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Ziah Browner 1

Monday was the fourth of July, so I did not go to my internship that day. Instead, I spent

the day with my family. On Tuesday, I have been moved from being in the Suite C Hall office to

being in the central office. I was shown my office and given time to settle in and get my stuff

together before beginning to do work. I started with a few applications. My new supervisor

showed me where the old cooling applications were. Later that day, I was shown how to type up

purchase orders on the typewriter in my office. The information typed on the purchase orders

come from the printed payment transmittals from the system. I also was shown how to clear

payments in the system after entering the check numbers and dates in which the purchase orders

were made. I was given quite a few to do and my new supervisor was glad to see that I caught

onto how to do them and after doing a couple of them, she allowed me to do the rest

unsupervised. It took me a minute to make sure I did not make as many errors as I would on a

computer, such as having to backspace when making typos or entering the wrong numbers. She

told me to try not to make a bunch of errors since the information was being transferred to

transfer papers, where it would show.

On Wednesday, I was shown how to go into the Ninth District’s server on our computers

and update how much of Ninth District’s funds were spent for each county based on the county

report sheets I was given. I had to find the county that corresponded with the county code on the

sheet, enter the date on the county report sheet, then enter the amount of funds spent on the

county report excel sheet. I also was given a lot of purchase orders to complete. Purchase orders

are sheets that stated the amount of funds requested for a client, the address where the funds will

go to, and the name of the client, or the amount of funds going to a specific vendor, the address

of the vendor, and county. My coworkers and supervisor were shocked at how fast I could do

them and how fast I caught on to doing them. My supervisor was also shocked at how I was able
Ziah Browner 2

to figure certain things out on my own when I was entering the payments on the county report

excel sheets. She had not explained to me where the water funds were on the excel sheets,

however that was not hard to find as they are right next to the energy assistance funds.

On Thursday, I started by opening the server on my computer to get started on the county

reports that I did not finish on Wednesday. My supervisor also brought me water applications

and more payment transmittals to type up purchase orders for. I paused my task on entering the

data for the county reports to start on the applications and purchase orders as the purchase orders

had to be completed by 10:30 AM. After completing those, I took them to my supervisor then

went back to doing the county reports. The stack of county reports that went from April 21st to

May 16th. I also was told to go into the system and clear the payments after typing the purchase

orders. On Friday, I asked my supervisor for more county reports to put into the Excel sheet to

help her complete them because she was working on another task. I went through four days’

worth of reports before I was given payment transmittals to type up purchase orders. I also was

given the task of filing Crisis applications and completed that quite quickly after understanding

how to do it. These applications were placed in batches therefore, it was not like normal filing of

putting papers in alphabetical order by last name.

Being in the central office has not been as nerve-wrecking as I thought it would be. I have

been given my own office next to my supervisor and am not given too much work to the point

where I feel like I have too much to do. I feel like my previous perception of the central office

was based on the fact that the directors of the Ninth District are here. I am proud to say that I

have been given praise on how fast and well I have been able to complete the tasks given to me.

My supervisor is glad that I am able to complete my task quite quickly as it allows them to get

more of her tasks done.

Ziah Browner 3


Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, July 4th N/A N/A N/A 0

Tuesday, July 5th 8:00 A.M. N/A 4:30 P.M. 8.5

Wednesday, July 6th 8:00 A.M. N/A 4:30 P.M. 8.5

Thursday, July 7th 8:00 A.M. N/A 4:30 P.M. 8.5

Friday, July 8th 8:00 A.M. N/A 4:30 P.M. 8.5

Total Weekly Hours 34

Total Hours to Date 338

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