even though he left like that, why was his first appearance in his dream that of the last
time he saw him? Hugo inwardly spewed curses at his brother. He sighed heavily and
carefully removed his hand that was wrapped around his wife’s back because he didn’t
want to wake her up. He sat down motionlessly on the bed for a bit, then he came
down from the bed.

Quite a long time passed after Hugo left the bedroom. The world was immersed in the
deepest darkness that occurred just before dawn.

Lucia turned on the bed, wanting to feel his warmth but only felt a vacant, cold space.
She woke up halfway and opened her eyes to realize that the space next to her was
completely empty. Although her husband was the type to get up early, that didn’t mean
in the dead of the night.

Lucia got down from bed to search for him. As she looked around, she noticed a small
light coming from the door crevice of the receiving room. She approached quietly,
opened the door and poked her head inside. The first thing she noticed was the three
or so uncorked wine bottles lying on the table.

She frowned slightly. He was definitely not that much of a wine lover that he would go
drink a few bottles of wine, alone, at this time of the night. She looked for her husband,
and when she saw his rearview by the window, her heart throbbed. He seemed
strange, as he stood there with the moonlight falling on him through the window.

For some reason, she felt lonely as she once again realized that no matter how much
they loved each other, they could only be separate people.

Lucia wondered what it could be. Perhaps this wasn’t the first time he had come out
here in thought and she had never seen it so she didn’t know.

Should she go comfort him? Or would it be better for her not to disturb him? She didn’t
know what to choose, so she didn’t approach, and just stood holding the doorknob.
She couldn’t even turn around and go back to the bedroom like she hadn’t seen


She merely called him inside, but like magic, he turned around. Then he smiled faintly
and gestured to her, as if telling her to come here. Lucia walked up to him as fast as
she could, almost like she was running.

She threw her arms around him and buried her head in his chest. His arms reliably
wrapped around her waist. As his large hand stroked her hair, she lifted her face and
he kissed her forehead.

“Did you have a bad dream?”

“You weren’t there so it felt empty and I woke up. What about you? Did you have a bad

“Yeah. Even though I’ve never had one before.”

Hugo smiled wryly. He had never even had dreams before. Perhaps he might have had
a dream while he slept but he never remembered when he woke up. This was his first
time waking up from a bad dream and being unable to go back to sleep because his
mind was disturbed.

“A dream is just a dream, Hugh. You don’t have a pendant, after all.”

Hugo leaned on her shoulder and chuckled.

“The guy who made a mess out of your workshop in your dream. You really won’t tell
me who it is?”

The fact that Count Matin got off so easy still annoyed him. So he tried to blow off
steam with the other guy, but she completely refused to say anything.

“It didn’t happen in reality. He might be living a diligent life now, so I don’t want to
blame him for a crime he didn’t commit.”

“I doubt he’s being diligent. I can assure you, people’s nature don’t change that easily.”

“Still, there’s no need for you to know.”

“But you told me about Count Matin.”

“Well, I couldn’t explain well without mentioning Count Matin, so it couldn’t be helped.
Let’s stop talking about this. I’m never telling.”

“Tsk. Stubborn.”

Hugo swept her into his arms then he walked to the sofa and sat down. He sat her on
his knees and hugged her soft body tight. As he breathed in her smell, Hugo felt his
subsided feeling gradually rising again.

Lucia gently stroked his hair without asking anything. Although she wanted to know
everything about him, she could understand if there was something he couldn’t tell

“Philip is dead.”

“…I feel complicated.”

“It’s just as you say. I wonder why I don’t feel lighthearted.”

“Because Philip was there for a huge part of your life.”

A long time after Lucia gave birth to Evangeline, Hugo gave her the full story of what
Philip had done. Her heart ached when she finally realized how hard it was for her
husband at the time. She felt sorry for not being able to share his pain.

However, she didn’t hate Philip that much. She simply felt that the life of the man called
Philip was pitiful. Her connection to him in her dream was also part of it, and if it
wasn’t for Philip, she wouldn’t have gotten Evangeline in the end. After all, Lucia
wouldn’t have ever taken the medicine to treat herself, personally.

In addition, whether she hated him or not, Philip was a remnant of her husband’s
lonely childhood. Her husband might disagree, but Lucia thought so.

“If you really want, you can take a visit to the north. Perhaps you need a break.” (Lucia)

“Shall we go together?” (Hugo)

“If you go with me, what kind of break will it be? We’ll just spend the time traveling in
a carriage.”

“True. It will trouble you.”

“I didn’t mean I don’t want to go because it’s troublesome. If you want to go, I’ll prepare
for it.”

“No, it’s fine.”

“Then, later. When the children are all grown up, let’s go to the north. I know I went a
year ago, but I miss it more as time goes by. I think we should go back someday.”

“Yeah. Let’s do that…”

They hugged each other for a while, not saying anything.

10 years of marriage. They had reached a point of tranquility where simply being
together was enough, and it was never awkward no matter how long the silence was.
Perhaps this peace of mind was more precious than a hot and intense love.
Lucia caress his head like she was comforting him and he held her tight, with his face
buried in her soft chest.

“…It feels strange to see Damian the same age as his father when he died.” (Hugo)

His brother had died at eighteen years old. At the time, Hugo thought his brother was
an adult. He thought that when Damian was eighteen years old, he would be able to
comfortably entrust everything to Damian like Damian had received the title.

However, when he looked at Damian, he realized it was a very young age. Even though
he acted like an adult, the expressions he clumsily revealed without even realizing it
showed Hugo that he was still a child.

“It’s because you pamper him so much.” (Hugo)

“What’s this all of a sudden?” (Lucia)

“I’m talking about Damian. He’s still a kid. I wasn’t like that at his age.”

“Since you’re saying this, I have something to say too. You also pamper Eve too much.
She’s like a spoiled five year old.”

“What do you mean? Eve is young. She’s only seven now.”

Lucia glared at him. Her husband’s standards were way too different for their son and

“You sent Damian to boarding school at six. I thought you said that at six, your child
should be able to survive even if they were thrown into a desert?”[1]

“That…! Who was it? Who told you? Damian? Jerome?”

“I’m definitely not telling you.”

“You think I don’t have another way if you don’t tell me? I’ll just grill the two of them…”


When Lucia’s eyes slanted, Hugo shut his mouth. Then as he grumbled, he buried his
lifted head back into her chest.
Lucia hugged his head and giggled. Her husband got more adorable as he got older.
Sometimes, when she saw him acting like a stern father in front of his son or acting
cold and indifferent in front of other people, she inwardly burst out laughing.

“It’s because you’re looking at Damian with the eyes of a father. In the eyes of parents,
no matter how old their child is, their child is young. When Eve grows up to twenty or
thirty, do you think she’ll look like an adult in your eyes?”


“Damian is all grown up. He might be young in your eyes and mine, but to others, he’s
an adult. Even if you tell him about his birth father, I believe he can understand now.”

“…Can he really understand?”

“Of course. He’s a very considerate child. How much are you willing to tell him?”

“I was planning to burn down the secret room in Roam. I mean, I was going to secretly
take him to my brother’s grave.”

“You’ve changed your mind?”

“I think Damian should know too. It’s up to him to accept it or not.”

Even now, Hugo occasionally flipped through the records from Philip’s hideout. The
medical knowledge accumulated by Philip’s family from generation to generation was
capable of saving the life of a dying person.

In addition, there were experimental records about whether a Taran female could
have a child with a normal man. Fortunately, according to the records, Evangeline
could marry an ordinary person, have a child, and live a normal life.

The couple of times that Evangeline was sick, Hugo was helped by the records. He
realized how precious the medical knowledge in them was as he smoothed down his
chest in relief after his daughter’s high fever quickly subsided. The knowledge
gathered by a family for hundreds of years was a treasure. Of course, he also realized
that the knowledge in the secret room was a treasure.

“I think you’ve made a good choice. If Damian were to take over from you without
knowing anything, it’s like only inheriting half.”
“Do you want to come along when we go to Roam?”

“No. Do not make exceptions. That way, in the future, it will remain that only the head
of Taran can enter than room.”

Hugo kissed her lips then he stood up with her in his arms.

“I don’t know about anything else, but Damian won’t get a better wife than mine.”

Lucia smacked his chest as she laughed.

“What are you saying? Damian will have a wife much prettier and wiser than me.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Don’t try to compete with Damian in strange areas. Our Eve too, will get a husband
more wonderful than you.”

“It looks like our daughter won’t get married.”


“No such man exists.”

“Oh you, seriously.”

Hugo entered the bedroom, kissing his laughing wife’s lips. As Lucia lay on the bed,
snuggling in his embrace, she said:

“Hugh, I have a present for your coming birthday. You can look forward to it.”

“What is it that you’re so confident about it? I will look forward to it.”

The completion date of the brooch commission would roughly match the date of his
birthday. Lucia wanted to give him the brooch and also tell him the story from her
dream. What could be the identity of the brooch from her dream? She felt like it would
be fun for both of them to put their heads together and solve the mystery.
Translator’s Corner:

[1] This is from Chapter 28 [part 1] (thanks to Lili & Santeri)

【 】
“So, there was a party break at Countess Dieter’s tea party a few days ago.”

While they were discussing various things, Katherine brought up the newest hot topic.

“Oh no.”

Lucia clicked her tongue. A party break wasn’t something that happened often. It was
close to something of a last resort when the leader of the party break was completely
resolved to becoming enemies with the host of the party.

Because a party break was not a common occurrence, it was always at the center of
gossip in the social circle when it happened. Lucia’s mind flew back to the party break
that happened at her tea party in Roam. It was already 10 years since that incident

“Apparently, Countess Dieter was thoroughly humiliated.” (Katherine)

“Who was the leader?” (T/N: of the party break)

“Countess Ophil.”

Lucia cocked her head to the side. She was familiar with the name Countess Dieter, but
she couldn’t recall ever hearing about a Countess Ophil. In other words, Countess
Dieter was someone quite famous in the social circle, but the party break instigator
was someone in a relatively inferior position. There were very few cases like this.

“It seems no one sided with Countess Dieter. What mistake did the Countess make?”


Katherine smiled coldly.

“The person Count Ophil had affair with, was Countess Dieter. What’s more, Count Ophil
actually brought Countess Dieter to his mansion and they were caught by Countess
Ophil while they were rolling in the sheets. Apparently, Countess Dieter was in such a
rush to run away that she forgot her own underwear. Countess Ophil threw the
underwear down on the table, on the day of the tea party.”


Lucia sighed bitterly. Even though she wasn’t at the event, she could see the
pandemonium that took place. Since it wasn’t their problem, the noblewomen would
have watched the spectacle with excitement, happy for the change of pace, then they
would cheerfully spread rumors all over the place.

Although Countess Dieter brought it on herself, and Countess Ophil was argumentatively,
the victim, it was a shameful situation. The reason why many affairs in the high society
never surfaced, wasn’t because the spouse wasn’t aware of their husband/wife being
in an improper relationship. It was because people felt it was very embarrassing to
have people know that their spouse was cheating.

Lucia felt really bad when she thought about miserable Countess Ophil must have felt,
to the point where she couldn’t bear it unless she exposed Countess Dieter publicly,
despite the trend of hiding affairs in the social circle.

‘It’s so terrible.’

Lucia didn’t want to ever imagine herself in Countess Ophil’s shoes.

“Why did Countess Dieter invite Countess Ophil to her tea party? Or is it that Countess
Ophil went to the party without being invited?”

“Countess Dieter must have been confident that Countess Ophil wouldn’t do such a
thing. Afterall, Countess Dieter’s name is much more highly known, and Countess
Ophil is usually the type of quiet person that sort of disappears into the background.”

“When a quiet person gets angry, it’s usually scarier.”

“That’s true. Like you, for example.”

Lucia was taken aback when the topic of conversation suddenly turned to her.

“Me? Why?”
“You’re just like that, Vivian. I have no doubt it will be frightening when you get angry.
I know I’ve never seen it before, but I’m sure Taran Gong must have experienced it,
right? Otherwise, there’s no way he’d live in captivity like that.”

“…What do you mean ‘live in captivity’. There’s nothing of the sort.”

“Nothing? Yeah, right. Everyone knows the Taran men listen to everything the Taran
Lady of the House says. Do you know what people say to me? They ask how in the
world does the Duchess hold onto her son and husband like that, they want to know
the secret. They even hint for me to ask you.”

“…There’s no secret.”

Lucia couldn’t think of any appropriate way to explain so she could give a tiny smile
with an awkward expression.

The captured and the capturer. Her relationship with her husband wasn’t one defined
by such superiority in position. If you were to compare, Lucia was the one in a
thoroughly weaker position. She was a physically weak woman and all the power she
had was based on her position as a Duchess which she gained thanks to her husband.

Nevertheless, she truly respected and loved her husband, who was always respectful
to her despite that. However, other people analyzed them using their own standards,
and interpreted it as they wished.

“You must feel good, my dear younger sister. Your husband hasn’t changed even though
you’ve been married for more than ten years.”

“Geez, elder sister.”

Wait, could it be…?

When Lucia looked at her with uneasiness in her eyes, Katherine smiled and shook
her head.[1]

“No. It’s just, things aren’t like before. In the past, just seeing his face made my heart
tickle. Nowadays though, sometime I’d prefer for him to come back late, I guess? Or,
there are times when it’s more fun to play with the children. Is it not like that for you?
Isn’t Eve much more lovely and prettier than your husband?”

Of course, Evangeline was lovely. Lucia loved her daughter so much that she could
even give her life for her. But her love for her husband was different.

The love she felt for both of them were two different kinds and they couldn’t be
compared. Her love for Eve made her want to embrace and protect Eve, and her love
for him made her want to run into his arms and hold him. She still felt excited and
nervous when she was with him and her heart still raced when she heard his voice.
When she was nestled in his wide chest, she felt happy.

‘Wow, they’re really such a rare intimate couple.’

Katherine grinned as she watched Lucia turned red in a flash, probably thinking about
her husband. It wasn’t like there weren’t any other famous lovebirds in the social circle
but there were never any as famous as the Taran couple.

At least to Katherine’s knowledge. Katherine found Lucia’s pureness fascinating every

time she saw her. It wasn’t immaturity from being clueless about the world but
cleanliness, unstained by dirt. When she met Lucia after being around jaded
noblewomen, she felt refreshed, like she was standing on clear water.

Katherine thought to herself that it was difficult for a woman in her late twenties to
be as adorable as a young maiden. At the same time, she was suspicious about the
Duke of Taran’s ability to protect his wife’s innocence. Katherine sometimes wondered
if they even had a proper sex life but she couldn’t ask about the couple’s private life.

Translator’s Corner:

If you didn’t get this, Lucia is worried that Katherine might be having issues with

her husband.
Katherine was buried in her imagination for a bit, then suddenly, she exclaimed and
stood up.

“Wait a minute. I have something to give you.”

Katherine left for a while then she returned with a small box in her hand.

“This is something I bought a while back, but I never wore it.”

Lucia took the box Katherine gave to her and opened it. Inside, was a bunch of white
lace that appeared to be lingerie at first glance.

Lucia tilted her head then she carefully lifted out the contents to check what it was.
Her face gradually turned red and she hurriedly dropped the contents with fright and
slammed the box shut.

“Wh… What is this?”

