Request For Proposal (RFP) : City Tigard

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City of Tigard


Request for Proposal (RFP)



Proposals Due: Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 2:00 pm local time

Submit Proposals To: City of Tigard – Contracts & Purchasing Office

Attn: Jamie Greenberg, Purchasing Specialist
13125 SW Hall Boulevard
Tigard, Oregon 97223

Direct Questions To: Joe Barrett, Public Works Business Manager

Phone: (503) 718-2477
The City of Tigard is seeking sealed proposals from firms to qualified to provide an Asset and Maintenance
Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services for the City’s Public Works Department,
including the Streets, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Parks, Facilities and Fleet Divisions. Proposals will be
received until 2:00 pm local time, Thursday, July 11, 2019, at Tigard City Hall’s Municipal Court Counter at
13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. RFP packets may be downloaded from

No proposal will be considered unless fully completed in a manner provided in the RFP packet. Facsimile and
electronic (email) proposals will not be accepted nor will any proposal be accepted after the stated due date and
time. Any proposal received after the closing time will be returned to the submitting firm unopened after a
contract has been awarded for the required services.

Proposers are required to certify non-discrimination in employment practices, and identify resident status as
defined in ORS 279A.120. Pre-qualification of proposers is not required. All proposers are required to
comply with the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes and Local Contract Review Board (LCRB) Policy.

The City may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and
requirements and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding of the City if it is in the public
interest to do so.

PUBLISHED: Daily Journal of Commerce

DATE: Friday, June 14, 2019

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 2|Page


Title Page 1
Public Notice 2
Table of Contents 3

Section 1 Introduction 4
Section 2 Proposer’s Special Instructions 5
Section 3 Background 8
Section 4 Scope and Schedule of Work 10
Section 5 Proposal Content and Format 18
Section 6 Proposal Evaluation Procedures 22
Section 7 Proposal Certification 27
Section 8 Signature Page 28

Attachment A Acknowledgement of Addendum 29
Attachment B Statement of Proposal 30
Attachment C City of Tigard General Services Agreement 31
Attachment D General and Technical System Requirements ................................................. 35
Attachment E Cost Proposal Form............................................................................................ 58

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 3|Page
The City of Tigard is seeking sealed proposals from firms to qualified to provide an Asset and Maintenance
Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services for the City’s Public Works Department,
including the Streets, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Parks, Facilities and Fleet Divisions. Proposals will be
received until 2:00 pm local time, Thursday, July 11, 2019, at Tigard City Hall’s Court Counter at 13125 SW
Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223.

The AMMS software must not only meets the requirements set forth herein, but also be flexible and scalable to
meet the City’s future business and technology needs. The City requires implementation services in order to meet
its future business and technology needs. The request is specifically intended for firms with the necessary and
relevant experience along with a complete and fully operational AMMS. This effort will include having
experienced personnel to train and guide staff and implement a complete AMMS for all mentioned assets.

No proposal will be considered unless fully completed in a manner provided in the RFP packet. Facsimile and
electronic (email) proposals will not be accepted nor will any proposal be accepted after the stated due date and
time. Any proposal received after the closing time will be returned to the submitting firm unopened after a
contract has been awarded for the required services.

Proposers are required to certify non-discrimination in employment practices, and identify resident status as
defined in ORS 279A.120. Pre-qualification of proposers is not required. All proposers are required to
comply with the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes and Local Contract Review Board (LCRB) Policy.

The City may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and
requirements and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding of the City if it is in the public
interest to do so.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 4|Page
Friday, June 14, 2019 Advertisement and Release of Proposals
Thursday, July 11, 2019 – 2:00 pm Deadline for Submission of Proposals
Weeks of July 29th and August 5th, 2019 Demonstration and Interviews
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 Award of Contract by Tigard LCRB
Monday, September 30, 2019 Commencement of Services

NOTE: The City reserves the right to modify this schedule at the City’s discretion

By submitting a proposal, the Proposer certifies that the Proposal has been arrived at independently
and has been submitted without any collusion designed to limit competition.

The Proposal and all amendments must be signed and submitted no later than 2:00 pm, Thursday,
July 11, 2019, to the address below. Each proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope and
designated with proposal title. To assure that your proposal receives priority treatment, please mark
as follows.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services
City of Tigard – Court Counter
Attn: Jamie Greenberg, Purchasing Assistant
13125 SW Hall Boulevard
Tigard, Oregon 97223

Proposer shall put their name and address on the outside of the envelope. It is the Proposer’s
responsibility to ensure that proposals are received prior to the stated closing time. The City shall not be
responsible for the proper identification and handling of any proposals submitted incorrectly. Late
proposals, late modification or late withdrawals shall not be considered accepted after the stated bid
opening date and time and shall be returned unopened. Facsimile and electronic (email) proposals will
not be accepted.


A Proposer who believes any details in the scope of work or terms detailed in the proposal packet and
sample contract are unnecessarily restrictive or limit competition may submit a protest in writing, to
the Purchasing Office. A protest may be submitted via facsimile. Any such protest shall include the
reasons for the protest and shall detail any proposed changes to the scope of work or terms. The
Purchasing Office shall respond to any protest and, if necessary, shall issue any appropriate revisions,
substitutions, or clarification via addenda to all interested Proposers.

To be considered, protests must be received at least five (5) days before the proposal closing date.
The City shall not consider any protest against award due to the content of proposal scope of work
or contract terms submitted after the established protest deadline. All protests should be directed to
the Contracts and Purchasing Office and marked as follows:

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 5|Page
RFP Specification/Term Protest
City of Tigard
Attn: Joe Barrett, Public Works Business Manager
13125 SW Hall Boulevard
Tigard, Oregon 97223

If a protest is received in accordance with section above, the proposal opening date may be extended if
necessary to allow consideration of the protest and issuance of any necessary addenda to the proposal


All requested forms and attachments (Signature Page, Acknowledgment Addendum, Statement of
Proposal, etc.) must be submitted with the Proposal and in the required format. The submission and
signing of a proposal shall indicate the intention of the firm to adhere to the provisions described in
this RFP.


The RFP does not commit the City to paying any costs incurred by Proposer in the submission or
presentation of a proposal, or in making the necessary studies for the preparation thereof.


All questions regarding this project proposal shall be directed to Joe Barrett, Sr. Management Analyst.
If necessary, interpretations or clarifications in response to such questions will be made by issuance
of an “Addendum” to all prospective Proposers within a reasonable time prior to proposal closing,
but in no case less than 72 hours before the proposal closing. If an addendum is necessary after that
time, the City, at its discretion, can extend the closing date.

Any Addendum issued, as a result of any change in the RFP, must be acknowledged by submitting the
“Acknowledgment of Addendum” with proposal. Only questions answered by formal written addenda
will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect.


The City of Tigard Business License is required. Chapter 5.4 of the Tigard Municipal Code states any
business doing business in the City of Tigard shall pay a City of Tigard Business License. Successful
Contract will be required to present a copy of their City of Tigard Business License at the time of
contract execution. Successful Contractor shall also complete a W-9 form for the City at the time of
contract execution.


The City’s Project Manager for this work will be Michelle Wright, Public Works Assistant Director,
who can be reached by phone at (503) 718-2445 or by email at


Each proposal shall be irrevocable for a period of One Hundred Twenty (120) days from the Proposal
Opening Date.

A copy of the City's standard general services agreement, which the City expects the successful firm
or individual to execute, is included as “Attachment C”. The contract will incorporate the terms and
RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 6|Page
conditions from this RFP document and the successful proposer’s response documents. Firms taking
exception to any of the contract terms shall submit a protest or request for change in accordance with
Section 2.D “Protest of Scope of Work or Terms” or their exceptions will be deemed immaterial and

The City anticipates the work under the contract resulting from this Request for Proposal will begin
around the first of October 2019. At that time, the City and awarded Contractor will develop a detail
project schedule that will be incorporated into the contract terms.

The contract may be terminated by mutual consent of both parties or by the City at its discretion with
a 30 days’ written notice. If the agreement is so terminated, Contractor shall be paid in accordance
with the terms of the agreement.


The bidder submitting this proposal agrees to extend identical prices and services under the same
terms and conditions to all public agencies in the region. Quantities stated in this solicitation reflect
the City of Tigard usage only.

Each participating agency shall execute its own contract with the lowest responsible/responsive bidder
for its requirements. Any bidder(s), by written notification included with their bid, may decline to
extend the prices and terms of this solicitation to any and/or all other public agencies.

Proposer certifies that this proposal had been arrived at independently and has been submitted without
collusion designed to limit independent bidding or competition.

All bid material submitted by bidder shall become the property of the City and is public record unless
otherwise specified. A bid that contains any information that is considered trade secret under ORS
192.501(2) should be segregated and clearly identified as such. This information will be kept
confidential and shall not be disclosed except in accordance with the Oregon Public Records Law,
ORS 192. The above restrictions may not include cost or price information, which must be open to
the public.

With a diverse economy, strong schools and outstanding parks, Tigard is one of the most livable cities in
Oregon. With a population of 53,148 (2017 Census estimate), the city has grown to become a desirable and
affordable community in the Portland metro area. The City encompasses 12.7 square miles and, as a
community, Tigard strives to blend the amenities of a modern city with the friendliness and community spirit
of a small town.

The City’s Public Works Department is responsible for managing and maintaining infrastructure assets for
streets, water, sewer, solid waste, and parks. Central Services is responsible for buildings and fleet. The City
is organized as follows:

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 7|Page
The City implemented a Computerized Maintenance Management System in 2012 (MaintStar) that replaced
the INFOR Hansen system that had been used by the City since 1992. This system currently provides work
requests, work orders and work planning functionality for all City assets as noted above.

The Public Works Department recently completed an Enterprise Asset Management Road Map that defined
the need for an enterprise level asset management system and process to effectively manage their assets. The
City desires an enterprise level solution that provides increased customer “self-serve” capabilities, easy on-
demand access to asset data coming from various sources and systems within the City including existing GIS,
accounting, CCTV and SCADA systems, ability to plan, organize, schedule and control asset maintenance and
leverage data to accomplish an asset management plan that will maximize their capital investments.

