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Design of Piping Systems

Design of Piping Systems

Pullman Power Products

A Wheelabrator-Frye Company

Revised Second Edition



New York' Chichester' Brisbane' Toronto
Copyright @ 19U, 1956


The 1\1. W. Kellogg Company

All Rights Reserved

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond

that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States
Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner
is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information
should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John
Wiley & Sons, Jne.

Revised Second Edition

20 19 18 17 16 15 14

Nothing contained in Design of Piping Systems is to be construed

B8 granting any right of manufacture, sale or use in connection
with any method, apparatus or product covered by Letters
Patent} nor as insuring anyone against liability for infringement
of Letters Patent.

ISBN 0 471 46795 2

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-5573

Printed in the United States of America


A volume bearing tbe title Design of Piping Systems, devoted solely to the study
of expansion stresses and reactions in piping systems, was privately published by
The M. W. Kellogg Company early in 1941. It made available for the first time
an adequately organized, eomprehcnsive analytieal method for evaluating the
stresses, reactions, and deflections in an irregular piping system in space, unlimited
as to the character, location, or number of concentrated loadings or restraints.
It was the culmination of an intensive, widespread effort to meet the recognized
need for refined analysis capable of general application to the increasing number
of critical piping services required by technological progress, and to the increasingly
severe problems which they posed. The timely availability of this reliahle and
versatile approach, now widely known as the Kellogg General Analytical Method,
made it possible to provide satisfactory design for the avalanche of critical and
pioneering piping requirements associated with World War II plant design, and
proved to be a major step in accelerating acquaintance with accurate thermal
expansion analysis and appreciation of its potentialities for more extensive applica-
Since the war, technological progress and the trend to larger scale, more complex
units has continued unabated, while the attendant increased pressures, tempera-
tures, and structural complexities have resulted in larger pipe sizes, heavier wall
thicknesses, and a marked increase in alloy construction. Concurrently, the
wartime-fostered universal acceptance of adequate piping flexibility analysis for
critical service has paved the way for more searching examination of the over-all
economics of erected piping by relating potential fabrication, materials, and
operating savings to increased engineering costs. Earlier concepts, which regarded
piping as trivial and expendable, are fast disappearing in view of the rising costs
of field corrections and loss of plant operation - and also with the recognition
that piping represents an increasing percentage of initial plant expenditure.
The importance of sound piping design is now well recognized not only by
designers and users, but also by authorities concerned with public safety. The
Code for Pressure Piping Committee (ASA B31.1) has increased its membership
and activity over the past several years and a Conference Committee has been
organized, composed of the chief enforcement authorities of each State or Province
that has adopted a portion or all of the Code. Significant improvements in the
rules have already resulted in the revised minimum (and now mandatory) require-
ments for piping flexibility. With this trend, the ASA Code is now rapidly assuming
the status of a mandatory Safety Code, whereas previously it had served designers
and users primarily as a recommended design practice guide.
The critical shortage of engineering personnel during World War II prevented
the completion of sections on other aspects of piping design that had been planned
for inclusion in the original edition of Design of Piping Systems. As the shortage
persisted, considerable time elapsed before resumption of work could be considered.
Meanwhile, many requests for extension and suggestions for improvement were
., from readers of the text already published. Review of these and other
developments in light of extended experience led to the conclusion that a new
edition was warranted': As the work got under way, it was soon evident that
broadening of the subject matter would have to be limited to treatment of the
structural phase of piping design; coverage of the entire field, including fluid flow,
system design and layout, valve design, piping fabrication and erection, etc., would
require much more than the desired single volume.
It is the objective of this Second Edition to supplement Code rules and other
readily available information with specific mechanical design approaches for entire
piping systems as well as their individual eomponents and to provide background
information which will engender ~nderstanding, eompetent application of analytical
results, and the exercise of good judgment in handling the many special situations
which must be faced on critical piping. In line with this objective, the opening
chapter presents a eondensed treatise on the physics of materials. It is followed
by a comprehensive study of the eapacity of piping to carry various prescribed
loadings. The utilization of materials is then considered, not only in relation to
fundamental knowledge but also on the basis of eonventionally accepted practices.
The present edition also includes a greatly augmented treatment of local flexibility
and stress intensification, and a chapter on simplified methods of flexibility analysis
eontains several newly developed approaches which should prove helpful for general
assessment of average piping, or in the planning stage of the design of critical piping.
The Kellogg General Analytieal Method, now extended to include all forms of
loading, has been improved in presentation by the use of numerous sample calcula-
tions to illustrate applieation procedures, and by placing the derivations of the
formulas in an appendix. Included in this edition are chapters on expansion joints
and on pipe supports that offer, it is believed, the first broad treatment of these
items with regard to critical piping. The rising significance of vibration, both
structural and fluid, is recognized in the final chapter, which was also prepared
especially for this edition. For ready accessibility of information, the charts and
tables most frequently needed for reference have been grouped at the end of the
text, and a detailed subject index has been provided.


The M.W. Kellogg Company became a subsidiary of Pullman Incorporated in 1944,

and in 1975 was re-named Pullman Kellogg. In 1977, the Power Piping, Chimney
and Mechanical Construction Operations of Pullman Kellogg became the Pullman
Power Products division of Pullman Incorporated.


This volume is based on the broad experience, background, and mechanical

engineering accomplishment of The M. W. Kellogg Company in the field of piping
design. It reflects the numerous achievements and contributions of the Company
to effective piping design for high temperature and pressure service. As with the
First Edition, the preparation of this book has been sponsored by the Fabricated
Products Division of which Waldo McC. McKee is Sales Manager. This work
eould be brought to realization only through the cooperation of the entire engineer-
ing staff of the Company and, in particular, of the Piping Division.
Certain individual contributions deserve specific acknowledgment. H. Wallstrom
provided the major original contributions to the Kellogg General Analytical Method
and its extensions (Chapter 5 and Appendix A). He was ahly assisted in this work
by Mrs. Catherine R. Gardiner.
Professor E. Orowan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, retained
consultant of The M. W. Kellogg Company, is responsible for the contents of
Chapter 1.
J. J. Murphy and N. A. Weil collaborated in composing Chapters 2 and 3 and
assisted in the preparation of Chapters 1 and 7. Chapter 4 is the result of a coopera-
tiveeffort between H. Wallstrom and N. A. Weil; L. C. Andrews is credited with the
writing of Chapter 6.
Credit for the most significant contributions to Chapters 7 and 8 is due to
E. F. Sheaffer. M. Yachter, assisted by S. Meerbaum, prepared Chapter 9 and
Appendix B.
In addition to eredits for Chapters, the following special contributions are
acknowledged. J. J. Rush and M. Hartstein developed The Guided Cantilever
Method of Chapter 4. L. Morrison contributed to the general phases of piping
design. Valuable suggestions were supplied by M. G. Schar on Chapter 8 and by
S. Chesler on Chapter 9. Credit is due to J. T. McKeon for his notable comments
and assistance in reviewing and proof-reading this volume. L. Mylander is to be
commended for co-ordinating portions of this work.
The task of assembling and editing the Second Edition was earried out by
E. F. Sheaffer. N. A. Weil performed the review and inserted corrections for the
second printing of this Edition. The entire project has been under the direction of
D. B. Rossheim, who has guided the design principles and philosophies embodied
in this work.
As is the case with most advances in the engineering art, the First Edition and
this significantly extended Second Edition of Design of Piping Systems have greatly
benefited from the research and contributions of other investigators. Their many
valuable contributions are covered in the lists of referenees at the ends of the various
ehapters and in the "Historical Review of Bihliography" of Appendix A.

Vicc-President, Engineering
The M. W. Kellogg Company
In :Memory of
In all of his career, Mr. Hossheim's ability,
dedication and friendlincss wcre an inspiration
to his associates and won for him cyeryone's
affcction and respect.


xiii 2.4 Stress Evaluation 43

a. Internal Pressure up to 3000 psi Maximum,
43; b. Internal Pressure over 3000 psi, 44;
c. External Pressures, 46; d. Expansion, 47;
Chapter 1 e. Other Loading, 47.
Strength and Failure of Materials I 2.5 Combination of Stress: Stress Intensification and
I Flexibility Factors 47
1.1 Stable and Unstable Deformations
2 2.6 Evaluation of Deflections and Reactions 48
1.2 Plasticity
A. Plastic Deformation under Uniaxial Stress, 2.7 Design Significance of Inspection and Testa 50
2; B. Triaxial Stress: Yield Conditions, 3;
C. Plastic Stress-strain Relationships for Tri-
axial Stress, 4.
1.3 Failure by Plastic Instability 5 Chapter 3
A. Instability of Plastic Extension: the Ulti- Local Components 52
mate Tensile Strength, 5j B. Instability of the
Plastic E,.;pansion of Tubes, Vessels, and 3.1 Pipe Bends: Structural Loading (Static and Cyclic) 52
Plates, 6; C. Ultimate Stress and Working 3.2 Pipe Bends: Internal Pressure 60
Stress, 7. Miter Bends 60
1.4 Creep 8 61
3.4 Bends and Miters: Summary
A. The Andrade Analysis of the Creep Curve,
8; B. Transient Creep, 9; C. Viscous Creep, 3.5 Branch Connections: Static Pressure Loading 62
10j D. Creep under Triaxial Stress, 11; E. The 3.6 Branch Connections: Repeated Loading 66
Mechanism of Creep, 11; F. Evaluation and Branch Connections: Comparison with Code Re-
Engineering Usc of Creep Testa, 12; G. Creep 3.7
quirements 67
Fracture, 13.
3.8 Branch Connections: Practical Considerations and
1.5 Types of Fracture; Molecular Cohesion; the Summary 69
Griffith Theory 13
3.9 Corrugated Pipe 70
1.6 Ductile Fractures 15
3.10 Bolted Flanged Connections: General Background 74
1.7 The Brittle Fracture of Steel (HNotch Brittle-
ness") 16 3.11 Bolted Flanged Connections: Practical Considera-
tions 77
1.8 Fatigue 20
A. General Features, 20; B. The Mechanism 3.12 Joints Between Dissimilar Materials 79
of Fatigue, 22; C. Influence of a Superposed 3.13 Other Components 81
Steady Stress, 23; D. Influence of a Com- Piping and Equipment Intereffects 83
pound State of Stress, 25; E. Influence of
Notches and of Surface Flaws, 25; F. Fatigue
Testa on Specimens VB. Fatigue Tests on Struc-
tural Parts, 26; G. Periodically Varying
Thermal Stresses, 26; H. Thermal Fatigue, 27; Chapter 4
J. Damage by Overstress, 27; K. Corrosion Simplified Method for Flexibility Analysis 90
Fatigue, 28.
4.1 Scope und Merits of Approximate Methods 90
4.2 Thermal Expansion 91
4.3 Preliminary Segregation of Lines with Adequate
Chapter 2 Flexibility: Code Rules 92
Design Assumptions, Stress Evaluation, 4.4 Selected Chart-form Solutions 94
ond Design Limits 30 4.5 Approximate Solutions 97
2.1 Codes and Standards 30 4.6 The Simplified General Method for Squarc-<:orner
2.2 Design Considerations: Loadings 32 Systems 102
2.3 Design Limits, Allowable Stresses, and Allowable 4.7 Approximating the Effeot of Curved Pipe and
Stress RangCB 34 Other Components 107
Chapter 5 Chapter 8
Flexibility Analysis by the General Supporting, Restraining, and Bracing
Analytical Method 115 the Piping System 231
5.1 Scope and Field of Application of the General 8.1 Terminology and Basic Functions 231
Analytical Method 115 8.2 Layout Considerations to Facilitate Support 233
5.2 Calculating Aids 116 8.3 The Elements of the Supporting System: Their
5.3 General Outline of Operations 117 Selection and Location 236
5.4 The Solution of Simultaneous Equations 117 8.4 Fixtures 243
5.5 Single Plane Cnlculati~ns 119 8.5 Pipe Attachments 248
5.6 Inclined Members and Changes in Stiffness 120 8.6 Structures and Structural Connections 251
5.7 Circular Members 123 8.7 Erection and Maintenance of the Supporting, Re-
General Shape Coefficients 125 straining, and Bracing System 254
5.9 The Secondary Term 125
5.10 Effects of Direct and SheRr Forces 127
Chapter 9
5.11 Working Planes and Cyclic Permutation 127
Vibration: Pre\'ention and Control 257
5.12 i\Iultiplnne Pipe Lines with Two Fixed Ends 128
9.1 Introduction 257
5.13 Hinged Joints and Partially Constrained Ends 129
9.2 Fundamental Considerat,ions in Piping Vibration 258
5.H Skewed I\fembers 13·1 a. Definitions, 258; b. Types of Vibration, 258;
5.15 Branched Systems 145 c. Sources of Periodic Excitation, 259; d. Vi-
5.16 Intermediate Restraints 146 bration Prevention and Control, 259.
5.17 Calculation of Deformations at any Point 153 9.3 Structural Natural Frequency Calculations 260
a. The Spring-Mass Model, 260; b. Frequency
5.18 Symmetrical Pipe Lines 157 and Mnss Effectiveness Factors for Different
5.19 Inversion Procedures 157 End Constraints, 261; c. Variable Stiffness and
5.20 Cold Springing 166 Variable Mnss, 263; d. Combined Bending-
Torsion, 264; e. Approximate Natural Fre-
5.21 Weight Loading 170 quencies of Pipe Bends \yith Two Members
5.22 Wind Londing 185 (Vibration Perpendicular to Plane of Bend),
265; j. Plates and Hadial Mode in Pipe, 266.
9.4 Structural Resonance and Magnification Factors 267
Chapter 6 9.5 DarnplOg of St.ructural Vibrations 270
Flexibility Analysis by 1\lodcl Test 198 Q. Hydraulic Snubbers, 270; b. Elastic Foun-
dations for Rotating I\Tachinery, 271.
6.1 The Experimental Approach 198
9.6 Acoustic Natural Frequency Calculations 273
6.2 The Routinized ~lodel Test 198 a. The Organ Pipe and Resonators, 273;
6.3 The Kellogg Model Test 200 b. Special Cases of Multiple Resonator Formu-
6.4 The Kellogg Model Test Laboratory and Equip- Ins,274; c. Piping Systems with Branches and
ment 201 Enlargements, 276.
6.5 Typical Model Tests 202 9.7 Acoustic Resonance and Magnification Factors 277
9.8 Flow Pulsation Smoothing 279
a. Tuned Resonators, 279; b. Surge Tanks,
279; c. Gas Pulsation Dampener Principles,
Chapter 7 280; d. Acoustic Expansion Tank, 281; e. Com-
Approaches for Reducing Expansion Effccts: parison of Gas Pulsation Smoothing Devices,
Expansion Joints 210 282; f. Hydraulic Hammer, 283; g. Magni':'
7.1 Introduction 210 tude and Direction of Forccs on Piping Bends,
7.2 Sources of Excessive Expansion Effects 210
9.9 Illustration of Vibration Analysis of a Simple
7.3 Approaches for Reducing Expansion Effects 210 Piping System 285
7.4 Packed Type Expansion Joints 212 a. General Data and Estimates, 285; b. Esti-
7.5 Bellows Type Expansion Joints 214 mates of Structural Natural Frequencies of
a. Discussion, 214; b. Bellows Details, 214; Piping System, 285; c. Estimate of Lower
c. Support and Protection of Bellows, 216; Bounds of Structural Natural Frequencies, 286;
d. Fabrication of Bellows Joints, 217; c. Estab- d. Effect of Elasticity of Machine Foundation,
286; c. Estimate of Hydraulic Snubber Force
lishing Purchasing Hequirements for Bellows
Joints, 219; f. Materials and Deterioration, and Damping Requirement for Reduction of
220; (1. Fatigue Basis for Prediding Bellows Amplitude of Vibration, 287; j. Resonance
Life, 220; h. Testing and Quality Control of Effect due to Wind Velocity, 287; g. Estimate
Bellows Joints, 222. of Acoustic Nntural Frequencies, 287; h. Esti-
mate of Acoustic Frequency of the System
7.6 Expansion Joints with Built-In Constraints 223 Corresponding to its First Harmonic (2nd
7.7 Establishing Expansion Joint Movement De- Mode), 288; i. Estimates of Some Possible
mands 226 Resonator Frequencies, 288; j. Estimate of
Volume and Pressure Drop Hequirement of C- 6 Moments and Forces, Two-Member System, Both
Hydraulic FiI\ers (Bottles) in the Compressor Ends Fixed, Thermal Expansion in Plane of
Di~charge Lines, 290- k. Tuned Resonator Members 345
Geometry,290. .... C. 7 Length of Leg H..equired, Two-Member System,
n.lO Piping Vibration "Trouble Shooting" 291 Both Ends Fixed, One Support Displaced in the
a. Background, 291; b. Vibration Measure- Direction of Adjoining Member 346
ment, 292; c. "Trouble- Shooting" Procedure,
293. C- 8 Moments and Forces, Two-Member System, Both
Ends Fixed, One Support Displaced in the Direc-
tion of the Adjoining Member 347
C- 9 Length of Leg RequiIled, Two-member System,
Both Ends Fixed, One Support Displaced Normal
Appendix A
to Plane of Members 348
History and Dcdvation of Piping C-I0 Moments and Forces, Two-Member System, Both
Flexibility Analysis 295 Ends Fixed, One Support Displaced Normal to
A.l History of Piping Flexibility and Stress Analysis 295 Plane of Members 349
A.2 Bibliography on Piping Flexibility and Stress C-11 Required Height, Symmetrical Expansion Loop 350
Analysis 297 C-12 Moments and Forces, Symmetrical Expansion
A.3 Dp.rivation of the General Analytical Method 299 Loop 351
C-13 Guided Cantilever Chart 352
C-14 Correction Factor I, Guided Cantilever Method 353
Appendix B C-15 Design Data: Tri~onometric Constants for Circu-
lar Members 354
Derivation of Acoustic Vibration Formulas 328
C-16 Span va. Stress, Horizontal Pipe Lines, Uniform
B.l Multiple Resonator of nth Order 328 Load 356
B.2 General Characteristic Equation for a Branched C-17 Span VB. Natural Frequency and VB. Deflection,
Piping System 329 Horizontal Pipe Lines, Uniform Load 357
B.3 Tuned Resonator Relations 331 C-18 Correction Factors for Use with Charts C-16 and
B.4 Simplified Surge Filter Analysis 333 CC17 358

Appendix C Appendix D
Charts and Tables 336
A Mntrix Method of Piping Analysis
C- 1
Properties and Weights of Pipe 336 nod The Usc of Iligital Computers 359
C- 2
Thermal Expansion, Carbon and Alloy Steels 341 5A-l Introduction 361
C- 3
Modulus of Elasticity, Carbon and Alloy Steel&- 342 5A-2 Derivation of the Shape Coefficient Matrix 362
C. 4
Chart for Criterion in Par. 620 (a) in Code for Pres- 5A~3 A Matrix Method of Piping Analysis 369
sure Piping ASA B31.1 343
5A-4 An Example 372
C- 5 Length of Leg Required, Two-Member System,
SA-5 Selected Bibliography 378
Both Ends Fixed, Thermal Expansion in Plane of
Members 344 Index 379
Definitions of Principal Symbols

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

a . Horizontal coordinate to midpoint of member A""" Area; activation energyj free end.
in working plane. A.F... Attenuation factor.
b .. " " .... Vertical coordinate to midpoint of member in B""". Material constant.
working plane. Cold spring factor; ~locity of sound; constant.
C"""" "
c . Distance of the '.. . orking plane from the origin; Diameter.
viscous damping coefficient. Young's modulus of ehsticityj joint efficiency.
Co,C aa , ew... _ Trigonometric constants. E""" " "
E c ••••••••. Young's modulus of elasticity at ambient
Cc ••••••••• Critical damping coefficient.
d , Diameter; inside diameter.
e . Unit linear thermal expansion for a tempera- Young's modulus of ehsticity at operating
ture difference a.T; base of Napierian tempcrature.
logarithms. F"""". Forcc.
j .. Frequency; factor. F:r, FII , FII < ••
Force component in the direction of axis
in . Natural frequency. indicated by subscript. Second subscript,
g , Gravitational constant. if used, refers to the source of the force.
h , Bend characteristic (=lR/Tm'l)j pitch of half Shear modulus, diameter of thc effective
G""" "
corrugation of an expansion bellowsj gra- gasket reaction on a flange.
dient of pipe supports. . j", Moment of inertia.
h r •••. Offset range of an expansion joint. Polar moment of inertia.
i . Imaginary unit (= -v=J:). K", Constant.
k .. Flexibility factor of pipe in bendingj spring Length,
M""""" Moment.
1.." , Length, span of pipe betwecn supports.
M.F. Magnification factor.
m . Mass.
M,,,,,,,,, , Bcnding moment in the plane of the member.
n . Material constant, exponent in fatigue equa-
tion. M'b . Bending moment transverse to the plane of
p, , , , , , , ", Pressure (load per unit area). the member.
q" ...... ... Plastic constraint factorj shape coefficient M, . Torsional moment.
known as the secondary term. MII,MII,MII . Moment component referred to ongm and
r . Radius. about axis indicated by subscript. Second
rio •.•.... Inside radius. subscript, if used, refers to the source of
Tm ••······ . Mean radius. thc moment.
To • •••••. Outside radius. Moment component about axis indicated by
8 . Shape coefficient; steady stress component. subscript. Second subscript, if used, refers
8 a , Saa, Sl a, etc. Shape coefficients. to the source of the moment.
t" ........ , Time, thickness. Any bending moment.
U, U 01 U' 0, e~. Shape cocfficien~.
N" " Number of cycles, rpm.
V, V o , Vloo, etc. Shape cocfficien~.
0"""". Origin.
w ... Width, unit weight load.
Unit loads in the X-, y~, and z-directiona 0' . Fixed end.
respectively. p"""", Point, concentrated load.
X,III z . Coordinate axes, coordinates of a point. Quotient, stiffness ratio, flow rate.
Q"""" "
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
R ..... Centerline radius of torus or curved member a .. Surface energy (work for creating new surface
(pipe bend or elbow)~atio. per unit area); angle; coefficient of linear
ii . Universa.l gas constant. expansion.
S . Fatigue strengthj stress, amplitude of alter- p. Longitudinal stress intensification factor;
nating tensile stress component; shape angle.
coefficientj Strouhal number. ')' .... , ..... Shear strain, transverse stress intensification
S, . Bending stress in the plane of the member. factor, ratio of specific heats.
S'b . Bending stress transverse to the plane of the 0.. Transhtory displacement; deflection.
member. E •••. Normal (tensile or compressive) strain.
St .. ········ Allowable stress for a material at ambient E· . . . . . . Logarithmic strain.


. Allowable stress for a material at operating
Torsional stress.
Allowable stress range.
r· .
O• ..
Principal strains.
Viscous damping coefficient (damping ratio).
Coefficient of viscosity.
Wave length.
SB .
SB .
Resultant bending stress.
Computed ma.ximum stress range.
P . . . . ..
Acoustic conductivity.
Poisson's ratio.
Su . Ultimate tensile strength (conventional p . Density.
stress). tI' .. Normal (tensile or compressive) true stress.
T ...... Temperature, amplitude of alternating shear ttl, u:!. tl'3 • •• Principal stresses (true).
stressj period of vibration. T .. Shear stress.
u .. Velocity, energy; shape coefficient, 4> .. Angle.
V .. Volume; shape coefficient. ", .. Angle.
W . Total uniform load. w •••..• .. Angular frequency.
y .. Yield stress in uniaxial tension; resultant A . Restrained linear thermal expansion.
expansion. <1> . Angle.
z .. Section modulus.

Strength and Failure of Materials*

N the simplest cases, the failure of a structural ally, though inappropriately, entitled "Strength of

I part occurs when a certain function of the stress

or strain components reaches a critical value.
The designer must know, then: (a) how the stresses
Materials"). In the present chapter, only the condi-
tions of failure hy non-elastic deformation or fracture
will be considered in detail. Failure by excessive de-
formation will be discussed in the first four sections, and
and strains can be calculated from the applied load;
(b) what are the critical combinations of stress and failure by fracture in subsequent parts of the chapter.
strain at which failure occurs.
1.1 Stable and Unstable Deformations
The first question belongs to the field of applied
mechanics (elasticity, mathematical theory of the A structure ceases to be serviceable if it suffers
plastic field, and mathematical rheology). In rela- excessive deformation. The deformations leading
tion to piping systems, it will be treated in detail in to its failure may be elastic (i.e., deformations that
subsequent chapters of this book. disappear when the stress is removed), or non-
The second question is concerned with the me- elastic; the latter may be plastic (i.e., depending only
chanical properties of solids, which is a chapter of on the deforming stress but not on the duration of
the physics of solids. It is a relatively new field of its action), or they may represent a creep (Le., they
science; until about 30 years ago, the mechanisms may increase or decrease with time at constant
of fracture and of plastic deformation were almost stress).
unknown. Since 1920, however, the progress in this Moderate deformations (elastic or non-elastic)
field has been rapid; at the same time, the demands may be beneficial in that they can redistribute the
on the designer's understanding of the mechanical stress in a structural part or between several struc-
behavior of materials have gone far beyond what is tural parts and so prevent its rise to levels at which
generally available in the traditional textbooks. fracture can occur.
Hence, it is appropriate to introduce the treatment In many cases, the deformation leads to changes
of piping system design in this book with a brief but of the shape of the body that cause an increase of
up-to-date sketch of the mechanical properties of the stresses produced by a given load. The simplest
solids. examples of this are elastic buckling, and the plastic
Failure of a structural part can occur by extension of a rod in the course of which its cross
(a) excessive elastic deformation, section diminishes and the stress for a given load in-
(b) excessive non-elastic (plastic or viscous) defor- creases; if this increase is not counterbalanced by
mation, or strain hardening, it leads to accelerated disruption.
(c) fracture. Such phenomena represent an elastie instability if
The calculation of elastic deformations and of the the deformation is elastic, and a plastic instability
conditions of elastic instability is the main subject if it is essentially plastic. Plastic instabilities are of
of books dealing with applied elasticity (tradition- great importance in the design of tubes and pressure
"Prepared by Dr. Egan Orowan, George Westinghouse
ProCessor of M~banical Engineering, Mnssachusetta Insti-
In what follows, failure by plastic instability will
tute of Technology. be treated separately, after the section dealing with
q q

o , n

FIG, 1.1 Yield stress-strnin curve of copper in compression. FIG. 1.2 Stress-strain curve of the Uideally plastic" material.
After Cook nnd Larke [I),
A familiar type, the stress-strain curve of copper, is
plastic failure without instability. Subsequently, shown in Fig. 1.1.
failure by creep will be considered. For the calculation of the distribution of stress
and strain in plastieally deformed bodies, drastically
1.2 Plasticity
simplified types of stress-strain curve must be used.
A. Plastic Deformation under Uniaxial Except in a few of the simplest cases, it is usually
Stress. As mentioned above, pure plasticity is de- assumed for this purpose that yielding starts sud-
fined as a non-elastic type of deformation without denly when a critical stress value is reached, and
time influence. In uniaxial deformation, the plastic that it progresses thereafter at a constant stress-in
strain, is determined by the value of the stress <r at other words, that there is no strain hardening.
which the deformation takes place Figure 1.2 shows the corresponding stress-strain
eurve of the "ideally plastic" material. It must be
<r = f(') (Ll ) kept in mind that such a curve represents a sensible,
though rough, approximation only if the plasti("
Elastic deformations also obey a law of this form;
strain is large compared with the elastic strain. In
however, they are reversible, while in plastic defor-
the initial part of the stress-strain curve of a typical
mation the relationship (eq. 1.1) is valid only for
metal (compare Fig. 1.1), the deviation from the
increasing stress. When the stress is reduced, the
elastic line increases gradually and the idealized
plastic strain remains approximately unaltered.
curve (Fig. 1.2) does not represent an approximation.
By its definition, pure plasticity means the ab-
A few materials (notably, low-carbon steels) show
sence of creep. No material satisfying this require-
the so-called "yield phenomenon": plastic deforma-
ment is known; however, the behavior of ductile
tion starts suddenly when the stress reaches the
metals and other crystalline materials at not too
value of the "yield point." After its start, the stress
high temperatures (compared with their melting
required for further deformation may remain con-
point) can be described approximately as plastic.
stant for a time, or drop immediately to a lower value
The stress required for plastic deformation (often
(the "lower yield point"), as shown in Fig. 1.3. If
denoted by Y) is the yield stress. 1 Its dependence
such a stress drop occurs, the initial yield point is
(eq. 1.1) upon the preceding plastic strain is repre-
called the "upper yield point."
sented graphically by the "stress-strain curve" (more
Of particular interest to the designer is the stress
accurately, it would be called the yield stress-strain
at which the plastic strain (or the total strain)
curve). The stress-strain curves of metals cannot be
represented by a simple mathematical expression.
For strains that are neither too small nor too large,
they can often be approximated by a parabola

(j = constant X En

At small plastic strains, as well as at very large ones,

however, the stress-strain curve is usually quite dif-
ferent from the parabola representing it for moderate
strains. In addition, the stress-strain curves of
different metals are, as a rule, different in character.
lIn the treatment of plasticity, the term llyicld stress"
means the stress required for (initiating CT continuing) plastic
o •
deformation; owing to the presence of strain hardening, it FIG. 1.3 Yield strcss--strain curve of an annealed
100v~carbon steel.
changes ,vith the plastic strain.


reaches the maximum permissible value. If the o

stress-strain curve is of the character shown in f

Fig. 1.1, the value of the yield....tress at which the

strain reaches some specified permissible amount
(e.g., 0.2% or 0.02%) is called the 0.2% (or 0.02%)
Ilyield strength" or "proof stress." Since the word
"strength" is reserved in scientific usage for the
fracture stress, the term "proof stress" will be used
in the present chapter. If the yielding is discon-
tinuous, as in Fig. 1.3, the entire range of commonly o
permissible strains, up to 1% or even 3%, lies on the ,
horizontal part of the curve; in this case, the lower
yield point takes the place of the proof stress. The
upper yield point is a capricious quantity which can
be obliterated by relatively small stress concentra-
tions or small plastic deformations, so that the
designer cannot rely on it.
Naturally, the proof stress is altered by preceding
plastic deformation ("cold work"). Let OBD be G
the stress-strain curve of an annealed metal and OE FIG. 1.4 Increase of the proof stress by cold work; the
the elastic line (Fig. 1.4); A is the point at which a Bauschingcr effect.
critical strain of, say, 0.2% is reached. After strain-
ing in tension to B and removing the load (point C), conditions" suggested, only two have been found
a material is obtained of which the stress-strain compatible with observations and at the same time
curve in tension is CFD. The point F at which the simple enough for practical use: the Tresca (maxi-
permissible strain of 0.2% is reached is now higher mum shear stress) condition, and the von Mises
than A, owing to the preceding strain hardening. (maximum octahedral stress) condiHon.
On the other hand, if the same material, prestrained The Tresca yield condition [2] a.ssumes that
in tension to B, is subjected to compression, the yielding occurs when the maximum shear stress,
microscopic residual stresses remaining in it give equal to one-half of the difference between the
rise to perceptible plastic deformation even at very algebraically greatest and smallest principal stresses,
low compressive stresses, and the stresswstrain curve reaches a critical value. It is expressed by
in compression CG deviates from the elastic line ", - "3 = Y (1.2)
strongly from the beginning. This softening of the where Y is the yield stress in uniaxial tension or com...
material to reverse deformation is called the "Bau- pression. With the Tresca condition, the inter
schinger effect." The hysteresis loop BCF observed mediate principal stress ha.s no effect on yielding.
when the stress is removed and then applied again is The Mises yield condition [3] assumes that yield.
essentially the same phenomenon, due to directional ing occurs when the "effective" shear stress2
microscopic residual stresses in a plastically strained
material. I ~/ 2 2 2
T,U= ;:;V ("'-"2) +("2-"3) +("3-"') (1.3)
A mild heating (stress-relieving) after the deforma- 2v2
tion removes the residual stresses responsible for reaches the critical value of the yield stress in pure
the Bauschinger effect and restores the proof stress shear, i.e., one-half of the yield stress Y in tension
for reverse deformation more or less to the increased Expressed in terms of the uniaxial yield stress Y, it
level of the proof stress for deformation continuing can be written as
in the initial direction.
B. Triaxial Stress: Yield Conditions. So far, 1 ~/ 2 2 2
(J .4)
Y= V'2V ("1-"2) +("2-"3) +("3-"')
only uniaxial stressing has been considered. If a
general (triaxial) state of stress is present, with 2The Hoctahedral" shear atreas differs from the right-hand
principal stresses 0"1 ~ 0"2 ~ U3, yielding in a mate- aide of eq. 1.3 by having the fnetor !, instead of 1/2 V2, before
rial without a sharp yield point occurs when a certain the square root. The factor 1/2V2haa the convenien~e that it
mathematical expression containing the principal makes the right-hand side of cq. 1.3 equal to the maximum
stresses reaches a critical value. Of several "yield shear stress in the case of a uniaxial stress, i.e., for 0"2 = 0"3 "'" O.

The Mises condition is often called the "shear strain perpendieular to the direetion of shear in the layer
energy condition," since, in an isotropic material, must be ineffective. Consequently, the appropriate
the right-hand side of eq. 1.3 or ·>leA is proportional yield condition in this case must be closer to the
to that portion of the total energy which corresponds Tresca condition.
to the shear deformations. For anisotropic materials, C. Plastic Stress-strain Relationships for
however, the shear strain energy depends in general Triaxial Stress. In the preeeding section, the eon-
upon the hydrostatic componcnt (pressure or tcn- ditions of plastic yielding were considered. If they
sion) of the state of stress [4]. The attainment of a are satisfied and yielding occurs, the question of
critical value of the shear strain energy, therefore, importance to the designer is how the resulting
cannot be a eondition of plastic yielding, which, strains are determined by the applied state of stress.
except at extreme pressures, is not influenced by the The difficulties of this problem become evident if one
hydrostatic eomponent of the stress. considers the faets that the resulting deformation
A eharacteristic feature of the Mises condition is depends on the sequence in which the stress com-
that the intermediate princip,l stress· has an influence ponents are applied, and that, owing to the Bau-
on the occurrence of yielding. Only if is equal to schinger effect, the slightest deformation destroys the
initial isotropy of the material and makes reverse
the highest or lowest principal stress does eq. 1.4
coineide with the Tresca condition (eq. 1.2). The deformation easier than eontinued deformation. A
greatest divergence between the two conditions is plausible solution has been given only for the simple
present when the intermediate prineipal stress u, is case of an idcally plastic isotropic material (strain
hardcning and the Bauschinger effeet being ignored).
the mean value of the extreme ones
According to this solution, a given triad of principal
u, = ~(UI + U3) stresses 0"1, 0"2, U3 is related to the increment of
In this ease, eq. 1.4 beeomes plastic strain arising during its application; this
increment is to be added to the plastic strains
V3 Y = Ul - U3 ~ 1.15Y (1.5) created by preceding actions of stresses. Aecording
to Levy and Mises,
That is to say, the maximum principal stress differ- 0'1 = OX{UI - ~(U2 + U3)]
ence at yielding is about 15% higher according to
0" = oX{u, - !<U3 + u,)]
thc Mises condition than that given by the Tresca
condition. 0'3 = OX{U3 - ~h + u,)] (1.6)
Experimcnts indicate that the behavior of metals
with no sharp yield point, as a rule, is intermediate where OEt, OE2, OE3 are simultaneous increments of the
between the Tresca and the Mises yield conditions, principal strains, and 0).. is a parameter determining
usually somewhat closer to the latter. For mathe- the extent of the deformation. The Levy-Mises
matical investigations of stress and strain distribu- equations determine only the ratios of the principal
tion in plastically deformed bodies, the Mises condi- strain increments; the absolute amounts depend on
tion is often simpler to handle. how long the straining is continucd at the constant
For materials with an upper and a lower yield point principal stresses 0"1, 0"2, 0"3.
there is no reliable criterion for the onset of yielding In the literature, occasionally the stress-strain
at the upper yield point, sinee this quantity is relationship
f'xtremely sensitive to slight non-uniformities of 'I = X[UI - ~ (U2 + U3)]
stress distribution and to the size of the specimen {5].
As mentioned, however, the upper yield point is of " = X[u, - ~(U3 + Ul)]
little importance to the designer, since the allowable '3 = X[U3 - ~(UI + U2)] (1.7)
stress must be based on the lower yield point, which
is the stress required for the first Ltiders' bands to is used. If the principal stresses remain invariant
widen. From this it follows at once that the yield during the deformation, these equations represent
eondition in this case eannot be the Mises condition. simply the integrated form of the Levy-Mises equa-
Since the Ltiders' bands are sheared layers embedded tions; if not, they are incorrect. These equations are
between still rigid blocks of the material, only the sometimes referred to as the "deformation theory,"
shear stress aeting in their plane can cause them to as contrasted with the Levy-Mises "incremental
become thicker, and the intermediate prineipal theory."
stress which is parallel to the Ltiders' layer and For strain-hardening materials, several authors


have suggested the generalized stress-strain rela-

Torr = f(-Yorr)'~ (1.8)
where Toff is the effective shear stress defined by
eq. 1.3, and -yorr the effective shear strain defined by
the analogous equation o

-Yorr= ~v (El -E,)'+ (E,-E3)2+ (E3 -El)'

-I +1
(1.9) l'tt"
V2 FIG. 1.5 Considcrc's geometrical construction of the maxi-
Equation 1.8 has not yet received sufficient experi- mum load point and of the ultimate tensile stress.
mental verification; it can be a satisfactory approxi-
mation only if the anisotropy due to preceding
Differentiation of eq. loll gives
plastic deformation can be neglected.
dl/l = -dA/A
1.3 Failure by Plastic Instability
Combination of this equation with eq. 1.13 leads to
A. Instability of Plastic Extension: the Ulti- (1.14)
du/u = dl/l
mate Tensile Strength. Like elastic, so plastic or
viscous deformation may also lead to buckling, e.g., Equation 1.10 can be written as
of a compressed column, or of a thin-walled tube I = 100 + E) (1. lOa)
under external pressure. The treatment of such from which
cases is analogous to that of elastic buckling, but the dl = lodE
literature of plastic and viscous buckling is relatively
small. For details, reference should be made to the From the last two equations
published literature [6]. dl/l = dE/ (I + E)
A ease of plastic instability of great historical and
Introduced into eq. 1.14, this results in
practical importance is that occurring in the tensile
test. Initially, the extension is uniform; unless du/dE = u/(I + E) (1.15)
fracture intervenes, however, the tensile load reaches Equation 1.15, representing the condition for the
a maximum in the course of the test, and at the same load to reach a maximum during the tensile test,
time a neck begins to develop. Further extension is has a simple geometrical meaning. Let the stress-
then concentrated in the neck and ceases everywhere strain curve dE) be plotted in Fig. 1.5, and let the
else in the specimen. The maximum load, divided point P on the negative strain axis have the distance
by the initial cross-sectional area, is called the 1 from the origin; i.e., the same distance as the
Hultimate tensile strength ll or "ultimate tensile point Q on the positive strain axis representing
stress"; its significance for engineering design will E = 1 = 100% extension. For any point of the
be discussed in detail in Part C of the present section. stress-strain curve, du/dE is the gradient of the
Let u = U(E) be the equation of the (true) yield tangent line, and u/(1 + E) the gradient of the line
stress-strain curve of a purely plastic material in connecting the point (u, E) with the point P. The
uniaxial tension; the strain used is the linear strain condition for the load maximum is equality of these
defined as gradients; i.e., the maximum occurs at the point M
E = (I - 10 )/10 (1.10) in which a line drawn from P is tangent to the stress-
where I is the current length of the tensile specimen strain curve. The ordinate AM of the point of
and 10 its initial length. Since the volume]! does not contact is the (true) stress at maximum load; OA is
change significantly during plastic deformation, the the tensile strain Eu at maximum load. This theory
product of length I and cross-sectional area A in the of the maximum load point was given by Considere
range of uniform extension remains constant: in 1885 [7].
The ultimate stress," defined as the maximum load
lA = IoA o = ]! (1.11)
divided by the initial cross-sectional area,
The load F = uA reaches a maximum when Su = Fmox/A o (1.16)
dF=udA+Adu=O (1.12) 3Since in the scientific treatment of this field the word
or "strength" ought to be reserved to a. fmcture stress, the ulti-
du/u = -dA/A (1.13) ma.te strength will he-nceforth be called Uultimnte stress."
due to the decrease of thc load-carrying cross
section occurs also when a tube or a hollow sphere is
subjected to internal pressure [8, 9J. It is remark-
able that the instability condition in these cases is
not identical with that for the rod under tension, and
the maximum prcssure withstood by the tube or the
spherical shell cannot be derived from the knowl-
_-,O_,.jA ,. edge of the ultimate tcnsilc stress. In view of the
practical importance of these cases, their charac-
FIG. 1.6 Determination of the instability stress on the true teristic features should be pointcd out.
stress logarithmic strain curve in tension. For a hollow sphere of radius r and (small) wall
thickness t, under an internal pressure p, the tensile
stress q is given by
is not identical with the true stress at maximum load
pr z... = 27rftu (1.21)
O'm = Fmnx/A (1.17)
The volume of the shell is
The relation between them is
V = 47rf Zt (1.22)
S./um = A/A o
which can be written as r = vV /4...t (1.23)
S./um = 10 /1 Substituting eq. 1.23 into eq. 1.21 and observing that
in view of eq. 1.ll. According to eq. 1. lOa, the volume remains constant during plastic de-
10/1 = 1/(1 + ,)
p = 4v,,·/V tl'u = C,tHu (1.24)
1 For a thin-walled closed tube,
Btl = O"m--- (1.18)
2rp = 2tu (1.25)
1 + '.
where Eu is the "uniform strain" at the moment of V = 2...rt per unit of length
the load maximum. In Fig. 1.5, PO = 1; and
PA = 1 +', and AM = u m ; from the similarity p = (2.../V)t Zu = CztZu (1.26)
of the triangles PMA and PUO it follows, there- For a square plate of edge length I and thickness t,
fore, that the intercept 0 U of the ordinate axis extended uniformly in all directions in its plane by
between the origin and the tangent PM drawn from tensile forces F acting upon its edges,
P to the stress-strain curve is the ultimate strcss. F = Itu (1.27)
A similar graphical construction can be obtained
if the logarithmic strain is used instead of the linear
V = IZt
strain. The relationship between logarithmic strain
E* and linear strain E is
" = log, (1 + ,) (1.19)
For the tensile specimen under uniaxial tension,
Hence, alrcady considercd, the corresponding relationship
d,'=~ would be
1 +, (1.29)
Substitution of this in eq. 1.15 'gives where t is the thickness of the (round) rod.
du/d,' = u (1.20) It is seen that the pressure p or the force F as a
function of the thickness of thc specimen is given in
Figure 1.6 shows the corresponding graphical all cases by an expression of the type
determination of the maximum load point from the
p (or F) = Ctnu (1.30)
logarithmic stress-strain curve: the subtangent PA
at the maximum load point is unity. where n = 2 for the tensile rod and the thin-walled
B. Instability of the Plastic Expansion of tube, -~- for the thin-walled hollow sphere, and! for
Tubes, Vessels, and P1atcs. Plastic instability the uniform-biaxially extended plate.
The maximum load or maximum pressure at whieh Yield SIr01$ (f

the extension heeomes unstable is obtained from

dp (or dF) =0
In view of eq. 1.30, this means
nln-l". dt + tn d". = 0
o logorilhmic E-
or V, Sirain
n(dt/t) = -d"./". ( hin-walled tube)
For the hollow sphere, the tube, and the plate, (Thin-walled hollow sphere
dt/t = -d,', where " is the logarithmic strain per- f----;:--:-,- 1 .-:-:--,.-;--1
(Rod under uniQ:dal tension)
pendicular to the wall or the plate. Thus, the eon-
dition of instability is --,,--,----,--'.,,---::-;---:----1
Plolo under two equal mutually perpendicular tensions

d"./d,' = n". (1.31) FIG. 1.7 Graphical construction of maximum load or maxi-
mum pressure in various cases of tensile loading.
For the sphere, this is
d"./d,' = (3/2)".
for the tube calculated without the knowledge of the entire stress-
d"./d,' = 2".
strain curve, or at least a substantial part of it.
In other words, the maximum pressure withstood
and for the pWie
by the thick-walled tube cannot be derived from
d"./d,' = (1/2)". any single Il working stress."
For the t=ile rod, dt/t is the inerement of the C. IDtimate Stress and Working Stress. The
transverse logarithmic strain; since the volume is ultimate tensile stress has served in the past gener-
constant, this is - (1/2)d,', where d,' is the incre- ally, and still serves in many cases, as a basis for
ment of the longitudinal logarithmic strain. Thus, deriving design (working) stresses; for this purpose,
it is divided by a so-called safety factor. Has this
d"./d,' = ".
conventional procedure a realistic basis? From the
as before (cf. eq. 1.20). preceding considerations, the anSwer can be easily
Figure 1.7 shows the corresponding graphical recognized.
construetion, quite analogous to that in Fig. 1.6, There are two types of failure by plastic de-
carried out for the four cases. It shows that the formation. In the first, the structure becomes
instability point on the stress-strain curve (true unserviceable by suffering an inadmissible amount of
maximum stress vs. greatest logarithmic strain) distortion; in the second, it is destroyed by plastic
is different for eaeh. disruption. In many practical cases, the second
Particularly interesting is the practically im- possibility either cannot occur (e.g., if the loading is
portant case of the thick-walled cylinder under flexural or compressive), or is of minor importance
internal pressure. The solution of this problem has beeause the consequences of failure by excessive
first been published by Manning [1OJ; see also distortion are not significantly aggravated by sub-
MacGregor, Coffin, and Fisher [11]. The relatively sequent disruption. In the design of pipes and pres-
simple calculation shows that here, too, the pressure sure vessels, on the other hand, a moderate plastic
reaehes a maximum as the tube expands plastically, deformation may be no more than a nuisance;
and then drops. The maximum pressure (often the danger that must be excluded is disruption
called "bursting pressure") can be calculated (bursting).
successfully from thc stress-strain curve of the If the practieally important type of failure is due
material. It is remarkable, however, that it cannot to distortion, the design must be based on the stress
be derived from a single point of the curve and the at which plastic deformation reaches the maximum
corresponding tangent. In the thick-walled tube, permissible value, i.e., on the "yield strength" or
the strain depends on the distance from the axis; uproof stress." As is seen from the Considere
at any moment during plastic deformation, states construction of the maximum load and of the
of stress and strain extending over a morc or less ultimate strength (Figs. 1.5 and 1.6), there is no
wide region of the stress-strain curve are present. general relationship between the ultimate strength
As a consequence, the maximum pressure cannot be and the proof stress (or, in the case of the annealed
ultimate stress is fundamentally unrelated not only
to the behavior of the material at small, but also to
that at large, strains. In particular, the knowlcdgc
of the ratio between the ultimate and the proof
stress gives no indication of the fracture strain:
(') fracture may occur immediately after the maximum
-1 o linear Slrain E
load point, or at strains 10 or 50 times higher than
the maximum load strain. The simple tensile test.
FIG. 1.8 Uniform extension (strain outside region of neck)
for different types of materials.
in which only the maximum load but not the stress-
strain curve is measured, however, may give a
quantity that is extremely useful for judging the
low-carbon steels, the lower yield point); the old ductility of the material for certain uses. This
practice of deriving the working stress from the q~antity is the uniform extension, i.e., the strain
ultimate strength by means of a fictitious safety at which thc load. maximum is reached and necking
factor has then no justification. A ccrtain exception starts (GA in Fig. 1.5). Since practically no further
to this is the case in which different batches of the extension takcs place outside the ncck after this
same type of material are compared (e.g., different has been initiated, the uniform extension can easily
deliveries of a low-carbon steel) ; the proof stress, or be measured on the fractured tensile spccimen if
the lower yield point, may (but need not) be thcn this is long enough to contain parts sufficiently
approximately proportional to the ultimate strength. removed both from the ncck and from the heads'
If the only practically important type of failure of the specimen. A material with small uniform
is plastic disruption (bur&ting), the working stress extension (a few per cent) is disrupted easily in
should be derived, as a rule, from the load or pressure tension and is therefore unsuitable for drawing
at which plastic instability leading to rupture sets in operations (wire or deep drawing). At the same
(the possibility of brittle or fatigue fracture should time, however, it may show a high ductility (i.e.,
be disregarded in this section; it will be treatcd reduction of area at fracture), so that it may be
further below). The structure is then dimensioned eminently suitable to operations involving large
so that the design load or design pressure is a plastic strains without tension. Thus, pure nickel,
certain fraction of the rupture load or bursting tin, or lead are very unsuitable for drawing, but
pressure. For a rod under uniaxial tension, the extremely good for operations like bending or cold
corresponding working stress is the ultimate tensile extrusion; austenitic chromium-nickel steels, on the
stren~h divided by an appropriate safety factor other hand, have much less ductility but they are,
(which, in this case, is not a fictitious one). owing to their large uniform extension, very suitable
It is to be kept in mind that the maximum load is for drawing. Figure 1.8 shows how the shape of the
given by the ultimate tensile stress only in the case stress-strain curve is related to the uniform strain.
of a structural part under uniaxial tension. For a Materials with a fairly sudden yield and littlc strain
tube, or a pressure vessel, the maximum pressure hardening afterwards, like pure nickel, lead, or tin.
occurs at a (conventional or true) stress that may be have sharply hent stress-strain curves of the typc
very different from the ultimate stress, as will be A; the tangent construction gives for them a small
discussed in morc detail in Chapter 2. In exacting uniform strain. On the other hand, materials that
cases, therefore, the maximum load or maximum strain-harden slowly but steadily in the initial part
pressure cannot be derived from the ultimatc of the stress-strain curve, like copper, brass, or
tensile strcss but must be obtained by accurate 18/8 Cr-Ni steel (type B in Fig. 1.8), havc a large
calculation based on -the stress-strain curve, or from uniform strain, independent of whether fracture
a model experiment. Often, however, this is not occurs soon after necking or is preceded by a large
nccessary. If the ultimate stresses for tension and reduction of area
for the plastic expansion of a tube differ by only
1.4 Crecp
10% to 20%, and the safety factor may be anything
between 3 and 6 according to tradition or codc A. The Andrade Analysis of the Creep Curve.
regulations, it may not be worth .carrying out an If a matcrial can undergo progressivc deformation
accurate design stress determination for a structural 4The U.S.A. standard specimen is not long enough for this
part of subordinate importance. purpose; a useful specimen can be obtained, however, by
The Considere construction "hows that the increasing its gage length from 2" to 4".


at constant stress, it is said to show creep. The
sunplest type of deformation that eorresponds to
t~is defi?ition is viscosity: a material is ealled purely
VISCOUS If the rate of straining, d·yjdt is a function of Timo Purely PIa1tie Tron~jllnt ViKOUI
SIro;n Creep Croop
the stress,j(r) and does not depend on the deforma-
tion already undergone FIG. 1.10 Andrade's analysis of the creep curve.

d'yjdt = f(r) (1.32)

many cases and eurves of type B are obtained. A
If. the functional relationship is ,imple proportion-
period of final aeceleration is frequently observed
ahty (Newton's law of viscosity),
even at constant stress; however, it is always due to
d'Y structural changes taking place during creep, and so
T = 11- (1.33)
dt curve B can be regarded as representing the pure
and simple type of creep curve.
the material is said to show Newtonian viscosity'
the constant ~ is the <XJejficient of .viscosity. Most of
In his pioneering experiments, Andrade has ob-
served that the slope of the straight parts towards
the common liquids are of the Newtonian type.
which the creep curve tends asymptotically depends
Th~ creep behavior of metals, particularly at not
strongly on the temperature. At sufficiently low
too hIgh temperatures, is markedly different from
temperature, the asymptote becomes horizontal and
pure viscosity. If a constant load is applied to a
the creep rate vanishes in the course of time. The
te~ile specimen (as is usual in technological creep
period of deceleration, on the other hand, is always
testmg) and the strain plotted as a function of time
present, even in the neighborhood of absolute zero.
usually curves of type A in Fig. 1.9 are obtained:
From this, Andrade concluded that the creep curve
S?lid sol~tions with a tendency to develop a sharp
(B in Fig. 1.9) represents the superposition of two
yIeld ~Olnt (a-brass, Monel metal, Nickel silver)
essentially different creep processes, which follow
~ay g~ve curv:es of the type C; other alloys show an
the sudden straining after the application of the load.
mductIOn perlOd, as seen in curve D. However,
The first component is the dccelerating one, the rate
~urve A can be regarded as the pure type observed
of which disappears with time; this is at present
If no structural changes occur during creep. It
called transient creep. Superposed to this, at least if
shows that the rapid, almost sudden, extension that
the temperature is not too low, is a constant-rate
foll?ws the application of the load is followed by a
creep process, usually called viscous creep because
penod of deceleration; before fracture occurs there
its rate depends, roughly speaking, only on the
is a period of acceleration, and between the ~eriods
applied stress and not on the preceding amount of
of deceleration and acceleration there is an interval
strain. Figure 1.10 shows Andrade's analysis of the
of constant creep rate which may be quite long, or
creep process: the observed creep strain is the sum
may be merely a point of inflexion.
of the purely plastic (plus elastic) strain which fol-
In his analysis of creep, Andrade [12J found that
lows immediately the application of the stress, the
the final acceleration is usually a trivial consequence
transient creep strain, and the viscous creep strain.
of the increase of stress due to the decrease of cross-
B. Transient Creep. At low temperatures
sectional area in the course of the constant-lord
(below, say, one-third of the absolute melting point)
tension test. If the experiment is carried out at
viscous creep is insignificant and transient creep
constant tensile stress, the acceleration disappears in dominates; hence its alternative name "cold creep."
At high temperatures (in the hot-creep range), the
Slrain Frodllro
tranSIent component is often negligible beside the vis-
cous one; hfmce the name "hot creep" for the latter.
In Andrade's original experiments, which were of
relatively short duration, the transient creep curve
____- - - c could be represented by the expression
'Y = 'Yo + C..;yt (t = time). (1.34)
At lower temperatures, however, the logarithmic
expression [13]
FIG. 1.9 Types of creep curves for various mnterialB. 'Y = 'Yo + Clog t (1.35)
It seems certain that no such simple expression
Rale can represent generally a process depending strongly
on complicated structural features of the material.
However, one of the above expressions, or perhaps
another simple relationship, may well be found
accurate enough for practical purposes in the case of
an individual material.
The temperature dependence of viscous crcep
showl:5 a similar picture. Like all thermal reactions,
FIG. 1.11 Stress dependence of the viscous creep rate of
lead wires at 17 C. After Andrade.
it is ultimately governed by the Boltzmann expres-
sion for the frequency of thermal activations; with-
out further structural complications, this would lead
fits the curve better. All transitional types between approximately to an exponential dependence of the
the Andrade formula and the logarithmic formula creep rate upon the reciprocal absolute temperature:
can be observed, as well as curves which represent a
more-than-Iogarithmic decrcase of the creep rate. dy/dt = Ce- AlkT (1.391
C. Viscous Creep. The viscous component is where A is the "activation energy" for the creep
often represented by a reasonably straight curve, as process, k is Boltzmann's constant = 1.37 X
shown schematically in Fig. 1.10, if the duration of 10-16 erg!" C, and T is the absolute temperature.
the test is not very long. Otherwise structural It can be shown [17] that,. in Newtonian viscou,
changes (recrystallization, precipitation, etc.) are flow, A is practically independent of the applied
almost invariably present, and then the rate of stress whereas C is proportional to the stress; on the
viscous creep may increase, decrease, or irregularly other hand, in plastic deformation based on crystal-
fluctuate in the course of time. This is the basic line slip, the increase of the strain rate dy/dt with
factor that makes the extrapolation and practical the increase of the applied stress is due mainly to the
use of ereep tests difficult. decrease of the activation energy A with increasing
The experiments of Andrade [12] have shown that stress [18, 19]. In the case of crystalline plasticity,
viscous creep in metals is far from being Newtonian C may be regarded as a constant because its de-
(eq. 1.33); it is vanishingly small up to a certain pendence upon the stress is small relative to that of
stress region and then increases vcry rapidly with the exponential. That this is true for the ereep of
the stress. Figure 1.11 shows the curve given by metals can be seen in the following way: dy/dt is the
Andrade for the viscous creep rate of lead wires at strain per unit of time; its reciprocal is the time
17 C as a function of the applied stress. The char- required for unit increase of the creep strain. Now
acter of the curve resembles that of the "Bingham creep fracture (see subsection G below) takes place
material," an idealized material often referred to in after a strain of 1% = 1/100; the time t elapsing
rheology (Fig. 1.12, in which the stress is plotted as between the application of the load and fracture i,
ordinate according to convention). The Bingham related to the mean creep rate rly / dt by
material is assumed to have a sharp yield point, and
to show linear increase of the strain rate with the I/I00t = dy/dt
stress above thc yield point. The behavior of Introduction of this into eq. 1.39 gives
metals at high temperatures differs from that of the
Bingham material in that the increase of the viscous !/I00t = Ce- AlkT (1.39a)
creep rate with the stress, as shown in Fig. 1.11, is
much more rapid than a linear increase. Expres- Shear
sions suggested for its dependence are, e.g., the Strcss

following ones:
dy/dt = AT" Norton [14J (1.36)
dy/dt = A(e"' - 1) Soderberg [15] (1.37)
or Yield SIron

dy/dt = A sinh (ar) Nadai [16J (1.38) flow Role

where A, n, and a are constants. FIG. 1.12 Definition of the Bingham material.

or, if the logarithm of base 10 is taken, and the latter

log(100t/f) + log C = O..4 34A/kT (1.3gb) 'Yelf =
v'2 y' ('1 - '2)2 + ('2 - '3)2 + ('3 - '1)2
According to Larson and Miller [20j, the dependence
of the fracture time upon the temperature for vari-
ous stresses is often satisfactorily represented by i, <:2, and t3 being the principal strain rates; volume
eq. 1.3gb with values of log C that vary, for different constancy demands that
materials and experimental conditions, between 15
and 23 if t is counted in hours. Thus, log C is in '1 + '2 + '3 = 0 (1.42)
fact almost constant. Its order of magnitude can Thus, the general viscous creep law would be
be derived theoretically in a simple way. It is well Telf = !('Yolf) (1.43)
known that, for processes of this kind, the activation
energy is always around 1 electron volt (ev) at room analogous to the three-dimensional stress-strain rela-
temperature. If it were significantly higher (say, tionship suggested for purely plastic materials (cf.
2 ev), thermal activation would be so sluggish that eq. 1.8). The relative magnitudes of the principal
the creep rate would become too small to be observ- crecp rates are assumed to be given by the Levy-
able; if it were somewhat lower (say, 0.5 ev), the Mises equations
creep rate would be too high to be followed experi-
mentally. At room temperature, kT is -lo ev, so
'1 = Clu, - !("2 + "3)J
that A/kT = 40. As a representative example, let '2 = C["2 - !("3 + "1)1
it be assumed that the fracture strain! is 4% and
that fracture occurs after 1000 hours. With these
'3 = C["3 - !('" + "2)] (1.44)

values, eq. 1.3gb gives The common factor C on the right-hand side is no
longer indeterminate as in the case of ideal plasticity:
log C = 0.434 X 40 - log (25,000) = 13 it is determined by the condition that, if the princi-
For A = 1.5 ev, A/kT = 60, log C would be 22.6. pal strain rates are substituted on the right-hand
The observed values of C, therefore, correspond to a side of eq. 1.43, the correct value of Telf must result.
range of activation energies between about 1 and Details of practical calculations are found in Soder-
1.5 ev. berg's paper.
It should be remarked that, however narrow the E. The Mechanism of Creep. Although the
range of the observed values of log C is, it would be details of the mechanism of transient creep are far
dangerous to use eq. 1.3gb for extrapolating creep from being clear, there is no doubt that it is a con-
test results to times exceeding the duration of the sequence of thermal vibrations enforcing slip when
test by a factor of 10 or more, because during the superposed to a sufficiently high applied stress. In
extrapolated time interval structural changes (e.g., the course of the creep process, the material hardens
precipitation, grain boundary oxidation) may occur and thermal vibrations are then less and less fre-
and the permissible stress for a given service time quently able to produce local slip; this is the cause
may be reduced far below the extrapolated value of the gradual disappearance of transient creep.
(see Subsection G, "Creep Fracture"). The fact that transient creep can be observed down
D. Creep under Triaxial Stress. The problem to the lowest temperatures is due to the circumstance
of how to obtain the principal creep rates for general that the applied stress must always be high enough
triaxial states of stress has been trcated by Soder- to cause at least a small amount of sudden plastic
berg [15J. His solution is a rational extension of the strain before transient creep can be observed. If
treatment of three-dimensional cases in the theory it is sufficient to cause slip without any thermal help,
of plasticity, and is in fair accord with the available very slight thermal fluctuation should be capable of
experience. According to Soderberg, the basic vis- producing local slip at the points where the applied
cous stress-creep rate relationship is a functional stress is nearly high enough to induce slip without
relationship between the effective shear-stress and thermal help.
the effective shear-strain rate, where the former is It has been found that viscous creep itself is a
compound process. At least two different mecha-
1 . 1)2 nisms can produce it, and often thc two act simulta-
Telf = . J;:: V ("I - "2 + ("2 - "3)
+ ("3 - "I)
neously. The first type of viscous creep is called
(1.40) recovery creep. After thc application of the load,

the rapid plastic defonnotion produces strain hard- common rule, therefore, has to be supplemented by
ening which raises the yield stress to the level at the condition that the constant-rate part of the
which it equals the applied stress "nd thus can resist creep curve must extend over a long time, sufficient
the load. If the temperature is high enough, how- for the disappearance of the transient component,
ever, thermal recovery or even recrystallization in order that the minimum creep rate can be identi-
gradually reduce the strain hardening. In order to fied with that of the viscous creep.
carry the applied load, therefore, the material must Since structural parts must often have a service
strain-harden further until the amount of strain life of 10 or 20 years, whereas crecp tests cannot be
hardening lost by recovery is replaced. This means extended in engineering practice beyond about one
that, in every unit of time, additional plastic strain year (often they must be obtained within a few
arises, the amount of which is just sufficient to make weeks), the extrapolation of creep test results to the
up for the strain hardening removed hy recovery. service life is the central problem of creep testing.
The second important type of viscous creep is due Some of the extreme short-time testing methods sug-
to sliding between the grains of a polycrystalline gested between the two wars failed because their
metal when a stress acts at a sufficiently high tem- authors were unaware of the compound nature of
perature. At low temperatures, the grain boundary creep. Unless the test is extended long enough for
is a strong part of the structure: it resists the slip in the transient component to become relatively small,
the grains. At a high temperature, however, the it cannot give even an approximate idea of the mag-
boundary becomes soft and viscous and is an element nitude of the viscous component. The present con-
of weakness. The tungsten filaments of incandescent ventional methods of creep testing usually avoid this
lamps, which work at the highest temperature used pitfall; they can be subdivided into the following
in engineering, can be preserved from gradual defor- three classes:
mation by their own weight only by being made of 1. Abridged tests. The creep strain is measured
single crystals, without grain boundaries present. as a function of time.for a few stresses around the
F. Evaluation and Engineering Use of Creep probable service stress, at the service temperature,
Tests. Transient (cold) creep is of great practical and extrapolated to the service life.
importance, e.o;., in prestressed reinforced concrete 2. Mechanically acceleruled tests. The maximum
design. However, since its evaluation does not in- pennissible creep strain is enforced within the time
volve complex problems to the engineer, and since availablc for the test by a suitably increased stress.
the problems in which it plays a role are somewhat From several such tests at different stresses, the
specialized, it will not be treated here. stress is plotted as a function of the time after which
In many high-temperature applications of metals, the pennissible strain is reached, and the curve ex-
the viscous creep strain during the lifetime of the trapolated to the service life to give the permissible
equipment is so much greater than the initial tran- service stress.
sient creep strain that the latter is frequently neg- 3. Thermally accelerated tests. The maximum per-
lected (sometimes with no sufficient justification). missible creep strain is enforced within the time
In such cases, the usual practical rule is to assume available for the test by a suitably Increased tem-
that the long-time creep rate on which the design perature. From such tests at a few different stresses
should be based is equal to the "minimum creep and temperatures, the stress is plotted as a function
rate" observed in a constant-load tension creep test l of the tcst temperature and of the time required for
i.e., to the creep rate in the straight part of curve A reaching the permissible strain, and extrapolated to
in Fig. 1.9. Although in the hands of the experienced the service life and service temperature.
creep practitioner this prescription usually worh The abridged test would give a correct extrapola-
fairly wcll, strictly spcaking it is fundamcntally tion if structural changes taking place in the material
wrong. When the minimum creep rate occurs, tran- during its service life could be discounted. Ther-
sient creep mayor may not have disappeared. If it mally and mechanically accelerated tests are in
has not, the minimum creep rate is not that of the principle more likely to lead to errors because they
viscous component alone, but the sum of the viscous take place under stress and temperature conditions
and the residual transient creep rates. In extreme different from those in service. However, occasion-
cases, solely the acceleration of transient creep, due ally certain structural changes that would occur
to the decrease of the cross-scctionalarea, may give during the service life but do not take placc during
rise to curves of type A, Fig. 1.9, at low temperatures the abridged test may be observed in the mechani-
where no trace of viscous creep can be present. The cally or thermally accelerated test. Then these
tests, although less correct in principle, may lead to creep fracture test represents a creep test in which
a better extrapolation. No general extrapolation the time required for a certain strain (the fracture
method can take into account the highly individual strain) is measured for various stresses and tempera-
reactions of materials to stress and temperature, and tures. The great shortcoming of the test is not so
the likelihood of grossly erroneous results can only much the variation of the fracture strain as the fact
be reduced by an intimate knowledge of the metal- that it is always performed at high stress levels in
lurgical, structural, and plastic properties of the order to obtain fracture within 1000 or, at most,
material. 10,000 hours. It has been shown by many experi-
G. Creep Fracturc. The grain boundaries of menters, particularly by Grant and his collabora-
polycrystalline metals, being places of atomic dis- tors [21], that the creep rate may change abruptly
order, behave like a two-dimensional glass. They even after 10,000 hours owing to some structural
have a softening range of temperature (roughly change (e.g., coarsening of a precipitate, or oxida-
identical with the "equicohesive temperature") in tion). For this reason, extrapolation from high-
which they change from being.a hard structural stress short-time tests to the long-time service
component to being the softest. At very high tem- behavior is impossible, unless it is known (from a
peratures their effective viscosity is so low that, at thorough investigation of the material extending
low stresses, most of the deformation is localized in Dver years) that no structural changes may be
them: the grains slide almost as rigid units on their expected in the time interval between the duration of
neighbors. This leads to the opening up of gaps the routine creep test and the service life.
between the grains, and finally to the type of frac-
ture peculiar to high temperature creep: at first 1.5 Types of Fraeturc; Molccular Cohesion;
sight, it appears almost brittle. thc Griffith Theory
The strain at which creep fracture occurs depends Fracture is the disintegration of a body into frag-
on the stress and the temperature. At low stress and ments under mechanical stresses. If a certain type
high temperature the deformation within the grains of fracture occurs in a given material when a stress
is insignificant compared with the effect of sliding of component reaches a eritical value, this is called the
the grains upon their neighbors, and thus the fracture strength or fracture stress. Many types of fracture,
strain is small. However, the variation of the frac- however, do not take place at a characteristic value
ture strain in a given range of stress and temperature of a stress component.
is always very small compared with the simultaneous Until about 20 years ago it was not realized that
variation of the creep rate. The latter may change there are many fundamentally different types of
in the ratio 10,000,000 to 1 while the fracture strain fracture obeying quite different laws. They can be
increases, for instance, from 2% or 3% to 10% or classified into two main groups: brittle fractures and
15%. Consequently, the fracture time is usually ductile fractures. The former occur with little or no
inversely proportional to the mean creep rate, to a plastic (or other non-elastic) deformation; the
fair approximation. mechanism of the latter essentially involves plastic
The creep fracture test5 consists ill applying to deformation. The mechanism of brittle fracture was
the specimen a constant tensile load and recording elucidated long before that of ductile fractures,
the time elapsing to fracture. This test is simpler mainly by the work of A. A. Griffith in 1920 [22J.
and easier to perform than the standard ereep test Griffith's effort was directed to the e~planation of the
because strain measurements are omitted. It is extraordinary discrepancy between the very high
required for design whenever the material has such values of strength inferred from the magnitude of
poor ductility under ereep conditions that fracture the intermolecular and interatomic forces, and the
may occur before the maximum permissible creep observed values of the tensile strength, which are
strain is reached. Since creep strains exceeding 1% usually hundreds or thousands of times lower.
are not often permitted (pressure vessels and pipes The way in which the tensile cohesion of a material
are an exception), and fracture occurring after less is determined by the attractive and repulsive forces
than 1% strain is infrequent, the creep fracture between its molecules is illustrated in Fig. 1.13.
test is usually unnecessary. It is nevertheless Suppose that a crystal contains atomic planes with
widely used because it can be interpreted as a crude the spacing b perpendicular to the direction of ten-
creep test. As mentioned above, the fracture strain sion. As the tension is raised, the spacing b increases.
varies within relatively narrow limits, so that the The net interatomic force acting between two parts
bIn the creep !ester's vernacular, "stress rupture" teat. of the crystal across the gap between two atomic
At1roclivll force raise the applied stress to high local values. It was

- Griffith, however, who calculated the critical value

of the applied tensile stress " at which a crack of
atomic sharpness and of length c, starts to propag~te.
He used the following approach. When the crack
extends, the surface area of its walls increases and
01---+--;......-==--- this requires energy for overcoming the attr~ctive
Spcu::ing forces between the atoms separated by the crack.
If the grips between which the specimen is pulled do
not move during the crack propagation process, the
only source from which the necessary surface energy
can be obtained is the elastic energy released as the
Ropulsivo Force crack extends. Let dS be the surface energy needed
FIG. 1.13 The dependence of the intermolecular forces upon for enlarging the crack by an infinitesimal amount,
the molecular spacing. and dW the elastic energy released simultaneously.
The crack can propagate only if dW is at least as
planes vanishes if no tension is applied; in this case, large as dS; thus,
the attractive and repulsive forces cancel. If a dW = dS (1.46)
tension is .applied and the atomic spacing increases, is the condition for the crack being able to
the repulslVe forces diminish more rapidly than the propagate under the tensile stress. It will be seen
attractive ones; the excess of the attractive forces that the stress needed for propagating a crack
over the repulsive ones balances the applied tension. decreases as the length of the crack increases; once
As the atomic spacing in the direction of tension condition 1.46 is satisfied, therefore, the crack will
increases, the repulsive forces become insignificant,
extend rapidly, and fracture will occur.
and the tensile force transmitted through the crystal Griffith carried out this idea in the simple case of a
lattice must then start to diminish with increasing plate containing an internal crack of length 2c
strain owing to the decrease of the attractive forces (Fig. 1.14). It can be shown that the effect of such
with increasing separation of the atoms. Conse- a crack upon the fracture stress of the plate is equal
quently, the net atomic force transmitted through a to that of an external crack of length (depth) c in
cross section must have a maximum, equal to the one of the side edges of the plate. A sharp and flat
highest external force the material can withstand internal crack of length 2c can be regarded as an
i.e., its strength. From the general knowledge 01 elliptical hole of major axis 2c and an extremely
the atomic forces it can be estimated that the maxi- short minor axis; the stress distribution around it
mum must occur when the spacing of the atomic
when the plate is put under a tensile stress " was
planes has increased by a large fraction of its initial
calculated by Inglis in 1913 [23]. From this the
value; for an order-oi-magnitude estimate, it may
excess energy in the plate, due to the presence of the
be assumed to occur when the atomic spacing has
increased by some 25% or 50%. If Hooke's law
were applicable for such large strains, the tensile
strain would be between 0.25 and 0.5 and the cor-
responding tensile stress, i.e., the molecular strength
of the material,
"m = 0.25E to 0.5E (1.45)
where E is Young's modulus. Instead of approach-
ing the order of magnitude indicated by eq. 1.45, the
measured tensile strengths are extremely low. The
strength of ordinary sheet glass is about 1/1000 of its
Young's modulus; that of rock salt crystals, less
than 1/10,000. It was known to physicists before
Griffith that the most likely cause of the discrepancy
was the presence of invisibly small cracks or other
flaws which produce stress concentrations and thus FIG. 1.14 Plaw with a nat elliptical hole (=crack).
crack, is obtaincd as stresses. The discussion of the complete answer is
TV = 1r,?c IE
2 beyond the scope of this chapter [24]; the result is
that, so long as the highest compressive principal
per unit thickness of tbe plate, where E is Young's stress is less than three times the highest tensile
modulus; if c inereases by dc, the released elastic principal stress, fracture should occur when the
energy is greatest tensile principal stress reaches the value of
the tensile strength deduced for uniaxial tension
(eq. 1.48); the algebraically smaller principal
stresses have no influence. According to the theory,
On the other hand, the increase of the length of the the compressive strength should be eight times the
crack is 2dc, and the increase of its wall surface area tensile strength if the material is isotropic and con-
is 4dc per unit thickness of the plate; consequently, tains cracks randomly distributed in all directions.
if" is the work required for ereating a new surface of Thus, the theory confirms partially a well-known
unit area, the inerease of the total surface energy is statement found in textbooks on the strength of
dS = 4adc (1.47) materials concerning the condition of brittle failure:
in the essentially tensile region of principal stresses,
Equating dTV and dS gives failure does obey the maximum tensile stress cri-
u = ~2aE (1.48)
terion. However, the maximum tensile stress condi-
tion cannot be valid for any state of stress. If it
were, the compressive strength of brittle materials
This is the famous Griffith equation for the tensile would be infinitely high. This shortcoming of the
Strength of a brittle material containing an internal textbook rule has been corrected by the Griffith
crack of length 20, or a surfaee crack of depth c. In theory, in the way just mentioned.
the calculation, it has been assumed that the problem One of the most important results of the work of
is two-dimensional, and that the plate is very large Griffith is the realization that the strength of a
in both directions, but at the same time thin com- brittle material is determined by the flaws it con-
pared with the length of the crack; if it is thiek, the tains. This is strikingly illustrated by glass, the
factor (1 - v2 ) has to be applied to the denominator strength of which can be made a hundred times
under the square root, " being Poisson's ratio. higher than normal, if by a special design (fibre glass)
For glasses of the ordinary types, the crack length the worst cracks are made ineffective.
c necessary to explain the observed tensile strength
is of the order of 1 micron. In glasses, the dangerous 1.6 Duetile Fractures
eracks are almost always at the surface; tensilc The Griffith theory and the fracture condition
stresses confined to the interior are relatively harm- (eq. 1.48) are applicable only to fracture of the
less. This is the explanation of the high strength of cleavage type ("brittle fracture"). In addition to
"tempered glass," obtained by quenching glass from this, there is a large group of fractures in which sep-
the softening temperature by an air blast. By the aration into fragments occurs as a consequence of
time the interior has become rigid, the surface has certain plastic deformation processes; these are the
cooled down considerably; when subsequently the "ductile" fractures. The simplest ductile fractures
rigid interior cools, it puts the surface layers under a are straightforward geometrical consequences of
tangential compressive stress. Any tensile stress plastic deformation; a wire of gold, e.g., breaks in
produced by external forces is diminished at the tension by the formation of a neck which becomes
surface by the residual compression. In the interior, thinner and thinner until it is drawn out to two
the residual stress is tensile, but this is of no con- needle points in contact. Similarly, single crystals
sequence because there arc no sharp cracks present of zinc or cadmium may break, after slow extension
from which fracture may start. Thus, the strength at a high temperature, when one part of the crystal
of the glass is strongly increased. slips off the other along a slip plane in which the
The Griffith theory explains very satisfactorily deformation has become concentrated.
the strength properties of completely brittle mate- The nature of the fracture process is less obvious
rials sueh as glass; for detailed treatment, reference in the common fibrous fracture of ductile metals,
should be made to the literature [24]. which produces the bottom of the cup in the cup-
An interesting feature of the theory is the answer and-cone fracture. However, it seems to be funda-
it gives to the question of strength under triaxial mentally the same type of geometrical attcnuation
Constroincd yield Ilren "Y certain precipitation hardened alloys, can be sheared
off during tightening after a small amount of plastic
Brittle (decvogo) fracture twist. Another instance is that of extremely creep-
Stresl (J F _ ~ _ ~ . - Brit1lo strength B resistant alloys which may fail by creep fracture at
D Ductile (fibrotn) high temperatures after a relatively small creep

1.7 The Brittle Fracture of Steel ("Notch

Plastic Tensilo Low-carbon and medium-carbon steels behave ill
Strain E
a maimer that is not a mere intermediate case be-
FIG. l.Ip Scheme of the classical triaxial tension theory of
tween glassy brittleness and high ductility. A com-
notch brittleness, after Mesnager [25]. Ludwik [261, and
Orowan [27]. mon structural steel can be very ductile in the
ordinary tensile test, with no sign of a potential
as in the preceding examples, repeated many time" brittleness, but it can break with little or no visibJ"
on a microscopic scale in the surface of fracture. plastic deformation if it contains a crack or a notch.
Shear fracture, which forms the sides of the cup and The classical triaxial-tension theory of noteh
the cone, is a somewhat different phenomenon. The brittleness was put forward by Mesnager [25] and,
plastic deformation leads here to the propagation of independently, by Ludwik [26J. In a form modified
a crack at the tip of which there is a high concentra- according to the present state of knowledge [27J, its
tion of strain, destroying locally the cohesion of the prineiple is illustrated by Fig. 1.15. The abscissa in
material. this figure is the tensile strain and the ordinate th"
A ductile fracture cannot obey the Griffith condi- tensile stress; Y represents the ordinary tensile yield
tion (eq. 1.48). This can be realized in the following stress-strain curve. The theory assumes that a ma-
simple way: The plastic deformation mechanism terial suffers brittle (cleavage) fracture when the
which leads to ductile fracture is not essentially de- tensile stress reaches a critical value B ("brittle
pendent on the elastic moduli of the material; it strength") which, in its dependence upon the plastic
could take place even if Young's modulus were in- strain, is given schematically by the curve B. In
finitely high. On the other hand, cleavage fracture the ordinary tensile test, ductile fracture occurs at
of the Griffith type would be impossible in a per- the point D on the curve Y, before the tensile stress
fectly rigid material; an infinitely high value of E reaches the value of the brittle strength. However,
in eq." 1.48 would give an infinitely high tensile if the specimen contains a notch or a crack, plastic
strength. constraint raises the value of the tensile stress
One of the conditions governing ductile fracture reached during plastic yielding to q Y, where q, the
can be easily recognized: it coincides with the con- Uconstraint factor," is greater than 1. The curve qY
dition of the particular type of plastic deformation may intersect the curve of the brittle strength B
which is responsible for the fracture. Thus, in the
tensile fracture by neck attenuation the only frac-
ture condition is that the tensile load must reach
the value of the yield stress in the neck, multiplied
I Force

by the cross-sectional area of the neck and by the Fridionat constraint
plastic constraint factor. In shear fracture, too, upon specimen
this is a necessary condition for the propagation of --
the shear crack. Another condition, however, must --I I I_Tend elley 10
also be satisfied: the shear strain at the tip of the
crack must reach the critical value at which the co- m
hesion disappears.
Ductile fractures usually occur after the struc-
ture has become unserviceable by excessive plastic
deformation. However, if the material has a low
ductility, shear fracture or other types of ductile FIG. 1.16 The ongm of plastic constraint in a notched
fracture may occur after very little deformation. A tensile specimen illustrated by the frictional constraint acting
threaded bolt of a low-ductility material, such as upon a flat compression specimen.
before the plastic strain is high enough to produce Slreuos
ductile fracture, and so brittle fracture may occur
at F. ..... Strongly tonllroinod yield ilro""
opproximolely 3Y
The way in which plastic constraint arises is iilus-
trated in Fig. 1.16. Suppose that I is a coin com- Brittlo Itrongth 8 \
pressed plastically between two hard cylinders, I I ~ ~ .-1
and III. The necessary mean compressive stress is
higher than the yield stress Y in uniaxial compres-
Yield siren in tensIon Y IT

sion: it has to overcome, not only the resistance Y Tomporoture of Temperaturo

comploto ombrittlemenl Tranlition temperaturo
of the material to plastic deformation, but also the botwoon notch briHI.n~
frictional resistance of the compression blocks (indi- and full dUdility

cated by the arrows) to the lateral spread of the coin. FIG. 1.18 Davidcnkov-Wittrnan Theory of the transition
The radial frictional forces, together with the axial between brittle and ductile fracture, as modified by the author.
pressure, create a state of triaxial compression (n
hydrostatic pressure superposed to an axial pressure). the plastic strain, the brittle strength is more than
The mean axial stress reqnired for plastic compres- about 3 times higher than the yield stress, plastic
sion is then not Y bnt qY > Y; of this, Y is required constraint alone cannot raise the tensile stress to
for the plastic deformation itself, and (q - 1) Y the fracture level.
for overcoming the friction. An important feature of notch brittleness is the
Figure 1.16 can also be regarded as representing a existence of a transition temperature between notch-
circumferentially notched cylindrical specimen, I brittle, and purely ductile, behavior. Figure 1.17
being the notch core and II, III the full sections of shows the dependence of the work of fracture, as
the specimen. If the specimen is plastically ex- measured with a Charpy or Izod pendulum hammer,
tended, the conditions are similar to the case of the on the temperature in low-carbon steels. Above a
compressed coin, with the shear cohesion between certain temperature region it has a high value, and
the core and the adjacent parts of the specimen the fracture of the notched specimen is entirely of
replacing the friction. As before, the axial stress the fibrous type. At low temperatures, the fracture
required for producing plastic deformation in the work is extremely small, and the fracture is entirely
core must be higher than the yield stress Y. of the eleavage ("crystalline") type. Between these
Plastie constraint is fundamentally different from two temperature regions, there is a transition zone
elastic stress concentration. It cannot arise without in which the fracture work drops rapidly with de-
some preceding plastic deformation; moreover, its creasing temperature; at the same time, the area of
magnitude depends on the depth and sharpness of cleavage in the surface of fracture increases towards
the noteh in a very different way. In pure elasticity, 100 per cent. With some materials, the transition
the stress eoncentration at the tip of a notch becomes zone is so narrow that one can speak of a "transition
infinitely high as the radius of curvature of the tip temperature"; in other cases, e.g., of many lo\\"-
converges towards zero. In contrast to this, the alloy ferritic steels, it is spread over hundreds of
plastic constraint factor of a circumferential notch degrees F.
such as is illustrated in Fig. 1.16 inereases only to a Figure 1.18 shows schematically how the classical
value of the order of 3, instead of rising towards theory interpreted the transition phenomenon [28].
infinity, as the tip radius is redueed to zero [27]. Y is the curve giving the temperature dependence of
This is the reason why so many ductile metals the yield stress; the curve q Y (= 2 or 3 times Y),
cannot be made to fracture in a brittle manner by therefore, represents the highest tensile stress that
the application of a sharp crack: if, for any value of an atOlnically sharp crack can produce during plastic
yielding. Experiments and theory show that the
Work temperature dependence of the bri ttle strength B
fracture must be less strong than that of Y or q Y; this is
schematically indicated in the figure. It is seen that
the tensile fraeture is entirely brittle below the tem-
perature T., even in the absence of any notch. If 11
notch or crack of ma.ximum sharpness is present,
brittle fracture is possible below the temperature 7'"
FIG. 1.17 Extreme types of transition curvcs. but not above it.
Recent investigations [29J have shown that the the tensile stress to the fracture level in typical cases
fundamental cause of brittle fracture in normally of notch brittleness under static loading; it must be
ductile steels is not plastic~onstraint but the ab- aided by strain hardening, and this requires con-
normally high velocity-dependence of the yield strcss siderable plastic deformation. Howcver, brittle
of ferritic steels. Thc experiment from which this fracture can start in a welded structure with very
can be recognized is as follows: The edge of a low- little plastic deformation. The plastic strains pro- i'
carbon steel plate is provided with a brittle crack by duced by thermal expansion and contraction during !
forcing a chisel into a notch at a low tempcrature. welding and the corresponding strain hardening can
If the plate is subjected to tension at room tempera- hardly be made responsible for this, because the
ture, it is found that the brittle crack is unable to thermal strains seem too small to take the material
propagate as a brittle crack. Instead, large plastic beyond the region of yield into that of strain
deformations arise around its tip, accompanied by hardening.
some fibrous crack propagation; after this, the frac- The final question is this: What is the condition
ture suddenly reverts from the ductile to the cleavage under which thc cleavage crack arising from the in-
type and the newly created brittle crack runs across termediate ductile crack in static loading becomes a
the plate. This shows that, at low rates of straining, rapidly running crack, in which the velocity-increase
plastic deformation in microscopically small regions of the yield stress can replace the heavy plastic de-
around the tip of a brittle crack cannot create the formation necessary around a slowly extending crack
degree of triaxiality of tension necessary for brittle to produce cleavage? A crack can run rapidly under
fracture; quite large deformations, such as can be static load only if the work rcquired for its propa-
seen with the naked eye and felt with the fingers, gation is obtained from the elastic energy stored in
arc required. However, once cleavage cracking the specimen. It was seen in Section 1.5 that the
starts again, it runs at high speed and without large Griffith equation (1.48), by virtue of its derivation,
plastic deformations. is the condition for the crack propagation work to
The simplest interpretation of these/,bservations be supplied from the released elastic energy; how-
is that in the brittle fracture of steel the stress is ever, it cannot be applied directly to brittle fracture
raised to the level of the brittle strength by the high in steel. It has been found [27J that cleavage frac-
rate of plastic deformation around the tip of a run- ture in low-carbon steel around room temperature
ning crack rather tban by plastic constraint. With- is not quite brittle; there is a thin cold-worked layer
out a sufficiently high velocity of the crack, the at the surface of fracture, representing an energy of
production of the plastic constraint necessary for cold work of about 2 X 106 ergs/cm2 • This is around
cleavage fracture requires such extensive plastic 1000 times greater than the surface energy of steel;
deformations that the fracture, though of the cleav- the work of crack propagation per unit area of the
age type, is far from being brittle, i.e., of low energy crack walls, therefore, is given by the plastic surface
consumption. Triaxiality of tension, then, is prob- work p, beside which the surface energy is negligible.
ably no more than one of several ways of initialing If the plastic surface work per unit area of the cleav- f
age fracture can be treated on the same footing as
cleavage fracture; the cleavage fracture is then trans-
formed into brittle cleavage fracture by the velocity
effect upon the yield stress as the crack gathers speed.
the surface energy, the condition for the work of
propagation of a brittle crack in steel to be supplied
The rather exceptional combination of ductility by the simultaneously released elastic energy is
witb potential brittleness in steel may be understood [24, 32J
now as being a consequence of another exceptional (1.49)
property of low-carbon steels, the unusually strong
instead of the Griffith equation (1.48). In eq. 1.49
dependence of their yield stress upon the rate of
straining [30, 31]. The yield stress of copper or the factor ;/2/11' has been omitted to indicate that
aluminum increases only some 10 to 20 per cent be- the equation does not pretend to be accurate enough
tween "static" and ballistic testing speeds; for low- for this factor to matter.
carbon stecls, however, increases of 100 and 200 Brittlc cleavage fracture in steel, therefore, re-
per cent have been recorded. quires the fulfilment of two conditions:
Why such large deformations are needed for start- 1. The temperature must be below the transition
ing cleavage fracture at the tip of a crack under slow range;
tension is a question not yet answered. It has been 2. The applied stress must satisfy the crack propa-
suggcsted that plastic constraint alonc cannot raise gation equation (1.49).

The first condition is satisfied by most structural cannot start to propagate before considcrable plastic
steels, at least at low winter temperatures. The de- deformation takes place around its tip, and the
signer, therefore, can avoid the possibility of brittle stress required for this may be quite elose to the
fracture only by taking care that the crack propaga- yield stress of the plate. In other words, in this
tion condition should not be satisfied. The simplest, case an initiation condition must be satisfied besides
although practical1y not always easy or even feasi- the propagation condition, and the former is more
ble, way to do this is to avoid the presence of cracks exacting.
exceeding in length a certain limit. The smal1er the In recent experiments 133] in which the difficulty
crack length c, the higher is the (mean) tensile of crack initiation was overcome by a wedge ham-
stress <T in the plate at which crack propagation is mered into the crack by the impact of a bullet, frac-
possible. Since the stress cannot rise above the ture could not be provoked below a fairly clearly
yield stress Y, the length of the smal1est crack that recognizable stress level which depended on the con-
can start brittle fracture is obtained from eq. 1.49 as ditions of the experiment (notch angle, plate size,
etc.). Since the mechanics of the crack initiation by
Co = Ep/Y' (1.50)
wedge impaet is very eomplex, it is diffieult to ree-
Cracks below this length are harmless (unless, of ognize the significance of this result. The observed
course, they can grow by a non-brittle mechanism stress threshold is probably due to the neeessity to
which does not require the fulfilment of the crack satisfy some crack initiation condition; whether this
propagation condition, eq. 1.49). If, therefore, the condition is of more general significance, or a particu-
possibility of cracks exceeding in length the critical lar characteristic of the wedge impact experiment,
value Co can be eliminated by careful fabrication or is an open question.
inspection, brittle fracture cannot occur even below The practical importance of brittle fractures in
the transition temperature. With E=3X107 psi= steel structures has rapidly increased in recent times,
2 X 10" dyne/em', p = 2 X 10· erg/em', and owing to the widespread use of welding and of high-
Y = 6 X 104 psi = 4.1 X 109 dyne/em' for the tensile steels. Welding results in high residual tensile
strain-hardened steel, the critical minimum crack stresses adjaeent to the seam, and it may also eause
length Co is obtained from eq. 1.50 as structural damage (e.g., grain boundary oxidation).
This may lead to the formation of eracks whieh ean
Co = 0.25 em = 0.1 in.
run across the weld seam and wreck the entire struc-
To avoid any crack exceeding this length is difficult turc in a fraction of a second. The high yield stress
and costly, but not impossible, as is shown by the of many modcrn steels, obtained by al10ying addi-
occasional use of non-aging low-carbon steels for tions, cold work, or heat treatment, may lure the
pressure vessels at liquid-air temperatures. designcr to the use of working strcsses under which
Alternatively, the designer may attempt to keep spontaneous crack propagation becomes possible
the stress level so low that eq. 1.49 is not satisfied (cf. eq. 1.49). Clearly, an uncritical raising of the
even though the longest cracks unavoidably present design stresses on the ground of the increased yield
might exceed the critical length Co. If, e.g., the stress is entirely unjustified, unless the transition
presence of cracks of 0.4 in. length cannot be ex- range is also considerably lowered. If the latter
cluded, the tensile stress must be kept below 30,000 condition is not satisfied, higher yield stress may
psi; cracks of 1 in. length would set an upper safe merely mean that the working stress is no longer
limit of about 19,000 psi to the strcss, and so on. determined by the yield stress but by the necessity
Natural1y, the propagation condition (1.49) may of avoiding brittle fracture.
not be the only condition that must be satisfied Good ductility (high fracture strain, reduction of
before brittle fracture can occur. If eq. 1.49 is cor- area) in the ordinary tensile test ending with ductile
rect, brittle fracture cannot occur below the stresses fracture does not mean increased immunity to brittle
derived from it; however, some other, more exacting fracture in the case of ferritic steels. The possibility
condition may in some cases set a higher limit, so of brittle fracture can be assessed only by determin-
that fracture in fact may not occur at stresses as low ing the transition curve of the steel and estimating
as correspond to eq. 1.49. A simple example of this the size of the most dangerous crack that may be
is the case of a steel plate containing a brittle crack present. For low-carbon steels, it appears that a
and subjected to slowly applied tensile stress, as in fracture work of 15 ft-Ib in the V-notch Charpy
the experiments described above. Although the test at the lowest service temperaturc gives a high
stress given by eq. 1.49 may be quite low, the crack degree of protection against brittle fracture even if
Table 1.1 nomena can be classified according to their physical
cause as mechanical or chemical.
Static Cyclic In this way, a twofold subdivision of fatigue
:Mechanical Creep fracture Ordinary cyclic phenomena is obtained, as illustrated in Table I. L
fatigue An example of static mechanical fatigue is creep
Chemical Delayed fracture Corrosion fatigue fracture, already discussed in Section 1.4. A little-
of glass; stress known case of static fatigue is that observed in the
corrosion brittle fracture of steels which may occur suddenly
after prolonged steady loading. The time delay
between the application of the stress and the occur-
cracks cannot be avoided. This figure, however, rence of fracture must be due to a slowly progressing
does not apply to harder steels. If a heat-treated deformation process; the rate of this process may be
high-tensile steel of 160,000 psi yield stress gives a determined by the rate at which carbon atoms
V-notch Charpy value of 15 ft-Ib; the deformation diffuse in the iron lattice. Thus, the delayed brittle
of the notch-bend specimen is only about one-quarter fracture of steel may possibly represent a case of
of that of a plain low-carbon steel with the same physicochemical static fatigue.
Charpy value but a yield stress of only 40,000 psi. The cause of the static fatigue of glass is un-
The 15 ft-Ib high-tensile steel, therefore, has a doubtedly physicoehemical [34J. It is known that
tendency to brittle fracture comparable to that of air (probably mainly its moisture content) reduces
a hot-rolled low-carbon steel with a Charpy value the surface energy of mica by a factor of 10 or 12.
of 4 ft-lb. It must also reduce the surface energy of glass;
If a steel is to be used in the brittle-fracture consequently, the Griffith crack propagation con-
danger zone of temperature and stress, careful dition (eq. 1.48) rimy be fulfilled for a given stress
design and workmanship are of the greatest impor- u and crack length c in the presence of air (I.e., when
tance. Sharp stress concentrations, such as abrupt a has a lowered value), but not in vacuum. In this
cross-sectional changes, sharp thread profiles, or case, the crack can only propagate at the rate at
blind root welds, must be avoided, and the formation which air or moisture can diffuse to its tip. After a
of cracks during fabrication and heat treatment period of slow propagation with the help of absorbed
prevented. On important equipment, or where moisture, the crack length may increase to the value
failure may endanger lives, particular attention at which the applied stress can propagate the crack
must be given to careful inspection and to the even without the reduction of the surface energy by
removal of internal stresses. moisture; fracture then occurs suddenly. The
physicochemical nature of the delayed fracture in
1.8 Fatigue glasses is verified by the observation that static
A. General Features. The term "fatigue" is fatigue is absent in vacuum.
used if a specimen breaks under a load which it has The best known type of static fatigue due to
previously withstood for a length of time, or during chemical action is stress corrosion, of which the
a load cycle which it has previously withstood a "season cracking" of cold-worked brass and the
number of times. There is a remarkably sharp "caustic embrittlement" of steel are familiar ex-
distinction between those cases of fatigue in which amples. In some cases, its cause is the precipitation
only the total duration of loading matters while it is of a phase in the grain boundary which deprives the
of secondary importance whether the load is steady adjacent parts of the grains of an element that
or interrupted, and those where only the number of increases the resistance to ehemical attack [35]. III
load cycles matters and the duration of the cycles is the case of some austenitic Cr-Ni steels, for instance.
of a subordinate importance. The first type of ehromium carbide may segregate in the boundar)'
fatigue is called static, the second cyclic. during heating in a certain temperature region, and
Purely elastic deformation cannot cause fatigue; the boundary regions of the grains are then depleted
all it does is to strain atomic bonds, and these in chromium. Crack propagation by solution of the
cannot wear out. Fatigue can be the consequence more easily attaeked (more anodic) boundary laye"
either of non-elastic deformations (I.e., of lattice cannot progress, however, without the presence of l:l
injuries or intergranular displacements it produces), tensile stress which opens up the crack and provides
or of chemical or physicochemical processes ac- space for the corrosion products. Under the applied
celerated by the applied load. Thus, fatigue phe- stress plastie deformation occurs at the tip of the

crack; this may disrupt protective layers, and the log S

increased frec energy of the deformed region makes it omplitude)
more susceptible to attack (more anodic). Whether
these two effects represent important causes of stress
Ill.g., Fllrritic moterials
corrosion is not certain.
Stress-corrosion cracking can progress not only
along the grain boundaries but also across the grains; Genctrol type, e.g., light 0110)'$

brass single crystals crack under tension in the Log N (Number of cydes
presence of ammonia much like polycrystalline 10 fradure)
brass [36, 37J. This suggests the possibility of a FIG. l.?O Representative fatigue fracture stress
stress-corrosion mechanism similar to that of the curves for metals.
static fatigue of glass [38J. The effective surface
energy of the crack walls which enters into the where the inereased elastic energy or plastic deforma-
Griffith equation (1.48) can be lowered not only by tion locally raises the free energy; at these spots the
adsorption but even more radically by chemical material is electrolytically more soluble in the eor-
combination between the corrosive agent and the rosive solution (more anodic) than its surroundings.
metal atoms; .consequently, a crack may propagate Another possible reason for the local attack is that
in the presence of a corrosive medium by cleavage the plastic deformation at the pits or cracks may
under a relatively low tensile stress while, in the prevent the formation of protective (passive) layers.
absence of corrosion, the propagating stress de- Those features of corrosion fatigue which are of
manded by eq. 1.48 may be higher than the yield quantitative interest to the designer will be men-
stress so that crack propagation by cleavage is tioned briefly after the treatment of ordinary
impossible. Obviously, the effect of the adsorptive meehanical cyclic fatigue. The chemical mechanisms
or corrosive is to cut the cohesive bonds between the of corrosion fatigue, like those of stress corrosion, are
atoms of the crack walls at an early stage of the too specific to allow any general treatment. In
cleavage proeess, by converting them into chemical what follows. therefore, the main emphasis will be
or van del' Waals bonds between the atoms of the laid on common mechanical fatigue, which is the
crack walls and the atoms, molecules, or ions of the most important fatigue phenomcnon from the point
adsorptive or corrosive agent. of view of the engineer
In accordance with its chemical origin, the sus- The existence of mechanical fatigue of materials
ceptibility of metals to stress corrosion is extremely under cyclic stressing was established by Rankine
specific. Thus, for instance, the caustic embrittle- in 1843, and the basic laws of the phenomenon were
ment of Cr-Ni-Mo low-alloy steels apparently can be investigated experimentally by L. Wohler between
avoided by omitting anyone of the three alloying 1852 and 1869. To describe it in clear terms, a
elements. simple terminology should first be introduced.
Corrosion fatigue differs from stress corrosion in Generally, a cyclic stress is the superposition of a
that it occurs only if the stress varies cyclically. It steady stress s and an alternating stress of amplitude
is fairly insensitive to the duration of the cycles (i.e., 8 and range 28 (Fig. 1.19). The stress amplitude
to the total duration of stress application). Corro- that causes fracture after N cycles will be called the
sion fatigue starts with the appearance of surface fatigue strength for N cycles; if it tends towards a
pits which then spread and join up to form surface finite value for infinitely increasing N, this will be
grooves not unlike the cracks on the bark of a birch called the limiting fatigue strength or, briefly, the
tree. These pits and blunt cracks apparently de- fatigue limit. In the literature, the fatigue strength
"clop because they give rise to stress concentrations is usually called fatigue endurance; however,
there is no reason why the correct technical term
SIren "strength" for a fracture stress should not be used in
this case also. The fatigue strength depends, in
general, on the steady stress superposed upon the
purely alternating stress.
If the logarithm of 8 (the stress amplitude) is
plotted as a function of the logarithm of N (the
Time number of cycles to fracture), curves of the type
FIG. 1.19 Typical stress cycle. shown in Fig. 1.20 are obtained. Plain carbon steels
However, the local tensile stresses which arise in
the course of prolonged alternating slip do not pro-
vide a sufficient explanation of mechanical fatigue.
If the material strain-hardens with plastic deforma-
tion, the first stress cycle ought to harden it so that
no further slip can occur unless the stress amplitude
of the following eycles is progressively increased;
how, then, can alternating slip continue in tests.. at
constant stress amplitude? On the other hand,
observations show that alternating slip continues,
with gradually decreasing amplitude, even in safe
ranges of stress; how can it then be explained that,
in such cases, even hundreds of millions of non-
elastic strain cycles are insufficient for accumulating
the amount of internal stress and lattice damage
necessary for fracture? Thus, the basic questions
of fatigue are (1) How is progressive slip and struc-
tural damage possible under cycles of constant stress
amplitude; and (2) How are safe ranges of stress
FIG. 1.21 Effect of high-amplitude fatigue on silver The answer to these questions is given by the
chloride sheet. general theory of fatigue [42, 24], whieh is concerned
with those typical features of the fatigue phenomenon
usually have a clearly defined fatigue limit; recent which are largely indepcndent of the individual
experiments indieate that this may be a consequence molecular mechanism of the fatigue damage. A
of the phenomenon of strain aging shown by sueh quantitative description of the theory would require
steels. Nonferrous materials may also give curves too much space to be presented in this chapter; how-
showing, .more or less clearly, two straight parts ever, a qualitative outline of the main points can be
connected by a curved transition region; however, gh:en briefly.
the second straight part is usually not quite hori- The salient point is that in cyclic stressing
zontal but slightly descending. In such cases, there progressive plastic deformation soon becomes con-
is no clear fatigue limit within the experimentally fined to relatively small regions (e.g., at the tips of
accessible values of N. The fatigue strength on small cracks, or in particularly unfavorably situated
which the design must be based is then that for the grains) which are then surrounded by more or less
number of cycles which the structure must with- purely elastic material. Now it is easily seen that.
stand during its intended life. if a largely elastic specimen is subjected to cycles of
n. The Mechanism of Fatigue. A revealing constant stress amplitude, a small plastic region
observation about the mechanism of fatigue is that embedded in it will experience stress cycles of
the fatigue crack, in general, seems to run along slip increasing and strain cycles of decreasing amplitude.
planes, not cleavage planes [39, 40]. This cRll be This is a consequence of progressive strain harden-
recognized without ambiguity in iron where slip ing: as the yield stress of the plastic region rises, its
planes and cleavage planes never coincide. elastic surroundings have to exert upon it increasing
It seems that alternating slip can lead to the de- stress amplitudes to enforce further plastic deforma-
velopment of high tensile stresses in the slip planes tion. By Hooke's law the elastic surroundings must
due to a progressive warping of the slip "packets" in then snffer increasing strain amplitudes, and so the
the course of cyclic straining. Figure 1.21 shows the strain amplitude in the plastic region decreases
waviness developed during a high-amplitude fatigue beeause the sum of the two strain amplitudes must
test in some of the large grains in a polycrystalline remain constant for a given amplitude of stress
silver chloride sheet. The development of tensile applied to the specimens as a whole.
stresses during the warping of slip planes may be The gradual decrease of the plastic strain ampli-
understood by means of the dislocation theory of tude explains why safe ranges of stress are possible.
plastic deformation [41, 42]; if the stress is high It can be shown [42, 43] that the total (integrated
enough, it can cause local fracture. absolute) amount of plastic strain in an elastically

embedded strain-hardening plastic region always con- explains the remarkable fact (see below) that the
verges towards a finite value as the number of cycles influence of the steady stress upon the fatigue
increases toward infinity. This liIPit value of the strength is, as a rule, very small and sometimes
total plastic strain decreases with the decrease of imperceptible up to the value of the static yield
the stress amplitude applied to the specimen. stress.
Below a certain stress amplitude the total plastie To sum up, it can be said that the typical features
strain can never reach the critical value necessary of fatigue under cycles of constant stress amplitude
for producing that combinat\on of strain hardening follow directly from the fact that plastic deformation
(i.e., of the local stress amplitude) and structural is not uniformly distributed but, after an initial
damage at which fracture occurs. On the other deformation that may possibly extend over most of
hand, if the local plastic region fractures, a small the specimen, becomes confined to a few local
crack arises and gives rise to a region of stress regions. Once plastic flow becomes locally con-
concentrations in which plastic deformations may centrated, the conditions governing the development
now begin. A repetition of the above process may of fatigue cracks can be investigated by a general
lead to the extension of the crack and finally to the consideration of the change of stress and strain
fracture of the specimen. amplitudes in plastic regions embedded in elastic
An interesting point emerging from the theory is surroundings subjected to cycles of constant stress
that a fatigue fracture can arise without any re- amplitude. As far as the general. features of the
duction of the cohesion (strength) by structural fatigue phenomenon are concerned, the molecular
damage. Strain hardening alone may raise the nature of the fatigue process is of secondary im-
stress in plastic regions gradually to the fracture portance; in particular, fatigue fracture might con-
level even if the initial strength of the material is eeivably occur without any decrease of the cohesion,
not redueed in the course of the alternating plastic solely by the rise of the local stress by strain harden-
straining. In most real cases, however, increase of ing to the fracture level.
the local stress by strain hardening and reduction C. Influence of a Superposed Steady Stress.
of the strength by structural injuries probably ~o Figure 1.22 shows the dependence of the fatigue
hand in hand. strength (limiting stress amplitude) of three plain-
Observations indicate that, in reality, the last carbon steels on the steady stress (mean stress of the
traees of alternating slip never disappear; there is cycle) according to the experiments of Pomp and
apparently a minimum value of the plastic strain Hempel [44, 45, 46]; the dash-dotted lines at 45°
amplitude below which no strain hardening is to the coordinate axes are the loci of the points at
produced. This can be recognized most directly which the maximum stress of the cycle (including
from the fact that the width of the hysteresis loop the steady stress) reaches the conventional elastic
decreases but does not vanish during cyclic stressing. limit (in the present case, the 0.2% proof stress).
It may be mentioned that the general theory of The curves reflect, first of all, a general feature of the
fatigue leads to a semiquantitative derivation of the dependence of the fatigue strength upon the steady
typical shape of the log S-log N curve, and it also stress: up to the elastic limit, they represent straight

CUNO 1; 0.1%
&. CUNO 2; O.21C



'" 0
0 Y1 50 Y2 Y3 100 150 200
$, Mean SIren of Cycle. 10 3 p1i

FlO. 1.22 Dependence of fatigue strength on steady stress in plain carbon steels.
those for the smooth rod (owing to "plastic con-
straint" exertcd by the adjacent larger sections);
elOO its fatigue strength, however, is rcduccd by the
{ stress concentration present. Figure 1.24 shows fa-
u ------:--~-~
tigue strength curves for 1 in. and Ii in. Whitworth


f threaded rods of the carbon steel which, in the form

~ so
of smooth cylindrical specimens, gives curve 1 in
'j \ Fig. 1.22 (this curve is repeated in Fig. 1.24) 1461.
" o±o----:':---_.,.---~·---_--.::.u
\ The designer is mainly interested in stresses
within the elastie limit; for this reason, the present
50 100 150 200
s. M~(ln SIren 01 Cycle. 10) Pi; considerations will be confined to the first part of
the curves in Fig. 1.22. This can be represented
FIG. 1.23 Dependence of fatigue strength on steady stres£'
in patented (0.62% C) steel wire.
schematically as a straight line connccting the point
P of the fatigue strength in purely alternating
stressing with a point Q on the abscissa nxis (cf.
lines which slopc downwards only slightly with
Fig. 1.25); as before, the dash-dotted 45° line
incrcasing stcady stress. Occasionally this line is
represents the elastic limit beyond which curve
horizontal; in all cases, the influence of the mean
stress on the fatigue strength is small. deviates from the line PQ. In the str~ss range of
interest to the designer, the effect of the steady
Another feature of Fig. 1.22 is the rapid change
stress is therefore given by the equation
of the character of the curve at the elastic limit.
The slope changes abruptly with the onset of sig-
nificant plastic deformations; the curves show a S = So ( 1 - S:) (1.51)
distinct increase of the fatigue strcngth (limiting
safe stress amplitude supcrposed to the steady stress) where S is the fatigue strength at the steady stress s,
at the end of the elastic region. This "step" at the So its value for s = 0, and Sp = OQ, a stress param-
elastic limit is followed by a second abrupt change eter that determines the position of the line PQ.
of slope, during which the fatigue strength declines For many decades in the past, the dependence of
with further increase of the steady stress. the fatigue strength upon the steady stress was
With strongly cold-worked metals, proof stress usually represented by the Goodman diagram in
and ultimate stress nearly coincide. In such cases which the assumption was made that the strcss
only the first part of the "step" seen in Fig. 1.22 parameter Sp = OQ can be identified with the ulti-
can be observed. An example is shown in Fig. 1.23 mate stress; the Goodman diagram is indicated
("patented" steel ,,~re, 0.62% 0) [45J. in Figure 1.25 by the dashed line PU where OU is
If a rod is eircumferentially notched (e.g., if it the ultimate stress. Goodman's idea was that the
is threaded), its static yield and ultimate stresses line would have to go through the point at which
referred to the smallest cross section are higher than f1failure" would occur in purely static tension. As
can bc seen from the discussion in Section 1.3, this
argumcnt is invalid: the ultimate stress is not a
stress at which fracture occurs but merely the

Ploin bers Ampliludc Elc~lic limit S"" S (I_"!")
" of eyelc. S

p of (yel(\'
u " Elallic limil

vi 25
~ 'cr:::------""" (initial yield '!fem)

" end If Whitworth threoded
bers. overogo vol"e: :

So Goodman liM ~. "'~:

-.....:::,j ~
0 ..... ,

Y pla'n

Mean SI'en. I, of eytle. 10 3 Pi;

1 O;'------"I-~

Mean (,!cody) Sire". ,

u........ Q

FIG. 1.24 Comparison of fatigue strengths of plain and FlO. 1.25 The influence of steady (mean) stress upon
threaded bars of 0.1 % C steels. the fatigue limit.

(conventional) stress at which the maximum load is elastic material. The simplest explanation of this
reached and necking begins in the static tensile remarkable fact is to assume that cyclic straining
test. For this reason, the ultimate stress point U ceases to produce strain hardening when the strain
has no place on any curvc showing the dependence amplitude becomes too small (sec above); if this is
of the fatigue strength upon the steady stress, and the case, the material at the tip of thc crack never
much less on the straight line that forms the initial becomes quite elastic and thc stress can never reach
elastic part of such curves. In the experimental the level of the elastic stress concentration. Dif-
curves shown in Fig. 1.22, for instance, the extension ferent materials have different "notch sensitivities" O
of the initial straight part may intersect the abscissa (not to be confused with the notch sensitivity for
axis quite far from the point U of the ultimate static brittle fracture). Some of them, like grey
stress; the stress parameter Sp in eq. 1.51 and the lamellar cast iron or certain bronzes, are almost
position of thc point Q can only be derived from insensitive to the presence of small sharp cracks or
fatigue tests. The only point that can be made in notches; their q value will therefore be close to zero.
defense of the Goodman line is that its errors, how- Others, like hard steels, arc very sensitive, with q
ever large, usually lie in the safe direetion. in the neighborhood of 1.
D. Influence of a Compound State of Stress. Similarly, the surface quality has an influence
Relatively little is known about the eondition upon the fatigue strength of ductile metals that is
of fatigue fracture for cyclieally varying triaxial between those for a completely brittle material
states of stress. However, a practically important likc glass and for a ductile metal under static stress.
case, that of a shaft subjected to cyclic torsion and Occasionally, the fatigue strength of extruded light-
bending simultaneously, has been investigated in alloy rods with the extrusion skin has been found
detail by Gough and Pollard [47]. They found that to be as low as one-half of the fatigue strength of a
for a given (large) number of cycles, those corre- machined specimen of the same rod. In some cases,
sponding values Sand T, respectively, of the tensile- the fatigue strength can be raiseO considcrably by
stress amplitude due to bending and of the shear- surface rolling or shot blasting (e.g., for heat-treated
stress amplitude due to torsion at which fraeture spring steels); in others, such a treatment has no
oceurs are determined approximately by the re- significant beneficial influence (e.g., with many
lationship light alloys). Excessive surface rolling or shot
blasting in materials of limited ductility may even
(1.52) reduce the fatigue strength by producing surface
where So is the fatigue strength for the same number There is a difference of great importance between
of cycles in pure bending, and To the fatigue (shear) the fatigue strength of a ductile metal and the
strength in pure torsion. (static) strength of a brittle material like glass. In
E. Influence of Notches and of Surface Flaws. the latter case, the strength can be raised sometimes
Stress raisers are relatively unimportant in ductile by a factor of 10 or even 100 if surface cracks arc
metals under static stress, because plastic flow levels very carefully avoided. In ductile metals, it is
down the stress at thc stress concentrations. In relatively easy to improve the quality of the surface
cyclic stressing, the situation is different: local so that any remaining flaws have no influence on the
cyclic straining produces progressive strain harden- fatigue strength. However, this does not raise the
ing with consequent rise of the local stress. If the fatigue strength spectacularly because plastic defor-
strain hardening could continue with cyclic plastic mations set in as soon as the elastic limit is exceeded,
deformation at a finite rate, no matter how small and they produce cracks after sufficiently prolonged
the plastic strain amplitude, it would finally raise cyclic stressing in a way that is now more or less
the yield stress until no plastic deformation could understood. For this reason, there is no hope that
occur. The local alternating stress amplitude and the fatigue strength may be raised much above the
the effective stress concentration factor would then elastic limit. If, on the other hand, the elastic limit
be the same as in a purely elastic body of the same is raised by strain hardening, precipitation hardcn-
geometry. 6A conventional quantitative definition of the relative notch
sensitivity q. in cyclic stress is q = (kl - l)/(k e - 1) where
Experience shows that this is not the case in
k e is the elastic stress concentration factor for a given notch
fatigue. The effect of notches, cracks, and surface llnd kl is the factor by which the fatigue strength is reduced
flaws is usually much greater than in static stressing, by the prcsence of the notch. Of course, q depends in gencral
but it is still far below what it would be for a purely on the size and shape of the notch.
ing, or in any other way, a decrease of ductility is multiply bent, relatively thin tube the stresses are
unavoidably associated with the increase of the much lower than in a straight bar fixed at two cross
fatigue strength. .~ sections.
F. Fatigue Tests on Specimens VB. Fatigue Obviously, the action of a stress upon a material
Tests on Structural Parts. The strength of is quite independent of how it is produced; conse-
structural parts under static load can usually· be quently, the fatigue effect of a thermal stress cycle
calculated with reasonable accuracy on the basis of is identical with that of a mechanical load cycle
tests performed on specimens. Stress concentrations involving the same stresses at the same temperatures.
either do not matter (in very ductile materials), or Compared with the ordinary fatigue test, the only
they can be ealculated by methods given in the new factor introduced by the thermal eycling of a
theory of elasticity. The situation, however, is very rigidly supported specimen is that, together with the
different in cyclic stressing. The effective stress con- stress, the temperature also varies during the cycle.
centration factors depend here not only on the geom- If the temperature amplitude is relatively small, the
etry and On the elastic constants, but in the first line fatigue effects of a thermal cycle will be the same as
on the Hnotch sensitivity" of the material, which those of an isothermal load cycle involving the same
depends On the size of the notch. Whenever a stresses at a constant temperature equal to a suitably
structural part has a strongly non-uniform stress chosen mean temperature of the thermal cycle. That
distribution, therefore, its fatigue properties cannot this can be so even for cycles of considerable tempera-
be calculated from tests on specimens with any ture amplitude is indicated by recent experiments of
reasonable accuracy. If the structural part cannot Coffin [49J. The equivalent mean temperature of
be overdimensioned so as to exclude any danger, it is the cycle, however, is not necessarily the mean value
necessary to carry out full-scale fatigue tests on it of its highest and lowest temperatures. If the magni-
[48]. This is particularly important, of course, in tude of fatigue damage is determined mainly by the
the case of aircraft structures. As already mentioned, amount of plastic deformation, the temperature of
attention must be given in any case to possible dif- the equivalent isothermal cycle will lie nearer to the
ferences between the fatigue behavior of specimens maximum than to the mean temperature of the
with carefully machined surfaces and specimens or thermal cycle because the material is softest, and
structural parts with surfaces as they will be present plastic deformation greatest, in the high temperature
in the structure. part of the cycle. The opposite behavior (the low-
There is a morc trivial reason why so often conclu- temperature part of the cycle being of dominating
sions drawn from experiments with specimens are not importance) may conceivably also occur. If the
fulfilled by structures. Fatigue tests are usually con- specimen is a straight rod or tube with fixed ends, it
stant stress tests, occasionally constant strain tests. is always in tension during the low-temperature part
On the other hand, if a structure is subjected to cycles of the eycle. If now the tensile part of the cycle is
of constant load or deformation amplitude, some of more likely to produce fatigue damage than the com-
its elements (for instance, regions of stress concentra- pressive part, the effect. of the thermal cycle may be
tions) will be under cycles of increasing stress closer to that of an isothermal cycle with the same
amplitnde and decreasing strain amplitude, for the stress range taking place near the lowest temperature
reason explained above in connection with the general of the stress cycle.
theory of fatigue. It follows, then, that the results A new factor appears (both in thermal and in
of constant amplitude tests cannot be applied directly purely mechanical cycling) if the temperature is so
to the calculation of the fatigue strength of structurcs high that the strain hardening and the structural
with non-uniform stress distribution. A general damage due to plastic deformation are currently re-
method of calculation iu such cases has been given moved during the cyclic straining. In this case, the
[43]; for the present, however, lack of experimental progressive changes which represent cyclic fatigue
data prevents the practieal use of this method except cannot develop. Nevertheless, fracture may occur
in the simplcst cascs. owing to a different phenomenon which has been
G. Periodically Varyiug Thermal Stresses. treated already under the heading of creep fracture.
If a body is rigidly clampcd at two points, incrcase At very high temperatures (in the hot creep range),
or decrease of its temperaturc gives rise to thcrmal the grain boundaries become soft, and the consequent
stresses in it. The magnitude of these stresses de- relative displacements between the neighboring
pends not only on the temperature change and on the grains open up cracks which finally can lead to
material, but also on the shape of the body; in a fracture ("static fatigue"). At first sight, it might
seem that this eannot occur under purely cyclic stress
because the displacements produced by the tensile
part of the eycle are reversed ''by the compressive
part. However, the compressive part cannot undo
all damage done by the tensile part, and so fatigue
fracture can also occur under purely cyclic stress, fatigue fraduro SIren Curvo

although much more slowly than under a steady

tensile stress.
Lazan and Westberg [501 have carried out experi-
Domage Line
ments in the interesting transition region just below
the hot-creep range; they applied both purely cyclic
and purely static stresses and intermediate types of
loading with a static stress superposed upon a steady
,;tress. Figure 1.26 illustrates some of their results. Log N (N = Number of slreu cydM)

~\s in room temperature experiments, a relatively FIG. 1.27 The damage area in fatigue.
low mean stress has only a slight influenee upon the
fatigue strength if the duration of the test is not too further deformation [19b, 51]. In the course of the
long. If the time to fracture is 150 hours or longer, deformation, its relatively highly hardened structure
creep predominates over cyclic fatigue, and the changes to the less hardened structure characteristic
steady component of the cycle becomes important of deformation at the higher temperature. A similar
from the beginning. The vertical parts of the curves strain-softening effect can also be observed in fatigue
show that the static fatigue strength is almost un- tests with previously strongly cold-worked materials
influenced by the cyclic component until the cyclic [52]. This, however, does not mean that strain
stress amplitude becomes higher than about one-half hardening is not an important factor in fatigue.
of the static stress. The observed curves, therefore, Local regions of stress concentration, e.g., at the tip
consist essentially of a nearly horizontal part repre- of a fatigue crack, may well harden under cyclic
senting cyclie fatigue (except in very prolonged tests, stressing, while the static yield stress of the pre-
as mentioned above), and of a vertical part repre- strained bulk material decreases by thermal recovery
senting creep fracture. The transition between the with or without strain softening.
horizontal and the vertical part is the region in which H. Thermal Fatigue. The most severe case of
cyclic and static fatigue are of comparable impor- cyclic thermal stressing takes place when the surface
tance. of a metal is rapidly heated to a high temperature
If a material has been cold worked and then sub- and then cooled again. This occurs in hot rolls, gun
jected to plastic deformation at a higher tempera- barrels, etc.; if the temperature amplitude is high,
ture, it may soften more than if it had been subjected the usual effect is the formation of surface cracks
to the effect of the higher temperature alone without ("crazing") which gradually spread inwards. Fre-
quently this cannot be prevented; the life of the body
can be prolonged, however, if the surface is machined
Speed of Cycling
30 214,000 reversals/hr. off before the cracks become too deep. In other cases,
Time 10 frodufe
thermal cracking would occur with most materials
~ J::::::",=:::",,::,=f:::::':'"}(5. 50, 150, 500. 1500 hrs
but can be avoided by the use of special metals, such
u 20
as, e.g., the 12% Cr steel used for rolls in continuous
'0 sheet glass manufacture.
E Anisotropic metals such as zinc, or metals that
suffer phase transformations in the temperature
g 10 range to which they are subjected, can suffer plastic

deformations on a microscopic scale within the grains
.,; which are confined and distorted by their neighbors,
even if there is no significant temperature gradient
o OL--~-:-,0:'--L,-L--'c20:-"--.'--'3~O­ present. This may result in progressive structural
.. Meon Siren of Cycle, 10 3 psi damage during thermal cycling.
FIG, 1.26 Fatigue-creep rupture interaction curves for J. Damage by Overs tress. If a material is sub-
N-155 at 1500 F. After Lazan and Westberg. jected to stress amplitudes above the fatigue limit,
it may suffer permanent damage which reduces its 12. E. N. do. C. Andrade, liThe Flow in Metals Under Large
fatigue strength for suhsequently applied cycles of Constant Stresses," Proc. Roy. Soc., Series A, Vol. 90,
pp. 329-342 (1914).
lower stress amplitude. It seems that those combina- 13. P. Phillips, "The Slow Stretch in Indiarubber, Glass, and
tions of stress amplitude and number of cycles above Metal Wires when Subjected to a Constant Pull," Phil.
which permanent damage occurs lie in the area D Mag., 6th Series, Vol. 9, pp. 513-531 (1905).
(Fig. 1.27) between the high-stress part of the 14. F. H. Norton, Creep of Steel at High Temperatures,
log S-log N curve and a line below it which joins the McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1929.
15. C. R. Soderberg, "The Interpretation of Creep Tests
curve at the bend [53]. This line, shown dashed in for Machine Design," Trans. ASME, Vol. 58, pp. 733-743
Fig. 1.27, is the "damage line." The permanent (1936 ).
damage suffered in the damage area D eonsists proba- 16. A. Nadai, "The Influence of Time upon Creep. The
bly in the formation of small cracks. Hyperbolic Sine Creep Law," S. Timoshenko 60th Anni-
versary Vol., Macmillan Co., New York, 1938.
K. Corrosion Fatigue. If the cyclically stressed
17. E. Orowan, uDiscussion on Plastic Flow in Metals,"
material is in a chemically active solution, its fatigue Proc. Roy Soc., Series A, Vol. 168, p. 307 (1938)j also
strength may be substantially lowered. Whether in Proc. First Nat. Congr. Appl. Mecl!., June, 1951, p. 453.
this case an approximate fatigue limit exists is not J. \V. Edwards, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1952.
certain; as in stress corrosion, the phenomenon is so 18. R. Becker, uUber die Plastizitiit amorpher und kristal-
liner fester Korper," Physik. Z., Vol. 26, p. 919 (1925);
strongly influenced by the individuality of the metal
also Z. Tech. Physik., Vol. 7, p. 547 (1926).
and of the surrounding solution that the only general 19. E. Growan, "The Creep of Metals," Z. Physik., Vol. 98,
statement that ean be made about it is a warning p. 382 (1935); also "The Creep of Metals'" Trans. West of
against premature extrapolations to even slightly Scotland Iron Steel IMt., pp. 45-96 (1947).
different metals and solutions. 20. F. R. Larson and J. Miller, "A Time-Temperature Rela-
tionship for Rupture and Creep Stresses," Trans. ASME,
Vol. 74, pp. 765-771 (1952).
References 21. N. J. Grant and A. G. Bucklin, On the Extrapolation of
1. M. Cook and E. C. Larke, "Resistance of Copper and Short-Time Stress-Rupture Data, ASM Preprint No. 18,
Copper Alloys to Homogeneous Deformation in Com- 1949.
pression/' J. Inst. Afetals, Vol. 71, p. 371 (1945). 22. A. A. Griffith, uThe Phenomena of Rupture and Flow in
2. M. Tresca, /IM6moire SUf Ie poin~nnage et la thCoric Solids," Trans. Roy. Soc., Seriea A, Vol. 221, pp. 163-198
mccanique de la d6£ormll.tion des metaux," Campt. rend., (1920-21); also First Internal. Congr. Appl. Mech., p. 55,
Vol. 68, pp. 1197-1201 (1869). Delft, 1924.
3. R. von Mises, "Mcchanik der festen Korper im plastisch- 23. C. E. Inglis, flStresses in a Plate due to the Presence of
deformablen Zustand," Nachr. kgl. Ges. Wiss. Afath.-Phys. Cracks and Sharp Corners," Trans. Inst. Naval Archil.,
Klasse, 1913, pp. 582-592. Vol. 55, Part I, pp. 219-230 (1913).
4. R. Hill, The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, p. 20. 24. E. Orowan, uFracture and Strength of Solids," Reports
The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1950. on Progress in Physics, Vol. 12,. pp. 185-232 (1949).
5. J. L. M. Morrison, liThe Yield of Mild Steel with Particular 25. A. Mesnager, Rtunum des Membres Franrais et Belges de
Reference to Effect of Size of Specimen," Proc., Insf. l'Association Intemationale des Methode d'Essais, pp. 395-
Mech. Engr,. (Landon), Vol. 142. pp. 193-223 (1940). 405, December, 1902.
6. O. Hoffman and G. Sachs, Inlroductwn to the Theory of 26. P. Ludwik and R. Scheu, no-ber Kerbwirkungen bei
Plasticity for Engineers, McGrnw~Hill Book Co., New Flusseiscn," Stahl und Eisen, Vol. 43, pp. 999-1001 (1923).
York, 1953. 27. E. Orowan, "Notch Brittleness and the Strength of
7. M. Considcre. "L'emploi du fer et de l'acier dans les con- Metals," Trans. Inst. Engrs. Shipbuilders Scot., Paper
structions," Ann. Ponts et Chaussees, 6th Series, Vol. 9, No. 1063, pp. 165-215, December, 1945.
pp. 574-775 (1885). 28. N. N. Davidenkov and F. \'littman, "Mechanical Analy-
S. G. Sachs and J. D. Lubahn, IIFailure of Ductilc Metals in sis of Impact Brittleness," Phys.-Techn. Ins!. (U.S.S.R),
Tension," Trans. ASME, Vol. 68, pp. 277-279 (1946). Vol. 4, p. 308 (1937).
9. H. W. Swift, HPlastic Instability Under Plane Stress," 2D. D. K. Felbeck and E. Orowan, "Experiments on Brittle
Journal of Mech. & Phys. of Solids, Vol. I, No.1, pp. 1-18 Fracture of Steel Plates," Welding J. (N.Y.), Res. Suppl.,
(October. 1952). Vol. 20, No.7 (1955).
10. W. R. D. Manning, uThe Overstrain of Tubea by Internal 30. M. J. Manjoine, IIInOuence of Rate of Strain and Tem~
Pressure/' Engineering, Vol. 159, pp. 101-102, 183-184 perature on Yield Stresses of Mild Steel," J. Appl.
(1945); also uThe Design of Compound Cylinders for Jfechanics, Vol. 11, pp. A211-218 (1944).
High Pressure Scrvice/' Engineering, Vol. 161, pp. 349- 31. G. 1. Taylor, "Testing of Materials at High Rates of
352 (1947). Loading." J. Inst. Civ. Engrs., Vol. 26, pp. 486-519.
11. C. W. MacGregor, L. F. Coffin, Jr., and J. C. Fisher, (1946).
uThe Plastic Flow of Thick-Walled Tubea with Large 32. E. Growan, "Fundamentals of Brittle Behavior in
Strains," J. Appl. Phy,;;., Vol. 19, pp. 291-297 (1948); Metals," in William M. Murray, cd., Fatigue and Fracture
also uPartially Plastic Thick-Walled Tubes," J. Franklin of Metals: A Symposium, pp. 139-167, John Wiley & Sons,
IMt., Vol. 245, pp. 135-158 (1948). New York, 1952.
33. F. J. Feely, Jr., and M. S. Northup, HStudy of Brittle 45. A. Pomp and M. Hempel, "Dauerprtifung von Stahldreh-
Failure in Tank Steels," presented at the Midyear Mtg., ten unter wechselnder Zugbeansprunchung,l' }.[iU. Kaiser-
Am. Petro lost., in Houston, Texas, May, 1954. Wilhelm-Inst. Ei.senjorsch. DUsseldorf, Vol. 19, pp. 237-
34. E. Orowan, flA Type of plastiC Deformation New in 246 (1937).
Metals/' Nature, London, Vol. 149, p. 643 (1942). 46. A. Pomp and M. Hempel, HDauerfestigkeitsschaubilder
35. G. Akimow, HEine neue Theorie der StrukturkarrOs1Qn/' von Gekerbten und Kaltverformten Stahlen Bowie von
Karrosion u. MetaUschutz, Vol. 8, p. 197 (1932). 1"- und 11 11- Schrauben bei Verschiedenen Zugmittel-
36. G. Wassermann, HUntersuchungen tiber den Vorgang cler spannungen," MiU. Kai.ser-Wilhelm-Inst. Eisenforsch.
Spannungekorrosion/' Z. Metalll..:unde, Vol. 34, p. 297 Dusseldorf, Vol. 18, pp. 205-215 (1936).
(1942). 47. H. J. Gough and H. V. Pollard, "The Strength of Metals
37. G. Edmunds, /lSeasan Cracking of Brass," ASTM Symp. under Combined Alternating Stresses," Proc. Inst. Mech.
on Stress-Cfm'. Crad.:ing in Metals, p. 67 (1944). Engrs. (London), Vol. 131, pp. 3-04 (1935).
38. E. Orowan, in a paper presented before The Electrochem. 48. R. L. Templin, IIDesigning for Fatigue" in William M.
Soc., BostoD, Oct. 4, 1954. Murray, ed., Fatigue and Fracture of Metals; A Sym-
39. J. A. Ewing and J. C. \V. Humfrey, "The Fracture of posium, pp. 131-138, John Wiley & Sonsl New York,
Metals Under Repeated Alternating Stress," Trans. 1950.
Roy Soc., Series A, Vol. 200, pp. 241-250 (1903). 49. L. F. Coffin, Jr., IIA Study of the Effecta of Cyclic Thermal
40. F. A. McClintock, "On Direction of Fatigue Cracks in Stresses on a Ductile Metal," Trans. ASME, Vol. 76,
Polycrystalline Ingot Iron/' J. Appl. }.{echaniC8, Vol. No.6, pp. 931-950 (19M).
19, pp. 54-56 (1952). 50. B. J. Lazan and E. Westberg, HEffect of Tensile and Com-
41. E. Orowan, HDislocations and Mechanical Properties" in pressive Fatigue Stress on Creep, Rupture and Ductility
Dislocaticns in Metals, AIMEI New York, 1954. Properties of Temperature-Resistant Materialft," Proc.
42. E. Orowan, ICTheory of the Fatigue of Metals," Proc. ASTM, Vol. 52, pp. 837-855 (1953).
Roy. Soc., Series A, Vol. 171, pp. 79-106 (1939). 51. J. E. Darn, A. Goldberg, and T. E. Teitz, liThe Effect of
43. E. Orowan, IlStress Concentrations in Steel under Cyclic Thermal~mechanicalHistory on the Strain Hardening of
Load," Welding J., (N.Y.), Res. Suppl., Vol. 17, pp. 273,- Metals." AIME Tech. Pub. No. 2445, 1948.
282s, June, 1952. 52. N. H. Polakowski, HSoftening of Certain Cold-worked
44. A. Pomp and M. Hempel, flDauerfestigkeitsscbaubilder Metals Under the Action of Fatigue Loads," ASTM
von SUihlen bei verschiedenen Zugmittelapannugen unter Preprint No. 74, 1954.
BerUcksichtigung der PrUfstabform/ ' Mitt. Kai.ser- 53. H. J. French! "Fatigue and Hardening of Steels," Trans.
Wilhelm-Inst. Eis<njorsch. Dusseldorf., Vol. 18, pp. 1-14 Am. Soc. Steel Treating, Vol. 21, pp. 899-946 (1933).

Design Assumptions, Stress Evaluation,

and Design Limits

HE previous chapter passed over the problem personnel and the interests of the general public

T of ealculating stresscs and strains from the

applied load in order to concentrate on cer-
tain fundamental knowledge from the physics of
dictate that all feasible precautions be exercised.
Maximum assurance of safety, however, would
require complete examination of all materials and
fabrication by the best available means and with
solids which, it was pointed out, is relatively new
and as yet largely unformulated for use in routine duplicate independent inspection. Even so, abso-
design engineering. The present chapter offers a lute assurance of safety could not be attained due to
general examination of the factors which enter into personnel fallibility and the limitations in sensitivity
the evaluation of stresscs in piping systcms due to of available methods of nondestructive examination.
various external and internal loadings, their associa- With this realization, in the practical approach of
tion with design limits and Code rules, and finally, achieving adequate safety economically, lower levels
their significance and application to practical design. of quality are aceepted on the basis of including com-
\Vith the increasing complexity, size, and economic pensating safety factors in design, which are the
significance' of piping installations, it is necessary combined result of experience and reasoning. Many
to look beyond the limits of ordinary piping design inconsistencies still exist in current practice relative
practice and to give attention to the expericnces of to quality requirements of materials and fabrication,
designers in related fields, particularly that of pres- and in the value placed on various degrees of inspec-
sure vessel design. Indeed, there is often no logical tion, tests, and nondestructive examination.
distinction between pressure vessels and piping. It should be appreciated that Codes and Standards
Therefore, appropriate comments relative to com- can establish only a level of minimum requirements
parative piping and pressure vessel design approaches for average service, based on knowledge, experience,
are given frequently in the discussions which follow. and the consensus of qualified individuals. Many
In further consequence of the economic importance circumstances relating to service operation, materials
of present-day piping installations it is necessary, and fabrication, inspection limitations, or to unusual
just as in the design of structures and pressure cquip- design deserve special consideration if the resulting
ment, to effect a careful and realistic compromise piping systems are to be reasonably free from main-
betwcen design features (not overlooking materials, tenance, and provide satisfactory length of life with
fabrication, and inspection requirements) and the safe operation. To assist the piping engineer in the
overall plant economics (first cost plus maintenance exercise of good judgment on these special problems,
and contingency for damages to property and per- this chapter offers approaches which largely depend
sonnel in event of failure). Safety of operating on well-established practical experience.

lPiping is n. major item in process plants, running from 50 2.1 Codes and Standards
to 75 per cent of the total plant cost.. Similar significant
The objective of Code rules and Standards (apart
expenditures are incurred in power generation and marine
propulsion installations. from fixing dimensional values) is to achieve mini-
mum requirements for safe construction; in other Gas & Air, Oil, District Heating, Refrigeration, Oil Transmis-
sion, Gas Transmission and Distribution Systems (ASA
words, to provide public protection by defining those
B3 1.1.8-1955), and Chemical Piping. Its basic or general
material, design, fabrication, and inspection require- supporting sections deal with requirements for internal
ments whose omission may radically increase operat- pressure, flexibility, materials, fabrication, and testing.
ing hazards. Absolute assurance of safety would At the present writing (1955), this Code is in the process of
require perfect design, materials, and fabrication; evolution from a Design Practice to a Safety Code. The
Gas Transmission and Distribution Section has been adopted
this is seldom, if ever, achieved. On the other hand,
by several States and ie under consideration by others; the
experience with Code rules has demonstrated that entire Code is used as a basis of enforcement in several U. S.
the probability of disastrous failure can be reduced cities and in the Provinces of Canada. In recognition of this
to the extremely low level necessary to protect life trend, a Conference Committee similar to that of the ASME
and property by suitable minimum requirements and Boiler Code and composed of the Chief Inspection Authority
of each State and each Canadian Province which has adopted
safety factors. Obviously, it is impossible for general
the (Piping) Code, has been appointed. At the same time a
rules to anticipate other than conventional service, procedure was established to provide interpretations in the
and it would be uneconomic for them to provide for form of Cases, which again parallels the ASME Boiler Code
corrosion, erosion, fatigue, shock, or potential brittle procedure.
fracture, except to the degree that such conditions are This transition is largely due to recognition by publie
known to be present. Suitable precautions are, there- authorities that pipe line failures associated with a sudden
release of stored energy arc potentially as dangerous as pres-
fore, entirely the responsibility of the design engineer sure vessel failures. Experience with piping systems also
guided by the needs and speeifications of the user. demanded a change in the former attitude that thermal ex-
A listing of all Standards and Specifications con- pansion strains could not be responsible for a major failure.
eerning piping design, together with their mandatory Although this type of failure is due to fatigue rather than to n
single application of strain loading it can be a definite hazard
effective edition references, appears in an appendix
in most services.
of the Code for Pressure Piping (ASA B31.1). ASA B9: Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration.
Those which affect the mechanical design of piping This Code contains, in Section 9, brief rules for pressure and
are briefly commented on in the following para- general design of p1ping for this specific service.
graphs, relative to their basic approach and sig- Piping for Ships. Such piping requires spedal considera-
tion because of added strains from the motions of the ship.
nificant details.
Naval vcssels are subject to added shock due to Budden
One of the difficulties which often confronts de- maneuvering, gunfirc, explosions, etc. Requirements for
signers of vessels and piping, as related to Code merchant and naval vessels are contained in the following:
requirements and particularly local governmental Standards:
regulations, is the proper classifieation of borderline U. S. Navy, BUfCSU of Ships: General Machinery Specifi-
pressure equipment. Currently (1955), neither the cations; Gcneral Specifications for Building Naval Vessels.
American Bureau of Shipping: Rules for Building and elMs-
ASME nor the ASA Code contains definitions for ing Vcssels.
vessels or piping which are helpful in this respect. United States Coast Guard: 1Inrine Engineering Regula-
While the Code Committees have considered this tions and Material Specifications.
matter, no common agreement has been reached. Lloyd's Register of Shipping Rules
Flange and Fitting Standards. The B1G group of ASA
Some items in piping systems often considered and
Standards apply to pipe-fitting details. Although their signifi-
fabricated as part of the piping, e.g. pulsation damp- cance is primarily dimensional, they involve design factors
eners, are classed as pressure vessels in some States. which should be appreciated. These are summarized in the
In doubtful eases it is advisable for the user to cheek following sections:
with the local authorities, especially in localities Sleel Flanges. The proportions of scparate flanges and those
integrated with fittings were established many years ago, bascd
having regional pressure vessel laws.
on simplified cantilever analysis. In 1953 the stecl flangcs
ASI\1E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section I, were reinvestigated according to prcsent ASME Boiler Code
Pmver Boilers, cont.'\ins rules for the pressure design of boiler formulas. New ratings were established for two general
piping within the specified boiler limits which are associa.ted classes of gaskets and facing details. These appear in ASA
with appropriate steam and feed-water stop valves. The Standard, B1G.5-1953, and also in the AS ME Codes. The
design, fabrication, and inspection requirements of the ASME basis of the neW ratings is rC'~orded in Appendix D of the
Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, are often used by B1G.5 Standard. The calculated stress in the flanges shows
reference in company specifications to supplement the Piping appreciable variation with size, series, and facings. A stress
Code. Section IX of the ASME Code is the universal basis of 8750 psi at the primary pressure rating was selected for the
for qualification of welding procedures and operators of all purpose of establishing Class A ratings. Class B ratings are
pressure equipment. approximately 83% of Class A ratings. In the creep range at
ASA B31.1: Code for Pressure Piping. This is the or above the primary rating temperature, ASME Power
standard "Piping Code" which includes sections on Power, Boiler Code strcsscs are adhercd to. For temperaturcs up to
650 F the ratings :ire based on allowable stresses, which nrc higher series are required w have increased physical properties
approximately 60% of the yield strength. This is similar to and accordingly nrc assigned ratings about 33% higher.
the allowable stress basis of the Piping Code, Section 3, Oil Other Standards: Other Standards which contribute to
Piping. Ratings between 650 F a'nd the primary service piping design are those of the Manufacturers Standardization
temperature are established by a straight line transition. Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (1\1SS Standard
In general, the bolting, particularly when alloy steel, is of Practices)J American Water Works Association (AWWA),
substantially greater strength than the flanges, which cnn be American Gas Association (AGA), Federal Specifications
distorted by overtightening. This excess bolt strength is Board (FSB), and Association of American Railroads (AAR).
significant in the ability of ABA flanges to transmit line mo- These are (or the most part dimensional standards and rating
ments, as discussed later in Chapter 3. hlbles (or specific piping and fittings.
Steel Flanged Fitling 1'hickness. Fitting thicknesses were
originally established for cast-carbon steel by npplicntion of 2.2 Design Considerations: Loadings
the Barlow (outside diameter) formula with nn allowable A piping system constitutes an irregular space
stress of 7000 psi at the primary pressure rating, and applying
a 50% increase in thickness as a "shape factor. J' This approach frame into which strain and attendant stress may
was later extended to other cast and forged materials. The be introduced by the initial fabrication and erection,
fitting thicknesses in the 1953 issue of BIG.5 are based on this and also may exist due to various circumstances
same allowable stressJ which is 80% of the value used for during operation, standby, or shutdown. In its
rating Class A flanges, using the primary service pre.ssure
erected position, a piping system is subject to loads
and the modified Lam6 formula now common to the Codes.
An excess thickness of 50% is provided for all flanged fittings due to dead weights (pipe, fittings, insulation), snow
in recognition of the reinforcment required at the side outlets or ice J contents of the line J wind load for exposed
of tees, bonnet necks of valves and similar branch connections J piping, and earthquake or other shock loading in
as well as for elbows, whether or not they have side branch special situations. Internal (or external) pressure
connections. loads may be imposed in service or off stream. The
Steel Butt lVelding Filling Thickness. For cast- or wrought-
butt welding fittings the thickness required by ASA Standar r1 restraint of thermal expansion provided by terminal
B16.9 at the welding ends is the same as that of the pipe size and intermediate anchors, guides, and stops intro-
and schedule with which they are intended w be used. In- duces thermal stresses in piping due to temperature
gtead of establishing minimum wall thicknesses or "shape changes. Further stress may be introduced by the
factors" as is done for flanged fittings J this Standard requires
movement2 of terminal equipment, foundations or J
only that the bursting strength be not less than that of a pipe
of the corresponding material, size, and schedule number; the buildings nnder temperature changes or other load-
pressure-temperature rating then becomes identical with that ingJ or from any influence affecting the relative posi-
of the intact pipe. tion of the line, anchors J or intermediate restraints.
API-ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels. This The dead load effects, except contents, are usually
pressure vessel Code is sometimes used as a reference in
maintained at all times, while wind or earthquake
company specifications. Except (or the absence of mandawry
random examination requirements, its provisions are essen- effects will be variable and reach maximnm design
tially the same as Section VIII of the ASl\,fE Boiler and Pres- values infrequently, if ever. Pressure and tempera-
sure Vessel Code. ture changes usually occnr simultaneously, bnt may
API Standards. In addition to material specifications for be independent or have a variably dependent rela-
line pipe, threads J etc., the American Petroleum Institute has
standards for certain types of iron or steel valves for refinery
tionship. They may be relatively uniform for entire
or drilling and production service (API Standards 600, fiC service periods, or involve swings of variable
and 6D) and (or ring-joint flanges (API Standard 6B). The duration.
flanges and ratings utilized in Standard 600 are based on ASA Dead load and wind or earthquake effects 011 pip-
standards. Standards 6C and 6D assign separate pressure ing are no different than for conventional structures J
ratings for "pipe line service" and IIdrilling and production
service" at 100 F. In addition w utilizing ASA St.andard
while pressure effects are essentially the same as
flanges, API Standard 6B includes a special "2900 lb" series. those encountered on pressure vessels or boilers.
This is similar to the original assignment of a 4000 lb rating Overall expansion effects differ from those on struc-
to 1500 lb series flanges, drilled one size smaller, which was tures exposed to ambient temperature changes, in
advanced and used by The M. W. Kellogg CompanYJ except that the range of temperature variation on piping is
that the design was refined J in accordance with calculations
.using ASME Code formulas, by Messrs. Petrie and Watts
much greater.
of the Crane Company and Standard Oil Company (Indiana), For many problems, the designer must consider
respectively. The API Standard assigns a 100 F rating of more than one service condition, as well as start-up,
7500 psi for pipe line service, and 10,000 psi for drilling and shutdown, and emergency conditions; for example,
production service. For the latter service, materials with a specific plant may involve more than one feed
higher tensile and .yield strengths are required. The API
ratings for ASA flanges are the same as ASA ratings for pipe 2Frequently termed Hextrancous" movement by piping
line service; for drilling and production service the 600 Ib and designers.
stock or several alternate products which may re- allowed while a safety valve is blowing; for oil piping
quire different processing pressure and tempera- a 33}% increase is often used, compared to 10% on
tures. Many plants involve~highly inflammable, pressure vessels, except under exposure to external
toxic, or otherwise unusual fluids, or specialized fire when 20% is allowed. This situation will prob-
machinery and equipment which must be carefully ably be rectified when adequate rules for protection
isolated from air or contaminants. Start-up and against overpressure are provided in the Piping Code.
shutdown may require protracted periods of warm- The static effect of individual loadings forms only
ing up, cooling ofT, or operations such as purging, one phase of the broad subject of the design of pip-
washing down, piekling or passivating, solvent clean- ing systems. It is equally important to consider the
ing, air-steam decoking, ete., each of which may duration, frequency, and manner of application of
introduce entirely different combinations of temper- each loading, and their mutual occurrence. Both
ature and pressure over given portions of piping sys- pressure and temperature stress, if applied in a suf-
tems. Temperature differences, or other loading ficient number of repetitive applications, may result
more· severe than normal service conditions, may in fracture by fatigue. Failure may be accelerated
result where circumstances dictate that parts of a by the dynamie influence of very sudden changes of
system be heated successively. A proper apprecia- pressure or temperature. Dynamic effeets may also
tion of these various possibilities requires an ade- introduce the possibility of direct shock failure,
quate knowledge of the process design, operation, apart from the brittle fractures associated with met-
instrumentation, and control of the connected allurgical considerations or ferritic steels at tempera-
equipment or entire plant. It is not unusual for tures below the transition range. While failure due
start-up and shutdown procedure to be governed
by mechanical design limitations rather than to suit
'0 corrosion or metallurgical changes is not a subject
for this book, it should be mentioned that the level
process only. of stress in the piping or the occurrence of plastic
For exhaust steam vacuum service, opinion differs flow may be a contributing factor in some cases.
as to whether the design temperature for thermal Failure by stress corrosion is an important example.
expansion effects should be based on the normal The loading; which have been diseussed can be
operating temperature under vacuum conditions segregated for design purposes into two categories:
plus an occasional rise to 212 F, which temperature 1. Those representing the application of external
would be approached with loss of vacuum, or on forces which, if excessive, would cause failure inde-
212 F, as though it were the normal operating tem- pendent of strain.
perature. The first approach is consistent with the 2. Those representing the application of a finite
handling of other operating upsets, it being recog- external or internal strain. These are generally
nized that at reduced capacity or after lengthy introduced through temperature change.
periods of operation or with abnormally high cooling The design consideration of individual loadings
water temperatures, higher absolute pressures and may be approached on the basis of the duration,
corresponding temperatures may occur. It is there- frequency, nature, and probability of their occur-
fore concluded that design considering the 212 F rence. Individual loadings may be:
case as an abnormal short duration (not an operat- a. Present during extended normal operation but
ing) temperature is reasonably logical. not during off-stream condition.
The Piping Code (ASA B31.1-1955) is deficient b. Maintained throughout the service life.
in adequate rules for protection against overpressure. c. Occasional and of short duration as well as low
The requirements of the ASME Boiler Code, Sec- cumulative duration (including start-up and shut-
tion VIII, for safety valves, etc., are a useful guide down conditions).
but require modification to suit common piping d. Emergency or abnormal conditions of short
practice. Pipe wall thickness is generally established duration.
for a design pressure equal to the maximum (non- For proper establishment of design assumptions,
shock) service pressure, without provision for a it is necessary to have an adequate appreciation of
margin between service and design pressure, and all direct and contingent requirements to which the
safety valves are generally set to relieve at about piping system will be subjected, and also to under-
10% above the design pressure. This is in contrast stand the interrelations between the behavior of
with pressure vessel practice, where at least onc valve structures and materials, according to our present
must be set to open at or below the design pressure. state of knowledge. It is the aim of this chapter to
Differenoes,;also exist in the maximum overpressure provide useful assistance toward the first objective.