“I bought it for a once-in-a-lifetime experience but when I got home after going
through with the purchase, I found it wasn’t actually to my taste.”

“You want me to wear this? This kind of thing…”

“Thinking that only prostitutes wear this, is a stereotype. There are very few noble
women who don’t own an underwear like this.”

“No way…”

It was hard for Lucia to believe that most of the noblewomen who liked to act lofty,
actually owned something so indecent.

“I knew it’d be like this.”

Katherine clicked her tongue. The fact that Lucia had been married for over 10 years
and never even seen an underwear like this was a problem.
“Younger sister. How many years have you been married? The times when fire is
ignited once your eyes meet has passed. In a relationship, both sides should put in

“…What does this have to do with effort?”

“Of course it had something to do with effort! Do you know what the scariest this is in
a marriage? It is marital weariness[1]. That kind of thing has no sign. You don’t even
know when it’ll come. By the time you come to your senses, you’re already in that
state. It’s at times like this, that the man cheats. Their wife is no longer something new,
so their eyes turns to another fresh woman.”


“That’s why a stimulation is necessary. Show him a fresh, new charm. Men are originally
visually weak creatures.”

Katherine tried her best to persuade Lucia, who was still hesitating.

“The lingerie is definitely not something abnormal or strange. I have a few myself.
Plus, for your information, the designer of that lingerie is Antoine.”

“An… toine?”

“I might not like Antoine’s dresses but there’s something different about the lingerie
she makes. They’re very popular too.”

Lucia had no idea. Antoine had never brought up such a topic to Lucia.

Antoine already had a headache from trying to design a dress that adhered to the Duke
of Taran’s standard of a ‘decent dress’. She was afraid of saying something useless to
the Duchess and getting on the Duke’s blacklist, so she didn’t even think of mentioning
underwear to the Duchess.

‘Marital weariness?’

Lucia felt oddly uneasy.

‘Now that I think about it, it’s already been years since we got married.’

Enough time had flown by for the world to change. It had already been some time since
the freshness she had at 20 disappeared. Soon, another 10 years would go by in a flash,
and she would get wrinkles around her eyes.

However, even when she imagined her husband 10 years later, he was still splendid.
On the contrary, because he had grown more stylish and imposing, the noblewomen
were busy stealing glances at him at official occasions. For some reason, she got angry.

‘He comes back late a lot lately too.’

Lucia looked at the empty space beside her on the bed. He came back late yesterday
as well. Even though she knew this time was usually the busiest time of the year, Lucia
blamed him as if he was fully responsible for coming back late.

She lay down to sleep, but her mind became even clearer and she kept breathing hard.
Then she felt a twinge of pain in her lower abdomen and caressed her stomach. It
seemed quite strange, so she went to the bathroom and found a blood smear on her
underwear, signifying that her menstruation had begun.

She went back to bed, lay down and chuckled. So this was probably why her feelings
were sensitive. After finding out the cause, her mind which was suddenly whisking
itself into a rage, settled down. Since her mind was at ease, she readily began to feel

Lucia sank into a languid state of sleep then she sensed something and woke up. Her
husband’s movements as he lay down next to her had caused the bed to move a little.

“…Did you just come back…?”

“…You’re not sleeping?”

“I was but…”

Before she could say she woke up because she felt movement next to her, he sat up
and climbed over. Lucia absentmindedly watched as he kissed her jawline and wove
his hands into her nightwear. She blinked her eyes, chasing away her sleepiness.
Somehow, seeing him look so excited made her giggle.
Unfortunately, she had no choice but to say something that would disappoint him.

“We can’t. I started today.”


He soon understood what she meant and was greatly disappointed. Seeing his blatant
disappointment, Lucia chuckled.

“It’s two days early this month, isn’t it?”

Lucia looked at her husband who was more knowledgeable about her menstrual cycle
than herself.

“It can start a few days early or late.”

“No. You’re almost always regular. Get the doctor to look at you.”

“Why call the doctor for something like this?”

Since he kept urging her, Lucia gave up and agreed to see the doctor tomorrow.

Lucia’s mood soared and she was filled with happiness as she leaned into her
husband’s chest, with his strong arms around her back. Marital weariness? It seems
she didn’t need to worry about that yet.

It was hard for Hugo to fall asleep as he listened to his wife’s even breathing. It was
going to take some time for his heated body to cool down.


Hugo was very annoyed by the thing called menstruation which was experienced by
every normal, healthy woman, once a month.

Lucia’s menstruation began about four months after she gave birth. It was a sign that
all the effects of the mugwort was gone, and that she was returned to having a normal

However, Hugo felt like things had actually gotten worse. When it was around the
beginning of her periods, his wife complained of stomachache, and she got on edge.
Worst of all, was that he couldn’t touch her for four to five days in a month. If you
added the days he came back late and the once-every-five-days exclusion period, it
meant he had to live in solitude for more than ten days in a month.

Why?! Why does a woman have to suffer such symptoms for several days in a month?!*
He grumbled inwardly till he fell asleep.

“…The Madam is asleep.”

Today again? At such a time? It’s still early in the evening!

Hugo glared fiercely at his innocent butler.

He had waited four days for his wife’s period to end, then the next day, he unavoidably
came back very late so that day was skipped. Moreover, both yesterday and the day
before yesterday, his wife was asleep when he came back, even though it wasn’t that
late. According to the butler, the dates of the social gatherings his wife had to attend
overlapped, so she had been moving from place to place all day. She had to move
around and satisfy her schedule.

“My wife’s schedule was packed today as well?”

“Yes, Your Grace. And it seems the busyness has caused her tiredness to accumulate
over the past few days.”

Dammit! Hugo spun around. He was at his limit and about to explode. But despite that,
as he watched her sleep sweetly, he couldn’t bear to wake her up to satisfy his greed.

Translator’s Corner:

[1] Marital weariness: Can also be called boredom in marriage.

*I think… this is the first time I’m relating to Hugo. For completely different reason
though XD
T/N: Warning: From now on, 90% of this side-story is smut. I apologize in advance if you
cringe. As always, I have tried my best to make it ‘flow’ as smoothly as possible.

The bundle of letters in the tray that Jerome brought in was thinner than usual.
Suspicious, Lucia asked:

“Jerome, is this all?”

“Yes, Milady. These are the ones that arrived this morning.”

“What about yesterday’s? There was none that came yesterday?”

“The ones from yesterday…”

Jerome dragged out his sentence as he remembered the events from yesterday.

After receiving a sudden summon from his master, Jerome went to his master’s office
and was given an order from his master.

[The invitations for my wife. Bring them all to me.]

Since none of the mail that came yesterday was a personal letter for the Madam,
Jerome didn’t see any need to worry and took everything to his master’s office. When
he entered inside, he found his master standing by the blazing fireplace even though
the weather wasn’t that cold.

His master held out his hand, as if asking him to bring it over. Somehow, Jerome felt
like he could see the fate of the mails and hesitated. Once he handed over the mails,
his master poured all of them into the fireplace with no hesitation.

Jerome blankly watched as the letters became triggers for the fire and turned into
black ashes. For a while, he stood like his spirit had left his body then he glanced at his
master, but his master’s expression was so scary that he withdrew without saying

“Master has burned them.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

Jerome cleared his throat softly and advised his Madam.

“Milady, it seems Master is a little upset. Lately, Milady has been continuously going to
sleep first so…”

Lucia’s face flared with heat.

This husband of hers, seriously! She felt too embarrassed to look at the butler’s face.

“Milady, it seems you’ve had a lot of outdoor events for several days now. What do you
think about taking a rest today?”

“The appointments I’ve already made…”

“An appointment can be broken in the event of an inevitability.”

As the butler of this house, it was Jerome’s duty to keep the peace of the house.

“…All right. I’ll leave it to you to your discretion.”

“Yes, Milady.”

Lucia was speechless because her husband’s actions were so childish. She laughed in
disbelief a few times to herself, then later, she chuckled because he was cute.

‘I suppose a little relaxing will be good?’

As she wondered how to pacify him, she suddenly remembered the gift she had gotten
from Katherine. She had taken it but was too embarrassed afterwards, so she didn’t
take another look at it. She brought out the box that she had shoved deep inside her

Lucia stared at the box then she opened the cover in a very careful manner. As soon as
she saw the white lingerie in the box, she frowned and carefully examined it, then she
brought it out and flipped it back and forth.

Lucia looked around the room to check despite it being empty. She felt anxious and
locked the door, even though no one would dare come in without her permission. Then
she took off all her clothes and stood in front of the mirror, wearing only the indecent

‘My god.’

Her face flushed bright red. She couldn’t bear to open her eyes in front of the mirror.
But interestingly enough, humans had great adaptability. Lucia looked at herself in the
mirror, mumbling about its indecency but after a while, she was looking at the fit of
the underwear.

‘I think it’s a little big.’

It was an underwear made to fit Katherine’s body type, so it wasn’t exactly Lucia’s size.
A slightly smaller size would suit perfectly and look lovely.

She thought it over, then took it off and changed back into her clothes. The underwear
was put back into the box and shoved deep inside her dresser drawer again. And she
prepared to go out. Her destination: Antoine’s boutique.

As he came out of the bathroom, Hugo found his bedroom door wide open from the
receiving room. His bedroom door was always closed because he usually never went
there. Usually, when he finished his bath, he went straight from the receiving room to
his wife’s bedroom.

Feeling puzzled, Hugo went into his bedroom and immediately sensed that there was
a person on the bed. Faced with his wife, who was wrapped up in rolls of the blanket
with only her head sticking out and a faint smile on her face, he couldn’t help but also
smile. He immediately went up to the bed, sat down and neatened his wife’s hair which
was scattered as she lay on the sheet.

“And here I thought you were sleeping.”

“Why are you so late?”

Lucia grumbled. He was much later than he said he would be today. She pretended to
be asleep and didn’t go out to meet him. And while he was washing up, she snuck into
his bedroom.

“Something suddenly came up.”

His fingers paused for a moment before sweeping away the baby hair that fell on her
forehead. The sight of his wife’s round forehead was so cute that he unknowingly
smiled. Seeing her wrapped up tight in the blanket, he asked:

“Are you cold?”

“…I think it’s a little chilly here.”

“It’s because I don’t really use this place.”

But it’s your bedroom.

But even if it was, he didn’t use it. Because he slept in Lucia’s bedroom. As she realized
that, Lucia’s face reddened slightly. He came to her bedroom every time, but it was her
first time coming to his bedroom.

Should I just quit now with shame? No, I’ve already come to this point and it’s too late.

While she fought a fierce battle in her heart, he continued to watch her.

He quietly met her gaze and said nothing. Sometimes, he seemed like a stormy
downpour and at other times, he seemed like a boundless sea without a single wave.
Even just looking at him like this made her feel good. Her heart pounded in her chest.”

“I went to Antoine’s boutique today.”

“You? Personally?”

“Yes, during the day.”

“What wind blew in today?”[1]

“I uhh… Well, I bought something recommended to me there… and I want to show you.”
“You must have liked it.”

“They said you would like it.”


“Wanna see?”

“Sure. I’ll come back early tomorrow so show me then.”

“No. I mean now.”


“I’m wearing it, you see.”

His eyes narrowed and he briefly glanced over Lucia who was wrapped up in the
blanket like a caterpillar.

“I’m sure the dress will wrinkle if you stay like that.”

“…it’s not a dress.”


He looked at Lucia with an expression that made it impossible to tell what he was
thinking. The sensitive herbivore, Lucia instinctively sensed a subtle danger.
Something didn’t seem right. She held the blanket tight and quietly snuck backwards.
His hand held her back as she moved, as if blocking her movement.

She hadn’t done anything wrong nor was he angry in any way. But somehow, Lucia felt
nervous as she looked into his red eyes. When he grabbed the blanket around her, a
gasp unwittingly left her mouth.

“You said you’d show me.” (Hugo)

“Uhh… Mmm. You… you can see it later.” (Lucia)

“Weren’t you going to show me now? You said I would like it.”
“I’m not sure. She talked big about refunding me if you didn’t like it so…”

In addition, Antoine added that no one had ever asked for a refund before.

“Such great confidence, huh. Then we should verify it.”

Lucia gripped the blanket tight in resistance as he tugged on it. Even so, if he used
enough force, she wouldn’t be able to win but it looked like he didn’t have such thought
as he only used the amount of strength that Lucia could fight against. Lucia gave up on
playing cat and mouse with him. Anyway, she hid in his bedroom in the first place
because she intended to show him so hiding her body now seemed sort of ridiculous.

“…Move aside for a bit. I’ll show you.”

Once he moved his arm aside, Lucia slipped away. She came down from the bed, still
wrapped up in the backed and turned away from him. Meanwhile, he stared at her
from his seat on the bed.

Lucia recalled what Antoine said earlier.

[The atmosphere. The atmosphere is the key! Like you’re trying to seduce. Get it?]

Antoine laughed and said it would be fine to just act like usual, but Lucia couldn’t
answer and just smiled. She didn’t know how to act like she was ‘trying to seduce’.

Lucia hesitated for a while, then with her back facing him, she let go of the blanket she
was holding. The blanket softly fell to her feet and felt the cold air of the chilly
bedroom. She slowly turned her face and body to face him, half-way. He was staring at
her, without the slightest movement. Lucia’s momentary state of calm fled her, and she
felt rather embarrassed.

Suddenly, he approached her in a flash, pushed her onto the bed, climbed over her and
pounced on her lips. His flesh parted her lips and greedily invaded her mouth, ravaging
inside. His hand supported the back of her neck, deepening their kiss.

Lucia shut her eyes tight and lost herself in his kiss, which was caressing every corner
of her mouth. She felt a thrill rising from her back. He took his lips away for a split
second before covering her lips again. He repeated this over and over again. As she
barely followed to catch her breath, Lucia felt like it was her whole body being eaten
up, not her lips. It was only when her head grew dizzy that his lips moved away. As she
looked at him through hazy eyes, Lucia mumbled:

“I guess… I don’t need a refund.”

Translator’s Corner:

[1] What wind blew in today: a saying when someone does something unexpected.
Hugo laughed upon hearing what she said. He lowered himself, his weight pressing
down on her. Then he whispered in her ear.

“You miss the point.”


“I’m crazy about you even without this.”

So don’t make me anymore crazier, he whispered in a low, dangerous voice and brought
his lips to Lucia’s neck. He kissed and sucked on it, making it sting. She moaned slightly
and he licked her gently.

She couldn’t move, like she caught in a trap. She felt like a prey caught in the jaws of a
beast. Her whole body felt so sensitive that the mere sensation of him sweeping past
her inner thighs made her ache and moan.

‘Strange… ’

The underwear was supposed to be for exciting and seducing the man, but she was
the one excited instead. Her body felt more sensitive than usual, it ached, she felt short
of breath and her eyes burned with heat.

Lucia didn’t know this but the underwear she wore was slightly imbued with a
fragrance that functioned as a kind of aphrodisiac. It was small but its effect was
absorbed into the skin. It wasn’t that Antoine didn’t tell her deliberately but that this
was a function normally imbued in this type of underwear, so she just didn’t talk about
it and Lucia had absolutely no idea.