The Cities infrastructure is composed of the following:

 151 miles of streets  2,194 fire hydrants

 178 miles of sewer pipe  17 reservoirs
 130 miles of storm pipe  77 parks
 223 water quality facilities  58 buildings
 248 miles of water pipe  161 vehicles and 130 pieces of equipment

The City also uses a number of other systems including the following:

 StreetSaver (Pavement Mgmt)  Salamander (Emergency Management

 Springbrook (Financial) Software)
 Accela (Permitting)  CCTV (future implementation)
 ActiveNet (Park Reservations)  Wonderware (SCADA)
 ESRI (GIS)  Laserfiche (Document Management)
 Geocortex (Latitude Geographics)  Fuel System (DM 2 enterprise software)

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 8|Page
Vendor shall demonstrate its ability to meet the City’s needs by a thorough representation of their
implementation, integration, software product, and its capability. The Vendor may not include any
functionality that is not in release or has not been adopted by many of the Vendor’s customers.

The City is looking for an out-of-the-box software that will function without any need of customization
beyond the needs to support these functional and technical requirements. Configuration capabilities are,
however, anticipated.

Use this numbering format to arrange a response to this section. The proposed functional requirements shall,
at a minimum, cover the software features requested and can achieve or exceed these requirements.
Demonstration with text, figures and screen shots should be used to explain the capabilities.

4.1. Key Functional Requirements

4.1.1. Asset Inventory and Condition Reporting
The system shall be capable of storing or linking to an asset inventory of all the City infrastructures
(street segments, stormwater lines, sewer lines, water lines, backflows, hydrants, signs, markings, trees,
curb, sidewalk, signals, etc.). The City desires to use the AMMS software product for reporting of
capital asset information required for conformance with the Governmental Accounting Standards
Board Statement 34, including but not limited to: description, location, condition,
construction/installation/maintenance history and value. The software shall be able to do the

 It shall have user-definable fields to record custom asset information such as capacity and size,
regulatory mandates, etc.
 It shall have full asset inventory capabilities and be linked to the work order and work management
functions and GIS.
 It shall assist the City in addressing various elements of the Governmental Accounting Standards
Board Statement 34 (i.e., condition assessments).
 It shall support the use of assets for CIP budgeting and planning, rehabilitation and replacement
and preventative maintenance using fields such as condition, acquisition date, initial cost, expected
life, residual value, salvage value, depreciation rate, type, amount, etc., to allow for a complete
description of the infrastructure asset.
 It shall support update of asset inventory condition, installation dates, etc. based on data and
ratings from work orders and inspection records.

4.1.2. Work Request System

New work may be identified by citizen requests, emergency response, manager direction, elected
officials, crew observations, etc. The selected system must provide a configurable interface for input
of unplanned work, identified by various sources. Requests must include fields for status, issues,
assigned supervisors, request sources, organizational groups, along with user-definable fields for
further enhancement. These requests then must be able to relate to work orders. Work orders are
explained in the following section (Work Order System).

Technology for residents to submit requests to be converted to work orders is desired. This should
be a mobile app, web-based interface, or a combination of user-friendly applications which are able
to interface with the primary database application. It shall also have ability to respond to requestor
through the generation of follow-up email notifications related to actions, status changes, and/or
4.1.3. Work Order System
A complete, automated system that identifies, confirms, tracks, records and costs all requests,
corrective, routine and preventive work is required. Further, statistics on response time, cost and effort
by activity is needed.

The system shall possess the ability to schedule work orders throughout the year and be able to retrieve
work orders for a specific time interval, meter, asset type or activity to aid supervisors to group and
assign work.

The system shall have the ability to create projects, jobs, or multiple work orders (multi-tasking) linked
to individuals or multiple assets. Technologies for distributing work orders to staff and contractors,
such as e-mail, laptops, tablets, and/or smart phones are required. The City requires having work
order scheduling capabilities on an annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-weekly and weekly basis for routine,
preventative maintenance and non-routine work. System with the ability to document work
accomplished in a paperless environment by utilizing laptop/tablet computers or a smart phone is

4.1.4. Preventative Maintenance Scheduling

The system shall be capable of defining all features maintained by the City in the asset inventory as
collected, inspected or periodically modified including site location, feature description, condition
assessment, etc.

The system shall allow for the development of routine cyclical planning of maintenance work and
inspections and shall give staff a guide to use in the scheduling and establishment of routine programs
to proactively perform maintenance.

Preventive maintenance scheduling shall be fully integrated with all aspects of the application including
but not limited to the asset inventory, job costing for budget prediction, and must be able to
proactively issue work orders based on time or usage (meter).

Software shall have an automated scheduling process inclusive of all work to be accomplished in each
time-period. Further, ability to review the anticipated activities by any time-period is desirable. Reports
and information shall be easily retrieved and accessible by both administrative and line staff.

4.1.5. Work Management and Tracking System

The software shall include the capability to completely track effort and compile daily work quantity
done by activity, specific location and assets with all labor, equipment, material and contracted
resources. Work history information can then be related to the annual plan and comparisons can be
made on unit cost, accomplishment and productivity.

The software shall also have the capabilities to identify, trend and document work by location or asset.
Queries and filtering for information shall occur at various levels and shall allow searches using
multiple criteria in order to simplify data gathering. The software application shall be capable of
operating and reporting at the maintenance activity level or the work order level with integration
between the two levels. This process shall allow for internal evaluation and the ability to benchmark
against other similar agencies. Further, the software shall be capable of performing the following:

 The management of service requests, planned maintenance, preventive maintenance, corrective

maintenance and all efforts generated by work orders.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 10 | P a g e
 The tracking of a service requests from inception to completion; continual status (open, closed,
pending, backlogged) indication is necessary.
 Work and costs that can be tracked to the location, asset, project number, job number (i.e.,
reimbursable work) and/or account/fund number.
 Tracking and reporting City force accounts and vendor furnished labor, equipment, material, and
operating costs.
 User-definable fields configured to record such information as special work projects, cost centers,
programs or other unique situations.
 Ability to separate data planned and tracked by management/department units or by activity
(mowing, sewer line cleaning, stormwater CCTV, sidewalk repair, pothole patching, sign
installation, HVAC PM, brake repair, etc.).

4.1.6. Costing and Billing

The system shall be able to perform in-house costing and external billing on a time and material basis
or by work units completed (unit cost). In addition, the system shall have the capability to apply
multiple overhead rates for in-house costing, external customers, FEMA, etc., and a separate material
surcharge for materials used. The specific components required are:

 Ability to bill on an itemized time and material basis or by work unit for any group, program or
 Ability to apply multiple overhead rates for billing including a rate for billing other divisions within
Public Works, for other departments within the City, outside of Public Works, agencies outside
of the City, or FEMA disaster declarations. The use of overheads shall be more than just for
report generation, but also the way data is stored and displayed.
 Ability to apply a separate surcharge to items billed.
 Ability to generate invoices that include the following information: invoice number, customer,
budgetary account, charge account, work accomplished, all labor, equipment, material and
contractor charges, surcharges, etc.

4.1.7. Material and Parts Inventory Control

The use of materials and parts in the work effort for both work orders and preplanned work shall be
tracked and accounted for. The City requires that the inventory quantity be reduced as utilized from
the current inventory with the capability to establish re-order points as inventory stock on hand is

This shall require a complete methodology for parts and inventory items being transferred in and out
of material stock and warehouses. This shall allow for accountability of the use of materials and a
more complete costing of work performed. The City requires the ability to not only track material
and parts usage, but also for a method to reduce or add to the inventory based upon usage reported
in the work management portions of the system.

4.1.8. Work Planning and Budgeting System

The City requires the ability to produce annual performance work plans by activity, using person days
as the labor unit, that are simple to create and can be developed in monthly time periods. The plan
will include all work anticipated for the entire year including preventative, predictable, routine and
response efforts. This plan would also include an inventory of infrastructure assets, scope of work
for each activity, estimated level of service and anticipated workload. Further, crew composition,
equipment needed and parts by activity would also be included.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 11 | P a g e
This system shall provide estimates of resource needs to match desired service levels and allow “what
if” analysis to address financial constraints. Once a work plan is finalized, labor, equipment and
material requirements shall be determined for each activity. These requirements shall be compared
against current available resources and any surplus or shortfall in resources shall be identified. The
system shall allow for an adjustment of the number, cost and productivity of personnel,
rented/leased/purchased equipment and/or the use of contracted services to balance current
equipment and worker levels with those required for accomplishing the work plan. Software must be
capable of performing the following functions:

 Estimate future workloads and budgets based on inventories, level of effort and resource costs.
 Organize resources (labor, equipment, material) throughout the year to match the plan.
 Schedule work that is both preventive (pre-planned) and reactive (modifiable), as well as
maintaining a work backlog.
 Control work by tracking resources used (cost, hours, units), work accomplished, and location
 Perform planned versus actual comparison of work done including productivity and unit cost.
 Perform cost accounting of maintenance activities.
 Perform monthly workload distribution by balancing work with resources (i.e., labor, equipment)
 Produce a work plan performance budget for an entire year for each budget group. Each budget
shall be able to be separated from and/or combined “rolled up” with others within Public Works.
 The software shall produce the budget by activity and shall be capable of output via the screen,
report or graphics.

4.1.9. Report Production

The software or third-party report generators shall have the capability of creating custom reports by
the user using the AMMS data without the need for additional Vendor support. Report generation
shall be straightforward and easy to produce. The reporting system shall provide the user with the
ability to query options from multiple database tables without the user needing to have any
considerable scripting knowledge or knowledge of the database structure. Reports shall be able to be
saved for future use, stored and/or shared by user for re-printing.

The reporting system shall allow the user to specify selection criteria through either a conditional menu
approach or a SQL free form approach. A condition window shall allow for the following selection
conditions: equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal
to, is null, is not null, is like (pattern matched or wild card searches) and is not like, contains, starts
with, etc. The City desires the ability to provide column options including the ability to change column
title, width or attribute.

If report writing software external to the vendor’s software is furnished, then the name and version
of the report writer software shall be stated, and a licensed copy of the report writer software shall be
furnished with the AMMS software and included in the cost estimate.

The system should allow for users to customize the look and format including adding the City Logo.
Reports must allow for a preview prior to printing, so the user has an opportunity to verify the data
and format expected. Report data should be able to be downloaded to a PDF, text file, an Excel
worksheet and/or XML file. Management reports must be secured to privileged users only and
customized reports should be able to be saved to a user’s profile and/or group profile.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 12 | P a g e
4.1.10. GIS Interface
It’s the City’s preference to have an AMMS that is fully integrated with the City’s existing enterprise
GIS database. If a Proposer’s AMMS is not capable of integrating with the City’s existing GIS
database, the Proposer must provide details on the extent to which the two systems can interact (share
data, automation, etc.) and plans on ensuring full integration between the two.