Chapter I, together with the references cited, should pipe subject to bending, discussed in Chapter 3.
prove valuablc in establishing a reasonablc and Secondary stresses are not a source of direct failure
broad fundamental understanding~of the flow and in ductile materials upon single load application.
fracture of metallic materials. If above the yield strength they merely effect local
deformation which results in a redistribution of the
2.3 Design Limits, Allowable Stresses, and loading and a reduction of the stress in the operating
Allowable Stress Ranges condition. If the applied loading is cyclic, however,
In the preceding section of this chapter, piping they establish a local strain range corresponding
system loadings have been grouped into two cate- essentially to their full original magnitude. They
gories: external effects which, if excessive, might thus constitute a potential source of fatigue failure.
oause direct failure, and strain effects attcndant to Localized stresses are those which die away rapidly
temperature change. Categories for individual \\~thin a short distance from their origin. Examples
loadings were also suggested, depending on the dura- are the bending stresses in the hub of a flange, at a
tion, frequency, and nature of the loading. This sharp eone-to-eylinder junction, or at the inside
section is devoted to the discussion of the nature of diameter of a branch connection. Localized bending
stresses for the various forms of loading common to stresses can be considered equivalent in significance
piping, as well as to a consideration of allowable to secondary stresses. It is possible in some eases for
stresses and an examination of the design limits the plastic flow which may result from an initial over-
which are not directly provided for by conventional stress to alter the contour of the pipe to a stronger
allowable stresses and nominal safety factors. shape. This would lower the local strain range dur-
When considering basic allowable stress values, it ing subsequent applications of the loading and the
is appropriate to distinguish between primary, fatigue resistance would be raised accordingly.
secondary, and loealized stresses. Although there Allowing large initial amounts of localized deforma-
is probably no aecepted definition of primary and tion carries the risk, however, of propagating flaws
seeondary stresses in piping systems, the following in the base material, particularly in welds, and of
eriteria will be advanced for purposes of this dis- initiating cracks in less ductile heat-affected zones
cussion: adjacent to welds.
Primary stresses are the direet, shear, or bending The Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes contain
stresses generated by the imposed loading which are tables of albwable stresses at various temperatures
necessary to satisfy the simple laws of equilibrium which are related only to the primary static-loading
of internal and external forces and moments. Among stresses (categories (a) and (b) of Section 2.2). The
the primary stresses due to external effects are the level of localized stresses at nozzles, branch connec-
direct longitudinal and circumferential stresses due tions, in heads, etc., is only loosely and indirectly
to internal pressure and the bending and torsional controlled by formula and shape requirements and
stresses due to dead load, snow and icc, wind, or may easily be 100% or more above that of the
earthquake. In addition there are the direct, bend- primary circumferential pressure membrane stress.
ing, and torsional stresses due to restrained thermal Due to the lack of adequate analyses or to the diffi-
loading, the external forces being supplied in this culty attendant to their evaluation, many secondary
case by the line anchors or other restraints. In and localized stresses are neglected by the Codes,
general the level of primary strcsscs directly measures such as the bending stresses in vessel or pipe shells
the ability of a piping system to withstand the due to piping reactions, although the Code may warn
imposcd loadings safely. Accordingly, those stresses the designer to consider such loadingo.
due to sustained external loading (categories (a) and Two criteria are associated with piping stresses.
(b) of Section 2.2) are controlled to the Code allow- One is the so-called "Code allowable stress" at the
able stress value for the operating temperature. operating temperature, familiar to all designers of
Some overstress is allowed for temporary external pressure equipment; the other one is the somewhat
loadings (categories (c) and (d)). less known Hallowable stress range," which is derived
Secondary stresses are usually of a bending nature, from Code allowable stresses and which has appeared
varying from positive to negative across the pipe- in the Piping Code since 1942 as the basis for expan-
wall thickness and arising generally because of dif- sion and flexibility design. The application of each
ferential radial deflection of the pipe wall. A most of these criteria is covered later in this section in
important example of secondary stresses is that of connection with specific loadings.
the eircumfcrential bending stresses in a curved The allowable stress is a function of the matcrial

.... _~
properties and safety factors as associated with spe- yield-strength materials operating at temperatures
cific design, fabrication, and inspection requirements. below the creep range, and recognition of yield
Experience with the pressure ves""l Codes as pres- strength enhanced by cold work and/or heat treat-
ently constituted has shown that pressure and other ment, reduces the margin of safety provided by the
maintained loading can be sustained by average Piping Code for unassessed stresses and for fatigue
equipment within this allowable stress limit for an life under cyclic conditions. In addition, Sections 2
indefinite period. Also, it is not uncommon to allow and 8 use nominal rather than minimum pipe-wall
moderate short durations of overload or overtem- thickness, which further diminishes safety margins.
perature due to abnormal or emergency circum- The dependence of fracture (and bursting) stress
stances. In a more precise approach, however, such upon the shape of the part is quite properly recog-
overloads should properly be assessed on an inte- nized in Chapter 1. This effect, however, is one that
grated basis with respect to duration and frequency. is commonly ignored in ordinary design praeticc and
In the following pages, the various considerations in the Codes whieh represent such practice. Hence,
influencing the serviceability or safety of piping sys- the Code safety factors against bursting, related
tems are summarized and augmented by current only to fracture of conventional tensile test speci-
opinion as to advisable limits of stress, or other de- mens, must be regarded as nominal values which are
sign criteria. not necessarily the actual safety factors for the burst-
For Pressure Loadiug: In the 1952 ASME ing of a cylindrical vessel under pressure, or for any
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the basis for the other general shape. While an exact evaluation of
allowable stresses for ferrous materials in both Sec- the disparity between safety factors for a tensile test
tion I, Power Boilers, and Section VIII, Unfired specimen and those for a tube requires a complete
Pressure Vessels is given in Appendix P of Sec- knowledge of the plastic stress-strain properties of
tion VIII. This appendix is important as a general the material, a general evaluation for a wide range
reference not only for its explanation of the basis of of materials is made possible by certain reasonable
allowable stresses given in the Code but also for its assumptions.
guidance in setting stress values for similar materials. At first, the material under consideration is con-
For nonferrous materials Appendix Q (Section VIII, sidered to obey the effeetive stress-strain relationship
Unfired Pressure Vessels) similarly establishes the of eq. 1.8, stresses being dependent upon strains in
basis of allowable stresses. accordance with the deformation theory of Hencky-
The allowable stresses for Section 1, Power Piping, Mises (eq. 1.7). Further, it is assumed that a func-
of the ASA B31.1-1955 Code for Pressure Piping tion of the type
are identical with those of the ASME Power Boiler (2.1)
Code; those of Section 3, Oil Piping, within refinery
limits, are in agreement in the creep range with where 0'1 = true stress in uniaxial tension
Section VIII of the ASME Code. At lower temper- E*l = logarithmic strain in uniaxial
atures, the safety factor on tensile strength is lower tension
than that of the Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, allow- Band n = assumed material constants,
able stresses being limited to one-third of the mini- can adequately describe the stress-strain curve in
mum tensile strength or 60% of the minimum yield uniaxial tension. The types of stress-strain curves
strength. The other sections of the Code for Pressure obtainable from eq. 2.1 through a variation of the
Piping are intended for either ambient or relatively constant n (sometimes referred to as the strain-
moderate temperature service, with allowable stresses hardening exponent) are shown in Fig. 2.1. 3
in varying percentages of the yield strength Sv or From the foregoing assumptions, it can be shown
tensile strength Su as indicated below. that the engineering (conventional) stress in a ten-
Section 2. Ga~ and air piping: 0.6 to 0.72 Sv sile bar, at the instant of attaining the maximum
Section 3. Oil transmission lines outside refinery load, is given by
limits: 0.85 Sv Su = B(n/e)" (2.2)
Section 4. District heating systems: 0.25 Su where Su = ultimate (conventional) tensile stress
Section 5. Refrigeration piping systems: 0.25 Su e = 2.71828 = base of natural logarithms
Section 8. Gas transmission and distribution pip- Band n are as previously defined.
ing systems: 0.72 Sv max.
aB, also called the Hhardncss factor/' is simply the true
The assignment of higher allowable stresses for high stress value at a logarithmic axial strain of 1.0.



than 4.0 on bursting will apply to cylindrical pres-
n = O. Ideol PIOllitity
sure vessels (of carbon or low-alloy steel), as proved
= 1.0 l---::......::.::......::.=~::::=:;;::::=:::::::;?""~ by numerous static destruction tests. Similar com-
;;. I



ments apply to Codes using a different fraetion of
the ultimate tensile stress as a design basis. Thus,
for the ASA B31.1 Code, Section 3, which limits de-
sign stresses to t of the ultimate tensile stress, a


safety faetor of around 3.0 will be available against
~ bursting of thin-walled cylinders. With other ma-
o .2 ..4 .6 .8 1.0
terials or with departures from the simple eylin-
logarithmic Strain, E~ drical tube, however, it would appear that the shape
}i'IG. 2.1 Analytical representation of the tensile stress-strain
effect may bear investigation for more accurate
curve for various values of n. assessment of bursting conditions.
In the creep range a similar safety factor does not
This instability stress value is identical with the exist. That is, if ereep continues while the pressure
conventional "ultimate tensile stress." is maintained, fracture will inevitably take place
In a thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel the after a suffieiently long time. Hence, the design
conventional circumferential stress at instability (at stress is selected to avoid failure within the service
the maximum sustainable pressure) can be expressed life period.
as For the case where 100% of the extrapolated 10'
hour creep fracture stress is allowed by the Code,
(2.3) and if this value governs the design stress (i.e. it is
lower than the stress causing 1% creep extension
For a structure in uniaxial tension a design based in 10' hours), it would appear that the "life factor"
on 11k of the ultimate tensile stress (as given by (actual vs. desired life) may be no more than 1.0.
eq. 2.2) represents a true safety factor of k. For In other words, if the desired design life is also
pressure vessels the safety factor should appropri- 10' hours (about 11.4 years), fracture should follow
ately be applied to eq. 2.3. If, instead, safety fac- when the design life is exhausted. Admittedly, there
tors are related to the ultimate tensile stress for are only a few ferrous metals whose extrapolated
pressure vessel design, then the quotient stress value for creep fraeture is less than the stress
producing 1% creep in 10' hours. However, even
Q = S,ISu = 1.155(0.577)n (2.4) for these metals, no case of fracture following in-
will indicate whether the real safety factor against tended life is known in the annals of the industry,
bursting, on a single application of overpressure, is although many pressure vessels have operated in the
larger (Q > 1) or smaller (Q < 1) than the nominal creep range for periods eonsiderably exceeding
or presumed value of k, Le., 11.4 years.
One reason for this lies in the fact that the allow-
(S.F.",,,,,) = Q X (S.F.t,n,'on) (2.5) able long-time design stress values (for both creep
A plot of eq. 2.4 in Fig. 2.2 gives values of Q for and creep rupture) are obtained by extrapolation
values of n ranging from 0 to 0.5 and shows that
(for materials behaving as assumed) the safety fac-
tor for bursting of thin cylindrical vessels will be
larger th~n the tensile safety factor when n is less
than 0.263 and smaller when n exceeds this value. ------=:---
In commonly encountered materials the strain-
hardening cxponent n varies from about 0.05 to 0.15
for greatly eold-worked or tempered materials and
is within the range of 0.2 to 0.45 for soft annealed
metals. Carbon and low-alloy stecls generally have .2
Vclue of n
n values from 0.15 to 0.25. Within this range Q has
a value barely exceeding 1.0. Thus, if t of the ulti-
o .1 ~
~.3 .. .S

mate tensile stress is used as a basis for design, an

actual safety factor equal to or somewhat higher FIG. 2.2 The "safety factor ratio" Q as 1\ function of n.
o Creep Fracture Tel! Data
from short-time tests. Although not strietly admis- ~ )( Creep Role
sible, this extrapolation generally leads to acceptable
results for the ereep values as shO\V!l in Fig. 2.3. On "'-cu~......
Creep Siren ElClropololcd
the other hand, in the very short-time creep rupture for 1% Creep Rolc ~Cfccp""frQclUrC CUNC

tests comparatively high stresses are used. As men- ~ rTruc Crcllp-Fracture

........... ~_
tioned in Chapter 1, this tends to promote intra- ----J'--;, - ' ,____ Curve

crystalline deformation, with an ensuing high

Siren lor 1% Creep Rale _...
ductility. At the longest commercial testing periods in 10 5 hours ...
(generally 10 4 hours) the stresses are much lower; E:drapolotcd Siren for Frodurll in 10' hour1 J
(d1l1ign slreu)
intracrystalline deformation is largely absent, and
the ductility is considerably lower, although the 10 10 2 10 3 10' 10'
Time, hau'" (log. scolc)
stresses are still higher than those producing 1%
elongation in the same time. The respective posi- FIG. 2.3 Comparison of extrapolated and actual creep-fmc-
tion of these stress values does not change even ture curves for a typical material at constant temperature.
when the loading period is increased to 10' hours.
However, the conventional log-log extrapolated value criterion to guard against circumferential buckling,
based upon test results up to 10 4 hours in duration it is suggested that primary longitudinal compressive
may in some cases yield a fictitious rupture strength stresses should not be permitted to exceed 0.07 Etlr,
at 105 hours which is below the 1% creep stress where E is Young's modulus of elasticity, t is the
value, as shown in Fig. 2.3. The unrealistic aspect wall thickness, and r is the radius.
of this extrapolation pal,tially explains why pressure The allowable stress range was suggested initially
vessels do not fracture after 11-12 years even if by Rossheim and Markl [I] as a measure of the
extrapolated test data would prediet this in eases permissible strain range in a cycle of load application
where the creep fracture value governs design. to guard against the possibility of a fatigue failure
Structural Effects. The Piping Code rules after a given number of cycles. It is selected so that
ASA B31.1-1955 require that primary stresses due to it will be applicable to ductile materials and to
weight of pipe, fittings and valves, eontained fluid average commercial pipe surface conditi'ons at the
and insulation, and other sustained external loadings location of highest stress (strain) range. The prin-
be maintained within the hot allowable stress Sh. cipal cyclic loadings are restrained thermal expan-
Occasional effects sueh as wind and earthquake sion and pressure, although weight of contents and
should have little influence on the fatigue life of the occasional effects such as wind and earthquake are
piping system or ereep at high temperature. There- also repetitive in nature. A cycle of external loading
fore, they ean be treated more liberally, similar to usually varies from the full presence of the loading
AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) during operation to its complete removal under off-
practiees, where 33!% higher stress is allowed for stream conditions; the distribution of the associated
the separate effects of wind or earthquake super- internal strain between the cold and hot ends of the
imposed on the basic lo~ding. cycle may on the other hand vary due to the depend-
In average piping systems, structural loading is ence of strains on the material properties at each
not investigated in an overall fashion; instead it is temperature and the presence of initial fabrication
eontrolled by standardized practices and details. In stresses or residual stresses set up as the result of
extreme cases of large or stiff piping it is advisable to plastic flow.
evaluate the complete loading. Attention should be With the erection and completion of the final
directed to those loadings which can occur simul- joint of each leg of a piping system, internal stress
taneously, so as to obtain an integrated equivalent may be introduced by cold pull, weld shrinkage, or
eyelic strain as discussed in Section 2.6 and under flange makeup. This establishes an initial state of
"Temporary Loadings" in this section. stress, limited only by the yicld point of the material.
Structural instability or collapse of piping under With temperature change on the first period of
longitudinal loading, such as is encountered in operation, expansion strain is superimposed on the
columns, is possible only under unusual circum- residual fabrication strains. If the total exceeds the
stances. Collapse by circumferential buckling is elastic limit at any point, yielding occurs, leading to
more likely to occur, although tbe thickness-to-radius relaxation of the initial fabrication stresses and a
ratios ordinarily used in piping applications are redistribution of the thermal strain. Prolonged
usually high enough to prevent this. As a design elevated temperature will serve to further reduce the

A,_ that the piping system seeks an equilibrium condi-
~AI_ I tion by self-springing. Credit for prespring is, how-

l, ~

ever, still permitted when estimating maximum hot

FIG. 2.4
t=l I
Representation of bar for ca.lculation of plastic
and cold reactions on terminal equipment. By
prespringing, the plastic flow which the line may
have to undergo on the first, or first few cycles, in
order to effectively sclf-spring itsclf, can be avoided
strain concentration factor.
entirely or appreciably reduced. This is sometimes
hot stresses by creep, at a rate proportional to the considered advantageous in minimizing the risk of
combined stress (expansion, pressure, weight, etc.). an early failure due to "follow-up elasticity" effects
The reduction of the stress due to thermal strain should there be a highly localized weak link in the
loading by plastic flow or creep at the operating system. Howevcr, from a fatigue standpoint, no
temperature is termed "relaxation." The relaxed benefits are attributed to cold springing once self-
strain reappears at the cold end of the temperature spring has been effected. The advantage of pre-
cycle with reversed sign. spring in this respect is more important for piping
For moderate-temperature piping, the division of which is to operate at temperatures in the creep
thermal strain between the hot and cold condition is range. The proposition has also been advanced that
adjusted during the initial cycle in an amount the hot plastic flow associated with self-springing
dictated by the initial residual fabrication stress and will detract from the final available ductility under
the thermal-stress magnitude. The imposition of a high temperature ucreep" conditions; in reality, the
temporary overload during operation can effect a mechanism of self-springing is probably more nearly
further strain shift from the hot to the cold condition. akin to fabrication hot forming operations. In this
For higher temperatures, where creep occurs, strain light, the only clearcut conclusion that can be drawn
adjustment continues until the combincd stress at is that prespringing can have only advantageous and
the operating temperature is reduced to the relaxa- no deleterious effects, especially as concerns initial
tion limit. For convenience in design this is generally terminal reactions. Therefore, it is a desirable
assumed to be the Code allowable stress level. Al- practice when economically justified and effectively
though such adjustment takes place, it is important carried out.
to grasp the fact that the strain range per cycle does The 1955 Piping Code rules call attention to the
not change and that the ability of the pipe material possibility of an undesirable amount of creep in areas
to sustain t·he range is a function of both its hot and of reduced strength, such as short runs of reduced
cold properties. The process wherein the pipe line size in highly stressed zones under certain conditions.
seeks an equilibrium condition, and the resulting The possibility of the unit strain in local highly
self-adjustment accomplished by yielding and creep, stressed areas being magnified under conditions of
is termed "self-springing." plastic flow by reason of the follow-up elasticity of
Self-adjustment may he minimized by prespringing the more lowly stressed areas is not generally appre-
(cold springing) which consists of incorporating pre- ciated. In order to gain a better understanding, it
stress during erection. Since this practice is par- is of interest to study a simple analogue consisting
ticularly useful in controlling initial reactions so as of a bar having a section of reduced area, as ShO\Vfi in
to protect connccted equipment it will bc discussed Fig. 2.4, restrained at the ends and subjected to
in that regard under the heading of Piping and cyclic heating and cooling. The bar will be assnmed
Equipment Intereffects in Section 3.14. to be made of an ideally elastic-plastic material
As to whether prespringing offers advantages (non-strainhardening).
beyond controlling thc initial hot reaction, a general Let this bnr now be subjected to cyclic henting
answer cannot readily bc given. In the 1942 edition nnd cooling of constant amplitude, to a level which
of thc Piping Code, the allowable stress range could causes plastic flow in member 1 on each cycle. It
in effect be increased when 50% or more prespring can be shown then that during any thermal halfeyele
was provided by the permissible reduction in the (from heating to cooling or vice versa), other than
expansion loading to two-thirds. The 1955 edition the first heating operation, the total (elastic plus
provides a uniform stress range regardless of the plastic) unit strain in member 1 is given by
initial strain condition. This is based on the reason-
ing that fatigue life is primarily dependent on the (2.6)
range of strain which is unaffected by prestress, and
All values eokuleled
where " = elastic strain range limit 7
for A,/A 2=0.5

= Su' + SUh . _ (2.7)

E, Eh
e = unit linear thermal expansion for a
temperature rise of !J.T.
L = total length.
L" L 2 = lengths of members 1 and 2.
AI, A 2 = cross-sectional areas of members
1 and 2.
Suo, Suh = yield strength at the cold and hot o ~,-,:--73--':'--:'--:.:--:7:--,:--79-':':O-:'l1'--:12::"'-J~.
temperatures, respectively. ',/t. Relio of CelClJlahtd Elastic Strein Ronge 10
Eo, Eh = Young's modulus of elasticity at Available Eleslie Siroin per HoI! Cydo

the cold and hot temperatures FIG. 2.5 Strnin magnification in a locally weakened bar.
Had this bar been analyzed on the assumption that
such flow by the follow-up elasticity of the more
all strains remained elastic, the ealculated unit strain
lowly stressed portion. It is not necessary that the
range in member 1 would be given by:
area of the critical portion be less than the remainder.
L All that is necessary is that plastic flow occurs prefer-
Ll . entially in the critical portion rather than over the
£c = _.....:~- (2.8) rest of the system. Lower mechanical properties can
1+ AlL, have the same effect as reduced area. Systems
stressed in bending are subject to this effect even
The strain given by eq. 2.6 is higher than that when of uniform properties and size due to the non-
indieated by eq. 2.8, and the ratio of the two can be uniform stress distribution which prevails. Strain
termed the strain magnification factor f3, which is magnification will occur whether the plastic flow is
given by the following equation, valid for " ;:0: " due to exceeding the elastic limit or is due to opera-
tion at high temperature where the plastic flow and
f3, = 1+ AlL,
[1 - ~J
(2.9) strain magnification factor would be a function of
time per cycle.
This is an extremely interesting result, since Ec is the Similar conclusions were obtained in a receht
maximum unit strain calculated by applieation of paper by Robinson [2J. Analyzing a few selected
elastic theory and Ec is the maximum unit-strain piping systems operating at elevated temperatures
range which the material can accept without allowing (in the creep range), he found that severe strain
plastic flow on each cycle. So long as " does not concentrations can exist in layouts where the. maxi-
exceed " there is no magnification factor. The mum stress is limited to a very short length of the
magnification factor for Ec greater than £c is given by piping, and where the follow-up elasticity of the
eq. 2.9. Figure 2.5 is a plot of this equation for a remainder of the system is great. These findings
speeific ratio of AliA, = 0.5 and shows the magni- are in agreement with those of the previously pre-
fication factor as a function of .,1., and L2 /L,; high sented analysis for strain concentrations under
values can be reached which would materially reduce plastic flow conditions.
the fatigue life of such a bar. The magnification The allowable stress range limits established by
factors increase as area Al approaches area A z . At the Piping Code are such that plastic flow duc to
first thought this might be unexpected; the explana- expansion effects is not permitted to occur with each
tion is that, as A,IA 2 approaches unity, the portion cycle. Both yielding and creep effects have been
of the calculated strain in member 2 which is never considered in bnsing the hot portion of the allowable
developed, but instead causes plastic flow in member range on the hot yield or creep strength, whichever
1, increnses ns a dircct function of At!A,. governs. Repetitive strain magnification over sub-
From this simple analogue it can be generalized stantial lengths of the piping should, therefore, not
that, in any system which is stressed so that plastic occur. For lines \vhich are not presprung, it is, how-
flow occurs over a portion of the total length only, ever, possible for some such strain magnification to
the unit strain is magnified in the portion undergoing occur during the initial operating period, while the

line is undergoing self-springing. Since this occurs minimum of 7000 cycles of operation without failure.
only once it must be considered in an entirely differ- Local and secondary stresses are kept within this
ent light and would have no influence on fatigue limit by the stress-intensification factors. For a
life. number of cycles greater than 7000 the stress range
The bar analogue presented above was used to is reduced by a factor relating the allowable stress
derive magnification factors aSSUming that the weak range to the number of cycles as determined by
area was initially known and that an elastic analysis ambient temperature fatigue tests on carbon-steel
of stress conditions was made. The analogue could pipe. The reduction factor has a lower limit of 0.5.
be readily modified to show the extremely high local Some adjustment of these factors, particularly for
magnification factor which would exist at a defect materials other than carbon steel, will undoubtedly
in a bar of uniform area, which is sufficiently serious be necessary as further fatigue information is
to cause local plastic flow. It is well known that obtained.
fatigue failure follows rapidly in the presence of such The possibility of fatigue failure under the cyclic
a defect. straining conditions present in piping systems has
The allowable stress range, as associated \\~th the been questioned by many individuals. The propo-
various types of repeated loading, is discussed in de- sitions were variously advanced that the internal
tail in the following treatment of specific loadings. strain loading associated with thermal cycling can-
Expansion Stresses. Since thermal expansion not initiate fatigue cracks, or that the stress-relieving
occurs as a finite strain load associated predomi- and annealing effects at elevated temperatures would
nantly with bending effects, fracture on initial appli- prevent the propagation of such cracks. As indi-
cation is unlikely to occur in ductile materials. cated in Chapter 1, reasoning should lead to the
Fractures resulting from repeated applications of opposite conclusion; furthermore, experimental veri-
thermal strain loading are similar to fatigue failure fication that fatigue under constrained thermal
under mechanical loading. Therefore, the allowable loading does occur. is provided by the work of
stress or strain range must be related to the number L. F. Coffin, Jr. [3, 4,], who demonstrated that
of cycles anticipated during the life of the piping fatigue failure is primarily associated with the range
system. Failure will occur in the zone of highest of cyclic plastic strain, while stress or strain relief is
cyclic strain, whether primary, localized, or second- of a secondary order of influence.
ary. For this reason it is necessary to apply stresE The Code allowable stress range cited above as-
intensification factors for any individual piping com- sumes that longitudinal stresses due to pressure and
ponent wherever stresses above the level of the pri- other sustained external loadings are not over the
mary stresses are introduced. Due to the importance basic hot allowable stress, Sh. For hot lines the
of such stresses from a fatigue standpoint, Chapter 3 expansion stresses at operating temperatures are
is entirely devoted to recording present knowledge assumed to be gradually lowered by yielding and
of stress intensification in various components of creep, so as to be carried essentially as an off-stream
piping systems as well as their influence on flexibility. or cold stress. If the longitudinal stress due to sus-
Overall design is based on the stress range for the tained loadings is less than Sh, the Code permits the
critical component, as established by its intensifica- unused portion to be applied to extend the stress
tion factor and the nominal primary stress at its range available for expansion effects. Therefore the
location.' Code, in effect, permits a total maximum allowable
The basic allowable stress range established for stress range equal to 1.25(S, + Sh), for thermal
thermal expansion stresses in the 1955 Piping Code expansion stress combined with stresses from other
1.25S, + 0.25Sh sustained loadings. For service temperatures below
the occurrence of significant creep, the total per-
where S, = allowable stress at ambient temperature missible longitudinal stress (both bending and direct)
Sh = allowable stress at operating tempera- is equivalent to approximatcly 1.25 times the yield
ture, strength for power piping and 1.38 to 1.5 times the
has been selected with the objective of providing a yield strength for oil piping.
In general, Code design is simplified for general
~Since the pressure vessel codes do not provide rules for use; at best it considers only average static condi-
thermal expansion loading, it is desirable to check the effect
tions and establishes minimum design r~quirements,
of comparatively stiff piping on vessel shells of low thickness/
radius ratio. This is accomplished in the manner outlined in placing dependence on the safety factor to take care
Chapter 3 for terminal connections. of unassessed stress conditions. The cyclic nature
of loading and the possibility of fatigue failure are Earthquake loading is not normally assumed in de-
not specifically considered, except in thc Piping sign unless it is specifically required for the locality
Code's treatment of piping llexibility for thermal concerned. Some consideration has been given to
expansion. It might be asked why the fatigue design requiring that all structures be checked for some
approaeh is currently limited to piping expansion minimum lateral thrust of this type, lower than in
analysis. This is due to the fact that the Unfired recognized earthquake zoncs, but this is not the
Pressure Vessel Code rules limit primary pressure practice at present.
stresses in ferritic materials to 62~% of the yield Gun Fire. Piping on warships is somctimes
stress and 25% of the tensile strength. This pro- checked for the dynamic effect due to the firing of
vides a reasonable margin against the possibility of guns.
fatigue due to loealized and secondary stresses, which Waler Hammer or Flow Surge EjJec/',. The Piping
may be 100% or more above this allowable stress, Code contains water hammer allowances for cast
for the type of cyclic conditions normally encoun- iron pipe, in the form of a required increase in design
tered in most pressurc vessel services. By compari- pressure. On steel pipes no standard allowance is
son, thermal strains playa greater role in the design made for flow surge or hammer, and allowances arc
of piping, which would be seriously affected econom- usually made only on high-head water flow lines,
ically (and would be virtually impractical in the such as penstocks. The shock pressure due to sud-
case of large stiff systems) if total stress including den stopping of a liquid is a function of its velocity,
expansion effects were to be held within the Code stoppage time, and the elasticity of the pipe. Pres-
allowable stress at the operating temperature. sure surge effects are present wherever reciprocating
Spurred by this necessity, experience and analytical pumps or compressors are used. The accompanying
work have led to the Piping Code's more advanced mechanical vibrations may in certain cases be sufR
treatment of thermal strains, and to rules which ficient to result in fatigue failure, if not promptly
recognize the influence of number of cycles, hot and corrected. This subject is treated in more detail in
cold material properties, and local stress intensi- Chapter 9.
fications. Brittle Fracture in Ferritic Steel. The poten-
It remains for the piping engineer and designer to tial dangers of the brittle fracture of steel structures
reeognize any unusual demands imposed by the de- were made clear during World War II and after by
sign or service on piping systems. The following the numerous failures of merchant ships, and by
topics, in particular, are not at present adequately occasional partial or complete failures of bridges,
covered by the minimum Code design. pressure spheres, gas-transmission piping, and stor-
Shock or Dynamic Loading. Shock or dynamic age tanks. The phenomenon and conditions under
loading conditions warrant special consideration be- which fracture may occur were discussed in Chap-
cause of the added stress which can be introduced ter 1. From the practical design standpoint it has
by the rate of application of the motivating influence becn realized for a long time that, as ambient tem-
and the fact that the yield point of steel can be ap- peratures are reduced, the hazard of brittle fracture
preciably raised by very rapid loading. Localized in ferritic stcels is increased. As a result, the Pres-
yielding at points of stress concentration may be sure Vessel Codes have required for many years that
inhibited under such conditions and fracture more for services below -20 F (excluding applications
readily initiated. The general subjcct of vibrations for service at prevailing ambient temperature, such
which are a source of concern from a fatigue stand- as outdoor pressure storage tanks), ferritic materials
point is treated in Chapter 9. The more significant have an impaet value of at least 15 it-Ib, at the low-
dynamic loadings which enter into piping design can est intended service temperature as determined by
be listed as follows: keyhole or U-notch Charpy specimens.
Earthquake. The accelerations associated with The numerous fraetures of ships and other strue-
earth tremors are generally of the order of 1 to tures have resulted in extensive investigations for
S ft/sec 2 • These values represent about 3% to 25% the causes underlying brittle behavior. While no
of the 32.2 ft/sec 2 acceleration of gravity. For this complete praetical remedy for avoidance of brittle
reason, earthquake design is commonly approached fracture has resulted, several factors have been ree-
by applying a horizontal force acting at the center ognized to have important influence. Although in-
of gravity of the structures; this force is 10% to 20% dividual impact or equivalent testing of each plate,
of the structure weight, depending on the maximum bar, or tube at the lowest service temperature still
accelerations recorded for the locality considered. provides the best assurance as to its transition tem-

perature, there is definite evidence that average joints. For low-temperature underground lines
transition temperatures are lowered and the inci- expansion provision is usually not necessary.
dence of failures significantly reduced, within the Temporary Loadings. An allowance of 33!%
range of ambient temperatures, by using open- above the basic allowable hot stresses established
hearth or electric-furnace steels, controlling the for oil piping in the Piping Code has been suggested
manganese-carbon ratio of plates over ! in. thick, for temporary loadings due to wind or earthquake.
and by employing killed steels made to fine-grain Stresses due to occasional brief overloads in opera-
practice, particularly for 'thicknesses over 1 in. (see tion can be similarly treated; such might be occa-
ASTM Spec. A131-53T for example). Normalizing sioned by minor upsets in operating conditions or by
is also desirable for important plate applications over starting-up or shutdown conditions. For power
1 in. although none of the ASTM Specifications for piping applications the ASME and ASA Codes
structural steel at present requires this in any thick- specifically recognize occasional operating variations
ness; however, ASTM Specification A131-53T in in pressure and temperature, allowing the following
paragraph 4 (b) mentions that plates over 1i in. may increase in the calculated stress due to internal
be required to be produced to special specifications. pressure:
The ASTM Specification A373-54T covers struc- 1. 15% during 10% of the operating period.
tural steel for welding and is similar to AI31 except 2. 20% during 1% of the operating period.
that it makes no reference to fine-grain practice for This permissible overstress is intended to cover the
plates over 1 in. or to special requirements over surges expeeted to occur due to the heat lag of large
1i in. The development of these specifications and boilers when the output is suddenly decreased. It is
their gradually more widespread use in the construc- not recommended as a general design practice for
tion of ships, tankage, and other structures at insig- normal operation variations in pressure or tempera-
nificant increase in cost is an encouraging trend. ture as it is better to design for the maximum pres-
Though it represents only a modest start it indicates sure and temperature conditions expected to occur
that much more could be accomplished by economic in regular operation. However, brief temperature
steel specification control and that its extension to or pressure upsets may be treated on this basis.
all pressure services is a necessary undertaking. provided they are such as to require quick reme-
The experimental work also showed that a signifi- dial adjustments in operation to restore normal
cant improvement in performance can be achieved conditions.
through careful design by the avoidance of high Severe upset or emergency loadings sometimes call
stress concentration or areas of high local restraint for immediate drastic corrective measures and may
(e.g., ship hatch corner design). Significantly, all require shutting down the unit. Wherever prac-
such failures have been triggered off by a relatively ticable the same limit as proposed for temporary
minor flaw or notch, the majority of which were loadings should be observed, but the nature and
associated with welds. Apparently, in addition to probability of the emergency often requires special
the possibility of welds containing small cracks, the consideration. In the case of piping where design io
local residual stress pattern associated with them is controlled by creep and stress-rupture properties.
a factor. The latter plays a significant role, not only analysis of the ability of the system to sustain an
in initiating crack propagation, but in accelerating occasional short duration emergency can be based on
the crack propagation speed to a level where it can the short-time properties of the materi&1 or, if more
continue as a spontaneous process through a much frequent, on the permissible creep stresses for the
lower stress field. This is in keeping with the theory shorter time period involved, by evaluation of the
given in Chapter 1. cumulative creep for service and unusual conditions.
Non-ductile Materials. Cast iron and other No standard guide can be given. More study and
non-ductile materials are usually confined to rela- tests are desirable to assess the cumulative effect of
tively low temperature service when used for pres- short-duration high overloads and long-duration
sure parts. Bending stresses for these materials normal loads. It is known that, for a given total
must be kept within well-defined allowable values period of overloading, the number of times the
(for cast iron, usually I! times the allowable stress loading is applied has a significant effect, being more
for tension). Bell-and-spigot or packed joints of a damaging as the frequency of application increases
design incapable of taking longitudinal stress are for a constant total duration of the overload.
provided with anchors at the end of each run, with Where basic allowable stresses are set higher or are
expansion absorbed by movement at the packed established by cold-worked properties (e.g. gas
transmission line piping), overstress due to tem- the cyclic or fatigue life under thermal expansion is
porary loading should be avoided. taken into account through so-called stress intensi-
Abnormal temperature differences may occur due fication factors. The following discussion presents
to upsets or during start-up operations, which can background information and comments to aid under-
cause thermal expansion stresses higher than assumed standing of the current approach in treating various
for the normal design eondition. When infrequent loadings.
compared to the normal design condition, some 2.4a Internal Pressure up to 3000 psi Maxi-
increase in the permissible stress range can be justi- mum. In their present status, the Pressure Vessel
fied. For example, when working to the rules of the Codes already mentioned are stated to be applicable
1951 ASA Piping Code, The M. W. Kellogg Com- when the pressure does not exceed 3000 psi. Pres-
pany designed for emergency thermal expansion con- sures above this may require special attention to
ditions using a 50% increase over the basic allowable design and fabrication details, closures, branch con-
stress range. A more appropriate design approach nections, etc., in view of the heavier wall and thick-
would be one which would determine the number of ness/diameter ratio involved. Actually, any such
cycles at the Code allowable strESS range which limit is strictly arbitrary and should more properly
would be equivalent to the number of cycles under be established as a pressure/stress limit so that the
the diverse conditions aetually anticipated. Assum- influence of different materials and the effect of
ing a basie relation between number of cycles Nand temperature would be included.
stress range SR of the form For the most common surface of revolution,. the
cylinder, the so-called inside diameter (or membrane)
N = (K/S R )" and outside diameter (or Barlow) formulas were
the equivalent number of cycles N, at a stress SA first used for thickness/diameter below and above
ean be established roughly as 0.1 respectively. These were later supplanted by
the mean diameter formula and, more recently, by
N, =
S,)" Nt + (S,)"
( SA SA N, + ... (SD)"
SA N D the universally adopted formula approximating the
results of the Lame formula. All these formulas
(2.10) may be expressed in a common manner as follows:
where K and n are constants for the material. S = (pr;/t) + Kp (2.11 )
Nt is the number of eycles producing an over-
load stress St. where p = internal pressure.
N 2 is the number of cycles producing an Over- r i = inside radius.
load stress S2, etc. t = wall thickness.
N D is the number of expected operating cycles K = constant having values between a and 1.
on the normal design basis. If K is given the value of 0, the inside diameter for-
S D is the corresponding calculated stress.
mula is obtained; for K = 0.5, the mean diameter;
SA is the Code allowable stress range for for K = 1.0, the outside diameter. When the value
7000 cycles. of 0.6 is used, stresses are obtained which correlate
Since the Code stress range is intended to provide for reasonably well for values of t up to about 0.5r, with
a minimum of 7000 cycles at a stress SA, if N, does the recognized inside circumferential stress formula
not exceed 7000, the design may be considered of Lame. This approximation, discovered by H. C.
equivalent to a Code design. Tests on carbon-steel Boardman, was rapidly adopted for moderate-
pipes [5] indicated that n can be taken equal to 5. temperature piping by both Pressure Vessel and
Without similar test data, the use of n = 5 for other Piping Codes, while for piping in the creep range it
materials is open to some question. is considered applicable if a further adjustment of
K is made as covered later in this section. Similar
2.4 Stress Evaluation relationships, which approximate the direct cireum-
Stress evaluation is commonly limited to primary ferential pressure stress at the inner-wall surface for
direct, bending, and torsional stresses which, in pip- other shapes of revolution, are presented in Table 2.1.
ing, result from the effect of pressure, weight, and For dished heads it may be noted that the Code also
thermal expansion. Localized and secondary stresses relates the design of torispherical and ellipsoidal
which do not affect the overall system are not ordi- heads to the sphere formula, which is suitably modi-
narily evaluated directly although their influence on fied by a correction factor to correspond with the

Table 2.1 Internal Pressure-Circumferential
Stress Formulas for Elastic Conditions
Shape P S
SE - 0.6p r, + 0.6t -P [r,
+ 0.6tl
Cone*" Use (~) in place of Tj in the cylinder formulas.

2SE - 0.2p r,-+-0.2t
- 2~t 11', + 0.2tl

Torus (pressure inside)f W' [RR-- 0.5r'J SEt E.. [(R R-- 0.5r,) r, + KtJ
BE pK fi R- 0.5,,) r,+ Kt Et f'i
( R - Tj

General shape of revolutiont pr,

[I - 2R,
..>:!...J (r2R )
1 -
r, + Kt
where Ti = inside
radius (usc meridional radius in general formula, i.e., radius from axis of revolution and normal to
surface, see Fig. 2.6).
E = weld joint efficiency.
R = torus center line bend radius.
R 1 = actual radius of curvature in meridional plane at the point in question (positive if concave to pressure)
(Fig. 2.6).
a = ! cone included (apex) angle.
K = 0.6 + C L,/R) (use absolute value).
S circumferential stress.
p = internal pressure.
"'Not covered by Piping Code at present.
tNot given in nny code at present.

membrane stresses associated with their contour.

The pressure design of shell openings for nozzles,
manholes, and branch connections is based on the
simple maintenance of the original cross-sectional
area, by replacement of the removed metal by rein-
forcement Immediately adjacent to the weakened
area. Flanges and cover plates involve primarily
bending stresses; the direct stresses in these com-
ponents are commonly neglected due to their lesser
magnitude. Speeifie formulas are given in the Codes FIG. 2.6 The meridional radius of curvature for
for their pressure design. l'hells of revolution.
2.4b Internal Pressure over 3000 psi. The
Codes at present (1955) do not cover the design of are followed in the design of shells, heads, closures,
high-pressure vessels, although this subject has re- and connections of high-pressure piping.
ceived considerable attention in the last two decades. The Lame formula and the Rankine (Maximum
Many problems arise at high pressure for which con- Principal Stress) criterion, on which the ASME
ventional code details are either totally unsuited or Boiler Code and ASA Code for Pressure Piping are
present an undesirable choice. Examples are: nozzle based, no longer predict general yielding or rupture
reinforcements which, within Code limits for rein~ within reasonable limits when the thickness/diameter
forcement, entail extremely abrupt changes in sec- ratio exceeds approximately 0.20. Although the
tion, cones, etc., involving inside corner radii which error is on the safe side, the deviation becomes
are small in comparison with the wall thickness. As greater the more the thickness/diameter ratio is in-
the pressure is increased, practical limits are reached creased. For initiation of yielding the Maximum
for design as covered by Code rules. In the follow- Shear or Maximum Shear-8train Energy Theories
ing it is attempted to summarize the practices which are in good agreement with experimental evidence,
as mentioned in Chapter 1. Either of these theories Slro"
may be used to practical advantage as general yield-
ing or bursting criteria when appliiJtl ineonjunction
with plastic stress analysis.
For thick cylinders, yielding of the inside fibers Axial l-++-iH-i
leads to eompressive residual stresses in the plasti- SlrMS

cally deformed portion of the wall when pressure is

removed, increased stress in the outer fibers under Zora

pressure loading, and greater uniformity of shear I

stresses throughout the wall thickness. This redis- Radial I
tribution of stresses due to plastic flow is termed
Hauto-frettage"; it was first employed for casting
guns in the early nineteenth century. Later, greater
eontrol and uniformity of stress distribution was at-
tained by shrinking suceessive closely maehined shell
layers on to each other, thus producing a thick-
walled cylinder, whose inner layers are in a state of
The fact that initial yielding of the inner fibers
occurs at only a fraction of the pressure correspond-
Elastic CO$e
ing to general yielding distinguishes thick-walled
vessels from thin-walled shells. Since the pressure to FIG. 2.7 Typical stress variation in a pipe under elastic
produce failure in thick-walled vessels is more or creep conditions.
properly associated with plastic rather than elastic
criteria, a valid design of these structures can be For a severely cold-working material the assumption
based on plastic analyses, and related to the general that the strain is the sum of an clastic strain obeying
yielding and bursting conditions. The various Hooke's law and a plastic strain can be considerably
approaches which have been suggested are discussed in error. Special analyses have also been worked out
in the following paragraphs. for strain-hardening materials.
Modifl£d Elastidty. This approximate solution Plasticity analyses are generally based on the
assumes that a safety factor of 4 on bursting is main- assumptions that (1) elastic strains are negligible in
tained so long as yielding of the inside fibers is eomparison with plastic strains; (2) the volume of
avoided at the design pressure. This approach also the matcrial remains constant during deformation;
requires that the stress at the mean wall thickness, and (3) the length of the pipc is unchanged under
as calculated by the Lame formula, does not exceed the application of pressure. The distribution of cir-
the usual allowable (0.25S.) value. The safety cumferential stresses changes completely from the
factor assumed by this analysis is likely to be in elastic results, the maximum in the plastic range
error on the unsafe side. occurring at the outside fiber. The shear strcss also
A ulo-freUage. The wall is assumed to be in two tends to be constant through the wall thickness, but
layers with the inner layer taken to be in a state of remains a maximum at the inner fiber. Figure 2.7
preeompression, attained by applying a suitable illustratcs the difference in stress distribution. For a
overpressure and yielding the inner fibers. The thick-walled cylinder of an ideally plastic (non-work-
stress is then calculated by the Lame formula con- hardening) material, Ni,dai [6J gives the following
sidering the initial prestrcssed condition. Thc results formulas at the onset of general yielding:
will be similar to the preceding approximate ap- S = p[1 - log, (r,/r)J
proach for the same safety factor. (2.12)
<x log, (r,/ri)
Partial and Complete Plasticity. Stress analyses
of eylinders having an inner plastie-elastic zone and -p[log, (r,/r)J
an outer elastic zone are available in many text log, (ro/ri)
books dealing with plasticity. These solutions are
generally based on the assumption of an idealized P
2S, = S'X - S'X = 1age ( /)
To Ti
(independent of r)
material which is elastic up to the yield stress and
plastic (non-work-hardening) at the yield value. (2.14)
where Sc% = circumferential stress at any radius r. stresses for external pressures are governed by the
S" = radial stress at any point T. same formulas as for internal pressure, except that
8, = shear stress. ,""' the signs of all of the equations containing the pres-
r0 = outside radius. sure p have to be reversed, indicating compression
r~' = insidel radius. stress.
r = radius at point in question. Stability of cylinders -against collapse is well
covered by the rules of the ASME Boiler Code,
The value of 2S, is equal to S, at the outside radius. Section VIII, which provide for the design of both
If this is accepted as a suitable criterion of general unstiffened and stiffened cylinders of all Code
yielding or bursting, it is interesting to know that materials. For an explanation of the Code charts,
eq. 2.14 can be closely approximated by the simple reference should be made to a paper by E. O. Berg-
mean diameter formula. man [13J. This paper also contains an extensive
Spnrred on by an interesting paper by Burrows bibliography on this subject. Similar to columns,
and Buxton [7J on available formulas for cylinders the limiting compressive load which a cylinder will
under internal pressure, the ASA B31 Committee sustain is related to its equivalent slenderness, end
appointed a special task group to study the subject conditions, and deviations from true contour. In
and recommend a simple appropriate formula for the the case of long unstiffened cylinders (length/
design of heavy-walled piping in the creep range. diameter over about 10), the collapsed contour
This task group recommended that the value of K in approximately follows a figure 8 outline, consisting
the simple formula of eq. 2.11 be gradually modified of two complete lobes. Consequently, an unstiffened
from 0.6 to 0.3 at temperatures over 900 F for cylinder may be compared with a fixed-end column
ferritic steels and over 1050 F for austenitic steel. whose length eqnals one-half of its circumference.
This recommendation was approved and the formulas For stiffened cylinders, the nnmber of lobes increases
for piping in the ASA Piping Code, Sections 1 and 3, as the length-between-stiffeners/diameter is de-
and the ASME Power Boiler Code now include this creased, with a corresponding increase in collapse
provision. pressure. The Code design of a stiffened shell
The formulas given in eqs. 2.12 to 2.14 will provide establishes a shell thickness and combined moment
a reasonably good answer for the behavior of thick- of inertia for the stiffener and shell to assure the
walled cylinders made of materials with only a mild stability of the entire shell section. This results in
strain-hardening tendency. Where a more e~act heavier stiffeners than wonld be obtained by a
evaluation of probable performance is desired; the design approach wherein the stiffener loading is
stress distribution should be evaluated from t.he based on division of load between the connected
actual stress-strain characteristics of the ma- shell and stiffener under pressure, and the elastic
terial [8, 9, lOJ. An analysis of thick-walled cylinders conditions up to the point of collapse. The col-
under internal pressure in the creep range has also lapsing pressure of heads (which in early Code
been advanced by Bailey [11J. editions involved a flat reduction in allowable
Concerning the practical design details of thick external pressure to 60% of that allowed for internal
shells, an effort should be made to avoid stress raisers pressure) is now predicated on the collapse pressure
in the form of abrupt changes of section at the loca- of a complete sphere having a radius equal to that of
tion of openings, nozzles, and intersections. The the spherical part of the head.
observance of these rules, coupled with careful con- The ASME rules attempt to maintain the same
trol of materials and fabrication, and with adequate nominal safety factor of 4 against collapse under
testing, may permit a reduction in the overall external pressure as is used against bursting under
nominal safety factor without diminishing (and internal pressure. There is some reason to question
possibly improving) the real safety factor. With the whether this is entirely logical, since the effect of
trend to higher pressures and temperatures, more localized stresses or stress concentrations, such as at
adequate use of material is imperative. Lower safety branch connections, may be entirely different. Also,
factors for simple surfaces of revolution or for con- the degree of hazard in the event of failnre will
struction of controlled low stress intensification is generally be appreciably less for external pressure,
also necessary [12J. although hazard mnst still be judged independently
2.4c External Pressures. External pressure for individual applications. In addition, the Code
loading involves, in addition to control of direct rules maintain the same safety factor for failure by
stresses, the consideration of stability. Direct elastic instability as for failure by plastic yielding,

except for small tubes where a variable lower safety indirectly controlled in a standardized way (e.g.,
faetor is reeognized. The practice of the Structural support standards) or individually estimated and
Steel Codes in reducing the saf"t'y factor on columns controlled so that the sum of all effects will approxi-
as the length/radius-of-gyration is reduced appears mately meet the same combined stress criterion.
logical. For vessels or pipes a similar practice could For large-diameter or otherwise stiff piping systems,
be followed by lowering the safety factor to 2 on the particularly where expensive materials are involved
yield point as a suitable function of diameter/thick- or where the inereased spaee for additional flexibility
ness, but this practice is not yet recognized. would require enlarged buildings or other eonsider-
2.4<1 Expansion. The evaluation of external able expense, every contribution to the overall strain
reactions at terminal points and intermediate re- should be evaluated by a simultaneous solution.
straints of piping systems is given in detail in Weight effects are eonveniently minimized by the
Chapters 4 and 5. The expansion forces in space provision of adequate supports. Where sueh supports
systems will generally result in 3 force and 3 bcnding- just balanee the weight reaction, they ean be validly
moment components at each terminal point. The ignored in the expansion analysis. This condition is
number of such components is reduced with partial seldom achieved even with elaborate compensating
end fixation. spring hangers. However, average piping is suffi-
The evaluation of the terminal reactions permits ciently stiff so that the local restriction due to some
the ealculation of the three moments (2 bending and support friction or unbalance is not a serious factor.
1 torsional) at any point in the pipe line by the For separate estimation, conventional column and
application of statics. These moments, in turn, beam analysis of individual critical. members, or
permit the designer to calculate the stresses by frame analysis of combinations of members is recom-
utilizing the section moduli of the pipe. The con- mended. Wind and dynamic effects can be similarly
tribution of direct forces for the expansion stresses treated. Unbalanced pressure effects are resisted
in piping systems is generally insignificant, unless wherever possible by rigid stops or ties which are
the piping layout is extremely stiff. taken into account in the flexibility analysis, unless
For simplicity the Piping Code provides that such provisions would adversely affect the behavior
expansion stresses be calculated with the cold of the line. In the latter case a careful analysis may
(ambient temperature) modulus of elasticity. The be made to determine whether the pipe itself ean be
design values of Poisson's Ratio and the torsional designed to earry the loads. If not, the unbalanced
modulus for expansion stresses likewise refer to this pressure effect must be handled by special design
temperature. The Code also provides thermal arrangements.
expansion data for evaluating the change in length 2.5 Combination of Stress: Stress Intensifica-
over any temperature range. This usc of room-
tion and Flexibility Factors
temperature data avoids the necessity of using
elevated-temperature properties, which may be less The 1955 Piping Code rules for flexibility eontain
accurately determined. With the principal strain the following equation for the combination of stresses
generally present at atmospheric temperature due to due to thermal expansion:
pre- or self-springing, the Code practice of using the
lI cold" values of mechanical properties is entirely
SE = VSb' + 4St' (2.15)

sound. where SE = equivalent stress to be compared with

2.4e Other Loading. Other loading which may the allowable thermal expansion stress
act on piping systems includes: the weight loads of range, psi.
the piping, including structural members; the weight Sb = resultant longitudinal bending stress
of the insulation, and contents; snow and ice loading; psi = {3M b/Z.
wind loading if exposed; loading due to aeceleration S, = resultant torsional shear stress psi =
imparted by earth tremors; speeial shock loading, M,j2Z.
sueh as gun fire or moving vehicles; and unbalaneed M b = resultant bending moment, lb-in.
statie pressure or flow effects. M, = resultant torsional moment, lb-in.
It is possible to include any or all of these loads in Z = section modulus of pipe, in. 3
a complete solution, following the methods of {3 '" stress intensification faetor.
Chapter 5. Ordinarily, these effects are not suffi-
ciently critical to warrant the extra engineering cost This equation is based on the Maximum Shear
of this more precise approach. Instead, they are Theory and for convenient comparison with Code
allowable stress range, eq. 2.15 represents two times Then the resultant principal stresses at the outside
the maximum shear stress due to expansion loading. fiber ean be written as
As stated in Section 2.3, the Pipillg Code establishes
a separate limit of Sh for the maximum longitudinal S, = 0.5[SL + Sp + V4S," + (SL - Sp)2J
stress due to pressure, weight, and other external
S2 = 0.5[SL + Sp - V4S," + (SL - Sp)21 (2.16)
sustained loadings, with the provision that., if sueh
loadings do not add up to Sh, the differenee may be S3 = 0
used to increase the allowable stress range for expan-
sion effeets. This approach has been adopted for and the eombined "equivalent" stress for the respee-
convenience in praetical design ealeulations. It is tive yield eondition beeomes
obvious that, when using combined-stress formulas
Maximum Shear Theory (Tresca)
and a specific yield criterion, stresses from all load-
ings should be included to determine the principal The greater of S, as given above or
stresses before combining them. On the other hand,
from a fatigue failure standpoint, the loadings which (2.17)
cause cyclie stresses are the most significant. There
is, therefore, reasonable logie in eombining these Distortion-Energy Theory (Mises)
separately for comparison with an allowable stress V3S," + Sr} + S? - SLSp (2.18)
range. Actually, so long as the allowable stress range
is adjusted to suit the methods of calculation and Use of the maximum shear theory is favored for
stress combination which will be used, designs arrived eonsisteney with the Piping Code.
at by various approaches ean be made substantially In the sample ealeulations in Chapters 4 and 5 the
the same. Simplicity of applieation has been the Piping Code rules are followed. The examples in
objeetive of the Code. Chapter 4 involve expansion alone; in Chapter 5,
The Code's use of the maximum shear-stress Sample Calculations 5.14, 5.15, and 5.16 include
criterion for expansion stresses represents a departure weight or wind effects.
from the evaluation of stresses elsewhere in the Code, In the General Analytieal Method, the influence
where only principal stresses are considered. While of localized effeets on deflections and rotations is
a uniform eriterion would be preferable to avoid con- provided for by the inclusion of flexibility factors
fusion and permit better assessment of safety factors, with t.he shape constant.s. In effect, this
there is greater need for closer evaluation of eyclie for the additional displacements by providing an
strain loadings whieh may lead to a fatigue failure. increase of the length of the member to a so-called
The approach laid down above is reeommended for virtual length, producing the desired relative deflec-
ordinary practice, in view of the mandatory require- tion. The net influence of t.his increased flexibility
ments of the Code and the relative simplicity of is to decrease reactions and nominal primary stresses.
handling expansion stresses separately. For critical This greater flexibility of local components, such
applications, or where loadings are simultaneously as bends, is the result of localized stresses whose
analyzed, it is more appropriate to evaluate all magnit.ude above the nominal primary stress level is
stresses prior to eombining them and compare them expressed by a stress-intensification factor, whose use
to the total allowable stress range 1.25 (S, + Sh). is mandat.ory in the new Piping Code rules. These
The additional provision that the principal stress rules cont.ain suggest.ed flexibility and stress fact.ors
due to long-time sustained loadings other than expan- for usual piping component.s, wit.h the provision of
sion should not exceed Sh, must also be observed. allowing the alternate use of experimentally deter-
For convenient reference the following formulas mined factors.
are given:
2.6 Evaluation of Deflections and Reactions
Let S L = maximum longitudinal stress due to Line movements or deflections are of interest in the
pressure, weight, and other sustained design of yielding supports, sueh as spring hangers,
loading plus expansion stress Sh as de- and in establishing clearances for the free expansion
fined above. movement of a large-diameter or eomplex line.
Sp = cireumferential pressure stress. Sample Caleulation 5.10 in Chapter 5 illustrates that
S, = shear stress due to torsion as previously the evaluation of deflections by the Kellogg General
defined. Analytical Method requires little extra effort after

the reactions havc been determined. Line move- whichever is greater, and with the further condition
ments at any point are also readily determined hy that
Model Test for any condition of lil1iding, as discussed Bh E, . h
in Chapter 6. - X - IS less t an 1
It must be appreciated that calculated deflections
establish only a range of movement; the absolute where C = cold spring factor varying from 0 for no
position of any point at a given time is, in addition, cold spring to 1 for 100% cold spring.
dependent upon the combined effects of initial fabri- BE = maximum computed cquivalent expan-
cation stress, relaxation and creep, changes in dead sion stress (per eq. 2.15).
load, adjustment of hangers, and local temperature E, = modulus of elasticity in the cold condi-
differences at the cross section. Except for temporary tion.
overload of terminal equipment, etc., a line may be E h = modulus of elasticity in the hot condition.
adjusted to any desired initial position so that the R, = range of reactions corresponding to the
movement range occurs over the desired location. full cxpansion range based on E,.
Equipment may be protected against erection over- Rc and Rh represent the maximum reactions
load by thermal unloading (controlled local stress estimated to occur in the cold and hot
relief) as discussed in Chapter 3. conditions, respectively.
Since maintained loads, such as piping weight and
insulation, are essentially constant, deflection calcu- Obviously, the Codc formulas for reactions, based
lations are ordinarily confined to expansion effects. upon a division of strains between the ambient and
In general, the effect of maintained loads (such as service temperatures, are somewhat arbitrary.
piping weight and insulation) and transient loads Equation 2.19 attempts only to establish the initial
(such as contents, snow, and wind loads) are effec- magnitude of the hot reaction for purposes of check-
tively limited by properly placed and designed sup- ing the capacity of equipment to take such effects.
ports, guides, or tics. The significant movements Equations 2.20 and 2.21, in turn, are aimed at estab-
will then be associated only with thermal expansion, lishing the maximum value of cold reactions, either
and deflection calculations can be confined to this as obtained through initial cold springing, or due to
effect. subsequent self-springing under service conditions.
The calculations in Chapters 4 and 5 and the model The signs (directions) of the hot and cold reactions
tests in Chapter 6 give, as their first reSUlt, the are always opposed to each other. For temperaturcs
reactions of the supports on the piping system. in the creep range, the hot reaction will eventually
These forces and moments arc determined on the be lowered to a value roughly corresponding to the
basis of a strain equivalent to the total expansion design allowable creep stress Bh • This value approxi-
and using the modulus of elasticity and Poisson's
ratio at atmospheric temperature. They do not
mately corresponds to Rh = SBh R" whereas the cold
include the influence of initial stresses due to fabrica- reaction increases to the value given by cq. 2.2l.
tion. The resulting reaction range will be immedi- Equations 2.19 and 2.20 arc applicable to a multi-
ately realized in its full magnitude only for piping plane system only when the prespring is applied as a
systems subjected to 100% cold spring. Beyond this uniform percentage in each direction. In practice
consideration, it is important to know the maximum therc may be instances where prespringing in a pre-
reactions to be expected in the hot and cold condi- ferred direction only may be sufficient and be utilized
tions for the purposc of examining their effect on because it is simpler to carry out. For such a case
terminal equipment. The Piping Codc provides the the reactions for the actual prespring to be applied
following rules on this subject: should be calculated by an appropriate analytical
mcthod in place of eq. 2.20. For the most complctc
(2.19) control of prespring, an analysis of the type shown
in Samplc Calculation 5.13 is recommended.
When prespring is not specified, or is not adequately
R, = CR, or (2.20)
controlled, the reactions due to fabrication may in
exceptional cases correspond to yield-point stress in
(2.21) the system, unless thermal unloading has been em-
ployed. Fabrication residual strains will be reduced
The value of R, is taken from equations 2.20 or 2.21, when the piping system is first heated if the combined
expansIOn and residual stresses exceed the yield scale tests and the use of small specimens have
strength. The fabrication strain so relieved is not proven valuable in investigations of certain aspects
reestablished during subsequent'"$ervice, nor will it of this problem, partieularly for establishing general
affect the fatigue life of the piping system. Its trends or for the quality eontrol of procedures and
significance lies largely in the load which it introduces actual fabrieation.
on equipmcnt or foundations as long as it lasts. The level of quality of design, materials, and fabri-
The individual hot and cold reaction values are of eation attained, as assured by adequate inspection
interest mainly for judging their effect on sensitive and tests, is at maximum economic effectiveness when
equipment, such as pumps and turbines which involve the individual factors are eontrolled to the same de-
maintaining close clearances and alignment; they are gree [12J. Overemphasis on any aspect does not
also of interest in connection with foundation. design. ordinarily lessen the hazards attendant to the
In regard to localized stresses in the shell of terminal negleeted factors, so that the probability of failure
equipment, however, the reaction range rather than is not proportionately redueed.
the magnitude of the individual hot and cold reaetions There is some opinion that pipe girth joints are less
is the signifieant faetor. This aspect is dieusssed in eritieal than longitudinal welds. This view stems
more detail in Chapter 3. from the fact that longitudinal pressure stresses are
approximately only half the circumferential stress.
2.7 Design Significance of Inspection and It ignores the fact that expansion and struetural
Tests effects usually make longitudinal stresses the eriterion
Wall thiekness caleulations, when dealing with of design, and that weakness in a longitudinal direc-
pipe or a eylindrical shell, have always included a tion causes a local weakness circumferentially. In
so-called "joint efficiency" for welded seams which addition, initial flaws, in propagating, tend to change
has usually been applied only to eircumferential orientation for maximum influence from the maxi-
pressurc stresses. For structural loading the joint mum stresses present.
efficiency is sometimes neglected. It is also generally Adequate pressure testing, as praetieed on pressure
disregarded in flexibility calculations or compressive vessels, often presents economic problems in piping.
loading and most situations where only bending Shop tests of irregular or large-diameter runs require
stress is involved. special fittihg~ or else extra welds for closures.
The term "joint efficiency" is a holdover from Adequate field. pressure tests require the installation
riveted construction, where a definite breaking of blinds and often extra flanged joints, in order to
strength could be associated with a speeific design. protect lower pressure vessels and terminal equip-
On welded joints, where weakening effects sueh as ment; they sometimes require special rigging for
rivet holes are absent, it is not difficult to provide inspection access, and temporary supports. Such
design strength equal to the base material as eases require individual treatment. When the field
evidenced by procedure tests of sample welds, even test is adequate the shop test ean be waived by
for lapped joints. Better criteria of the reliability mutual agreement. In judging the adequaey of the
and performance of a welded joint are its eapaeity to field test, the degree of inspection and level of test
take deformation as a measure of its safety against stress should be jointly considered.
cracking, the absence of weakening defects as assured A water- or liquid-pressure test fulfills dual fune-
by examination, pressure tests, and mechanical tests tions. The design, materials, and fabrication are
of occasional complete joints or specimens; for high- checked to a reasonable minimum extent by a pres-
temperature service the tests should be carried out sure test based on 1.5 times the design. pressure in-
both at room and serviee temperature, but this is not creased by the ratio of cold to hot allowable stresses
eurrent praetice except for special applications. (S,/S,,). During t.esting, there is an opportunity t.o
Assessment of performanee tests and degree of detect leaks due to cracks, poro;;ty, or other flaws
examination would lead to establishment of a whieh extend through the wall. These objeetives
Hquality factor/' rather than a "joint efficiency." are accomplished at minimum hazard when the
Where repetitive loading is involved, the potential testing fluid is essentially incompressible, thereby
influence of the design details, fabrication quality, limiting the stored energy. During such a test,
and basic strueture of the weld- and heat-affected should a break initiate, there is immediate loss
zone of the parent metal ean apparently be aecurately of pressure, usually before extensive damage is
evaluated only by full-scale fatigue tests under com- done or fragments detaehed and propelled through
bined loadings and temperature eycling. However, space.
The detection of leaks can be accomplished with simultaneously in evalnating safety. For heavy-
equal or greater effectiveness at lower pressures by walled or critical-service piping, all practicable
using liquids of lower surface tension properties, or inspection procedures and tests are desirable and
by reducing the surface tension by additives, or by necessary for adequate safety.
the use of air or other gas. Air pressures of 5 to 10
psi usually suffice for the detection of leaks with
equal or better effectiveness than water at full test
pressure. The Vessel Codes permit air tcsts as a 1. D. B. Rossheim and A. R. C. 1Iarkl, liThe Significance of,
snbstitute for water tests at a rednced stress level and Suggested Limits for, the Stress in Pipe Lines due
to the Combined Effects of Pressure and Expansion,"
(83.3% of hydro test for ASME Code and 73% for Trans. ASME, Vol. 62, No 5 (1940) .
.\.PI-ASME Code), while Section 3 of the Piping 2. E. L. Robinson, IlSteum Piping Design to :Minimize Creep
Code limits air tests to 50 psi. The Vessel Codcs Concentrations," presented at Annual Mtg. of A81-IE,
require that pressure be applied in successive stages New York, 1954.
to minimize high-energy rnpture hazards. The pre- 3. L. F, Coffin, Jr., u1\ Study of the Effects of Cyclic Thermal
Stresses on a Ductile Metal," ASME Paper No. 53-A-76,
cautions exercised should be in step with the size, presented in December, 1953.
volume, stored energy, test stress level, and quality 4. L. F. Coffin, Jr., "The Problem of Thermal Stress Fatigue
of inspection. in Austenitic Steels at High Temperature," presented at
The effectiveness of a test in proving the sonndness AST!vf meeting, Chicago, June, 1954.
of a strncture decreases rapidly as the pressure recedes 5. A. R. C. Markl, "Fatigue Tests of Piping Components,"
Trans. ASME, Vol. 74, No.3, pp. 287-303 (1951).
from I! timp," the equivalent cold working pressnre. 6. A. Nadai, Plasticity, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
It is donbtful that air tests, at the level prescribed 1931.
in the Codes, accomplish much in this direction other 7. W. J. Buxton and \V. P. Burrows, flFormula for Pipe
than detection of gross omissions or deficiencies. Thickness," Trans. ASME, Vol. 73, pp. 575-587 (July,
These, for the most part, shonld have been revealed 1951).
8. \V. R. D. Manning, "The Overstrain of Tubes by Internal
by carefnl visual inspection. In addition, one appli- Pressure/' Engineering, Vol. 159, pp. 101-102, 183-181
cation of pressure at or near normal design stress will (1945).
often not reveal poor welds or even lengthy cracks, 9. C. W. MacGregor, L. F. Coffin, Jr., and J. C. Fisher,
unless already extending through the wall. Higher "Partially Plastic Thick-Walled Tubes," J. Franklin Insl.,
pressure tests are more effective as a result of greater Vol. 245, pp. 135-158 (1948).
10. C. W. MacGregor, L. F. Coffin, Jr., and J. C. Fisher,
overstress in weak areas, and the initiation of plastic "The Plastic Flow of Thick-Walled Tubes with Large
flow in distorted or poorly fit-up areas. However, Strains," J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 19, pp. 291-297 (19·18).
there is certainly no complete assurance that a strnc- 11. R. W. Bailey, "Creep Relationships and Their Applica-
ture is safe as a result of successfully passing a single tion to Pipes, Tubes, and Cylindrical Parts Under Internal
pressure test. Pressurc," Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. (London), Vol. 164,
pp. 425-431 (1951).
Equal or greater assurance of soundness can be 12. J. J. Murphy, C. R. Soderberg, Jr., and D. B. Rossheim,
obtained by radiographic examination of all welds IIConsidcmtions Affecting More Economic but Equally
coupled with a pressure test at the design pressure. Safe Pressure Vessel Construction Utilizing; Either Pres-
For magnetic materials where thicknesses do not ent-Day Ductile or New High-Strength Less-Ductile
exceed! in., a magnetic powder examination inside Materials," API Paper presented at St. Louis, l\by 10,
and outside in lieu of radiographic examination can 13. E. O. Bergman, liThe New-Type Code Chart fOf the
also be considered acceptable. This is not intended Design of Vessels Undcr External Pressure," ASME Paper
to imply that weld inspection and tests are inter- No. 51-A-137, presented at Atlantic City, Novembef,
changeable. Instead, they mnst be considered 1951.

Local Components

HIS chapter will consider important com- leads to greater flexibility than could be accounted
ponent~ of a piping system other than straight for by bar theorics. A year later, the first theoretical
pipe, including flanges, bends, miters, corru- treatment of the subject was published by von
gated pipe, branch connections, and terminal con- Karman [2], who investigated the stress distribution
nections, all of which are designated herein as "local in curved tubes subjected to in-plane bending. l
components" since individually they usually occupy At about the samc time Lorenz [3] and Marbec [41
a limited length of the total pipe run. The localized independently furnished a solution of this problem,
stress pattern which they introduce often signifi- using Castigliano's t[worem in their work instead of
cantly increases the flexibility of the entire piping the principle of minimum potential energy as used by
system at the expense of stress intensification or Karman. Hovgaard continued Karman's work and
strain concentration at their location. It is the arrived at an identical solution through a different
intent of this chapter to offer a digest of current approach [5] while Karl [6] refined the solution by
knowledge about each local component, and discuss considering morc terms in the series expansion for the
practical application to the design of piping. Aceu- basic variables. In 1943 Vigness [7] extended the
rate evaluation of stress and deflection for localized theory to include the case of out-of-plane bending of
effects is often complex, or even impossible with curved pipes. These theoretical investigations read-
present knowledge; as a result simplifying assump- ily establish the following points:
tions and shortcut solutions are resorted to, some 1. The elementary bending theory for bars, which
of which will be discussed herein. assumes a linear variation of longitudinal stresses~
cannot account for the actual stress distribution in
3.1 Pipe Bends: Structural Loading (Static curved tubes under external bending loads. In
and Cyclic) reality, the longitudinal bending stresses in the
Pipe bends are curved bars with an annular cross extreme fibers are greatly relieved by the ovalization
section, whose reaction to external loading is com- (flattening) of the cross section, which, undcr differ-
plex. Visual observation, as well as scattered tests, ent loading eonditions, takes the forms shown in
established quite early that the elementary theory of Fig. 3.1. At the same time the maximum stresses
elasticity is inadequate to account for the peculiar are shifted nearer the neutral axis, as shown in Fig.
properties of tubular bends. Despite this fact, con- 3.2.
siderable time passed before a satisfactory analysis 2. This altered bending-stress distribution, in
was undertaken. While theories are sufficiently turn, decreases the bending-moment resistance of
advanced today to account for the major aspects of the section. The ratio of the resulting increased
the behavior of pipe bends, many refinements of this lIn-plane bending refers to the case in which the pipe is
problem still demand clarification and a further ex- subject to bending by forces or moments applied in the plane
tension of theoretical inquiry. of the bend. Out..of-plane bending designates the case in
which the forces or moments act perpendicularly to the plane
Systematic investigation of pipe bends began in of the bend. Obviously, these two cases enn be combined to
1910, when Bantlin [1] observed and reported on the give a solution for forces at moments acting in any arbitrary
phenomenon of ovalization, and on the fact that it plane.
(0) Elemenlory (b) Theory of
deflection to that predicted by conventional beam Bending Curved
theory is termed the "flexibility factor" for that Th~'Y Pi~

member. .~
3. The maximum longitudinal stresses in pipe
bends will differ from those generated in straight
tubing of equal dimensions. High circumferential
bending stresses are set up as well. For pure (in-
plane) bending, theory indicates that the peak
stresses will be the circumferential stresses near the
neutral axis (a = 0) of the pipe. The ratio of the
MOl(. longitudinal "reu OCCUI1
maximum stress in the curved pipe bend to that at angle at (leCl Fig_ 3.8)
which would exist in straight pipe subjected to the
FIG. 3.2 Distribution of longitudinal stresses in curved pipes.
same moment is termed Hstress intensification fac-
tor. JJ
These findings were subsequently reexamined by nate solutions by the principle of minimum potential
Beskin [8], who found that the previously established energy (used by Karmim) and the principle of least
results were applicable only when the bend charac- work (adopted by Lorenz, Karl, and Beskin), estab-
teristic2 was comparatively large; as the character- lish upper and lower limits for the true rigidity of
istic diminished, the results became increasingly di- the tube. The Clark-Reissner solution is obtained in
yergent. Instead of a maximum flexibility factor terms of a trigonometric series expansion for the
for in-plane bending of 10, and a maximum stress stress function and meridional angle change. By
intensification of about 3.5, as implied by earlier retaining only two terms of each series expansion,
analyses for the mathematical limit of h = 0, Beskin and limiting the range to h > 0.5, the Clark-Reissner
found that both flexibility and stress intensification approach becomes equivalent to Karl's solution.
factors become infinite at this extreme value. For h < 0.5, the number of terms needed for satis-
Further investigation showed that Karman's solu- factory accuracy increases rapidly; therefore, an
tion would have yielded rcsults identical with those asymptotic solution was investigated. Making
of Beskin, had the Fourier expansion been carried assumptions which hold true when h is much smaller
to more terms than one. than I, closed-form solutions were obtained which
Treating the problem of in-plane bending of curved are startlingly simple. All analyses dealing with the
lubes by means of the theory of thin shells, Clark problem of bending of curved tubes predict equal
and Reissner [9, \OJ found that the Lorenz, Karman, flexibility factors for in-plane or out-of-plane bend-
Karl, and Beskin solutions merely represented mg.
higher order approximations (in the order men- !{arman's original solution (first approximation)
tioned), and confirmed Karl's findings [6J that alter- for the flexibility factor, k, is
2The bend characteristic is h = tR/rm2 , where t = wall 9
(3.1 )3
thickness of pipe, R = radius of bend, and rm = mean radius k= 1+ 12h2+1
of pipe.
Second, third, and nth approximations [11] have the
(a) In-plane (b) In-plane (el Ov'-of-ploM
Bending Bending
Bending k 9+0.255/h (3.2)3
= 1+ 12h2+ 1.3400+0.00750/h2
forced forced

Al, together} opClf1)

k 9+0.3003/h2 +O.OO\o587/h·'
= 1+ 12h2+ 1.4004+0.0l3946/h2+O.00001276/h 4
I (3.3)3

J k=l+ 9
12h 2 +I-j

In eq. 3.4, j is a function of h; for known values of h

FIG. 3.1 Ovalization (flattening) of pipe bends under external 3In eqs. 3.1 to 3.4 the rigorous mathematical analysis would
bending moments:. Exaggerated. demand that h(l - v2 )-Ji be used instead of h.
the magnitude of j can be obtained by interpolation Out-?f-plane {LOngitudinal 13, = L08/h % (3.8)
from the following table: bendmg Circumferential 'Y, = L50/h% (3.91

h 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1.0

j 1 0.7625 0.5684 0~074 0.1764 0.07488 0.03526 0.02026 In this same range the variation of angle a,
Beskin's solution for the flexibility factor cannot ing to the largest longitudinal stress, as shown in
be expressed in closed form; his numerical results,
Fig. 3.2) with the characteristic h can be given !to
which merge with IG\.rmfm's nth approximation, are a, = 0.82h li (3.10)
plotted in Fig. 3.3. Clark and Reissner's asymptotic Equations 3.6, 3.7, and 3.10 are obtained from the
solution yields the following expression, valid for asymptotic analysis of Clark and Rcissner. Equa-
small values of h: tions 3.8 and 3.9 represent empirical proposals made
k = L65/h (3.5)' by The M. W. ICellogg Company, and Markl [12J.
Stress intcnsification factors, unfortunately, differ respectively. The various stress intensification fae-
for in-plane and out-of-plane bending. In general, tors are charted in Figs. 3.4 to 3.7, whereas io a,
in-plane bending leads to higher circumferential plotted in Fig. 3.8.
stress maxima than out-of-plane bending for identical These results convey that for either in-plane or
pipe bends subjected to equal bending moments. out-of-plane loading, the circumferentialstrcss in the
For longitudinal stresses exactly the opposite of this neighborhood of IX = 0' will first exceed the yield
statement holds true, as witnessed by eqs. 3.6 to 3.9. point. Tllis stress is a pure bending strcss (excluding
The stress intensification factors at the outer surfaces, internal pressure effects), varying from a positive
valid only for small values of the bend characteristic maximum at the outer surface to a negative maximum
(h < 0.5), have the following expressions: at the inner walL A slight amount of yielding, leay-
ing the elasticity of the pipe wholly unimpaircd, will
In-plane {LOngitudinal 13, = 0.84/h%
materially relieve this-stress, as has been observed in
bending Circumferential 'Y' = L80/h% (3.7)5 experiments [13J. Similar deductions can be made
= 0.3 is assumed in eqs. 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.10.
concerning the maximum longitudinal stress at the
5Rigorously, the correct value in eq. 3.7 should be: outer surface. Pronounced yielding will ensue only
when the maximum longitudinal stress at the middle
'Yi = -L80 (1 - v2 )-n
surface also exceeds the yield point. Therefore, in
(1) - -Asymplolic Solulion 1.:5 (Clark _ Reislnor)

{2)----BelOkin's (lorge.radius bends)

(3)---Symoflds and Parduo's (Small-rodius bends)

20 (') --Von Karman's nih Approximation

{S)----Approximolo, l.~O (Vinat _ DelBuono)

(For small·radius thkk-woUed bends)

FIG. 3.3 Flexibility factorB for in~plane or out--of-plane bending.


the opinion of many investigators the stress intensifi- described above reveals that, in addition to dealing
cation factor of greatest practical significance is the only with pipes having a eonstant eurvature of the
one pertaining to maximum longiwdinal stress exist- center line, constant cross-sectional properties, and
ing at the middle surface of the pipe wall thickness." being made of an isotropie and homogeneous mate-
Closer scrutiny of the theoretical developments rial obeying Hooke's law, the analyses are based on
6Fatiguc tests do not support this. In fatigue, cracks opcn the following assumptions:
up perpendicular to the actual maximum stress which is the 1. Plane seetions remain plane and the neutral
circwnferential stress at the inner pipe wall. This is to be axis retains its original length after loading.
expected, since under reversed strain loading beyond the
2. Longitudinal and eireumferential stresses are
elastic fange, as applied in a fatigue test, initial plastic flow is
of little help in alleviating the range of strain at each point. principal stresses.

10 (l) _ _ koymplotic Solulion h2/J (Clark - Roinner)

6 (3)_ •. _Symond$ and Porduo', (Smoll-rodiu, ~nch)

(4) Approllimalo. h27i (Viuol- 001 Buono)
(For unoll-rodiu$ lhick-walled bend,)

.02 •06 .08 .1 .2 •• .6 .8 1.0 2 •
h -~
FIG.3.4 In-plane bending: outer surface longitudinal stress intensificg,tion factor.

(l)-A5ymplotk Solution h2/J (Clork - Rlliunllr)

3) (2) - - Be$kin', (large.radiul bllndd

B {:n----Symond5 and Pardue', (Short-radiul bllnd$)

6 (4) ApproximoI1l, ~~B (Vinal - Del Buono)

(for smoll·radius thick-walled bend$)



.~ 2 1)




.3 ':-J,-L.-:':-.LJ,.u.__-!---IL-LJi.....L...L.!--.LL-_-..L--l--l
.03 .04 .06 .08 .1 .2 .4.6.6 1.0 2 4

FIo. 3.5 In~plane bending: outer surface circumferential stress intensification factor.
3. The bending moment has a constant value for the curved pipe is acted upon by pure bending
the entire length of the bend. moments. According to St. Venant's prineiple, local
4. Radial and longitudinal strains are uniform disturbances imposed at the boundaries will cancel
through the wall thickness. a short distance therefrom. In this light, assumptions
5. Circumferential strains produce pure bending, 2 and 3 can also be adopted as having reasonable
and thus vanish at the middle surface of the pipe validity.
wall. The remaining assumptions deserve closer scrutiny.
6. The radius of the bend is much greater and the Assumptions 4 and 5, dealing with the strains devel-
wall thickness is small compared with the diameter oped under loading, are idealized simplifications of
of the pipe. the actual strain distribution, and will be in accord
Assumption 1 is fundamental to the theory of with the actual strains only when R/r.. > 10 (i.e.,
elastieity and can be accepted as being true. The larger than a "five diameter" bend). For short-
second and third conditions will be satisfied only if radius bends, characterized by 1 < R/r.. < 10, it
• -"""-"",/-'1.)
(1)- - 8eskin', {large.radilli bondd

.... .... (2)----Syrnonds and Parduo', (Small-radius ben<h)

"" (3)--Appra:dmafo. ~.~~ (Weil)

lL-.L.l....JL.L.LL.L-_ _L--l.----'-----'---'-...L.I--'-:"~__===.t;=_"'=='

FIG.3.6 Out-of-plnnc bending: outer surface longitudinal stress intensification factor.

. 1..50
(l)--ApproximQlo, h'2/3 (Mark!)

10 (2)- -Beskin', (large rgdiV$ bends)

• (3)----Symonds and Parduo's \,)mall radius bends)


! 1.0


•3 '----.J~_'_-'-.L.JLL.LL_ _---.J_ ____'__-'--'--l.-1__LLL_ _____'__ ____'____l
.02 .0-4 .06 .08 .1 :2' . . . . 6 . 8 1.0 2
h =.!!.
FICi.3.7 Out-of-plane bending: outer surface circumferential stress intensification factor.
has been shown [7, 13] that under in-plane bending and displacements (flattening or ovalization). Jo.:nd
(reducing the radius of curvature) the circumferen- restraints tending to oppose ovalization, (straight
tial strcsses do not vanish at the middle layer (see pipe tangents to a minor degree, flanges or terminal
assumption 5). connections to a severe dcgrcc) will lower flexibility
The last assumption plainly limits the accuracy of and stress intensification factors; in these cases the
the foregoing theories to thin-walled, large-radius theory will give higher values than those actually
tube bends; the generally accepted view is that these operative. Thus deviations between theory and
analyses are proper only if both conditions, namely actual behavior will be greater the more severe the
that Rlrm and rmlt be greater than 10, are simulta- end restraint, or for a given end restraint, the lesser
neously satisfied. Sinee Beskin's derivation indicates the subtended arc of the pipe bend.
that at h > 1.0 the flexibility and stress intensifica- Having elaborated on the underlying assumptions
tion factors become generally negligible, it is of and results obtained from an analytical approach,
interest to note that this development is not con- it is enlightening to examine how the theories com-
ditioned upon the above-stated limitation on wall pare with results obtained from experimental work.
thickness. Investigations must be separated into tests per-
To extend the validity of previous analyses, formed under static r.onditions and those relating to
Symonds and Pardue [14] undcrtook to investigate fatigue conditions, since they represent fundamen-
the effect of Rlrm ratios considerably less than 10, tally different types of loading.
(2'::; Rlrm ::; 3). It may be pointed out that under The first significant static tests were made by
these conditions the wall thickness ratio assumes a Hovgaard [5, 13, 15, 161. who proved that experi-
much greater importance; the fact that the "short- ments were in close agreement with theoretical pre-
radius" development is based on thin-shell theory dictions for the flexibility, distortion and stresses of a
plainly limits the range of accuracy to about given system, although calculated stresses showed
h = 0.2 for Rlrm = 2, or h = 0.3 for Rlrm = 3. smaller extremes than those actually observed. It
The Symonds-Pardue theory represents a first-order must be added that Hovgaard's tests were performed
approximation to the influence of Rlrm, and shows mostly within the limitations of his theory:
that for short-radius bends (long- and short-radius distribution measurements were confined to sections
welding elbows), the flexibility factor suffers little remote from the disturbing effects of type-of-loading
change, but stress intensification factors are generally or end-fixity conditions, and most of the experiments
higher than for large-radius pipe bends, as seen in were limited to large-radius bends (Rlrm > 10).
Figs. 3.3 to 3.7. As might be expected, the results Similar observations were made by other investi-
of this work merge with Beskin's solution, as Rlrm gators [17, 18, 19,20,21,22], who again found the
increases to 10. longitudinal stresses to be slightly in excess of theo-
Lastly, all of the theories described apply rigorously retical values. It was also observed [21] that the
only to endless toroidal sections. If the curved tube flexibility of pipe bends for in-plane bending was
is not endless, the theory is accurate only if the end greater than that predicted by theory. This devia-
conditions allow the development of idealized strains tion was small, but consistent, and was ascribed to

80· (I) --Clark - Reinner
60· (2)----Asymplotic Solution O.82h l/1
so· (Clark and Relnnerl
li0,,(0 0


10·.';-_ _-=:_-'--!:-l-!:,.-'-:':-'--:------:--..L-J'-.LLJ~.Ll:_--_!:_--'--,J
.01 .02 .04 .06 .08 .1 .2 ....6.8 1.0 2.0 ".0
h= !!

FJO. 3.8 In-plane bending: angle 'l:l corresponding to location of m!\ximum longitudinal fiher stress.
the fact that the theory of curved tubes did not take ciency in the theory, Gross [25J suggested that the
into account secondary influences predicted by the transverse compression, ignored in the analytical
theory of curved bars. Tests condticted under out- work, be taken into account. He also presented an
of-plane bending [7J, in turn, showed that the rigidity approximate derivation for this quantity, and proved
of pipes was greater (Le., the flexibility less) than that adding this stress component to the others
indicated by analysis. This was attributed to the included in the theory actually brings experiments
restraining effect of straight tangents applied to the and analysis into good accord.
ends of the quarter pipe bend. Stresses meanwhile The examination of test results also eonfirmed
were smaller than was anticipated from theoretieal that the theory of maximum distortion energy pre-
research. dicted quite accurately the load and location at
A thorough investigation on the effeet of end con- which incipient yielding occurs. No such criterion
ditions was carricd out by Pardue and Vigncss [23J. could be advanced for the ultimate load-carrying
Dealing first with flexibility factors, they found that eapacity of the bends, except for noting that failure
even the most detailed theory [14J was capable of (which took place by collapse under a moment short-
predicting flexibility factors for out-of.-plane bending ening the chord of the bend) occurred at a load whieh
only if the pipe bcnd merged with a straight tangent was generally twice as large as that required to
of sufficient length. Substituting a flange for the initiate yielding.
tangent at either end resulted in a drastic drop of Vissat and DelBuono [28J describe the results of
flexibility; when both ends were flanged, flexibility tests on welding elbows with a ratio of R/rm equal
dropped even further. Right-angle bends were to 2 or 3. Restricting the tests to in-plane bending
subject to these reductions in a greater degree than and fitting experimental points by analytical ex-
U-bends, confirming the logical expectation that the pressions, the following relations were proposed for
smaller the subtended angle of a pipe bend the flexibility and stress intensification factors:
greater will be its sensitivity to disturbanees caused Flexibility factor
by end restraints.
k = 1.40/h (3.11)
Almost identieal statements apply to the stress
intensification factors. The theory is in agreement Stress intensification factors (in-plane bending)
with actual behavior only insofar as the bend is
furnished with sufficiently long straight tangents, f3, = 1.2/h" (3.12)
the experimental values being generally a shade on 'Yi = 1.07/ho. 78 (3.13)
the high side. With an increased degree of end
fixity, this correlation breaks down. Applying As seen in Figs. 3.3 to 3.5, these proposals result in
flanges to both ends of the bend initiates a much lower flexibility and circumferential stress intensi-
greater reduction of the stress intensification factor fication factors, but higher longitudinal stress in-
than using one flange and one straight tangent; and tensification factors as compared with the data of all
again, right-angle bends were subject to these modi- other theories. While these results can be uscd on
fying effects to a greater degree than U-bends. welding elbows having the characteristics investi-
Additional confirmation of theoretical results gated, some reservation should be exercised, since
was provided by a series of tests carried out by on the thick-walled short-radius bends used in this
Gross and Ford [24, 25, 26J. These tests proved work the restraining influence of straight tangents
that, in line with theoretical predictions, the cir- or flanges has not received sufficient evaluation.
cumferential stress in the vicinity of " = 0 was the The next point of interest is to examine whether
largest absolute stress; in the tests carried to failure, the conclusions drawn above remain valid if the
the cracks always ran along the side of the bend at bend is acted upon by repeated cyclic loading rather
about the location of the neutral axis. Contrary to than a single static load. Obviously, fatigue con-
assumption 5 of the theory, however, the circum- ditions will hardly modify the flexibility of a sound
ferential stress at the middle layer did not vanish. local component. What is sought through a fatigue
Application of strain gages to the external and inter- test, therefore, is the practical effect of stress in-
nal faces proved that the maximum stresses were tensification on the number of cycles to failure.
always situated on the inner surface of the bend, In addition to manner of loading, fatigue tests
which may explain the observation [25, 27J that differ in two aspects from static tests: in the manner
cracks in pipe bends are initiated on the inner face of measuring stress intensification, and in the weight
and penetrate outwards. To account for this defi- given to plastic flow. In static tests, the stress
intensification factor denotes the ratio of actual peak fication factor (referring to circumferential stresses
stresses to those developed in a straight member of for both in-plane and out-of-plane bending).
identical dimensions (for pure beftding, the reference When considering the signifieanee of this finding,
stress is MIZ).' In fatigue, the effective stress it is important to note that Markl's reference point
intensification factor relates the stresses causing of unity for the test results is not a theoretical but
failure over a given number of cycles in a straight a practical, one. In the first place, Markl [30] found
pipe tangent (or polished bar) to those initiating that the clamped edge used in the earlier tests in-
fracture in the test piece subjected to an equal volved a stress intensification factor of about 1.5, as
amount of stress cycles. compared to pipes with a tapered end. The remain-
As regards the significance of plastic strains, ing factor of about !.4 needed to bring experiments
static~stress measurements are strongly dependent and theory into agreement may perhaps be attrib-
upon the presence of plastic flow with its attendant uted to the stress raisers inherent in commercial
,·edistribution of loading and stress-mitigating effect. finish pipe as compared to the theoretically con-
In the fatigue test the local strain range per cycle is sidered smooth homogeneous tube. Markl could
the significant value determining performance; have changed his reference point of unity and as-
therefore, a redistribution of stresses due to plastic signed different test factors; however, he found that
strains has only a minor significance. While it is butt welds involved the same stress intensification
common practice to use and establish design prac- as the clamped edge. Therefore, he reasoned that a
tices in terms of stresses based on elastic theory, base line which would include the effect of such
it should be appreciated when dealing with fatigue normally encountered stress raisers would be much
that in reality these stresses are being used as a more satisfactory for practical design. This reason-
suitable index of the strains involved. ing has been supported by practical designers and
Fatigue tests on piping components were initiated by the ABA Code for Pressure Piping Committee.
by Rossheim and Markl [29], followed by a detailed It is, nonetheless, an important point which should be
research program carried out by Markl [12, 30]. kept in mind, particularly in connection with the
Since it was felt that the stress peaks developed in practical application of any theoretically derived
local components as compared with straight runs of factors for other piping components.
pipe constituted the desired fundamental informa- Recourse to eqs. 3.7 and 3.9 indicates that the
tion, stress intensification factors were based on a experimentally found reduction factor of 2.0 leads
comparison with S-N diagrams obtained for straight to design stress intensification factors (when referred
commercial finish pipe, containing butt welds, a to the aforementioned base line) of the following
clamped edge or similar stress raisers. A stress magnitude:
intensification factor of unity was assigned to the
latter for practical reasons. 'Ii = 0.90/"% for in-plane bending,
The first finding of interest was that, while the '10 = 0.75/"% for out-of-plane bending
S-N curves for both straight pipes and welding
elbows of carbon steel seemed to reach no endurance It happens that these stress intensification factors
limit within the number of cyclcs cmploycd (2 X 10" are very close to the theoretical value of the longi-
cycles max), both curvcs wcrc approximately straight tudinal factor for in-plane bending, which has long
and parallcl to cach other on a log-log plot. This been in customary use instead of the more proper
indicated that the stress intensification factor could circumferential factor. The seeming justification
be given as a constant, rcgardlcss of the number of of this latter practice stemmed from Hovgaard's
stress cycles involved. findings that permanent overall deformation of the
In comparing test results with theory, it was pipe bend occurred only when the longitudinal stress
found that Beskin's or the Symonds-Pardue theory at the middle surface exceeded the yield stress.
predicted quite accurately the flexibility of the bend The recommendations of the revised ASA B3l.!
or elbow, as well as the type and location of failure. Code for Pressure Piping are derived principally
The agreement between tests and theory for stress from these experimental observations. For both
intensification factors was less satisfactory; however, in-plane and out-of-plane bending, the Code recom-
a reasonably good correlation was obtained if the mends that the stress intensification factor
test results were drawn into comparison with only
fJ = 'I = 0.90/"% :::: 1.0 (3.!4)
one-half of the maximum theoretical stress intensi-
7Where Z = I ITo is the section modulus of the cross section. he used, the choice of a single factor having been
2R+t.. The resulting stress dbtribution is shown in Fig. 3.9.

A more elaborate investigation [32J and tests carried
__,Ir'-"_+_'"-'.II: out on curved pipes under internal pressure [251
confirmed the general validity of eqs. 3.15 and 3.16,
and showed that maximum stresses will be reached
_--t--'~"-'-\- a = 0
at the line of the bend having the least radius of
curvature (crotch), as predicted by eq. 3.16. Yield-
u~~o ing will first occur at this point. Despite this, it is
not normal practice to apply these formulas to thc
• 2R-r..
0 design of pipe bends.
When external loading and intcrnal pressure arc
imposed simultaneously on a pipe bend, experimental
results [26J show (as should be expected) that maxi-
mum circumferential stresses occurring for external
FIG. 3.9 Distribution of circumferential stresses in pipe bend
subjected to internal moment loading alone will be reduced by the pres-
cnce of intcrnal pressure. While the prcsence of
internal pressure will slightly reduce tbe flexibility
accepted for practical rcasons only. The flexibility
of the bend [13, 24J, the stress, whether referring to
factor, as proven by theory and experiments, is principal stresses or combined stress, will also be
given as
mitigated [26].
k = 1.65/h (3.5)
3.3 Miter Bcnds
Additional fatigue tests again proved the restraint
Particularly for the less severe services, changes in
of straight tangents upon the full developmcnt of
direction are not infrequently made by mitering
the flexibility and stress magnification factors; as in
straight pipe (Fig. 3.10). Yet miter "bends" have
static tests, this influence was increasingly accen-
received much less attention in the literature than
tuated with reduction of the subtended angle of the
curved pipes. Nevertheless, it was shown by Zeno
pipe bend. As a rough measure, it could be stated [33J, who investigated the flexibility of a five-section
that both flexibilty and stress intensification factors right-angle miter bend (h = 0.0158), that the theo-
were reduced from their full value for a quarter-bend retical flexibility values of curved pipes were ap-
elbow to unity, as the subtended angle of the bend
approached zero. This rule was upset only at thc
very small arc bends, where the disturbing effect of
closcly spaccd wclds obliterated the restraining
influence of the straight tangents, causing a con-
comitant risc in the stress intensification factor.
3.2 Pipe Bends: Internal Pressure
The foregoing theories and experiments dealt
solely with pipe bends subj ected to external loadings.
In addition to this effect the pipe wall will be stressed
by the pressure of the fluid in the system. For a ,

curved pipe subjected to a pressure p, the longi-
tudinal and circumferential membrane stresses are
givcn approximatcly by [31J ... 2r,p,
R __ 2«J ...
(3.15)s - -
'. 5 = miter lp<long
2R+rm siua TmP cp=mitor anglo
2(R + rmsina)
(3.16)s R=equivalont ~nd rodilJ5 = t cot r,p
'm=moon radiln of pipe
8Notice that these formulas are identical with the equa~
tiona for straight pipes, except for the first fraction ap!>caring
in eq. 3.16. FIG.3.10 Geometry of miter bends.

proached as the tangents were made sufficiently miter bends can henee be given as
long" Similar indications were obtained by Gross
k = 1.52/h" :::: 1.0 (3.19)
and Ford [26], who measured str&ses and flexibility
on a miter bend of h = 0.0483, and found them with h taken as the lesser of the values obtained from
reasonably well predicted by the theory of curved eqs. 3.17 or 3.18. These results are incorporated
tubes. in the recommendations of the ASA 1331.1 Code
Little additional information is available concern- for Pressure Piping.
ing the properties of welded miter joints under static
loads, since in addition to difficulties encountered 3.4 Bends and Miters: Summary
with plain pipe bends, miter joints arc subject to Pipe bends depart from conventional beam theory
yariations introduced by differences in fit-up and chiefly as a result of distortion (ovalization) of the
welding as well as in the arrangement of segments. cross section under bending. Under static loading,
..\.vailable evidence, however, seems to indicate that theories predict the flexibility, maximum stresses,
the flexibility is less and stress intensification is and occurrence of incipient yielding with good
greater for miters than for plain bends of the same accuracy for bends with plain tangents whose sub-
major dimensions. tended angle is larger than 90'. At present theories do
Miter bends have also been subjected to intensive not consider the restraining influence of straight
cyclic testing [12J with the finding that their be- tangents (particularly significant for curved pipes
havior could be predicted with reasonable accuracy whose bend angle is less than 90'), nor can they
through analogy with curved pipes when the propel' effectively deal with the inhibiting tendency of severe
characteristic variables were included. From geom- end restraints, such as flanges or terminal connec-
etry (see Fig. 3.10) the radius of the tangent arc of tions. To evaluate the characteristics of com-
a bend can be expressed as R = ts cot </>, where ponents falling into this category, reference must be
8 = miter spacing at center line, and ¢ = miter made to such test data as are available.
angle. If there is but a single miter 01' if the miter In actual service, idealized static loading condi-
spacing becomes large, however, this radius loses its tions are seldom encountered. A certain amount of
significance and an effective radius was suggested, plastic flow will always take place, enabling the bend
empirically expressed as R = rm (1 + cot </»/2. to carry loads in excess of those predicted by the
Thus the bend characteristic assumes the following classical elasticity theory. The significance of theo-
form: retically calculated stress values is further reduced
by the fact that evell straight piping with a com-
tR cot </> Is .. mercial finish carries an inherent stress-raising factor,
Ii = - 2 = - - - 2 for small miter spacmg,
Tm 2 Tm and that the performance of bends is, for practical
s reasons, referred to teat of butt-welded or clamped-
- - tan </> < 1 (3.17) end pipes rather than polished test specimens. Not
only experimental evidence but also a long history of
successful design practice support these facts.
l+cot</>t ..
h = -'-'----=- - for large miter spacmg, These considerations will hardly affect the flexi-
2 rm
bility factor. Therefore, it is sound practice to use
s the theoretically derived value of this factor, as
-tan</»1 (3.18)
given by eq. 3.5. When considering stress intensi-
fication factors, however, it is sufficient to base
By using this bend characteristic with the expression calculations on only one-half of the theoretically
derived for curved pipe, eq. 3.14, values of stress predicted value; as supported by Markl's fatigue
intensification arc obtained which show a good cor- tests, the appropriate equation for this factor is given
relation with the tests. The flexibility factor was by eq. 3.14.
somewhat smaller than for plain curved pipes, and The increase of membrane stresses in pipe bends
resembled that for welding elbows with one flange subjected to internal pressure loading (as compared
and one plane tangent. The flexibility factor for to straight pipes), is generally not significant. In
fact, tests demonstrated that a static load alone will
9Without tanp;ents, i.e., with flat plates welded directly to
the end of the Jast miter segments, the flexibility for in-plane
lead to higher localized stresses than a combination
bending was {oJ..lnd to be reduced to only 3% of the thcorcti- of this static load and a moderate internal pressure.
('nlly predicted value for a bend. The effect of internal pressure on bends can, there-
3.5 Branch Connections: Static Pressure
The junction of a braneh with a header, usually
referred to as a branch connection, is inherently a
point of structural weakness in piping. Not onl)'
(b) RcinlQrdng Saddlo
the absenee of metal in the header opening but also
the abrupt directional changes and oftentimes sharp
variations in cross section give rise to severe stress
intensification. While this handicap of a branch
connection can be overcome to a large extent by
reinforcement and by the use of favorable contours.
(0) M (c). wilh Shooldof_
fX'd~ Added it is difficult to achieve the ideal of developing a
1'o.~~ __ -Bn;ln~h Pipo ..J
strength equal to that of the intact pipe.
Branch connections must be designed first in re-
gard to their ability to resist static loads. This will
be the concern of the present section, while the effect.
of repeated loads will be considered in Section 3.6.
S~ction 3.7 will present a short review of various
(I) ReinfQr(ing Collo!
pertinent Code rules, and Section 3.8 will give a
summary together with. practical design recom-
An involved geometrical shape and the strong
influence of certain secondary effects lO make the
analytical investigation of branch connections sub-
jected to pressure or structural loading prohibitively
difficult. Consequently, investigations dealing with
this subject are largely confined to experimental
FIG. 3.11 Types of reinforcement for branch connections.
research. The salient information on the action of
branch connections subjected to internal pressure
fore, be ignored in normal applications. An investi- is summarized in Table 3.1 although mention shonld
gation of this effect, in line with the principles laid also be made of a few tests reported in references
down in the text, is warranted only for very critical [34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]. Figure 3.11 shows various
serVIce. types of reinforcements which have been proposed.
The stress intensification and flexibility factors of From Table 3.1 and its underlying tests, the folio\\'-
short bends (subtended angle less than 90°) are ing conclusions can be drawn: Unreinforced full-
known to be less than those indicated above. De- sized connections are deficient in both yielding and
spite this fact, it is recommended that no reduction bursting strength. This deficiency decreases as the
for either faetor be used on short bends, since the branch becomes smaller in comparison to the header.
experimental evidence on this subject is not con- The limited number of tests seems to indicatc that
clusive. an unreinforeed 90° intersection dcvelops the full
Miter bends, as a rule, have lower flexibility and bursting strength when the ratio of branch to header
higher maximum stresses than those pertaining to diameter does not exceed !. Unpublished tests on
curved pipes of similar dimensions. By this token, 30 in. diameter pipe and the general experience with.
the appropriate design value for the flexibility factor pressure vessels, however, show that this rule canllot
of miter bends can be obtained from eq. 3.19. The be extended beyond the commonly available sizes of
stress-raising factor will be givcn by eq. 3.14, with commercial pipes.
the bend characteristic given by the smaller value The addition of a pad reinforcement is beneficial
obtained from eqs. 3.17 or 3.18. These design cri- in that it permits the fabricated connection to de-
teria for miter bends originate from tests conducted velop almost the full bursting pressure of the header.
on 4 in. miters only. For large-diameter miter bends, lOSuch as the existence of longitudinal bending in the hender
fit-up and fabrieation difficulties are likely to lead to due to removal of part of its wall, /lnd the interplay of radial
more severe eonditions than would be indieated by displacements of both header and branch under internal.
the design rules stated above. pressure.

Pad reinforcements, however, afford little restraint beyond the region where most failures of the pad-
against plastic flow and are, therefore, ineffective in reinforced branch connections originated. An ex-
raising the yielding pressure of""'he intersection to tension of this eoncept [46] supplements the encir-
the desired value [42, 43]. cling band with shoulder pads, as shown in Fig. 3.11d.
Several alternatives have been advanced to elimi- While no test results are presented, the authors of
nate the shortcomings of unreinforced or pad-rein- these proposals have stated that the performance of
forced intersections. The reinforcing saddle [44], full-sized branch connections reinforced in accord-
shown in Fig. 3.11b, adds reinforcement around the ance with these alternate details was entirely ade-
highly stressed areas of the crotch and shoulder. quate under pressure loading. On the other hand,
The complete encirclement pad is pietured in Fig. the horseshoe-and-gusset reinforcement (Fig. 3.11e),
3.11e. This proposal [45] extends the reinforcement due to its extreme rigidity, led to stress concentra-

Table 3.1 Summation of Internal Pressure Test Results on Piping Branch Connections

Pressure as per cent

Angle Pressure as per cent of
of that supported by
Size of of that supporWd by
fuJI. of right-angle
Authors Inrer~
intact header sin €X Remarks
No. Reinforce- intersection
Header Branch dep'ccs mont· at Propor- at atPropor- at
in. in. tionallimit Bursting tionallimit Bursting
35 Everett
McCutchan 8 8 90 None 38.5 69.6

40 Crane 8 4 90 None 76.9 101.1

Co. 12 6 90 None - 91.4
8 8 90 Pad 61.5 98.9
12 12
90 Pad - 93.0

41 Se.abloom 2' 2, 90 HorstlShoe - 38.5

and gusset
- - 90 None -70.0 -70.0 Averaged
test values
11.9 6.2 90 None ra1U'" aver-
10 None )81.0 )82.5 aged for
'.2 90
48 Blair two tests
7.5 7.5 90 Pad 74.5 96.0
11.9 7.5 80 Collar 79.0 90.0
11.9 7.5 80 Gusset & pad 85.0 90.0
11.9 7.5 80 Unbalanced 110.0 >100.0 Averaged
triform values
6 6 90 Balanced 121.0 >100.0
49 N.Gross -8 -8 90 Welding - _96.0 Averaged
l<.~ value
- - 90 None 70.0 70.0
11.9 10 90 None 79.0 79.0 }1.0 value
6 ·1 90 None 83.0 86.0
- - 60 None 60.0 60.0 85.6 85.6
48 Blair 11.9 10 60 None 56.0 66.0 70.9 83.5 }0$66 value
6 4 60 None - 66.0 - 76.7
- - '5 None 50.0 50.0 71A 7IA
11.9 10 45 None '3.0 4'.0 54.5 55.7 }0.707 value
6 ·1 45 None 51.0 61.0 61.5 70.9
- - 60 None 63.0 65.0 90.0 92$ 0.880
- - 30 None 3·1.0 '0.0 48.6 57.1 0.502

·800 Fig. 3.1I for identification of types of reinforcement.'!.

tLast column denotes l/(C03CC a - 0.5 cot a) instead of sin a for equal-sized Y~inWrscctions.
tions of such magnitude that the intersection sus- having a fl spheroidal J1 intersection zone are claimed
tained only 38.5% of the bursting pressure of the to develop an increased resistance to yielding under
intact header. .~. internal pressure. Branch connections subject. to
Collar reinforcements of the type shown in Fig. extremely high internal pressures are usually forged
3.lIf wcre pioneered by the Swiss firm of Sulzcr and bored [50J.
Brothers, Ltd. [47J, as early as 1928. Experiments Test results dealing with acute-angle (inclined)
[48J indicated that this method bad characteristics branch connections are even more scarce than those
similar to the pad-type reinforcement. As a furthcr for right-angle intersections, being confined to those
improvement, Blair [48J suggested that the stiffening reported by Blair [48], and assembled here in Table
collar be supplemented by a third horseshoe encir- 3.1. This evidence indicates that within the limits of
cling the bottom of the header. He gave the name the experiments (i.e., branch angles from 30' to 90'),
Htriform" to the resulting arrangement, shown in the strength of such intersections is roughly propor-
Fig. 3.lIg. lIB Table 3.1 shows, triforms performed tional to the sine of the branch angle for both full and
very satisfactorily, considering both yield and burst- reducing sizes, which is equivalent (as Blair pro-
ing pressures. posed) to basing reinforcement simply on the area
While tests confirm the effectiveness of triforms, removed from the sidewall of the header. The
this type of reinforcement requires intricate fitting quantity of test data, however, is hardly sufficient to
and welding which does not lend itself to radiographic support any such conclusion. Intuitively it would
examination. In high-temperature service the ribbed seem that acute anglc branch connections are further
construction leads to thermal gradients. Further- weakened by theincreased stress conccntration at the
more, the sharp re-entrant corners suggest high crotch due to the elliptical shape of the cut-out, and
stress concentrations which may not be revealed in by the pressure load transfer through the reentrant
static-pressure tests but would become critical under crotch corner. Recognition of these effects has led
repeated loaning. American experience with the tri- to the current ASA Code requircments which will be
form is quite limited, hence in the United States it discussed in a subsequent section.
is regarded as" novel approach until its performance The foregoing material deals with branch connec-
is more adequately assessed. tions in pipes subjected to internal pressure loading.
Welding tees, Fig. 3.lIh, are preferred structurally Closely related to this field is the snbjcct of nozzle,
to fabricated welded intersections, especially where and opcnings in pressure vessels. While no well-
the size of the branch i. equal to or approximates the drawn division exists between these two fields, two
size of the run. Recently, cast tees proven to be criteria may be mentioned, which help to separate
sound by radiographic and magnetic particle exam- these problems. First, in pressure vessels the diam-
ination and by hydrostatic test, arc finding increased eter of thc branch (nozzle) is usually small as com-
acceptance. Only a few articlcs [49J are publishcd pared to that of the header (vessel). This fact
concerning the design and strength properties of diminishcs some of the secondary effects to lower
drawn tees subjected to internal pressure. The rea- levels. Secondly, the wall thickncss to diameter ratio
son for this lies in the requirements of ASA Standard is also exceedingly small in large-sized pressurc
B16.9, which prescribes that welding tees must be vessels. This permits the investigator to study thc
able to withstand the full bursting pressure of effects of openings in pressure vessels by means of
straight pipe in sizes for which they are intended. flat-plate analogics, which would otherwise be of little
On the other hand, the Standard makes no demands use or validity to the designer of piping branch con-
regarding the pressure to be supported by drawn nections. It should be remembered that even on
tees at their yield strength. pressure vessels, the theorctical flat-plate analogie,
Despite the presence of high stresses at the internal cannot asscss the effect of the hydrostatic end pull
;urface of the crotch [49J, welding tees, in general, exerted by the branch on the vessel. This cffect can
involve lesser fabrication difficulties and stress con- be evaluatcd on the basis of recent contributions by
centrations than those associated with welded intcr- Bijlaard [51J and Hoff [52J.
sections. Their performance with regard to bursting, The theoretical approach to the problem of
based on the Standard and thc meager test data that stresses around nozzles in pressure vessels has
are available, is also satisfactoryll Wclding tccs traditionally consisted of the investigation of flat
llThc cylindrical we tested by Gross f49L which failed at
plates with a circular opening reinforced in the
96% of the pipe bursting pressure, would not comply with manner shown in Fig. 3.12. Among thcse analytical
American Standard rcquircmcn ts. studies [53, 54, 55, 56J Beskin's work [56J is thc most
Rim (pipo collar)
complete. In this study, combinations of "rim-type"
and "flat ring-type" reinforcements, applied sym-
metrically on both sides of the pillte, are investigated.
Based on the principle that the distortion energy ,
F10t Plato

governs yielding, stress intensification factors are

gi\·cn in terms of the HetTective stress" rather than
anyone of the principal stresses.
The results of Beskin's investigation arc shown in
condensed form in Table 3.2. Since the idealized R.:Ii~ I,
stress condition in shells under internal pressure can
be decomposed into a hydrostatic and uniaxial cir- FIG.3.12
Edgc reinforcement of cirr.ular cut-outs
cumferential stress of equal mangitudes, the last in flat plates.
column of stress intensification factors in Table 3.2,
headed by "Average" reflects upon the conditions (doubler plate only) is less efficient in reducing stress
prevailing around nozzles in pressure vessels. As peaks. The dimensions incorporated in Table 3.2
can be seen, both the rim-type reinforcement and are characterized by Fig. 3.12.
the doubler-rim combination (with at least 50% of The plastic behavior of flat plates having a circular
the reinforcing area supplied to thc rim) are quite cut-out reinforced by a pipe collar was also investi-
effective in diminishing the peak stresses existing gated [57J. The analysis was restricted to ideally
around unreinforccd openings. In both cases, best plastic materials (no strain hardening) which obey
results are obtained when the ratio of total reinforce- the maximum shear-stress flow condition. It was
ment to hole area (reinforcement ratio) is in the found that for a "full-strength" reinforcement (load
neighhorhood of 0.8-1.0; at this ratio the average at fully plastic condition in reinforced plate equal to
stress intensification factor is reduced to a level of or greater than that referring to intact plate), the
about 1.35. By contrast, the pad-type reinforcement dimensions of the pipe collar, as shown in Fig. 3.12,
must satisfy the equations:
Table 3.2 "Effecthe Stress" Concentrations around
H 1 + tn/R
Circular Holes in Flat Plates, Reinforced by for R/t n :0; ~
Various Methods tn/R
H 1 + tn/R
Stress Intensification Facror Area of Reinforcement - = for R/l n 2: ~
HI" t'
- Area of Cutr-Out I VI + 2(tn/R)2 - 1
Rt t R I
Biaxial Uniaxial A I
Tension Tension verage Rim IDOUblerl Total These equations bear resemblance to the results of
Rim Reinforcement only
the elastic analysis, indicating that, for a given
amount of reinforcement (inH = constant), maxi-
0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.50 - - 0 mum effectiveness is achieved when the reinforce-
I 1.52
ment is concentrated near the opening (small In and
large H). Naturally these results can be considered
1.2 1.0 I 1.0 1.01
I 1.76 1.38 1.2 - 1.2
to retain their validity only within consistent limits. 12
Doubler Plate Reinforcement only Furthermore, for strain-hardening materials or large
I plastic strains eqs. 3.20 can be used, at best, only as
- 2.0 104 1.52 2.30 1.91 - 004 004
a rough guide. This plastic analysis was recently
- 3.0 1.2 1.43 I, 2.04 1.74 - 0.4 0.4
- 2.0 1.8 1.37 , 2.17 1.77 - 0.8 0.8 extended [58J to reinforcements of various cross
- 3.0 1.4 1.22 I 1.90 1.56 - 0.8 0.8 sections.
- 5.0 1.2 1.03 1.75 1.39 - 0.8 0.8 Experimental work has corroborated the basic
- 5.0 -
1.3 1.00
I 1.85
1.42 1.2 1.2
findings and, in some respects, the numerical results
Doubler and Rim Combined of theoretical work. It was found [59J that unrein-
forced circular openings in either heads or cylindrical
0.2 2.0 1.2 1.36 1.78 1.57 0.2 0.2 004
004 2.0 0.8
vessels led to stress concentrations in excess of those
104 1.01 1.61 1.31 004 004
004 3.0 1.2 1.02 1.73 1.38 0.4 004 I 0.8
004 5.0 0.8
12For instance, the assumption of a very high and very
J.l 1.04 1.72 1.38 004 0.4
0.6 slender rim would violate the fundamental condition that the
5.0 J.l5 1.00 1.85 1.43 0.6 0.6
I 1.2
stress distribution be constant over the height of the rim.
predicted by flat-plate theory. 13 These peak conventional manner. Strain readings, howeveI\
stresses diminished, in general, with a reduction of were taken on both faces of the vessel. For rein-
the ratio of the diameter of the opening to that of the forcement ratios" of roughly 0.23, 0.615, and 1.0,
vessel. the maximum stress concentration factors on the
Full-scale tests also indicated that excessive stiff- nozzle side were about 2.8, 2.3, and 1.8, respectively.
ening led to greatly increased bending moments just These results are in reasonable agreement with
beyond the toe of the weld attaching the nozzle. previous experimental and theoretical work. Signif-
Optimum conditions were obtained [55, 59, 60J by icantly different values were, however, found on the
concentrating the reinforcing metal near the open- internal face, the maximum stress concentration
ing. With appropriately reinforced openings the values here being equal to 3.7, 2.8, and 2.4. This
stress concentration factors wer(; successfully limited showed that an increase in thickness alone cannot
to the theoretically predicted value of about 1.35. bring about the desired reduction of peak stresses.
For small openings these optimum results were and that only a moderate improvement in the stress
achieved by a pipe collar whose height-to-thickness distribution on the unreinforced face can accrue from
ratio varied between 3 and 4. Flat doubler-type reinforcement applied to the opposite side.
reinforcements were found to be ineffective, as pre~ Actually, the circular opening is not the ideal
dieted by theory; the stress concentration in these shape for a cut-out in pressure vessels. Stress con-
cases was in the vicinity of 3.0 at the longitudinal centrations in a plate are minimized if the shape of
axis of the opening. the opening is an ellipse with an axis ratio equal to
Further proof of these results was offered by the Uratio of biaxiality/' the major axis of the
Schoessow and Brooks [6IJ. Heavy rim-type rein- ellipse being aligned with the direction of the
forcements (reinforcement ratio 1.06-1.15) were only greatest principal stress. In pressure vessels, thi~
moderately effective, reducing stress concentrations would call for an elliptical cut-out with a major-
from 2.50 for an unreinforced hole to about 2.05. to-minar-axis ratio .of 2 with the minor axis being
Heavy doubler and thin rim combinations, however, in the longitudinal direction; the stress concentration
effectively reduced stress intensifications to between associated with the unreinforced opening then be-
1.26-1.51, roughly in line with the predictions of comes 1.5 (as contrasted to 2.5 for the circular hole).
the flat-plate analogies. Both an analytical investigation [63J and experi-
The tests described above were all conducted with mental work [61J verified the desirable qualities of
the reinforcement being applied only to one side of reinforced elliptical openings. In the tests, an in-
the vessel. Stress measurements were likewise crease of the reinforcement ratio from 0.16 to 1.13
limited to the external surface. In contrast, theo- lowered the maximum stress intensification factor
retical predictions are based on the assumption that from 1.40 to 1.19. While these results establish
the reinforcement is applied in equal proportion to the sound concept of elliptical nozzles, it must be
both faces of the plate. The question, therefore, added that the fabrication nnd preparation of nozzles
arose: if reinforcement is applied to one face only, of this type would be beset by severe difficulties.
what conditions will prevail on the unreinforced side? These may overshadow the desirable aspects by
An experimental answer to this question was soon increasing the cost of elliptical pipe attachments to a
forthcoming. It was shown [62J that the analogue prohibitively high level.
prediction indicated the correct trend only as long
as the reinforcement was applied symmetrically, 3.6 Branch Connections: Repeated Loading
as assumed by theory. Reinforcement applied to Having considered the performance of branch con-
one face benefited only the surface onto which it nections under internal pressure, attention will now
was attached [55J; the stress pattern in the other be focused on their behavior under repeated external
face, however, remained essentially the same as it loads, such as imposed by thermal expansion of the
had been in the unreinforced opening. Further proof pipe line. Although this subject received some con-
came from tests conducted more recently by Gross sideration in Blair's paper, the most detailed infor-
[49J. The reinforcement was applied to one side mation is found in Markl's work [12, 64].
only, by welding nozzles to the vessel opening in the These tests produced the following results: Fail-
ures of, full-size unreinforced intersections occurred
13Strcss concentration maxima for the hoop stresses occurred
at the ends of the hole diamewrs parallel to the axis of the at locations similar to those of curved pipes. The
vessel, with some values as high as 5.5 in contrast to the 14Effective height of reinforcement taken equal to radius of
theoretical prediction of 2.5. finished opening.
stress intensification factor could be correlated where t, = effective thickness = average of crotch
reasonably well with that for a single miter bend and side wall thicknesses.
(see eq. 3.14) if the characteristic'variable was taken r c = crotch radius.
to be
h = tlr", (3.21)'5 Experimental results for three different 4 in. com-
mercial welding tees were in reasonable agreement
Reinforced fabricated intersections cannot be with stress intensification factors obtained from eq.
categorized with equal facility, since the amount of 3.14, if eq. 3.23 was adopted for determining the
metal incorporated in the reinforcement and the characteristic variable.
manner of its distribution will affect the stress in- The flexibility factors associated with unreinforced
tensification and flcxibility factors. In an attempt and reinforced fabricated intersections or welding
to formulate a rule which would correlate reasonably tees havc not reccived sufficient attention. Rough
well with limited tests on 4 in. size pipe and be ap- tests secm to indicate that the added flexibility of
plicable to most reinforced branch connections, full-size branch connections is small; that is to say,
Mark! [12J proposed that the avcrage thickness of the branch will act as if it were fixed at the hcader,
the headcr and branch at the crotch, t" be assumed whereas the header will retain the flexibility of an
as the governing factor. Assuming that reinforced intact pipe. These results, however, are open to
intersections otherwisc behave like unreinforced question since full-sized intcrsections should ap-
ones, the characteristic variable would then become proach single miter bends in flexibility. In addition,
flexibility of the branch would be expected to increase
h = (~)2.5 -.£ (3.22)16 for reducing-size intersections (sec, e.g., eq. 3.27 in
t r",
Section 3.14). Lacking specific thcoretical or experi-
whilc the stress intcnsification factor is again ob- mental results, and in order to rcmain on the safe
tained from eq. 3.14." side, it is suggested that a value of 1.0 be assumed
These results rcfer to tests where the assemblies for the flexibility of all types of braneh eonnections.
were loaded through the branch; loading straight
through the header proved to be less severe in all 3.7 Branch Connections: Comparison with
cases. Furthermore, it was shown that the direction Code Requirements
of bending (in- or out-of-plane) did not seriously It is of interest to compare now the experimental
influence these results, so that onc factor can be used data with established design practice as expressed
in practical design. While Markl's work represents a by Code requirements for 90° (perpendicular) branch
marked advance in practical design approach, it connections. The Code for Pressure Piping, ASA
must be conceded that the experimental data are B31.1, Section 6, utilizes the area replaccment
rather limited. More work would certainly be de- method, requiring that the area removed from the
sirable to check its applicability to large-diamctcr wall of header (referring to the required minimum
piping and to reducing-size branch connections. wall thickness times the diameter of the finished
Data regarding the performance of full-size ASA opening) be replaced by thc cxcess thickness avail-
standard welding tees under repeated extcrnalload- able in the header or nozzle wall plus any mctal
ing can again be found in Markl's papers. Assuming applied to the interscction in the form of reinforce-
that the metal thickness available in the crotch zonc ment. This reinforcement is considered to have
and the crotch radius arc thc controlling variables, value only within the rectangular Hreinforcement
the characteristic variable was expressed in the form: zone," the length and height of which is limited as

h = (~)2.5 -.£ (1 + rrm

) (3.23)18
shown in Fig. 3.13. In the subsequent derivation,
the following nomenclature is used:
t rm
16This equation is obtained by simply substituting ¢ = 45 0
in eq. 3.18 for single miter bends.
tIl = minimum thickness of header less corrosion
tE = minimum thickness of branch allowanoc.
16The design formula of the Code is given in a modified Rll = radius of headcrl t'd
form of eq. 3.22. RB ·
= ra d lUS 0
fb rane housle.
17The qua.ntity tin eq. 3.22 is the thickness of the pipe used
w = leg of fillct weld.
in the stress calculation. The intensification factor of eq.
3.14 is again applied to this pipe. These results refer to full-
sized intersections and should be used with discretion for teristic variable of welding tees has been simplified to h = 4.4
other cases. tlr by making assumptions for t. and T c which conservatively

ISIn the Code, the recommended formula for the charac- reflect customary proportions.
Area to be unreinforced branch connection as compared to the
intact header of the same size. As an example
+-+1"" '.- assume standard pipe sizes, w = 'i- in. for 4 in.
branches or smaller, w = i in. for larger branch sizes,
and a corrosion allowance of 0.1 in. The Hpressure
reduction ratios" may then be obtained for various
header and branch sizes from eq. 3.24. The results
of these calculations for the speeifie ease are tabu-
lated in Table 3.3 except that braneh eonnections
not exceeding 2 in. or 25% of the header size are
shown with a 100% rating sinee the Code permits
this arbitrarily.
An examination of this table indicates the follow-
I"IG.3.13 U Area of reinforcement," as specified by the Piping ing trends:
Code, ASA B31.1, Seetion 6. L For equal-size interseetions (proceeding along
the diagonal of Table 3.3), the pressure reduction
PH = maximum service pressure permissible for ratio decreases with increasing pipe sizes to a limiting
intact header. value of 50%. This is in reasonable accord with
S = allowable stress at operating temperature. experimental evidence, although tests earried out
II = thickness of header required by Code for on full-size intersections up to 12 in. did not show
given size, service pressure, and operating bursting-pressure reduction ratios below 65%.
temperature. 2. Increasing the size of the branch connection
12 = thickness of branch required by Code for for a given header (moving from left to right in a
given size, service pressure, and operating given row of Table 3.3) deereases the pressure reduc-
temperature. tion ratio. Although this trend is borne out by
p = allowable pressure permitted by Code for tests, the Code reduction ratio appears conservative
the completed manifold. for small-size headers, sinee it permits only 56% of
Ip = thickness of reinforcement pad (if used). the "intaet header pressure" to be applied to half-
size intersections with an 8 in. or 12 in. header, as
According to the Code, the required thicknesses
ean be expressed as contrasted to the 90-100% obtained in experiments.
More complete and more searehing experimental
pR/l pR B RB data would, however, be necessary to justify closer
II = S + OAp ; (,=
S + OAp =-11'
R/l ' evaluation of certain sizes and proportions.
_ p/lR Il
3. An inerease of header size for a given braneh
I /l- size over 2 in. (traversing Table 3.3 from top to
S + OAPIl bottom of a speeific eolumn) results in a reduced
The "area to he rcplaced" is A = 21 1 (R B - tB) allowable pressure. This is eontrary to the limited
For an unreinforced intersection with a branch experimental evidenee, whieh shows that the burst-
not heavier than the header, the available excess ing pressure developed by a braneh connection
metal within the "zone of reinforcement" can be increases as the diameter ratio between the branch
given by and header pipes becomes smaller. Again more
searching experimental data are desirable.
A R = 2(1/l - 1r)(RB - tB) + 5tB(tB - (2) + w2 4. The arbitrary Code provision assigning 100%
Equating A R to A, and using the wall-thicklIess for welded braneh pipes not exceeding 2 in. or 25%
expressions, yields the following result: of the header size, while reasonable from test results,
introduees abrupt breaks in allowable ratings. A
R/l _ 0.4 smoother transition is desirable.
p III The ASA B3L1 Code rules applicable to oblique
PIl 0.8R/l(RB - IB) RBIB + 0 branch eonnections are mandatory for branch angles
+ - not less than 45° and when the braneh/header
diameter ratio is not less than 1/4. These rules, which
The IIpressure reduction ratio," pip/I, expresses reeognize the higher stress intensification in the
the decrease in allowable pressure for the completed acute eroteh, require that the replacement area be
equal to the area removed from the header multi- 1. The design stress used provides a considerable
plied by a factor of (2 - sin a) where a is the branch margin for local overstress.
angle. The rules (for branch/header ratios of 1/4 2. Highly localized stress can be relieved by local
and larger) make no distinction between full-sized yielding. Such yielding induces local residual stresses
and reducing branches, a practice which appears of the opposite sign in the off-stream condition, so
somewhat contrary to experience. that the area can operate on a "stress range" basis
in the same manner that thermal expansion strains
3.8 Branch Connections: Practical Considera- may be absorbed in piping systems.
tions and Summary 3. Most applications do not involve a very large
In the foregoing sections giving the highlights of number of cycles. Therefore, the design need not
available test and analytical data, it has been noted insure that stresses be kept at all times below the
that stress concentrations can be expected to be endurancc limit of the material.
present around all circular openings and branch 4. Experience to date is largely confined to steel,
connections, and that even for the most carefully which normally acts in a ductile manner.
designed reinforcement, the factor is· not likely to Thus, although this experience has been generally
subside below 1.3. The question naturally arises satisfactory, those serviee failures (and all of the
as to the practical significance of such effects. The laboratory fractures) that occurred in pressure
answer at present must be sought primarily in ex- vessels and pipe lines to date have, almost without
perience. Service experience using nominal design exception, been shown to originate at branch con-
allowable stress values (as established by Section 3, nections 01 local attachments. Therefore, good
Oil Piping, of the ASA B31.l Code for Pressure engineering demands that careful judgment be
Piping, and the concept of the simple replacement- exercised when selecting designs and fabrication
of-area method) has been reasonably good despite details, and that fabrication quality be adequately
the fact that design and attachment details and controlled. Poor fit-up, welding, and lack of root
fabrication quality used have not always been as penetration on welded branches, can easily furnish
good as they should be. This fact may be accounted added stress-raising effeets whieh ean lead to
for by the following considerations: failure.

Table 3.3 Pressure Reduction Ratios in Per Cent for Unreinforced Intersections·

~ ,
Size 16/1
1" 2" 2 " 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 18" 20" 24"
1" 100
I!" 100 100
2" 100 100 89
2 J2·" 80 71 67 66
3'~ 77 69 65 64 63
4" 100 65 62 62 61 59
6" 100 100 59 60 58 57 60
8" 100 100 100 58 57 56 58 57
10" 100 100 100 56 55 54 56 55 55
12 f1 100 100 100 56 55 54 56 55 55 54
14" 100 100 100 56 55 55 57 56 55 55 54
16" 100 100 100 56 55 54 57 56 55 54 54 53
18" 100 100 100 56 55 55 57 56 56 55 54 54 53
20" 100 100 100 56 55 55 57 56 56 55 55 54 53 53
24" 100 100 100 56 55 55 57 56 56 55 55 54 53 53 52
*Based on the Code for Pressure Piping, ASA B31.l for: standard weight pipe with 0.1 corrosion allowance; leg of fillet weld:= ill
{or branches 4/f or smaller, and.g ll for larger branch sizes.
As design stress levels and temperatures inerease, The use of gusset or rib stiffeners is not recom-
greater attention must be given to reinforcement mended, due to the high stress concentrations likely
details. The same is true when d~sign stresses are to exist at their ends or adjacent to the attachment
raised in proportion to enhaneed physieal properties welds. They are even more objectionable on hot
of material obtained by eold work, since the effect of piping, since the ribs act as cooling fins and local
localized stresses becomes much more serious. thermal stresses are imposed; if such stiffeners are
Full-size 90° branch connections are difficult to used on hot piping the thermal effects should be
fabricate by welding without appreciable distortion, minimized by the application of heavy insulation.
particularly when a pad-type reinforeement is used. The effect of structural loadings other than pres-
This diffieulty inereases with the size of the header. sure and cyclic loadings must be given due considera-
It is best to avoid such connections wherever it is tion. Markl's work in establishing suggested stress
economically justified. In critical service, welding intensification factors for piping flexibility analyses
tees, when available, should always be used in is a good start, but more work is necessary on other
preference to fabricated welded intersections. Inte- sizes and reducing branches. Where an individual
gral reinforcement obtained by nsing a heavier pipe flexibility analysis is not warranted, yet expansion
for the header (or for both header and branch) is stresses are expectcd to be at or near Code levels at
generally preferred to built-up construetion and is the branch location (with the moment loading being
satisfactory for most applications. Sharp earners carried through the branch), it is recommended that
at the interseetion should be avoided by the use of branch connections be reinforced to develop the fnll
coneave weld fillets. Fabrication presents eonsid- strength of the header, even if the operating pressure
erably greater problems as the size of the braneh may not require it.
relative to the header is increased and must receive The selection of design and fabrication details as
special care when this ratio exceeds 50%, particularly well as the methods and extent of inspection must
for header sizes above 12 in. On headers of large be in line with the expe'cted severity of service. Weld
size with small openings (branch to header diameter details which minimize distortion and promote best
ratio less than 50%), the method of reinforcement root-welding conditions are to be favored. As an
should be guided by the principles established for example, setting a branch on a pipe and welding it
the reinforcement of nozzles on pressure vessels. before the hole in the header is cut will reduce dis-
The greatest benefit from a given amount of rein- tortion when the branch pipe is large compared to the
forcing metal will be obtained by concentrating the header; set-on construction also permits the use of a
reinforcement nea~ the finished opening. Flow backing ring.
considerations permitting, the effectiveness of the Regarding inspection methods, a magnetic particle
reinforcement can be increased by application of examination should be favored for magnetic mate-
the reinforcing metal to the inside, as well as outside, rials; for non-magnetic materials, a penetrant oil
surface of the header. The use of elliptical nozzles examination is quite practical and is recommended
may be considered for extremely severe service for important services. Radiographic examinations
conditions, since they extend the possibility of re- of branch attachments are being increasingly used as
ducing stress concentrations to the limiting value a quality control check; although they are useful in
of 1. controlling the general quality level of an individual
For the design of special heavy-walled fittings in operator's work, such radiographs cannot be inter-
critical service The M. W. Kellogg Company has preted to assure the absence of cracks unless many
found the rather simple design appI'oach given in angled shots are taken. An indiscriminate appraisal
Fig. 3.14 satisfactory. This is, in effect, an analysis of radiographic examination may create an unwar-
designed to control the average membrane stress ranted degree of assurance regarding absence of
within the chosen limits, and includes a correction harmful defects.
for non-uniform stress through the wall thickness
equivalent to using the mean diameter cylindrical 3.9 Corrugated Pipe
hoop stress formula instcad of the inside diameter As pointed out in the introduction and in Chapter
formula. Therefore, it assures a fitting strength 7, straight corrugated pipe provides intermediate
roughly equal to the connecting pipe. The regions flexibility' between a rigid piping system and an
over which the pressure area and metal areas are p.xpansion joint system. Hs use may be advantageous
averaged are arbitrarily selected as being in reason- where acute space limitations exist, or where reac-
able accord with experience. tions on equipment attendant to stiff or large-size

o --

p(E+t A ) p(E+i A)


G t>( +.8
Z +t2 coS-2-

D, "-
"2 + tlCOS 2'

p(E + !Al
S... ~ A


.. ~" ELBOW



A, B - NETAL ... RE .... ISQ.IN.)