Hugo bit her breast, covered by the see-through lace underwear, and soon noticed that
there was something there because of the subtle taste. But for someone like him who
wasn’t affected by a considerable dose, this kind of aphrodisiac had no effect on him.
He guessed that his wife probably didn’t know this was on it when she wore it and
swallowed a laugh.
As he licked her collarbone, trailing up to her nape, she shook in surprised and sobbed.
She was definitely more sensitive than usual. Perhaps she also realized that something
was strange because her face was filled with puzzlement. Seeing that, Hugo felt sorry,
and at the same time, he felt like laughing.

However, it wasn’t an unfair situation. After all, he was already heated up from head
to toe by the aphrodisiac that was his wife, herself.

He bit her nipple which was protruding from the lace. When he bit it a little harder,
she uttered a cry. He took her breast into his mouth, sucking on it and she moaned
while crying at the same time.

Well, well. Seeing as she was so weak to this level of playful teasing, she was completely
intoxicated. If he told her about the underwear, she would probably turn red from
head to toe and refused to lift her head. When he imagined that sight, he felt amused.

Should he act like he didn’t know? Or tease her a little? While he snickered inside, his
mouth was busy with her breast and his hand kept caressed her waist and thighs. As
he watched her react so vividly, he grew more and more excited.

The lace on her chest was wet with his saliva. But as expected, he loved the feeling of
her bare skin. He grabbed the front of her lace and ripped it apart.* Then he took her
quivering nipple into his mouth again.

“Hk… Uuuee.”

Every time he rolled his tongue around her nipple and suckled on her breast, the curve
of her back tingled. Lucia felt like she would scream whenever she opened her mouth,
so she turned her head and blocked her mouth with the back of her hand. Everywhere
he touched tingled so much that it hurt.

He grabbed her wrist, removing her hand from blocking her mouth then he held her
jaw, turning her to face him and kissed her. Lucia’s vision flickered as his heated kiss
rummaged through her mouth and she closed her eyes. The skillful movements of his
tongue made her unable to think straight.

Hugo softly sucked on her swollen lower lip then he separated their lips and planted
a deep kiss on her neck.

Something was missing. The area between her legs itched and throbbed. Lucia couldn’t
help but twist her body, wringing her legs together. The only thought on her mind was
cooling down this heat somehow.

He clicked his tongue and squeezed his leg between her legs again. His thigh pressed
against her groin.

“Did you know?”

He bit her ear and whispered to her.

“That the underwear you’re wearing is open down there.”

Despite being in a daze, Lucia’s face turned hot. Of course, she knew. That’s why she
was so freaked out at first. It was an underwear that wasn’t even faithful to its job as
an underwear.

So even though she still had the underwear on, her private part was directly touching
his thigh. His thigh began to slowly move up, rubbing against the exposed crevice.


The stimulation caused Lucia to lift her waist. She felt embarrassed to death. But she
felt like it wasn’t enough. She needed a greater stimulation. As if reading her mind, his
thigh moved again.

“Hn… ah! aah! ang!”

He moved his thigh up and down on her flesh as if hammering into her center. The
stimulation from the friction caused fluid to flow from her nether regions and his thigh
rubbing against her grew slippery and wet.


Her sight flicked, flashing between brightness and darkness. Her waist shot up for a
moment before falling down. The short, intense climax made Lucia feel listless for a

But her satisfaction did not last long. She still throbbed with heat somewhere inside.
She wanted him to enter her. She longed for his big, hard flesh to fill her up to the brim
and stir her up. Lucia let out a breath and licked her lips. She felt like some part of her
head had turned strange.

Hugo raised his torso then he held her arms and lifted her.

“You do it.”


Lucia looked at him with wide eyes. He leaned against the pillow and sat back on the
bed. As she looked into his red eyes that seemed to be aflame, he frowned slightly and
beckoned to her.

“Come here.”

Lucia slowly lowered her gaze and saw his huge thing standing erect and turned away
with a start. She felt like she could hear his mischievous laughter.

Her whole body felt feverish and her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest, but
she couldn’t bear the urge to glance at his erect manhood again. She gulped unknowingly.

“I said come here. You have to move if you want something. You want to put it in, don’t

She glared at her husband, who was saying lecherous things. She subconsciously
licked her dry lips. Feeling his fierce gaze on her, Lucia’s eyes crinkled as her lips
curved into a smile. Seeing him look restless like he would pounce on her at any
moment, Lucia spoke.

“Don’t move.”

When she saw him freeze in place, Lucia gave an even more sly smile.

“You’re not allowed to move.”

Lucia approached him on his knees. She couldn’t move her eyes from his member,
which seemed to be showing off its presence. The sight of his thing standing upright
was unbelievably indecent. But as she kept looking at it, she got goosebumps and the
area between her legs ached and squeezed. She reached out and held it with her
hands. He seemed to flinch in that moment. Lucia lowered her head like she was
spellbound and put her lips to the tip.

When she heard his moan, she felt ecstatic. The male scent coming from the thing
touching her mouth made her feel dizzy. She opened her small mouth and took the
round end into her mouth. The slightly fishy taste didn’t bother her.** Then she took
it deep into her mouth and rolled her tongue around.


He breathed hard and reached out, holding onto her with his fingers woven into her
hair. He sluggishly closed his eyes, immersed in the pleasure of her hot, wet mouth on
his thing then he opened his eyes, capturing the provocative sight before him. The
sight of her taking his member in her mouth like candy was incredibly erotic.


He grabbed Lucia’s arm and pulled her into his arms. Lucia’s pulled frame landed on
his thighs, and she looked up at him with her hands on his bare chest.
It seemed like there was a fire burning in his red eyes. There was no smile on his face.
But he wasn’t expressionless either. Lucia liked seeing this look on his face. His gaze,
filled with desire, excited her.

Lucia grabbed his arm around her waist and took it off. His brows furrowed in
discontent and she straightened the wrinkles on his forehead.

“I said don’t move.”

Lucia slowly moved her hand on his firm chest, caressing it. His whole body was firm
with muscle. Every time she saw his naked body, Lucia thought it was truly beautiful.

She nuzzled her head under his jaw and kissed his neck. Just like he did to her, she
slowly trailed down his neck with her lips, going down his shoulders and chest,
tickling him with her tongue. She stroked his firm skin, enjoying the feeling in her

“…I still can’t move?”

His voice was murky and subdued.

Lucia hummed a refusal. She was absorbed with caressing him. When she sucked on
the protrusion on his chest, his breathing became rough. It was fun and she was also
excited by his reaction. She could somehow understand why he liked to bite and lick
her whole body.

A strong force suddenly gripped her chin and a pair of lips covered hers. His patience
had finally reached its limit. His feverish tongue ploughed through her lips and fiercely
traced the innards of her mouth.

“Ng… Hnn.”

Lucia closed her eyes and let herself sink into his kiss. He grabbed Lucia by the butt
and lifted her up. The moment their lips separated, he pulled her down by the waist,
to meet his erect member.


Rough moans escaped from both of their mouths. In a single motion, he penetrated all
the way to the hilt and the two of them became one.

Lucia gasped for breath as she took in his entirety and waited for his movements to
continue. But unlike usual, he did not move. She took in a restless breath and looked
at him. His blazing red eyes were oddly smiling.

How detestable; he was harassing her for no reason. She began to move following her
instincts. His breathing went into disarray at that moment. The feeling was
electrifying so Lucia moved her hips slowly while watching him.

When she lifted her butt a little, sat down and moved her body forward, he moaned
under his breath. Finding that somehow interesting, Lucia began to move more
aggressively. At first, it was fun to stimulate him then gradually, she began to get
stimulated. However, the coming stimulation wasn’t as satisfactory as when he was
the one moving.

Lucia threw her head back, closed her eyes, and moved diligently searching for

Hugo moaned and he watched her move diligently on him, his throat grew drier. The
sight of her moving slowly while biting her lips with a slight frown on her face was
both erotic and cute. She was being active in her own way but maybe she was scared
because she only pecked at the entrance without daring to do anything else.

Just being inside her felt good but his body begged for a stronger stimulus. He couldn’t
bear it anymore, so he grabbed her waist and lifted it up.


Her inner flesh gripped him tight, overcome by the sudden stimulation. He lifted her
waist up and down, continuously. She mewled loudly and leaned backwards. He let
her fall to the bed and rammed in powerfully. He grabbed her thighs and pressed
against her as if going to fold her body in half then he began to thrust into her intensely.

“A-ung! Ah!”
A sharp scream continuous cut through the air. Her tender insides latched onto him
and clenched and unclenched repeatedly, squeezing him so tight that it hurt.



As she reached her climax, her body reacted violently. He couldn’t win against the
stimulation of tight grip of her inner walls and ejaculated inside her. He swallowed the
curse climbing up his throat. He could feel the pleasure raising the hairs on the back
of his neck, but he had wanted to hold back and do it later.

He grabbed her lethargic frame and pulled her to his chest. He sat her to face him and
kissed her eyes, lips, ears and neck over and over again.

His manhood, still buried inside her, regained vigor and began to get hard again.
Feeling the pressure of his thing getting bigger and filling her up to the brim, Lucia
uttered a moan.

The night was still long.

Lucia woke up rather late, and when she opened her eyes, she idly thought that the
bedroom seemed stranger than usual, then she remembered that this was her
husband’s bedroom. She couldn’t see her husband anywhere. Perhaps the fireplace
had been lit because the room was warm unlike yesterday.

She blinked her eyes, buried deep inside the blanket, then she lazily got up. Her whole
body felt listless and heavy.

She felt like they had really set a record last night. After all, they had gone to sleep
around when the sun was beginning to rise. Lucia didn’t fall asleep as easily as she
usually did; it was like she had taken a stimulant. And maybe thanks to that, he didn’t
even think of letting her go. Because of this, Lucia came to a realization. All this while,
whenever she fell asleep, her husband also stopped.

As the blanket came off, cold air hit her body. She was naked. As Lucia wondered where
her underwear was, she remembered the lingerie from yesterday and heat rose to her

She turned around and found the lingerie in question, lying neatly on the bedside
table. She picked it to check it and her mouth fell open. It had totally become a rag.

The door suddenly opened, startling Lucia and she quickly dragged the blanket to
cover herself. Her husband entered the room, fully dressed like he was going out soon.

In that moment, Lucia felt like she had gained the power to see through things. She
could see the tight muscles on his broad chest even though he was wearing a shirt.
The sweat flowing down his chest caught her eyes, suddenly shimmering before her.
Even as he approached and perched on the bed, Lucia couldn’t look straight at him.

“Y-You haven’t left yet?”

“I’ll be going soon.”

He gazed at her with a mysterious look in his eyes then he picked something up and
seeing the rag in his fingers, Lucia screamed inwardly. He chuckled, looking at Lucia,
who couldn’t meet his eyes at all, then he put his hand down again.

“…How could you tear it up like that. Do you know how much it cost…”

“Hmm. So you planned on wearing this again?”

“Eh? N… No. Not that. I mean, I’m just saying.”

The sight of her babbling away in embarrassment was so pretty that Hugo couldn’t
help but lower his head and plant a light kiss on her lips.

“Um… yesterday… was it okay?”

“Be more specific.”

“Uh… I mean… was it better than usual or something like that.”

He burst into laughter.

“What did you think? Was it better than usual?”

“Ah… it was a little… embarrassing.”

Then Lucia added in a small voice, ‘the usual is just fine.’ His gaze turned deep as he
looked at her white cheeks stained with red. Once again, he pecked at Lucia’s lips. It
lasted a bit longer than the previous one, but it was still a light kiss.

“I already said this before but I’m crazy enough about you even without such things.”

He lifted her chin with a finger and kissed her again. This time, he sucked on her lower
lips for a long time.

“I don’t think you knew, but there’s an aphrodisiac on your underwear. From the looks
of it, you’re quite sensitive to drugs, so don’t wear it anymore.”

“An aphrodisiac?”

Lucia’s eyes widened with a start. And then remembering how she was unusually
sensitive last night and didn’t fall asleep unlike before, she was convinced. And she
also remembered Antoine’s face, confidently claiming that these things had never
been returned.

“…By the way, how do you know this?”

“The taste. I’ve been trained to distinguish between all sorts of poison, so I can tell
when something tastes strange.”

Lucia held her burning face. She had basically worn an indecent underwear and ran to
her husband, drunk on aphrodisiac. Hugo chuckled, seeing her face so red it looked
like it would burst.

“Now, I wonder where you heard this strange talk from.”


“Whenever you do something unusual, that’s usually the case. I told you, didn’t I? Don’t
listen to what those women say.”

Lucia pursed her lips. What exactly is the range for ‘those women’? Inwardly, she
grumbled, your wife isn’t such a refined lady, you know.

“…They said I should be careful. So…”

“Careful? About what.”

“…Marital boredom.”

“…Ugh, seriously.”

Hugo clicked his tongue in disbelief. Marital boredom? How was that even possible?
Even now there wasn’t the slightest hint of it. His heart was more passionate for her
with every day that passed. Today more than yesterday and tomorrow more than
today. It was to the extent that he feared the heat of the passion swallowing him up.

“So? Do you think we have marital boredom? Are you tired of me?”

Lucia stared at him. Somehow, she felt like this was usually a question asked by a

As Lucia kept staring at him silently, his expression gradually became more threatening.
Seeing his changing expression, Lucia felt a surge of mischief and acted like she was
seriously thinking about it.

“Hmm… you know…”


Lucia burst out laughing and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“I love you.”

Seeing that his expression was fully relaxed, she kissed his again.

“I love you very very much.”

He held the back of her neck and covered her small lips with his, like he was replying
in this manner. His tongue entered deep into her mouth, sweeping through her soft
flesh. When the long, sticky kiss came to an end, both of them sucked in a low breath.

“…Let’s do it once.”


Hugo flung away the blanket and flipped her over in one move.

“You… You said you were going out!”

“Why’d you have to provoke me then?”

“When did… Kyaa!”

He grabbed her ankles and like that, pulled her down. Her legs hovered at the bottom
of the bed as she lay face-down on the bed while he held her waist and lifted her butt.

When he heavily entered from behind, Lucia let out a scream. She didn’t even have the
time to breathe properly. He moved out then he thrust in all the way to the hilt again.

“Uk… Hng. Wa… Wait…”

He didn’t even listen to her pleas. Mercilessly, he rammed into her, over and over again.
He roughly penetrated deep inside her innards that was still excited from taking him
all night. Her sensitive flesh clung tight to his firmness.

It hurt. And at the same time, her sight flickered due to giddiness. He was different
from his usual self, he didn’t caress or soothe her. As if fucking her was his purpose,
he focused only on that. Her face was buried in the sheets and every time his thighs
hit her butt, her entire body shook.

“Hk! Slow down…”

She reached behind her, trying to grab his thigh and push him out. But no matter what
she did or said, she couldn’t stop him from driving in relentlessly.

Her lewd body quickly got wet, making a path for him as if asking him to enter deeper.
A hot thing rode along the path, rummaging inside her.

He feverishly drilled into her from behind, his breathing not wavering in the slightest.
Every time a firm rod slammed into her, she felt like she couldn’t breathe. His manhood
entered deep inside her, piercing and stirring up her spasming walls before leaving.

“Ah! Ahhk!”

Lucia cried out, the dizziness overwhelming her. It felt like her entire body was hit
with a strong stimulus.