The City’s current software version is ArcGIS Server 10.6.1, however the City will be upgrading to
ArcGIS Enterprise (10.7) by end of 2019. The City is seeking a seamless interface of AMMS
functionality to its existing web mapping application. All asset information for the three utility systems
(Water, Sanitary, and Storm) as well as Parks and Transportation data are managed in a geodatabase

The City also uses Latitude Geographic’s Geocortex Essentials (version 4.11). Geocortex serves as
the primary enterprise mapping application for the City and is also used to provide GIS data to the
public. Geocortex contains many common built in GIS functions (identify, layer management,
selections, queries, buffers, markups, workflows), and integrates spatial and tabular business system
data and allows for significant linking to other business systems through custom actions and web
protocols. Business systems linked to Geocortex include police data, permitting (Accela), utility billing
and business licenses (Springbrook), asset management (MaintStar), and document management
(Laserfiche). Custom integration with the present CMMS allows staff to select features within the
web mapping application and then pass those assets directly into a new work order. In addition, there
is a go to map function from assets in the CMMS to the map application (zoom to extent feature)

Data Synchronization between GIS and AMMS

The City presently has very limited synchronization capabilities between GIS and the current CMMS.
Most synchronization is done manually using validation reports which flag discrepancies between the
two systems. In the new AMMS, the City will need a much more suitable, accurate and much less
labor-intensive solution for keeping the two systems in synchronization.

4.1.11. Capital and Project Management

The City desires the capability of performing CIP project monitoring from acquisition, funding and
design; through construction, with the ability to set up multi-phase projects. Additional desirables
include project tracking by status and task, using Gantt chart type reporting, for the ability to perform
critical path scheduling by project and/or work order.

4.1.12. Field and Mobile Environment

The City desires to use their AMMS in on a smartphone or tablet to view and manage work requests,
work orders and assets both in the AMMS and in GIS. The AMMS application should be able to be
used on these devices to view requests and work orders, record work, and update asset data.

4.2. Implementation Services

Contractor shall also provide implementation services for the installation and integration of an asset and
maintenance management system (AMMS) to be procured from the selected software vendor. The
implementation services included in this Scope of Services are:

 Project Management/Planning
 System Development
 System Implementation/data conversion from existing CMMS
 Documentation
 Training
RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 13 | P a g e
 Maintenance/Support

4.2.1. Project Management/Planning

Contractor shall provide the project management necessary to ensure proper planning, execution, and
reporting of the progress on the AMMS implementation. Contractor shall develop processes for
tracking project status, a change control procedure, and an initial project schedule in a critical path
format. Contractor shall submit progress reports on project status bi-weekly. These reports are to
include incremental work completed, work schedule for the next period, and an updated project
schedule. Additionally, Contractor shall coordinate with City Project Manager to ensure Tigard staff
resource requirements are available when they are needed. Contractor shall coordinate with the City
Project Manager and AMMS Project Team to prepare a project work plan for review and acceptance
by the City.

 Approved Project Work Plan
 Bi-Weekly progress reports

4.2.2. System Development

It is recognized that this RFP does not identify every possible feature that would be of benefit to the
City. Contractor is expected to conduct a business process analysis phase prior to commencing with
the implementation of the AMMS. Contractor shall suggest improved processes based on business
process analysis and identify straightforward configuration (can be achieved through textual settings
of parameters and/or readable scripts) and or customization (beyond the core product) necessary to
complete the requirements in Attachment C. In addition, integration between business systems may
need to be configured or designed to achieve the requirements of Attachment C. Contractor shall
propose which modules to be purchased based on the requirements outlined in Attachment C and the
results from the business process understanding phase.

 Business process mapping documentation
 Data conversion plan from existing CMMS.
 Final functional and technical requirements specifications
 Final recommendation for modules to be purchased by the City
 Itemized/specifications for configuration, integration/interfaces, and customization, including:
o GIS customization with City’s web mapping application and synchronization with GIS

4.2.3. System Implementation

Contractor shall propose phases for implementing the AMMS and migrating data into the AMMS.
For example, each phase could relate to a functional area. Contractor shall work with the City Project
Manager to ensure that the development environment accurately reflects the production environment
in terms of the AMMS software modules, database version, and server and workstation operating
systems and configuration. Contractor shall supply a detailed Phased Data Conversion/Migration,
Implementation and Test Plans. The City will provide database server(s) for production
implementation. The Contractor will have primary responsibility for data conversion/migration;
however, work will be closely coordinated with City staff.

 Installed system

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 14 | P a g e
 Configurations, integration, customization built and in place
 Phased Data Conversion, Implementation and Testing Plan
 Implemented, tested and accepted AMMS
 Go-Live of system

4.2.4. Documentation
Contractor shall provide documentation relating to the completed system. Including at a minimum
the following regarding database design (items to be delivered in digital format):

 Data Dictionary
 Indexes
 Views
 Stored Procedures
 Triggers
 Packages
 Entity-Relationship Diagrams
 Application Specifications
 User Manual
 Online Help
 Administration Manual
 Documentation of implemented interfaces
 Backup & Recover Procedures
 Customized code with documentation (schema)

4.2.5. Training
Contractor shall provide training on the AMMS. Contractor shall provide a training plan, which shall
be subject to approval by the City. Contractor shall work with City staff to provide on-site knowledge
transfer specifically with respect to the installation, configuration, and use of the AMMS. Contractor
shall provide training configured for System Administrators, “power users”, and end users or other
agreed upon training arrangement between the Contractor and AMMS Project Team.

 Approved Training Plan
 Training Sessions Completed

4.2.6. Maintenance/Support
Contractor/Vendor will provide maintenance and support as part of the project to ensure transition
of the production system into operation. At a minimum, the maintenance/support shall include:

 A one-year maintenance plan

 Ten business days of on-site support after Go-Live
 On-site immediate response to high-priority applications issues
 Phone support with a minimum two-hour response time for all critical (application unavailable)

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 15 | P a g e
To provide a degree of consistency in review of the written proposals, firms are requested to prepare
their proposals in the standard format specified below with ten (10) tabbed sections. A Title Page
must be provided that identifies the RFP Title, name and title of contact person, address, telephone
number, fax number, email address and date of submission. A Table of Contents must be include
which includes a clear and complete identification by section and page number of the materials

1. Transmittal Letter (2 pages max)

The transmittal letter should be not more than two (2) pages long and should include as a
minimum the following:

a. A brief statement of the Proposer’s understanding of the project and services to be performed;
b. A positive commitment to perform the services within the time period specified, starting and
completing the project within the deadlines stated in this RFP; and the names of persons
authorized to represent the Proposer, their title, address and telephone number (if different
from the individual who signs the transmittal letter.)
c. Indicate three reasons why the City should select your firm for their project.

2. Firm and Team Qualifications (8 pages)

A. Background of the firm. This should include a brief history of the firm and types of services
the firm is qualified to perform. Also indicate date of incorporation, mergers, location of
headquarters and regional offices, number of employees, etc. Designation of the legal entity
and State in which the business operates (i.e., sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability
partnership, corporation, limited liability corporation, etc.); provide evidence such as
incorporation documents, SEC filings, etc. Active business venues (Cities counties, states, etc.)
where the Vendor currently has significant operations or market share. Present status and
projected direction of business. Include any plans for future product lines and/or service.
B. Qualifications of the firm in performing this type of work. List five projects similar to this
project in the last five years for City infrastructure, similar to that outlined in section 3, with a
complete description and supporting information, including the size of the fee, year, and client
contact (phone number and email), as the City staff may contact the references as part of the
evaluation. The listed projects should have City maintenance and operations project
experience or those of similar assets in another project that they have implemented. A
complete scope of your work should be described for each project.
C. Staffing; Proposers must identify the anticipated members of their firm that will be assigned
to meet the City’s needs. Provide a brief description of the proposed team and a statement of
qualifications for performing the requested services. The system Vendor and the Project
Manager shall have a background in asset and maintenance management computer systems
with City related infrastructure. The City shall have an unconditional right of refusal for any
reassignment of, or substitution for, any member of the designated project team.
D. Project Manager Qualifications and experience that shall be assigned to this project with
similar City or City related infrastructure projects experience.
E. Project Team: Identify the project team (including proposed sub-consultants), with key tasks
and associated responsible personnel. Include a brief resume for each team member along
with the geographic locations of the Vendor and key personnel. Provide an organization chart
showing the reporting structure and where this project would be assigned within the

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 16 | P a g e
organization. This section should include specific and detailed descriptions of similar City or
City related infrastructure projects performed with results, client name, and year completed.
F. Effective technical and direct user phone support during Pacific Standard Time business
hours. System technical support shall be provided by a secure method of accessing the server
on-site (such as WebEx, Live Meeting, or GoToMeeting) with the access authority granted for
real time to the system via an IT Staff Member. Please identify your support team’s
organization and methodologies used.

3. Project Understanding and Approach (3 pages max)

Proposers should provide the City with information regarding their understanding of the City’s
needs with regards to the Scope and Schedule of Work. Proposers should demonstrate a general
understanding of the needs of a municipality in the State of Oregon from a software firm. As part
of their service understanding documentation, Proposer’s should address their availability to meet
the City’s needs.

4. Functional requirements and capability (16 pages max, excluding Attachment D)

The vendor shall document for all areas outlined in section 4.1 with each of the twelve sections
with descriptions using text, figures, diagrams and screen shots.

This includes:
 Asset Inventory and Condition  Material and Parts Inventory
Reporting Control
 Work Request System  Work Planning and Budgeting
 Work Order System System
 Preventative Maintenance  Report Production
Scheduling  GIS Interface
 Work Management and Tracking  Capital and Project Management
System  Field and mobile Environment
 Costing and Billing

Also include Attachment D (General and Technical System Requirements) matrix at end of this

5. Systems Implementation (5 pages Max)

The vendor shall outline their process and methods to be used for all areas outlined in section 4.2

 Project Management/Planning
 System Development
 System Implementation
 Documentation
 Training
 Maintenance/Support

6. Support Maintenance and licensing (4 pages Max)

The vendor shall provide a recent example of a Service Level Agreement for support. Describe
support incident prioritization, support tiers, guaranteed turnaround times and support hours for
Pacific Standard Time. Vendor shall require upgrade cycles and the impact of upgrades in terms

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 17 | P a g e
of annual/version costs and hours to the City IT staff to perform the upgrades. Costs for software
releases and upgrades should be reflected in the annual Support and Maintenance Agreement
Contract. Version upgrades should not be separated from Maintenance Releases. Attach your
Support and Maintenance Proposed Contract within your submittal here. This will be the starting
point of negotiations for that contract. Vendor should also insert Software Licensing Agreement.