FIG.3.14 Special hc:\vy wall fittings: check of reinforcement for internal prc5surc.
pipe must be reduced witbout further addition to tests by Dennison [67], who related test results to
pressure drop, process problems or similar factors. the calculated values for plain pipes of the same
The fact tbat corrugations greatly increase the dimensions,19 as given by elementary beam theory.
flexibility of a straight cylindrical tube has long been Corrugated bends were found to have higher flexi-
appreciated. However, it is less well known that this bility factors than creased bends, although a good
reduction in stiffness is obtained by the introduction approximation for both configurations was 6.0.
of bending stresses, the level of which must be con- Nominal stress intensification factors (denoting the
trolled for satisfactory service; also, it is not always ratio between the endurance limits'· of small
appreciated that a corrugated bend may be less polished specimens to that of the actual piping com-
flexible than a plain pipe bend due to the fact that ponent) were obtained from fatigue tests, indicating
the corrugations resist ovalization. an average factor of 8 for both corrugated and creased
Corrugations were initially obtained by hot roll- pipes of the type tested. With one exception, in-
forming processes sueh as are used for shaping the cipient cracks in corrugated pipes originated on the
flues of Scotch Marine boilers. This imposed limita- inside surface and penetrated outward, while 011
tions on the depth and pitch so that resort was made creased bends the cracks always initiated on the
to uniform localized heating and controlled collapsing. external surface.
This process resulted in some upsetting and a The foregoing tests have led to the acceptance of
sharper radius of curvature at the crown. More an assumption of uniform flexibility factors for com-
reccntly, equipment has been designed which pro- mercial corrugated or creased pipes. For the stl'es~
vides rolled corrugations of greater depth. The intensification factors, however, it was felt that Ull-
mean diameter of rolled corrugations is usually that duly conservative values resulted by basing the
of the original pipe, while those formed by controlled comparison on the endurance limit of polished hars.
collapsing have a mean diameter roughly equal to Therefore, further tests were carried out by Ross-
the initial outside diameter of the pipe. Corrugating heim and Markl [29], in which the fatigue strength"
can only be accomplished on straight pipe, so that of plain tangents was taken as a basis of comparison
bends must be formed afterward. Creased bend for stress intensification factors. Based on these
construction is usually limited to sharp radii bends, cxperiments a stress intensification factor of 2.5 was
commonly 2 to 3 diameters in radius; these are formed suggested as reasonable for finan-cyclic" service (i.e.
by heating plain pipe on one side and bending so as less than 20,000 stress cycles), whereas for "cyclic"
to bulge out the corrugations on the inside of the service (up to 500,000 reversals) a stress intensifi-
bend. cation factor of 5.0 was proposed. A flexibility
Early tests [21, 65] showed that, for bends having factor of 5.0 was suggested as a conservative value
a five-diameter radius, corrugated construction pro- for average commercial creased or corrugated pipe.
vided no greater flexibility than plain bends, and These values form the basis of the current suggested
that for smaller radii corrugated or creased curved values in the ASA B31.1 Code, viz: a flexibility fac-
pipes are usually less flexible than plain bends; also, tor of 5.0 and a stress intensification factor of 2.5
that the torsional stiffness of corrugated pipe was for usual commercial corrugated or creased com-
slightly greater than that of straight pipe of the same ponents under bending or direct axial loading. The
nominal diameter. Code also suggests a flexibility factor of 0.9 and
In the foregoing tests, as well as later ones [66], it strcss factor of unity for torsional loading.
was established that a corrugated bend derives its In contrast to the uniform values recommended
flexibility in bending or direct loading mainly from by the Code for all sizes and shapes of corrugated
a change in axial length (through an increase on the pipes, the actual flexibility and stress factors are a
tension and a decrease on the compression side), as function of the size and wall thickness of the pipc
compared to a plain bend, which derives its increased
19The term "plain pipe of the same dimensions" refers to a
deflection from ovalization of the cross section, and pipe having the same diameter and wall thickness as that used
the attendant modified stress distribution. A for making the corrugated (creased) pipe in consideration.
creased pipe bend takes an intermediate position 2011Endurance limit" denotes the alternating stress which a
between these extremes, deriving its flexibility on specimen can infinitely sust.ain in a fatigue test. In actu:d
tests 2 X 10 6 c)'c1es arc taken to be cquivalent to "an infinih'"
the plain portion by ovalization, and on the creased
number of cycles.
portion by change in length. 21HFntigue strength," as opposed to "endurance limit,"
Consistent flexibility values for corrugated and denotes the average maximum alternating stress which :L
creased 6 in. diameter pipes wcre obtained from static specimen can sustain for n given number of stress cycles.
100 1000
and particnlarly the depth and pitch of the corruga-
tions. Test results show that an increase in the 70 700

depth of the corrugation will improve its flexibility,

but increase the stress intensification factor.
The greatly simplified of a curved beam
. 400

shown on Fig. 3.15, which is obtained after segment-

'0 200
ing a corrugated pipe into strips of unit width, can
be analyzed readily. This analogue will indicate
higher flexibility and lower stresses than those exist- 10 100
ing in the actual structure. Nonetheless, it is useful
in roughly predicting the influence of dimensional !70
changes, and for comparison with established service.
'.0 €.w
The results obtained from this analogue, assuming ~
that v = 0.3 and the corrugation pitch is 4r, are:
Flexibility factor = 1I"[(3r/t) + .09] '.0 '0

Theoretical stress intensification

factor = [(6r/t) + 1] 1.0 10

0.7 7.0
Stress intensification factor com- Piping eo&. F1uibli1y Fodor
pared to plain pipe (Code basis) = 0.5[(6r/t) + 1]
0.' '.0
These relations are plotted in Fig. 3.16, which shows
the strong. dependence of both of these design fac-
tors on the ratio of r It?' An increase in the pitch 0.2 2.0 O~--"--~8 ---:"',---:':,,---','=,---:,,
of the corrugations with other items unchanged 2 r/I, Ratio of Corrvgmion [Hpth to p;~ Walt Thidneu (Pitch'" Twic. Depth)

would decrease the flexibility faetor; likewise, a FIG. 3.16 Stress intensification' "and flexibility factors in
change in the shape of the corrugations to a more II analogue" solution for corrugated pipes.
rigid shape would decrease the flexibility, but also
decrease the stress intensification factor. [68] for V-shaped and semicircular corrugations under
A detailed analytical evaluation of stresses in cor- concentric axial loads, and the results were extended
rugated components is extremely difficult. More- by inference to corrugations of elliptical and sinus-
over, if the manufacturing tolerances and variations oidal cross sections. Tests on thin-walled corrugated
in shape or between successive corrugations are con- pipes, having corrugations in reasonable accord \\~th
sidered, the theoretical treatise becomes impractical. the specific shapcs analyzcd, were in good agreement
_.\n approximate solution was developed by Donnell with theory. For corrugation shapes a.s normally
22Duc to the simplifications assumed here, the ratio of pipe produced in heavier-walled pipe, the analysis can
radius to pipe wall thickness Rlt docs not enter the solution. be accepted only as a rough approximation.
A more rccent theoretical approach [9] treats the
effects of both axial loads and internal pressure, but

restricts the analysis to thin-walled cylindrical bodies
of relatively large diameter, so that thc results are
applicable to corrugated light-gage expansion joints
rather than pipe. This analysis is not readily
adapted to design, since the final rcsults are given
M in terms of unfamiliar functions, whose numerical
values are not tabulated in standard mathematical
_' ( I )~ tables. For a more detailed treatment of the expan-
sion joint bellows, reference should be made to
Chapter 7.
In summation, corrugated pipes have practical
application when added flexibility for stress or end-
FIG. 3.15 Analogue representation for analysis of reaction reduction must be obtained in extremely
corrugated pipes. limited space, thereby permitting the retention of
a rigid piping system and avoiding the use of ex- thickness at the flange-hub intersection was gen-
pansion joints. Its use is best confined to straight erally recognized. An exhaustive theoretical analy-
lengths, since it will have little, if· any, advantage sis of this problem [74, 75J was undertaken by
over plain pipe when used for bends. The same may Waters, Rossheim, Wesstrom, and Williams. It
be said for ereased bends, which offer no significant included both bolt-moment and pressure effects, and
advantage over plain bends in flexibility and may could be applied to straight, single, or double taper
involve higher stress intensification. Corrugated combinations of hub contour, with fillets simulated
pipe, properly designed, is capable of carrying the by tangent tapers. A complete analysis, including
axial internal pressure thrust in common with direct pressure and pressure discontinuity stress, is
straight pipe, but it is important to note that the complex for other than a straight hub; the consider-
stress intensification factor applies to the longitudinal able effort involved in this approach is justifiable
pressure load, as well as other loadings; yielding, or only on high-pressure, large-diameter flanges in
creep, will result if the combined static or dynamic critical service. For usual services and flange
loadings exceed established limits. For applications proportions it has been found that the direct-pressure
in the creep range an accurate evaluation of the and pressure-discontinuity effects can be neglected,
stress intensification factor for the particular cor- and the flange subjected to a uniformly distributed
rugation used is desirable. Occasionally, corrugated external moment equal to the product of the bolt
pipe is used to localize plastic deformation which load, gasket load, end pressure load, and their re-
might occur during extreme upset conditions; for spective lever arms. The junction of the ring and
such service the range of local unit plastic strain hub is assumed to undergo zero radial displacement,
determines the number of cycles which can be sus- the bolt load to be unaffected by changes in pressure,
tained (see Chapter 7). It is advisable that limit and ideal elasticity to be maintained without yielding
stops or equivalent means be provided to limit over- or creep. Despite these simplifying assumptions, the
all yielding. analysis has proven adequate for most problems
when coupled with' a suitable choice of design
3.10 Bolted Flanged Conneetions: General stresses, gasket factors, etc. to provide ample
Baekgronnd margin for these effects. Originally introduced into
Flanged connections provide for the ready joining the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code on a 'per-
or separating of portions of a piping system to facili- missive basis, its general acceptance soon led to its
tate inspection or cleaning, or to avoid in-position adoption as a mandatory requirement. One wide-
welding or heat treatment. Their influence on the spread usage is on exchanger flanges, for which it.
performance of a piping system involves evaluation has been approved by the Tubular Exchanger Manu-
of (1) the effect of the flange as a local component, facturers Association (TEMA) and applied to the
and (2) the effect of the forces and moments trans- standard flanges in their rules; it has also been widely
mitted through a flange on its ability to maintain a used in eonnedion with rerating ASA standard
tight seal. flanges.
Analysis of flanged joints was limited to cantilever Experimental work [76, 77, 78J has shown that the
approximations until the advance made in 1927 by theoretical formulas closely predicted the stresse,;
Waters and Taylor [69J. Combining the elastic developed under various loading conditions. It hao
behavior of a flat plate with a cylinder treated as a also been shown that a reasonably uniform gasket-
beam on an elastic foundation, they obtained ex- load distribution can be expected only when the
pressions for the circumferential, radial, and axial maximum bolt pitch is a function of the bolt diameter
stresses in flanges with short cylindrical hubs of and the flange thickness, and that, within the normal
constant thickness. These theoretical results were range of flange dimensions, the width of the flange
reasonably well substantiated by tests, and offered a has no appreciable effect upon the load distribution.
reliable basis for the evaluation of loose-hubbed Taylor Forge & Pipe Works' Modern Flange Design
flanges (Vain Stone, threaded, lapped) within the [79J presents the formula in terms of bolt diameter,
ASA range of dimensions [70, 71, 72J. In subsequent flange thickness, and gasket factor. This formuh'
years this derivation was extended by Holmberg originated in the M. W. Kellogg Company and has
and Axelson [73J to flanges integral with the pipe been widely and successfully used in practical design.
wall. Present ASME flange-stress formulas are stated
These analyses were limited to hubs of uniform for flange and hub dimensions assumed in advance,
thickness, although the desirability of increased hub leading to time-consuming trial-anci-error solution.
Simplified methods have been developed [80, 81] to superimposed hydrostatic load would have the simple
aid the designer in quickly arriving at well-propor- effect of subjecting both springs to equal amounts of
tioned economical flanges. Othi!!" practical sugges- added tensile strain. In this simplified representa-
tions are contained in Madern Fkmge Design [79]. tion; leakage would occur when the tensile strain
For certain relatively mild low-pressure services, imparted to the flange due to the hydrostatic load
such as water works, thin and relativcly wide flanges offsets the compressive strain set up by tightening
with soft gaskets located inside the bolts have been the bolts (i.e., the spring representing the flange is
successfully used. Such flanges usually cannot be under no force and returns to its original length).
justified by the Code design approach. The explana- This concept was presented by Dolan [84] who gave
tion of their satisfactory use must be sought in pictorial representation to this interpretation by
recognition of higher stresses, use of soft gaskets, and means of a simple force-extension diagram. Need-
the possibility of the flanges contacting each other less to say, the elastic coupling concept is a consider-
at the OD, establishing thereby a limiting counter- able oversimplification of actual conditions in a
moment before excessive strains are developed. For flange which must include all components, changing
considerations involved in such special service, moment and rotational effects, temperature, creep,
reference can be made to the paper by Waters and etc. as treated, for example, in [82J.
Williams-[82] and thc discussion thereof. Code rules establish two criteria which must be
The design assumption that the initial bolt load satisfied to maintain a gasketed. joint free from
remains constant for any magnitude of the internal leakage. The one establishes a minimum initial unit
pressure hai also been explored. It has been shown gasket seating load, and the other a ratio of gasket
[74, 76, 83, and others] that a hydrostatic end force load to internal pressure for operating conditions;
may either increase or decrease the initial bolt load, both are related to the gasket material and construc-
depending upon the relative position of the gasket tion. As to the effective width of gasket, arbitrary
reaction and the elastic properties of tbe assembly. assumptions are made which are related to the
With customary flanges, exemplified by ASA Stand- flange-facing details arid relative concentration of
ard B16.5, the bolt load decreases slightly with appli- loading; double this width is used for application of
cation of internal pressure, since the net moment on the gasket operating pressure factor.
the flange ring increases, which in turn causes in- Actually, the performance of a gasketed surface
creased flange rotation and a decrease in the distance depends not only upon the elastic properties of the
between flanges at the bolt circle. The bolt stress gasket material as influenced by its design details,
is at all times a function of the summation of the but also upon the bolt load and deflection of the
strains of the entire assembly, and their individual flanges (initially and under pressure); the maxi-
moduli of elasticity. Since the modulus decreases mum gasket load (at the inner and outer edge or at
with temperature rise, the bolt load will likewise projections); the gasket thickness and physical
decrease as the temperaturc of the assembly is uni- properties; and the surface finishes of gasket and
formly raised. If the temperature of the components flange, which determine the elastic and plastic
is not uniform, the differential strains will alter the deformation attendant to an initial seal. In actual
bolt stress in proportion. Except in unusual cases installations, the varieties of gasket stiffness, surface
these effects are not of practical significance, since finish, and imperfections of gasket and flanges, as
the flange design permits pretightening to a level well as the properties of the contained fluid or gas,
sufficient to compensate for bolt-load reduction, can cause wide variation in the minimum load and
local yielding, or creep over the period of time gasket pressure to maintain tightness. The Code
established by the material properties and tem- rules for minimum load and gasket factor are, there-
pp.rature. fore, approximations of average conditions for flanges
An understanding of flange leakage may be ob- of usual proportions. For this reason, these rules
tained by idealizing the assembly as two elastically are not mandatory but merely tentative.
coupled bodies, the bolts on one hand, and the flanges, Where very stiff f1ftnges or minimum-width gaskets
including the gasket, on the other. The complete are involved, the entire width of the gasket may be
joint is then represented schematically as two springs at essentially the same unit load; conversely, for thin
with different initial lengths and stiffnesses. When flexible flanges or wide gaskets, the gasket load may
the joint is tightened, this initial length difference is be much lower than predicted by Code rules. Ex-
eliminated by submitting the bolt spring to tension tremely soft gaskets, such as gum rubber, deflect
and the stiffer flange spring to compression. A directly undcr the internal pressure, and flow later-

.. _. __..._ - -

ally to equalize and distribute tbe gasket load. Due creep due to temperature effects, it is necessary to
to this behavior, they ean often be made tight under consider both transient and constant thermal condi-
very low unit gasket loading or, at times, even in the tions. Of these two, the transient thermal state is
absenee of a net gasket load from the bolts. Speeial often the more important, since it will generally lead
facing details or gasket designs to promote self- to higher stresses and a greater amount of yielding.
sealing tendencies are successfully used where the This case was investigated by Bailey [85] for loose-
service permits the use of soft gasket material, or ring and integrally welded flanges. Making a few
where extremely high working pressure can be ,implifying assumptions, he showed that stresses in
utilized to provide sufficient load to seal harder welded integral flanges were only 60% of those in the
gaskets. Some facing details are based on mechani- less intimately connected loose flanges under tran-
cal concepts, such as ring-type joints; others, as for sient temperatures. As a continuation of this work,
instance, lens rings, benefit from reduced or line Bailey l'Ildertook to investigate the effcct of crecp
contact. upon thc elastic stress distribution. Again both the
"There elastic conditions arc maintained, leakage loose and welded integral flanges were considered for
of a properly fabricated and assembled flanged joint various creep strength ratios of bolt material to
should not occur if the initial bolt load is sufficient flange material. The effect of bolt holes was taken
to maintain the required gasket load above the into consideration through an analogy with the
longitudinal loads developed by pressure and struc- tensile creep-relaxation properties of a solid strip of
tural effects, and to compensate for the expected re- metal versus a strip of metal with a series of holes of
ductions in bolt load due to flange deflection and varying pitch and diameter. The effect of thermal
change in elastic modulus. The influence of struc- bending moment acting on a joint due to pipe expan-
tural loading is treated further in the next section. sion was omitted, on the assumption that under creep
Flange bolts are ordinarily made up at ambient conditions external forces would in time be reduced
temperature; as the temperature is raised in service, to negligible magnitude. The analysis showed that
the temperature of the bolts, flanges, and pipe may the tightness duration of the flanged joint (as defined
no longer be the same, either during the transient by the time at which the stresses would fall below a
heating period or in the equilibrium service condition. permissible level or permit leakage) is a function of
Since the bolts receive heat through limited contact flange thickness for given material properties of
with the flanges they will respond more slowly to flange and bolts. It was also found that an optimum
changes; similarly, non-integral flanges, such as the flange thickness exists for each joint, which increases
Van Stone type, will lag behind the pipe under tem- as the ratio between the creep resistance of the bolts
perature change. In the absence of insulation, these and flanges becomes greater. These optima were
temperature differences will be much greater. Where generally greater than required by the Code. As
flow temperatures fluctuate rapidly or where external would be expected the analysis indicated the desira-
influences (such as rain on exposed flanges) upset the bility of having high elastic strains in bolts and
equilibrium between bolts and flanges, joints may flanges combined with high creep resistance. Thesc
leak due to loss of gasket sealing load. This reduc- properties are in opposition, since high stresses cause
tion in sealing pressure is traceable either to expan- accelerated creep. For given materials certain
sion differences, or to yielding resulting from tem- changes in design will, however, provide increased
porary overload. If serious yielding does not occur elasticity without increased stresses, e.g. increasing
the joint will eventually re-establish the same gasket the effectivc bolt length; similarly, changing the
load, although it is possible that the temporary material of any component to one of equal elasticity,
leakage will have caused wire-drawing and prevent but greater creep resistance, will improve high tem-
re-establishment of a seal. perature performance.
In aetual installations, completely elastic condi- Bailey's analytical work was not followed by ex-
tiOilS are almost never realized j aside from localized periments of sufficient extent to prove or disqualify
yielding, creep will be present in high-temperature the conclusions reached. However, an interesting
service and to some extent at all temperatures, report, including some test data on various aspects
particularly for non-metallic, non-ferrous, or highly of flange dcsign, was published by Gough [86J on
stressed gaskets. Under repeated load applications this subject.
the degree of yielding or creep with respect to time Thc fatigue characteristies of various types of
is increased. stecl flanges subject to repeated bending strains re-
In order to deal with the effects of plastic flow or ceived attention in an investigation carried out at
atmospheric temperature by Markl and George [87]. Table 3.4 Stress Intensification Factors for
Using a constant-displacement type fatigue-testing Various Flanges
machine, on 4 in. standard weight and 0.080 in. wall Welding neck flange 1.00
pipe with 300 lb ASA standard RF flanges, fatigUe Socket welding flange (double welded) 1.15
failure occurred almost invariably in the pipe proper Slip-on or forged ring flanges (double welded) 1.25
Slip-on or socket welding flanges (single welded) 1.30
adjacent to the flange attachment, where there is a Lap joint flanges 1.60
marked change in contour, and not in the flange or Threaded flanges 2.30
bolts. A few tests were made with 600 psi internal
pressure; in these tests leakage well in advance of thread runout. For satisfactory performance, bend-
failure was noted only on threaded joints. Gasket ing in studs should also be held to a minimum.
leakage was not experienced when bolts were pre-
tightened to 40,000 psi, although it was encountered 3.n Bolted .Flangcd Connections: Practical
when they were tightened to only 20,000 psi. The Considerations
S-N diagrams of all types of flanges investigated Experience indicates that the design rules of the
were represented by straight lines on a log-log plot, ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code are generally
which were parallel among themselves and with the entirely adequate for the design of special flanges,
lines obtained for straight tangents or butt-welded with gaskets located inside the bolts, for service
pipes. This made it possible to assign single stress under internal pressure. For flanges having full
intensification factors to each of the various types face gaskets, or for any design which permits the
of flanges investigated; these results are listed in development of a counter-moment reaction outside
Table 3.4. The superiority of the welding neck the bolt circle, there is no recognized standard de-
flange is in line with service experience with regard sign approach; a special ASME Code Committee is
to suitability for critical service. currently (1955) working on tbis problem.
The relatively poor performance of the lap joint For piping applications it is necessary to consider
flanges was rather surprising since such flanges have the effect of other loadings in combination with in-
a fairly good service record; the lap thickness used ternal pressure. These are usually longitudinal
was the same as the pipe wall and the poor results forces and bending or torsional moments due to
were attrihuted to inadequate strength of the lap weight, wind, or thermal expansion of the pipe line.
to carry the high bending moments imposed, the By far the majority of piping flange applications in
lap apparently rocking back and forth on the gasket. the United States utilize ASA Standard B16.5 flanges.
In general, stress intensification factors increase with The ASA Standard gives allowable pressure-temper-
increasing abruptness of cross-sectional changes in ature ratings but offers no guidance as to permissible
the flange at the pipe connection. The welding neck bending loadings. These flanges have been cus-
flange with its smooth transition exhibits no per- tomarily -used up to the allowable ratings without
ceptible stress-raising tendency, whereas threaded any check of their capacity to carry additional load-
flanges, due to stress concentrations present in the ings. While occasional difficulties due to such loads
threads, carry an intensification factor of about 2.30. have been encountered, their service record must he
The effect of a seal weld covering all exposed threads, considered very good. Unsatisfactory performance
as used in some services, was not investigated. It occurred generally only with pipes having an appre-
should also be kept in mind that in elevated-tem- ciable excess strength or corrosion allowance and a
perature service the load distribution on flange high value of thermal expansion. An example is the
details involving double welds wonld be less favor- use of 150 lb standard flanges with low-pressure,
able, and that additional thermal stresses would high-temperature heavy-walled pipe. A discussion
result from temperature differences between the of the influence of bending and torsional moments
pipe and flange. on ASA flanges is included in the paper by Rossheim
For services where creep or severe cyclic effects and Markl [29]; results of tests on 4 in. 300 lb stand-
are present, greater attention must be paid to the ard flanges are given in the paper by Markl and
reduction or elimination of stress raisers. Fillet George [87]. ASA flange strengths, when judged by
radii should be generous, and sharp corners should ASME Code analytical methods, are by no means
be avoided. Stud bolts with continuous threads or uniform, and the piping designer shonld be aware
with unthreaded portions machined to the root di- that there is greater reserve strength in the smaller
ameter should be used in preference to headed bolts, sizes and lower-pressure classes than in the larger
which involve sharp fillets under the heads and the sizes and higher-pressure classes. Good design prac-
tice indicates the desirability of keeping flanged cycle. If the operating temperature is sufficiently
joints at a minimum for operating and maintenance high, both the bolt stresses and thermal flange
conditions and, insofar as possible, locating needed moments will gradually relax due to creep in the
flanges in the most advantageous location with re- pipe line; leakage while hot would then depend on
spect to applied moments. the relative relaxation ratcs. Assuming substa';tial
For routine design investigations of the effects of hot relaxation, a sizeable thermal moment of oppo-
loading other than internal pressure on flanges site sign would develop when the line returns to
covered by ASME Code rules, The M. W. Kellogg atmospheric temperature, and leakage may occur if
Company has found it" is satisfactory to calculate pressure is applied in the cold condition. Thus there
first the maximum load per inch of gasket circum- are probably factors in the problem not adequately
ference due to the applied longitudinal bending assessed, and whether the increased stress range now
moment and force. Then the internal pressure equiv- permitted by the Code can be applied to flange de-
alent to this loading is determined. Finally the sign without affecting tightness is not established.
Code design approach is applied, assuming an The influence of torsional moments may be in-
internal pressure equal to the design internal prese vestigated as indicated in the Rossheim-Markl
sure plus the calculated pressure equivalent to the paper [29]; as shown therein the capacity of ASA
other loads. The equivalent pressure, expressed flanges to take torsional moment is less than for
in formula form, is: P. = (16MhrG3 ) + 4F/"G2 , 10!1gitudinal moment. This is generally true of all
where M = 10llgltudiilal nending moment in.-Ib; G= flanges, unless special mechanical means such as
diameter of effective gasket reaction as dcfincd by dowels or keys for transmitting torsion are provided;
Code, in.; and F = longitudinal force, lb. The caution is therefore in order when high torsional
flange is checked for a pressure of P = P. + Pd, moments may be imposed. Generally, however,
where Pd = design operating pressure. Taking flange leakage is not as much of a problem under
the moment on the gasket center line is consistent torsion as it is under bending.
with analysis and experience which indicates that. Occasionally, special applications may warrant a
with a properly pretightened flange, the bolt load more extensive study of stress-strain relations in the
changes very little when a moment is applied, flanged joint. This may be done by adapting the
whereas the gasket loading changes appreciably. approach presented by Wesstrom and Bergh [83],
The most important point for practical design is and Blick [88, 89].
to establish a proper allowable stress·for such checks. When selecting gasket dimensions for hot flanges
For steady loading other than thermal expansion the it is well to make the gasket as wide as can be satis-
same allowable stress as for internal pressure alone factorily seated by the initial ASME Codc dcsign
should be used; for temporary (short duration) bolt load, rather than use a narrow width which will
loading, an increase of 33.3% in the basic design just avoid extensive initial yielding or "crushing./l
stresses is suggested.. Loading due to thermal ex- This will insure maximum resistance to creep under
pansion can be treated on a "stress range" basis operating conditions.
similar to the treatment of thermal stresses in the In petrolcum service applications the tightncss
pipe itself; allowable stresses for both bolts and performance of high-temperature flanges is usually
flange can be established accordingly. From a stress improved by leaving the flanges uninsulated and
standpoint there should be no question about this providing a weather shield only. The flange and
procedure. From a flange leakage standpoint the holts then operate at a lowcr metal temperature and
validity of this approach is somewhat questionable, relaxation is slowed. Where heat loss requires it,
particularly under creep conditions. Nonetheless, the shicld can be lightly insulatcd. In powcr piping,
it is only by such an approach that thc dcmonstratcd however, heat loss is much more a matter of concern j

capacity' of flanges to take rather sizeable moment making full insulation gcncrally a ncccssity.
effects ean be reasonably justificd. Thc M. W. Kcl- By ·fa.· the greatest leakage troubles with flanged
logg Company's satisfactory experience in checking joints arise due to rapid temperature changes or
thermal moment effects has becn bascd on an allow.. quenches which create sizeable tcmperature differ-
able stress for both flange and bolts of ~ (S, + Sh) cnces within thc flangc componcnts. Whcrc thcse
as prescribed by the 1951 ASA Standard B31.1 Codc conditions can be anticipated, flanges are preferably
for piping avoided; if used, great care is warranted in their
With adequately pretightened flange bolts the selcction and location. The mating of dissimilar
thermal moment appears during the first heating typcs of flangcs, such as Van Stone and integral
types, generally tends to exaggerate diffieulties design which will maintain a seal under differential
arising from temperature differences. expansion movement. While severe local stresses
The problem of dissimilar flanged joints is briefly proportional to the restraint are eaused in the lips
discussed in Section 3.12. (which must also carry the bending due to pressure
and structural loading) , these stresses can and should
3.12 Joints Between Dissimilar Materials be confined to wrought, earefully contoured material,
Individual piping systems may involve more than so that reasonable fatigue life and satisfactory tight-
one material, or may be eonneeted to equipment ness can be obtained for high temperatures. Dis-
of different metal analysis, so that the influenee similar flanged joints of special design using bellows-
of intermediate or terminal joints between materials type gaskets or pressure sealing have been utilized
of different physieal properties must be considered. in power plant service [90J. For joints between
A principal faetor influeneing these dissimilar joints ferritic and austenitic steel, the design selected should
is the difference in expansion characteristics; others be such as to permit the use of ferritic alloy bolts;
are variations in hardness, electrolytic potential, austenitic bolts are unsatisfactory because of their
structure, duetility, and stiffness. low yield strength and high coefficient of expansion.
The transition in material may oceur at a bolted Bolted joints generally are avoided for extreme-
flange, a threaded eoupling or union, a rolled eon- temperature service, a construction not involving
nection, a weld, or at a special transition piece. gasket sealing being preferred. With welded eon-
Potential diffieulties in the form of leakage or failure struction, leakage is no longer a factor. Satisfactory
due to thermal eycling are related to the range and service in this case depends upon the local strain-
frequeney of temperature ehange, the differenees in range differential, on the number of applications of
material properties, and the details of the dissimilar this strain range, and finally, upon the metallurgical
joint. factors assoeiated with presence of a weld.
For low-temperature service, all of these types of Using the most common material combination
eonnections are successfully used. As the tempera- as an example, the austenitic steels have a coefficient
ture is raised, threaded and rolled joints require of expansion of about 10.4 X 10-6 in./in./F (within
that the higher expansion material be inside. With the temperature range 70-1200 F), whereas the
further increasing temperatures, the elastic stress low-chrome-alloy steels have a coeffieient of about
interaetion is no longer maintained; this leads to 8. X 10-» in./in./F. When joined with a sharp
leakage and finally structural failure. Seal welding interface, this difference will induce stresses when the
does not permit appreciably higher temperatures, as joint is heated or cooled. For a butt joint between
struetural strength is not usually improved. All of pipes of equal thickness the maximum thermal
these forms of connections involve significant stress stress will be the circumferential (hoop) stress
raisers and localized areas of high deformations. developing at the junction, whieh has a magnitude of
Hence, where repetitive cycles of wide temperature u = !E flT flo: (3.25)
range are involved, the probability of fatigue failure
dictates against their use. Here E represents the modulus of elasticity (assumed
For flanged joints consisting of integral butt- identical for both metals), flT the temperature
welded flanges of dissimilar material, (but each of change, and flo: designates the differenee between the
like analysis with the pipe to which it is attached), eoefficients of expansion for the two metals. Apply-
leakage is dictated by the initial bolt stress and ing a stress-relief at 1200 F to the junction and cool-
gasket sealing properties, as compared with the ing the pipe then to 100 F, flT becomes 1100 F,
differential expansion between the bolts on the one flo: is equal to 2.4 X 10-»IF. Taking now E =
hand, and the flange and gasket on the other. 29 X 10· psi, a eircumferential stress of 38,300 psi is
With certain types of gaskets, leakage may also calculated (tensile in austenitic material and
depend on the differential radial expansion at the compressive in ferritie material).
gasket center line. By using lapped or Van Stone The foregoing analysis assumes a thin eylinder
flanges, the flange and bolt temperatures are re- and evaluates only the differential radial deflection
duced, and the flanges and bolts can be made of the at the mean radius. In addition to this effect, there
same type of material, with differential expansion is also a discontinuity at the interface due to the
limited to the Van Stone lips and gasket. The gasket differential ehange in thickness of the two materials
load must be sufficient to restrain the relative radial whieh will introduce further loeal radial stresses of
movement of the lips, or the gasket must be of a equal magnitude, tensile in the one material and
Al1denitic Austenilic
Stelll Weld
changing the weld bevel so that the heat-affected
zone on the ferritic side was more inclined (Fig. 3.17).
These tests did not, however, include the effect of
differential expansion stresses, so that improved
performance resulting from inclining the ferritil.:
heat-affected zone may in this case be attributed
largely to the lower axial stress component in this
Inside and oullide 9.ou"d smooth gnd
wbstanliolly lhllh cher welding
critical zone.
When Carpenter et al. [92J changed from a hot
FIG.3.17 Dissimilar weld joint, 15° interface. fatigue test to a thermal quenching test, the number
of cycles which could be withstood dropped drasti-
compressive in thc other. The resulting state of cally, failures being experienced after76 to 318 cyclcs,
equal biaxial stress will raise the calculated stresses as compared to 89,000 or more for the hot test.
by a faetor of 1/(1 - v). A more detailed analysis Weisberg and Soldan [93J, in a separate series of
would disclose some edge-bending stresses across the tests, obtained no failures after 100 quench cycles.
junction. Under such drastic quenching appreciable additional
A simple butt weld approaches the above assump- thermal stresses are introduced because of transient
tions and appears at least the equal of other possible temperature differences across the wall thickness.
details from a standpoint of stress magnitude. Stress Thc possibility of improving the performance of
is, however, only one factor determining perform- dissimilar joints by inclining the bond line originated
ance; its influence must be weighed along with that with Thc M. W. Kellogg Company and was aimed
of other factors. One of these factors is the particular at a largely longitudinal interface rather than one
detail of the joint. For example, eonnecting an transverse to the pipe axis. This method has becn
austenitic pipe braneh to a ferritic header would incorporated in the design of special joints made by
force almost all of the differential strain into the the Kelcaloy process (Fig. 3.18). Tests [91, 93] and
austenitic part. This would increase the maximum service experience over a period of six years show
stress by a factor of about 3.6, uS compared to the excellent performance. Whereas differential ex-
simple butt weld. pansion strcsscs are likcly to bc somewhat higher
Ai, in the ease of overall thermal expansion strains than in a simple butt joint, the primary advantages
in piping systems, the performance of dissimilar over a conventional weld or a wcld simulating thc
joints would be dependent on the number of cycles construction lie in the essentially longitudinal
and the strain range per cycle. While such joints interface and in the unique manufacturing process23
generally give satisfactory service in constant Thc physical properties of metal deposited by this
temperature operation with relatively rew tempera- process are consistently superior to those obtained
ture cycles and an absence of sudden quenching 23Described by Blumberg and Bunn in their discussion of
conditions, many joints subjected to more severe Weisberg's paper·IOI].
eonditions have failed. Investigations conducted
on this subject [27, 91, 92, 93], and experience In'erface
-; Av"enitic Slool
indicate that metallurgical factors and flaws seriously f. rrilic 110el \
affect performauce when associated with plastie -'-- ~~
. ._'..,..
---;-- I
deformation due to yielding or creep. The heat- I I
affected zone on the ferritie side of the dissimilar - - - - I- -,-.-:!>-L
weld has been shown to be the most eritical zone,
due possibly to reduced duetility of the mixed analy-
sis in the fusion zone and metallurgical ehanges
during the course of the test or serVICe whieh result
in strain concentration at this location. From a Ir'orfaco AV"(Ini~ic Slool
stress standpoint the superposition of internal Ferrai, Sleel , I
pressure loading and external longitudinal loading P= f-f-L-.-::_...:--.: A r:L -
reduced the number of eycles which could be with- i
stood in a hot fatigue test at constant tcmperature. -i- --
While all welds withstood a large number of cycles,
1-- -1------
. - -- '---
a somewhat improved performance was obtained by FIG. 3.18 Kelealoy transition pieces.

by ordinary casting or welding mcthods. Austcnitic type of design and fabrication technique is decided
sections, for example, are significantly free of micro- upon, every effort should be made to eliminate
fissuring. In addition, progressive"'and rapid solidi- mechanical stress raisers. \Veld reinforcement
fication around the entire circumference of the bond should be built up to effeet an anneal of the preeeding
zone occurs simultaneously, resulting in greater uni- layer and then should be removed without notches
formity, minimum residual stresses, and less acute or other surface stress raisers near the weld; ma-
material transition and heat-affccted zones. chining is preferred where praetieable. Baeking rings
The Kelcaloy process is also bcing used to produce should be avoided, and controlled inside contour
joints with a simple butt bond substantially trans- welds (K-Weld) should be used where back welding
verse to the pipe axis. Their principal advantage eannot be aeeomplished. The joint should be ex-
over welded joints again lies in the metallurgical amined for soundness by the best nondestruetive
superiority and relative soundness inherent in the methods applieable.
process of manufacture. Additional advantages
are: only one heat-affected zone compared to two in 3.13 Other Components
a conventional weld, and adaptability of the process Various components other than those speeifically
to produce and closely control special chemical mentioned in individual sections of this chapter
analyses. AB an example of the latter advantage, may be encountered, but insofar as their influence on
carbon migration at the interface (which has been the flexibility and fatigue performance of the system
experienced at ferritic-austenitic junctions and is eoneerned, the prineiples outlined in this chapter
which hastened some failurcs) can be combated by usually ean be applied as neeessary. Some deserve
introducing a carbide stabilizer, such as columbium, at least brief additional eomment.
into the chrome-molybdenum steel, leading to an A valve should be able to earry loading from
analysis which is not generally available. attaehed piping similar to a standard tee of eom-
While this discussion has emphasized that metal- parable pressure-temperature rating, but as a further
lurgical aspects greatly influence dissimilar weld consideration should be suffieiently free from warp-
performance, detailed discussion of this subject is age or distortion to pernait operation and tight
not within the scope of this book. Principal factors, shutoff. These problems are within the provinee of
however, can be listed as follows: the individual manufacturer; their engineering has
1. Carbon migration resulting in a carbon-de- advaneed eonsiderably in recent years, particularly
pleted zone in the ferritic steel near the austenitic for high-pressure, high-temperature serviee. As
weld interface. in the ease of flanges, eare should be exercised in using
2. Formation of sigma phase in the austenitic low pressure rating valves with relatively heavy
matcrial near the interface. walled pipe, since the imposed moment as erected
3. Abrupt change in structure and physical prop- or due to expansion may be beyond their structural
erties of weld metal and heat-affected zonc resulting capacity. For large-diameter piping, valves are
in a lImetallurgical notch." sometimes used with venturi ports (partieularly
4. Tendency of austenitic weld deposits toward when motor operated) or standard valves one or
micfofissuring. two sizes smaller are used with reducers in conven-
5. Oxidation or other corrosive notching at the tional lines. The bodies of venturi valves are usu-
ferritic material junction accelerated by local strain. ally designed with consideration for the moment
The discussion in reference [92] will be found inter- which may be applied by the larger piping. Sim-
esting and instructive. There is still a great deal to ilarly, when using standard smaller valves, sueh
be learned about austenitic and dissimilar-joint piping moments must be given consideration.
welding and the service performance of austenitic Flanged jittings of either cast or wrought steel
welds. The same can bc said in general about the (ASA Standard BIG.5) are eapable of developing the
high-temperature performance of the heat-affected full struetural strength of their flanges; for further
zones of all types of welds under plastic dcformation eomments on the moment eapaeity of flanges see
and creep conditions. Where weld difficulties have Section 3.11 of this ehapter. This applies to tees,
been encountered in service, the preponderance of crosses and elbows. The pressure rating of such
cracking has been associated with heat-affected fittings is given in the ASA Standard and commented
zones. on in Chapter 2.
In important praetical applieations of dissimilar Screwed and socket welding jittings (ells, tees, crosses,
joints for high-temperature service, no matter what unions, and couplings), whether cast or wrought
M = Applied Moment (in lin.) welding caps are commonly used, as presently cov-
...---------.. ered by ASA Standard BI6.9. Individual applica-
j' tions for larger sizes or special shapes, including flat
heads, may be checked using the rules of the ASME
" Unfired Pressure Vessel Code.
Markl [12J has fatigue-tested smoothly contoured
(') commercial red1.l.cers and finds a stress intensification
factor of unity justified. For the design of special
t, a inlerflOl conical reducers reference can be made to the inter-
preuure pretive report of the work of the Design Division
(I) psi
of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee [94] on
pressure vessel heads. For the particular case of a
• sharp cone-to-cylinder junction the local stresses
at the intersection can be closely approximated by
using the familiar beam on an elastic foundation
analysis and treating the cone as though it were a
"--- M ------
f = Ex1cmol axial end force (lbs.) cylinder having a radius equal to the meridional
(potitive in diredion shown)
(Totol end force = F plus hydrostatic radius of the cone at the junction. The resulting
end load due 10 pr~sure p) stresses due to an internal pressure p and external
FIG.3.19 Conical transition. loads F and M are given by the following formulas
(with Poisson's ratio >, taken as 0.3):
steel, are similarly furnished to nominal pressure Ontside intersection (Point (1) in Fig. 3.19)
ratings and are limited to small sizes and generally
'F1.816C3 + (pR/2tn cos a)
to moderate service conditions. Screwed joints are Sll =
obviously limited in their capacity for transmittng Cone
s" = -C, + (pR/tn cos a) 'I' 0.546C3
torsional moment. Actually, in plumbing practice
'F1.816n'C3 + (pR/2t)
they are often relied upon to relieve thermal ex- SI =
pansion by permitting a small angular rotation of s, = - C2 + (pR/t) 'I' 0.546n'C3
one tbread upon the other, a practice, however,
which not infrequently results in leakage. In ten- Re-entrant intersection (Point (2) in Fig. 3.19\
sion or bending, screwed fittings ean be depended = ±1.816C3 + (pR/2t,n cos a)

upon to be equal in strength to unthreaded pipe of
the same rating, but due allowance for metal removed Cone So: = c, + (pR/t 2n cos a) ± 0.546C3
in threading must be made in determining the wall ± 1.816n'C3 + (pR 2 /2t,)
thickness of the pipe. For cyclic effects (mechanical Cyl. 2
or thermal), screwed joints involve the stress-raiser S,2 = C2 + (pR 2/12) ± 0.546n C3
effect of the threads, an effect not entirely eliminated
In these equations upper signs refer to the stresses in
even with heavy seal welds. At the higher tem-
the outer fibers and lower signs to those in the inner
peratures, seal welding is usually necessary to pre-
fibers. The subscripts I and c refer to longitudinal
vent leakage. Socket welding fittings also involve
and circumferential stresses, respectively; a positive
the stress intensification effect of fillet welds, but are
sign denotes tension. The constants appearing above
snperior to threaded joints if the welds are adequate.
are given by the following expressions:
Threaded and socket-welded fitting joints would be
expected to involve stress intensifications in line
with the fatigue test resnlts obtained for flanges of C, = ~'l [C5( vncosa+ ~,)
threaded and single-welded socket types.
The thicknesses of blind flanges in ASA Standard - C. (2vn cos a + 1 + 1~') J
B16.5 are the same as those of functional flanges.

c, = ~4 + ~2)
For nonstandard cover plates, the rules of the
ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code may be used; [C 5 (vn cos a
it should be mentioned, however, that the ASA blind
flanges are of lesser thickness than those resulting
from the application of these rules. EUipsoidal
+ C. (n2 + 1 + V n 2cos a )J
1 tions, and soil constitute an integrated structural
C3 = -z- [C.(Vn cos a + 1) + C.(nZ - 1)] system with equilibrium of interloading effects.
n C. .~
Each part of this structural system is influeneed by
C. = nZ + lz + 2 (vn cos a + 1 + 1 ) its individual environment, e.g. pressure, tempera-
n Vncosa ture, weight, etc. ,. as well as by the effects transmitted
from attached parts of the system.
CS = 2.57 F 2 F ..Rz
+ 2..R+ MJ tan a, for m- Ordinarily, supporting structures, foundations, ami
soil are subject only to ambient temperatures, and
tersection (1) are sufficiently rigid so that deflections under pipe

= 257 -v'R.[PRz
- --
. t2 1.5 2
+ --F + --
Jtana form-
. expansion, etc., are small enough to be neglected.
Sometimes, however, temperature rise is unavoid~
able in .steel structures; slender or high structures
tersection (2) may also, in combination with their foundations,
involve significant deflections under even moderate
C.= 0.85 pR (1 1_) for intersection (1) reactions. Connected equipment will undergo di-
t n cos a
mensional changes which may augment or decrease
= -0.85 pR z
(1 __1_)
for intersection (2) the thermal expansion loading. The fabrication and
assembly of such an integrated structural system
necessarily involves deviations from nominal dimen-
n = t,/t for intersection (1)
sions. Hence the fitting of piping, in combination
= tdt-, for intersection (2) with weld shrinkage, sets up initial internal stresses
It has been assumed in the above that the intersec- which at the weakest location of the system may
equal the yield strength. All such conditions must
tions arc far enough apart (about 2 ~cos
RI, min) so
be recognized and provided for by the piping
that their local effects do not influence each other For simplification in analysis, the ends of a piping
,ignificantly. The maximum fiber load due to the system are usually considered fixed at the equipment
external moment is taken as though it were uniform connections. Obviously, this is a limiting condition
around the circumference; this approximation is for the maximum reaction; localized bending or direct
considered to be on the safe side. loading of the equipment, by causing deflection or
The special case when I, cos a = t is of interest rotation, serve to reduce the piping reaction. The
for intersection (1). When n = llcos a the stress result will be an intermediate fixity between fixed-
formulas for this intersection reduce to: and hinged-end conditions. While the conventional
Sll = 'f'3.63C7 cos a + (pRI2!) assumption of complete fixation may seem unneces-
Cone ( sarily severe, it must not be inferred that excessive
s" = - (1 + cosz a ± 1.089 cosz a)C, + (pRlt) additional safety results. It is possible to deviate
SI = 'f'3.63C, + (pRI2/) from fixed-end assumptions without increased risk
Cyl. of fatigue damage to connection equipment only
s, = - (1 + cosz a ± 1.089)C, + (pRI!) when analysis is made of the bending stresses in the
where C 7 equipment whose localized deflections are being

utilized. When dealing with rotating or other equip-
2.57 sin a cos a ment where alignment is sensitive to distortion,
= 1 + 6 cosz a + cos" a F 2 + 2..R + ..R piping can seldom be permitted to exceed the stiff-
For consistent treatment with other stress intensifi- ness obtained with fixed-end assumptions.
cations in the ASA Code for Pressure Piping, rolled- Considerable misunderstanding on the part of
pipe data should be chosen as a basis of comparison. equipment designers relative to piping reactions has
Therefore, the calculated maximum stress as given existed in the past. Manufacturers sometimes have
by the above formulas should be divided by two when made it a condition of their warranty that 1W piping
comparing with the usual expansion stress limits. reactions be transmitted to their equipment. In
other cases, forces have been limited to unreasonably
3.14 Piping and Equipment IntcrctTccts low values, while completely ignoring the more im-
In the over-all picture a piping system and the portant effects of bending moments. Such impractical
mutually eonnected equipment, structures, founda- criteria, however, are detrimental to all concerned,
including the equipment manufaeturer, as the piping reaetions on sueh equipment have been suggested.
designer is left without a usable guide. These are no more than rules of thumb which repre-
At present, the more progressive manufacturers ~ent experience alone without supporting analysis.
attempt to provide more realistie load carrying ca- Various factors are used as indices, either individu-
pacities or offer to check their equipment, on large ally or in combinations, such as weight, cross section,
critical units, for the reactions of the proposed piping. suction or discharge nozzle sizes (and rating), cubic
The problems which they face should he appreciated volume, and pressure shell thiekness-to-diameter
by the piping designer. With moving parts and the ratio. For many years piping reaction limits of
need for close clearances, all strain must be carefully 1000 to 3000 pounds were speeified regardless of
controlled to avoid misalignment, rubbing, binding, size or details of the equipment involved. Sueh
excessive wear, or other maloperation. At the same limits are now generally considered meaningless.
time, the iuvolved and discontinuous contours usually Other approaches relate metal cross section to
required are not amenable to a reliable evaluation of rlifferent unit values for resultant forces and mo-
either deflections or stresses. Thus, the manufac- ments. Pressure shell thickness/radius ratios are
turer is often forced to rely on the judicious use of also employed sometimes to establish the potential
experience or the projection of occasional test data maximum pressure whieh that portion of the shell
to individual equipment. can withstand. A morc accurate evaluation of
The magnitude of effects at sensitive equipment local moment capacity of surfaees of revolution is
should he kept low particularly when cost is not given elsewhere in this section.
significantly increased hy so doing. This objective Cubic volume is not a significant parameter. It
may be approached by providing local pipe flexi- has been used largely in the absence of equipment
bility in complex systems to favor the equipment, weight, by assuming an overall density 2 to 5 times
using local restraints to take reactions directly or that of water. Weight, where obtainable, is a more
to force deflection into other portions of the system suitable parameter and is usually inereased by the
(discussed further in Chapter 8); by an over-all estimated weight of the contents. In either ap-
increase in the flexibility of the system; or by a proaeh, the weight is eonsidered as the maximum
favorable relative positioning of the equipment. value whieh the resultant foree may attain.
The potential influence of effects on equipment may Suction or discharge nozzle sizes provide a more
often be moderated by the selection of types whieh eomprehensive index of rotating equipment design,
are relatively insensitive to distortion and misalign- sinee they reflect equipment size. Pressure may be
ment. Also, the location of equipment should he assumed to maintain a rough balance between pipe
such as to keep pipe sizes to a minimum insofar as and equipment stiffness. Based on a survey of
praetieable, a point of partieular concern in regard acceptable piping designs for equipment piping,
to the larger lines (e.g. pump suction and driver Rossheim and Markl [29] proposed the eube of (pipe
exhaust lines). aD plus 3 in.) as a eriterion to whieh eonstants were
In the absenee of suitable manufacturer's data or applied to establish the maximum ax-ial and lateral
applicable experienee, approximations for limiting forces in pounds or bending moments in foot pounds.

Table 3.5 Allowable End Reaction Exerted b:y Connected Piping on Pumps, Turbine Casings, and Pressure

\Volosewick for Maximum Temperature 650 Ft

Type of End
Reaction Rossheim- 4-Point Support 2-Point Supports
Forces,lb Markl'
Moments, in.-Ib Actual l\Iaximum Actual Maximum
Value Allowable Value Allowable
Radial reaction, including weight of pump riser,
etc. 3.25D' 250D 4,000 300D 2,700
Tangential reactions, any direction . 1.50D' 100D 1,500 85D 900
Longitudinal bending moment . 10,000
Circumferential bending moment 60D' 2700D 40,000 1700D 22,000
Twisting moment 18,000
·In this column D denotes the OD of the pipe increased by 3 in.
tD is equal to the sum of the nominal diameters of suction and discharge decreased by 15% for every 50F increase over 650 F.
Wolosewick [95J additionally varied allowable reac- to provide simplified approaches with a reasonable
tions to suit the type support (2 to 4 point), and understanding of the extent of their deviation from
service temperature. The limits advanced in these more accurate solutions.
two papers are tabulated in Table 3.5. Along this line, The M. W. Kellogg Company has
The Rossheim-Markl study also brought out the made use of an approximate solution based on the
fact that expansion stresses in the piping studied bending of a beam on an elastic foundation, to evalu-
ranged from 1000 to 6000 psi. This and subsequent ate the local shell stresses resulting from a nozzle
experience led to the following practice used with bending moment, or radial thrust on a cylindrical
success by The M. W. Kellogg Company for the or spherical shell. The piping moment is simulated
past five years. The combined stress due to bending by a uniform circumferential radial line load equal
and torsion is calculated for an assumed pipe having to the maximum reaction (lb per linear in.) at the
a size and wall thickness equal to that of the nozzle edge of the nozzle neck. With this unit load, the
and connecting pipe, respectively. This stress is shell bending and resulting stress is established
limited to 6000 psi. similar to the effect of a narrow shrink ring loading,
In establishing limits for pipe loads, consideration the unit moment being applied to the shell thickness
must also be given to the capacity of equipment or combined shell and pad thickness where rein-
supports: that is, anchor bolts, bed plate, steel struc- forced. The formula used in this approach is:
ture, and foundation each in turn must be able to
accommodate the pipe loads. S = t1.5 [F, + 1.5F,] (3.26)
The effect of localized concentrated forces and
moments on shells is of widespread importance in the where S = local longitudinal bending stress in
design of piping. The resulting bending and direct shell, psi.
stresses and their effect on fatigue life are important R = meridional radius of shell, in.
factors in establishing satisfactory structural design t = effective local thickness of shell, in.
not only for tees, branch connections on pipes, and (shell thickness plus reinforcing pad
nozzles on pressure vessels, but also for supporting thickness).
saddles, lugs, trunions, legs, hangers, and similar F 1 = unit loading due to applied longitu-
attachments. Due to a lack of symmetry and dinal2 ' bending moment (Ib per linear
variation in cross section, the theoretical analysis in.).
of these local effects is not only laborious but, up to = M (1rR n 2 where M = moment, in.-lb,
the present time, has been accomplished only for and Rn = mean radius of nozzle con-
special limited cases. nection.
An intensive investigation of the problem of local F 2 = unit loading due to a radial thrust, lb
loadings on cylindrical shells was begun in 1952 per m.
by a spccial subcommittec of the Prcssure Vessel =' P(21rR n where P = total thrust, lb.
Research Committee Design Division. The first
results of this program were presented in P. P. The combined local stress due to thermal reactions
Bijlaard's papers [51, 96J dealing with the effect of and internal pressure is held to the same total allow-
radial loads and local moments, and evaluating the able stress range as for the piping itself [1.25
case of a localized uniformly distributed radial load (S, + SI/ )J. As noted previously, the thermal reac-
acting over a finite area of a cylindrical surface. tions must be based on the full expansion and the
.\. comparison of analytical rcsults [51} with values cold modulus of elasticity. The individual hot and
extrapolated from experimental results available in cold reactions cannot be used for this purpose,
the literature [97, 98] shows reasonable agreement. While this check is not precise, it has resulted in
An additional theoretical treatment covering the safe designs over a considerable period of years. At
application of local circumferential and longitudinal least, it provides a simple method for consistent
bending moments has reccntly bccn published [52J. design and, when more precise methods are de-
These investigations, as well as experience on the veloped, it will afford a basis by which the results of
behavior of surfaces of revolution under localized the new proposals may be assessed in terms of past
effects, provide a general understanding of the mo- experience. There is one further interesting observa-
ment distribution and stress patterns attendant to 24For a. circumferentio.l moment it is believed thnt the
such loading. Individual analyses, however, arc bending stress (circumferential) may 'be in some cases up to
exceedingly lengthy and involved, so that the aim is several times that indicated for a. longitudinal moment.

tion which can be made. If a moment loading only is Thus, as shown in Section 5.13, the rotation of the
1.11VR M nozzle becomes expressible in the form of shape coeffi-
assumed, eq. 3.26 becomes S = ;.5 X --2' If cients which can be added to the usual summation"
t "lrR n
the thickness of the nozzle is t n this may be written as to obtain the equations. No deformation of the shell
plate is assumed to occur as a result of torsional
S = (1.17Vlr~~5)
X-rrR n n
moment, making no correction necessary for such
An influence which is sometimes neglected, save
The portion of this expression enclosed in brackets
for its effects on the piping proper, is end pres-
represents the stress intensification factor as used
sure reaction. Sometimes a piping system is referred
in the Piping Code. For identical shell and nozzle
thicknesses the factor reduces to 1.17
(R/t)l'. The
to as an open end cylinder" with the implication

that longitudinal pressure stresses are absent. Thi,

similarity of this to the factor suggested by the Pip-
would be true only in straight runs between infinitely
ing Code for full-size tee intersections, 0.9(R/t)%, is stiff vessels which undergo no deflection under the
pressure reaction of the pipe cross section, or where
The same shrink ring loading approach has been
frictionless expansion joints are provided.
used by The M. W. Kellogg Company to determine
With the introduction of expansion joints, or
the rotations of nozzle connections due to the local
other provisions incapable of transmitting the full
deflection of the vessel shell under the influence of
longitudinal pressure stress, the end pressure reac-
piping moments, viz:
tion at each fitting, or opposite eaeh nozzle on a
</> = 2.46M
r t 2
(3.27) vessel, must be considered in the overall structural
design. Provisions for carrying this unbalanced

where reaction must not.adversely affect the freedom of the

joint to absorb intended movements. Further dis-
cP = angular rotation, radians. cussion on this point will be found in Chapter 7.
M = moment acting at nozzle, It-lb. Piping Reaetions. When a piping system is de-
r m = mean radius of nozzle, in. signed to the Piping Code, the maximum expected
R = radius of vessel, in. hot and cold reactions, and the reaction range due
t = thickness of vessel shell, including rein- to thermal expansion, are established by the Code
forcing pad, in. rules (sec Chapter 2) for the design of anchors and
E = modulus of elasticity of shell material, checking of terminal equipment. Erection stresses
Ib/in 2 and hence the initial cold reactions are not included,
As is the case with the preceding treatment of however, since these are related to fabrication and
stress, this equation for rotation is connected with a erection details and cannot be predicted in magni-
longitudinal moment. Where this moment acts in a tude or sign unless adequate means are provided for
circumferential direction, tests indicate that the their control. Upon heating, the initial effects com-
flexibility may be several times greater. However, bine with those due to expansion, their magnitude
the loealized stress is not likely to be lowered, so that, being limitcd by the yield point at the service
for the sake of simplicity the same approach is used temperature. Subsequently, relaxation lowers the
for moments in either direction. This approximation maintained service stress as dictated by the material
enables the piping designer to deal with partial end creep properties and the relieved strain reappear.
fixation by introduction of a virtual length as follows: as a cold stress at ambient temperature, the adjust-
The end rotation of a cantilever subjected to a ment of strain between service and ambient condi-
moment applied at the end is tions being termed "self-springing." The Piping
Code cold reaction reflects this self-sprung state and
<I> = 144ML/EI (3.28) does not consider the initial (as erected) condition;
where M and L have dimensions of ft-lb and ft thc Code hot reaction on the other hand reflects
respectively. Equating this expression to eq. 3.27 the maximum expected reaction (without erection
yields stresses) rather than the final reaction after adjust-
L = 0.017 I (R/r m 2 t)" (3.29) Careful erection and, in particular, controlled pre-
where L represents the virtual length of a fictitious springing before service can be used to limit the
extension having the same rigidity as the pipe line. maximum reactions, by assuring their occurrence

predominately or entirely at the ambient tempera- the yield stress of the material for the applied
ture. The Piping Code rules for reactions allow for temperature.
the effect of prespring, which gaina practical signifi-
cance in this respect only when it is 50% or greater. References
Emphasis on the provision of maximum prespring, 1. A. Bantlin, "Formanderung und Beanapruchung federnder
approaching 100%, is usually limited to large critical Ausgleichrohre/' Z., V.D.l., Vol. 54, pp. 43-49 (1910).
equipment where maximum assurance against pos- 2. Th. von Karman, flUber die Formiinderung dfumwandiger
sible distortion at high service temperatures is Rohre, insbesonders federnder Ausgleichrohre," Z.,
V.D.I., Vol. 55, pp. 1889-1895 (1911).
essential. 3. H. Lorenz, IlDie Biegung Krummer Rohre." Z. Physik,
Where a piping system is designed to meet limit- Vol. 13, pp. 768-774 (1912).
ing reactions, or for other reasons is to operate at 4. M. Marbec, flFlexibilite des tubes," Bulletin de l'Associa-
stresses of a low order, (as is the case with large lion Technique Maritime, Vol. 22, pp. 441-457 (1911).
turbines, compressors, etc.), the magnitude of the 5. 'V. Hovgaard, "The Elastic Deformation of Pipe Bends,"
J. Moth. and Phys., M.I.T., Vol. 6, No.2, pp. 69-118
initial cold reactions as erected may be many times
that of the reactions corresponding to expansion, if 6. H. Karl, HBiegung gekrummtcr, dunnwanwger Rohre,"
special procedures are not followed. For such sys- Z. Angew, Math. Mech., Vol. 23, pp. 331-345 (1943).
tems prespring is a necessity, and should be accom- 7. I. Vigness, "Elastic Properties of Curved Tubes,"
plished in an effective manner. Temporary supports Trans. ASME, Vol. 65, pp. 105-120 (1943).
8. L. Deskin, uBending of Curved Thin Tubes/' J. Applied
should involve no restriction which will not exist in
Mechanics, Vol. 12, pp. 1-7 (1945).
service, making it usually desirable that the final 9. E. Reissner, "On Bending of Curved Thin-Walled Tubes,"
joint be at a low elevation, and located where the Proc. Nal. Acod. Sci. US, Vol. 35, pp. 204-209 (1949).
permanent supports alone will suffice. Formerly, 10. R. A. Clark and E. Reissner, HBending of Curved Tubes,"
prespring was accomplished by the accurate fabrica- Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 93-122,
Academic Press, 10(;., 1951.
tion of a final section to offset the free (and pre-
11. H. E. Jenks, HDiscussion to W. H. Shipman's paper:
sumably unrestrained) line by the desired amount 'Design of Steam Piping to Care for Expansion,' " Trans.
of prespring on each axis. Subsequent forcing of the ASME, Vol. 51, pp. 443-444 (1929).
ends together was then presumed to provide the re- 12. A. R. C. Markl, UFatigue Tests of Piping Components,"
quired amount of prespring. This approach ordi- Trans. ASME, Vol. 74, pp. 287-303 (1952).
13. 'V. Hovgaard, "Tests on High-Pressure Pipe Bends,"
narily ignored the rotations. Recently, therefore,
J. Math. and Phys., M.I.T., Vol. 8, No.4, pp. 293-344
The M. W. Kellogg Company has followed the prac- (1929).
tice of establishing, by precalculation (see Chapter 5), 14. P. S. Symonds and T. E. Pardue, uCharactcrigtics of
the desirable locations of forces and moments to be Short-Radius Tube Bends," Naval Res. Lab. Report No.
applied to introduce the moments required for the 0-2761, Feb. 18, 1946.
15. W. Hovgaard, HDeformation of Plane Pipes; Further
desired magnitude of prestress, and simultaneously
Research on Pipe Bends," J. Math. and Phys., M.I.T.,
bring the ends for the final joint into alignment. Vol. 7, Nos. 3 and 4, pp. 198-238 and 239-297 (1928).
This carefully measured loading is maintained while 16. W. Hovgaard, IIStresses in Three-Dimensional Pipe
the final joint is welded or bolted up, and post heat- Bends," Trans. ASME, Vol. 57, pp. 401-415 (1935).
treated. To avoid possible additional plastic defor- 17. A. M. ~ahl, ffStresscs and Reactions in Expansion Pipe
mation in this final weld, an adjacent location in Bends," Trans. ASME, Vol. 50, pp. 241-255 (1923).
18. J. R. Finniecome, "The Flexibility of Plain Pipes," Engi-
the pipe can be stress relieved before this operation neer, Vol. 146, pp. 162-165, 199-200, 218-219, 248-248
is accomplished on the weld. Prespring can be (1928).
further controlled by the use of strain gages to check 19. A. M. Wahl, J. 'V. Bowley, and G. Back, flStresses in
the degree of accuracy to which the desired result Turbine Pipe Bends," Mech. Eng., Vol. 51, pp. 823-828
is being achieved. (1929).
20. S. Crocker and A. McCutchan, "Frictional Resistance
In the conventional assembly of piping to pumps, and Flexibility of Seamless-Tube Fittings Used in Pipe
turbines, etc., damage by distortion or misalignment Welding," Trans. ASME, Vol. 53, pp. 215-245 (1931).
due to fabrication effects can be avoided by ther- 21. E. T. Cope and E. A. Wert, uLaad-Deflection RelatioDB
mally unloading the completed piping near the for Large Plain, Corrugated, and Creased Pipe Bends,"
terminal equipment. This is accomplished by con- Trans. ASME, Vol. 54, pp. 115-159 (1932).
22. F. M. Hill, "Solving Pipe Problems," },{ed!. Eng., Vol. 63,
trolled local heating similar to stress relief, or, in pp. 19-22 (1941).
less critical instances, by merely locally heating a 23. T. E. Pardue and I. Vigness, "Properties of Thin-Walled
circumferential area with one or more torches to Curved Tubes of Short-Bend Radius," Trans. AHME,
reduce the fabrication effects at that location to Vol. 73, pp. 77-84 (1951).
24. N. Gross, HDiscussion to J. R. Finniccome's paper," 46. A. McCutchan, HFabrication Details for High Pressure
Imt. Mem. Eng., Proc., Vol. 158, p. 377 (1948). and Temperature Piping," Heating, Piping and Air Cond.,
25. N. Gross, "Experiments on Short-Radius Pipe Bends," Vol. 11, pp. 141-144, 215-218 (1939).
British 'Veld. Res. Assn. Pubt. FE~6/9, 195!. 47. Sulzer Technical Reviews No.3, 1934, ct. seq., to No.2,
26. N. Gross and H. Ford, "The Flexibility of Short-Radius 1941, Sulzer Brothers Limited, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Pipe Bends," Heating and Air Treatm. Engrs'j Vol. 16, 48. J. S. Blair, "Reinforcement of Branch Pieces," Engi-
pp. 152-155, 197-200, 210-216 (1953). neering, Vol. 162, pp. 1-4, 217-221, 508-511, 529-533,
27. W. C. Stewart and W. G. Schrcitz, IIThermal Shock and 553-556, 577-581, 588, 605-606 (1946).
Other Comparison Tests of Austenitic and Ferritic Steels 49. N. Gross, HResearches on Welded Pressure Vessels and
for Main Steam Piping-A Summary Heport," 'i'rans. Pipelines," Welding J., Vol. I, pp. 149-159 (1954).
ASME, Vol. 75, pp. 1051-1072 (1953). 50. J. H. Sandaker, J. A. Markovits, and J{. B. Bredt-
28. P. L. Vissat and A. J. DelBuono, HIn_Plane Bending schneider, "High Pressure (10,300 psi) Piping, Flanged
Properties of Welding Elbows," Trans. ASME, Vol. 77, Joints, Fittings and Valves for Coal-Hydrogenation
pp. 161-175 (1955). Service," 7'rans. ASME, Vol. 72, pp. 365-372 (Hl50).
29. D. B. Rosshcim and A. It C. Markl, liThe Significance of, 51. P. i). Bijlnard, HStresses from Radial Loads in Cylindrical
and Suggested Limits for, the Stress in Pipe Lines Due to Pressure Vessels," Welding J. (N.Y.), Vol. 33, pp. 615s-
the Combined Effects of Pressure and Expansion," Trans. 623, (1954).
ASME, Vol. 62, pp. 443-460 (1940). 52. N. J. HafT, f1Line Load Applied Along Generators of Thin~
30. A. R. C. Markl, "Fatigue Tests of Welding Elbows and Walled Circular Cylindrical Shells of Finite Length,"
Comparable Double-Mitre Bends," Tran.s. ASME, Vol. Quart. Appl. Math., Vol. 11, pp. 411-425 (1954).
69, pp. 869-879 (1947). 53. G. W. Watts and \V. R. Burrows, Discussion to reference
31. H. Lorenz, IITheorie der Rohrenfedermanometer," Z., 56, Trom. ASME, Vol. 56, pp. 139-140 (1934).
V.D.I., Vol. 54, pp. 1865-1867 (1910). 54. S. Timoshenko, "On Stresses in a Plate with a Circular
32. \V. H. Dean, liThe Distortion of a Curved Tube due to Hole," J. Fr,anklin Imt., Vol. 197, pp. 505-516 (1924).
Internal Pressure," Phil. Mag., Vol. 28, Ser. 7, pp. 452- 55. E. Siebel and S. Schwaigerer, l/Neuere Untersuchungen
464 (1939). an DampfkesSelteilen und Behiiltern,"Z., V.D.l., For-
33. D. n. Zeno, Discussion to reference 23, Trans. ASME, achungsheft 400, Vol. 11 (1940). Also abstracted in
Vol. 73, pp. 84-87 (1951). f1Reinforcement of Openings in Pressure Vessels,"
34. D. S. Jacobus, HOpenings in Cylindrical Drums," ftfecll. Welding J. (N.Y., Res. Suppl., Vol. 19, pp. 238s-240s
Eng., Vol. 54, pp. 368-370 (1932). (1940 ).
35. F. L. Everett and A. McCutchan, HInvestigation of Stress 56. L. Deskin, f1Strengthening of Circular Holes in Plates Un-
Conditions in a FuU-8ize Welded Branch Connection," der Edge Loads," J. Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 11, pp~ 140-
Tram;. ASME, Vol. 60, pp. 399-410 (1938). 148 (1944).
36. T. \V. Greene, "Importance of Design Control for Welded 57. H. J. Weiss, W. Prager and P. G. Hodge, Jr., <lLimit
Piping Systems," Welding J. (N.Y.), Vol. 15, pp. 7-11 Design of a Full Reinforcement for a Circular Cuwut in a
(1936). Uniform Slab," J. Appl. .Mechanics, Vol. 19, pp. 397-401
37. S. Crocker, "Welded Fabrication of Manifolds nnd Special (1952).
Fittings for Piping," Heating, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 58. E. Levin, "On. Heinforced Circular Cutouts," J. Appl.
9, pp. 15-20 (1937). Meehoni"" Vol. 20, pp. 546-552 (1953).
38. A. 1IcCutehan, uDripping High Pressure, High Tempera- 59. J. H. Taylor and E. O. Waters, HThe Effect of Openings
ture Steam Piping," Heating, Piping and A£r Cond., Vol. in Pressure Vessels," Trans. ASME, Vol. 56, pp. 119-132
10, pp. 501-503 (1938). (1934).
39. E. W. P. Smith, IITnilored Pipe Joint.s," Power, Vol. 82, 60. E. Mikocki, "Verstiirkung von Ausschnitten in Zylin-
pp. 142-145, 200 (1938). drischen Miinteln von Druckbehiiltern," Die WamIC,
40. Crane Co. Reports, "8" Pipe Header with S" Reinforced Vol. 61, pp. 660-664 (1938).
Side Outlet/' It L. No. 4455, Aug. 26, 1937j "Welded Steel 61. G. J. Schoessow and E. A. Brooks, "Analysis of Experi-
PipeHeaders,"RL--1455,EP-D-62, May 25, 1939 i "Welded mental Data Regarding Certain Design Features of
Nozzles on Piping," RL-4857, EP-D-82, Aug. 9, 1939. Pressure Ves..'iels," Trans. ASAfE, Vol. 72, pp. 567-577
41. E. H. Seabloom, "Welded Pipe Headers and Their Rein- (1950).
forcement," Welding J. (N.Y.), Vol. 20, pp. 577-586 62. W. G. 1-1arskell, W. B. Carlson, A. A. Wells, A. N.Kin-
(1941 ). kead and A. L. Tannahill, HExperimental and Analytical
42. L. W. Tuttle, "Import.'l.nce of Controlling Design and Determinations of the Stress Systems in a Welded Pres-
Fabrication of Welded Joints for Gathering Lines, ~...Iani- sure Ves.<;el," British Welding Res. Assn., Heport F.E.
folds nnd Drips," American Gas Association, Distribution 12/20, London, 1952.
Conference Paper, April, 1\)36. 63. A. A. Wells, "On the Plane Stress Distribution in an
43. F. C. Fantz nnd W. G. Hooper, uWelded Nozzles and Infinite Plate with a Rim Stiffened Elliptical Opening:,"
Their Reinforcement," WeldingJ. (N.Y.), Vol. 19, pp. 119- Quart. J. Meeh. Appl. Moth., Vol. 3, pp. 23-31 (1950).
125 (1940). 64. A. R. C. Markl, flPiping Flexibility Analysis," ASME
44. F. C, .Fantz, HDcsign and Fabrication of High Pressure, 1'rans., Vol. 77, pp. 127-149 (February, 1955).
High Temperature Welded Piping," Heating, Piping and 65. A. I\'I. Houser and S. Hirschberg, "Flexibility of Plain
Air Cond., Vol. 10, pp. 329-332 (1938). and Creased Pipe Bends," Power, Vol. 74, No. 16, pp.
45. E. R. Scabloom, Discussion to reference 35, Trans. 568-571 (1931).
ASMB, Vol. 61, pp. 170-175 (1939). 66. E. T. Cope, and E. A. Wert, "Some Changes of Shape
Chc.racteriatics of a Smooth, a Corrugated, and n Creased 82. E. O. Waters nnd F. S. G. Williams, HStress Conditions in
Bend Under Load," abstracted in Mech. Eng., Vol. 54, Flnnged Joints for Low Pressure Service," Trans. ASME,
pp. 875-876 (1932). Vol. 74, pp. 135-148 (1951).
67. R. L. Dennison, "The Strength an~'Flexibility of Corru- 83. D. B. Wesstrom and S. E. Bergh, "Effect of Internal
gated and Creased Bend Piping," J. Am. Soc. Naval Pressure on Stresses and Strains in Bolted-Flanged Con-
Engrs., Vol. 47, pp. 340-432 (1935); sec also Engineering, nections," Trans. ASME, Vol. 73, pp. 553-558 (1951).
Vol. 14, pp. 103-105, 215-217, 297--300 (1936). 84. T. J. Dolan, uLoad Relations in Bolted Joints," Mech.
68. L. H. Donnell, HThe Flexibility of Corrugated Pipes Undcr Eng., Vol. 64, pp. 607--611 (1942).
Longitudinal Forces and Bending," Trans. ASME, Vol. 85. R. W. Bailey, "Thermal Stresses in Piping Joints for High
54, pp. 69-75 (1932). Pressures and Temperatures," Engineering, Vol. 137,
69. E. O. \Vaters and J. H. Taylor, "The Strength of Pipe pp. 445-447, 506-507 (1934).
Flanges," Mech. Eng., Vol. 49, pp. 531-542 (1927). 86. H. J. Gough, IlPipe Flanges Research-Firat Report of
70. C. O. Sandstrom, "Bolta and Flanges for Tanka and Heat the Pipe Flanges Research Committee,/I Engineering,
Exchangers," Chern. & Metallurg. Eng., Vol. 40, pp. 67-71 Vo\. 141, pp. 243-245, 271-273 (1936).
(1933). 87. A. R. C. Markl and H. H. George, UFatigue Tests on
71. R. W. Bailey, HFlanged Pipe Joints for High Tempera- Flanged Assemblies," Trans. ASME, Vol. 72, pp. 77-87
tures and Pressures," Engineering, Vol. 144, pp. 364- (1950).
365, 419--421, 490-492, 538-539, 61iHi17 and 674-676 88. R. G. Blick, "Bending Moments and Leakage at Flanged
(1947). Joints," Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 29, pp. 129-133 (H)50).
72. T. M. Jasper, H. Gregersen, and A. M. Zoellner, IIStrength 89. R. G. Blick, "Interaction of Pressure and Bending at
and Design of Covers and Flanges for Pressure Vessels Pipe Flangcs," ASME Paper No. 51-Pet-9, (1951).
and Piping," Heating, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 8, 90. E. C. Bailey, H. C. Schroeder, and I. H. Carlson, "Me-
pp. 605--608, 672--674 (1936); Vol. 9, pp. 43-47,109-110, chanical Joint Experience in High Pressure-Temperature
112, 174-176, 178,243-244,246,311--312 (1937). Steam Piping," Valve World, Vol. 49, pp. 34--39 (1952).
73. E. O. Holmberg and K. Axelson, "Analysis of Stresses in 91. H. Weisberg, "Cyclic Heating Test of Main Steam Piping
Circular Plates and Rings," Trans. ASltfE, Vol. 54, Joints Between Ferritic and Austenitic Steels-SCwaren
pp. 13-28 (1932). Generating Station," Trans. ASME, Vol. 71, pp. 643-
74. E. O. Waters, D. B. Rossheim, D. B. Wesstrom, and F. S. 649 (1949).
G. Williams, Development of General Formulas for Bolted 92. O. R. Carpenter, N. C. Jessen, J. L. Oberg, and R. D.
Flanges, Taylor Forge & Pipe Works, Chicago, Ill., 1937. \Vylie, "Some Considerations in the Joining of Dissimilar
75. E. O. Waters, D. B. \Vesstroffi, D. B. Rossheim, and Metals for High-Temperature High-Pressure Service,"
F. S. G. Williams, IfFormulas for Stresses in Bolted Proc. ASTM, Vo\. 50, pp. 869-860 (1950).
Flange Connections/' Trans. ASME, Vol. 59, pp. 161- 93. H. Weisberg and H. M. Soldan, "Cyclic Heating Test,
169 (1937). Main Steam Piping Materials and Welds, Sewaren
76. D. B. Rossheim, E. H. Gebhardt, and H. G. Oliver, Generating Station," ASME Paper No. 53-A-I51, Decem-
lITests of Heat Exchanger Flanges," Trans. ASltfE, ber, 1953.
Vol. 60, pp. 305-314 (1938). 94. Pressure Vessel Researth Committee, Design Division,
77. J. D. Mattimore, N. O. Smith-Petersen, and H. C. Bell, "Report on the Design of Pressure Vessel Heads,"
IfDesign of Flanged Joints for Valve Bonnets," Trans. Welding J. (N.Y.), Vol. 32, pp. 31a-51. (1953).
ASME, Vol. 60, pp. 297-303 (1938). 95. F. E. Wolosewick, UEquipment Stresses Imposed by
78. G. W. \VattsandE. C. Petrie, "The Design of Flanges and Piping," Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 29, pp. 89-91 (1950).
Flanged Fittings," Valve World, Vol. 36, pp. 121-129 90. P. P. Bijlaard, llStresses from Local Loadings in Cylin-
(1939). drical Pressure Vessels," ASME Paper No. 54-Pet-7
79. A{ adem Flange Design, Bull. 502, 3rd Ed., Taylor Forge (1954).
& Pipe Works, Chicago, Ill., 1950. 97. G. J. Schocssow and E. A. Brooks, "Stresses in a Cylin-
80. W. F. Jacp, "A Design Procedure for Integral Flanges drical Shell Due to Nozzle or Pipe Connection," J.
with Tapered Hubs," Trans. ASME, Vol. 73, pp. 569- Appl. Me<:hanics, Vol. 12, pp. 107-112 (1945).
571 (1951). 98. R. J. Roark, IIStrength and Stiffness of Cylindrical Shells
81. J. J. Murphy, "Discussion to W. F. Jaep's paper 178J," under Concentrated Loading," l'ram;. ASME, Vol. 57,
Trans. ASME, Vol. 73, pp. 572-573 (1951). pp. A147-A152 (1935).


Simplified Method for Flexibility Analysis

ITH piping, as with other structures, the simple piping configurations of two-, three-, or four-

W analysis of stresses may be carried to vary-

ing degrees of refinement. At one extreme
lie mere comparisons with layouts which have met
member systems having two terminals with complete
fixity and the piping layout usually restricted to
square corners. Solutions are usually obtained from
the test of service; at the other extreme are compre- charts or tables. The approximate methods falling
hensive methods involving long and tedious com- into this category are limited in scope of direet appli-
putations and commensurate engineering expense.! cation, but they are sometimes usable as a rough
The many approaches lying in between are com- guide on more complex problems by assuming sub-
promises which have a scope and value not readily division into anchored sections fitting the eontours
definable since their accuracy and general reliability of the presolved cases. However, the inexperienced
are so heavily dependent on the skill and experience analyst is eautioned not to extend these solutions
of the user. These so-called "simplified methods," beyond the restricted proportions of their geometry.
nevertheless, fulfill an important need. In capable 2. Methods restricted to square-corner, single-
hands, and with ample allowance for their limita- plane systems with two fixed ends, but without limit
tions, they serve to provide the quick rough check as to the number of members.
demanded in establishing an initial layout while 3. Methods adaptable to space configurations with
avoiding the use of the more refined calculations square corners and two fixed ends.
unnecessarily for false starts. rv[oreover, their use 4. Extensions of the previous methods to provide
allows the final confirmation by comprehensive for the special properties of curved pipe by indirect
methods to be more safely postponed, when neces- means, usually a virtual length eorrection factor.
sary, in order to even out the work load of specialists This chapter covers a number of approximate solu-
usually employed for the purpose. In cases of non- tions including a recently developed simplified ver-
critical service, moderate expansion requirements, sion of the General Analytical Method presented in
or small pipe diameters, the availability of generous Chapter 5. It discusses the fundamental assump-
safety margins may make certain simplified methods tions and range of applicability of each of these
acceptable for final analysis. methods and is complemented by illustrative ex-
amples. In the interest of a clear and concise
4.1 Scope and Merits of Approximate Methods presentation, detailed derivations and procedures
Approximate approaches are built upon a variety are omitted but references are given to published
of simplifying assumptions which range from minor technical literature. The shortcut solutions pre-
to drastic significance. All such approaches may be sented here were selected either for their ease of
classified in four groups, as follows: application or for their relative accuracy; numerous
J. Approximate methods dealing only with special other approaches proposed in the literature involve
various combinations of simplicity and accuracy but
IThc economic disadvantage of the comprehensive methods
has been offset considerably by developments in model testing
those given are generally deemed to be most repre-
(8CC Chapter 6) and, more recently, by the rapid progress in sentative. The methods described all involve the
programmed automatic computers (see Chapter 5). usual assumptions for analyses to the Theory of
ly = Projected length for
Elasticity which have been incorporated in the
computing .1. 'I
General Method itself, and which are discussed in
Appendix A3. .~
The principal weakness of all approximate methods
is that, with current limitations of mathematical
analysis in treating the unbounded geometrical com-
plexity of piping layouts, there exists no means of
U = Anchor Dl51onc:e
assessing the maximum error involved. With any
given approximate method, a layout can be devised x
for which the analysis will lead to vastly misleading
results. Hence, the "accuracy" of an approximate llt= Projected length for computing ill'
method is largely hypothetical, while considerations FIG. 4.2 Computing components of restrained
of "degree" or "probability" of accuracy are also thermal expansion.
not realistic. In this vein, there is no intent, in the
use of examples common to the methods, to convey increase will likewise be uniform along all direetions.
any true comparison of their accuracy, but rather The change!!. of any dimension L is calculated from
to give an appreciation of the manner of application the relationship
and, only in a. general way, to indicate limitations in
their use. !l = Le (4.1)
Piping flexibility calculations provide accuracy in where e = unit linear thermal expansion 2
proportion to their completeness. Once simplifying (dimensionless if both !!. and L
assumptions of unassessable accuracy are incor- are in the same units)
porated, it serves no purpose to employ excessive
refinements in the remainder of the work. When The application of this equation to the determina-
close results are essential on important or intricate tion of unrestrained expansion is illustrated in
piping systems, the use of approximate methods is Fig. 4.1 for a header with a single point of anchorage
questionable. It is usually more effective and less and with the two ends free to expand.
time consuming for organizations equipped to In the usual case, however, the piping will have
handle comprehensive solutions to proceed directly more than one point of anchorage or connection to
with the General Method, particularly if pro- equipment and consequently will be subject to re-
grammed automatic computation and model testing straint whenever expansion differentials arise. If
are available. the piping is not uniform in temperature throughout
or if it is made up of several materials having differ-
4.2 Thermal Expansion ent coefficients of expansion, the differences in tem-
Most engineering materials respond to a tempera- perature or material must be taken into account in
ture rise by a nearly proportionate increase in linear the expansion calculations. The expansions of the
dimensions. If the temperature change is uniform equipment to which the piping attaches must be
throughout a homogeneous part, the dimensional similarly treated.
The first basie operation in the determination of
the thermal expansion stresses (set up as a result of
restraint) requires the ealculation of the unrestrained
expansion of the piping, whieh is the expansion that
would take place with regard to an assumed single
End, Unrestrained (froe to expand)
referenee point, all movement proceeding from that
2Values of e in the Code, ABA B 31.1, cover most of the
metals commonly used in piping. These tables are based
on a datum temperature. of 70 F, which is considered as most
nearly representing the condition under which the average
installation" is made. A more careful selection of this datum

Point , ~J may be warranted if its effect on the temperature difference
is significant. Chart C-2 of Appendix C gives the slightly
different values of e used in the sample calculations of this
" book, which Were in preparation before the Code values were
FlO. 4,1 Expansion at various points on a header. adopted.
point without interference of any kind. If there is pected to compare with those established by the use
no displacement of the anchors, the calculated re- of acceptable analytical methods, but in the hands
sultant expansion between them i~, called the result- of a competent designer they serve to assist in the
ant restrained thermal expansion of the piping system. recognition of' totally inadequate flexibility, and
The components of this expansion are conveniently serve as a base line for sbarpening judgment by associ-
computed directly from the projection of the anchor ation of occasional results with accurate analysis.
distances on the respective axes. This procedure is Piping flexibility, in providing for tbe changes in
illustrated in Fig. 4.2, where, by eq. 4.1, length which result from thermal expansion of pip-
ing and connecting equipment, must be adequate
Az = eL;x net restrained expansion in the x di-
to serve two purposes:
1. To control within acceptable limits the piping
Ay = eLtJ = net restrained expansion in the y di- reactions on connected equipment located between
or at the terminals of the line.
A = cU = resultant restrained expansion, i.e.,
2. To maintain stresses in the pipe itself within
a range so that direct or fatigue failure and joint
leakage are avoided.
More complex cases involving more than one tem- Where sensitive equipment (due to close clearance
perature range for parts of the 'system, or terminal on moving parts, high speed, etc.) is involved, an
displacement due to equipment expansion, will be accurate flexibility analysis is usually advisable,
treated in the illustrative problems in this and in since approximate approaches are apt to be particu-
the following chapter. Only cases where the tem- larly unreliable for reaction evaluation. Accurate
perature is constant over a measurable length of calculations are also advisable for hazardous con-
piping are shown; however, thermal gradients along tents in relation to an installation location where
piping runs can usually be readily approximated as strength is seriously reduced, as at high tempera-
to their contribution to the expansion of the leg in tures; for unusually stiff piping due to size, thickness,
which they occur. configuration, etc.; for economic use of expensive
The second basic operation in calculating strtoSes materials; for definitely cyclic service; or when ap-
due to thermal expansion is the determination of the proximate analyses indicate overstress. Most of
forces and moments which must be applied to the these criteria are quite general and subject to opin-
ends of the system (which are imagined to have ion in their significance and manner of application.
temporary initial freedom for expansipn) in order They may be grouped under four headings: strength
to return them to their actual fixed positions. This requirements; reaction hazards; service hazards;
operation of structural analysis is di"tinguished by economics.
its involvement with irregular configurations' and Positive assurance that the minimum required
the necessity for conversion of deflection (expansion) strength for satisfactory service is attained is pos-
into reactions and stress. It occupies the principal sible only by complete analysis; however, for not
role in the General AnalytIcal Method of the next too complex piping systems which consist predomi-
chapter and is equally involved ill this chapter, al- nantly of straight runs not concentrated too near
though it is obscured in certam of the approximate the line of thrust through the anchor points, approxi-
approaches. mations of reasonable but varying accuracy are
attainable. A designer can develop, for a given
4.3 Preliminary Segregation of Lincs with shortcut approach, an idea of its limitations and
Adequate Flexibility; Code Rules range of accuracy for average problems provided
A large amount of piping in conventional layouts he has a reasonably adequate knowledge and experi-
possesses satisfactory inherent flexibility for the in- ence with both approximate and accurate analyses.
tended service. Thus the piping engineer, faced Hazards attendant to excessive reactions are cov-
with the problem of effectively apportioning the ered in Chapters 2, 3, and 8. It should be noted
time to be spent on a project, is immediately con- that approximate methods generally do not give the
fronted with the need for recognition of such piping reactions. In many of those which do, the indica-
with a minimum of attention to each line. Approxi- tions are unreliable. In particular, neglect of the
mate solutions or simple rules of thumb are there- flexibility of curved members will result in abnor-
fore essential. The results obtained cannot be ex- mally high values which provide little guidance in
assessing the capacity of sensitive equipment to DY
U'(H _ 1)2:0; 0.03 (4.2)
absorb such cffccts.
Service hazards are related in 'Part to the charac- where D = nominal pipe size, in.
ter of the line contents and the energy contained; Y = resultant of restrained thermal expan-
and in part to the typc of plant, its location, and sion and net linear terminal displace-
the operating conditions (pressurc, tcmperature, ments, in.
etc.). For example, a line containing light hydro- U = anchor distance (length of straight line
carbons at moderate pressure and at a temperature joining terminal or anchor points), ft.
approaching their flash point would be considered Ii = ratio of developed pipe length to anchor
to require complete design; a line containing the distance, dimensionless.
same material at the same pressure but at a much
lower temperature would be considered average This formula is given graphically in Chart C-4 of
service in a rcfinery, but might properly be con- Appendix C. *
sidered a critical service in a gas generating system Equation 4.2 does not directly evaluate stresses;
located in a populated area. Definitely cyclic serv- however, its formulation provides that when the
ice, by increasing the hazard of fatiguc failure, makes left side reaches the value of 0.03, the inherent
it necessary that lines be analyzed. A limit of 7000 flexibility of the piping is at the acceptable limit.
complete cycles during the full life of the system is Thus, the actual maximum stress range BE contained
considered consistent with present design criteria in in eq. 4.2 can be found from:
defining nancyclic service. 33.3DY
Regarding considerations of strength, reaction SE = U 2 (H _ 1)2 SA (4.3)
hazards, and service hazards, some opinion has
favored the establishment of arbitrary limits of where SA = allowable stress range.
pipe size, pressure, and temperature above which It has been stated that the Code equation repre-
piping would be considered critical with detailed sents no more than a rule of thumb, and in cases of
analysis required. It would be typical of such an unfavorable configuration it can doubtless be
approach to require analysis wben, simultaneously, grossly misleading. Nevertheless, it is interesting
1. Maximum nominal operating metal tempera- to note that in the few· examples of average con-
ture exceeds 800 F. figuration presented in Sample Calculations 4.1 to
2. Service pressure exceeds 15 psi. 4.4, inclusive, it comes very close to the results cal-
3. Nominal pipe size exceeds 6 in. culated by the General Analytical Method. This
Other. have favored a single criterion based on the comparison is shown in Table 4.1.
energy stored which would be a function of compres-
sibility, volume, and pressure; as an alternative it Sample Calculation 4.1
has been proposed tbat a maximum temperature be Material: ASTM A-lOG, Gr. A 1'51
also applied. Design temperature: T = 900F L ---,
Such a criterion is more logically established for Unit expansion from 70 F: ~
a partiCUlar industry or type of plant; for this rea- 0.078 in./ft
son such provisions have not been incorporated into Type of service: Oil piping
the Piping Code. To provide a substitute simple Code allowable stress range:
criterion for the recognition of those systems requir- SA = 21,625 psi
ing detailed analysis, efforts have been made to es- Nominal pipe size: D = 10 in.
tablish a rule of thumb capable of giving a rough Developed length: L = 100 ft
idea of relative flexibility. Various attempts to Anchor distance: U = 56.6 ft
devise a parameter expressing the dominant effects U/D = 5.66
of configuration geometry have led to the selection H = L/U = 1.77
of the ratio of developed length to distance between
anchors as the simplest useful stiffness index for the From Chart C-4
purpose. This is the basis of the formula in the 1955 H' = 1.68
edition of the Piping Code (ASA B31.1), which con- H' < H; formal calculations are not mandatory.
t.ains requirements for mandatory examination of ·The Piping Code formula (Section 621) is given as
the flexibility of piping systems to avoid requiring DY/(L - U)2 ::; 0.03. This can be rearranged into the form
complete analyses on all piping if of Eq. (4.2) by the substitution of R ~ LjU.

.. _-_._--------------
Sample Calculation 4.2 U/D = 5.85
Material: ASTM A-106, Y/U = 0.065
Gr. A
Design temperature: T =
R = L/U = 1.97
900F ASA B3Ll Code Criterion Chart G-4
Unit expansion from 70 F: Rt = 1.61
0.078 in./ft
Type of service: Oil piping Rt < R; formal calculations are not mandatory.
Code allowable stress range:
SA = 21,625 psi I--Z5' Table 4.1
Nominal pipe size: D = 10 in. Method
Developed length: L ~ 115 ft Maximum Longi- ASA B3I.I General Analytical
Anchor distance: U = 58.5 ft tudinal Thermal Code Method, Square-
U/D = 5.85 Stress for: Criterion Corner Solution
R = L/U = 1.97 Sample Calc. 4.1 16,800 16,750
Sample Calc. 4.2 10,250 11,650
ASA B31.1 Code Criterion Chart G-4 Sample Calc. 4.3 10,250 8,900
R = 1.67
Resultant Y = '\12.082 + 3.082 + .0782 = 3.8 in.
R t
< R; formal calculations are not mandatory.
While a rule of this nature fills a very definite
Sample Calculation 4.3
need, good judgment must still be exerciscd in the
Material: ASTM A-106, case of certain lines, exempt by this rule, as to
Gr. A whether detailed analysis should be made in con-
Design temperature: T = sideration of combinations of size, temperature, pres-
900 F
Unit expansion from 70 F: --... sure, nature of contents, etc. previously discussed.

0.078 in./ft 4.4 Selected Chart-form Solutions

Type of service: Oil piping Special solutions have been frequently presented
Code allowablc stress range: in the literature by means of a variety of formulas,
SA = 21,625 psi charts, or tables [1, 2, 3], which are both time saving
Nominal pipe size: D = 10 in. and convenient for simple configurations. Each
Results identical with those of Sample Calcu- solution applies only to a particular configuration,
lation 4.2. although the proportions of the legs are permitted
to vary. Since the number of variables which may
Sample Calculation 4.4 be conveniently handled is limited, these solutions
Material: ASTM A-106, are restricted with regard to the number of legs ill
Gr. A the configuration. With judgment and experience,
Design temperature: T =
Unit expansion from 70 F:
0.052 in./ft
1 segmenting of more intricate systems permits wider
use, although generally at the expense of consider-
able hazard of error and with little saving in time
over a complete solution by a more versatile ap-
Type of service: Oil piping proach. The selected cases included herein are lim-
Code allowable stress range: ited to four which are believed unavailable elsewhere
SA = 23,000 psi in the form given. These cases, shown in Fig. 4.3,
Nominal pipe size: D ~ 10 in. are set up primarily for convenient use in establish-
Developed length: L = 115 ft ing preliminary layouts, and provide directly the
Anchor distance: U ~ 58.5 ft dimensions required rather than the stress for a sel
of assumed dimensions.
Expansion and terminal displacements: An assumption common to all of the chart solu-
x-direction: 0.052 X 40 = 2.08 in. tions presented is that the modulus of elasticity is
y-direction: 0.052 X 40 + 2 .- 1 = 3.08 in. taken to be 29 X 106 psi. The charts are based on
z-direction: 0.052 X 15 = 0.78 in. accurate analysis so that for the square corner eases


I ca- ----1-, ~ -L

l~} c
(a) Two-memb4lr System Sl,Ibjeded (b) Two-member System. with One
to Thermal Expaniion Support Displaced in rile
Diredion of the Adioining Member

r -----,
, ,, K,
, Guid ~ .t

-- ...I -- -B "B'
(c) Two-member System,. with
One Support Displaced " 1
Normal 10 Inilial Plone
(d) Symmetrical bponsion loop Subjoded
to Thermol ExpaMion

FIG. 4.3 Representative cases for chart-form solutions.

given the results obtained will be as accurate as the Sample Calculation 4.5. Given a two-member
charts can be read. These chart solutions (see right-angle system made of 4 in. Schedule 40 ASTM
Charts G-5, G-7, C-9, and G-U in Appendix C) A-53, Grade A earbon-steel pipe. The leg AB is
may be used for the determination of the length of 10 ft and the operating temperature in oil piping
leg required for a given allowable stress range. For service is 530 F. Find
cases where terminal reactions on connected equip- a. The required length of BC and
ment are important, such reactions may be obtained b. The moments and forees at A and C.
from Charts C-6, G-8, C-10, and C-12, also in
Appendix C. a.
The charts are constructed so that stress is given The unit expansion e from a 70 F datum of carbon
in terms of the SA, which may be selected to suit steel at 530 F = .040 in. 1ft, and SA = 23,220 psi.
the material, etc. involved. For partial solutions, Enter Chart C-5 with LSAI107 e = 10 X 23,2201
the designer may vary the value of SA to suit his 10,000,000 X 0.040 = .581
judgment as to the eontribution of the remainder Read over to the curve representing 4 in. pipe
of the system to the overall flexibility, or, where and then down to the value of K which is 0.59. The
sueh is not involved, to use a fixed value (such as required length of leg BC is therefore K X L =
SA = 18,000 psi) in applying these eharts for de- 0.59 X 10 ft = 5.9 ft.
sign purposes. b.
The first ease, Fig. 4.3(a), deals with a two- Enter Chart G-6 with K = 0.59
member right-angle system under thermal expan-
sion. The required data are the nominal diameter Read Al = 0.6
of the pipe, the length L of the longer leg AB, the A 2 = 0.245
allowable stress range, SA, and the unit linear ther- As = 0.102
mal expansion e. The length KL of the shorter leg
BC which will hold the stress to the allowable limit A. = 0.212
is then found with the aid of Chart C-5. From the The moment of inertia I for 4 in. Sehedule 40
supplementary Chart C-6, the moments and forees pipe = 7.23 in'
acting on the end points are easily eomputed. IelL 2 = 7.23 X .040/100 = .00289
The procedure is readily apparent in Sample Cal-
eulation 4.5. IelL = 7.23 X .040/10 = .0289

Therefore: The reactions therefore become:
- F rc = - 600,000 X .00289
= -17301b F rA ~ -Frc = -1750 Ib
- F"c = +245,000 X .00289 ~ +710 lb FilA ~ -Fllc = 7851b
102,000 X .0289 = 2940 ft-Ib M ,A ~ .5780 ft-Ib
ill zC = -212,000 X .0289 = -6120 ft-Ib -18,800 ft-Ib
The second ehart-form solution was developed for The third case is shown in Fig. 4.3(c). It is con-
a two-member system subjeeted to a terminal dis- cerned with a two-member right-angle system which
placement in its own plane. Figure 4.3(b) shows is subjected to a displacement normal to the plane
end A displaced in the direction of the adjacent leg of the members. Given the nominal diameter of the
(in this case, leg A B). Structurally, this is equiva- pipe, the length L of the longer leg, the allowable
lent to a horizontal movement of support C to the stress range SA., and the displacement .6., the required
left. This displacement, however, is now perpen- length KL of the length BC is found by the use of
diculal' to the supported leg BC. With proper dis- Chart C-9. From Chart C-IO, the moments and
cretion, therefore, this solution is adaptable to the forees acting on the end points are found. This
support movements both parallel and perpendicular procedure is illustrated in Sample Calculation 4.7.
to the supported leg. Sample Calculation 4.7. End C of the two-
The required data are identieal to those of the member system shown in Fig. 4.3(c) is displaeed
previons ease. The length of leg at which the stress upwards by I in. The members consist of 14 in.
equals the allowable value is found from Chart C-7. OD X i in. thick ASTM A-100, Grade B pipes.
The reaction forceR and moments are then secured The length of leg AB is 15 ft, and the design tem-
from Chart 0-8. perature is 950 F. Find
Sample Calculation 4.6. Support A of the sys- a. The required length of BC and
tem shown in Fig. 4.3 (b) is transposed in the b. The moments and forces at A and C.
direction of leg AB through a distance of 2 in.
Leg AB is 22 ft long; the system is made of 6 in. a.
Schedule 80 ASTM A-I06, Grade A carbon-steel SA = 20,125 psi for oil piping.
pipe to be used in power piping service at 580 F. Enter Chart C-9 with
L 2 S.. /IO' fi = .588
a. The required length of leg BC
b. The reaction forces and moments. Read over to the curve representing 14 in.
pipe and then down to thc valuc of K, which is
0.24. The required length of leg BC is thercfore
Under the conditions given above, SA = 18,000 psi K X L = 0.24 X 15 = 3.60 ft.
and L 2 S A /10 7 fi = .435. If Chart 0-7 is entered
with this ordinate, one can read over to the line for b.
6 in. pipcs and down to an abscissa value of K = 0.8. The moment of inertia, I, of 14 in. OD X i in.
The required length of leg BC is therefore 17.0 ft. pipe is cqual to 372.8 i "
b. Ifi/L 3 = 372.8 X 1/3375 ~ .]]05
The moment of inertia for a
is I = 40.49 in'
°in. Schedule 80 pipe
I fi/L' = 372.8 X 1/225 ~ 1.057

10"(1 fi/L 3 ) = 701 and 10'(1b./L') ~ 16,740 Enter Chart C-IO with K ~ 0.24

Enter Chart C-8 with K = 0.8 and read Read .1,= ]]5
A, = 2.30 A, = 2.1
A, = 1.03 .1 3 = 70.0
.1 3 = .345 A, = 24.5
A, ~ 1.12 A, = 43
Therefore: Read
-F yc = 12,100 Ib A, .55
M XA = -3480 ft-lb A 2 = .90
M,. 116,000 ft-Ib F'A -F xB = -68,300 X .55 = -37,600Ib
M,c = -40,600 ft-lb 111,., = -1I1'B = +273,000 X .86 = 235,000ft-lb
M,c = +71,300 ft-lb 4.5 Approximate Solutions
The fourth case is a graphical solution for the The methods covered in this section arc approxi-
familiar and important symmetrical expansion loop! mations, all of which are limited to square-corner
shown in Fig. 4.3(d). Chart G-11 is entered with configurations. Although several solutions which
the outside diameter D, the effective distance L fall in this category have been advanced, the two
between the anchors or guides, the allowable stress presented are selected because they appear to
range SA, and the expansion A between the anchors. achieve fair reliability with the greatest simplicity.
The required height K,L is found for any value of These arc the Guided Cantilever and the Mitchell-
K,L. From Chart C-12, the forces acting on the Bridge Methods, both of which are applicable to
anchor points and the moments acting on the guides three-dimensional piping systems. The fundamental
are computed. assumptions and guides for application will be given,
Sample Calculation 4.8. Given a loop of followed by illustrative examples. For a more de-
20 in. OD X! in. thick ASTM A-135, Grade A tailed description of these methods, the reader is
pipe. K,L is 20 ft. Guides are located 10 ft on referred to the literature [4, 5, 6]. For important
either side of the loop, so that L = 40 ft. The dis- piping these methods should not be relied upon as
tance between anchors A' and B ' is 100 ft. The the final check; their use by personnel other than
line temperature is 425 F and is used for oil piping. those with adequate background and experience is
Find apt to lead to serious errors. They can be used to
a. The required height of K,L and advantage, however, for the following purposes:
b. The forces acting at points A I and B ' and the a. For approximate assessment of the lIexibility
moments acting at points A and B. of average piping, and to check lines not meeting
the criteria of Section 4.3.
a. b. On critical piping, for layout assistance in
The unit linear thermal expansion for carbon steel arriving at a suitable system for detailed analysis.
at 425 F = 0.030 in. 1ft. t., therefore, = 100 X c. On noncritical piping, to establish the location
0.03 = 3 in. SA = 19,890 psi (ignoring Code per- of restraints without unduly impairing the lIexibility
mission to exclude longitudinal joint efficiency) of the system.
The Guided Cantilever Method. This method
L'SA is intuitively familiar to many piping designers. Its
--- = .0531
10' Dt. fundamental concepts are partially used in the side-
Enter Chart C-11 with .0531 sway analysis of frames. The assumptions under-
Read over to the curve representing K, = 0.5 lying this method can be listed as follows:
1. The system has only two terminal points; it is
and down to the value of K, which is 0.32. K 2 L is
therefore 40 X 0.32 = 12.80 ft. composed of straight legs of pipe of uniform size
and thickness with square-corner intersections.
b. 2. All legs arc parallel to the cuordinate axes.
The moment of inertia for 20 in. OD X ! in. thick 3. The thermal expansion in a given direction is
pipe = 1457 in.' absorbed only by legs oriented perpendicular to this
It. 1457 X 3 4. The amount of thermal expansion a given leg
L3 64,000 = .0683 can absorb is inversely proportional to its stiffness.
Since the legs arc of identical cross section, their
1457 X 3
1600 = 2.73 stiffnesses will vary according to the inverse v,.Iue
of the cube of their lengths.
Enter Chart C-12 with K, = 0.5 and K 2 = 0.32 5. In accommodating thermal expansion, the legs


_ ------~6y.
where ° permissible deflection of leg, in.

SA = allowable stress range, psi.
6ltb "I!!!mpliM'
no'rotation of L = length of leg, ft.

----=- h
j tongontl at COrMr
E = modulus of elasticity, psi.

Ora D = external diameter of pipe, in.
y 0 Ii",,= Expo"".' of . . '" lI.
For convenience, this equation has been plotted in
C-. -+.:.1 Oyg=Expanslon of I.g b, l!J,"y
Chart C-13, Appendix C, based on the value
FIG. 4.4 Deflections assumed to occur in a single-plane sys- E = 29.0 X 106 psi.
tem under the guided cantilever approximation. A first (preliminary) evaluation merely requires
now the calculation of 0" 0., and 0, from eq. 4.4 and
act as guided cantilevers; that is, they are subjected
to bending under end displacements, but no end ro-
° from eq. 4.5 (or Chart C-13) for each leg. If ox.
0., and 0, are all less than 0, every leg possesses a
tation is permitted. This condition is pictured in sufficient deflection capacity, and the system can
Fig. 4.4 for the simplc two-member system. 3 be regarded to be adequately flexible.
According to assumptions 3 and 4 the individual This comparison is most conveniently carried out
legs absorb the following portion of the thermal on Form R as shown in Sample Calculations 4.9.
expansion in the x-direction: 4.10, and 4.11. The stepwise process of the analysis
L3 is clearly indicated in these forms, which are self-
OX = T-L3 _ T-L 3 t!.x (4.4) explanatory in conjunction with the foregoing dis-
where Ox = lateral defleetion in the x-direction In Sample Calculations 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11, the
L =
for the leg under consideration, in.
length of the leg in question, ft.
condition that > Om (where Om denotes the largest
of 0" 0., and 0, in any leg) is satisfied for all legs
t!.x = overall thermal expansion of system save the one next to the far terminal. In this case
in x-direction, in. a further refinement is warranted in recognition of
T-L3 - T-L} = sum of cubed length of all legs per- the actual rotation which takes place at intersec-
pendicular to the direction consid- tions. This refinement is accomplished through the
ered (in this case meaning the legs use of a correction factor f, which allows for the
parallel to the y- and z-directions). reduction of bending moment, due to the rotation of
Similar equations can be written for the lateral de- the leg adjacent to the one considered. The value
flections in the y- and z-directions. The schematic of f for the appropriate case is obtained from
distribution of thermal expansions to the various Chart C-14, depending on the position of the leg
members of a space-bend is shown in Fig. 4.5. and its length relative to adjacent members. If the
The deflection capacity of a cantilever of the type corrected deflection capacity of the leg, fo, is larger
stipulated by assumption 5 (and shown in Fig. 4.4) than 0." the leg is considered to be sufficiently
can be given as: flexible. The use of the correction factor is shown
48L2 SA in Steps 9 and 10 of the Sample Calculations.
0=-- (4.5)
ED The ratio of om/fo indicates the proportion of the
"A refinement taking cnd rotation into account is explained
allowable stress range that has been used up by the
later. leg in accommodating thermal expansion. This

(0) x-diroction In the 1'-, y-, z-

j dirodionl, ...tpectivoly

FIG. 4.5 Deflections assumed to occur in a multiplane system under the guided cantilever approximation.

I, 'S 1,

11 J ~

., '"

• "'"..".. ..
L So-
I~ ",
6.- 6, - L ,rs;- I
!"":" L L' A L' L' (fit""
L f' I~
U, ,-~ >c- ::£ L -L ,,-,~ c. ..... y c- ,...

NOK $IZE /0' 0-1 y 10' l<7tJO .0' - /.473 .335 i- _&7 / .545 I ISO
l'I"lL Tt«. ~.5· 1-2 X 15' .5'375 - .s. 2.21 .7.
Z 2!/.9 J-3 <I EO' /25'()t)() .l.o!! - - 7.37 J'.,f
l-V.TrS1lAL ~~ 3-J 25' IS,;[5 - :2 S(; - 3.;;;8 2./ r .50 1.70 3.57 /55S0
TD1P. 900F "
-,"'.. .078%
L .....

Se~VICl: 0,;:;./.. . '."

S.l~ 2U.z5
......,"" 6 _"ClIeo'" 6 ... _£t..U:r.ts.. 0 .. S,Z
1I, ./..t) '.078 '" 3./2 L (LA-L".') 12(;000 MOMOIT RANGf U POINT
5.. ,5.:1 .... 5.. ) NO ""1'/."~ 0.1,.( ..... ". MAXIMUM 6fNOIIUi
~ (L'-L/I 19000 2.9GO
".A, I
- (L~-L':J
TIO ..3 ....n: NI'CU$"I'l'l' Ul'<less s~ COI'lPOllfHT AT
.... 0 101"... 0 ..... ~.. 05U ....T r"/lM'"M-S TE~l'lltlAlS (fT III
.. .,II! OC'$ll:lI!b.
4 .38800
An --
< FO M

1: 1,

I <

, s.l
"':" L L'
A L'
5, - Lis. (Fit".. • "'''
L I f'
tl°KS1ZE 10·
'"z 15' JJ75

n · 'A'
, • "0"



1.4.1 I.M/I 9-.1'0

WAll THK .le5 I-Z y 1<1 • /000 .0N - .008 1.41) .335
z Z9.9 Z'3 x 15' 3)7S - .47 .027 2.2/ .7.
K'lTl'I:!LAI.. ".':: 3- £0' 1?50tX 3.01 - /.00 7.)7 g,
.100 ;:: 4'S 25' :n;l - 2./{J .13 '.C-'i r .SCl 1. 7 0 !J.~ I!J 220
... _
c ....... ~., .. .078 ~ " '"
SfI.V/C-t: "'"

SA'I, 21GZ5
......- II ."nooo 6 .. _~""«A;,"" 0,.
.0, .1.0 x ."7.5 .. 5.12' L (L·-L,o') /2J1.!J75
6 ... 15~ ••"151) NO '-VI".r,.r.ot (,oL("'A'
HArlMlJM 6fHllJ/Ui
./"'.o7$~3.1? I (L'-l' 22)7S 0
".A, /5"'.07d .. 1.17 ~(L·-L/ /45000
T, .. ,,~ IIR" J.lIrC.,.:\.Alty ..... L~:li' S~ COMPOH!tlr AT
.... 0 .............. ov,,,s .., AT T""N'''Alo$ TErMlIML~ {fr 15
...."'.. o;>e~I""'l>. S
AC •
.. tCNID








l'lAlL T~
'0' 0-'
.JCO' /·2


3j '5
o c'
~, ~


L {S;;"

c. ........,.

z 1!9.9 Z·j
.>-,4""' /5' '375
rd 25 M
- 77
.081 Z.21 ,7/;'
~Ttl1lAL J.()o 3.0/ 7.'7 8../
..078 ;;.
4-5 --;; 25' 15(;2 .15 2.18 - 3.G8 2./ r 0.5 /.7tJ J.57 /.$Z;'O

S"l" 2/G25
6 ..{~S'" 0"
::f (Ls_L".J) /45000 ~
_ _ G li'l<CU_ MOMENT R,AtHi~ 01 POINT
~, /5;,071) -/'17' 6.. ,5.:1,"'15,,) ,.... ,.v..::,.~Go,l..C:<II. ...· H.AJ:IHUM. fH:Hllm<i
A, 40 -.076 ..:3./2 1: (L'-l f!2 fJ75 TlOO'S J\RIO: "'ECII~RY Ut<Less Sir COMPONENT AT 0 23350
.....0 "'_ _ .. I<J\MlfU AT T .. _ , ..,u.S
~, 4f7 • • (;'7d-=3./2 I(L~ L z 121375 TfC~'IlI(ALS (''" Lit 53000
...... ~,l"l!!t>. 5
'T< -- CALC NO .II

permits an estimate of the actual stress range in the cal Method in Table 4.2. While these results are
leg by the formula indicative of the accuracy for average configurations,
Om for extreme conditions the results may be much less
SE = fo SA (4.6) favorable
where BE = estimated stress range in leg, psi. Table 4,2
SA = allowable stress range, psi. l\'fethod
Om = largest of component deflections Ox, all'
or 0, by eq. 4.4, in. Guided Cantilever
o = deflection capacity of leg by Chart
C-13, in. Maximum Stress r-.Iaximum Stress
Layout according
f ~ correction factor by Chart C-14. to: Value Location Value Location
The estimated moment range, which is of interest Sample Calc. 4.9 15,550 4 16 ,750 4
at the terminal points, is then found from the rela- Sample Calc. 4.10 13,220 5 11,650 0
Sample Calc. 4.11 13,220 5 8,900 S
M = SEZ (4.7) The greatest asset of the Guided Cantilever
b 12 Method is extreme simplicity, and applicability to
where M b = moment range of maximum bending any space configuration with two points of fixity.
component, ft-Ib. In general, least accuracy is realized when the sys-
Z = section modulus of pipe, in., from tem consists of legs of greatly disproportionate
Table C-l, Appendix C. length, or when terminal displacements are present
in addition to thermal expansion. From the lim-
In Sample Calculations 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11 the ited evidence available to date, it appears that the
evaluation of the stress and moment ranges are error will normally be on the safe side.
shown in Steps 11 (last column) and 12, respectively. The terminal moment range given by the Guided
For a partial indication of the reliability of the Cantilever Method is no more than a crude indica-
Guided Cantilever Method, the stresses so obtained tion of the moment reactions actually present at
are compared with the results of the General Analyti- the supports. In cases where the moment reactions

govern design, this method is of use only as a pre-

liminary evaluation.
Centroid of Pipe from 0 to 1
The Mitchell-Bridge Method. Consider an
arbitrary piping system limited to two terminal
points, and subjected to thermal expansion; if all
restraint is removed at one terminal, this end of the Centroid of Entire
piping would move out through a distance deter-
mined by the linear expansion. To restore the
actual fixed condition, end forces and moments are
applied to the "freed" end, of such magnitude as to
return it exactly to its initial position. These forces
and moments can be expressed as a single force the
line of action of which is called the thrust axis. This Midpoint of tho
Developed length
approximate method is based on the proposition A

that on most piping systems the thrust axis can be

located empirically with reasonable accuracy. Once
Centroid of Pipe "
the thrust axis is establisbed, the problem is rendered from 1 to A
statically determinate.
Thnnl Axis Auvmed by Bridge
Mitchell [4J originally assumed the thrust axis,
which passes through the center of gravity of the FIG. 4.7 The modification to Miwhell's thrust axis location
suggested by Bridge.
piping system, to be parallel to the line connecting
the anchor points. This assumption, valid only for
limited configurations, was subject to variable and to the anchor line) and the thrust axis is taken as
extensive error for the many shapes of piping lay- the line bisecting the angle between the "gravity"
outs encountered in practice. Figure 4.6 shows a and Mitchell axes. This sequence of operations for
configuration subjected to thermal expansion, in locating the thrust axis is shown in the representa-
which terminal moments are obviously present, yet tive example of Fig. 4.7 for a single-plane layout.
the original Mitchell Method would predict them to To preserve simplicity, the centers of gravity for
be zero. the halves of the layout are located by eye. For
Improvement of the original Mitchell Method single-plane systems of not too great complexity,
required a more reliable location of the thrust axis. usable accuracy can be achieved; for multi plane or
Bridge [5J proposed that the layout be divided into involved one-plane systems, considerable error is
two halves of identical developed lengths. The likely to arise. For these latter applications Ran-
centers of gravity of these half portions are then dolph [6J proposed that the centers of gravity be
connected to form the "gravity axis," the center of located by calculation. The labor involved, how-
gravity for the whole system lying half way be- ever, then approaches that of the General Analytical
tween those of the two halves. The Mitchell axis Method and since the resnlts are still of unassess-
is now drawn (line through e.g. of system parallel able accuracy, the choice over the General Method
is decidedly questionable.
True Thruil Axis Once the thrust axis is located, the problem be-
comes statically determinate. There remains the
conversion of the evaluation of linear expansion to
the reaction resultant force along the thrust line
and subsequently the stress at any locatioll) which
involves conventional struetural approaches, with
the conversion of thrust to moment usually accom-
plished graphically.
~u1f Mia Assumed
. "'" _ The basic limitations of the Mitchell-Bridge
\ ~ by Mitchell
Method are: (1) Two terminal points; (2) Proper
orientation of the thrust axis is dependent on expe-
rience and ability of the user.
FIG. 4.6 Illustration of the error involved in Mitchell's Variation of the cross section of various runs of a
assumption regarding the thrust axis. system can be taken care of by assigning specific

weights (inversely proportional to the moments of 5. All legs orthogonal (at right angles to each
inertia) to the individual legs when locating the otherJ with square-corner intersections).
centers of gravity of the half-sY8tems. It is not For systems accurately represcnted within these
necessary that all legs be in an orthogonal arrange- limitations, the accuracy is the same as that of the
ment. The flexibility of bends can also be incorpo- General Method. Because of this accuracy and the
rated by means of the approximations of Section 4.7, methodical attack, this method is highly recom-
one of which was advanced by Randolph [6J. mended over any approximate method involving a
The layouts investigated by the Guided Cantilever comparable degree of effort.
Method in Sample Calculations 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11 Bcfore describing the actual procedure in making
were re-evaluated by an experienced designer using the calculations, a brief discussion of fundamentals,
the Mitchell-Bridge Method. While detailed cal- conventions, and terminology is in order.
culations are not reproduced) 4 a comparison of the First, the unrestrained expansion of the system is
magnitude and location of maximum stresses with determined. One end is then arbitrarily choscn as
those obtained by the General Analytical Method the fixed end to reduce the analysis to a cantilever
is given in Table 4.3, which shows that the maxi- systcm. The other end, the so-called free end, is
mum stresses are consistently underestimated; imagined to be loaded with forces and moments of
furthermore, the most highly stressed lo~ation is in unknown value. These unknowns can then be
sharp contrast to the results obtained by compre- found from the condition that they must prodncc
hensive calculations. deflections of the free end which nullify the dis-
It has been claimed [6J that the Mitchell-Bridge placements of that end due to thermal expansion.
Method gives results within ±20% of an accurate The coordinate system is standardized as:
method, which is quite optimistic in view of the X-axis-horizontal and positive to the right.
limitations discussed above; also, the comparison Y-axis-vertical and positive upward.
in Table 4.3 indicates an error of 26.1% for Sample Z-axis-horizontal and positive towards the ob-
Calculation 4.9. server.
The dircctional signs are consistently applied to dis-
Table 4.3
tances, displacements (expansions or deflections),
Method and forces. Signs of angular displacements (rota-
Modified Mitchell General Analytical tions) and moments will be positive in the counter-
clockwise dircction facing the related positive axis.
Maximum Stress Maximum Stress
Layout according The origin of the coordinate system may be at any
to: Value Location Value Location point on or outside of the pipe line. A location
Sample Calr. 4.9 12,350 2 16,750 4 toward the center of the system promotes accuracy
Sample Calc. 4.10 8 13S0 4 1l,650 0 by a more nearly uniform level of dimensional co-
Sample Calc. 4.11 6,580 4 8,900 5 efficients. Where members coincide with the axes
certain coefficients will be zero, and where symmetri-
4.6 The Simplified General Method for Square- cal adjacent runs are present, extension of this
corner Systems symmetry to their placement with respect to the
The solution presented in this section is a limited origin will advantageously duplicate the coefficients.
form of the General Analytical Method, which can The pipe line is subdivided into individual straight
be followed step by step by anyone aeenstomed to legs, which are called members. If a straight run
routine arithmetical computations. This Simplified contains a change in stiffness such as a size reduc-

General Method is applicable to single- and multi- tion, it must be treated as two members.
plane eonfigurations subjected to thermal expansion To assist the reader with thc actual application
and external movement, which satisfy the following of the method, a stcp-by-step procedure will be
conditions: given, followed by sample calculations presented on
1. Two completely fixed ends. form sheets which arc largely self-explanatory. The
2. No intermediate restraints. use of a calculating machine is convenient although
3. No branches. 5 not essential.
4. Straight runs only.
·For n detailed description of a systematic step-wise solu- neglected if they are less than 50% of the size of the main rUll.
tion, the reader is referred to the available literature (4, 5, 6\. Of course, the necessary flexibility of the branches lhemselvef'
5J'he effect of branches of the main system may generally be must not be overlooked.
The solution involves three more or less distinct and the shape coefficients for members of different
stages: moment of inertia are corrected by Q. Thc stiffness
1. Setting up the problem. ratio should be selected so as to keep the magnitude
2. Making the computations. of the coefficients within reasonable limits.
3. Interpreting the results. Material and temperature as given.
The first and third stages require familiarity re- Unit thermal expansion, e, ft/ft, from Piping Code
spectively with the method and the general require- ASA B 31.1.
ments of the Piping Code; the second is purely Cold spring factor, C.
routine computation. Hot allowable stress, Sh, and cold allowable stress,
The set-up procedure, following Form Sheet A, S" from Piping Code ASA B 31.1.
consists of the following steps: Step 4. Calculate the component free expansion
Step 1. Gather prcrcquisite data. Includc pipe movements .6 X1 .6. tlJ and {).z' Include the expansion
material, nominal size, design temperature, as well of the equipment and of other members assumed to
as the dimensions of the layout. be rigid. Prefix the sign in accordance with the
Step 2. Draw a working sketch. This should be direction of the imaginary movement of the free end
to scale, or at least to reasonablc proportions, as an with respect to the fixcd end.
aid in interpreting results. If simplifications are Step 5. Compute the products Ehl A,/144,
made, show the piping as it is to be calculated. Ehl A./144, Ehl A,/144, being careful to use the
Where there is significant expansion of the equip- value of E h l/144 for that size pipe for which Q = 1
ment to which the line connccts, indicate the dis- was selected.
tances to the anchor point as infinitely stiff members The work now proceeds to the second stage which
by the use of broken lines. Designate one end as consists entirely of computations. The form sheets
the fixed end, denoting it 0', the other end as the involved depend on the problem as follows:
free end, denoting it A. Locate the origin 0 so as to a. For a single-plane system with expansion in the
minimize computation. Number the remaining plane, Sheet B is used.
points 1, 2, 3, etc. proceeding from the fixed to the b. For a single-plane system with expansion nor-
free end. mal to the plane, Sheet C is used.
Step 8. Enter the following: c. For a single-plane system with expansion both
Outside diameter D, in., from Table C-l, Ap- in and normal to the plane, the forces and moments
pendix C. at the coordinate origin, 0, are computed on Sheets
Wall thickness t, in., from Table C-l, Appendix C. Band C. The remaindcr of the calcnlation, in-
Moment of inertia l, in 4 , from Table C-l, cluding the transfer of moments to the various
Appendix C. points and the combining stresses, is done on Sheet F.
Section modulus Z, in 3 , from Table C-l, Ap- d. For a multiplane system Sheets D, E, and F
pendix C. are used.
Bend radius R, and bend characteristic h, not The steps of the compntation stage are:
used unless thc approach of Section 4.7 is used. Step 6. Select Sheet B, C, or D depending on
Flexibility factor k, and stress intensification the problem. Identify the members as 0'-1, 1-2,
factor, f3, not used for curved mcmbers unless the etc. at the top of the page. List k, Q, and £ from
approach of Section 4.7 is used. In such a case and Sheet A. Compnte £2/12. Indicate the position
for other components obtain k and f3 from Piping (I, II, or III) of each member and determine the
Code (see also Chapter 3 hcrein). distances a, b, e for each in the position involved.
Hot modulus of elasticity, Eh(lb/in?), and cold Enter a, b, e with the proper sign. Compute the
modnlus of elasticity, E,(lb/in. 2 ), from Piping Code, shape coefficients A, A a1 A UI etc. for each member
ASA B 31.1." in accordance with the formulas listed in the col-
Stiffness ratio Q = ElIENl N, which expresses umns at the left. Sum A, A" A b, etc. across and
the relative stiffness of any membcr N. The product enter the totals in the last colnmn at the right.
El of a group of members is considered as unity, Step 7. Determine the forces and moments at
the origin.
Geode values for modulus of elasticity and linear expansion a. On Sheet B: This computation is made im-
are not used in the sample calculations of this book il.S these
calculations were in preparation before the Code data were
mediately below the calculation of the shape coeffi-
adopted. The data used nre given in Appendix CJ Charts C-3 cients, and the symbols A, A a , A b, etc., refer to the
!lod C-2 respectively. sum of these coefficients shown in the last column.
First, the coordinates of the elastic center, x, and nates X, V, of 0' in rtaation to the origin, and trans-
y" are calculated. Second, the constants in relation ferring the moments directly from the origin to
to the elastic center, m12, m22, and mIl, are deter- point 0', using the same proeedure as at point A.
mined. Third, the constant n33 is calculated after Step 9. Choose the point of maximum stress.
which N rand Ny can bc determined. The forces On Sheet B where only the bending stress in the
F;r; and Fu can now be computed in accordance with plane is involved, this presents no difficulty, but in
the formulas given, and finally, the moment at the Sheets C and F, it may be necessary to evaluate
origin, A1~, is calculated. the stress at several points in order to find the max-
b. On Sheet C: This computation is also made imum. Once the position of the point is selected,
immediately below the calculation of the shape co- the strcsses are combined as indicated.
efficients, and the symbols B, Bbl Ebb, C, Ca , Caa In all of these steps (6 through 9) in the compu-
refer to the sum of these coefficients shown in the tation stagc it cannot be emphasized too strongly
last column. The order of computation is the same that careful attention must be given to the algebraic
as above: Xli and yz are calculated, B' bb and Of aa signs involved. Checking at the completion of each
arc computed, ma3 is determined, after which F Zl step by a person other than the calculator himself
M r, and My are obtained. is strongly recommended.
c. On Sheet E: The symbols A, A a • A b, ctc., E, Step 10. Complete the analysis by entering on
B bl Bel etc., and 0, Gel Ca , etc. refer to the sum of Sheet A the results for the cold and the hot condi-
the shape coefficients in the last column on Shect D. tion in accordance with the formulas given in Sec-
After the elastic center coordinates have been cal- tion 2.6 of Chapter 2. The signs given are those of
culated the constants mu,. m12, m22, m23, m33 and acting forces and moments at the terminal points
m'3 can be computed. From these a second set of and are determined from the calculation as follows:
constants, nU, nlZ, n22, nI3, na3, and n23 are calcu-
Cold Condition Hot Condition
lated, and Zt, 1: 21 N;r;, Nil, Nt. are computed. The
Fixed End 0' Opposite sign Same sign
forces are now determined followed by the moments. Free End ,1 Same sign Opposite sign
Step 8. Transfer the moments obtained in Step 7
to the various points in the line. For a single-plane Also included in the summary of results is the
system with expansion in the plane only, the com- maximum expansion stress and the point at which
putation is made in the space provided at the bottom it occurs, and, for purposes of comparison, the allow-
of Sheet B. For a single-plane system with expansion able stress range.
normal to the plane, the computation is made at The final stage, the interpretation of results, will
the bottom of Sheet C. For a single-plane system be discussed in Chapter 5. Thc calculator is cau-
with expansion both in and normal to the plane, tioned to examine the results:
Sheet F is used as an aid in properly combining the a. In order to determine whether they are in gen-
stresses. For a multiplane system, Sheet F is used. eral agreement with what is expected from the con-
Indicate consecutively from the free end A the figuration and the displacements. Calculations
points at which the moments are required. Enter giving unlikcly results should be inspected for sign
the coordinates x, y, z of point A with their proper and arithmetical errors.
signs in relation to the origin. Enter x, y, z for each b. In the light of the assumptions made, to decide
succeeding point in relation to the one preceding it. whether the results are on the liberal or conservative
Fill in at point A the moment M x, My, M" obtained side and to make a judgment concerning the prac-
from Step 7. Perform the operations indicated on ticality of the layout.
the next three lines using the F x , F y , F z from Step 7. The following examples are given to illustrate the
For example, on Sheet B, enter l)f; (the moment at procedure:
the origin) under point A, multiply Fr by the co- Sample Calculation 4.12. .-\ single-plane system
ordinate y previously listed, and - F y by x. Add of uniform size wjth expansion in the plane only.
ft1 z + yF x - xFv to obtain 111' zA, the moment at The infinitely stiff member 0'-1, normal to the
point A. Enter the M"A in the following column plane, is cold. It is shown only in order that the
on the M, line and perform the multiplications, yF r numbering of the points may be consistent with the
and - xF II' using the x and y coordinates in that examples which follow.
column. Add to obtain M, for the 2nd point. Sample Calculation 4.13. The single-plane system
Proceed in this manner to point 0'. A check at of 4.12 above with expansion both in and normal to
point 0' may be obtained bv setting in the coordi- the planc. The forces and the momcnts at the

MEMBERS I-A 0'-1 y

1'./ ~
D. /0.75 /50
t .365
t?9.90 2
1 /
0 . X "'X~y
" g g ( ~ IF)
k I Q. ~ en
EI;" 10·
i:! ,/ I

Z Ec" 10-(0
V) 1 0//
29.0 /

$JUMID -.L...
0' - C>
900 r
70 F " <i

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CALC. - . .6.
I ~11Io1 NO.

origin used on Sheet F to transfer the moments to factors alone for other components whose flexibility
every point in the system are those which havc pre- factors are either not satisfactorily established or
viously been computed on Sheet B for 4.12. else not reduced to usable criteria. The significance
Sample Cakulation ,;.1 4. A multiplane system of flexibility factors diminishes as the relative run
similar to the single-plane one used in 4.12 and 4.13 of curved to straight pipe or number of other com-
above, but here the infinitely stiff member 0'-1 is ponents is rednced; on the other hand a single stress
replaced by an equivalent lcngth of 10 in. pipe. intensification at a location of maximum primary
Samplc Cakulalion 4.15. A second multiplane stress constitutes the weak link on which the fatigue
system. life of the entire system is based.
Repeated reference has been made to the "square
4.7 Approximating the Effeet of Curved Pipe corner" defined as a direct intersection between con-
and Other Components. necting straight runs, which allows no angular dis-
A principal factor contributing to the complcxity placement of one tangent with rcspect to the other.
of accurate piping structural analysis is the dif- It is commonly portrayed as a single miter in which
fering rigidity and attendant secondary stress dis- uniform stiffness exists without local effect. Actu-
tribution of local components (discusscd in Chapter ally this condition is never attained. A miter in-
3). As pointed out, the increased flexibility (i.e. volves sizable intersection stress with proportionate
deflection and rotation) which they introduce re- influence on flexibility and local stress as explained
sults in reduced reactions (forces and moments), in Chapter 3. Relatively heavy pipc fittings prob-
while the concurrent localized stresses serve to limit ably constitute a closer approach although at the
the fatigue life in proportion to the strain range at expense of some local increase in stiffness. This
their location. The Piping Code Rules providc ade- subject is mentioned here in clarification of termi-
quate coverage of flexibility and stress intensifica- nology and not as a contributing factor for evaluation
tion factors for curvcd pipe and approximations for in approximate solutions.
miters and corrugated pipe, but for the present The assumption of "square corners contributes Jl

(1955) are confined to rough stress intensification materially to the simplification of piping structural

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oB be , T /4 Sao. co

.. -248S:
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+ 999/.2'
- 7?a.oo
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mIla + 54.57 IlI U " - 9.9' mn • + 1I.~4 mn "f.?9? mn , + 50.31 rn u '- 2.49
S70. S2 .mll'm n " 274S.42 2S,C87./9
.. '"18.82
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", · -(;148 ", . '/79C ", . - IIOC'I
1'11'1 N6 fLfXUlIlin a STilUS ANALYSIS
tHE "'.'1'. !CElLOGG CO",pAHY
/fALC. 'A~
CH[CI([O ;t1. J B 1;011..
OATE 7~ ZZ S3 p CALC, NO, 4./S

4 3 o 2 I 0' O'(CIIECK)
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, - 50.00
o -150.00
- 15.00
o -10.00 o
- /5.00
- 10.00
St Ec s't
- .5.00
-I- 25.00 o o
fl5,OO ..,. 15.00
257. Z8


s..E..t... c

OIl; ",

- (,14
- JS (,88
.,." 477

- 2(;,23
..,.. 1~29q
- C,148
- f ,y "'17. (..25 o -IZ 025 o + .35Z5
M', IS 108 -I-IJ 477 - C,14 -I-13G7~ -I- 136 7(;,

"* '" I7q~
WHICHEVER IS GR[ATER -1-179<4 -4(,3(" 3491 ..,..179&
·F Z'~ o o o -528
~.02 ·F x'z _
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i M'y - 4(, e- +1 qe. +/ <, -3491 -34 I r3G8 , "-
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v', v', v', v" - 4&3&

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s'bc f "', 18(;1
2S1 I Ml 720
Sb.... S·~+4S, 43.6'Z4000
Sb. tl: +4S, • S' (;OS
'1'''.0 ~I-H'8IllTY.
uOllons ."0
Ira".. NO r
CALC. 1<0 4. /5
analysis and permits the relatively simple applica- the compensating influence of the flexibility factor,
tion of the General Analytical Mcthod to problems and because the maximum stress, before application
involving two points of fixation ae' covered in Sec- of a stress intensification factor, is sometimes not
tion 4.6 of this chapter. It is continued in the further located at a bend. Naturally, this is not a generally
approximations, i.c. guided cantilever and assumed safe assumption, since there will be many instances
thrust axis approaches, of Sections 4.4 and 4.5. For where a correction is necessary. In such, an empiri-
Schedule 40 or heavicr pipe curved to a radius of cal correction factor of the order of v'~ instead of iJ
five diameters or over, flexibility factors are neglected will usually be ample. It is best, however, for the
with little error; however, the developcd lcngth and designer to explore typical configurations by com-
disposition relative to the neutral axis differs from parative ealculations in order to reinforce his judg-
that of tangent straight elements with a resulting ment for specific applications. As mentioned previ-
effect on the system stiffness. ously, it is not necessary to apply the correction
There is fairly extensive successful experience factor to the reactions since they will be on the safe
with the design of piping systems to the stress side. Where the reactions so estimated prove too
range of hs, + Sh) (which was in effect until the high and a more accurate evaluation is desired, there
1955 revision of the Code) on the basis of square- is no substitute for a solution by the General
corner analysis neglecting both flexibility and stress Analytical Method.
intensification factors. These eompanion assump- Efforts have been made to reduce the inaccuracy
tions tend to offset eaeh other insofar as stress of the square-eomer assumption by factors which
evaluation is concerned, provided details involving eorrect the deflcction contribution of the individual
high stress intensifieation are avoided. The reac- component and apply its influence on the overall
tions obtained, on the other hand, are always on the piping system at the correct relative location. The
high side. Sueeessful past experience might be taken additional flexibility which curved pipe exhibits
to indicate that piping has operated safely at some- may be conveniently expressed as an increase in
what higher peak stresses than nominally ealeulated. length or "virtual length" whieh would be required
This experience, however, has been predominantly to produee the same deflection on the basis of unit
with steel pipe of sehedule 40 or heavier thiekness flexibility, and may be extended to the square-
which did not involve exeeptionally high iJ factors. eorner equivalent of a bend as follows:
With a greater trend toward use of thin walled
pipe, coupled with the recently inereased allowable L, = virtual length of bend, ft
stress range, there is increased need to take stress R = radius of bend, ft
intensification into consideration. k = flexibility factor of bend
The Piping Code rules, as revised in 1955, require For a 90° bend the developed length of the square-
that, when using approximate methods, the effect eorner equivalent is 2R and
of stress intensifications be taken into account.
This requiremcnt would be satisfied if a correction L, = l.57kR
factor applied to the stress calculatcd by the square-
corner approach would always assure that the ad- The additional virtual length to be applied to the
justed stress is not lcss than would result from square-corner equivalent in simulation of bend flex-
application of thc Gencral Analytical Mcthod. An ibility is given by
obviously safe means would be to apply thc full L, - 2R = R(1.57k - 2)
stress intensification factor to the stress at the
square corners. However, comparative calculations The simplest locations for the application of this
show that this seriously ovcrcstimates the effect be- additional virtual length are at the intersection
cause of thc ncglected flexibility, and results in un- forming the square corner, or else at the center of
economical and unnecessary provision of excess pipe the bend to which the square corner is equivalent.
length. Much effort has been devoted toward The first of these locations overvalues, and the sec-
developing a simple guide for a safe, yct not unduly ond undervalues, the stiffness eontribution to thc
conservative correction. Despite this effort no simple piping system. A more aeeurate location would bc
rule has evolved, since the configuration of the line to apply this excess at the center of gravity of the
and thc location, as well as amount of curved pipe, pipe bend; however, the considerable added effort
add up to a eomplex influence. In the majority of is unwarranted in view of the still approximate re-
eascs no eorrection for stress is needed because of sults obtained. A further altcrnative would be to

r Table 4.4 Comparison of Various Corrections Applied to a Square Corner Solution in Order to Approximate the Effect of Curved Members

Value and location of maximum stress range, as calculated by

12-ln., Schoo. 20 (.25")
AST1I A-lOG Grade B
pipe Modified Square-corner Solution. Stress intensification factor
Tm u-630F, Tmin-

General Squarc-corner Solution considered. "Excess virtual length" of bend concentrated at
70F E - 28.8 X 10' Analytical (Stress inrens. and flexi-
psi Method bility factors ignored.) Cenrer of gravity Distributed propor-
of elbow tionally to members

Per Cent

Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent
L, I 1, I
1----------- ----
R I h I kiP I Valua ILoc'n I Devia!'n'
Loc'n Deviat'n· Value
Loc'o Deviat'n-
Loc'n I Devial'n*
I I:
a, a,
12 12 1.5 .12 12.7 3.35 0.0 31,900 1 19,500 b -29.1 ! +33.9
,b, -40.5 b +14.1 1 29,300 15,000 b,
, ~
1--1-1--1-1--1--11--1-1 I I-I 1--1-1 I I I I I 1 I
a, a, a, a, s::
12 12 5 .38 4.3 1.52 40,100 0.0 31,900 b,
, +35.0 1 19,150 +61.0 I 31,600 1 b +35.7 . 1 16,000
,b, I +67.5
1 - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - '11--1--1
I 1--1
I I §
12 12 12 .92 1.85 1.12 64,800 0.0 31,900 b, +50.8 I 21,600 +66.7 I 30,500 1 b +52.9 I 21,900 b, I +66.2
, , o

~ - - - - - - - - - - --11- -I
-----II-I-I I I I 1-1-1 I I-I I I I I ~
18 12 1.5 .12 12.7 3.35 29,800 a 0.0 37,800 a
-2~1...:'::900 a ~130,ooo 1 a - 0.7 1 19,900 a ! +33.2

--I '37,800
12 5 .38 4.3 1.52 36,600 a 0.0
- 3.3
27,200 a +25.7 137'300
I a - 1.9
21,100 a I +42.4

~_12 1_2_~~~ 50,900, 0.0 37,800 a +25.8 1 29,600 a +41.9 32,800 a +35.6 27,800 a I +45.4
I I 1--1--1 I I 1-- ....t:::I
I I I 35,200
! 24











- 6.1
. 35,500 n
a + 7.6


I 45,300

- 0.8

- 6.3 27,200
25,900 a

! +32.0

I +36.2
F 24
--------- --











- 5.1 I 85,200

+ 5.9

+ 4.3
40,600 1

89,800 1

I !--I
- 0.7 1
- 0.9 168'100


I +23.5
I >
I >
-1--1 185,600 1--1 1195'300 1--1 ><
I 60 12 5 .38 4.3 1.52 85,700 -a-I 0.0 93,500 a - 9.1 a + 0.1 l_a_ I
-11.2 70,300
_ a I +18.0 ....
60 12 12 . .92 1.85 1.12 58,300 a 0.0 93,500 a -60.4 88,300 a -51.5 81,500 I a I -39.8 81,100 a -39.1

Layout and service conditions as ( 4.12 17,400 a 0.0 16,700 A + 4.6 12,900 0 +26.3 13,600 0 I +22.3 12,100 A ~
shown in Sample Calculation Nos.: --I----I- - -I----=.:::.:....j
(All adjacentl'gJ! connected by ,bor!-
radius welding elbows).
4.14 15,500 0 0.0 11,600 0' +26.6 11,600
0 +26.6
12,100 0
I +22.4 9,700 0' +37.8
4.15 12,100 0 0.0 8,900 A +26.5 I 9,300 0 +23.2 I 9,600 0 i +20.6 7,500 A , +38.0

• Percentage deviation ... 100 (He - Ra)/Re. wbero He - exact result obtained from General Analytical Method. and Ra ... result obtained from approximate method.
deviat.ion denotes erron; on the unsafo side.
A positive value of the percentage
distribute the additional virtual lengths between the the General Analytical solution will prove no more,
straight members representing the square-corner burdensome in the long run and will provide the
equivalent; this will generally ...,Iso overvalue the only reliable results.
stiffness contribution to the system. Table 4.4
shows for a simple system the effect on the actual References
stress range of these alternate location assumptions 1. E. A. 'Vert and S. Smith, Design of Piping for Flexibility
including the stress intensification factor of the bend, with Flex-Anal Charls, Blaw-Knox Co" Power Piping Div.,
as compared with the General Analytical Method Pittsburgh, Pa., 1940.
results and those of a square-corner solution with 2. S. W. Spielvogel, Piping Stress Cakulations Simplified,
both the stress intensification and flexibility factors Lake Success, New York, 4th printing, 195!.
3. lIZ_, Jr., U-, and Expansion U-Bends," Paper No. 4.02 of
ignored. It also demonstrates the futility of attempt- Piping Engineering, Tube Turns, Inc., Louisville, Ky.,
ing to get good correlation with the General Analyti- 1951.
cal Method by approximate methods, however 4. C. T. ~·,'Iitchell, "Graphic Method for Determining Expan-
refined. sion Stresses in Pipelines," Tram. ASME, Vol. 52, pp. 167-
It can be seen, therefore, that although approxi- 76 (1930).
5. T. E. Bridge, Hliow to Design Piping with Required
mate analyses have a place in piping system analysis, Flexibility," Heating, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 22, No. 10,
the extent of their utility depends strongly on the p. 94; No. 11, p. 94; No. 12, p. 92 (1950); Vol. 23, No.1,
experience and judgment of the designers. When p. 136; No.2, p. 107 (1951).
used for final designs, by far the best results will 6. L. F. Randolph, IIEnd Reactions and Stresses in 2 nnd 3-
be obtained through the simplified square-corner Dimensional Pipe Lines: A Simplified Method of Calcula-
tion," Imp. Chem. Industries, Ltd., Billingham Div.,
method of Section 4.6, thus avoiding unassessable
March 17, 1953.
errors in analysis. Added refinements, such as dis- 7. \V. A. Wilbur, "Thermal Stresses in Piping Systems,"
cussed in the preceding paragraph, are usually not Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 32, pp. 143-148, 163-168, 174-181
warranted, since where greater accuracy is needed (1953).

Flexibility Analysis by the General

Analytical Method

N the previous chapter, simplified and approxi- consequence, may be included for very stiff lines

I mate methods were presented for the calculation

of stresses and reactions in piping systems sub-
jected to thermal expansion. The brevity and ease
where they assume significant proportions. In
addition to the effects attendant to restrained ther-
mal expansion, concentrated and uniformly dis-
of application of these methods was achieved by tributed loads such as those due to gravity, static
the omission or approximation of certain influences pressure, and effect of wind may be included;
on over-all elastic behavior. Such solutions have dynamic or impact conditions reducible to an equiva-
their place in preliminary and rough analyses, but lent static loading can also be handled by this
for final checking of piping systems whose dimen- approach.
sions or service performance are critical, a method Naturally, a method of such scope is not as readily
is needed which combines accuracy, versatility, and mastered as the simplified or approximate methods;
comprehensiveness. These requirements arc met furthermore, the analysis of an elaborate system is
by The Kellogg General Analytical Method. bound to be time consuming because of the large
number of variables involved in its geometry. It
5.1 Scope and Field of Application of the Gen- has been demonstrated that, for equal accuracy, the
eral Analytical Method required effort cannot be reduced beyond that ob-
Originally presented in the first edition of the tained by the advantageous selection of the coordi-
Design of Piping Systems in 1941 [I], and subse- nate system origin. On the other hand, accuracy and
quently by Wallstrom [2], The General Analytical speed are greatly improved by a universal systema-
Method appears herein in its most recently extended tized approach with a high degree of organization and
form. By this method, stresses, reactions, and carefully planned form sheets. Calculating time is
deformations of any piping system can be evaluated, further reduced when the work is performed by a
confined only by the conditions of elastic behavior group assigned more or less exclusively to piping
and static loading. The number of straight legs lIexibility problems; for such use, the method is
and local components, such as circular arcs, miter ideally suited and has been widely adopted. The
bends, corrugated tangents and bends, connections, organized approach which it provides is directly
flanges, valves, is unlimited; individual elements adaptable to programmed automatic computing
may be oriented in any direction, arranged in any machines and has been universally employed for
order, and may vary in stiffness, size, thickness, or this purpose [3J. The economic attraction of auto-
elastic constants. There is no restriction to the matic machine computations has been greatly en-
number of points of complete or partial fixation hanced by achievements on programming developed
either at the terminals or at intermediate locations. by The M. W. Kellogg Company, which makes this
The method is not confined to a consideration of approach practical for problems of virtually un-
bending and torsion alone; the effects of axial or limited complexity even with machines of limited
shear forces on the dellection, while usually of minor storage capacity.

The inherent accuracy of the method itself is brief history and a fairly complete bibliography on
more than adequate for engineering design purposes, the subject, does not have to be mastered to perform
and in some eases might be consideted unnecessarily the routine calculations described in the present
refined in view of variations in piping dimensions chapter.
and tolerances. The significance of substituting
5.2 Calculating Aids
rigid square corners for elbows or tees is discussed in
Chapter 4. Omission of the so-called "secondary In all but the simplest cases, computations accord-
term" and direct and shear effects is discussed in ing to the General Analytical Method invite the use
this chapter along with the treatment of those of some kind of calculating aid. In some eases
subjects. slide rule results are not entirely dependable; hence,
Apparent errors may arise in the interpretation for routine work, the ten place digital calculating
of the results of a flexibility analysis. The assump- machine has become more or less standard equipment
tion of linear elasticity would appear to introduce a and can be depended upon to maintain sufficient
gross error in systems which acquire self-spring accuracy. Actually, as will be apparent in the ex-
through operation under creep conditions. How- amples to follow, it is rarely necessary to use such
ever, if the expansion stress limits are maintained as a machine to its full capacity throughout the com-
proposed in Chapter 2, plastic action will practically putation. Experience has shown that carrying two
cease as soon as the full self-spring has been realized. decimal places in the shape coefficients, five decimal
The piping will then operate elastically with respect places for multipliers in the equations, and two
to thermal effects, and the range of stress which the decimal places for the resulting forces and moments
piping undergoes in a single cycle of temperature will usually assure a satisfactory cheek of the equa-
change will be dependably predicted. This is like- tions. Naturally, the accuracy of the results will
wise true of the ranges of reactions and deflections. only equal that inherent in the data entering the
Absolute values of reactions or deflections are not calculation; hence, in the final tabulations the results
predictable since the redistribution of stresses which are rounded off.
occurs in the process of acquiring self-spring is not Automatic programmed computing machines dras-
taken into account with present methods. However, tically reduce computation time and thereby make
maximum expected reactions, satisfactory for all it practical and economical to analyze piping systems
design purposes, can be established by the method of any degree of complexity. The various computers
given in Chapter 2 whieh also makes clear that the available differ primarily in operating speed, and
range of stress and the range of reaetions are the in storage capacity or (fmemory," with the larger
important fatigue performanee indices. installations minimizing the need for intermediate
Computational errors afC a serious problem on manual operations. Even machines of relatively
oecasional ealculations and ean be equally so on limited capacity may be used effeetively for eomplex
routine calculations in the absenee of proper organi- analyses by resorting to inversion procedures de-
zation and eare. While it is possible to eheck the scribed in Section 5.19.
final results obtained when using any method, the At the present time most automatic computers
General Analytical Method is advantageous in that represent expensive installations the economic
it has been set up to permit the checking of calcula- utilization of which requires broad application to
tions at progressive intervals in the progress of the many accounting and engineering calculations rather
work, reducing the time lost to a minimum. than exclusive use for piping problems. Experience
The economics of accurate piping flexibility anal- with piping calculations at The 1\1. W. Kellogg Com-
ysis is greatly improved by the use of automatic pany Electronic Computer Laboratory indicates
data processing machines. If manual computation that with proper scheduling of the work the over-all
is employed it is advantageous for the work to be economies as well as delivery time are significantly
performed by specialists who are able to save time by better than those of the most effieient manual piping
memorizing many of the operations. The material computations. It is worthy of note, too, that these
in this chapter is devoted exclusively to application savings are aecomplished, in all but the simplest
of the method so as to provide a convenient text piping configurations, in spite of the greater time
for the training of such specialists and can be readily and care needed for preparing and ehecking informa-
mastered by routine calculators without advanced tion fed to or processed by the machine. The outlook
mathematical training. The supporting derivation, is for increasing application of computers in piping
which is presented in Appendix A together with a flexibility analysis. It would be a mistake, however,
to underestimate the burden and responsibility e. Calculation of stresses at significant points.
resting upon the engineer who must prepare and f. Adjustment of forces and moments to obtain
interpret all significant inform!ltion and who orig- the anticipated initial and ultimate effects on equip-
inates the program of instructions which prescribes ment, etc., taking into account cold spring if it is
the steps the machine must follow. employed.
g. Calculation of deflections at significant points.
5.3 General Outline of Operations These are the principal steps, but special opera-
Before entering into the details of the General tions, discussed later in the chapter, are required for
Analytical Method, it may be advisable to outline the more complex problems.
briefly the complete process, and in so doing, to note The third stage of the flexibility analysis involves
the relationship with the Simplified General Method the evaluation of the results. Calculated stresses
covered in the previous chapter. are compared with allowable stress ranges at signifi-
The first stage of the work consists of recording cant locations as discussed in Chapter 2, while
the given data and setting up the problem so that terminal and other loeal effects are considered in
physical and geometrical properties of the piping accordance with Chapter 3. Rough comparison
are expressed in numerical form, which operations with calculations of similar piping is advisable when-
are parallel to the set-up procedure of Section 4.6, ever possible to confinn generally the assumptions
but are expanded to include elbows and bends and and the reliability of the results. For highly critical
the flexibility and stress intensification factors of piping, comparison by model testing is usually
these components. This is readily apparent in the desirable.
examples which follow. It can hardly be over-
emphasized that great care must be exercised to 5.4 The Solution of Simultaneous Equations
avoid sign errors. This is a particular source of One of the important steps of the General Ana-
difficulty to the beginner, who is advised to master lytical Method is the solution of the system of simul-
thoroughly the sign convention described in Chapter taneous equations which appear in every problem.
4 before attempting any calculations. Although such systems of equations can be solved
Numerical calculations are performed in the by several different methods, the one discussed in
second stage and although the General Analytical this section has been found to be highly efficient.
Method and its simplified counterpart involve the Since experience has shown that the solution of
same general principles, they differ to a marked equations is one of the most difficult steps for a
degree in execution. While in the Simplified Method beginner to master, it will be described here in
the approach is completely formulated, in the considerable detail.
General Method the work is performed in a number The equations are always first degree or linear.
of distinct steps, the basic procedures of which are The variables are unknown moments and forces, Of,
the same regardless of variations in complexity of in special cases, unknown rotations and deflections.
geometry, loading, constraints, etc. These steps Each equation is related either to a certain rotation!
include: in which case it is called a moment or rotation equa-
a. Computation of the shape coefficients for each tion, or to a certain displacement, when it is called a
member. force or displacement. equation. In the case of a
b. Summation of the shape coefficients (this opera- single-plane line with two end points and with
tion may include a number of intermediate summa- expansion in the plane only, three unknowns, one
tions before the final coefficients are obtained). moment and two forces, must be determined by the
c. Solution of a system of simultaneous linear solution of three equations. If another branch in the
equations in which the summed shape coefficients same plane is added, three more unknowns must be
become the coefficients of the unknown forces and computed and so on, the number of unknowns or of
moments, while the known terminal displacements, simultaneous equations being 3(n - 1) where n is
elastic constants, and moments of inertia are repre- the number of end points. For a line in space with
sented in the constant tenns. two fixed ends six unknowns, three moments! and
d. Transfer of moments to various points (the three forces must be evaluated. For branched
moments computed are referred to the origin; hence systems in space! the number of equations is
it is necessary to apply suitable transformations to 6(n - 1). Stops or guides providing partial fixation
obtain the effects at the ends or in other desired require one additional equation for each component
locations). of fixation
To simplify the explanation which follows, three process with these equations reduces the number
equations arc used. However, the procedure is of equations to one and permits the determination
general and applies to any numbe~' of equations of of Ft..
the type arising in piping analysis. If the unknown A complete solution with a description of every
moments and forces are written in a given order in step including the eheck is given in the following
each equation horizontally, and the equations cor- numerical problem. The equations
responding to the moments and forees are written
lOF, + 20F, - 30F, = 100
in the same order vertically, the matrix formed by
the coeffieients of the unknowns will be symmet- 20F, + 100F, - 90F, = 500
rical about the principal diagonal. In the procedure
-30F, - 90F,+ 120F, = -1200
described below, the top equation is always elim-
inated in such a way as to maintain symmetry in the are written:
remaining coefficients.
Given a set of three such simultaneous equations: Equation No. F, Fy F, Constant

AF,+BF,+DF,= -Elt>.,
1 +10 + 20 - 30 - 100
2 +20 +100 - 90 - 500
BF,+CF,+GF,= -Elt>.y 3 -30 - 90 +120 +1200
DF, + G Fy+H F, = -Elt>., The complete solution is given in Table 5.2.
It will be noted that the coefficients to the left
The constants are transposed to the left-hand side
of the principal diagonal fall out as the equations
and the whole is written:
are reduced. The form sheets presented later for use
F, F, F, Constant in solving equations take advantage of this faet by
omitting entirely that part of the solution.
+A +B +D + El t>.,
The calculator is. cautioned that all coefficients
+B +C +G +EI~v along the principal diagonal must be positive in
sign. A negative sign means that an error has been
+D +G +H + El t>.,
made either in the solution of the equations up to
Table 5.1 illustrates the solution. The three that point, or in the calculation of the shape coeffi-
given symmetrical equations 1, 2, and 3 are reduced cients.
to two which are likewise symmetrical, as shown on A complete check by substitution of the unknowns
lines 5 and 8 of the table. A repetition of the same into each of the equations is essential for the method

Table 5.1 Method of Solving Simultaneous Equations

Line Equation No.
No. and Operation F, F, F, Constant
1. Equation 1.. . ........... +A +B +D +Elt>.,
2. Divide eq. 1 by (-A) . .............. -1
- Elf:1%
3. Equation £ .. . ................. +B +C +G +Elt>.,
-_.f) B
4. Multiplylinel by (-BIA) from line 2.. --·A
/l /l
- A (Elt>.,)
5. Add line 3 and 4. ................. 0
A +EI (t>., - ~ t>.,)
6. Equation S.. . . ....... +D +G +H +Elt>..
D D f) f)
7. Multiply line 1by (- f) I ,1) from line 2.. --·A - -·B -_.f) - A (Elt>.,)
8. Add line 6 and line 7................. 0 +G _ BD
+II - -
A +El(t>.. - ~t>.,)
of solution presented. The sum of the products of the distribution of error in succeeding equations
the unknowns times the cocfficicnts in each equation may form a clue as to the source.
must equal the related constant with reversed sign.
It is recommended that the multiplications for the 5.5 Single Plane Caleulations
check be performed as each unknown is found. In When the General Analytical Method is applied
this manner, the products for the check are com- to a simple flexibility problem, the calculation is
pleted as the final unknown is determined. When a brief and contains only the essentials to the case at
summation indicates that a particular equation does hand. A single-plane square-corner piping system
not prove, the error may be sought within that with two fixed ends is a problem of this caliber.!
equation. However, it is advisable first to complete IThis type of problem can also be solved by the Simplified
the eheck summations for all the equations, since General Method presented in Chnp~r 4, Section 4.6.

Table 5.2 Complete Solution of Three Equations Using Simple Numerical Coefficients
Line Equa- Con- Operation Going Operation Going
No.* tiOD F, stant Down Up
1 1 + 10 + 20 30 100
2 1.00 2.00 + 3.00 + 10.00 Divide line 1 by -10
Multiply F, coeffi-
cient of line 2 by
Multiply F. coeffi-
3 IF. = 100.00 + 40.00 - 150.00 + 10.00 cient of line 2 by
F. ~ +40.00
-150.00 + 10.00
~ -100.00

4 + 20 + 100 90 500
Multiply line 1 by
5 20 40 + 60 + 200 - 2.00, the F II coeffi-
{cient in line 2
6 o + 60 30 300 Add lines 4 and 5
7 o 1.00 + 0.50 + 5.00 Divide line 6 by - 60
Multiply F, coeffi-
cient of line 7 by
8 20.001 25.00 + 5.00 -50.00
F II = -25.00
+ 5.00 ~ -20.00
9 30 90 + 120.00 + 1200
Multiply line 1 by
+ +3.00, the F, coeffi-
10 + 30 60 90.00 300
cient in line 2
Multiply line 6 by
11 o + 30 15.00 150 +0.50, the F, coeffi-
cient in line 7
12 o o + 15.00 + 750 Add lines 9, 10, and II
13 o o 1.00 50.00 Divide line 12 by -15

F, = 50.00
Check Multiply Multiply Multiply
F coeffi-
% F 1/ coeffi- F z coeffi-
cients of cients of cients of
lines 1, 4 , lines 1, 4, lines I, 4,
9 by 9 by 9 by
-100.00 -20.00 -50.00 Constant
14 -1000 -400 +1500 - 100 o
15 -2000 -2000 +4500 - 500 o
16 +3000 +1800 -6000 +1200 o
"Line numbers correspond to lines on standard three equation form sheet.

The foregoing procedure is exemplified in Sample
Calculation 5.1. The same system is calculated in
Chapter 4 as Sample Calculation 4.10, and a com-
parison between the two shows that identical results
are obtained. While the Simplified General Method
'-------, has the advantage of ease of computation for the
uninitiated, the method in the present chapter is
FIG. 5.1 The z-plane.
more fundamental and hence, more versatile. Both
methods involve the same amount of work.
Single-plane systems are usually drawn and cal-
A single-plane system with expansion perpendicu-
culated in the z-plane (Fig. 5.1). The sketch is
lar to the plane only, requires the solution of two
made and the given data recorded on Form A in
rotation and one displacement equations. These
accordance with Steps 1 through 5 described for the
equations are entirely independent of those for
Simplified General Method. If there is expansion
expansion in the plane. For a line such as that
in the plane only, the following steps arc taken.
shown in Sample Calculation 5.1, if there is expan-
Step 6. On Form B-1 enter the following as
sion in the z-direction. M r, M., and F, must be
found. This case can be solved by following the
Member number.
procedure and using the form sheets described for
Shape (horizontal, vertical, or inclined).
multiplane systems in Section 5.12.
Length of member L, ft.
Distances a and b, ft, i.e. the x- and y-coordinates 5.6 Inclined Members and Changes in Stiff-
respectively, of the midpoint of the straight member. ness
Value of L 2 /12.
The procedure for calculating a line having straight
Step 7. Have Steps 1 to 6 checked.
members which are inclined to the coordinate axes
Step 8. Compute the shape coefficients for each
departs bnt little from that described in Section 5.5.
member in accordance with these formulas:
The only difference lies in the use of the general
formulas in the calculation of the shape coefficients.
Shape Horizontal Vertical
Coefficient Member Member S = kQL Bab = (b X sa) + s(L2/12) cos ex sin ex
Baa = (a X Sa) + s(L /12) cos ex
2 2
B kQL kQL Sa = a X S

Ba aXB aXB Sbb = (b X Sb) + B(L 2/12) sin ex

Bb = bX S
Bb bX B bX B
Bab b X Ba(Or a X Bb) b X Ba(Or a X Sb) where ex is the angle of inclination measured from
Baa a X Ba + 2
BL /12 a X Sa the positive horizontal axis to the member as shown
Bbb b X Bb b X Bb + BL2/12 in Fig. 5.2, positive in counterclockwise and nega-
tive in clockwise direction.
Sum the shape coefficients, s, sa, Sb etc., across to Sample Calculation 5.1 is calculated for 10 in.
obtain the final coefficients. standard pipe, A-lOG, Grade A material. It is
Step 9. Enter the final coefficients and the con- apparent that for the same expansion the magnitude
stants into the equation as indicated on the form of the moment and the forces is in direct proportion
sheet. For complete fixation at the ends, end rota- to the stiffness EI. Hence, for any pipe with a
tion 0: is zero and the constant in the moment stiffness of ENI N the moment and forces may be
equation is therefore zero. The constants E/* tl z attained by dividing those shown in the example by
and E/*D." arc transferred from Form A, the term Q = El/ENI N, or multiplying the summation co-
EI* = E hI/144 denoting stiffness expressed in Ib-ft2 • efficients by Q and solving the equations.
Step 10. Have Steps 8 and 9 checked.
y y
Step 11. Solve the simultaneous equation and
substitute the values obtained back into the equa-
tion to check the answer, as explained in Section 5.4.
Step 12. Compute the moments at the various a -ex
points, find the point of maximum stress, and tabu- L -L__ , L-L ,
late results.
Slep IS. Have Step 12 checked. FIG. 5.2 Angle of inclination of straight members.


0 10.75 ,~,
I 'bO.7
= 15.00' Fj ;Y\ •
"R 19,90
, 0
~ •
Eh" JO· Z/.50 f---o'
2 Ec"IO· Z9.CJO
o £,,11 23W,J400

Q /,00
C.$. -A'I(X,-GRA
~ TEMP. 9OO~
~ ~
"" ',"
W e .00650
Z +40.00 (.0 0(50)=
« 8. +.2/.;000
W -40.00 (.0 0&50)·
ll. 8, -.2"000
ii: 0 A

rb Z38280
25.00' II
~J6%/144 0
tJ) POINT 0' A 0' A Sf ·~:,,~~6~rtP
I- Mx ~TRf:~:'

:5 M
M, - 12S00 - 19 77S .,. 19S50 + 030 .((" 7Z5
,t,T po,..,. A,
.,. 900
.,.. S80
- /390
- sea
r 1.!J90 .,.- Z 170
5A·~i~~t~1.. .~<:o
F • c.
.2/1"ZS" psi
CAL NO. 5"-,

MEI.l& 0'-/ 1-0 0-2 2·A

SHApe: I
Q I 00 1M OD I 00
L 10 00 I 00 o 00 25 40
a _ IS 1 SO o I Sf)
00 -
b - 5 00 o - 25 00 - "0 00
L ti? 8 3 1S 208 33 52 08
S 10 0 IS 00 25 00
SO 00 100 dO
!> - 5000- liZ SO 0 / SO SO 00
Sb - ~.P_lOO o -I ZS 00 -125000 -z 550
5 ..b 5OToo () 0 -15 625 ()O - 815. ()
S z 250'00 /25 00 0 a ,;3: :l:
Sbb 333 30 o 4/ 6 5 '1 000() /0 -I 0
EQt/lfT/dNS - M, >=. Fy CONSTANT
1 1"~ + /CO 00 1"~b -2. SSoo
- () -~ ...0
-l.eaOCQ "25500 "'50000 POINT
t.,.l~ w2l11734' ·23 f)S 3 "'/08Z8S 0 M'~ so 0
2 +Sbb '111 49 0 ·l> ... b'" 87$ 00 .EI411. +6 Z e z

O~z, '-A Y
0 8.4>25 hlo2!i...
F, 7\ ,
Z '" .81 8.49(.,
M, ~y
, IF,

~ k M.b//

0 Eh" 10· 2'l.4lJ 5.00' 15.00' , 8.M':

Z Ec" 10-'-' 29.00
o EnII 137'13240 0 Z X

Q 1.00 2.58
4,JO F
e .00254
r28.6tdO IoZ6"4).
-< ~, . ,-----


co ~
'" /'

E"t6X//44 +1004150
E"IlIYIrH '/".;1.'10..350
E"IlI:lJ411 0
tI) POINT O' A 5E ·~;..~~S~1I:0
I-' M, ~TR~:5:5

M, + I08ZS _ 61150
• 10 ZZ!' psi
F, /410 '/" 141{)
SA' ~f~~t~L.. .l!lo.Ia.
F -$50 +$50
F, .Z,3400 psi
• c.
O ....TE

0'2 2'" o·~,q

'Oi· CD$ " ...£1

-- ' lli t
Q / ee eo e 2
0'o 1000
1500 1000
12 50 - 5 eo [) - .2 50
L " / 3 18 1!' 8
0' o ee ISDd seo S, 8

*- 2c:i
o eo
1 12500


202 '8

I 1/9 49 33J 30 () .2/4 98 I 66777
I 1"~

U 1
+ S
- L 00000
+~b - 202.
+3 50 79
-4 94 81

1-1 2
-~ ';;20

... ,

. ',>.9
1"5bb 1-1 ' "
- 7" 2
77 -Gab 1-1 f03
~Z 08
5. .. f.I..~,'i'/
o 8
Z /"' . 8.