Just when she thought she couldn’t endure anymore, he bit her neck and ejaculated
inside her. She thought he would continue to persist like he usually did, so she was
thankful. The powerful thrust into her, the stinging pain at the back of her neck, and
the hot liquid spreading inside her gave Lucia a sense of pleasure that almost drove
her unconscious.

Her whole body trembled minutely. As he kissed her shoulders a few times, he slowly
pulled out of her. Lucia fought for breath, unable to move. The only thought on her
mind was ‘what is this?’. There were times when he was rough, but this was the first
time he fucked her like a savage beast.

“I’ll head out.”

He whispered in her ear.

Even after he left and the door closed, Lucia lay blankly on the bed for quite a long
time, her whole body filled with tingles. After a good while passed, she slowly raised
her body. You couldn’t call that sex anything but instinctual. It felt like her soul was
being sucked out.

There was still a side of him that she didn’t know. She held her reddening cheeks. She
felt very ashamed because her heart was pounding; not because she discovered her
man’s romantic charm but because of his lust that was closer to instinctual.

[End of Sidestory 4.]

【 】
The brooch Lucia planned to give Hugo as a birthday present took much longer than
she expected to be completed. The craftsman who sketched the design was injured in
a sudden accident and had to stop working for a while.

The jeweler sent a letter explaining the situation and stated that they could hand over
the design to another craftsman if it was needed urgently.

Lucia considered it for a while, but for some reason, she didn’t want to have another
craftsman in charge of making it. So she decided to leave the design to the original
craftsman even if she had to wait longer.

Just when she had almost forgotten about it, the completed brooch was delivered to
the mansion.

Lucia placed the brooch wrapped in luxurious velvet on the table and press her hand
on her turbulent heart to regulate her breathing. Then she carefully picked it up, like
it was a very precious treasure, and brought it closer to her face.

‘I’m right. It’s the same.’

Lucia didn’t make any other further requests of the craftsman nor did she ask the
craftsman to add anything at all. She only left it to the craftsman and waited. In other
words, the brooch was completely the craftsman’s creative work.

Despite that, it looked exactly like the item that Lucia kept for many years in her
dream. No matter how she looked at it, even when she closed her eyes to remember,
it looked the same. As she stared at the item in her hand, she felt like she was going
back and forth between dream and reality.

‘Was this originally his…?’

If that was the case, then she really had no idea how his thing found its way into her
jewelry box.

Lucia didn’t have any relationship with him in her dream. She had really never touched
his collar even once. And as for him, he probably didn’t even remember that someone
like her existed. In her dream, he was someone completely out of her reach.

Jerome carefully approached her as she was lost in thought.

“Milady. The two young masters are back.”

“Only the kids are back?”

Lucia wrapped the brooch in velvet again and put it in the box.

“Yes. I only saw the two of them come down from the carriage.”

“He didn’t say he would be returning late today…”

Lucia gave the box to her maid and told the maid to take it to her bedroom, then she
left the receiving room.

Damian entered the mansion and a smile bloomed on his face as he watched the girl
who was rushing down from the second floor. He was ready to hug his sister, running
to him with her dazzling golden hair fluttering behind her. Damian opened his arms,
but his sister betrayed his expectations.

Evangeline came to a stop just a few steps away from Damian and screamed at him.

“Elder brother, did you stop Jude from coming?!”

Evangeline’s pearly cheeks were flushed red. Her expression wasn’t that a cute sister
joyfully greeting her returning brother but of fury and indignation.

The unfamiliar look on his younger sister’s face made Damian pause and he couldn’t
say anything. Because he was so taken aback, he didn’t even really hear what Evangeline


“I heard elder brother stopped Jude from coming here! Did you really do that?”
Seeing the raging figure of the girl before him, Damian searched his mind for why his
sister was angry.

Jude. He felt the boy was now much older, so it wasn’t right to keep allowing them to
behave so familiar, which is why he advised his parents to restrict the boy’s access. His
father agreed with him on that and when his father chose to do something, his mother
usually respected his father’s will.

Damian didn’t personally block Jude’s visits, but it was true he played a decisive role
in making it happen.

“…Yeah. I told father he should.”

Despite her anger, Evangeline wanted to believe that her brother wouldn’t do such a
thing but hearing this, her expression frozen with shock.

“Why? Why can’t I play with Jude?”

“Eve. You and Jude aren’t children anymore, you cannot keep playing together forever.”

“Why aren’t you allowing my friend to come to our house? I’ve never told any of your
friends not to come here. I like big brother Chris and big brother Bruno too, but why
does elder brother hate Jude?”

Even though Evangeline finally called his name properly, Bruno unfortunately couldn’t
be happy about it because of the current situation. As he watched the thunderous war-
like atmosphere between the two brother and sister, Bruno slowly stepped
backwards. He didn’t want to be caught up in it for no reason. He certainly didn’t want
to be tied to Damian and draw Evangeline’s hate.

“It’s not because I hate Jude, Eve. There’s a reason why this was necessary. If you just
get angry like this, we can’t really talk properly.”

“I won’t talk! I hate you!”


A firm voice cut off the girl’s angry cries. Evangeline turned her head with a start. Her
lips trembled when she saw her mother not smiling at all. Whenever her mother
scolded her, she always called her Evangeline instead of Eve.
“What is this rude behavior towards your brother?”

Lucia had raised Evangeline relatively freely. She didn’t enforce formal attire like it
was commonly done for noble young misses, nor did she make her practice covering
her mouth modestly when she laughed.

Instead of that, she thoroughly enforced education in etiquette and manners. Her
daughter’s act of screaming and throwing a tantrum at her older brother, who was
much older than her, in front of the servants, was something completely against
Lucia’s education philosophy.

“Apologize to your brother and go to your room.”

Evangeline bit her lips and lowered her head. Her mother usually didn’t get angry but
when she was scolding someone, she was strict. Most of the time when Evangeline
was scolded, she admitted her fault. But not this time. What her elder brother did was
far more wrong than rude behavior towards him.

Lucia frowned, seeing that her daughter was stubbornly insisting on keeping her
mouth shut.



When Lucia said ‘Evangeline’ one more time, with anger seeping into her voice,
Evangeline abruptly lifted her head.

“I’m not at fault. Why are you only like this to me, Mother?”

Lucia was really caught off-guard by her daughter’s reply. She suddenly couldn’t think
of anything to say and just stared at her daughter.


Damian cut in with a fixed expression. Damian didn’t care if his sister yelled at him or
anything, but he couldn’t just watch her act rude to their mother.

“How can you talk to Mother like that?”

Attacked from both sides, Evangeline had nowhere to escape. Tears began to fill the
girl’s amber eyes.

Bruno’s hand subconsciously moved, wanting to wipe the child’s tears, then he quietly
brought it down. Even though they were staying together as a family, his fundamental
circumstances didn’t allow him to cross the family border. So he had no choice but to
simply watch a situation like today’s unfold.

Evangeline’s shoulders heaved as she began to cry. She shut her mouth, as if showing
her stubbornness while tears fell from her eyes.

Although Lucia was taken aback by her daughter’s defiance, she felt sad to watch her
sob her heart out. But even if that was the case, she couldn’t just let this behavior pass
over like this.

Damian sighed heavily as he alternated gazes between his troubled mother and the
crying Evangeline. Normally, Damian was the one hugging and appeasing Evangeline,
but right now, he couldn’t do anything.

‘I should have talked to Evangeline first and made sure she fully understood before
talking to my parents.’

Damian chided himself for his actions that ultimately hurt Evangeline.

Evangeline was crying while Lucia and Damian were helplessly trying to figure out
how to solve this situation. A servant hesitated upon sensing the mood in the air but
eventually relayed the news.

“Master… has arrived.”

When she saw that her husband had returned, Lucia felt it was actually good timing.
She couldn’t retreat first in this scenario and she didn’t want to hurt her daughter by
pushing her even more.
“What’s going on?”

As soon Hugo stepped inside, he sensed the unusual atmosphere in the house. And he
found his daughter crying, with the rims of her eyes and nose red. Her amber eyes that
were like her mother’s were filled with tears and when she met his eyes, her shoulders
shook even more.

It was both loveable and pitiful. With a faint smile on his face, Hugo bent down and
stretched out his arms to his daughter. Evangeline glanced at her brother and mother
once, then she slowly walked to her father. As she wiped her flowing tears with the
back of her hand, her steps towards her father gradually grew faster. Evangeline ran
into her father’s arms and threw her arms around his neck.


Hugo gently patted his daughter’s back as she sobbed on his shoulders. He hugged
Evangeline and stood up before turning to look at his wife. He nodded at her, telling
her to leave this to him then he headed to the receiving room.

Who knew how such a small body was pouring out so much tears, but Hugo’s neck
was quickly soaked as his daughter buried her face in it. He sat down on the receiving
room couch with his daughter in his arms and simply patted her back, not saying
anything and just letting her cry as much as she wanted.

When the child’s cries turned to snivels, Hugo asked his daughter.

“Do you want water?”

Evangeline nodded her head. Hugo got up, still carrying her, walked to the table,
poured out some water and brought it to her lips. Evangeline quickly gulped down the
water while hiccuping from the aftermath of crying.

Hugo returned to the couch, sat down, then he spoke to his daughter who was sulkily
sitting on his lap.


“You don’t want to tell me what’s going on?”

Evangeline shook her head.

“…Elder brother… stopped Jude from coming.”

“Damian drove Jude away?”

“Jude didn’t come. But I heard elder brother made him not to come.”

Hugo was able to grasp the entire situation with her brief explanation. He had gotten
increasing skilled in doing this as he raised his young daughter who wished to express
many things with her limited but sufficient vocabulary.

He remembered telling his wife not to allow the boys into the ducal residence
anymore. And when he said that, his wife had told him:

[You can’t just stop the children from playing together all of a sudden. If you forcibly
take Eve’s friend away from her, she’ll be hurt. Let me try to make Eve understand
even if it takes some time.]

He felt his wife had a point, so he told her to do as she saw fit. There was no way his
wife would unilaterally stop Jude from coming to visit without talking to Evangeline.
And even if Jude was truly restricted from visiting, it had no relation to Damian. Hugo
thought Eve had misunderstood something.

“Eve, did you ask your mother why Jude didn’t come to see you?”


“Your brother didn’t do it.”

“Elder brother said he did it.”

“Then Damian is also mistaken. Damian can’t stop Jude from coming to visit. Only your
mother and I can. I have never stopped Jude from coming here, and your mother had
never done so as well.”


“Did you cry because you were upset Jude didn’t come?”

“…I… yelled at elder brother… and… mother got angry…”

Seeing Evangeline slurring the end of her sentence and hesitating, Hugo sensed that
there was something more to it than just crying because she was scolded by her


“…I talked back to mother.”

Oh dear. Hugo chuckled. He might have to placate his wife next after his daughter.

“Eve. You have to apologize to your mother for acting rude to her, and you also have to
tell your brother you’re sorry for misunderstanding him. Okay?”


When her husband carried her daughter to the receiving room and the cries slowly
petered out, Lucia heaved a sigh of relief. She realized her daughter who she only
fought to raise up well, had now reached the age to confront her and express her own
opinions. It was an admirable but lonely feeling.

“It’s my fault, mother. It seems she’s angry because she can’t play with Jude.”

“Jude? What about Jude?”

“Didn’t you take measures to stop Jude from coming here anymore?”

“No. If you suddenly separate two children who’ve always played together, it will hurt
them both, so I was going to give it some time and make them both understand. Today,
Jude didn’t come but I was not notified about it and this had never before. I was about
to send someone to the Marquis residence to see if anything has happened. I guess Eve
heard something strange somewhere.”

Displeasure flashed in Lucia’s eyes. For a young child to get such news, it was very
obvious where the source came from. It was the close servants waiting on her. Lucia
had always instructed them to be careful with what they say around the child. It seems
she couldn’t just let this incident pass. She had to imbue caution into the servants once
again and severely scold whoever was responsible for spreading this rumor.

“Even though you’re innocent, you became the target for Eve’s anger.” (Lucia)

“No. Eve is right. I don’t have the right to stop Eve’s friend from coming to our house.”

“If you don’t have the right, then who does? You did it because you’re worried for Eve.
Go up and get some rest. I will sent Eve to apologize to you later.”

“I don’t think you need…”

“Wrong is wrong, Damian. You cannot just accept everything Eve does. Both you and
your father, you only know how to say she’s pretty. I’m worried she’ll grow spoiled at
this rate.”

Damian didn’t agree with his mother’s worries. He believed Eve would grow into a
lady more thoughtful, lovely and beautiful than anyone else.

‘Afterall, she is mother’s daughter.’

Damian lifted his head at the sound of someone knocking on his door. It was obvious
who it was, so Damian told them to come in with a smile on his lips.

The door opened and Evangeline poked her head in through the crack of the door. It
seems she planned to carefully look around the room but found herself staring
straight at Damian who was looking at the open door.

Evangeline flinched in surprise, then she hesitantly entered the room with a bashful
smile. The rims of her eyes were still reddish due to her crying earlier. Damian’s chest
squeezed with pain as he was once again reminded of the sight of his sister crying

“I’m sorry.”

Evangeline was startled to hear Damian’s apology since she had come here to
apologize to him. Evangeline stared at Damian, her eyes asking why he was apologizing
to her.

“I’m sorry for telling our parents that Jude shouldn’t come anymore, Eve.”

“…But it wasn’t your fault that Jude didn’t come today.”

“I know. But I still insisted on what I thought without even talking to you. Next time, I
will definitely talk to you first.”

“…Nn. I’m sorry too, for yelling at you. I was wrong.”

The two of them reconciled pretty quickly.

Evangeline skipped down the stairs in a happy mood. Her mother was tough
sometimes, but Evangeline really loved her mother a lot. She held a book in her hand,
wanting her mother to read it to her.

It seemed like Evangeline was going to jump into the receiving room, but she quickly
stopped when she looked inside the open door. Her parents sat side by side on the
sofa. She couldn’t hear what the both of them were talking about. Her mother’s face
was filled with smiles, and her father was looking at her mother with very affectionate

Her mother said something, and her father smiled then kissed her mother’s lips. This
was a sight Evangeline had seen several times already, so after seeing the familiar
affectionate sight of her parents, she turned around.
As Bruno was heading down to the first floor, he discovered Evangeline sitting down
at the corner of the staircase. The sight of the girl resting her chin on her small hand
seemed serious.

He got worried she might still be in a bad mood, so he approached her carefully. When
he quietly sat down next to her, Eve turned around slightly and from what he could
tell, she seemed okay.


Evangeline glanced at Bruno then she turned back again and sighed deeply, like a tired
old man.

Bruno pressed his lips together to stop himself from laughing. The serious look on her
face was so cute that he just wanted to hug her.

“Why do you look down? Are you still mad at Damian? Do you want me to scold him
for you?”

“No. I’ve made up with big brother Damian.”

“Then what is it?”

“Pretty big brother.”


“I wish I had someone who likes me the most.”

“What? Of course, there’s someone who likes you the most, Eve. Both your parents and
Damian, they love you a lot.”

“No, I know that. But Father loves mother the most. And big brother Damian loves
mother more.”

Caught off-guard, Bruno couldn’t say anything. And he couldn’t reply that it was not
just Evangeline complaining.