7. Exceptions to RFP (2 pages Max)

The vendor shall identify all exceptions to the RFP and they shall be submitted for consideration
by the City within this section of the Proposal. Exceptions will be considered within the evaluation
portion of the proposals. Any major issues that can limit implementation and sustainability of the
system will be noted.

8. Other relevant information (10 pages max)

This section will not be rated and will only be used in support or to clarify other information
provided. This section will include and reference all supporting information, report and screen
formats that the Vendor believes relevant to understanding its software. These could include but
are not limited to:

 System inputs and outputs – demonstrate what inputs and their formats are required. Also,
give a sample of some of the key outputs (reports and screens) that the system can generate.
A listing of planning, resource estimates, scheduling and work tracking outputs shall be listed
with sample formats.
 System Standard Report Forms
 System Documentation Samples
 Brochures, Collateral and Marketing Messages
 Other System Features included but not specified herein
 System Security Access rights and control – system security regarding the rights of software
access privileges and control of information by module proposed shall be addressed.

9. Cost Structure
The proposed fee structure should include the complete breakout for the Contractor’s costs to
provide all the services under the subsequent contract. Use Cost Proposal form in Attachment E
of RFP and submit in a separate sealed envelope.

10. Appendix (10 pages max)

This section will include all forms required in Sections 7 (Proposal Certifications) and 8 (Signature
Page) of this RFP and Attachment A (Acknowledgement of Addendum) and Attachment B
(Statement of Proposal).

Provide a brief description of any other services that your firm could provide the City and an
approximation of the hourly charge for each service of this type. Such services would be contracted
for on an “as needed” basis, to be provided and billed for separately.

Please provide any other information you feel would help the Selection Committee evaluate your firm
for this project.


RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 18 | P a g e
Contractor must demonstrate successful past performance of the firm’s ability to provide services as
set forth in this specification. Contractors must detail three (3) references to document experience.
References must be detailed in Attachment B “Statement of Proposal”.

Should any doubt or difference of opinion arise between the City and a Proposer as to the items to be
furnished hereunder or the interpretation of the provisions of this RFP, the decision of the City shall
be final and binding upon all parties.

No Officer, agent, consultant or employee of the City shall be permitted any interest in the contract.

A Selection Committee assembled by the City will review the written proposals. Proposals will be
evaluated to determine which ones best meet the needs of the City. After meeting the mandatory
requirements, the proposals will be evaluated on both their technical and fee aspects. The Selection
Committee will select the Proposer which best meets the City's needs based upon its evaluation of a
firm’s proposal.

1. Evaluation Structure
The City will use the following structure for the evaluation of the software and implementation
proposals received in response to this RFP.

A. Proposal Evaluation Team. The Proposal Evaluation Team (“Evaluation Team”) will
include representatives from the Information Management, Community Services and Public
Works Departments. The Evaluation Team will be responsible for tasks such as evaluating
and rating proposals, participating in meetings, attending all software demonstrations, and
participating in any other evaluation tasks that may be required, such as site visits. The
Evaluation Team members will be responsible for evaluating the quality of the proposed
software to assess its ability to meet the business requirements, as well as assessing
implementation strategies, prices, and other evaluation criteria. The Evaluation Team’s initial
objective, following proposal evaluations, is to provide a short-list of vendors to continue into
subsequent evaluation stages (i.e. software demos). After all evaluation stages are complete,
the Evaluation Team will recommend a final vendor to the Director of Public Works.

B. Overview of the Evaluation Process. The City will use a competitive process which will
include short-listing a select group of vendors. The City reserves the right to eliminate vendors
and proceed with the remaining vendors, and request “Best and Final Offers” from any
vendors. Selection of the final vendor may include the following steps and factors:

 Procurement Requirements Evaluation

 Detailed Proposal Evaluation
 Software Demonstrations and Reference Checks
 Interviews and/or Customer Site-Visits
 Final Contract Negotiations

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 19 | P a g e
2. Evaluation Criteria
The Evaluation Team will review all proposals according to the following criteria. Each criterion
will receive a score between 0 - 10, and then the score will be multiplied by the "weighting" for
that respective criteria. The cost proposal will be opened after the shortlist is determined.

 Evaluation Team criteria and weighting (Pass/Fail). All required data and forms must
be submitted to be a complete response.
 Compliance or fit within the City’s technical standards (Pass/Fail). If fails, the vendor
is eliminated from the selection process.

Proposals will be assessed using a process that evaluates four key areas. A ranking will be given
for each of the four categories in a group evaluation. These categories are outlined in the table and
sections below.

Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Weight Score 1-10
Company Qualifications
Section 5A1, 5A2, 5A8 and 5A10
Project Understanding
Section 5A1, 5A3, 5A7 and 5A8
Functional Requirements and
System Capabilities 50
Section 5A4 and 5A8
Technology and Capabilities
Section 5A5, 5A6 and 5A8 and Matrix 20

Cost Proposal* Not used to See

determine Evaluation
shortlist Process

a. Company Qualifications
Vendor has adequate experience, organizational structure, financial stability, and capital
resources to maintain and support the software product(s) for a minimum ten (10) year life
cycle and to fully implement for City infrastructure.

Relates to Tab Sections 1, 2, 8, and 10 in vendors submittal.

b. Project Understanding, Staffing, and Approach

Experience of the Vendor, any subcontractors and their staff in furnishing, installing and
implementing the AMMS software product for City maintenance staff. Availability of the staff
proposed to perform the installation, training, project management and support. The vendor’s
demonstrated knowledge of City maintenance activities and maintenance systems; clear
expression of the information requirements for efficient and effective management of
maintenance operations; and a thorough understanding of the City’s current operations,
databases, general software capabilities and required features. Display of an outline of

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 20 | P a g e
implementation activities, workflow and schedule with defined management processes for
control of the schedule.

Relates to Tab Sections 1, 3, 7 and 8 in vendor’s submittal.

c. Functional Requirements and Systems Capabilities

Proposed system capabilities to achieve and meet outlined requirements for the scope in
Section 5 for work, assets and inventory proficiencies for City infrastructure. A clear
presentation for all the requested requirements with examples and clarification of how this
system could work. Displaying a complete understanding of meeting the various required
functional requirements in Section 4 of RFP and showing how other past system
implementations have worked in relation to this scope.

Relates to Section Tab Sections 4 and 8 in vendor’s submittal.

d. Technology and Capabilities

The use of technology which will minimize long-term costs, optimize data gathering and
downloading methods, improve communications, and allow for geographical presentation.
The technology must also have ability to interface with other software applications. The ability
of the software solution to provide the required functional, technical, and reporting capabilities
as defined in the RFP; ease of use and the ability of City staff to operate and use the system.

Having the staff and resources available for software maintenance, development of a product
roadmap, support and training; types and available hours of support services; a general
overview of software and associated training methods for data collection, data entry, database
maintenance and updates.

Relates to Tab Sections 4, 5, 6, 8 and matrix of the vendor’s submittal.

e. Project Cost
The total cost for the proposed AMMS implementation, support and on-going maintenance
of the system. This cost is in a separate submittal and will be opened only after the shortlist
is established.

Proposer’s must also include details, including rough rate sheets for key personnel, for data
conversion and upload from the City’s CMMS system.

The Price Proposal Form is found in Tables 1 & 2 in attachment E.

3. Clarification
The City reserves the right to request additional information and/or clarification of any
information submitted by any vendor. The City may conduct oral interviews with the most
qualified and responsive proposals (short list). Vendor interviews and software demonstrations
are tentatively scheduled for late July and early August 2019. By submitting, the vendor agrees to
demonstrate their software if they are requested as a portion of the short list process.

4. Questions
Each short list Vendor will be expected to respond to a series of questions, prepared by the
Evaluation Team prior to the interview and to present or demonstrate the proposed software

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 21 | P a g e
solution with provided City data, utilizing an agenda provided by the City, during a two-hour
period, plus 30 minutes for questions.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 22 | P a g e
5. Agreement
A contract agreement will be negotiated following the final selection. If the City is unable to
negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the selected firm, it will undertake negotiations with the
second-ranked firm and so on until it has reached a satisfactory agreement. The Evaluation Team
will recommend one firm to the City Council to approve, for furnishing, installing and
implementation of an AMMS software product for Maintenance and Operations functions.

6. Evaluation Team
The Evaluation Team role is to select a system that provides:

a. A solution cost that provides the best value to the City.

b. A vendor with strength and long-term viability.
c. An acceptable level of risks associated with each vendor on shortlist.
d. After the Evaluation Team has evaluated the proposals, demonstrations/interviews with the
short-listed vendors will be scheduled. Vendors who are invited to the interviews will be re-
evaluated with criteria to be determined at that time. All short-listed vendors start the
interviews on equal standing. Best and Final Offers (BAFO) may be requested after the

7. Award of Contract
The City reserves the right to award a contract, based on initial offers received from vendors,
without discussion and without conducting further negotiations. Under such circumstance, the
acceptance of a proposal by the City shall be deemed to be an acceptance of an offer that such
acceptance will be binding upon both parties. A proposing offer should therefore be based on
the most favorable terms available from price, business requirements and technical standpoints.

The City may also, at its sole discretion, have discussions with those vendors that it deems to fall
within a competitive range. The City may enter negotiations separately with such vendors.
Negotiations may continue with a vendor to whom the City has tentatively selected to award a
contract. The City shall not be deemed to have finally selected a vendor until a contract has been
successfully negotiated and signed by both parties. Contractual commitments are contingent upon
the availability of funds, as evidenced by the issuance of a purchase order. Once awarded, the
contract, which will include this RFP document and the selected vendor’s response to the RFP,
will be the final expression of the agreement between the parties and may not be altered, changed,
or amended except by mutual agreement, in writing. All contracts are subject to the approval of
the City’s legal counsel and the City Council.