~ + 9S," -., f ~ +/ 00 15 fo 1'2/Z. .71.38 /. 'ffl.';',j

-'.00000 + 102./ ., s' "f/H.ft ~ 9',"0
F~/~/O 36 ~ o I~ CO~VER510N TO CODE RUl.ES:
l.2..~'''''' flO 985 I ,U·h'" 30mS:::(l. lSr:/022S
{Q M't F F"
C\-IE.CK -b 08 o Rc R. ( t./~,,) C oAt 1:/.;
I -4'5 '6' +-2861$6 p209510 0 {.2. +-J 0260/, WHICHEveR l~Gll.rAT~p. _
'2 +-IDDJ!~ ·z..t~~!k' ~JB9 0 ~oo.,. 1 ~ ~ +-! 8 / 1-1 36 RII - r- 'lC)=
?;-7'S08.3{.05 -1S"S"6 8 387 -3S0350 F -!oS R ..C/U.C REACTIONS 8ASED ON h
POINT O' I 0 2-
----;.-.- -5,"_0 .,.5.00 0 .,. .00 +8.<:: .,.Z3.
y -/S:t70 .,.5.00 +.tJ 0 --;;:: 00 - .00
M% _ S6S -
..,F.·y t- ZIIS - 0 _ 0 Q t- S t-
~F·" - '5 0 '1-05'29 7"JO.5 +- 3 2-
M't '1-/082 f" S4<J - /JS<i>5 -.3 70 ""8.3 .; 3
.N $ .•

Sample Calculation 5.2 solves a system having b = vertical distance from origin to center of arc,
two sloping members one of which is of smaller size ft.
than the remainder of the pipe.~· The shape coeffi- ip = arc of member, radians (when uscd directly).
cients are computed from the formulas given above a = angle measured counterclockwise from posi-
using an inclination angle, a = +45 for member
tive horizontal axis to the initial tangent
0'-1, and a = -30° for member 2-A. It will be (more easily visualizcd as the angle between
noted that the members for 0' to 2 are of 8 in. pipe a negative vertical axis and the normal at
while member 2-A is of 6 in. pipe with a Q value of the initial point of tangency).
2.58. In evaluating the stresses, the reduced section
The calculations of the shape coefficients for cir-
modulus of the 6 in. pipe accounts for the fact that,
cular membcrs are facilitated by the use of Form D.
while the maximum moment is at point 0', the
This form has space for two different mcmbers and
maximum stress is at point A.
also provides for thc calculation of the additional
5.7 Circular Members coefficients needed for expansion out of the plane
or for multiplane lines' The arrangement of the
Members sueh as bends and elbows which are in form provides for a convenient sequence of computa-
the form of circular arcs require more labor in the
tion. The procedure is as follows:
calculation of the shape coefficients than do straight
The given constants, k, Q, R, a, ~, a, and bare
members. Hence, the substitution of square corners listed in the respective spaces and 2a, a 2, 2b, b2, and
is common practice in flexibility analysis. This ab are calculated. The trigonometric constants ip,
matter was discussed at SOme length in Section 4.7
in radians, Cal Cb, Cab, Caat ebb are entered. For the
wherein it was shown that, in many cases, square-
most commonly occurring shapes (ip = 90° and
corner solutions are not advisable.
a = 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°), numerical values of the
The calculation of circular members is introdueed
trigonometric constants are given on the form sheet.
by means of another single-plane line. The pro-
A more complete tabulation of these constants will
cedure of Section 5.5 again applies with a few excep- be found in Table e-15 in Appendix C, which
tions. In the Pipe and Expansion Data on Form A,
includes additional values for both ip and a. The
it is necessary to enter the values of R, the radius
functions kQR, kQR 2, kQR 3 are then calcuhted.
of the are, in feet. The flexibility characteristic h,
The coefficients s, s' 0' 8' b, s' ob, Sf ao are computed,
the flexibility factor k, and the stress intensifieation
each succeeding cocfficient being the cross product
factor (j are determined in accordance with the of column 1 by the adjacent trigonometric constant.
Piping Code (see also Chapter 3 herein). The shape
The multiplications s X a, S X b, etc., s' a X b,
coefficients for the circular members are calculated
s' a X 2a, etc., are performed and the summations
from the following relationships:
made vertically to obtain Sa, Sb, etc.
s=kQRip sab=(sXab)+(s'aXb) To illustrate the solution of a system with curved
+ (s'bXa)+S'ab members, the line calculated previously with square
corners as Sample Calculation 5.1 is presented as
sa= (sXa)+s'a Saa = (sXa')+ (s'aX2a)+s'aa
Sample Calculation 5.3. It is assumed that the
Sb= (sXb)+S'b Sbb= (sXb 2)+ (s'bX2b )+s'bb bends ani made with long-radius welding elbows,
where since they are the most commonly used fittings.
2Multiplanc shape coefficients arc given in Section 5.8.
s'o = kQR 2ca s'ab=kQR 3cab
s'b=kQR 2Cb s' aa = kQR 3caa y
Sf bb = kQR'J Cbb
and a

Ca = cos a - cos (a + ip)

Cb = sina - sin (a + ip)
Cab = 0.25[cos 2(a + ip) - COS 2a]
Caa = 0.5ip - 0.25[sin 2(a + q:,) - sin 2a]
Cbb = 0.5ip + 0.25[sin 2(a + ip) - sin 2a] b

As indicated in Fig. 5.3

a = horizontal distance from origin to centcr of .L-.L--====_ _ x
are, ft. FIG. 5.3 Angles for circular members.



F./ ~ X

Z 29.90
Mx 6.--{,y
R I.ZS • , 0
h .zo ~ If-!- + 4

~o Eh" 10M k 8.00
Z EG"IO~ 29.00
Vl Q 1.00
~ TEMP. 900 F
w Ijj b
e .OO~50
:z r 40.00 (.ODuSO =
-40.00 .0 {)(,S"O)'"

-.ZI;,OOO sW
• ZS".OO'
EIl ItroM44 +(qZ18280
fhltroy/rH -6 Z38ZSO
Eh 1A IIr" 0
II) POINT 0 A 0 A Sf .~~;:~rEO
I- Mx ~TRr:55
.J M • 17 ~S"O psi
-t- iJ:?O
- I aZ5
-t-ZZ 2ZS

F - '1 10 .,. 910 -t-/j70 -/370
F, "Zt (QZ5' psi

". CAL NO. 5·3

MIMlif. 0'· I I· 2 2- 3-4 4·5 s-b -/1 0'-11

5HAP( I LJ -- D I \J -- L
, 8 00 800 800
Q 0 I 00 /00 0 4 / 40 00
R / 2$
L /E 0 4

1.3 00 -
.5 " 5
4 - _ 25 0 _
'5 ~
/3 1.3
tJ 0

L , "
a /.:S I
- -

'.<.. ~:r,4f'
- t 25-
i.e. -
2 5/ 7
- o -
6. .=...L ~2I ~

(((;8 7 I
333 It;,
3 J
.:5 50 •o S 4 ~8
Gf845 38 5G
59:~ 00 ~¥a
, ., rI +~b _ 216 0 -~.:o. -I- J4-1 a 5TRE"SS CALCULATION

- 1. 00000 f () - 0/ 61 POINT /1
l.,A ~ -/2 q , ~ I d - 2 M'~ 1251 22 .3
2 .,5 bb ~ ~f.,1: -6 ... b f/5 101 '9 .u·"" .,. , Z 0 o
1/3 .,J '2 " o 8 Z·6.0
:i f{, I 13 +18 6S f· 12 Z tJl.34 ()/
-1,00000 ~ '2 '. 2 5 .fllM". IZ8S.3 8~~
F _ al ~ 4al q 3 COWVERS10N To coo~ RvLe:S;
.3 .~..... /I t 8 , .;.(Ec lSi: := I 350
IQ ..• M t F", F CHE.CK o RcR'·{~/i.lcOII( l¥rn
t/~'/2G(70 ofllf? (,8<f
_ §12881. 1020HZ ~238.3
, -/ z '-
- 062 z:
..... lCHE\/~I'lI'GllJ.\,TEIl =
Rh R :::(1- C)c:
• 70
:3 8 3 6 M S 032 +/5(;';2385 "<:;2 .3 0
0' Z 3
-/0.00 "'8.7,
" ~
.,. /. 25
.,.. /. 25
+ /. 2.5
- ·25
.,. 23 .
.r '"
M" Iz9t1.3 -12. 4-3
.F.·y ~ SOI.3 -'1-38(0 - 627 0 +- , + 'Z38/1 + €2 a .,.2.S065
-1='" ~20c./.j 0 I 18 - I _ I 18 0 - / / - 32. (;,3 - 3 355
M'1. .,.a'83 "tJ2 .,..,5 6Z - 122G. - 231 1"11"19 rIc - ZZ" "2.3 _ zz 23..3
out .N s.

The sketch on Form A shows the location of the c = perpendicular distance of the projected plane
curved members. The data are taken from Sample from the parallel coordinate plane, ft. (See
Calculation 5.1, with the addit'ion of the R, h, k, Scction 5.11.)
and {J. On Form B-1, the a and b distances of the
To expedite the calculations, it is recommended that
members are set up in accordance with the instruc-
the formulas for horizontal (a = 0) and vertical
tions given in Section 5.5 and the straight members
(a = 90°) members be committed to memory.
are computed. The circular members are computed
For circular arcs in space problems, the shape
on Form D-1, Sample Calculation 5.5, and the
coefficients to be calculated are as given in Table 5.4.
results are transferred to Form B- 1. The rest of
The symbols k, Q, R, the trigonometric constants
the calculation is made as in previous cases.
Co, Cb, etc., and the distances a and b are defined

5.8 General Shape Coeffieients in Sections 5.6 and 5.7. The distance C is defined as
for straight members.
When either the expansions or the members lie
outside a single plane, it is necessary to calculate 5.9 The Secondary Term
additional shape coefficients beyond those already
The shape coefficient q, known as the secondary
given in the preceding sections. For straight mem-
term, represents the effect of a transverse bending
bers the complete set of coefficients to be computed
moment on torsional rotation and a torsional moment
are given, together with their formulas, in Table 5.3.
on transverse bending rotation. Its magnitude is
The quantity r m denotes the mean radius of the
relatively small when compared with the other
cross section in feet and the distances a, b, and c
shape coefficients and varies with the transverse
are defined as follows:
flexibility factor, becoming zero when this factor is
a = horizontal distance of the midpoint of the equal to 1.3. It is also zero for vertical or horizontal
straight member concerned from the coor- straight members and for circular members if the
dinate origin, ft. trigonometric coefficient Cab is zero.
b= vertical distance of the midpoint of the The effect of omitting q in the calculations of a
straight member concerned from the coor- particular pipe line is illustrated in Fig. 5.4. A
dinate origin, ft. quarter-circular bend with equal tangents is fixed

Table 5.3 Shape Coefficients for Straight Members

Coefficient a=O ex = 90° a=a

s kQL kQL kQL

s. aX. aXs a Xs
s, b X. bXs b X s
q 0 0 (1.3 - k)QL cos a sin a
cq 0 0 cXq
u s 1.3QL (k cos' a + 1.3 sin' a)QL
u, s. aXu (a X u) - (b X q)
cu cXu cxu cXu
v 1.3QL s (k sin' a + 1.3 cos' a)QL
v, bX V s, (b X v) - (0 X q)
cv C X v C Xv C X V
SL2 .
Sab + c'lq b X Sa b X Sa bX Sa + 12 cos ex sm a + c X cq
cu, eX Uo eX Uo eX Uo
cv, c X Vo C X Vo C X Va
sL' SD2
+ cZv ax so+ + 12 cos 2 a + c X
12 +cXct aXsa+cXcv a X
SOli i Sa CV

sL' sL'
8bb + c2 u bXs,+cXcu bX8'+12+ CXcu b X 8b +12sin'la + eX cu
sL' .L' sL'
U oa + Voo a X u, + b X v, + 12 o X u, + b X v, + 12 o X u, + b X v, + 12
S 2.6Qrm 'L 2.6Qrm 'L 2.6Qrm 'L
U 2.6Qrm 'L 0.5Qr m 'L Qr m 'L(2.6 cos'a + 0.5 sin'a)
V 0.5Qrm 'L 2.6Qrm 'L Qr m 'L(2.6 sin' a + 0.5 cos' a)
IV 0 0 Qrm 'L(2.! sin a cos a)
Table 5.4 Shape Coefficients for Circular :Members at both ends against rotation but one end is displaced
8 kQRiP relative to the other in a direction perpendicular to
8. 8'. + (a X 8) the plane of the line. The moments and forces
8, 8', + (b X 8) resulting from the displacement of end A are plotted
q QR(k - 1.3)e., for various values of the bend radius and for the
eq eX q
u QR(kc" + 1.3c•• )
flexibility factors k = 1, 1.3, and 5. The continuous
u. u'. +
(u X a) - (q X b) lines include the term q while the dashed lines
eu (c X u) neglect q. Inspection of these curves shows that if
v QR(kc•• + 1.3c,,) the circular member forms a small part of the total
v. v'. + (v X b) - (q X a) line, the effect of omitting q in the calculations is
e' (c X v)
Sail + C'1.q 8'., + (s'. X b) + (s', X a) + (s X ab)
negligible. However, if the circular member repre-
+ (cq X c) sents the entire pipe line, errors of considerable
cu. eX U o magnitude will arise. For most pipe lines, circular
ev. cX Va members form but a small part of the whole; there-
Saa + C:lV s'•• + (2a X s'.) + (s X a') + (cv X c) fore, the omission of q is justified. By so doing, a
8bb + C'lU 8'" + 2b X 8', + (s X b') + (cu XC) substantial amount of time is saved in manual calcu-
U oo + V Oll [U'•• + V'•• J + (2a XU'.) + (2b X v'.)
+ (U X a') + (v X b') lations because the solution of equations and the
- 2ab X q calculation of shape coefficients U OJ Va and (u oo + Vao)
S 2.6Qrm 'RiP is simplified.
U Qr m 'R(2.6c" + 0.5c•• ) To show the effect of omitting q in case of a prac-
V Qrm 'R(2.6c•• + 0.5c,,)
IV -2.1Qrm 'Rc.,
tical pipe line, the well-known Hovgaard configura-
tion [4,5] has been calculated both with and without
where s'a = kQR'!c a
S'b = kQR2 Cb
the q-term. The summary sheet of this calculation is
s' ab = kQR3 cab shown as Sample Calculation 5.4. It is seen that
S'ca = kQR3caa in this case the effect of the secondary term is en-
S' bll = kQR'JCbb tirely negligible.
U' 0 = 1.3QR zca
It should be noted that the secondary term is
V' 0 = 1.3QR2cb
u'oo + v ' oo = 1.3QWhIl neglected in all examples given in subsequent seetions

0 7.2&9 r
~ .24/
I 3J./4
Z .0
_~ 0

R ~.oz

« A
k 2.29
a Eh'"ro· 24.~
Z Eo:;'" 10- ?9.o
o EIlI/ .5. 52.3 .333
<Il Q 1.0 A
~ TEMP. 50F


T .M4~7

ii: r.O (;0

L. ..
b,z .03 I
£" ll.X/'44 r 3d.1 07d
Ef,UY/IH 406 520
E~I6J/IH +216!JSO
ACTDRC. q HS;LCC'r~D (IIOT" CONb.) '1 INCL(HUlJ {Nor <01'10. Se. psi
l/) POINT O' A O' A Sf·~:..=~TED
t- Mx - 41010 + 7970 -4{,70 ""7920 ~TRr:!>S

-1'11080 -S450
-"''''so "t-IZOO -4>710 psi
'1'/1090 -S280 ~T POINT
l1J Fx -/1501"/1S0 -/750 -1'1750
SA' ~~~~';"t6Rl....JLa;,
a:: F -/no -1'/720 -/7/0 /710
_ pf,j
:t - 1.40 t 4.40 - (, ,.. f&,40



of this chapter. In most configurations this modifi-

cation reduces calculating time without introducing
any appreciable error. .....
5.10 Effects of Direct and Shear Forces
Direct tension or compression as well as shear
. ~/z/~ i;r "
""JAy - - -_.- t~
coefficients, dcnoted S, U, V, lV, will, like the sec-
ondary term, also be neglected in the subsequent
£I A'l' _1000 Las fl.' e"
portions of this chapter. These effccts ordinarily I ~
t-_" 2•
/ ~
have little significance in practical piping systems CURVES SHOWN IN FUlL
hi-I-~ ,•
and it would appear that their neglect would always CtJRVf.:S SHOWN DOTTEO 00
yield results on the safe side. Neverthelcss, they z
iA ~
may be included readily when they are considered [,/ ,., S'
of interest in the calculation of abnormal layouts.
The expressions necessary to determine the shape I

coefficients were given in Tables 5.3 and 5.4 in
Section 5.8. These shape coefficients are added to
"" , 01.3

the shape coefficients previously described as follows: , ~
/1 •
uoo+voo+S; Sbb+C 2U+V; saa+ c2v + U ; ['7; '\

"'1 1o
• I2

Sab + c"g + lV , >- ~f:;';

-- • 1/(0'
5.11 Working Planes and Cyclic Permutation
- --- •
When the piping lies in more than one plane, the
solution of the flexibility problem increases in com-

iF" -
; .~ •

plexity. To introduce the third dimension, each - -1,7, ::-F-


member is assigned to a "working plane" for the , , , •I , • • 7 • 10

calculation of the shape coefficients.'
A working plane is designated by the coordinate FIG. 5.4 Effect of the secondary term on a symmetrical 900
bend with various lengths of tangcnta.
axis to which it is perpendicular. That is, the x-plane
is any vertical plane at right angles to the x-axis;
jeeted on the coordinate planes which are oriented
the y-plane is any horizontal plane at right angles
as shown in Fig. 5.5.
to the y-axis, and the z-plane is any vertical plane
The counterclockwise sequence of the axes should
at right angles to the z-axis. The planes which pass
be noted. The transfer from one projected plane
through the coordinate origin are called coordinate
to the next in suecession is achicved by changing the
planes. All other planes are identified by their
designations XI YI and 2, in the order shown in the
perpendicular distances, designated c, from their
following triangle:
respective coordinate planes. For calculation of ,
the shape coefficients, the working planes are pro-
3This is in contrast to the Simplified General !v1cthod of
Section 4.6 where each member was considered in three
planes. Z

, , ,

}-----y )-----, J-----,

, , ,
x_Plano y_Plone

FIG. 5.b Projections of the working planes.

- -- -- ---,-, ---,------
This is the principle of cyelic permutation which coordinate system with the working planes indicated.
permits the formulas developed for one plane to be Figures 5.6a to 5.6e show the projections of the
converted into formulas for the two remaining members on the coordinate planes. The c-values
planes by a simple change of subscripts. Thus, for- give the distances from the coordinate planes, with
mulas for the x-plane are developed from the z-plane the subscript denoting the respective plane.
by substituting y for x as the horizontal axis and In the breakdown of a piping system, each mem-
z for y as the vertical axis. Correspondingly, F XI ber, whether straight or curved, is assigned to a
FVI and 1I1 z become F'y, FrJ and !lIz. respectively. plane compatible with its loeation in the line. No
Figure 5.6 shows a pipe line sketched in the standard member may be assigned to more than one plane,
nor changed from one plane to another while the
solution is in progress. This is important in con-
nection with straight members running parallel to a
coordinate axis since there is always a choice of two
c, possible working planes to whieh anyone of these
members ean be assigned at the option of (,he cal-
eulator. This does not hold for sloping or curved
members which define their own planes and leave
the calculator no choice.
5.12 Multiplanc Pipe Lines with Two Fixed
In order that the reader may readily follow the
somewhat more complex operations of the multi-
plane calculations, a step by step procedure is again

Steps 1 to 5. Steps 1 to 5 duplicate those given in

c, Chapter 4. Multiplane systems are sketched on
Form A unless more space is required for the drawing
• in which case it is made on Form A-I. Form A is
/ then used only for data and results. The vertical
/ It-Plane
• CIt = - '1 legs of space systems are customarily represented
(a) as parallel to the y coordinate axis.
Step 6. The calculation of the shape coefficients
requires the assignment of members into working
y-Plano planes. For the beginner, it is recommended that
sketches be made of the projections of the members
c, in their respective planes; with practice they may
be mentally visualized. It is a practieal rule to
arrange the subdivisions so that a minimum number
(b) of working planes is created, and to favor the plane
including the coordinate axes so as to reduce the
number of operations required in setting up the
simultaneous equations.
Step 7. On Form D-2 enter the quantities k, Q,
R, a, b, C, L, L 2 /12 for each member. Since it is
7 necessary to sum the coefficients for each plane
separately, the data should be arranged so that this
,- /
can be done smoothly.

Step 8. Have Steps 1 to 7 checked.
c, Step 9. Compute the shape coefficients for each
x-Plano 9
C.=O (d) A member in accordance with the formulas given in
Section 5.8. When curved members are involved,
FlO. 5.6 Sketch of line showing working planes. auxiliary Form D-l is used to compute s, Sa, Sb, Sab,


Saa, Sbb, U, V, q, Uo, Va and (u oo + voo). These values Table 5.5

are then entered on Form D-2 where the coefficients Members in the x-plane;
cq, CU, CV, CUo, CV a, and (sat'+ c2q), (saa + c2v), Mb = AI':
(SOb + c u) are calculated.
M'b = li{'scosa -AI'vsjna
Step 10. Sum all the coefficients for the x, y, !tit =ltf'lIcosa+M'ssina
and z plancs scparately. Members in the y-plane:
Step 11. Have Stcps 9 and 10 checked. J,f, ~ M',
Step 12. Transfer the summations from Step 10 M1b = },['zcosa - :tf',sina
to Form D-3, entering them as indicated according /tft = Af' cos a + M' sin a
J: :I:

to their planes. Sum the contributions from each Members in the z-plane:
plane to obtain thc final cocfficients Ax%> A xu' etc. M, ~ M'.
for the equations. Enter these on the equation form, ltf'b = .M'l/cosa - .M' z sin 0:
Form E-l, together with the constants from Form A. Aft = Af'z cos ex + !if'" sin a
Step 13. Have Step 12 checked.
Step 1J,. Solve and check the simultaneous cqua- The reader will note that this line was computed
tions. with square corners in Chapter 4 as Sample Calcula-
Step 15. Transfer the values obtained in Step 14 tion 4.13.
to Form F-1 and calculate the moments at the sig-
nificant points using the point-to-point transfer 5.13 Hinged Joints .and Partially Constrained
described in Step 8 for the Simplified General Ends
Method in Chapter 4. In the systems considered thus far in this chapter,
Step 16. Determine the maximum stress. This is the fully anchored connection was the only type of
done in a manner similar to that for the Simplified terminal constraint discussed since it closely repre-
General Method, but since it is now possible to sents the fixity of most piping. In some cases, e.g.
handle inclined members, a provision is made to find jointed systems as described in Chapter 7, open
the bending moment transverse to the plane, and ended lines, etc., different end conditions may exist.
the torque. The end may be fixed against translation but be
The plane in which the point lies defines ]lib, but free to rotate; it may be free to move in one direction
111' band 111, are found by an application of the but not in another; in fact, there may be freedom of
formulas in Table 5.5. any combination of the six components of deforma-
The operations are performed on Form F-1 by tion (three rotary, three translatory). These cases
following the guide shown for the respective planes. can be handled with the aid of the equations in
Points on members which are parallel to the coor- Table 5.6, which lists the general equations of a
dinate axes (i.e. where a = 0 0 or 900 ) may be said to pipe line with two ends, A and a', subject to any
lie in two of the three possible planes. When no {3 deformation. The shape coefficients are summed
factor is involved, both alternatives will give the from A to 0' to obtain the summation coefficients.
same stress. When {3 is involved, however, the point One of the simplest cases is that of the end which
in question must be placed in the plane which will is free to pivot, a practical cxample of which is the
give the higher stress because {3 is applied to bending system with the hinged expansion joint shown in
stresses only. Fig. 5.7. Whcn thcrc is only one hinged end, the
Step 17. Enter results on Form A. simplest solntion is to locate the origin of the coor-
Step 18. Have Steps 15, 16, and 17 checked. dinate system at the center of thc hingc.
Sample Calculation 5.5 illustrates the computation Sincc the example is shown in the z-plane, the first,
of a multiplane system with two points of fixation. second, and sixth columns and rows in Table 5.6

Table 5.6 General Equations of a Pipe Line Subject to Deformation at Either End
j.lf:z: Mu M. Fx F, F. Constant
+A;:;:z: +A.7;u +A zz +B u +B:l: u +B:u +El'(8 xA - 8.0')
+A:z:u +A uu +A uz +Buz +B uu +Buz + El' (8,A - 8,0')
+A;u +A uz +A u +B u +B zu +Bu +EI'(8,A - 8.0')
+B;:;:z: +B vz +Bu +Czz +C:z:v +C:u +EI'[o.. - oxo' - A.A + (YA 8. A - ZA 8,A) - (Yo' 8.0' - Zo' 8uo')]
+B:z: v +B uu +Bzv +C:l: V +Cuu +Cvz +EI'[ouA - 0uo' - AuA + (ZA 8xA - XA 8. A) - (zo' 8xo' - Xo' 8.0') I
+B;u +B v1 +Bu +Cn +Cvz +C" +EI'[o'A - 0,0' - A.A + (x A 8uA -YA8.. ) - (xo,8 uo' -Yo·8.0')]



F.I 0- •
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"I /GO.7 /5.00'
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- 7500
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• 15"4S0 psi
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30 "'
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- 1575 -- I 1S ab , /7 19$ b' , / 6
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MEMBER -7 -/ /-2 2-3 -J -5 A 7-A

k 800 800 800
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L 1500 47 0
I'Z 0 23 75
a /000 /500 -/3 ~ 750-
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uo - /9500 /70 3- /2757 - 9375 - 938 0 938 3/1 84 - r.§f!.~
cu - Z9250 o 0000000
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THE MW KELLOGG CO No rkli~I!'JLI~htF"j, S ";S ANALYSIS ~ --: < -.5.
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PIPW<; .L£,J<lBI\..ITY ANALYSIS (. .. ~ • FOkM ['1
THE MW KELLOGG CO 6-EQUATlONS ft,:~~;~~_~'ff' CAL~·S.5


COO" RULES , - 0 0 • 1.25 ... 12..50
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2SS -
7'8 ...

- 8"

~f:; ..fJ' Zf.J -F."z.

~o'o -
0 0 " 0 0
7' 0
0 0

~= (1-" C) M
, -• 4''0
282 +
I 070 -
- J 070

~ '" -
/9Z5 -
/8/ -
!OMI - 07
/8/ - S
., • 4040 0 - J S~5 - 50S 0 • 505 t 19189 SO,

I -
14408 0
lat; ... 7 fur; ...
0 -
t.y ...
I 20/ -
/9Z -
12. 006 -
fO aSI -
/0777 ...
8 4fZ ...
- 1201
I Eh
SIN '"
, /

y z PLAtJE %
M', M' M' M. - " ZS5 - 10 081 Ie 777
+M'" .M' "CO.!> 0( - 0
-M' ~M'cz ~M'" "SINO!; 0 - Z 04!J
:L M'. - 0 255 - Z 049
..M':r .. M'>c .M' ''::'It.I 0<- - I I
.M' .. M'cz M' >ccoso<. - Z IH 0

PIPE Z f-12 l
M, - 0134 Z IZ!J - /81
,e Z.UO 2.uO
5 ·f M /0 519 IfZ
5' -f,BM b
2St.-fMt 85Z
z"" 2/38
5 .5 .45 111450000 3103000
5 *"5' "5 -5, 11447
H • .:r,
aRM -I

cooe ·RiJLES , • Z.~.75
•- Z:. 00
E. _ Y 0 soao
r,;-- z 0 0

SI!_~'S'1!. F - 403.97
F +- 360.51
So' PSI F + 59.3
..F .z
64[ - Z 123
Re_8.. ~ -F 0 • Z.~"
R' - Eh
M •- 84<
0 ·•- 843

~ .. ..F","x
• 140'
~= (J-JC) M
, •
1 JOl
/G -
• I 303
1/ 2Sl

~. .. F."y
- ., -
Z2 81Z
•- 20/99
24 O{J
R'· CAU:ULATl!O , - {sox - {!l0!'

HoT MODULlJ~, E.. coso<.

, y z PLAtJE
M' M' M' M•
.M, • M' )((,050(
-M -M'~ -M'. "SINO!;
:L M',
..M'z ... M'" M' 1(1)1t.l0<-
M' +M'z M'"cosec:
IP Z f-12 Z
5 ·f M
S' -f,BM b
25 =fMt
5 .S .45
5 '5' "5 -S',




FIG. 5.8 System with two hinge joints.

A1- - - - - - - - ,

Flo. 5.7 Pipe line with OUel end hinged. of the moment equation for line AB by the known
forces F;e and Fy'
are omitted, and since !l1:;:1 GXA, 0%0 ' , 01/.1, OyO" 0:0'1 Sample Calculation 5.6 covers a typical hinged
XA, Y,lall are equal to zero the equations may be expansion joint system. In this simple case XB = 0,
written thus: Fx = 0, and FlI = EI*6. l1 /s aa . The case of three
rotation joints where thc flexibility of the piping is
F, Fy Constant
not involved is covered in Chapter 7.
Sb -Sa - EI*8 z A It is also possible to handle problems where the
8bb -Sab +EI*ll:cA clast'idly of the terminal connection has a significant
-Sab +Saa +EI*.1 I1 A effect. Of such cases, the most important is that
F, and F yare obtained by solving the deflection of the rotation of a nozzle on a cylindrical shell. 4
equations; the rotation at A may now be obtained In Section 3.14 it was shown that the rotation of
from the first equation, the nozzle due to shell deflection could bc cxpressed
A more general case is shown in Fig. 5.8. The in tcrms of a virtu'al length L, representing the
pipe line has two hinge points which are not located length of a fictitious extension with the same rigidity
at the terminals. For convenience, the origin is as that of thc pipe line. This value of L is used in
placed at a hinge point. Noting that the moments the formulas of Table 5.7 to calculate a set of shapc
are zero at both hinge points, the following equations coefficients expressing the cffect of nozzle rotation.
are written: The shape coefficients obtained are simply added

Equation M,(=O) F, Fy Constants

1 +s +Sb -Sa EI*[(0'8 - 0',8) +(0" - 0',,)]
2 +Sb +Sbb -Sab EI*[ - c" + Y8(0'8 - 0',8)]
3 -Sa -Sab +Saa EI*[-c,y - X8(0,8 - 0',8)1

where the shape coefficients are summed from 0' to A. to those ordinarily calculated; hence a detailed ex-
Eliminating the rotations in the deflection equa- ample is not included. However, the results of a
tions: calculation made both with and without the effect
of nozzle rotation are shown in Section 3.14.
F z(XB8bb - YBSab) + F y(YBSaa - XnSab)
= EI*(x8c" + YBC,y) 5.14 Skewed Members
AB F:r;YB = FyXn since ft.f z = 0, When a member docs not lie in a coordinate plane
nor in a plane which is parallel to a coordinate plane
F = EI*(x8'c" + X8YUC,,,) it is said to be skewed. To calculate such a member
, Xn , Sbb - 2 XnYnSab +'
Vn Saa or group of members) it is necessary to introduce an
auxiliary coordinate system, one coordinate plane of
F = EI* (Y8' c,,, + XIIY8C,,) which is parallel to a plane which includes the skewed
11 Xn 2S bb - 2XllYBSab + VI/Saa
member, and the origin and one axis of which coin-
The rotation at B, (0,8 - o',B), ca.l be obtained 41f the piping is relatively stilT and the shell is relatively
from either of the eqs. (2) or (3), after which the flexible) the conventional assumption of rigid fixation is
likely to lead to high indicated reactions and consequent
rotation at 0, (0" - 0',,), can be obtained from heavy nozzle reinforcement whereas recognition of the elas-
eq. (1). The rotation 0' ,B is obtained by multiply- ticity of the shell would show that reactions are low and rein-
ing the respective shape coefficients, (Sb and -sa), forcement is not required.
7~0 y
o· .. / 7\ M,

I 34.8.52S.0 2 '$14.8 3·5 0
/051.8 '-3 1S"33410
fi!l~ •
~ IF)
h _14 Elg ~
~ ~I~ :Ii
DE .. 10-
, ,.
1:; vi"
Z Ec"l0-
29.00 f---" "1,- -
o Eht/ S<15'.:'f
Q .1.00 IZ.lde

• ~
'%CJ!. f'ZNO. I%CR.'Z/1(}.

~ TEMP. 1000 F loaO f:
... 8


.0074S .0074G
- 0
UJ -28.25" 00 I!N -1.00 (.O074{.; ~
ll. hy ~
-1-18,.13'(.00151 '" -.03~4!J'
• 1.1.17,1

h. , -44.00'
Ekl.6X/J 4- 57.n'
f"IOy! H ·'S~8721,J(,O
lJ) POINT 0' A Sf ·~A~~'tg~rED
I- M.
-(;8 SSG 0
a: F. 5A·~f~~~t~l'lo.XO
. "' ., -
r 1200 -/200
h • as 300 psi
CAL NO.s.f.:,

Table 5.7 Shape Coefficients Expressing the Effect of Nozzle Rotation

Position of
a a a b

8 L L L
Sa a X L aXL aXL
s, b X L bXL bXL
q -L sin a cos a o o
cq eX q o o
u L X cos 2 0: o L
u. (0 X u) - (b X q) o 8.
eu eX u o cXL
v L X sin:! a L o
v. (b X v) - (0 X q) 8, o
cv c X V cXL o
8" + c'q (a X 8,) + (c X cq) a X Sb a X Sb
euo c X ~to o C X Sa
cV o C X Vo C X Sb o
8•• c'v + (a X 8.) + (c Xcv) (a X 8.) + (c Xcv) a X Sa
8" c'u + (b X 8,) + (c X cu) b X 8, (b X 8,) + (C X CU)
ltD" Voc + (a XU.,) + (b X v o) 8"
where the virtual length L is given by
L ~
1 = moment of inertial in. '\ of the pipe in the system corresponding to Q = 1.
rm = mean radius of nozzle, in.
R = mean radius of vessel, in.
t = thickness of shell \vith pad included, in.
Table 5.8 Formulas for Plane Rotating about x-Axis
M, F, F, F,
+.-1'zvcos a +A'%I COSa +B'zlIcos a +B';u cosa
+A'u -A':u sina +A'zli sina +B';%% -E'n sin a +B'zl/sina
+Jl'lIl1cos2a +A'1I1 cos 2a +B'U%C050: +B'lIl1cos2a +B'lIl COs 2 a
+A'us in 2 a + (11' f
1111 -
sin 2a
A u) - 2 - -B'usina +B'usin2a -B"/lsin 2 a

-A'", sin 2a _ (B'

v' + B') sin22a + (B '
III 1111
_ B' ) sin 2a
u 2

+A'ucos 2 a +B'u; coso: +B"II cos 2 a +B'" cos 2 a

+A'uusin2a +B'lIzsin ex -E'I/I sin:! a +B'1I11 sin:! ex
+A'uzsin 2a + (B ' 1111 _ B':: ) sin22a + (B ' zv + B') :;in2 20:

+C'ZII coso: +C' cosO!


G'n -C'z: sin a +C sin a::


+C'1I11 cos 2a +C'u: cos 2a

F': = Fz +C'usin2a +(C ' _ C' ) sin 20:'
III/ U 2
F' JI = F 1/ cos a + F z sin a -G'1I1 sin 2a

F', = F,casa - FI/sina

M'.,. = Af;f: +C'u cos 2 a
:A['" = .AlII COSa + .M,sina +C'1I11 sin 2 a
111', = ltl,cosa -Afl/sina +C'lIzsin 2a

Table 5.9 Formulas for Plane Rotating about y-Axis

M, F, F,
+A'ucos:!a +.t1';r:llcosa +A.';r:z cos 2a +B';r:;r:cos 2 a +B';r:1I cos a
+A'usin:la +:1'II: sina + ( ,1 ' IZ -
, s i n 2a
A. u) - 2 - +B'usin2a +B'zll sin a -B':;r:sin:la

_ E'" ) ::-ill 2a
+A'u sin2a '
+ (B ;r:: +
B') sin 2a
u 2 + (8 ' u ">;r:z 2

+A'II:cos a +B'II;r: COsa +B'II: cos a

-A';r:lI sina +B'u: sin 0: +B'1I11 -B'II;r:sin a

+A'"cas:!o: +B':;r: cos 2 a +B':lIcos a +B'u cos:! 0:

+A';r:;r:sin 2 a -B';r:: sin 2 0: -B';r:1I sin 0: +B';r:;r: sin:! a
- . -t';r:: sin 2a ' _ B' ;r:;r: ) sin2 2a _ (B' B') ~!n 2a
+ (B u u+ n 2

+C';r:;r: cos 2 a +C';r:1/ cos a +C'II cos 2a

+C'z: sin:! 0: +C'II: sin a +(C':: - C',rr) sil1 2a
+C';r:: sin 2a
+C/I/: cos a
F';r: = F;r: cosa - F, sin a +C'''II -C';r:lI sina
F': = F,caso: + F;r:sina +C/", em;:! a
Jf';r: = Af;r: cos 0: - .M: sin a +C';r:;r:sin:!o:
;1['11 = Af ll
..11': = ltfzcosa + .M;r:sina -C'rz sin 2a
cide with those of the principal coordinate system. ing that c is the perpendicular distance of the
The shape coefficients are computed the regular way projected plane from the parallel plane at the co-
in this auxiliary system and tMh transformed to the ordinate origin, c is equal to K 2 sin 0::2 shown on
principal coordinate system by means of the formulas Fig. 5.9g. The signs of K, and K, sin "2 indicate
of Tables 5.8, 5.9, and 5.10. the direction of these distances from the coordinate
Figure 5.9 shows a pipe line in which members 2-5 origin in their auxiliary planes. It will be noted
are shown in a plane rotated ",°
off the standard that member 2-3 could have been placed in the
y-axis, and members 8-A arc shown in a plane ro- z-plane with members 0'-2 as an inclined member.
tated "2° off the standard x-axis. The entire system The choice is arbitrary. Likewise member 8-9
is shown broken up into working planes. Since two could have been placed with members 6-8. Also
different skews are involved, they must be handled member 12-A could have been placed in a z- or
separately. It is possible to set up skewed members x-plane, but here, in the interest of keeping down
in each of two skewed planes. To illustrate this, the number of working planes, it is most advisedly
members 2 to 5 are shown in both x'- and v'-planes, calculated as part of the z'-plane.
depending upon the selection of the prime axes and Sample Calculation 5.7 shows the main steam sys-
of the corresponding direction of the angle ",.0 tem for a power station, calculated from the boiler
Members 8-A are shown only in a z' -plane, but header to the throttle valve (at 0). The expansions
the reader will see they could have been set up in of the turbine leads and connections and the super-
an x' -plane also. However, the shape coefficients heater header (usually given by the manufacturers)
are computed only once in one or other of the two are included. The turbine leads as indicatcd by
possible planes. dotted lines are assumed to be infinitely stiff. The
The c-value for members 0'-2 is readily apparent members 0' to 2 are calculated in the z'-plane for
by inspection as K,. For members 8-A, remember- " = - 45°. Once the coefficients are converted on
liThe rotation of the planes follows the general rule: counter-
Form D-5 according to the formulas given in
clocl..-wise positive; clockwise negative; 80 that a in Fig. Table 5.9, the procedure is the same as for the
is a positive, and in Fig. 5.9/, a negative, angle. previous multi plane systems, except that the co-

Table 5.10 Formulas for Plane Rotating about z-Axis

M. M, M. F. F, F,
+A.':;r:rcos 2 a +A'zli cos 2a +A' cos a
%E +B' cos 2 a
%% +B';rll cos:! a +B';rz cos a:
+..1'1111 sin 2 a + (1'
I %;I;
-A' 1111 )8in2a
2 -A'I/ z sino: +B'lIl1 si n :l a -B 1
lIZ sin a
-B'll: sin a

_ B' ) sin 2a
-A'zlI sin 2a _ (B' Zli + B'l/z) Sin 2a
2 + (B' n l/l/ 2

+A ' l/l/ cos 2 a +A'l/' cosa +B ' l/ Z cos 2 a +B'l/l/cos 2 a +B ' v: cos a
+A'n sin 2 a +A' == sin a -B'zvsin2a +B' zz sin 2 a +B'z: sin a
, ,sin 2a
+A' Zli sin 2a + (B' n _ B' vv ) sin22a +(B '" + B ,.) - 2 -

+B' zz cos a +B';rvcos a

-B'J:v sin a +B'J:rsin a +B' ..
+C'zz cos a +C' Zli cos 2a +C'=: cos a
+C'vv sin 2 a + (C ' n _ C' lIli ) sin22a -C'lI: sin a
-C' zv sin 2a
Jlf'. = "'II:
F'r = Fzcosa + Fvsina +C'lIV cos 2 a +C'u: cosa'
F'v = Fvcosa - Fzsina +C' %I' sin 2 a +C' z: sin a
F'I: = F: +C'Zll sin 2a

1.'/'Z = Mzcosa + Musina

Jlf'lI = Ml/cosa - },fzsina +C' ..
0' I , 3


, 12 5
, K, 0

5 , A

6 7 0/,
K, K2 (0$ ((2
, ,

• ,
Cz = 0

I 6

Jr:=t" , sl,
10 11


5 A

, cz'=
- K2 $in ((2
y'-Plono (f)
• (e) 2 C';=O '-------------x' (9)
3 2 FIG. 5.9 Multiplane configuration with skewed members.

Y\ M,
4L- o' 730-
$tJpe~HeAreR HE/iWR.
9 CotINl:CT/ON


"TC • os. CALC NO 5.

MEMBERS 2-0 0'-/ y

o 13. U5

-:J\ ,
~ /.'''7$ 1.~(J7S

I F,
1149. 'i
1/49. '?
= fOO/'
~, ~y
.•s e
h .3.4/

~ k
< ,
I. 'IS
< /
Eh -10·" 22.70 22.70 Cy,O
2 Ec.-ro· 29.00 29.00
o f II 18/2G81(; I~ 266 9e.O
lI1 Q /.00 /.00
~ MATERIAL I Yo C.€'. I % CR.
~ TEMP. 1000 F /000 F
W e .00726 .0072~
D BRANCH 0':'0
Z -92. 75 (.0072(,)-. OfIt;7 - .011"7·
<: 6,

UI -7Z.75(0072C -.020S3.
-: 54900

-/7.25 (.007Z' •
Z' P:AN<
.~ '----...-,'R ~--;;'-=--~
0(_-45- ('< _ I '"
EhIltoM ..4 ·/~7K~ 030 AUXII.IARY COOIU)/,vA7£ l'I ~-;?,,_?§~ '!?~ __
Eh1bylt+ -"'If SIt. '100 S YS To!'N( 0 X PO,NI:. Y
EttIllllj 44 -22 702 Ita R07A7Ef) ABOVT y< AXIS C1<' ... 6<;.75'
tI) POINT o' 0 5E .~:..~;,'~~rro
I- M, -12 725 ~/74!iO :.TAfSS
"", 'fOO
UI F, .,. 91>0 -9{;0
IX: F .,. 2.020 -2020
Fz ~370 -370 ,,20700 psi
V>lfCO<£O M
CALC NO. 5.7

, /01
SHAPE ~ a. "25 b t
~b ~ 9S$
(,7 26 a. t O O ' bl 39/
Q / 00 TRIGONOMETRIC. Z4 2850 2.b 'JI Z loab
'OR 64Z t 78 S ., of,'ts·a ~ 718Z~S.t>'1- J '9"'5,,~t>"4 {; ... 1 lJ42 +S; .. b'+Z280431
k;OR l 385 c.. - 707 "'!>"4 - 212J ... 6:,..b _/ Jr, fe',,"u - 71 0' /. /
kQRl+ 3852 Cb t Z J +S'b + 1/ 2'1 +~'b·a. ~ '(,d88 / H ..... t~ I- / I 73
kOJ;,) + 311l Cab - 25{) ... ~'ab 51i78 /
I<OR J 3 /Z C".!. + 6/-J t5£.,. + III 6/
kORl 23/ 12 cbb 14 JJ',o
,., ; '. Z8 S.. b /022 5... f '17 S~b +li !5t129
+!;'l>1> +

•" ""u'''' ,
0 tj +
b 00 kCbb"·~'.u· J9.8.2.f!
"00 "Cu ""\·'Ct>t>-:lli7J9I
; /
"'\J..a. l
tV'b l 13f70 Z
c:... ,(cD5a:.eOS(lX.-+~)J
OR •
6 00 (K.'~lCoIb
36 ()O '_)C~.
q. 0 " "u'"

3 0
o "Q.tatl 10
,,"u·o·l..l _-~o
c b" "2:S[C05 ~(<>It~)-CD~ Zll(]
QR 3' 00 I,;) CD _~ Of, +v~ + JJ 11 tvo·Zb tl-l!.ffi21 c. st·"ZS[s"'1 Z(>l,+~)-SIIJ z:.,;J
QR~ .. "00 1 VOl .. u",,+~~ 122054. ebb' .s f+, Z Sfr.IN ;: (>l.-t ~)-SIN z.,;]

". + 5/ 4/ v" , /5 ......0 .. v~~ OJ/ /8

k 1 ~ {> 90 5HAPE ' " ' a.~"J5b .,. 0 75 ab 5 7' a" +4 3 b~ +6
Q / 00 TRIGONOMETRIC U Zd Z70 eb0 z.ab.,. 61 / /
leQR .. 29 t "I..q~ s·, 4 &0 "':!i~~ to t/ .S·b ~ 31 ~5 +s·a.b 4'(; 10 +:!> .... <-20 5 67 +S.b~ "'Z
kOR' c... t l DOOO t5'... .,. ., 40 /, / +s;...b 5 JO ~:""l.l
kORl " Cb + 000 .If 'k +:!i'b'a..,. 9 94 /
kClR' ~ c ... b .. 000 ... "·... D .,. ,3 () /
kQR' .. c.... . 785 +.s"&.>. 't 5 18
k R •
• Cbl>
"" 785
.::-. () !> .. 0
QR I kC tob,,", )Col. ~_tJ~~.~ 3 B3 ,u,.:s 0
QR • ~<l.. I.~'b Z.:m J 83 ;./
QR (KI)}' .. b 0 q. 0 -qo!)
QRl. 2 I!>C ... I 3000 tU'" ...
aRt ~ 1.3 Cb I 3000
QRa t 1.3f .. tOilO

, tJ7 of 0"
qo' MEMBER N~7·(.
r"'\. b'
'OR 4 • 5 ••
'OR 'Ii 000
kQRl ~
I<O,,~ .. /,
85Z +/ (J{)OO
'OR , I'
5_. /0 08 54 , ;:r84 S... b 11 t 72 +(A
4 Silt>
t /8. '2
t 7 151 19
OR ~ 00 ~'bb'tl~e.u II ?t; .u-a.. '4305 GENERAL FORMULAS
R 00 k<:.a"'''bI> J II -tV_b i ~V_bl I <::4.[CO$CC-C;OS{""' ... ;.)]
OR • t, 00 (1':., ~)C.. b o q. o o -'l.... 0 ·q~za.b 0 Cb'(SIN",·srN(c< .. ;:'J]
OR 36 00 '3C.. i I JOoo + 4(,80 +u'o-l.l.7 /3 00 C"'b~ .z.s[eol!o z(.. ~t)-CO$ ZOI:)
OR 00 1.~Cb 1 / Jooo .v;, .,. 4" 80 'V' wZb Z 40 c,u.' .5t·.lS(5U< Ze"'~tJ-5IoJ <:o<J
QR) .. I () l,~f l 0420 ~ ;.uoo+v;" fO ct>t> •• st-t.tS@IIIol.,(>i.",IJ-srNz.",J
". • ~I Yo .,. ===:.'(2 lL.oo.v~. 3 (,
k / 0 • 90 SHAPE \I a. .. 25 b .. 0 75 ab r G9 a1 '!" OJ 0(, bl +-3 ?< £,
Q TRIC;ONOMETRI '-.J Zd .. Jjj 50 eb 121 50 ;:ab
leQR .. 64_ ¢ .. 157 5'. /008 ... =- ..... /4 (,4 ,j.s·b. (,.IZ3(,+Soab ..87Z''' ... S ..... d +$.b~ +7z,
k R'
kaRl ,8 2 c...
I 0000
-10000 +50'01. - 38 Z +5'b _ 38 2 ::::~ ~Z ~~~ ~'7: Z "b0 Z. O -4
leQR' .. ( C ... b .. 000 1'"& ... 1:> • 1151-:6~ ~~
kQR'. 211 ..s'u. ... /8/52
k R •

QR "
s-. 008 5 ...
/J /7 +u.a.
fO!! 12 Sb
/5 17
8 5".t> 1

'15 12 Sal>
18 '::1

leo 210
OJ '0
"1.~100 ... ,,~l +'.!io'OO ~,.$IO"
GR .. KCoJ.~+U'b ( / (] .V"b~"'<1/ 3 C +I.oCoo ".0000 ·'.0000 ·,.ocoo
QR .. (K'13)C a b o q. o o -q"ll. 0 -q~Z.11> 0 c -1.000Q .. '.0000 "".0000 _',0000
_.$oeo t.I\OOO -,SOOO ".5000
4 80 tU,,"za -I ::':
~r:- ~ 0 r.~c 000 -
46 80> • ~
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QRa.. 00 ,.:eo, "Z 0410 .u:...,fVO' ~ 7 :.:~..
"".).0 ~'.5Q pl.'ooo ·'.1>000
-' .• 000 +' •• 000+'. 0 - •• ~OOO
u.. + II J7 Yo ~ J ll. oo "Voo 9/ I ,.,) +1.0-41'0 -tr.o.. ro .".0-41'0 C.O"~O


, o

SHAPE /1 a I PO b
48 1j ",b.,. .,. a... J(, 00 b .. Z J7/5f.,
Q 00 TRl40NOMETRIC U Z~ { 00 2.b , 9750 z.ab
'OR (, 42 f so. 10 O/) i's.-a. (, 48 ';'5~1> r 4'14<) +'''lI.b ~2 9 H +s"al +S;"b" ~ 72
'QR .,2 e. MOO +,.", - 8 2 +~:""b / t.·•• u 8
kQR .. J 52 Cb 0000 ~~'b " JB 52 +'·tl"lI. 1 J l +5'~~U' ,,3 75 70
kORJt 2 {1 C.t> - 000 .t!o',..b - II
kOR / /2 c ol4 1 ~5:u. .. /8/52
kQRJ 23 /l ebb 7 5
5_. -t$'l>l> + 181 .5l

(, (} ~Cbbi"l~'.u
(, (){) k<uH'CbI:>
/0 0 54
1/ t7 ..u·a. t-
f 2/ q(;, sb
tV'1> t-
• $i~ ~ 5..b
"t-V'b l
f /

I. II S...;.
I. C:a.[co:;cc-GOS(<X ... ;')]
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OR 00 1.~Cl;> 000 .v;, , 4(;80 ...... WZb.4ItJOc.......

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U o i 0 22 "'0 ,. ? .............0. +JI

k /d7
12 170
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i 13 5tJ at.
+ 3(,00 til ~


".57t8 48 .S-b 1 Z 32 .. S'"~ab t-I 92 ~5"" .. 88 -tS.b" +.5 '/7 PO

kQR .. ~ 5'. /008 .llo . . t-
k R' CA _ MOO ~!o'.a. - 2 ~5A"b _ -' 6:""2.4- , t4

kQRI 5Z Ct> .,. 00 "~'b t- 38 2 ·,'b·a., alIi

kaR'. 1 /2 CAb - 50017 "'''·.. D - 1/5 •• '" /m ,.
kQRI. 7-31 IZ c....... .. '85- ,-~ f" /.1..52
k R • 1.3/12 '8 ·,,'bb. 18152
ebb •
o () .s. ,
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QR G 00 ~Cl>bH)(.U /8(,1if. /I 11 702 ttJ.wlll • ~
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"1.0000 "'.0000 -1.00 0 _1.0000
QR ooo.;;·n)C"b o q. o o a -q w l:.11> o c..
·'-0000 "',0000
-.'000 +,6000
.'.0000 -',0000
·,5000 •. 5000
QR~ .. 00 -I 680
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PLAf'JE l( Z'(o; .. -45"

MEMBER 9-8 8-? ""-7-6 9-5 2-1 1-0' 2-0'

k 107 I 107 I .5
Q 100 I I 00 I (){) 100 100
R 600 6 15
L 2S 850 874
a ~ a; 4/ /3 7625 82 25 "98 6",35
b 22175 2875 2 75 /850 822S 80 75
c 54 75 54 7$ 54 75 54 7S - 43 5 4345
L /2 11 2' (" 02- 63'
S m ~U mM 8~ WW 8 U 4 (d) /334
Sa. 2/ % Z 8a<l38 807 12 &,99 /3 44/1 59 5"4/ 7/ 30Y M 85/ 32
~b ~4 lm9~ ~M ~~2mU 7/8 87 37S 85 I 094 72
q 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 0
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u II 17 '70 25 II 17 /I f03 &4 874383/ZS7
li o mU2 ~ ~~ W~4Rn 54/ 7/ 251'OS 798 7(,
eu foIl Sf, 3 4e, /9 ft.1I 56
5674 30 W499 .3 75 - 1(;,'" 41 5Jb Ib
v II 17 "iI:3 /2Z 17
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Vo 300 92 2. &,2 74 J 384 83
30e 92 1!i7 2 934,)(, 312 20 I 24:. 56
cv /I 5' 5 32 loll 5(,
&, b888l 44> 38 49359 - 1(;,'" 41 - "''''000
Sab ... c~q "/5 IS 83 Of#985 21 4/4 7Z 12 9$39/ //8 033 63 44 555 Sf., 25 294 1,4 69 85/ so
CUt> Iro70~/~~49/~~~uomu~m -2353730 -II 168 82 -34. 706 12
c~ ~~n~~M~4~378Wq4~~96 -4() 97 94 -I] 565 09 -54 163 03
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sbtlTC·U 40 (,34 09 Z(,S (,44 99 4 &'34 09 3(, 083 50 385 9~ (,7 75 '27 20 37 940871/3 5(,8 07
u.."o+v..o 8 /92 14 221 22/ 24 80 43/ '7 77 7/4 OJ 381 $9 08 flO 481 97 42 70.3 54 153 185 51
c:;' ~
THE MW KELLOGG CO elf No ~~Wll):i,lF') S :SS ANALYSIS ,," ~ 5.7

PLANE y y y y
MEMBER 0-/1 10-9 C-If 5-4 4·3 c·o C-9 5·2 0-9 5-2


k 107 107 107

Q lOt! I 100 10 100 100 100 10
R 60 ~(){) 600
L 48 75 16 75 150 (, 51 ..33 75
a o {,o /43 0 145825/4250
b 2438 487S 5475 4125 b 75 b4 01 {,1 Zb 110 88
() 0 {J 0 82 8225 82 ZS 0
198 05 Z3 18 75 .3 53 94 92
48 75 10 08 16 75 IS 10 08 b 51 S 04 33 75 t,]i4i.o 97 21
s. o 21 96 24087 0 10512 53 71 44 S9 0 4M.,.2S 4t"" 25
So I~Q ~n W7~ bffl~ ~u ~v ~u ~9W3~%39%M
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6980 5141 f}4ir..7 049 (,7
cu 0 0 0 0 9187.3
69584 8774 0 2102'312102.31
v 4875 1/17 2187 IS(}O 11/7651 5243375 7087104;;'2
Vo 118853 S'91" 1192 b biB 75 h3118 41i:> 11 3bb IS St,970 3817 19 41{~J:f..-
CV 0 0 0 0 918 73 53545 43099 0 I !88sl (7 1 1885/7
5 11 b +clq 0 118ft> /I 13 187 32 0 S 9.52 72 3 437 98 .3 IO?' 25 0 l.b 810>"138 2h Sf:*, 38
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u.(l<)+V.O 38 631 30 31 39 77 69 142 SI 25 {j, 9 3{' wt 81 Z7 272 44 l{, 031 18 IZ 820 09 Zit;, 554 0 229 3&1 01
". I · " .•

M. My M, F, Fy F,
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~ +A y " ,.. 12 57 +A Yl 0 +BtK - 178 61 +6yt

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, , t"\:"'"5 11/1ce. ,.. 7 60 ~ e~l SIIol'lc:( .,.. 623 28 .. B~y .:5INc:e - 466 69 tS',l(J( 51""fa:.
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y Uoa+Voo 1'22'1 J8/ 01 -cu." - 19 ZIf 95
z ,u.+ctv ·cvtI
MEMBERS 0'·0 .c,
[ "'''98 525 Z7 +CVl. -/48 339 27
f/(,8 082 qz
x +s.u,+c1. v +(;,3& /9/ 25
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1: +Czr. 0117 673 5/

-leiNG Xl~?<.'81L1TY_A~. STRESS ANAlYS),
c:wrCKIi. -

, -401$ .307 0 "'2122 + 1.1 1'14 +/'7""23 -29U572 +44


- /6 233 0
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230 ..
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3J ,03 -I' '0

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-I 45' "'2
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1.000 00
5 -II. 13
O~ .0<

COrlPlNG FI.(XlBl\.ITY B STRESS A"lALY$I$ <: .. ~. .' FORM E-I

THE MW. KEllOGG C 6-EQUATIONS ~;f.ii.~ CALC. N-&-'l

CONVERSION TO 00I~T , Z .3 A 5 ~ 7
7.1. 5 - I./. tl" - , a./.1 - 4.?5 - 6.5/ - (;.00 0 0

-• 1.06
sa. a a
~"-h .. Y f 80.75 0
- /. .,. 0 -t:.OO
l:. Z r /7.2.5 - 6./8 G 0 .00

r 8. Sa ,.. ~.oo

-- - --
SE"'~hC.S'1!. ~ + 96J.88
~ -
+_!."oJ.7. (;/
+ 372.4/3
17455 - IZ 7Z5 - /542 -?
8~G 5/447 -3/447 -I:} - .541 -
Z/ I
R' th
R' -e...
oR .. 1= ·z
34 Jo4

- f2 72'1
- Z 139
- 1542
- /246'
- :1/4
.; ss
47 - /934/
..,.. 12/06
.,. /2/oG
-I-/071tJ .. //425 ..,.. /5080 +/5/'13 l' /27G8 + 4750 - 344.3

R£ ... 0
-F x ' z
/022 ,.-
0 .,. - - 2235
- 5783 - 8/93
0 0
rl0798 + "425 + ,50g0 +/5/93 + 127G
43 -13Gff
/0026 2443 + II OIB .. + 4750
+-24153 n
3443 2?G
259 +3fDZS9
R.h _

M l'
..F.· ....
- OJ(
+ 78.3.3


1.3 Gil -IOOZG

-/58 B87 + Z 139 r/? Gf
0 0

8575 r /3135
2443 -I- I/O/g +24153
.. +- ,2 lOG
a 57.83
G 2S'l +-3G 259 +3047G
HOT MOOU'LUS, Eh <::050'.
)l Y z: PLAI-JE
M', M' M' Mt>
~ ..M'" ... M' ~c;o:':>'"
-M' ~M'", ~M'. ~5H'I'"
L M'b
.. M'", .. M~. ..N!' J(:':>'>.lC'-
.. M' .. M'l: .. N!' ><CO.6",
>: M,
PIPE f .. 12 l
I~. 625 18.8 /3
5 ·f M
5'b"'f,8M b
5 +5 t45
S '''5' +45 ''''SIi!


C l 0.5.

, 8
• 0
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y - 70,25 - O.()fI 0 a 0 0
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Se>= ~.S'e
S, - C'ZS 1'5'
+ 9133,88
+ eOl7,GI
, .3 2.IM
1'2 'SO +-
- 38 JI7 +-
-- 5.34 - - 4" - f7 455
R' h
OR iF ·z 0 - 12. lOG - 33 1~5 - 12 lOr, 0 0
~ Ec ~
R S" -£h
-F •
M ··- 2GIG7 +
3B 3/7 +
9ZZG -
Z. 235
534.9 -
3 J,.
IZ' 70'2
17 4S5
11 455
/ ~O8

*= 0
""-. (1-- c)
R' 3
-F x ' z
, -•
9ZZG -
, 0
5783 ..
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IG 145 +
12 702. t
Z 235
.5 783
IG 250

18 158
I 908
047' 37237 43020 - 43 020 - 30914 &>7443

~. I
- 'x, - t;7 713 - .5 183
a , 0
/2 10&. ..
9,8 358
J\' - C.... LCULATEO - 37 237 - 4-3 OlO - 4:?> 020 p 3091d + &>7444 • G1443
RFACTIONS BA5EO oti 5t'" '" 0
• y
M, , 2
M', M' .7 4
tM'" .M· l(c.o~«: 1908
·M· _M'" -M'. )($INOl 0

+M'l( tM'"
- 1908
.M· ...M': .M· "c.os,rx - 17455

PIPE Z f .. 12 Z
M, - /

13.(;Z5 I- .8 jj 1,00
5 of M 4195
5' -ft3M b
25t-fMt 1 Z41
5 +5 +45 2455 000
S't5' +" -5 4 955




effieients from the skewed planes are added on Table 5.11
Form D-3 above the spaces for the X-, y-, and
z-planes. Con-
.\00 }.l/zp FZ1' FliP M:Q 1"%Q 1"IIQ M:s F;r;s Fus
5.15 Branchcd Systcms
AI' B1' Dl' AR BR DR ,1T BT DT 0
The procedure for calculating a plpll1g system Bl' C1' G1' BR CR GR BT CT GT 1<:/* .1;rJ>
with branches follows that for a line with only two D1' G1' Hl' DR GR HR DT GT HT E/*J.yp
end points except for ccrtain steps in obtaining the
equations, in particular, the calculation of the liR CR GR BQ CQ GQ BR CR GR HI* ..\rQ
movements, and the summation of the shape co- DR GR HR DQ GQ HQ DR GR IIR HI* .iuQ
efficients. Only those operations which are unlike ---
those for two point systems, previously described AT B,· DT An ER Dn As B s Ds 0
in Section 5.12, are diseussed in this section. ET CT GT En CR GR Tis Cs Gs HI'" ..\zs
DT GT liT Dn GR liR Ds Gs lIs HI'" J.!/s
In calculating the movements, expansion is con- ---
sidered to be directed from the fixed end, designated
0', to the end points of each of the branches, called Table 5.12
free ends, which for the four-braneh system shown F.Q
M:l' M:Q 1\[:8 1"Z1' F:s 1"111' FIiO FilS Consttlnt
in Fig. 5.10 are designated P, Q, and 8. Therefore, Ap An AT Bp BR BT Dp DR DT 0
the movement in the x- and y-directions from 0' to AQ AR En TiQ TiR DR DQ DR 0
each free end and the products EI*D. x and EI*D.. ,1s BT ER Es DT DR Ds 0
must be detennined separately. Cp CR CT Gp GR GT El* !1::p
In caleulating the shape coefficients, it is good CQ Cn Gil GQ GR EI*!1:rQ
practice to set them up and sum them separately Cs GT GR Gs El* ..lrS
Ill' IIR lIT EI*!1IJJ'
for eaeh branch involved. The braneh from the IIQ lIn EI*!:J./lQ
first intersection between two free end branehes to lIs HI'" .ius
the fixed end 0' is called the eommon braneh with
respect to the said free end branehes. Henee, the sum from a point under consideration to the fixed
common branch is O'R for branches P and Q, O'T end 0' with the corresponding subscript letter, the
for 8 and P, and O'R for 8 and Q. In setting up system of equations given in Table 5.11 ean be set up.
the equations for the free end branches, the shape It is usually advantageous to arrange the equa-
coefficients are summed from the free end under tions so that the rotation equations first appear, and
consideration to the fixed end 0'. The coefficients then the deflection equations, since the constants
thus obtained are multiplied by the respective reac- for the former are O. This is shown in Table 5.12.
tions at the free ends, designated as AI: p , F:x.p, Fyp; In this rearrangement the symmetry of the co-
M: QJ F:x.Q, FyQ ; Jil zs , F:x.sI FI/s, The effect of one efficients is preserved. As in previous problems,
free-end branch on another is obtained by multiply- only the quantities on and to the right of the prin-
ing the reactions of the former by the coefficients of cipal diagonal, need be set up on the equation form
their common braneh. Designating the shape co- sheet. Once obtained, the equations are solved in
effieients as A, B, C, D, G, H and indicating their the usual manner.
The moments are calculated on Sheet F-1. Here
,--------1s again, each branch is grouped separately. The
forces and moments obtained from the equations
are the reactions at the coordinate origin of the
'1--------1 p branches P, Q, and S. Accordingly, these values
are entered on the form sheet for the appropriate
branch; thus the moments and forces with the sub-
seript 8 are for the braneh 8-1', the moments and
-I---------j Q forces with the subscript P are for the braneh P-T,
and those with subseript Q are for branch Q-R.
For the branch 1'-R, the sum of P and 8 is used;
o,If- --' for the branch 0' -R, the sum of 8, P, and Q.
I In setting up the coordinates for the calculation
FIG. 5.10 Four-branch system. of the moments at various points, a point-by-point
.-------1' upon by the restraint of branch R-Q. If the mem-
bers of the branch R-Q are now reduced to zero
length so that point Q coincides with point R, all
the coefficients with the subscript Q will become
.I-------IQ zero. The moment, forces, and expansions with
that subscript may be given the subscript R. The
six equations which could be written for this single-
plane system would still be valid although, since
the point R is now an anchor, it would be simpler to
FIG. 5.11a Three-branch system, solve the system as two separate lines, O'-R and
R-P. Consider, however, that the line is allowed
method is used, proceeding from S to T, from P to pivot at point R, so that the moment at point R
to T, T to R, from Q to R, and from 0' to R, For caused by the restraint is zero. As shown in Fig. 5.llb,
the junction point R the sum of the moments must the system now becomes a single line with fixed
equal zero. This condition serves as a check for terminals of points 0' and P and with no translatory
t,he calculations. displacement permitted at point R.
When the results are entered on Sheet A, it must The first six equations of Table 5.13 are written
be remembered that 0' is the end assumed "fixed," in accordance with Table 5.11, based on summed
and P, Q, and S are the ends assumed "free." The shape coefficients A, B, ·..H for which the subseripts
guide for the signs given in Chapter 4 also applies P and R indicate summations from those points re-
here. spectively to the fixed end 0'. The seventh equa-
As a suitable example, the three-branch system tion expresses the fact that there is no moment
given as Sample Calculation 5.7 has been enlarged restraint at point R. The unknown rotation at
to include the flexibility of the leads from the point R, 8,R, is eliminated by multiplying eq. 4
throttle valve to the turbine. This calculation is by -YR and +XR and by adding these equations
labeled 5.8. to eqs. 5 and 6 respectively as shown in Table 5.14.
The working planes for these leads are shown on Finally, to satisfy the relation expressed by eq. 7,
Form A-I. The computation and the summation the coefficients in the M'R column are multiplied
of the new coefficients are shown on Forms ])-2 and by (-YR) and (+XR), and the products are added
t.he summations with previous coefficients from to the coefficients in the F zR- and FuR-columns
Sample Calculation 5.8 are shown on Forms ])-3. respeetively. The equations obtained are given in
Since this is a multiplane system with 3 points of Table 5.15.
fixation, 12 simultaneous equations are required for It should be noted that if M'R = -yRFzR +
t he solution. These are set up and solved with the xRFuR is written out as illustrated in Table 5.14,
standard procedure on Forms B-2 and B-3 and the the correct signs are obtained for the constants by
moments and stresses are determined OIl Forms F-l. which the rotation equation is multiplied for addi-
The check of these equations is not shown but is tion to the two deflection equations.
carried out in a manner similar to that shown for For a multi plane line the following moment ex-
six equations in Sample Calculation 5.5, Form E-l. pressions must be written:

5.16 Intermediate Restraints A/xR = -ZnFIJR + YnFzR forFllandFzstops

Discussion of the details of the various stops and
guides used as intermediate restraints will be re- and AJ yll = -xRF zR + ZnFxR for F: and F.r: stops
~erved for Chapter 8. The present section will give
the procedure for including their effects in the flexi- ~-------lP
bility analysis. Although applicable to any type of
restraint the treatment will be confined for sim-
plicity of presentation to restraints which prevent
translatory but not rotary movement.
The problem of the intermediate restraint may
bc approached from the branched system discussed
in Section 5.15. Referring to Fig. 5.lla, the branches o'f-------'
O'-R-P may be considered a pipe line which is acted FIG. 5.11b Intermediate restraints.

21. (J()'



MEMBERS A-O· B'O /·0 0:' y

D /0.50 13.<'25 /3.<'25 Z PLANE Z PLAN!
t 1.432 f.(.~7S U"S7S Cr .t5.50 c;z:' -5.50
I 42'1.8 1/49."'1 1/4'1.9 Y F.
_A B
Z 81.8 I"d.d ',,",.6 ~y

~r \1
R 1.25 C:.OO I. SO
h 1.04 3.41 .0< 8 Z


Q Eh>lIO·

15\1 ,,51 I-
0 j
Z Ec"l0- 29.00 2'1.00 2'9.00 N /3 X /8 /7 X
o fhth t8/Xd9(,O 14.00 /4.00

2."" /.00

~CR. I-Yo CK'.

I 0:.
TEMP. 1000 F /000 F /000 r
w e o 2
.0072e. .00726
0',8 /.25' Z
I.ZS'D '" 0 z
-9l.75(j)07Z6 -.041(,7
-.0'1/67- .75671
-72.75 .aone
. " 17

0- Ay :02083 ..·.$4900
ii: 17.25 (.oone. ...
A, .12524 Y PLANt 'YPLANE
Ehf~J(,Ij44 -/37/GS 030 C'j- 0 C,:/"O
EntA)'/I~4 - 99 516 G(,O
EhI !lz/144 - 22 702/20
lJ) POINT O· A S Se: '~;..o;.o~.'~;~r[D
... M. -q 75 + 2075 1" 3175 =:.rRt5S
S M +6000 ., 400 + 425 • 4/75 psi
of 2400
+ 870 - ,
-22225 - 20{,50
- .30

., 11/0
+ 280
- 880
- 100
-- ISO
.20.700 psi
O ....TE "Z~
• • E'.
r:s CAL NO. 58

MEMS.ER A IS /S-14 .., /4-/.3 A-/3 1.,3-/2 12-0 /.3-0

k 16 /65
Q 26 -
2 "8
R 12 I
L 7S II 0 .. 5
1400 -
I 5
- 700

25 21.1
L 12 .3 0 1102- I I
• 1809 869 .3082 560 8 9 1139 2008
'. 5. 2 /I 71- I 74-
"8 438 2426 ~ 0
'b 8. 76 .1 8 71 - 39 o ,J 9S
o o o o
cq 0 0 o o o
U 2.352 76 -3 8 62 776 /I 19 IS
U c - 32 8 - 10 39- 1574 - 64 41 .1 4 246 62
cu /2 36 4268 /6 5/ 4 S. o o
v 180 776 400 6H2 7 6 48 22
v. 8376 .. 5 88 - 4 S o - 42
9950 4268 20~ 62 7 o o
5 a b·C: q 1172fi:9 - 5 74 0 - I 27 - 210 - 2M'
cu. .. -/8/104- s.B./. -1/865 71 6 o o o
cVo {, 68 23 8 0 06 o o o
5,u:,.C v
I 93 39 .3 O~_L 96 8
-1092 9 222 .. 7 91 4-
5bb"'CTu 1/6 I)) 378/ 1Jl t/~J 2 38 IS .107 .307
lLoo ... V.... S 06647 I 09 J I 819 2 8 J2S 92 I~ 6£ 88 261".3
TI1E MW KELLOGG CO elf NO '!~I,<>!L1~~,r?~, ."SANAL'fS!S "Nt ):4'.

MEMBER 8-/9 /9-/8 /tN7 B·n 17-110 Itc -0 /7-0

I \] -- L: LJ -- 2:

k /M /65
Q 2 oS 208 268 2(,8 268
R /25 / 25
L (,75 1150 425
a - /400 /2.75 - 70() - 425- 2/3
b 463 125 {) - 125 {)
c - 550- 550- SsG o 0
L 12 ,j 80 /I OZ / 5/
.5 /809 8 lo"i 3082 $11.0 8 b9 1139 2008
54 ZSJ 2(, - 117 7/ US 74 - 5& 7/ 4384 - Z426 68 10
5b 83 7(" 3 95 {) 87 7/ - .395 0 395
a {) 0 () 0 o 0 o
cq 0 0 0 0 o 0 o
u 2352 77b .3fJ83 /,ZIO 7 7b /I 39 19 IS
UO - 32128 - 104 31 - 215 74 - (,4141 - 3843 - f_,*-42" - ~2 f:,9
cu /29 3(, - 43 ~8 - 1(,,951 - 341 55 o 0 o
v 18 09 7 76 40 07 b5 92 1 76 14 13/ 2257
Vo 8.J7b 4250 8801 - 425 0 - 4 25
cv 9950 - .dZM) - ZZOJ9 - 3"<:57 o 0 o
5 tl b .c~q - / 172 59 - S474 0 -I Z2733 21 09 a 21 09
C Lt" I 8/1 04 574 15 I IS/, 57 .3 571 7(, o 0 o
cv" - 46()('8 - 2338 0 - 4840b o 0 o
S,u.c·v 4 092 (N I 83039 ,) 0(,1 'If:, 898524 tZl47 b887 2'11 34
5t>t>.C: Lt I 14>803 z.n 81 931. 31 Z 33815 .3 07 0 .3 07
1,1.""."'." SO"" 47 I 4a9 63 I 84982 8 3Z592 19S "" 1,887
THE MW KELLOGG CO elf NO ,gf!!~IU'):tA11f\r'~; r~S ANALYSIS
". '.-


2 .,
,y .~


E +-A u

+ 19 /5
_65 9Z +q
~315 /I +A. v

+231 95





9.1 .. Bxx

. 4
75 9z

75 92 .8,
02 69

J 134t 58

'2 '9 -c~

56 5 .v,
3 7' 81 +B n .

'9. 54

778 5


x -v, -cq .cv
, +V
., _ 20
08 0 -'. -- b8 /0 a +G. - 3 9
, w·
_ 62
/0 0 -c~ 34/ 55 .cq 0 .u, -_ /0 6~ 4/
E .A +3/4 13 t-Ayt. a .. B v " -, 4 439 34 .6 0 .8 • 96 81

, '-~ n .u, 7 772 78

-/I 12 '4
- 759
+V _22 57 .cv
0 -Y, • 41t5 _cq 0

+s .57 6. 87 71 • -s,
- 58L 7/
_ /0 538 98 +5:.:-

+A n +3()2 70 .. 6:)( 7 86 '9 .6, 75 92
/92 /0 -4&.2 0010 -23/ ~ 55
x ~Uoo+Voo -cu. .. -c::v"
y +:>.u.... c1v .,. 29/ 34 ~CV" a -5...b·d q +_ 3 21 09
Z +Sbb+C'l,l + 2 338 15 oSu,-C'q ·c:u o 571 76
1: ",c"'>C ?'5J 82/ 9 +C"y -«,/ 07,5 07 ... C 1(:1: -228
+-G98 525 2 -/48
" 01
J3 27

.. ,
)( +5t>t>+C' ."..t>-cZq
y U~V..O t 53 -cu. .. 0


z. -K.u.+czv ~ 985 24 *CV.
r. ",cv v +7()7 775. +Cyl:.
-... /48 8233
I~ 06

+//17 .7 /
)( ...'....+c
y "'Sb't..+~ + 3 a
z: +Uoet+V"" .8 325 92
1: +en. .,. 118'- 002 50
<: .... L.c. M -
o. •
,- - CALC.NO.5.B


• /9 /5
+65 91 +q
.,.315 1/






9J +6 x "


75 92

75 9' "t'Bl<v

534 58

Z 9/7 J2
"<Z "

769 54

~ 5
r1.l1 951 I 0 t12' ,
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0 II
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,x, +V
YO + 20 a -'a •.,. '8/0 0
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- 7 772 78 - /I IZ 9 .75
x .u .u,
, -cu .cq

y +' 22 1<. .cv -Y, 12< _cq
, +5 + 57 YO. .,. 87 7/
-5, 58' 7/
c -
I: ..Au .,.J42 70 +61;)( " + 8" 49
'1'649 192 /0
.B, - /0 )8 98 +Bt.z _Z31
-4(.2 J.
- J
9 55

x -loUoo+\loo
y ... ~......""c~v 'I' 29/ N -cv"

.,. C
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Z -loSbO+<'u.
• 2 82/
3J8 /5 -S41>~clq / 227 3J -eua - 3 51
I ... C...... '1',5/ .e x ~4'1 0730
, 52
,.C 'et. - 2 5 58 40
- 98 J392
x ",Sbt>+cZ -~.b-clg
y U.-a+lloo .,. 2'4 5J -CUo 0

".B* ,]jRANCH ~ MEMBERS - 0 1

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1:. +Cyy

8 832f
707 775 ~
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55 21
)( n .....+c z
y +Sbb+c"-~ to 3 '7
% +Uo<>+Y".. .,. 8 325 92
1: "'C,z. +//86 002 50
THE MW KELLOGG COl ,!;;'~~ sG~~WI~~',)Ai\'A~E '&~M~~h~1!5
CH M -
ox, <;1(1;:
I - ~-J.3 CALC. NO. 5.8



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o"n: /I.
n;.,";:'" b~
z,3 • .!5.3
No. :S.8

FxA Fx8 FYA hA

I 7 +"5/ 8t1 'I TG4 192/0
- /8 Z'1 - /829 -
- 461 073 07 -462
90779 -
-ZZ8401 70 - e.31 99<:. 55
+ I 87J 09 + 1.5 B8
-" 'G8
- Z 86 - lB'
- ' l 737 5/ - 5(, 48 Zr,
- 8245 -
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+/54 l Z9 +IG4 W
JOI 4~ 0

$; - 3 'ISS 60 - -339/ 67 0 0 + /B 5" Z9 + /l 55 7G " 0

~ -t04- /07 6-f. - 201 830 0' +273 9B/ 73 +289 lB' 33 + I Z8~ 67 + 128(, G 0

- ZB 583 9' - .30 7<5 57
:>: +352 4/5 73 +3X ZJ5 4<
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+ lEB 07 +
- 51 J/5 04 - .,
G5/ 07 -/37

fT] - 1.000 00 - I 0/0 8' + 35 9 + 397 47 + /4-5 6/ + /4' 56 '"

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or '"
B +651 Btl 5' - 4'2 3004
7 8G -
907 79 -
B7 45 - .
- 46/ 073 a -Z31

4 +
455 -
0533 + /874 0' + /85 BB
lBO Z5 +
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-33 /13 5' + 5Z 23/ 99 + 3'- a5 58 +
.. +,.0
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02 .;./49

lOZ 47 +
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" ,g~!J
7" 70
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tal 4Z

c€-0 f-
+ 158 ~ ~I
>: + 4. 410 50 + 3/ B + Z B 8 - /9 7447 -/9 " B + 1 BG 0/
- 1.00 00 -
6Z9 70 -
/85 9/-
- 47 9/+ 4 l8 84 + 45l 07
II/ 84 + Z 66 + 8//4- - 713
IFx8 +
9 + 107 775 04+'982 27 -148 23,33 - 148 339 Z7 '195/(,
- 45 05 89- 399(, + 9300 B3 + ,/ '§l48 0

- Z38 B
-I 9f9 / H 8092 45 + 8704 B6
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
;:;: -" 77 46 - 388 Z4 4~ -
3B6 53 5 7<6
319- zq-
/ 727 /5
3/9 Z9
- ~0 f-
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- m J -
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-- 15i 3141(,
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~ + IS 7
- ,.
b7 -r 154 983 74 -
o 00 - /001 7 + 475 3+

(,732 - 65 957 03
m 3/

1M + 87 - 540 + 4255 + '139 + 963
g-< ,
+ 07 76 04 - /483 - /4 855 ZI
9.5 + 82 5/Z Z/ + 8/578 G3
- qq~~

- '"
- 35 0

1 .. 94+ , l3 0/ + 0 ' h5 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
(f) - JIO 0'0 ' h - /623 M- /823 h4 0
-l - 40 OU B' - 'Z7 35 - 7ZZ 55 0
::0 - :S~2 1(, - t ' l - E052 /5 5J 5133J
- '98 93+ 950{,'" 05 + 504 3/
-+ /54 707 651
(f) , - / 5 '50 3/ +
+ 88/4 47 -
fj() (,/ + (,(.070 48
~ 258 <B -
1. 00 00 +
l 00 +
" ZO -
70 B8 +
o 5 +
7/0 0'
IZ7 U + 68/
:l> II filS(, 2 o +1177 m 5/ ZZ 10Z IZO
=< - /92 0/ 98 /B' B4Z 44 0
- Z7 OS 7(. - Z9587 3Z 0
(f) - 382 90M - 405 3'7 75 0
-Bh 797 /2 - 58 80/ 0
- 8 II -
/ 24 -
" 0
- 747/ 98- 7 '0 / -+ 19¥.l
• X>
"00 ,.
"0 :>:
- 90 4'/ /B -

444/ .
1.000 00 -
0444 '5
- 7' 04/ 69 - 28 07 B'
- 4 42 77
+J,<, "'7 / +3(,3 5277
991 50
(, 733 ~
M (,[5 "
- 730 .,"
- /0/
'" "
~~;t> + 99 5 - 177
" + 77 {,3

12 +118& OOl 50 - 77 70l 10

- " .,
- /87 M'i 0
- 4i1 552 7Z
0 -
- 39 B35 /5 0
- B/I 0

75&9 97 -+ ,20/03

- 90 2827
- 78 liB 14
- 4 443 <5
- <5 ~
-+00 l30
om -3(,0 4{,Z5 93/ 7i3
:>. + {, O~I 80 - 108(" 755
+ 119 lO

A 0'
, -1'1.110 - / .00 ,.
Y +
~~ /. 277 2 r
,.5.,s'C -Z
,.+ O.
SI!.~.S'1! F, + 2.35 .8Z .20 +
,.8 • ,. 35.0 +/ ~
S, • 4/75 PS, F .2 +2 ./.5
Rl - h DR
+F ·z
- 0 -
- 3 - 23

& Ec ~ -F •
00 - -22541
.R' "Eh
S', M 0
0,," ---2/ 0 < -,. " :flO

~ .. (1.§ C)
,. <t
f 21993
- 92t
- ·x
Z 0
- 8,,0

5110J '" I
HoT MODULUS. E\, coso/; 0
x y z PLANE Z Z
M'. M' M' M. 22ZIQ
, +M'" .M· .. c.o~o<; 0
-M -M'" -M'" XSIN ot 207 3/ /
.. M'I(


f-12 l
~ 0 ~

5b.. f M 2 0 .30.3/
5' -f,8M b dO
2St."'fMt,. .s <,
5 .5 •• 5 /0. Uo 0
5 '+5' ••5 =5, 327.5 .30,"'-
o. C o .:5".11

Table 5.13
Equation J.-frJ> F,p F,p 1I-f r R F'R F,R Constant
I +Al' +Bp +D p +An +BlI +D 1I 0
2 +Bl' +C p +Gp +BR +ClI +GlI +EI*il,p
3 +D p +G p +H p +D1/ +Gn +H R +EI*il,l'
4 +AR +Bn +Dn +An +Bn +Dn -EI*O:R
5 +B R +CR +Gn +Bn +Cn +Gn +EI*(+il,R - YRe'lI)
6 +DR +GR +HR +DR +Gn +HR +EI*(+il'R + XRe,R)
7 Af'zR = }'f rR + YnFzR - XnFyR = 0

Table 5.14
Af zit
EquatiOiI M: p F,p F,p = (-ynF zn + XllFI/R) Fzll F'R Constant
5 +B" +C" +G" +B" +C" +GR EI*(+d.:rn - Y1l8: R )
-YRxEq.4 -ynA n -YnBll -YllD ll -YnAn -yRB n -YnDn EI' (+Yne,R)
+BR +CR +Cu +GR
I> 5'
-YnAu -ynEn
-YnAn -ynBn -YnDu
Ij +D R +GR +H R +D" +GR +IlR EI*( +il,R + Xne,R)
+x" X Eq. 4 +xnA R +xnB n +xnD R +xRAll +xnBn +xnD n EI*(-xne.R)

L ~ 6' +D" +GR +IlI, +DR +G" +Il R EI* (+il,R)

+xRAn +xnB ll +xRD R +xnA n +xRB R +xRD R
at a point R with coordinates XR, Yn, zn in reference elimination of the rotation equation at C is shown
to the origin. on Form J. The equation solution is omitted.
If the stops are located at the' coordinate origin,
the eliminations are obviously unnecessary and the 5.17 Calculation of Dcformations at any Point
equations may be written directly. After the simultaneous equations have been solved.
Sample Calculation 5.9 uses the piping of Sample and consequently the moments and forces are known)
Calculation 5.8 'vith a z-stop at the origin and v-stop it is a simple matter to calculate the deflections and
at point C. The summation of the shape coefficients rotations at any given point in the piping. By
for O'-C is shown on Form D-3; the other sum- summing the shape coefficients from the terminal
mations are shown in previous examples. The to the point in question and arranging them in

Table 5.15
Equation M,p F,p F,p F'R F,R Constant
1 +Ap +B p +Dp [ +BR
-YRAR ] [+D R
+xnA n ] 0

2 +B p +C p +G p [ +C R
-YRBR ] [+GR
+xnB n

3 +D p +Gp +Hp [+G R

-YnDn ] [+H.
+xRD. ] + EZ*t;yp

5' [+BR
] [+CR ]
[+GR ]
-yRD R
-2y nB R

+y.'A R
] -ynD R ]
-znynA R
+ EZ*t;x.

6' [rD. ]
[+GR ]
l +xRB R ]
-ynD n
+2x RDR
+Xn 2A R _
1 + EZ*t;YR

J. .00' .co'
~ 4

.00' os z/.oo·
A ~ ~$Q'


d "
" ~@.'ol, ••


...TII<: • • .,; _
C LC NO 5.9

MEMBERS R-O lJ·a /'.. () O'-t

o O. 0 / I. / .
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r Z . /149.9
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;. ()4
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"" a7 I. "'.,.
xl x/
2 o o
2 .00 29.00 .00 . oa
~ MATERIAL o oCR. ~ "" cR. f. " ct'. ~. cR.
~ TEMP. coo r /COOr /aoof 10(10':
w e .0072G .00 lG d Z~ . ()()72~
a BRANCH d_1? 0'- lJ

~ Ax
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.04/"7. -.7,5671
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l- M" - 0 +.52..5 +600 :'>TR~:;S

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• 63.r0
W Fx of 0 ,J. 00 - I 0 SA' ~i~';;"tBRL...e"'G;
OC 1= -I-- 3/ 0 - 0 + 30 -4<;90
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-, • 247tJO psi
(. CALC NO.5.

i M, I M, M, I F, Fv R,
0: 0 + 9JI + 92 + IJ5 '9 ~
., I~ / a
x + 98 ?/~ 0 ~ ,~ 0 '5, f Z 7/2 6' -5. - 4 /759
, .u +7Z 98 0 .q 0 .oq 0 +u o + 494 ~ -c~
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.v .q ~ -cq .c, -'0
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, ..,
+ /2 I~L 0
- ,8 I7EJ 61
83 -cq
0 + 95/ 0/

1-/22 0
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, .u -c~ .cq +~o

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068'67 - - " - - -.12.
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", -5.
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• 83 14 5 -/I 093
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y u.,.,.. ...oo HIG 55 40 -cu." - /9 2JL ~
z. fK..u+ClV -evo
-STOP" SUMMAr/ON - H~HLJE~S - O'-C 1:. .C YV ""85 69' +C VI:. -I4R 33 2
1-/{,8 082 92
x +s"..I :+c 1 ... +~3G /9/ 25
,2:. 1" S bb+d- +360 7 73
:z:: +U..,+Voo
r ... C J:l. 1104 8¥> 90
"'...... C'. -
It. II_ 2. _ CA C.NO.


equation form, the multiplication with the respective second point. Tins part of the pipe line is now con-
moments and forces and the proper summation of sidered as an independent line for which the ter-
these products will yield EI*It;, EI*8 u, EI*8" minal deformations are those calculated for the
EI*(/j*% - ll.), EI*(/j*u - llu), EI*(/j*, - ll,) for previous point.
the point in question where O*XI 0*111 0*:: are the
deflections with reference to the origin. Any Since 0* x = Ox - 20" + yO:
extraneous movement at the terminal point must, 0* tI = 011 - xO:: + zOx
of course, be included in the summation. In other 0* z = 0:: - yO,; + xOJl
words, the pipe line from the terminal to the point
in question is treated as an independent line whose the actual deflections, Ox, all' 0:, can be computed.
free-end deformations can be determined since the A deflection calculation is conveniently made on
moments and forces are known. Form G. The summations of shape coefficients
For the next point for which the deflections are from the terminal to the point in question are entered
required the same procedure is repeated with the under the columns for the respective moments and
shape coefficients summed from the first to the forces, skipping a line between each row. The equa-

• .,'.1S Fw:.

.93 0 Tot 8.78 .,.7772.18 -/0560./6 ~7S.92 .,,18.7$ - 10560./{, -75.9Z ·E B

...3342.58 0 -10560./6 2300.40 .,'85698..66 I H .2 -/oSU) If, 33'.27 U

.. 3/.39 0 '37/.33 ~2331.33 -35" 05:40 • t542.30 .. "7/.33 -,S<S69 5.. "0 •-/Z5'2.30
~ --.3373.9 0 - I .8 ·lt9
9. 32 .. - 1.57 -4188. ,
"''''-1'5 (-4/88.83
3 ZQ5.Z6 ·1
90l 7

~ 14/373.01


F. COEFr/CJENT . ,,'~Z93.Z4
.-181 S'2O.25
L • ~,
>It Ino
AT" ""-~ - CALC NO 5.9

- -"0 "
COD!!! RULES , + '5 -I .0. - <;../. - I - 0 0
+ Sf).
t;-= 1.27753 Y 0 0 0

Sf: ~ .5'£ 1'.

- - --"
,oG ~, -
+ 6,

-- -- ---
. .50 .00

.. --
I' .3 0,
$<, ps, I'
R· h
6 -/6544 -20752 -.40347
- .33Gt - 55 - 0
• 0
r oU

-- --
~ Ec: ~ -F • -' Be;
R' :rlh M
o -
- 0

~3 +-z.z

S" .5 Z .5 Z - ZG OJ
WHICHEveR IS GRfA1ER - /I (;.3 + I 66/ 080 + 7 / '02
.F", .;1( 413 - 8 - - 239 - -.33 0
i¥- 0 - -"
• 285.,
-F" 'z -/6 C>/o 0 I .5/ + 0 7 ~ -.5 7
~: (l-:~C)

M +16 9
, +1.3 /2
~F.·y ,..
- 'x, 77So . 024 -
0 0
- OGZ4
-.5 -
, .3
- -'02 - 0
1.34 7.5
of 20~4-
, .-
of /90:Z
/ / '3~


, y z PLAt-l£
M', M' M' M,
.M'" .M· .CO~o<

-M':" -M'l: -M'" .!>INOl

:>: M',
.M· .M'" .M' .~INO'o

M' .. M'l" M· '0::05-«

1A&2 "88
( .. 12 l
5b.. f M
S'b"f,8M b

""5' .., 2St,-fMl

5 .5 .4S
aRM • I
'" -~


Coce: RuLES
y - o. z -~.oo
, -,.O() - i .00 -33. .5 - ·0 -/4.

i;-:= /'277S3
0 .00

-- --
, 0 - .00 :f' -~. ao 0 + .SO
Sf:~' S'E Fit +'i'C,·8
E, F
- ~~
51!: '347p.51 F f- 6
- () S

Re k.c OR ~~Z~+GZI04 +4(;4(;6 GG4Z Z5GGG
R' :1<£., ,F... ·, -;'''- -/?t?Z - 0 - 02 0 0 4 { 0
R' Eh
-F· ... .3 "9-~ .... .3 8 o o
-2 ,;,
-- 0
M 6<!- " G - 2 '6 -.;L.5 '" 6G
- ZG4G + /3 lIZ +.5 .3 f- 0 3
R' ;;: 0
- 2
o -1"..5
7 -1'/
- 0
- 0
- 1,32
~=(1-jC) M -8£3-2 C ~ 2 ,. '" 3 ..., 08 - /f63 f- 30
z -f.3C> '..S - .30 '04 -3C;68/ "'57 +Z9'f03 o
~;:: / ~F.:~ 6 -.5
o " ,.;
Z f- .560 -.10 /
0 o
RE"....CTIONS eA~EO ON 5' ..... 0<
tJ~ - 6 81 -.3GG -/ 6' 03 - 0' -3 5 -2 o
M'. M' M' Mb 62/0
Z .M'1t tM' XGO:'''' 30 0
-M' -M'", -M'. XS'N DC o
L M'b o 0
.M' .. M'" 'OM' l(:!>I"'C>- o
M' ... M':z: .. M' ",coso-; B l
M, B 2
IPE f .. 12 l o 0
/3·'25 /68.8 Ii ·00
5b.. r M
S'b"f.8M b 2
5 ... 5 +45 z. ,ado
5 " .. 5' +45 .. 5l; ~9'8



C I 0

CONVERSION To POINT R /5 I-' /3 /2 0

E, _
Y 8.00
-6. '5
0 +
.25 1 0 +
, 0
SE- ~.St
5<. "so

-z .s.
, ---

- - --
- .2

&,E'£,.G OR
R' f"h
+F -z
- 0
- 5937 -(0103
0 0
0 - 10 Ie.

Rc Ec: ~ -F • + / 7 - 3( 0 0
~'Eh s. - - -+ - -0
M 0 .3 /3 0
~ 34-
0 - 3( - 2. 8.3
23 +540
- 3( 0
R' -

M C<'
,~ 0
S4 + 2
,. 0 -{DOl
- 4QZ.
~. .F.-y
-- ,5 +1 0
+ {ool
L/. '4S-
" 0
R - "', 0 - /(J/6 - 0
REACTIONS BA~I!:D otl Slt.l '"
- ,. / 0 +/ - .5
- /016
- - /

HOT MOOULUS, E... coso<;

, y z PLAIJE
M' M' M' M. -/0(;0
.M. .M ·CO~I'( (1
-M' -M'z MM'" lI!>lNoo: +38
:>: M'b

- 0

IPE Z f-I l
M, - 0
10..$0 8. 13 0
5b" M IS.sG
S' -f.8M b
25 =fMt
5 +5 +45 '" KI,
S '.5" ·.s • s',

tions are completely written out. The moments and
forees are entered at the heads of the columns, and
the products of these and the shape coefficients are AI-----i t
placed in the blank lines. Extraneous movements
or earry-overs from previous points are listed at the r.o:;----l--·
extreme left and the produets at the right of the
sheet performed. The thermal expansion constants .I------J
are computed in accordance with formulas given on FIG. 5.12 Single-plane symmetrical system:
the form. A summation horizontally produces the three points of fixation.
indicated sum (EI*Ox, EI*o% for example) from
y o' y
whieh rotations in radians and defleetions in feet are 0'
Consideration must be given to intervening actions
(branches or stops) between the end point and the
point in question. In Sample Calculation 5.10 the
deflections have been calculated for the piping shown
in Sample Calculation 5.9. The rotations and deflec-
tions at point 0 are calculated twice; by summation
from end A, and again from point 0'. This provides
• A

FIG. 5.13 Multiplane symmetrical system:
a useful check when points from different branches three points of fixntion.
are computed. From point A to 0 there are no
intervening stops so that the calculation proceeds 0'

as deseribed in the preceding paragraph. Between

0' and 0 there is a stop at point C; the moment
and forces due to this must be dropped out at C.
It is a useful check to note that the 0v at point C and
the 0, at point 0 are zero because of the stops.
5.18 ~ymmetrieal Pipe Lines
One way of reducing the labor involved in flexi-
• A

FIG. 5.14 Multiplnne symmetrical system:

bility calculations is to take advantage of symmetry. four points of fixation.
The proeedure varies somewhat with the system;
nevertheless, the following examples will illustrate each having half the moment of inertia of the pipe,
the general approach. It should be noted that sym- and consequently a Q-value of 2. Aeeordingly, the
metry must be complete, that is, the pipe size, tem- problem can be solved with six equations for line
perature, and material must be the same for corre- 0'-o-A, using the aforementioned six coefficicnts
sponding branches. Also, the coordinate origin must for branch 0'-0 and all the coefficients for branch
be located on the center line of symmetry. O-A.
Consider first a single plane system such as that In Fig. 5.14, the rotations 0v and 0, and the trans-
shown in Fig. 5.12. Because of symmetry, no bend- lation 0% are zero at point O. The system ean be
ing or rotation occurs in the common branch 0'-0. solved by setting up the following nine equations:
Thus thc momcnts and forces for the A branch can
be obtaincd by considering line OA only, assuming
member 0'-0 infinitely stiff.
5.19 Inversion Procedures
Next consider a multiplane system as shown in
Fig. 5.13. Due to symmetry, the only deformations As previously stated, the General Analytical
of the common branch 0'-0 occur in the x-plane. Method can be applied to the flexibility analysis
Thus, My, M" and F% are zero for line 0'-0. If of any type of piping configuration. However, the
the shape coefficients for this branch are computed number of simultaneous equations necessary to
in the x-plane, only s, Sa, Sb, 8 a bt SaaJ and 8bb apply solve the problem increases as the degree of com-
and their values are doubled in order to account for plexity of the system increases, i.e. as thc number
the loading from the two branches. In other words, of points of fixation of the system increases. Fur-
the common branch may be considcred split in two, thermore, the time required to solve a set of simul-


flCTRAN£O"S I Mx I My I M2 1 Fx I Fv I F z rE1Z.."," -":E:i;;,:r-7eTz68 9601 EI-c -I / ,31(,013

O~OCV:-R~E:6sv~R _ 25 !dc,{" - 1/ 639 + 13~ 9/Z 1- 962.89 + 3170.4,5 + 5("4.3(,, '/"///////////- J< 1-33.7.5 Y 0 z 0 PO IN-f C
EI" B"o' + 18[,J(" 0 + .93 + 75.92 + 334Z.58 - 71090.54 - EI- 6 1l Xt; + 78.75 y~ + 80.75 ZE 1- /7.Z-.5 ex' O"-3Z'
o - 4 777983 0 + IZ73Z8 +
73103 + 10598151 - 4340 Z33 + 1.803.1, x' - 45.00 y' - 80.75 z' - I7.Z5
EI' e,o' 0 + 198.Z0 0 -
40Z9.69 v" IT". "/I"U,.... , "" /'/. /// /'/ - .......
Ii:I • .:I7V////////////J c . . tt" v V//////////.i/ 'l/. • .0"
v U
1'1 ~?"IQr"
l.. .:.JUfO U.:.JU
-,J + f4 Z34 /4/ ~ + 47143V//////////// 2:'.:::::: :/'///- +.000£6
EI'ew' + .93 0 + 188.78 + 777Z.78 - 10560.16 - 75.92 %'i"//////"/V////////,,@ ·El" e. :%%~ e. 0°-4'
o Z3869 - 0 + Z584. Z47 + 7484 33Z - 33 48Z 571 - 4Z 84. "///// // - ZI8 707 '0 0'~ -.OOIZI
EI"oxo' + 75.9Z,- 4029.b9r 777Z.78+G49/9Z.lO-46Z300.40-Z31994.55+ E I cx' -t-EI-Svz -EI-ery =E "51< 0)(1+.,((,,8"
- 75534781- I 1485631+ 46901 5.ZI+I 064 186 8551+ 6Z5100 58/1-14.57'1[7631-130 9Z8 4441 C 59 ZZO 5851 0 0 r'
1+ 70 7451651 +.390'
EI',yo' 1+ 334Z.58T-' 0 T'105.0.161-4.Z300.401+685698.661-148339.Z71-El" e., I+El"e,' I+EI"e.x j-EI"'5; I'vl 0
o 1- 857906581 0 1-14¢58IZGz.I-44514443ZI+ZI741104561-837/~7501 0 1-IOGZ.80501- 73813M- 34z11 0
EI',zo' 1-7690.541+ II04G.39F 75.9ZI-Z31994.551-148339.Z71+11t:>484G.901-EI" e., r~EI·e;x'-I·El"ez' I-EI"., 1.,h.l5"
o 1+ 197 385 4001-12851,89331- 103943591- 223 385 2321-470331 90"1+1,573'1299"1 o T ' 1591 07" 1- ZZ 701 Z24I- Z/943341 -.012'
/ ' J- 25"-;:"'\'1- 1!G39r= 10121+ 9"2.891- 915.981+ 564.3.V/.//.///?'/.!%1 x I 0 IY I 0 I, I 0 I POINT 0
+ 11,80366-
1+ 43.881 0 ) 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 l=a"e.lx,I+78.75IY,I+80.75I'.1+17.25Io.10'-II' ...

EIi' eye ~
+ 471431
EI' eze
0 0
39Z 8/~' 0 .
+ 33.t5
0 -
I 0
569.70 0
I ;01+
3Z1 51{,~k Z4 15tl(2///,wr~~-=-.OOOI3
;;;; :0"$/;:00 - E1' e, ;; /'£ e, 10'-5' o"'l
I 1- V#/V/ff#/J////V...0?/A1+ 26897Z1W/#.//////I +.00148
- '1.187071
E'I'M:c I
0 1
0'r I
1+ 5Z18341
1 0 L._.o
I·El·ex' I·E1'O,< I-EI'O,Y I=EI"&.'-[1;;T+I.74" ...
+ /ZQ--9(,5 750\
0 I
~ 0 I
0 + IZ 820.09
0 ...Z

+- 220 796&
1+ 51,9.701
~57"-53Gr'- 0
0 r---O--r'O
1-1174Z94.1 '0'1 0
1+ IZ820.091+El"O., I-El"Oy. I-EI'n'
1-IOHG80501 0 )- 37884701 -.OZ!'
I-E!"', 1&,1 0 "

. //,:/."/
o + 90Z 1"7 0 0 0 Z 11,3 + 55430" 0 +.00306 ;::
EI'S A 0 + 82.18 0 409.65 - 1,53.31, 8, 0°-.5 (fJ
11 f1 'J,OO?'1 n :2.'7'7(J:2:2

o +.00148
+ 7 553478
¥ OXA 'll+.145

EI'oYA 1+ 425.Z61 0 .1+ 590.961+ /ZZ7.33!" .9Z49.7tr=:::=484.0.I-El·ex< I+El~ey' I+El"8,x l'El'" 16 v l-.25
't 3 77583ZT+450988ZI 0 --1+ 5001,6131+ 98z50ZI- 751923/1- 71'8981 0 1- 105Z87041 -0- 1- 37844041 -.OZI'
rrr-e.z' I=EI-o%
- 2504
~2.1 0
NOTE: ~~~,~t;'~iT~~i"e.~~~~~Tj5~~H~O::f~~R.~~J~a.o~g~I!.~T~H~~OoN~6AR~~6A~eT~~~~~D~~:NT.
x•• V •• 2. ... COORCI"'AT~~ O~ T>1e! END POINT FftO"",, WI-HCH )'."Y-Y.
THE COI>J~T""'NTS ARe SU ..... lo.1CO UP. Z -Z-l.e ARE 5UMME.O UP F"J:tOM THE FREE £"lO.


C.... I-c.
O ....T.

12·23 53
CALC. NO. 5.10
Table 5.16
M.A MUA M. A F. A FuA F. A EI*8;r; EI*Ou EI*O. EI*o. EI*ou EI*o" COllstant
Au A.u An Bu .~
B. u Bn -I 0 0 0 0 0 0
A uu Au. Bu. B uu Bu. 0 .-I 0 0 0 0 0
An Bn B.u Bn 0 0 -I 0 0 0 0
Cu C. u Cn 0 0 0 -I 0 0 EI*~x
Cuu Cu. 0 0 0 0 -1 0 EI*6 u
Cn 0 0 0 0 0 -1 EI*tl,

Table 5.17
].f~·A MUA M.A F. A FUA F. A EI*O:t EI*Ou EI*O. EI*oz EI*ou EI*o" Constant

-I 0 0 0 0 0 an a. u an bu b.u b.. K,
-I 0 0 0 0 a.u a.. au. bu. b.. bu. K,
-1 0 0 0 a.. au. a.. b.. b. u b.. K,
-1 0 0 b" bu. bn Cu C. u c.. K,
-1 0 b.u buu b. u c. u Cuu CU. K,
-1 b.. bu. b.. c.. Cu. c.. K,

taneous equations increases greatly as the number of where Ox, 011' O~J OZ/ all, 0% are the unknown rotations
equations increases. Roughly, if the solution of six and deflections at the origin. Similar sets of equa-
equations takes a given amount of time, it would tions can be written for branches OB and 00'.
take four times longer to solve twelve equations, Inverting the above equations the set given in
nine times longer to solve eighteen equations, and so Table 5.17 is obtained.
on. Therefore, eighteen equations representing The equations for the branches OB and 00' are
four points of fixation for a multiplane system are similarly inverted. For equilibrium, the sum of the
considered as an economic limit in manual calcula- individual moments and forces at the origin must
tions. be zero, and the equation of Table 5.18 is obtained
If equations numbering more than eighteen are en- accordingly.
countered in setting up the calculations of a complex Table 5.18
piping system, it is generally advantageous to
use the inversion and re-inversion procedures dis- EI*Ou EI*O. EI*o. E*Io uEI*o. Constant
cussed below. In these solutions a complex piping La.u La" Lbn Lb. u Lb.. LK, = 0
La uu La u• Lb" Lb uu Lb u• LK, = 0
system is divided into several simpler parts and La.. Lb.. Lb. u Lb.. LK 3 = 0
several sets of six or twelve equations are solved Len LCzlI Leu 2:K.. = 0
instead of one set of a great many equations. The LC uu LC u• LK, ~ 0
time saved by this method increases as the number LC u LK, = 0
of equations increases. In addition, the ealculations
can be performed by several people at the same time Mter the above equations are solved, the rotationR
and checking is also simplified. and deflections obtained are substituted in the in-
The inversion methods are very well suited for verted equations for each of the three branches, and
automatic electronic computing machines which the moments and forces are obtained.
have a limited number of storage units. The time Sample Calculation 5.11 gives a detailed calcula-
element, which makes manual computations of ex- tion of the system in Sample Calculation 5.8, in
ceedingly complicated systems prohibitive, is no accordance with the above procedure. Junction
longer an important factor, because of the speed of point 0, the rotations and deflections of which are
the machines. By programming the calculations in to be determined, is selected as the free end of the
accordance with the inversion procedures, there is three branches OA, OB, 00'. (This selection is
no limit to the complexity of the piping systems important when intermediate restraints in any of
which may be handled. the branches are involved; the equations for the
To illustrate the inversion procedure, the branched restraints are placed before the rotation and deflec-
system of Sample Calculation 5.8 is used. The equa- tion equations and eliminated first in order to sim-
tion for branch OA can be written as in Table 5.16, plify the inversion.) Each branch is solved first

I II •
0 .. F"YC
425 2. -
88 0/ -/81 Z q.
/()OO 8>( 1000
{J:z. /000 d",
locoJ', 1000
I' - 1.000 00
- 99 '1
94 •
/; 9 ,
1034 ~ 1"2/3 82/ 20
0 0 0 0
2 • 82 0 - 40 .5 0 - OS33 0 -/8/ Z(,89G> 0 0 '0 I Q. Q
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 o Q
t •
82 /8 0 -
. 0 - 0 0 0 10 £ 0

1. 00 00 0 + 0 r 50 5 01 0 0 10 o
-33 3 2 Q_- -4/31109 2 0 f' 7509 ()(J

31. 18017 c;- iR7~71 _._--

-f [5q;1% 0 0 0 -18/Tu8 q(, 0 0 Q. , '0
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THE CHI:CKEO'-':;f c.
17.. EQUATIONS IDATE //- 23 ·.53 CALC, NO. 5,//


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THE MW KELLOGG COl PIPING 1~~~~~b';lTcJf'},~~ €JBHM~ALYSIS ::~t;.·;;,:::·< [f~~ ~oiJI

fOOO e1lt 1000 , 1000 Oz 1000 1i x /000 b Y 1000 b r CONSrAIVTS

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"4307./1 +2558.81 - 2647./S - SI5'.97 , 435:69

,.- /.66
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M 0' -1-142S.48 124.Z3 .,. 7717.08 - 735;74 26/4.46 - 22..57 -/7686.8/

f 3.05
f2558.8/ +15114.42 + 988./6 r 2239.49 - 466.44 t ZI9.S.3 - 2305-
M. "21 1.49 - 23/0.39 - 644826 f298494:08 144425.84 - 346.[8 -3383/5.s2 - 23/9.04

t2SSB.8/ -1--/.5'1/4.42 - 988J6 - 2239.49 "" 466.44 -I- 2/9.53 1:+ /376.3/
• i 2/81. 9 - 23/0.39 ~.Z9. - .OB - 2S:84 - 346.28.,.338315:.52. +/36 .68

BIZ.70 f 2246./3 - .54/.43 f 6.45" - 6.~~ - 27.01 {} 929.27

M 0' - 692.86 - 343.'34:" -+ 3533.47 of 859.10 oJ. S9o.SZ r 42.60 - 3064.!1 .,. 925.98

:EM 24.38

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M%A. 1-2256.80 - ISI.05" -38763.68 +3 076.06 +511 .34 + S; ./10 -56 4Z.01 -8021.7.

-2647./5 - 988./6 ..j. S93!1.7Z f 2.s-5."6 - $36. 9 .,. 36.01 -12337.0

Mzs _ 22S6.80 + ISI.O$' -38763.£.8 .,. 34076.06 ,.51145:34 - .5'6.80 -56 .01 -IZ346.84

-1/82.48 54/.43 oJ. 6081.02 + 7.08 f 110.06 + /!J.Z7 + 03 I.

Mzo' _1008.11 ..j.. 82.76 -3.,960583 +- 943.67 -/o4QZ. / - 20.93 .,.7052819 .J. 20357./4

IM 11.44


It", S
CALC NO.5 1/

/000 f} •
. 1000 () - /000 B . 1000 , .
000 - 000 . CONSTANT r
+.85254- .15286 =-6.526/8 '" i-/33.Z8663 =-95.Z4450 <= -1.'S7737

+ + zz. 9- , , -+ 11057.89
.0 -
7 4
4Z.33 -
265. fi6
668-:48 +
/I " + 98.
15.97 - Z239.4'3
, ,. 255.66 ,. 548.53 - 116.10 4- 62.2.4 l- 62.9:20
F8 - 439.89 342..33 - 668.48 + 73111.72 + 11057.89 9B.18 -829340 IE!. - 628. aD

Fi o'
- 5.52 4-
4.71 -
6.45 4-
+ /01 .30
.76 +
.22 + 879.60 +
+ B(, .02

U; - 1.16

- 4?5. -+ fi:,,6.44 - 3504.49

536.9 116./0 O.OB ,. + 14./~_ U!M>§
FYA - /.44 7/.'30 + -1<;474.58 - 857'9.62 - 22.27 + 19993./3 - 878.99

F'B ,
4- "-
37/·44 -
466.44- -
1.30 -/- 35
536.99 -
116./0 -/- 90.08
.49 -154-74.58 - 8679.62. ,- 4.12.
ZZ.27 +199 3./3
2 .17

- 2 .45 -, 6.20 :t 110.06 ,

-~ :L-~ Z.~~
,. .36
, +/114-.86
f:!:!!.- Z .40 •9 - 18 • -/- - 254.30 .57 + 2.020.46 III

'f, - -

1.66 ,. 2/9.5?1 36.01 - 62.24- + 14.12. , 66.63 - 99.95"

ZA - .42 - 33.56 235.01 ez.95. 7fD - 1"- .85 - 05·10 +8445.37 100.31

- 1·<;'6 -J- 219.53 .,. 3G.01 -/- 62.24 - 14.1Z. -J- 66.63 179.2.0
168 /.42 - 3 .5 - c.35.01 I- 2.95.76 + /3 .85 105.10 - 445.3 - 17 .85

+ 14. 'SI - Z-7.01 + 13.27 4- .14 , .36 + 9 + 2 91

Fz.o· 2.,20 + 4.13 - 86.60 .66 - 3 - . til 4- 366.32. 4- 27 .49

U. - ·67

AT" " ~ - CALC NO 5·1/

and checked as if it were fixed at both ends using where

the known thermal constants EI* 6 z1 EI* 6 11J EI*11:. O*x = 0'% - zO'" + yO'z
For the unknown rotations arit! dcflections (multi-
plied by 1000) the downward operations are carried o*y = a'v - xO': + zO/x
out as shown on Form E-2. For the upward solu- 0*: = 0': - yO/x + xO'v
tions the prime equations on Form E-2 are trans-
ferred to Form E-4. As F, is expressed in terms of and x, y, z are the coordinates at point I.
the unknown rotations and deflections only, eq. 6' The above problem can also be solved by the re-
is mUltiplied by the coefficient for F, in the 5' equa- inversion procedure which makes it possible to
tion and added to the same, whereby F y is obtained. handle almost any piping system, no matter how
F z is obtained by using the values for F z and FIll complex it may be, without solving sets of equations
and so on. It should be noted that symmetry about of more than six unknowns.
the diagonal is obtained. Lack of it indicates an To illustrate this procedure, the system calculated
error. Since the results from every column except in Sample Calculations 5.8 and 5.11 is used in Cal-
the uppermost left-hand one are used to produce culation 5.12. From Calculation 5.11 (Form J) the
symmetry, only the latter column need be checked. inverted equations for branches OA and OB are
Since the OA and OB branches are symmetrical, added togethcr as shown on Form J, and these
only the solution of the equations for OA branch equations are now inverted again as indicated on
are shown; the difference in signs is easily visualized. Forms E-2 and B-1. The result from this reinver-
The results of the moments and forces by the in- sion shown on Form E-4 represents a set of equations
version of the three branches are now listed on for a fictitious line which replaces the two branches.
Form J and added together, satisfying equilibrium The coefficients in thcse equations, multiplied by
conditions. Thus a set of six equations for the un- EI* X 10-·, are the shape coefficients for the ficti-
known rotations and deflections are obtained. These tious line and can accordingly be added to the shape
are now solved on Form E-1, and the moments of eoefficients for branch 00' which are given in Cal-
each branch are obtained by substituting the values culation 5.7, as shown on Form D--4, and the problem
in the individual inverted equations as shown on can be solved with six equations, shown on Form E-l ~
Form J-I and Form J-2. The figures shown in since it is now reduced to an equivalent two-anchor
brackets are the results from Sample Calculation 5.8 problem. The figures shown in brackets are the
given for comparison. rcsults from Calculation 5.8, given for comparison.
The above example is naturally solved in much By using these moments and forces, the rotations
less time when done as in Sample Calculation 5.8. and deflections can be computed at point 0, and the
However, if two morc branches were connected at
point 0 the standard procedure would require the
solution of 24 equations; the inversion solution
would be less time consuming.
The inversion procedurc is especially suitable E F
where many branches are joined at one point. A
system shown in Fig. 5.15 which represents 42 equa-
tions when solved by the regular method is solved
by the inversion procedures in the following manner:
The rotations and dcflcctions at 0 are assumed to
be Ox, BYI Oz., Ox, 0," 0: and at point I arc 0' XI Of 111 0' t,
f/ x, b'll, o'z_
Thc system OAB is set up as twelve equations
with A as the fixed end. The six equations for the
B-branch are eliminated first and the rcmaining six
equations are inverted. The systems OeD, I EG,
and IFIl are treated thc same way. A set of twelve
equations can now be set up with the following

FIG. 5.15 Pipe line with eight pointa of fixation.

moments and forces for branches OA and OB are and for a multi plane line it is unlikely that a point
obtained in the same way as in Calculation 5.11. will exist where all three moments are zero.
Applying this procedure to th,tsystem shown in It is generally preferable to make the final joint
Fig. 5.15, the inverted equations for OAB and OeD as close as possible to one end of the line so that all
are added and reinverted. The same is done for but a small part of its flexibility is available in the
1EF and 1GH. The reinverted coefficients arc added longer part of the line. As no pulling is done of the
to the shape coefficicnts for 01 and thc six equations shorter line, its free end should be located and pref-
are solved. erably clamped in its design position. By so doing
it is established that the longer line has to be pulled
5.20 Cold Springing in such a way that its end rotations are zero, and
The Piping Code's rcquirement that cold spring- accordingly, a convenient cold spring procedure can
ing shall be governed by sound judgmcnt leavcs the be prescribed since thc nceessary pulling of the
method of cold springing to the erection supcrin- longer line can be computcd.
tendent unless a dcfinite procedure is set up by the Sample Calculation 5.13 illustrates a procedure
designer which will assure that the correct rotations for cold springing which has been succcssfully car-
and deflections are obtained at the closing joint. ried out by The M. W. Kellogg Company on several
The deflections are conveniently taken care of by occasions. In this calculation, the main steam line
pulling the pipes together the amount specified. The of Sample Calculation 5.8 is assumed to be cold
rotations at the closing joint, however, are more sprung 100%. In order to protect the turbine, the
difficult to match because they are a funetion of final joint is located at the throttlc valvc, point 0,
couples to be applied rather than single forces. For permitting the valve to be clamped down in its de-
a single plane line the closing joint can be selected sign position. Hence, all the cold pull is taken up
at a point where the moment is zero; even so, it by the portion of the line 00'.
should be remembered that each free end of the line The branch 00' has been computed for the full
must be sprung exaetly the correct amount in order expansion in Sample Calculation 5.7. Accordingly
to make the free end rotations the same. Such a the moments and forces required for 100% cold pull
point may also be inconveniently loeated, however, at point 0 are obtained by multiplying the results

1000 8 x 1000 (lY /000 8 z 1000 Jt 1000 S Y 1000 z CO/VSTANrs

+ 4307.// oJ 2s"S8.BI +2(.47./S" +515.'17 -43S.~'i - I. 6(" - 90/72.'~

+ 43'07./1
+ 35.&.9
-- ."32 (, • .<

I' zsS8 8/ +/5114.42. + 88.16 t-2239.49 - 4't..44 t-219.S3 338 /5.S2

+ ZSSlL -I"/SII4.42 - 16 -2239.49 +4&.6.44 +21.53 +3383/5.52
+ '7. G2 +02.84- o o o +43'/.06

+2&.47./5 r 988./& rS939.72 + zss. (,t; -S3'.99 - 3(.. 01 -5t.(,42.01

- (.4 ./S - 9 8 " ., a9 2 +2SS;" -S3(..99 t-3l>.O/ -SI-'-42.0/
o +1187 44 "'511.32 -1073. 8 o -!13Y~

'1$/5.97 +Z239. 9 rZS .l>" I-t548.S3 -11"./0 - '2. 24 -82 '34.19

-5"/ .9 -2239. 49 r2SS:'" + 4853 -11(../0 +"2.24- - 2934./9
o o of /1 32 +/0 .06 - 2!!2. 20 o -1(.S8t.B. 8
- 4 S." - 4"". 44 -II&.. 0 r 0.0 +-/4-./2 + /9993,13
" A -S3t.. -II .I 0.0 993.13
" B
+435.'9 of - /4.12 +1
F o -1073.98 - 232.20 ..:!:.J§..9" L6 o t-39986 ,2~

- /. "&. t-219. ~ - 3C. __~ - ~2.24 f-14.IZ r~~."3 +944S.3?-_

/."" +219.53
'f 439. 0(,
- 14.IZ ""':"3
- 94-4S.3 7



ATr>.n-Z;'_ CALC NO Sol
r ._---_..
1000 (h; 000 By /000 f}z. loooh x {ooo!; /000 3 r H. DOD 000 z lOCO F. DOD F ... ,IOOo Fz/rooo QNSTANT5
II • 8 G/422 +- 5 II 0 0 - 3 32 - 10
- I. oolo
9 I""
'" 0
0 + 00

000 dO
IIGo E\..lTER. ~now

0 (} "'l
(} t'"
2 do 22
- 3 04'- 3
r .. 271/8Bl5/
t l.ioodOO
4 0
0 -


41 3

zz -


A4 f-
00 00
00 00
I 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 • 1/ 7 44 + f/32 - / 073 98 0 0 0 - dOO 00 - 1/3 2 02
0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 :2
r +- /I 8 44 , II 32 - 07' I•• 0
" - "
1 00 00 -1/3 02
3' -
r. 00 00
01 -

• /
04 0

G /7 -

0< -
09 41




0 0

• 08 18

- do
/,///, 0


( IJ

0 0
- 22 01 +
4<- zz 0
J , 0
:3 4
0 f- 4 1m
Ir +
4' -
" -
l. 000 00 +
/85 98
173 00
"'4 +
000 00
-/60 9(,,4
t 'l

I 143 32 - to :3 ()
• 149 75 <:'l
5 • /80 I • 0 0
'" 0 0 - 00 00 d Z
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;;-
- 197 '0 0 0 () - 40 I 0 0 - 10 24 01 t'"
- I" I 0 0 0 +
7 45 - IZ 00 0 - 27 '51 73 ;;-
5' -
1.0 00 0
0 0
0 +
I 2
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I - 3 1'0 0

0 - I t'"

co + w 0 0 0 0 a - / 00 00 0 >-3
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- 7 IS - q 6 • /& 2l () () () 0 0
0 0 0 0 () () 0
0 0 "() ()

0 "
() 0 0
"0 a
"" " -+ -
.' -
10 .(),3 +
I + /(, 12 0 () () 0 00 ()
1.000'00 07~ 3 - 28 2 0 0 () + 7 t v//,
I 0

FORM e-2
OATE 12.-03' S!J CALC. NO. .5_/i?


/000 OJ< 1/000 By /000 {)z /000 0" /000 $", /000 61; M~ 1000 Ny /000 H;r//()(}(! ~ /000 0'//0(10 z '/dOO
~ 1.00000 - '1 o of JdbOI..~..,.. • I/~ t;/~ '/j
+ , ~ :.x-:::: r'- t11317J 4z· iO tJ 0 0 . III f
o o " (/ " 0 0
o (1 0 () () (1 0

° ~.O f.IO'A
o 0
40dj a
I-1.000 00 o o 0 0 0 +!,,2f, d,2 i () 0 d t. 0 51.

;/I'I;IOIOIO i i:i; ~I~ ~I:l vl-+/.i{4~,'I~oOI<,19I- -I"f-':
1.0000 ~ .M3104r
0 0
+. tJO

.,"- /,
0 m#4~

- 1.0000 of • 73 M
- .I7J 0 d 0 +. 2 +. i I "1'3 ~~

r 10000
o d ° 0 0 "
- 1.00 00 d d (J r'- /.l,:~11 ./3. 9 -fl.
t) 0 tJ (] (J o
I-lOOOOQ 0 tJ tJ r'-/.'.3 1"&:3~90 I-
rl·looOOOf-.d7~3-.I.:1J 0 0 o
c .....c. FORM E-4

8R1tIVCH If. "Ix Fx Fz

0 0' + ,0 0 + of- 5.9 -f- ::33 2 • .5. '7 90. 4
O-A 0-8 -I- sJ- ,1.1 CJ 0 0 4 14.4/

>: '283.68 4./9 +- ,3 + 5. e 334.e.!38 - (; G:..13

0-0' + 23/.9 o 4-oZ9. o I/w1G.17
- 0- ,oS o 0 o 23:~,:fi
f?" VE EO

~ -r ?9.oo o oZ o II 9:? G
BRANCH '/////// '///////, '////// '//
0-0' r 3+ 11129.9 - 5.9?
0- 0-8 -r 40.09 + 43. >?9fj,8t? o
REI ve eo
8 6.G5 1083 ? 75-9
_ 0-0' G4.91 2.10 4G<?300. <:> 23/99h.!3!...!2
Q~ ? ..5.? t GIC.?2 0
RE/NYC; t7

+- 9 G .3<:: - (;/(;84./8 23/9 .55

15R. ,yew
o -Q' 69 526.2 - I 8339.2'
O-A 0-6 38GLSiJ. 0

:E 1-7a 087.2.5 -/48339.Z7

0-0' II c:;. 3.5/
O-A 0 B 143 .3

.,., 'r MW. KEWIV'f"
, I [Ie.
M 0-4-

of this calculation, shown on Form A, Calculation at point C, these two rotations can be controlled.
No. 5.7, by the ratio of the cold to hot modulus of An F,-force at point C will control the rotation
elasticity. In practice, howcver,~it is not feasible around the y-axis.
to apply a moment at a point. Therefore, three The calculation is carried out as follows: The
unknown forces are introduced into the system to shape coefficients from 0' to 7 are summed on
replace the moments. The points of application of Form D-3, and the equations for the y-deflections
these forces are rather arbitrary; since the purpose at point C and 7 and for the z-deflection at point C
is to prevent rotations at the pulled end (point 0) are computed on Form J. The simultaneous equa-
their magnitude will deerease as their distance from tions shown on Forms E-2 and E-3 are arranged as
that end inereases. However, note that this last follows: the three equations for the known cold pull,
rule applies also as far as the other fixed end of the the latter given on Form A, Calculation 5.8, arc
line (point 0') is eoncerned, so that the forces are first entered; the constants are obtained by multi-
best located near the center of the line. plying t!., = -0.75671 ft, t!.v = -0.54900 ft,
In Sample Calculation 5.13 an Fv-force is applied t!., = -0.12524 ft by EJ/144 = 231,577,080. The
in the riser at a convenient hanger location, denoted three equations for the zero rotations are then
as F v7' This force will create rotations around the entered, and finally the three equations for the un-
x- and z-axes, and by introducing another F v-force known deflections, 01/7, aye, o:e, are entered. The



1+ 253 ~ +/~ 91.,. 1~ 2 ~ J 342 SB - 7 :70:: lJ

- 1.000 00 .,. 0'" 52 _ .. Z J' -/~ /8/ "+30 I tJ
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-44ltuoo 4- fIJI 18' 0
- J~ -2 UJi'z (J

. l 2 01 " 0
,os. 3/1 -/. , -54-
I~ ..,./slll4.51 -'571 l.-/So /3 ~
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rf 271.1.<7 F, 115
. 6-EQUATIONS o:~/ . . r: ._. CALC.N· /2.

~ M, I My I M, I F, Fv ~z

2 0"2
·• ,.~.
II 0 + 93 • 75 92 • /35 29 - 1 /70 04

.. 0
,• 425 09 -54 - I 506 25
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y .u • Z5 .q 0 ><q 0 'U o 233 58 -cu 2 102 31

.q -cq .cv
.- , ,

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, 95/ 01
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- 458 /7 -cq 0 <Cv I 076 94
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- 1M 42 0 + / 34 J


.A • 53 87 t-A vz
OC2 +
/4 27
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y .v
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, • z -5.
Z-S # y-
[ +A u r 59 41
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08 .81
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0'- 2
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" M48 63
x +~tH:>+ct 6717 q ·""b·C~q
+ 90 2/6 43
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-cU o

I. +Cyv ,250 081 M +C vI: - 64 {,542
0'-2 + /68 082 92
x u .... +c 1 'o' fiB! /21 45
y t5bl>+c- +256 '~ 06
% +Uo<>+Voo

SUMMA TtON FROM 0' TO 7 1: +en. +~ 876 43

o ... YII: --~"'I-
M -

F ••

.,. 75.'12

t5f.0~ ~,f:li~

., 7'I.J '1~ -,


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1. .7$r. .,.54.
""58.4/ •
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~. 9~

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12 EQUATIONS D....TE -2.3-53 CALC. NO. 5.13


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r Z3J~0 - 2 3S1l7~ "'18~5 !l'J +- I 'if 8/

';;0 t fO} ~r0 to G"li -/(;(,24'10- 33280

/ • Z 715 7 f-+-f-+++_3::5f2!"'(,';i'~~7?9 71< 4 t /6 ~ 752
II-I. 00 00 0 o 0 0 I - 734113 r ({ 441: 2 f(, 1>88
- I.DOOO _

- 1.00000_ 32 74 3/9
'6 11M-' fl'Z -J5a550
+4 ,x/IM- 3JZ. '/]-? 151,)
1:-10000 0 0 fJ, 71Si10 • 2 ,78] 21 /. 6f, 03
- l.00 DOt 37. 59
- 4 ?JI/&, f J'188'6 1 f, 70 I)
r -100000 0 - 2 f8J 21 +5. 57atb o{-IO 70. /3
r -, 00000 126',50 rIO 7ofl./2 1 Z8 3116'.5


£5 6" CONSTANT(M~rclV-f £'Z)

" c
r90eG.OG -1v./34.e4 + I.S4 324!3.G4 .. 0

rlZoM rc.e"" e- -734.9 .3e "" {:N!49.eZ + &.8.588.47 + 10,9oB. Z(2J .. 0

r/ol1(# . lIP -813ZZ.3o (,,002.01 /5 9.73 '0

• 73 9.:3? - fJ. l' c + .584,.25 - e'(;4 <? D -0

- 3 9.3Z + (,.449. Z'Z T <p86CJB.47

• 090 .<?G - 0

+ 3 9.3Z - 8 :>,. .3:34. 1 -Z.:3199.,3 IG ·0

'~.82 ..,. G9/7C'. e

- /908 .90 ·0

GGB .BZ + CP9/ <f:. n: or 8 ZG£;> • .!5t:D "'::>

B .BZ -;?/9.1 or Z44/.?e. "0

+ 1009 3 . .58 +- (0'1oG.84 w 0

6 G -./7£j~55G3 - -2./1 M

c - . 5.8090.9 .. -<:;.97*

l5 -. GC>4 3 51" -7.98*


• H.
CALC NO .6./3
downward solution of these nine equations is now lation equations with subscripts indicating the com-
carried out, and the upward solution is done for the ponent. Written in the conventional manner, the
known constant column only to obtain the moments equations for a space pipe line with two ends are
and a check. The 4',5',6',7', g', 9' equations are shown in Table 5.19.
now entered on Form &-4, and the solution gives
the moments and forces expressed in the unknown Table 5.19
deflections at points C and 7. If the three moments Defor-
are equated to zero, the deflections at points C and 7 Load mation
are obtained as shown on another Form J. These M. Mu M. F. Fu F. Constants Constantg
deflections are now entered on Form E-3, and the A.. A" A.. B.. B.u B.. R. EI*O.
A., Au. Bu. B., Bu. R, EI*OIl
forces at C, 7, and 0 arc obtained, using the second A.. B.. B.u B.. R. EI*O.
line for the upward solution on Forms B-2 and B-3. C.. C" C.. T. EI*o* :J:
The line ean now be cold sprung either by measur- Cuu Cu. Tu EI*o*1I
ing the forces or preferably by measuring the re- C.. T. EI*o*.;
quired movements at the points of application of
the forces. Thus the hanger in the riser is lowered In determining the weight reactions, the line usu-
7-h} in.; the force required is supplied by the weight ally is assumed fixed at the ends and, accordingly.
of the riser. The solid hanger at C is lowered 7 in. the deformation constants are zero. However, any
and as the force is positive this point is held in known end deformation can always be superim-
place. Finally a z-stop is provided at point C pre- posed on the weight effects. On the other hand, if
venting the line moving more than 2i in. in the the weight reactions have been determined, the
minus z-direction. The forces to be applied at 0 deformations at any point of the pipe line can be
are all less than 2000 lb. calculated by using the above system of equations
In order to execute the above procedure properly with the shape coefficients and load constants
it is desirable to have the line supported on adjust- summed from the fixed end.
able constant support hangers to minimize the weight Weight loading is either concentrated or uniform.
effects. Although minor adjustments due to errors The load constants for weights such as valves,
in fabrication may be necessary, the method has counterweights, constant support hangers, or true
proved to be helpful to the erecting crew, as all trial vertical pipe line members, assumed to be concen-
and error efforts are eliminated, thereby resulting in trated at a point N, are calculated according to
great time saving. Table 5.20.
The calculated stress for this condition due to the For uniform loads such as the weights of pipe, its
six forces, can be shown to be 16,750 psi. This insulation and contents, the load constants are some-
stress will remain until the final joint is finished and
the six restraints imposed on the line are removed. Table 5.20
After the hangers at points C and N and the restraint Load
at point 0 have been adjusted, the stress will be in ].[:J:N :ALN FUN Constants
accordance with Sample Calculation 5.9. A.. A.. B. u R.
A" Au. B., Ru
5.21 Weight Loading A;I;'; A.. B,u R.
The problem of determining the effects on piping B.. Bn C. u T.
B" B" Cuu Tu
"ystems due to weight loading is similar to that of B.. B.. Cu, T.
thermal expansion; the inherent flexibility of the
where A u, Au, B:: 1I1 etc. = summations of the shape
piping is expressed by the same shape coefficients,
coefficients taken from the
and accordingly the coefficients of the unknown re- fixed end 0' to the point of
actions in the equations of a given line are identical load application, N.
in either case. However, the constant terms of the F fiN = concentrated weight load
equations for thermal expansion are a function of (minus for pipe weights, plus
for counterweights).
the fictitious end displacements only, while those
].[.N = -FlINZ N .
for weight loading are also functions of the weights M:N = +FIINXN.
involved. These load constants are denoted by the IN, ZN = horizontal coordinates of the
Jetter R for the rotation equations and T for trans- point of load application.

what more involved although they are computed Table 5.23 Shape Coefficients for Weight; General
Formulas for Straight Members
along similar lines. For each member of the pipe
line, they arc calculated in accoraance with Table %
5.21. The summation for all members of the pipe Wb ~ -kQ- sina
line gives the load constants of the equations in
Table 5.19. a ,
W/>o = -k
QL' .
Table 5.21
Load ,
101>6 = +kQ£'f'
-sm . 2a
b 24
M.. AI'I(! F lIw Wv Constants
A. n An B .. D. v R, y w.. = W'b<J - aWb
An A v• B vv D vv Rv
An An B.. D.. R. x-plane W" = W'bO + bWb
Bn Bn Cn En T. X
Bn B.. C vv E vv Tv
w li
= unit load, lb/ft
E: lJ
(always negative),
T. +a w. - -kQ -
COs a

of a member whose length is L, ft. L'

FlIlD = WilL, lb (always negative). w. = +kQ-sina
'f =
M,w -Fvwi)
_ +F - Momen t 5 a t ongm,
.. f'lb
lr •
Jt ltD - 1IICX

X, Z, = coordinates of center of gravity of WI"" = +kQ 24

the member, ft.
A,u, Au, B ZlI1 etc. = summations of shape coefficients w.. = W'u" + aw" - bwl'
for concentrated loads for all mem- y-plone
bers from the fixed end up to but y
not including the member under L'
W. = +kQ- cos a
consideration. Thus these summa- 6
tions for the first member wiII a
always be zero. L'
W'ab"'" -kQ24sinacoBa
DZI/ 1 DUll, Dill = shape coefficients for uniform load-
ing, ft:!.
E Zlil E lIlI , E 11I = shape coefficients for uniform load- -a w' +kQ-
b Q(1
24 cos a
ing, ft 4,
X Woo = +W'ab + bWa
The expressions for the shape coefficients for uni-
form loading depend on the plane in which the mem- z-plone W•• = +w' Ga - aUla

ber is calculated (Table 5.22).

member and the POSltlVC horizontal axis. If the
Table 5.22
membcr is assumed rotating around the end to which
x Plane y Plane z Plane the direction arrow is pointing, this angle is positive
D.. +Wb +w. 0 if the member rotates in the countcrclockwise dircc-
Dvv 0 0 0 tion, negative if it rotates in the clockwise direction.
D.. 0 +w. +w. For a circular member, the direction is either counter-
E;;v 0 +c;.ow" +10 0 10
clockwisc or clockwise. Thc anglc <P is always posi-
E vv +Wbb +10,,0 +10 00

E.. +10100 -Cl'Wll 0 tive. The angle a is always positive measured

counterclockwise from the negative vertical axis to
where elf = distance of working plane to coordinate plane.
the radius whcre angle <P begins. The angles <P and a
Tbese shapc coefficients are given in Table 5.23 are illustrated in Figs. 5.16 and 5.17 for counter-
for straight members and in Tablcs 5.24, 5.25, 5.26, clockwise and clockwise directions rcspectively.
5.27, 5.28, and 5.29 for circular members. Form W v shows a convenient way to calculate the
It is of utmost importance in the calculation of load constants and also a key to the relationship
the w-constants that the propcr direction be used. betwcen the shape coefficients and the load constants
The direction always points from the free cnd to thc in accordance with Table 5.19.
fixed end, and should bc indicatcd by an arrow. The In Sample Calculation 5.14 a single plane system
direetion detcrmines the angle a betwcen a straight is computed for W v of - 280 Ib/ft. The nccessary

Table 5.2·j. Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: General Formulas for Circular Members
·....For Weight of I\:femhers in the x-Plane

Counterclockwise Direction
w, = -QkR' {<I>[sin(a + <1» + sin aJ + 2[cos(a + <1» - cos all

w',. = -QkR'\~[1 + COS2(~ +<1»] _ iHsin2(a + <1» - sin2aJ + Icos(a +<1» - cosalsina)

w'" = +QkR' {~[4> + sin 2(a + <I»J + i[cos 2(a + <1» - cos 2aJ + [sin(a + <1» - sin al sin a}

Clockwise Direction
w, = +QkR' {<I>[sin(a - <1>). + sin aJ - 2[cos(a - <1» - cos all

w',. = +QkR'{~[l + COS2(~ - <1»] + ~[sin2(a _ <1» - sin2aJ - [cos(a-<I» -cosalsina}

w'" = +QkR'\~[<I> - sin2(a - <I»J + i[cos2(a -<1» - cos2al + [sin(a-<I» -sinalsina}

Table 5.25 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: General Formulas for Circular :Members
For x-Wind Acting on l\Icmbers in the x-Plane
or z-Wind Acting on l\lembers in the z-Plane
or Weight of :l\Iemhers in the y-Plane

Counterclockwise Direction

w, = -QR' \ 1.3 [<I> cos (a + <1» + ~ cos a - sin(a + <1» + 1.25 sin a - 0.25 sin (a + 2<1»]

+k [~cos a - sin(a + <I» + 0.75 sin a + 0.25 sin (a + 2<1»]}

w, = +QR' \ 1.3 [<I> sin (a + <1» + ~ sin a + cos(a + <I» - 1.25 cos a + 0.25 cos(a + 2<1»]

+k [~sin a + cos(a + <1» - 0.75 cos a - 0.25 cos(a + 2<1»]}

W'llIl =
<I>' -
+ 1.3QR4. ( "2 1 + cos ep )

Clockwise Direction

w, = +QR' {1.3 [ <I> cos(a - <1» + ~ cos a + sin (a - <1» - 1.25 sin (l + 0.25 sin (a - 2<1»]

+k [~cos a + sin (a - <1» - 0.75 sin a - 0.25 sin (a - 2<1»]}

w, = -QR'\1.3[<I>Sin(a - <1» +~sin" - cos(a - <1» + 1.25cosa - 0.25 cos (a - 2<1»]

+k [~sina - cos(a - <I» + 0.75 cosa + 0.25 cos (a - 2<1»]}

w'", = + 1.3QR' C;' - I + cos <I>)

_~ __l
Table 5.26 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: General Formulas for Circular l\'fcmbcfs
For \\'cight of 1\lembcrs in the z-Planc
Counterclockwise Direction
w. = +QkR' 1<I>[cas(" + <1» + cas ,,] - 2[sin(" + <1» - sin "ll

w'., = +QkR'l~[l - caS2(~+4»J + i[sin2(" + <1» - sin 2,,) - [sin(" +<1» - sin,,] cas,,}

w'•• = +QkR'1~[4> - sin 2(" +<1») - i[cas2(" +4') - cas2a] + [cas(" +4,) - cas,,] cas,,}
Clockwise Direction
w. = -QkR'14>[cas(" - <1» + cas,,) + 2[sin(" - 4» - sin "ll

w'., = -QkR' l~ [1 - cos 2(~ - 4»J - ~[sin 2(" - 4') - sin 2,,) + [sin(" - <1» - sin ,,) cas ,,}

w'•• = +QkR'1~[4' + sin 2(" - <1»]- ~[cas2(" - <1» - cas 2,,) + [cas(" - <1» - cas,,]cas"l

Table 5.27 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: Formulas for 90° and 180 0 Circular Members
For \Veight of Members in the x-Plane
Shape w, W'ba W'bb

,,= 0· D +OA2920kQR' -0.39270kQR' -0.13315kQR'

,,= 90· D -OA2920kQR' +0.17810kQR' +0.39985kQR'

,,= 90· t; +OA2920kQR' -0.1781OkQR' +0.39985kQR'

a = 180 0
t; -OA2920kQR' +0.39270kQR' -0.I3315kQR'

" = 180· tJ -OA2920kQR' -0.39270kQR' -0.13315kQR'

" = 270· tJ +OA2920kQR' +0.17810kQR' +0.39685kQR'

" = 270· ~ -OA2920kQR' -0.1781OkQR' +0.36985kQR'

,,= 0· ~ +OA2920kQR' +0.39270kQR' -0.13315kQR'

,,= 0· D) +4.00kQR' -2.35919kQR' +2A9740kQR'

" = 180· D) -4.00kQR' +2.35919kQR' +2A9740kQR'

a = 180 0 ((J -4.00kQR' - 2.35919kQR' +2A9740kQR'

,,= 0· ((J +4.00kQR' +2.35919kQR' +2A9740kQR'

,,= 90· E-, -0.78MOkQR' +OA9740kQR'

ex = 270 0 B
° +0.78540kQR' +OA6740kQR'
" = 270· V -O.78540kQR' +OA9740kQR'

,,= 90·
V ° +O.78540kQR' +OA6740kQR'

Table 5.28 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: Formulas for 90° and 180 0 Circular Members
For x-Wind Acting on l\lembers in the x-Plane
or z-Wind Acting on l\tcmbcrs in the z-Planc
or Weight of Members in the y-Planc
Shape Wu w, WI "1'

a= O· D +0:21460QR'(1.3 + k) +QR'(0.09204 - 0.50k) +0.30381QR'

a= 90· D +QR'(0.09204 - 0.50k) +0.21460QR'(1.3 + k) +0.30381QR'

a= 90· Cl +QR'(0.09204 - 0.50k) -0.21460QR'(1.3 + k) +0.30381QR'

a = 180 0 Cl +0.21460QR'(1.3 + k) -QR'(0.09204 - 0.50k) +0.30381QR'

a = 180· tJ -0.21460QR'(1.3 + k) -QR'(0.09204 - .0.50k) +0.30381QR'

a = 270· tJ -QR'(0.09204 - 0.50k) -0.21460QR'(1.3 + k) +0.30381QR'

a = 270· ~ -QR'(0.09204 - 0.50k) +0.21460QR'(1.3 + k) +0.30381QR'

a= O· ~ -0.21460QR'(1.3 + k) +QR'(0.09204 - 0.50k) +0.30381QR'

a= O·
D! + 1.57080QR' (1.3 - k) -2.00QR'(1.3+ k) +3.81524QR'

a = 180· D) +1.57080QR'(1.3 - k) +2.00QR'(1.3 + k) +3.81524QR'

a = 180 0 (] -1.570S0QR'(1.3 - k) +2.00QR'(1.3 + k) +3.81524QR'

a= O· (] -1.57080QR' (1.3 - k) -2.00QR'(1.3 + k) +3.81524QR'

a= 90· E::, + k)
- 2.00QR' (1.3 -1.57080QR' (1.3 - k) +3.81524QR'

a = 270· [5, +2.00QR'(1.3 + k) -1.57080QR'(1.3 - k) +3.81524QR'

a = 270 0
V +2.00QR'(1.3 + k) +1.57080QR'(1.3 - k) +3.81524QR'

a= 90· -2.00QR'(1.3 + k) +1.57080QR'(1.3 - k) +3.81524QR'


Table 5.29 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: Formulas for 90 and 180 0 Circular Members

For Weight of Members in the z-PIanc

Shape w. 1O ' a b 1O'aa

a= ·0 Q -0.42920kQR' +0.178IOkQR' +0.36685kQR'

a= 90· Q +0.42920kQR' -0.39270kQR' -0.13315kQR'

a= 90· [3 +0.42920kQR' +0.39270kQR' -0.13315kQR'

a = 180· [3 -0.42920kQR' -0.178IOkQR' +0.36685kQR'

a = 180 0 tJ +0.42920kQR' +0.17810kQR' +0.36685kQR'

a = 270· tJ -0.42920kQR' -0.39270kQR' -0.13315kQR'

a = 270· ~ -0.42920kQR' +0.39270kQR' -0.13315kQR'

a= O· ~ +0.42920kQR' -0.178IOkQR' +0.36685kQR'

a= o· D) 0 +0.78540kQR' +0.46740kQR'
a = 180·
DJ 0 -0.78540kQR' +0.46740kQR'

a = 180· ((J 0 +0.78540kQR' +0.46740kQR'

a= O· (0 0 -0.78540kQR' +0.46740kQR'

a= 90· 0 +4.00kQR' +2.35619kQR' +2.46740kQR'

ex = 270 0
E:J -4.00kQR' -2.35619kQR' +2.46740kQR'

a = 270· V -4.00kQR' +2.35619kQR' +2.46740kQR'

a= 90·
V +4.00kQR' -2.35619kQR' +2.46740kQR'
z, X, or y z, x, or y

b b

~~ __~
a. ~_y, z, orx '-~'--'------.....- y, z, or x
FIG. 5.17 Angles qi and a in the clockwise diredion.
FIG. 5.16 Angles qi and a in the counterclockwise direction.

reaction at the fixed end is the difference between

data is given on Form A-2, which also gives the data the total load of 29,150 lb and the F"-force of 19,864
for Sample Calculations 5.15 and 5.16. The shape lb or 9286 lb.
coefficients for concentrated loads are as usual cal- The moment at any point N of the line is calcu-
culated on Form D-2. The shape coefficients for lated in accordance with the following general
uniform loading, in this case W a , w' ab, w' aa, are cal- formula:
culated according to formulas given in Table 5.29
for the circular member 2-4 and in Table 5.26 for M"N= L:(M,+M,w)+ L:F,YN- L:(F"+F"w)XN
circular members 4-5 and 6-7, and entered on Form where L:F. and L:F" are the sum of the reacting
W". The constants for the straight members 5-6 forces at the free end obtained from the equation
and 7-8 are computed from the formulas on Form sheet, and any restraint in the line between the free
W" and are entered also on that form. For member end and point N. L:M, is the sum of the moment at
1-2 the constants are zero. The sums of all load con- the free end referred to the origin, obtained from the
stants are entered as constants on the equation equation sheet, and the moment at the origin caused
sheet, Form E-l, on which the summation coefficients by any rcstraint. Since no restraint is included in
from Form D-2 also are entered. Solution of the the example L:M" L:F.. L:F" are the reactions
equations gives the reactions at the free end, the from the cquation sheet. XN, YN are the coordinates
moment M, referred to the origin. The vertical of point N. L:F"w is the sum of the uniform load


Fx! I~
0 3/.00 3
t .75

'\ X
• F,
k 2.28
0 2
a 5·
TEMP. //50F Z II
20 RS/.
Z42.3 -'" S
35· I

'"ill 6 "0'
w MATERIAL 5 (fl.