The Taran family’s father and son were both in the very tight grasp of the Taran Lady
of the House. But it didn’t mean they didn’t love Evangeline. The familial love for
Evangeline, and the other form of love for the Duchess were both absolute. Since
Bruno could sense this, it was hardly possible that Evangeline couldn’t. On the
contrary, because she was a child, she was more sensitive to it.

“Big brother, you like mother more than me too, don’t you?”


Bruno didn’t know what to do. He wondered how best to explain this in a way that
wouldn’t hurt Eve’s feelings.

“You can’t compare who like who more when it comes to this. Eve, can you say you like
one of your parents more than the other?”

Evangeline was quiet for a while then she muttered.

“…Jude isn’t like that.”

“Jude isn’t like what?”

“Jude said he likes me more. He said he likes me way more than his mom and my mom.”

Bruno lip’s twitched upwards crookedly. That little rascal.

“And so you like Jude?”


Ha, Bruno snorted. And he remembered the affable smile of Jude, the younger brother
of his friend, Chris.

‘We shouldn’t underestimate him because he’s a child.’

Didn’t he sneakily ask Eve to marry him? He had thought it was just something an
immature little boy said without really knowing what it was, but perhaps the boy’s
intention was more cunning than he thought.*

Even if he was Chris’s little brother, Bruno couldn’t leave his precious little sister to be
eaten up. Bruno’s fighting spirit burned against Jude.

“Then I will be the one Eve likes the most.”

Bruno smiled meltingly as he watched his sister’s eyes open wide. It was a sweet smile
that might have caused the young ladies who were always peeking at him to faint from
ecstasy if they saw it.

“Or do you like Jude but not me?”

Evangeline quickly shook her head. Then she grinned softly with rose cheeks.

How cute, Bruno rubbed Evangeline’s small head then he picked up the book next to
her and stood up.

“Let’s go upstairs. I’ll read it to you.”


Evangeline took Bruno’s held out hand with excitement.

“But big brother. You’re really so pretty. You’re prettier than Patricia.”

Evangeline was still too young to fall for Bruno’s charming smile. So she expressed her
appreciation from the viewpoint of a child. Patricia was a lovely princess doll that
Evangeline cherished.


Bruno knew it was a compliment, but he let out a sigh. His complex mood couldn’t
really be described as pleasant. He prayed for the day Evangeline would remove the
title ‘pretty’ from his name.
“They say kids only listen when they’re kids.”

Hugo pulled her close and squeezed her shoulders. His large hand gently stroked her

“Are you still unhappy? Eve apologized and said she was sorry.”

“I’m not mad at Eve. It’s just… my heart feels lonely. She’s already so big…”

“It’s just a child’s tantrum. Don’t take it so seriously.”

“I guess I’ve only thought of Eve as a young child.”

“She is still young.”

“No. I think she’s grown up. I remember you saying this a while back: Even after raising
them up, children will later go out to find their own path.”

Hugo laughed deeply as he listened to his wife’s grumbling. It looks like today, he was
fated to appease both mother and daughter.

“I did say that. Let the kids grow. All I need is you.”


Actually, when he said it like that, Lucia was unwilling. Just as she couldn’t imagine a
life without him, she couldn’t imagine a life without her children.

“Wow, you won’t say it back, even if it’s just lip service.”

“…Hugh. Um…”

“It’s fine. This is why they say the one who loves more loses.”

“Where in the world is that weird confidence coming from? Did you look into my heart
or what?”

“Originally, the lacking side is the side that feels it.”[1]

Lucia was silent for a while then she sat up.


Hugo felt like he could see her rigid expression despite the darkness in the room, so
he grabbed her arms and pulled her back into his embrace.

“Why’re getting serious again? Guess I can’t say anything.”

“I love you. I don’t want you thinking that I love the children more than you.”

“I know. It’s just an issue that can’t be helped. You have a definite priority between me
and the kids and I know you have a hard time distinguishing it. I have no intention of
pushing you to feel exactly like I do. I just don’t want you to worry too much over the
children’s issue. Don’t set your sight elsewhere when someone who’s always thinking
about you is right next to you.”

“…Your smooth talk is getting better and better.”

Lucia burrowed into his chest. When she lost her mother at a young age, she thought
she would never meet someone who would love her unconditionally like her mother
did. Sometimes when she felt the overflowing love he had for her, her heart was

Translator’s corner:

Not sure how to word this. From my (limited) understanding, he’s saying the side

that wants more feels the lack of love?? That’s my best explanation. For anyone that
knows KR, this is the raw: [“원래 부족한 쪽이 느끼는 법이야.”] If you have a better
wording, please let me know.
She seemed to have had a strange dream. Lucia squinted her eyes and tried her best
to recall the dream, but she couldn’t remember anything. She felt like it was a very
pleasant dream. She dawdled for a bit, feeling down then she got up. As soon as she
left her blanket, which was heated by her body temperature, the cold air in the room
covered her entire body.

She placed her feet down beside the bed and the sensation of the cold wooden floor
on the soles of her feet made her shiver. She used her feet to grope for her slippers and
put them on. The inside of the slippers was cold as well, but it was made of soft wool
so it quickly grew warm.

She dipped her hand in the water that she had left out last night in advance. The chill
from it made goosebumps rise till the crown of her head. ‘Ueeee’, she groaned bizarrely
and quickly finished washing herself with the cold water.

Lucia looked at her blurry image in the mirror. Clear mirrors were very expensive
items, so unfortunately, the mirror she had was stained with black.

This sort of mirror also had its advantages. Because it showed no blemishes or
wrinkles, it had the effect of making the reflected image pretty. There wasn’t anyone
to show herself to anyways, so it was enough to just check that there was nothing on
her face; that’s what she thought, but nowadays, the blurry mirror irritated her.

Fixing a stare at the mirror, she brought her face close to it. And with that, she could
see a small wrinkle that wasn’t very noticeable.

‘My life has just gone by without me even noticing. I’m already so old… ’

She had already gotten older than the age her mother was when she passed away. As
she grew older, she realized her mother was actually very young when she gave birth
to her. She couldn’t help but wonder how many nights her mother secretly cried to
herself while raising a daughter at such a young age. She felt sorry to her mother for
not living a good life despite her efforts.

“This isn’t the time for this.”

After sitting absentmindedly for a while, she suddenly sprang to her feet and threw on
her clothes. As she left her bedroom, she found the door of the opposite room open.
She used to use this room for storing miscellaneous things, but now, there was a guest
staying there for a while.

Lucia quietly approached and glanced inside the room. As expected, it was empty. The
guest was an early riser so he always woke up earlier than Lucia, then he would leave
the door open as if to indicate that he was already up.

‘I didn’t think he’d stay here this long.’

She was seized with a strange feeling. Someway or the other, she had been living
together with this guest who suddenly appeared for a little over a month.

‘It’s amazing how it doesn’t feel uncomfortable.’

Even though a stranger had butt into the space where she had lived alone for many
years, it didn’t feel out of place, as if she had lived with someone for a long time.

The man probably couldn’t even imagine it. That the bumpkin living in this little rural
area knew his identity. Lucia had heard a banging on her door at sunset and when she
opened the door, she couldn’t even begin to describe how surprised she saw to see the
man standing in front of her. When he asked if he could rent a bed for the night, she
had quickly nodded her head like a fool.

‘Don’t even dream about it. He’ll be leaving soon.’

Lucia chided herself. He was someone way out of her league.

‘When he leaves, he’ll quickly forget about an old peasant like me.’

He wouldn’t even remembered her as a woman he passed by. Even though she knew
that, she was aware of the changes in herself as these days, she kept looking in the
mirror. The gentle breeze blowing in her heart kept making her excited.

Lucia went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She chopped the ingredients and lit
the fire. She habitually reached out to scoop water from the water jar that was filled
to the brim, but then she paused. The water jar that was half-full from yesterday’s use
was now filled to the brim as always.

Even though she had never asked, he filled the jar with water, every morning without
fail. And in his spare time, he chopped firewood. Her storage was filled with so much
firewood that she felt like they could last all winter.

Lucia suddenly laughed. She wasn’t sure why such a precious personage was so
stringent in doing this kind of unpleasant tasks.

When the soup began to boil, she stepped out to look for him. She checked his room
first since he might have come back while she was cooking but it was empty. Next, she
checked the backyard where the firewood was usually cut. But there was no sign of
him there too. She walked around the house several times, but he was nowhere to be

‘Did he leave? Without even saying goodbye?’

Her heart felt a bit empty. She went to the backyard again and stood, vacantly staring
at the pile of wood that was yet to become firewood.

“What are you doing?”

Lucia spun around in surprise.

There he was, looking at Lucia with a particularly indifferent expression. In his hand
were a few wriggling rabbits bound up together by a vine.

‘Right… hunting.’

He often went hunting in the morning. Lucia’s face grew hot. She felt so embarrassed
of herself because she had completely forgotten about it and gotten all sad on her own.

“Ah… breakfast is ready.”

“I guess I’m late.”

“Well… please come in and eat.”

Lucia nodded to him in greeting and hurried into the house. She couldn’t look back
because for some reason, she felt his gaze on her back.
‘I guess lunch will be rabbit stew. Should I make some grilled clams too?’

As she ate breakfast, Lucia was thinking about the next meal. When she lived alone,
she made roughly three meals for herself and that was it, but ever since she had a
guest, it became something she put effort into. Furthermore, he was certainly used to
eating only high-quality dishes, so she felt embarrassed to give him her shoddy meals.

Lucia secretly watched him as they ate. She couldn’t believe it even though he was
right in front of her. Even though she knew it was impossible for there to be two men
with such an appearance and atmosphere around them.

Her gaze fell on the soup bowl he was eating from. Lucia gave a small sigh as she
watched him eat a breakfast consisting of soup with only onions and potatoes.

‘This place… it doesn’t suit him.’

She used him as an excuse, but the truth was, it was for her own sake. He was going to
leave anyways. It was better for her to send him away before spending time with him
became something she was used to in her daily life.

After they were done eating, Lucia brought out some tea and spoke as if she was just
saying it in passing:

“When it gets colder, it will be harder to move.”

He looked at her with a brow raised.

“Do you mean you can’t let me sleep and eat for free anymore? Do not worry, I will pay
the lodging fees.”

He had already done more than enough work to pay for accommodation. The firewood
he cut alone was enough to last the entire winter. Thanks to his regular hunts, there
were piles of skins in the storage and if they were sold, it would bring in a considerable
sum of money. Lucia had never eaten meat almost every day like she did nowadays.
No matter where they were, capable people always shone. His tenaciousness was true.
He was the only person who made her heart flutter in her memories, marking with
the pain of her youth. So Lucia’s heart throbbed when she looked at him and she felt
bitter because she was reminded of her place and knew that she didn’t suit him at all.

“That’s not what I meant. The person waiting for you… will be worried.”

“There is no such person.”

He nonchalantly declared. Lucia wanted to immediately ask, ‘how can that be?’. He was
already married. He had both a wife and a son waiting for him. And it wasn’t just his
family. Many of his subordinates were probably stamping their feet, searching for his

“I am uncomfortable.” (Lucia)


“I’ve lived alone for so long that living with someone else is too much for me.”

Lucia felt him staring at her, but she looked down and deliberately maintained a look
of determination on her face. A while later, she heard the sound of something metal
hitting her wooden table. Lucia lifted her gaze slightly to look and flinched.

‘Why is that…?’

The thing he put on the table was an item she kept buried deep in her drawer. It was
a brooch, framed in the shape of a lion with red jewels on it. She still had no idea how
it came into her possession, but there was someone she was reminded of when she
looked at it so she just couldn’t throw it away.

Sometimes when she remembered it, she took out. Just like how her mother took out
the pendant from time to time. And nowadays, because the person she thought of
when she took out the brooch was actually in front of her, she found herself taking it
out more often.

‘Have I ever brought it out of my room?’

She quickly reached for the brooch, but his hand was faster. Seeing the brooch in his
hand, Lucia bit her lips. And she glared fiercely at him.
“I see you repay my goodwill in this manner. Did you go through my room?”

“Do not misunderstand. I only picked up something that was dropped on the floor.”

“Dropped where?”

“In front of your bedroom door.”

“If that’s the case, you didn’t have to pick it up. Isn’t it obvious that something
misplaced in the house belongs to the house owner? I would have found it pretty

“You’re right. But, there is something I want to ask. Is this yours?”

“You’re being really rude. Are you suspecting me of having something that isn’t mine?
Is it an item too precious for a puny woman to have? It’s definitely mine so please give
it back.”

He looked at Lucia’s fuming figure then he chuckled.

“Did you know? You’ve said more today than you’ve done the past month I’ve been
here till now.”

She could say the same for him; he was saying much more than usual. Lucia studied
his change in attitude with doubt in her eyes. His expression was usually cold and
emotionless but somehow, today, he had a smile on his face.

“You know who I am.”

Lucia flinched in spite of herself. When she saw his eyes narrow slightly, she inwardly
knew something was wrong.

“A farming woman living alone in a remote corner knows who I am? Of course, I was
suspicious of your identity and tried to find out. I’m the type of person that can’t let
things pass when I’m suspicious. If not for this thing, I probably wouldn’t have ever
figured it out. But it’s been so long ago that it took me a while to remember.”

“What do…”

“Your name, if my memory serves me right, is Vivian.”

Lucia’s face instantly turned pale. She unknowingly tightened her fist even more and
her clenched fists trembled on the table. He flicked the brooch at the tip of his fingers,
caught it, then he grinned. His vivid red eyes curved slightly.

“You’re right; this is yours. Afterall, I gave it to you. I put it in the jewelry box you hid
in that secret passage.”

Lucia was trembling as she woke up with a start. She couldn’t move an inch, like she
was frozen, and her eyes darted around frantically in the dark.

Where is this? Which one is the dream, which one is reality? Then she felt his warmth
beside her and heaved a sigh of relief. This was reality.

‘Oh… Oh my god… ’

She couldn’t believe this dazzling wonder at all.

‘I remember now… ’

When she woke up from the dream in the morning at 12 years old, she thought she
hadn’t seen her life in her later years. But today’s dream told her something different.
It wasn’t that she didn’t see it but that her small head at the time couldn’t take some
parts of her extremely vast dream.

In her dream, all the bitter events in her life happened in her youth. Her life afterwards
was relatively calm and stable. In particular, the events that shocked Lucia the most
was her marriage to Count Matin and the things that happened after that marriage.
They were so overwhelmingly shocking that it pushed away her memory of other
events. However, the memory lying unconscious in her mind was stimulated by the
brooch she received today and made itself known.

She could even faintly recall her memories of old age in her dream. She was smiling
and was accompanied by a man who looked like her husband, decades later.

Her heart pounded heavily in her chest. It squeezed so tightly that it hurt. Her eyes
heated up and she couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down her face. She covered her
face with her hands and tried to stop her sobs from leaking.
‘It was you. It was always you.’

She thought she had lived a life with no connection to him, but her memory showed
her that in her dream, she had met him. Although she went through many incidents
and spent many years alone before she met him, she eventually did and formed a
relationship with him.

Lucia thought she had distorted the original flow of the future. She thought she had
forcefully made him connected to her. But now she saw that she would have certainly
met him in the future. There was a long thread of fate between the two of them. Her
whole body trembled with emotion.


