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El viernes pasado en la mañana visite el Museo

Arqueológico de Ancash Augusto Soriano Infante
con mi hermana y sus amigas. Al finalizar la visita
y salir del museo me robaron my celular
violentamente, pero inmediatamente una policia
que transitaba detuvo el al ladron. Me senti
asustado porque fue un hurto violento y al final
denuncie el hurto en la Comisaria de Huaraz.


Last Friday morning I visited the Augusto Soriano

Infante Archaeological Museum of Ancash with my
sister and her friends. At the end of the visit and
leaving the museum my cell phone was violently
stolen, but immediately a passing police officer
stopped the thief. I felt scared because it was a
violent theft and in the end I reported the theft to
the Huaraz police station.

1.When did it happen?

That happened last week
2.Where were you?
I was in the Archaeological Museum of Ancash
Augusto Soriano Infante
3.Who was with you?
I was with my friends and her friends
4.What happened?
My phone was stolen
5.What did you do?
A policeman helped me and then I reported
the thief.
6.How did you feel?
I felt scared because it was a violent theft and
7.What did you do in the end?
At the end, report the theft to the Huaraz
Police Station.

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