• 60 LBS/FT 2
Sr: /390 PSI. A
1!i90 "".
X WIND {CALC. NO. 5.151 'Z WIND (CALC.NQ 5.16)

Sh: 2200
{ { e I
~ 51: PSI.
700 M -/9.300. -1Z750.
5 z: 740
PSI. M, +59875,. - 7.950. -30,625. -Za9So.
" Sy+ SP+ GREATER OF r. - l800, + I,Boo. f 2.700. t Z 110.
S. OR Sz' Z,05 PSt
~4/3 Sh : 29'30 PSI.
-8440. 19 e Q - '80 + /80.
.,.7 o. o· 10.
' .
••An"'". -
M k
ALe 5-14

Pl.At<JE Z
MEM8fR 2-4 4-5 5'b b·7 7·8
,.; ",'

I Q W ~. <'1) f" 2:

• /00
R /850 /8 50 /4 50


a 0

25 %
5 300 13Z f>/ 25 n 7. 30 92 /0 Sf! 210 33
54 55 !if) 0 4 - 9 • - 259 9b - 8b n - 837 8

5b - 4 !if) 1560
•• /4/ lJ8 - /04 5 - 713 52 - 3.7 9Z 229 Z
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eq 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- /lZ13""
u 390 104 03 If> 'f7 9/3 /892 /M bl
72 /5 0 - 1= u - /18 5/ 181 71 5. - 59 84
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
v. -
889 85 -
Z4 49
80 -
1/4 .5 -
73~ Z3
•• 10
3'" 'f7 -
/80 Db
cv 0 0 a 0 0 0 0
SOb+CZq - 83 Z5 0 2374 14 1337 Z7 589Z 98 .3 04a Z Il 5'" /b
cu. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ev. 0 0 0 0 0 0 a

5.u,1"C I V 7aO 80
10'" 75 22t,79 13 1 01 I Z9Z 55 Z 215 14 715 9b 35
5bbTC. U 900 2Z (,79 13 10/7 75 / 457 za /6900 79 IZ 951 5
., 5 als 3
/343 78 2S 858 SOZ8 14 .3 /48 98 Z 8/0

Uoo+VH 53 /3 9'" 7010lD
THE M.W KELLOGG CO e. No r! :fr~;II'JlI ~},""~F 5 ;55 ANAl <SIS -

IN z
• ~

Z.28 ~
270· F w·w L
51 ....

cos oc
oc Q
/8.50 Rii'L• F_ w -/627!.
M_ w =-iF yw

• kQL3

I'OF<"'Ul."5 I'OR
~IN Loo;



kQR;" il4.43C..I2
kQR" 2'Z00.1,


M. w
M zw o::+xF yw

s "'l!... tUtl:l~
... R. .... a .. T cu ... VEO ""l!... aER
Ww .. - ' kQL cos C\ see TJlet.ES +w, +3W... _cw,~

y w "+ 'kOL':.rN""
5.25 t 5,2:8 +w_ bw_ +c.w"
w·u~" + ~kQL" .w'""
+w u "
w .. + ~ kOL co~ ... :=.eE T ....8LE5 oW, -51744.48 .bw... 0 -aw... 0
• w'd'" - ~kaL SINO( (05 <:(
5.2G t- .5.29
·""'''b -"2 q 2{,3.3J +w'..... +658.%3. '18
w"'~"+t .. Io:OL" co:.1:O( • w .. b ~GZq 2~3,3 +w ..... "'658963.98
Wb .. - 'kOL' Sn. C( SEE. TABLES oW b -awb +bwb
, w't" .. =- ,,!,kQL" ~, ... ",eot;", S. '24- &. ,5:27 +IN't>~ +w'b~

w'bb'" + ;.lkQL 51 ... ·Cl +wb... 'tWbb

M. w M.. F W ~/'-tZ7.J. ,"0 ,~

, ~
An A" e" .w, OW. 0

M....... ·A u M:w'A' l B __
Fyw·B.". , ..... l> y....." 0 R,
A,_ A", 0 0 0

Mzw~A l FyW 'Byy 0 0 0

)tw·A. v
A.. Au B" - 5~..5O 0 ow_ oW, 7 .48 "
v· w'" '1-/6168,4$4.. ..,..n.07/ (,39.
Mzw·A u
Bu c._
Yw' /85.
B1!:v +"10,3

v· ...."
.cw" +W.ll> ·62~26HJ
"'.·w.. b "'17~/9..J.7J2
T. 1 ..,.174838 9so.
1<0,' 8,. Mlw"B z• Fyw·C. y -/354 '717. 0 r"W.

e,v B. c, "/026, 75 oWbb .. w"" . "'..... 6SllP6J.9A

JEw,aXY M.... ·B"v FYWMC y -/6708 9/9. V'WDl> v· W... ..,.W.... -/84,5099A Tv 1-20/218830.
en e" c_, +wC,l ~<:.w... 0

Mxw-S;w:t. MlW·B zz F"yw·C z y·wl>. v' GW • T.

rrHE MW.KELLOGGCO Plt~~Dr ~~t~NTSA~'bRS '~t
c.A.1.c..,,-~ F
GHT C"'l.CK~,t;:'~:.:lI
"'T~ -2 ~ AL . NO. .I

IN Z PLANE DATA ~ k ~ k 2.28 ~ ~05 • F wow L

cos '"
/8. so R{>'L
• ·MOS?
F w /64 -
M,w =-:z.F yw

cos C\
4<1JG.l2 ~'"
'7,(.l68.1. GR,'
' M,w
Mz:w z;+xF yw
FOk .... U ... A!> <'Or-l


M,w '5'.'58."

' kQL cos
-+ 'kOL',s,NQ<,
cu<>.vr.:o ...eM!>""
see T",el.E:.s
5.25 t 5.2'8
w'uv = ... ~kaL .. +,..,'""
+w .."
w .-t~kaLco~oo< SEE. TAe.\...ES .W, +1(;/.68 + low... 0 -a.w... 0
~kQL 5.2G .t- 5.29
Z ",'<1.'0. - S,NOICO:;Ol, +w'''b -5$0./6 +w·"... +-2.943.09
w ....... + z+ k:QL .. co:.:to< +"',,'0 -S"io./6 "'W a ... + 943.09
w. .. - .zkQL' SIN <X ,5ee TA61.E5 .w. -.l.Wb .. bwl>

..'". ..
5.24 It- 5,27
• ""'0",=- :h,kQLo4 ~'N"COSO< +w'l>'" +w'bb
",,'bb" - '~kQL" l5IN~a. +wb'" "Wbb
M. w Mzw +Sf.9S8.~8 F w -3/(;4,00 ," ""y -280 LOAD CONSTANTS
A.. A" B" +"",~ 0
M~ .... 'AH Mzw'A~t F vw 'B~y y'wl> "'y'''''" 0 R.
A" A,< 8" 0 0 0

Mn".·A~y Mzw'Ayz FyI" '6 yy 0 0 0 ~

A" Au + 1,35 .51 B" - 55. So 0 ,W,

'", nlb/.68
Mzw'A zz +1.447451. F"..... Szv 1"/75. GOZ. y·w. Hy'W~ -""S:270.
M..... ·A"z 0
"Z577 783.
8u 83.25 0 +cwy -5-';0.1'
B" "'/!iSb./G C" of- .W"I>

M~w' Box Mzw"B zx i<fi5.S2~ 499.

Fyw'C xy - ?(;~4o.'1. 0 "','W"'b +/54 ()4~ y·cw. T, '8S 415/4/.
8" '8, - 55.50 C, +'7~ 7115.88 <WOI> .Wuy +w...... 294~.()9
M"w'B"y Mzw·B zv -305020 . Fyw"C yy - 75,0054<14-, y'Wtt y·W... ...,.......... -8N 0(,5. T - 879 67~
Bn B" C" +WI>.. .cw... 0

M~w·B~z ~ZW·BH FYW'CYI , .....1> .. Y ·~w 0 T,

~I~I'!." fL 0');!i~'!Y AND STRE~~ ANALySIS ~::~~KE-lr" N.~ F. M

IN Z PLANE DATA k /.00 ~
-55' k ~ F w '" wyL
- /..3.73
7· c.o
SIN 0<

cos '"
R R ~'L
• F w
c ~kQL.\ ~IN~o;:<. kQR~
0 7.J.1" ~ "7/1 QR' M. w 0
.. • kQR 4
-/2,98 nkQL /,3qtJl '0' +. ;290 QR' Mzw:+xF yw
• 0 $'N"'Oll« -.4G99 M %ow t"'2761/,'If.
STR ... ,QM'"... "' ...
"'Ofl ..... U1..A5

.. - .z.kQL'cos
FO ...MU"' ... 5
see T ... eLE5
... " ... 6Cfl

-cw' 4

5.25 5.£:8
y ow, -bw y .c:.W y
"' 'kQL)5'N"'-
uy '" + AkQL'" .w

, 41.96
• w'-'v

w, "+~\;QLco~", SEE. TAe.LE.~ .W, .-bw.. ~5Zf?_~jI -J.w... f-S44.64

5.20;; .t- 5.29
Z .....~b .. - l!ikQL S'Ne< COSe< +",,'lIb • "-5.JZ +w'"" + 45.7J

w. .
w·...... +l~kQL~ <;o~~o<
~,kOLl 5", ~ SEE TABLES
5.24 ~ 5.27
"W ..

b -510.79 ""'",.1

• 'owl>
r590. .37

.. ..
W·IO ... '" - ,qkQL'" :>, ... "'co . . '" .",' t~ "",'lOt

w'bb '" + '~kQL A. SIN "",

l 1------- +wb.l. "<Web
M. w Mzw +27.62/.44 ,,",w 2/28 - z .t ., -280 LOAD CONSTANTS
A.. A" Bw ~Wt
~'-~~~ 0
-0 - - - - -
M.w·A .. "':w· A .: ;:~ ..'5 • .,. "-,'W" "'y ....." 'CT-----
Aw A" Ow -
0 0 0
- 0-
Myw'A~y Mzw'Ay: ~ w·e 0 0 ~

A" A" r IGI. ?A B" -r .3 9 2.~_10 0 .W, +W~

'" 41. qG
M,w'A~:< Mzw'A u +4:454,18G. F'vw • B: y - 834 389. 0 y'Wy "~ ·w .. - 1/ 749. -~z "'3.G08.648.
Bu B~,.
"'t.4IS . 0?-=-:: F.,.....C.~~ -2291. '1'1 0 .C"' y ~WJ" -~/O.19_
M.w·B.. M::.w·B u ~39. 08G547. ·C. y . . ;ffi7" :2 iii. 0 "y'CW, ... ·w4t
-1'143021. 1T:l~" 44" laS. 8~
B., "'392.10 Ow "3&'507. 15 "W u • . ,...... !590, 37
K'wu • . , .... ..
8" • .... bl>

'vI.w·B. y M~w·8.y "'10.830,.36 Fyw·C.,..,. -G7047.2/5. "'f'''~t ~

.-/~5..J04 T -r:56.382~
·""0.. -<;"'", 0
B" B" C"
M~ ... ·B.z l,lzw'B u F.,. .... ·(yt ..~·WD. y'C""" 0 T,
PI~I,:!-~/L Xll!l~I!Y AND 51.REiS ANALYSIS ~~'t:~><t.t" FCi?M W
c ...... ro; 12·23- S3 CAL~, '10 .t'

- 25.9G
- 27.'<
.~ k
tu.... oc
c:.os (>(

f, .50
2. 211

~: L
F w
<AI ..

M"w =-z,F vw

c ~kQL~ ~INI.~ kQR~ !J44fto/1. QR J


- ".4' lh.kOL'"
M .. w 0
Mr:w a:+xF w

Mz. w ~9JI.O
y -bw" .
+w ... v
w .. + ~ kaL"cQ~ « :;,EE TA8LES +bw... +5805./8
, w'.. o" - i4kQL SINe< cos 0\ 5.2(i; .t- 5.29 +w·...b r /928. 23 -.Jt;.Qt:...22
W ....... +;r.ok.QL 4 CO~;rc>( +w.b - 42/0./9- 01-2/08.
w" = .!;IcOL ~ SIN <X -awb
, w·".. =- ilkQL 4 ~l>I«C06'" 5.24 4- 5.27 +w'bl
w'bh= . 'hkQL SI"l"QI, "w\:lb
M ltw M:r.w ""3/.93/.09 F w -.379(;..80 X R. w., -280 LOAD CONSTANTS
Mn.'·A~~ Mzw"A~z o R.
A"y Ayz, o o
M~w'A~y Mzw'A : F W -6 a 0 a
A,,: Az.z. "fo 1GB. 88 B tv +490.75 ° -4-W y -4-Wa .,.223. "2
M.w"A,,:r. M:r.w~Au r5392 522 F.,.."xS:. -186 2AO 0 y'''''v
y·w.. ~/4 'R;z -"2
Bu Bu .. /.1/0.73 C;w.v -3'28.76 0 +CWy +w"b -42/0./4
=:C·<"'-'+'~/:':".3.'::':17.~7~ ° y'Cw Wy'Wn +//78 839 T"
Bh .,. 4t10. 7S Cvv .,..j?7?Q.7" H"DO +WUy +W,u. +2/08.96
Mzw·Bt. ,,"/$ ~10 182 Fyw"C yy -/24.53.3 90/ y'Wbbf"y'''''u~i'''Y''''''''' -S90 S09 Tv -109,4542.30
Bt. t C..,z. +Wt». ~c;w.... 0

M:.... ·S u Fvw.C z y·"'b.. y"W 0


AL . NO. S.I

IN Z PLANE DATA k /.00 « - 97' k « F w '" w..,L
- 34.94
/.00 51N 0<

10.53 cos '" •. /21"1

-.9925 Q
• F w -2948.4
M. w =-z:F yw


- 8.24 lh.kQL"" 5/2,21
.l.kQL~ /94.59 SIN""" "'.985/

F'O ..... UL ...S ""OR

~ t:0149


M. w 0
Mz. w =+xF yw
M:. w !"i4294,82
~T~""'Q ... "" .... r: .... D£<l:'lo cU",""'f.O ...." ... Gen· CONSTANTS ""OR CuRVE.D
'. • . i-kQLc.oso< 5Ee T ... e.LE~ +w u +~WU c ..... ,~
y w .. i' I kOL'$IN ~ 5.25 t 5.~8 +w. _bw" -tcw y
W'Uy" -t hkQL'" +w .....
w .. -t ~-kaL~c03 '" 5Ee. TA~LE5 • w. - 23.72 +bw... .,.ez,§.78 -aw.. - /95.4.5
, w·.. b" - iikOL 511>10-;(0:';<,\
5.2cP to .5.29 -4-w·.. b - ~/. qlJ +w·" ... + ?~3
w·a.... +l'~l(OL.. co~zO(
w. ,,- :.kOL 3 $1'" 0: seE TABLES .w.
+w·.. b
T' 7~{' .80 "''''' ..
", - 181·82
, - 5.24 4- 5.27

. ..
w·o... ~kQL ... :>1"'0< co,; co +w·b.l +w'bt
+ ·.:.kOL -t"'b... "wob
",'bb" 51 .. '""
M,w + 24,t91-.82- F,w -2948.4 ' ,. "'y - 2BO LOAD CONSTANTS
A., A" B" • w. .w• 0

M~""Au Mzw'A"z Fyw·B~y .wl> ~.w.. 0 R.

A" A" 6., 0 0 0

M,w'A>;y Mzw·A y: .Fyw ·6 yy 0 0 0 ~

A., An + 199.80 B" .,. 750. 71 a • w. +w• - 23.72
M.w·A.. :. Ml.w·A n +4854105 Fyw~8:.y -221.3 393 0 y'w. y''''a +6642 ~, -1>2'47,354
Bu Bn .,..591.21 C yv -9521.74 a +cW y +Wdb +766.80
.4"w-a•• M: w w8:" "'/4f:S09_1tr! Fyw'C~v .,.. 28.07J898 a y'CW, W.·W"D -214704- T. "'42,3'8303
B" B" .,. 750. 7/ <, ., .?.r o14.fJ4 "Wbl> +w"" -tWa .. -187.82
M.w·e • .,. Mz .... ·S zy +- JB.z3 FywwC.,.v _IOJ.2:J7,754 ••> y·w... ,........ +52590 T y ~84 94-G &~O
8., 8" C < ",wb.. -cw" 0


Mzw·B u Fyww(



PIPI,:!~ _.L~~I,.t~l! Y AND S I.~~ S A¥AlY IS

"'y ....I> .. y"'" 0
o ..........--rz-
.Al . NO..5./
I-sa 5'16.741 41/, t.:5J -1-/6. (;J& ,s. - Jf ';104)
z -55,/57.7. '18,712. 351 ~?4f. (,04 IH -4015J41J4
.3 -201r4~J,ZI7 2lS589S& +71J'f,78448/ f5Jo,8g2~


t'" 210 Jj -+ zn 2.'1'" 37 ~ tJ4 7205

- I. 000 00 _ I 0"0 If." I 8/
z·Zf05588~ +/9S] 19 -19 9" 1/ "3 4/9 64
z foSS 0/515 w 12 ~s Ii>
- 24q9G- 9/297
I. +54- 71.5 39 - a 47813 fJ(,(, 0l.7
- 1.00000 + 24' 1/
IF... - I 79~ J' .,. 4 II - G ''"84118
.5 dS 130 80 -S3~~~
-3 3 It'..~ -!3,IS'o'S'1
-.3 /7 10 .,.90 0921860
~ "29 79 () "S7'49f~
- L 00 00
F'f .,./9 I&:'~ 78
F y~ • .,./98' 64,8
FYI" -+ ql8~. 0
:l': .+2fI5o.8 I~
- 1.00 00
F r", • .. t9/S0. 8 I

- 1.00000

- 1.00000
PIP~ fL(x'[;I\.ITY 6 STRESS ANAlY(,IS V·L. . ..... FORM E-I
THE MW. KELLOGG CO 6- EQUATIONS 15:~~"11' N,. CAlt~·5.flf'

8 ~ 5
cOCe!' Rl1L.ES
x 8.88 -
7.60 10.80 - 5.1G - "o 18.50 a +
/8.50 f- 18.50

~~ ~
SE::' Ee. S'f F",
: -
40./6 -

/ 7'J5.,3';; -

/ 795.3(; -
- IG.84 -

17 5.3';; -

1 7'Xd(., 17%.3';;
+ 18.50

/795.3';; -

" F + /98G4.78 .. I';; !!JIG.40 .. 13 JI!L~O + 10 9/.&'0'" 782.7.60 - J09.2.0 - B ~4t;.CO - 928G.()O
Sf:: F",sl Fz
&_k.c M",
R' "E. n CR +F .z
&.Ee ~ -F
R"Eh 5'E M
.Rs +Fz'X
R' - -F","z
~:(!-~c) M
- 2/G 2(;4 - 184.133 IS(/; 7/2 - 10/ 7.5-' - 5901 -101 75.3 //7293
of-53340 f 30234 + 19 049 o - 332/4 o 558G
of128 565 +/41 G9i! ..,./G(/;633 rl4481/ o f"/5C 25/ /7/ '5/
- 3435.9 - 12407 .., 2~ 970 + 4305<'3 39/1.5 T-544913 -f ~884



.3/.00 52(",4 /.12. 1.00
/ 3'JZ I 3(;5

~ '+5' ""45 '=51::

c .......c. ......... •I
1-<. 0
.. _
I o 5./

Table 5.31 Shape Coefficients for z-Wind: General
from the free end to point N. I:M,w is the sum of Formulas for Straight Members
the moments at the origin caused by I:F uw· F uw
and M ,ware obtained from Form·'W u· The calcula- =
±kQ - coello:
tion of the moments at the various points, and the G
maximum stresses, are shown on Form F-L
5.22 Wind Loading
The analysis of the reactions in piping systems due w' gg = ±kQ 24 cos 3 0:
L -_ _ ~y

to wind loading is similar to that for weight. The

wind is assumed to produce a load which is uniformly x-plane
Wgb = +w'gb + bW g

distributed over members perpendicular to the wind Wag = +w'O.:I - aw"

direction, and for other members, uniformly dis- Note: upper signs apply
tributed over the projection of the member in a when cos a is plus, lower
signs apply when cos a
Table 5.30 Shape Coefficients for x-Wind: General is minul'l.
Formulas for Straight Members
% L' L'
Wu -kQ-cosa = :::FkQ- sin 2 a
G x G
L' L'
W. +kQij sin a =FkQ-sin 2 ac080:

L- ~_y
W"V =
Oa W'ba =

W'bb =
±kQ- sin 3 a
'- ._z 24
x-plane Wu • = W'Ul' + awu - bw,
Wbb +w'bb + bWb
x W. = ±kQ- cos:! a Note: upper signs apply
when gin 0: is plus,
kQL4. lower signs apply when
tV "b = =F' 24 SlnaCOS '2
l'Iin IX is minus.

'- z w' aa = ±kQ 24 cos 3 a
-kQ- cos
y-plane Wab = +"/ b + bWa

= +10'nO -
W,,<1 aWa +kQ6 sin 0:

Note: upper signs apply

when cos a is plus, lower , = kQ-
W u.
signs apply when cos a '----+-x 24
is minus.
x-plane wuv = W',.v + aw,. - bw•.

plane perpendicular to the wind direction. The
equations given in Table 5.19 are applicable.
, :::r.kQ -~
L4 Sill
. :2 aCOSO'
W ba =
The formulas for the shape coefficients for wind
loading for straight members are given in Table 5.30
, J.., 4 •
W bb = ±kQ 24 sin 3 a for the x-wind and in Table 5.31 for the z-wind. For
curved members, the formulas are listed in Tables
'- _.-x Wba +w' b<'l - alL'b 5.25, 5.28, 5.32, 5.33. 5.34 and 5.35 for both the
x-wind and the z-wind. The projected length is
WbQ +w' btl + bWb
z-plane denoted by L'. Thus Fzw = wz,L' and F: w = w:L'
Note: upper signs a.pply for wind loading along the x- and z-axes respectively.
when sin a is plus,
lower signs apply when
Forms IV, and IV, are used for the computation of the
sin a is minus. load constants.

Table 5.32 Shape CoefIicicnts for Uniform Loading: General Formulas for Circular Members
For z-'''ind Acting on I\Icmhcrs in the y-Planc
or x-W'ind Acting on Members in the z-Planc
Note: Signs prefixed to formulas below to be selected as follows:
Use upper signs when arc <1) lies in the I and/or II quadrant.
Use lower signs when arc <!l lies in the III and/or IV quadrant.
Split the arc into two members when 1> lies in I and IV or II and III quadmnts. ]I[

Counterclockwise Direction
±QkR' [ 4" C1 + 2 COS" a) +
0 sin 2 (a +<1»
. .
- cos a smCa+<I» + ~ sm 2a

±QkR'l!iIcosCa+<I» - cosa]'1

10'bb ±QkR' (Hsin'Ca+<I» - sin'al - MsinCa+<I» - sinaj + co~a ['I> + sinCa+<I»cosCa+<I» - BinCa+<I»cosa j)

Clockwise Direction

lV, = 'f'QkR' [ 4",I> (I + 2cos'a) -

sin 2Ca-<l»
8 + cosasinCa-<I» - fsin2a
lV'.o = ±QkR'l!iIcosCa-<I» - cos a]'}

tv'" = ±QkR' {;\Isin'Ca-<I» - sin'a] - ![sinCa-<I» - sinal _ co~a [<I> - BinCa-<I»cosCa-<I» + BinCa-<l»cosal }

Tahle 5.33 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: General Formulas for Circular I\fcmbcrs
For z-\Vind Acting on :Mcmhcrs in the x-Plane
or x- 'Vind Aeting on :Memhcrs in the y-Plane
Note: Signs prefixed to formulas below to be selected as follows:
Use upper signs when arc 1l lies in the I and/or IV quadrant.
Use lower signs when arc (I> lies in the II and/or III quadrant.
Split the arc into two members when 1) lies in the I and II or III and IV quadrants. ]I[ ]I

Counterclockwise Direction

' [<I> C . 0)
sin 2(a+<I».
8 C') 3'
+smacosa+'il-sSIllkU o_.J I

w'o' = ±QkR'IUsinCa+<I» - sina]'1

lV'" ±QkR' (Mcos'Ca+<I» - cos' aj - ![cosCa+'I» - cos aj - Si~ a [<I> - sinCa+<I»cosCa+<I» + sin a cosCa+<I»[)

Clockwise Direction

tL'1l =' . ' [<I>

±QkR 4" CI +2sm
. 2a) + sin2Ca-<l».
8 (')
-SIllacosa-'l> ' 2a J
+ "if3Sill
w',. = ±QkR'l!IsinCa-<I» - sina]'1

10'. . = ±QkR' (i[cos'Ca-<I» - cos'aj- !IcosCa-<I» - cosaj + si~a [<I> + sinCa-<l»cosCa-<I» - sinacosCa-<l»J}
The pipe configuration previously given in Sample plus any restraint in the line betwecn the free end
Calculation 5.14 is calculated for a wind load of and point N. The sum of the moment at the free
60lb/ft in both the x- and z-directions, and shown end rcferred to the origin (obtaincd from the equa-
as Sample Calculations 5.15 and 5.16 rcspectively. tion sheet), and the moment at the origin caused by
A stop in the z- direction at point 4 is included. The any restraint is L;Mx. L;Fxw is the sum of the wind
load constant for this stop equation is calculatcd on load from the free end to point N. L;M,w is the sum
Form S,. Suffieient explanation for thc computa- of the moments at the origin due to EF zw' F:r;w and
tion is given on the form. M,w are obtained from Form lVx. The calculation
The moments at any point N are computed in is shown on Form F -1. Since no restraint is included
accordance with the following general formulas: in thc cxample, L;M" L;F., and L;Fv are the reac-
For x-wind: tions from the equation shect.
For z.-wind:
Af"N= L;M,+ L;M,w+ (L;F x+ L;Fxw)YN- L;F,;rN
M'xN = L;M x + L;Mxw - (L;F x + L;Fxw)YN
where L;F., L;Fv are the sums of thc rcacting forces
at the free end (obtained from the equation sheet), M'vN = L;Mv + L;Mvw + (L;F, + L;F,w)XN
Table 5.34 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: Formulas for 90° and 180 Circular l\lembers
For z-Vlind Acting on l\fcmbers in the y-Planc
or x-Wind Acting on l\lembcrs in the z-Plane
Shape w, W'bo W'bb

a= 0' D +0.1781OkQR' -0.16667kQR' -0.04793kQR'

a= 9O' D -0.39270kQR' +0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

a= 9O' ~ +0.39270kQR' -0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

a = 18O' ~ -0.1781OkQR' +0.16667kQR' -0.04793kQR'

0:: = 180 0 tJ -0.17810kQR' -0.16667kQR' -0.04793kQR'

a = 27O' tJ +0.39270kQR' +0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

a = 27O' q -0.39270kQR' -0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

a= 0' q +0.17810kQR' +0.16667kQR' -0.04793kQR'

a= 0' D) +2.35619kQR' -1.33333kQR' + 1.57080kQR'

a = 18O' D) -2.35619kQR' + 1.33333kQR' + 1.57080kQR'

a = 18O' ((] -2.35619kQR' -1.33333kQR' + 1.57080kQR'

a= 0' ((] +2.35619kQR' +1.33333kQR' + 1.57080kQR'

a= 9O' E:J +0.42920kQR' -0.33333kQR' +0.57080kQR'

a = 27O' L5 +0.42920kQR' +0.33333kQR' +0.57080kQR'

a = 27O' Q -0.42920kQR' -0.33333kQR' +0.57080kQR'

a= 9O' Q -0.42920kQR' +0.33333kQR' +0.57080kQR'


Table 5.35 Shape Coefficients for Uniform Loading: Formulas for 90° and umo Circular Members
For z-Wind Acting on .Members in the x-Plane
or x-Wind Acting on l\lcmbcrs in the y-PIanc
Shape Wo woo woo
a~ 0° D -0.39270kQR' +0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

a~ gOo D +0.17810kQR' -0.16667kQR' -0.0479:1kQR'

a~ 90° t'I +0.17810kQR' +0.16667kQR' -0.04793kQR'

a = 180 0 t'I -0.39270kQR' -0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

a = 180 0 tJ +0.39270kQR' +0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

x = 270 0 tJ -0.1781OkQR' -0.16667kQR' -0.04793kQR'

a = 270 0 q -0.1781OkQR' +0.16667kQR' -0.04793kQR'

a~ 0° q +0.39270kQR' -0.16667kQR' +0.33333kQR'

a= 0° D) -0,42920kQR' +0.33333kQR' +0.57080kQR'

a = 180' DJ -0,42920kQR' - 0.33333kQR' +0.57080kQR'

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a ~ 270 0 t5, -2.35619kQR' -1.33333kQR' + 1.57080kQR'

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5.~3 t 5.35
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• 10.3. 38
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_A M2W ·A z F"w· B.... ""..'w" "",,'' '... 0 R

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+ qqs. T I + 49QS.
B• 6" lOu ~(w.,. 'f"W~t> 0

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5.25 (. 5.~8
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·'52 442.51

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M w M. w -2 535.00 F. w + 2'220.00 y~ ," w .. +GO LOAD CONSTANTS
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... .... 37115 R, .... 300 164.

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....' lJ46 55"0. T l< I+Q25B Q38.
B e. .c.w...
6, -5 .50 + A3.25 "~ 1"81102/.83
M w.e M.w·B. + ff3q Gq F..... ·C" +184815. W.oCW.. 0 ... ~ +5.3413/0. T 1+6'-65 B18.
B • Bu e.. ~ewy +W"b 0

M w' • Mtw~8u F"w'C,,~ w.·elY W~'''''' 0 T I

piPING _"L~~I."lLi Y AND,';;TRE~~. ANALY IS . ,.
- - 05.15



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y~ ,. '8 qq.2.q
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- 24'1.88

A. A .. B.. 0 0 0
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An A .. B.. • w. ow• 0
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• Z77/8. R, ... I 476,008
B •
w.8 y •
B" + 155~. 16 C.. +22 (,88.13 "''''' ... . "".... ow, .. -1249.88
M Mzw·B p + 5'255,401. F.w·C •• ... 4·4.4'· 264. "".'''''." -N•• W W~''''DD _ 74.993 T, "'/q 623 G12
B , B, - «.<0 C. ... A3.25 ·cw", 0 ow... +839 .29
M .... 6 M'w· 8 • - IA7.432.. F.w·C. + 52. 997. -N~ OCW. 0 ...~ ...... +503957. T + 3",Q 522.
B , Bn C" "cw.. +Wolt> 0

M...... 8 M tw ·8 u F.w·C~t w••(", W._"'. . 0 T

., .


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MEMBER t-105-b

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M. w 3132.27
PLANE ':>T .... 'C. .. T ... .: ... IH:: .... (u .. ""o ... ~ ... 13C<l'" CONSTANTS FOR CURVED ~ STRAIGHT MEMBERS
w. :. -t IeQL ':;06 .. sc:e TAe. ... es ow. .lJ,w.... -cw....
, w, " ... t"lo:QL'",'''''' 5.25 t 5.28 ow, ·bw.. .c::w,.
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." ...... 0 ........ " .0 .................... l v.... l"
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· :!;.I.:
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... ·P.. +w·b ... 53·50 ow'bb + 76,41
"obl> .. QL >ON • .Wb<l. to "qo. 82- +Whb -597.73
• 513'1.27 F,w
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M,... ·A. M'W·AH F.w·B~~ 0 0 0 R.

A .. B.. ,w. 0
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A , A" ZB B.. ... 1415.08 ow. 0 '., + 49.10

M w· A , e..... 528 R. + 13,sQ 63G.
........ - 591·7J
M w.An +821 733. F ...... 957. W,'W" 0 w,'W" ... 2946.
M ... ·S ••
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F.w·C .. +8861 258.
." 105.88 +""...
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W,'''OD - JS aH T, ... IGp87, Qro7.

B , B, + 3q 2./0 C. -22QI.49 -cw", 0 oWo~ +~90.dZ
M o·B M. w ·6, +20123'3. F.w·C.. - 8S'- S~9. W.oCWy 0 "'.... .. 11449
~~ T .. lIq7 253.
B , Bn C" . . ,w. O"".t~ 0

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- 2.7. 4S
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PLANE '1M" .... " ro .. .. O"l ... U ..... " >'0"
<:'-''''''''0 ... t. ... Bc .. ~ C.ONSTANTS "OR CURVED ~ STRAIClHT MEMBERS
!IT<l .. 'C.HT
.... 1: ... 6" .. "
w. :::-tkQL.:ot>'" SEe TAe.I..E~ +4W ...... _cw..
w. '" +tkQL ~1"0l 5.25 (.5.28 .w. ~bw". +cw y

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ro" .0 .... 0 ........0 .Q ..... "L~ .....n t v ......... '" .. " _ .. .... G..... 0"
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.bWb ·2457G.8/
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.. I>b· :. ;.Ic QL 5'''' ""- ...... \:>.. ... 8270.99 .Wbb -/7825 . .33
M,w M._ + /18.16.82, F.w + 772.20 ,0< yO< '0< w. +60 LOAD CONSTANTS
A., A.. B•• 0 0 0
M..... A. Mzw·A.~ F...... B•• I
.w. .w.
0 0 0 R.
An A.. 8 .. 0

M w.A Mzw'Av~ F."".6 ... "".'w.. 0 R I

A , An +IGe.BB B .. + 13/0. 73 +w.
w ••"""
.w. 0 + a'ls.n
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B +1310.13 C .. + 251(;,3. II +w.." .w.....
,+ 41 '124 I'll.
ow... -/78ZS.J3
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B , +4CfO.7s C, - 3_"28. 7C- -c.w.. 0 .w~ .. +8270. 'Ill
M .... 6 Mzw ·6z ...8822 /2.4. F.w·C.. - 2.802- 128. ",.o<:w" 0 .......... +4QCO 25'i, T 1+ (;5/6 255.
B , Bn C.. .~w" "W"' b 0

""'"w·6. M.w·B n F.w'C •• W.'c."'. W,'W.... 0 T I

- NO .1

'N Z . PLANE DATA k 1.00 ~ _en- k ~
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- G 1.52
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M W M,_ ... 21 907. t 627. .0< yo< , 0< w. + 60. LOAD CONSTANTS
" .w
A. Au Bn 0 0 0

Mw-A" Mzw·A"t F.w·B.." 0 0 0 R,

A,y A y, By. +W. ... w.. 0

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B.. Bu ~ 7. C •• t 2063.90 +w.... .. w...... .W~b -blq(;.BO
M w·e • M:..... Bz" +13.0B3.079 F.w-C•• +2b 3740GS. w.'W"_ "'.'W "'.'''0.. ~7180.r:l w T l< 1+ 3~ oB5 33G.
B B. + 750.71 C, -95Z/.7# -cw... 0 .w~ +1518·01

M w"B M..... ·Bz +113:445804. F.w·e. - 5.970 lJI. w.o<:wu 0 .....w". + 91 OBI. T + 10566 75~.
B • B.. Co< ..(W"
""'... b

Myw ·8 .. M.w·B n F"w·C... w.·<W w.'W... 0 T

c",-c. F· RM W
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THE MW KEllOGG CO 6~EQUAT10NS fo::.~i;2?f·~ CALC. N-·5.15

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, -•
56' /5 '903 - Z-c. 171 - 2.5!JOI
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REACTIONS BA5E:> ON 5' .... co
-F x

.- I col.e.
2:8 92.4
I 39l -
/0 445 ~
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4 2.09 -
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· '::-:;;-kQL)cosc<
w. '" +tkQt...:.olto.l"!
5.25 ... 5.28 .w.
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5EE TACll..e~

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e •• B •• c .. 'c;w... 0 ..~

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B•• B C , .C""., .wa..

M ...... B •• M. w'6 n Ftw,C YJ w.·e .... "',.w•• 0 T.
e •• B • C, +w~. ~ t ....... + /0./3
M ......S ... My...·D •• F.,w·C..,. w,'~ w........ w...... + c;.OA T. +608
THE MW KELLOGG CO PIP~'bG,.tlflJ~~~N\tNfo~T~~W,:i}ALY;I' .
c .....c.
C .. fCMfC
Ie .16


~ k

F. w • w.,L'
F. w +3487.17
b 0 L CO$ ..: R /P.50 R~ .. L 58./ M.~ r+yF,,,,,,

.Lb, e

"Y + 11.78

... 0" ., p ....... e
L' ... ~o.>tc:Tt.o ... f .. c;." .. 0.
OR' Mow 4/079
IJIJ /' M __ '" -j(F tV.;
58,/2 My .... I D

Pl.ANE fOIt ... ul,,"S fOR,

ST ..... IG .... " "'f:"'Bf<l~
;:;-:;"-kQL1 C:05l>1.
FOI\ ... Ul. ... 5 fa"
e.u" .. ~o ... t:MIlE<lS CONSTANTS FOR CURVED e
Wu II: SEE TA8Le:.~ ' WU "'90 ,,~q +.l..W.. D .. 0 ~c;w

Z w. '" +i'kOL3!>llo.ll>l. 5.25 (.5.2B +W. +- 974 -b ...... D "C::""'". 0

w'uv'" + "4k a~ tw· ..... +44(;.,899
I!~~ .. W'Nc. ~ORMUl.""~. U!;L UPI' <l 6'G.:-'~ W"l'''i
o'ql. e c. .. "'44(;,,899 0
w. -
p~ ~. +W ... "
:!; .1. kQl!COllo ", SEE TAeLes • w. -tbw.. _:~w..
• ';
W·...b .. .hkQ~ SIIHO,COS;QI: 5.33 .} S.?>S t"",''''1> .w......
w·••• ± hkQL: cos'"",
+W.b tWa ..

y w·b...
· :;.J..kQt.:.s'N~O<
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SEe TA&..I!'~
5.32 If. 5.~+
+W. -awl:>

..... ,..
W't>b" :!:..J..kQL+51.. l>I. ",wb.. t"'bb
F ••
8" .

·w .. 1"60

M.w·A. y
<10 I2J
237 M W·Ah
M w·A.
+- 3. ijn-
8 .
·e.. z.
Frw·B z. .,. 25/,599
+/5 692
f.-:;~ .-,~-
.. '''1"
• w,

.,. 90 (DGq
.,.S4t/O /40


A•• A.. en 0
~- 0

M.w·A .." Myw·A.,
. F tw ·6 u 0 0
B .. B c •• ·c;w...
- -
, 0
..w b •
M.w·B•• M ... ·B... Ftw·C u "",·tw- 0 wz •...... T.
B•• B C , +c.w" +Wn

M"w..B.y M.. w ·6...... F"w'Cy< Wz.'<W ,.w•• 0 T.
e.. + 4.50 B • +-72./5 C. /34J.78 +W~. ~ +W.. 44'- 899
M".... ~8 ..t .,./84 1 856 My..."Dyt 0 F",w· C .." +4685/189 w........ .......... • w...... 2(; Bt.JW T., J.i.J/ (;.84 785
c ......c.
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4 c
,~ 0 kQL~ SIN~"" kQR Il a.' 6331.63 M. w ·3708.'6
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- 5-47
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L· ... ItOJfC
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... '" .. L ..... C
71/35.16 M w
//. .30 .... w
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"' 'ttkQL.:~uu ..

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CURveo .... r ... flE"s
seE TAfH.. e.:s
5.25 t. 5.28
.w. - 127
- ,??
-bw v
w· v"' +r'.kOt.: -tw'"" 'RRO
::f~':;;~1.c w~"':: iOfH:lJl. .... ~. \1'1>'- VI''' R G'GoNfi w... , ... +w'-'" + 880
· + l.kQl!coo L " , SEe TAell...e:s .w. ,bw.. _:Lw..
x .........b .. :;: hkQ~ :I'''' CJl,cothc 5.3::5 4- 5.~S +w·... b .w......
w·.... - ±hkQ~ cos·lll. "w&b +W • •

W, · :;.LkQL:~'"·,, see
5 . .32
4- ~ ~+
.w, -lI,wb .. t1""b
y w'b_ .. +hkQL.:~.. ",co!>"" ..... 'bl>

.. .w...

W'bb" :!:..LkQL+~I'" 01 "wb. +w/>I>

M•• -3708,66 ... w 1/77(;,.8&; F,. 'I- ti18
,. ,. ·w:.. +60 LOAD CONSTANTS
A.. +101.03 A. 0 8 .. -885.35 ' 0 - 522
M~ ... ·A~~ -,%q", M w.A •• F ..... e., -GOoi261 :...w. ,'WI 0 -31320 R. -/028,525
A. 0 A
.,.107.'13 8 • .,. 72.15 .w. 0
'" -127
M.... ·A... 0 M .... r:.., "'/271 07{, F ..... B . .,. 48918 W:..·W" 0 Wa'W~ _ 7"20 R. "/~I2,374
A.. A.. 8,. 0 0 0
R, I
M.w·A•• M.......A n F.w·B n 0 0 0
8 •• 8 C .. -(W... 0 ~WD.

w•• (W- ........... T.

M.w·B.~ M w.B...
F.w·C •• 0

8 •• 8 C .. c.w~ .. w.~ 0

8 ••
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1.4..... ·6....
8 • + 72. /5
M",w·!:)v:.. "'849,700
l=".w·C ..,
w... (W



w.'WH W"W~
.. w.~ ';RRO

T. .,. 22 ti29,32S
PIPING _~LEX.I~'!-t y AN'y_~ TRE?~. ANAL'.,,,, c .. <-c. FORM W
C .s.I€>


51"l to:

F. w .. w. L'
F. w 1+456
b - /3,73 L 7·60 C050( +.5736 R R~~L M ......... +YF. w
,~. c 0 i" kQL:) 7.1. /6 SIN r ..., kQRl> OR' M. w 1""l:i26O.8f
I.. I<Q.L 4 1 .01 c.O.!>·'X
• "9 - 12.98
- /.3.73
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FOR ...... 1.. ... 5
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c ..... "'~o .... E .... BERS
seE "A8Le.~ .w u - 41.% ~ol..W",
1-544.''1- .. ~<;w 0
Z w. = +~kat!510.1t< 5.25 ot- 5.28 .w. - 59.03 _Dw", ~8~.2.8f. "CW v a
w' v" +;..kot -tw'", ... ..,.1.19,0/
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.. w ..." -/..39·/9
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5.33 5.~S 4- ". .. bw a _:twa
X "w·.~t:; ~w·"",,
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W'b ....
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5 ..32
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.. w'b.
.. b""b

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+ 45&.
-804.9/ .w.
,~ .

~ Y<

M.... A.~
M.w·A. v
M w.A.y
~ + /23.90
M .... A~

+ 733 • .349.
B .
F..... B ••

F..... B • - 83,475
- 183. 06 .w.

- 4/. 96

1 ~1I94, O(;~.

1"'f:~7 .J.5t!i'.
A.. A.. 8,. 0 0 0
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M.... ·B..
Mvw·B yw
. C ..
F ..... C ••

w.·c"". 0
0 ~WD'
w.·..... T. I
8 •• 8 C , .c.w. .. w. .

M.w-8.", MvwoB..... F ..... C"'. w..',w .... w•• 0 T. I
e .. -804,9/ 8" 0'"
~/83. C, 01-32230. .. w~. ~ .. w~~ -/49./9
M..waS... +.5PJ'I. 44-5. Mv...·B.".. -.(083 5/0. f='rw·C.", <1'/4,'97,217, we·..... w.' . .
W Wl'W~
-835' T. 1~"~644, 801.

rrHE MW KELLOGG CO PIPn~o'"~bX~~HN\tNf'o~T~~W'I~~ALY'i1" .

CH!Ct< 0
- -

5t-lAPE AND ~

511'.1 0(
/.00 .7.J304

F. w
F. w
• wf;L'

DIRECTION b - 27.45 L co~:~ R /8.50 R~·L

1.30$6 M. w .. +yF:z w

c 0 HQL' SlWt""" kQR 3 G~' 6JJU.J M KW ~/877'.s

•y - 8.41
-Z3. OB
h.I<QL C.O~~D<

T(.O ... t; .. QT,.., 01'
'- 0'" Z PL. ..... ~
/lUiS.lG M 'oN ~ -'5<I="w
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PLANE ~T"""IQ"T .... II':M""R~
I'O~ rOR ...UI.. ... fI 1'01'1

w, ·'" T.::kOt...:&l .... "'·
~QLlC050< SEE TAeL..E:e.
5:25 4.5.28
"'" 7.$Z8. 4-
- 2404'.2

.. c.w..,
... 0
w· ,," +;.kQ.~ +w'..... .,.1.7Q,3.34-
~~1.c w;... O ... "'UL .... ~. U';;II; UP!>
P<. ...
"S'C.'Hi w .., ....
w. " ... .LkQL?co~tc< SEE TAel-~$ ow. 1"bWa _1""..
• ........... ± hkQL'"
W''''b .. :;:
:lIN o<.CO!t'lllC
c:os 10l.
5.33 ¢. S.~S ..w·,~t;. ."' ......
.w ..'" +w u ,

w·b... +t.ik Q
L ~~ ~ cost>:
5.32 5.~44-
+wb ~a.wb

.. bwb
.. W·bb

f*-kQL+511'~ t>:
M ••

-1A779.5 M w t-6842.96 F •• +813. (,7

z. .w.'"
,. -W::. ~"O
M..... ·A•• - , .,
~13 9. 87 A.
M w.A".
F~ .... ·B.~ -5l!.1644.
.Z' +w,
w,,·w. H.·W~
-525(;,0. R. -3240,873.
M......A. y
A '1"133.03
M .... ·A. n
+910,3/9. F...... B. t
· ~30/.S'1
~ 245' 378.

-17. 400. R, + (,.47 541.

M .....·A.·. M.,.......A ..... F'lw·6 u 0 0 0 R,

6" B C .. -ew... 0 .-wt>.
M...... B•• M ,..8 ..... F."".C •• "",·t"'" 0 "'t·... w T,
B.. B C" .I:..W" .w•• 0
M.w·B .....
B•• -"90.2~

M"'w· 8 ". HZ,962,1J8.

B . - JOt. 57
M.. . w·B.,... ~20"S,~31.
F""".C v <
F.""C n
+28 787417.

.. w....

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F. w
• w,L'

b -·4.94 L /O.s3 co=:> to< -121 RIf!.L M. w "' ot-VF .....
c 0 IlCkQL' 19459 SINl't>: kaR~ OR. M. w ~2 ()1S.lJ'.
•Y -B.l4 nkQ[' 512.27 c.o~:rt>: kQR"
L·.,.... o ... fe
l::D Lf ... GOY" 0"
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FOflUV ......S FDK fORMU"'AS fOA

- ";"kQl!cos go;
w, '" +ikQL:Sl .... t>:
5.25 (. 5.28

~ 195. 'IS
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• .. 0"1 C
w',," +r'..kOt
• ,!
I' LL w''''co I'O"lMULA,5,

us," UP? R "'co,~!i.-

TAeLe~ ow.
-tw' ....
- ~431.lof.

• W·...b c :; hlo:Q~ ",W Ol.COSzllC 5.3:5 4-5.~5 +w·.~b +w·.....

w'•• .. :tnkQL cosloo. +W&b +w...
· :;'..L,kQL:!>"'.j~" SEE TAe.t...E~
,wb -a.wb +bwb

y w'b~ • +i4kQL:s,~ 0< COSt>:
5.32 !5,~4· +w'b./l +w'bl>
!.L.kQL+s,... t>:
",,'bb ..

- 22075.0'1 Mow .,. 520C:;:.03 F •• t-G31.80

•• ,. ·wz. t- fiO
A.. rt69.50
M... ·A •• -3141
"a. M ....A ••
F.",.B u
• 45.97

-11,588 R,. 1-.3724 272.
M.... ·A• .,.

0#-151. 'IS B

_ 4A 3 . ' A
M ....A. + '70/ 056. F,_oB r - 305 33~. Wt·W~

· 0
...... ·w~
+'.23 Rv 10#-<#/87 /4.3.

M ....·A .. M.,...... A y" F..w·B u 0 0 0 R. I

6 .. B , CO' -ew.. 0 .w~

M.w·B •• M .... B\'. F.w·C. r ""t·,.. . . 0 ""r·...w T.I

~ B C .ew"
• ........ 0
Mow·B o.. .
6 .. + 45.
M..w-S,,* ~<f. ?9l.
0 .
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C +5 I 0.2
""",.'' ' ~.w.~
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My.... By"l: -25IS,970. Fltw'C u .,.35.50/,000. Wlt'~

. e" ...c.
Tit 1-3I.Sef. .470.

M R T 001
w 2207 .0 +- GOB
.....=....J.ll~7J.!L..5.Q +-31 (, 7BS
- 370B.6&

- So B24./3
.. Z'l 7
• ... + 72 tU9 + 56 17 +5f 'BS Jq

M .....·A. M ... ·h !:h~~ EIO
A •• A
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F -C


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8 •• ~
M ...·B. M"··d~~. £1(' .. .le.-Me
-.lEI 6•
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• 0'• -699'1422 E19.

q, 73'1.

+ '6853'13. +


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3 r. '? 'bl. ,),f~ -f-J":?ZS -5< Z -",Sf. - 'JUG!lG
4 -11, 232 l& -ztl ~ '6 oJ. ...;'3/5$/J.10 ·ZlU/7./!Y. -Jlll2J 5 (J

FZ 4
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•- .4 $ -• ~~
jl80 00 0 I~ 18'" 15
- I. 000 00 0
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do 7.58 7~ 0 700' -10 II. 2B fl-7 ()() /f8
• I
z + 65 61 - 9 +2 8' _0

0 0 0 0
165 I - 695 B4 (}'EJ.!J~
- 1.000 00 -I-~ '5 -12 921'
- q 945 ~-2 I 66 'H, '7 > $3 ,
3 "'70 10' G i-28 J7 'NJ
-, 9$6 21
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104< ZS fo/9 !()4 2

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91 +38 ot/ 08
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- 00000
F z'w (r"r) .+,~'1' .(;f - 3 ~/l-H
·- 8/1.$0
.. - 03(;41·44
rZ' · _ 1750.70

'" ·
- ,. 000 00

- 1.000 00 ,.-...-;
THE MW. KEllOGG CO 6-EQUATIONS ro'.:.~~i1? - CALC. N-·S.
cooe RULES , 8
8.!B - U - "It;10.80 -
15.1t; -
0 •
/8.50 ...
/ .50
Eh ,y - 40.J~ - 29.71 - .84 - IO.C.1 0 • /8.50 0 - 03.00

S·'" Ec .S'e F

,., OR.

$11.50 -
.107$9 +
/7'J.70 ..
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IG35 -
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zo 734
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Rc Ec JZSg 5'39 + 10/;77 + II ~(i,5 0 .3 197 0 .5 2Si!.
W=-E" S'E M '8" .3 J4S +- 581 - 4 792- 1.00(,5 ... • Z1004 .. Z.j9~

- .9 -
WI-lICHEVE!i: IS GRfAT£ d 740 ... Z. IOj .... 8 02Z of'" /9 799 - Z7 8Z8 - 48 3u) - 511;93

-F.... ::
• 72 • J Je.<,- - IG 524 - JZ 708 0 + 29~O + .32390

~4- (1-]<) M - 274 - J .374 - 4744 - SOl - J2 'jOS ~ Z7828 - 19.30J - 19303

& +F."y
go •
- -,

, Y
M" M' M' M•
• M, .M xco.!!>.
-M -M'T. -M'. JrSIN.
>: M'b
.M'l' ... M'I< ,M' 1I.!!ollo.llll.
M' +M''Z M' "cosO(
,p Z f .. 12 l .02280
3/.0 5ZC-.4 P /
5 • M
5' -f,8M b
25t."'fMt. ~40
5 +S +45 440,;4
5 "+5' -., -5',
FOR'" -I
• ,- - l

where "L,F, is the sum of the reacting force at the References

free end, obtained from the equation sheet, and any 1. The M. W. Kellogg Co. (by D. B. Rossheim, A. R. C. Markl,
restraint in the line between the free end and point N. H. V. Wallstrom, and E. Slezak), Design of Piping Systems,
"L,M, and "L,M yare the sums of the moments at the 1st edition, 1941 (out of print-superseded by 2nd
free end referred to the origin, obtained from the edition, 1956).
2. H. V. Wallstrom, "General Analytical Method," Heating,
equation sheet, and the moments at the origin caused
Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 19, No.5, pp. 69-74 (1947).
by any restraint,. "L,F.", is the sum of the wind load 3. L. H. Johnson, <lSolution of Pipe Expansion Problems by
from the free end to point N. M,,,, and M yw are the Punched Card !\.hehines," digest in Mech. Engr., No.
sum of the moments at the origin due to F.",. M ''''' 53-F-23, p. 1020 (Dec. 1953).
My"" and F. w are obtained from Form lV,. Since 4. 'V. Hovgaard, HStresses in Three-Dimensional Pipe
a F,-stop is included at point 4- in the example the Bends," Trans. ASME, Vol. 57, FSP-57-12, pp. 401-476
F,,-force from the equation sheet and its moment at 5. W. Hovgaard, HFurther Studies of Three-Dimensional
the origin must be included from point 5 to the fixed Pipe Bends," Trans. ASME, FSP-50-13, Vol. 59, No.8,
end. The calculation is shown on Form F-l. pp. 647-650 (1937).

For a further discussion of piping analysis, see Appendix D,

Page 359, "A Matrix Method of Piping Analysis and The
Usc of Digital Computers."

Flexibility Analysis by Model Test

P ROGRESS in the physical sciences has been

marked by the constant use of experiments
as a means of pioneering observation and a
confirmation of reasoning and mathematical predic-
stress intensification factors for corrugated and
creased bends and corrugated tangents; also, to
load-deflection tests of both piping assemblies and
large scale models of piping systems made of small
tion. Following the establishment of basic "laws,1J pipe. These combined experiences with the experi-
the experimental approach has proved invaluable mental approach led to the routinized solution of
for quantitative measurement of the physical con- piping flexibility by Model Tcst which is presented
stants which implcmcnt applied science and make in this chapter.
possible the practice of cngineering.
General design principles and specific assumptions 6.2 The Routinized Model Test
can often be verified or their qualitative significance Much of the early urge for the evaluation of piping
determined by simple expcriments. Although a expansion cffects by model test was inspircd by the
more refincd approach is usually necessary for difflculty in handling othcr than simple problems
quantitative measurement, significant data are often by the analytical methods then availablc. Experi-
achieved with minimum complexity by taking ence in structural and other fields had demonstrated
advantage of basic phenomena such as yiclding or that rcliable results could be achicved from scale
failure. Where the relative influencc of the variables models; however, expense limited their use to occa-
involved is not cstablished, or when prototypes are sional important problems. Economic widespread
used for providing designs for mass production, application required, first, a comprehensive analytical
full-size specimens, where economically feasible, are development of the gcneral irregular frame in space
favored for positive avoidance of errors. However for organization and evaluation of the accuracy of
in many fields, such as structures, increasing knowl- the model test results, and second, rugged precision
edge of fundamentals and significant improvements equipmcnt and organized test methods for obtaining
in instruments for accurate measurement make it reproducible results with reasonable expenditure of
possiblc to employ scale models with increasing timc. That these requirements havc bcen mct by
confidence for the direct solution of problems, partic- the Kellogg Modcl Test Laboratory is attested by
ularly where ovcrall rathcr than highly localized the demands for its services on critical piping,
influences arc undcr study. particularly for public utility installations. Al-
though the horizon of economic analytical solutions
6.1 The Experimental Approach
has been broadened by programmed machined cal-
As a pioneer contributor to high-temperature culations, the IVfodel Tester continues in its useful-
piping design, The M. W. Kellogg Company, by the ness for complex problems. Most important it t

employment of strain gages, made early use of provides an independent check method which can
experimental verification of the load-deflection rela- parallel manual or programmed machine calcula-
tions of so-called cxpansion bends and of the primary tions when double assurance as to the accuracy of
and secondary stresses in curved pipe. Later effort design is desired.
was dcvoted toward establishing flexibility and Evolution of the Kellogg Gencral Analytical


Method, in addition to benefits previously described, also believed that Professor Beggs first made use of
provided the long-needed measuring stick which, the principle of successively releasing and weighing
along with visualization and detail'treatment, must individual reactions by providing an amount of
underlie dependable experimental solutions; in addi- freedom, small in comparison with the restraining
tion it accelerated the development of suitable test effect being measured, and then taking the reaction
equipment. It was appreciated that extreme accU- off the supporting structures and onto the weighing
racy in model dimensions or reproduction of cross fixtures within the movement limit established. He
section was unnecessary in view of the 12~% thick- successfully employed this approaeh on individual
ness tolerance of seamless pipe, and of the largely tension and compression effents and in various
indeterminate degree of fixation at terminal ends or combinations to suit morc complex restraints.
intermediate restraints, and therefore, that solid Over a period of years, many models of involved
rod models would give adequately accurate answers structures, such as bridges, buildings, support
where curved piping did not predominate. frames, floating dry docks, machine frames, etc.,
A stiff adjustable mounting frame soon demon- were successfully tested. Such tests were rela-
strated superiority over individualized support tively expensive due to the cost of the model, the
because of the absence of harmful deflection and the specialized equipment, and the number of man-
rapidity whieh could be achieved in accurately hours required.
positioning models, applying movements, and read- The M. W. Kellogg Company elosely followed
ing measuring equipment. The desirability of a much of Professor Beggs' work, and were endeavoring
rigid arrangement with fixed model ends was appre- to adapt his general principles of limited freedom
ciated; however, its accomplishment was not imme- weighing of reactions to the routine model testing
diately aehieved, so that initial approaches resorted of piping, when this end was accomplished by
to the application of loads and measurement of move- Harold W. Semar [3]. It involved the use of small
ments at the free ends of a model, fixed at one end. plungers and struts to confine a fixture attached to
Fred G. Hill brought this concept to its highest the model to 0.001 in. to 0.002 in. free movement at
development in an apparatus described in 1941 [1]. individual measurement locations. Each load was
The free end of the model was fitted with a fixture weighed by a movable ealibrated spring gage which
consisting of three moment levers and four needle opposed the fixture reaction passed to it through the
pointer position indicators aligned with a fixed strut and plunger. Each reaction was balanced by
reference ring. In operation, the entire model was adjustment of the spring until the plungers were
displaced in the three coordinate directions by a moved to the center of their free travel as indicated
micrometer movement device attached to the fixed by a dial gage, thus assuring that all load was off the
end. The free end was then returned to its original frame and on the spring, and that the reading would
position with respect to the reference ring by means be taken at the same relative location each time.
of shot-filled buckets attached to the arms of the Movement was aecomplished by a micrometer feed
moment levers. This device was purchased by the mechanism which was carefully set up along the
General Electric Company, but was never extensively direction of the resultant expansion.
used. None of such designs appeared satisfactory This method of load measurement was incor-
for sufficiently accurate measurement of rotations, porated into The M. W. Kellogg Company's first
or for reproducible or rapid results. produetion model test equipment, which included
Much of the practicable advance toward the model an arrangement of vertical posts and horizontal
testing of involved structures was pioneercd by arms, the latter adjustable in elevation and in plan.
Beggs [2J. In papers dating back to 1922, he de- Models could be mounted by simple fixtures to
scribes mcthods and equipment for applying accu- measuring heads supported by displacement heads
rate deflections and for measuring reactions. His which applied three-dimensional translation by
HDeformeter" provided a precise mechanical means means of two slides, one of which could be rotated
for accomplishing the former; and his micrometer about the axis of the other. In spite of certain
movement movable crosswires microscope provided limitations, this arrangement was in successful
a useful measuring instrument in locations where it continuous productive operation for several years.
could be applied. His use of lapped hydraulic jacks It established general appreciation of the advantages
for applying simultaneous multilocation loading of offered by the model test approach in the visualiza-
varying magnitude is well known and such devices tion of complex configurations and in the economic
are frequently employed in testing apparatus. It is study and resolution of over-stiff runs in a system;

and it marked the successful establishment of the

present Model Test Laboratory.
6.3 The Kellogg Model Test where P = force; ill = moment; E' = modulus of
The Kellogg Model Test Method parallels The elasticity; I = moment of inertia; II = amount of
M. W. Kellogg Company General Analytical Solu- expansion (or displaccment) of each I'frce" end with
tion, substituting routinized tests on scale models for reference to some fixed point; and L = length. The
organized mathematical operations in evaluation of subscripts m and p refer to the model and the pipe,
the shape coefficients and their summation into respeetively.
deflection and rotation equations for simultaneous l\1easured deflections are similarly eOllverted in
solution of the terminal and other restraining forces scale and corrected for free thermal expansion.
and moments. In establishing corresponding Thus, the end reactions and deflections of the actual
stresses, including the critical locations, both ap- piping are directly proportional to the ratio of its
proaches involve the same conventional structural cross-sectional stiffness to that of the model; directly
calculations; although, in some c3:ses, strains and proportional to the ratio of the expansions (or dis-
hence stresses are obtained directly from electrical placements) applied; and inversely proportional to
gages either cemented directly on the model or on the exponential ratio of their lengths.
reusable fixtures which are temporarily attached to The load-deflection relationship of a straight
the model. Horizontal and vertical deflections used circular tube, according to the elastic theory and
in designing supports or in checking critical clear- neglecting seeondary effeets, is identical with that
ances, and which can be obtained in the analytical of a solid circular rod, ei ther curved or straight, of
method by supplementary calculation, are readily equal moment of inertia. In curved pipe, ovaliza-
measured on the model. The approach basically is tion of the cross section occurs, which results in its
unlimited with relation to problem complexity; only increased flexibility in bending at the expense of
available equipment restricts the Kellogg Model augmented local stresses, i.e. stress intensification
Test Method. Test equipment is presently available as discussed in Chapter 3. Torsional eharaeteristics
for as many as 15 points of complete fixation. are essentially unaffected.
In the model test, the terminal ends are usually In designing scale models of piping systems, it has
fixed, although completely hinged, guided, or other been impracticable, as a routine procedure, to dupli-
partial end restraints can be provided; and similarly, cate the flexibility of the curved members by the usc
any degree or manner of intermediate restraint can of tubing as a result of the exponential relationship
be constructed to represent solid hangers or other between the wall thickness and pipe diameter in the
types of supports, stops, guides, etc. In testing, determination oCthe flexibility factor. Achievement
displacements are applied to the ends or at inter- of the desired relative flexibility eharacteristics often
mediate restraints, which are representative of the results in a tubing model of impracticable propor-
expansion of the piping or external movements, and tions which, combined with the dimensional limita-
which are related to an initially assumed fixed tions and tolerances of commercial tubing, make the
origin. The forces and couples resulting from these correlation of several branches of different sizes and
displacements, as affect"d by the terminal and inter- thicknesses quite infeasible by this means. For
mediate restrictions, are read directly on the load this reason and for economic considerations, rod,
measuring devices. rather than tubing, is used for models. Rod sizes
As the end and intermediate restraints for the are available so that variations in runs and branch
model and the piping system which it represents are diameter and thickness, 01' in material or tem-
assumed to be the same, and since both are struc- perature, are readily reproduced to refleet the
tures obeying the eonventional load-deflection products of the moment of inertia and the modulus of
relationship, their mutual force and moment re- elasticity of the corresponding parts of the piping
lationships can be expressed as a simple ratio of system. The length scale is selected large enough to
their respective dimensional and elastic propcr- promote accuracy within the dimensional limits of
ties and corresponding load-deflection relationship, the test frame. The basic rod size and movement
as follows: range a~e established to secure reactions within the
range of accuracy of the instruments.
For curved members of easy radius of five diam-
eters or more, flexibility factors are usually dose to

uni ty, and tests made with solid rod models result in
end reactions which are correct or which contain a
small safety margin. If stress in'tensification factors
are omitted in such cases, resulting combined stresses
will, in general, reasonably approximate analytical
results in which both the flexibility and stress in-
tensification factors have been applied to the curved
members. Weld-ells and similar short radius fittings,
where they comprise only a limited part of the total
developed length, may also be simulated by rod
models with satisfactory predietion of stress.
For more precise representation of curved pipe,
where bends and weld-ells have significant effect,
their flexibility may be simulated in alternate ways
of varying accuracy and suited to different con-
figurations. For single-plane bends with in-plane
loading, or in general where torsional effects of the
curved members are minor, reduced rod size at the
bends can accurately represent relative flexibility of
curved and straight pipe. Where both bending and
torsional effects have significant influence, special
devices are required to provide the reduced stiffness
for bending on two axes, while maintaining un- FIG. 6.1 The model test laboratory.
diminished resistance to torsional deflection on the
third axis. This is accomplished by insertion of measurement heads represent the first complex
units which have been carefully calibrated against application of electrical strain gages, and also their
analytical considerations. As the use of snch special ini.tial use on a permanent installation demanding
devices increases the test time required, their em- consistent accuracy of long duration. They consist
ployment is usually restricted to cases in which the of a floating fixture, carefully designed and precisely
influence of the flexibility factors is more or less manufactured to develop the required six restraining
critical. reactions in three mutually perpendicular planes.
The model weight appears in all the readings and, To minimize interaction, this element is mounted
so long as there is no shift in weight reaction between through flexible struts to stiff constant-stress canti-
the restraints, is cancelled out by the use of differ- levers. Loads are measured by paired electrical
ences to determinc the loading corresponding to the strain gages; each load measurement circuit is
movement range. Where an appreciable weight provided with an individual bridge to minimize re-
shift occurs, counterweights must be used. sistance variations due to switching, a novel arrange-
ment specifically developed for this equipment.
6.4 The Kellogg Model Test Laboratory and The measuring heads are wired to a console on
Equipment which specialized measuring instruments of both
The model test apparatus proper consists of a self-balancing and manual balancing types are
complex but readily adjustable rigid supporting mounted for reading loads directly. Local stresses
framework, to which removable units for accurately may be evaluated by means of model-monnted
applying end or intermediate displacements are strain gages or through the use of instruments
attached; the load measuring instruments are incorporating these gages. A variety of mechanical
mounted on these units and the model, in turn, is and electrical instruments for measurement of
attached to the load measuring heads by means of specialized loading, deflections, and for calibration
special holding fixtures. purposes is also provided.
The movement heads are specially designed and of All models are fabricated in the laboratory which
precision mailUfacture, to secure individual move- is equipped with special rod and tubing benders and
ment along three perpendicular axes by means of equipment for welding, brazing, burning, and local
hand scraped ways and micrometer screws which stress relieving, as well as with machine tools, and
minimize rotational and axial backlash. The load special cutoff and grinding equipment.
and bored riser simulated by a ilr" rod. At the
lower end, the riser branches into two 10.50" OD X
1.70" lines which continue to the two stop valve:;
from which extend the four 6.625" OD X 0.932"
wall turbine leads to the steam chest. The model
counterparts are of .~-t" and ~t" diameter rod
respectively, and rigid blocks represent the valves.
The weight of the header and riser is carried by a
solid hanger tentatively located at the point of zero
vertical deflection. Variations from this position
serve to redistribute the end reactions between the
superheater elements and the turbine inlet nozzles.
In order to prevent rotation of the header about
other than its longitudinal axis, four guides are
incorporated in the design as indicated at J, K, L
and M. Two stops are also required as shown at
o and I to protect the turbine nozzles. All of these
intermediate restraints are simulated on the model
by tie rods.
The model for this system can be seen mounted in
the testing apparatus in Fig. 6.'1. The solid hanger
on the riser is suspended from a small unidirectional
load measuring unit attached to the arm above the
superheater tubes. In this test, moments which are
ordinarily transferred mathematically from the
measured end reactions to the junction with the
single riser were checked experimentally by means
FIG. 6.2 Load reading instrument console. of strain gages cemented to the model and read with
a standard indicator. This procedure is occasionally
A general view of the laboratory is shown in desirable to avoid accumulative errors.
Fig. 6.1. A model of a central station main steam As the end reactions occurring in a single super-
system is shown mounted in the testing frame; on heater terminal element are disproportionately
the right side of the photograph may be seen the small as compared to the other values being meas-
load-reading console which is shown in greater detail ured, it is necessary to group a number of these
in Fig. 6.2. The cables from the load measuring together in banks. Readings are taken at each end
instruments pass into the overhead enclosure and
through the rectangular duct to the console. Above Table 6.1 Piping System. of Fig. 6.3
the console may be scen a photograph of the meas- Moments and Forces for Operating Condition:
uring instrument with the cover removed. No Cold Spring
6.5 Typical Model Tests M. M, .'01: F• F, f,
Location r~lb r~lb r~lb Ib Ib Ib
Figure 6.3 is a sketch of the model of the main A. + 625 - 50 -1700 + 30 + 165 -135
steam system for a utility power plant designed for B. -1800 -900 -3050 + 60 - 755 +545
1990 psi steam pressure at 1050 F. As in thc model C + 75 -250 -2650 - 135 - 275 +290
shown in Fig. 6.1, the last banks of tubes of the D ... +3475 -565 -4725 - 365 + 275 -8M)

superheater have been extended through the boiler

E (one tube) .... + 20 + 35 -360 + 30 + 15 + 1
F (one tube) ". + 5 0 -360 + 30 + 15 0
arch, becoming a part of the pilling system. Five G (one tube) ... - 15 - 45 - 395 + 25 + 15 - 3
sizes of 2t% chrome I% moly piping are propor- /I. -1275
tionally simulated in the model, viz: 2.125" OD X I. .. + 45
J ...... -1050
0.375" wall superheater terminal element tubes
K .. .......... -1805
represented by 0.067" diameter rod, a 14.00" OD X -150
L ....
2.65" wall distributing header represented by -H-" M .. +225
diameter rod, and a 14.00" OD X 2.25" wall, forged 0 .... - 30 !

9 "

tI .L"



2- (t POINT 7
S" ~

e POINT 17

1O.50 OD. 1.70"W.T.


!J7 46
46 5


FIG. 6.3 Central statioq main steam system operating at 1050 F and 1990 psi pressure.

bank and at the .middle bank; and the maximum however, the tubes are not all of the same configura-
average stress in ten or twelve tubes is thus found. tion, strain gages are cemented, by means of special
As the individual tubes are small and highly flexible, attachments, to representative tubes to check the
such determinations have been quite safe. Where, results obtained. The end reactions, stresses, and
deflections obtained for this piping system, for the
operating and cold spring conditions, are tabulated in
Tables 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3, respectively.
Typical of the piping systems for which the model
tester offers a clearcut solution at an important
saving in engineering cost is the 1250 psi main steam
line shown in the drawing of Fig. 6.5. The 12"
Schedule 160 piping connects two boilers with two
75,000 KVA turbines; and a 12" crossover connec-
tion permits the operation of either turbine from
either boiler. The two leads to each turbine are 8"
Schedule 160, and horizontal restraints prevent trans-
verse movement at the stop valves. The operating
temperature of the piping is 900 F, and the material
carbon-moly steel. l A free-floating system of six
IUnder present, carbon-moly would not be recom-
FIG. 6.4 The model test set-up for the system of Fig. 6.3. mended for service Ilt this temperature.
points of fixation is involved, carried entirely on 8" turbine leads by i-'l.lI diameter rod, and the
spring supports. Compensating spring hangers are model length scale is t" ~ 1'0", with the stiffness
assumed to match the weight of lhe piping without or EI ratio ~ 1 : 1,580,000. The flexibility factors
restraining its flexural movements; accordingly, they of the long radius bends were nearly unity and hence
involve negligible stress and are ignored in the test. were neglected. The factor for converting the
The model of this piping system is shown in the model forces to those of the actual installation is
testing frame in Fig. 6.6. The main run of 12" 4578, and that for the moments 9157. The full-scale
piping is represented by it" diameter rod and the maximum end forces and moments, as determined


MOVEMENTS FOR ·ZO '4.50'- - ;r,i

t .., ./
2.33 1
'co .27393" 50.58'

'" t2 M


. '"
0. N


34.00' 2!1.16' 34.00'

54.50' 19.33'

2.96' 3.44'

!'L 9.00'
j_ _~_+ ----~,==:.:..:S:T~O:P=G=:::;l~
__ ,r
~(~/- ,& B/~
-/-,1'-1 ¥-,; -,L-
9.00' /
FIG. 6.5 1lain steam system operating al 1250 psi, supplying two 75,000 KVA power generation unit.<;.

from the model test, acting on the superheater from their respective boilers and the crossover
header connections and the turbine nozzles are valves are open. This is the condition recorded in
shown in Table 6.4. Tests for alternate operating Table 6.4; the maximum stress of 10,250 psi appears
conditions show that this system is most highly in the 8// turbine nozzle B.
stressed when both turbines are operating on steam For the determination of uniformly distributed
weight load effects, tubular models which can
alternately be filled with mercury and emptied have
Table 6.2 Piping System of Fig. 6.3 been used. Distributed loading can also be achieved
:tvloments and Force.o:; before Operation:
100% Cold Spring
Table 6.4 Piping System of Fig. 6.5
M, M. M, F, F.
Location f~lb f~lb ft-Ib Ib Ib Ib 110ments and Forces for Operating Condition:
A .. ... - 825 + 75 +2275 - 40 - 220 +180 No Cold Spring
B.. .... +2400 +1200 +4050 - 80 +1005 -725 F, F,
M, M. M, F.
C... - 75 +350 +3525 + ISO + 365 -385 Ib
Location ft-Ib ft-Ib f~lb Ib Ib
D... -4625 + 750 +6275 + 485 - 365 +885
+4600 - 9550 + 390 +1750 -1l60
E (one tube) ... - 25 - 45 + 480 - 40 - 20 - 1 A ..
B ..........
-21,050 +3250 -13,750 - 880 -1940 + 360
F (one tube) ... - 5 0 + 480 - 40 - 20 0
C -1l,050 +3050 -9000 - 410 + 70 + 800
G (one tube) ... + 20 + 55 + 525 - 35 - 20 + 4
D -33.600 -6650 + 10,350 - 480 +1760 -1010
II ............ +1695
I. ............ - 60 E. - 4400 -2400 + 6450 + 580 - 320 + 440
F .......... -14,250 +2300 + 6150 + 170 -1320 + 570
J .... +2200
G +2020
K-....... +2400
+200 II.. -1390
M...... -300 Ma.·dmum stress "" 10,250 psi at Point B.
0 + 40 Allowable stress range ... 20,300 psi.
Maximum stress in 10" line - 6850 psi at Point 59.
Maximum stress in tubes 8150 psi at Point G.
Maximum stress in 6" turbo leads 4500 psi at Point D.
Allowable stress range 20,200 psi.

Table 6.3 Piping System of Fig. 6.3

Deflections (inches)
From Design to
From Cold to Hot Position 100% Cold Spring Position
Location 0" 011 0: Location o;r: oj,. 0:
8 -0.23 -1.09 H.1l 8 0 +0.15 +0.01
I 0 -1.09 +2.11 I 0 +0.15 +0.01
40 + 4.33 -3.54 + 1.98 40 -4.72 +2.60 +0.15
41 +4.60 -3.58 +1.31 41 -4.61 +2.64 +0.43
46 +4.95 -3.58 +0.88 46 -4.57 +2.64 -0.70
47 +8.33 -4.71 +0.85 47 -8.61 +3.78 -0.67
48 +8.62 -4.08 +0.79 48 -B.51 +3.53 -0.61
61 + 7.59 -2.30 0 61 -7.24 +3.55 0
18 +0.27 -1.31 +1.81 18 +0.53 +0.38 +0.0·1
o 0 -1.31 +1.81 o +0.53 +0.38 +0.04
50 +3.58 -3.60 + 1.61 50 -4.19 +2.66 +0.2·1
51 +3.90 -3.83 +0.91 51 -4.13 +2.89 +0.55
57 +4.10 -3.83 +0.46 57 -3.94 + 2.B9 -0.65
58 +8.06 -4.66 +0.38 58 -8.34 +3.73 -0.57
59 +8.35 -4.16 +0.38 59 -8.24 +3.61 -0.57
70 0 +2.84 0 70 0 -4.15 0
80 0 +2.84 + 1.52 80 0 -4.15 0
90 0 +2.84 -1.52 90 0 -4.15 0
II +4.69 0 0 II -4.70 0 0
L + 1.05 +2.27 0 L -1.06 -4.15 0
M +3.95 +0.53 0 M -3.96 0 0 FIG. 6.6 The model t.cst set-up for the system of Fig. 6.5.

FIG. 6.7 Models of marine piping.


FIG. 6.8 Models of power plant piping.


FIG. 6.9 !\Iodcls of petroleum and petrochemical process piping.


by attaching small weights along the horizontal runs References
of the model, with a larger weight for each riser in 1. Fred !\l. Hill, "Solving Pipe Problems-A Mechanical
proportion to its length. ~ Method for Cases Involving Temperature Expansion/'
The model test solution offers particular advan- Meeh. Eng., Vol. 63, No.1, pp. 19-22 (1941).
tages for the irregular contours with numerous 2. G. E. Beggs, "An Accurate Mechanical Solution of Stati-
skewed members resulting from the extreme space cally Indeterminate Structures by the Use of Paper I\lodels
and Special Gages," Proc. Amer. Concrete Inst., Vol. 18,
limitations of ship installations. Figure 6.7 shows pp.58-82 (1922); IlThe Use of t\'1odels in the Solution of
models of various main steam and auxiliary piping Indeterminate Structures/' J. PrQ1lklin lnst., Vol. 203,
systems among the many marine piping assemblies pp. 375-386 (March 1927).
which have been analyzed. 3. Harold W. Semar, "The Determination of the Expansion
Power plant piping occupies the major capacity Forces in Piping by Model Test," J. Appl. Mechanics,
Trans. ASME, Vol. 61, p. A-21 (1939).
of the Kellogg Model Test Equipment. This is due 4. L. C. Andrews, "Analyzing Piping Stresses by Tests of
to the complexity of the main steam, reheat, and Models/' Heating, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 17, No.8,
other piping systems of large utility installations, pp. 425--429 (1945) j "Methods of Making Piping Flexi-
the need for economy in materials and fabrication bility Analyses-The Model Test Method/' Heating,
for the expensive large-size alloy lines involved, and Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 19, No.8, pp. 73-77 (1947);
"Model Test Analysis of Steam Piping," Combustion,
the extreme care which is considered advisable in Vol. 20, No. 10, pp. 53-56 (1949); "Piping Flexibility
avoiding damaging reactioIlS on large turbines and Analysis by Model Test," Trans. ASME, Vol. 74, No.1,
boilers. Figure 6.8 shows various models of utility pp. 123-133 (1952).
power plant piping. 5. S. W. Spielvogel, "Model Test Checks Pipe Stress Calcula-
Petroleum, petrochemical and chemical process tion," Power, Vol. 10, pp. 68-69 (1941).
6. S. Berg, H. Bernhard, and K. Th. Sippell, "Ermittlung del'
plants frequently involve piping of large diameter Auflagerreaktionen warmbetriebener Rohrleitungen durch
and many points of end fixation or intermediate Modellversuche/' Z., VDI, Vol. 83, No.9, pp. 281-285
restraint, often for extremes of pressure and tempera- (1939).
ture. The model test is well adapted to these more 7. Joseph D. Conrad, IlModel Tests Solve High-Pressure
involved problems and offers considerable advantage Pipe Problems," Power, Vol. 84, No. 10, pp. 58-61 (1940).
8. Joseph D. Conrad, "Models Help Determine_ Pipe
in the rapid study of tentative designs where plot Stresses," Westinghouse Engineer, Vol. I, No.1, p. 22 (1941).
plans must be established to meet the usual tight 9. John F. O'Rourke, uHow Model Tests Cut Piping Design
schedules. Figure 6.9 is comprised of photographs and Fabrication Costs," Power, Vol. 97, No.9, pp. 90-92
of models of process plant piping under test. (1953).


Approaches for Reducing Expansion Effects:

Expansion Joints

HE other chapters of this volume are con- when properly incorporated into the piping system,
cerned essentially with various design aspects for satisfactory service life and safe operation. The
of specific piping configurations or details; too-frequent easy approach of complete dependence
this chapter is devoted to the problem of fitting 011 catalog or sales information without adequate
piping into an allotted space or maintaining a con- understanding and sound application engineering
figuration within acceptable process or other cri- can lead to disastrous results.
teria) where conventional design is inadequate.
7.2 Sources of Excessive Expansion Effects
7.J Introduction A design involving expansion joints as a substi-
Making adequatc provision for expansion of pip- tute for a conventional piping arrangement is some-
ing in a confined space can introduce various com- times advantageous or necessary for one or more of
plexities in order to augment the flexibility of a the following reasons:
HstifT" piping system, such as semi-rigid, non-rigid, A. \Vhere space is inadequate for a conventional
or frce movement arrangements. In Chapter 5 the piping arrangement of sufficicnt flexibility without
calculation of semi-rigid piping systems involving overstress.
hinge points is illustrated by examples in which the B. \Vhere minimum pressure drop and absence
stresses are obtaincd for the rigid members, as well of turbulence is essential for process, economic, 01'
as the rotations at the hinges for joint design. operating reasons.
Non-stiff piping systems involve expansion joints C. \Vhere the reactions are excessive and involve
or joining fittings, such as articulation devices or possible damage to the terminal equipment, or for
hosc, in varying degree, in order to provide for economic structure or foundation design.
expansion movement with less or no stress. Hosc, D. Where it is dcsirable to isolate mechanical
special fittings, etc. are usually restricted in size
J vibrations.
and confined to individual short piping runs; expan- E. \Vhere economics favor other than a conven-
sion joints, on the other hand, are used with suffi- tional piping arrangement; particularly low-pressure
cient frequency and sometimes unavoidably in large-diameter piping.
involved installations, so that their consideration is F. \Vhere equipment spacing indicates excessive
necessarily a part of piping systcm design. area or building volumc.
Accordingly, this chapter provides a detailed de- G. Where layout was inadequatcly planned and
~cription of the types of commercial expansion joints, lacks sufficient dimensional provision for cxpansion, so
and completes the presentation of expansion joint that conventional stiff design cannot be accomplishcd.
movement calculations with illustrative examples.
Included is a discussion of design, fabrication, in- 7.3 Approaches for Heducing Expansion Effects
::;pcction, handling, and installation a.spects to assist For purposes of this discussion, piping systems or
ill obtaining suitable joints having adequate capacity runs can be classified with respect to the mechanics
by which they provide for thermal expansion move-
ments, as follows:
Stiff: If without hinge points and capable of de-
flection and rotation only through strain resulting
from bending, direct, or shcar strcss as applied to
Stiff Somi-rigld
the cross section.
Semi-rigid: If otherwise stiff, but provided with
one or more hinge points. A system might be stiff
in certain planes and semi-rigid in others within
strength limits of the hinge details.
Non-rigid: If continuously capable of transmitting
direct load and shear, but not bending, so that no
moment due to expansion effects exists anywhere in
the system (requires 3 hinge points in each plane). Non-flgid
Freo Movoment
Free movement: If continuously incapable of trans-
FIG. 7.1 Classification of piping systems.
mitting any load (except by friction or bellows
resistance) whether direct, shear, or bending.
A simple illustration of these classifications is thickness reduces reactions and stresses in terminal
given in Fig. 7.1 equipment only, not stresses in the piping. More
Within the same space and configuration, expan- than one diameter of pipe can sometimes be used to
sion effects can obviously be lessened by resort to advantage to secure greater flexibility but the effects
lesser rigidity and may be eliminated by free move- of follow-up elasticity must not be overlooked.
ment design. In the following, starting with COn- Several smaller-size pipe runs ean also be used in
ventional stiff piping layout, the factors influencing multiple and arranged to deerease or increase the
required expansion capacity and the variables at- stiffness in selected planes. Sample Caleulation 5.2
tendant to each classification of rigidity will be of Chapter 5 illustrates the manner in which size
examined and compared. variations are handled in the flexibility calculations.
The importance of adequate layout to assure plan Another means for redueing stiffness and reac-
and elevation arrangements favorable for piping tions, but usually not stress, is to substitute corru-
flexibility cannot be overemphasized [1]. In general, gated pipe for straight pipe in locations subject to
piping flexibility is a function of the ratio of the relatively high bending or direct effects. As pointed
developed length to the straight-line distance be- out in the discussion of its properties given in Chap-
tween the points connected, but it is also obviously ter 3, corrugated pipe possesses improved bending
sensitive to the relative location of those points. All and axial flexibility although the torsional flexibility
advantage should be taken when establishing the is unchanged.
layout, to locate nozzles and elevations to balance Semi-rigid Piping Systems. This category in-
the vertical expansion of equipment against that of cludes systems which have a limited number of
the piping as far as possible, in order to minimize articulated joints so that thermal expansion effeets
horizontal equipment expansion which the piping are taken partly by flexure of the pipe and partly by
must absorb. Dead-ended lines, which create re- movement of the joints. With this approach, only
straints when cold, should be avoided with two-way rotation occurs at the hinge points, which must be
flow or cireulating lines. Where possible, small sealed by packing or bellows. Longitudinal pres-
vessels, such as headers, separators, etc., should be sure stress is transmitted through hinge lugs and
allowed to float with the piping, utilizing flexible pins, ties, or a similar structure, which bridges the
supports if necessary; or, if they arc on resting sup- sealing element. Moment due to expansion will
ports, they should be allowed to slide on the supports vary through most of the piping but may be zero in
or deflect. Excessive reactions or overstress at par- certain portions of the system if more than a single
ticular locations can often be countered by properly hinge is used. A typical single-plane problem of
selected partial restraints. stress evaluation of the stiff members employing
Stiff Piping Systems. Aside from judicious lay- conventional analysis is given in Sample Calcula-
out and lowering of end or intermediate restraints, tion 5.6 of Chapter 5. The use of semi-rigid design
the stress and reactions in stiff piping systems can in single-plane systems is limited only by availability
be lowered by a reduction in piping diameter: lesser of a suitable sealing element at the hinge point and
by practical hinge design problems. Semi-rigid de·· transmitted from the piping, usually as a direct load
sign is applicable to space configurations, but usually near its origin to external anchors or structures, or
involves limitations because ofllide moment effects may be carried by terminal equipment. If there is
on hinge lugs, and is therefore limited to very low an intervening elbow, the pipe must sometimes
pressure design of limited diameter. However, when transmit not only the unbalanced pressure load, but
ground or packed universal movement joints art also the moment which it introduces. Obviously,
used (limited to small size), space configurations are such a system is illcapable of transmitting forces or
entirely practical. moments through the joints other than those re-
Such construction is useful in lowering the mo- quired to move the expansion joints. Unbalanced
ment effects transmitted to terminal equipment and pressure load cannot be effectively transmitted across
in reducing the overall stress level, while at the same an expansion joint without possible interference with
time retaining the desirable features of self-support free axial movement. It can be balanced with addi-
and self-sufficiency for carrying longitudinal pressure tional compensating expansion joints, as will be
load. Size, pressure, and weight loads limit the described later, but sueh an arrangement is expen-
maximum size as dictated by hinge capacity. For sive, so that usually unbalanced pressure loads and
the usual pipe runs, there is generally no problem in frietion or bellows loads are transmitted to external
obtaining hinged joints with adequate rotation ties or anehors. This practice restricts the location
capacity. of expansion joints to positions where loads ean be
Non-rigid Piping Systems. A non-rigid piping carried without exeessive eost. Where unbalanced
system is capable of transmitting longitudinal pres- pressure loads are carried into equipment, care
sure load without separate structures and is entirely should be exercised to assess the design provisions,
free of thermal expansion forces and moments other not only of the equipment, but also the anchor bolts,
than the minor friction Or bellows resistance of the foundation, etc. \Vhere more than one expansion
expansion joints. A one-plane non-rigid piping sys- joint is used to provide for a greater degree of expan-
tem must have a minimum of three hinge points sion or to take care of movement in more than one
which may be at terminal or intermediate locations. direction, the intervening portions of piping must be
Multiple non-rigid systems would require three addi- supported and carefully guided to avoid damage to
tional hinge points for each added plane when the the joints.
joints are capable of movement in one plane only, Free movement may be accomplished with flexible
and are limited in application due to the eare which hose instead of expansion joints. Both nonmetallic
must be exereised to avoid overload of the hinge lugs and all-metal hoses are available with limitations
by lateral effects. With universal joints, a non- on pressure, size, and service flow. They can be pro-
rigid space system requires only three points of vided with a flexible sheath capable of taking longi-
artieulation but speeial problems in supporting and tudinal pressure load, thus avoiding longitudinal
braeing are likely to be encountered. The thermal pressure unbalance. Corrosion and fatigue prob-
expansion design of non-rigid systems involves lems, however, rule against the use of hose in most
merely the dimensional evaluation of joint rotation permanent installations.
as covered later in this chapter. Free movement systems are useful on low-pressure
Non-rigid design is exceptionally useful for large- piping to elosely connect rigid equipment, or to pro-
diameter low- or moderate-pressure service, where tect equipment from piping e.xpansion reactions.
the layout provides suitable locations for the hinge \Vhen substantial pressures are involved, their use
points to keep rotations within economic expansion is limited because of the cost of the anchors or the
joint capacity. This type of piping system is at- undesirable pressure reactions on connected equip-
tractive because it avoids the usc of expansion joints ment.
with a considerable range of transverse movement
7.4 Packed Typc Expansion Joints
and the need for rugged external anchors to take
care of the end pressure load. There are basically three types of eommercial
Free Movement Piping Systems and Runs. packed expansion joints: slip (axial), swivel (angu-
Free movement piping systems and runs describe lar), and ball (universal) joints. Of these, only the
piping in which all thermal expansion movement is slip type has been extensively used for thermal ex-
unrestrained, while longitudinal load except for fric- pansion; hence only this type merits full description.
tion or bellows effects is not carried through the Connection and articulation devices will be men-
expansion joints. The longitudinal pressure load is tioned only in general terms, as details are readily
Slip Pipe"
found in manufacturcr's litcrature, in handbooks [2J,
and in the third article of reference [3J. Many
special packed joints havc becn designcd for specific
The slip type expansion joint is essentially a pair
of telescoping cylinders, and is basically similar to a
number of common eonnecting devices, such as the
mechanical (gland type) joints used for connccting
cast-iron pipe, and compression sleeve couplings
used on plain-end cast-iron or steel pipe. These lubrkolion FittingJ

latter joints are usually sealed by a single packing Drain moy bo provil$ed 10 eliminate pocketing in horilonlol lines

ring and, in addition to limited axial movement, FIG. 7.2 A conventional slip t.ypc expansion joint.
will accommodate a small amount of angular move-
ment. They are not suited to absorb thermal ex- Maintenance must be anticipated such as tightening
pansion in other than mild services.where movements and occasional repacking, the extent of which varies
are small and infrequent. The slip type expansion widely with the service. Excess friction and binding
joint requires an ample stuffing box and smoothly can be minimized by even and minimum compression
finished sliding surfaces with controlled dimensions of packing; most slip joints must be depressured for
and tolerances to be capable of satisfactory perform- repacking although plastic packing material is com-
anee in severe services, lind must be limited to purely mercially available which may be used alone or in
axial movement or rotation about the pipe axis for combination with other packing and can be forced
satisfactory freedom from binding. A typical joint into the gland during operation; piston rings or
is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 7.2 which illus- other details are sometimes provided to obtain suffi-
trates a "single-ended" unit. When greater axial cient tightness to allow repacking under pressure.
movement capacity or "traverse" is required than The force required to overcome packing friction and
is desirably incorporated in one cylinder, a "double- operate the joint is a function of the packing char-
ended" joint may be obtained having two stuffing acteristics and the stuffing box pressure; for design
boxes in a common body usually supplied with purposes, a value as high as 2000 pounds per inch
brackets for anchoring. of diameter should be used, according to some man-
The outstanding feature of slip type expansion ufacturers. This figure undoubtedly is conservative
joints is that large movements can be accommodated for usual materials and moderate pressure, and is
readily, and usually with economy, since a substan- largely intended to provide some allowance for
tial proportion of the cost lies in the packing gland installation and operation effects-a rather futile
and related parts which are independent of the objective, however} as any margin it provides is in-
movement capacity. Also, the poeketing created adequate to compensate for badly designed or poorly
when used in the horizontal position is of a minimum constructed guides, or for sticking due to corrosion
amount and may even be entirely eliminated by or deposits. With proper installation and favorable
providing a single drain on the barrel. operation,. it can be said that one-half of the above
The significant limitation of packed joints is the figure has been ample for many designs within the
difficulty of establishing and maintaining a seal. usual service range up t0300 psi and 750 F maximum.
While ground surfaces and piston rings are occa- Slip joints are preferably provided with an ade-
sionally used, more generally the seal is dependent quate amount of internal guiding. With such pro-
upon packing with limitations on the contacting vision, external guiding of the pipe adjacent to the
fluid and its temperature. Packings arc not covered joint is usually not essential nor desirable, since the
herein, and arc governed by the same general con- temperature differences of supports may cause mis-
siderations affecting pumps, valves, etc. alignment. Intermediate guides are not provided if
The considerable amount of force required to the connecting pipes are short, with no possibility of
overcome packing friction and its effect on anchor buckling, and not subjected to lateral expansion
requirements must not be overlooked. To minimize movement. If, on the other hand, significant lateral
this some of the better designed joints are provided movement is present, a double guide, consisting of
with means for lubricating the packing just prior to two sets of double-acting stops, is usually necessary;
start-up or shutdown movement, or periodically for it must be designed and installed to assure straight-
joints subject to continual movement in service. line movement if jamming is to be avoided.

Although the foregoing speeifieally applies to Other nonmetallic materials also are in use and must
joints of the axial movement type, it is also appli- not be overlooked for speeial applieations. The
cable for the most part to rotary motion types. (metal) bellows joint is not without drawbaeks asso-
Aetually, any sliding joint ean usually take rotation ciated with its inherent thin wall. The major hazard
either alone or in combination with movement along of a bellows is blowout with sqdden large-seale re-
the pipe axis. A sliding joint designed for rotary lease of the pipe eontents. This possibility ean be
motion alone may be provided with two internal satisfaetorily minimized only through adequate de-
shoulders limiting axial motion to the clearanee be- sign as to stress level and seam details, etc.; propel'
tween, and enabling the joint to transmit the longi- selection of material; quality eontrol of materials and
tudinal pressure reaction. Rotary slip joints may fabrication; and careful planning, supervision, and
be self-sealing, at satisfactory pressure levels, if the inspection of the installation. In this respeet, re-
longitudinal pressure reaction is carried through the quirements are somewhat more exacting than for
packing. Certain eommonly used fittings may serve sliding joints. The situation is reversed with regard
as rotary joints. The most elementary of these are to servicing~ since bellows joints require no attention
ordinary serewed fittings, eommonly used in groups other than hinge lubrieation on hinged joints. An
of three or morc for taking expansion in connection occasional inspection for possible corrosion or other
to building-heating risers, ete. Substantial move- damage, and periodie measurements of the joint
ments can be accommodated in this manner pro- position are desirable to assure that movements of
vided the offsets are adequate to minimize rotation the pipe have remained within a suitable range.
so that the threads ean be kept tight, and provided The force to compress or extend a light-gage eom-
the service fluid and temperature are favorable. mereial bellows joint may be on the order of 50 to
Under the tenus revolving, swing, or swivel joints, 300 pounds per ineh of diameter, mueh less than for
are included fittings which permit angular (rotary the slip joint. In the absenee of experimentally de-
or hinge) motion about one axis only. Ball joints rived data this foree may be estimated as suggested
permit universal motion and consist of spherical con- in Subsection 7.5g of this seetion. The longitudinal
taet surfaces in a ball-and-socket arrangement; sueh pressure reaction of an expansion bellows varies with
joints are available with either packed or ground the design, but for most praetieal purposes ean be
joints. Both the swivel and ball type joints may based on the area at the mean diameter of the bel-
have a wide range of angular movement and can be lows, and will normally be higher than for a slip
used in groups of two or three or more to take care joint.
of extreme amounts of space movement. For ex- Exeept for its inability to aecommodate axial ro-
ample, a U-shaped arrangement of five or six feet in tation or twisting, the bellows type expansion joint
length with three joints provides ample range to is more versatile than the paeked joint, sinee indi-
take eare of the relative motions of two ships moored vidual assemblies may combine axial movement, it
together when the auxiliary steam lines are con- substantial amount of angular rotation or llcocking , 1!
nected. Such joints are usually limited to 6 in. size and also lateral movement or "offset." This versa-
and to Iow- or moderate-pressure service. tility leads to a wide variety of bellows shapes and
construction features, as well as auxiliary devices
7.5 Bellows Type Expansion Joints for equalizing and supporting the bellows, whieh
7.Sa Discussion. In the bellows joint the seal will be discussed in Subsection 7.5c. There is also
between adjoining pipe ends is effected by means of a wide variety of external eonstraints which adapt
a highly flexible membrane. With the need for paek- the joints to a particular movement or combination
ing eliminated it is frequently termed a Hpackless" of movements, which merit detailed treatment in
joint. The principal problem of paeked joints, that Section 7.6.
of maintaining tightness is avoided since the bellows 7.5b Bellows Details. The expansion bellows
provides a positive leakproof seal. The bellows is has appeared in a variety of shapes, a representative
generally of all-metal eonstruetion with fabrieation selection of whieh is shown in Fig. 7.3. Bellows eon-
possible from any eommereially available and weld- tour usually represents an attempt for an optimum
able material. Bellows made of rubber are also compromise between the opposing requirements of
available and find important, although restricted, flexibility and eapacity to withstand internal pres-
application in low-temperature water piping, prin- sure. In the commercial expansion joint the bellow!:i
cipally circulating water, where their corrosion and corrugations usually are formed of thin sheet metal,
abrasion resistanee are noteworthy features [3J. and are therefore necessarily made from corrosion-

resistant material. Deterioration of any kind is an
all-important factor in view of the high strain level
generally utilized to meet economro and dimensional
restrictions. Flo! (Conical) U-5hcped
Buill up of Plate Built up of Flue<! He<ld~
Bellows corrugations fall into the following gen-
eral classifications as to ,configuration and unit
extent: (I) flat disc; (2) formed disc; (3) formed
individual element; and (,4) formed assembly, The
flot (Collicol) Corrugated
flat and formed discs require exterior welds for join- Light Gogo Sheet
ing into elements and interior welds for further com-
bination into a bellows assembly, Flat discs are not
illustrated, the upper six details of Fig, 7,3 being all
U-Shoped Rounded
variations of formed discs, The first two of plate,
usually -h in, to i in, thick, have found occasional Ught Goglt Sheet

use mainly on low-expansion vacuum and exhaust

steam lines when conventional joints were unavail-
able, or expensive, They are usually designed at a U-5hoped Toroidal (Cirwlor) or
moderate stress-range level to secure fatigue life Semi Toroldol (ellipticoQ

comparable to that of the piping, and to avoid stress light ~go Strip

corrosion, The flued-head design has given good

service in a number of applications, but occupies
considerable space and is expensive for the move-
N\f\U-Shoped Rounded or 5-Shoped
Formed from light Gogo Cylinder
ment which it provides, The next four details are
formed discs of light-gage sheet steel. The "corru- FIG. 7.3 Various shapes of bellows.
gated," HU-shaped~' and Clrounded" contours are
successive stages for somewhat improved capacity located welding for shaped contours, Close pitch
for internal pressure, elements afford less self-cleaning and thus are more
In order, their shape reduces the number of bel- prone to collect sediment which may interfere with
lows per linear foot and total extension obtainable compressive movement and inflict damage, The
with a given bellows length, The stress for a given open contours also provide better accessibility for
deflection per element is at the same time somewhat inspection and possible repairs, which are usually
reduced by the curved contour, limited to those of a minor nature, since when ex-
The next two details are individual elements tensive, the usual result is early failure,
formed from a hoop of light-gage material and thus None of the bellows contours is self-draining for
eliminate exterior circumferential welds, They are joints in a horizontal position; the rounded and
sometimes made with longitudinal welds also, but toroidal shapes also will not completely drain in a
this is not desirable, The U-shape is otherwise sim- vertical position. Drain connections in the bellows
ilar to the preceding contours, The toroidal ele- involve serious stress intensification and possible
ments can be made to larger dimensions and of weld flaws, and should be avoided,
heavier material with full emphasis on capacity to Bellows are available in layer construction to the
withstand pressure without external support. Light- U-shaped and rounded contours of Fig, 7,3, thus
gage multi-element toroidal bellows formed as a unit providing increased total thickness for internal pres-
assembly from a single cylinder are also available, sure, The exact behavior of this layer cOIlStruction
The last two details are again a compromise be- is not yet established, With a close fit and absence
tween flexibility and internal pressure capacity, but of relative movement at the contact surfaces, the
arc formed as a unit assembly from a single light- action would approach that of a structure of the
gage sheet metal cylinder, Sharp corners can be combined thickness, However, if the contact is such
avoided and favorable contour obtained, that movement along the contact surfaces occurs
Early preference for close pitch elements, due to freely, then a movement capacity equal to that of
the greater number possible in a given space and an individual layer is obtained for a given stress
consequent greater movement capacity for equal range, The load to compress the bellows is a mul-
dimensions, has largely disappeared in favor of better tiple of that for an individual layer, The behavior
pressure capacity and a lesser amount of critically is probably nearer that of free movement along the
straint to assure distribution of the axial movement
~ between the assemblies, and to remove the weight

FJO. 7.4
Plain bcllO\vs expansion joints.
of the spool pieces from the bellows.
:Means to equalize extreme expansion movement
in a bellows assembly, and in addition to provide
some measure of support to the elements against
contact surfaces, in which case it is proper co specu- internal pressurc loading, is generally considered
late on the distribution ·of the pressure effeet be- desirable since it guards against lateral distortion
tween layers. With hydraulie forming, the layer (squirming). For corrugated-type bellows, this usu-
contact is likely to be occasional or absent when ally consists of rings suitably contoured to fit in the
pressure is removed. It is likely that movement spaces between the convolutions, as shown on the
occurs between the layers as temperature changes, joint of Fig. 7.5. By such arrangement, compres-
with the pressure reaction between layers offering sive deflections are definitely limited for each indi-
only limitcd rcsistance in proportion to degree of vidual element. The support rings may be connected
contact and unit load. externally to further insure some equalization of
The outer layers are usually vented by small di- element movement in all positions; this provision
ameter holes at the ends, out of the area of high may be combined with other motion-constraining
bending stress, to promote detection of initial rup- or .overall limiting devices described in Section 7.6.
ture or leakage of the inside layer and to minimize As a support for the bellows against internal pressure
trapping moisture in initial assembly or due to minor effects, the equalizing rings occupy a role similar to
service weepage with possible collapse. Since the that of the casing of a pneumatic tire in containing
life of the joint is still limited to that of the thin its inner tube. Obviously, they are most effective
inner layer, the additional layers do not extend the for this purpose in the fully eompressed position.
service period over that Axpected from a single layer Rings are sometimes east and sometimes fabricated

joint insofar as cyclic movement is concerned; they by welding. They are usually split into 180 sec-
do add strength against pressure cffects however, tions and assembled with bolted joints; where used
and tend to minimize the effect of a failure. for substantial pressure one-piece construction is
7.5c Support and Protection of Bellows. necessary.
Simple unsupported bellows (see Fig. 7.4), some- The expansion bellows is fragile in comparison
times referred to as of non-equalizing type, are least with the pipe and is often covered for protection
expensive and are used where the service is not too against damage during installation or subsequent
severe and in locations where ample fixation and service. External sleeves at the same time provide
guiding is provided in the piping system. They may some measure of operator protection in the event of
consist of single or multiple assemblies as needed for a blowout, but must be arranged so as not to inter-
capaeity, the number of elements in a single bellows fere with the joint movement and should be remov-
being limited by considerations of lateral buekling able for inspection of the bellows.
or llsquirming" as it is sometimes called. On un- A sleeve on the inside offers protection against
supported open-type (U-shaped) corrugations the flow erosion, and also against corrosion where main-
pressure limitation generally recommended by most tenance of the corrosion-products film affords pro-
manufacturers is 30 psi, with higher pressures used tection. The use of an internal sleeve, even though
on more favorable contours, altpough \vithout ex- it may slightly reduce the inside diameter, usually
ternal support only the toroidal contour is used for reduces the pressure drop through an expansion
significant pressure. Closely spaced discs, usually joint by reducing turbulence. At the expense of
corrugated, with heavy end pieces, also withstand a requiring a larger bellows, full-flow area may be had
reasonable degree of pressure when closely spaced,
probably by intersupport of the discs.
Angular and offset movements, as well as axial,
may be accommodated, although two or more bel-
lows assemblies are usually used for offset since, if a
spool picce of sufficient length separates tbe assem-
blies, the offset attained by this means greatly re-
Exlel'1ded Fully
duces the required bellows length. Such double
bellows joints should be provided with external con- FIG. 7.5 Sclf-cqualizing expansion joint

by recessing the sleeve; in some cases this construc-

tion may be desirable in order to minimize erosion
of the sleeve itself. An internal sleeve further assists
in keeping the flow in the line away from the bellows Connection
when the joint is installed in a vertical position and
the sleeve is sealed at the top, and may be further
improved in effectiveness by the use of a purge
medium continuously supplied at slightly higher
than line pressure to the space between the bellows
and the sleeve. This has been found to be the most
favorable arrangement with respect to minimizing
contact with the flow or entrance of solids or fluid Simplo Welded·in
whether the line is subject to up-flow or down-
Other sleeve arrangements may be necessary or
Recened Sleeve With
preferred where other factors are involved. A num- Bleed Connedion (permib
cocking or offset movement)
ber of arrangements and details of attachment are
shown in Fig. 7.6. Sufficient clearance must be pro-
vided to permit the design movements of the joint;
however, the annular clearance should be kept to
the minimum possible to restrict entry of foreign
material and to minimize purge flow requirements,
if used. Although not often practicable, it is never-
theless desirable that the sleeve be easily removable Two-pie<c Overlapping SI(WlV(I
fOf wckifl9
Removable Sleeve
for possible replacement or access to the bellows for (permih small gap
fOr Flanged Joint
cleaning or inspection.
7.5d Fabrication of Bellows Joints. Due to FIG. 7.6 Internal sleeve arrangements.
the fact that expansion joints are used primarily in
free movement piping systems, there is a tendency of undetermined root quality. Use only butt welds
to accept lesser design and fabrication quality for where possible.
the flanges, necks, etc. This is, of course, in error 4. Minimize heat-affected zones.
for types of joints which must transmit end load, 5. Use full heat treatment on ferritic materials,
and it is questionable generally to allow lower and on austenitic welds an homogenizing anneal.
quality than required for the connecting pipe stub. 6. Avoid root oxidation on welds, and emphasize
Minor flaws can jeopardize the life of the relatively elimination of inclusions. Inert gas shielded welds
expensive expansion-joint assembly. are preferred for this and to minimize undercuts.
For the bellows assembly, where cyclic strains of 7. Weld procedure should emphasize soundness
extreme magnitude arc commonly accepted in order and physical properties as nearly identical to the
to attain large movement capacity with minimum parent metal as possible. Skilled operators must
space requirements and cost, the aim should be to secure welds to this procedure.
achieve a construction quality (particularly of wcld- 8. Weld surfaces must be as smooth as that of
ments) equal in fatigue performance to that of the the sheet steel, which should be pickled and No. 1
base material. This poses a challenging problem for finished, and preferably ground.
the welding which must be used in all bellows, except 9. Use all applicable nondestructive examination
for those which can be made from seamless tubing toward assuring the quality of welds, including
or shells. For weld quality which will least affect pressure and movement tests.
the cyclic life obtainable from the base material, the 10. Careful fit-up is essential. No interruption
following measures are of benefit: in the assembled surface is tolerable.

1. Minimize the extent of welding. To comment specifically on the details of Fig. 7.3,
2. Locate welds away from areas of maxImum the conical or flat-plate weld detail as shown is con-
bending stress. siderably superior to edge fillet welds which have
3. Avoid corner, fillet, blind root, or similar welds sometimes been used with poor results; the outer
Bollows materiol essary for satisfactory quality deposited metal with
Ven Stoned oyor
£[ongo smooth contour and absence of undercuts is difficult
to achieve on the shapes involved. Separate rein-
forcement is sometimes applied over edge welds, but
usually necessitates fillet or resistance wclds for
8ellows matorial
attachment and hence only serves to shift the criti-
leQ! welded 10 pipe cal location. With edge-welded discs, eonnection
stub and supported
by rotaining bond to the necessarily heavier end pieces results in criti-
cal welding as illustrated in the lower detail of
Fig. 7.7.
With the U-shapcd and toroidal bellows elements,
the outer circumferential welds can be avoided.

Heavy end colTI,Igolion. The inner welds remain, so that they serve only to
High bending slrem15
in weld are nol avoided halve the number of critical welds. Elements are
.... wilh this deslg'., sometimes made up of several sectors joined by
FIG. 7.7 Bellows attachment details. longitudinal welds. If such welds are carefully
ground flush, inspected, and heat treated, they are
weld may also be made against a chill ring and in- tolerable; unfortunately, however, they are often
creased in depth or back welded if access is possible. left as welded with heavy reinforcement and intro-
However, the welds are so locatcd that they are duce a significant stress raiser. For joints of toroidal
subject to maximum cyclic bending; consequently contour the inside circumferential welds can be lo-
very minor flaws will rapidly propagate, unless cated away from the zone of maximum bending by
stresses of a low order are maintained. The f1ued- forming the edge over intervening contoured pipe
head detail permits butt welds; those at the inner spacers, or completely eliminated by hydraulic form-
diameter can usually be baek welded; at the outer ing of several toroidal elements from a single eylinder.
diameter back welding is possible if the bellows The last two details can be formed from a light-
width is not too great, othenvise these welds must gage cylindcr by rolling or by stretch forming under
be deposited against less desirable chill rings. In internal hydraulic pressure or pressure as trans-
the past, fabricated plate-typc bellows were pre- mitted through eompressed rubbcr; hydraulic pres-
fen'cd, since bettcr manual welding quality could be sure cxpansion into external dies is most commonly
obtained than on thin sheet material, and thcy are used. Drawn or spun seamlcss shclls of othcr I.han
less readily eritically damaged by stress corrosion. small size are expensive, so that such cylinders are
Such joints have been used at stress ranges com- usu~lly rolled from sheet metal and havc a longi-
parable to expansion stresses in piping and much tudinally welded seam. To avoid wrinkles and kinks
lower than now common for commercial light-gage and failure during forming, the thickness and con-
bellows. tour at the weld must match that of the sheet metal.
The ncxt four illustrations iu Fig. 7.3 show light- The forming operation assists in the location of
gage formed sheet discs assembled with the bound- flaws and assessment of ductility, provided it is fol-
aries in fiat contact, which permits seam (resistance) lowcd by a re-examination employing applicable
welding or arc, gas, atomic hydrogen, or inert gas no.ndestructive means. As in the case of the toroidal
arc welding. Excellent wclds have been obtained element the end which attaches to the heavier pipe
particularly where extra precautions have been exer- stub ean be formed and extended to permit the
cised to minimize root oxidation; however, there is attachment weld to be located favorably as to stress
generally a stress raising effect at their level; t.he weld can be further protccted against
location. Resistance welds cause a surface depres- bending by the use of external reinforcement, not
sion, sometimes sharp, and may not be uniform, welded, but shrunk or clamped as shown in the
particularly at the inner edge; fusion welds are sub- center detail of Fig. 7.7, or the bellows assembly can
ject to material variations even when deposited by be further lengthened and rollcd ovcr end flanges
automatic highly controlled inert arc means and, in in the manner of Van Stone construction as shown
any casc, involve a blind root; in addition, there is in the upper detail of Fig. 7.7, thus eompletely
generally a strcss raiser at the toe of the wcld. The avoiding circumferential welds.
discs of rounded edge contour can be butt welded; From the above discussion of details, it should be
however, the high degree of control and fit-up ncc- clear that the commercial constructions which are
most likely to develop fatigue life comparable to 9. Installed length and any other space limi-
the sheet material and to have generally reproduc- tations.
ible performance are those which~avoid welds com- 10. Limit stops or other constraints required.
pletely in zones of high bending stress or which 11. All loads on constraints (extraneous to those
involve a single longitudinal flush weld madc prior produced by the joint itself).
to drastic forming opcrations, which is then care- 12. Materials selection, applicable specifications,
fully inspected and heat treated. and thermal treatment requirements.
7.5e Establishing Purchasing Requirements 13. Fabrication requirements, particularly as to
for Bellows Joints. Expansion joints are usually welding.
supplied by a specialty manufacturer. Stock items 14. Testing and inspection, including nondestruc-
are available, particularly with respect to axial tive examination.
movement joints of IPS standard sizes, but not in 15. Marking and shipping requirements.
production quantities comparable to that of fittings 16. Temporary positioning devices to secure joint
and valves. More complex movement types and in desired position during installation and which
large sizes are custom made assemblies utilizing also protect it during shipment; lifting lugs as re-
standardized details for bellows contour, and gen- quired to facilitate erection handling.
eral details to minimize tool and fixture costs. 17. Applying codes, specifications, and drawings.
Economy is achieved by use of the supplier's 18. Information to be furnished by vendor.
standards, insofar as they are consistent with the Special services will involve additional variables.
quality needed. In the purchasing of expansion This list is not intended to encourage complex and
joints for other than simple installations, it is essen- unnecessary, or unduly restrictive, requirements, or
tial that the supplier be informed of all requirements insistence on minor details which will only increase
and conditions under which the joint must function. cost without proportional benefit; instead it is in-
This may be accomplished through data sheets and tended for use as a checkoff design and purchasing
specifications, although involved cases may require aid in order to avoid overlooking the essentials.
drawings. The data sheet can convey design re- The final requirements will represent a careful bal-
quirements as to movements, service conditions, etc. ancing of the cost of various desirable features
The specification is necessary wherc a level of ac- against an evaluation of their necessity as dictated
ceptable fabrication, inspection, and tests must be by the hazards of joint leakage or failure and at-
established. Drawings are required when jntricate tendant financial loss due to maintenance and loss
movements or special design features arc present. of productive capacity. Consideration must be
The following check list will be found a convenient given to the size and importance of the plant, as
reference when preparing information for the manu- well as its dependence on the particular piping for
facturer, and also in assuring that all variables are continued operation. Experience will dictate the
receiving consideration. degree to which manufacturer's ratings arc reliable;
1. Flowing medium. where in doubt, the check method for associating
2. Design pressure and temperature. Metal tem- life with stress range which is included in this section
peratures are sometimes much lower than maximum should be used.
flow temperatures. Expansion joints are obtainable both with and
3. Movement demands, normal operation, and without flanges, so that flanges can be omitted at
extreme, as required for starting-up, shutting down the expansion joint when considered undesirable.
or by upset or emergency conditions. Similar to valves or other components, which may
4. Cyclic effects, frequency of movement, pres- require servicing, some users prefer flanges rather
sures and temperature variations and desired life. than cutting out and rewelding. Flanges are desir-
Include not only those attendant to complete periods able on alloy lines where stress relief is necessary
of operation, but also those that occur during and in general provide for more accurate installation.
operation. It is important to be specific as to cocking (angu-
5. Type of bellows and method of joining to body lar) and offset (linear) dimensions. Unless the joint
(for bellows joints) which is acceptable for service. is to be preset to obtain the total motion required
6. Dimensions and details of end connections by movement of the joint on both sides, with in-
(flanged or welding). stallation in a neutral position, the entire cocking
7. Other connections (drains or bleeds) in body. or offset will occur on one side of the center line.
8. Sleeves internal or external, or both. In the interest of economics, it is advisable to preset


the joint for installation so that when assembled boundaries, should be avoided by the use of stabilized
into the piping system, full capacity will be utilized. materials, with maximum resistance to other accel-
This step is, of course, unnecessary for ocCasiO~lS erated attack generally obtained if the composition
where the required range is about equally divided is completely austenitic.
on both sides of the center line. Strength, ease of forming, and weldability are also
7.5f Materials and Deterioration. A knowl- important considerations. Early expansion joints
edge of the flowing medium is important from the were made mostly of copper, but this material is
standpoint of potential corrosion or erosion. On now largely supplanted by the stainless steels.
light-gage bellows elements, even mildly corrosive These, because of their inherently greater strength
conditions may seriously affect service life in view can be used in lighter thicknesses in contact with a
of the high stress levels present with conventional much .wider range of fluids and at higher tempera-
movement ratings. Condensate corrosion during tures arid pressures.
standby periods, or when metal temperatures are 7.5g Fatigue Basis for Predieting Bellows
below the dew point in service is a. notorious con- Life. As a rule, the manufacturer's ratings for bel-
tributor to bellows joint failures. Careful flushing lows joints are not clear eut and do not indicate the
at shutdown will avoid mueh corrosion trouble, par- number of cycles to failure. Ordinarily, with the
ticularly where complete drainage is not possible; high stress range attendant to the manufacturer's
reliance on drainage alone is apt to be ineffective. rated maximum movements, the number of useful
Knowledge of flow temperatures does not give com- cycles is apt to be only a small fraction of the
plete assurance as to metal temperatures, which may 7000 cycles established for pipe in the 1955 Piping
be much lower, depending on exposure or degree of Code rules. Manufacturers are inclined to cite sim-
insulation, with increased condensation corrosion ilar service applieations in justification of their
hazard. ratings; such statements must be discounted in the
The non-expansion parts. of a joint should be of absence of direct data of actual service, or test data,
materials comparable to that required for the con- including the number of cycles.
necting pipe. As mentioned earlier, opinion exists It is believed, however, that a rational approach
that for free movement piping systems, minimum to the bellows design problem is attainable and that
requirements for design, materials, fabrication, and the operation of a bellows, although usually in the
inspection can be used. However, when the relative plastic range, does not differ greatly from that of
investment in an expansion joint is given considera- any loc~lized areas of stress intensification of ordi-
tion, it seems unwise to risk its utility by any com- nary piping systems for which design criteria are
promise in quality of its components. Packings now available in the Piping Code, as outlined and
for sliding joints, as already mentioned, are ·a spe- discussed in Chapter 2. Application of this stress
cial subject. range approach to the fatigue performance of bel-
Deterioration of bellows material is influenced by lows material must be accompanied by an attempt
its thin sheet material form and severe demands in- to recognize and evaluate the effect of local stress
volving cyclic strain. Cold work, variations in raisers which cannot be eliminated.
analysis or structure, thermal history, inclusions, Fatigue testing of actual joints is the soundest
and segregation, all contribute to increased sensi- approach for establishing the characteristics of a
tivity. Corrosion, particularly as associated with basic approach or of a specific design. Since no
stress and fatigue, may result from contact with simple relation has evolved for interconversion of
ordinarily noncorrosive media, so that weight~loss movement and pressure capacity, incorporation of
data or conventional corrosion tests are not reliable detailed rules in the Code would be premature in
guides. Where a material of assured resistance to tbe present state of knowledge. A basic design
such attack is not economically available, it is nec- should be verified by tests to establish sufficient data
essary to reduce the stress range to purely elastic for extrapolation to other sizes. Since tests of each
action (within twice the yield strength), and in ex- specific size of each-design are impractical, there re-
treme cases to no more than twice the basic allow- mains the necessity for translating test results to
able stress. Superficial overall corrosion and initial other sizes of joints.
traces of concentrated attack or pitting are sufficient Until available tests are sufficiently numerons to
to cause accelerated fatigue failure. The possibility establish close parameters for a particular configura-
of intergranular corrosion on austenitic steels, as tion or a more accurate general formula, the follow-
associated with ehromium depletion at the grain ing approximate approach has been found to give

reasonably useful results. Expansion joint tests [4, 5J 800,000)3.'

Ns = ( (7.2)
presently available, while not numerous, neverthe- 8R
less are in sufficient number to slillw that in general
the results parallel those obtained from tests on where N s = number of cycles which the joint should
other piping components in the relation of strain be expected to endure safely in service.
range to number of cycles to failure. Such tests This relation affords a means of combining the
show that effect of extreme emergency movements or other
I movements which can be combined with nOfmal
N,,- operation to a single equivalent condition. For ex-
ample, if the extreme movement produces a stress
where N = number of eycles to failure. range S 1 and is expected to occur at most N 1 times,
E = total range of unit strain due to move- the fractional part of the fatigue life used for this
ment and pressure. condition would be
n = a constant for the material used. N,
The exponent n usually ranges from 3.3 to 4 on
stainless steel bellows, usually nearer the lower fig-
ure. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume a value
and the design number of cycles for the normal
of 3.5 for stainless steel bellows elements. In tests
movement must be increased by this fraction to
of carbon-steel piping components the range was
secure the equivalent number of cycles at normal
found to vary from 4 to 6, with an n value generally
m the vieinity of 5.
This also makes it apparent that the provision of
In keeping with the inclusion of a safety factor
design movement in the joint for installation toler-
on stress for other parts of a piping system, it would
ances or similar reasons need not be considered as
seem desirable to provide a safety factor of at least
having any significant bearing on the fatigue per-
2 on stress (or strain) in the bellows at rated eondi-
formance of the joint, since they provide for an
tions. This safety factor on stress in turn means a
initial, not a repetitive condition.
margin of (2)3.' = 11 on the number of cycles to
The range of stress in a single-layer bellows may
failure, since the change is rapid with stress varia-
be approximated by eqs. 7.4 to 7.7. These expres-
tion. In addition, a minimum performance should be
sions are based on simple beam analogues similar to
established for cases where the number of cycles in
that presented in Chapter 3, Fig. 3.15, with the
operation is expected to be rather low, and it is sug-
constants somewhat increased. The second term
gested that the same minimum number of 7000 cycles
represents the effect of pressure and should be kept
used for piping also be applied to the joints. This
within the Code allowable stress 8 h , although joints
will keep the expected performance reasonably well
of the type covered by eq. 7.4 have successfully op-
in line with the remainder of the piping system de-
erated at higher stress levels. The pressure term in
signed in accordance with the stress range as dis-
eqs. 7.6 and 7.7 ignores pressure bending stresses,
cussed in Chapter 2. Where cyclic performance
which although not entirely proper provides fair
tests are possible, they should be made at the rated
correlation with available fatigue tests. Despite
movements and pressure, with both varied over the
the drastic simplification involved in these approxi-
range for each cycle.
mations they generally yield a reasonable estimate
The following approximate relation can be used
of the strain range for purposes of estimating per-
in assessing or extrapolating test data for probable
formance using a criterion such as eq. 7.l.
performance of stainless steel bellows:
For flat disc bellows:
3EItJ. pw2
(7.1 ) 8R = w2Nd + 2f (7.4)

where N = number of cycles to failure. For U-shaped bellows without equalizing rings:'
Sn = calculated range of stress, psi, as given 2
byeqs. 7.4 to 7.7. 8 11 =
+ -pw
21 2

As noted above, the design serviee rating should not 1A more exact evalua.tion of the stresses in a U-sha.ped
be assumed higher than about 10% of this or bellows may be found in reference (6}.

For U-shaped bellows having equalizing rings The force, F, in lbs, necessary to deflect the bel-
which provide support against internal pressure only lows an amount t>., can be stated as follows:
along inner edge:2 """'- For flat disc bellows:
1.5EUJ. pw
Sa = ho"w1.5Nd + -t (7.6) F =
, (7.11)
W Nd
For modified toroidal bellows having minor axis
For V-shaped corrugations:'
of ellipse about 0.8 to 0.9w.:
Sa = 1.5Ett>. + pw (7.7) F -
- 3ho. 5W 2 .5 N d (7.12)
w'Nd t
For toroidal expansion joints, consult [7, 8).
For true toroidal bellows, Sa may be found from
[7, 8) and the torus membrane formula.
7.51. Testing and Quality Control of Bellows
SR = range of stress due to expansion and pressure, Joints. Expansion joints must properly be classed
psi. with special rather than mass-produced equipment,
t = bellows thickness, or thickness of longitudinal with regard to the extent of inspection and testing
weld seam with reinforcement, whichever is during manufacture and installation and of other
larger, in. quality controls applicable to the fabrication details
ti = total movement range, extension and com- and materials involved. In common with special-
pression, plus equivalent axial movement, in., ized equipment, the advisable degree of control is
as given by eqs. 7.8 to 7.11. also related to the reliability of the producer.
E = modulus of elasticity at 70 F, psi. Structural tests on bellows expansion joints in-
w = bellows width, in. clude independent pressure and movement tests,
h = pitch of half-corrugation, in. and also combined pressure and movement tests.
N d = number of active bellows discs or half- Tests at I! times the design pressure have been
corrugations. opposed as unnecessary by manufacturers employ-
p = internal pressure, psi. ing hydraulic forming who reason that the bellows
The equivalent axial movement corresponding to has already been adequately tested by the forming
the angular rotation on universal, or hinged type, pressure. This position ignores the support pro-
joints may be determined by vided by the external dies during forming which
may be absent or considerably different on the actual
t>. = DOj2 (7.8) joint, particularly in the extended position which
where D = mean bellows diameter, in. should be the joint position for the test. Adequate
o = total angular rotation, radians. pressure tests are good insurance against possible
damage during and subsequent to hydraulic forming,
The equivalent axial movement for a single-bel-
such as in flanging the ends, full heat treatment, etc.
lows offset joint, based on the most severely affected
All possible assessment of weakness is highly dc-
corrugations (those at the ends), is found from:
sirable, since once assembled, access is restricted.
t>. = 3Dh,jL (7.9) Proof tests often cannot be applied after installation
where D is as above and due to weak elements elsewhere, the variable of
h, = offset range or total lateral displacement liquid load, etc. For pressure tests, whether shop
of one end of the joint with respect to or after installation, unless the joints are of hinged,
the other, in. tied, or pressure balanced type, the end load must
L = overall length of bellows, in. be taken by a test frame or other structure.
Tightness tests at operating pressure are routinc
For a joint having a double bellows separated by a with each cycle of operation or period of mainte-
spool piece the equivalent axial movement becomes: nance; low and intermediate pressure air tests are
3Dh, often used at various stages of fabrication for the
t>. =L
-=--+-/::-'[(7Cljc:'-L):-+---:1) (7.10) same purpose. Such tests essentially only cheek
for leaks.
where L = overall length, end to end, of bellows, Movement or flexure tests are desirable, particu-
including spool piece, in. larly in combination with pressure in assessing the
I = length of spool piece, in. structural capacity of expansion joints l and assuring
'Limit use of Eq. (7.6) aod E':. (7.12) t, w/3 :> h :> w. that gross fabrication flaws are not present; if re-
peated a few times, the latter aim is more definitely Flexible elements are subject to damage with any
assured. When extended to an appreciable number unanticipated movement which exceeds the margin
of cycles, the fatigue strength of.that specific joint provided over their operating capacity. Such move-
and also to a lesser extent of the general design· is ments may originate with foundation settlement,
verified, but the joint tested is saerificed. failure or distortion of structures, yielding of piping
Flexure elements, in view of their critical nature, due to temporary overloads, and unexpected piping
are properly subjected to all nondestructive exam- deflection such as that due to circumferential thermal
ination applicable to the material analysis. Usually, gradients. Distortions which involve lengthy peri-
radiographic examination is of limited value due to ods of time, such as creep, have the same effect
the thin material, and ultrasonic examination is not except that they can be anticipated and the ranges
sufficiently developed for general use on the con- of movement adjusted occasionally.
figuration involved. Magnetic powder examination Exce.."Sive movement may disengage packed joints
is applicable to ferritic materials, and the various or render them inoperative by distortion or rupture.
crack detection aids, such as fluorescent penetrant Bellows assemblies may be damaged by kinks, etc.
oil viewed under ultraviolet illumination, penetrant with subsequent rapid fatigue failure, or may suffer
dye suspensions, and volatile liquids as absorbed by direct rupture, particularly at welds; also the overall
chalk powder may be used on all materials. It is joint may be damaged by distortion or fracture of
preferable that the examination follow a few flex- stops, hinges, etc.
ings and where practical be performed at both ex- Expansion joint failure may cause direct or con-
treme and neutral positions since tensile stress
tingent damage resulting from the whipping effects
would render flaws more readily detectable. The of the suddenly released piping, or by injury to
examination should cover the sheet material, the personnel, economic loss by fire, and loss of contents.
welds, and parts to which the bellows is directly Packed axial-type joints usually involve some in-
attached. herent restraint, which can also easily be provided
on the swivel type when desired. Except for highly
7.6 Expansion Joints with Built-In Con- specialized types, bellows joints are capable of only
straints limited torsional resistance, which is undependable
The movement of non-stiff piping systems must since buckling cannot be closely predicted. In gen-
be controlled within limits which do not exceed the eral, bellows joints are dependent for protection
working capacity of the flexible elements which it against undesired change in position on the piping
contains. This may be accomplished to suit par- system stiffness, the external restraints provided to
ticular situations by: limit movement of the piping system, or on their
1. Restraints at desirable locations in the piping built-in constraints. In the following paragraphs,
system but not on the flexible members. general types of joints will be examined for suitable
2. Details of the flexible-member assembly which constraint arrangements to accomplish one or more
limit the motions of individual elements, or as- of the alternate objectives which have been men-
semblies. tioned.
3. Details of the flexible-member assembly which In assessing the desirability for and favorable
are of sufficient strength to restrain movement of choice of built-in constraints, the piping system
both the piping system and its flexible units. should first be examined as a complete frame.
In addition flexible members may be preset to Weight of the metal components, contents, insula-
establish the initial desired bellows position as a tion, and attachments must be taken care of ex-
dimensional guide in erection, or else can act as ternally where the joint design provides limited or
rigid units exerting positive control of the initial no capacity for such loading; wind, earthquake, or
desired position. The details which limit or control possible shock effects arc similarly treated. Chap-
the extreme range and installed position, or which ter 8, while intended primarily for stiff piping, also
serve as a guide for installation dimensions when provides useful assistance for non-rigid piping sup-
either permanently or temporarily a part of the port and restraint selection and design. Next, the
flexible member assembly, fall within the designa- piping system should be explored as to possible
tion "built-in constraints" as employed herein. locations for the installation of suitable guides,
This section is devoted to their examination. Bel- stops, etc., to define and limit movement at the
lows joints, due to their morc widespread usage, afC expansion joints, and simultaneously 1 on the basis
used as a principal vehicle for discussion. of preliminary analysis, as to the selection of the
flexible joint types and their number. Usually both movement may be established by integral stops,
the number of joints and their individual number details of the hinges, or by external limit rods.
of elements will be minimized iIl"' the interests of (See Fig. 7.10.)
safety, minimum maintenance, and cost. The final 4. Piston arrangement for confining bellows move-
step is the settlement of general constraint require- ment within close limits to a purely axial direction.
ments as associated with the movement tolerances (See Fig. 7.11.)
to be applied to t he operating movement range of Tie rods may be of any structural shape of suffi-
each joint. cient cross section to carry the tensile and compres-
Built-in constraints for packed joints can usually sive loading without yielding or buckling. Where
be provided simply and without appreciable cost, bending or offset motion is involved, the end con-
if the basic design is rugged and capable of carrying nections of the rods arc preferably provided with
the additional loading without distortion and at- spherically turned surfaces, hinges, or other det.ails
tendant binding or leakage. Some of the commonly which will minimize friction. Care should be exer-
used arrangements which are capable of wide vari- cised to assure that the lug plates and their attach-
ation are as follows: ment to the adjacent piping are adequate to avoid
Axial motion may be limited by an external struc- local overstressing of the pipe wall with consequent
ture, sueh as tie rods, or by providing a single excessive deflection and unpredictable performance
exterior shoulder or set of lugs on the male member of the tie rods. Stops are provided on both sides of
and two confining internal shoulders on the easing. the lug plates and are carefully positioned to estab-
The rotary angular movement of swivel joints may
be confined by lugs on the body or on the elosure Swivel or Hinged Connection
cover. Internal provision can consist of slotting
the male member to a width defining the range of
Tie Roch
motion and providing interior lugs on the easing
located properly within, and with respect to, the lugs.
Ball-and-soeket joints are usually capable of trans-
mitting end-pressure load without. auxiliary con-
struction, and swivel (rotary) joints, with arrange-
ments which have been described, can function in
FIG. 7.8 Tied expansion joint.
the same manner. An objection to the use of swivel
joints is the 90° change of direction with attendant
pressure drop. A special design of swivel joint has Limit Rods
been in service for a number of years in the main
steam line of a moderate-size high-pressure steam Ill. ;11" It\
generating unit, and employs metallic packing which
is self-sealed by the end reaction of the internal
For bellows joints, external constraints for limit- "11 \11/ :Iv.
ing movement during scrvice usually fall within one
of the following basic types. FIG. 7.9 Universal type expansion joint.
I. Limit rods which confine single bellows assem-
blies to a desired range of rotation or lateral move- limit Rods
Hinge pin provided
wllh fiNing for servico
ment. (See Fig. 7.8, where the lateral movement lubrication
type only is illust.rated.)
2. Limit rods in one or more sets, which establish
the range of axial, angular, and lateral movements
Welding end construction
for universal type expansion joints. (See Fig. 7.9.) Ulown. If £longed. hinges
ore lrSuolly boIled 10 the
The rods also serve to minimize the influence of flanges.
weight effects of intermediate pipe runs. Similar
details are required when multiple bellows assemblies
are used on axial joints.
3. Hinges which limit bellows to bending effects
to secure purely angular movement; the range of FIG. 7.10 Hinged expansion joint.
lish movement range as related to the bellows the hinge pin; the hinges and pins must also resist
assembly. transverse loading due to wind and other effects,
When joints are installed in a1iorizontal position, unless adequate external provisions oppose their
full-length rods of sufficient strength to provide sup- effect.
port for the floating pipe sections are essential, un- Axial-movement-type expansion joints are quite
less other support (external to the joint) is provided. similar in detail to their counterpart in packed
Such support is to be approached with caution, joints, with the substitution of a bellows seal for
however, so as to avoid imposing unanticipated the packing. When constructed with machined
lateral deflection on the bellows. parts, this type of design is obviously expensive and
The use of hinged expansion joints to accommo- can be justified only for special cases where installed
date substantial amounts of expansion was initiated location and general system arrangement make it
and developed by The M. W. Kellogg Company for difficult to achieve effective guiding by other means,
large-diameter piping in fluid catalyst cracking or where a large amount of axial movement must
units and similar applications. Figure 7.10 illus- be provided and guiding of the bellows assembly
trates a typical design, although many variations against lateral buckling is necessary. With an in-
of hinge and other details have been employed. In ternal arrangement it is also possible to secure maxi-
an extreme detail, hinges are integrated in complete mum confinement of the bellows against abrupt re-
cylinders surrounding the joint with sufficient clear- lease of contents, and sometimes an auxiliary packed
ance only for the necessary motion; this arrangement joint is provided to further minimize this hazard
is for maximum distribution of the hinge reactions particularly for toxic content services. Sometimes
around the circumference. The hinges may be at- joints of this type arc fabricated to reasonably close
tached to the backs of conventional bolting flanges forming tolerances, without machining; however,
Of, for welding end construction, to special rings as without lubrication, binding is much more likely to
shown on the illustration. With hinges provided occur.
on opposite sides of the bellows and installed so that In combination, constraints and auxiliary expan-
their hinge pin axes will eoincide with eaeh other, sion joints can be used to balance end loading due
and essentially with the midpoint of the bellows to internal pressure at an expansion joint location.
element, the maximum movement capacity will be This is most readily achieved where a joint is in-
realized. Machined construction and assembly with stalled adjacent to an elbow, as shown in Fig. 7.12.
reasonably close tolerances is required. The limita- In effect, the elbow now becomes a tee with an
tion of this design is that the entire end load due identical auxiliary expansion joint as an extension
to pressure, weight, and other effects, unless relieved of the run and with the primary and auxiliary joints
by counter weights or springs, must pass through connected by tic rods or similar arrangement. It

FIG. 7.11 Axial movement type expansion joints.

A be accomplished without special precautions for pro-
TIe Ro<h
tection of the expansion joint and the restraints
) J released only after piping erection is entirely com-
Blind flongo
pleted, and just before starting up the job. In the
\ f-
.K'!'~ r
,,,, >
usual assembly of a rigid piping system, weld shrink-
age, the necessity for pulling ends into alignment, as
well as pull-up effeets of flange joints, all combine to
FIG. 7.12 Pressure balanced expansion joint. establish an erection internal stress. When suddenly
imposed on a preset expansion joint by removal of
can readily be seen that the end pressure load is the preset ties, whipping of the line may occur unless
now carried across both joints through the tie rods restraining means are employed; more important
and that there is no unbalanced pressure load acting deflections and rotations comparable to the internal
on the elbow. There will, however, be an unbal- loading will appear at the joint, which will in some
anced force acting on the elbow equal to the sum of degree obviate the preset objectives. This can be
the elastic forces required to compress one bellows minimized by thermally unloading the piping before
and simultaneously extend the other, which should the preset ties are released in the manner described
not be overlooked for the moment loading it may in Chapter 3.
introduce in the piping. Similar arrangements can Built-in constraints and preset ties should be in-
be worked out for packed joints. For joints in stalled under adequate engineering supervision fully
straight runs of piping, designs utilizing larger con- familiar with the dual objective of accurate posi-
centric joints have been devised to effect pressure tioning and protection of the relatively fragile
balancing but are usually so expensive as to be im- elements involved. Usually this is more adequately
practical. Aside from their cost, pressure balancing accomplished by the specialist manufacturer of the
by auxiliary expansion joints usually involves the expansion joints, when the necessary facilities are
drawback of dead ends with no flow, unless circulat- at hand.
ing lines are provided; Subsection 7.5j has pointed
out the hazards of condensation corrosion for metal 7.7 Establishing Expansion Joint Movement
temperatures below the flow dewpoint. Demands
Apart from the above types of built-in constraints, The amount and direction of expansion affects the
the movement range of joints is sometimes con- selection of the type of expansion joint and its con-
trolled by arrangements and connections to inde- straints which, in turn, control the movement capac-
pendent structures; for example, limit stops may be ity needed in the jomt. Similar to stiff piping sys-
provided which can be temperature adjusted to tems, design capacities must be established so as to
establish the maximum compression or extension of cover normal operation and all routine conditions.
a joint, or, similarly, to limit lateral movement. such as starting-up and shutting down, as well as
Attention is again called to Chapter 8 for the many all possible occasional and emergency eonditions.
types of external restraints which can be used to Movements of connected vessels or other equipment
control the position of piping at expansion joints. and the effect of connected structures must be in-
As previously indicated, the structural capacity eluded in addition to the expansion of the pipe; in
necessary for built-in constraints is dependent on general, any situation must be examined which may
whether auxiliary external limit stops or other ex- affect movement at the joints. Prediction of service
ternal aids are provided. life must distinguish between the normal and the
To assure proper installation, it is more effective occasional movement demands as covered in Sub-
and often economic to provide preset means for section 7.5g. To provide for fabrication and erec-
establishing the installation position of the joints, tion deviations, as well as for service distortion of
which may be consolidated with the built-in con- the piping assembly during its life, the maximum
straints for limiting service movements 'where such range of movement of the joint should provide some
afC of sufficient strength, otherwise by a separate excess capacity over that required for thermal ex-
temporary structure. pansion effects alone; the amount is dependent in
Where the size of the line and other details per- some degree on the joint design and its built in con-
mit, it is preferable that these preset restraints be straint details. Therefore, setting the final purchase
adequate to provide strength comparable to the conditions for an expansion joint requires a broad
attached piping. In such cases, the installation can knowledge of the process operations which dictate

the expansion movements, a thorough familiarity affecting their performance. However, offset should
with installation procedures, and a fair comprehen- be avoided on single corrugation assemblies, and in
sion of the structural details of the system as they any case should be limited, to avoid local areas of
may affect deformation of the pipe immediately or appreciably reduced radius, or kinks. It is neces-
over its life period. sary to provide for some deviation from the desired
The approach for determining thermal expansion installation dimensions even when the joint is rigidly
movements is dependent upon the type of piping restrained during erection of the piping system,
system involved. An important consideration, as since the effects of cold pull and weld shrinkage will be
already pointed out earlier in this chapter when the taken up by the joint when the temporary structure
systems of varying degrees of stiffness were de- is removed, although these effects may he minimized
scribed, is whether or not the flexure of the pipe is by thermal unloading as previously mentioned.
used to provide in any measure for the thermal Pressure or temperature deflection, weight and
expansion of the system. If bending is present, it transient effects, and minor irregularities are diffi-
is necessary to obtain the deflection and rotational cult to predict. Movement eapacity is usually not
displacements by methods given in Chapters 5 or 6. provided for creep deformation of hot lines due to
Where piping flexibility is not a contributing factor, thermal or weight loadings and similar long-time
the task then is to obtain from the original dimen- changes in dimension, on the assumptions that ex-
sions, and the expanded position, the axial and lat- pansion joints may involve periodic replacement
eral movements, as well as the angular displace- due to corrosion or fatigue failure and that dimen-
ments, at each joint location. This section is sions will be periodically checked and adjusted if
devoted to outlining a convenient approach for ob- necessary.
taining this change in line position with temperature. In the case of packed joints the extreme move-
No recognized nomenclature applying to express- ment limits are needed for establishing the clearances
ing the movements of expansion joints presently within the joint and, in the case of bellows joints, arc
exists. Whereas misunderstanding is unlikely for
sliding joints, there has been confusion at times in Ulldcll~ed Position
properly understanding the movement ranges of
bellows expansion joints. For this reason the con-
ventions shown in Fig. 7.13 are followed.
Tolerances for probable deviations in conventional ~-- A. =Axiol Compreuion
erection may represent a substantial part of the cost
of the joint. When such incremental cost is suffi-
ciently large, consideration should be given to more
precise and morc expensive installation, as offering
possible greater economy. Tolerances may be min-
imized by:
1. Favorable location and structural details, and
a planned and adequately presented erection pro-
2. The usc of expansion joint prepositioning
structural arrangements, adequate for rigid assem-

bly of the entire piping system without deflection
of the joint, as described in Section 7.6.
Rotation (radiclld
Many j Dints present individual problems; in gen-
eral, it is more economical to depend entirely on
tolerances for installations which are not too com-
plex or when an available margin of excess move-
ment capacity exists or can be had for little extra
cost, and to resort to both tolerances and preposi-
tioning devices, etc., only where critical service or
economics justifies both. Plain bellows joints (non-
equalizing) without limit stops and with open-type FIG. 7.13 Action of expansion bellows under
corrugations will stand some deformation without various movements.
Theofcli«ll Installed
Sample Calculation 7.1
Given Data
t...lVVV\IVVV\. .~

rvvvvvv\IVl Normal·

IA:::;:" ["--i)
~owonccs and Tolerclfl(O$
Extreme limits
of Movement

FIG. 7.14 Diagram illustrating range of axial movements of

an expansion joint. SUPPORTT.::::::::of-Tt----::.


Ay, Sign convention for
• b rotationll + rotation
Indicahn joint will
~30.92+9.022 c 132.2'

;..; ~Xb open on lid. marked

with an asterisk
y Cellfen of
Hingo Pins

" , "
FIG. 7.15 Diagram of general three-jointed
hinged-joint system.

needed for establishing the maximum movement Unit Expansions

and constraint settings. Figure 7.14 diagrammati- @400 F, e ~ 0.00229 in.jin.
cally illustrates the range of movements including @700 F, e = 0.00482 in.jin.
tolerances for a simple joint. Sample Calculations
Expansion CaI.culalions
7.1 and 7.2 illustrate the calculation of joint move-
ments including addcd allowances and tolerances. 12(1 J.l2 XO.00229 +39.1 XO.OO482) ~2.57"
Where movements of appreciable range, not evenly
distributed with respect to the center line, are in- Offset:
volved, presetting the joints to utilize both sides of 12X32.2XO.OO482 = 1.86"
the center line is recommended.
In Sample Calculation 7.1 the calculation of a Axial
Cocking Offset
universal-type expansion joint is illustrated. While
Com- Exten- (Each Side of <1<)
essentially self-explanatory, it may be of benefit to pression !lion
point out that the expansions have been calculated
on a coordinate system such that the basic coordi- Calc. expansion range 2.57
0" 0° 1.86"
11 11
nate lies along the axis of the joint, disregarding the Allowance (10%) 0.26 0" 0° 0.19
orientation of connected piping or vessels, a pro- Installation tolerance 0.5 " 0.5" 0° 0.5 "
cedure which is usually advantageous in simplifying 3.33" 0.5" 0° 2.55 11 •
the computations.
The movement determinations for a three-hinged- Precock or pre-offset .. . ... 0° 1 "j
joint system are readily handled by the method out- ,,,
Design movement 3:}" 0° Ijll:t:
lined below and illustrated in Sample Calculation 7.2. ·~s

Such a system may be treated as a linkage assembly

*Uequired on one side of ¢. if no pre-offset.
of rigid members; thus the rotations are limited to tPre-offset may be ! of the total movement range (not
the joints and for any given layout are simply a including tolerances) = ~ (1.86 + 0.19) ="=I I".
function of the termiual displacements of the system :t:Mnxirnum movement from ¢. with 1" pre-offset =
and the incremental expansion change in length of 2.55 - 1 "'" 1.55 ~ Ii".


the members, or of position, if vessel movement Expansions (ft)

must be included. While a trigonometric solution (treated as given data in this sample calculation)
is indicated, it cannot be accomplished with sufficient Case I Case I!
accuracy on the slide rule, and the use of logarithms T (Line Temp. F) ... 1060 70
is time consuming. Hence, the following formulas e (Unit Exp. ft/ft) .. O.OOSIS 0
were developed which are amply accurate, giving xe . .. 0.IS4 0
slide rule solutions to within a few minutes for small 11= ..... 0.0 0
rotation angles (say about 5° or less). The notation Ll,. ........ -0.034 0
is in accordance with Fig. 7.15, which shows a gen- yeo .... . ......... 0.145 0
eral three-hinge system. 61/a. . ........ 0.111 0
If Ll x is the effective displacement of joint b rela- 6 11/, •• ,- -0.006 O.27,~

tive to a, it may be defined as:

llx = .6 x b - d xa - xc Case I
A. ~ -0.034 + 0 - 0.IS4 ~ -0.21S'
Sample Calculation 7.2
Ll, = -0.006 - 0.111 - 0.145 = -0.262'
Given Data
--<:: X'Yo - XoY' = 9.S5 X 16.05 - 12.65 X 1.75 = 136
(-0.21S X 9.S5) + (-0.262 X 1.75) ISO
<Po = 136 X -;;:-
7' ,,- ~ (-0.21S X 12.65) + (-0.262 X 16.05) ISO
<P' = 136 X -;;:-

. x'


l' YO
1.10 + 2.94

A. = 0

t>, ~ 0.275 + 0 + 0
Case I!

= 0.275'
= 0 + (0.275 X 1.75) ISO = 020°
<Po 136 X" .
Dimensions (ft)
<P' = 0 + (0.275 X 16.05) X ISO ~ I.S60
Xo ~ 12.65 Yo = 16.05 136 "
x, = 9.S5 y, = 1.75
x = 22.5 y ~ 17.S0 <Po' = -0.20 - I.S6 = -2.06 0


Rotations Rotation Range

Exp. Pre- Design Pro\'ideu
Case cock Positions Each Side ¢.
Jt. Calcu-
Tolerance AlIo\\'-
Required Provided*
:l1lce lated
- - - - - - - - - ----- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.0 i
2.43 S.O +0.5 -0.60
+0.70 4.0
----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1+ 3 .04 4.0
+4.04 0.40 0.5) 7.71 S.O -1.0
ab [-3.06 4.0
-2.06 0.21 0.5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
b II -2.94
6.2S S.O +0.5 -2.44
\I! ---_._,-. -
Noles: All rotations given in degrees.
+ sign indicates rotation such as to open joint on side indicated on the sketch by an asterisk.
·1'he same movement capacity wa.." selected for all three joints on the assumption that the ndvantages of uniformity offset the
extra mat-crinl requirement.