As he was a light sleeper, he was woken up by the sound of her subdued sobs.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

He asked urgently and his voice was filled with worry. Lucia couldn’t hold back her
overflowing emotions and wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing him tight.
Her tears kept flowing so she could only hold him and keep crying.

“It’s okay, Vivian.”

He thought she might have been shocked by a nightmare, so he kept coaxing her. He
supported her with his hand and gently stroked her back.

“I love you, Hugh.”

Much more than you can imagine, perhaps so much more than you. Although she
wanted to say this aloud, she couldn’t speak because she was crying. He laughed softly
before kissing her ear and whispered into it.

“I love you.”

Lucia trembled and burrowed further into his embrace. The Lucia in the dream had
her life saved thanks to him, and even though they didn’t spend their youths together,
they spend the end of their lives alongside each other. The Lucia in reality met him
and was able to obtain complete happiness without repeating the tragic future in her
Her relationship with him was the greatest miracle in her life.

[End of Sidestory: Where Dream and Reality Meet.]

【 】
“I have done my part in declaring you as my successor. The rest is up to you. Graduate.
Then this place is yours.”

The six year old Damian believed in his father’s promise and entered the Academy. He
fiercely strove to graduate, as it was the only means towards achieving his goal of
taking over his father’s position. No matter what was around him, his eyes never
strayed. Because he wanted the meaning of his existence to be recognized.

When Damian was 13, he was informed that the Duke of Taran had gotten married.
Damian didn’t think the news was anything special and merely noted it in his memory.
A few months later, Damian was notified that he had been registered into legal status
and received a portrait of the new Duchess/ his step-mother along with the news. The
woman drawn in the painting was dressed in showy clothing and for some reason,
both her expressions and posture looked rigid.

‘His Grace the Duke’s standards are lower than I thought.’

By Damian’s standards, the woman could never classify as a beauty.

‘A mother… is it?’

Since his status had become legal, it meant the Duchess was now his mother. However,
Damian didn’t really feel like it meant much. Even if he met the Duchess in person, it
was unlikely for him to be able to call her mother. Then again, he was sure the Duchess
wouldn’t want to be called by such a title. The Duchess hadn’t even had her own
children, yet she was dirtied by the likes of an illegitimate child. It was obvious to him
how humiliated the Duchess would feel.

He had gained a new family, but he felt no joy. Anyways, he would only meet the
Duchess after he graduated from the Academy. And even if they met, he would be glad
if the Duchess simply ignored him instead of trying to harm him.
Damian didn’t pay anymore attention to the Duke’s marriage. He was focused only on
studying. Although he was always ranked first, at other times, he was just an
unremarkable student. There were guys who tried to pick fights with him when he
was young but as they got older, they lost interest in Damian, who had nothing but
excellent grades.

Damian was always alone. He wasn’t interested in anything other than his grades. He
never once thought he needed a friend. He thought he felt no loneliness even though
he was alone. But without even realizing it, the walls of solitude around Damian were
growing higher and thicker. The boy who already didn’t smile much, gradually forgot
how to smile.

Finally, when he finished all of his studies at the Academy and held his diploma in his
hand, Damian felt a sense of emptiness rather than a sense of accomplishment. The
result of what he consistently clung to for more than a decade was nothing more than
a piece of paper. He believed he could prove his existence when he graduated but it
was merely false hope.

‘I… Why did I want to become the Duke?’

The boy who only ran forward without reserve began to look back when he became a
young man.

‘I wanted to receive father’s recognition.’

He wanted to be praised; he wanted to be told he had done well. However, after

sending Damian to the Academy at six, his father didn’t even send a brief letter till he

‘It didn’t have to be me.’

The Duke didn’t choose Damian as his successor because of Damian himself, but
because Damian was his only child. It wouldn’t matter if the position of ‘young lord’
went to the son the Duchess might have someday instead of Damian.

The winter he was seventeen, Damian realized something.

He was alone.
The swinging blade made a dull sound as it reaped a life. As Damian stared at the neck
flying the air, he thought to himself that the drops of blood on his face were
exceptionally hot. He had learned to have this kind of mental state when destroying

“We are done after finishing up here, young master.”

“Good job.”

Damian showed his appreciation for the knight in charge of the miscellaneous clean-
up, then he turned to take a wide look around. Dead bodies with parts missing were
scattered all over the place. The knights were moving around to gather the bodies in
one place and were piling up firewood in preparation to burn them.

When Damian turned twenty, he began to go to subjugate barbarians. And ever since
then, he stayed in Roam. The Duke’s days were extremely busy as the king’s closest
aide and he could not leave the capital, so naturally, father and son lived apart from
each other.


Damian approached the knights that were moving two bodies. Even from a distance,
it was obvious the two corpses had very different physique and it bothered him for
some reason.

When he drew closer, he realized that it wasn’t only their physiques that were
different; there was a considerable age difference between the two bodies. It was a
middle-aged man and a young man who had just come of age. And their very similar
facial features told anyone that they were related somehow. They had protected each
other, the father for the child, and the child for the father and they were dried tears
and blood around the rims of their eyes.

“Young master, do you have a different order or…?”

The knight carefully asked after seeing Damian stand there silently, looking at the
corpses for a while.

“…No. I’ll leave the rest to you. I shall return first.”

When Damian turned around and quickly walked to his leased horse, the knight
hurriedly ran after him.

“Young master, it is dangerous to move separately. We are in the middle of the

barbarian land and…”

“Didn’t you say there are no movements in the vicinity?”

“That’s correct, but one can never know.”

Damian hopped on the horse despite the knight’s protests.

“I want to hurl. The smell of blood is especially nauseating today.”

Damian held the horse and kicked the horse’s side in one swift motion. Seeing
Damian’s back becoming distant in the blink of an eye, the knight quickly called for a
nearby knight to join and followed after the young master.

After running with the two knights for a while, Damian felt something strange, so he
slowed down and came to a stop. The knights followed suit and came up to Damian.

“Young master, is something the matter?”

“…We’re surrounded.”


The knights were startled and looked around in a hurry. There were no signs of people
around but Damian was born with sharp senses so he could sense the movements of
a group slowly narrowing around them. Their suppressed bloodthirst could be felt in
the air as they carefully approached like a pack of wolves round up prey.

‘Dozens… no, more than that?’

The power on Damian’s side was only that of three people. No matter how skilled a
knight was, there was a limit to overcoming an absolute inferiority in numbers.
‘I guess this is it.’

Damian’s expression was calm as he predicted the end of his short life. He looked up
at the sky; it was particularly clear today, without a cloud in sight. He had heard that
when the end approached, you would see the person you missed the most drawn in
the sky. Damian stared at the sky for a good while, then he smiled bitterly and lowered
his head.

Nothing was drawn.

The Duke of Taran rushed to Roam upon receiving the terrible news of Damian Taran’s
death. He met his son for the first time in a very long while, but his son’s body was
already cold.

After the funeral of the young lord, the Duke of Taran gathered the entire power of his
family and declared war against the barbarians. No one was able to stop the Duke of
Taran’s quest for the price of his son’s life.

The conquest of the northern barbarians ended in a year, being more of a unilateral
massacre than an actual war. Countless barbarians were killed, regardless of age or
gender. The bodies formed mountains and rivers of blood. The repulsive smell of
burning bodies rode on the wind and covered the entire barbarian land. And so, the
vast barbarian land became a territory with no owner.

It was like a vast, empty piece of land had suddenly dropped from the sky causing
many countries to drool over it. A vast territory was a necessary condition to be
reborn as a prosperous country. Heated competition for the land began to break out
all over the place.

It was a prelude to an enormous war which was later called the Second Continental

[End of Sidestory: In Another Future – Damian]

【 】
He was born the third son of the Hawkes family of the Madoh Empire. The Hawkes
family was a distinguished household known for its outstanding bloodline that had
produced great magicians for generations. In a world where innate magical power was
a measure of power and authority, the Hawkes family stood in a position to preside
over order.

However, he was a variant that didn’t deserve to bear the name of the great Hawkes
family. He had poor magical power from birth and it didn’t get better even when he
got older. While his parents and siblings walked the path of first-class magicians, he
was unable to cast the magic for even a small flame and fell behind.

His parents and his siblings considered him to be the shame of their family. He was
neglected by his parents and was a target of harassment for his siblings. His siblings’
malicious pranks grew worse over time and got to the extent that it threatened his life.

When he woke up after being in a coma for a couple of days, he was banished from the
house. His parents didn’t want useless gossip to arise about siblings killing each other,
so they decided to erase the issue from the root. So under the pretext of recuperation,
he left on exile to a family-owned remote villa. This happened when he was ten.

He had been abandoned but now, he could enjoy a much calmer life. The old villa was
so remote that people in his family almost couldn’t find it and it became his home.
There was no one to torment him and nobody who saw him as a bug.

The residents of the nearby village had never seen a noble personage before and were
afraid due to all the terrible rumors surrounding the appearance of a noble but
gradually forgot their fear when he caused no harm.

Although his magical power wasn’t anything to write home about, he was very
knowledgeable, so he was able to provide the solution to many difficult problems. The
residents gradually forgot their fear of nobility and as more time passed, they began
to follow the wise young noble.

He could not use magic, but he did not slack on getting knowledge into his head. He
truly enjoyed reading books, gaining new knowledge, and exploring truths with
unlimited imagination. Once he got lost in thought, he never realized the passing of
the day nor the rising of the sun; he was simply absorbed into it. His knowledge was
endlessly deep in every way, apart from his lowly magic.

He was immersed in a world of infinite imagination. In his head was a space made for
questing for the truth. In his mind, his thoughts split and spread like the roots of a tree.

“Young master!”

He was startled awake by a fierce scream. He felt like he was just about to have
something in his grasp, so it was really a pity. He frowned at the plump middle-aged
woman beside him.

“Martha! I told you not to disturb me.”

“I wouldn’t if you behaved with moderation. You’ve been like this since last night and
the sun is already high in the sky today! Whatever you do, I don’t care, but you have to

Martha exclaimed.

Seeing Martha giving him a stern look with her hands on her waist, he smiled
dispiritedly. Martha was obsessed with making sure he was eating properly and did
not tolerate him skipping more than two meals.

‘I won’t die even if I don’t eat. Why can’t she understand?’

Even though his magical power was meagre, his innate bloodline was so exceptional
that he would be fine even if he went starving for a week. However, Martha thought
the young master she had been taking care of since he was a child was very weak, so
even though he was now fifteen years old, he was still treated as a child.

“Alright, I got it. I’ll go eat.”

He grumblingly rose to his feet. Although he was interrupted, he couldn’t get mad at
Martha. For him, who had been abandoned by both his parents and siblings, Martha
was his only family. He had never once thought Martha was lowly because she was a

“Why is the young master still not here? It’s way past mealtime.”

Martha mumbled to herself and went to find the young master. No matter how old he
got, the young master’s bad habits showed no signs of getting better. She had to chase
him around to eat like a four year old, and even then, he only ate one meal.

Martha felt a great sense of responsibility towards making sure the young master ate
properly. Martha looked for the young master in places he was likely to be. Fortunately,
there were only a few places that he visited frequently. Most of the time, he was in his
study, and if the weather was warm, he walked around the backyard or sometimes, he
went a little farther and sat under the tree on the low hill behind the villa.

Since he wasn’t in the study or the backyard, there was only one place left. As she
climbed the hill, she met another villager to happened to be passing by.

“The young master is sitting up there.”

The person knew who Martha was looking for, so they immediately told her where the
young master was.

Martha walked faster and reached the top of the hill. And there, she found the young
master sitting back, under the huge tree, with his eyes closed. He probably wasn’t
sleeping. The young master was always in this position when he was lost in his

Martha drew closer, planning to call out really loud in order to drag the young master
out of his thoughts but when she got close enough and saw the gentle expression on
his face, she stopped. It was unknown what the young master was thinking about but
there was a smile playing on his lips.

Martha didn’t want to disrupt his good mood, so she decided to just sit down. But
perhaps she felt a little peeved for she sat down quite loudly but the young master
didn’t seem to hear a thing and didn’t move an inch. Then again, this was the same
person she had to scream out several times before he finally heard her and woke up,
so this was expected.
‘He has grown a lot, hasn’t he?’

Martha look in the image of the grown-up young master anew. As the young master
was already eighteen years old, there were no signs of a young boy on his visage. His
black hair, which couldn’t be found among common people like herself, reminded her
of the difference between them.

Martha was amazed every time she saw the young master’s black hair and black eyes.
And she forgot that the young master was one of those scary noble people. The young
master was a good man with a warm heart.

‘He’s a pitiful person.’

Martha just couldn’t understand the behavior of the nobles who abandoned their child
or brother without any hesitation. If your child was weak, then you should protect
them and care for them even more. Wasn’t that how a parent should act?

‘Despite all that, he grew up very well.’

Martha was filled with satisfaction every time she saw the young master who had
grown up graciously. The village maidens who didn’t know their place were eyeing the
young master, but they shouldn’t even bother trying for the impossible. He wasn’t
someone that those thoughtless rural girls should desire. The young master was going
to have a virtuous and beautiful woman as his wife, have a son and daughter, and live
happily ever after.

After watching the young master with contentment for some time, signs of boredom
began to show on Martha’s face. She had been sitting there without doing anything for
a while, so she was feeling impatient plus she was hungry. In the end, Martha couldn’t
bear it and called out.

“Young master.”

As expected, he was too lost to hear anything even if she called out once or twice. So
Martha yelled.

“Young master!”

He opened his eyes like he had been startled awake.

“Martha. Is it time for lunch already?”

“It’s a good while past that actually. I’ve been waiting for you, young master. Do you
know how hungry I am?”

“That’s why I said you should go ahead and eat first.”

“What’s the fun in eating alone?”

“…Do you eat for fun?”

He got up. Martha was the type to reply with two words when you said one word so
he had learnt to just say he understood no matter what, otherwise he would just get
caught up in Martha’s nagging.

T/N: If you’re confused, don’t worry. We are still in the same story, but this is basically
a backstory. This side-story is also the last side story in Lucia.
The space of truth in his mind expanded infinitely over time. He added knowledge and
created new knowledge in the seemingly endless space, filling it with the truths
pursued by pioneers and explored unknown area, never explored before.

He lay down in bed to sleep but the thought that suddenly sprang into his mind made
him fall into contemplation. He couldn’t sense the sun rising in the sky or the day
darkening to night. He felt like he was floating aimlessly, like the air around him had
changed into a space with no gravity.


He lamented and abruptly opened his eyes. His eyes flickered with a golden light. He
was overwhelmed with an indescribable sense of joy and looked down at his
trembling hands. There was a faint light lingering around his hands. The change that
had shown up on his body felt very mysterious to him, so he carefully closed his hands,
opened them, then flipped them back and forth to examine them.

The light coming from his hands gradually began to spread all over his body. And the
energy streaming from the light gradually began to gush forth and wrapped around
him, as if wanting to swallow him.

Pop! There was no actual sound, but he could feel the sound of something popping all
over his body. And a golden beam of light burst from his body, piercing the ceiling and
into the skies. Like that, he lost consciousness.

It was the awakening of a Great Archmage.

When he opened his eyes, he found unfamiliar people gathered around the bed he was
in. As he sluggishly sat up, a luxuriously dressed woman began to speak to him.

“You’re up. How do you feel?”