At the option of the City, the top scoring proposers (based on the criteria points) may be asked to
make a presentation of their proposal. This will provide an opportunity to clarify or elaborate on the
proposal, but will not, in any way provide an opportunity to change any fee amount originally
proposed. The City’s Project Manager will schedule the time and location of these presentations and
notify the selected firms. The selected firms will be scored and ranked again based on the same criteria
used in the RFP shortlist process.

The City reserves the right to investigate references and the past performance of any Proposer with
respect to its successful performance of similar projects, compliance with specifications and contractual
obligations, its completion or delivery of a project on schedule and its lawful payment of employees and

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 23 | P a g e
The City reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point regarding a proposal or to obtain
additional information necessary to properly evaluate a proposal. Failure of a Proposer to respond to
such a request for additional information or clarification could result in rejection of their proposal.

The Selection Committee reserves the right to either: (a) request “Best and Final Offers” from the
two finalist firms and award to the lowest priced or (b) to reassess the proposals and award to the
vendor determined to best meet the overall needs of the City.

Upon review of the proposals submitted, the City may negotiate a scope of work and a general services
agreement with one firm or may select one or more firms for further consideration.

In accordance with Tigard Public Contracting Rule 30.135, any adversely affected Proposer has seven
(7) calendar days from the date of the written notice of award to file a written protest.

The City reserves the right to:

1) Reject any or all proposals not in compliance with all public procedures and requirements;
2) Reject any proposal not meeting the specifications set forth herein;
3) Waive any or all irregularities in proposals submitted;
4) In the event two or more proposals shall be for the same amount for the same work, the
City shall follow the provisions of LCRB 30.095 and Section 137-095 of the Oregon
Attorney General’s Model Public Contract Manual;
5) Reject all proposals;
6) Award any or all parts of any proposal; and
7) Request references and other data to determine responsiveness.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 24 | P a g e

Non-discrimination Clause

The Contractor agrees not to discriminate against any client, employee or applicant for employment or for
services, because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or age with regard to, but not limited
to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoffs
or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; selection for training; rendition of services. It
is further understood that any contractor who is in violation of this clause shall be barred from receiving
awards of any purchase order from the City, unless a satisfactory showing is made that discriminatory practices
have terminated and that a recurrence of such acts is unlikely.

Agreed by:

Firm Name:


Resident Certificate

Please Check One:

 Resident Vendor: Vendor has paid unemployment taxes and income taxes in this state during the last
twelve calendar months immediately preceding the submission of this proposal.
 Non-resident Vendor: Vendor does not qualify under requirement stated above.
(Please specify your state of residence: )

Officer’s signature:

Type or print officer’s name:

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 25 | P a g e
The undersigned proposes to perform all work as listed in the Specification section, for the price(s) stated;
and that all articles supplied under any resultant contract will conform to the specifications herein,

The undersigned agrees to be bound by all applicable laws and regulations, the accompanying specifications
and by City policies and regulations.

The undersigned, by submitting a proposal, represents that:

A) The Proposer has read and understands the specifications.

B) Failure to comply with the specifications or any terms of the Request for Proposal may disqualify
the Proposer as being non-responsive.

The undersigned certifies that the proposal has been arrived at independently and has been submitted without
any collusion designed to limit competition.

The undersigned certifies that all addenda to the specifications has been received and duly considered and
that all costs associated with all addenda have been included in this proposal:

Addenda: No. through No. inclusive.

We therefore offer and make this proposal to furnish services at the price(s) indicated herein in fulfillment of
the attached requirements and specifications of the City.

Name of firm:


Telephone Number: Fax Number:

By: Date:
(Signature of Authorized Official. If partnership, signature of one partner.)

Typed Name/Title:

If corporation, attest:
(Corporate Officer)

Corporation Partnership Individual

Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN):

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 26 | P a g e

Project Title: Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services

Close: (Day of Week), (Date) – 2:00 p.m.

I/WE HAVE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING ADDENDA (If none received, write “None Received”):


Signature of Proposer


Corporate Name

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 27 | P a g e

Name of Consultant:

Mailing Address:

Contact Person:

Telephone: Fax: Email:

accepts all the terms and conditions contained in the City of Tigard’s Request for Proposal for Asset and
Maintenance Management (AMMS) System and Implementation Services and the attached purchase
agreement (Attachment C):

Signature of authorized representative Date

Type or print name of authorized representative Telephone Number

Type or print name of person(s) authorized to negotiate contracts Telephone Number


Reference #1 Telephone Number

Project Title Contact Individual

Reference #2 Telephone Number

Project Title Contact Individual

Reference #3 Telephone Number

Project Title Contact Individual

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 28 | P a g e

THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this (Day) of (Month), (Year) by and between the City of Tigard,
a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called City, and (Seller's Name), hereinafter called
Seller, collectively hereinafter called the “Parties.”
WHEREAS, Seller has submitted a bid or proposal to City for the sale of certain goods; and

WHEREAS, Seller is in the business of selling certain goods and is aware of the purposes for which City will use
the goods; and

WHEREAS, City and Seller wish to enter into a contract under which City shall purchase the goods described
in Seller’s bid or proposal;

THEREFORE, The Parties agree as follows:

City shall purchase (Enter brief description or overview of what is being purchased) from Seller in
accordance with:
A. The specifications (including any addenda) attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated
herein by this reference;

B. The Seller’s proposal dated (Enter date of proposal), which was accepted by the Contract
Review Board on (Enter date of LCRB approval or delete) attached hereto as Exhibit B and
incorporated by this reference; and

C. The City’s Standard Terms and Conditions attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated by
this reference.


This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of execution by the City’s Local Contract Review
Board and shall expire, unless otherwise terminated or extended, on date or June 30, year, whichever
comes first. All goods under this Agreement shall be delivered and completed prior to the expiration of
this Agreement.

A. City hereby agrees to pay Seller (Enter amount in written form) ($Amount in numerical
form)for the goods, including shipping and handling. The total purchase price shall be
considered payment for all Sellers’ obligations described in this agreement. Seller shall invoice
City the purchase price upon the delivery of the goods. City shall have thirty (30) days after
receipt of invoice in which to make payment. Seller shall be responsible for the payment of
all taxes associated with the sale of the goods. City is exempt from the payment of Federal
Excise Tax.

B. Seller shall promptly advise City of all reasonably available technological advances that are
known or become known to Seller while this agreement is in effect which may result in the
goods having added value, capacity, or usefulness when used for City’s purpose. If Seller
RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 29 | P a g e
intends to provide goods incorporating technological advances and still meeting the
specifications and the City’s needs at no additional charge, Seller shall provide City with
days’ notice of the proposed change. The City may require that only goods not incorporating
the changes be supplied by providing written notice to seller within 5 days of receiving the
notice of the proposed change. Any other changes incorporating technological advances shall
only be approved as an amendment to this agreement.

C. The City certifies that sufficient funds are available and authorized for expenditure to finance
costs of this contract during the City’s - fiscal year. Funding for future fiscal years
shall be subject to the adoption of the budget by the Tigard City Council.

Seller shall deliver the goods no later than (Enter days in written form) (Enter days in numerical form)
days after receipt of City’s purchase order, together with an executed copy of this Agreement. Seller
agrees to provide goods as specified in Exhibit A.

Within (Enter in numerical form) (days or hours) following delivery, City shall inspect the goods and
shall notify Seller immediately of any damaged items. No language contained in a purchase order, work
order, or delivery order shall vary, amend, modify, or add terms or conditions to this Agreement under
which the order is placed.

Unless the Specifications (Exhibit A) or the proposal (Exhibit B) require installation by Seller, the City
shall install the goods purchased under this agreement. If Seller is to install the goods, installation
shall be completed no later than (Enter # of days in written form) (Enter # of days in numerical form)
days after delivery. Any installation by Seller shall be in accordance with the provision of this
agreement, including all Exhibits.


Seller shall test the goods prior to delivery. Seller's tests shall determine whether the goods meet Seller's
specifications and are fit for the purpose intended. Acceptance or rejection of the goods purchased shall occur
10 days after delivery and inspection by Buyer. Failure to inspect and accept or reject goods shall neither relieve
Seller from responsibility for such goods, which do not meet the requirements in this Agreement nor impose
liability on Buyer.

Risk of loss to goods in shipment (including damage, destruction, theft, or loss) shall be borne by
the Seller. Risk of loss shall not pass to Buyer until the goods are delivered to and checked in at the
location specified by Buyer.

Neither party shall assign or transfer any interest in or duty under this Agreement without the written
consent of the other and any attempted assignment or transfer without the written consent of the other
party shall be invalid.


All notices and bills shall be made in writing and may be given by personal delivery, mail or fax. Payments
may be made by personal delivery, mail, or electronic transfer. The following addresses shall be used to
transmit notices, bills, payments, and other information:

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 30 | P a g e
Attn: (City's contact person's name) Attn: (Contractor's contact person's name)
Address: 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Address: (Contractor's mailing address)
Tigard, Oregon 97223 (Contractor's mailing address)
Phone: (503) Phone: (Contact person's phone number)
Fax: (Contact person's fax number) Fax: (Contact person's fax number)
Email Address: (Contact person's email) Email Address: (Contact person's email)

City has the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate without cause or for no cause, to termination this
Agreement at any time by giving notice to Seller. If City terminates the contract pursuant to this section,
it shall pay Seller for goods shipped by Seller prior to receipt by Seller of the notice of termination. City
may deduct the amount of damages, if any, sustained by City due to any breach of contract or warranty
by Seller. Damages for breach of contract or warranty shall be those allowed by Oregon law, reasonable
and necessary attorney fees, witness fees (expert and non-expert), and other costs of litigation at trial and
on appeal.


City shall have access to such books, documents, papers and records of Seller as are directly pertinent to
this Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts.


Neither City nor Seller shall be considered in default because of any delays in completion and
responsibilities hereunder due to causes beyond the control and without fault or negligence on the part
of the parties so disenabled, including but not restricted to, natural disaster, war, civil unrest, volcano,
earthquake, fire, flood, epidemic, quarantine restriction, area-wide strike, freight embargo, unusually
severe weather or delay of subseller or supplies due to such cause; provided that the parties so disenabled
shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of such delay, notify the other party in writing of the cause
of delay and its probable extent. Such notification shall not be the basis for a claim for additional
compensation. Each party shall, however, make all reasonable efforts to remove or eliminate such a cause
of delay or default and shall, upon cessation of the cause, diligently pursue performance of its obligation
under the Agreement.