.6.v is similarly defined: References

1. F. E. Wolosewick, "Expansion Joints and their Applica-
tion," Petroleum RefinCT, Vol. 29, No.5, pp. 146-150
where e is the unit expansion which applies to the 2. S. Crocker, Piping Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
piping between a and b. The rotation of joint a in New York, 1945.
degrees is: 3. J. E. York, uJoints to Permit Movement," Healing and
Ventilatino. Vol. 46, No.1, pp. 85-88 (Jan. H149)i Vol. 46,
No.2, pp. 93-07 (Feb. H149)j Vol. 46, No.3, pp. 87-91
(:-.lar. 1949).
4. F. J. Feely, Jr. and W. M. Goryl, IIStress Studies on Piping
The rotation of joint b in degrees is: Expansion Bellows," J. Appl. Mechania, Vol. 17, No.1,
p. 135 (1950).

cPb =
AxXa + AvYa X180
5. W. Samans and L. Blumberg, IlEnduraoce Testing of
Expansion Joints," ASME Paper No. 54-A-103 (1954).
XbYa - XaYb 7r
6. F. Salzmann, "Ueber die Nachgiebigkeit von Wcllrohrex-
pansionen," Schu:eiz. Bauzlg., Band 127, Nr. 11, pp. 127-
The rotation of joint ab is found from: 130.
7. R. A. Clark, "On the Theory of Thin Elastic Toroidal
cPab + cPa + cPb ~ 0 Shells," J. Math. and Phys., M.LT., Vol. 29, pp. 146-178
Dimensions and expansion must be in consistent 8. N. C. Dahl, "Toroidal Shell Expansion Joints," J. Appl.
units. Mechanics, Vol. 20, No.4, pp. 497-503 (1953).


Supporting, Restraining, and Bracing

the Piping System

THOUGH a piping system may properly be needed to correct failures, sagging, leakage, eqUlp-
described as an irregular space frame, it ment damage, difficult maintenance, etc.
differs from eonventional structures in that The analysis of thermal and structural effects in
frequently, due to its slender proportions, it may not piping is of limited value unless paralleled by support
be self-supporting or it may need to be restrained or design sufficiently complete to assure realization
braced against eertain effects. of the flexibility analysis assumptions. Injudicious
Service temperatures can introduce sufficient or over-use of supports or lack of advantageous
thermal stress or lower the material strength so as restraints and braces can create an overload hazard
to require supplementary structural assistance. instead of giving protection to sensitive equip-
Limiting the line movement at specific loeations may ment Of, for satisfactory performance, can require
be desirable to protect sensitive equipment, to con- needlessly long runs of pipe. While accurate cal-
trol vibration, or to resist external influences such as c).llations are usually not cconomically feasible for
wind, earthquake, or shock loading. In the absence average piping, much can be accomplished toward
of significant thermal expansion, such as in water economic and satisfactory design by approximations
service, conventional structural practices and the and reasoning when applied by personnel of adequate
use of available standard hardware are entirely engineering background and experience.
adequate and economic. Except for idealized counterbalancing as ap-
For other piping where service temperatures proached by counterweights, all supports involve
introduce sufficient dimension change and reduction some degree of restraint; conversely, many restraints
in material strength, adequate design of supports, and braces unavoidably resist gravitational effects,
restraints, and braces requires a satisfactory grasp so that it is logical and convenient to combine their
of localized loading and thermal gradient effects on treatment ill this chapter. While they involve a
high-temperature pressure shells, and reasonable considerable expenditure, pipe supports, restraints,
understanding of the thermal changcs attendant to and braces have received insufficient attention in the
service requirements, including emergency and literature from either design or economic aspects.
auxiliary conditions. This latter background is This chapter will attempt to present general knowl-
more readily available during the initial stages of a edge and opinions which have guided the support of
project. The planning of pipe supports, restraints, average piping, and also certain information for use
and braces simultaneously with the establishment of ill combination with Chapters 4 and 5 when more
layout configurations, also offers the added advan- careful analysis is necessary.
tage of a more cconomic installation. When rele-
gated to the status of a job-end finish-up item or left 8.1 Terminology and Basic Functions
solely to the erector, only conventional structural A discussion of the problems involved in the pro-
treatment can be expected, with later changes vision and design of supports and restraints can be

presented effectively only after the terms used to port from beneath the pIpIng but offering no
describe them are clearly defined and their functions resistance other than frictional to horizontal
are clearly understood. .~ motion.
In the absence of an authoritative text, the Rigid (Solid) Support. A support providing stiff-
terminology adopted in general for some time by ness in at least one direction, comparable to that
The M. W. Kellogg Company has bcen used through- of the pipe.
out this volume. It is summarized for the reader's Resilient Support. A support which includes one 01"
convenience in the following glossary with the hope more largely elastic members (c.g., spring).
that it will receive general acceptance and contribute Constant-effort Support. A support which is capable
to clarity of thinking on the subject at large as well of applying a relatively constant force at any dis-
as in this Chapter. placement within its useful operating range (e.g.,
counterweight or compensating spring device).
Restraint. Any device which prevents, resists, or Damping Device. A dashpot or other frictional
limits the free thermal movement of the piping. device which increases the damping of a system,
Support. A device used specifically to sustain a offering high resistance against rapid displace-
portion of weight of the piping system plus any ments caused by dynamic loads, while permitting
superimposed vertical loadings. essentially free movement under very gradually
Brace. A device primarily intended to resist dis- applied displaccments.
placement of the piping due to the action of any
forces other than those due to thermal expansion Frequently, the detail used at a specific location
or to gravity. Note that with this definition, a performs several functions, e.g., stop and guid<"
damping device is classified as a kind of brace. guidc and brace, or support and anchor. In such a
Anchor. A rigid restraint providing substantially case the common practice is to designate the detail
full fixation (i.e., encastre; ideally permitting for convenience by only one of the terms, whichever
neither translatory nor rotational displacement of best fits its primary function. For example, a
the pipe on any of the three reference axes). It is resisting couple is provided by a pair of parallel
employed for purposes of restraint but usually stops; thus the combination may properly he referred
serves equally well as restraint, support, or brace. to as a guide.
Stop. A device which permits rotation but prevents In Chapter 2, attention has been directed to the
translatory movement in at least onc direction fact that piping systems, for reasonably economic
along any desired axis. If translation is prevented design, must operate over a wide range of stress
in both directions along the same axis, the term between ambient and service temperature as a
double-acting stop is preferably applied. result of combined thermal expansion and pressurc
Two-axis Stop. A device which prevents translatory strains; the introduction to this chapter commented
movement in one direction along each of two axes. on the frequent lack of structural capacity on the
A two-axis double-acting stop prevents translatory part of unsupported piping to carry weight effects
movement in the plane of the axes while allowing simultaneously with pressure at the service tem-
such movement normal to the plane. perature. Supports, restraints, and braces are there--
Limit Stop. A device which restricts translatory fore desirable to reduce weight, wind, and, where
movement to a limited amount in one direction possible, expansion and transient effects, so that the
along any single axis. Paralleling the various piping system stress range is not excessive for the
stops there may also be: double-acting limit stops, anticipated cycles of operation, thus avoiding fatigue
two-axis limit stops, etc. failure. Ideally it would be desirablc to providc
Guide. A device preventing rotation about one or essentially continuous support, i.e., render the pipin~
morc axes due to bending moment 01' torsion. l weightless, and to provide restraints or braces
Hanger. A support by which piping is suspended wherever stress reduction can be accomplished,
from a structure, etc., and \vhieh functions by From the practical considerations of cost and general
carrying the piping load in tension. arrangement requirements, however, supports, ett'.,
Resting or Sliding Support. A device providing sup- are limited to locations favorable to their installa-
tion, or where their use is offset by proportionate
lAlthough some users employ the term "guide" loosely
to cover both translatory and rotational restraint and bracing,
piping cost reductions.
it is felt that the distinguishing terminolob,)' used herein As pointed out in Chapter 2, piping systems may
promotes clarity of presentation. function under one or more operating conditions as

dictated by changes in feed or end products, and as are axiomatic, yet they are surprisingly often ignored
influenced by service variables, in particular, cyclic by designers, with awkward and expensive supports
operation or the alternate use of-spare equipment; the result. Wherever a number of lines are to pass
they may further involve auxiliary operations such through a given space in approximately the same
as starting-up, shutting down, solvent cleaning, direction, they should preferably be carried at the
pressure testing, etc., or unanticipated operating same elevation (assuming horizontal pipe runs), and
upsets or emergencies due to equipment leaks, parallel to each other, to building walls, to column
power or equipment failures, etc. Each may involve lines, or to equipment axes. The piping thus forms
different temperatures for individual piping systems Hbanks" or "racks" which are easily supported on a
or parts of systems as dictated hy the location of common beam or stanchion if overhead, or on sleepers
valves; in addition the necessity for sudden de- if the lines are placed just above the ground. Gen-
pressuring or removal of contents may require abrupt erally, any given line must be routed away from its
establishment of flow with extreme velocities and minimum-run course in order to include it in the
reactions, sometimes accompanied by pulsations. rack; however, the cost of the attendant extra pipe
To avoid actual rupture, the design must give due and fittings is usually offset by reduced support
consideration to such possibilities, and must provide costs. Appearance, while secondary to utility, is
reasonably adequate support for each set of circum- also enhanced by regular arrangement and avoidance
stances. Particular emphasis is directed at condi- of unnecessary skewed or irregular runs of piping;
tions involving lengthy duration, high temperature, eye appeal and ease of supporting are usually com-
and frequent occurrence. This usually dictates that plementary. Where there is much piping to be run
supports be most completely effective in normal in an area, as is the case in the majority of process
operation, since for shutdown or other lower tem- plants, the most practicable scheme is to establish
perature conditions the short-time structural specific elevations for groups of lines running in a
strength is at a higher level and provides greater given compass direction (say north-south) while
latitude for lack of support without damage to the setting other elevations for groups running in a
piping. transverse direction (east-west). This arrangement
avoids interferences and also permits future piping
8.2 Layout Considerations to Facilitate Sup- additions without undue difficulty or unsightliness.
port The practice is exemplified in the oil refinery piping
Initial layout study of equipment, building, and shown in Fig. 8.1, also in the section through a
structure location and elevation is essential for effec- typical pipe rack in Fig. 8.2.
tive design j over-all economics and appearance are The decision whether to support a specific line or
further improved where the primary piping and its group of lines from a building or structure and
associated supporting structures and their inter- thereby eliminate independent support structures is
effects are simultaneously subjected to study and based on the relative cost of the additional pipe as
planning. In addition to establishing the general compared with the additional supports. Detailed
arrangement and over-all design conditions, early comparisons are usually not readily accomplished
decisions must be reached on the types of support so that judgment on the part of the designer is neces-
structures for intercommunicating piping and their sary. Important lines are occasionally run skewed at
elevation, access provisions for maintenance of equip- a sacrifice in appearance when significant savings in
ment, cleaning and inspection requirements, and piping or support costs can be made. For large lines
selection of main support fixture types. Ample it is advantageous aside from process requirements
space must be provided for large devices such as to make runs as short and direct as possible so that
counterweights. the piping tends to be self-supporting. The neces-
The two cardinal principles in routing lines for sary flexibility for thermal expansion must be
economic support, restraint, and bracing are: maintained regardless of the nature of the restraint
1. Group pipe lines so as to minimize the number imposed by the pipe supports; (i.e., whether added
of structures needed solely for pipe supports, re- deliberately for the control of thermal expansion
straints, or braces. . stresses and reactions, or developed unavoidably in
2. Keep lines located close to possible points of the course of supporting and bracing against other
support, etc., i.e. either to grade or to structures loads).
which arc to be provided for other purposes. Control of thermal expansion by the use of re-
From the standpoint of economy, both of these straints can serve to:
a. Sectionalize portions of a piping system for sion will contribute additional resistance to thermal
isolation from the influences of the remainder of the expansion unless:
system. Ioo.c.. a. Supports or braces can be used which offer
b. Protect against overstress such weak spots as negligible restraint. Constant-effort supports to take
locally reduced size runs of pipe, and sensitive local weight, and damping devices to resist dynamic loads
or terminal components. assure such freedom along all axes. Hangers and
c. Control expansion direction so as to forestall jointed struts offer resistance on one axis and frce
undesirable displacement at specific locations of the movement on the other axes.
piping. b. Supports or braces can be located at or near
neutral points, i.e., points where little or no thermal
Supporting and braeing the piping against loads movement occurs along the one or more desired axes,
originating from sources other than thermal expan- thus minimizing additional restraint.

FIG. 8.1 A pipe bank in a large unit of an oil refinery.

The significant general eonsiderations affeeting be routed for support independent from other piping
the routing of piping for favorable support may be and lightly braced structures and buildings. Routing
summarized as follows: ..... should permit the use of resting or similar supports
1. The piping system should be self-supporting offering resistance to motion and providing some
insofar as praetieable and eonsistent with flexibility damping eapaeity, rather than hanging supports.
requirements. 5. The pipe line should be sufficiently close to the
2. Exeess flexibility may make additional sup- point of support or restraint so that the structural
ports or restraints necessary to avoid movement and connection can have adequate rigidity and details
vibration in such amplitude as to arouse personnel can be simple and economical.
apprehension. This situation is apt to occur on 6. Piping from upper connections on vertical
vertical lines where only one point of support is vessels is advantageously supported from the vessel
needed to sustain the weight. to minimize relative movement between supports and
3. Free movement expansion joint systems involv- piping; hence, such piping should be routed next to
ing appreeiable unbalanced thrusts from pressure the vessel and supported close to the connection.
should be avoided unless such forees ean be taken on 7. Piping in structures should be routed beneath
substantial struetures, or at grade. platforms, near major structural members at points
4. Piping prone to vibrate, sueh as eompressor favorable for added loading, to avoid the necessity
suction or discharge and driver exhaust lines, should of making these members heavier.

Sa" nOM pia'''' ao .,,,, m.mb<n \

... ~.
por1ion of in~ulalion simply cuI owoy
on modorato tomporature lines


----H /

\ I
. (! ... "J. - r..
\fIClvQ~od temperature lines placed on shOflI I
permit1ing insulation
to dear

~Slf\ldurOI 'leol "onmion'

FlO. 8.2 Section through typical outdoor overhead pipe rack shO\.. . ing arrangement of north-south runs at two elevation:; llDd
east-west runs nt an intermedintc elevation.
8. Sufficient space should be allotted so that the Undesirable effeets of piping reactions on founda-
proper support assembly details may be accom- tions, other-purpose structures, buildings, or vessels
modated. .~ can be minimized by locating supports, etc. so as to:
9. Access clearance must be provided in order that 1. Apply loads to eolumn and beams near main-
support fixture parts requiring maintenance can be member intersections to minimize bending effects.
serviced. 2. Avoid the introduetion of unnecessary torsion
or lateral bending effects.
8.3 The Elements of the Supporting System: 3. Avoid the introduction of moments or trans-
Their Selection and Location verse loading to slender members (sueh as wind
In the design arrangement studies, the principal bracing) and particularly to compression members
piping is located for satisfactory flexibility and asso- where instability controls the design.
ciation with the equipment, buildings, and structures 4. Confine connections to independent structures
to snit over-all functional requirements and maxi- or foundations when dealing with piping subjeet to
mum utilization for reactions from the supports and pulsating flow or transmitted mechanieal vibration
restraints. In the final stages of this preliminary unless a careful and comprehensive analysis is made
engineering the stiffness of the individual piping to assure that the struetures, buildings, etc., are of
systems is examined with due consideration to the adequate strength with nonresonant natural fre-
selected restraints. Later when the plans and quency and sufficient stiffness to control amplitude
elevations of piping, details of vessels) structures, within the bounds required by psychologieal effeet
buildings, foundations and trenches, and setting and general comfort of personnel.
plans of pumps, compressors, etc. arc available, the 5. Provide anchors and extremely flexible and
final selection and location of the supports, restraints, nonresonant intervening pipe runs (e.g., expansion
and braces can be accomplished. This section will joints) to maehinery introducing mechanical vibra-
be confined to discussing decisions as to the basic tions in order to isolate the effect by redueing
types and locations of these supports, etc. Subse- transmissibility.
quent sections are devoted to details of these types. In general the advantageous use of other-purpose
Advantageous location involves consideration of foundations, structures, ete. is dietated by their
the piping proper, the structure to which the load is ability to assume the additional loading with little
transmitted, and the space limitations within which or no additional seetion. Recognition must be given
the assemblies must operate. Preferred points of to the need in many cases for rigidity as well as
attachment to thc piping are: stress-carrying capacity of the structure used for the
I. On pipe rather than on piping components such attachment of supports, restraints, and braces.
as valves, fittings, or expansion joints. Under Connection to relatively flexible struetures or too-
highly localized loading, flanged or threaded joints slender members of those struetures must be avoided
may leak and valve bodies may distort with resulting if their deflection prevents their assumption of
seat leakage or binding. Attachments to heavy loading in the desired degree because of the relative
components, however, may be acceptable and even stiffness of the pipe. The final ehoice of whether to
desirable where the effect can be properly provided provide a separate structure depends on comp4·rative
for. costs.
2. On straight runs rather than on sharp-radius Ample clearance must be available for the piping,
bends or welding elbows, since these are already including that required for expansion movements of
subjected to highly localized stresses on which thc the pipe and for the supporting elements and their
local effects of the attachment would be super- proper functioning. Fireproofing and insulation
imposed. Furthermore, attachments on curved interferences, if overlooked, afe a source of erection
pipe which extend well along the length or circum- difficulties, troublesome restraint, excessive mainte-
ference of the bend will seriously alter the flexibility nance, and poor appearance.
of such components. The introductory paragraph of this section calls
3. On pipe runs whieh do not require frequent attention to the necessity for early establishment of
removal for cleaning and maintenance. the significant restraints to the free movement of the
4. As close as practical t.o heavy load concentra- piping system under thermal expansion, so that the
tions such as vertical runs} branch lines, motor general arrangement of equipment structures and
operated or otherwise heavy valves, and minor principal piping systems can be established with
vessels such as separators, strainers, etc. proper appreciation of the piping flexibility, and so
that subsequent ehanges ean be avoided. It is
further pointed out that the final seleetion and loca-
tion of the supporting system elements must neces-
sarily await completion of the plans and elevations
of the piping, details of vessels, structures, buildings,
foundations, and trenehes, and setting plans of
pumps, compressors and other equipment. With
their availability an over-all view of the supporting
system problems is obtained, and since usually the
basic functions of restraint, support, and bracing
are advantageously established in that order, the
following discussion will be so arranged, first covering
rigid piping and then followed by an examination of
the problems peculiar to semi-rigid, non-rigid, and
free movement piping systems.
Restraints. Restraints to thermal expansion are
unavoidable in the terminal connections of the piping
system to equipment, vessels, etc., and the preceding
section has shown that additional restraints may be
desirable to control the position, stress, or reactions
at selected locations. The net effect of each added
restraint is a function of its location, and the direc-
tion and degree of limitation imposed. Unavoidable
restraints may occur at supports and braces and are
either minimized in relative magnitude by selection FIo. 8.4 Typical stops employing tie rods or jointed struts.
or by location so that their effect can properly be
neglected, or else their influence must be provided Total restraint in the form of terminal connections
for by the flexibility of the piping system. to vessels or equipment for the most part establishes
the boundaries of individual legs of a piping system,
whereas that accomplished by direct anchorage to a
structure or foundation is limited in application to
locations where the structural subdivision of indi-
vidual runs is considered desirable. In general each
added restraint reduces the inherent flexibility;
however, where sufficient margin in the stress range
16V 0.0. Sch. 80 pipe
is available, additional anchors may be desirable to
increase the line's self-supporting capacity, to define
the behavior of complex piping systems under
alternate and involved operating conditions, to
protect runs of lesser stiffness due to reduced section
or higher temperature, to isolate mechanical vibra-
c tions, and to change the natural frequency to mini-
mize amplitude and avoid resonance.
The control of thermal expansion reactions or
Turbintl movements can often be achieved advantageously
without intermediate anchorages by the judicious
use of stops and guides. Frequently it is desired to
MomontJ (ft. kip,) and Forces (kip,) Adiog at Point A Max. Slto" (PSi) limit only a certain component of a terminal reaction
SlOp 01 Point B M. My M, F. Fy F, Magnitudo Poinl or of the displacement at some point. In such a case
Nol included +~7.7 -27.5 +38.9 -.120 -1.97 +1.77 11600 C the use of full fixation would produee unnecessary
Included -27.9 + .c.l - 5." -.730 + .71 +2.« 12400 0 restraint, in many cases intolerable, unless the piping
FIG. 8.3 Use of a stop for the control of thermal can be made more flexihle hy the addition of loops,
expansion reactions. etc. A typical application is shown in Fig. 8.3,
acting but also they can be made to suitably close

""" oxh
rostrairrt clearances.
Sliding guides and stops frequently may fit more
compactly into a structure. Particularly for vertical
lines, they may be incorporated into the platform
Fin and Sl"~ for Clips for Small linn steel at pipe openings where they offer no reduetion
Small Amounts of
ExpaMion Oiometrally in headroom or other obstruction to passage. In
addition if their application is such as to add fric-
tional resistance to vibrational effects, some advan-

tage may be gained. For the most part, however,
sliding devices are apt to be unsatisfactory for
resisting vibratory loading because of the fabrica-
tion difficulties attendant to producing minimum
floor Dock.. or Roof
FIG. 8.5 Typical sliding type stops. Supports. The piping system with its terminal
anchors and partial restraints must now be explored
which shows a vertical double-acting restraint placed for its adequacy in carrying without distress all
in a high-temperature reheat steam lead in order to gravitational loading including the weight of the
lower the thermal expansion moment reaction on the pipe, insulation, contents, fittings, valves, strainers,
turbine. The accompanying table indicates for such etc., or any additional weight which may be involved.
a line a typical set of results of calculations made While most of these loads are maintained both in
with and without the stop. service and airstream, others may be present only at
Two basic arrangements of restraints are used, viz., one condition. Maximum loads are usually apt to
those such as the typical tie rods and jointed struts occur at service temperatures and, becauseof reduc-
shown in Fig. 8.4, wherein the structural connection tion of the material strength, must be considered
is relatively remote from the pipe attachment, and directly in the high-temperature design. In the
those wherein little separation is needed between the case of large gas or vapor lines, provision for support
terminal parts, shown in Fig. 8.5. While the details when filled with liquid may be necessary as, for
of these devices are treated in subsequent sections, example, to provide for hydrostatic testing. 2
the selection of the basic arrangement to be used is The spacing of supports on a single horizontal pipe
in large measure dependent on the layout, the loca- line in open country is dependent only on the
tion of the restraint, and the purpose or combined strength of the pipe. Within the boundaries of a
purpose for which it is being introduced. process unit, on the other hand, support spacing is
In general tic rods and jointed struts are preferred largely determined by the spacing of conveniently
for single-acting and double-acting restraints re- located columns. Commonly, the spacing of sup-
spectively whenever sufficient room is available to port racks must provide for the weakest pipe, al-
provide adequate length so that the arc of motion though larger spans are sometimes accepted for small
will not deviate sufficiently from a straight-line 2For infrequent tests, it is sometimes economic to erect
path to cause unnecessary restraint. The amount of temporary supports rather than design permanent supports
deviation may be found as indicated in Fig. 8.6. for the purpose.
The principal merits of tie rods and jointed struts Tolol movement tongll
are their low frictional resistance making them
positive acting and nonjamming. It should be kept
in mind that generally tie rods and single-acting
devices are only suitable for restraints when sufficient
constant load exists at the point to overcome any
thermal reaction either in the initial or the self-
sprung state of the piping, or under any variation
from normal operating conditions. For example, a
hanger rod will function properly as long as the
0= Deviation from tlto;ght line
weight load exceeds any uplift due to thermal h'
expansion. Hinged-jointed or ball-jointed struts ""'2i
are the ideal restraints; not only are they double FIG. 8.6 Motion of tie rod or jointed strut.

lines if sag and attendant pocketing of the particular of fixed-end conditions. However, substantial over-
small lines are not objectionable. Small lines can be hang is best avoided on lines prone to vibration.
assisted across long spans by prllviding them with Major concentrated loads such as produced by
intermediate supports attached to adjacent larger valves, pipe risers, branches, etc., should be at or
lines; a group of such lines may also be tied together near a point of support. The effect of significant
so as to become chords of a simple truss. Often, concentrated loads, not located at supports, may be
however, the most practical solution is simply to approximated from eq. 8.1, by multiplyiug the stress
increase the pipe size to the point of being self- by the factor 2P jwl where P is the concentrated
supporting over the required span. load in pounds and other symbols are as previously
In checking the suitability of support spacing for defined.
pipe lines on a horizontal run, the nomographs men- Deflection under weight effects is generally of sec-
t.ioned subsequently in this section are useful for ondary importance in piping just as it is in struc-
most purposes. For critical-service piping, the tures. In fact, some piping designers are inclined
flexibility check for expansion stress can be ex- to disregard deflection entirely and to consider the
tended to include weight effects where necessary by limiting weight stress as the only criterion. In most
using methods given in Chapter 5. As discussed process units, however, the deflection of the line
previously in this section, general considerations in should be kept within reasonable bounds in order
locating supports are that they be placed at points to minimize pocketing and to avoid possible inter-
suitable for the connections to the pipe (no inter- ference in congested areas due to sagging. Appear-
ference with valves, risers, etc.) and to the structure ance, too, will be a factor in many cases. A practical
(in respect both to attachment details and to load- limit for average piping in process units is a deflec-
ing requirements). tion on the order of ~ in. to 1 in. For piping in
Allowable spans for horizontal lines are princi- yards or for overland transmission lines a value of
pally influenced by the need to: It in. or greater is generally acceptable. For power
1. Keep stresses within suitable limits. (Insta- piping a deflection limit as small as! in. is specified
bility may be a factor in the case of large thin-walled by some designers.
pipe. ) Perhaps the most important reason for limitjng
2. Limit deflections (sagging), if necessary for: deflection is to make the pipe stiff enough, that is,
a. appearance, of high enough natural frequency, to avoid large
b. avoiding pockets, amplitude response under any slight perturbing
c. avoiding interferences. force. Although Chapter 9 treats this subject more
3. Control natural frequency (usually by limiting fully, it can be stated here, as a rough rule, that for
the span) so as to avoid undesirable vibration. average piping a natural frequency of 4 cycles per
In most cases, an adequate estimate of the stress is second will be found reasonably satisfactory. For
readily obtained from the simple beam relationship: pulsating lines from compressorsJ etc., values of
8 cycles per second or higher may be desirable de-
S = 1.2(wl'jZ) (8.1)
pending on the characteristics of the compressor.
where S = maximum bending stress, (psi.) The deflection for a given span may be approxi-
Z = section modulus, in. 3 mated by the beam rclation:
I = pipe span, ft.
w = total unit weight, lb per ft. 0= 17.1(wl'jEl) (8.2)
For convenience this formula is given in nomographic where I = moment of inertia, in. 4
form in Chart 0-16 of Appendix C. It is based on I = pipe span, ft.
a maximum moment of /.11 = 110wl2, and represents o = deflcction, in.
a compromise between M = ,\w12 for a beam with E = modulus of elasticity, psi.
fixed ends and M = !w12 for a free-ended beam, as w = total unit weight, Ib per ft.
representative of average runs. Values to suit other
end conditions can be obtained by the use of the Chart 0-17 of Appendix C gives a graphical solu-
correction factors given in Chart C-18. Overhang tion for this equation. Similar to the stress formula,
at changes of direction may be beneficial from it is based on M = -h-wI2; factors for other condi-
a structural standpoint; if provided in optimum tions of constraint are included in Chart C-18.
amount, the maximum moment in a line continu- When lines are pitched to facilitate drainage, the
ous over a series of e'lual spans can be held to that supports may be spaced so as to completely elimi-
K = 600 for free ends.
Other symbols are as previously defined
except that the weight does not include
the contents, since the pipe empties as
it drains.

The gradient of supports determined by this for-

mula provides that the slope of the deflected line
will not be upward in the direction of drainage but,
will be horizontal or downward. To obtain positive
drainage with a given minimum piteh, the support
gradient must be further increased by the amount
of the minimum piteh. Pitching may also be needed
to vent a hot pump suction line baek to the source
in order to avoid vapor binding.
The advantageous arrangement of support is re-
lated to the degree of restraint which can be toler-
ated, or to the extent and direction of the movements
to be allowed at each location. The fundamental
types are characterized as rigid, resilient, and con-
stant effort, each of which is capable of wide varia-
tion in details and of two basic arrangements,
suspended and resting.
Rigid supports of the suspended arrangement in-
volve solid hangers, while the resting arrangement
may function as a sliding contact or be provided
with rollers or rockers; for special cases, the support
FIG. 8.7 Typica.l rod hanger assemblies. structure may be flexible or of simple- or multiple-
hinged design to secure movement in onc or two
nate pocketing due to sag of the piping. Pitching, directions, while maintaining constant elevation.
however, involves considerable added expense of Solid hangers eliminate friction and sticking be-
supports and is of limited effectiveness with flowing tween the pipe and support,' but are limited in
media which cling in substantial amounts to the movement range in proportion to their length, re-
pipe wall. Hence, it is becoming a widespread quire higher support frames, and involve greater
practice to avoid pitching by setting up a regular usage of space; however, they are a preferred choice
plant procedure for washing or blowing down the where the general plant arrangement permits their
pipe as dictated by safety, corrosion prevention, or use, particularly on extreme high-temperature 01'
contamination requirements. Pitched lines are thus other critical service where unassessable restraint is
limited to occasional applications where they may undesirable, Some typical hanger assemblies are
be used either generally or in connection with specific shown in Fig, 8.7, Resting supports, although they
pieces of equipment. Where substantial pitch is involve friction, either sliding or rolling, are widely
desired, hanging type supports are generally needed used and are generally satisfactory, probably due
in order to maintain reasonable uniformity in sup- to the friction load resulting from the weight usually
porting structures. being low as compared with the thermal expansion
The minimum pitch of supports required to avoid effects; the reduction of friction by using rollers and
pocketing due to sag is given by the following rockers is not as reliable as by using hangers, due to
formula: possible wear and lack of luhrication. Typical rest-
h = Kwl'/EI (8.3) ing support assemblies arc shown in Fig. 8.8.
Rigid supports are satisfactory for systems involv-
where h =gradient of supports in feet/IOO feet of ing lengthy horizontal runs with little vertical ex-
length, and 3It should be noted, however, that freedom of movement
K = a constant, depending on constraint. renders hangers unsuitable for the support of piping subjed-ed.
K = 116 for fixed ends, and to shock loading, Le., blow down lines.


pansion differential. Much process piping fits this

description since it consists of sUl?J'orted horizontal
runs with vertical runs to vessels, with the expansion
of the vertieal runs largely offset by the change in
length of the vessel shell. For the most part the
foree to produee movement at a sliding contact is
readily available except for unusually heavy lines
or those operating at a temperature where only a Ample lenglh 10 be
fraction of their room-temperaturc strcngth can be provided 100 that Ihero will
bo no dClngcr of
allowed. diulngClgemenl
Rigid supports are improperly used under certain
conditions, viz:
1. Where the restraint of expansion movement at
the support location is significant and cannot bc
absorbcd by elastic action of the line within allow'
able stress limits, i.c. the line will yield under each
····A.~i·. 'A:: .,,,"}
BCI~ El~w­
temperature cycle. (fool CCl~' inlegralty)
2. Where the line deflection involves reactions
against the support of such magnitude that reason-
ably free movement of the pipe at the support is not
assured, Le. on stiff lines.
3. For multiple supports on vertical runs.
4. For horizontal run supports adjacent to verti-
cal run connections unless little or no support is
required offstream, at which time the line moves up
from the support.
5. For vessel-attached supports where they can-
not be located at a point of negligible differential
expansion or where an intervening loop (i.e. line
flexibility) cannot be provided to take care of the
expansion differential.
FIG. 8.8 Typical resting support assemblies.
For such conditions where a substantial increase
or decrease of support reaction under line position be used. Two designs are used: so-called compen-
change can be tolerated, resilient supports offcr an sating spring devices, and counterweights. The
economic choicc. They are advantageous on long former involves one or more springs whose motion
runs of pipe where even reaction distribution is not is magnified by leverage or similar mechanical ad-
easily attained, also for piping systems subject to vantage, and is available in standardized units in a
rapid changes in temperature or uneven tempera- wide range of sizes, each of which can bc adjusted
tures with attendant bowing. Usually resilient for an individual load range. The design and manu-
supports involve single helical springs incorporatcd facture is usually sufficiently refined so that reliable
into simple suspcnded (hanger), or resting (usually load measurement indication can be incorporated.
sliding type) supports, although in multiple arrange- They should also be provided with means for ad-
ment springs are paralleled to increase load capacity justment of position to avoid use of their movement
or arranged in series to incrcase the total travel for capacity for this purpose. Such adjustment of posi-
a given load variation. Structural members are tion is not only necessary at initial installation, but
occasionally substituted for springs on large lines also with any subsequent permanent change in the
with limited movement and usually consist of flat line contour.
plates, bars, or rods, as cantilevers. Counterweights are capable of variation over a
\\There uniform support reaction must be main- wide range of mechanical advantage at the cxpense
tained over a movement range beyond the load in- of greater movement of the weight and are usually
crease limit which can be economically maintained custom designed for specific installations, since their
with resilient design, eonstant effort supports must use is occasional and largely confined to loads or

movements beyond the range of compensating spring ment at their location; in combination with supports
devices. They are advantageou;; in that the load they serve to modify the natural frequency of indi-
is closely controlled and is quitc indcpcndent of vidual spans. Sliding supports, in addition, often
movement, although they are subject to friction contribute damping through friction at contact sur-
(which, however, can be held low by suitable design faces. Where additional provision is necessary to
and adequatc lubrication). protect the line, braces are provided which further
Compensating spring devices and countcrweights alter the natural frequency by limiting or preventing
are usually of thc suspcnded (hanger) arrangcment, spccific movement, or by providing damping.
but are occasionally furnished to a resting arrange- Deflections and rotations can be prevented by
ment due to clearance requirements, and as such in- stops and guides respectively or they can be con-
volve greater complexity and proportionate expense. trolled to a desircd range by limit stops. Stops or
Braces. Having provided for desirable restraint guides can be used to change the natural frequency
of thermal expansion and for adequate support of of individual spans, and are preferred where they
gravitational effects, the next step is to assure suit- do not create excessive restraint. :Moderate re-
able bracing for other loading which may be antici- straint (and a minor degree of damping) can be
pated. Some sources of such other loading include: obtained through the usc of spring stops, usually in
wind on exposed lines; flow or mechanical vibrations opposed pairs, and is of some value in limiting de-
transmitted from pumps, compressors, turbines, or flection for loads of short duration such as wind
other process equipment; earthquake; water ham- pulses or earthquake.
mer; impact due to sudden establishment of flow Appreciable damping is secured from hydraulic
(as on relief valves), gunfire, or vehicle movements; shock absorbers, which are available at an attrac-
vibration and impact due to high-velocity release tive price in the standard sizes used for trucks,
of compressible flow at reducing valves or to atmos- automobiles, and railway cars. Larger size.s are
phere; and surging of compressible gas or two-phase usually designed around standard sizes of hydraulic
(gas plus solid or liquid in suspension) flow. cylinders. Braces employing dry friction damping
Protection of a piping system against such influ- are usually limited in size and are apt to be unpre-
ences ean be accomplished by: dictable in operation.
1. rvIinimizing the influence at its source, i.e. snub- Restraints, Supports and Braces for Non-Stiff
bers, pulsation bottles, elimination of unbalance, etc. Piping Systems. Additional supporting system
2. Controlling the resulting dcflection of the line problcms are introduced by non-stiff piping design
by limit devices or vari"ble restraint. incorporating the various kinds of expansion joints;
3. Controlling the resulting movement of the linc in what follows, these are discussed for each of the
by damping, i.e. energy dissipation. three systems of reduced rigidity described in
4. Opposing deflcction or rotation by rigid at- Chapter 7.
tachments. Semi-rigid systems with hinged expansion joints
5. Modifying the natural frequency of the line or are closely related to stiff design in supporting sys-
supporting structures. tem requirements. It is sometimes necessary to
When a disturbing influence can be eliminated or minimize weight effects on the hinges; this usually
minimized at its source within economic means, such requires counterweights or spring hangers. With
an approach is desirable since it avoids less positive two joints and intervening pipe runs free of bending,
correction measures with possible trial and error for this problem is present in grcater degree. Sometimes
final solution, as discussed in detail in Chapter 9 in restraints are required to minimize torsion on the
connection with vibrations. The same is true of hinges.
other than vibration disturbances, for example, if a In non-rigid piping systems all members are free
line is subject to impact through its attachment to of thermal bending momcnt, and the strength of
a structure which supports equipment and whose the assembled system is largely dcpendent on the
function involves suddcnly applied loading, it may strength of the hinges at the joints. Rcstraint is
be desirable to provide independent support. necessary to control the position and limit the ex-
Control of disturbing influences within a piping pansion movement at the individual hinged joints;
system is often entirely or substantially accomplished it is provided by tie rods built into the joints and,
by the thermal expansion restraints and gravita- further, by external stops. For large-diameter or
tional supports in combination with the inherent otherwise heavy runs, it may be advisable to relieve
stiffness of the line. Restraints control pipe move- the hinges of the principal weight effects; this can
be accomplished by various support details, but transmitting the reactions from pipe to structure
usually eonstant-effort hangers ar~ required because and of controlling the movements of a piping system.
of the large movements involved. Non-rigid piping This is in eontrast to the pipe attachment by which
is highly dependent on braeing for proteetion against the fixture is connected to the pressure wall, and
effects such as those of wind vibration. Hinges are the structure which receives the loading from the
usually not eapable of assuming lateral loading and fixture; these latter parts are covered in Sections 8.5
if there is out-of-plane expansion, they also should and 8.6 respectively. Even though this division is
be protectcd against torsion. Bracing cmploying often artificial since two or all of these parts are
pin- or ball-joint solid struts is favorcd wherc no sometimes consolidated as a single unit, it is useful
interference with the system movement is created; in emphasizing the three basic functions to be per-
otherwise, hydraulic snubbers are widely used for formed. It also introduces a convenient separation
control of vibration and also to minimize deflections for preparation of engineering detail and for order-
on transient loading. ing. The integral attachment, in partieular, is nec-
Free movement piping systems, with thcir lack of essarily a part of the piping on alloy or critical
rigidity and their inability to transmit weight or construction and is morc advantageously engineered
longitudinal pressure loading, are completely de- by the pressure part designer. The structure sim-
pendent on external means for adequate and safe ilarly is usually considered a part of the structural
operation. Restraints are necessary to maintain design and fabrieation. The fixture is a specialty
position and alignment at slip joints, to assure free which is selected and ordered when the details of
movements (prevent jamming), and to maintain the the pipe support assembly are established. This
relative position of individual runs, thus limiting functional division encourages the interchangeable
the required range of movement for slip and bellows use of attachments with various fixtures and simi-
expansion joints. A primary function is to resist larly with various structures so that standardization
unbalanced pressure loads without excessive deflec- is made practicable.
tion, which is accomplished with minimum com- In the preceding section, selection of the support
plexity and cost where the location of the necessary assembly details has been presented as related to
anehors is carefully associated with the necessary individual effeets on the piping system, namely, re-
contour of the line and proximity to grade or sub- straint, support, or brace. Fixtures, in themselves,
stantial structures capable of assuming the reaction. can be classed as rigid, resilient, constant effort, and
Support selection and functioning is less critical damping, each of whieh is applicable in some degree
since lateral movement is absent or minimized; how- to the three basic functional objectives (restraining,
ever, free movement piping systems require morc supporting, or bracing). It should be emphasized
accurate support installation than other systems in that while fixtures are in themselves secondaryele-
order to avoid jamming in slip types and fouling of ments (i.e., not part of the pressure container), their
internal sleeves or limit rods on bellows types. maloperation or failure can in many cases endanger
Rigid supports usually suffice for horizontal runs or actually rupture the pressure piping by either
while vertical runs are generally self supporting from the direet loss of support or the accompanying
the terminal or other point of anchorage. It is gen- shock.
erally not necessary to provide a support adjacent It is obvious that the general design and arrange-
to an anchored horizontal slip joint, and details of ment of fixtures in combination with attachments
the nearest supports on the slip pipe should provide and structures are subject to almost unlimited vari-
for accurate adjustment during installation so that ation, so that no attempt will be made here to present
the support will not produce any moment on the standardized designs with dimensional data or stress
stuffing box. Support of the adjaeent pipe is needed and deflection calculations. The elements are for
for most types of bellaws joints. the most part not complex, so that routine analysis
Braces are a lesser factor since essentially each is entirely adequate; dimensions are susceptible to
run is an entity and the guides or stops necessary for service requirements and individual preferences, and
alignment usually suffice for other than unusual can easily be worked up for items whieh are fre-
transient effects. quently used; also, many fixtures are readily avail-
able as pre-engineered subassemblies. The presenta-
8.4 Fixtures tion in this section is therefore directed at general
Fixtures refer to that part of a pipe support as- background and suggestions to assist with the de-
sembly which can perform the dual functions of sign (and to improve application) of fixtures for use
complete restraint against reversible loading can
also be attained by a minimum of twelve tensile tie
rods in opposed pairs, or by six struts capable of
tensile and compressive loading so disposed along
and collaborating with both the intervening pipe
and a suitable external structure to reduce all move-
ments to negligible values. Similar results can be
achieved by combined gnides and stops which fnne-
tion along all three axcs. In these designs of an-
chors the fixtures can be identified as separate
A guide, from the definition of Section 8.1, restricts
rotation (i.e. introdnces a moment reaction). Where
the degree of restraint is snch that rotation is to-
FIG. 8.9 A device which serves as a guide against tally prevented, the gnide may be properly de-
axial rotation and as n two-axis double-acting stop scribed as a rigid fixture. It will be noted that the
against lateral translation. guide fixture may be lugs or circular sleeves if no
pipe attachment is used and the fixture bears di-
as restraints, supports, and braces, and will follow rectly on the pipe wall or on '! eoncentric cylinder
the descriptive classifications of rigid, resilient, con- attached to the pipe in the manner of a skirt to re-
stant effort, and damping, in the order named. move the reaction of the guide from direct influence
Rigid Fixtures. A rigid fixture is one whieh on the pipe wall. If pipe attachments are providcd
allows insignificant defleetion along its prineipal axis in the form of lugs, trunnions, rings, ears, etc., the
and may otherwise limit deflection along other axes guide fixtures may again be lugs, rings, etc., or tie
or rotation along any axis. Rigid-fixture action may rods, or struts. Usually there will be a translatory
be provided by any type of support assembly-viz., movement of the pipe line through guides. Hencc,
anchor, guide, or st.op-and will be discussed in that with thc close clearances required for doublc-acting
order. constraint, frictional resistance and the need for
Sinee an andwr must provide essentially complete antifriction or lubrication contact surfaces is ac-
fixation (i.e., full eonstraint against three deflections cct:ttuated; otherwise minimum area of contact is
and three rotations), the fixture part of the assembly advisable, preferably line eontact. Tie rods or
must neeessarily be integrated with the attaehment struts must be of sufficient length to minimize lat-
and sometimes also functions as the structure, the eral motion (as covered in greater detail in See-
attachment being usually the critical part. For tion 8.3). The most widely used gnides are those
this reason, anchors have been treated largcly in which resist axial rotation thus taking out torsional
,he succeeding section on pipc attachments with moment. A practical and serviceable detail for this
various important types illustrated in Figs. 8.18k, purpose is shown in Fig. 8.9. It should be noted,
?n, and p. It is desirable to emphasize that since however, that in addition to its function as a guide,
anchors carry substantial loading, and must oftcn this device restrains lateral translatory movements,
develop the full strength of the attached pipe, and thus also performing as a two-axis double-acting sfop.
further, may involve temperature considerations in A stop, as defined in Section 8.1, limits translatory
considerable degree, their design must not only pro- movement, total stops entirely preventing specific
vide adequate statie and fatigue strength, but also deflections, thus fitting the description of a rigid
sufficient rigidity together with a satisfactory load fixture. Various types of stop fixtures are tie rods
distribution and avoidance of unnecessary stress or cables, jointed struts or links, and sliding can·
concentration attendant to contour and thermal tact brackets in contact with shoes, plates, trunnions,
gradients. Favorable geometry cannot be over- or lugs on a pipe wall. Tie rods and struts, which
emphasized, and is best provided by surfaces of may be favored as stops due to their freedom from
revolution, usually at reduced cost. Dependence frictional effects and greater reliability, deserve
on friction straps or bolted joints in locations af- special comment. Tie rods or cables offer many
fected by temperature change is best avoided, with additional advantages such: as low cost, ease of
preference to integral or welded construction. The installation and adjustment, versatility and mini-
foregoing relates to conventional anchor assemblies; mum space requirements insofar as the fixture

proper is conccrned. These advantages are lost

with struts, which must usually be jointed or
~ lb
hinged to take care of lateral deflections. Joints of
struts are prcferably spherical contact surfaces
which may be incorporated between bolted or ;::::1
IUl /)
threaded unions as illustrated in Fig. 8.10, thus

permitting universal angular motion in degree
dictated by the contact radius, with essentially no
clearance except for the lubrication film. Pin joints l~
restrict motion to one plane, and involve some
clearance for satisfactory operation and lubrication. i~ ~
On the average they are somewhat less expensive
but the saving may be offset by the necessity for
more accurate installation and by their lesser
FIG. 8.11 Typical variable-load spring fixture.
For assurance of unrestrained motion in the
desired directions, the contact surface of sliding usually single coil units although heavy loads may
devices must be initially parallel and, during necessitate the usc of multiple springs because of
operation, free of local thermal effects or lack of availability and manufacturing limitations.
rigidity in the pipe wall or structure which will The type of variable-load spring-support mech-
permit distortion. In addition to structural rein- anism, which has been widely accepted and is now
forcement, concentrated wear of the pressure pipe available as a standard design, is shown in Fig. 8.11.
surface, suehas at a location of line contact, should It consists of a coil spring loaded in compression,
be avoided on large or otherwise critical lines by enclosed with a cylindrical cover, and provided with
protective wear plates. Temperature effects require a load and deflection indicator. Supporting devices
stable attaehments such as trunnions with adequate of this type are commercially available.
length or other p,ovision for heat dissipation. It is not considered necessary to cover herein the
Resilient Fixtures. Resilient fixtures find subject of spring design. However, it is desirable to
widest use as supports and occasional use as braces, discuss the application of a spring of given character-
but they are rarely useful as restraints. They can be istics to the support of piping. The principal
incorporated in any manner of arrangement, sus- consideration is the variation in supporting effort
pended or resting, of single or dual action along one for a given amount of displacement. This load
or more axes. Resilience is almost universally variability may be defined as the absolute value of:
obtained through the use of helical springs, although Operating load - Shutdown load
plates or other sufficiently flexible structural mem- Operating load
bers can be used for special designs where loads are
high and movement requirements low. Sprinll;s are Values of variability customarily used range from
25% to 50%. The higher the variability, the more
nearly the spring approaches a solid support,
consequcntly the more restraint it applies to the
Ground spherical
surfaeo thermal expansion of the piping. On the other hand,
Annular 5fXlco packed
with graphite lubricant the smaller the variability, the bulkier the spring
becomes for given load and travel requirements. If a
,I variability of less than 25% is required, it is apt to be
~>l--{'l-+- -I-'f-r-j--.+----,-
, more practicable to use constant support devices.
The load indicator when observed successively at
ambient and operating conditions serves to verify the
movement and load ranges. For most designs the
load can be adjusted in operation, which is a desir-
able feature; the overall support design should also
provide means for an adequate range of position
Dotoib of Ball Joint
U~ on Jointed SfTvtI adjustment so that the proper pipe elevation can be
FIG. 8.10 Details of ball joint used on jointed struts. maintained independently of the load adjustment.
Cogo which procompro,""
lho spring and odablishol
il1 maximum extension Conneding rod

Typltol Sway Broce Mechanism

limil rods which precompron Ihlll

spring Gnd olloblilh ill maximum

Another Momon!,m Using Two Springs

Sway brace employing

prccomprened and
limited oelion spring
ROlhtonco Plain lprill9
OHerod without limited odion

by S,do, l ~"----_:_:==,,_-
+ Ocfllldion
Connecting rod il ulually ~
adi~llld so thai operating
pOlition is 01 this point Zero

FIG. 8.12 Typical sway brace details and load deflection characteristics.

Resilient fixtures are of limited use as restraints bell crank which is so arranged that the nsmg
for controlling thermal expansion stress or reactions characteristic of the load vs. displacement of the
but find widespread application as supports. Oc- spring is compensated for by a reduced lever arm
casionally they are uscd for bracing when solid ties due to the changing position of the bell crank. The
or struts cannot be used due to the restraint which basic idea, illustrated in Fig. 8.13, has been widely
they impose. As braces, load variability character- exploited; some of the modifications which have been
istics may advantageously be higher than for satisfactorily used are shown in Fig. 8.14. While, as
supports. The bracing effect is obtained by the might be suspected, the load characteristic of this
increase in spring load resulting from deflection, type hanger is not perfectly flat, a close enough
which it is usually desirable to limit in extent thereby approximation is usually provided, the normal
producing the device generally known commercially
as a sway brace. Such devices may employ either a Small chong.: in effedive lever arm
single resilient fixture or two opposed to each other as
illustrated in Fig. 8.12 which also shows the advan-
tageous effect of precompression (and limiting of the o
spring travel) upon the load-deflection characteristic.
Constant Effort Fixtures. Constant effort
fixtures are of two general types, spring loaded and
weight loaded. While these types arc quite inter-
changeable, advantages of negligible weight, com- -~ Lorge change in elleclive lever Ofm

pactness, lower cost, and availability as a completely

engineered product lie generally on the side of the
spring-loaded types and since their range of capac-
ities is presently so broad, the weight-loaded types Relalively
are rendered unnecessary in all but the most extreme Can~IQnl
cases of load or movement.
The spring-loaded constant support fixtures FIG. 8.13 Basic idea of the spring loaded constant
consist of a spring actuated through a lever such as a support mechanism.

variation being only on the order of one per cent. - ----".:;0-----""-.,

In some designs, auxiliary (or booster) springs are
added to improve the charactcris1<ic. In general this ~~~=~ JT~~:~ :
type of device is quite dependable, although all the 3J H~~J!' I

designs available are not as readily adjusted as

might be desired.
Constant load support may be obtained simply by
the use of a counterbalancing weight. Since it is
seldom practical to use a weight equal to that of the
pipe, it is customary to use a mechanism which will
multiply as well as invert the weight force. TwC'
different designs have been considered practical:
the lever type and the cable type. As noted before,
counterweights are used primarily for heavy load or
large travel applications. The support of the extra
weight of the counterweight itself may be a sub-
stantial item, although somewhat reduced on the FIG. 8.14 Various type:; of const-ant tlUpport hangl!fli.
cable and sheave type by the elimination of the
beam. The cable type also permits greater freedom save to reiterate the need for ample and easily made
in the location of the weights; however, slightly adjustment, also for a generom; provision for ex-
greater maintenance is involved. Typical details of cess movement.
both types of counterweights are shown in Fig. 8.15. Damping Fixtures. Damping of vibration:-)
The design of either device involves standard involves the dissipation of energy, which is accom-
structural practice and needs no elaboration here plished in substantial degree only by friction or

Mechanical advantage
obtained by lever ..
\ .~-;~•.::~.;..~;

i.1. Cable

9 Trovel 01

Piptl attachment

lever Beam Type

Coble :



-I \ M"h"kol od,o",o,.
, / ob10;ood by

(il:F:ii::t{iI weight

Coble 0,,1i Sheave Type I'7l')'7.77777r

FIG. 8.15 Typical counterweights.

welds and of hcat-affccted zones adjacent to welds
on the pipe or attachment. Without restraint,
temperature stress is not present; for example, a flat
rectangular plate heatcd all along onc cdge to pro-
dncc a linear gradient across its full width will
become curved in its plane so that the length of each
element parallel to the hcated cdge is proportional
Action line of to its temperature; similarly an opcn-end cylindcr
rC1training elfect
Pipo atlachmenl suhjected to uniform hcat input around thc cir-
link cnmferencc at one end to produce a linear gradient
_.-+ . along its full length will become a cone with the
link end diameter of successive circumferential elements again
level of oil in re~rvcHr_=~ .J proportional to their individual tcmperaturc. Whcn
heat input ccases, the plate and cylinder rcturn to
their original dimensions and shape. Any inter-
11ruclurc - ----- ----- ruption in the uniformity of the gradient, however,
whether due to heat input, heat loss, thermal con-
FIG. 8.16 Commercial railroad car type shock absorber duct·ivity, or discontinuity (i.e. any influence which
utilized as a damping device. opposes free expansion) results in stress whose
magnitude is a function of the character of thc
hydraulic snubbing. Single or opposed springs do gradient intcrruption and the individual stiffnesses
not perform this function hut simply store up an~ of the adjoining sections. With a uniform gradient
rct~lrn energy under varying load with only a the resulting stress is distributcd along its length to
trifling amount dissipated in the process. the same pattern; with a sharp change in gradient,
While dry friction absorbers have not proven highly localized stresses arise in sufficient magnitude
sufficiently reliable for untended simple installations, to maintain continuity of the structure. From the
hydraulic units such as those widely used on trucks, foregoing it is evident that at clcvatcd tcmperature,
railway cars, and automobiles give satisfactory possible distortion and fatiguc failure at pipc attach-
service with only occasional maintenance and are ments is related to the magnitude of thcrmal stress
available as standard mass produced items. A alld that this should he cOlltrolled insofar as practi-
typical installation is shown in Fig. 8.16. Larger cahle by favorablc COlltOur (surface of revolution
size units, if required, may be assembled from rather than flat surface), and minimum heat flow
standard all-purpose hydraulic cylinders and con- and attendant gradient.
ventional hydraulic valves and fittings. Hydraulic In providing pipe attachments which have no
shock absorbers may operate with any fluid; however, significant adverse cffect Oil the strength of thc
most of such cquipment involves hydraulic oil with pressurc wall, it is essential to control carcfully thc
a relatively constant viscosity over the working magllitude and distribution of the structural bcnding
range of temperatures. strcss introduced into the pipe wall by thc attach-
ment in additioll to stresses due. to the previously
8.5 I)ipc Attuchnlcnts dcscribcd thcrmal gradient influences. When such
The attachment componcnt of a support or re- local stresscs are evaluated they should be treatcd in
straint assemhly usually introduces stress into the thc catcgory of sccondary or localizcd stresscs. As
pipc wall as a result of the structural loading which it discusscd in Chaptcr 2, the allowable limit for such
transmits, and also due to the localized heat loss and stresses when due to sustained loadings eaI1I1ot
the thermal gradient which it causes. Inadequate or reasonably be set at the limit for sustained primary
faulty dcsign or fahrication can rcsult in failurc of stresses Sh; instead it is recommended that a limit
the pressure wall with consequent energy release and of 2Sh be used for desigll purposcs. This limit has
tire hazards, particularly on heavy wall thickncss, long been used hy Thc M. W. Kellogg Company,
air hardening analysis, or otherwise sensitive ma~ and is based on the secondary stress levcls inhcrcntly,
tcrials. In the design of pipe attachmcnts it is though not exprcssly, emhodied in thc Prcssure
essential to apprcciate thc significance of tcmper- Vcssel Code rulcs. Wherc the local strcsscs include
ature gradients and their potential for causing the cffect of thcrmal rcactions the allowablc stress
distortion and cracking, particularly of blind root rangc used should be the same as for thc dcsign of
Sheor lugs
the plpmg for such effects. Local strcsses for .....elded 10 pip.
trunnion type attachmcnts can bc approximated by
the approach outlined in Chapter 3, Section 3.14
for nozzle loadings on cylindrical shells. Lug attach-
ments can be similarly approximated by assuming
an appropriate equivalent circular loading.
Aside from favorable stress distribution, pipe
attachment design may involve emphasis on mini-
mum heat loss, protection of insulation, heat dissi-
pation to prevcnt cxeessive local temperature of
connecting steel or concrete members, adaptability
for connection to full fireproofed membcrs, suit-
ability for use on alloy or otherwise sensitive ma-
terials, and satisfactory service at high or sub-
zero temperatures.
Piping systems are inherently susceptible to
position changes and distortion so that attach-
ments should provide some margin of clearance and Crodlo Of Saddl.
strength for lateral loading components in excess of
normal design range. Fr~ction loading magnitude is
difficult to predict accurately; for single supports
(steel on steel, unlubricated) a friction factor of
from 0.20 to 0.50 is used, as influenced by the design
details and service, while for a line on a number of
successive identical supports this factor is usually
reduced 50% except for end supports. The frictional
effect of a bank of lines is usually less than that of a
single line due to the fact that it is unlikely that all
lines in the bank will move at one time. Hence, a
factor of 0.10 to 0.15 is often used for the lateral FIG. 8.17 Typical non-integral attachments.
shear on racks.
Pipe attachments fall into two basic classifications: Cradles or saddles are often used for supportti_ the
(1) non-integral and (B) integral with the pipe wall. pipe simply resting in place. Such attachments can
Non-integral attachments include the type of be made double acting by the use of tie rods en-
details by which the reaction between a pipe and circling the pipe; if a ring or band attachment
support structure is distributed by contact. Typical extends around the entire circumference, wedge~
details of such attachments, including clamps, are sometimes used.
slings, cradles or saddles, and clevises, are shown in Clamps, slings, and cleviscs are widely used and
Fig. 8.17. For heavy loads these are sometimes for moderate service appear as standard hardware
used in mnltiple. Only the clamp is suitable for in many shapes and of both cast and wrought
vertical lines; even so, it is usually necessary to matcrials. With reasonable width and the 180 or
have wclds or projections on the pipe or to locate the greater contact inherent in their design, bending
clamp below fittings or flanges to prevent slippage. stress in the pipe is minimizcd. Clamps for sub-
For usc as a stop, the clamp may assume the form stantial load and saddles or bases are standardized
of a sectional ring of angle iron or othcr shape. The only to the extent of their usage by individual
conventional clamp made of flat bar with appreei- fabricators and are usually manufactured as re-
able gap is really a close-fitting two-pieee sling and quired. Non-integral attachments offer advantag;e~
is incapable of developing signifieant contact in that their procurement and fabrication call be
pressure, since the ears are easily deformed under entirely independent of the piping, and ill that
light bolt takeup. The friction effect and attendant freedom in their location simplifies piping details,
load capacity can be cnhanccd by more rigid design, fabrication, and erection, thus reducing east.
by thc use of heavicr bar stock, or by reinforcing Further, on alloy piping the absence of welding
gussets at the ears. eliminates the need for alloy attachments and alloy
welds with attendant heat treatment requirements, (ineluding stools and trunnions), rings, and skirts.
thereby aecelerating erection. Their drawback is Illustrative examples of these appear in Fig. 8.18.
t,hat in applications involving the support of vertical In addition the various non-integral attaehments
pipes, and for restraints or braces, they cannot previously described are sometimes made integral
maintain effectiveness at elevated temperature since by welding.
the intial eompression is rapidly relaxed. The upper seven illustrations in Fig. 8.18 show
Integral pipe attaehments must be used for representative applications of ears to vertical and
services involving high temperature or relatively horizontal runs. Ears which are normal to the pipe
severe load, and further, on restraints or braces surface are apt to introduce a fair amount of bending
where two-direction action is desirable in a single in the pipe wall, although when they are loeated on
member. The simplest means for integration is the vertical axis of an elbow a reasonable component
the use of spot or fillet welds at the edge of elamps of the load is tangential to the elbow surface. On a
or saddles. However, such welds are subject. to horizontal run the tangential ears, 8. 18g, are favored
failure unless the parts are of similar expansion to minimize bending, although for heavy loads on
characteristies, tightly fitted and attached with large lines a welded-on sling attaehment may be
welds of adequate proportions. More effective preferred in order to minimize the structural
design requires that the struetural and pressure importance of the attaehment welds. Obviously,
parts be unified for favorable load distribution and ears can be used in many other variations. When
adequate heat flow so that welds will not be subjeet used tangentially on vertical pipe, ears resemble a
t.o a concentration of structural or thermal stress. seetion of a cylindrieal skirt with the intersection
Six basie types of integral attaehments are in com- angle and cireumferential spread selected to control
mon use: ears, shoes, lugs, cylindrical attachments bending effects as in 8.18c. In general, distortion

." I

Cylindrk(lllug m

o p

FJO. 8.18 Typicnl int~gral atL'lchmcnts.

and weld failure is much less likely for ears in a vertical slots in the skirt at the top have been ad-
tangential location than for radial ears; and further- vantageous in the case of large pressure vessels and
more, assessment of their effect oitthe pressure shell can be applied to piping as well; the slots should not
is also relatively simple. Ears are usually limited to interrupt the weld, to avoid stress intensification.
unidirectional loading, although they can be designed Favorable contour of pipe attachments to mini-
for lateral loading in their plane. Perpendicular or mize the level of stress and to avoid unnecessary
out-of-plane loading in any magnitude is best stress concentration is essential in proportion to the
avoided. service and loads involved; however, in many cases
A shoe or lug transmits load through one or more conventional structural details are more costly than
web plates which often are welded intermittently or equivalent pressure equipment details which use
at only the ends, a practice not always to be desired pipe or other surfaces of revolution. An anchor
since it accentuates the temperature difference lug of pipe or a skirt anchor may seem unorthodox
between the lug and shell. Unless heavily insulated, from the structural engineer's viewpoint; however,
lugs composed of flat sections are subject to distor- when dealing with radically reduced strength and
tion under high-temperature service and should be severe temperature gradients, loads must be intro-
avoided. Adopting a surface of revolution contour duced into pressure shells in such a manner as to
by making the attachment of a length of pipe serves avoid unnecessary intersection stresses if the attach-
to ameleriorate somewhat the serious intersection ment welds and shell are to remain intact.
problem created by the temperature gradient. It must be remembered that fatigue plays an
Hence, cylindrical lugs and trunnions are frequently important role in piping system design and is of
used in high-temperature service. equal importance on attachments. In general,
Base, stool, and a number of other terms are integral pipe attachments should be subject to the
applied to pipe attachments which serve directly same requirements as to materials, design (in particu-
as a resting support or rigid anchor of piping to a lar allowable stress), fabrication, and inspection as
structure; a familiar example, the standard base ell, the pressure pipe to which they are attached.
is illustrated in Fig. 8.8. Every advantage should be taken in design detail
Rings, or combinations of rings integral with the and the generous use of insulation to minimize heat
pipe and other type attachments, are used on long loss where excessive temperature gradients would be
pipe spans where the support reactions are high; harmful; in general this applies to all attachments on
also for attachments on lines subject to collapsing lines in high-temperature service. Various ex-
pressure, and in general on braces or restr.aints for pedients are resorted to in extreme designs for
extreme loading or concentrated effects since they minimizing heat out-flow. Internal insulation in
afford a maximum opportunity for favorable load skirts, etc. is quite generally desirable; conductive
distribution. material such as steel chips is sometimes substituted
Skirts offer the best approach for the introduction for the insulation near the pipe shell to bypass part
of severe axial loading into a pipe, since distribution of the heat flow around the intersection. Increased
around the entire circumference is attained, pro- metal thickness locally at the intersection reduces
vided the skirt is of sufficient length. Bending is the unit heat flow in this area and increases the
minimized where the skirt angle is kept to a mini- attachment strength.
mum. For acute conditions, the skirt can be of two
courses, the first a cylinder attached to the pipe and 8.6 Structures and Structural Connections
the second a cone for the necessary spread. The The load from pipe supports, restraints, and
attachment welds must receive special consideration braces may be transmitted to other piping, to
if thermal gradients of considerable magnitude arc pressure vessels, to buildings (roof, wall, or frame),
unavoidable. Where fillet weld sizes become ex- to a platform or other access framework, to principal
cessive the top edge of the skirt is often cut to a or secondary equipment support structures or
serration pattern to increase the weld length; it is foundations, or to structures provided specifically
advisable to avoid sharp corners since they promote for this function. The structure generally serves to
::itress concentration and weld cracks; a wave contour transmit the piping load directly or through other
offers the ultimate advantage in this direction; structures to a foundation and thence into the soil,
Fig. 8.180 shows this detail. Excessive fillet weld although occasionally a reaction system may be
sizes can also be avoided and stress flow lines im- balanced within either a single structure or a combi-
proved. For extreme thermal gradient effects, nation of structures.
their influence will be minimized by supports and
favorably placed restraints and braces which do not
significantly affect the overall stiffness. Where
restraints are included in the analysis, the usual
assumption is infinite stiffness in the direction of
their intended reaction. The degree of deflection
that can be tolerated is reliably established only by
complete analysis; however, reasoning and rough
approximations afford sufficient guidance for average
design. Excessive deflection of a support may
substantially increase the strain range of the piping.
Of importance is the strain range to which the
piping is subjected over its complete cycle of opera-
tion and, in particular, the avoidance of repetitive
yielding of the pipe. Yielding attendant to initial
or occasional adjustment of supports is usually of
insufficient frequency to affect fatigue life.
It is common practice to assume that support
deflection is not significant so long as the initial and
SCIOOndgry member which service weight distribution attained does not result
Is (frong enough 001
not wffidently sliff
in sagging, restrict expansion movement, or give
relotiyo kJ the pipo other evidence of distress. As to restraints and
to lake Cloy oppr.aablo
proportion of the load bracing, the degree of deflection which can be tolcr-
ated can usually be approximated by simple beam
calculations for single-plane or other not too complex
FIG. 8.19 Showing jointed strut attached to an piping systems; although whenever warranted, the
inadequate structure. method of Chapter 5 can be used. For existing
systems the deflection under a known load can be
The ability of a strueture to eombine with a pipe measured at critical locations and compared with
attachment and fixture to provide an adequate pipe strain gage measurements. If the load can be
support assembly depends upon its capacity to roughly estimated, such as wind load at a known
carry the imposed load without overstress and,. velocity, the load in the restraining member can be
most important, without excessive deflection under that measured with a dynamometer, strain gage, or
load. If exeessive deflection is required to develop a hydraulic jack; or the relative deflection of the line
reaction equal to the loading, the piping system must can be observed with and without tllc restraint in
either move this amount by sagging or other move- place, the differcnce indicating the restraint effective-
ment, or, if sufficicntly stiff, transfer part or all of ness. Similarly the resistance offered by individual
the load to adjacent restraints, supports, and braces, supports or braces to free expansion can be studied
or to thc tcrminals of the line. A typical example by freeing one location at a time and comparing
is shown in Fig. 8.19, wherein a large pipc is to be the relative deflection.
braeed laterally against wind load by a jointed strut The degree of deflection which can be tolerated is
which, in turn, is attached to a structural member. also related to the effectiveness of the supports,
The deflection of the structure (under the total wind restraints} and braces at the service temperature
load transmitted by the jointed stl'llt A) is large where content weight, thermal expansion movement
enough to permit essentially the same deflection of of the line, and extension of the support members all
the pipe at point B as that which would occur with- affect the distribution of load and magnitude of
out this restraint. Hence, the support is quite reactions. At the same time the structural strength
ineffective, even though alone it may be capable of the piping material is radically reduced fol'
after sufficient deflection of taking the required elevated temperature service. Transient loads such
load without overstress. as wind, earthquake, etc., are of secondary impor-
In the interest of engineering economics, the usual tance as compared with more frequent or sustained
flexibility analysis of piping systems neglects weight, loading conditions.
wind, and transient effects, on the assumption that In the interest of economics} existing structures are

used wherever m·ailable and suitable. An inter-

mediate structural connection may be involved or the
,upport fixture may be direetly -attached. In its
,implest form, the structural connection may bc a
,imple plate or angle clip. Where the pipe is locatcd
at an appreciable distance from the support structure,
the connection may assume sizeable proportions. In
general, such auxiliary structures are of conventional
The usc of pressure equipment as support struc- (0)

tun'-.s for connected piping is often advantageous in

minimizing under thermal change the relative
movement of the :mpport versus the piping, also in
avoiding differential movement of the support
structure and pipe under vibration, wind, and
similar effects. \\Then structural connections are
located on vessels or other equipment where di-
mensional change due to expansion may occur, they
must be designed to permit that expansion, avoid- Moy be bolted 10 ollow
ing appreciable restraint and thc stresses attendant slighl omounl of
thereto. To accomplish this, the three following
alternatives may be applied, singly or in combination:
1. Maintain essentially the same temperature in
the attachment as in the shell (a practicable solution
only when the bracket connects to a single vessel clip). Not welded. bearing
2. Allow flexing of bracket members, of the shell, «Jnlod of angle
on pad only
or of both within their stress capacity.
3. Provide articulation by the use of jointed or
sliding members. FIG. 8.20 Typical brackets serving as connecting structure~
It is important also that the local stresses in the for the support of piping from a vessel.
shell be investigated in order to design shell attach-
ments properly. bears on a shell reinforcing pad, sliding as required
To illustrate the application of these principles, a to accommodate the expansion.
number of typical bracket details are shown in Fig. The foregoing brad<ets are suited for supports
S.20. They represent designs which have been success- involving little transverse load (e.g. for attachment
fully employed by The M. W. Kellogg Company for of a rod hanger). For higher transverse loads similar
a number of years in the support of piping from brackets are used but with greater breadth thus
vessels. Figure 8.20a illustrates the first alternative, making it necessary to provide for the circumferential
wherein a member is cantilevered out from a single as well as for the longitudinal differential expansion
vessel clip of sufficient length to distribute the load- of the vessel.
ing on the shell. Satisfactory eontrol of the tempera- Flat roof buildings permit ready support of piping
ture gradient is obtained, where necessary, by cover- on sleepers; direct support at grade has the same
ing the point of attachment to the vessel with advantage but offers obstruction to free access.
insulation. Heavier loads require a knee brace which, Trenches avoid this disadvantage but involve sub-
when fixed to the shell, becomes an example of the stantial expense plus drainage and corrosion prob-
second alternative, resulting in the bracket of Fig. lems, and may contain hazardous gas pockets for
S.20b. It is only suitable for moderate temperatures explosive vapors.
(say not exceeding 650 F) because of the rigid Where other-purpose structures are subjected to
attachment and limited flexibility of the members. significant piping weight or restraint loads, it is
For higher temperatures a detail such as that of Fig. essential that the situation be anticipated during the
S.20e is employed. This represents a typical applica- progress of design engineering to avoid late changes
tion of the third alternative, with only one member with eonsequent undesirable details. All possible
rigidly affixed to the shell while the other simply advantage should be taken of the inherent stiffness

c Chollnell bock 10 back

attachment through roofs, and by utilizing building
columns as common members in support frames or
,' for the attachment of supplementary cantilever
support strnctures. Elsewhere individual support
structures are required.
Individual support structures at grade are almost
,: invariably of concrete and of simple sleeper or saddle
, contour. Elevated individual support strnctures
may be single columns made of pipe (illustrated in
, 1/-';" Fig. 8.21) although such are usually limited to fairly
~, small lines. Support bents usually involve the use of
.~ structural shapes, as shown in Fig. 8.2, or else rein-

l :r''-NO :~

for SlIIpend«l Pjping

~l forced or unreinforced concrete. When attached, the
material selection is influenced by that of the existing
structure. For independent supports the economie
choice depends on the number of lines and weight to
be carried, height above grade, local material and
for Resting Piping labor costs and availability, and requirements rela-
FIG. 8.21 Typical single column or pole type tive to fire resistance.
supporting structures. Steel constrnction is preferred where supports may
require relocation with future plant additions, or
of a structure to minimize stress and deflection, for removal for access to facilitate equipment repairs or
example, important reactions on beams or columns replacement; they also have an advantage where
should be near main member intersections or at space limitations are imposed or extreme loads
bracing tic-in points; torsional effects should also be carried. The fireproofing of steel usually makes it
tontrolled by favorable location. Light roof trusses, compare unfavorably in cost with concrete, and
frames, or columns may deflect due to local distor- further, if the beam is also encased, complicates
.tion; their use as support structurcs should be individual support bracket details. Unreinforced
avoided particularly for lines subject to pressure concrete is usually limited to low or massive struc-
pulsations. Compressor suction and discharge lines tures such as saddles, sleepers, etc. Reinforced con-
cause many problcms in the vibration of buildings crete cost, when cast in place, is greatly dependent
and are best supported or restrained to massive on the cost of forms and their placement, and the
foundations or heavy concrete structures wherever equipment available for elevated pouring in limited
available; otherwise, isolated supports to grade are quantity. Standardized design with reusable forms
to be preferrcd. makes the first point much less critical but pouring
The interconnecting piping between interrelated costs are less easily pared. Precast reinforced con-
process units and similar piping within an individual crete promises to offer an economic solution provided
unit between vessels, exchangers, pumps, and other satisfactory details for individual support attach-
equipment may be, for economics of supporting ments of variable size can be economically realized.
structures as well as improved appearance and access, For concrete snpports or fireproofing the attachment
often collected into a parallel arrangement or "pipe and fixture must be of such dimension and detail as
alley" as shown in Fig. 8.1, with the support eleva- to allow for heat dissipation where the line tempera-
tion usually sufficiently above grade to promote ture is above 400 F, to avoid deterioration by
freedom of movement for operation or access, al- calcining.
though locations at grade or in trenches may be The sloping of lines is more advantageously accom-
preferred to snit special considerations. Utility, yard plished from a standpoint of both economics and
transfer, or similar piping more often involve routing appearance by variation of the pipe support fixtures
a single line or a few lines which must cross roads at rather than the support strnctures.
a sufficient elevation to permit free vehicular pass~ge
or must go through tunnels, culverts, sleeves, or else 8.7 Erection and I\fuintcnance of the Support-
be buried under the roadway. For such intercon- ing, Restraining, and Bracing System
necting piping where elevated location is desired, usc It is desirable that pipc support connecting struc-
is made where feasible of existing structnres by tures be in position, and support fixtures be available

before the assembly of the piping system is initiated, port stress effeets but also those introdueed ill
in order to minimize the expense of temporary struc- obtaining alignment by bolting up flanges, and by
tures and ties and to simplify rigging. Usually the weld shrinkage, are present and may induee plastie
need for temporary supports and rigging and staging deformation at the weld. Where heat treatment is
details is left entirely to the field engineers sinee in speeified instead of, or in addition to, stress relief,
the design phase the order of equipment arrival and the higher temperatures involved further aeeentuate
ereetion proeedure is not adequately established. these effects so that extreme care is desirable and
With eompetent eonstruetion erews, this is the most usually additional supports are necessary. For this
eeonomie way of handling the problem in the majority purpose eounterweights or spring supports are pref-
of eases, provided only that struetural eonneetions erable; rigid supports ean be used but they must be
and fixtures are made available to the field so they sueeessively adjusted to an effeetive position during
can use them effieiently. There will be many in- heating and eooling and, partieularly, while at
stances, however, where at the eost of only a little temperature.
extra effort in planning, provisions can be made for Fabrication residual stresses can be effectively re-
rigging, support of temporary staging for ereetion duced by thermal unloading at locations away from
equipment or personnel, or making up bolted joints, girth welds in particular, and in general by avoiding
etc.; or indications can be given as to how a support all locations where plastic deformation is undesirable
can be modified or temporarily braced to earry in- due to the reduced duetility attendant to biaxial or
creased loading. triaxial stress distribution and to abrupt metallurgi-
No detrimental effeet results from minor plastie cal, structure or eontour changes. Such unloading,
deformation of the pipe from overload or pulling into whieh is referred to in Chapters 2 and 3, is similar to
alignment during ereetion, exeept for speeial mate- and follows the same procedure as loeal stress relief.
rials which are of limited duetility or are sensitive to It can be employed at pumps, turbines, or other
work hardening, or where such deformation leaves sensitive equipment, in order to reduce fabrication
residual stresses whieh may aceelerate loealized or stress influence toward misalignment. It is often
overall corrosive attaek. It is a good rule for the applied by the use of gas or oxy-acetylene heating at
ereetion forees to qnestion on all alloy materials relatively rapid heating and cooling rates without
whether sueh deformation is undesirable, and for the adverse aftereffects where sensitive materials, the
designers to make a practice of warning wherever presence of flaws, or corrosive service are not in-
such eannot be tolerated. In sueh speeial cases final volved. In general, the same precautions as are
make-up pieees are required and must be arranged exercised in hot forming in the same temperature
for in the initial plans; templates must be obtained range, are sufficient. The use of sueh thermal un-
when the piping ereetion is eomplete to the point of loading is to be encouraged, since only minor expense
the make-up pieee; support during ereetion must be is involved. It is possible to secure an essentially
such that yielding does not occur. presprung eondition if the thermal unloading is
With tbe completion of erection of the piping and applied when the line is first heated as in warming up
supports, the support fixtures must be adjusted to before initial serviee, thns preventing yielding and
avoid sagging and to attain proper distribution of the ereep at undesirable loeations.
load between supports, also to effect the desired Heating for thermal unloading involves the same
functioning of the restraints and braces. In the precautions and general approaeh as for local stress
absence of controlled prcspring, the degree of residual relief. Complete eireumferential areas should be
fabrication strain is not known, so that successive or brought to temperature nniformly and without undue
cumulative yielding may occur as supports, restraints, heat concentration by moving torches continuously
or braces are adjusted. It is desirable to align the and preferably by using two torches at opposite
pipe first at the more critical locations and then adjust locations in the circumference. \Vhen available, ring
intermediate stations to suit, repeating this sequence gas burners, gas burner mumes, or other stress relief
until the line position remains stable relative to the equipment is advantageously employed. Tempera-
supports. tures can usually be sufficiently controlled by heat-
If the fabrication involves stress relief or other sensitive pellets, paint, or by the use of surface or
post-heat-treatment of field welds, supports shonld optical pyrometers.
be adjusted and auxiliary supports provided if The eventual distortion of the pipe line under
necessary to minimize stresses at the successive service and cyeles of temperature is largely depend-
heated areas. For final elosure welds, not only sup- ent on the dimensional stability achieved by pre-
spring or by thermal unloading, and by the effective- an essential part of this approach since early correc-
ness of the support and restraint adjustment. Cyclic tion of observable inadequacies can avoid later
overstress, with necessary adjustment on each extensive direct and contingent damages to the
thermal cyele, and oecasional yielding resulting from piping and connected equipment.
upset conditions, ete., will change the line contour For critical piping it is desirable to denne clearly
and modify the reactions at supports and restraints. the installation and subsequent adjustment require-
Temporary periods of uneven temperature, particu- ments, and where at all possible to send a design
larly during heating up, may cause bowing, etc., engineer thoroughly familiar with the basic and
which disappears when equilibrium conditions are installation requirements, to assist with and observe
again established. the adequacy of the installation. This is particularly
It is always desirable that the performance of important on stiff or large high-temperature piping
supports, restraints, and braces be observed during or where critical materials are involved. In particu-
initial heating up to see if they perform as intended. lar, measures for. prestress should be properly
Adjustment is needed if unanticipated restraints executed, and the adjustment of special support
oceur which will distort the line or damage the sup- and restraint fixtures properly accomplished.
ports. When equilibrium temperature is reached the Stops should be adjusted so they will react in the
supports should be readjusted to the most favorable required degree at service temperature and, if re-
position. The operators and maintenance forces quired, also under ambient conditions. It should
should appreciate the importance of observing the be assured that the stop restricts only movement
action of these devices during each period of major normal to the contact surfaces, which should be
temperature change as well as during service. smooth and reasonably parallel.
Periodic adjustment of supports may well avoid Many supports or restraints involving sliding or
fatigue failure, unnecessary distortion, leakage] or moving parts are dependent on the maintenance care
other distress. In Section 2.6 of Chapter 2, the sig- given to them for dependable operation. The
nificance of calculated deflections is shown to be designer may easily make the mistake of placing
as a range of movement and not as an absolute too much reliance on such maintenance; delicate
position. This carries with it the understanding mechanisms are easily put out of order and should
that supports must be adjusted to suit the immediate be avoided. In all cases the designer should give
working position of the line. some thought to the consequences should a particular
The foregoing is at least equally applicable to device fail to function as planned. If consequences
average minimum engineered pipe systems as to are serious, a more foolproof detail should be sought.
critical ones. With the former, the deflections, the Frictional resistance, when critical, can be com-
support and restraint reactions, and also the stresses bated by going to antifriction devices such as rollers
are established for the design of both the piping and or self-lubricating details. Self-adjusting features
its supporting system by thumb rule or simplified can often be worked in. An overall appraisal of
analyses subject to appreciable error. Observation this nature can greatly increase a system's reliability
of the behavior of the line and supports is necessarily in service..

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _efl

Vibration: Prevention and Control

HE aim of this chapter is to summarize the structural piping oscillations. On the other hand,
essentials of struetural and acoustie vibra- there does not appear to be any gcnerally recognized
tions as applied to piping systems, aid the up-ta-date text on flow vibration, so that it was
piping engineer in establishing design practices which considered desirable to summarize fundamcntal in-
will minimize the occurrence of objectionable or formation relative to this important subject. When
damaging piping vibration such as may occur under detailed treatment of suhjects considered is readily
resonance, and indicate steps to control or eliminate available, only final pertinent rcsults are given,
excessive vibration when it develops in service. whereas an attempt is made to provide necessary
9.1 Introduction analysis and discussion of specific subjects whose
coverage in the literature appears to be limited.
The deleterious effects of vibration are often not Certain basic texts may now be briefly mentioned.
properly assessed. Failures actually caused by vi- These should provide the interested reader with a
bration are sometimes attributed to other causes gencral acquaintance with the mechanics of vibra-
while, on other occasions, harmless oscillations of tion and further constitute very useful reference
perceptiblc amplitude have given rise to undue material. The texts by Den Hartog [I] and Tima-
shenko [2J are best known for their thorough engi-
The possihility of fatigue fracture and the effect neering treatment of thc fundamentals of mechanical
of fatigue on the life of piping and the superposition and structural vibration and contain numerous ex-
of vibration stresses have already been discussed in amples of oscillatory motion caused by reciprocating
Chapter 2. Among other undesirable effects to be and rotating machinery, self-excited vibrations, etc.,
considered by the piping designer are: flow pulsa- as well as a comprehensive hihliography on these
tions leading to noisy operation and increased flow problems. Rayleigh's Theory of Sound [3J is the
turhulence with attendant higher heat transfer rates, classical text on acoustic, as well as structural, vibra-
pressure drops, corrosion or erosion, and impairment tion and is recommended, with Love's treatise [4],
of operation of flow machinery, valves, and other to those interested in dctailed derivations and proofs
components; damage or leakage at critical joints of mathematical formulas. A further valuable the-
and scals; psychological effects of a safe but vibrat- oretical work on acoustic vibrations is that of
ing piping system,l etc. Morse [5J. Analogies hetwcen mechanical, electrical,
In this chapter no attempt will be made to provide and acoustic oscillatory systems are presented ad-
a complete treatise on vibration. While relatively mirably by Olsen [6]. while Stoker [7J provides an
little has been published strictly on piping vibration, excellent introduction to the modern theory of non-
there is ample covcrage of the general subject of linear vibration, such as self-excited oscillations.
mechanical vibration which is directly applicablc to For routine design, Marks' [8J and Kent's [9J me-
lExperience would seem to indicate that an amplitude as chanical engineering hand hooks include a brief sum-
small as fir in. in Illrge-size piping (say over 12 in. diameter) is mary of formula.s used in engineering applications.
:Jufficient to cause alarm if the piping is in an enclosed building, Vibration and shock isolation are treated by Crcde
und i in. if in an open structure. [IOJ and by Ryder and Gatcombe [llJ.
Basic concepts of vibration and a gencral discus- nonresonant vibrations are not much reduced by
sion of vibration prevention and control are given friction dcvices. An examplc of a typical friction
in the next section. The sections following include dampener is the shock absorber used in some piping
a more extensive engineering treatment of the sub- systcms to limit the amplitude of possible resonant
ject of structural and acoustic vibrations, with in- vibrations.
formation for the convenience of the piping engineer 6. From the practical point of view the most im-
and stress analyst in setting up and solving prob- portant problem in connection with vibration is the
lems which require detailed investigations. This is phenomenon of resonance. Resonance occurs when
followed by an illustration of thc application of a system (mechanical or acoustic) is excited peri-
basic vibration concepts and derived equations in odically with a frequency at or very near the natural
the design analysis of a sample piping system. The frequency of the system. If the damping (internal
last section of this chapter discusscs piping vibration or external) of the system is small, then the system
from the point of view of diagnosis and correction of will rcspond to excitation, even by a small impulse
existing conditions, i.e. "trouble shooting". at the resonant frequency, with large amplitudes of
vibration, leading to large deflections in the casc of
9.2 Fundamental Considerations in Piping structural vibrations or large pressure surges in
Vibration acoustic systems. These, in turn, are accompanied
9.2a Definitions. It is appropriate to define a by high repeated stresses which arc likely to cause
few terms which are fundamental in any discussion damage by fatigue failurc of the pipe or components.
of vibration theory and practice. 7. In an clastic system, periodic application of a
1. The period of vibration, T, (seconds) designates force as distinct from a static force, may lead to
the time of one complcte oscillation which is re- vibratory deflcctions (amplitude) equal to, larger
peated in every respect. than, or smaller than static deflcctions. The ratio
2. The frequemy of oscillation, f, (cycles per between the maximum vibratory amplitude and the
second) is equal to the reciprocal of the period of static deflection is called the magnification factor
vibration. The angular frcquency, w, (radians per and is a function of thc ratio of forcing frequency
second) = 2"fT. to natural frcquency and the amount of damping
3. The number of degrees of freedom equals the present in the system.
number of independent quantities defining the posi- 9.2b Types of Vibration. Three main types of
tion of a system. Thus, a system consisting of a oscillation must be carefully distinguished: free.
mass attached to a massless spring and constrained forced, and self-excited.
to unidirectional motion has one degree of freedom, In free vibration, the system is excited by an cx-
since thc systcm configuration is completely defined ternal transient impulse (persisting for only a short.
by the deflection of the spring. A simply supported time) and the system vibrates under no external
flexible beam or pipe, on the other hand, has an in- force. In real systems, some damping is present
finite number of degrees of freedom because of the and the systcm oscillations will subside unless
f1exibiiity of each element relative to adjoining ones, another transient impulse is imparted.
requiring an infinite number of element deflections In forced vibration, the system oscillates under
to describe the position completely. the external cxcitation of a periodic perturbing force.
4. A principal mode of vibration is a free vibration A primary source of excitation might be the unbal-
(see 9.2b, "Types of Vibration") of a- system vi- ance of rotating machinery (e.g. clectric motors,
brating at a definite frequency. Thc number of turbines, compressors, fans, or pumps). Other fre-
principal modcs is cqual to the number of degrces quently encountercd sources of forced piping vibra-
of freedom. Frequcncics of thc principal modes of tion arc thc periodic variation of fluid pressures and
oscillation are callcd natural frcquencies. The low- acceleration of masses within the reciprocating
est natural frequency is called the fundamcntal fre- devices.
quency and corrcsponds to thc fundamental mode Self-excited oscillation is a complicated phenome-
of vibration. A beam, or pipe, has an infinite num- non. The system vibrates under no periodic external
ber of principal modes. Howevcr, the importance forces and the vibration persists, due to internal
of thc fundamental frequency is by far the greatcst. energy sources, even in the presence of damping.
5. Damping can be dcfined as thc reduction of Among well-known examples of self-excited vibra-
vibration amplitude through action of frictional tion are the humming of telegraph wires, chattering
forces. It is a cure for resonant vibrations, whereas of lathe tools, flow surging of fans or blowers, air-

_ _J
plane wing flutter, eombustion and flow instabilities inder). These aerodynamic forces are due to vortex
in furnaces and boilers, etc. In piping systems, motions around the cylinder (Von Karman vortices,
vibrations of self-excited charaCter have been en- cf. [12]), and act at right angles to the direction of
countered usually in association with flow instabili- the wind. Their magnitude is usually relatively
ties, surging of compressors due to unsuitable small and essentially equal to the dynamic pressure
operating characteristics, vortices due to steady acting on the projected area of the cylinder, but if
wind, pulsating gas-solid streams, etc. Analysis of the frequency is in the neighborhood of a natural
vibrations of this type is usually difficult and often frequency of a piping system the piping will be set
requires experimental investigation. in resonant vibration with perhaps fairly large ampli-
9.2c Sources of Periodic Excitation. Rotating tudes. An example of this phenomenon is the so-
machinery invariably constitutes a major source of called "humming" of telephone wires. Actual cases
mechanical vibration, due to the inevitable mass of pipe vibration of this character have been ob-
unbalance existing in the rotating parts of the ma- served [13].
chine (see Subsection 9.5b). Unless rotating ma- The sources of mechanical or acoustic excitation
chinery is very carefully balanced or supported on deseribed so far are more or less of a systematic
an elastic foundation for the purpose of vibration nature and can be expected and taken into account
isolation, forced vibration with a frequency equal in design. Unexpeeted sources of excitation may
to the rotating speed may be expected in nearby exist in an installation or may develop in the course
structures. If the rotating speed is in the neighbor- of operation. Inasmuch as such excitation sources
hood of the natural frequency of an adjoining cannot be provided for in advance, they must be
structure, resonant vibration will be induced, leading dealt with as they oecur.
to possible failures of piping or components. An example of an apparently self-exeited vibra-
A compressor of the reciprocating type is a source tion is that which appeared in oil refine"y fluid
of periodic pressure excitation at a frequeney (cps.) catalytic craeking plants in the form of structural
equal to the rotational speed (rps.) multiplied by vibrations, as well as pressure surges, and which was
the number of cylinders for single aetion and twice traced to the gas-solid stream in the catalyst carrier
the number of cylinders for double action for any line. Changes in the line configuration and, par-
given stage. If this frequency approaches the tieularly, the catalyst injection detail greatly influ-
acoustic frequency of the connected piping system, enced these vibrations. Other similar difficulties
acoustic resonance in the form of large periodic are occasionally encountered in other process equip-
pressure surges will appear. Apart from possible ment and remedies usually involve trial-and-error
adverse effects on machinery and its operation, these changes in details of the fluid injection meehanism.
pressure pulsations can be transmitted direetly to 9.2d Vibration Prevention and Control.
the foundations and buildings, and via bends acted Elimination or isolation of sources of vibration is
on by periodically variable forces, or through the unquestionably the most desirable solution to a
connecting pipe itself to other vessels, structures, vibration problem. However, it is often not pos-
or foundations. A piping system vibration fre- sible to accomplish this objeetive completely. A
quency equal to the speed of rotating machinery or slight unbalance of rotating parts will probably per-
the pulses of reciprocating devices is a clear indica- sist. Some pressure pulsations due to flow machin-
tion of the source of excitation, which can be cor- ery, wind or earthquake effects, etc. should be
rected or minimized by balancing of rotors, inclusion expeeted by the piping engineer. Self-excited vibra-
of vibration dampeners, pulsation snubbers, or other tions are diffieult to predict analytically, and the
teehniques described in this chapter, as well as in designer may have to rely largely on field experience
Chapter 8. and data in estimating probable frequencies of
Another source of periodic excitation of exposed excitation.
piping systems involves the action of wind. If air Since the piping designer has numerous other con-
strikes at right-angles to the axis of a cylinder of siderations which determine a piping system layout,
diameter D. (ft) at a steady wind vclocity U (ft/sec), it is not suggested here that an elaborate vibration
then there result periodic forces of frequency f analysis of all standard piping systems be carried
(eycles/sec). out; nevertheless, the engineer will usually be justi-
fied in spending the time needed to insure that the
f = SUID. = 0.18UID. (9.1)
fundamental natural frequency of a piping system
where S = the Strouhal nnmber (= 0.18 for a cyl- bearing pulsating flow (e.g. piping directly con-

nected to reciprocating compressors) will not be in sound judgment in making simplifying assumptions,
the neighborhood of a forcing frequency. Proper as well as experience, is always required.
choice and spacing of supports and braces (guides
and damping devices, Chapter 8), as well as gas- 9.3 Structural Natural Frequency Calcula-
pulsation smoothing devices (Seetion 9.8), may be tions
added in the original design at little initial cost, and The primary prerequisite of vibration prevention
is much less expensive than correcting trouble when and control is the determination of system natural
encountered in the field. frequencies. This section summarizes the morc
Following establishment of design eriteria rela- important results pertaining to structural frequencies
tive to allowable piping stresses and defleetions, the of various simple configurations.
designer should review available information on
probable foreing frequencies and estimate natural
frequencies (struetural and acoustic) of critical
piping. Formulas for the determination of natural
frequencies of simple systems arc given in Sections
9.3 through 9.8 and their use is illustrated in Sec-
tion 9.9.
Rnowing the possible forcing frequencies (e.g. 9.3a The Spring-Mass Model. The simplest
from data on rotating and reciprocating maehinery), and most fundamental of all mechanical oscillatory
an attempt should be made by the designer to pre- systems is the one degree of freedom system con-
vent resonance of the piping system. The upper sisting of a mass attached to a massless spring and
limit of free pipe length (Le. the lower limit of eonstrained to unidirectional motion (Fig. 9.1). Let
natural frequency) is usually governed by consider- k = spring constant
ations other than vibration. Moreover, shifting = force in lb required to elongate or
natural frequencies toward the lower end as com- compress the spring by 1 It
pared with the exciting frequency has the disadvan- m = mass in slugs
tage of not completely eliminating possible vibration _ weight (lb) W
during start-ups and shutdowns of maehinery. The - acceleration due to gravity (ft/sec') g
other approach, that of introduction of additional
Then the undamped angular natural frequency Wn
intermediate fixed or elastic supports for the pur-
of the system, expressed in radians per sec l is
pose of shifting the natural frequency of piping
toward the high side, appears to be a more appro-
priate method of eliminating vibration although
less economical and conflicting with requirements
Wn =! (9.2)

and the frequency fn in cycks per second, eps, is

of thermal expansion.
Wherever it is not possible to follow either of the
two methods described above, and the natural fre-
fn = W
~ FE.
271" '\j:;,
quency of the piping system remains dangerously
close to that of the exciting force, considerable Hence, the undamped natural period Tn, in seconds,
attention must be devoted to isolation by gas pulsa- is
tion dampeners, elastic foundations, balancing of 1 2". 2".
T = - = - = -- (9.4)
rotating machinery, and· provision of adequate n fn W n Vk/m
damping dcvices (shock absorbers) at strategic If the load (lb) is designated as IV = mg it is seen
points in the s,Ystem. So-called dynamic dampeners
that the static defleetion '" in feet of the spring
which couple a secondary vibratory system to the
under load will be
main piping system, the former being "tuned" so as
IV mg
to reduce the amplitude of vibration of the main Ost = - =-
k k
system at or near resonance, do not appear to be
practicable for piping. It should be emphasized Substituting this into eq. (9.3) gives another ex-
that solutions given in this chapter apply only to pression for the natural frequency fn, also in cps.
relatively simple piping and support configurations.
Unfortunately, no general analytical treatment is fn = ~ r;; = 0.906 (9.5)
available for dealing with vibration problems, and 2". '\It V".

Equations 9.3 and 9.5 are of great usefulness, pri- eq. 9.5, since in the former case the notions of spring
marily because of their immediate generalization to constant or the purely elastic cffect and notion of
eonfigurations far more compicX' than the simple mass or inertia effect are separate, while in eq. 9.5
system for which they were derived. the two notions are combined; as a result, eq. 9.3
lends itself more readily towards generalization.
This is illustrated by the eoncept of effective mass,
whieh will be introduced in the next subscction.
9.3b Frequency and :Mass Effectiveness Fac-
tors for Different End Constraints. Between
supports or anchors, a pipe is a beam with uni-
formly distributed mass. Each restrained length
possesses an infinite number of degrees of freedom,
FIG. 9.2 Structure supporting II weight.
hence vibration may occur in an infinite number of
Thus, Fig. 9.2 shows a structure supporting a con- modes singly or in combination. In practice, the
centrated weight W (lb). Assume that the weight fundamental mode is of main interest) but occa-
of the structure can he neglected as compared with sionally the second mode may also bc of some
W, and that it is desired to estimate the natural importance.
frequency of vibration of the mass in a vertical Thc gcncral cxpression for thc natural frcquencies
direction. By virtue of eqs. 9.3 or 9.5 the vibration of beams with uniform mass distribution, sueh as
problem is reduced to a purely structural one. To pipes, is of thc following form:

a~1~~3 ~2~~I
use eq. 9.3, calculate the concentrated force (lb)
rpquired to deflect point 0 vertically 1 ft (i.e. the in = = (9.71
spring constant k(lb/ft) in the vertical direction at "
o and also recognized as an influence coefficient in where a is a coefficient which varies with
the end
structural deflection theory). With W = mg given, conditions and mode. In order to follow thc pip-
fn is found by substitution into eq. 9.3. Alternately, ing practiee used in the remainder of this book, thc
the static vertical deflection at point 0 under the numerical constant a is left with the dimension
conccntrated weight W can be found and in cal- (ft/in.)(ft/scc2 )J.j and the symbols in cq. 9.7 have
culated from eq. 9.5. the following units2 :
W = total wcight, lb.
Wu = weight pCI' ft of pipe (including pipe contento
and insulation), Ib/ft.
E = modulus of clastieity, Ib/in 2
FIG. 9.3 End weight on n cantilever.
I = moment of inertia, in. 4
L = length of pipe, ft.
Example. Given a concentrated weight W = mg fn = natural frequcncy, cps.
being supported at the end of a massless cantilever Values for wU, I, and E can be found in Appendix C.
of Icngth L, structural moment of inertia I, and Tablc 9.1 gives values of a for the eases indicatcd.
matcrial modulus of elasticity E (see Fig. 9.3). It The concept of lleffective mass" is a convenient
is required to estimate the natural frequency of approaeh by which a distributcd mass is treatcd as
vibration of the systcm. an equivalent concentrated mass. Thus, for a mas::;-
The vertical (static) deflcction of 0 under the less eantilevcr of Icngth L (ft) with concentrated
weight W is, from structural theory, cnd load P (Ib) the natural frcquency is givcn by
WL3 eq. 9.6. For uniform wcight distribution, the funda-
ii" = 48 EI mental mode of vibration is:

using dimensions of W (lb), L (ft), E (lb/in?), 0.265 fEi EI I

I (in 4 ), and ii" (ft). From eq. 9.5, in = U\/~ = 0.265\/WL3

in = 0.906
(El =
\/48WiJ 0.130
WL 3 (9.6)
(see Table 9.1 and eq. 9.7)
2The constant a is nondimensional for a consistent set of
In general, eq. 9.3 is of greater usefulness than dimensions.

Table 9.1
Frequency Coefficient a for
Suppert Mode of Vibration Pipe or Uniform Bar

Fundamental (1st) ~f.....~_=

__-_ 0.265
Second Mode 1.66

Fundamental (1st) 0.743

Both ends simply supported
Second Mode 2.97

Fundamental (1st) I.I6

One end simply supported, other end fixed
Second Mode 3.76

Fundamental (1st) §jl '----_/ ~ 1.69

Both ends fixed
Second Mode 4.64

Hence it appears that the effective end weight of constant k = 3Ellx3, the infinitesimal mass dm =
a uniform weight distribution is (WI Lg) dx, and the ratio

= ( --" )2 W = 0.25W = tw (9.S)
k 3EILg 3EI (L)3
= Q~ dX)
0.260 dm = Wx dx L3 ;-
Consequently, the fundamental natural frequency
for a cantilever with a total weight W uniformly the infinitesimal mass at x may be considered equiv-
distributed and a concentrated load P at the end is alent to an effective infinitesimal mass at the end
(x = L), multiplied by a weight factor (xIL)3. If
- 013
in - .
~ (t W EI
+ P)L3 (9.9) the effective infinitesimal masses at x = L is then
added, the total effective mass is
= 0.13J
L 2
WJL(:.)3 dx = ~ W = W,,, or W,,, = tWo
gL, L 4 g g
:jw y +L
Of course, this principle of addition of effective
The factor of effectiveness, t, can also be derived masses is not exact but, as was seen, the approxi-
in a manner which may be generalized to the case of mation for uniformly distributed load is quite
nonuniformly distributcd loading. Thus, if the
total weight of the cantilcver is Wand L is its
On this approximate basis the procedure can also
length, then considering only the infinitesimal mass
be generalized to the case of a non-uniform mass
dm bctween x and (x + dx) (Fig. 9.4), the spring
distribution on cantilever beams. Thus for a mass
as shown in Fig. 9.5, the effective end weight would
W1L'+L> (X)3
TV"f = - - dx =
(L, + L,)4 -3 (L,)"'
L 2 L, L 4L 2 L
FIG. 9.4 Elementary muss on cantilever. (9.10)


w Thus, for this mode, the dynamic deflection curve

may be taken as:
y(x, t) = f(x) sin wnt
Wn being the natural frequency for the particular
mode. If x varies between x = 0 and x = L, the
potential and kinetic energies are respectively:
FIG. 9.5 Distributed mass on cantilever.

with a natural frequency, cps, Potential energy = !E sin' wnt1L I(x)[f" (x)]' dx
fn = 0.13
IGnetic energy = ~2 wgn cos' wntlL TV(x)[f(x)]2 dx
For a concentrated load TV at x = L" L, --> 0, and 0
eq. 9.10 reduces to (9.13)

TV,rr = TV (?y (9.11)

so that
Max. potential energy = !E 1 L
I(x)[f" (x)J' dx
Apart from unusual cases, eqs. 9.10 and 9.11 will
~ wn'lL TV(x)[f(x)j' dx
yield results sufficiently accurate for engineering
estimates. Max. kinetic energy =
2 g 0
9.3c Variable Stiffness and Variable Mass.
There exists, since Rayleigh [3], a systematic pro- from which
cedure for the approximate calculation of natural
frequencies of structures with non-uniform stiffness
Egl L
I(x)[f"(x)]' dx
and non-uniform mass distribution. With this L
method a reasonable form of the deflection curve TV(x)[f(x)]' dx
during oscillation is assumed and then maximum
kinetic and potential energies are calculated and By analogy with eq. 9.2, the numerator and denom-
equated. inator in eq. 9.14 represent an effective spring con-
The result is an expression for the natural (un- stant and an effective mass (or load) respectively.
damped) frequency. If, by chance, the exact form
of the vibratory deflection curve for a particular
mode has been assumed the resulting expression for
the natural frequency for that particular mode will ---,
be exact. In general, at least for the fundamental
mode, any reasonable approximation to the actual
deflection curve will yield results good enough for FIG. 9.7 Cantilever.
practical purposes. A reasonable deflection curve
is one which satisfies at least the major boundary For the fundamental mode, the approximate form
conditions of the structure (e.g., end conditions for of the deflection curve for a cantilever, Fig. 9.7, is
f(x) = 28 sin' 1TX (9.15)
where 8 = maximum deflection (at end).
This satisfies the conditions for zero deflection and
zero slope at x = 0 and a condition for zero moment
FIG. 9.6 Mass distribution. at x = L. It does not satisfy an end shear condition.
Likewise, for simply supported beams and fixed-
Thus, suppose a reasonable form of a deflection
end beams the deflection curves may be taken re-
curve for a particular mode for a beam with various
spectively as
end conditions is f(x), the weight distribution is
TV(x) (Fig. 9.6), and the stiffness is expressed by a f(x) = /j sin "{ and f(x) = /j sin' "{
variable moment of inertia I(x), x being measured
from a certain origin. where /j = maKimum deflection (at the center).
For a cantilever, it was seen that the uniform load
may be taken as equivalent to i concentrated end Cantilever fn = 0.13
~ (!-W EI
+ I'lL"
load. Likewise, on the basis of the assumed deflec-
tion curves:
For a simply supported beam, by analogy with =0.13RSi'I
L' 1 I'
eq. 9.14 the effective center load (equivalent to uni- -w
4 u
form load), after cancelling the constant 0, is
(9.9; 9.90 I

W,,, lVJ:L sm. 2 1rX 1

-dx =.W (9.16)
~ (! W EI
= -
Simply supported beamfn = 0.525 + P)L 3
For a fixed-end beam, the equivalent ccnter load is
0.525 BI
lVJ:L sm.
4 7TX
r;dx=a W
= L2 1
-W y +-I'
2 L
For beams, the stiffness is usually constant along
the span and the form of the mass distribution is
frequently as follows: Fixed end beam
f" = 1.03 '\j (ilW + P)L3
uniform load + end load for cantilevers
and = 1.03JPi'I
uniform load + center load for simply supported 2
L 3
·w.. +-I'L
or fixed end beam. 8"
Thus, let:
fn = natural frequency of pipe (1st mode), cps. 9.3d Combined Bending-Torsion. Consider
W = total weight of pipe, lb. the cantilever in Fig. 9.8 and assume its mass can
W u = weight of pipe per ft of length (including con-
be neglected. Then, the static dcflec:tion at point 0
tents and insulation), Ib/ft. for a wcight Pis:
I' = end load for cantilever or center load for simply
supported or fixed-end pipe (beam), lb. L a3
0= [ 4 s L b3
- + 4S-
EI a
+ 144~ P (9.201
Eh OJ a
L = length of pipe, ft.
E = modulus of elasticity of pipe material, Ib/in.'
where La and Lb = the two arms of thc configura-
I = moment of inertia of pipe section, in. 4
tions, ft.
Values of wy , E and I for pipe can be found in E = common modulus of elasticity,
Appendix C. Then, for beams with loading condi- Ib/in 2
G = torsional shearing modulus,
tions as stated above, the following formulas may be
used for the first modc of vibration: Ih/in 2
I a and h = respective moments, of inertia of
the section, in. 4
J a = polar moment of inertia about
". the center of gravity of the circu-
lar section a or the "equivalent"
value for a noncircular section.
m. 4
o= deflection, ft.
The effective spring constant, Ibl ft, for point 0 is

k = (9.21)

FIG. 9.8 Configuration in bending torsion. 1+ (~) (~J + 3 ~~: (~:)


and the natural frequency is then

fa = 0.13 - (9.22) o
1+ ~ (La)' + 3 E10 (La) l,
I a Lb GJ a L b
If the mass of the piping (beam) cannot be neg-
lected, and denoting by Wva and Wvb the weight per FIG. 9.11 Two members: - angle 0 between legs.
linear foot ([b/ft) of length J"a and Lb respectively,
E1o/W,flLb' idcalized as in Fig. 9.10. Analogous to eqs. 9.22
fa = 0.13 and 9.23 the following expressions can be written:
10 (La)'
1+- - +3 E10-(La)
a b a b
fa = 0.13
,(La), P
"41L'va "4 + ZWyb + "4
1 10 (La)' +3E1o
1+--- - -(La)
0.13 32I L 2GJ L
a b a b
= --2 (9.23)
Lb 10 (La)' E10-(La)
--+3 GJ Lb
- 2E1o
a b a
P 3 (La)
W'fl=tlV~+!Wb+P 0.13 L b + 8Wva L b + Wvb
= --2 (9.24)
where lV a and lVb are the weights of legs La and Lb. Lb 1 10 (La)' 3E1o
32Ia Lb
- + -(La)
2GJ a L b
Equation 9.23 is necessarily an approximation,
and in particular the effect of lVb is a somewhat Here again in is in cps; h, la' and J a have units
crude approximation. A closer approximation can of in.'; E and G, Ib/in.'; La and Lb' ft; IVa and
be obtained by energy methods (see Rayleigh's IV b, lb; Wva and Wvb lb/ft; and load P lb.
method described above). However, in most prac- 9.3e Approxinlate Natural Frequencies of
tical cases, additional refinements are not warranted. Pipe Bends with Two Members (Vibration Per-
The foregoing results may be applied, in an ap- pendicular to Plane of Bend). Consider a pipe
proximate manner, to estimate the fundamental bend as shown in Fig. 9.11, having both lcgs the
natural frequency of a particular pipe bend shown same in diameter, thickness, and material. The mass
in Fig. 9.9. For purposes of cstimating the natural distribution is considered to be due only to the
frequency of vibration (in a mode perpendicular to weight of the pipes.
the plane of the paper), the configuration may be For the usual pipe materials, the ratio of bending
rigidity to torsional rigidity, EI/GJ = 1.3 = I.
With this approximation, the general expression for
the fundamental natural frequency of vibration per-
pendicular to the pipe bend will be of the form
f=a'l/WL 3 (9.25)

wherejisincpsIEisinlb/in.2,lisinin.\ lV = total
}<'IG. g.9 Schematic of pipe bend. weight of bend in Ib, L = L, + L 2 = total length
of bend in ft l and a is a numerical factor depending
p upon the ratio L,jL 2 and the angle o.
Consider t\'..·o extreme cases:
a. L 2 = 0, L, = L
In this case the bend reduces to a fixcd-end beam
and a = 1.69 constant for all angles.
b. L, = L2 = !L
FIG. 9.10 ldclllizcd configuration for Fig. 9.9. In this case (L, = L 2 ), if 0 = 0, the bend reduces
Obviously curves of " vs. 0 for all other length
ratios L,/L" must be situated between the two
extreme cases (a) and (b) discussed above and
shown in Fig. 9.13. Even though it is not exactly
correct, a simple interpolation between the two
extreme cases for any given length ratio is good
enough for engineering estimates. Thus the two
FlO. 9.12 Two-member bend 0 = 1r/2.
extreme cases plus simple interpolation define the
values of " for any length ratio and any angle 0 to
to two parallel cantilevers and " = 1.06. In the
within reasonable approximation.
other extreme, 0 = ", the bend reduces again to a
fixed-end beam and" = 1.69. Consider now the f (C.p.I.) = ex J £1
case,O = ,,/2 (Fig. 9.12). It can be shown that the
deflection y, (in ft) at the point 0 due to a unit load
at that point, in a direction perpendicular to the
plane of the bend, is given by
Yo =
48/El I,

I/L;' + I/L~~
II = l(l,=O)
1- .. 1- • 1.69 1------'--'-'--'-------:"
1+ (El/GJ)(L2I Ltl 1+ (El /GJ)(L,/L 2 )
For El/GJ = 1 as assumed and L,/L 2 = 1, the
result reduces to 1.,(0
5 L3 15 L 3
y = - - X 144 = - - (9.27)
, 384 El 8 El 1.20

The effective end weight for a cantilever due to

uniformly distributed mass is approximately .Ii of 1.06 L_--~
the total weight of the cantilever. For a fixed-end +---~~-~--_--~-o
beam the effective weight at the center due to uni- "
formly distributed load is % of the total weight of FIG. 9.13 Approximate natural frequencies of pipe bend
the beam. with two legs (vibration l~crpendicuJn.r to plane of bend).
Clearly the coefficient of effectiveness for the 90'
9.3! Plates and Radial Mode in Pipe. The
bend of equal pipe lengths is situated between .Ii
spring constant (for deflection caused by a concen-
and %. If then the effective weight is taken as
trated load at center) of a simply supported circular
lV'fl = %; total weight of bend, the result can not
plate is
be greatly in error. With this value of effective
Et 3
weight at the junction point and the expression for k = 261-, (9.28)
Yo given above, it is found that 0: = 1.2. Thus for r
the bend of equal lengths: where k = spring constant, Ib/ft.
r = radius of plate, ft.
o a "2 t = thickness of plate, ft.
" F: = modulus of elasticity, Ib/in.'
1.2 1.69 and lJ = Poisson's ratio, assumed to be equal to
" 0.3.
If a curve of " vs. 0 is drawn through these three For a concentrated load P (lb) at the center of
points it appears as shown in Fig. 9.13. the plate, large with respect to the plate weight, the
In the other extreme case (L 2 = 0; L, = I), natural frequency in cps is then
" = 1.69 = Constant for all 0, as already remarked
above. This "curve," i.e., the horizontal line In =..!:- 261Et g = 14.6! rEt (9.29)
" = 1.69, is also shown in Fig. 9.13. 2" Pr' r "\J P

The effective conccntrated wcight (at center) of a discussion the reader is referred to standard refer-
total uniformly distributed load lV (lb) on a simply ences on the subject.
supported circular plate may be taken as The motion of a spring-mass combination when
excited with a periodically varying force (P sin wt)
Weer = tw (g. 30)
is governed by the differential equation:
Using the above units, the natural frequency of a mx+kx = Fsinwt
circular plate clamped at the edge and acted on by
a concentrated load P at the center is (assuming (9.34)
J' = 0.3) x being the displacement of the mass or deflection
t/Et in spring, relative to the system configuration for
fn = 23.3; '\Ii> (9.31 )
P = o. Although no damping is assumed so far, a
small amount of damping may always be supposed
For a uniformly distributed load lV on a clamped
to exist. Because of this effect the initial transients
circular plate, the effective concentrated load (at
will eventually he damped out, so that the remaining
center) may be taken as: Hsteady state" solution is of the form x = R sin wt.
lVelf = !lV (9.32) Substituting this solution into eq. 9.34 gives
A high-frequency periodic pressure variation in a (-mw 2 + k)R = P, or
pipe might induce a structural vibration in a radial
mode, which will result in alternate hoop tension
and compression. The fundamental natural fre-
quency of a pipe, with a free length equal to, say, since W n = vk/m or
at least 5 diameters, in a radial mode is [4]: R 1

fn = 6~5 ~ (9.33)
Now, P/k represents the sialic deflection of the
spring under the force P, while R is the maximum
where D = mean diameter of pipe, in., E is inlb/in?,
dynamic deflection under the periodic force P sin wt.
and p = density of material, Ib/in 3 However, for
That is P/k = X,t, R = Xci,n. The absolute value
typical cases the frequency fn (cps), as given by
of the ratio of maximum dynamic deflection (maxi-
eq. 9.33, is so high that resonance of this type is
mum amplitude) to static deflection is defined ap-
hardly ever likely to occur.
propriately as the magnification factor, thus:
Ovalling M odc. Another mode of vibration (ob-
served on large stacks at certain wind speeds) is
what is often referred to as availing. In this mode
M.F. = I Xci,n
I (9.35)
of vibration the circular cross section assumes an
Of J from the previous results,
elliptical shape with the major and minor axes alter-
nating in perpendicular directions once per cycle.
For steel pipe, the natural frequency (cps) cor-
responding to this mode may be estimated from the
M.F. = 11- (w~/wn2) I (9.36)

expression A plot of M.F. vs. the ratio of forcing frequeney w

to undamped natural frequency W n (i.e. w/w 11 ) is
sometimes referred to as a resonance curve (for zero
damping). This curve is shown in Fig. 9.14, labeled
where D = diameter, in. , =o. For this extreme case (Le. uo damping), the
l = thickness, in. magnification factor becomes infinite when the forc-
ing frequency w coincides with the undamped nat-
Apart from large vessels or stacks, the natural fre-
ural frequency wn •
quency of ordinary pipe in an ovalling mode is high.
In the presence of a finite amount of viscous
9.4 Structural Resonance and IHagnification damping, the differential equation takes the form
Factors mx + ex + kx = F sin wt, c being a coefficient of
viscous damping. It is simpler to consider the
Since resonance is the most important phenom-
(ultimately equivalent) differential equation
enon in vibration, a few simple derivations of funda-
mentals will be given, although for an exhaustive mx + ex + lex = Fc iINt
A' + (cAlm) + wn ' = 0, wn' = k/m, m"" 0, from


Critical damping occurs when the expression under

6.0 the radical is zero, That is:
Cc = 2mw n (9,39)
5.0 By the use of eqs. 9.38 and 9.39, eq, 9,37, after
dividing by k, may be written in the form:

r=t x + -2, i; + x
-') =
. elW! = OIlLe t ""
Wn~ W n k
The steady state solution for x is of the form:
x = Re iw /
R being in general a complex quantity, the absolute
. 2.0 valne (modulus) of which represents maximum dis-
placement (spring deflection), i.e. IRI = adyn. From
the differential equation:
R 1

X" =
1 + 2,-, - w. (w)'
Wn Wn
0 1.0 2.0 w
FIG. 9.14 Resonance (frequency response) curves. so that the magnification factor is:

where M.F.

eiwt = CGS wi + i sin wi and i= v=l 1

The effective damping depends not only upon the
viscous friction coefficient but also upon the mass
and spring constant. The overall effect is expressed
in terms of a viscous damping coefficient or damping
Plots of M.F. vs w/w n for several values of , > are
shown in Fig. 9.14, in addition to the "pure" reso-
ratio: nance curve for, = 0,
The maxima of the lvl,F. are given by:
where Cc is defined as critical damping, pertaining to 1
the particular system. 1 :0; (l'vLF.) max = . / ' (9.4l)
The critical damping of an effective spring-mass-
dashpot system is defined as follows: If less damping and the maxima occur at:
is present the system will damp out in an oscillatory
manner when disturbed by a passing transient; for VI - 2,' (9,42)
damping greater than critical the system will damp
out in a nonoscillatory manner, as illustrated in , ,
Fig. 9.15.
The critical damping for a given system is im-
mediately determined from the differential equation
as follows:
For free vibration the differential equation is: +-+--+-''-Tim. +---...::::::==-_nme
mx + eX + kx = 0. This differential equation is
satisfied by the expression x = Ae" provided that
A is a root of the quadratic mI.' CA + +
k = 0, or FIG. 9.15 Oscilla.tory and nonoscillatory damped motion.
Equation 9.41 holds only over the range
System with
(9.43a) relatively
high noluro! S)"lem with relatively
frequency Sow nclurel frequency
relative 10 (I
rololivo 10 the K1me
The corresponding range of frequency ratios is 9ivon forcing forcing frequency
frequency W 1

o -<~ <1
w -

1 O+--+--~-+-----_
For t >~,
(M.F.) max
= 1 at- = 0
o .,, .,,
Thus, the maximum magnification factors in the FIG. 9.17 M.F. US a function of w/w no
presence of damping occur at frequencies somewhat
below the natural frequeney. It is to be notcd that
Generally little inherent damping exists in struc-
magnification disappears (i.e. M.F. max :1> 1) at a
tures. Structural damping (due essentially to
damping ratio t = 1/ v'z which is less than critical, hysteresis effects in metals) varies with the mode of
since at critical damping, t = 1. vibration, but for fundamental modes (for cantilevers
From Fig. 9.14 it is also observed that the maxima say) the damping is of the order of a few per cent
of the M.F. fall off sharply with an increase of the at the most, i.e., t = 0.01-D.03. Thus in the absence
damping ratio t from zero. This is seen more clearly of any other damping, such low values of t yield
from a plot of thc maxima of M.F. vs. t, as sh"wn in very high magnifieation factors in the neighborhood
Fig. 9.16. The usual effectiveness of hydraulic of resonance. Hence, thc resonance curvc (t = 0)
shock absorbers or any other equivalent form of should be used for estimating resonance magnifica-
viscous damping is based upon this phenomenon. tion factors (M.F.) in structures. In practical
estimates a probable maximum M.F. of 50 is some-
times used.
M.F. While compromises may be necessary, it is de-
sirable, if possible, to design a system so that the
7.0 frequencies of possible external excitation fall
outside the frequency band cqual to say one-half the
Eqvotiom natural frequency on either side of resonance, as
6.0 {M.F.)mox= .~ shown in Fig. 9.17. In other words, eithcr the
2tv'-t' systcm is designed so that the frequency range w of
h>t>O the expected extcrnal excitation satisfies the in-
'.0 equality w/w n > ~., or elsc the system is designed
so that w/w" <!. In the first case the system is of
relatively low natural frequency (i.e. relative to thc
..0 frequency of the disturbing force), while in the
second case the system is of relatively high natural
J.O The first alternative is usually the more economical
but there are limitations. If this alternative is
chosen, the system will always pass through a
1.0 resonance condition during starting or stopping.
However, for continuous operation of relatively long
duration this limitation is perhaps not of consider-
1.0 able importance. A more serious limitation may
consist in a conflict with strength or deflection
requirements. For ordinarily, in piping, the natural
O+------+-~------~- frequencies can be reduccd essentially only by an
o l"
n' 1.0 2.0
increase in free length. If structural and relatcd
FIG. 9.16 !\faxima of magnification factor VB. damping ratio. requiremcnts do not permit the choice of the first
alternative, then the system must be designed on If
the basis of the second altcrnative, that is by
R = amplitude of vibration with damping, ft,
increasing the natural frequencies .:ufficiently. Again
\ = viscous damping coefficient (nondimensional),
this can be achieved in piping essentially only through
F s = maximum force to be transmitted by snubber,
a redtWtion in free length by the introduction of
additional supports, rigid or clastic. If neither
alternative is possible, artificial damping must be Then, we have, from the relations given in the
introduced, in the forni of bracing devices which text,
dissipate energy through friction, (hydraulic shock 1
absorbers, etc.). R/R o = -;:::======= (9.44)
The results given above are based upon the use of
'I +[ 2\ (w/w n )
1- (w/w n )2
the spring-mass-dashpot system as a model. This
model, being a system of one degree of freedom, or
necessarily exhibits only one resonance peale \ = ~ 11 - (w/w n )21 ...; (R o/R)2 _ 1 (9.45)
A piping system or even a simply supported beam is, 2 w/w n
in reality, a system possessing an infinite number of
degrees of freedom and such a system will exhibit,
F s = kRo ll - (w/w n )21"';1 - (R/R o)' (9.46)
theoretically at least, an infinite number of reso- Thus, k, Ro, w, and W n being known, by hypothesis,
nance peaks. However, in general the first (funda- the maximum sllubber force F s can be determined
mental) mode with the lowest natural frequency is from eq. 9.46 for any given amplitude ratio R/R o of
the most important one in any system, and the damped to undamped vibration. The required
resonance behavior in the neighborhood of the damping coefficient \ for a desired amplitude ratio
first peak in any system is essentially the same as is given by eq. 9.45, or if \ is known, the amplitude
that for the simple spring-mass model. ratio is determined by eq. 9.44.
If \ is not known, eq. 9.45 suggests an experi-
ge5 Damping of Structural Vibrations mental method whereby this quantity can be
9.5a Hydraulic Snubbers. 3 In vibration surveys determined. Consider a simple system whose
the amplitude and frequency of vibration is de- natural frequency W n is known , subject it to a
termined at a point (or various points) of a vibrating forced vibration of frequency w/w n and measure the
structure. If the amplitude of vibration is excessive amplitude R o; then connect a hydraulic snubber to
and if this amplitude can be reduced only by the the point where the amplitudc is measured; the
installation of a hydraulic snubber, it is of importance system is now subjected to forced vibration under
to estimate the maximum force the snubber must the same conditions as before and measurements
transmit and the degree of damping required to are obtained for the reduced amplitude R. The
reduce the amplitude of vibration to a tolerable damping coefficient \ of the snubber can then be
magnitude. determined from eq. 9.45.
In this discussion it is assumed that the vibration A study of eqs. 9.44, 9.45, and 9.46 shows that
is of the forced type and the damping characteristic viscous damping is really effective only in tbe neigh-
of the snubber is of the purely viscous type. It is borhood of resonance (w/w n = 1). This can also be

known or be estimated or measured:

1. The amplitude of vibration,
ROJ ft
2. The frequency of vibration,
necessary then that the following quantities be

from vibration
shown from Fig. 9.14; equation 9.44 represents the
reduction of the M.F. obtained by reading along a
vertical in Fig. 9.14 from the no damping (\ = 0)
curve to that for a given \. Outside the vicinity of
resonance (say when w/w n ::; ~- or w/w n ~ !)I high
damping coefficients are required to reduce the
w, Tad/sec
amplitude to a reasonable degree, Le. very large
3. Natural frequency of Vibrat-j
ing structure, Wn from calculations maximum snubbcr forces may be needed. This point
4. Spring constant of vibrating or experiment will be further illustrated numerically in Section 9.9.
structure, k, Ib/ft From the above expressions is also obtained:
(at point where amplitude is measured) Fs = kR 11 - (w/w n )21 (9.47)
!The terms "hydraulic snubber" and Hhydraulic shock
absorber" are both used herein tQ denote the kind of damping
device described in Chapter 8.

'1+ [1 - (w/wn)2J
2\w/w n •
Unbolollcod Man m
Suppose now that n identical snubbers are connected MouM
at the same point. This is equivalent to an increase
of 1 by the factor n, which changes the expression f-t====",===;t/ Rolor

F ~ kR 11 - (w/wn)'1 (9.48)
s o
'1+ [1 -
2nl w/w n FIG. 9.18 Rotating machinery on elastic foundation.
It is seen that the total maximum snubber force
increases considerably less than proportionally with is the rotational speed, then the centrifugal force
the number of snubber units. Indeed as n ---> oc, the F* (lb) due to the unbalanced rotor mass m
max. total snubber force tends to a finite limit value (Ib sec'/ft) at radius T (ft) is:
given by: F* = mrw 2 (9.53)
(9.49) Let k (lb/ft) be the overall spring constant of the
system. Then the static deflection of the spring
A.n infinitely stiff shock absorber (I ~ 00) is a rigid under force F* is
connection; hence, eq. 9.49 represents the force (9.54)
transmitted to the ground when the point in question
is rigidly connected. The above is true from a Since the undamped natural frequency Wn (rad/sec)
dynamic point of view. However, shock absorbers of the mass mo (lb sec'/ft) is
of sufficiently large 1 may still be used to allow Wn = Vk/mo
flexibility of piping equilibrium positions in view of
thermal expansion as well as serve to counteract we have
resonant vibration amplitudes. (9.55)
From the preceding equations the following, per- and
haps more useful, relations ean also be obtained: (9.56)

If R n amplitude for n shock absorbers

= When the rotational speed is equal to the undamped
(R t amplitude for 1 shock absorber)
= natural frequency, the static deflection and the force
(Ro = amplitude without shock absorbers) F* will be independent of the natural frequency
Fn = total max. force transmitted by n shock (9.57)
0*" = (m/mo)T
(F 1 = total max. force transmitted by 1 shock In the absence of damping, the maximum dynamic
absorber) deflection is

Then: (9.58)

~: = [1 - (1 - :') GJf' (9.50) and the maximum dynamic force in the spring is

~ [1 _ (1 _ .!..) (Rl)'J-11
2 mOWn 20s t
Rn = (9.51) Fmax = komnx = mOWn omnx = 11 _ (w/w n )21 (9.59)
Rt n n' Ro
So that Substituting the expression for 0" from eq. 9.56
Fn Rn into eq. 9.58 and cq. 9.59 gives:
-=n- (9.52)
FI R1 ?n (w/w n)'
omax = ?no Til _ (w/wn)'1 (9.60)
Thus if RdRo :<:; i say, then Fn = = F t from eq.
9.50 and R n = Rdn by eq. 9.52.
(9.61 )
9.5h Elastic Foundations for Rotating Ma- F m" = [I _ (w/wn)'1
chincry. The installation of rotating machinery on
elastic foundations is a fairly standard means for or, in view of equations 9.55 and 9.57
preventing vibration. The basic features of such an Om,,/o", = 11 - (wn/w)'I-t (9.62)
installation may be illustrated on the basis of the
simple spring-mass model, Fig. 9.18. If w(rad/sec) Fm,,/F' = 11 - (w/wn)'I-t (9.63)
A plot of Fm.x/F* and om.x/o*" VB. (w/w n ) is shown I ,
in Fig. 9.19. The solid curves represent Fmax/F* I I
while the dashed curves represe~t omax/o*".
From the above figure it is observed that if min- I I
imizing the deflection is of primary interest, then I I'
, I
(w/w n ) ought to be as small as possible in which
casc Fmax tcnds to F*. But if thc reduction to a


minimum of the maximum force transmitted to the

foundation through the spring is of primary con-
sideration, then (w/w n ) should be as high as pos-
1.0 I
sible in which case Omo.x tends toward 0* st. The I
term elastic is appropriatc, of course, only to the I
second case. It is also seen from eq. 9.63 or Fig. 9.19 / -~--=:-:----------cw~
that F m . . ::s; F* (centrifugal force) corresponding to o ¥'--;-,
,. 1.0 {2 2.0 3.0 -w,
a magnification factor less than unity, only when
w/wn ~ ,12. The above results are based upon the
spring-mass system with no damping present. If
the system is such that thc rotating spccd and nat-
ural frequencies are near to each other and for vari- F_

ous reasons the ratio w/w n cannot be changed, or if F'

a range of rotational speeds must be provided for, ,=0

then viseous damping must be introdueed by means
of dashpots (hydraulic shock absorbers, etc.), as
shown by the dotted outline in Fig. 9.18.
In this case the force transmitted to the founda-
tion is the sum of the forces in the springs and in
thc dashpots and the following results can be 1.0 1""""----1-'''1.;;::-----''--

F mBx
(9.64) o 0:----;,';;.o:-ffr.\2~------"'::-
[1 - (:JJ + (2 :J
F* =
1 ""
FIG. 9.20 Fma.x/F· VS. w/w n for damped vibration.

~::: 1[1 - (:JJ + (21~)'r;,

= (9.65)

the damping ratio 1 having bccn dcfincd previously

(see Scction 9.4).
Families of curves of Fmnx/F* and omnx/o*at VB.
w/w n with 1 as parameter are shown in Figs. 9.20
and 9.21 respectively. It is seen from Fig. 9.20 that
for w/w n < vi!, the maximum force transmitted to
the foundation is greater than the centrifugal force
mrw' (i.e. the magnifieation is greater than unity)
and it is in this range only that damping is beneficial.
It is also seen from Fig. 9.21 that in so far as de-
flection in the springs is concerned, damping is 1.0

always beneficial.
The ahove results, even though based on a one
degrec spring-mass-dashpot system, may be applied o ....,"---_~-----L---
t= co __
to morc complex systems provided the effective in- o 1.0
crtia (including possibly a distributed mass in the
"springs"), and the effective spring constant, can FIG. 9.21 OmfJr./O· VB. wJw n for damped vibration.

------_. ,
be properly estimated. Finally, the above results For air, if T is the absolute temperature in degrees
illustrate also the essentials of the behavior of shock R, the speed of sound is approximately
absorbers, at least of the viscous type.
C = 1120V7'/518 = 49.3VT (9.66)
9.6 Acoustic Natural Frequency Calculations The natural frequencies for a tube with one end
Rigorous detennination of aconstic natural fre- closed and one end open form an odd harmonic
quencies of a piping system is usually difficult. seale (even harmonics arc absent):
However, approximate estimates can be made on C 3C 5C
the basis of results applying to a few simple con- In = 4£; 4£; 4£; etc.... (9.07 )
The piping engineer may find it difficult to inter- For a tube H open" at both ends, the natural peri-
pret and to apply some of the material in the classical ods are the same as for a tube HclosedJl at both cnds.
texts on acoustic vibrations. Furthermore, there As was pointed out above, it is not always ell-tiy to
does not appear to be an engineering textbook decide whether a physically open end may be con-
which would give an up-ta-date summary of flow sidered open in acoustic considerations. In view of
vibration analysis and applications as well as a bib- this, the value of the length £ in the above equations
liography equivalent to the treatment of mechanical may differ somewhat from the actual physical
vibrations by Den Hartog II] and Timoshenko [2J. length.
The following sections will present a number of
derivations of flow vibration relations and a dis-
cussion of the general analytical approach to be A=Nock Area
pursued by the piping engineer in dealing with --------'-'-,
acoustic oscillations. Section 9.9 gives an example
illustrating the possible application of derived for-
mulas. Subjects adequately treated in the literature FIG. n.22 Resonator.
(e.g. water hammer) will be covered very briefly.
Several references dealing with specific acoustic vi- Another frequently encountered acoustic element
bration problems of possible interest to the piping is the Helmholz resonator. A resonator is essentially
engineer are included in the list of references at the a chamber with a "neck," the chamber volume being
end of this chapter. large as compared to the neck (Fig. 9.22). A
9.6a The Organ Pipe and Resonators. The resonator is considered as a simple spring-mass
organ pipe is a tube with a large length/diameter system. It is supposed that the air in the neck
ratio, so that the motion of the fluid (say air) inside vibrates as a solid mass while the air in the chamber
the tube is essentially one-dimensional. The major is alternately compressed and rarefied. Based on
acoustic unknowns are the end conditions. Usually, these assumptions, the fundamental natural period
two extreme end conditions are considered, closed is found to be (ef. Rayleigh [3J, vol. ii, eh. xvi):
and open ends. At a closed end the pressure varia-
Period (sec) =
tion is a maximum and such a point is referred to as
a node. At open ends the velocity is a maximum (9.68)
and such points are denoted as loops. The fact that C (A
a pipe end is geometrically open does not mean that
or Frequency (cps) In = 27r "'llVi
there is always a loop at that end. The designations
where C = speed of sound in fluid, ft/see.
closed and open are, in general, strictly applicable in
V = volumc of chamber, ft3 .
an acoustical sense only.
£ = length of neck, ft.
The longitudinal natural frequencies, for a tube
A = cross-sectional area of neck, fe.
with both ends closed, form a harmonic scale:
2£ 12£ 12£ Equation 9.68 holds for a "long" neck Helmholz
Period (sec) C' 2 C; 3" C etc.... resonator, so long as:
£» ~ V 7rA (9.68a)
C 2C 3C
Frequency (cps) = 2£' 2£' 2£ etc.... A more general result given by Rayleigh [3J is:
where C
velocity of sound in the fluid, ft/see.
length of the tube, ft. In = ~ ~~ (9.691

where length Xis greater (by at least a faetor of 2 or 3) than

A a representative dimension of the chamber (say the
II =. (9.69a) greatest linear dimension). Othenvise the results
£+ ~V;X given in eqs. 9.68 to 9.74 are in error.
has been designated by Rayleigh as an "aeoustie 9.6b Special Cases of Multiple Resonator
conductivity." Formulas. A piping system with enlargements
Thus, (pulsation dampeners, vessels, ete.) eonstitutes a
i _~ I A (9.70)
multiple resonator system. General expressions for
the natural frequeneies of multiple resonator systems
• - 2'11'\j 1'(£ + ~V'll'A) are given in Appendix B.1 4 Simple types of multiple
If £» ~V;X then the result reduces to that given resonators will now be eonsidered. On the basis
of the results pertaining to simple and multiple
by eq. 9.68. On the other hand, if £« ~V;X then
resonators it is possible to estimate, at least approxi-
in = ~J~v'\lI~
211' 11'
mately, the pertinent acoustic frequencies of the
resonator type of a relative complex piping system
with enlargements. This will be illustrated numeri-
This is the case of a "cavity resonator." cally in Section 9.9.
For a cireular opening of diameter d Consider then the multi-resonator of Fig. 9.23
A = 'II'd'/4 where the J./s arc the "acoustic conductivities":
the cavity resonator equation becomes
Jl2 J

(9.72) £2 + ~v;Az
The last result holds provided, t« d/4, where t is 113 = --=~=
the eavity wall thiekness. Finally, for a spherical
£3 + ~V'II'A3
cavity resonator, the result reduces to: while the Us, A's and V's are the neck lengths, neck
areas, and chamber volumes respectively.
in = £. ~
2'11'D'\l;. 'j)
= 0.22 Q ~
(9.73) The above system possesses two degrees of freedom
and can resonate in two distinct modes. The corre-
d and D being the diameters of the cavity opening sponding frequencies arc given by:

in = ~ I~ [Ill + 112 + llZ + 113 ±

211' \j 2 VI V,
J(1l1 VI+ 112 _ 112 + 1l3)' +
41l, 'l

and spherical chamher respectively, provided of The Il'S being in ft, the V's in ft 3 , C in ft/sec and
course, d/ D «1. In general, in a Helmholz resonator, in in cps. This is the result as given in Appendix B
a representative dimension of the neck is supposed in a slightly different form.
to be much smaller than a representative dimension The smaller frequency or fundamental is given by
of the chamber or cavity An important quantity the (-) sign under the radical, the larger frequency
in connection with the above results is the II wave or harmonic corresponding to the (+) sign.
length" A few special cases may be of particular interest:
a. Suppose 1" = 0 (say A, = 0). The multiple
X= C = 2'11'.JY(; (9.74) resonator consists now of two completely separateci
in Il resonators an'l the result must reduce to the simple
All results given above hold so long as the wave 4S ee also [24}.



No<k Nod< Nock

A, V, A, v, A,

1-'1' L1
I P". L,

FH.... 9.23 Two-chamber resonator system with both ends open.

resonator expressions. Indeed from eq. B.8: The meaning of this result is that if the resonator is
C r;; iJ r;:; filled with fluid, a disturbance is then introduced
through an opening in a chamber, and the opening
J. = 211' '\IV; ; h = 211' '\IV;, (9.75)
is then closed, the fluid will vibrate in the closed
b. Suppose 1', = 1'2 = 1'3 = 1'; V, = V 2 = V. Then resonator with a frequency given by eq. 9.78.
from eq. E.8: e. Suppose A, = 0, so that 1', = 0, while L 2 is
large so that 1', »1'2. Assume also that V 2 » V,
J. = ~ '\Iv
G, (9.76) . (Fig. 9.26). From eq. E.8 the following approxi-
mate result is found:
hence, I, = ~ r;;,
h=~ r;:;
It is seen that the relation between harmonic and 211' '\IV;,
fundamental resonator frequencies is not the same
for multiple resonators as in organ pipes. But the fundamental is h, i.e.

1', 1',
v, v,
A, L,
Fro. 9.24 Two-cho.mber resonawr system
with one end closed.
FIG. 9.26 Acoustic coupling of resonator system
c. Suppose 1'3 = 0(A 3 = 0); 1', = 1'2 = 1'; V, = with vcry long neck.
V 2 = V (i.e. one end is closed as shown in Fig. 9.24).
Then from eq, E.8 This result is of practieal interest, for it may be

I = ~ J(3 ± 2 V5) 1:V

applied to a piping system with a number of'rela-
tively small enlargements ending with a long pipe
terminating in a large vessel. The result derivcd

I, = C
0.62- ~I'- here shows that the lowest resonator frequency of
the system may be found by considering merely the
211' V
(9.77) long pipe and large vessel as a simple /lIang neck"

12 ~ 162-
. 211"
c~-V'' resonator and, for the purpose of calculation of this
lowest frequeney, disregarding the rest of the sys-
tem. Likewise the higher resonator frequencies may
whence h- = 2.6 be calculated disregarding the long pipe and large
I, vessel. In other words, the system is essentially
d. Suppose A, = A 3 = 0, whereby 1', = 1'3 = 0; uncoupled into systems of low and systems of high
as in Fig. 9.25. Then from eq. B.8
1'2 = 1',
resonator frequencies. If the resulting low frequency
is low enough as compared to the higher frequencies
c~ of the system, this procedure is justified. A further
1= 211" '\IV; + V; approximation in the same direction is as follows:
The system is decoupled into simple systems of one
degree of freedom each and the uncouplcd frcquen-
cies are thus ealeulated. In general, the frequeneies
of the coupled system separate the frequencies of the
v, v, uncoupled system and vice versa. In this way, it is
possible to establish the approximate vicinity of
intermediate frequencies and upper or lower bounds
of an extreme frequency by simple calculation.
Applications to estimating resonator frequencies of
FIG. 9.25 Closed two-chamber resonator system. a piping system are given in Section 9.9.
It is assumed in linear acoustic theory that the
volume=V diameter to length ratio of any segment is small.
The following result can be verified from classical

Fro. 9.27
Chamber with multiple necks.
acoustic theory:
Let n segments meet at a joint; the area, length
and phase angle of the ith segment shall be ai, LSi,
and 13, and let f be one of the acoustic natural fre-
f. Finally, consider the case of a chamber with quencies of the overall piping system which may
several neck inlets (Fig. 9.27). Let the number of consist of (say) s joints. Then at the joint in ques-
Hnecks" be n with conductivities J.Ll J.L2, .•• Jln·
l tion the following relation holds:
Then, it can be shown that
.------- I: ± ai tan (,,:2 foL Ls,L + l3i) 0 (9.81 )
f "21l""\f + ~2 +V ... + ~"
=!2 (9.80) '~l
Such relations hold for each joint. L is any refer-
provided the necks are not spaced too closely. ence length, but preferably a length giving a reason-
In general, then, a complex piping system may be able value of fo (such as an over-all length of the
considered as consisting primarily of a combination main pipe branch) as a first estimate of the system
of organ pipes and simple resonators. No explicit frequency.
formulas for the natural periods of a complex system The (+) sign is to be used for the segments with
can be given here. For a detailed study the reader flow tOlVards the joint. The (- ) sign is to be used
is referred to Rayleigh [3J and l'vlorse [5J. If the for segments with flow from the joint.
system can be considered as consisting solely of The following additional end conditions are also
organ pipes, then the method given in Subsection 9.6c to be satisfied:
and Appendix B can be used to determine natural
periods, while for resonators the formulas given At intake points
above may be used. Sample calculations of pulsa- For node 13 = 0
tions from the discharge of a gas compressor cyl- For loop 13 = ,,/2
inder are given in Section 9.9. A coincidence of this
pulsation frequency with a natural acoustic fre- At discharge points
quency of the piping, organ pipe or resonator type, For node 13 = (,,/2)[2m - (fIfo)],
should be avoided. (9.82)
m = 1 for fundamental.
9.6c Piping Systems with Branches and En- m = 2 for 1st harmonic, etc.
largements. The following tenninology will be
used in dealing with calculation of acoustic fre- For loop 13 = (,,/2)[m - (fIfo)],
quencies of branched piping systems (see Fig. 9.28): m = 1 for fundamental.
A branch of a piping system is a continuous pipe, m = 3 for 1st harmonic.
straight or curved with constant or variable area. m = 5 for 2nd harmonic, etc.
The steady-state flow rate in a branch is constant.
A joint is a point where several branches meet or

a point where the pipe area of a branch changes
abruptly. Joint '~, Joint
A segment is a part of a branch with constant cross
section. ~' 1 Bronth

Let C = speed of sound in the gas, ft/sec. Joint

fo = CI4L = fundamentalacousticfrequency,
cps, of a simple organ pipe of
length L with a node at one end o;,,/:

and loop at the other end.
L s = length of pipe measured from the begin- Joint ,% 2 Bron<hoi
ning of each separate branch, ft.
a = area of a segment meeting at a joint, ft 2 . t::=v=
S"moo' ,
13 = phase angle corresponding to segment,
radians. FIG. 9.28 Branched piping terminology.

Relations 9.81 for each joint plus relations 9.82 A
are sufficient to determine all ,,'s as well as I, the
fundamental or higher acoustic'irequency of the • -----.J
---, E
system, which is of greatest interest.
In order to apply the above theoretical results to
any piping system, consider the system as eonsisting
of one main branch of length L with one intake and
C :;J
FIG. 9.29 Example of branched piping system.
one discharge point and additional seC<Jndary
branches each with one intake. Then calculate the
frequency 10 for the main branch. The general sys- volved. A comparison of the results of (0) with
tem thus eonsists of a number of intakc points but those of (b) ought to indicate the relative effect of
only one discharge point. branches. The over-all results of (a), (b), and (0)
The use of these relations will be illustrated in thus yield an understanding of the effect of both
Section 9.9 numerically. A graphical method which area variation and branches.
is the counterpart of the foregoing analytical method Steps (b) and (0) could also be repeated with
is given by Warming [14]. For a branched system constant area but with increased length of enlarge-
the analytical method appears to be less time con- ments (i.e. length proportional to area). Calcula-
suming. A brief hydrodynamic derivation of the tions involved in steps (b) and (0) are very simple,
above results is given in Appendix B.2. while the calculations in step (a) are only slightly
The equations for the acoustic natural frequencies more complex. Yet, with some experience, these
of piping systems, considered as consisting of organ relatively simple calculations should establish with
pipe elements, are in general somewhat cumbersome reasonable accuracy the vicinity of acoustic fre-
except for fairly simple systems. A system with qucncies of the system.
several branches and enlargements requires the solu- Volumes with irregular area are handled by con-
tion of a simultaneous system of transcendental sidering an average effective area and a length equal
equations and this can be quite time consuming. In to the volume divided by this average area. Let
such cases it might be more practical to calculate the effective length thus obtained be L,. If the non-
not the actual natural frequencies but their approxi- dimensional expression: wL~/C where w is an un-
mations by virtue of simplifications. No general known frequency (radjsee), and C is the speed of
rules can be given, since each system might lend sound (ftjsee), with L, in ft, is small as eompared
itself to different simplifications, but the point may to unity, then a simplification may be introduced
perhaps be illustrated by the following example. by writing tan wL,jC = wL,jC. If the general
Consider a piping system as shown in Fig. 9.29. formulas given in Subsection 9.60 of this ehapter are
Calculation of the acoustic natural frequencies of applied to the piping configurations shown in ref-
this system considered as composed of organ pipe erence [23] and the above approximation is intro-
elements will involve the solution of a set of simul- duced, then the results reduce to those given in that
taneous transcendental equations of high order and reference. However, the frequencies thus ealculated
would be lengthy. However, the first approxima- must then satisfy the inequality wL,jC « 1.
tion of the acoustic frequencies of the system (at
9.7 Acoustic Resonance and Magnification
least of the lowest one) may be gained by calculating
natural frequencies according to the following sim-
plificd proccdure: In structural resonance, the structure responds
a. Calculate natural frequencies of branches ADE, with large-amplitude oscillations when excited peri-
ADB, ADC, BDE, BVC, CDE, cach considered as odically with a frequency in the immediate neigh-
a single branch with variable areas. borhood of a struetural natural frequency. In
b. Calculate the same but on the basis of constant acoustic resonance the analogous result is the re-
ureas. sponse of the system in the form of pressure surges
The results of (a) and (b) should yield an insight of large amplitude, when exeited by periodic pres-
into the relative effect of area variation without in- sure variations of relatively small amplitude but with
volving excessive calculations. a frequency in the neighborhood of some acoustie
o. Calculate the acoustic frequencies of the sys- natural frequency, partieularly the fundamental
tem as 11 whole but on the basis of no area variation. One.
The calculation is simple since only onc joint is in- For a prototype organ pipe model, the magnifica-
maximum dynamic to static displacement is, in the
M.f. absence of damping, given by:
M.F. = (9.84)

1- (:J
A plot of the two magnification factors, as given by
eqs. 9.83 and 9.84, vs. w/w n is shown in Fig. 9.30.
(f ~")I
.,, ISo<
Inasmuch as Sec I (~ :J Irepresents the magni-
fication factor of a system with an infinite number
2.0 of degrees of freedom, it exhibits an infinite number
of peaks. However, for the somewhat arbitrary
range, say 0 ::; w/w n < -~ including the neighbor-
.,, hood of the first peak, it is seen that the magnifi-
cation factor of the spring-mass system is still
1.0 In view of the fact that damping in aeoustic sys-
tems is generally quite small, the frequency range.
t::; w/w n ·::; t should, if possible at all, be avoided.
,, That is, if the frequencies of expected external
excitation are known, an attempt should be made
to design the system with a fundamental natural
frequency so that the ratio (or ratios) w/w n does not
.,, 1.0 .,, 2.0 '"
"" fall in the range indicated above.
FlO. 9.30 Comparison of mechanical and acoustic
In reality, it is frequently not easy to achieve such
magnification factors. an objective. For while a few major sources of
excitation, discussed elsewhere in this chapter, and
tion factor, in the absence of any damping, is of the their corresponding frequencies can he estimated in
form: advance, there may exist many other sources of
pressure disturbances which cannot be known in
M.F. = I Sec (~:J I (cf. Rayleigh [3], vol. ii) advance at the design stage. In addition, since the
natural frequencies can be changed only by a chang"
in geometric configuration, a design with a proper
w, W n being the exciting and natural frequencies selection of desirable acoustic and structural fre-
respectively. quencies cannot usually be achieved. Other means
The magnification factor in this case represents of reduction of resonance peaks must usually be
the ratio of the amplitude of pressure response at resorted to, the most important one being the g"-"
some point in the acoustic system to the amplitude pulsation dampener to be described in the subse-
of pressure excitation. The qualification "at some quent section.
point" is rather important, for there arc locations A few words may be added here about damping
(loops) in an acoustic system where things are rela- in acoustic systems. First of all there is al way::-
tively quiet (pressurewise) even at a resonance con- damping due to viscosity and heat conduction. But,
dition. At other points however (nodes) there is in addition, there exists another damping phenome-
high pressure amplitude magnification. The deter- non in acoustic systems, and this damping is due to
mination of the nodes and loops in a complex piping the fact that the vihrating fluid in the pipe or res-
system, while possible in principle from the general onator, when at least one end is open, communicates
results given in Appendix B, requires rather lengthy with the outside, a certain amount of energy being
analysis. In general, damping in acoustic systems, lost thereby to the resonating system. The follow-
arising from viscous drag forces and heat conduc- ing results are due to I-Ielmholz but have been modi-
tion, is rather small. fied here and transformed into familiar engineering
It will be recalled that in the spring-mass system terms (damping ratio n:
the magnification faetor representing the ratio of In simple linear mechanical or electrical systems
the magnification factor, in the presence of viscous by experience, since it is t.he latter smoothing de-
damping is: vices, rather than tuned resonators, which are most
M.F. = 1 -
frequently employed for smoothing of low rpm recip-
rocating compressor flow pulsations.
~[1 - (:JT + (21:J However, theory also indicates that in the case of
high frequency excitation, tuned resonators can be
where 1 = viscous damping coefficient. quite effective [15], particularly in conjunction with
W n = natural frequency. orifices. It is because of this result that a very
W = forcing frequcncy. elementary theory of the tuned resonator is included
in Appendix B.
Now, in a resonator, in the absence of viscous damp- 9.8b Surge Tanks. The surge tank or "bottle"
ing, the magnification factor due to the second source is used to reduce pressure pulsations and fluid oscil-
of damping as cxplained above, is also given by lations. Surge tank information relating to reduc-
eq. 9.85. However, the damping coefficient is now tion of hydraulic hammers in liquid systems is ade-
a function of the ratio of forcing to natural acoustic quately summarized by Rouse [16J and Reynolds
frequency. [17]. In gas systems, surge tanks are often used to
(9.86) smooth flow oscillations [18, 19J. Briefly, smoothing
of flow pulsations via the surge tank is achieved by
with means of volume capacity (energy storage) and some
moderate pressure drop between tank and piping
f=L~=i~=H (9.87) system, corresponding to moderate energy difiSipa-
tion. As will be shown later, in any given case the
As will be shown numerically (in Scction 9.9), the smaller the pressure drop the larger the volume
numerical value of is, in general, quite small, so (capacity) requirement in order to achieve a certain
that the effect of this damping shows up only at the degree of smoothing.
resonance peak and also for large values of w/wn • In view of the existence of capacity and some
In view of the existence of viscous damping and degree of dissipation the "bottle" acts as a hydraulic
since for large values of w/w n the magnification fac- filter. The electrical analogy is a simple R-C circuit
tor is small even without any damping, this second filter with dissipation via electrical resistance and
damping effect is, for the purposes considered in capacity via a condenser. Inasmuch as dissipation
this chapter, perhaps of purely theoretical interest. in gas flow is really not a linear phenomenon the
analogy is only approximate.
9.8 Flow Pulsation Smoothing In order to gain an insight into the working of a
This section deals with the important problem of hydraulic filter for use in smoothing piping gas flow
smoothing gas pulsations in piping, particularly oscillations, an elementary analysis for a basic filter
those due to the action of reciprocating compressors. element is given in Appendix B. It is assumed that
Equations and criteria useful for approximate de- the amplitude of pulsations in the incol11ing flow
sign estimates are developed and the comparative (from the compressor into the surge tank) is SIll.l.ll.
merits of expansion chambers with and without ori- The pressure-flow relations are linearized relative to
fice pressure drop, tuned resonators, as well as the a mean flow rate and the resulting relations then be-
commercially available more complex pulsation come representative of a simple linear filter, as rep-
dampener configurations, are discussed. A brief resented by a first order differential equation.
summary of the subject of water hammer will be While the theory is tim" reprcsentative of a very
found at the end of this section. idealized state of affairs, it nevertheless yields an
9.8a Tuned Resonators. In principle, it is pos- insight into the essentials of the behavior of hy-
sible to smooth gas flow pulsations via tuned res- draulic filters which in turn are ultimately the pro-

onators. As will be shown in Appendix B.3 and totypes of surge tanks 01' "bottles" and, despite
numerically illustrated in Section 9.9, tuned resona- their greater complexity, also of snubbing deviee:-;
tors do not appear practical for the purposes of or silencers of various types.
smoothing of gas flow pulsations associated with low This elementary theory also yields some u:-ieful
speed reciprocating compressors. In these cases, approximate design results. These result:') UI"P
snubbing devices or "bottles" with orifices appear shown in Fig. 9.31 in the form of a family of eul'\'(',
to be more effective. These results are borne out showing attenuation factors vs. volume capacity
In from Comp'n1or Effect;.. o O,ilic.
merdal devices (see Subsection 9.8d), rigorous
VV\ -s~,~,,~.
_ T~'~"Jl===
J '_ ~
analysis of these pulsation dampcners has not been
attempted. Nevertheless, the rcsults of the simple
Piping S)'Jlem
A.F. '" Attenvglion Focto<
Poramolor hydraulic filter analysis may be of some value in
Ac!ucl p'on""e indicating, at least roughly, volume requirements,
lon, lonk 10
piping 'yl.lem, based upon pressure drop estimates.
in X of mfl:!n The mathematical derivation of the rcsults is
Icnk prollu'o
given in Appcndix E, but physically the filter oper-
ates about as follows. Due to the relatively large
20' volume capacity, even large flow rate pulsations
cause only small changes in density and pressure in
150 the tank. This will be so provided there exists some
resistance to the flow from the tank into the piping
system, so that the effect of an increase (or decrease)
,0> in the flow rate is first felt throughout the tank. The
existence of such resistance to the flow from the tank
/ implies the existence of an effective orifice between
tank and piping and therefore, also the existence of
SO " a pressure drop.