He frowned, wondering who this familiar but unfamiliar woman was. When he didn’t
reply, the woman’s face darkened, and she spoke like she was embarrassed.

“Aren’t you going to greet your mother after seeing her in a long time?”

Mother? He barely managed to remember. Was this woman his mother? The mother
in his memory always looked coldly at him with thinly veiled contempt. His mother
was ashamed whenever she saw his young self because she couldn’t believe she had
given birth to such a useless thing.

“Don’t rush the child too much, he just woke up.”

A man beside the woman added, and because of the woman who introduced herself
as his mother, he quickly remembered who the man was. It was his father. The father
who always clicked his tongue icily whenever he saw him, was now talking as if he was
very worried about him. It was a strange sight.

“There has been no precedent of magic power manifesting late like in your case.
Everyone saw your pillar of light. It was really beautiful. I am very proud of you, my

Ahh. He finally understood what was going on. He looked at his hand and clenched his
fist. He could feel strong power coursing through his entire body. The energy was so
powerful and bottomless, it felt like he could have the entire world in his grasp.

The child, who was abandoned for his uselessness, was actually a radiant jewel
covered in mud. When the mold trapping him was taken off, and his true self was
revealed, they came to find the child they had abandoned. He couldn’t hold back at all
and burst into laughter.

His parents were initially pleased to see him laugh but as they noticed the madness in
his laughter, their expression slowly hardened. It was only when the people around
him began to exchange serious glances that he stopped laughing. His expression was
extremely cold.

“Where is this… no, where is Martha?”

Martha? Who was that? No one knew who he was looking for.

He had already forgotten this fact, but Martha was a commoner. It was a title with the
meaning ‘animal’ in it, a lowly thing. Perhaps they didn’t even know that a commoner
had a name. He felt uneasy for some reason.

“I’m talking about the commoner who waits on me. The old woman.”

“You do not need to be served by a commoner any longer.”

“Agreed. You can’t have such a lowly thing around you.”

“I said! Where is Martha?!”

“If you’re talking about the lowly thing that dared to stop us from taking you, it has
received the appropriate punishment.”

The answer came from the mouth of a certain man. He remembered this man. It was
his brother, the one who tormented him viciously and the party responsible to putting
him close to the jaws of death. The man smiled crookedly and spoke in a mocking

“I see you didn’t learn properly because you lived with such a lowly thing. How rude
of you to raise your voice at your parents.”

“By appropriate punishment… do you mean you killed her?”

The man scowled.

“Saying it that way isn’t right.”

“I asked if you killed her.”

“I merely passed down punishment. Commoners are originally awfully weak.”

Something snapped in his head and he closed his eyes. His heart froze over but at the
same time, it began to burn with hot rage. When his eyes opened again, they were
filled with golden light. He felt the power in his body boil and overflow. He
indifferently watched as shock filled the gazes of the people around him and he
unleashed all of his power.
“We hereby command you to forfeit the family name of Hawkes, and to be banished

He was given the most severe punishment for killing more than ten people, his parents
and brother included. He was harshly punished to wander a desolate land with
nothing but his body.

A restraint hung from his neck. It was a stigma showing that he was a criminal and it
could never be removed for the duration of his punishment. Since his crime was so
severe, he received a life-time sentence, which meant he would never be able to take
it off, in addition, expulsion magic had been added to his restraint. The criminal
wearing this restraint could not approach any borders where the influence of the
Madoh Empire reached.

He accepted his punishment. Not because he acknowledged his crime, but because he
had no attachment towards his family and the country he was born and raised in.

There were the commoners who weren’t treated as people simply because they
weren’t born with power, and then there were the imperials who saw themselves as
gods and would never pass down the punishment of death no matter how serious the
crime was. He felt something was wrong with this world.

No matter how powerful your magical power was, you would die if you didn’t eat.
When imperials who were used to being waited on for everything got banished, they
couldn’t last long and would starve to death. Outside the borders of the Madoh Empire
was a wild wasteland filled only with beasts.

He walked on endlessly in his exile. The knowledge he gained from being around
commoners from a young age helped him survive. He knew how to distinguish
between some edible weeds and using a mousetrap he made, he caught rat for food.

He continued to contemplate and explore endlessly, only stopping to eat and sleep. He
grew thinner and his skin became rough due to exposure to wind and rain, but his
gaze grew deeper. One day, he chanced upon a building that was falling apart. It was a
temple made of stone and he guessed it was made in ancient history. He decided to
settle down and live there. It seemed to have been built with a solid foundation
because the basic structure was still remaining.
The pendant-shaped restraint on his neck wasn’t one that restricted his ability, so his
magic power grew more powerful over time. He used his magic to make a stone doll
and controlled it to renovate the temple into a mansion. The doll he made was
gradually able to perform more detailed instructions and was able to do basic tasks
such as cooking and cleaning.

Since he no longer had to worry about his survival, he spent all his time studying
magic. It did not matter if there were no books or experimental materials with him.
There was already boundless knowledge in his head and everything around him could
become test material.

As he lived estranged from the world, not noticing the passage of time, he suddenly
discovered something strange. He had casually taken a look at his face and realized he
looked very young, around twenty years of age. He hadn’t counted the days, but he
knew that at least 10 years had passed. He wasn’t sure how, but time was leaving him
untouched. Now, even the flow of time could not disrupt his passion for learning.

One day, he broke the sturdy wall surrounding him and gained new, tremendous power.

He found himself in a place that could be described at pure-white, or pitch-dark. He

was standing on a golden path that stretched out for miles with no end in sight. He
slowly walked along the path and watched as countless fragments of time flashed by
him. Day, months, and decades of time swiftly flew by. Absurdly colossal events left
afterimages in his head in the blink of an eye.

He saw a future in which the Madoh Empire disappeared and the magic in the world
dispersed. A future was coming where the commoners founded a new country and
ruled the world, a future where the imperials were trampled by the commoners whom
they disdained so much and not even a trace of them was left.

The restraint around his neck could no longer restrict him. He could take it off if he
wanted to and return to the Empire at any time. But he continued his life as a hermit.

He had no attachment to life but the more he knew, the more he couldn’t abandon his
desire to see the end of the seemingly infinite truth. And so, he prepared for the day
things would end. He set up a barrier around the vicinity of the mansion and gathered
magical power. The barrier would protect him and the mansion even if the magic
power in the world dispersed in the distant future.
Then a very long time passed; a time so long that he couldn’t even guess it.
He was enjoying an early morning bath. Today like usual, he was soaking in a bath full
of warm water with his eyes closed. Upon detecting the sign of an intruder touching
the barrier, he frowned and clicked his tongue. It was definitely that fearless and
impudent little girl.

One day, a little girl got through the barrier that thoroughly prevented all intrusion
and she had even entered the mansion. The barrier didn’t work on the child at all. He
tried his best to figure out why but eventually had to conclude that there was a minute
loophole akin to a variable somewhere in the dense membrane.

The problem was the little girl. He had left her alone since she wasn’t exactly causing
any harm but ever since then, she had been coming and going frequently as if this was
her own house.

After he was done having a relaxed bath, he came out. His senses caught an energy
signal moving around restlessly in the dining room. He put on clothes and went down
to the dining room.


Seeing the woman with a bright smile on her face, he stopped.

“You haven’t had breakfast yet, right? I brought a few dishes you’ll like.”

He looked at the chattering woman with a new gaze. When did that tiny little girl grow
so big? She was no longer a young child. The little kid dressed in bright and beautiful
clothes had at some point, become a full-fledged young lady.

When he merely stood there, watching her without saying anything, Evangeline
studied his face.

“…Are you angry? Because I moved around as I liked…?”

Cael stared at Evangeline for a moment then he snorted.

“Is this the first time?”

When he sat down at the set table and picked up a fork, Evangeline giggled and quickly
scuttled over to him. Then she filled his empty glass with water and began to serve the

“Just for me? What about yours, kid?”

“I already ate, so don’t mind me. And I’m not ‘kid’. I have a name, you know. Evangeline.
I’ve told you so many times now.”

Evangeline sourly watched as he began to eat without even replying then her gaze
turned prideful and filled with joy. She felt like she understood what it meant to feel
full just by watching someone else eat.

“I’m getting married.”

Cael stared at Evangeline, who had shut her mouth right after suddenly spitting out
such a phrase. Was she already at that age? When did the tomboy that used to run
around everywhere begin to walk and cover her mouth slightly when she laughed
instead of grinning widely?

“I am yet to see the face of the man who will become my husband. I have to leave home
and live in my husband’s house. It’s very far from here.”


“I won’t be able to come see you ever again, Cael-nim.”

“…I see.”

Evangeline’s amber eyes quivered as she looked at him as though she was pleading.

“Should I live here?”


“I am quite useful. I can cook very well, I can clean, do laundry, I can do everything. If
I’m here, Cael-nim won’t even need to lift a finger. Ah wait. No. You’ll need to at least
use a finger to call me.”

Cael had noticed that the little kid had at some point started to look at him with the
eyes of a woman. He knew but he acted like he didn’t. Because he couldn’t return her
heart even if he knew. If he were to truly be honest, perhaps he was afraid that if
Evangeline knew he was aware of her secret feelings, he would have to cut her off
because he couldn’t accept her heart and because of that, she would not come to see
him again.


When Cael gave a troubled sigh, Evangeline actually smiled sweetly.

“You’re surprised because I said something strange, right? It’s just, I felt sad thinking
I won’t see you again.”


Evangeline spun around and quickly walked to the door like she was running. She
grabbed the door and stood without moving for a while then she said,

“Did you know? You’ve never called me properly by my name.”

Her head was turned so he couldn’t see her face, but her voice trembled at the end. As
if she was holding back her tears. Cael couldn’t even imagine how the kid who always
smiled at him looked when she was holding back her tears.

Evangeline went out the door without looking back. Cael’s heart felt empty as he stood,
staring at the tightly shut door for a long time. It felt like the door would open again
anytime soon and Evangeline would jump in, calling out ‘Cael-nim’.

However, both the next day and the day after the next, the door did not open.

Evangeline, whom he thought he would never see again, re-appeared in front of him.
She looked very exhausted and thin, holding a very swollen belly.

“I’m sorry, Cael-nim. I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go but here.”

Her eyes seemed like they would burst with tears at any moment, but Evangeline
smiled, refusing to show her tears.

Evangeline’s father, who had used his daughter in a political marriage to solidify his
power base, led an army and destroyed his in-law’s family. Her heartless father did not
care about his daughter or about the young life growing in her stomach. For
Evangeline’s father, his daughter was nothing but a means to be used in political battle.

Evangeline barely managed to escape. If Evangeline was alone, her father would have
let her leave since she was at least his child. However, the pregnancy of his daughter
meant she was nothing but a seed of trouble. So Evangeline was pursued by a very
persistent party.

After losing her only guard who protected her loyally, Evangeline felt death drawing
closer and closer. She ran away because she wanted to live but she felt it was in vain,
not knowing why she wanted to live like this. As she thought of death, there was
someone whose face she wanted to see at least one last time. As so, she decided on her
final destination.

People called it the Devil’s forest. Only Evangeline could enter this place where no one
else entered and left alive. When she saw him again, Evangeline smiled. And she made
a brazen excuse, saying she came to find him in order to save the life of herself and her
baby in her stomach. She would have rather he coldly turned away and ignored her.
However, he silently accepted her inside.

The baby was born. It was a boy. Evangeline asked Cael to name the boy and asked him
to be the child’s godfather.

‘I want to have your child.’

The feelings she couldn’t bear to expose were buried at the bottom of her heart.
Someone like her, who had born another man shouldn’t even dream of making such a
shameless confession. Just the fact that she lived depending on him meant she owed
him a debt she could never repay.

Cael named the baby after a great king that had appeared way back in history, long
before the world changed. And he became the godfather of Baden.
The child grew rapidly every day. He sat, crawled, walked and soon started running.
He spoke and learned to write. Cael taught the child everything he knew without
reserve. The bright child absorbed Cael’s teachings and grew up, going from a little
boy to a young man.

Around the child’s 16th birthday, the people Evangeline’s husband’s family sent
looking for her, had searched everywhere and even entered the devil’s forest. Her
father-in-law, whom she thought to be dead, was alive. He retained his life but one of
his arm and leg was cut off, so he was unable to move around properly. Her father-in-
law was looking for the only remaining bloodline of his dead son.

People who entered the devil’s forest normally got obstructed by the barrier so they
would be endlessly lost, collapse from exhaustion and starved to death. Cael usually
didn’t care what happened to the people who entered the forest and left them to their
devices but knowing they were looking for Evangeline, he opened the barrier. And he
erased traces of himself in order not to appear before them.

“Ahh! Milady. So you were safe. The young master is so grown-up!”

The vassals who had gone to search for their madam and young master by their lord’s
order, were thrilled to see Baden. Baden, who had just grown out his adolescence,
looked so much like his late father and grandfather that there was no doubt to be

“You must have suffered so much. Come with us, Milady. You must be rewarded for
your hard work and troubles in raising the young master. The young master will
inherit everything from the lord in the future and he’ll become the master of the

Although she was thanking them for finding her, inwardly, Evangeline couldn’t be
happy. Why did he let these people in? She momentarily resented him, then she
heaped curses at herself.

‘Wow, you must be so thick-faced. You don’t even have any shame. You’ve lived in his
care so long, how much longer are you going to trouble him?’
Cael didn’t even appear before Evangeline. After flipping through the mansion for a
few days, looking for him, the tired Evangeline cried at the empty air.

“I’ll leave, Cael-nim. Just let me say goodbye for the last time. Please.”

However, Cael never showed up at the end.

Cael watched from afar as the group of people left with Evangeline and Baden in their
midst. He did not even let her say her last goodbye. But it wasn’t because he was
worried that her heart would waver, but because he feared he would hold onto to her
and not let go.

‘Our times are different, Evangeline.’

He was living in a different flow of time. He would remain as he was even if hundreds
of years pass but she would grow old and die someday.

The incoming future filled Cael with dread. He had no confidence in being able to
watch her die. He chose to run away from his fear.


At that voice, Evangeline, who had been blankly staring out the window from her spot
on the bed, turned her head. Seeing her son with his wife, she smiled faintly.

“When did you come in?”

“What were you thinking about that you didn’t even notice us come in?”

“When you get old, you tend to think a lot. I know you must be busy, there’s no need
to go out of your way to greet me in the morning.”

“No, mother. I should greet you even when you’re at home. And, I have good news today.”

The mansion that his mother lived in as a child was put up for sale, so Baden had
purchased it. His mother’s family had already collapsed and scattered without a trace,
but he felt his mother missed her hometown sometimes. So he arranged it as a gift for
his mother.

“That house…?”

His mother’s pale face brightened up for a change. Baden was happy to see that his
thinking was on the right track.

“Yes. It’s very old, so it has to be renovated. Would you like to go see it after the

“Sure, that would be nice.”

After leaving his mother’s room, Baden sighed heavily and spoke to his wife.

“When my mother goes to her hometown, I would like for us to go along and be with
her for the time being.”

“Okay. I will arrange for that.”

Baden could vaguely sense that his mother was not just missing her hometown.


His mother had continued to long for that person. He wasn’t aware as a child but when
he thought about it now, his mother sometimes stared into the distance with sadness
in her eyes. He felt like now, he knew who was beyond that gaze.