Seller agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of federal and state civil rights and rehabilitation
statues, rules, and regulations. Seller also shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
ORS 659.425, and all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant to those laws.


Seller warrants that the goods shall remain free of defects in material and workmanship for a period
of one (1) year commencing the date of City's acceptance. Such defects shall include any failure of
the goods to meet Seller's specifications or the description contained in Seller's product literature. If
within the warranty period City discovers such a defect, Seller shall repair or replace the defective item
or component free of charge. If after three attempts Seller is unable to eliminate a defect, or if Seller
does not commence the warranty work within the time allowed in this paragraph, City shall have the
right to return the defective item or component and, at City's option, either obtain a full refund of the
purchase price of the goods or obtain a refund, in an amount to be agreed upon by the parties, of the
portion of the purchase price of the goods that is allocable to the defective item or component. Seller
shall commence all warranty work within 48 hours of receiving notice of the warranty claim. All

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 31 | P a g e
warranty work shall be performed at City's facilities unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If warranty
work is performed at Seller's facilities, Seller shall pay all shipping costs, including the cost of return
shipment. This warranty shall apply to all repair parts furnished by Seller and all repairs performed by


Seller warrants that none of the goods, the use thereof or any of the applications, processes or designs
employed in the manufacture thereof infringes the valid claims of any letter patent, patent application,
copyright, trade secret or any other property right of any third party. If as a result of any suit or
proceeding alleging an infringement of any of the foregoing property rights City's use of the equipment
is enjoined, Seller shall at no cost to City either obtain for City a license to use the goods or modify
the goods so as to avoid the infringement without any degradation in performance. If Seller cannot
obtain such a license and cannot so modify the equipment, Seller shall promptly refund to City the
purchase price, less a reasonable amount for depreciation.


Unless otherwise provided in the Specifications (Exhibit A) or the Proposal (Exhibit B), the City shall
have the right to maintain the goods purchased under this Agreement. Repairs or replacement of
parts by the City or its agents or maintenance contractors shall not alter or void any warranties for
equipment or goods purchased under this contract.

If provided for in the Specifications (Exhibit A) or the Proposal (Exhibit B), Seller shall provide
maintenance services for a (term in numercial form)-year period commencing on the date of delivery
under the guidelines established in the Specifications (Exhibit A). All maintenance services shall be
performed on City's premises, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Seller shall provide substitute
equipment of equal quality and function for City's use if the maintenance services will exceed (days in
numerical form) days in duration. City may terminate Seller’s maintenance services at any time without
cause upon the delivery of written notice. In the event of such termination, Seller’s other obligations
under this Agreement shall remain unchanged and Seller shall promptly refund to City all amounts
prepaid for maintenance services and unused.


Seller hereby assigns all warranties of the manufacturers of components of the goods to City to the
extent such warranties are assignable. In the event Seller must obtain the consent of the manufacturer
or take other action before any such warranties are assignable, Seller shall do so prior to delivery.


Seller shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, City's officers, employees, agents and
representatives from and against all liability, claims, demands, judgments, penalties, and causes of
action of any kind or character, or other costs or expenses incidental to the investigation and defense
thereof, of whatever nature, resulting from or arising out of the activities of the Seller or its subsellers,
agents, or employees under this contract, except, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to liability
that arises out of City's negligence.

Contractor and its subcontractors shall maintain insurance acceptable to City in full force and effect
throughout the term of this contract. Such insurance shall cover all risks arising directly or indirectly out
of Contractor's activities or work hereunder, including the operations of its subcontractors of any tier.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 32 | P a g e
The policy or policies of insurance maintained by the Contractor and its subcontractor shall provide at
least the following limits and coverages:

A. Commercial General Liability Insurance: If Seller will be installing or testing the goods, or
otherwise performing services on City's premises, Seller shall provide a certificate indicating
that Seller has commercial general liability insurance covering Bodily Injury and Property
Damage on an “occurrence” form (CG 2010 1185 or equivalent). This coverage shall include
Contractual Liability insurance. Coverage will include $2,000,000 per occurrence and
$3,000,000 general annual aggregate. Said insurance shall name City as an additional insured
and shall require written notice to City thirty (30) days prior to cancellation. If Seller hires a
subseller to perform services on City's premises, Seller shall ensure that Seller's subseller
complies with this paragraph.

B. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance: If Seller will be delivering the goods, Seller shall
provide City a certificate indicating that Seller has business automobile liability coverage for
all owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. The Combined Single Limit per occurrence shall
not be less than $2,000,000. Said insurance shall name City as an additional insured and shall
require written notice to City thirty (30) days in advance of cancellation. If Seller hires a carrier
to make delivery, Seller shall ensure that said carrier complies with this paragraph.

C. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: The Seller, its subsellers, if any, and all employers
providing work, labor or materials under this Contract that are either subject employers under
the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Law and shall comply with ORS 656.017, which requires
them to provide workers’ compensation coverage that satisfies Oregon law for all their subject
workers or employers that are exempt under ORS 656.126. Out-of-state employers must
provide Oregon workers’ compensation coverage for their workers who work at a single
location within Oregon for more than 30 days in a calendar year. Sellers who perform work
without the assistance or labor of any employee need not obtain such coverage. This shall
include Employer’s Liability Insurance with coverage limits of not less than $500,000 each

D. Certificates of Insurance: As evidence of the insurance coverage required by the contract, the
Seller shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance to the City. No contract shall be effected until
the required certificates have been received and approved by the City. The certificate will
specify and document all provisions within this contract.


In case suit or action is instituted to enforce the provisions of this contract, the parties agree that the
losing party shall pay such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable attorney fees and court costs,
including witness fees (expert and non-expert), attorney's fees and court costs on appeal.


Seller shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, including, but
not limited to, the requirements concerning working hours, overtime, medical care, workers
compensation insurance, health care payments, payments to employees and subsellers and income tax
withholding contained in ORS Chapter 279, the provisions of which are hereby made a part of this

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 33 | P a g e
It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between
the terms of this instrument in the proposal of the contract, this instrument shall control and nothing
herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the terms of proposal conflicting herewith.

In the event any provision or portion of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid by any
court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected
to the extent that it did not materially affect the intent of the parties when they entered into the agreement.


This Agreement, including the exhibits, is intended both as a final expression of the Agreement between
the parties and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms. In the event of an inconsistency
between a provision in the main body of the Agreement and a provision in the Exhibit, the provision in
the main body of the Agreement shall control. In the event of an inconsistency between Exhibit A and
any other exhibit, Exhibit A shall control. In the event of an inconsistency between Exhibit C and Exhibit
B, Exhibit B shall control. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless and until it is
made in writing and signed by both parties. No waiver, consent, modification, or change of terms of this
Agreement shall bind either party unless in writing and signed by both parties. Such waiver, consent,
modification, or change if made, shall be effective only in specific instances and for the specific purpose
given. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein
regarding this Agreement. Seller, by the signature of its authorized representative, hereby acknowledges
that Seller has read this Agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized
undersigned officer and Seller has executed this Agreement on the date hereinabove first written.
Approved by Tigard’s Local Contract Review Board at their (Month, Day, Year) business meeting.


By: Authorized City Representative By: Authorized Contractor Representative

Date Date

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 34 | P a g e

The requirement section uses tables to list each requirement in the form of a question or a short answer. See below for an explanation of each

Item Requirement or Response Code Comments by Vendor

# Question
The requirement or Use response codes below. An “N/A” in the Use the Comment column for additional information
question. response code column indicates response is not regarding your answer.
required, but answer should be entered in the
comment column. All responses require additional comments.

Response Code Definitions

Response Codes Definitions
E – Existing Requirement can be met by proposed existing software that is installed and operational at other sites and
can be demonstrated to the City.

U – Under Requirement can be met by package software that is currently under development, in Beta test, or not yet
Development released.
M – Minor Requirement can be met by proposed minor modifications to existing software or use of software tools such
Modification as application report writer, query, etc.

C – Major Requirement can be met by major modifications to existing software or by new custom software
Customization programming.
R – Report Writer Requirement could be met by the use of software tools, such as a report writer, query language or
spreadsheet package.
X – Not Available Requirement cannot be met.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 35 | P a g e
-Requirements Categories
The requirement matrix is organized into the following categories:

General (G)
Technical (T)
GIS Interface (GIS)
Reporting (R)
Service Requests (SR)
Work Order/Work Tracking (WO)
Field Mobile System (FM)
Asset Management (AM)
Streets and Traffic Control (ST)
Parks and Building Facilities (PF)
Utilities (U)
Fleet (F)

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 36 | P a g e
Item General Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
G1 Can your software system download/upload information to other
applications (GIS, accounting, permit applications, MS Outlook, MS
Excel, etc.)? Which ones?
G2 Is the system compatible with Internet Explorer, iOS Safari, Firefox
and Chrome? Indicate which ones and the version in the comments.
G3 Does your system require any software to be installed for system
G4 The system must have the ability to selectively export information
into Excel, text file or to standard ASCII format.
G5 The software system must have querying capabilities that allows the
user to sort and filter on essentially all appropriate data in each
G6 Does the software allow the user to name and save developed
queries for future use?
G7 The software system must have a reporting system that allows the
user to easily print or export desired information pertaining to all
records or select records in the database.
G8 The software system must allow for the customization of pop-up
windows selections, editing, adding or deleting selections for pop-up
G9 The software system must have the ability attach/link files in
common formats to assets, work orders, and service requests.
G10 The software system must have many user-defined fields with pick
lists to store and track additional information as needed via drop
downs or other options.
G11 The software system must provide a context-sensitive help selection
that can be accessed from any screen, and displays help related to the
screen in use.
G12 The software system must include complete data input forms that
can be customized for use in data collection and entry.
G13 The system must provide for e-mail notification (Outlook) and/or
text, including notification to multiple persons.
Item General Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
G14 The AMMS must utilize a Find command function to search for
selected data using a variety of simultaneous user-selectable search
G15 The AMMS should provide the ability to move directly from one
screen to another via menu selections, buttons or tabs without
returning to a “main menu”.
G16 The AMMS must have ability for customer to do some screen
customizations to visually distinguish between fields that are
required, fields that are optional and fields that are display only.
G17 The AMMS must provide a customer portal for citizens to enter
requests and track completion of citizen requests with integration to
work orders.
G18 The AMMS must allow user level preferences to be setup and saved.