Thus, the greater thc capacity, the greater the
reduction in pressure variation in the tank due to
1,0 flow pulsation and the greater the resistance, the
10 20 30
°v/v·= Rgtio of Icnk ..olumo Ic vclumo of £low, on mfl:!n
greater the number of individual pulses which are
thus averaged out and the variation from an average
lonk oi, don$ily. per llroko per pillon
A.f. = [nflow Vo,iotion reloli..e 10 meon Row role reduced in magnitude. The result is a smoother
Outflow Variation relali..o to moon Row rolo outflow from the tank into the piping system. The
FIG. 9,31 Attenuation factor va. volume ratio with actual curves in Fig. 9.31 illustrate these results in quanti-
% pre.<;sure drop as parameter. tative form.
The design curves given in Fig. 9.31 may also be
with pressure drop from surge tank to piping system applied to filters in the suction line of a compressor
as a parameter. Speeifieally, the attenuation factor in a multistage compressor system, the output of
is the absolute value of the ratio of flow rate pulsa- one stage being the input to the next stage. In this
tions, relative to the average flow rate, of the flow case 1'* refers to the volume flow rate per stroke per
into the tank to the flow rate pulsations, relative to piston of the prcceding stage.
the average flow rate, o"t of the tank into the piping 9.8c Gas Pulsation Dampener Principles.
system. Thus, an attenuation factor of 100 means The discharge of a reciprocating compressor is peri-
that the amplitude of pulsations has been reduced odic but intermittent rather than continuous. The
by the surge tank to 1% of the initial value. The piping system into which the compressor discharges
abscissa of Fig. 9.31 is the ratio of volumc of tank is thus subjccted to a pcriodic, although not a simple
to flow volume, relative to average tank density, periodic, pressure excitation of an almost impulsive
per stroke per piston of a reciprocating compressor nature. Now, it can be shown by a simple Fourier
discharging into the surge tank. Finally, the param- analysis that a periodic impulsive excitation con-
eter of the family of curves is the actual pressure tains all higher harmonics and consequently the
drop between tank and piping system expressed as prohabili ty is rather high that at lcast one of the
a percentage of the average tank pressure. acoustic modes of the more or less complex piping
Thus, the curves indicate the capacity require- system will be excited resulting in adverse effects.
ment of the surge tank for a given compressor in 1'he question is, how many harmonics are of
order the achieve a desired degree of smoothing importance? The essential factor that enters into
(attenuation factor) with a given amount of pressure consideration is the reduction in amplitude of the
loss. It is emphasized again that these results, harmonics relative to the fundamental. In struc-
ba~ed as they are upon a very idealized situation, tural resonance the higher modes are always accom-
are only of an approximate nature. In view of the panied hy grcater damping so that the fundamental complexity of the flow patterns in com- and perhaps the 1st harmonic only are of impor-

tance. In acoustic resonance there is, in principle,

also an increase in damping (due to communication
with outside air, as shown by Heiinholz) in connec-
tion ,,~th the higher harmonics. However, quanti-
tatively the effect is much smaller as compared to
the case of structural damping. In the case of recip-
rocating compressors, some investigators advocate
that harmonics up to the 4th order should be con-
These effects can be reduced to a large extent by
FIG. 9.32 Typical snubbing device.
the introduction of devices known as pulsation
dampeners or snubbing devices, mainly at the point
of compressor discharge. As the term snubbing no attempt is made to introduce a screen effect. In
device implies, smoothing of the pressure variations other words, in silencers the energy dissipation is
is achieved ultimately by energy dissipation. How- also selective but in some types this dissipation
ever, the mechanism of energy dissipation is of a occurs via pressure drops through orifice action in
special nature, soon to be described. In addition, the side tubes rather than by means of a screen
the dampener is provided with sufficient volume effect. It is thought that better smoothing with
capacity for the storage of energy [20J. A schematic over-all lower pressure drops can be obtained when
of a typical snubbing device is shown in Fig. 9.32. the screen effect is used.
The smoothing action of the pulsation dampener As already remarked, enough volume is provided
appears to be as follows. At the instant of discharge in the pulsation dampeners to providc some effective
from the reciprocating compressor, a high velocity capacity. The combination of dissipation and
slug of gas moves suddenly into the cntrance tube capacity produces a filter effect (R-C circuit in elee-
at A, followed by slower moving gases. The path trical systems). However, in view of the additional
of least resistance is through openings C and, indeed, selectivity and screen effects and multiplicity of
the slower moving gases do move through this path. arrangements, a quantitative analysis of pulsation
However, the high velocity slug of air strikes the dampeners is difficult. An approximate theory of
wall (by virtue of its own inertia) at B and a high simple hydraulic filters is given in Appendix B.4, in
pressure zone is here established. This high pres- relation to surge tanks ("bottles"). Some of the
sure forces some of the gas through the perforations, results may perhaps be applicablc also to more
and, in the process, energy is dissipated. In this complex pulsation dampeners, at le.ast in rough
way some of the energy contained in the high velocity approximation.
slug is dissipated and the mechanism of dissipation 9.8d Acoustic Expansion Tank. It will be noted
is thus seen to be a selective one, since the low velocity that the preceding material in this section empha-
gases moving through the openings C do not lose sized the alleviation of low frequency flow vibrations
energy. IVloreover, this is precisely what is wanted by providing capacity and a definite pressure drop
since most of the undesirable acoustic effects appear in the piping system. It remains now to briefly
to be due to the high velocity moving gas slugs. mention acoustic expansion tanks whose design is
This principle of selectivity constitutes perhaps the based strictly on the phenomenon of wave reflection
most important feature of the pulsation dampener. and which become effective in a certain neighborhood
The screen effect of the perforated tubes consti- of their own natural acoustic frequencies, considered
tutes another important feature of the apparatus. as organ pipes [15J.
For it appears that by propel' proportioning of per- Elucidation of the phenomenon of wave reflection
forated areas relative to the surface area and over-all and interference, while not difficult, requires never-
dimensions, effective smoothing call be achieved thelcss a study of thc wave equation and the propel'
with relatively moderate pressure drops. In general, boundary conditions. This is somewhat bcyond thc
completely effective smoothing cannot be achieved scope of this chapter and accordingly only the result
by a single snubbing stage, hence additional per- of the simplest type of such a dampencr, as dcrived
forated tubes are addcd, as shown. by Davis, et al [15], is given here. In the reference,
Silencers arc constructed very much along the results are derived for a great number of combina-
same lines except that in some tubes slots are used tions of such expansion chambers with and without
instead of circular pcrforations while in other types resonator effccts. The simplcst typc of installat.ion

acting on the basis of wave reflection are totally

Q A Q impractical as udampeners" for low speed re-
ciprocating compressors.
9.8e Comparison of Gas Pulsation Smoothing
Devices. It is now intcnded to clarify the relative
FIG. 9.33 Resonator chamber nomenclature. merits of the tuned resonators, hydraulic filters
(as well as more complcx snubbing devices) and
of such an expansion chamber is the same as the acoustic expansion tanks dealt with in the preceding
hydraulic filter previously dealt with (but without subsections.
an orifice) as shown in Fig. 9.33. The hydraulic filter acts via dissipation and
If the area of piping is a, the area of chamber A, storagc of encrgy. Storage is a function of tank
its length L and the speed of sound of the fluid is C, volume while dissipation depends upon the piping
then the attenuation factor due to wave reflection is: systcm pressure drop. The latter may be in con-
centrated form via an actual orifice or in the form of
A.F. = ~1 + G(~ - ~) sin e~L)J a gradual pressure dissipation due to friction in the
pipe. Insofar as purely sinusoidal excitation is
(cf. [15]) (9.88) concerned, or the fundamental corresponding to a
periodic (but not necessarily purcly sinusoidal)
where f is the frequency of excitation (cps). excitation, it appears that the action of the hydraulic
It is scen that the maximum effect is attained at filter is independent of the frequency of excitation,
2rrfL provided, however, that this frequency is not in the
rr nC
- - =n-
C 2
or f=--
(n = 1,3, 5, ... ) immediate neighborhood of an acoustic naturai
frequency of the piping system either of the organ
i.e., when the exciting frequency coincides with the pipe or of the resonator type. On the other hand,
natural acoustic frequency of the chamber, con- if the exciting frcquency is in the neighborhood of an
sidered as an organ pipe open at one and closcd at acoustie frequency of the piping system, then the
the other end. On the other hand, at frequencies of action of the filter becomes more complex and thc
excitation corresponding to organ pipe types with results given in this section are probably not valid,
both ends considered acoustically 'tclosed/' or at least in error. Parenthetically, it may be
remarked that thc exciting frcquency appears
n c ultimately in the form of flow rate.
(n = 1, 2, 3, '1, ... )
The action of a hydraulic filter was studicd by
Chilton and Handley [18J, essentially along the
the expansion chamber is totally ineffective. same lines as in this chapter, except for the following:
The maximum attenuation factor is from eq. (9.88) a. In [18J, the periodic but nonharmonic excitation

A.F. max = ~1 + [~(~ - ~) J (9.89)

is first developed into fundamental and harmonics
and the various harmonics are examined separately.
In this chapter only the fundamental or purely
For large attenuation factors, Ala must be large, sinusoidal excitation is considered..
so that approximately b. The over-all pressure drop of the entire line
downstream of the main storage volume (bottlc) is
A considered as if it were an effectively concentrated
A.F. or - ~ 2 (A.F.)
a pressure drop through an orifice. Remarkably
enough, if the test results given in [18] are con-
Hence, for an attenuation factor of say 20, or sidered as representative, then it appears that this
reduction of pulsations to 5% of initial valuc, assumption is justified. In this section, on the
Ala = 40. Thus, for a pipe ID of 3 in., the diameter other hand, it was assumed that the pressure drop
of the expansion chamber must be: V40 X 3 ~ 22 is due to an actual physical orifice existing at the
in. or approximately 2 ft. Moreover, for 250 com- end of the bottle. Reference is also made to an
pressor rpm or approximately 4 cps, thc lcngth L of actual installation of this type [21] discussed in
the cxpansion chamber must bc (assuming speed of Subsection 9.9j. If, in eq. BA8, Appendix B,
sound at 1120 ft/scc) L = t LV..Jl. ~ 70 ft. It is 100% pressure drop across the orifice is assumed,
obvious from this example that expansion chambers equivalent to the assumption in [18], then one arrives

at the same results as those given in [18, 22] for a Thus, as in the case of the hydraulic filter, the
.Iline tank," an installation corresponding to the one results given in this chapter seem in a sense more
studied in this chapter. general than the results given in [15] and [18], and
Despite the test results, it is thought that the also more conservative because of specification
specification of an actual orifice with a small but of concentrated pressure drops. As has been dis-
concentrated pressure drop, while perhaps conserva- cussed, most snubbing devices may be considered as
tive, is still a desirable feature in a hydraulic filter. "hydraulic filters," but with the additional feature
In connection with gas pulsation filtering the of "selectivity." That is, part of the energy carried
question is: When is filtering really necessary? by the high velocity slug is dissipated, the slower
Inasmuch as pulsating flow from reciprocating com- moving gases passing through essentially without
pressors always induces periodic forces and there- dissipation.
fore vibration of pipe bends, filtering is always The last type of "dampener" discussed in this
beneficial. Insofar as resonance effects arc con- section, called an "expansion tank" in [15], acts
cerned the following general statement may be on the basis of the phenomenon of wave reflection.
made. Unless the lowest acoustic frequency, in This dampener becomes effective in the neighbor-
either organ pipe or resonator configuration, is hood of its own natural acoustic frequencies, con-
higher than about 3 to 4 times the highest com- sidered as an organ pipe. As shown these acoustic
pressor rpm (twice as much for double action), some expansion tanks are not practical for smoothing of
resonance effects may be expected. Inasmuch as low frequency gas pulsations.
the above requirement can hardly be met in typical In conclusion then, it would appear that the
installations, it follows that practically, filtering piping designer interested in preventing serious
will be required on all reciprocating compressor pressure surges in lines should proceed as follows:
installations. a. Estimate acoustic resonant frequencies of
It should be pointed out that design curves of organ pipe and resonator type by the aid of formulas
Fig. 9.31 hold only for filtering of gas flow pulsa- given in this chapter, or in other references.
tions. For liquids (or any other nearly incom- b. Insure that the natural frequency of the piping
pressible fluid) the filter is far less effective. system is sufficiently removed from any known
The other type of device studied in this section forcing frequencies.
is the tuned resonator. As shown in Appendix B, c. Insert pulsation dampeners or simple tanks at
this "dampener" acts in a manner diametrically appropriate places, preferably very close to the
opposite to that of the hydraulic filter. Where the inlet and discharge from reciprocating compressors;
hydraulic filter is effective for all frequencies of volume and pressure drop requirements may be at
excitation, except those in the neighborhood of an least approximately (and conservatively) estimated
acoustic natural frequency of the system, the tuned from the results given in this section.
resonator becomes effective precisely in the imme- d. For high frequency gas pulsations, tuned reso-
diate neighborhood of only one frequency, namely, nators or acoustic expansion chambers may be used
the resonator frequency, and is ineffective for all singly or in many different combinations. This
other frequencies of excitation. It is, however, also section presentl? a few of the most useful formulas;
shown that. the band of frequencies for which the the interested reader is referred to [15], for experi-
tuned resonator is effective can be widened some- mental data and analytical investigation of a large
what if an orifice is installed, as shown in Fig. 13.2 number of this type of silencers."

(Appendix B), resulting in a concentrated pressure 9.8! Hydraulic Hammer. A complete treatment
drop. of hydraulic hammer in a piping system consisting
In Davis' investigation [15] of tuned resonators, of several branches with orifices and perhaps by-
results given are equivalent to the assumption that pass valves, although not difficult, is rather lengthy
the area of the Horifice" (used in Appendix 13, Fig. and cannot be given in this chapter. In view,
B.2) is equal to the area of the pipe, the ratio of however, of the considerable importance of hydraulic
pressure drop through such an "orifice" to hammer in any piping system with liquid flow, in
average pressure being thus necessarily small. It which occasionally there may occur fairly rapid
can be shown that with this assumption, eq. B.23 closures of valves with a consequent possible high
for Indnl illustrated in Fig. B.3 (Appendix B) pressure build-up, it is thought worth while to
reduces essentially to the results of [15] for the simple discuss here at least a few fundamentals concerning
t,uned resonator. this phenomenon.
2pL,U 2pLU 2pLU .
Lip = (Lip) max = - - = - - = --- = pL.C
t tn 2L/C
(9.91 )
This is the maximum excess pressure which can
FIG. 9.34 Hydraulic system susceptible to hammer. occur in a liquid of density p, specd of sound C, flow-
ing with velocity U, during hydraulic hammer.
This maximum excess pressure is seen to be inde-
Consider the system of Fig. 9.34 wherein there
pendent botb of the closure time t(::; tn) and the
is a flow of a liquid in a pipe with eonstant velocity
length L. Figure 9.35 indicates the relationship
U. Suppose that a valve situated at a distance L
between excess pressure and closure time on a nOI1-
from the reservoir is closed in a time t. It is desired
dimensional basis. Thus, for water, p = 2 slugs/ell
to determine the excess pressure build-up in the pipe.
ft, C = 4700 ft/see, so that the maximum execs,
Let the maximum excess pressure be Lip. TIlls
pressure (psi), even for instantaneous valve closure,
maximum will obviously develop when the valve
is completely closed, Le., after a time t from the
2 X 4700
start of closure. On the other hand, at the begin- Lipm.. = U = 65U (9.92)
ning (i.e., at time t = 0), the excess pressure was
zero. On the basis of a linear build-up of excess where U = flow velocity, ft/sec.
pressure, the E.verage excess pressure is 6.p/2; this
average pressure acting on an area A at the gate In complex piping systems with branches, orifices,
exerts a force ~LipA. The momentum loss of a etc., the situation during hydraulic hammer is, of
column of liquid of length L, cross-sectional area A, course, complex. But eqs. 9.90 and 9.91 yield III
and flow velocity U when stoppcd at the gate is most eases at least upper limits to the vailles of
equal to pALU, p being the mass density. By possible excess pressure build-up.
Newton's law then, If it is found that the possible pressure build-up
during valve closure is excessive and cannot be
=-- tolerated, various measures may be instituted to
t reduce the water hammer effect. The simplest of
or these is obviously to increase the time of valve
2pLU closure, if that is possible. The required minimum
Lip = - - (9.90)
t time of closure in order to prevent a build-up of
excess pressure beyond a given magnitude can be,
This is the expression for the excess pressure due to at least approximately, estimated from eq. 9.90 or
valve closure. If p is in slugs/It', L in ft, U in ft/sec, from the curve of Fig. 9.35.
and t in sec, then Lip is in Ib/ft'. The above simple If, for various reasons, the time of valve closure
derivation is not rigorous, but has the advantage of cannot be increased, then other means to prevent
simplicity. excess pressure build-up can be instituted, such as
Now, tbe result given by cq. !l.90 holds so long "accumulator" tanks in liquid supply systems.
as the time of valve closure t is greater than the relief valves in pO\ver systems, and the like. How-
natural period of the system, i.e. t 2: t n = 2L/C, C
being the speed of sound in the liquid. This is true ~
because the derivation is based upon an assumption
tbat the time of closure t is large enough so that a l.O-j----,
signal starting at time t = 0 at the gate could travel
to the reservoir, deliver the ((message" and then
return to the gate with a "reply." Only thus could
the entire pipe length of liquid participate in the
compression effect. The minimum time in which
tbis ean happen is: t n = 2L/C. If then the time of
closure is less than t'll i.e. t :::; 2LjC, then only a
reduced column length L, of magnitude L, = L(t/t n )
O+----~---,--;:---;- ..,
o 2 3 '" 2l/C
can participate in the compression effect in the time FIG. 9.35 Non-dimensional excess pressure va. non-dimeJl~
t. So that for t ::; tn sional closiuA" lime.

ever, a discussion of the various means developed

through the years for the minimization of hydraulic lOft.
hammer effects is beyond the scope of this chapter o •••
and reference is made to [16] and [17]. 3 •.
9.8g Magnitude and Direction of Forces on
Piping Bends. At a pipe bend, forces are acting ,
during flow as a result of change in direction of the
stream which is equivalent to a change in momentum. •••


\ H 2 ft. Compr~r

FIG. 9.37 Sample compressor piping configuration.

General estimates:
FIG. 9.36 Forces at pipe bend.
Structural moment of inertia of 3" Schedule 80
The magnitude and direction of these forces arc as pipe I = 3.88 in'
indicated in Fig. 9.36 and in the relation: EI = 3.88 X 29 X 10' = 113 X 10' lb in.'
F = 2QU cosO (9.93) Weight of pipe = 10025Ib/ft.
where Q = mass flow rate, slugs/sec. Speed of sound in gas C = V1'RT.
U = velocity of fluid, ft/sec. R = ::U~n::i.:.v.::er:.:s::a::.1""g>:a~s-=c:.:o::.n::s::.:ta:::I::.:)t
F = force on bend, lb. MoW.
In the case of pulsating flow, e.g. from a recipro- For air at T = 60 F, l' = 1.4, MoW. = 29,
cating compressor, the mass flow rate Q is a periodic C = 1120 ft/sec.
time function leading to a cyclic bend force F. The i--c-::-:-:--~

1.27 29 680
resultant effect is then a periodic excitation, with For gas C = 1120 - - X - X -
1.4 10 520
magnification in the case of structural resonance
with the pulsation. = 2075 ft/sec.

9.9 Illustration of Vibration Analysis of a 9.9b Estimates of Structural Natural Fre-

Simple Piping System quencies of Piping System
9.9a General Data and Estimates. The piping Pipe C-D W = 10 X 10.25 = 102.5 lb.
configuration in Fig. 9.37 was selected for the I. = 10 ft.
purpose of illustrating a possible practical applica-
1. Fixed Ends
tion of the material contained in the preceding
From Table 901
Fundamental bending frequency
Compressor Characteristics:
Single stage, double acting, steam driven.
I113 X 10'
In = 1.69 '\1102.5 X (10)3 = 56.3 cps
Weight = 15,000 lb.
Inlet pressure = 415 to 665 psia. 20 For simply supported ends (C and D)
Discharge pressure = 1100 psia.
Discharge temperature = 220 F. In = - -
X 56.3 = 24.7 cps
Gas molecular weight 10.
Adiabatic constant, l' = 1.27 Bend D-E-F (90°)
Inlet temperature = 100 F.
I. = 13ft· I.1 = 10 = 0.77
Speed and flow rate schedule: 'I. 13

Table 902 ]V = 13 X 10.25 = 133 lbs

% load From Fig. 9.13 we have (by linear interpolation)
100% 75% 50%
~ 133 X (13)
113 X 10·
Speed, rpm 250 156 101 In = 1.47 3 = 30.0 cps
Piston Displ., drn 40 25 1601
The fundamental frequencies of Bend DIlG (or If the flexibility of pipe Gli (in bending and torsion)
ABC) are then obviously above 30 cps. is also taken into account then by eq. 9.23
9.9c Estimate of Lower Bounds of Structural
Natural Frequencies. It appears from the fore- W'lf = } X 2 X 10.25 +} X 10.25 X 8
going that the natural frequencies of the pipes or + 184.5 = 230.6 Ib
bends, shown in Fig. 9.37, when considered restrained and
by the supports, are considerably higher than the
113 X lOG
250 cpm which corresponds to the maximum rpm of
the compressor. Therefore, resonance effects due 230.6 X (8)3
fn = 0.13 2" 2 = 3 cps = 180 cpm
to the unbalance of compressor rotating masses are
not to be expectcd in this pipe system. A compressor 8 8
with a reasonably short connecting rod will also
have a fairly sizable excitation at twice its rpm In using eq. 9.23 the ratio lEI/GJ is assumed unity
(the "secondary unbalance force"). In the example for a pipe. This approximation is good enough for
treated, this will occur at 500 cpm. When this the present estimates.
secondary excitation gets into resonance it can cause It appears then that a fundamental structural
trouble, which has been observed repeatedly in natural frequency of the piping system in the rpm
service. Nonetheless, if all joints are rigid, as range of the compressors (and therefore, a resonant
assumed, even the secondary unbalance force will effect), is possible only if restraints C, D, and Fare
not cause resonance in the structure of Fig. 9.37. all flexible. If at least one of these is a proper
However, it may be worth. while to estimate lower restraint, a resonance effect due to compressor rpm
bounds of frequcncies due to, say, possible flcxibility is unlikely.
of restraints. To this end consider restraint C 9.9d Effeet of Elasticity of Machine Founda-
rcmoved first. Since point B is only 2 ft from point tion. The lowest rpm of the machines is 101 rpm or
A, point B may be considered as fixed (for the sake 1.68 cps (Table 9.2 in Subsection 9.9a). From
of simplicity). The natural frequency of BCD is eq. 9.63 or Fig. 9.19 of the text it is seen that if the
obtained by considcring it as a 90° bend fixed at periodic force on the foundation, due to the centrif-
Band D. Then by extrapolation from Fig. 9.13 ugal force of an unbalanced mass, is to be reduced
with L , /L = 10/18, to say "g" of the magnitude of the centrifugal force
itself, then, with no damping present, the ratio of
I 113 X lOG . forcing to natural frequency (of the machine on its
fn = 1.27"\j 18 X 10.25 X (18)3 = 13.0 cps foundation) should be 3 to 1. It is also seen from
eq. 9.64 or Fig. 9.20 that, for this frequency ratio,
If the flexibility of AB (in bcnding and torsion) is damping will increase rather than decrease the force
also considcrcd the natural frequency would be on the foundation.
lower. But it appears that even if restraint C is For the above frequency ratio, the frequency of
removed, a resonance effect at 250 cpm is unlikely. the machine and (elastic) foundation is:fn = 1.68/3
For the most conservative estimate of 2. lower = 0.5G cps. From eq. 9.5 in the text, the static
bound of frequency, consider now that restraints deflection of the elastic foundation is
C D, and F are removed. Also assume conserva-

tively that} of the weight of pipe CD in addition (I 1

Ollt = - - " """"2 = 2.6 fL.
to the weight of DlEF is supported at point D. This (2".)- fn
total wcight is:
Such a ('soft" foundation might well be entirely
W = (10 + 3 + 5) X 10.25 = 184.51b impractical. In that case, since the neighborhood
of a frequency ratio of unity must be avoided becausE'
Assume first that point li is fixed. Then liD acts as of resonance (unless artificial damping is intro-
a cantilever with a uniform mass distribution duced), the frequency ratio must be made less than
(10.25 Ib/ft) and concentrated weight of 184.5 Ib unity. If the amplitude of oscillation of the machine
at the free end. By the use of eq. 9.9 in the text itself is also reduced to say! of the ('static" ampli-
I 113XIO· tude caused by the centrifugal force then the fre-
fn = 0.13 "\j1}(8 X 10.25) + 184.5][(8)3J quency ratio should be l
Since the maximum rpm of the machine is 250
= 4.3 cps = 258 cpm rpm or 4.17 cps, the natural frequency of the

machine and foundation should be equal to or by the snubber is considerably greater than the
grcater than fn = 3 X 4.17 = 12.5 cps. From eq. static force required to produce a deflection R o,
9.5, this corresponds to asiatic deflcction of since for RIR o :s; ~, wlw n ;::: 3, say, the force in the
snubber is approximately Fs = kR o(wlw n )2. Let
0" = (2~)2 f~2 = 0.0052 ft = -Ar in. now the maximum value of I be limited to Im.x = 1.
Then for this maximum value the amplitude ratio
The force acting on the foundation in this case is. (with damping versus without damping) is, from
very nearly equal to the centrifugal force of the eq. 9.44,
unbalanced mass, as seen from eq. 9.63 or Fig. 9.19, R 1

~' J{~(=)'r"~
and this force can be reduced only by a reduction
of the unbalance.
This example shows that at low rpm, elastic foun-
dations do not appear practical. Therefore the
designer should proceed in the opposite direction.
That is, the foundation should be made as rigid as
Thus the amplitude reduction is only a little more
possible (the natural frequency of machine and
than 1% and therefore hardly of any consequence.
foundation being 3 to 1 or greater) while mass un-
9.91 Resonance Effect due to Wind Velocity.
balance of moving parts should be reduced as much
In accordance with eq. 9.1 of the text, the frequency
as possible.
f (cps) of vibration induced by wind velocity Estimate of Hydraulic Snubber Force
U (ft/sec) is
and Damping Requirement for Reduction of
Amplitude of Vibration. The spring constant U U
f = 0.18 -D = 0.18 - I2 = 0.617U
of a fixed-end beam for deflection at center is o 3.5 1
k = 8 El13 L 3 (lb/ft). Consider pipe CD shown
in Fig. 9.37. For C and D considered as fixed ends, or U = _f_ = 1.62N
k = (8 X 113 X 106 )/3(10)3 = 301,500 lb/ft. The 0.617
natural frequency for this pipe was estimated to be A reasonable assumption regarding the range of the
56.3 cps. Vibration of this pipe due to compressor probable fundamental frequency of the above piping
pulsation will occur at 250 cpm or 4.17 cps. system, based on previous estimates, would be:
The damping coefficient requircd to reduce the
amplitude of vibration to, say, 25% of the ampli- Lowest nat. freq. = 12 cps
tude in the absence of damping is by eq. 9.45, Sub- Highest nat. freq. = 53 cps
section 9.5a, The corresponding range of wind velocity is, from
the last relation,
I = ~ [I - (4tl{56.3)2] V(4)2 - 1 = 26.0
Min U = 1.62 X 12 = 19.4 ftlsec = 13.2 mileslhr
56.3 Max U = 1.62 X 53 = 86 ftlsec = 58.5 milcslhr
This is an extremely large value of I and is probably Inasmuch as at least part of the range of wind
out of the practical range. The example merely velocities of 13-58 miles per hour is quite prevalent,
shows that viscous damping is really effective only a resonance vibration of the piping system, if in the
in the neighborhood of resonance. Indeed, from open, under steady wind conditions, appears rather
eq. 9.46 of the same section the maximum force likely. Whcther this condition is serious depends on
transmitted by the dampener is found to be the magnitude of stresses which, in turn, are a func-
F s = kR oll - (4.17/56.3)2]Vl - (t)2 = kR o = tion of forces present during resonance. These forces
300,000R o (lb), where R o is the maximum ampli- can be computed on the hasis of full dynamic air
tude of vibration (in feet) without damping. Thus, pressure acting on the projected area of the cylinder
the snubber force is practically equal to the force with a reasonable magnificat on factor (say 50)
required to produce in the structure a deflection applicable for piping resonance.
equal to the maximum amplitude RD. 9.9g Estimate of Acoustic Natural Frequen-
In the other extreme, when thc ratio of forcing cics. The speed of sound for the gas was estimated
to natural frequency (wlw n ) is large, it is seen from above as approximately 2075 ft/sec. Considcr first
eq. 9.46 that the maximum force to be transmitted piping system ABCDEF, omitting for the time being
the influence of branch DHG. The length of the It is seen at a glance that IIiIo = 1 cannot bc
fanner system is 33 feet. In accordance with the satisficd by thc last relation, so that due to branch
formulas given in Section 9.6 anj Appendix B, the GHD the frequency is indced changed. By trial and
lowest frequency is obtained by assuming A to be crror it is found that 1,/10 ~ 0.9 is a root of that
an acoustically closed end and F an acoustically open relation to within a good approximation, so that
end. The fundamental aeoustie period is then
h ~ 0.9 X 15.7 = 14.1 cps
. 4L 4X33
PcrlOd = - = - - - = 0.0635 see. It is seen that thc fundamental acoustic frequency
C 2075
bascd on all branches is less than the frequency
and thc fundamental frequcney is which results when branch DHG is omitted.
1 9.9h Estimate of Acoustic Frequency of the
10 = 0.0635 ~ 15.7 cps System Corresponding to its First Harmonic
(2nd Mode). It may be of interest somctimes to
Due to the existence of branch DHG, the actual estimate the acoustic natural frcquency of the first
fundamental acoustic frequcney is different. The harmonic corresponding to the second acoustic mode.
effect of the second branch will now be cstimated In accordance with the results given in Subsection
from relations given in Subsection 9.6c assuming 9.6c
that end G is acoustically closed, as was assumed
for end A. The branches are ABCD, GHD, and
DEF. Since the areas of all branches are the same, tan C; - 1.3 ~; 10) = tan C30; 10) + tan G; 10)
the general relation given in the above subsection
reduces in this case, for joint D, to: By trial and error it is found that a root of this tran-
scendental equation is Idio = 2.16, so that!, = 2.16
I 2 0 ) +tan - --+,s
tan - --+,s
210 33 210 33
I 1 0 ) =tan (1011"
I ) X 15.7 ~ 34 cps. The ratio of thc first harmonic to
the fundamental acousticfrequency isidil = 34/14.1
= 2.4. In a single branch with constant cross
Branch ABCD Branch GHD Branch DEF sections the ratio would be 3 : 1. In general, it
In view of the assumption that ends A and G are appcars then that the effect of branch GHD is to
acoustically closed, and since the pipe areas arc reduce the fundamental and higher acoustic fre-
constant, quenCIes.
9.9i Estimates of Some Possible Resonator
,s (Branch ABCD) = 0, ,s (BranehGHD) ~ 0
Frequencies. Consider the system in Fig. 9.37
So that the relation is: with some modifications, as shown in Fig. 9.38. All
piping, except where indicated, is of 3! in. OD
tan (1011" -!i+,sI)~tan(101I" -!i)+tan(511"-!i) (9.94) (3 in. IPS) pipe. Pressures, temperatures, etc. arc
3310 3310 3310
as given in Subsection 9.9a. All equations used are
givcn in Section 9.8 or Appendix B.
Since the area in branch DEF is constant, {(phase"
10~ dio.
,s1 is constant for the entire branch. On the other
hand, end P was assumed acoustically "opcn/'

= 1l:2 L) m~ 1 3 5· ..
(m - 10' I ,

Hence, from the relation above, and for the funda-

mental mode (m = 1)

tan [ - - II
3310 2
h)J =tan (1011"
II) +tan (511"
Vouol Pultolion
l' dio.

This is a transcendental equation for the ratio IIiIo

where 10 = 15.7 cps as calculated above for a simple
line ABCDBF with A acoustically closed and F FlO. 9,38 Inclusion of pulsation dampeners in
acoustically open. compressor piping system.
1. Consider a pulsation dampener as a Ilcavity"
resonator (one cavity):

l' = ": X 12 X 2 = 1.57 ft 3 ; 5'

L = 0; Pulsation PuliOlion 2'

A = -,.- X (3.5)2
= 0.07 ft 2 .
12 ' lP~'k 3'

~ = 2
fA = 2 '1/4
'1/-; fD2 = D = 3.5
12 = 0.29 ft;
FIG. 9.39 Pulsation dampener system parallel configuration.

Volume=2X 1.57+ (5+ 1O+5)XO.07=4.5 ft 3

G = 2075 ft/see' I' (per neck) = 0.022 ft. Therefore
Hence, for one cavity: f = 2075 ~2X.022 =32 cps
2,.- 4.5
f = 2075 ~0.29
- - - - = 142 cps
2,.- 1.57 20'5
A = -'-=65 ft>30 ft
32 -
.-1. second cavity will not change this result materi-
ally. We have also Hence, the above calculations will not be greatly
in error. r is very small.
~ = G/f = 2075/142 = 14.6 ft» 2 ft 4. On the other hand consider the system above
(typical ehamher dimension), as shown with flow in one direction (Fig. 9.40).
thus satisfying a condition for using the ahove
The damping coefficient due to communication
with outside fluid is:
I = ~I'/A = ~ X 0.29/14.6 = om. 1/0,=1).3=#1 V,=V,=V
For lower frequencies, r is even smaller, as will be FIG. 9.40 Pulsation damrener system in-line configun~tion.

2. Consider now a snubber with a 3 ft long neck Then it is found from the equations given in Sub-
(distance from compressor). Then section 9.61> that:

L = 3 ft;
!I=2~~; f 2 =!2
~I' + 21'2
~ = . A = 0.Q7 ft 2;
L+~v;;:A' a. I' '" 0
and I' = . /
3 = ~ v 0.07,.-
= 0.022 ft. a r;
fm'n = 2,.- 'l/v = 2,.-
2075 ~0.022 .
1.57 = 40 cps as In case 2.
f = 2075 10.022 = 40 cps b. Suppose, however, that the end entrances are
2,.- '1/ 1.57 closed, then I' = 0 and
2075 G /21'2
~ = - = 52 ft» 3 ft.
40 fm'n = 2,.- 'l/v
1 0.022 0.07 f
1=---=2XlO-' 1'2 = = 0.0034 t
2 52 . 20 + ~VO.Q7,.-
It is seen that in this case (' is quite small and the 2075 ~2 X 0.0034 2
influence of this damping is, in general, of no con- and f = - - = 7 cps;
2,.- 1.57
3. Consider BG])H as a chamber with two en- 2075
trances (Fig. 9.39):
A= 27» 24 It; I is small.
12' Consider a "bottle" 12 in. in diameter and 2 ft long.
lO"dio. The volume is

3; 3,-,-
Nod< 4
V = - X 12 X 2 = 1.57 cu ft

On the basis of uniform gas density, the ratio of

FIG. 9.41 Header pipe. "bottle" volume to volume flow rate per stroke per
piston is:
5. It may be of interest to consider a header pipe
as shown in Fig. 9.41.
!.. = 1.57 = 33.4
V' 0.047
I' = 0.07 = 0.0085 ft Figure 9.30 in the text or eq. B.48 (Appendix B)
8 + !VO.o7" shows that for an attenuation factor of 20, the pres-
sure drop required between the tank and the piping
V = :': (10)2 X 12 = 6.5 ft' system is 2!% of mean tank pressure, or 0.025 X 1100
4 12
= 27.5 psi.
f = 2075 /2 X 0.0085 = 17 cps For the same attenuation factor (95% reduction
2" '\j 6.5 of pulsation amplitude), and a 4 ft long "bottle" of
12-in. diameter the pressure drop required is only
2075 1.2% of mean tank pressure or about 13 psi out of
A= - = 122 ft » 30 ft
17 llOO.
Check with Some Test Data. The data given below
r= 3.5 X 10-5
are taken from a British report [22].
It appears from all of the above results that the The following results appear to be applicable:
only possible source of resonance (resonator type) of
Effective % pressure drop = 3%
4 cps, or 8 cps due to compressor higher harmonic
Effective volume ratio V/V' = 4
pulsation (500 rpm), may pcrhaps occur in the sys-
tem representing the long end pipe terminating in a Reduction factor of amplitude of pipe vibra-
large vessel. Such a system will possess a low res- tion after installation, as measured, was
onator frequency and, in accordance with the re- 2! to 3.
marks in Section 9.6, can be calculated on the basis
Now from eq. B.48 we have
of a simple long-necked resonator, quite apart from
the rest of the system. Attenuation Factor = A.F. =
9.9j Estimate of Volume and Pressure Drop
/ ( 0.03)2 _ 3
Requirement of Hydraulic Filters (Bottles) in '\j 1 + 27r X 0.75 _ 0.485 -
the COIn pressor Discharge Lines. It is thought
that an attenuation factor of 20, corresponding to a If it is assumed, as is indeed reasonable and as is
reduction of 5% to compressor pulsations from an pointed out in the above report, that the amplitude
average fiow rate, is a minimum requirement. of piping vibration is directly proportional to the
As shown in Table 9.2, the maximum flow rate at amplitude of pulsation (forces acting on bends
intake per compressor is 40 cfm at 250 rpm. Now, primarily), then it appears that the result given by
the average density ratio on discharge side vs. intake eq. B.48 (Appendix B) agrees with the measured
is approximately result.
Pdi~r.h:l.rc:c 1100 100 + 460 1.7
In view of the fact that a uniform average gas
Pintnkc = 415 + 665 X 220 + 460 density is implied it is thought that these results are
conservative. Pulsation dampeners, with their
feature of selectivity, ought to yield better smoothing
Therefore, maximum discharge = 40/1. 7 = 23.5 efm. with the same volume capacity and pressure drop
Hence, for a double-acting single piston compressor (see Subsection 9.8b).
the discharge volume flow rate per stroke per piston 9.91< Tuned Hesonator Geometry. Consider a
is approximately resonator volume equal to snubber volume of 1.57
23.5 f cu ft. Suppose it is desired to tune to W n = 250/60
V' = = 0.047 cu t
cps = 26 rad/sec. Consider a single cavity, with
2 X 250


"acoustic conductivity" 1'. Then, with C = 2075 vibration calculations. With the large number of
ft/sec (speed of sound in fluid), 26 = 2075VI'/1.57. piping systems commonly encountered OIl process,
Or. I' = 1.57(26/2075)2 = 2.5 X'10---< ft. power, and other plants, the recognized gcnerallaek
a. Assume at first a very thin walled cavity, of simple methods for natural frequency prediction of
L «~v;;:A. Then the usually complex configurations, and the inability
to assess self-induced cxcitations, it is not presently
I' = 2 ~~ = 2.5 X 10---<;
within the economics of plant design to perform
frequency analyses and regulate designs so as to
or A = 5 X 10--8 ft 2 = 7 X 10-6 in 2 avoid vibration difficulties except for the most
critical applications. Accordingly, much vibration
For circular opening engineering is performed in the correction of diffi-
'lrD 2 culties encountered in initial operation. This section
.- = 7 X 10-6 • D = 0.003 in. will attempt to assist the engineer confronted with
4 '
this situation.
b. Assume now a wall thickness of abont 0.3 in., Some basic design precautions, however, will
then, as will appear, L» ~V'irA, and I' ~ A/(0.3/12) reduce the extent of field correction. Within eco-
= 2.5 X 10-4 ft = 3 X 10-3 in.; A = 0.75 X 10---< nomic limits, avoidance of suspected exciting in-
in?; and for circular area, D = 0.01 in. For distrib- fluences is obviously desirable. Pulsation damp-
uted cavities, the cavity area and diameter will be eners installed at the discharge of reciprocating
still smaller. compressors as well as at the intakc of high pressure
rt is seen from the calculations that the design of or otherwise critical units serve to reduce the magni-
tuned resonators for low frequencies is not practical tude of pressure and flow oscillations within ae-
because very small cavities are required. This eeptablc values. Surging on discharge lines from
difficulty can only be overcome by increasing either reciprocating pumps can similarly be reduced by the
the resonator volume or the neck length. This installation of surge chambers which can be sized
means an increase in dimensions. In addition, long using readily available formulas [22J. Certain fluid
narrow necks tend to get clogged up, requiring flow conditions are known to excite vibration oc-
troublesome maintenance. On the other hand, if the casionally, and should be avoided; for example, a
desired tuning frequency were higher, say by a piping arrangement where flows enter a common
factor of 10, then the required cavity sizes wonld line from diametrically oppositc directions. In
become reasonable and, in conjunction with a rea- reciprocating machinery it is desirable to avoid
sonable orifice pressure drop, a tuned resonator single cylinder machines with significant unbalanced
might be superior to an ordinary filter. Indeed, if inertia effects, which can be accentuated by in-
it is required to tune for only a narrow band of sufficient foundation mass and spread, particnlarly
forcing frequencies the tuned resonator is superior to on poor soil. Transmittal at-mechanical movements
a filter ("bottle" with orifice), as soon as the fre- from machinery through piping is minimized if the
quency is high enough, making the resonator design system is provided with an initial flexible run and
practical [15J. For wider frequency band tuning then anchored, preferably by direct attachment to
requirements, additional calculations of pressure an available massive foundation to avoid shaking
drop requirements shonld bc made for a given intervening structures or buildings, particularly the
specific case to determine whether a simple tuned compressor house; supports should be located so that
resonator is superior to a filter. These calculations overhang or cantilevered portions are avoided, since
can be made using formulas given in Subsection g.8a. such portions may magnify amplitudes.
rt should be noted that wider bands of attenuation The safety and economic potentials of vibrations
at relatively high frequeneies (say above 10 eps) can should be recognized by the average designer.
be obtained by combining tuned resonators and Cyclic repetitions of sufficient number for a pro-
expansion chambers. portionate stress range can result in non ductile
fractures at stress levels well below yield point as
9.10 Piping Vibration "Trouble Shooting" dictated by the magnitude at local stress raisers
9.lOa Background. The foregoing sections of rather than by the primary stress level. Fractures
this chapter presented fundamental considerations can be accelcrated by propagation of defects, par-
of piping vibration, general means for its correction ticularly at welds or in castings. Damage can
or control, and reference formulas for assistance in result from rubbing wear, loosening of fastenings,
disintegration of insulation, grouting, foundations, C. Electric and Eleetronic Meters. This classifi-
etc. In addition, the noise and uncertainty as to cation covers a wide variety of electrical, electronic,
structural integrity of noticeably vibrating equip- magnetic, and induction devices used singly or in
ment may have adverse morale effect on operating combination for standardized or special instru-
and maintenance personneL ments to indicate or record vibration characteristics.
The three basic characteristics of individual Some types are highly specialized, such as sound
vibrations have direct structural significance: (1) meters, consisting of a microphone pickup, amplifier,
frequency dictates the number of cycles and hcnce and a decibel reading indicator, which is useful for
fatigue lifc; (2) amplitude indicatcs both the maxi- analyzing flow noise and attendant vibration and
mum stress attained and the stress range, the former also for general sonic frequency measurement.
a measure of hazard of yielding or direct stress Most of the available units are based on resonance
fracture and the latter of fatigue life in eombination principles, with adjustment of the natural frequency
with the total eyeles; (3) acceleration is a mcasure of the instrument to coincide with that of the system
of the dynamic force producing the oscillatory under study.
movement and which must be opposed in order to D. Stroboscopic Deuices. These instruments are
reduce amplitude. Sincc appraisal of the hazard useful in studying large amplitude vibration. Illu-
involved and need for or of correction must mination of parts by timed flashes of light of short
be related to these vibration characteristics, satis- duration creates the illusion of stopping or slowing
factory comprehension of their significance is es- the movement depending on the relation between
sential. Early attention during initial operation may the flash frequency and the frequency of vibration.
avoid subsequent damage of considerable magnitude. By slowing down the vibration until it can be
9.lOb Vibration Measurement. Specialized followed by the eye, simultaneous observation of
equipment for indicating or recording vibration several points is possible.
characteristics is available in great variety to match
the many different conditions under which measure- In the absence of specialized equipment, a general
ments are made. Some instruments are compact, idea of vibration characteristics can be obtained
light in weight, and readily portable, others are under favorable conditions. Visual observation of
suited only to laboratory or to permanent instal- pointer movements on an indicating gage against
lations. IVIechanical, electrical, or inertia actuations timing with a stop watch ean be applied towards
are madc, Some 'with direct sensing, others using estimating the amplitude and frequency of oscil-
various types of pickups such as mechanical and lations of pressure, flow, liquid level, etc.; where
electrical strain gages, Bourdon tubes, diaphragms, available motion pictures can be employed, the film
or inertia devices such as accelerometers, magnetic speed or a clock included in the picture providing
and induction coils, etc. timing, and the successive photographs the range
Although detailed descriptions of vibration equip- and number of surges. For high frequencies, indirect
ment are beyond the scope of this chapter, it may be means can sometimes be employed, i.e. obtaining
helpful to classify the general types of equipment fluid oscillations as a measurement of the forced
and their indicated usefulness. vibrations of the containing pipe, vessel, or structure.
A. Mechanical V ibrometers. Most instruments For structural oscillations, visual observation and
are of the recording type, and applicable to low or moving pictures again provide a satisfactory ap-
moderate frequencies with the amplitude magnified proach for low frequencies; this can be accomplished
for improved measurement. Compact and rugged by following the structure movement directly, by
types which are suitable for wide usage are available usinga dial gage actuated by a cord, or by using a tran-
at reasonaQIe prices. Included in this classification sit, telescope, or telephoto lens. A simple recording
are conventional recording instruments for pressure, device for moderate frequency vibrations is the use of
flow, etc. a conventional recorder at its maximum chart speed;
B. Reed Vibrometers. This is a most useful and the mechanism actuating the pen is disconnected
economic type which is widely employed on rotating from the sensing element and made to respond to a
machinery, and generally applicable to frequencies cord opposing its return spring; the cord is attached
over lOcps. The range is wide and accuracy entirely to the structure under study and the resulting record
satisfactory for structural purposes. They are shows the amplitude to full or amplified scale.
generally used for frequency determination, but can Higher frequencies can be approximated by varying
also be used for approximate amplitude evaluation. the cord length of a pendulum attached to the
structure under observation until resonance is original design, rough calculations should be made to
approachcd, then calculating the corresponding assist in appraisal of the data. A comparision of the
natural frequency for this dimension; a light wire field readings and calculated natural frequencies
cantilever can be similarly used (simulating a reed should yield a rough indication as to whether the
vibrometer), varying the free length until resonance vibration is of a forced or self-excited origin, and if
is at a maximum; amplitude can be roughly approx- of the former type, whether resonance is indicated.
imated in the same manner as for reed vibrometers. Where the trace exhibits a single period corre-
Recording at night the motion of a light attached to sponding to the structural or acoustic frequency of
a mechanical strain gage, or similar multiplier, on the system under examination, it can be assessed as
a film in a still camera, slowly rotated through a a forccd vibration approaching resonance if the
timed interval, will provide an approximate trace pulsations are of appreciable magnitude. If the
from which frequency can be obtained and ampli- oscillation does not coincide with a natural period
tude assessed. of the system, it can be of either a forced or self-
9.10c "Trouble Shooting" Procednre. When excited origin, with the former generally more likely.
confronted with a specific case of piping vibration, a Further assessment of its nature can be accomplished
first step is to assess the need for immediate action. by altering the variables of either the system or the
In some cases the situation is sufficiently serious to operation, such as temporary supports or restraints,
cause a shutdown for correction or measures to changes in flow vclocity by throttling, or variations
limit the amplitude of vibration. On the other hand, in machine speed. With this increased data the
it is frequently possible and entirely adequate to exciting influence may be recognized. It must bc
reduce amplitudes of pipe or strueture vibration by appreciated that self-excited vibration is nonlinear
providing temporary braces, supports, cables or and therefore a most difficult vibration phenomenon
rod ties, guides, or similar restraints, so long as care to analyze. Proof of its presence must usually rest
is taken to avoid possible thermal expansion diffi- on elimination of all possible external sources of
eulties on shutdown or during temporary oper- disturbance, and corrective measures similarly must
ational upsets. Subsequently the temporary re- usually depend on experiment with and changing of
straint is replaced by a permanent installation simplified components and influence.
designed to avoid resonance and yet to be compatible With thc frcquency and nature of vibration
with the requirements of the piping system for determined, the next step is a search for a possible
expansion movements. In borderline cases, where source, so as to eliminate it if practicable. As ex-
there is doubt about the seriousness of vibration, amples, the speed of a rotating machine may be
an approximate idea of the actual maximum ampli- changed, taking into account the resulting effect on
tude should be obtained for comparison with the flow, or unbalance of the machine corrected; similarly
corresponding stress obtained from simplified beam the speed of reciprocating equipment may bc
ealculations. Where the full range of stress (based changed, which would also alter flow pulsations.
on double amplitude) exceeds 2 X yield point of the Specialized equipment such as flow dampeners and
material in the most highly stressed local area, surge tanks are effective in eliminating periodic
imminent danger of failure exists, while lower surges in flow from reciprocating compressors,
stresses may be compared with the SIN (stress vs. pumps, engines, etc.
number of cycles) curve for that material as an Corrective measures also include means for
indication of probable life in the absence of harmful limiting amplitude or acceleration and concurrent
defects. It is emphasized that fatigue failure is stress, such as stops, guides, damping devices, the
related to peak stress, so that nozzles, flanges, etc. design of which is, in general, covered in Ch.apter 8.
where local stresses above the average level exist are Finally, it must be pointed out that interpre-
focal points for possible failure. tation of vibration data is a difficult task. Reeords
More permanent corrective measures usually obtained in thc field will frequently show a diversity
require assessment of the vibration characteristics, of small and completely random oscillations (noise)
prefcrably by vibrometer reeords, otherwise by the superimposed on systematic oscillations of larger
most effective substitute approach which can bc magnitude, often masking the effcct of the systematic
devised. Interpretation of this information must excitation. The difficulty is particularly evident in
take into account extraneous effects and operating the case of acoustic oscillations in view of the exist-
variables. Unless structural and acoustic natural ence of many acoustic modes and misleading effects
frcqucncies of the system are available from the due to the acoustic characteristics of the instrument
and connecting tubing. As a rule, however, vi- 12. S. Goldstein, Modern DelTclopment:> in Fluid Dynamics,
brations of the noise type are so small as to be non- Vol. II, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1938.
13. G. W. Housner, IlBending Vibrations of a Pipeline Con-
dangerous. Usually only the well developed sinus- taining Flo\ying Fluid," J. Appl. MecJwnics, Vol. 19,
oidal vibrations are so large that they have to be PI'. 205-208 (June 1952).
reduced in amplitude for safe operation. 14. T. Warming, "Polar Diagrams for Tuning of Exhaust
Pipes," 'Trans. ASME, Vol. 68, No. I, pp. 31-33 (1946).
15. D. D. Davis, Jr., et aL, "Theoretical and Measured
References Attenuation of r..,lufficrs ... ," NACA T.N. 2893, Feb.
1. J. P. Den Hartog, Mechanical Vibrations, McGraw-Hill 16. H. Rouse, cd., Engineering Hydraulics, John Wiley &
Book CO' 1 New York, 1940. Sons, New York, H)50.
2. S. Timoshenko, Vibration Problems in Engineering, D. 17. T. W. Reynolds, "Water Hammer in Pipe Lines," Heating
Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1937. and" Ventilating, Vol. 49. No.7, pp. 83-90 (1952).
3. Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Vol. II II, Dover Publi- 18. E. G. Chilton and L. R. Handley, "Pulsations in Gas
cations, 1945. Compressor Systems," Trans. ASME, Vol. 74, No.6,
4. A. E. H. Love, The Afathematiazl Theory of Elaslif:ily, 1'1'.931-941 (1952).
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1927. 19. C. N. Taylor, l/How to Stop Troublesome Pulsations
5. P. M. Morse, Vibration and Sound, 1-IcGraw Hill Book Without Excessive Pressure Drop," Oil Gas J., Vol. 52,
Co., New York, 1936. No. 44, PI'. 101-102, 105, 112; Vol. 52, No. 45, PI'. 113-
t). H. F. Olsen, Dynamical Analogies, D. Van Nostrand Com- 114,117,150 (1954).
pany, New York, 1943. 20. M. L. Arnold, llExperiences in Dampening Pulsations in
7. J. J. Stoker, Non-linear Fibrations, Inwrscience Pub- Compressor Piping Systems," Oil Gas J., Vol. 50, No. 23,
lishers, New York, 1950. PI'. 109-110, 141-142 (Oct. 1951).
8. S. Timoshenko (revised by J. P. Den Hartog), "Vibra- 21. Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Ltd., Engineering Develop-
tion,fl in L. S. Marks, cd., Mechanical Enginur's Hand- ment Department, Abad.'1.n, Iran, <lClark Compressor
book, pp. 486-504, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1951. Piping Vibration. Effect of Fitting Pulsation Damping
9. R. O. Fehr, HVibration and Noise Control," in C. Car- Orifices," Engineering Report No. 415, January 27,1947.
michael, cd., Kent's Mechanical Engineer's Handbook, 22. E. G. Chilton and C. R Handley, "Pulsation Absorbers
Design and Production Volmne, John Wiley & Sons, New for Reciprocating Pumps," ASME Paper 53-A-81,
York,1950. August, 1953.
10. C. E. Crede, t'ibration and Shock Isolation, John Wiley 23. K. Groth, "Untersuchung liber Schwingungen in der
& Sons, New York, 1951. Druckleitung von Kolbenverdichtern," Z., VD1, Band
] 1. H. S. Ryder and E. K. Gatcombe, "Designing Vibration 19, Forschungshefi 440, pp. 5-22 (1953).
Absorbers," Machine Design, V. 21, No. 11, pp. 142-145 2,1. V. F. Albert and G. S. McGinnis, "1-1ultiple Helmholz
(1949). Resonators," J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., July, 1952. "


History and Derivation

of Piping Flexibility Analysis

T HIS appendix is principally of gencral back-

ground interest in the study of piping flexi-
bility analysis. It consists of (1) a brief his-
torical review, (2) a rather complete bibliography
proaches, rather than to adhere closely to a chrono-
logical exposition. Duplication has been avoided
with Chapter 3 to which the rcader is referred for a
historical presentation of the contributions to an
of published matter on the subjcct, and (3) the understanding of thc increased flexibility and at-
derivation of the various formulas entering into the tendant stress distribution in curved pipes.
calculations. It contains material which was with- If the preliminary and inadequate developments
held from Chapter 5 in order to enhance that chap- are passed over, Wahl [7] and Hovgaard [8] may be
ter's usefulness to the calculator as a working considered as the pioneers in providing usable solu-
reference. tions for single-plane configurations including pipe
bends. Shipman [9], by pre-integration of the shape
A.I History of Piping Flexibility and Stress coefficients and organization of the details and sign
Analysis conventions, established the first general solution of
Three decades ago the treatmcnt of thc expansion the single-plane problem requiring only simple math-
problem was crude and patterned largely either on ematics and suitable for routine design application;
the analysis of elementary structural frames, or on this was the most significant single contribution
manufacturers' data for simple expansion configura- made to the field of analysis. The analytical ap-
tions (such as the lyre bend) for which experimental proach was further advanced by Tingey [25] who
confirmation was limited to isolatcd tcst data. These introduced the virtual center of gravity or elastic
load deflection values were never fully reconcilcd center, and a step further by Spielvogel and Kameros
with analyses, largely because the peculiarities of [30, 32] who employed conjugate axes; in both ap-
curved pipe were not understood. proaches simplification of the displacement equa-
At the present time a somewhat overwhelming tions accrues from placing the origin of the coordinate
variety of so-called "methods" of analysis confronts system at the virtual center of gravity of the pipe-
the piping engineer. Closer inspection, however, line which, for single plane configurations, coincides
will reveal that in many cases the differences are with the elastic center, so that all moments due to
largely superficial and concern dctails such as the loads and reactions vanish. The resulting simplifi-
order of succession of operations or the manner of cation of the simultaneous equations is offset by the
recording the calculations. In order to arrive at effort involved in establishing the coordinates of the
results of comparable accuracy and reliability, the elastic center.
required quantity of work inevitably remains much Extensions of the analytical approach to space
the same. pipe lines were first published by Hovgaard [33] and
In the following brief rcview of the extensive lit- by Karelitz and Marchant [37]; the former gives a
erature on piping flexibility and attendant stress general solution, while the latter deals with a selected
calculations, it has been considered more useful to piping system by following Wahl's individual treat-
trace the developmcnt of the various basic ap- ment of each pipe section, as combined by supcr-
position and juxtaposition, and utilizes a tabular for curved members, and the assumption regardin~
form and sign conventions to avoid sign errors. In the position of the axis as parallel to a line passing
a later paper [39], Hovgaard restated the foregoing through the end fixations is untenable in the abscnce
multiplane bend solution to include the so-called of a complete symmetry, and may lead to consider-
secondary effects. The Engineering Department of able error. Cocks [161 provided an excellent graphi-
the Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) presented, as an cal treatment of bends in space, using the simplify-
inter-company report in 1932, the first extension of ing assumption of a shear modulus equal to one-half
preintegration to the space problem, in which the of the modulus of elasticity in tension, by which til('
shape coefficients for the additional planes were torsional rigidity is made equal to the rigidity in
derived from those of the basic plane by cyclic per- flexure. This assumption is valid only for the
mutation of the coordinates' axes. Itself an out- fictive limit of Poisson's ratio = 0; thcrefore tor-
growth of Shipman's one-plane development, this sional deflections are underestimated accordingly.
contribution was carried forward by The M. W. and over-all stiffness exaggerated. Bridge [69], utiliz-
Kellogg Company and eventually led to the publi- ing Cocks' modulus assumption , introduced all
cation in 1941 of the first edition of Design of Piping improvement of Mitchell's method through a modi-
Systems [49J. This volume contained the first com- fication in the empirical positioning of the thrust axb-;.
prehensive treatment of the thermal expansion prob- The use of presolved equations for the general
lem, offering the designer a means of solving virtually one-plane configuration into which dimensionally
any configuratioll, however complex, with any man- dependent factors are introduced as obtained from
ner of concentrated loading or restraint, the rapidly specific charts or tables for each arrangement is co\'-
mounting time required for the more complex solu- ered by Wert and Smith together with other col-
tions being the sole limitation. laborators [24, 31, 43], Markl [88], and Spieh·ogel
Shortly thereafter, the first edition of S. W. Spiel- [90, 91, 92]. Such chart solutions present the most
vogel's book [55] appeared, emphasizing the use of direct means for solving the selected configuration:;
the elastic center as a procedure easily followed by but their use is limited to piping systems of fe,,·
the occasional user especially for single-plane appli- variables in their layout geometry and hence are in-
cations; for multiplane systems, the secondary effects applicable to most runs of pipe as laid out in practice.
are neglected, and the general procedure and estab- This approach has also been used to solve space
lishment of the elastic centers are much more problems, although its usefulness is further limited
complex. by an increased complexity in this application.
The convenience of employing matrix notation Over a period of seven years a series of articles,
and the operations of matrix algebra as applied to sponsored by S. Crocker and A. McCutchan [69],
expansion problems were pointed out by Hoath presented summaries of current piping flexibility
[72, 73J and Brock [96], while Johnson [991 described analysis methods; each contributing author was to
application of the Kellogg General Analytical present a digest of a specific approach and calcula-
Method to programmed calculations by automatic tions for each of two given problems as a basis of
punched card machines. comparison. Lack of space did not permit suffi-
Other analytical developments which may be ciently adequate treatment for these articles to be
mentioned are the dynamical analogy of Poritsky useful as a comprehensive reference compilation;
and Snively [44], and the column analogy of Wolo- however, as a convenient summary they do provide
sewick [691; De Hart [61, 69, 75, 87] introduced valuable assistance in the difficult evaluation and
analysis by relaxation or IImoment distribution l' as recognition of an approach suitable for possible
it is more familiarly known to structural engineers. ,standardization and Code adoption.
In addition to the purely analytical approaches, The foregoing is limited to technical contributions
a grapho-analytical method was presented by in thc English language, and a..s such covers U.S.
Crocker and McCutchan [13, 65]. This involves a and British sourccs; articles have also appeared in
successive-step solution which is readily visualized other language journals, which may present parallel
and accordingly recommends itself to the occasional or possibly prior contributions. In view of the
user for relatively simple problems, although care rapid advances in piping engineering in the U.S. it is
in guarding against sign errors is necessary. unlikely that important non-English contributions
Of the completely graphical approaches, Mitchell's would be overlooked, so that a digest and chronicle
[11] is limited to lines of constant moment of inertia of worldwide efforts in the field is not considered
with two fixed ends; square corners are substituted necessary. It would be remiss however not to men-

tion the contribution of Henri Carlier [21, 26, 27, 28, in Pipe Lines," POlL'er, Vol. 75, No. 12, pp. 434-488
02,69] for a broad and thorough analytical approach. (1932).
19. A. Thuloup, HSur Ia deformation at les tensions internes
The history of piping flexibility analysis. as des'tuyaux a ligne moyenne plane," Bull. Assoc. lech.
sketched above is admittedly lacking in complete- maritime el aeronuutique, No. 36, pp. 443-464 (1932).
ness. The supporting bibliography which follows, 20. R. H. Tingey, "Stresses in Pipes Due to Thermal Ex-
however, is believed to be the most comprehensive pansion," Mar. Eng. and Shipping Age, Vol. 37, No. 10,
yet prepared and should prove useful where greater pp.442-443 (1932).
21. H. Carlicr, "Contribution il. 1'6tude des deformations
detail is desired. 6lastiques des tuyauteries 11 vapeur sous l'influence de
.-\..2 Bibliography on Piping Flexibility and In dilation," Chaleur & ind., Annee 13, No. 11, pp. 617-
626 (1932).
Stress Analysis * 22. S. Kameros, "Graphic Solution of Some Common Pipe
1. R. C. Taggert, I<Expansion of Pipes/' Trans. ASCE, Bends," !lrolinu, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 5, No.7,
paper 1167, December, 1910. pp.342-347 (1933).
2. C. E. Stromeyer, "Elasticity and Endurance of Steam 23. E. A. Wert, S. Smith, and E. T. Cope, "Detroit Edison
Pipes," Engineering, June 19, 1914, p. 857. Engineers Present Graphs for Design of Piping for
3. Mechanical Expert's Dept. of Crane Co., "Pipe Bends, Flexibility," Hroting, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 5,
Their Growing Use and Efficiency," The Valve World, No.8, pp. 405-408 (1933).
October, 1915. 24. E. A. Wert, S. Smith, and E. T. Cope, A Manual for the
4. H. Carlier, L'aptitude elastique des tuyauteriesa vapeur au Design of Piping for Flexibility by the Use of Graphs,
point de vue dilatation, 1920, 1923, 1925, 1927. The Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich., 1934.
5. S. Crocker and S. S. Sanford, "The Elasticity of Pipe 25. R. H. Tingey, UMethod of Calculating Thermal Expan-
Bends,"' Alec". Eng., Vol. 45, p. 159 (1923). sion Stresses in Piping," Mar. Eng. and Shipping Age,
6. P. M. Gallo, flExpansion Steam Bends," Blast Furnace Vol. 39, No.4, pp. 136-140 (1934).
& Steel Plant, Vol. 13, No.5, pp. 218-220j Vol. 13, No.6, 26. H. Carlier, liLa tuyaulerie de vapeur-son aptilude Clas-
pp. 261-262, 265; Vol. 13, No.7, pp. 300-302 (1925). t'£que d absorber les effels de la dilatation," Belgium, 1935.
7. A. M. Wahl, UStresses and Reactions in Expansion Pipe 27. H. Carlier, flContribution a l'etude de l'aptitude elnstique
Bends," Trans. ASME, Vol. 50, No. 15, pp. 241-255 des tuyauteries de vapeur au point de vue dilatation,"
(1928). Chaleu, & ind., Annee 16, No.7, pp. 321-329 (1935).
8. 'V. Hovgaard, uDeformation of Plain Pipe Bends, JI 28. H. Carlier, flContribution il. I'Ctude de l'aptitude 6las-
J. ~MaUl. and Phys., ltf.I.T., Vol. 7, No.3, pp. 198-238 tique des tuyauteries de vapeur au point de vue dilata-
(1928). tion," Chaleur & ind., Annee 16, No.8, pp. 395-401
H. \Y. H. Shipman, "Design of Steam Piping to Care for (1935).
Expansion," Trans. ASME, Vol. 51, FSP-51-52, p. 415 29. F. L. Snyder, "Design of Modern Industrial Piping
(1929). systcms-Flexibilitj' of Piping," Healing, Piping and
to. A. M. 'Vahl, J. 'V. Bowley, and G. Back, flStresses- in Ai, Cond., Vol. 7, No.4, pp. 181-186 (1935).
Turbine Pipe Bends," Mech. Eng., Vol. 51, pp. 823-828 30. S. W. Spielvogel and S. Kameros, HApplication of the
(1929). Elastic-Point Theory to Piping Stress Calculations,"
11. C. T. Mitchell, uA Graphic Method for Determining 1',ons. ASME, Vol. 57, No.4, FSP-57-10, pp. 165-168
Expansion Stresses in Pipe Lines," Trans. ASME, (1935).
FSP-52-25, Vol. 52, pp. 167-176 (1930). 31. E. A. 'Vert and S. Smith, Pittsburgh Piping Design
12. A. McCutchan, "The Design of Piping to Secure Flexi- Manual, Pittsburgh Piping & Equipment Co., Sep-
bility," Heating, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 2, No.9, tember, 1935.
pp. 738-742 (1930). 32. S. \V. Spielvogel and S. Knmeros, uA Simplified Method
13. S. Crocker and A. McCutchan, "Elastic Properties of for Solving Piping Problems," Healing, Piping and Air
Straight Pipe and Bends," in Piping Handbook (J. H. Cond., Vol. 7, No.9, pp. 425-428; Vol. 7, No. 10, pp.
Walker and S. Crocker), 1st Ed. (1930" pp. 499, 570. 474-478 (1935).
14. R. Livingston, "Bending Stresses in Ste.a.m Pipes," 33. W. Hovganrd, IIStresses in Three-Dimensional Pipe
World Power, Vol. 16, No.9, pp. 226, 228-230 (1931). Benti<;," Trans. ASJfE, Vol. 57, FSP-57-12, pp. 401-476
15. A. McCutchan, "Designing High Temperature Steam (1935).
Piping-Part I, Flexibility of 1000cF Line," !leating, 34. E. Schwenk, "Fcst.igkeit,<;berechnung von Hochdruck-
Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 825-831; Vol. 3, dampfleitungen," Arch. lVarmewirtsch., Vol. 7, No. 10,
No. 11, pp. 918-923 (1931). pp. 273-278 (1936).
16. E. 13. Cocks, "The Graphical Determination of Expan~ 35. E. A. Wert and S. Smith, "Field Testa Check Analysis
sion Thrusts and Stresses in Steam Lines," Inst. of Civil of Stresses and Change of Shape in Expansion Bend,"
Eng. (London), No. 133 (1932). Heating, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 661-
17. H. earlier, "Contribution 1\ 1'6tudede l'aptitudeclastique 664,671 (1936).
des tuyauteries de vapeur au point de vue dilatation," 36. W. Budd and D. Cooper, HLoad-defiection Tests of
Chaleur & ind., Annee 13, No.3, pp. 235-242 (1932). Several One-plane Expansion Bends," undergraduate
18. E. T. Cope and E. A. Wert, "How to Obtain Flexibility thesis, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine
*See also references (lJ to [33] for Chapter 3. covering the closely Engineering, M.LT., 1936.
related subject of the flexibility of curved pipe. 37. G.13. Karelitz and J. H. Marchant, "End Reactions and
Stresses in Three-Dimensional Pipe Lines," J. Appl. 59. B. Lochak, uSimplified and Exact Method of An:...lyata
Mechanics, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. A68-A74 (1937). of Reactions Developed by Expansion in a Three-
38. H. E. Mayrose, "Data Sheets for Design of Piping," Anchor Piping System," Trans. ASME, Vol. 66, No.4,
J. Appl. Mcchani<:s, Vol. 4, No. 2:;'p. 49-51 (1937). pp. 311-318 (1944).
39. W. Hovgaard, "Further Studies of Three-Dimensional 60. S. AusLin, "A General Analysis of High Temperature
Pipe Bends," Trans. ASME, Vol. 59, No.8, pp. 647-650 Piping," J. Am. Soc. Naval Engrs., Vol. 56, No.4, pp.
(1937). 468-502 (1944).
40. A. M. Thycr, "Design of Piping for High Temperatures 61. R. C. DeHart, uMoment-Distribution Analysis for
and Pressures," J. ]mt. Engrs. Australia, Vol. 10, No.6, Three-Dimensional Pipe Structures," J.Appl. Mechanw"
pp. 203-215 (1938). Vol. 11, No.4, p. A188 (1944).
41. F. Pciter and M. J. Fish, lIA Method for Determination 62. H. Carlier, HA propos de 1a question des dfformations
of Reactions and Stresses in Expansion Pipe Bends," elastiques des clements de construction et des tuyauteries
Combustion, Vol. 10, No.6, pp. 26-31 (1938). en pnrticulier," Chaleur & ind., Annce 26, No.5, pp.
42. O. J. Baggerud and IC W. Jernstrom, "Graphic Analysis 39-50 (1945).
of Pipe Stresses," presented at 1939 meeting of the Soc. 63. A. Osbourne and R. M. Meyer, HApplication of Relaxa-
of Naval Architects and !\.farine Engineers. tion Method to Solution of Simultaneous Equations of
43. E. A. Wert and S. Smith, Design of Piping for Flexibility Type That Occur in Multi-Anchored Pipe Thermal
with Flex-Anal Charts, Blaw Knox Co., Power Piping Stress Cnlculntions," J. Am. Soc. Nallal Engrs., Vol. 57,
Division, Pittsburgh, 1940. No.5, pp. 147-165 (1945).
44. H. Porits1.-y and H. D. Snively, lIStresses and Deflec- 64. G. A. Paul, HAims of Pipe Stress Investigations," Power
tions of Three-Dimensional Pipe Bends," J. Appl. Plant Eng., Vol. 49, No.9, pp. 103-104 (1945).
Mechanta1, Vol. 7, No. I, pp. A68-A74 (1940). 65. S. Crocker and A. McCutchan, "Elastic Properties
45. K. Muto and T. Tunoda, "Thermal Stress of Steam of Straight Pipe and Bends," Piping Handbook (8.
Pipes," Japanese Gov. Rys. Bull., No. 28, September, Crocker), 4th Ed., pp. 779-860j McGraw-Hili Book Co.,
1940. New York, 1945,.
46. K. Mute and T. Tunoda, "Thermal Stress of Three 66. H. Carlier, HSur les deformations clastiques des tuyau-
Dimensional Steam Pipes," Japanese Gov. Rys. Bull. teries de vapeur/' Chaleur & ind., Annee 27, No.4, pp.
No. 28, October, 1940. 85-88 (1946).
47. D. R. Zeno and S. D. Vinieratos, Piping Flexibility and 67. P. Bryan, HSimplifi(~d Pipe Line Computations," Petro-
Strasa, Cornell Maritime Press, New York, 1941. leum Eng., Vol. 18, No.2, pp. 166-168; Vol. 18, No.3,
48. R. G. Lovell, "Refinery Piping, Providing for Expansion pp. 152-156 (1946).
in Hot Lines," Petroleum Engr., Vol. 12, pp. 27-2S, 30 68. J. Barthelemy and H. DeLeiris, HEtude de 1a dfforma-
(1941). tion et des tensions internes de tuyaux i\ ligne moyenne
49. The M. W. Kellogg Co. (by D. B. Rossheim, A. H. C. plane, sans pression interne/' Bulletin assoc. tech. mari-
Markl, H. V. Wallstrom, E. Slezak), Design of Piping time et aeronautique, Vol. 45, p. 139 (1946); Vol. 46,
Systems, 1st Edition, 1941 (out of print; superseded by p. 411 (1947).
2nd edition, 1956). 69. IlMethods of Making Piping Flexibility Analyses," a
50. S. W. Spielvogel, "Stress Calculation for High Temper- series of papers published in Heating, Piping and Air
ature Piping/' Power, Vol. 85, No. I, pp. 6S-{39; Vol. 85, Conditioning, initinted by S. Crocker and A. McCutchan,
No.2, pp. 67-69 (1941). with the following sub-authors:
51. Mason S. Noyes, wfhermal Expansion Stresses in Pip- S. Crocker and A. !\.-IcCutchan, "Methods of !'o'bking;
ing," J. Am. Soc. Naval Engrs., Vol. 53, No.2, pp. 275- Piping Flexibility Analyses," Vol. 18, No.6, pp. 69-73
374 (1941). (1946).
52. W. Eo Bleick, <lA Simplification in the !\Ieyer-Hovgaard S. W. Spielvogel, "Elastic Center Method," Vol. 18,
System of Pipe Stress Forms," J. Am. Soc. Naval Engrs., No.7, pp. 78-81 (1946).
Vol. 53, No.4, pp. 775-794 (1941). M. J. Fish, "Graphical Method," Vol. 18, No. ~J, pp.
53. A. S. McCormick, lIExpansion of Formulas for Calcu- 83-88 (1946).
lating Loads, Rotation and Deflection of Quarter Bends W. G. Hooper, "Tabular Integration Method," Vol. IS,
and Tangents of Pipes," J. Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 70-76 (19·16).
No. I, pp. A38-A42 (1942). R. C. DeHart, ll~\'!:Jment Distribution Method," Vol.
54. H. Miller, "An Analyticnl Method for Determining the 19, No.1, pp. 91-95 (1947).
Flexibility of Piping Having Two or !\Iore Anchorages," H. V. WaUstrom, "Genernl Analytical Method," Vol. In,
J. Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 9, No.4, pp. A165-A170 (1942). No.5, pp. 69-7·! (19·17).
55. S. W. Spielvogel, Piping Stress Cak:ulations Simplified, L. C. Andrews, "1-fode1 Test Method," Vol. 19, No.8,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1943. pp. 73-77 (1947).
56. A. McCutchan, llDesign of Steam Trnnsmission PiI>- H. Carlier, IlMethods of Making Piping Flexibility
iug." Heating, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 15, No. S, Analyses," Vol. 19, No.9, pp. 86-89 (1947).
pp. 401-404; Vol. 15, No.9, pp. 450-455 (1943). F. E. Wolosewick, "Column Analogy Concept," Vol. 20,
57. A. S. McCormick, "Expansion of Formulas for Calcu- No.9, pp. 78-81 (1948).
lating Loads, Rotation nnd Deflection of Quarter Bcnds L. E. Partsch, "Straight Line Method," Vol. 22, No.7
and Tangents of Pipes," Design Data Book S, ASMB, pp. 92-95; Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 94-97; Vol. 22, No. 11,
p. 6·!, 19-14. pp.94-97 (1950).
58. H. E. Mayrose, "Data Sheets for Design of Piping," T. E. Bridge, lII-Iow to Design Piping with Required
Design Data Book 1. .118MB. p. 33~ 1944. Flexibility," Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 94-U7; Vol. 22,
No. 11, pp. 94-97, 99; Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 92-95 Dimensional Pipe Structures by Group Relaxation,"
(1950); Vol. 23, No. I, pp. 136-139; Vol 23, No.2, Mordana Slate College Eng. Expcr. Sta. Bull. No.9, 1950.
pp. 107-109 (1951). ~ 88. Tube Turns, Inc., uZ-, 1..-, U-, and Expansion U-Bends,"
J. E. Brock, If Matrix. Method," Vol. 24, No.7, pp. 78-81 (A. R. C. Markl), Paper 4.02 of a scries cntitlcd "Piping
(1952). Engineering," December, 1950.
A. McCutchan and W. P. Gregory, Vol. 25, No.3, pp. 89. F. E. Wolosewick, "Comparative Methods of Absorbing
92-97 (1953). Expansions of Long-Range Transmission Piping," Petro-
S. Crocker and A. McCutchan, Vol. 25, No.7, pp. 87-90 leum Refiner, Vol. 30, No.2, pp. 69-74 (1951).
(1953). 90. S. W. Spielvogel, "Tablcs Speed Expansion-Bend Selec-
70. J. Yeakel, ffAnalysis of Stresses in Unsymmetrical Pipe tion," Power, Vol. 95, No. 11, pp. 96-99 (1951).
Frame/' Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 26, No.6, pp. 113-116 91. Grinnell, Piping Design and Engineering (S. 'V. Spiel-
(1947). vogel and others), copyrighted 1951 by Grinnell Co., Inc.,
71. H. Carlier, "Contribution a l'ctude des traces de tuyau- Providence, Rhode Island.
terie a vapeur," Chaleur & ind., Annce 28, No. 11, pp. 92. S. \V. Spielvogel, Piping Stress Calculations Simplified,
276-278 (1947). Lake Success, New York, 4th printing, 1951.
72. Lt. (E) P. T. Hoath, IlSteam Pipework Design in Ships." 93. S. W. Spielvogel, "Tables for Figuring Pipe Shape,"
presented at the September 1947 m.eeting of the Insti- Power, Vol. 96, No.6, p. 103 (1952).
tute of Marine Engineers, London. 94. S. W. Spielvogel, IlEasy Tables Crack Tough Pipe
73. Lt. (E) P. T. Hoath, "Graphical Analytical Methods Problem," Power, Vol. 96, No. 10, pp. 92-93 (1952).
of Stress Analysis/' B.S.R.A. Res. Item £-Report 18, 95. W. E. Cooper, uThe Experimental Determination of
January, 1948. Pipe Reactions," U. S. Atomic Energy Commission by
74. R. Desreumaux, "Calcul des tensions dans un tuyau the G. E. Co., Aug. 4, 1952.
gauche soumis A une deformation calorifique empecMc," 96. J. E. Brock, IIA Matrix Method for Flexibility Analysis
Chaleur & ind., Annce 29, No.7, pp. 173-176 (1948). of Piping Systems," J. Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 19, No. 12,
75. R. C. DeHart, "Determination by Moment Distribu- pp. 501-516 (1952)j UMatrix Analysis of Piping Flexi-
tions of the Reactions and the Moments Arising from bility," J. Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 22. No.3, pp. 361-362
the Expansion of Piping Systems," Montana State Col- (1955).
lege Bulletin No. S, March, 1948. 97. A. E. Picardi, "How to Apply !vlethod of Slope Deflec-
76. J. R. Finniecome, flThrust and Stresses in Two-Dimen- tion to Thermal Stress Analysis of Piping," Petroleum
sional Pipe Expansion Bends," Inst. ftfech. Engrs. (Lon~ Processing, Vol. 8, No.3, p. 368 (1953).
don) J. and Proc., Vol. 158, pp. 369-376 (1948). 98. William E. 'Vilbur, 'Thermal Stresses in Piping SYR-
77. A. Gage, "Les tuyauteries de vapeur de la centrale haute terns," Petroleum Refiner, Part I, Vol. 32, No.3, pp.
pression de Gennevilliers," Rev. gen. mCcan., January, 143-148; Part II, Vol. 32, No.4, pp. 163-168; Part III,
1949, pp. 11-19. Vol. 32, No.5, pp. 174-178 (1953).
78. A. Gage, IIMcthode gcncrale d'ctablissement des formules 99. L. H. Johnson, "Solution of Pipe Expansion Problems
de calcul d'une tuyauterie sous temperature Premiere by Punched Card Machines," Digest in Mech. Engr.,
partie: Tuyauterie sans contrainte en dehors des enc,as- No. 53-F-23, p. 1020, December, 1953.
tremen~," Rev. gen. mecan., March, 1949, pp. 101-111; 100. R. L. Jackson and L. H. Johnson, "Designing Steam
lfDeuxieme partie: Tuyauterie avec contraintes extCri- Piping Systems," Healing, Piping and Air Cond., Vol.
cures," Rev. gen. mecan., July, 1949, pp. 298-305. 26, pp. 112-115, November, 1954.
79. Simon 'V. Lewaren, "Pipe Stress Analysis for Thermal 101. A. R. C. Markl, IIPiping Flexibility Analysis," A.SME
Expansion," Oil. and Gas J., Vol. 47, pp. 80, 82-84, Trans., Vol. 77, pp. 127-141 (February, 1955).
87-88 (May, 1949). 102. J. E. Brock, "Matrix Analysis of Piping Flexibility,"
80. L. B1anjean, "Etude de la sollicitation sous l'efTet de ASME Paper No. 55-8-5 (1955).
variations thermiques, d'une tuyautcrie non librement 103. J. E. Brock, IITry These Rules for Easy U~Bend De-
dilatable," Soc. roy. belge ing. et indo bull., Series D, sign," Healing, Piping and Air Cond., Vol. 27, No.4,
No.3, pp. 103-134 (1949). pp. 99-105 (1955).
81. J. J. Blank, "Quick Check for Pipe Stress, Thrust," 104. R. Michal, "Elastic Constants and Coefficients of Ther-
Power, Vol. 93, No. 10, pp. 87-89 (1949). mal Expansion of Piping l\Iaterials Proposed for 1054
82. C. H. Green, fiLet the Flexibility Prism Help You Code for Pressure Piping," ASME Trans., VoL 77.
Analyze Pipe Stress," Power Generation, Vol. 53, pp. No.2, pp. 151-159 (1955).
58-62 (December, 1(49).
83. Tube Turns, Inc. (A. R. C. Markl), "Introduction to the A.3 Derivation of the General Analytical
Piping Flexibility Problem," Paper 4.01 of a series Method
entitled UPiping Engineering," Febriuary, 1950.
The following derivations are presented in support
84. F. E. Wolosewick, "Expansion of L Type Bends,"
Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 29, pp. 143-144 (September, 1(50). of the formnlas comprising the General Analytical
85. F. E. Wolosewick, "Forces in Pipe Bends from Expan- Method of piping flexibility analysis, the application
sions," Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 29, pp. 103-108 (October, of which was described in Chapter 5. The basie
1950). equations are developed in sufficient breadth to
86. R. T. Kent, Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Vol. II,
cover uniformly distributed as well as concentrated
Power, ed. by J. Kenneth Salisbury, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1950. loading but are applied at present only to static con-
87. R. C. DeHart and N. Bassar, Jr., "Analysis for Threc- ditions. Subsequent relationships are derived which
are specifically adapted to the respeetive effects of G = modulus of elasticity in shear.
thermal expansion, weight, or wind. Because of the I = axial moment of inertia of the pipe cross
number of quantities needed td express the eon- section.
straint of a pipe line, and the usually even greater J = polar moment of inertia.
number required to express its shape, the flexibility k = flexibility factor in bending.
formulas in their entirety are exceedingly cumber- k, = flexibility factor in torsion.
some expressions. The elements of which they are
composed, however, are essentially simple. The energy in torsion may be expressed more con-
Attention is directed to the use of consistent di- veniently as:
mensional units in all derivations, rather than the V _l'1.3M,'
units of practical eonvenience which are found in ,- 0 2EI dl
foregoing text. Although not always dimensionally
identical the same nomenclature is used, however. if the ratio of the elasticity moduli is taken as
In the following presentation it is assumed that the EIG = 2(v + 1) = 2.6 (using Poisson's ratio, v = 0.3,
reader is familiar to some extent with the conven- the value commonly used for steel), and it is noted
tions and procedures used in the application of the that J I I = 2, and further it is accepted that k, = 1.
method. The total energy of bending and torsional deforma-
The flexibility formulas are founded on well estab- tion is

1, l'
lished principles of mechanics of materials. First
Mb2 M'," l'1.3M}
to be noted is the dependence on elastic theory de- V = k-dl+ k-dl+ --dl
rived from Hooke's law of the proportionality of o 2EI 0 2EI 0 2EI
stress to strain. Comments on the validity of this
approach will not be repeated here as they are given where the bending moment is expressed in compo-
elsewhere in the book. nents Alb and AI' h, respectively in and transverse
An assumption worthy of mention and also one to a reference plane containing the particular por-
commonly made in structural analysis, is that deflec- tion of the line, and the bending flexibility factor is
tions are small in proportion to the size of the con- considered to be the same for both in-plane and
figuration so that changes in position and shape of transverse bending.
a member may be ignored in their effect on flexibility The displacement under external loads of any
of the whole.' point in an elastic body is easily found from the
Another assumption that will be made temporarily strain energy by the use of the Theorem of Casti-
in order to simplify the presentation is that the gliano. This theorem states that the deflection, op,
effects of direct axial compression or extension, or of in the direction of and at the point of application of
shear deflection, are negligible in comparison with a force F p, is given by the partial derivative of the
the transverse bending and torsional effects. Later strain energy with respect to the force F p' Thus at
in the development, inclusion of all these effects will a point located by the generalized coordinate p:
be discussed.
Considering the pipe as a prismatic bar under the
influence of a bending moment M b which is variable p - aF p
with respect to the pipe length I the total stored
strain energy is: The rotation, Bp , is similarly related to the moment,

Vb --1' 0
kM b

2EI d I
Op = aMp
Under a torsional moment M, the stored energy is

v, --1' 0
2GJ dl
Thus the general expressions for the rot~tions and
displacements can be written:
B = modulus of elasticity in tension.
op =EI
1- [1'
1" 0
lHescrvations must be made in the cnsc of local compo-
nents where effects such as cross-sectioOlll flattening of 11. +1
, 0
1.3M, aM; Q dl
bend afC significant.

Op = EI [1'o
aM b
l' 0
aF p
With suitable values of these moments and forces,
the free end can be brought to a position of zero

deformation thereby conforming to the constraint
aM ] of a completely fixed end. Moments and forces thus
+ 1.3M'-F'Qdl
o a I p
determined will constitute the reactions of an
(A.2) anchor upon the pipe. Similarly any system, how-
in which EI/Q represents stiffness. ever complex, can be treated as a fictitious canti-
Figure A.I illustrates a pipe line in space assumed lever loaded by known loads and by unknown loads
completely fixed at one end, point 0', and free to (reactions) which result from known displacements.
rotate and deflect at the other end, point A. The Constraint may be partial or even clastic as long
origin of the standard coordinate system is located as its variation can be expressed analytically.
at an arbitrary point, O. The line is considered Let P(x, y, z) be an arbitrary point on the member
weightless, but one member denoted as NF is acted NF whose length is L. The length of the portion of
upon by positive unit. loads, W:rl WIll W Z1 acting in the the member from F to P is denoted as I and its
three coordinate dir~ctions, the total loading being inclination3 at P is measured positive in the counter-
w.L, wyL, w,L. The letters Nand F indicate clockwise direction from the positive horizontal
respectively the point nearest and farthest away axis and is denoted as,p. The coordinates of the
from the fixed end 0'. center of gravity of member l are x', y', Z', The
Due to the applied loading, the pipe will deform, internal moments in the pipe at the point Pare
causing rotations O~, 111 0::, and deflections Ox, aliI functions of the moments and forces at A and the
uniform loading from F to P. For an arbitrary
0" at the free end, A. These deformations can be
altered by applying the moments M'.. M' y, M'" point between 0' and N the internal moments are
and the forces F.. F y , F, at the end A, thus making functions of the moments and forces at A and the
it possible to represent any degree of constraint 2 3While the member NF is shown in Fig. A.1 as an inclined
2By constraint is meant the external relation between the straight member, the relationships are developed so as to
deformations at the point of reactions, and the reactions apply equally well to a curved member. Hence, "', the. inclinfl.-
themselves. tion at PI is treated as a variable.

/ v1\ A'" '=7/'

l/~ p F
f, /
M~h~:/ f.
f. Y

Y , y'
O' 0
~- /
-/ •
-" •
,/ •

Uniform looding Uniform looding Uniform looding

in x Oireciion in y Oireciion in :t Oireciion
Tolot lood= ....>\l TOlallood= ....yl TOlolload= .... ~l

FIG. A.I Pipe line configuration and loading.

entire load on L. For a point between P and A, only to the member, "It!' b, and the torsional moment, jjl tJ
the moments and forces at A apply. are expressable in terms of 111% and M 11 moments.
The member NF is assigned to-the z plane; hence Thus for the point P(x, Y, z) located between Nand
the bending moment M, in the plane of the member F, the bending moment components and the tor-
is an M, moment. The bending moment transverse sional moment assume the following form:

M', = [M'. - F,(xA - x) + F,(zA - z) - w,l(x' - x)] cos'"

- [M', - Fu(zA - z) + F,(YA - y) + w,ICfj' - y)] sin '" (A.3)

M, ~ [M', - Fu(zA - z) + F,(YA - y) + w,l(y' - y)] cos'"


For another point (x, Y, z) between 0' and N the relations are:

M', = 1M'. - F,(xA - x) + F,(z.1 - z) + w,L(i - z) - w,L(x - x)] cos'"

- 1M', - Fu(zA - z) + F,(YA - y) - wuL(i - z) + w,L(fj - y)J sin '" (A.3)

Af, ~ 1M', - Fu(zA - z) + F,(YA - y) - wyL(i - z) + w,LCfj - y)] eos '"

+ [M'. - F,(xA - x) + F,(zA - z) + w,L(i - z) - w,L(x - x)] sin '"

The partial derivatives of these moment expressions which are required in the general rotation and dis-
placements formulas (eq. A.2) are:

aM,=O aM,
aM', aM', = + cos'"

aM,=O aM, .
aM' --, = + Sill '"
• aM"
al~l' z -

aM, .
aFr = +(z..,-z) sm '"

aM' aM,
~= +(ZA -z) sin '" - - = - (ZA -z) cos '"
all 11 aF y

aM, .
aF, =+(YA-Y)COS"'-(xA-x)sm'"
From eqs. A.2 and A.3 the following equations are obtained:

EIO, =
+M',l (1.3cos',p+ksin',p)Qdl


+M'v A (1.3-k) sin,p cos,p Q dl

0' .
+F,l (z.• -z) (1.3-k) sin,p cos,p Q dl


-F v A (zA-z)(1.3cos',p+ksin',p)Qdl

0' (A.4)
+F,l [(YA -y)(1.3 cos' ,p+k sin',p) - (XA -x)(1.3-k) sin ,p cos ,pJQ dl

+w,L1, (i-z)(1.3-k)sin,pcos,pQdl

INr (i-2)(1.3 cos' ,p+k sin' ,p)Q dl

+w,L 1, 0'
W;-y)(1.3 cos' ,p+k sin' ,p)- (x-x)(1.3-k) sin,p cos ,p)]Q dl

+w, iN Wi' -y )(1.3 cos' ,p+k sin',p) - (x' -x)(1.3-k) sin,p cos ,pllQ dl

EIO v =
+M',l (1.3-k) sin,pcos,pQdl

+ M' y 1 0'
(k cos' ,p+ 1.3 sin' ,p)Q dl

+1-',1A (z,-z)(kcos',p+1.3sin',p)Qdl

0' (A.4)
-I-', A [(x,,-x)(kcos',p+1.3sin',p)-(YA-y)(1.3-k) sin,pcos,pJQdl


+w,L A (i-2)(k cos' ,p+1.3 sin' ,p)Q dl

-W vL1, (i-z)(1.3-k)sin,pcos,pQdl

-w,L 1, 0'
[(x-x) (k cos',p+ 1.3 sin',p) - (ii-y)(1.3-k) sin,p cos ,plQ dl

-w, iN [(x' -x)(k cos' ,p+1.3 sin' ,p)- (ii' -y)(1.3-k) sin,p cos ,plQldl
EfO, =
+M',l kQdl.


-F, A k(YA-y)Qdl

+Fvl k(x,,-x)Q dl

-w,L L 0'
k(fj-y)Q dl

+WVLJN k(x-x)Q dl

-w, iN k(y' -y)QI dl

+w vJp( k(x' -x)QI dl

+M', 1 A (zA-z)(1.3-k)sin.pcos.pQdl

+ M' v 1 A (Z" - z)(k COS' .p+ 1.3 sin' .p)Q dl


-M', A k(YA-y)Qdl

+F,l [k(YA -Y )'+ (ZA -z)'(k cos'.p+ 1.3 sin'.p )]Q dl


-Fv A [k(xA -X)(YA -y)+ (ZA -z)'(1.3-k) sin.p cos .p]Q dl (A.4)


- F, A (ZA -z)[ (XA -x)(k cos' .p+ 1.3 sin' .p) - (YA -y) (1.3 - 10) sin.p cos .p]Q dl

[10 (Y." -y)(y-y)+ (ZA -z)(z-z)(k cos'.p+ 1.3 sin' .p)]Q dl

[k(YA -y) (x-x)+ (z.{ -z) (z-z) (1.3 - 10) sin.p cos .p]Q dl

-w,L L 0'
(z.{ -z)[ (x-x)(k cos'.p+ 1.3 sin' .p) - (Y-y)(1.3 -10) sin >i' cos >i'IQ dl

+w, iN k(YA -y)(y' -y)Ql dl

-wvi k(YA -y)(x'-x)Ql dl

-w, iN (ZA -z)[ (X' -x) (10 cos'.p+ 1.3 sin'.p) - (fj' -y) (1.3 -10) sin .p cos .p]Ql dl

Elo y =
-M'%JA (ZA -z)0·3 cos' f+k sin' f)Q dl
-M'UJA (z,{-z)(1.3-k)sinfcosfQdl
k(xA -x)Q dl

-F% 1 0'
[10 (x" -X)(YA -y) +(ZA -z)'(1.3-k) sin f cos flO dl
[k(XA-X)'+(ZA -z)'(1.3 cos' f+k sin' f)JQ dl

-F, f (ZA -z)[ (YA -y) (1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) - (XA -x)(1.3 - 10) sin f cos flQ dl
J" (AA)
f [k(x.1-xJ(ii-y)+(zA -z)(z-z)(1.3-k) sin f cos flQ dl
+wuL f
[k(x,{-x)(x-x)+(zA -z)(z-z)(1.3 cos' f+k sin' f)lQ dt
-w,LIN (ZA -z)[ (ii-y)(1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) - (1.3 - k)(x-x) sin f cos flQ dl

_W%};N k(xA -x)(y' -y)Ql dl

+Wu};N k(xA-x)(x' -x)Ql dl

-w, fN (z" -z)[ (fi' -y) (1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) - (1.3-10) (x' -x) sin f cos flQl dl
Elo. =
+M'%J [(VA -y)(1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) - (XA -x)(1.3-k) sin f cos flQ dl

-M'u 1 0'
[(XA -x) (10 cos' f+ 1.3 sin' f) - (YA -y) (1.3 - 10) sin f cos flQ dl
- F %
(ZA -z)[ (x.{ -x)(k cos' f+ 1.3 sin' f) - (YA -y)(1.3 -10) sin f cos flQ dt
- FuJA (z" -Z)[(YA -y) (1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) - (XA -x)(1.3-k) sin f cos flQ dt
l" [(YA -y)'(1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) + (x,{ -x)'(k cos' f+ 1.3 sin' f)
-2(XA -X)(YA -y)(1.3-k) sin f cos flQ dl (A.4)
-w%LI (Z-Z)[(XA -x)(k cos' f+ 1.3 sin' f) - (YA -y)(1.3-k) sin f cos flQ dl
-wuLIN (z-z)[ (YA -y) (1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) - (XA - x) (1.3 - 10) sin f cos flQ dt
+w,LIN [(Y.{ -y)(y-y)(1.3 cos' f+k sin' f)+(XA -x)(x-x)(k cos' f
+ 1.3 sin' f) - (YA -y)(x-x) (1.3 -10) sin f cos f- (XA -x) (fi-y) (1.3-10) sin f cos flQ dl
+w,};N [(YA -y)(y' -y)(1.3 cos' f+k sin' f) + (XA -x) (x' -x) (10 cos' f+ 1.3 sin' f)
- (YA -y) (x' -x) (1.3-10) sin f cos f- (XA -x) (ii' -y) (1.3 - 10) sin f cos f]Ql dl
With reference to uniform loads:

A 100 =+ f(x'-x)ldS

L. 1Oab= + f y(x' -x)l ds

1Oaa =- fX(x'-x)ldS 1Obb= - f y(fi' -y)1 do<

% 10u = - f (x' -x)1 du+ f (fi' -y)l dq

FIG. A.2 Configuration in the y~plane.

The integration limits are from the point of load 10,= + f (fi' -y)l dv- f (x' -x)1 dq
application (lower limit) to the fixed end, or to the
point where the loading is discontinuous. Thus, the
limits for the moments and forces applied at the free 1OUD~ - fx(x' -x)1 du+ f y(x' -x)1 dq
end are from A to 0'. For the uniform load, two
sets of limits are needed, F to N, and N to 0', since
the load application begins at F, accumulates uni- - fY(fi'-y)ldv+ fX(fi'-y)ldq (A.5)
formly to N, and then acts with constant effect to 0'.
By inspection of the integrals it is seen that they
all are functions of the following basic expressions When the equations (formulas AA) are expressed in
called shape coefficients: terms of the shape coefficients (formulas A.5) and
the coefficients are presented in tabular form under
s = fkQdl their respective unknowns, the results appear as
shown in Table A.1.
By referring to the origin the moments and de-
u = f (Ic eos2 ># + 1.3 sinz >#)Q dl flections at the free end in accordance with the fol-
(A.5) lowing transfer formulas, the simplificd form shown
v ~ f(l.3COs 2
>#+ksinZ>#)Qdl in Table A.2 is obtained.

111'x 1.11x + FI/ZA - FzYA

~ f(l.3
q - k)sin>#cos>#Qdl
M'. = M. + F,XA - FxzA (A.G)
These expressions arc conveniently employed in de-
iiI'z = 111;: + FxYA - Ft,rXA
riving a further series of constants also termed
shape coefficients. With reference to concentrated
loads these are:

Sa = fXds UD = fXdu - fydq (A.7)

f 2
xds U DO ~ fx 2 du - fx y dq
Note that each of the columns headed by 1OxL, w.L,
and 1O,L in Table A.I has been divided into three,
vo = fydv - fXdq (A.5) the first two columns representing the moment at
the origin due to the accumulated load, and the last
8bb = Jy? ds voo ~f y 2 dv - fX1!dq column giving that load. By this arrangement the
recurrence of the shape coefficients can easily be ob-
served in each column having moments and forces
Sob = !XYdS with the same subscripts.
y y'
The z-coordinate appearing under some of the in- y
tegral signs in Table A.I is that of any point of the
member to the origin. As the line is assigned to the
z-plane, z is a constant equal to the distance of this Iv<;.}';;:---r- x• ~--hr--X'
plane from the origin. In Table A.2 thc constant z b
has been replaced by c, to indicate its true signifi- L _ _--''--_x '- 1-_x

cance. Tables A.I and A.2 cover only the coefficients FIG. A.3 Auxiliary coordinate system uEed in
for members in the z-plane. The corresponding co- integration of shape coefficients.
efficients for members in the x-plane or the y-plane
can be similarly derived or can be readily obtained tions whose constant terms are the differences of
by cyclic permutation. deformations of the ends of all the piping included.
In the foregoing derivation the rotations and the The integration of the shape coefficicnts for the
deflections have been visualized as taking place at partial configurations discnssed abovc is facilitated
the free end A, the end 0' being fixed. These rota- by establishing integration limits so as to brcak
tions and deflections may also be regarded as the down the configuration into its basic shapes, hence-
differences between deformations at the free end forth referred to as mcmbers. Practically, only two
and those at the fixed end and expressed as follows: shapes are encountered: straight runs and circular

O:;c. = 8x A - Oxo'
By = 0IlA - 0uD-

0:: = OzA - Ozo'

O*r = li*rA - Ii*ro' = lirA + y"O,A - ZAOvA - (liro' + yo·O,o· - zo·Ovo·) (A.S)
0*" = 0* vA - 0* yO' = aI/A + ZAOxA - XAOzA - (OyO' + zo,O;c.o' - xo,Ozo')

0* z = 0* zA - 0* zO' = OrA + XAOvA - yAO:;c.A - (ozo' + xo'Ovo' - YO,Oxo')

Consider next the pipe linc AB which lies in the arcs. If the integrals are evaluated for each of these
y-plane as shown in Fig. A.2 and which is a continu- shapes taking dimensions, locations, and orientations
ation of the line 0' A of Fig. A.I. Designating the as variables, sets of formulas are obtained which
end A fixed and the end B free, the constant terms permit the various shape coefficients or members to
of the equations would be: be computed by simple substitution. Shape coeffi-
cients for a group of members are simply summations
0*% = O*%B - 0*%.4
of those for the individual members.
()lJ = ()lJB - ()lJA O*v = li*vlJ - li*vA (A.9) Since the principle of cyclic permutation permits
ready transformation of formulas from one plane
()z = ()zB - 8z A to another, the integrations for concentratcd loads'
For thc combined configuration 0' B, the differ- are presented only for members in the z-plane. The
ence in deformation between the ends 0' and B integrations are simplified by using an auxiliary co-
would simply be the sum of the deformations of the ordinate system Xl, y/, as shown in Fig. A.3 wl)ich
partial configurations, 0' A and AB. indicates the following transformations:
Or=OrA-OrO.+OrlJ-Or.• =OxlJ-OrO', etc. (A.lO) x = a + Xl
Hence, the system of equations expressing the de- Y = b + y'
formation differences between 0' and B can be
found by adding the systems of equations for the par- where a and b are the respective horizontal and ver-
tial configurations. In a like manner it can be seen tical coordinates of the midpoint of a straight mem-
that similar operations may be performed for par- ber and of the radius center of a circular member.
tial configurations in the x-plane. The distance of the plane of the member from the
Addition of the equations consists of adding the origin is designated c: if the plane is a z-plane, c% if
coefficients of the respective terms as indicated in an x-plane, and cv if a y-plane.
Table A.3. The summation coefficients Au, A%lJ' etc. 4Sepamle integrations arc presented for uniform loads sincc
thus determined arc coeffic;cnts of a system of equa- the axis of load application changes for each cascconsidercd.

Table A.I. General EquatioD5

ttf';r: M'II Mi, F. F, F.

+ t'
A dD +t'A d'I 0 +.L 0'
(tA -z) dq -1 0'
(ZA-Z)de -1 0'
(dl',,-yt!. d~+XA dq)

+t'A d'I +1 0'

du 0 +.£ 0'
(zA-z)du -1 0'
(tA -z) dq + t'
A (dUo-x,," dU+YA dq)

0 0 +t'A d.! + t' A (dill.> -YA d.s) -

t'A (d"a -XA. dJ) 0

+ t'
A (tA -z) dq +1 0'
(ZA.-z)du +.£ 0'
(I.'k/.> -Yll d$) + t' A Idsbb- 2YA cUb -L O
[d.l'ab-YA tUn + t'A (tA -z)(du"

+YA'2 iU+(ZA _Z)2 du] -XA lkb+X,AYA lit -Xtl. dU+YA dq)
+('A -,)' dqJ

-1 0'
(z,A.-z)de -.£ 0'
(tA -z) dq -1 0'
(lUo -:lA, d.s) -1 0'
[d.s,,/I-YA. lis" +1 0'
[d.!" -2xA d.!, +.£ 0'
(tA -z)(dD"

-XA dsb+XAYA d$ +XA 2 d.s+{.~A _z)2 dv] -y.4 dV+XA dtj)

+('A -,)' d'lJ

- t'
A (dVo-YAdl! +.£ 0'
(du" -Xti. du 0 +.£ 0'
{tA -z)(du" +.£ 0'
(tA -z)(dvo +1 0'
+"A d'I) +YA d'I) -XA dU+YA dq) -YA dV+XA dq) -2y..1. de" -2z A du"
+Ytl?dC+XA 2 du-2:z:AYA dq)

Table A.2. General Equations with }\foments

M. M'lI M, F. ",
, F, MillO- +F=>~ M: w - -F;r:wY Frul-w;L

+ 1 0'
d, + t' A dq 0 - t'
A c:dq +.£ 0'
czdv - t'
A dvo +};
dq 0 -.£

' d'I + t' A du 0 -1 0'
c,du + t'
A c:dq +.£
du" + L N
' du 0 - f' c:du

0 0 + t'A
d.! +1
d$b -1 0'
d$a 0 0 +IN
ds +L

_1 ' ',d'I _1°' c:du + t'A l'kb +1
(l'kbb -1 0'
(d.!ob -t'C:duo f' +L +c/du)+.£ - N c" du

+c/ du) +c/ dq)


+1 c:du +t' c:dq - t' d.!.

(d.!ob +1
(d>O' -1 c:duo +L c:dq -f'N -Iv
0' 0'
ds a

+r: 2 dq) -I-cldu) +c: 2


- la' duo
A +[ duo 0'
0 - t' c:duo
A. -1 "d"
+1 (d". +L duo
_.£ c:du" 0'

+dv oo )

for a Pipe Line in the z-Planc

~,L wilD telL w. w, w, .. Constant

f' N (z-,)dq -l
(Z-Z)de -l
(dvo -y dc+x dq) 0 0 + lN dU), +EltP:l


f' - N (z-,) dq +lO'
N (duo -x du+ii dq) 0 0 + iNdw u +E1r.P1I

(tUb -fi d:) f' -
(lisa -x ds) 0 + .£.N dl£b +IN f'
dWn 0 +Elq,l

+ L 0'
- l [d.!"b-YJI ds" + L 0'
(ZA -z)(duo +i N (dWbb +i N (dWab + lN etA -x) dw" +Elo,r

-YA dsb+YYA. ds -x dsb+XYA ds -Xdu+fi dq) -YA dWb} -YA dw a )

+(ZA -zHz -z) dul +(ZA -zHz -z) dqJ

- f' N [/hob -ji tho + L 0'

+l e t A -z)(dv() + J;.N (dltha +i N (dw aa _iN etA -x) dw" +E/o ll

-XA dsb+XAY ch -x cUa+XAX ds -fi do+Xdq) +XA dWb) +XA dw o )

+('A -,)(z -,) dql +(ZA -z)(z-z) de]

+ f' N (i -z)(du., + 1 0'

(z -'Hd,o +
N (duoo+dvoo 0 0 +i N (dw u " +Elol

-XA dU+YA dq) -YA do+X,A dq) -x duo -fi dvo -XA dUo +YA dw, -XA dw u )
-YAX dq -:rAY dq)

and Forces Referred to the Origin

W. M%\D= -Fliwi M lle - +Fvwi· Fl/w-wl/L w, /If=,- +FrwY M llw "" -F:wx FrlD""U!:L w, ""Constant

f' 0'
LO 0' 0'
IN dw~

0 + N dD 0 + l (:dv 0 + dv +l dq -l d" + "" +E10 r


0 + ['
N dq 0 + f'N c:dq 0 +1:
dq +1:
du +L 0'
duo + iN dwu - +E101/

+ iN dU:b 0 +.f _.L0',f" .f

+ F dw o 0 0 0 0 = +£10:

+ J:.N drcu
-L 0'
c:dq +f' -.L (,f", J:V
_.L ' "dq
c,d. -L N
(ldlLa _.£.N CZ dw u ... +E1o" r

H,' dql
N -----
+ L dll"ba +
N clde -LO' +.L ds o
(,f", + iN dWaa
+ f'N crde +1 N
"dq - l "d"
+ L N
CZ dw,_ - +Elo" l1

+c z2 de)
0 -
N dC'" 0 -.L 0'
(rdro 0 _lO' dc,
du, + f'N (duoo + J;N dwu~ ... +E1o" z


• •
i;l ~+ t;i t;i
+ + '"+, +


" I~

J+ o
o ~ •
I '1 I :l'o:FIJI I~
",, '1i I
~~ o 0 ~

+ +++
o • "
' + +

~ k,"
• " 0
I ~ 1
o 0 ~

+ i Y i I~
• •••
::l 0 000

• 8 .....
~J ::;.
+++ ·".
:8 8 g
+++ J+
," I
+++ I ~ I

+' I~
u 0

,, .,
" +
i I~

:F J;' .:? oj ~ "

+++ • • 0 o
+' +++ 'j'

000 JJ~
~o ~

+ I~
"· ". . J+
;;; o
:F ~ tJ" J
+' ,
.J .2 , ~, of
+ +++ ~
+ +

~ ~!~ I ro I ~ I I{ I ~ ++ Itit t; I~ 11' f 71 f I ! I ~

0 +00 fO

~ j'~ l_o_o_+~I_!_ll_1'_+.:.....~~I_!-!-I_+_~_o_o~I_""'_:-!-I_f_·_~_:;_"-!l_i-!-I_'1;_'f_o_i_"-!I_"'_:-+I_~_o_~_t--!I_"'~:_
<:l:::l", '" J J J
i I' i + + +


, ~, ~,
.. ..
·+++ oE
· ..
. '", .•.
tJ" "
;:s '"
,J of ~
o u u
+' + " u •
+ + 'f I' i

• 0 •
+++ I ~ I
•" . .

I i
If I+' u u 0


I ~ I +++
+I ! I + + +
Ii I
00 to ., ;::I ~o 0 ~o ~ :} .:? J
1 + i I , +

1+++ I ~ I oo~


+ Ii I I ~ I i· I'"..i

The shape coefficient expressions for concentrated loads become:

s = JkQdl

Sa = J kQx dl = as + Sl a where s' a = J kQx ' dl

Saa = J kQx 2 dl = a 2 s + 2as' a + s' aa where s'aa = JkQ(X')2dl

Sb = J kQy dl = bs + Sib where s' b = J kQy' dl

Sbb = J kQ y 2 dl = b2s + 2bs' b + Sl bb where S'bb = J kQ(yl)2 dl

Sab = J kQxy dl = abs + as'b + bs' a + S' ab where Slab = j'kQx' y' dl

q= J (1.3 - k) sin'" cos'" Q dl

u = J (k cos
'" + 1.3 sin 2
"')Q dl

u a = J x du - J y dq = au - bq + u' a where u' 0 = J x' du - f y' dq

.J = J (1.3 cos2 '" + k sin' "')Q dl

Va = J y dv - J x dq = bv - aq + V' a where v' 0 = f y' dv - f x' dq

u" + V" = J x' du +J y2 dv - 2 J xy dq = a'u + b2v - 2abq + 2au' a + 2bv' a + u l" + v'"

where u'oo = f (X')2 du - J x'y' dq

v'" = J (y/)' dv - J x'yl dq

The angle'" in the general expressions is a variable notation for circular members is illustrated In

angle measured from the positive horizontal axis to Fig. A.4.

the tangent at any point P of the member. The
angle a, constant for any given member, is the angle
between the positive horizontal axis and the point
of tangency at F. For a straight member, '" is con-
stant and equal to a. For a circular member, if! is a+"
variable over the length of the arc. In the formulas
which follow", is replaced by a for straight members;
for circular members, it is replaced by (a + 1» and
the limits of integrals are from 0 to <I'. The angle FIG. A.4 Angle notation for cin~ul11r mcmhcrH.


~'O' X' = (~ l) cos
- a

l/2 I PI Y'x' y' = (t - 1) sin a

9' r--;.-I

FIG. A.5 Integration of shape coefficients for

concentrated loading of straight memhers.

FOl' straight members as shown in Fig. A.5 , the integrations are as follows:

s ~ ,[1. kQ dl ~ kQIJ
8'. =tkQ(~ -1)cosO'dl ~0
s'•• ~ rl. kQ (!:2 _1)2 cos2 a dl =
kQ cos2 a L

s' b = ,[\Q (~ - I) sin 0' dl = 0

rl. kQ (!:2 _1)2 sin2 a dl = kQ sin2 a L12
8' bb =
s'.b = [\Q
• 0
(!: -
1)2 sin a cos a dl = kQ sin a cos a L

q = [I. (1.3 _ k) sin a cos a Q dl ~ (1.3 -

, 0
k) sin a cos a QL

11 ,[1. (k cos2 a + 1.3 sin2 O')Q dl = (k cos2 a + 1.3 sin2 O')QL


II', = ,[I. (~ _I) cos O'(k cos2 0'+ 1.3 sin2 O')Q dl _,[1. (~ - I) sin2 a cos 0'(1.3 - k)Q dl = 0
"',, = ,[I. (~ _Iy cos2 O'(k cos2 a + 1.3 sin2 O')Q dl _,[1. (~ - ly sin 2 a cos2 0'(1.3 - k)Q dl kQ cos2a ~; =

,. = , [I. (1.3 cos2 a + k sin 2 O')Q dl ~ (1.3 cos2 a + k sin 2 O')QL


,,', = ,[I. (~ __ I) sin 0'(1.3 cos2 a + k sin 2 O')Q dl _,[1. (~ - I) sin a cos2 0'(1.3 - k)Q dl = 0
"',, ~ ,[1. (~ _Iy sin2 0'(1.3 cos2 0'+ k sin2 O')Q dl _,[1- (~ - Iy sin2 a cos20'(1.3 - 2
k)Q dl = kQ sin a ~;
Note: '/(,'00 + v'oo = kQ 12
For circular members shown in Fig. A.6 the variable is changed and the integrations are as follows:

s = kQR d</J = kQRif!

s',= l' kQR 2 sin (a + </J) d</J = kQR 2 [eos a - cos (a + if!)]

,,,= l'
s 0 kQR'sin 2 (a + </J) d</J = kQR' [<I>"2 - sin 2(a + if!) - sin 2aJ

S'b -1" = kQR 2 cos (a + </J) d</J = kQR 2 [sin a - sin (a + if!)]
X' =U sin (a + 'P)

, 1·
bb = 0
kQR' cos (a + </J) d</J = kQR'
"2 + sin 2(a + if!) - sin 2aJ
y'= -Rcos(a+,.,)

FlO. Integration of

shupe (:ocfficicnts for

j '. kQR'sin (a + </J) cos (a'+ </J) d</J

eonccntmtcd loading of
S"b = -
= --[cos2(a + if!) - eos2a] circuhlr memhers.
o 4

" eos2(a + if!) - cos 2",

10 (1.3 - k) sin (a + </J) cos (a + </J)QR d</J = - (1.3 - k)QR 4

u= l' [k cos 2 (a + </J) + 1.3 sin 2 (a + </J)]QR d</J

if! sin 2(a + if!) - sin 2"'J aJ

= kQR [ "2 + 4 + 1.3QR [if!"2 - ::si::n-=2",(a=-....:+---,:if!!-)_--=.:si.::n-=2c:::

u', = 1· [k sin (a + </J) eos2 (a + </J) + 1.3 sin' ('" + </J)

+ (1.3 - k) sin (a + </J) cos2 (a + </J)]QR 2 d</J = 1.3QR 2 [eos a - cos (a + <\>)\

u'" = 1· [k sin 2 (a + </J) cos2 (a + </J) + 1.3 sin' (a + </J)

<I> sin 2(a + <\» - sin 2aJ
+ (1.3 - k) sin 2 (a + </J) cos2 (a + </J)]QR' d</J = 1.3QR' [ "2 - 4

o= l' [1.3 cos2 (a + </J) i- k sin2 (a + </J)]QR d</J

if! sin 2(a + <I» - sin 2aJ [if! sin 2(a + if!) - sin 2aJ
= 1.3QR [ "2 + 4 + kQR "2 - 4

0', = -1· [k cos (d + </J) sin 2 (a + </J) + 1.3 cos' (a + </J) + (1.3 - k) sin (a + </J) cos (a + </J)]QR r/¢
2 2

= 1.3QR 2 [sin a - sin (a + <I»]

0'" =
r- [k cos 2 (a + </J) sin2 (a + </J) + 1.3 cos' (a + </J) + (1.3 - k) sin (a + </J) cos (a + </»]QR' d</J
2 2

= 1.3QR' [~ + ::si.::n-=2",(a=---c+--=:!-)_----=:si.::n-=2.::aJ

Table A.4. Shape Coefficient Expressions for Uniform Loading

Member in z-Plane Member in y-Plane Member in x-Plane

y x z

)-. y
)-. x
Weight (w,) x-Wind (w.) z-Wind (w.)

w, = +I ('f' - x)l ds w, = +I (i' - z)l' d., w, = +I (Y' - y)l' ds

w" = +I y (x' - x)l ds w" = +I x(i' - z)l' ds w" = + IZ(f/ - y)l' '"'

w" =- Ix (x' - x)l ds w" =- IZ(i' - z)l' ds w" =- Iy(f/ - y)l' d.

x-Wind (w.) ,-Wind (w.) Weight (w,)

w" =- I (Y' - y)l' ds w, =- I (x' - x )1' ds w, =- I(z' - z)lds

w" = +I x (ii' - y )1' ds Wbll = + !z(X' - x)l' ds w,. = + IY(i' - z)l ds

Wbb =- f y(fj' - y)l' ds Wbb =- J x(x' - x)l' ds Wbb = - !z(z' - z)lds

z-Wind (w,) Weight (w,) x-Wind (w.)

w" =- I (x' - x)l du w" =- I (i' - z)l du w" =- I (ii' - y)l du

+I (ii' - y)l dq +I (x' - x)l dq + I(i' - z)ldq

w, = + I (Y' - y)l dv w, = +I (x' - x)l dv w" = +I (i' - z)l dv

-IW-x)ldq - I (i' - z)l dq - I (Y' - y)l dq

w", =- I x(x' - x)l du w", =- IZ(i' - z)l du w", =- I Y(ii' - y)l du

+ Iy(X' - x)ldq + IX(i' - z)ldq + IZ(ii' - y)l dq

- I Y(ii' - y)l dv -Ix(x'-x)ldv - IZ(i' - z)l dv

+I xCii' - y)l dq +Iz(x' - x)ldq + IY(i' - z)ldq

Vllrticol Axis
The following symbols are introduced for the trig-

onometric functions appearing in the above shape
ea = cos a - cos (a + <Il)
Caa ~ 0.5<1> - 0.25[sin 2(ex + <1» - sin 2ex]
Cb = sin ex - sin (ex + <1» (A.13) Verticol Axis

Cbb = 0.5<1> + 0.25[sin 2(ex + <1» - sin 2ex]

Cab = 0.25[cos 2(ex + <1» - 2ex] COS +ex
/.;Nc-f---- Horizontal Axis
Expressed in these symbols the shape coefficients
are: 5 -ex
s = kQR(c aa + Cbb) q = (k - 1.3)QRca b FIG. A.7 The angle a for a straight member.
= kQR<I> " = QR(1.3caa + kCbb)
s'a = kQR'c a 'il' 0 = 1.3QR 2ca the projected length of the member. This is taken
into account in the final shape coefficients for mem-
s' aa = kQR 3cao u' QO = 1.3QR 3caa bers in planes not perpendicular to the wind and is
s' b = kQR'Cb V = QR (1.3Cbb + kcaa ) recognized in Table AA by the substitution of /' for
1 in the cases affected, where I' is the projection of I
s' bb = 3
kQR cbb v' () = 1.3QR2Cb
in the direction of the wind.
s' ab = kQR 3ca b v' 00 = 1.3QR3cbb The shape coefficients for uniform loading are de-
(A.14) pendent on the end from which the integration pro-
ceeds, thus making it necessary to establish a refer-
The integration of the shape coefficients for uni-
ence direction which is always arbitrarily chosen to
fonn loads is a somewhat more complicated process.
be from the free end to the fixed end. Direction is
The integrations to be performcd are set down in
indicated by an arrow pointing toward the end of
Table AA, having been obtained for the z-plane
the member denoted N which is nearest the fixed
direetly from Fonnulas A.5 and for the other planes
end and which point is the upper limit of integration
derived from z-plane formulas by cyclic permutation. for the member. The lower limit is the end denoted
.\ variation of this procedure is introduced regard-
F, farthest away from the fixed end.
ing the wind constants. Whereas the total weight
The angle ex for a straight member is defined as
of an element is always the product of the unit load
the angle between the horizontal axis and the mem-
and the length of the member, the total wind load ber. It is considered positive if it is generated by
is considered to be the product of the unit load and
counterclockwise rotation of the member FN about
flAs stated, the proportionate influence of bending and tor-
ilion on the va.rious constants can be seen. For computation
point N, where N denotes the end of the member
purposes, however, it is noted thnt e aa + ebb = <I> and accord- nearest the fixed end. This convention is illustrated
ingly s = kQR<I1 and u 00 + V'ol) = 1.3QRJ'1>. in Fig. A.7.

For weight loading of straight members in the z-plane as shown in Fig. A.8 integrations of the shape co-
efficients are as follows:
L /2 L3
Wa ~
kQ - cos ex dl = kQ -;- cos ex
() 2 6 x = a + -L2 cos a -lcosa
Wah = +bwa + W'ab

Y= b +'2sma-
L. I sma
where w' ab = 0 kQ 'I'
2 sin ex cos ex (L)
'2 - 1 dl a b
x L I
L' x'=a+-cosa--cosa
2 2
= -kQ - sin a COSo
FIG. A.S Intcgration of sharc coefficients for
W aa = -aw a + W'aa weight of straight members in the z-plane.

where w'aa = -
J: I' cos2 ex -- - / d/
L kQ --
(L) = L'
kQ - cos2 ex

b +2"sma-
L. I Slna

',/,~F a
z .... a

+ L'2 COS a -LCOBo:
+ L-sina I .
w~lT = b
- -Rlna
o b'
, L
z' "" a + -2 cos a
- - cos a

FIG. A.9 Integration of shape coefficients for weight of straight members in the y-plane.

For a member in the y-plane as shown in Fig. A.9:

Wu = -
l "l'2
- cos a(k cos 2 a + 1.3 sin' a)Q dl + l"l'-2
sin a(1.3 - k) sin a cos a Q dl


w, = + i LL'-
o 2
sin a(1.3 cos' a + k sin' a)Q dl - iLL'
- eos a(1.3 - k) sin a cos a Q dl
+k Q sina
W uv = +aw u - bw", + w' uv

wherew ' .,=-

0 (L )12
2- 1 2 cos'a(kcos 2 a+1.3sin'a)Qdl+ lL(L
2- 1 2sinacosa(1.3-k)8inacosaQdl )1
l (L2- 1)122sin'a(1.3cos a+ksin'a)Qdl+l (L2- 1)12 sinacosa(1.3-k)8in acosaQdl
L L 2
- 0 0



• L .
o b
'- .1--'--_y z' = b + -L2 sin a I .
- -2 Sill a

FIG. A.IO Integration of shape coefficients for weight of straight members in the x-plnoe.

For a member in x-plane as shown in Fig. A.IO:

L I' l)i .
l ()
kQ - sin a dl = -J(Q-sma
2 6

Wba = -aWb + W'ba

h ILL kQ 12 smacosa (L)
w erewbo = 2 -I dl = -kQ L'
• ~sinacosa

Wbb = +bWb + W' bb

wherew'bb = -lLkQ~sin2a(I: -I)dl = kQL' sin' a
o 2 2 24
Vertical Axil

K.4»:t+.J-+t--- Horiz:onlol Axil H'+f+-- Horizontal Axil

FIG. A.l1 The angle 0: for circular members

FIG. A,12 The angle 0: for circular members elockwise,

For a circular member the direction may be either
counterclockwise, or clockwise as the member is
viewed in its working plane. For the counterclock- (a - ep) where a is defined in the same way as for
wise direction the angle of in the integrals for the the counterclockwise direction, and <p is a variable
shape coefficients is replaced by (a + ep) where a is angle positive in the clockwise direction (Fig. A.I2).
a constant angle, positive if measured from the neg- It should be noted that in the integration of the
ative vertical axis in the counterclockwise direction. shape coefficients for concentrated loading the coun-
The angle <p is a variable, positive in the counter- terclockwise direction is used. If the clockwise direc-
cloekwise direction. See Fig. A.ll. tion is uscd the numerical vr.lues for the shape
For the clockwise direction the angle of in the in- coefficients will be the same although the formulas
tegrals for the shape coefficients is replaced by will differ.

, l=R", dl=Rd",
x = a +
R sin (0: + Ip)
y = b - R cos (0: + rp)

b f' x dl
_x' J-0- .- .::a_----=c::oB::("'a:...+'--'="'~)
• , = = a + R c_o_:::s
for> dl If'

'-- ----l'---"-_.
FIG. A.13 Counterclockwise integration of shape coefficients for weight of circular members in the z-plane.

Integrations of the shape coefficients for weight loading applied to circular members are as follows, beginning
with a member in the z-plane taken in the counterclockwise direction, as shown in Fig. A.I3:

w. = 1> kQR 3 [cos a- cos (a+ep) -ep sin (a+ep)] dep= kQR 3 { Mcos (a +<I> ) + cos a]-2[sin (a +<I> ) - Bin all

Wab = +bwa +w' ab

where w'., = -1> kQR'[cos a - cos (a + ep) - ep sin (a + ep)] cos (a + ep) dep
(<I' [ I
+kQR' 12 - cos 2(a2 + <I»J + '8[sm
2 ( a + <I» .
- sm 2a1 - cos a [sm
. (a + <I> ) - Bin al}

Waa = -awa + w'aa

where w'•• = -1> kQR'[cos a - cos (a + ep) - ep sin (a + ep)] sin (a + ep) dep

= kQR' j~ [<I> - sin 2(a + <I»] - 111cos 2(a + <I» - cos 2al + cos a[cos (a + <I» - cos a] I

I~R~ dl~lId~
x = a + R sin (0: -
y = b - R cos (0: - 1;')

f'" xdl
b Jo cos (0: -If') - cos a
Xl = -- = a + R =-'-_-'-'------'=.c
x fa"" dl '"
FIG. A.14 Clockwise integration of shape coefficients for weight of circular members in the z-plnne.

For z-plane members taken in the cl<Jckwise direction (Fig. A.14):

w. = 1< kQR 3 [cos (a - ¢) - cos a - ¢ sin (a - ¢)] d¢

- kQR 3 { 1>[cos (a - 1') + cos a] + 2[sin (a - <1» - sin all

Wab = +bwa + w' ab
where: W'.b = -1< kQR'[cos (a - ¢) - cos a - ¢ sin (a - ¢)] cos (a - ¢) d¢

-kQR' i~ [1 - cos 2(~ - 1»J - i[sin 2(a - <1» - sin 2al + cos a[sin (a - <1» - sin all

Wao = -awa + w' an

where: w'•• = -1" kQR'[cos (a - ¢) - cos a - ¢ sin (a - ¢)] sin (a - ¢) d¢

= kQR'1 1~ [1> + sin 2(a - <1»] - i{cos 2(a - <1» - cos 2a] + cos a[cos (a - <1» - cos all
Note: The above expressions for in the clockwise direction may be obtained by substituting
Wa, w' ab, Wi aa
- ep for +<1> in the corresponding expressions in the counterclockwise direction. This rule is valid for all shap<,
coefficients fOI" uniform loading. Hence, only the integration fOI" the counterclockwise direction will be shown
for y-plane and x-plane membel"s.

I=R~ dl=Rd~
x = b - R cos (a + cp)
z = a + R sin (a + '(J)


b .r:
dl If'

• ,
.r: z dl
i' = _0_ _ = a + R cos a - cos (a + cp)
JoY dl 'P

FIG. A.15 Counterclockwise integration of shape coefficients for weight of circular members in the lI-plane.

For y-plane members taken in the counlerclockwise direction (Fig. A.15):

WU = -1· QR'[cos a - eos (a + <1» - <I> sin (a + <I»][k cos' (a + <1» + 1.3 sin' (a + <1»] d<l>

+ 1· QR'[sin a - sin (a + <1» + <I> eos (a + <1»](1.3 - k) sin (a + <1» cos (a + <1» d<l>

= -QR' (Ic [~eosa - sin (a + 4» + 0.75 sin a + 0.25 sin (a + 24»J

+ 1.3 [~ cos a + <I> cos (a + 4» - sin (a + 4» + 1.25 sin a - 0.25 sin (a + 24» Jl

W, +1· QR'[sin a - sin (a + <1» + <I> cos (a + <1»][1.3 eos2 (a + <1» + k sin' (a + <I»J d<l>

-1" QR'[cos a - cos (a + <1» - <I> sin (a + <1»](1.3 - k) sin (a + <1» cos (a + <1» d<l>

= +QR' (k[~sina + cos (a + <1» - 0.75 cos a - 0.25 cos (a + 24»J + 1.3 [~sina

+ <I> sin (a + <I') + cos (a + 4» - 1.25 cos a + 0.25 cos (a + 24» Jl

W uv = +aw u - bw v + W' til!

where: Wi u, = -
" QR' sin (a
f [cos
+ <1» lk -2-a - cos (a + <1» + cos (a 2+ 2<1> )J
COS a . cos (ex + 2<1»J1
+ 1.3 [ -2- - <I> 8m (a + <1» - 2 f d<l>
+ 1· ,
0 QR cos (a + <1» flk [Sin
-2-a - sin (a + <1» + sin (a 2+ 2<1»J
+ 1.3 [Si~ a + <I> cos (a + <1» _ sin (a 2+ 2<1»JI d<l> = 1.3QR' [~' + cos 4> - 1J

I~R~ dl~Rd~
y = a + R sin (0: + <p)
z b - R ('Os (0: + ,.,,)
o fa
z dl
sm a
. .
- Sin (0: + cp)
y J:;P dl <f
L.. --!--4.-_y

!i'm. A.I6 Counterclockwise integration of shape coefficients for weight of circular mernhcn; in the x-plnne.

For x-plane members taken in the counterclockwise direction (Fig. A.16):

lOb = - J:0 kQ1l 3

[sin a - sin(a + q,) + q, cos (a + q,)J dq,
- kQ1l 3 {<I>[sin (a + <1» + sin aJ + 2[cos (a + <I» - cos aJ I
'Wba = -aWb + W'ba
where W'ba ~ +J:0 kQ1l 4 [sin a - sin (a + q,) + q, cos (a + <I»J sin(a + q,) d<l>
-kQ1l 4 i~ [1 + cos 2(; + <I»J - i[sin 2(a + <1» - sin 2aJ + sin a [cos(a + <1» - cos a l]-

10bb = +bw u + 10'bb

where w'" = +J:0 kQR' [sin a - sin(a + q,) + q, cos (a + q,)J costa + q,) dq,
= +kQR' i~ [<I> + sin 2(a + <I»J + ;\[cos 2(a + <I» - cos 2a] + sin a [sin (a + <I» - sin aJl
As mentioned previously in connection with the
formulas of Table AA, the effective wind load on a where w' bb = '1' J:L kQ (% - I) ~ sin' a dl
member is taken as the unit wind load multiplied by L4
the length of the member's projection on a plane ±kQ-sin' a
perpendicular to the wind direction. If the working
plane of the member is perpendicular to the wind, The upper signs apply when sin a is pOSItIve
the wind load is simply wI. The shape coefficients (0 < a < ".); the lower signs when sin a is negative
are then the same as those already found for weight (". < a < 2".).
loading, identified as W u , W v , and W uv . For mem- For straight members in the y-plane acted upon
bers in planes parallel to the wind, the wind load by wind along the z(horizontal) axis, the identical
is wI' where I' represents the projected length of formulas apply because of cyclic permutation.
the member on a plane perpendicular to the wind
, f

y 1 l/2

l I, b '

y ,
, [' = I cos a when - - < a

'--- -'--J_, 2 2
3. ~
I' =+lsin a: when 0 < a < ,... = -I cos a when - < a < -
2 2
=-I sin a when 11' < ex < 2'1l"
X = a + HL - 21) cos a
x ~ b + J(i, - 2/) sin a
y = b + HD - 2l) sin a z = a + Hi, - 21) cos a
ii' = b + J(i, - /) sin a z' = a + !(L - l) cos a
FIG. A.IS Integration of shape coefficients for straight
FIG. A.17 Integration of shape coefficients for straight
members in the ywplane acted upon by x-wind.
members in the z·plane acted upon by x-wind.

For straight members in the y-plane acted upon

Formulas for calculating shape coefficients Wb,
by a wind parallel to the x(vertical) axis, shown ill
Wbb, and Wba are now derived for a straight member
Fig. A.18, it is necessary to derive the coefficients
in the z-plane, acted upon by a wind parallel to the
1lJ a , Waa, and Wab·
x (horizontal) axis as shown in Fig. A.17.
The relationships for 1', :g', and x accompanying L
I' L3
Fig. A.17 are readily derived therefrom. The two
functions expressing I' are necessary since the unit
kQ - cos2 a dl = ±kQ - cos' a
2 6

load w is considered positive and thus the total load

Wab = +bwa + W' ao
wI' and the length I' itself must remain positive for
any value of a.
where w' ab = ± 1 0
(L )1"2 sin
kQ ~ - 1
a cos a
Performing the integrations as indicated by the L4
formulas of Table AA, yields the following results: =t=kQ - sin a cos2 a
+ w'aa
'1'1 o
L I'
L' . 2
kQ-sin 2 adl = =F"kQ -sm a
W aa =

where w'.a

= '1' J:L kQ (% - I) ~ cos a dl 3

= ±kQ - cos' a
where w' b. = ± J:L kQ (% - I) ~ cos a sin' a dl 24
The upper signs apply when cos a is positive
L 4 (-"./2 < a < "./2); lower signs when cos a IS
'FkQ - cos a sin' a negative ("./2 < a < 3"./2).
For straight members in the x-plane acted upon
by wind along the z-axis, the identical formulas apply.

]I[ ]I

FIG. A.i9 System of quadrants for circular members.

The shape coefficients of circular members are given below. The signs to be used in the expressions which
follow are dependent upon the location of the arc Rq, in a system of quadrants which is oriented from the
negative vertical axis as shown in Fig. A.19.
In deriving the shape coefficient formulas for circular members subjected to in~plane wind, the case of the
member in the z-plane acted upon by a wind parallel to the x-axis is considered first. Figure A.20 shows such
a member set up for integration in a counterclockwise direction.


I' ~ dI' ~ ±R [cos a - cos (a + ~)J

dI' ~ sin (a + ~)R d~
b X = a + R sin (a + <,0)
Y = b - R cos (a + ~)
17 ~ b - jR [cos a + cos (a + ~)l
L. -4.----l-_<

FIG. A.20 Counterclockwise integration of shape coefficients for circular members in the z-plnne acted upon by x-wind.

Wb = ±1< o
kQR" [cos a - cos(a
+ q,)]2 dq,

= ±kQR" [ "4oj> (2 + cos 2a) + sin 2(a8 + o-Jcos

». •
a sm(a + .') +! sm 2a

"kQ .j • ( ) [cos a - cos(a + q,)]2 d q,=±'kQR 4 [cos(a + oJ»6 - cos aJ"

where I
W ba = ±
l o
Wbb = +bWb + W'bb
,' [cos a - cos(a + q,)]2 d
j )
where w' bb = ± 0 kQR' cos(a + q, 2 q,

4 Jsin" (a + <I') - sin" a sin (a + 'I') - sin a

±kQR 1 6 - 2

+ co~a[., + sin(a + <I')cos(a + oJ» - sin(a + .,)cosal)

The upper signs apply when oj> lies in the I and/or the II quadrants; the lower signs when oj> lies in the III
and/or the IV quadrants. When <I' lies in the I and IV quadrants or the II and I II, it must be split up
into two arcs.
For the counterclockwise integration of circular members in the y-plane subjected to z-wind, the identi-
cal formulas apply.

I' = .r: dl' = ±R [sin (a + ",) - sin a]
dl' = cos (0: + <p)R dr,p
b X = b - R cos (0: + Ip)
z = a + R sin (0: + <p)
z' = a + 1R [sin (a + rp) + sin a]
L- J--L--,
FIG. A.21 Counterclockwise integration of shape coefficients for circular members in the y-plane acted upon by x-wind.

The case of the circular member in the v-plane acted upon by a wind parallel to the x-axis is now con-
sidered. Figure A.21 shows such a member set up for integration in a counterclockwise direction.

w. = 'F r> kQR3 [sin(a + 4<) - sin aj' d4<

Jo 2

= 'FkQR 3 [ '<I>4 (2 - cos 2a) -

sin 2(a
+ <I» + sm
a costa + <I» -
8 sm 2a
. ]

Wah = +bwa + W' ab

where w
.b = ±
Jo .
R cos a
+ 4< ) [sin(a + 4<)2 - sin aj' d kQR' [sin(a
4< = ±'.
+ <I»6 - sin al'

Woo. = -awa + Wi ao.

W •• =
r> k"R' sm. (a + 4< ) [sin(a + 4<)2 -
± J o '"
sin a]2

,loos3 (a + <I') - cos3 a costa + <I» - cos a

= ±kQR 1 6 - 2

- si; a [<I> _ sin(a + <I»cos(a + <I» + sin a costa + <I»])

The upper signs apply when <I> lies in the I and/or IV quadrant, the lower signs when <I> lies in the II and/or
III quadrants. When <I> lies in the I and II quadrants or the III and IV, it must be split up into two ares.
For the counterclockwise integration of circular members in the x-plane subjected to z-wind, the same
I formulas apply.
Table A.5. General Equations of Pipe Line Subject to Thermal Expansion
J.fz M, M. F. F, F. Constant
+A.. ;r; +A zlI +A n +B;r: +B::v +B n +EIO. ~ 0
+A., +A IIII +A,. +BI/;r; +B" +BI/% +EIO, ~ 0
+A n +A lI % +A u +B u +B;z:v +B u +EIO. = 0
+B;r;;r; +BI/% +Bn +C%% +CZI/ +O:u +EI(o*. - lid) = +EI(o.A - 0.0' - ll.)
+Borll +B" +B nJ +CZII +°1111 +C1/% +EI(o*, - 1l,A) ~ +EI(o,A - 0,0' -ll,)
+B z: +B llt +B zz +Cr : +C/I% +Cu +EI(o*. - 1l.A) ~ +EI(o.A - 0.0' - ll.)

Up to this point, the development of the General tained by substitution of the moment and force
Analytieal Method has been built around the gen- eomponents determined above, back into the same
eral ease of tbe weightless pipe line subjeeted to relationships given in Table A.5 with the exception
loading which is concentrated at a point, or uni- that integration limits are from N to 0' and the
formly distributed over a member. Sueh a loading constants am expressed as in Table A.G.
may arise from the weight of the piping eomponents.
Weight effects are not ordinarily of great significance Table A.6. Constant Terms for Deformation
although they become important when dealing with of any Point of the Pipe Line
materials of low breaking strength or poor ereep re- +EIO. N
sistance, that is, if premature fracture or excessive +EIO,N
sagging is not to be tolerated. The general formulas +EIO.N
derived, however, are readily adapted to the evalu- +EI(o%N - J..rN + YNO:rN - ZNOuN - 0%0')
ation of the effects of thermal expansion loading +EI(oIlN - D.uN + ZNOzN - XNO:rN - 0110')
+EI(o.N - 1l.N + XNO,N - y"IJ.N - 0.0')
whieh are usually of primary interest.
Under thermal expansion, the strain energy is sup-
plied by the temperature change involved; there are Also, it can be seen that for convenience or for check-
no applied loads, hence the load terms in the gen- ing purposes, the integrations may be taken from
eral equations of Table A.3 become zero leaving a A to N in which case the constants are as shown in
system of equations which expresses the reactions Table A.7. It will be noted that the sums of the
in terms of imagined displacements of one end, des- constants in Tables A.G and A.7 are equal to the
ignated the "free" end. 6 If LJ. X1 l1 P1 and 1:1: arc the respective constants given in Table A.5.
free thermal expansions, directed from the end des- The loading case of any concentraled force applied
ignated fixed toward that designated free, they will at a point N on the pipe line of Fig. A.I can be ob-
enter the right-hand member of the equations with tained from the general eqnations given in Table A.3
a negative7 sign as indieated in Table A.5. Displace- by considering the total load on the member NF to
ments of the ends, denoted 0* z, 0*11' 0* z, which are remain unchanged while its length is made infinitely
due to movement of connected equipment, are cn- small. In this ease, the shape eoefficients in the col-
tered with sign unchanged, so as to indieate the umns headed by W Z1 W II , and W z vanish j the coordi-
direction of the relative movement of the free end nates X, fj, Z become XN, YN, ZN respectively; the
with respect to the fixed end. The angular dis- moments Af.rN, AflJN, !lf zN , are those at the origin
placements or rotations, O.r, 011, Oz, are ordinarily due to the applied concentrated loads P.rN, F'vN,
assumed to be zero. For a pipe line with two fixed PzN; and the system of equations appears as sLown
ends, six equations in six unknowns remain so that in the first six rows of Table A.S. When F. N , FuN,
the problem can be solved by various numerical PzN are known loads the solution is obvious. \\Then
methods. these forces are unknown, such as the reactions at
The eomponents of rotation and deflection
(OzN, ete.) at any point N on the pipe line are ob- Table A.7. Constant Terms for Deformation
of Any Point of the I)ipe Line
6Even though in actuality both ends are completely fixed with Hespect to Free End
the action of thermal expansion may be visualized most con~
veniently by imagining a fictitious ease where one end first +EI(-O.N)
expands without restraint and is subsequently restored by +EI( -O,N)
means of the reactions to the position dictated by end con- +EI(-O.N)
atraint. +EI(o:rA - OzN - D.;r: + I:1;r:N - yN8tN + ZNOuN)
7The negative sign is needed since the restraining displace- +EI(o,A - O,N - ll, + 1l,N - ZNO.N + X"IJ.N)
ment is in the opposite direction to the free thermal expansion. +EI(o.A - O.N - ll. + 1l.N - X"IJ,N + y"IJ.N)
stops, it is necessary to introduce additional equa-
tions in order to obtain a solution.
0'."' - ..,.
Referring again to Table A.8, the lower six equa-
tions, derived from Table A.6, relate the various re,-
• c

acting forces and moments to the rotations and

deflections at point N. Since there is no external N
moment at point N: FIG. A.22 Three-anchor configuration.
MzN = FzNYN - FvNZ N
In the development of Table A.8, the moments
M lI N = FzNZ N - FzNXN (A.15) M'N' M uN, M'N, were understood to result only
from forces applied at point N since it was assumed
M zN = FlIN XN - FzNYN
that at that point no external moments were applied
Furthermore, the deflections of the supports, stops, so that rotations were unrestrained. Consideration
etc. OxN, DyN, azN are expressable in terms of the of the more general casc leads to rcdcfinition of the
forces which produce them, FxN, FuN, FzN (for the moment equations (A.15) as follows:
usual rigid supports, OxN, OliN, OzN are commonly Al xN = lIf'xN + FzNYN - FJlNZN
taken equal to zero). Hence, the 12 equations of
Table A.8 contain but 12 unknowns and conse- M VN = M'"N+ F,NZN - F,NXN (A.17)
quently can be solved. M'N = M"N + FuN"'N - F,NYN
In the case of a branch line EN connected to the
But F xN = F xB , FvN = F yB , FzN = F zB , therefore
main point N as shown in Fig. A.22, the rotations,
M'N = M'B, M uN = M uB , M'N = M. B. Hence,
OxN, OyN' 8tN , as well as the deflections, OIN, OliN,
with appropriate changes to the subscripts and lim-
O,N, are affected by the flexibility of the brar,ch.
its of Table A.8 the 12 equations for the branched
Thus the rotations at point N cannot be considered
system are derived, appearing as shown in Table A.9.
unrestrained as they were in the treatment of stops.
The influence of normal forces and shears is neg-
The junction moments in the branch at point N,
ligible in most piping calculations except that on
M' xN, Ill'UNI !If' zN, expressed in terms of the terminal
rare occasions for thermal expansion effects it may
moments,S jJ{xn, !llyn! !llzB are given by:
warrant investigation. Hence, the development of
lil'xN = lvf xB + FyBZN - FzBYN these constants is given only for the case of concen-
trated loads (or thermal expansion).
M'uN ~ M uB + F,BXN - F,BZN (A.16)
The energy of shear is given by the following:
},[':N = M zB
SReferred to the origin.
U, -
-1' 0
k,'AF,z dl
2GA (A.18)

Table A.S. System of Equations for Stop at Point N

-~._ .. ~-
._.._•.. _.-
M;,; MI/ M, F, Fu F, M;,;N MI/N M&N F;,;N PI/N PzN ~
--- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- --,_.~ _._---
+A xz +.11;';1/ +A;,;: +Bzz +B", +Bzz +A n +A", +A z: +Bn +Bzl/ +Bzz = +EI0;,;
+...1;';1/ +.11 1111 +.11 11: +B lIz +BlIl/ +8 11: +A xll +...11/11 +Av' +Bllz +B lIlI +BI/: ~ +EIOu
+...1 zz +...11/: +A zr +Bu +B:I/ +B u +A zz +.11 11 : +A zz +Bzr +B,v +B:z = +Rlo:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - _._ .• ~-~._----~.