Cael was sitting in a daze. Normally, he looked like he wasn’t doing anything to an
outside eye, but he would be creating and destroying a boundless world repeatedly in
his mind. However, nowadays, he increasingly just sat absentmindedly, not thinking
about anything. That is, ever since Evangeline and Baden left.

Suddenly, he flinched in surprise and sprang to his feet. The sensation of the intruder
touching his barrier was familiar to him. He thoughtlessly ran outside.

The young man had become a grown man. Having inherited Evangeline’s blood, Baden
was also not affected by the barrier. Cael blankly gazed at Baden, and at the slender
woman Baden was holding.

“We haven’t seen in a long time. You’re still as I remember.”


“I’m here to ask a favor for my mother.”

Cael stared at Evangeline, the woman in Baden’s arms. Her appearance had changed
due to age, but he recognized her in one glance.

“She’s in a deep sleep. I guess mother will probably be angry when she wakes up. After
all, I didn’t ask her wishes and brought her here on my own.”

“…Go back.”

“My mother doesn’t have much time left.”

Cael, who was turning around, froze on the spot.

“Mother was poisoned. I’ve looked into every means, but we’ve already gone through
every step possible. The poison Mother took has unique ingredients, so when the
poison attacks, she falls into a deep sleep. According to the doctor, she will eventually
fall asleep one day and never wake up.”


“The poison attacked a few days ago and mother woke up after two days. The doctor
said the next poison attack would be the last. Godfather. My mother’s last moments…
I hope you can be with her.”

His godfather’s expression was indifferent, and he stood there, not saying anything,
but Baden thought his godfather looked very heart-broken.

‘She’ll be angry, for sure.’

Even the big buffed men in the family were desperate to rouse his thin mother’s spirits.
She was a woman who was called ‘the Iron Lady’, and someone who raised the family
with her own two hands. Once she learnt of this, his mother would probably slap the
cheeks of her shameful son who made such a decision on his own.

‘That’s why, mother, I’m running away because I’m scared you’ll beat me up.’

Baden wasn’t sure if his decision was really for his mother. His mother held a
desperate longing for his godfather in her heart, but she gave up on meeting him a
long time ago. After she was poisoned and knew the end was approaching, she seemed
to have given up completely.

But despite that, he couldn’t help but do this. Even though he knew it was cruel to both
his mother and his godfather, Baden made a selfish decision for his own sake. He felt
like if he didn’t do this, he would beat his chest in regret when his mother passed away.
So he secretly put sleeping pills in his mother’s tea. He got the doctor’s advice and
adjusted the amount so that it wouldn’t harm his mother.

Baden put his mother in his godfather’s arms. It was closer to forcing her into his arms,
but his godfather didn’t shake him off and merely took his mother into his embrace,
like she was a treasure.

As this was probably the last time he would see the two of them like this in his life,
Baden memorized the sight, then he turned around.
Sturdy arms wrapped around her and supported her. Evangeline leaned against his
chest, drinking the soup she was fed, then she grinned. She was surprised at herself,
who was now used to being served by him.




“Kid. If you call me, say something.”

Pfft. Evangeline burst into laughter. He still called an old lady full of wrinkles, kid.
Perhaps because he treated her like a child, Evangeline subconsciously spoke the way
she did when she was young and acted like a spoilt child. The Madam who was known
as the iron lady was nowhere to be found.

“You know, a long time ago. If I said I was sick, would you have indulged me, even a
little bit?”


“Sorry. That was unnecessary.”

“…I likely won’t have much of a choice. I can’t abandon a patient.”

Evangeline stared at him while he avoided her eyes like he was embarrassed. He had
not changed at all. He was still the young and beautiful young man he was when she
first met him. This mysterious man, with pitch-black hair and dark eyes, was her
puppy love as a young girl, her fluttering love as a maiden learning about love and the
one who gave her heart-wrenching pain as a woman who had experienced life.

Evangeline looked down at her wrinkled hand. Even when she was very excited like
she had returned to being a young, healthy maiden, she woke up from her delusion
when she looked down at her hand filled with signs of age. This was why she didn’t
want to see him. She didn’t want to show her old, unattractive self to him, who was
still as beautiful as ever.

However, whether it was her anger toward her son who brought her here arbitrarily,
or the resentment that surged when she saw him after a long time, they all disappeared
in less than a day. She was so happy, every day seemed like a dream.

“I was an idiot. I should have cried that I was sick and dying soon to Cael-nim.”

“Fake sickness won’t work.”

“Aha. You don’t know how good I am at faking sickness. I’m sure you won’t even notice.”

“Are you faking it now?”

“Who knows. What do you think?”

Cael stroked her cheek lightly and mumbled.

“…I hope so.”


“Is there anything else you want to eat?”

As he changed topic while put away the soup bowl, Evangeline also acted like she
didn’t know anything.

“Orange juice. A very sweet one.”

“…We have very sour oranges.”

Evangeline smiled and replied.

“Then I’ll have sour orange juice.”

He placed Evangeline carefully in bed and got up. Evangeline sighed with regret when
his body temperature suddenly moved away. She felt sad, watching his back as he
walked to the door, and unknowingly called out to him.
“Is there something else you need?”

“…I don’t like my juice too sour.”

She was just grumbling but he thought about it seriously and said, ‘I’ll add honey then’.
Evangeline couldn’t believe his affectionate consideration for herself, and even after
he was gone, she was grinning to herself.

“…Thank you.”

She knew he didn’t feel the same as her. He was presumably listening to the wishes of
a dying person and even though she knew he was likely just sympathizing with the
young girl he had a connection with in the past, her heart raced whenever she saw
him. Even if it was sympathy, she was happy with it. She was thankful that he held her
and didn’t turn away from her.

“I love you…”

It was a confession that was always in her heart, but she could never say it to him.
When she was young, she was afraid of rejection, so she was unable to say it, and when
she reunited with him, bearing another man’s child, she didn’t dare to. Now, it was
impossible for her to say it when she was old and dying.

She was happily waiting for the orange juice he would bring for her, then she heaved
a huge sigh, lamentfully. Sleep was overwhelming her senses, bringing her to
exhaustion. She had experience this drowsy feeling so many times, so she knew what
it was.

After her father-in-law’s death, endless greedy hands stretched towards her, because
as her son’s guardian, she had become the real master of the family. How many times
did she escape the throes of death? Eventually, she was unable to avoid the last black
hand that came for her.

[It’s impossible to know when the poison will attack. But… if the poison attacks again
and you fall into a deep sleep, it will be your last.]

Back then, she had calmly listened to the doctor’s death sentence. Although her son
was holding and screaming at the doctor, Evangeline was at ease. She had always lived
with an empty heart that she could never fill. No matter how hard she tried, nothing
could take root. Now she was tired of this life, where she carried the notice of being
poisoned like an armor. She didn’t have much of an attachment to life so she didn’t fear
the approaching death.

But the god of fate was so incredibly cruel. Why was she allowed to meet him again?
Why did she want to live?

‘Cael-nim… ’

It was only when death drew near that Evangeline realized how great of a blessing it
was to humans. She felt sad, knowing he was stuck walking down time in the future,
and perhaps for eternity. She felt like she vaguely realized why he tried to push her

I’m sorry. For leaving you who’s alone, all alone in this world again.

‘Don’t forgive me for being selfish till the end. But what can I do? The fact that I can
close my eyes next to you… makes me so happy… ’

Evangeline slowly sank into a deep sleep that was akin to a sweet poison.

Cael entered the room with the juice he had squeezed from the oranges himself. He
took a little to taste and it tasted both sweet and sour, so he didn’t feel the need to add

She was sleeping.

He placed the juice on the bedside table, then he picked up her arm, wanting to cover
her properly with the blanket. Her slender arm was strangely heavy, and his heart
sank in his chest as he was seized with a terrifying feeling.

He stood still, and very slowly, turned his gaze to her face. Her complexion was pale,
her eyes were closed, and her face was at peace.


Even though he was calling her name for the first time, she did not respond. His fingers
trembled slightly as he brought his hand to her wrist to take her pulse.
Moments later, he sank to his knees and collapsed on the floor beside the bed.


He couldn’t bear the pain gripping his heart, and gasped for breath, tearing at his chest
with both hands. It felt like all the blood in his body was boiling. He couldn’t breathe.

Clear water covered his black irises and fell to the ground. And at the same time, a
golden aura began to swirl in his black eyes. The golden energy quickly traveled from
his eyes to his veins, passing through his heart before spreading all over his body and
he was soon covered in golden light.

Crack! He heard the sound of his frozen heart breaking. Only after losing her did he
realize his true feelings. His heart which was frozen from the pain of losing Martha,
thawed when he realized his love for her. Perhaps his heart had slowly been thawing
without him even realizing it.

He found himself standing in a place that could be described as pure-white or pitch

black. This wasn’t the first time. He had been here once, a very long time ago. No
matter how hard he tried, he had never been able to come here again apart from that
one time, but now, it called him again.

He walked along the golden path. Time flew by next to him. In the midst of time filled
with innumerable events and intertwined people, he found a certain woman. A
woman he was seeing for the first time, held the pendant on his neck in her hand.

Wanting to know why this woman had his pendant, he followed along the woman’s
time. An old man appeared in the woman’s life and he resembled Baden in one way or
another. The old man held a newborn baby in his arms and smiled, saying.

‘Dear child, how do you look so much like your grandmother?’

The blonde, amber-eyed newborn baby he held looked a lot like Evangeline.

‘I thought hard about the undeserved request you made for me to name her. The first
ancestor of the Baden family said he could not exist without his mother and left a will
dedicating all his affection and admiration to his mother. I heard she was someone
with a small stature but a mighty spirit. I would like to give her name to the baby.’[1]

Upon hearing the child’s name, Cael’s eyes flashed open. The golden energy coiling in
the air around him, disappeared into the pendant like it was being sucked inside. Even
the light pouring from his body disappeared.

Cael took a long, deep breath, trying to control the turbulent emotions rushing into
him. Tears flowed from his closed eyes, staining his cheeks.

Was god mocking him for not believing in it or was it showing mercy for his pitiful
arrogance? He witnessed miracles and saw destinies. He read the entrancing future of
her descendants who looked like her in a very distant future.

Cael stood up and kissed the back of her hand politely as if performing a grand
ceremony. Then he took off the pendant which he had never once removed from his
body. It was initially a restraint that signified he was a criminal but after he gained
new power, the pendant functioned as the nucleus of his magic and it was no different
from his life-force.

He waved his finger slightly and the flowing air turned into a wind and the wind
became a knife, cutting Evangeline’s finger slightly. Red blood dripped from the cut
and onto the pendant.

“Your blood will be both a seal and a key.”

As soon as his muttering came to an end, the pendant trembled like a living being and
glowed with a faint light. Then suddenly its movement stopped, and all light
disappeared. It became a very old and ordinary, blackish pendant.

Translator’s Corner:

[1] This was in Chapter 123 [part 1]


Baden quickly ran over as soon as his subordinates told him that the ominous aura
covering the devil’s forest had disappeared.

The man sitting on his knees by the bedside slowly turned his head. But his face wasn’t
one that Baden knew.

The godfather Baden remembered was a mysterious man who never aged and
remained the same from when he was a child till even decades later. But the youth of
his godfather seemed to have disappeared overnight. His godfather was no longer a
young man. Whoever saw him now would say he was obviously a middle-aged man.


“Is… is it really you… godfather?”

“Say goodbye to your mother.”

“Huh? Mother…? Mother!”

Baden rushed to the bed and broke down wailing. Cael stood up stepped aside a little,
waiting for Baden to sufficiently say goodbye to his mother.

When Baden proposed building his mother’s grave in this place, Cael shook his head.

“You should take her with you. If you make your mother’s grave here, no one will be
able to check on her and it will soon be abandoned.”

“What about godfather…”

“As you can see, time has begun to flow for me.”

Baden swallowed hard. His godfather was aging quickly as if he was paying the price
for maintaining his youth for so many years. When Baden saw him this morning, his
godfather looked like a middle-aged man in his later years but in just a few hours, he
looked like he had added 10 more years.

“I will escort you. Please come with me.”

“No. My grave will be here.”

“Then I should also…”



Cael placed his pendant in Baden’s hand.

“This pendant is connected with your mother’s soul. If your descendants ever find
themselves in a crisis, it will be a great help to preserving your legacy.”

Baden took the pendant carefully and put it in his pocket, like it was very valuable. His
godfather was a unique individual with a very mysterious set of ability that the
average person couldn’t even imagine. A gift from his godfather would not be an
ordinary thing.

“I have a request to make.”

“Yes, please. You can ask anything, godfather.”

“Don’t leave any word about me to your future generations. I don’t want to leave any
trace of my existence behind.”


“Today will be the last day you and I see each other. Don’t ever come here again.”

“Godfather. To me, you were both my teacher and my father. A child abandoning his
father is an unfilial act that I cannot consent to.”

“This is my last request. I do not want to show my end to anyone.”

Baden’s eyes were filled with tears like he would burst out crying at any moment and
from his expression, Cael found the mischievous little boy who used play around him.
Evangeline and Baden were miracles that occurred in his dried up life.

In this unpredictable huge world order, he was nothing but a weak and feeble
existence. Out of everything he had pursued so desperately, this was the only truth he
had gained.

He gave Baden a faint smile.

“Perhaps I am the same. I wish you were my son, Baden.”

Baden bawled like a child.

Baden didn’t want to leave at all but he had to quickly deal with his mother’s body, so
he had no choice but to leave his godfather’s mansion.

When the funeral was over, about ten days had passed. Baden went back to the
mansion but the huge building had collapsed and turned into sand. In addition, there
was no sign of his godfather anywhere.

Baden felt so stunned that for an entire day, he merely sat down, looking at the pile of

Time passed and the curtains rose to a period of upheaval. Hundreds of divided forces
destroyed each other, or swallowed the other up, growing bigger and bigger and
unifying to create a country. Baden made a name for himself as a meticulous subject
in the founding of Xenon and was bestowed a title and land. \In this new country,
Baden created a new family that carried his name.

This was the beginning of the Baden family.

Translator’s Corner:

It has been a ride translating Lucia (for me, at least). Translating this book was my
first time ever trying my hands on translating so it definitely has a special place in my
heart. I didn’t initially plan on continuing to translate, let alone finishing the book. Was
gonna pop out a few chapters, then hop off the grid… *cough*

My initial translations were… atrocious (in my opinion). But you guys were nice about
it so I did the next one. And the next one… and I just kept doing it. Hah. I think I
improved too. (Actually, I really improved. Hell, this book had me sleeping with the
korean-english dictionary.)

I really have to thank you guys for the immense positivity and support. It kept me
going so so many times. Thanks for coming along this ride with me. [Lucia] was a
journey I really enjoyed, and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

I’ll be working on my next project [You’ve Got the Wrong House, Villain]. If you’re
looking for something to read, do take a look and see if it is right up your alley. (As
before, I do not read much ahead because I like to enjoy the book alongside the
readers, but it had been a very fun novel so far.)

The update schedule is currently 1/week but as I have finished [Lucia], I plan to slowly
increase that. Right after I get some rest ofc.

That said, I hope you all have a great day and enjoy yourselves!

-Miss Ruby.

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