G19 The AMMS should provide documentation including step-by-step

demonstrations or training aides for all forms in the system.
G20 The AMMS should offer spell-checking features throughout the
G21 The AMMS must have an “Administrator” area that allows the
administrator to set user-level security access to the software and
G22 The AMMS software must provide a means to set up user accounts,
assign user passwords, and assign users to access-defined groups.
G23 Does the AMMS utilize an unlimited field size for comment and
description fields throughout the system?
G24 Do the free form fields in the AMMS have basic word processing
features such as word-wrap, spell check, cut, copy and paste?

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 38 | P a g e
Technical Requirements
Item Client/Server Environment Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
T1 The AMMS must run on the industry standard relational database
management system Microsoft SQL. What is the latest version that
the AMMS utilizes?
T2 Is the software client/server or cloud based/hosted?

T3 The proposed AMMS must operate in the following environment:

 Server: Must support Intel class (32 or 64bit multi-processors)
running Windows Server
 Network: 1000-BaseT Gigabit Ethernet LAN using TCP/IP
 Client: Intel-based PCs with Windows 10 and beyond
T4 What is the full product name, version and release number of the
AMMS being proposed?
T5 What is the latest version of the Microsoft SQL RDBMS that the
proposed AMMS has been certified for?
T6 Vendor to specify minimum and recommended server specifications
and requirements.
T7 Vendor to specify minimum Desktop and Notebook PC
T8 The AMMS should provide an audit trail that captures the user’s ID,
a date and time stamp, and before/after values whenever changes are
posted to the system database.
T9 Does the AMMS have the ability to integrate with Active Directory?

T10 The AMMS should have the ability to provide view, read, write,
update, and delete security at multiple levels including menu function,
file, record, and field.
T11 The proposed system must provide ability for a database backup.

T12 The AMMS software should accommodate the ability to update Work
Order content from a remote application using an API.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 39 | P a g e
Item GIS Interface Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
GIS1 The AMMS must be compatible with ESRI products (version 10.7),
including ArcGIS Enterprise.
GIS2 The AMMS software solution should include a Web API, SDK or
other documented protocol that accommodates bi-directional
requests with parameters sent to or received from other 3rd party
software (e.g., initiate/edit work order from map, initiate work
order in AMMS, send to map).
GIS3 The user can query a work order and display in the map frame (the
associated assets) (go to map/zoom to extent feature).
GIS4 The system allows for the queried address in the AMMS to be
displayed in the map frame (go to map/zoom to extent feature)
GIS5 The user can query a work order by address and display in the map
GIS6 The system allows for the queried and/or selected assets (and types)
in the map frame to be sent to work order form.
GIS7 The system allows for viewing in the map frame all of the assets
associated with a work order.
GIS8 The user can select an area in the map frame and the system will
display all work orders contained within the area.
GIS9 The user can query work orders or requests in the AMMS that will
be displayed in the map frame or printed in a map based on status,
type, date, or assigned.
GIS10 The user can query a work order within the AMMS by asset or
address and the asset or address location is passed to the map
GIS11 The system allows for mapping of attributes of GIS features to
corresponding attributes of AMMS assets.
GIS12 Integration with the City’s existing enterprise GIS database is
required with the AMMS
GIS13 The system provides analysis/comparison of discrepancies between
asset IDs and selected attributes between GIS and the AMMS and
vice versa.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 40 | P a g e
Item Reporting Response Comments by Vendor
# Code
R1 The AMMS should come with common report templates “out of the
box” ready. Please show list of reports and/or provide samples.
R2 The user must have the ability to create or modify reports using
Crystal Reports, SRSS or equivalent report generating software.
R3 The AMMS should allow custom reports created by the customer to
be imported into the software reporting options.
R4 Is an ad-hoc report writer included in the AMMS (not including 3rd
party applications)?
R5 List the third-party report writers supported by the AMMS.

R6 The AMMS should allow customized reports to be saved by the user.

R7 The AMMS must allow specific data fields to be selected for custom
R8 The AMMS should allow reports to be sorted by any data field in the
R9 Do the reports have PDF, DOC, XLS and XML export options? List
options available.
R10 The AMMS must accommodate GASB reporting requirements.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 41 | P a g e
Service Requests
Item Customer Complaint Tracking Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
SR1 Customers must be able to submit requests anonymously.

SR2 The AMMS should provide easily visible call/work history for each
SR3 The user must be able to automatically create a work order from a
service request, linking the work order to the service request and link
work orders to service requests created after the fact.
SR4 The service request system must be allow linkage of multiple service
requests to a single service request.
SR5 The system must allow the user to automatically close the service
request when the work order the service request is linked to is
SR6 The user must be able to link several service requests to a single work
order with duplication flagging.
SR7 The user must be able to generate a report of every service request
by affected asset, complaint type, address, and customer.
SR8 The AMMS must have ability to provide automated e-mail
notifications to a citizen once a complaint has been resolved.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 42 | P a g e
Work Orders
Item # Work Order Component Response Comments by Vendor
Requirement or Question Code
WO1 The system should allow citizens to view their submissions, see other
submissions, and receive status updates via e-mail/text.
WO2 The service request system must have a feature that will send
notification to a supervisor or assigned person letting them know
that a service request is pending.
WO3 The service request system must have query/filter ability to access
any work activity by address, asset, request type, status to enable
update or close out a service request.
WO4 The service request must allow the user to provide comments and
information back to the customer.
WO5 The work order system must be capable producing a detailed
breakdown of all costs relating to the construction, inspection,
maintenance, operation, repair, and rehabilitation of each
infrastructure system, including labor, material, contractors and
WO6 The work order system must have the ability to modify and update
individual labor, material, contractor and equipment work quantity
and cost line items, at any time before or after a work order is closed.
WO7 The work order system must allow the user to add assets by filtering
a list of all available items or by map view.

WO8 The work order system must allow the user to group assets to add to
a work order without having to type in all the items.

WO9 The system must be able to track work costs by account number and
job codes to facilitate linkage to the City’s financial software.

WO10 The system must have the ability to track vendors, including contacts
and ordering information.
WO11 The system must be able to utilize bar code scanners for inventory

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 43 | P a g e
Item # Work Order Component Response Comments by Vendor
Requirement or Question Code
WO12 The AMMS must have the ability to track minimum data as listed
below on the WO (both displayed onscreen and printed on WO)
with user definable fields for less common items: WO Number, Work
Order Type, Asset ID, Date and Time Initiated and closed, Status, Activity,
Requestor, Problem, Location, Asset Type, Date/Time Work
Started/Ended, Assigned, Hours Worked, Equipment hours or miles used,
Materials Used, Work Quantity done, Estimated Hours, Priority
WO13 A WO must be able to be created without a service request.

WO14 Can the AMMS track a project that includes multiple WOs from
various sources?
WO15 The system must be able to record multiple labor costs, by job class
including hourly rate type (i.e. regular, overtime, double time, holiday
time, etc.) number of hours, and extended (i.e. calculated) costs.
WO16 The system must have the ability to track all work activities performed
in a specific location or within a specific area.
WO17 All work orders must have ability to display and print special
WO18 The system must generate both scheduled and unscheduled Work
Orders (PM vs. Repair).
WO19 The system must be able to display or access any work activity, by
Asset ID or WO number to update or close out a WO
WO20 The system must be able to record multiple material or spare parts
costs, part number, stock location, quantity, and extended (i.e.
calculated) cost.
WO21 The system must allow for PM Schedules to be established both by
calendar time, meter and frequency.
WO22 The AMMS must have the ability to compare estimated hours vs.
actual hours.
WO23 Does the AMMS have the ability to set “Warning” flags that print on
the WO?
WO24 The AMMS must handle coordinated work involving multiple asset

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 44 | P a g e
Item # Work Order Component Response Comments by Vendor
Requirement or Question Code
WO25 The AMMS must be able to create a WO without associating the
WO to an asset.
WO26 Attached reference documents must be able to be viewed without
leaving the AMMS.
WO27 Can attached reference documents be edited and saved without
leaving the AMMS?
WO26 The AMMS should provide the ability to create master work orders
with sub work orders or projects with multiple tasks/activities.
WO28 The AMMS must have ability to have preventative schedule prompt
generation of work orders.
WO29 The AMMS should have the ability to route work orders based on
user defined criteria in workflow design with manual override and
rerouting capability.
WO30 The AMMS should have the ability to route work orders for
approval upon completion based upon user defined requirements.
PM1 The AMMS must enable scheduling of maintenance work orders
based on user defined time frames.
PM2 The AMMS must allow Preventive Maintenance activities to be
scheduled by a fixed method or a floating method.
PM3 The AMMS must have the ability to set up and schedule seasonal
Preventive Maintenance activities.
PM4 The AMMS must provide the ability to notify assigned staff or
supervisors of Preventive Maintenance work orders that are
PM5 The AMMS must allow corrective/repair work orders to be easily
created from Preventive Maintenance inspections or work orders
without re-entering data.
PM6 The system must trigger notifications via e-mail of Preventive
Maintenance work orders.
PM7 Can PM history be used to determine estimated hours for
maintenance tasks and task work standards?
PM8 The AMMS should allow for the association of PM tasks to one
another so they can be grouped together.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 45 | P a g e
Item # Work Order Component Response Comments by Vendor
Requirement or Question Code
PM9 The AMMS should have ability to track PM steps and inspection
tasks and create check boxes to track completion of inspection and
PM tasks.
PM10 The AMMS should allow for multiple parts, materials, and special
tools/equipment to be assigned to each PM work order.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 46 | P a g e
Field/Mobile System
Item Field/Mobile System Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
FM1 Explain the systems capabilities of downloading and uploading
information to and from the office system, from the following field
computing devices/systems:
 Laptop Computer
 Handheld Computer
 Tablet
 Smartphone
FM2 Are all the AMMS functions available on a field data collection
device? Explain.
FM3 Database integrity must be preserved when uploading data collected
in the field.
FM4 If your AMMS is web-based, how does the field/mobile solution
work? Does it require an internet connection or sync when WIFI is

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 47 | P a g e
Asset Management
Item # All Assets Response Comments by Vendor
Requirement or Question Code
AM1 The system must allow users to customize system codes that appear
throughout the system, including code, description, activation date, and
expiration date. Once added or modified, all codes and their
description must be accessible via conveniently accessed pop-up or
pull-down menus.
AM3 The system must maintain a history of all activities, including labor,
part, contractors and equipment costs that have been performed on a
particular equipment unit.
AM4 The system must have the ability to provide alerts to specific to
assets, such as confined spaces (which trigger permissions, special
equipment usage and procedures)
AM5 The system must provide a complete, life-to-date history, listed in
chronological order, of all activities performed on the asset, sortable
and filterable by activity type including time, quantity and costs.
AM7 Does the AMMS have the ability to track licenses/certifications for
users of each type of asset/equipment and prompt renewal or
expiration notices?
AM9 The system must allow for setting up assets by user definable type and
hierarchy with ability to “roll-up” summarize assets across asset types.
AM11 The system must be able to schedule and track an unlimited number of
activities for each asset.
AM12 The AMMS must have the ability to look at past repair history of an
asset by: life to date, year to date, month to date, etc. and by open vs.
only closed work orders.