+11 x.: +13l/z +11 u +C.zx +C'" +Czz +13I& +B llz +Bzr +Czz +CZI/ +Cu = +Rl(o·z - ~z)
+13zl/ +BJ/lI +B:I/ +Czl/ +CI/I/ +CI/: +Brl/ +131/1/ +B: 1I +C,lll +CI/1/ +Cv' ~ +EI(,'v - Av )
+Bzz +BI/& +Bzz +Czz +CI/Z +Cu +B;cz +131/: +13.:: +Czz +CI/': +Czz = +Rl(o·: - ~.:)

Limit..<; A to 0' Limits N to 0'

.. ~--

+A zz +A III +A zz +13zz +B", +B;cz +A zz +Azl/ +...1 I: +13;cz +13;c1l +13z: = +Elo;c"'"
+...1;c1/ +...11/11 +...1 11& +13 11 ;c +B w +I!" +A;';l/ +A w +...11/: +BI/;c +B IIII +131/: = +Elol/x
+A;cZ +...1 11 : +A u +Bz;c +Bzl/ +B:: +A zz +...1 11 : +A u +B:z +Bzl/ +Bzz = +EI0.:N
--- - - -- - - ---- - - -- - -
+13zz +I1 I1I +Bn +Cu +C", +Czz +Bzz +BI/;c +13:z +C;c;c +CZI/ +Czz = +El(ozN - ~zN + YNO:N - ZNOllN)
+13;c1/ +B IIII +13:1/ +CXI/ +CI/I/ +CI/Z +B zlI +B IIII +B:I/ +C", +CI/ll +C IIZ = +Rl(oIlN - ~IIN + ZN0:r,N - XNOzN)
+Bzz +BII % +Bzz +Czz +CIIZ +Czz +Bzz +B II : +13zz +CIZ +C IIZ +Cu = +E1(ozN - ~:N + XNOIIN - YNOzN)
Limits N to 0' Limits N to 0'
and the energy of normal force by and introducing the stiffness factor Q, the total en-
1k II Fn 2d.l ergy due to shear and normal forces becomes
n -
0 2EA
U. n = 2~1 J Q(2.6F; + 2.6F'; + O.5F;)r",2 dl
where k, = flexibility factor in shear = l. (A.2I)
A = shear distribution factor which depends
on the shape of the cross section (= 2 for Applying Castigliano's theorem, the displacement
thin-walled cylinders). in the x-direction is given by
F t = shearing force. Ox =
A = cross-sectional area.
k n = flexibility factor in tension or compres- EI
I 1 0
2 ( of, , of', oFn )
2.6F, of, +2.6F, of, +O.5F n of, dl
sion = l.
F 11. = normal force. (A.22)

The shear equation may be written Similar equations can be written for 0v and Ox by
substituting for oF x the partial differential of the
U =
'0 11(F + F' 2)'2
• dl (A.20) applicable force.
The shear and normal forces for any point in the
where shearing force is expressed in components F, x-plane are
and F ' 3 respectively in and transverse to a reference F tI = F.. cos'" - F lJ sin",
plane containing the particular portion of the line. F'3 = Fx
H the outside, inside, and mean radii of the pipe
cross section arc designated by T OI T lI Tm respectively, F 11. = F IJ cos", + F: sin",
and the wall thickness by I, the properties of the Similarly for any point in the y-planc
section and their approximate relationship can be
expressed as follows: F s = Fxcos'" - F: sin l/t

A = 1r(ro2 -
T1 ) = mt
F'B = FlJ

F 11. = F z cos if; + F x sin",
I = -4 (,.0 , - T") = -r 31
I " In
and for any point in the z-plane
F s = F 1, cos1f; - F.x sin1J;
F'a = F,;:
Substituting these values into eqs. A.I9 and A.20 F n = F x cos'" +F tI sin ",

Table A.9. System of Equations for a Three-Anchor Configuration

M II :t FV/I F,,/I. M::;n JIlin M"n F::;n Flln F"n Constant ~

;\'1",1 M"A F::;.-l
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -
+A:r;t; +A::;v +..1::;: +B:r;t; +B::;v +13" +..1:u; +..1::;11 +..1::;" +B:r;t; +B"II +13" ~O
+..1"11 +..1 1111 +..1 v: +13v" +B IIII +B II : +11"11 +AY/I +..11.1: +B y::; +B w +B II :
y: +A,,: +11:: ~ 0
+A::;: +A II : +A:: +13,. +13 x , +13"" +A:::: +A +B"" +13"11
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- --- --- - - -
+Hr::; +B y" +11:" +C:r;t; +C X1l +C"" +13"" +B y" +13 u +C"" +Cxy +Cxu = +151 (0",-1 - .6.;rA - 0.:.:0')
+BxJj +11 1111 +13" +C"y +CIIII +Cy: +11"v +13 vlI +13: v +C::;u +CIIII +C,,: = +EJ (OIlA - .6./1,-\ - ouO')
+11"" +111.1" +13" +Cx: +Cv: +C" +B u +13 y" +13" +C'.:.:: +ClI " +C:: " +EI (',A - - 0:0') "d
Limits A to 0
Limits N to 0'

+Bxy ~O
+Ar::; +A xu +A n +13%,% +13::;/1 +JJx: +Ar::; +..1"v +A::;: +B n +13 x"
+A xll +11 l1y +..1"" +B vx +B"u +13 11: +A xy +A YIl +..11.1" +B y" +Byy +B y"
+Bz: ~O
+A"" +11"" +A"" +13:" +B:y +B"" +A"" +A y" +11:1: +13"" +13"11
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - = +EJ (o"n - .6.:>:IJ - 0,,0')
+B,,::; +11 11" +Br;z +C::;r +0"" +C"" +B"" +B"" +B"" +Cr::; +C"II +Cz"
+13::;" +B"y +B"II +C"v +CVII +C y" +B"y +BIII/ +B"I/ +C"'l1 +CYll +oy: = +BI(oIl8 - .6.1/8 - 01/0')
+B"" +B"" +B"" +C".: +01/" +Cu +B"" +B lI " +B u +Crz +C,,: +Cu = +EJ(0.:8 - .6."n - 0:0')

Limits N to Of Limits B to 0'


The following partial derivatives for substitution z-Planc

o:r, 0v and 0= equations result:
jn the aF a aF'a fJF n
iJ iJ iJ
-sin,p 0 +cos,p
aF a aF' a aF;r
iJ a iJ
+cos,p 0 +sin,p
dF y
0 +1 o
ali';r iJ
0 +1 0
-sin ,p 0 +cos,p
of,, Substitution of these values into the Ox, 0u, and
0, cquations, plane by plane, produces the following
a -rcos,p 0 +sin ,p
recurring integrals
s= f2.6Qrm2dl

u = f Qrm2 (2.6 cos2 ,p +.5 sin2 ,p) dl

+C08,p 0 +sin,p V = f Qrm 2 (2.6 sin 2 ,p +.5 cos 2 ,p) dl

0 +1 o
W = f Qrm 2 2.1 sin,p cos,p dl
The way these constants arc cntered into the simul-
iJ taneous equations is shown in Section 5.10 of
sin ,p 0 +cos,p
aFt Chapter 5.

Derivation of Acoustic Vibration Formulas

N Chapter 9, the derivations of certain expres- This result was derived on the basis of a generaliza-

I sions were omitted because of their length. As

they are not available in the literature, at least
not in the form given herein, they are included in this
tion of the method of derivation given by Rayleigh
in the "Theory of Sound," Vol. II [3J, for n = I, 2;
the n roots of the determinantal equation are all real
appendix. Numbered citations below refer to the and positive, corresponding to n physical modes.
list of references at the end of Chapter 9. For n = I V, = V, (V, = ... = V n = 00) is
found the following:
B.I Multiple Resonator of nth Order
I'n+' 1 I ~ 1'2 I ~
General expressions for the natural frequencies of -+-+---=-+0+---=0 (B.3)
multiple resonator systems can be derived and will Il n l'n Vn_ l Vn Jln IlIYt VI III

be given here for the sake of completeness (see also or

[24]). Consider Fig. B.!. V (ft), A (ft2 ), L (ft) are
chamber volume, neck area, and neck length respec- ~ = 1', + 1'2 f = <2 ~I" + 1', (BA)
V, 2.. V,
tively. In addition let:
and for 1', = 0, (2nd neck closed)
Acoustic conductivity = I' = -L-+-~:'::-V-..
=A= (ft);
f - <2 r;;;
- 2;r '\j~

C = speed of sound in fluid (ft/sec)

For n = 2 the determinant reduces to:
Then, 1 ~ 1
- --I
C V,
f=-~ (B.l) VII"
=0 (B.G)
1'3 1 1'3 ll~
where ~ is a root of the determinantal equation: Jl 1 V2 -V 1 ' -+-+---
1'2 V,
V, V, 1'2


o o o o o o
o o o o o
1 1 1 • 1
V, -+---,
11 V J.l3
2 3 V, o o o o
1 1 1 •
o , 0 -+---, o o , 0
V, V3 V4 J.l4

1 1
, ,.,.31'n
--, - - -1, -+--+---
-Pn+l ,un+l TI
J.l 4 Vn JLn-l Vn Vn-l J.lnVn l-n_1 Vn P.n

_ _ _1
From which:
2 _ (I"I + 1"2 + 1"2 +1"3)
~ VI V ~ 2
+ 1"1 . 1"3 + 1"2(1"1 + 1"3) = 0 FIG. 13.1 Multiple resonator.
V 1V 2
So that
Finally it may be added that the results also apply
. 2.- 2 VI V 2
if the configuration of resonators, while in series, is
not in a straight-line direction.

±~!(1"1 +1"2 +1"2+1"3)2 1"11"3+1"2(1"1+1"3) B.2 General Characteristic Equation for a

Branched Piping System
4 VI V2 VI V2
(B.3) The hydrodynamic equations of motion for one-
For n = 3, let: dimensionalnon-steo.dy flow without friction or heat
transfer are:

"'1 = 1"1 +1"2 + 1"2+1"3 + 1"3+1",
VI V2 V2 (momentum)
"" = 1"1(1"2+1"3)+1"21"3 + (1"1+1"2)(1"3+1"')
ap a

VI V 2 VI V 3
(B.9) - + --
at ax
(pU) = 0 (continuity)
+ 1"21"3+(1"2+1"3)1"4
V 2 V3 where p, p, U are pressure, density, and velocity
j respeetively. In addition, for an isentropic process
1"11"2(1"3+1"')+1"31"'(1"1+1"2) for a gas.
1 as =
I V I V2 V3
p = Canst. p' (1' = C p/c,)

I Then
If barred symbols represent mean values, while D.'S
represent increments, then the equations assume the

II with ~ being a root of:

'173- 0:'11]2 + 0:'2'17 - as =0 (B.lO)
a(D.U) _ a(D.U)
(p + D.p) - - + (p + D.p)(U + D.U)--
at ax

I The 3 roots of the eubic equation are real and posi-

tive, corresponding to 3 physical modes.
_ a(D.p)
I In partieular, if all chamber volumes, neck lengths,
and areas are equal then a(D.p) + (u + D.U) a(D.p) + (p + D.p) a(D.U) = 0

II f
= ;;:

m = 1,2,3
\iv X .
8 (B.ll)

lJ + D.p = f> +

l' ~p D.p =

f> + C2 D.p

I A more general result for n resonators of equal vol-

areas, and lengths is:
C = r-;ji =
\iT; speed of sound, eonsidered constant.

a I1". m.- Subtracting the mean values, considering the Li.'s

fm = ;;: \iv sm 2(n + 1) (B.12) infinitesimal and neglecting terms of higher order
than 1st in the infinitesimals:
m = 1,2,'" n a(D.U) _ a(D.U)
which is the same result as given in reference [24J,
at ax
eq. 19, except that in that equation there is an error
and n should have been printed instead of m in the a(D.p) + U a(D.p) + p a(D.U) = 0
at ax ax
denominator of the argument of sin (~ ,,:)
m +12 D.p = C2 D.p
Suppose now infinitesimal perturbations relative to substitution that the forms:
a quiescent state, i.e. "0 = O. Eliminating /1p via
the 3rd relation gives:
t1p = iCR cos ('E + 4» e iWI

a(t1U) (B.I3e)
p - - - = - a(t1p) )
sin (w; + 4» e
at ax t1(pU) = R iwI
a(t1U) _ ~ a (t1p)
ax C' at satisfy not only the wave equations B.I3b but also
equations B.I3a, and hence represent a solution of
From which, by further differentiation: both systems of partial differential cquations. R is
in general a ucomplex amplitude," while fJ.p is, of
course, a real quantity.
(B.I3b) Boundary Conditions at u Junction. T'he
boundary conditions at any junction are given by
continuity of both pressure and mass flow rate.
Thus at any junction of n branches or segments, for
Equations B.I3b are the familiar wave equations for pressure continuity:
pressure and velocity, governing the propagation of
small (infinitesimal) disturbances in a fluid medium . (wL s, )
,CR, cos C+4>, =iCH, cos C+4>'
(0 = speed of "sonnd" = speed of propagation of
infinitesimal disturbances).
Particular solutions of the wave equation are ob-
tained by separation of variahles. Thus if:
·iCR. cos (wL
0-+4>. S• )
t1p = f, (x )j,(t)
Then where LSb LS ZI . . . LSn were defined previously.
While for continuity of mass flow ratc:

• ± a,R i
.L: . (wL
Sill --
+ 4>,) = 0 (B.13e)
Or t=l C

-x' the a's being the areas and the (±) sign to be
taken as defined previously.
Since II is a function of x only and f2 is a function Substituting eqs. B.I3d into B.I3e yields:
only of t, i\ must be a function of neither, i.c. a
The solutions for f, and j, are then of the form: R, cos (wL
T S'
+ 4>,)i~
± ai tan T s-+ )
(wL 4>i = 0

I, (x) ~ B, cos Xx + B, sin Xx Or, assuming the 1st factor"" 0, thcn

j,(t) = D, cos XCt + D, sin XCt
An equivalent form of the solution is also:

,~ ± a, tan
C Si
+ 4>i ) ~ 0

wx Now
np = E l cos ( C + <PI ) C
; W = AC; i= v=l

Likewise, by analogous reasoning;

t1(pU) ~ E, cos (w; + 4>,) e iwI and writing fh instead of CPj:

However, Ell E'2, <P' and 4>2 are not completely inde-

,~ ± a, tan
(7r2foI LL s , + f3i) = 0 (B.I3!)
pendent of onc another, since the solution must also
satisfy equations B.I3a. It ean be verified by direct which is the result given in the text above.

End Conditions B.3 Tuned Resonator Relations

a. Intake points, x = 0 Consider the schematic below representing a pip-
ing system with a (tuned) resonator and orifice,
(Fig. B,2). The entire pressure loss in the pipe may
At a node,
au =
at 0
be considered as an orifice effect. This point will be
elucidated in somewhat more detail later.
From eq. B,13e: Rewnolor V
P+.6.P2 1 r-~..,---1.. Effoctivo Orifice
i<.>R sin .pe"'" = 0
L J'-T'--'
Flow_ Q=Q+.6.0; At~Ql- jH.6PI I Po O+.6.Ql_
.p={3=0 \
Loop FIG. B.2 Tuned resonator.

ap =0 Let bars represent mean values while Li,'s represent

at increments. Thus let the mean values of flow rate,
Hence from eq. B.13e pressure and density be: Q, I>, p. Let the incremental
values of flow rates and pressures be: Ll.Q, Ll.Q"
-wCR cos .pei"' = 0
Ll.Q2 (as indicated on the schematic), Ll.p" and Ll.pz.
or In accordance with resonator theory a certain
amount of mass oscillates as a rigid body in the
.p={3=- neck; let the effective length of this mass column be
2 L* = L + !v,.-A where L and A are the length and
b. Discharge point, x = L cross-sectional area of the neck, and suppose that
at a given instance this mass penetrates the resonator
Node chamber a distance X, measured from an initial

'w. R.
sm (wL ). , position. The distance x is supposed to be small,
C +.p e'" = 0 of the same order as the increments. Then:
or Ll.Q2 = (p + Ll.pilAx = pAx (B.14)
From the equilibrium of the vibrating mass:
pAL'x + ALl.pz = ALl.PI (B.15)
v V
Ll.Q, ~ VP2 = C 'f!2 =
2 C2 (Ll.P2) (B.IG)
m = 0, 1,2"" ;
where C2 = dpjdp = speed of sound, eonsidered
m = 0 is trivial solution (quiescent). constant.
m = I is fundamental. From B.14 and B,IG:
m = 2 is 1st harmonic, etc. (B.17)
For a small pressure drop through the orifice we have:
wL 1r 371"
cos C ~ 0; .p = {3 = 2' 2' Q + Ll.QI = kVP + Ll.PI - Po

5; ... - ~ fa ~ ~ (m - fa) = kVp - Po (1+ ~ ~) 2 P - Po

m = 1,3,5···
corresponding to fundamental, 1st harmonic, etc., From which
which are the results given previously in the text
(Subsection 9.6e).
So that Now let
2 t;]J V
7=---=: (B.24)
l' ]J V
A]J = ]J - Po
Henee -
V = -
Q= average volume flow rate
Then T is a time constant of the resonator orifice
Differentiating B.15, substituting B.17 and IU8, combination, considered merely as a filter. Since
and simplifying:
C- = ~ -
and W
2 cA
. CA . A]J (A(,1I) , p n VL*
x + VL* x - 2 pL* Q = 0 (B.19)
eq. B.23 gives the final expression for the magnifica-
Also from eontinuity: tion factor of AQ,fQ:
AQ, AQ2 t;Q
Q+ Q =Q M.F. = I~: I= I
Or substituting from B.14: \/1 + [I _
t;Q, pA. t;Q
Q + Qx = Q (B.20) It is seen from eq. B.24 that T is proportional to the
pressure drop across the orifice and the volume of
Equations (B.19) and (B.20) are two linear differ-
the resonator. The greater the value of T the smaller
ential equations in terms of AQ,fQ and x, t;QIQ
the M.F. and the better the smoothing. However,
being given as a funetion of time. For steady state
even for a very small value of T (say a very small
harmonie oseillation let:
pressure drop across orifice), the magnification factor
,6,Ql _ R iwt still tends to zero if the resonator frequency W n is
Q - Ie , chosen so as to coincide with the forcing frequency w.
This then is the "tuning" phenomenon.
R, R il and Xo being, in general, complex. Substitut- Since an ideal case is considered) the :r..1.F. drops
ing in B.19 and B.20 gives, after some rearrangement:
to zero at the tuning frequeney. In a physical case
2 2 2t;7) this will not happen, of course, although in the neigh-
(w - Wn )xo + pL* R I = 0 (B.2!) borhood of the tuned frequeney, the M.F. will drop
sharply. The effect of the orifiee pressure drop and
. pA resonator capacity, as reflected via the time constant
R 1+,wQxo=R (B.22)
T, is to maintain a lower value of the magnification

Where w n 2 = C2 A I VL * is the square of the resonator factor in a band of frequencies around the tuneG.
natural frequency, in accordance with the results frequency; the larger T the wider the band. If there
given previously. exists no orifice) then instead of a concentrated
From B.21 and B.22: pressure drop there will be a continuous pressure
drop due to pipe friction. The smoothing will then
R, I occur in a finite length of pipe in the neighborhood
R =

[ (~)W] .
of the resonator. A curve of the magnification

I + (2 2) t
factor for the outflow pulsations t;Q,fQ vs. wlw n is
shown in Fig. B.3 for
W n - W

whence the magnification factor (M.F.) for t;Q,fQ

Finally, from the previous results it is found that

RII = MF =
.. J [" (wn2(~)w]2
I (B.23) the magnification factor for the flow into the reso-

t;Q2/Q =
I IR21


FIG. BA Schematic of Burge tank.

If smoothing is effective then the assumption that Po

is constant will be valid.
p(/) = density in tank, time variable, slugs/ft.
T = temperature of gas in tank, degrees Rankine.

I An isolhermal process is assumed so that T is con-

I o±'---':'::----:..,----:..,-_--:_--,;-
e= speed of sound, constant for an isothermal

II o 1.0 2.0 3.0

FIG. B.3 Tuned resonator magnification facwrs.

is given by:
4.0 w

"t =
process, ft/sec.
gas constant, ft-lb/slugs X degrees F.
ratio of specific heats.
!'" (B.2G) (B.27)

It is assumed that the pressure drop across the effec-

AQz/Q is found to be 90° out of phase to
and the magnification of the former is a maximum
tive orifice is moderate so that, at all times, the flow
is well in the subsonic range. In this case, instead
of the theoretically exact, but cumbersome, relation
(= I) when the M.F. of the latter is a minimum between pressure drop and flow rate through an
iI (=0) and vice versa. A curve of IRz/RI vs. orifice in the subsonic case, an approximate but
! w/w n for T = I/w n is also shown in Fig. B.3. As simpler relation of the Bernoulli type may be written:

II appears from Fig. B.3., if T is very small then for all

forcing frequencies, except in the immediate
borhood of the tuned frequency, the pulsations pass
Q,(t) = aVp(t)[p(t) - Pol
where a = effective orifice area, including contrac-

I through unattenuated with the resonator quiescent. tion coefficient X V2.

I But in the immediate neighborhood of the tuned Then, by virtue of the gas law,

frequency the situation is suddenly reversed, the
outflow pulsations are attenuated while the reso- P = RpT (B.29)
nator responds to the incoming pulsations. This and the definition of the speed of sound e, eq. B.27,
represents the action of a tuned resonator.
a v:;;
B.4 Simplified Surge Filter Analysis Q2(/) = C Vp(/)[p(/) - Pol (B.30)
Derivation of Results (see Fig. BA).

From continuity:
Let V = volume of tank, ft3 .
Q, (I) - Qz(/) = Vp(/) (B.31)
a = effective orifice area, ft 2 .
I Q, (I) = mass flow rate from compressor, time
(p = dp/dl)

variable, slugs/sec. But, on the assumption of an isothermal process:

Q2(/) = mass flow rate from tank into piping

system, time variable, slugs/sec.
p(/) = ~l(ti = ;z p(t) (B.32)

p(/) = pressure in tank, time variable, Ibs/ft2 • Substituting the last result into eq. B.31 gives:
Po = pressure in pipe, considered constant, "tV .
Ibs/ft2 •
Q, (I) - Q2(/) = e 2 p(/) (B.33)
Substituting now the expression for Q2(t) from eq. of the variation in inflow (Le. into the tank), relative
13..30 into eq. 13..33 and dividing through by a factor to average values. If:
yields the following: Inflow variation with respect 6Q,
. aC C 2 to mean flow rate 12,
pet) + Vv; vp(t)[p(t) - Po] = -yV Q,(t) (13..34)
Outflow variation with respect 6Q2
Q, (t), being the output from the compressor, is a to mean flow rate 12,
known time function. Hence, eq. B.34 is a first -yV l' 1-1'olp
order differential equation for the instantaneous Time contact
tank pressure pet). This differential equation, how-
c' 12, l-"izPolp = r
ever, is non-linear. (BAD)
It is supposed now that the pulsations are moder- then eq. 13.39 assumes the form:
ate in amplitude relative to their average values.
Let the average values, being time independent, be
ry +y = x (13.041 )
represented by bars above the corresponding sym- The last first order linear non-homogeneous differ-
bols. Thus: ential equation is the familiar differential equation
of a first order filter, being the "time constant" of
pet) = p + 61'; pet) = 6p == d(6p)ldt T

Q, (t)
Q, (t) = 12, + 6Q2 = 12, + 6Q2
= 12, + 6Q, = 122 + 6 Q I.e., 7\ ~1
the filter, having the dimension of time.

Since, C2 = -yRT = -yp

On the assumption that the increments (6's) are
small, relative to the average values, the expression Then, if
Vp(t)[p(t) - Pol may be approximated by a bi-
nomial expansion to first order terms in the incre- represents the average volume flow rate, relative to
ment 61', as follows: average tank density per unit time, the expression
for T becomes:
_/ [ "izPolp 61']
vp[p - Pol = ,/p(p - Po) 1 + 11 -- 1--
Po l' l' r= -
V 1 - Polp
, (13.042)
Q*, 1 - 2Polp
The output from a reciproeating compressor is pulse-
Also, in terms of the average values only, eq. B.34 like and all harmonics are contained in it. However,
reduces to: if the fundamental harmonic is attenuated by the
filter, the higher harmonics can surely be disre-
(13..36) garded and it is thus sufficient to consider 6Q,fQ,
x of a purely sinusoidal form
By virtue of eqs. 13..35 and B.36, eq. 13..34 reduces,
after some simplification, to:
Then the steady state solution for y is of the form
P (6 P)
-y V +1- !zPolp 61' = 6Q, (13..37) y = Yo'"', and from the differential eq. 13.041:
C2 12, P 1 - Polp p 12,
yo(irw + 1) = Xo (13.043)
Likewise, by virtue of eq. B.35, it follows from
eq. 13.30 that: The attenuation factor is the absolute value of the
ratio xolyo. Or,
1 - Polp 6Q2
1 - !zPolp 12,
(B.38) A.F= 11+irw[= V1+(rw)2 i= v=T (13.044)

Substituting the last relation into eq. 13..37 gives: Consider a reciprocating compressor, with N = rpm
and m = number of cylinders, uniform spacing of
-yV p 1-
1'0111 (6<22) + 6Q, _ 6Q, (13..39) cylinders being assumed, then,
C2 12, 1 - "izPolp 12, 122 - <:1, For single action,
Equation 13.39 is a first order linear differential equa- N
w = 27r-m
tion expressing the variation in outflow as a function GO

For double action, tween tank and piping, then (for 50% pressure
recovery) :
W = 411'"-m (B.4S)
where ji a = ji, hence,
If then, V· = volume flow of gas per single stroke
per piston, calculated relative to average tank den-
sity, it is found, by virtue of eqs. B.42 and B.4S, and
that for either case: 1 - Po/p _ 1 - (PO/P)a
1 - !Po/p - ~ - !(Po/P)a
TW = 211'"
1 - Po/p
1 -
V (B.4G) substituting eqs. B.4G and B.47 into eq. B.44, gives
I - 'iPo/p V·
the final expression for the attenuation factor A.F.,

31 - l(~O/:~)
Finally, Po is the pressure immediately at the
(effective) orifice. Actually, there is usually some A.F. = 11 + (21r 4-zP01Ja
VV.)' (BAS)
pressure recovery. The latter varies with orifice-ta-
pipe diameter. A pressure recovery of 50% is as- The resnlts are shown in Fig. 9.30 (Subsection 9.Sb)
sumed. If (Po/P)a is the actual pressure ratio be- for (Po/Pla = 0.99,0.95, 0.9, O.S.

Charts and Tables

C-l. Properties and Weights of Pipe

Nominal Weight Aver- I\lini- Bend Weight of
Size Cross-_ See- Radius
Designation age mum Inside r..'1omcnt Charac-
Outside Sectional tion of
and/or Wall Wall Diam- of teristic
Diam- Schedule Mewl l\lod- Gyru.- Pipe 'Vater
Thick- Thick- cter Inertia. per Unit
etcr Number ness
Area ulus tion
ness Bend
(~ Yst) Radius
inches inches inches inches square inches inrhes 4 inchcs 3 11ft inches wp Ww
D t 1m d A I Z klR r, Ib per ft Ib per ft
1005 0.049 0.043 0.307 0.055 0.0009 0.0043 18.6 0.127 0.186 0.032
%" Std. 40 4005 0.068 0.050 0.269 0.072 0.0011 0.COS2 28.7 0.122 0.2·15 0.025
00405 XS 80 80S 0.095 0.083 0.215 0.092 0.0012 0.0060 47.5 0.115 0.315 0.016

IDE 0.065 0.057 0.410 0.097 0.0028 0.0103 13.8 0.169 0.330 0.057
r.;11 Std. 40 40S 0.088 0.077 0.364 0.125 0.0033 0.0123 20.7 0.163 0.425 0.045
0.540 XS 80 80S 0.119 0.104 0.302 0.157 0.C038 0.0140 32.2 0.155 0.535 0.031

IDS 0.OG5 0.057 0.545 0.124 0.0059 0.0174 8.38 0.217 00423 0.101
%" Std. 40 40S 0.091 0.080 00493 0.167 0.0073 0.0216 12.81 0.209 0.568 0.083
0.675 XS 80 80S 0.126 0.110 00423 0.217 0.0086 0.0255 20.1 0.199 0.739 0.061

IDS 0.083 0.073 0.674 0.197 0.0143 0.0341 6.95 0.269 0.671 0.154
Y2" Std. 40 4GS 0.169 0.095 0.622 0.250 0.0171 0.0407 9.79 0.261 0.851 0.132
0.840 XS 80 80S 0.147 0.129 0.546 0.320 0.0201 0.0·178 14.7 0.250 1.09 0.161
160 0.187 0.16·1 0.466 0.384 0.0221 0.0527 21.1 0.240 1.30 0.074
XXS 0.294 0.258 0.252 0.50·1 0.0243 0.0577 47.3 0.219 1.72 0.022

5S 0.065 0.057 0.920 0.201 0.0245 0.0467 3.22 0.3·19 0.684 0.288
%" lOS 0.083 0.073 0.884 0.252 0.0297 0.0566 4.26 0.343 0.857 0.266
1.050 Std. 40 408 0.113 0.099 0.82·1 0.333 0.0370 0.0706 6.18 0.334 J.l3 0.231

XS 80 80S 0.154 0.135 0.742 0.434 0.0448 0.08,\3 9.21 0.321 1.47 0.187
160 0.218 0.191 0.614 0.570 0.0527 0.100 15.1 0.304 1.94 0.128
XXS 0.308 0.270 0.431 0.718 0.0579 0.110 26.9 0.284 2.44 0.064

510 0.065 0.057 J.l85 0.255 0.0500 0.076 2.00 0.443 0.868 00478
1" lOS 0.109 0.095 1.097 0.413 0.0757 0.115 3.60 00428 1.40 0.409
1.315 Std. 40 40S 0.133 O.W) 1.Q.19 00494 0.0874 0.133 4.57 00420 1.68 0.374

XS 80 80S 0.179 0.157 0.957 0.639 0.166 0.161 6.66 0.407 2.17 0.311
160 0.250 0.219 0.815 0.836 0.125 0.190 10.58 0.387 2.84 0.226
XXS 0.358 0.313 0.599 1.08 0.141 0.214 18.76 0.361 3.66 0.122


C-l. Properties and Weights of Pipe - Continued

Nominal Weight Aver- Mini: Bend Weight of
Cross- Sec- Radius
Size Designation age mum Inside Moment Charac-
Soctionnl tion of
Outside and/or Wall Wall Dinm- of wristic
Metal Mod- Gym- Pipe Water
Diam- Schedule Thick- Thick- etcr Inertia per Unit
Area ulus tion
etcr Number ness ness Bend
( ~ Y,I) Radius
inches inches inches inches square inches inches 4 inches 3 11ft inches Wp Ww
D I 1m d A I Z hlR r, Ib per ft Ib per ft
5S 0.065 0.057 1.530 0.33 0.104 0.125 1.23 0.56 1.11 0.80
lOS 0.109 0.095 1.442 0.53 0.161 0.193 2.17 0.55 1.81 0.71
Std. 40 40S 0.140 0.123 1.380 0.67 0.195 0.235 2.91 D.M 2.27 0.65
1.660 XS 80 80S 0.191 0.167 1.278 0.88 0.242 0.291 4.25 0.52 3.00 0.56
160 0.250 0.219 1.160 1.11 0.284 0.3·12 6.04 0.51 3.76 0.46
XXS 0.382 0.334 0.896 1.53 0.341 0.411 11.2 0.47 5.22 0.27

5S 0.OG5 0.057 1.770 0.38 0.158 0.166 0.927 0.G5 1.27 1.07
lOS 0.109 0.095 1.682 0.61 0.247 0.260 1.63 0.63 2.09 0.96
Std. 40 408 0.145 0.127 1.610 0.80 0.310 0.326 2.26 0.62 2.72 0.88
1.900 XS 80 80S 0.200 0.175 1.500 1.07 0.391 0.412 3.32 0.61 3.63 0.77
160 0.281 0.246 1.338 1.43 0.483 0.508 5.15 0.58 4.87 0.61
XXS 0.400 0.350 1.100 1.89 0.568 0.598 8.53 0.55 6.41 0.41
5S 0.065 0.057 2.245 0.47 0.315 0.265 0.585 0.82 1.60 1.72
lOS 0.109 0.095 2.157 0.78 0.499 0.420 1.02 0.80 2.64 1.58
2" Std. 40 408 0.154 0.135 2.067 1.07 0.666 0.551 1.50 0.79 3.65 1.45
XS 80 80S 0.218 0.191 1.939 1.48 0.868 0.731 2.25 0.77 5.02 1.28
160 0.343 0.300 1.689 2.19 1.16 0.979 3.99 0.73 7.45 0.97
XXS 0.436 C.382 1.503 2.66 1.31 1.10 5.57 0.70 9.03 0.77

5S 0.083 0.073 2.709 0.73 0.710 0.494 0.511 0.99 2.48 2.50
lOS 0.120 0.105 2.635 1m 0.983 0.687 0.759 0.98 3.53 2.3G
Std. 40 40S 0.203 0.178 2.469 1.70 1.53 1.05 1.37 0.95 5.79 2.08
2.875 XS 80 80S 0.276 0.242 2.323 2.25 1.93 1.34 1.95 0.92 7.66 1.84
160 0.375 0.328 2.125 2.95 2.35 1.64 2.88 0.89 10.0 1.54
XXS 0.552 0.483 1.771 4.03 2.87 2.00 4.91 0.84 13.7 1.07

5S 0.083 0.Q73 3.334 0.89 1.30 0.7-14 0.341 1.21 3.03 3.78
lOS 0.120 0.105 3.260 1.27 1.82 1M 0.50·1 1.20 4.33 3.61
Std. 40 40S 0.216 0.189 3.068 2.23 3.02 1.72 0.961 1.16 7.58 3.20
3.500 XS 80 80S 0.300 0.263 2.g00 3.02 3.90 2.23 1.41 1.14 10.3 2.8\)
160 0.438 0.382 2.624 4.21 5.0-1 2.88 2.24 1.0n 14.3 2.34
XXS 0.600 0.525 2.300 5.47 5.99 3.43 3.42 1.05 18.6 \.80

5S 0.083 0.Q73 3.834 1.02 1.96 0.980 0.260 1.39 3.47 5.00
lOS 0.120 0.105 3.760 1.46 2.76 1.38 0.383 1.37 4.97 4.81
3>-2" Std. 40 408 0.226 0.198 3.548 2.68 4.79 2.39 0.762 1.34 9.11 4.28
4.000 XS 80 80S 0.318 0.278 3.364 3.68 6.28 3.14 1.13 1.31 12.5 3.85
XXS 0.636 0.557 2.728 6.72 9.85 4.93 2.70 1.21 22.9 2.53

5S 0.083 0.073 4.334 1.15 2.81 1.25 0.204 1.56 3.u2 6.40
IDS 0.120 0.105 4.260 1.65 3.96 1.76 0.300 1.55 5.61 6.17
Std. 40 40S 0.237 0.207 4.026 3.17 7.23 3.21 0.626 1.51 10.8 5.51
4" XS 80 80S 0.337 0.295 3.826 4.41 9.61 4.27 0.933 1.48 15.0 4.98
120 0.438 0.382 3.624 5.59 11.7 5.18 1.27 1.45 19.0 4.47
160 0.531 0.465 3.438 6.62 13.3 5.90 1.62 1.42 22.5 4.02
XXS 0.67·1 0.590 3.152 8.10 15.3 6.79 2.21 1.37 27.5 3.38

C-l. - Properties and Weights of Pipe - Continued

Nominal \Vcight Avcr- Mini- Bend Weight of
Cross- See- Radius
Size Designation age mum Inside Moment Charac-
Sectional tion of
Outside and/or Wall Wall Diam- of teristic
Metal Mod- Gyra-
Diam- Schedule Thick- Thick- eler Inertia per Unit Pipe Water
Area ulus lion
eler Number ness ness Bend
(= )/gO Radius
inches inches inches inches square inches inehes~ inches 3 11ft inches Wp lOw
D t tm d A 1 Z hlR r, lb per ft Ib per ft
5S 0.109 0.095 5.345 1.87 6.95 2.50 0.176 1.93 6.35 9.73
lOS 0.134 0.117 5.295 2.29 8.43 3.03 0.218 1.92 7.77 !1.53
Std. 40 40B 0.258 0.226 5.047 4.30 15.2 5A5 0.440 1.88 14.6 8.66
5" XS 80 80S 0.375 0.328 4.813 6.11 20.7 7A3 0.669 1.84 20.8 7.88
120 0.500 OA38 4.563 7.95 25.7 9.25 0.936 1.80 27.0 7.09
160 0.625 0.547 4.313 9.70 30.0 10.8 1.23 1.76 33.0 6.33
XXS 0.750 0.C55 4.063 11.3 33.6 12.1 1.55 1.72 38.6 5.62

5E 0.109 0.095 6.407 2.23 11.9 3.58 0.123 2.30 5.37 14.0
lOS 0.134 0.117 6.357 2.73 14A 4.35 0.153 2.30 9.29 13.7
St.<!. 40 40E 0.280 0.245 6.065 5.58 28.1 8.50 0.334 2.25 19.0 12.5
6" XS 80 80E OA32 0.378 5.761 8.40 40.5 12.2 0.541 2.20 28.6 11.3
120 0.562 OA92 5.501 10.7 49.6 15.0 0.735 2.15 36.4 10.3
160 0.718 0.628 5.189 13.3 59.0 17.8 0.9SS 2.10 45.3 9.16
XXS 0.864 0.756 4.897 15.6 66.3 20.0 1.25 2.06 53.2 8. J.1

5S 0.109 0.095 8A07 2.92 26.5 6.13 0.072 3.01 9.91 24.1
lOS 0.148 0.130 8.329 3.9·1 35A 8.21 0.099 3.00 13A 23.6
20 0.250 0.219 8.125 6.58 57.7 13A 0.171 2.96 22A 22.5
8" 30 0.277 0.242 8.071 7.26 63A 14.7 0.191 2.95 24.7 22.2
Std. 40 40S 0.322 0.282 7.981 8AO 72.5 16.8 0.224 2.94 28.6 21.7
60 OA06 0.355 7.813 10.5 88.8 20.6 0.289 2.91 35.6 20.8
XS 80 80E 0.500 OA38 7.625 12.8 106 24.5 0.36·1 2.88 43.4 19.8
100 0.593 0.519 7A39 15.0 121 28.1 0.441 2.85 50.9 18.8

120 0.718 0.628 7.189 17.8 141 32.6 0.551 2.81 60.6 17.6
140 0.812 0.711 7.001 19.9 154 35.6 0.639 2.78 67.8 16.7
XXS 0.875 0.766 6.875 21.3 162 37.6 0.699 2.76 72.4 16.1
160 O,B06 0.793 G.813 22.0 166 38.5 0.730 2.75 74.7 15.8

5E 0.134 0.117 IOA82 4.52 63.7 11.9 0.057 3.75 15.2 37A
IDS 0.165 0.J.14 IOA20 5A9 76.9 14.3 0.071 3.74 18.7 36.9
20 0.250 0.219 10.250 8.26 114 21.2 0.109 3.71 28.0 35.7
30 0.307 0.269 10.136 10.1 138 25.6 0.135 3.69 34.2 34.9
Std. 40 40S 0.365 0.319 10.020 11.9 161 29.9 0.163 3.G7 40.5 34.1

XS 60 80S 0.500 OA38 9.750 1G.1 212 39.4 0.228 3.63 54.7 32.3
10" 80 0.593 0.519 9.564 IS.!) 245 45.5 0.276 3.60 64.3 3\.1
10.750 0.625 0.547 9.500 19.9 256 47.6 0.293 3.59 67.5 30.7
100 0.718 0.628 9.314 22.6 286 53.2 0.3·12 3.56 76.9 29.5
0.750 0.655 9.250 23.6 296 55.1 0.360 3.55 80.1 29.1

120 0.843 0.738 9.064 26.2 324 00.3 0.412 3.52 89.2 27.9
0.875 0.700 9.000 27.1 333 02.0 OA31 3.51 92.3 27.5
140 1.000 0.875 8.750 30.6 368 68.4 0.505 3.47 104 26.0
lGO 1.125 0.984 8.500 34.0 399 74.3 0.583 3A3 116 24.6

C-l. l'!operties and Weights of Pipe - Continued

~omin1l.J Weight Avcr- l\lini- Bend Weight of
Cross- Sec- Radius
Size Designation age mum Inside Moment Charac-
Sectional tion of
Outside and/or WaU Wall Diam- of
Metal Gyra- Pipe Water
Diam- Schedule Thick- Thick- eter Inertia per Unit
Area. ulus tion
eter Number ness ness Bend
(~ YsI) Radius
inches inches inches inches square inches inchcs 4 inches 3 l/ft inches Wp W.
D I 1m d A I Z h/R P, Ib per ft Ib per ft
5S 0.165 0.14·1 12.420 6.52 129 20.3 0.050 4.45 19.6 52.5
lOS 0.180 0.158 12.300 7.11 141 22.0 0.055 4.44 24.2 52.2
20 0.250 0.219 12.250 9.82 192 30.0 0.077 4.42 33.4 51.1
30 0.330 0.289 12.000 12.9 249 39.0 0.103 4.39 43.8 49.7
Std. 408 0.375 0.328 12.000 14.6 279 43.8 0.118 4.38 49.6 49.0

40 0.406 0.355 11.938 15.7 300 47.1 0.128 4.37 53.5 48.5
12" XS 80S 0.500 0.438 11.750 19.2 362 56.7 0.160 4.33 65.4 47.0
12.750 60 0.562 0.492 11.626 21.5 401 62.8 0.182 4.31 73.2 46.0
0.625 0.547 11.500 23.8 439 68.8 0.204 4.29 80.9 45.0
80 0.687 0.601 11.376 26.0 475 74.5 0.227 4.27 88.5 44.0

0.750 0.655 11.250 28.3 511 80.2 0.250 4.25 96.2 43.0
100 0.843 0.738 11.064 31.5 562 88.1 0.285 4.22 107 41.6
0.875 0.766 11.000 32.6 579 90.8 0.298 4.21 111 41.1
120 1.000 0.875 10.750 36.9 642 101 0.348 4.17 125 39.3
140 1.125 0.983 10.500 41.1 701 110 0.400 4.13 140 37.5
160 1.312 1.149 10.126 47.1 781 123 0.481 4.07 160 34.9

10 0.250 0.219 13.500 10.8 255 36.5 0.064 4.86 36.7 62.0
20 0.312 0.273 13.375 13.4 315 45.0 0.080 4.84 45.7 60.6
Std. 30 0.375 0.328 13.250 16.1 373 53.3 0.097 4.82 54.6 59.7
40 0.438 0.382 13.125 18.7 429 61.4 0.1].1 4.80 63.4 58.6
XS 0.500 0.438 13.000 21.2 484 69.1 0.132 4.78 72.1 57.5

60 0.593 0.519 12.814 25.0 562 80.3 0.158 4.74 84.9 55.9
14" 0.625 0.547 12.750 26.3 589 84.1 0.168 4.73 89.3 55.3
14.000 80 0.750 0.656 12.500 31.2 687 98.2 0.205 4.69 106 53.1
0.875 0.766 12.250 36.1 781 112 0.244 4.65 123 51.1
100 0.937 0.820 12.125 38.4 825 118 0.264 4.63 131 50.0

120 1.093 0.956 11.814 44.3 930 133 0.315 4.58 151 47.5
140 1.250 1.094 11.500 50.1 1030 147 0.369 4.53 170 45.0
160 1.406 1.230 11.188 55.6 1120 160 0.426 4.48 189 42.6

10 0.250 0.219 15.500 12.4 384 48.0 0.048 5.57 42.1 81.7
20 0.312 0.273 15.376 15.4 474 50.3 0.061 5.55 52.3 80.5
Std. 30 0.375 0.328 15.250 18.4 562 70.3 0.074 5.53 62.6 79.1
XS 40 0.500 0.438 15.000 24.4 732 91..\ 0.100 5.48 82.8 76.5
0.625 0.547 14.750 30.2 894 112 0.127 5.44 103 74.1

60 0.656 0.574 14.688 31.6 933 117 0.134 5.43 108 73.4
10" 0.750 0.655 14.500 35.9 1050 131 0.155 5.40 122 71.5
16.000 80 0.843 0.738 14.314 40.1 1160 145 0.176 5.37 136 69.7
0.875 0.766 14.250 41.6 1190 149 0.184 5.36 141 69.1
100 1.031 0.£02 13.938 48.5 1370 171 0.221 5.29 165 66.1

120 1.218 1.066 13.564 56.6 1560 195 0.268 5.23 192 62.6
140 1.438 1.258 13.124 65.8 1760 220 0.325 5.17 224 58.6
160 1.593 1.394 12.814 72.1 1890 237 0.368 5.12 245 55.9
C-l. Properties and Weights of Pipe - Continued
Nominal Weight Avcr- 1-1ini- Bend Weight of
Cross- Sec- Rtldius
Size Inside

Designation agc mum !\'1omcnt Charac-

Sectional tion of
Outside and/or Wall WaU Diam- of tcristic
Diam- Schedule Thick- Thick- etcr
Mod- per Unit
Gym- Pipe Water
cler Number
Area ulus tion
ness ness Bend
(~ Yst) Rndius
inches int'(hes inches inches square inches inches~ inchcs 3 11ft inches Wp Ww
D t 1m d A I Z hlR Ib per ft, Ib per ft
10 0.250 0.219 17.500 13.9 5-19 61.0 0.038 6.28 47.4 IO!
20 0.312 0.273 17.376 17.3 679 75.5 0.048 6.25 59.0 103
Std. 0.375 0.328 17.250 20.8 807 89.6 0.058 6.23 70.6 101
30 0.438 0.382 17.12·1 24.2 932 104 0.008 6.21 82.2 99.7
XS 0.500 0.438 17.000 27.5 1050 117 0.078 6.19 93.5 98.3
40 0.562 0.492 16.876 30.8 1170 130 0.089 6.17 105 96.9
0.625 0.547 16.750 34.1 1290 H3 0.099 6.15 116 95.4
18" 60 0.750 0.650 16.500 40.6 1520 168 0.121 6.10 138 92.6
18.000 0.875 0.766 16.250 47.1 1730 192 0.143 6.00 160 89.9
80 0.937 0.820 16.126 50.2 1830 20! 0.155 6.04 171 83.5

100 U56 1.012 15.683 61.2 2180 242 0.196 5.97 208 83.7
120 1.375 1.203 15.250 71.8 2500 278 0.239 5.90 244 79.1
140 1.562 1.367 14.876 80.7 2750 300 0.278 5.8! 274 75.3
160 1.781 1.558 14.438 90.8 3020 336 0.325 5.77 309 70.9

10 0.250 0.219 19.500 15.5 757 75.7 0.031 6.98 52.7 129
Std. 20 0.375 0.328 19.250 23.1 1110 111 0.047 6.9! 78.6 126
XS 30 0.500 0.438 19.000 30.6 1460 146 0.003 G.gO 104 123
40 0.593 0.519 18.814 36.2 1700 170 0.076 6.86 123 120

0.625 0.5-17 18.750 38.0 1790 179 0.080 6.85 129 120
0.750 0.655 18.500 45.4 2100 210 0.097 6.81 154 117
20" 60 0.812 0.711 18.376 48.9 2200 226 a.IOG 6.79 166 115
20.000 0.875 0.766 18.250 52.6 2410 241 0.115 6.77 179 113
80 1.031 O.!JOZ 17.!J38 61.4 2770 277 0.138 6.72 209 109

100 1.281 1.121 17.438 75.3 3320 332 0.175 6.63 256 103
120 1.500 1.313 17.000 87.2 3760 376 0.210 6.56 296 98.3
140 1.750 1.531 16.500 100. 4220 422 0.252 6.48 341 92.6
160 1.968 1.722 16.064 112 4590 459 0.291 6.41 379 87.8

10 0.250 0.219 23.500 18.7 1320 110 0.021 8.40 63.4 188
Std. 20 0.375 0.328 23.250 27.8 1940 162 0.032 8.35 94.6 184
XS 0.500 0.438 23.000 36.9 2550 213 0.Q.13 8.31 125 180
30 0.502 0.·192 22.875 41.4 2840 237 0.049 8.29 141 178
0.625 0.547 22.750 45.9 3140 261 0.055 8.27 156 176

24" 40 0.687 0.601 22.625 50.3 3420 285 0.061 8.25 171 174
24.000 0.750 0.655 22.500 5!.8 3710 309 0.057 8.22 186 172
GO a.nos 0$17 22.064 70.0 ·1650 388 0.088 8.15 238 166
80 1.218 1.066 21.564 87.2 5670 473 0.113 8.07 296 158
100 1.531 1.340 20.938 108 6850 571 0.146 7.96 367 149

120 1.812 1.585 20.376 126 7820 652 0.177 7.87 429 141
140 2.062 1.80! 19.876 142 8630 719 0.200 7.79 483 134
160 2.3·13 2.050 19.314 159 9460 788 0.240 7.70 542 127

10 0.312 0.273 29.37(; 29.1 3210 214 0.017 10.5 98.9 294
0.375 0.328 29.250 34.9 3830 255 0.021 10.5 119 291
20 0.500 0.438 29.000 46.3 50!0 33G 0.028 10.4 157 286
O.5G2 0.492 28.875 52.0 5640 376 0.031 10.4 177 284
30 0.625
I 57.6




0 II
Ii a-
~ 9

a- 7

II 4

Materials (Nominal Analysis)
1. Carbon, carbon-}% molybdenum, and ~% chromium-~'% molybdenum steels.
2. 1% to 3% chromium-~% to 1% molybdenum steels.
3. 4% to 10% chromium-!% to 1!% molybdenum steels.
4. 18% ehromium-8% nickel steels (AISI types 302,303,304,321, and 347).
Note: This chart is reproduced from a standard of The M. W. Kellogg Company that was used in the preparation of the sample
calculations in thia book. It is not in full agreement with data in ASA B31.1-1955.
C-3. Modulu6 of Elasticity, Carbon aud Alloy Steels


..... 28

'"Q 27
(f) t
:3 24 I
o I
::< 23 l


100 200 300 400 500 600 700



SUCH AS AISI TYPES 304,309, 310, 316,347. 16


AISI TYPES 405, 410, 430, 446.

800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300

Note: This chart is reproduced from a standard of The M. W. Kellogg Company thnt was used in the preparation of the samplo
calculutions in this book. It is not in full agreement with datn. in ABA B31.1-1955.

C-4. Chart for Criterion in Par. 620(a) in Code for Pressure Piping ASA 831.1


Two-Member System, Doth Ends Fixed, Thcrnlul Expansion in Plane of l\fcmbers

20 L


L = Length of leg AB, ft.
c = Unit linear thermal expansion, in./ft.
Value of E used = 29 X 10' psi.
SA = Code allowable stress range
(1.258,+ 0.258,), Jlsi.


Multiply L by [( to obtain length of leg Be required.



Two-Member System, Both Ends Fixed
Thermal Expansion in Plane of MClnbers




F;r;A = -F:t;c = -106AIIe/L~

F,A = -F,c =
10 M. A = +1O',l,le/£
8 M. c = -10',I,le/£
5 I
-A--'=-'--'-'-- 8

<t 3

<t 2

I 1.0
F.. = -Frc = -10'A,le/([(£)'
.5 F'A = -F,c =
M. A = 10'11,le/[(£
•• M.c = -10'11,le/[(£
F = Force, lb.
M = Moment, ft-lb.
First subscript denotes direction.
Second subscript denotes location.
Signs are those of forces or moments acting on
"9 .1 .2.3.4 .~ .6 .1.8.9 1.0
I = ·Moment of inertia of pipe, in. 4.
I,II'lillilil 1ijl" 'I ill il" i 'I" "I" iI Iii II I ' i I III I i i i I I , I I
10 9 8 7 6 ~ 4-:5 2 1.0 e = Unit linear thermal expansion, ill./ft.
K Vnlue of E used = 29 X 10' psi.


Two-Member System, Both Ends Fixed
One Support Displaced in the Direction of the Adjoining l\Icmbcr





20. L = Length of leg AB, ft.


6. = Displacement as shown of end A, in.

Value of E used = 29 X 10' psi.

Ia SA. = Code allowable stress range

(1.258, + 0.258,), psi.





.1 .2

2 3 ~ 5
Multiply L by ]( to obtain length nf Be required.


Two-Member System, Both Ends Fixed
Displaced in the Direction of the Adjoining I\lembcr

'0 _

\:- 7

F•., ~
-F.c ~ -10' IC>.1,/L'
F,A ~ -F,c = +JO'lt>.1,/L'
M. A ~ +JO'lt>.1,/L'
M,c = -!O'IC>.1,/L'

F = Forcc, lb.
M ~ Moment. It-lb.

First subscript denotes direction.

Second subscript denotes location.
Signs arc those of forces or moments acting

. on anchors.

<t I = !\'loment of inertia of pipe, in. 4 •
!J. = Displacement in x-direction of end
.:1, in.
Value of E used = 29 X 10 6 psi.



Two-Member System, Both Ends Fixed
One SUPP9rt Displaced Normal to Plane of Members

L ~ Length of leg AB, ft.

.6. = Displacement normal to plane, in.
Value of E used ~ 29 X 10' psi.
SA = Code allowable stress range (1.25S, + 0.25S,), psi.

2.0 _

.6 J~"

.5 JO"
.4 ~4"
''/'' w
'i?" N
.2 U>
e" <>.
8" J
-'-- Z
'/" 0z



.1 .2 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0

Multiply L by]{ to obtain length of leg Be required.


Two-l\'lcmbcr System, Both Ends Fixed
One Support Displaced Nornlul to Plane of l\lcnlbcrs

, I lo. 1
FilA = -File = 10 LJ.' 1

ALe = -10' L' A.

M. e = 10' ~~ A,

F = Force, lb.
M ~ Moment, ft-Ib.
First subscript denotes direc-
Second subscript denotes loca-
Signs arc those of forces or
moments acting on aBchors.

1 = Moment of inertia of
pipe, in. 4 •
f:" = Displacement normal to

I plane, in.
Valueof Eused = 29 X 10' psi.

o .I .2 .3 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0


Symmetrical Expansion Loop
.~ .~ .~ f ,.-----,

~ ~ ~ " ,, , K,
Guido ( Guido •
-/.s ·.. 0. '0..,. ~o
A' 1----A*~""f P'-'"'--Jfi- ii- - - of,.
K, l
.8 • •

.7 L ~ Length from .'\ to B, ft.

.6 I¢*,,:>;..~ L e = !L(l - [(I)

6. = Expansion from ...1 ' to B', in.

D = Outside diameter of pipe, in.
V"I"e of E used = 29 X 10' psi.
SA "" Code allowable stress range (1.25S( +
0,258,), psi.

7 t,
10 0 l::.

t 1"-"
I ,
, '

T~ Tt 1: -
~ 1 .. ~ ' ••
fI. .• ·:t . •

, 1
, "
t .
.05 .10 .2 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0

Multiply L by K 1 and K2 to obbin dimensions cf loop.



Synlmctrical Expansion Loop


ido I-J , .
t -- Guid ____-t:
-F. B , = -IO'A,It.jL'
8 "'8'
-M•• = lO'A,It.jL'
t, K,t l,

I = Moment of inertia of pipe, in.". F = Force, lb.

!:1 = Expansion from A' to B', in. M = Moment, It-lb.
Value 01 E used = 29 X 10' psi. First subscript denotes direction.
Second subscript denotes location.
Signs are those of forces or moments acting on anchors.

" .2 .3 .4.5.6 .6



4 2
I A,
I 3

:$ .8

~ Ae .5
i~ .4
.~ .3





•10 .2 .3 .. .6 .7 .8 .9 LO

C-13. Guided Cantilever Chart

_------~~s L ~ Length of leg. ft.

o= Lateral deflection, in.
1:---L T Value of E used = 29 X lOG psi.

Assumed mode of deflection of guided cantilever. SA = Code nllowable stress range (1.25St + O.25Sh), psi.

20 _ _

7 .,.

2lj~if§l. " ",l>-\..

+' ,?\,?x,
." "

~:~ -'-""":.·';-"=,P "- :..l~' _ •

.9:= -
0.6 " j:'



.::: =;;...- ::::3~: i> III 11 1
I i
'"<3 I
Instructions: Determine value of LVSA/10 3 • Enter with this value of ordinate scale and read over to line for proper
nominal pipe size. Read down to abscissa scale. The value obtained will be the permissible lateral deflection for leg.

C-14. Correction Factor f, Guided Cantilever Method

I I n


Case I. For any exterior leg L. Case II. For any interior leg L whose maxi-
100 mum deflection is in the plane of L and LA
where LA is the shorter of the connecting legs.
80 •,


30 -,-
Case III. For any interior leg L whose maxi-
mum deflection is perpendicular to the plane
20 of L and LA where LA is the shorter of the
connecting legs.

! I J
o. o
'"o o"'
0 ~qq
,..: co 0'1 Q



C-15. Design Data: Trigonometric Constants for Circular l\lembc1'8

(degrees) Co CO c" Coo COb "
c, CO C" C" Cbb

0 +.0038 -.0872 -.0038 +.0003 +.0871 0 +.0341 -.2588 -.0335 +.0059 +.2559
15 +.0202 -.0882 -.0250 +.0080 +.0794 15 +.0999 -.2412 -.0915 +.0394 +.222,1
30 +.0408 -.0730 -.0395 +.0253 +.0021 30 +.1589 -.2071 -.1250 +.0974 +.1044
45 +.0643 -.0589 -.0434 +.0475 +.0399 45 +.2071 -.1589 -.1250 +.1644 +.0974
60 +.0774 -.0403 -.0357 +.0087 +.0187 00 +.2·112 -.0999 -.0915 +.=4 +.0394
75 +.0852 -.0189 -.0184 +.0832 +.0042 75 +.2588 -.03·11 -.0335 +.2559 +.0059
90 +.0872 +.0038 +.0038 +.0871 +.0003 90 +.2588 +.0341 +.0335 +.2559 +.0059
105 +.0832 +.0202 +.0250 +.0794 +.0080 105 +.2·112 +.09nn +.0\)15 +.2224 +.039·1
120 +.0730 +.0408 +.0395 +.0621 +.0253 120 +.2071 +.1589 +.1250 +.164-1 +.0974
135 +.0589 +.0043 +.0·134 +.0399 +.1589 +.2071 +.1250 +.0974 +.1644
~ 135
Co> 150
~ 195
180 -.0038
~ " 180
210 -.0408 -.0395
-<" +.0730 +.0253 +.0021 210 -.1589 +.2071 -.1250 +.0\174 +.1044
:., 225 -.0643 +.0589 -.0·134 +.0475 +.0399 :::; 225 -.2071 +.1589 -.1250 +.1644 +.0974
240 -.0774 +.0403 -.0357 +.0687 +.0187 240 -.2412 +.0999 -.0915 +.=4 +.0394
255 -.0852 +.0189 -.0184 +.0832 +.00·12 255 -.2588 +.0341 -.0335 +.2559 +.005!l
270 -.0872 -.0038 +.0038 +.0871 +.0003 270 -.2588 -.030\1 +.0335 +.2559 +.005!l
285 -.0832 -.0262 +.0250 +.079·1 +.0080 285 -.2412 -.0999 +.0!l15 +.=4 +.0394
300 -.0736 -.0468 +.0395 +.0021 +.0253 300 -.2071 -.1589 +.1250 +.1644 +.0974
315 -.0589 -.0643 +.0434 +.039!l +.0475 315 -.1589 -.2071 +.1250 +.O!I74 +.10·14
330 -.0403 -.0774 +.0357 +.0187 +.0687 330 -.099!l -.2412 +.0915 +.0394 +.222·1
345 -.0189 -.0852 +.0184 +.0042 +.0832 3·15 -.0341 -.2588 +.0335 +.0059 +.255H
300 +.0038 -.0872 -.0038 +.0003 +.0871 300 +.0341 -.2588 -.0335 +.0059 +.255!l

0 +.0152 -.1730 -.0151 +.0018 +.1728 0 +.13·10 -.5000 -.1250 +.0453 +.4783
15 +.0595 -.1638 -.0558 +.0208 +.1538 15 +.2588 -.4483 -.2165 +.1368 +.3808
30 +.1000 -.1428 -.0810 +.0576 +.1170 30 +.3060 -.3660 -.2500 +.2618 +.2618
45 +.1335 -.1121 -.0855 +.1023 +.0722 45 +.4483 -.2588 -.2105 +.3808 +.1368
60 +.1580 -.0737 -.0665 +.1431 +.0315 00 +.5000 -.1340 -.1250 +.4783 +.0·153
75 +.1716 -.0303 -.0297 +.1689 +.0057 75 +.5176 0 0 +.5118 +.0118
90 +.1736 +.0152 +.0151 +.1728 +.0018 !l0 +.5000 +.1340 +.1250 +.4783 +.0453
105 +.1038 +.0596 +.0558 +.1538 +.0208 105 +.4483 +.2588 +.2105 +.3868 +.1308
120 +.1428 +.1000 +.0810 +.1170 +.0576 120 +.3000 +.3660 +.2500 +.2618 +.2618
.0 135 +.1121 +.1335 +.0855 +.0722 +.1023 G 135 +.2588 +.4483 +.2105 +.1308 +.3808
'" 150
!: +.0737 +.1580 +.0665 +.1431
150 +.1340 +.1250 +.0453 +.4783
165 +.0303 +.1716 +.0297
+.0057 +.1089
'"0 105 0
+.5176 0 +.0118 +.5118
~" 180
~ " 180
0 0

,-<" .'<
210 -.1000 +.1·128 -.0816 +.0570 +.1170 210 -.3660 +.3600 -.2500 +.2618 +.2018
~ 225 -.1335 +.1121 -.0855 +.1023 +.0722
::, -.4483 -.2165 +.1308
225 +.2588 +.3808
240 -.1580 +.0737 -.0665 +.1·131 +.0315 '" 240 -.5000 +.13·10 -.1250 +.4783 +.0·153
255 -.1716 +.0303 -.0297 +.1689 +.0057 255 -.5176 0 0 +.5118 +.0118
270 -.1736 -.0152 +.0151 +.1728 +.0018 270 -.5000 -.1340 +.1250 +.4783 +.0·153
285 -.1638 -.05!l0 +.0558 +.1538 +.0208 285 -.4483 -.2588 +.2165 +.3868 +.1308
300 -.1428 -.1000 +.0810 +.1170 +.0576 300 -.3000 -.3060 +.2500 +.2618 +.2018
315 -.1121 -.1335 +.0855 +.0722 +.1023 315 -.2588 -.4483 +.2165 +.1308 +.3868
330 -.0737 -.1580 +.0665 +.0315 +.1431 330 -.13·10 -.5000 +.1250 +.0453 +.4783
345 -.0303 -.1716 +.0297 +.00,57 +.1089 345 0 -.5176 0 +.0118 +.5118
300 +.0152 -.1736 -.0151 +.0018 +.1728 360 +.1340 -.5000 -.1250 +.0·153 +.4783

C-15. Design Data: Trigononlctric Constants for Circular l\lcmbcrs - Continued

a a
e. e.b c•• e", e. e",
(degrees) '" (degrees)
'" e.b c••

0 +.2929 -.7071 -.2500 +.1427 +.6427 0 +1.‫סס‬oo -1.0000 -0.5000 +0.7854 +0.7854
15 +.4659 -.6072 -.3415 +.3012 +.4842 15 +1.2247 -0.7071 -0.4330 +1.0354 +0.5354
30 +.6072 -.4659 -.3415 +.48·12 +.3012 30 +1.3660 -0.3660 -0.2500 +1.2184 +0.3524
45 +.7071 -.2929 -.2560 +.6427 +.1427 45 +1.4142 0 0 +1.2854 +0.2854
60 +.7588 -.0999 -.0915 +.7342 +.0512 60 +1.3660 +0.3660 +0.2500 +1.2184 +0.3524
75 +.7588 +.0999 +.0915 +.73-12 +.0512 75 +1.2247 +0.7071 +0.4330 +1.0354 +0.5354
90 +.7071 +.2929 +.2560 +.6427 +.1427 90 +1.0000 +1.0000 +0.5000 +0.7854 +0.785·1
105 +.6072 +.4659 +.3415 +.4842 +.3012 lOS +0.7071 +1.22-17 +0.4330 +0.5354 +1.0354.
120 +.4659 +.6072 +.3415 +.3012 +.4842 120 +0.3660 +1.3660 +0.2500 +0.3524 +1.2184
135 +.2929 +.7071 +.2560 00 135
+.1427 +.6427 0 +1.4142 0 +0.2854 +1.2854

150 +.0999 +.7588 +.0915 +.0512 +.7342 150 -0.3660
165 -.0999 +.7588 -.0915 +.0512 +.7342 '" 165 -0.7071
" 180
!!:. 195
+.7071 -.2500 +.1427 +.6427 180
!!:. 195
-1.0000 +1.0000 -0.5000 +0.7854 +0.7854
0 +.6072 -.3·115 +.3012 +.48·12 0
-1.22-17 +0.7071 -0.4330 +1.03.4 +0.5354
k k
<0 210 -.6072 +.4659 -.3415 +.48·12 +.3012 <0 210 -1.3660 +0.3660 -0.2500 +1.2134 +0.362·1
•..,. 0 225
'" 225 -.7071 +.2929 -.2500 +.6427 +.1427
-1.4142 0 0 +1.2854 +0.2854
240 -.7588 +.0999 -.0915 +.7342 +.0512 240 -1.3660 -0.3660 +0.2500 + 1.2184 +0.352·1
255 -.7588 -.0999 +.0915 +.7342 +.0512 255 -1.22·17 -0.7071 +0.4330 +1.0354 +0.5354
270 -.7071 -.2929 +.2500 +.6427 +.1427 270 -1.0000 -1.6000 +0.5000 +0.7854 +0.785'1
285 -.6072 -.4659 +.3415 +.4842 +.3012 285 -0.7071 -1.2247 +0.4330 +0.5354 +1.0354
300 -.4659 -.6072 +.3415 +.3012 +.4842 300 -0.3660 -1.3660 +0.2500 +0.3524 +1.2184
315 -.2929 ' -.7071 +.2500 +.1427 +.6427 315 0 -1.4142 0 +0.7854 +1.2854
330 -.0999 -.7588 +.0915 +.0512 +.7342 330 +0.3660 -1.3660 -0.2500 +0.3524 +1.2184
345 +.0999 -.7588 -.0915 +.0512 +.7342 345 +0.7071 -1.2247 -0.4330 +0.5354 +1.0354
360 +.2929 -.7071 -.2500 +.1427 +.6427 " 360 +1.0000 -1.0000 -0.5000 +0.7854 +0.7854

0 +0.5000 -0.8660 -0.3750 +0.3071 +0.7401 0 +2.0000 0 ~O ~ + 1.5708 ~ +1.5708

15 +0.7071 -0.7071 -0.4330 +0.5236 +0.5236 15 +1.9318 +0.5176
30 +0.8660 -0.5000 -0.3750 +0.7401 +0.3071 30 +1.7320 +1.0000
45 +0.9659 -0.2588 -0.2165 +0.8986 +0.1486 45 +1.4142 +1.4142
60 +1.0000 0 0 +0.9566 +0.0906 60 +1.0000 +1.7320
75 +0.9650 +0.2588 +0.2165 +0.8986 +0.1486 75 +0.5176 +1.9318
90 +0.8660 +0.5000 +0.3750 +0.7401 +0.3071 90 0 +2.0000
105 +0.7071 +0.7071 +0.433U +0.5236 +0.5236 105 -0.5176 +1.9318
120 +0.5000 +0.8660 +0.3750 +0.3071 +0.7-101 120 -1.0000 + 1.7320
...;;;-..,. 135 +0.2588 +0.9659 +0.2165 +0.1486 +0.8986 S 135 -1.4142 +IAH2

C! 150
oi 150
180 -0.5000 +0.8660 -0.3750 +0.3071 +0.7401 "
!!:. 180 -2.0000 0
0 195 -0.7071 +0.7071 -OA330 +0.5236 +0.5236 0 195 -1.9318 -0.5176
k k
<0 210 -0.8660 +0.5000 -0.3750 +0.7·101 +0.3071 <0 210 -1.7320 -1.0000
•0 0
<0 225 -0.9659 +0.2588 -0.2165 +0.8986 +0.1486 ~ 225 -1.4H2 -IA142
240 -1.0000 0 0 +0.9566 +0.0906 2·10 -1.0000 -1.7320
255 -0.9659 -0.2588 +0.2165 +0.8986 +0.1486 255 -0.5176 -1.9318
270 -0.8660 -0.5000 +0.3750 +0.7401 +0.3071 270 0 -2.0000
285 -0.7071 -0.7071 +OA330 +0.5236 +0.5236 285 +0.5176 -1.9318
300 -0.5000 -0.8660 +0.3750 +0.3071 +0.7401 300 +1.0000 -1.7320
315 -0.2588 -0.9659 +0.2165 +0.1486 +0.8986 315 +1.4142 -1.4142
330 0 -1.0000 0 +0.0906 +0.9566 330 +1.7320 -1.0000
345 +0.2588 -0.9659 -0.2165 +0.1486 +0.8986 345 +1.9318 -0.5176 j j j
360 +0.5000 -0.8660 -0.3750 +0.3071 +0.7401 360 +2.0000 0 0 +1.5708 + 1.5708

C-I6. Span vs. Stress,

"Horizontal Pipe Lines, Uniform Load
.1 1000
.2 600
.3 3
.4 400
.6 300
10 .B
1.0 6
B 200

B I-
6 ';:2 U-
z 10
-3 100
ll. 4 00 4 z
0 ::> «
0 ...J
3 56 00
60 m "...J
w 2

1O ------
20 w
ll. 40 l-
°t; 20 30 " 30 Cl
w -> :;::
Cl 00 30 40
:z 20
0 " 40 I-
:z 1.0 N
w Z
m 60 ::>
::E BO
::> 10 ...J
::E .6 BO «
8 I-
::E 200

" 300 "
.3 400 \:
.2 BOO
1000 2

.1 1.0

Formula: 8 = 1.2w12/Z
Key: (1) Connect Z with tv locating turning point (It).
(2) Connect (A) with s locating I.
Connect (A) with llocating s.
Example: Given: Z = 24.5 in. 3 , w = 66lb/it, S = 2750 psi.
Result: 1 = 29 ft.
C-I7. Span vs. Natural Frequency and vs. Deflection
Horizon tal Pipe Lines, Unifornl Load
GOpOD 1000

40,000 eoo
1.0 10
20,000 e
6 >-
I- 400
e,ooo 1.5 4 _ <3
6,000 (j u.-(/) 300
W 3 ---- _ et
4POO;: ...___(/)-2 ..J
z WW
2,000"'- ____
®...___ ...--- ffi 2 0:
u. 200

1,000 ~
et ----- --__......@
_____ ----
---- ...--- Q.

..J 3
1.0 Q. ~ 0:
eoo 0: ...___ ...--- ::E 0 UJ
---- CD G .e wO
100 Q.

---400 - ~ m

- ------0
-.......... >- 4 .6
eo ....J
~5- - 4 I- W 60
200 I- --- ~ ~ ~-I--I l-
100 ::0'
- - - -.@_ _ ~
0: 6
.3 70-3
"':600-2"5 _ 40
30 .2 2eoo--
eo 0 --~ 7 ::'900. 20 _ ~
60 ::E ..J e
.. et 1000- 30 I-
H 20
9 51100-15 2
I- I- 10
.10 f= 20
u. Z .oe~
z W .06
et I-
10 Q. et W I-
e 0

::0' 15
.. 10 .
4 8
Q. 0:
<J) e ~
Q. &20

et .02
2 "
6 .-->
1.0 30 4
.e .01
.6 3
.4 3

I .2

.oe 1.0
Formulas: 0 = 17.lwl'/EI In = 3.13/-Vo
Key: (l) Connect E (or ']') with I locating turning point (/1) at intersection on l.
(2) Connect (11) with w locating turning point (11) n.t intersection on I.
(3) Connect (B) with llacating 0 (or In).
Connect (B) with 0 (or In) locating I.
Example: Given: E = 29 X la' psi, 1= 28'10 in." w ~ 320 Ib/ft.
Hesult: In = 0.76 ey/see, 0 = 0.17 in.

C-I8. Corrcction Factors for Usc with Olllrts C-16 and C-17
/'1-9)<'1/>1<1.., M/lXIMvM
Fs r;.
UNIT Lo.f10 = ur

.ozsw-l Iff' z< 1'1 ",. tI-
I .OZ5W}1. ]'
10 1'120
( c;:.
I. l I .o25w-11.

2 .lw-1'l.
(11' III III I II I I II I11)
m .furZ'"
ur Z'"
1920 E,I
tv Zl
/ .05'l('

z' ur z4-
III! II 11111111119,.
/3?\ tV
3&4 !31 /.25 1.3/C,

.0417. IAT ll.

vr l' / <if" Z4-
4 ~ I I I I III II I IIIIIII!I~ /2 384 EI .833 .2t;;3

Li! 1I11111!1111 IIII ~ ~~' Iff Z' 1 vr 1·
~l 8 /85 Er 1.25 .547

(, urZ I w-Z 4
II II II I IIIII IIII I II~ 2 8 EI 5 /2.6'3

For Chart C-16: :Multiply S value from chart'b)' F s to obtain maximum stress for case shown.
For Chart C-17: Multiply 0 value from chart by Vt. to obtain maximum deflection for case shown.

A Matrix Method of Piping Analysis

The Use of Digital Conlputers



This presentation has been sponsored by the Power Piping Department of The
M. W. Kellogg Company. Development of the shape coefficient matrix theory,
in Section 5A-2, was earried out by Dr. A. M. Peiser, Staff Consultant in l'vlathe-
matics. Dr. D. H. Cheng, of the City College of l'\ew York and Consultant in
Meehanieal Development to Kellogg, has been responsible for writing and editing
this presentation, as well as undertaking a critical review of the material in
Seetion 5A-2. The material in this work is substantially original and cannot be
found elsewhere in the published literature.
Valuable suggestions and criticisms have been made by a number of members
of the company. Notable among these have been: :Nlessrs. D. B. H.osshcim,
J. H. Rickerman, .J. T. MeKeon, A. F. l\IyJes, and A. M. Mitehel.

!{E""IOTIl H. l\hCWATT
Sales M anagcr
Power Piping Department

so planned that any conceivable configuration can
5A-l Introduction
be analyzed, regardless of the number of branches,

T HE I(ellogg general analytical mcthod for

relating the expansion displacements of space
piping systems to terminal and intermediate
forces, moments, and stresses was organized for
anchors, stops, or internal multiple closed loops.
The program should require a amount of
input data and provide' a maximum amount of
automation. Essential to the attainment of these
internal company use in the early 1930's, and was objectives is a rigorous statement of the compu-
formally pnblished in 1941 in the First Edition of tational problem in concise mathematical terms.
the "Design of Piping Systems." In the Second The importance of this is attested by the growing
Edition of the "Design of Piping Systems," publishcd acceptance of the notation of matrix algebra in the
in 1956, the presentation was extended to include description of the piping problem. III recent ycars,
the combined effects of terminal and intermediate Kellogg engineers and mathematicians have used
restraints, and of concentrated and distributed loads. vector and matrix algebra in re-deriving the shape
This Second Edition also provided the mathematical coefficients for spatial pipes of any orientation and
basis for the simplification of complex problems by securing efficient solutions to piping problems of any
the inversion method, and a brief discussion of the complexity. This chapter summarizes the current
then current application of computing machines. Kellogg approach.
In recent years, rapid developments in the field In Section 5A-2, the syrnbols and nomenclature
of digital computers have permitted the solution of will be defined, followed by a step-by-step derivation
increasingly complex piping systems with economy of the shape coefficient matrix, referred to an arbi-
and versatility, not previously attainable. Although trary set of right-hand orthogonal coordinate axes.
exploratory computer solutions were carried out It will be shown that the shape coefficient rn.atrix
much earlier, routine solutions were first obtained by can be expresscd as a function of two suhmatrices,
Kellogg in 1954 using card programmed computing one of which refers only to a local origin and a local
equipment. The magnetic drum type computer ob- coordinate system and, hence, is independent of the
tained ill 1950 reduced computation time to ol1e- skewness of the member with respect to the common
tentll. The magnetic core type computer acquired coordinate system chosen for the entire piping sys-
by Kellogg in 1961 has further reduced computation tem. The other matrix serves to transfer the local
time by still another factor of ten. With speed of coordinates to tlie common coordinate system, and is
this order, the ultimate objective of completely auto- independent of the geometrical configurat.ion of the
matic machine analysis of arbitrarily complex piping pipe element, whether it be straight or curved. Fol-
systems has become a reality. lowing the theoretical derivation, the shape coeffi-
With the development of computer programs of cient matrices for straight pipes and eireular bends
,ever widening scope, the task of the program planner will be constructed, and a method of obtaining these
has become more demanding. The program must be matrices from minimal input data will be given.

In Section 5A-3, the two anchor problems will be b. At the convenient local origin, q: XI, X2,
extended to the multiple branch and loop problems ~3, called the A-system;
in a manner that provides convenient automatic c. At any point along the pipe line, P: ~"
assembly of shape coefficient matrices by computer. b h called the ~system.
Systems with intermcdiat<J r<JStraints will be treated, Note that Xi, ~; and ~i are all unit vectors.
including skew stops. A brief discussion on com- (v) The following position vectors are defined:
puter solutions currently in use will be presented in a. With r<JSpect to the x-syst<Jm, the position
Section 5A-4, with the machine input data and print- vector of point q is:
out r<JSults for a simple illustrative problem. Finally,
ij(x) = L qiXi
the chapter will be concluded with a brief review of
a selected bibliography.
and the position vector of point Pis:

5A-2 Derivation of the Shape Coefficient l' ~ L PiXi.

b. With respect to the A-system, the position
1. Definitions and Nonlcnclaturc. Unless
vector of point Pis:
otherwise specified in the text, the following defi-
nitions and nomenclature will be used consistently P= L P'~i.
in this chapter.
Figure 5A.I shows a space curve in the
(i) A vector is distinguished from a scalar by a x-system. Any point P on the curve can
bar over the symbol, thus j is a vector; f; be defined by the equation:
is a scalar representing the component of j P = L P,x, = ij + P = ij + L pJi. (5A.I)
in the i-direction.
A vector with a superscript, [7\ represents
(vi) A vector defined in one coordinate system
a six-component force (including moment) may be transformed to another system
vector acting on the pipe branch i. Also, through a linear transformation defined as
ai represents a six-component displacement follows:
(including rotation) vector at the end of a. From the A-system to the ~system:
branch i.
(ii) An element in a matrix, located at the i-th ~j = Li ~j'~', j = 1,2,3. (5A.2)
row and the j-th column, is represented by a
symbol with two subscripts, such us A ij . b. From the x-system to the A-system:
A matrix consisting of an array of numbers,
Xi = L AiiXi, j = 1,2,3. (5A.3)
Aij, is represented by IA ij !. or by a capital i
letter without subscript and vertical bars, It may be noted that. ~i' represent direction
e.g., A, B, etc. cosines of the unit vector ~i with respect to
A matrix with a superscript, A i, represents
the shape coefficient matrix of the branch i.
The transpose of a matrix A (or IA ij !) is
denoted by A' (or IAj,I).
A zero (null) matrix is denoted as 101.
A diagonal unit matrix is denoted as III·
(iii) L = L represents a summation with
i i_1,2,3
respect to i of the term or terms following J:o,;:,-------+- x,
this sign, when i varies from 1 to 3.
(chosen origin)
(iv) A right-hand, orthogonal coordinate system
is denoted by one symbol with permutable
snbscripts I, 2 and 3. The following coordi-
nate systems are defined:
a. At the chosen origin, 0': XI, X2, X3, called x,
the x-system;
unit vectors Xi. Similarly, Aji represent di- forces and moments and the corresponding displace-
rection cosines of the unit vector Xj with ments are functions of the coordinates of the points
respect to unit vectors Xi_ ' '"- of application. To facilitate analyses, it is customary
(vii) N omc:ncuuure to consider all the redundant forces and moments,
F = Redundant Force Vector and the corresponding displacements, to occur at a
M = Redundant Moment Vector common origin and in the fixed x-system.
3: = Displacement Vector In what follows, we shall develop the shape coef-
if> = Rotation Vector ficient matrix for a two-anchor system subject to
j = Internal Force Vector thermal expansion. The generalization of this de-
m = Internal Moment Vector velopment to multiple anchor and loop problems will
be discussed in Section 5A.3. We define:
Fi(l"=I,2,3) = Components of P in XI, X2,
and xa direction, respec- Ii' = L: F/Xi
tively. (MA)
11-fi (i=I,2,3) = Components of M in xlJ X2, M = I: MiXi
and xa direction, respec-
tively. as the redundant forces and moments at the free
Li i (1=1,2,3) = Components of .3. in Xl, X2, end of the cantilever, but transferred to the comlllon
and xa direction, respec- origin; also, the corresponding translative and rota-
tively. tional displacements at the same origin as:
tPi(i=1.2,3) = Components of ¢ in XI, X2, 3: = I: Il i x;
and xa direction, respec-
tively. (M.5)
if> = I: 1>i Xi·
f;(i~1.2.3) = Components of j in ~" ~2, i

and ~3 direction, respec- The condition of static equilibrium requires that

tively. the internal forces and moments at "'w point along
mi(i=I,2.3) = Components of ill in ~IJ ~2J the line be:
and ~3 direction, respec-
tively. j = I:Mi = P,
ai, bi (i=1.2,3) = Flexibility factors as defined
in Eq. 5A.9. { m= ~ mi~i = M - p X F.

(Xij, {3ij As defined in Eqs. 5A.14

and 5A.24 The force and moment components may be ob-
U jk , V jk , lV jk As defined in Eqs. 5A.I5 tained by vector algebm as follows:
and 5A.25 j,. = kP,
ii, = Ii X ~" as defined in Eq. 5A.22
'PI = 0 + sin 0 {
mi = kM - kp X F = t·M +pX ~,·P.
"'2 = 0 - sin 0
o = Central Angle of a Circular Bend The total internal strain energy (a scalar quan-
k, = In-plane Bending Factor of a Pipe tity), indnced by F and M in the pipe is:
k 2 = Out-of-plane Bending Factor of a Pipe
Sj = Spring Constant (in lbs/radian for U = _1_ fI: (a-I-'
2EI' ill
+ blll_2 ) ils
! I 1
j = 1,2,3; Ibs/in for j = 4, 5, 0) in
tbe j-direction. where aj arc the flexibility fadors associated with
tbe so-called direct effects (axial !lnd transverse
2. The Shape Coeffieient Matrix. In piping shear) and bi , those associated with bending (in-
analyses, it is convenient to consider a complex cluding torsion) effects. Taking Poisson's ratio as
piping system, consisting of straight and curved 0.3, and assuming thin pipe of uniform stiffness El,
members randomly oriented in space to be a canti- the quantities aj and bi have the following values:
lever (or a series of cantilevers), rigidly fixed at one
al = 0.5 r 2 bl = 1.3
end and free at the other (or others) upon wbieh the
redundant forces Ii' and moments M act to preserve a, = 2.G r b2 = k 2 (5A.9)
the prescribed physical conditions. These redundant a3 = 2.0 r 2
b3 = k l

where r is the mean radius of the pipe, k 1 and k z urc where

the in-plane and out-of-plane bending factors. If aij = k xj,
there is any portion of the pipe,vith stiffness ENIN ( (5A.14)
{3'j = (p X ~i) ·Xj.
different from the constant EI, the integration of
Eq. 5A.8 must be performed in segments, and a We introduce the notation:
correction factor Q = EIIENIN be applied to all ai
and bi .
Using Castigliano's Theorem which states that:
I: (aiaiiaik + bi{3ii{3,k) ds,
aaA~j ,
V ik = I (5A.15)
4>j = ,
j = 1,2,3 (5A.IO)
1 D.j = -,
aF j
It may be noted in Eq. 5A.15 that the subscriptsj
we obtain from Eqs. 5A.7 and 5A.8 the following and k can be i,iterchanged for W jk and V jk withont
equations: affecting the results, but this is not true for V jk. In
other words, the matrices IWik !, IVjkl are sym-
am' metric but !Vjkl is not. Thus we have:
EI4>j =
I I: b,'1I!, aM'. ds
- -, -
, I
Wjk = Wkj, or W = W',
I I: ,
b;[k (M - p X F)] aM ds,
Ujk=U kh or U=U',
(M.ll) ( l'kj = V' jk = f li bJ3 jj et ik ds.

EU·J =1" L.:-

(a'l f ' aF.
+ b'm' am,)
I aF. ds
Substituting Eqs. 5A.15 and 5A.IG in Eq. 5A.13, we
- [ , aj;
= I ~ ~" aJ' aF j EI"'j = I: AhWik + I: ['\V ik ,
k k
j ~ 1,2,3
+ bi(M - am,]
- P X F) aF ds, { EI!:>, = I: MkV'ik + I: FkUik,
j k k

j = 1,2,3. or in a detailed form:

From Eqs. 5AA and 5A.7, we see that:

EI"" = WIIM, + W"M, + W'3M3 + VIIF,
+ V 12 F 2 + V l3 P 31
am i ~ ~"x' aj; , W 2,M, + W"M, + W'3M3 + V 2,F,

= EI"" =
aft!j I} aF j
(M.12) + V22F2 + V23F3,
ami _ ~
aF = -~i' (p X Xj) ~ (p X ~i) ·Xj. EI"'3 ~ W 3,M, + W 32 M, + W 33 M" + V3,F,
j + V 3,[o', + V 33 F3, (5A.17)
Substituting Eq. 5A.12 in Eq. 5A.1l and collecting EI!:>, = VIIM, + V 2,M 2 + V 3,1113 + VIIF,
terms, we get:
+ V'2F2 + V'3[o'3,
EI!:>, = V"M, + V22 M 2 + V",M3 + V 2I F,
+ U 22 F z + U 23 F 3 !

+ ~ FkI ~ bi{3ik{3ii <is, EI!:>3 ~ V'3M, + V 23 M, + V 33 M3 + V:nF,

(5A.13) + V"2F2 + V"3[o'3'
EI!:>, = I: MkII: bi{3ijaik ds Equation 5A.17 ean he written simply in the
k i matrix form:

j = 1,2,3, (5A.18)
where the displacement and force (including mo- Equation 5A.20 may be written as:
ment) matrices are column matrices, while matrix A
is a 6 X (j square matrix known unacr various names pX ~; = L ~;,ii, +L e;,X,
, (5A.23)
as shape coefficient, influence coefficient, or perform-
ance, matrix. According to Maxwell's law of reci- L ~;, L
U,kXk + Lr e;, L

procity, matrix A should be, and is, in the present

II case, symmetrical about its diagonal.

It should be noted that the elements in matrix A
are obtained by performing line integrations in Eq.
Substituting Eqs. 5A.2, 5A.3 and 5A.23 in Eq. 5A.I4,
we get:

5A.I5. Since a line integral can be evaluated by seg- (5A.24)

ments, i.e., a line integral is the sum of line integrals

of the component segments, the shape coefficient
matrix for the entire pipe may be obtained by sum-
ming the shape coefficient matrices of the component'
Equation 5A.I5 will then take the following form:

II segments.
W jk = L A,j L A'k L b,J~;,~;, ds,
Equation 5A.IS ean be used to solve the rcdundant r t i

II moments and forces at the freed anchor provided that

the displacements at the same point are prescribed. V jk = L A,j L Alk L a;J~;,~;, ds
Once the redundants become known, Eq. 5A.7 will r I i

give the internal forces at any point along the pipe

as follows: + L, A,j LA,.
, L, b,Je;,ea ds

Ih I I 0
1//; = <X;j {3;j
I l!ffFj
j I· (5A.I9) + L,. ll,j L
L b; ~;'~;I ds
The elements
<X;j, and (3;j are determined by Eq. +L ,.
U,j L
A" L
b; J~;,ea ds

3. The Suhma trices of the Shape Coefficien t +L ,.

A,j L
U'k L b;Je,A;, ds,
l\1atrix. The coefficients ct. ,) and fJi;, being funCtion
of direction cosines and the position vector 11, may V jk = L A,j L u,. L b;J~;,~a ds
be easily obtained for favorably oriented straight ,. I i

line pipes or simple bends. If the pipe is skewed with

respect to the fixed x-system, we shall select a con-
venient local origin) iiI as shown in Figure 5A.I,
Section 5A-2.1, and introduce a local coordinate We define:
system with respect to which the given segment of
pipe will have thc simplest form of shape coefficient L = I A'kl , N = Ill.. I,
matrix. We can then refer the shape coefficient
matrix back to the x-system by means of suitable B = IB,,[ =1 L, b,J~;,~" ds I, (5A.26)
matrix operations which will be derived below.
Let the local coordinate system be identified as the
X-system. Using Eqs. 5A.l und 5A.2, one gets: C = IC,,[ II L, a;J~;,~a ds + L, b;Je;,c;1 ds I,
+ p X ~,.
= ID"I = 1~ bJ~"ea ds
qX L
]J X ~; = ~"X, (.5A.20)
D I,
Introdlicing the vector fir defined in the x-system as:
each being a 3 X 3 matrix. Upon substitution of
(5A.21) Eq. 5A.26 in the matriccs of Eq. 5A.25, we get:

IWjkl = L'BL,
and the veetor e,. defined in the X-SYStCIl1 as;
I Vjkl = L'CL + N'BN + N'DL +L'D'N, (5A.27)
iJ, = p X ~, = L e,kX" (5A.22)
k I Vjd = L'BN + L'DL,
Substituting Eq. 5A.27 in matrix A which is dcfined point along the pipe, except that (Xij, Pij are now
in Eq. 5A.I8, it is easy to verify that: defined by Eq. M.24.

~,I I~, ~ II~ :I

L' 4. Illustrative Exaulples
A- a. Straight pipe (Figure 5A.2). The local origin
\ N'
is chosen at. the mid-point. The A-syst.em and I;-
(5A.28) system are defined as shown. The systems are
whcre 0 represents a 3 X 3 null matrix. If we let: chosen such that each axis will coincide wit.h the
proper principal axis of the pipe.

X ~ I~, ~ I (5A.29)
Let the lengt.h qP be denoted as s. With respect.
to the A-system, the following vectors wit.h compo-
nent.s in the I, 2, and 3 directions listed in parentheses

y = I ~ : I
are first det.ermined:
p (s, 0, 0)
be thc submatrices of the matrix A, Eq. 5A.28 can ~l (I, 0, 0)
then be written as:
~2 (0, I, 0)
A = y'XY. (M.30)
~3 (0, 0, 1)
The following observations may be made on the
submatrices in Eq. 5A.30: Cl = P X ~l (0, 0, 0)
1. The 3 X 3 matrices B, C, and]) (Eq. 5A.2G) in C2=PX~2 (0, 0, s)
X matrix have identical meanings in the X- ij3=PX~3 (0, -s, 0).
system as IWid, IUi.1 and lFid (Eq. M.I5) Then, following Eq. 5A.2G, the submat.rices B, C
in the x-system. In fact, if thc local origin is
and]) can be comput.ed as follows:
taken as the common origin, and the X-system
identical to the x-system, N would become a
null matrix as can be seen from Eqs. 5A.21 and
5A.2G, and L would becomc a diagonal unit
= I:i Vi 1 -1/2
~i'~it ds

1 0 0 1 0 0
matrix as can be seen from Eqs. 5A.3 and 5A.2G. 1/2
Consequcntly, A simply becomes X. There-
fore, X may be called the shape coefficicn t ma-
1 -1/2 i
I: Vi o 1 0
o 0
1 0
0 1

trix, but referred to the A-systcm. It is implicit

here that X can be computed for every segment o
of a pipe irrespective of the x-system. o v,l 0
2. The A-system, or the coordinates at. the local
origin! can be chosen so as to make the con- o 0 vsl
struction of the X matrix as simple as possible.
The correct, choice of the X-system for comrnOl1
piping configurations is not difficult to obtain
as will be dem.ollstratcd in the illustrative
examples in Scction 5A-2.4.
3. The Y Inatrix! eOllsisting of terms which arc
functions of the position vector q and the local
coordinate Xi only, can be cornputed for every
piping segment irrespective of its geometrical
configuration. Once ij and Xi are given in the
x-system, Y follows from Eq. ,jA.29.
"Then matrix il becomes available for every seg-
ment of the pipe, the shape coefficient matrix for
the entire pipe may be obtained by summation.
Equation 5A.18 can again be used to obtain the d
redundants and Eq. 5A.IH the internal forces at any FIGURE 5A.2

c = I ~ a,J~,,~it ds + ~ b,J
Q P ~
"-"Cit ds

0 0 0
\ :II
- /

all 0 0 b313
0 0
0 a2 1 0 + 12
\ 8 "2 /
0 0 a3 1
b,l3 ~\"2 . I
12 \ \ I
\ I
all 0 0 \~, I -
, { >-'s
0 a,l + 12 0

0 0 a3 1 + 12 0'
D = 101.
Let the arc length QP be denoted as s. Then the
The matrix X then takcs the following form:
following vectors can be specified in the X-system:
b,l 0 0 0 0 0
. s s
0 b21 0 0 0 0
p ( RSlIl R cos n'
0 0 b31 0 0 0
0 0 0 all 0 0
_ (
~, cos n'
s .
b313 - cos - ,
0 0 0 0 a2 1 + 12 0 R
~3 (0, 0, -1).
0 0 0 0 0 a3 1 + 12 It follows that:

b. Circular Bend (Figure 5A.3). The X and ~

c, (0, 0, -R),

I systems are ehosen as shown, X, being parallel to the

chord of the circular arc and X2 directed toward the
e2 (0, 0, 0),

I center of the bend, Q; whereas ~, is tangent to the

arc in the increasing direction of the arc lcngth and
C3 ( -R cos ~, RSlIl
. s
, 0) .
~, is directcd toward point q. Equation 5A.2G gives:

cosn - sinns 0 hi cos n" I . R" - )1 SIll - 0

B~r - SIn
Ii - cosns 0 -h 2 81I1
n -h, n

I 0 0 -I 0 0 -h"
"2 (b l "', + b''''2) 0 0

o "2 (h''''2 + b''''I) 0

o o h3 RO
"'1 = 0 + sin 0, "'2 = 0 - sin O. (a)

o o
c= o R
"2 (a,>1', + a,>1', + b3R >1'2)
o o
• 0
o o -2b, R ·sm-

D= o o o
. 0
2b3 R' sm 2 0 0

Then the X matrix is:

o 0 0 0 -2blR2 s in ~
0 "2 (bpf2 + b2lfl) 0 0 0 0

x= 0 0 baRO 2b 3 R2 sin ~ 0 0

2b 3 R'l. sin ~
0 0 "2 (u l1f 1 + UZIf'l + b3R~fd 0
0 0

0 0 0 0 '2R (a 111'2 + U2iftl + b3 Ih/tz)0


-2b 1RZ sin ~ 0 0 0 0 RO(a3 + b,R')


c. Construction of thc Y Matrix from Working It is customary to specify working points whose
Points. So far, only the X matrix has been con· coordinates are given in the x-system. For a straight
structed for a straight pipe as well as for a circular pipe, the starting and terminal points are usually
bend. To refer the shape coefficient matrix to a given (Figure 5AA), and the necessary calculation
defini te x-system at the ehosen origin 0', the Y for the construction of Y matrix can be outlined
matrix appearing in Eq. 5A.30 mllst also be con- below.
structed, and the proper shape coefficient matrix will
simply be Y'XY.
a= b- ii,

1= va·a,
X, = a/I,
X2 = any unit vector satisfying Xl ''\2 = 0,
.\3 = .\1 X .\21
and, finally,
Ii = l(u + 6). (c)

x, Now, let ij be expressed by:

ij = qlXI + q,/iz + qaxa.
we have

X, =---,
i + i'
2 eos 2
i' xi
X3 = sin 0 I

X2 = X3 X X,.

FIGUItE 5.:\.5 The position vector ij call be expressed as:

R _
Ii = c - - -e A2 .
Substituting Ii in Eq. 5A.21, with Eq. 5A.3, we get: (g)
('OS -
. 2
UrI = q2Ar3 - q3Ar2
(d) It is clear that thc matrix Y for the bend can be
Ur 2 = qaArl - qt Ar3
constructed by an identical procedure as outlined
U T3 = qt Ar2 - q2 Arl previously for a straight pipe.

where Ara, for instance, is the direction cosine of Xr 5A-3 A Matrix Method of Piping Analysis
with respeet to Z3, etc. All the direetion cosines arc The shape eoeffieient matrix derived on the basis
available from Eq. (b). Thc Y matrix can finally be of a two-anchor problem was presented in the previ-
written as: ous section. In order to solve a more complex piping
system, a certain generalization will be necessary.
All AI2 A13 Uil U,2 U13 To illustrate this, we shall consider a system with
A21 A22 A23 U21 U22 Un
two anchors and two closed loops as shown in Figure
5A.G. Subsequently, the effect of intermediate re-
A31 /..32 A33 U31 U32 U33 straints will be discussed.
Y= (c)
0 0 0 All AI2 AI3
0 0 0 A21 A22 A23 .JJ.JLLL...

0 0 0 A31 A32 A33


For a circular bend, three working points (a, b,

and c in Figure 5A.5) are usually given in addition
to the radius of the bend, R. Let,

ii' = [j - C.
Then the lcngths ac and cb are respectively,

1= Vd.d , I' = Vd' 'd' ,

and the unit vectors are:

i = d/l, i' = d' /1'.

Since 7
i·i' = cosO, F1GURl~; 5.:\.6
1. Systems with Multiple Auehors and Loops.
Denote the fixed anchor as point 0', and label all the
joints sequentially as shown. The shape coefficient
matrix for each branch, all referred to a common
origin, is given with a superscript for identification.
One of the customary methods of treating a statically
indeterminate system is to imagine cuts in the system
with the points of cut loaded with equal and opposite
redundant forces to maintain continuity. Figure
5A.7 illustrates the cut system. It may be noted 4

that the given system requires a solution to three 3

sets of redundant forces (including moments), and A'

the forces are such that the equilibriuni condition is
satisfied everywhere. F'
For each set of redundant forces, a set of elasticity
equations can be written, using the proper combi-
nation of shape coefficient matrices along thc path
of action. Where several forces interact, Maxwell's
law of reciprocity can be used in writing the equa-
tion. The following table summarizes the procedure
by which the proper simultaneous equations may be
FWl'RE 5:\.7

Summation of Shape Coefficient I"fatrices For

Redundant Displace-
Forces mcnts (El)
[7'3 p~ P3+P·1 p~ jh + F4 + pro
A' .Ill
+ ...1 4
.til + . .12
]?3 + [7'4 36 0 0 A' 0 0 (is _ a
j'h +]7'4 + ps
Al +A
lt7 - as
Combining the equations and simplifying, the following matrix equation results:

,1'+11'+11 3 +11"+11 7 11'+11 6 +11 7 11'+11'+11 7 j?3

EI 0:
11'+11"+11 7 11'+11"'+11"+11 7 11' +11 7 p.l (5A.31 )
I 0: 7 11'+11'+11 7 ./1 J + 11 7 it I +I1'+I1'+11 7 j [7'5

Equation 5A.31 points up t.he fact. that. t.he asscm- 5A.31 would still be valid cxcept t.hat. II G and 11 7
bling of shape coefficient m.atrices. along any path would vanish and thc elcrnents in thc displacement
of action of the redundant for<~cs CUll be nmde auto- column matrix should be iiI u.'; and 5: 5 .
matic by various coding tcehniques on computers. 2. SystClllS , ....ith Intcrnlcdiatc Hcstraints.
It is also clear that the final solution requires no Figure SA.S shows the & two-anchor and two-
specification on how the system is imagined cut. loop system with an intermcdiate restraint at point
Suppose in Figure SA.7, points 3, 4 and S were 8, locatcd bet.ween branch point.s 1 and 2. Dcnote
anchors, and members 4G and G7 not cxisting, wc the shape coefficicnt matrix for braneh IS as A 8.
would get a multiple anchor system. Equation Then the following matrix equation can he written:
ei A'+A 2 +A 3 +A G+A' A'+AG+A' iI'+A 2 +A' AI + AS p3
ii' A'+AG+A' A' +A'+A 6 +A' AI + ii' AI p.i
EI =
ii' A'+A 2 :+A' A' + A' A' +A 2 +A 5 +A' AI + AS [7'5

iiS Al + AS A' AI + AS Al + AS FS

stops occurring at point 8, it is necessary to modify

Eq.5A.32. Let pss be the force (including moment)
vector at point 8, but not referred to the origin; and
aSs be the corresponding displacement (including ro-
tation) vector at point 8 with respect to the uude-
i" formed position of point 8. We have:
ps = j{ ospss,

4 where,
A' 0 -q3 q2
1 q3 0 -q,
[{os =
i" -q2 q, 0
0 1
1 ()

0 -qa fj2
7 f{' 80 =
q3 0 -q, 1
FIGUHE 5:\.8
-q2 ql 0
So far, all the forces and displacements are referred and ql, Q2, q3 are the coordinates of point 8. Upon
to the common origin. To account for the effects of substitution of Eq. 5A.33, Eq. 5A.32 becomes:

ii' A'+11 2 +:1 3 +:1 6 +A 7 A'+A 6 +:t' :1'+..1 2 +:1 7 (A'+As)!\.Ofi ji'3

ii' A'+...1 6 +:1 7 ..1 1 +..1'+..1'+..1' AI + A7 A 'Kos p4

EI p5
ii' 11 1 +..1 2 +:t 7 A' + ..1 7 ..1'+.:1 2 +.4 5 +:1 7 {A I + A '~)K08
K'soa 88 A' + A8 AI A' + AS (A I + A 8)/';08 pss

Since from Eq. 5A.34, /{os}{'so = 1, the last equation m.ay be moJified as follows:

ii' A'+A 2 +A 3 +..t 6 +A7 Al +.11 6 +:1 7 A'+A 2 +11 7 (AI + A S)/{Ofl, p3
I p4
ii' .4 1 +..1 6 +..1' .4 1 +.4 4 +.4 6 +.11' AI + A' AIKos
lEI (5:\.35)
ii' ..1 1 +..1'+..1' Al + A' ..1'+..1'+..1'+..1' (,1'+..1 8 )1\0< I p5
5 88 K'os(A I -I- :t s) K'osA 8 K'os(A I + AS) K'os(1l I -I- A ll)Kos pss

Equation 5A.35 is applicable to cases having orthogonal rigid stops whose directions eoineide with the directions
of the chosen coordinate axes. For orthogonal elastic stops, we must include the effects of elastic springs
as follows:
iX' .111+.112+.113+...16+..47 ,.4'+.11 6 +...1 7 ..-1 1 +.11 2 +.11 7 (A'+A 8 )Ko8
iX' A'+.:1 6 +A7 .11'+.11 4 +.11 6 +.11 7 AI + .11 7 A 1K o8
iX' A'+A'+A' AI + .It 7 Al+A:l+A 5 +A 7 (A I+ 'A 8)Kos
aSs K'as(A' + A') K'osA 8 K'os(.A 1 + A 8) K'os(A 1 + A 8 )Ko 8 + A'

where A' = diag. 11/8" 1/82, 1/83, 1/84, 1/85, l/sol, and 8 p (p = 1, ... ,6) are spring constants of moments
and forces for the orthogonal elastic stops.
In the case of a skew force-stop which has direction cosines \\~th the fixed coordinate axes as fh, {32 and {33,
Eq. 5A.36 will be modified to be:

iX' Al +A2+A3+A6+A7 ...1 1 +..1 6 +.11 7 .11'+.11 2 +.11 ' (A I + A8)KosT p3

iX' A' +.11 +.11
6 7
.IP+A +A +A 4 6 7 Al +.11 7 A IKosT p4
iX' AI +.11 2 +.11 7 AI +.11 7 .11 1
+.11 2 +.:1 5 +..1 7 (A I + A8)KosT F5
askew T'K'os(A I + A 8) T'K'osA 8 r'K'os(A1+A 8 ) T'IK' 08(.11 1 + A8}K o8 + A'l1' FBkew

where Fekew is the skew force and askew, the skew Page 376 (at top) sholl'S the restraining moments
displacement. They bear the following relationships and forces on anchors and stops as well as on ad-
with pss and aS8 : ditional points specified on the SUM-line on the
F skcw T = pSS,
input sheet A. The total actions on the anchor at
(5A.38) the reactor are obtained by adding those for points
askew = T' a88 , I and 101. The maximum stress in the system is also
where automatically recorded.
T' = 10, 0, 0, {3" {32, {331. (5A.39) Page 376 also gives the stresses, moments, de-
flections and rotations at each point of the system.
5A-4 An Example Since a curved member in the input is denot-ed by
Figure 5A.9 shows a sketch of a reactor coolant a radins only, the machine calculates the tangent
loop representing a piping system with two anchors, points which are indicated as A and B.
one closed loop, and four elastic stops. Thus, a total Finally page 377 gives the moments, forces and co-
of sixteen unknown moments and forces has to be ordinates referred to the origin at the anehors, stops
determined. and intersections. These moments and forces are
Page 3i5 shows the input to the machine. By actually those from the solution of the equations.
using the table marked "Key to Input Data", the A complete print-out of the eqnations and the in-
input is self-explanatory. It should be noted that version of the same may be obtained by substituting
the flexibility factor (k) and the stress intensification an IND-card for an END-card. Utilizing this
factor (i) for curved members are automatically device, it is possible to split a complicated piping
ealculated if not specified. system into two or more parts if the capacity of the
Page 3i 5 also sholl'S the check of eoordinates of machine is insufficient to solve the required number
the end points of each branch. of equations.

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Key to Input Dat.a

Problem Identification CAL No. For Date

Selected Points for Summary Sheet SUM
Symbol From To 1"1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FlO
- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Busic Material Properties EMP O.D. t Mat'l of
Special Material Properties SMP O.D. t Mat'l of e Eh Ec
Change of !\faterial Properties CHA O.D. t Mat'l OF
Origin aRC Origin B.A. X Y Z (i)
Intersection INT Point X Y Z (i,) (i,)
Anchor ANC Point X Y Z
Curved Member Point x y z R (k) (i) (q)
Straight Member Point x y z (k) (i) (q)
Stiff Member STM Point x y z
Cold Spring CSP Point x y z (k) (i) Dt (q)
Concentrated Load ECL Point x y z (k) (i) Px Py pz (q)
Extraneous Rotation ERa Rx Ry Rz
Extraneous Movement EMO Dx Dy Dz
X-8top STX Dx (Cx)
Y-Stop STY Dy (Cy)
Z-8top STZ Dz (Cz)
Skewed Stop STS Lx Ly Lz (C) (Dt)
Nozzle Rotation NIW x y z L (k) (i) (q)
Moment Restraint at Anchor MRA
Force Restraint at Anchor FIlA
Special Shape Coefficients SCF Q
Shape Coefficients Only COF
Inverse l\htrix and Solutions Only INV
End of Problem END

N omcllclalurc:
O.D. = Out.'lide Pipe Size (in.) R = Radius of Curved Member (ft.) B.A. = Base Anchor
t = Thi{~kness of Pipe (in.) k = Flexibility Factor Hx,Ry,Hz = Hotations (radians)
e = Expansion Coefficient (in.jlOO') i = Stress IntenBificat.ion Factor Dx,Dy,Dz,Dt = Movement (in.)
E = !vloduluii of Elasticity (piiijI06) q = Moment of Inertia Correction Factor Cx,Cy,Cz,C = Spring Constant (llls.jin.)
X,Y,z. = Coordinates (ft.) Q = Stillness Factor Lx,Ly,Lz = Directional Cosines
x,y,z = Change in Coordinates (ft.) L = Equivalent Length (ft.) Px,Py,Pz = J~xtcrnal Loads (kips.)
Input Data

Typ 1'1 1'4 1'5 1'6 1'7 1'8 1'9

Sym Fr To
SUM -3+5+11 +18+21 +25+27 +30
ORG 15 1 -29.209 -0.509 -10.086
33.052 2.276 LCS +480 I
STM 2 +5.000 I
STM 3 +8.833
SMP 33.052 2.276 18-8 +650 +6.87 2,1.1 28.3
4 +17.471 3.750 3.81 1.58
5 +2.532 +4.385
CHA , LCS +480
STM 6 +2.664 +4.615
ECL 6 -600.0
STM 7 -4.950 +4.950
STY 600009
STM 8 -9.000
STY 609000
STM 9 +9.\100
STY 609000
STM 10 +9.900
STY 600000
STM II -2.286 -4.615 -4.950
SMP 33.052 2.276 18-8 +480 +4.77 26.2 28.3
12 +0.502 -0.870 3.750
13 -8.015 a.750
14 -4.70·1 +8.6!J.l
STM 15 -0.753 +1.302 I
INT +0.000 +0.000 +0.000 I
STM 16 -1.864 +3.445 ,
CHA 24.000 0.857
17 -5.8·15 +10.802 3.000 7.16 2.42
18 +7.833 I
Input J)at~l

Typ 1"1 1"2 1'4 1"5 1'6 1'7 1'8 FH 1'10

Sym Fr To Fa
STM 19 +4.167
.• i._"""..

STM 20 -2.833
STM 21 -0.824 -0.824
CllA 33.052 2.276
22 -2.750 -2.759 3.750
23 -2.270 -4.603 -2.279
INT -la.571 +7.a97 +5.552
23 24 -1.416 -2.897 -1.416 3.750
25 -7.076 -7.076
ellA LCS +480
STM 102 -6.246 -6.246
STM 101 -5.000
,INC -29.209 -0.500 -10.086
SMP 24.000 0.857 18-8 +480 +·1.77 26.2 28.3
15 26 -2.072 +4.355 +3.830 3.000
27 +3.478
STM 28 +4.167
STM 29 -2.000 I
STM 30 -3.0\)2 +1.001 ,
:1I -2.152 +0.697 :1.O00
23 -6.255 -4.6m +2.02·1 !
INT -13.571 +7.307 +.1.552
END I i i I
Coordinate Checks
.. .... _ . ~
Uranell Calculated Coordinates Given Coordinat~s !)iITercIH'c
End Pl, X Y % X Y % X Y %
No (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
015 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00
023 -13.57 +7.40 +5.55 -13.57 +7.40 +5.55 +0.00 +0.00 +0,00
101 -29.21 -0.50 -10.09 -29.21 -0.50 -10.09 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00
023 -13.57 +7.40 +5.55 -13.57 +7.40 +05.55 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00
Calculation Summary
110ments (ft Ibs) and Forces (lbs) Acting on Restraints

Point M(X) M(Y) M(Z) F(X) F(Y) F(Z)

B.ANC 001 -37378 -164217 -4061972 -20573 -178813 +432
003 -39539 -160398 -2585385 -20573 -178813 +432
005 +41435 +151752 -901191 +20573 +178813 -432
ECL 006 +0 +0 +0 +0 +600000 +0
STOP 007 +0 +0 +0 +0 -20643 +0
STOP 008 +0 +0 +0 +0 -32364 +0
STOP 009 +0 +0 +0 +0 -18000·1 +0
STOP 010 +0 +0 +0 +0 -168283 +0
011 +157475 + 149·148 +137087 +20573 -19893 -432
018 -25930 -9·176 -59242 -8725 +6981 +4740
021 -71212 -45288 -89845 -8725 +6981 +4740
025 +31328 +33017 -508499 +20573 -19893 -432
ANC 101 +153418 +164217 -735616 +20573 -19893 -432
027 -21159 -60169 +74250 +29298 -26874 -5173
030 +27242 -14907 +113240 +29298 -26874 -5173
Maximum Stress = 22112 pSI at Pomt 003


Stress, !\loments, Deflections and Rotations at the Point

Br Pt Stress M(X) M(Y) M(Z) D(X) D(Y) D(Z) R(X) R(Y) R(Z)
No No (psi) (ft II» (ft 11» (ft II» (in) (in) (in) (rad) (nHI) (rad)
01 001 0 -37378 -IG4217 -40GH172 +0.000 +0.000 +0.000 +.000000 +.000000 +.000060
01 002 0 -S9S3!) -164217 -416·18:l8 +0.000 +0.172 +0.000 +.000000 +.000000 +.000000
01 003 22112 -3B539 -160398 -2585385 +0.304 +0.172 +0.000 +.0‫סס‬oo0 +.000000 +.000000
01 004:\ 2931 -39539 -153782 +151534 +1.35.1 -0.374 +0.049 -.000172 -.000527 -.004079
01 004B 9461 -40350 -152378 -6036.16 +1.653 -0.300 +0.07-1 -.000124 -.000900 -.002577
01 005 7808 -41435 -151752 +!IOlHH +1.824 -0.260 +0.086 -.000164 -.001022 -.002071
01 006 0 -43430 -150600 +1282603 +2.031 -0.167 +0.110 -.000164 -.001022 -.002071
02 006 0 -,13·130 -150600 +1282603 +2.031 -0.167 +0.110 -.000164 -.001022 -.002071
02 007 0 +20·114·18 -50903 +3:367481 +1.800 -0.0:34 +0.219 -.000164 -.001022 -.002071
03 007 0 +20'!l448 -50nD3 +:3367481 + 1.800 -O.Q:l·I +0.210 -.QO(Jl6·1 -.001022 -.002071
03 008 0 -1923!1-14 -254577 +3:367481 + 1.921 -0.054 -0.121 - .000164 -.001022 -.002071
04 008 0 -1!l2:l044 -254577 +3367481 +1.921 -0.054 -0.121 -.000164 -.001022 -.002071
04 009 0 -19239>14 -250297 -277508 +2.261 -0.300 -0.000 -.00016·1 -.001022 -.002071
05 009 0 -192:l0-l-l - 2502!l7 -277.508 +2.201 -0.300 -0.000 -.000164 -.001022 -.002071
05 010 0 -61000 -46623 -277508 +2.140 -0.280 +0.:341 -.000164 -.001022 -.002071
06 010 0 -61000 -46623 -277508 +2.140 -0.280 +0.:3·11 -.00016,1 -.001022 -.002071
06 011 2100 -157·175 -14!l-l-18 -137087 +2.007 -0.302 +0.151 -.00016,1 -.001022 - .002071
06 OIZA 3258 -157175 -1-19-1-18 -1:l7086 +2.007 -0.392 +0.151 -.00016-1 -.001022 -.002071
06 012B 273,1 -150665 -149231 - 108514 +1.9R2 -0.494 +0.165 -.000434 -.00 115·1 -.002207
06 013A 2.197 -155256 -14\12:l1 -41431 + 1.892 -0.650 +0.18-1 -.000541 -.001287 -.002319
00 013B 1468 -8S024 -R2140 +7121S + 1.640 -0.740 +0.:l-l4 -.001026 -.001578 -.002461
06 014 10\13 +19315 +27598 +12H295 + 1.3!16 -0.586 +0.545 -.00108!1 -.001613 -.002297
00 015 0 +·17006 +55910 + 144275 +1.3:3:3 -0.547 +0.597 -.OOIOS!1 -.001613 -.002297
07 015 0 +S82.58 +972.14 +44718 + 1.:l:l:3 -0.547 +0.597 -.00 IOS!I -.00161:l -.0022H7
07 016 :3889 +6-1209 +76014 +31705 +1.177 -0.451 +0.725 -.001080 -.001613 -.002297
07 017A 2:l99 +7210 +25728 +868 +0.S46 -0.259 + 1.0-18 - .OO06·IS -.000992 -.002106
07 01iB 1602 +3021 +0476 + 17075 +0.834 -0.001 + 1.1-12 -.000539 -.000558 -.002075
07 018 243·1 +25f.l30 +0476 +59242 +0.950 +0.170 +1.111 -.000447 -.000-179 -.001833
07 019 0 +45683 +9476 +95598 + 1.0·12 +0.:368 + 1.089 - .0004-17 -.000479 -.0018:3:3
Stress, 11oments, Deflections and Rotations at the Point (Continued)

Br Pt Stress M(X) M(Y) M(Z) D(X) D(Y) D(Z) R(X) R(Y) R(Z)
No No (psi) (ft Ib) (ft Ib) (ft Ib) (io) (in) (in) (rad) (rad) (rad)
--- -
07 020 0 +65460 +34193 +95598 +1.058 +0.353 +0.954 -.000447 -.000479 -.001833
07 021 1008 +71212 +45288 +89845 +1.024 +0.367 +0.910 -.000447 -.000·179 -.001833
07 022A 1241 +80836 +63851 +80221 +0.966 +0.390 +0.836 -.000400 -.000457 -.001788
07 022B 1191 +88420 +93009 +51106 +0.839 +0.349 +0.729 -.000306 -.000340 -.001743
07 023 1161 +84563 +113124 +14515 +0.711 +0.232 +0.662 -.000227 -.000236 -.001700
08 023 2826 +154255 +164265 +262003 +0.711 +0.232 +0.662 -.000227 -.000236 -.001700
08 024A 3613 +142369 +151131 +300822 +0.657 +0.182 +0.634 -.000167 -.000160 -.001602
08 024B 3975 +99676 +105313 +377495 +0.529 +0.135 +0.529 -.000207 -.‫סס‬oo71 -.001005
08 025 4175 -31328 -33017 +508499 +0.215 +0.172 +0.215 -.o00ooo +.00‫סס‬oo -.o00ooo
08 102 0 -155580 -164217 +632751 -0.000 +0.172 +0.000 -.o00ooo +.00‫סס‬OO -.0‫סס‬oo0
08 101 0 -153418 -164217 +735616 -0.000 -0.000 +0.000 -.o00ooo +.0‫סס‬oo0 -.000000
09 015 4298 -41252 -41324 +99557 +1.333 -0.547 +0.597 -.001089 -.001613 -.002297
09 026A 4068 +22928 +39692 +42156 +1.274 -0.297 +0.659 -.001179 -.001555 -.001782
09 026B 37Q6 +32722 +60169 -8756 +1.280 -0.179 +0.670 -.000319 -.001238 -.001633
09 027 3645 +21159 +60169 -74250 +1.323 -0.072 +0.663 -.000240 -.001008 -.001755
09 028 0 -395 +60169 -196334 + 1.411 +0.127 +0.651 -.000240 -.001008 -.001755
09 029 0 -54143 +1573 -196334 +1.435 +0.121 +0.556 -.000240 -.001008 -.001755
09 030 4372 -2n12 +14907 -113240 +1.275 +0.189 +0.566 -.000240 -.001008 -.001755
09 031A 7418 -163,13 +20312 -79588 +1.210 +0.219 +0.571 -.000273 -.000977 -.001924
09 031B 246·1 +706 +27372 -l!)703 +1.110 +0.246 +0.583 -.000001 -.000636 -.002752
09 023 9763 +69692 +51141 +247.148 +0.711 +0.232 +0.662 -.000227 -.000236 -.001706


j\loments, Forces and Coordinates Referred to the Origin

Br End Idcnt M(X) M(Y) M(Z) F(X) F(Y) F(Z) X Y Z

No Pt (ft Ib) (ft Ib) (ft Ib) (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft) (ft) (ft)
001 B.ANC +1841O(J8 -55910 -1150680 +20573 +178813 -432 -29.21 -0.50 -10.09
01 006 ECL -60SlflOO +0 -1374600 +0 -600000 +0 +2.29 +13.50 -10.09
02 007 STOP +106021 +0 -54889 +0 +20643 +0 -2.66 +13..\0 -5.14
03 OOS STOP +486625 +0 -86056 +0 +32364 +0 -2.66 +13..10 -15.04
04 009 STOP +2706547 +0 +1303·112 +0 +180004 +0 +7.24 + 13.50 -15.04
05 010 STOP +864302 +0 +1218539 +0 +168283 +0 +7.24 +13.50 -5.14
06 015 +47006 +55910 +14427.> -20573 + HJ8!J3 +432 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00
07 023 +88258 +97234 +44718 +8725 -6981 -4740 -13.57 +7.40 +5.55
08 101 ANC +47006 +55!J1O +144275 -20573 + 1!J893 +4:12 -29.21 -0.50 -10m
O!J 023 -41252 -41324 +!J9557 -2!J2!J8 +26874 +51n -13.57 +7.40 +.1..\.\
1'1/144 ~ (6048.1432·j2) ~ 4834324200
members was proposed by Owens (7), and later illus-
5A-5 Selected Bibliography trated (8) by its application to a planar stl'Uelure
Since 1956, considerable literature has been pub- with straight members. Inspired by Brock's matrix
lished, using matrix algebra. Brock's comprehensive approach, Crawford (3) elaborated 011 the effect of
treatment' of the piping problem, using matrix concentrated loads and extended the method to dy-
methods, stimulated wide interests in this method. namic loadings.
The author treated first the two-anchor problem sub- IVlany other pertinent publications have not been
ject to expansion, then the problem of two anchors reviewed here due to space limitations. The re-
with restraints and finally, the multiple-anchor prob- viewed ones are listed below in t.he order of the date
lem with restraints. The shape coefficient matrices of publication.
for straight members as well as circular bends 1. J. W. Soule, "The Solution of :rvlultiple-Branch Piping
situated in one of the principal coordinate planes, Flexibility Problems by Tensor Analysis," JI. of App.
and a straight member skewed in space were given. l\'!ech., Trans. ASME, Vol. 78, 1956, pp. 176-180.
Soule (1) t introduced "the connecting tensor," 2..1. W. Soule, /lTensor-Flexibility Analysis of Pipe-
which enables one to solve, with greater facility, a Supporting Systems," Ibid., pp. 181-184.
3. L. Crawford, "Pipe Stress Analysis for Static and Dy-
problem with multiple branch intersection points. namic Loading," Trans. Soc. of Naval Arch. and Marine
This scheme was extended subsequently to the closed Engrs., Vol. 65, 1957, p. 197.
loop problem by the same author (4). Peck et al. 4. J. W. Soule, "Tensor Flexibility Analysis of Closed-
(5) reiterated Brock's transfer matrix for shapc co- Loop Piping Systems," .JI. of App. !vlech., Trans. ASME,
efficicnts, and generalized it to solve loop problems Vol. 80, 1958, pp. I1-W.
5. L. G. Peck, R. F. !\'Ieyer, P. F. Strong and H. Kalson,
by synthesizing the piping system so that the size of "The Automat.ic Calculation of For<~es and Deflections
matrices is no larger than 6 X (), the procedure being in Piping Systems," Trans. ASl\IE, Vol. SO, Hl58,
similar to the well-known inversion method. In the pp.2.15-244.
same paper, a method was also suggestcd for obtain- fi. L. H. Chen, "Piping Flexibility Analysis hy St.iffness
ing shape coefficicnts for any pipe through integra- l\latrix," Jl. of Appl. !vlech., Trans. ASME, Vol. 81,
1959, pp. 608--4312.
tion, the integrand being the product of five matrices. 7. R. H. Owens, "Flexibility Analysis of Piping Systems
Chen (6) proposed a method by which a multiple Formulated for Digital Computer Solution," Proc. 3rd
anchor and loop problem can be handled in a sys- U. S. Nat. Congo of App. l\Iech., pp. 419-130.
tematic manner. The summing of stiffness (the 8. It. H. Owens, "An Elementary Development of Piping
inverse of flexibility) matrices of various intercon- Flexibility Analysis with Illustrative Example," A.S.N.E.
JI., Feb. 1960.
necting members follows a logical pattern consistent
with the piping configuration. The effects of uniform • "Design of Piping Systems," see Appendix A, Section
A-2, "Bibliography on Piping Flexibility :llld Stress Analysis,"
and concentrated loads on straight, planar members pp. 297-299, reference /fl6/.
were treated by Soule (2). A general, mathematical t Number in brackets refers to the Selected Bibliography
solution for weight effects on straight and curved of this Chapter.

Abnormal temperature differentials, 43 Bellows expansion joints, force to compress, 214-215

Accelerated creep tests, 12 testing and quality control of, 222
Accuracy of General Analytical Method, 116 Bellows fatigue, 221
Acoustic conductivity, 274 "Bellows materials, 220
Acoustic expansion tank, 281 Bend characteristic for curved pipes, 53
Acoustic filters, 279, 290, 333-335 for miters, 61
Acoustic resonance, 277, 281 Bending-torsion vibration, 264
Activation energy, 11 Bingham material, 10
Allowo.ble stresses, 7, 3-1, 43 Blind flanges, 82
as related to Su. or SII for various codes, 35 Boardman formula, 43
for wind, earthquake, etc., 37 Bolting (of flanges), 74-77
Allowable stress range, 37 Braces, 232, 242
ASA code, 40 Brackets, 253
in expansion bellows, 221 Branch connections, acute angle, 64, 68-69
Anchor, 232, 244, 251 Code rules for, 67-69
Andrade's analysis of creep, 9 fabrication of, 69-70
Angle notation for circular members, 311 fatigue of, 66-67
Angle of inclination a, of straight members, 120 internal pressure, 62-6·1, 67-69
of curved members, 123 pressure reduction ratio for, 68-69
Angular frequency, 258 tests on, 63, 6G-67
Approximate methods, value of, 90-92, 97, 100, 102, 114-115 thermal expansion (repeated) loading of, 6G-67
Arc <f> of members, 123 types of reinforcement of, 62-63,70
ASA Code for Pressure Piping, 31 Branched piping, acoustics of, 276
AS!vfE Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, 31 characteristic equation (acoustic) for, 329
Attenuation factor, 280, 334 development of flexibility relationships for, 325
Auto-frettage, 45 flexibility analysis of, 145, 165
Automatic data processing, 115, 116 Brittle crack propagation in steel, criterion for, 18
Axial movement type expansion joints, 225 Brittle fracture, 13-15, 16-20,41--42
effect of crack length on, 19
Balanced expansion joints, 225 of steels, W
Ball joints, 214 Buckling of pi!;e, 37
Banks, piping in, 233 Bursting pressure, 7
Barlow formula, 43
Bauschinger effect, 3 Calculating aids, 116
Beams, vibration of, 261 Calculo.tors, training of, 116
Bellows, layer construction of, 215-216 Co.ntilever, vibration of, 261
life of, 220-222 Castigliano, Theorem of, 300
support and protection of, 216 Cast iron, use of for pressure parts, 42
welding of, 217 Cavity resonator, 27<1, 289
Bellows attachment details, 218 Charpy test, 19-20
Bellows contour, 215 Chart solutions, piping flexibility, 94-95, 296, 344-352
Bellows expansion joints, 214 Check of equations, 118-119
establishing purchasing requirements for, 219 Circular members, 123-126
fabrication of, 217-219 angle notation for, 123, 311
Circular members, approximating effect of, 112-113 Damping, critical, 268
integration of shape coefficients for, 313, 315, 317, 322 Damping devices, 232, 247-248, 270-272
trigonometric constanta for, 35-1-355 effectiveness of, 269
Circumferential pressure stress, 44 ' hydraulic snubber force, 287
Clamps, 249 pulsation dampeners, 31, 279-281, 289
Classification of piping systems, 211 Damping ratio, 268
Clevis, 249 Dashpots, sec Damr-ing devices
Codes, 30-33 Davidenkov Wittman Theory, 17
ASA Code for Press~re Piping, ASME Boiler and Pressure Deflection of horizontal pipe lincs, 239, 357-358
Vessel Code, 31 Deflections and rolations in piping, at any point, 153, 155,
Coefficient of viscous damping, 267 157-158,324
Coil springs, 245 at ends, 129, 13-1, 307
HCold" modulus, 47 calculated, significance of, 49
Cold spring, 38, 49-50, 86-87,166,169-170 Deforma.tions, elastic, 1
Cold spring factor, 49 of a pipe line, 49
Combined stresses in piping, 47-48 calculation of, 153, 155, 157-158
Compressor piping, pulsations in, 279 development of formulas, 32-1-325
Computers, 116 Degrees of freedom, 258
Concentrated loads, support of, 239 Derivations of flexibility formulas, 299-327
Cone~to-cylinder intersections, 82-83 of acoustic vibration formulas, 328-335
Cone under internal pressure, 44 Dimensional units used, 261, 300
Conical reducers, 82 Direct and shear effects, 127,325
Considcre's geometrical construction,S Direction, convention for weight analysis, 1751 317
Constant effort support, 232, 241, 246 Direct tension or compression, shar:e coefficients for, 127, 325
Constraint, 301 Distortion-energy yield condition, 3, 48
Coordinate system, standard, 102 Double~bel1ows exransion joints, 216
Corrosion, 220 Draining, bellows expansion joints, 215
Corrosion fatigue, 21, 28 pitch of lines for, 2-10
Corrugated bellows, 215 Ductile fracture, 13, 15-16
Corrugated pir:e, 70-73 Dynamic loading, 41
fabrication of, 72
stress analysis of, 73 Ears, 250
test results, 72 Earthquakel acceleration of, 41
Corrugated pipe bends, 72 Effective mass, 261
Counterweights, 2-17 Elastic center, 104, 295-296
Cover plates, 82 Elastic follow~up, 38
Crack length, effect on brittle fracture of, 19 Elastic foundations for vibration prevention, 271-272, 286-
Cradles, 249 287
Creased pipe bends, 72 Ellipsoidal welding capsl 82
Creep, 8-13 Elliptical nozzlcs, 66
Andrade's analysis of, 9 Emergency loads, 42
effect of strain hardening and recovery on, 11-12 Endurance limit, 72
effect on flanged connections of, 76 Equalizing rings, 216
effect on life of, 36-37 Equations of a pipe linc, 308
logarithmic formula for, 10 check of, 118-119
safety facwr in, 36 solution of, 117-119
Creep fracture, 13 Equicohesive temperature, 13
Creep testing, 12-13 Equipment, intcreff~cts with piping, 83-86
Criterion, Code, on flexibility analysis, 93, 3-13 Erection stresses, 8G-87, 255
Critical damping, 268 Errors, 116-11 i, 1l n
Curved pipe (see also Circular members), bending of, 52-61 Examination, magnetic powdcr-, radiographic-, 51
effect of tangents, 58 E>.:pansion, thermal, 91-92
Cyclic permutation, 127-128 chart of, 3-11
Cyclic service, criterion for, 93 providing for in limited space, 210-212
Cylinder, stress variation in wall of, 45 Expansion bellows, 214-223
Cylindrical shells, local loading on, 85-86 action under movement of, 227
under external pressure, 46-17 fatigue life of, 220-222
under internal pressure, 6, 43-46 Expansion joints, 210-230
establishing movement demands of, 226-230
Damage (fatigue), 28 fabrication of, 217
cumulative effect of overloads, 42-43 prepositioning of, 227
Damping, 258,267-271 types of, axial movement, 225
coefficient of, 267 bellowsl 21-1-223
Expansion joints, types of, double bellows, 216 Fracture, creep, 13
hinged, 224-225, 228-230 ductile, 15-16
pressure balanced, 225 Fracture stress, 13
packed (slip), 212-214 dependence on shape, 35
tied,224 Free end, 102
universal, 224 Free movement piping system, 211-212, 243
Expansion joint systetnB, pressure reaction of, 212, 214 Free vibration, 258
support of, 242 Frequency, angular, 258
Expansion loop, chart solution for, 350-351 fundamental, 258
Expansion stresscs, 47 Frequency coefficient, 261-262
Expansion tank, 283 Fundamental frequency-mode, 258
Extraneous movement, 32
Gaskets, 75-76
Fabrication, bellows expansion joints, 217 Gas pulsation smoothing, 279-283
residual stresses, 255 comparison of devices for, 282-283
Failure, "by excessive deformation, 1, 5 expansion tank, 281-282
by plastic instability, 5 pulsation dampener, 280--281
types of, 1 surge tank, 279-280
Fatigue, 20-28 tuned resonator, 279
damage by overstress, 27-28 Girth welds, 50
elevated temverature, 26-27 Glass, delayed fracture of, 20
general theory of, 22 Goodman diagram, 24
influence 9f notches and surface flaws on, 25 Gradient of supports, 240
notch sensitivity in, 25 Grapho-analytical method, 296
of expansion bellmvs, 221 Griffith equation, 15
of local components, 59 Griffith Theory of Fracture, 13
warping of slip planes, 22 Guide, 232, 244
Fatigue limit, 21 Guided cantilever, chart {Of, 352
Fatigue strength, 21, 72 correction factor, 353
Fatigue tesls, 26 method, 97-100
flanges, 77
Filter, hydraulic, 279, 290, 333-335 Hangers, 232, 240
linear, 279 Heat treatment, 255-256
Fittings, heavy walled, 70-71 thermal unloading, 87, 255
standard, 31-32, 81-82 Helical springs, 245
Fixed end, 102 Helmholz resonator, 273
Fixtures, 243 High pressure, 4·1-15
Flanged connections, 74-79 Hinged expansion joint, 224-225
bolting, 74-77 Hinged joint piping systems, 129, 134, 211-212, 228
effect of creep, 78 History of piping flexibility analysis, 295
external loading, 78 Horizontal pipe lines, span of, 238-239, 269-270, 356-358
stress analysis of, 74-75 deflection of, 239, 357-358
test rcsults, 74, 77 Hose, flexible, 212
Flanges, blind, 82 Hydraulic damping devices, see Damping dcvices
insulation of, 78 Hydraulic filter, 279, 290, 333-335
Flat plates with circular cut-outs, 64-65 Hydraulic hammer, 283-285
Flexibility analysis, bibliography on, 297-299 Hydraulic snubbers (see also Damping devices), 270--271,
by General Analytical Method, 115-197 287
by Model Test, 198-209 Hydrostatic tests, 222
history of, 295-297 Hysteresis, 3, 2,'l
simplified methods for, 90-114
Flexibility factor, 48 Inclined members, 120, 222-123
bends, 53-54, 60-62 Infinitely stiff members, 103
branch connections, 67 In-plane bending of curved pipe, 52, 54-55
corrugated pive, 72, 73 Insr-ection, 50-51, 70
effect of in flexibility analysis, 111-112, 123 Instability, buckling of pipe, 37
miters, 61 elastic, 1
Flexibility formulas, derivation of, 299-327 plastic, 1-2, 5-7
Flexibility of piping, preliminary assessment of, 92-94 Insulation of pipe attachmcnts, 251
Follow-up elasticity, 38 Integral pir-e attachments, 250-251
Forced vibration, 258 Integration of shape coefficients, 306
Foundations, 271-272, 286-287 Internal pressure, 6
Fracture, brittle, 13-15,16-20, 41--42 cylinder under, 43-4-1
Intermediate restraints, 146, 153 Mode, 258
Internal sleeves, 216 Model testing, 198-209
Inversion procedures, 157, 159, 165-166- basic principles of, 200
IPS pipe, dimensions and properties of, 336-340 description of Kellogg Laboratory for, 201-202
!zod test, 17 history of, 199
need for, 198
Jointed struts, 238 Modulus of clasticit.y, chart of values, 342
Joint efficiency, 50 use of in determining stresses and reactions, 47, 49
Joints, lap, 77-79 Molecular cohesion, 13
of dissimilar materials, 79-81 Molecular strength of a material, 14
screwed, threaded, socket welded, 82 Moments of inertia, pipe, 336-340
I\-1ovemenL,>, expansion joint, 227
Kelcaloy process, 80-81 Multi-layer bellows, 215
Kellogg General Analytical r\'fethod, 115-197, 296, 299-327 !vfultiplane pipe Jines, approximate and simplified solutions,
Kellogg Model Test Laboratory, 201-202 97-103, 107
K-weld,81 General Analyticall\Jethod, 128-129
Multiple necked chambers, 276
Lame formula, Boardman approximation of, 43 Multiple resonators, 274-275, 328-329
Lap joints, 77-79
Layer construction of bellows, 215-216 Natural frequency, 258
Layout, importance of, 211 calculations, acoustic, 273-277, 287-290
vibration considerations affecting, 259 structural, 260-267, 285-286
Layout to facilitate Bupport, 232, 235 of horizontal pipe Jines, 239, 357
Leak detection, 51 Neck (of resonator), 273
Uvy-1Hses equations, 4 Nodes, 273, 278
Life, effect of creep on, 36-37 Non-duetile materials, 42
of expansion bellows, 220-222 Non-equalizing expansion joints, 216
Life factor, 36 Non-integral pipe attachments, 249-250
Limit stop, 232, 242 Non-rigid piping systems, 211-212, 242
Linear filter, 279 Notch brittleness, 16-20
Load constants, 170, 175 Notch sensitivity in fatigue, 25
Loads, emergency, 42 Nozzle rotation, effect on piping: of, 86, 13·1
Loadings, piping design, 32-33 Nozzles, elliptical, 66
Local components, defmition of, 52 pressure vessel, 6-1-65
l.ocalized stresses, 3·1
Local loads on cylindrical shells (see also Pipe attachments), 85 Octahedral shear stress, 3
Location of supports, etc., 236-242 Offset (of expansion joints), 22i
Logarithmic formula for creep, 10 Openings in pbtes and shells, 64-66
Logarithmic strain, 6 Organ pipe, 273
Longitudinal pressure reaction, 212, 214 Origin, location of, 102
Longitudinal stresses, 50 Out-of-plane bending of curved pipe, 52-58
Loops, 273, 278 Ovalization of pipe bends, 53
LUder's bands, 4 Ovalling mode, 26i
Lugs (see aLso Pipe attachments), 250 Overloads, cumulative damage due to, 42-43
Overpressure protection, 33
1Jagnetic powder examination, 51
Magnification factor, 258, 267, 279 Packed expansion joints, 212
as a function of damping ratio or frequency ratio, 269 Packing friction, 213
Partially constrained ends, piping systems with, 129, 134-135
strain, 39
l\'1aintenance of supports, etc., 254 Periodic excitation, sources of, 259
Matrix notation, 296 Period of vibration, 258
Maximum load point, 5 Pipe, properties of, 336-340
Maximum shear-stress yield condition, 3, 48 corrugated, 70-73
Measurement of vibration, 292 Pipe attachments, 243, 248-251
Members, 102 insulation of, 251
circular, 123-136 integral, 250-251
inclined, 120, 122-123 location of, 236
infinitely stiff, 103 non-integral, 249-250
skewed, 134 Pipe banks, 233
Pipe bends (see aLso Circular members), creased, 52--61, 72
Mises yield condition, 3, 48
Mitchell-Bridge Method, 101-102 effect of internal pressure, 60
Mitchell's Method, 296 effect of tangents, 53
Miters, 60-62 forces acting on due to flowing fluid, 285
Pipe bends, ovalization of. 53 Restraints, 233, 234, 237
Pipe clamps, 249 intermedio.te, calculations involving, 146, 153
Pipe supports, etc., 231-256 Resultant restrained thermal expansion, 91-92
glossary of terms used, 232 Rigid fixtures, 244
Pipe wall, stress variation in, 45 Rigid support, 232, 2-10
Piping systems, classification of, 211 Ring, 250-251
Pitching of pipe lines, 239-240 Roller supports, 240
Plastic instability, 1-2,5-7 Rotary slip joints, 214, 224
Plastic constraint, 16-17 Rotating machinery, foundations for, 271
Plasticity, 2-8 Rotation of hinged expansion joints, 230
cylinders under pressure, 45-46 Rotation of nozzles, effect on piping of, 86, 134
stress-strain relationships, 4 Rotations and deflections of pipe line, at any point, 153,
Plates, openings in, 64-66 155-156,32·1
Point of maximum stress, 10·1 at ends, 129, 134, 307
Pre-integration of shape coefficients, 295, 306, 315 Routing piping for favorable support, 233-237
Preliminary assessment of piping flexibility, 92-94 Rupture (creep fracture) test, 13, 36-37
Prepositioning expansion-joints, 227 Rupture strength, fictitious, 37
Prerequisite data for flexibility analysis, 103
Prespringing, 38, 49-50, 86--87, 166, 169-170 Safety fMtors, 8, 35-36, 46-18
Pressure rcaction of expansion joint systems, 212, 214 Sag, 239
Pressure stresses, in cylindrical shells, 6, 43-47 Schedule number, pipe, 336-340
in pipe bends, GO Screwed joints, 82
in shapes of revolution, 44 Seal welding, 77, 79
Pressure surges, 277 Secondary stresses, 34
Pressure testing, 50-51, 222 Secondary term q, 125-127
Primary stres.<;es, 3·1, 37 Section modulus, pipe, 336-3-10
Principal creep rates, 11 Self-equalizing expansion joint, 216
Principal stresses, 3 Self-excited vibration, 258
Proof stress, 3 Saddle, 249
Pulsation dampeners, 31, 27~l-281, 289 Self-springing, 38-40, 49, 86-87
Pulsations, flow, 273-288 Semi-rigid piping systems, 211, 242
in compressor piping, 27U Service conditions, 33
Pumps, piping reactions on, 83-84 effect on allowable stresses of variations in, 42
Purging (of an cxpansion bellows), 217' Set-up procedure, General Analytical Method, 103
Shape coefficients, 306
Quality examination, of expansion joints, 223 for concentrated loads, 306, 311
of fabricated piping, 50-51, 70 circular members, 123, 125-126,313
Quality factor, 50 straight members, 120, 125, 312
for weight, 314
Radiographic examination, 51 circular members, 175-185, 317-320
Radius of gyration, pipe, 336-3·10 straight members, 175, 315-316
Range of stress, of reactions, of deflections, 37-41, 48--49, 116 for wind, 314
Hayleigh 1Tethod for approximating natural frequencies, 263 circular members, 176, 178, 186-188,322-323
Reactions, piping, 48-50, 86-87, 116 straight members, 185, 321
effect on equipment of, 92 for shear and direct effects, 127, 325
Hecovery creep, 11-12 for simplified General Method, 103-104
Heducers, 82 integration of, 306, 314-323, 325-327
Reed vibrometers, 292 tabulated for x, Y, and z planes, 310
Reinforcement of branch connections, nozzles, 62-71 Shear and direct effects, 127,325
Relaxation, 38, 86 Shear strain energy yield condition, 3-4, 48
Residual stresses from fabrication and erection, 255-256 Shells, local loading on, 85-86
Resilient support, 232, 241 openings in, fi.!-{)6
fixtures, 245 Shock absorbers (see also Damping devices), 247-248, 270-272
Resonance, 258, 267, 277 Shock loading, 41
due to wind, 259, 287 Shoes, 250-251
Resonator, 273 Short radius bends, 56-57
cavity, 274, 289 Short time service conditions, 33
Helmholz, 273 Shrink ring loading, cylindrical shells, 85-86
multiplc, 328-329 Signs, 102, 10,1, 118
tuned, 331 Silencers, 281
Resonator cho.mber, 282 Simultaneous equations, solution of, 117-119
Resting Bupports, 240 Single plane calculations, General Mcthod, 119-123
Restraint, definition of, 232 Simplified Method, 103-111
Skewed members, 134, 136-137 Support, definition of, 232
Skirts, 250-251 of concentrated loads, 239
Sleepers, 254 Supporting, etc. from pressure vessels, 253
Sleeves, internal, 216 Supporting structures, 254
Slings, 249 Supporting system, elements of, 236
Slip lyre expansion joints, 213 erection and maintenance of, 254
Snubbers (see also Damping devices), 270--271, 287 Supports, 238-247
Socket welded joints, 82 adjustment of, 255
Solid support, see Rigid support location of, 236-242
Spacing of pipe supports, 238-239, 356-358 vibration considerations affecting, 260-269
vibration considerations affecting, 269-270 maintenance of, 254
Sphere under internal pressure, 44 spacing on horizontal pipe lines of, 238
Spring-mass, model, 260 Surge effects, pressure, 277
Springs, 245 Surge tanks, 279, 333
Squirming, 216 SVolivel joints, 214
Standards, 31-32 Symmetry, of equations, U8
Stiffness, variable, 120, 122-123 of piping, 102, 157
Stiffness ratio QJ 103, 120
Stiff piping systems, 211 Temperature differentials, "abnormal, 43
Stops, 232, 237, 244 restrained expansion, 91-92
equations fOf, 325 Terminal fixation of piping, 83-86
treatment of in piping flexibility calculations, 146, 153 TeslB, expansion joints, 222
Straight members, integration of shape coefficients, 120, 125, hydrostatic, 50-51
175, 185,312,315-316,321 significance of, 50-51
Strain, linear, 5 Thermal cycling, fatigue effect of, 26
logarithmic, 6 Thermal exr-ansion, chart of data, 341
Strain energy in systems, 300, 325 restrained, 91-92
Strain gages, use of in model testing, 201 Thermal fatigue, 28
Strain hardening, 3 Thermal unloading, 87, 255
rate of, 8 Thick cylinders, 7, 45-46
Strain magnification, 39 Threaded joints, 82
Strength, molecular, 14 Three-hinged systems, 228-230
Stress corrosion, 20-21 Thrust axis, 101
Stresses, allowable, 7, 34-13, 221 Tied expansion joint, 22·1
combination of, 47-48 Tie rods, 238
expansion, 40 on expansion joints, 224-226
fabrication, erection, 37 Time constant, 334
in girth welds, 50 Tolerances, expansion joint, m
in horizontal pipe lines, 356, 358 Toroidal bellows, 215, 222
in pipe bends (see also Stress intensification factor), 53-60 Torus under internal pressure, 44
localized, primary, secondary, 3·1 Transfer of moments, 104
pressure, circumferential, 43-46, 50 Transient creep, 9
Stress evaluation, 43-47 Trigonometric constants for circular members, 123, 315,
in expansion bellows, 221 354-355
Stress intensification factor, 40, 48 Transition temperature, 17,42
for bends, 53-60 Traverse, 213
for branch connections, 65-67, 69 Tresca yield condition, 3, 48
for corrugated pipe, 72-74 True stress versus ultimate stress, 8
for flanges, 77 Trunnion, 250-251
for miters, 61 Tuhe (see also Cylindrical shell), plastic instability of, 6
in flexihility analysis, 111-114, 123 Tuned resonators, 279, 290, 331-333
in straight pir:e, 61 Turbines, piping reactions on, 83-8·1
Stress range, allowable, 37-41 Two-member systems, chart solutions for, 344-349
Stress rupture test, 13
Stress-strain curve, 2 Ultimate tensile stress, 5
Stroboscopic devices, 292 relation to allowable stresses, 35
Strouhal number, 259 Unbalanced pressure loads, 212, 214
Structural connections to pipe supports, etc., 251-254 Uniform loading, 170, 175-180,185,314-320
deflection of, 252 Universal type expansion joints, 224
location of, 236 Unrestrained expansion, 91, 92
Struts, jointed, 238 Unstable deformations, 1
Square corner assumption, effect of, 111-113
Summation coefficienlB, 129,307, 310 Vacuum exhaust steam service, design temperature of, 33
Valve closure, pressure build-up during, 283-285 Wall thickness, pipe, 336-3·10
Valves, 81 determination of, 43-47
Van Stone flanges, 76-79 Water hammer, 41, 283
Variable load springs, variability, 245 Wave equations for pressure and velocity. 330
Velocity effect in brittle fracture, 18 Weight loading, 170, 175-180, 185, 314-320
Vessels, piping reactions on, 84-85 \Veight of pipe, water, 336-3,10
Vibration, field correction of, 291-29·1 \'lelding, quality examination and inspection of, 50-51, 70
forced, 258 Welding caps, 82
free, 258 Welding elbows, 58
measurement of, 292-293 'Velding neck flanges, 77
of beams, 261 Welding tees, 64, 67
of plates, pipe (radial mode), 266 Wind loading, 185
of two-member configurations, 265 shape coefficients for, 176, 178, 185-188,314,321-323
types of, 258 Working planes, 127
Vibrometers, 292 "'orking stresses, 7, 34-43, 221
Virtual length, 134
Viscous creep, 9, 10 Yield conditions, 3-4
Visual inspection, 51 Yield point, 2
Von Karman vortices, 259, 287 Yield stress, 2
Von 1'!ises yield condition, 3, 48 relation of allowable stress to, 35

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