AM13 Inspection records for a given asset must be visible within that
feature's module.
AM14 Inspection ratings must be user-definable.

AM15 The AMMS should be able to import or link to CCTV inspection

data from a 3rd party vendor. If limited to only certain vendors, state
which vendors.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 48 | P a g e
Item # All Assets Response Comments by Vendor
Requirement or Question Code
AM16 Field inspection must be able to internally calculate next inspection
dates on both fixed (based on schedule) and floating (based on
completion) dates.
AM17 The system must allow for GPS coordinates to be assigned to each
AM18 The AMMS should have the ability to track warranties by user defined
AM19 The system must have the ability to value assets (and depreciate) and
interface with the City’s financial system.
AM20 The system must have the ability to track CIP projects, special projects,
and in-house projects and differentiate between types.
AM21 The system must have the ability to identify each project and link all
costs, resources, requirements, contracts, work orders etc. using that
identifier to track total project cost.
AM22 The AMMS should allow for inquiry into: Asset PM
records/schedules, asset service/repair histories, and warranty claim
AM23 The AMMS asset record should maintain equipment acquisition
AM24 The system must display the most recent activity performed on an
asset, including activity type and date. When a new activity is added,
the asset main screen must automatically be updated.
AM25 The AMMS should track equipment downtime (in service/out of
service) and for what reasons (reason for repair codes).
AM26 The AMMS should be able to track utility usage by facility or park (ex:
gas, water, electric).
AM27 The system should be able to associate assets to a facility or site and
rollup costs to each (i.e. HVAC unit in a recreation building, in a
AM28 The system must provide a cross-reference capability for assets (i.e.,
landscape median, irrigation controller and irrigation line cross-
referenced to parts/components).

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 49 | P a g e
Item # All Assets Response Comments by Vendor
Requirement or Question Code
AM29 AMMS must have ability to track work performed by any division
to any asset with cost center tracking (i.e. streets utility cuts for
water division)
AM30 The AMMS should store information regarding special districts or
benefit districts and allow asset records to be associated with those

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 50 | P a g e
Parks and Facilities
Item Streets and Traffic Control Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
ST1 The system must provide a physical inventory of assets such as:
 Pavement
 Signs
 Pavement Markings
 Street Lights
 Bridges
 Traffic Signals and Component
 Sidewalks and curbs
 Street Trees
ST3 The system must maintain a record of all traffic devices and test results.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 51 | P a g e
Parks and Facilities
Item Parks and Building Facilities Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
PF1 The system must provide a Facility Inventory form including facility
name, facility type, description, address, area, year built, a special
instructions field for user specified comments, and three miscellaneous
fields for user specified data. The titles of the miscellaneous fields may
be customized by the user. For example, the user could use these fields
to keep acreage, square footage and construction type of the facility
PF2 The system must maintain an inventory of information on all facilities,
such as buildings, rooms, and equipment
PF3 Does your CMMS include a parks and/or facility reservation component
accessible via the Internet for customers?
PF4 The system must be able to track utility usage by facility or park (ex: gas,
water, electric).
PF5 The system must be able to track inventory of items such as trees and
irrigation equipment.
PF6 The AMMS should contain a drill-down graphical representation of
the relationship between equipment and attachments/components.
PF7 The AMMS should be capable of calculating “current” equipment
value and replacement value.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 52 | P a g e
Item Utilities Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
U1 The AMMS system must store utility inventory information for utility
assets (water, sewer, stormwater and water quality). The system must
track the following system inventory features.
 Valves
 Pipes
 Manholes
 Hydrants
 Meters
 Pump Stations
 Pumps
 Basins
 Storage Facilities
 Nodes
 Service Taps
 Backflow Prevention Devices
 Supply Sources
 Sampling Stations
 Pressure Regulating Valves/Pressure sustaining Valves and
Altitude Control Valves
U2 The AMMS must provide tools to maintain pipe network connectivity
when editing asset features that make up the entire pipe network.

U3 The AMMS must store information regarding pipe diameter, length,

material type, upstream and downstream manhole rim and pipe invert
elevations, and other information and source information typically
found in a set of engineering design plans and construction record

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 53 | P a g e
Item Utilities Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
U4 The system must store information regarding hydrant flow testing
with ability to setup specific testing criteria and tracking test results.
U5 Specific information about the following system features must also be
stored in the Hydrant Flow Testing section as well as allowing for
multiple entries for each item type:
 Pumps running during the hydrant flow test
 Storage tank levels during the hydrant flow test
 Flow meter readings taken during the hydrant flow test

U6 The AMMS system must store information regarding backflow

preventer testing and notify users in advance of when devices are to
be tested annually with ability to provide testing notices and track
testing completion and pass/fail by device type. An API or ability to
import contractor testing data is desired.
U7 The AMMS system must store information regarding to a pipe system
to a specific pipe segment and pinpoint location along the pipe
U8 Can AMMS store information regarding water rights and allow the
user to associate water right records with supply source records?
U9 The AMMS should be able to log sampling results for each asset.
Can sampling results logging be customized?
U10 Meters must be cross referenced and associated with the service line
(lateral), address, pipe segment (node to node) and backflow
prevention device.
U11 The AMMS should be capable of interfacing with external customer
billing systems to link requests for maintenance work and response
back to the customer and billing system.
U12 Utility information should include date of installation, type, size,
classification (e.g. commercial, industrial, residential, etc.), AMR)
information (including date of installation, battery life cycle, etc.),
electronic register type or serial number, testing dates, results, facility
sites (pump houses, generator buildings) and meter usage

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 54 | P a g e
Item Utilities Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
U13 The AMMS must allow the user to store multiple points of pipe
connection for one address, and track the status (i.e., Active, Inactive,
and Abandoned) of each connection.
U14 The AMMS system must store information regarding manholes: type,
manhole diameter (or structure configuration), material type, rim
elevation and depth, inverts of pipeline and other information
typically found in a set of engineering design plans and construction
record drawings.
U15 The AMMS system must have the ability to store basic pump station
information including station capacity, construction date, type of
station, and a listing of all pumps within the pump station.
U16 The pipeline rating system must conform to the National Association
of Sewer Service Companies, Inc. (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment
and Certification Program (PACP) standards.
U17 The AMMS must have the ability to store typical information
collected from internal television inspection of pipe lines with
reference to the specific pipe segment and location.
U18 The system must be structured to track current NPDES

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 55 | P a g e
Fleet Services
Item Fleet Services Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
FS1 The AMMS should provide inquiry and reporting capabilities on
equipment utilization.
FS2 Does the system contain a drill-down graphical representation of the
relationship between equipment and attachments/components?
FS3 Does the system calculate “current” equipment value and replacement
FS4 The AMMS should be capable of the following cost methods for
inventory control:(1) LIFO (2) FIFO (3) Weighted Averaging.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 56 | P a g e
Item Stock/Inventory Response Comments by Vendor
# Requirement or Question Code
SI1 The system must be able to inventory parts using min/max control.

SI2 This system is set up so that all parts information can be accessed by part
number, vendor part number, or manufacturer part number.
SI3 The system must establish and maintain a record of all parts used in
maintenance and overhaul activities.
SI4 The system must record and display all part issues, receipts, transfers and
SI5 The system must maintain a record for each vendor that is used for
supplying parts for the maintenance equipment.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 57 | P a g e
(Separate sealed envelope)

Table 1
Number of users is estimated for each function. Some users may use more than one function. Proposer
may submit two cost proposals, one for onsite solution and another for a hosted solution.
Included in
Module Internal
Another Unit
# Exists? Modules Estimated Extension
Module? Cost
(Y/N) Users
Asset Management Inventory
1 and Condition Reporting 10
2 Work Request 20
3 Work Order 50
4 Preventive Maintenance
Scheduling (required)
5 Work Management and
Tracking (required)
6 In-house and External Costing
and Billing (required)
7 Material and Parts Inventory
Control (required)
8 Work Planning and Budgeting
9 Report Production (required) 5
10 GIS Interface (required) 50
11 Capital and Project
Management (desired)
12 Field and Mobile Environment
13 Interface with or Integration of
CCTV (desired)
Sub Total
N/A First Year Annual Fee Lump Sum
N/A Training (30 days on site) Lump Sum
N/A Implementation/
Lump Sum
Sub Total
N/A Supplemental Software
Total Fee for Year 1

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 58 | P a g e
Table 2
No. Description Total Cost
1. Fee for annual updates
2. Fee for support including:
96 hours of telephonic support
Two site visits @ 24 hours for 48 hours
Total Fee for Year 2
1. Fee for annual updates
2. Fee for support including:
96 hours of telephonic support
Two site visits @ 24 hours for 48 hours
Total Fee for Year 3
1. Fee for annual updates
2. Fee for support including:
96 hours of telephonic support
Two site visits @ 24 hours for 48 hours
Total Fee for Year 4
1. Fee for annual updates
2. Fee for support including:
96 hours of telephonic support
Two site visits @ 24 hours for 48 hours
Total Fee for Year 5

Total Cost for First 5 Years

In addition, Vendor is to indicate annual maintenance fee for year 6 through 10 with maximum 2% annual

Year 6 - Fee for update _____________

Year 7 - Fee for update _____________
Year 8 - Fee for update _____________
Year 9 - Fee for update _____________
Year 10 - Fee for update _____________

Vendor shall also provide an hourly rate schedule to be used for data conversion, custom interfaces
or system customization that will be identified and negotiated with the City upon selection.

RFP – Asset and Maintenance Management System (AMMS) and Implementation Services 59 | P a g e

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