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OPINION Why is the rate of pneumococcal
pneumonia declining?
Carlos M. Luna, Laura Pulido, and Diego Burgos

Purpose of review
As Streptococcus pneumoniae was considered the etiological agent of nearly all the cases of pneumonia at
the beginning of the 20th century, and today is identified in fewer than 10–15% of cases, we analyze the
possible causes of such a decline.
Recent findings
Extensive use of early empiric antimicrobial therapy, discovery of previously unrecognized pathogens,
availability to newer diagnostic methods for the recognition of the pneumonia pathogens (PCR, urinary
antigens, monoclonal antibodies etc.) and of improved preventive measures, including vaccines, are some
of possible explanations of the declining role of S. pneumoniae in the cause of pneumonia.
The 14-valent and the 23-valent capsular polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines were licensed in 1977
and 1983, respectively. The seven-valent protein-conjugated capsular polysaccharide vaccine, approved
for routine use in children starting at 2 months of age, was highly effective in preventing invasive
pneumococcal disease in children but also in adults because of the herd effect. In 2010, the 13-valent
protein-conjugated capsular polysaccharide vaccine replaced seven-valent protein-conjugated capsular
polysaccharide vaccine. With the use of conjugated vaccines, a decrease of the vaccine-type invasive
pneumococcal disease for all age groups was observed. Both the direct effect of the vaccine and the
so-called herd immunity are considered responsible for much of the decline.
antimicrobial therapy, cause, community acquired pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae, vaccine

INTRODUCTION last century was considered the etiological agent of

According to the Global Health Observatory, WHO’s nearly all the cases of pneumonia. The incidence of
gateway to health-related statistics, lower respiratory pneumococcal pneumonia has been reduced over the
tract infections, a synonym of pneumonia, remained last 100 years. After 1950, the proportion of pneu-
ranked in the third place as the deadliest communi- monia caused by pneumococcus began to decline. At
cable and, paired with chronic obstructive pulmo- the present time, this organism is identified in fewer
&& &&

nary disease, respiratory diseases, causing 3.5 million than 10–15% of cases [4 ,5 ]. In Fig. 1, the incidence
deaths worldwide in 2015 [1]. Pneumonia incidence of S. pneumoniae as the pathogen of pneumonia dur-

is higher in the low-income countries and interme- ing the last century is displayed [5 ,6–32]. This
diate-low-income countries. Among the population reduction of the role of S. pneumoniae as a causative
its frequency and mortality increase together with microorganism of pneumonia should lead to a
age, particularly after the age of 50 years.
Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus, a
Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic member of Pulmonary Diseases Division, Department of Medicine, Hospital de
Clı́nicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
the genus Streptococcus, was isolated in saliva and
later connected with pneumonia in the 1880s [2]. By Correspondence to Carlos M. Luna, MD, Pulmonary Diseases Division,
Department of Medicine, Hospital de Clı́nicas, Universidad de Buenos
1926, it was named Diplococcus pneumoniae, because Aires, Arenales 2557, piso 1, dto A, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,
of its propensity to exist in pairs of cells in the Gram Capital Federal, CP 1425 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
stain and S. pneumoniae because of its trend to Tel: +54 9 11 5756 1535; fax: +54 11 5950 8929;
formation of chains in liquid media [3]. e-mail:
Pneumococcus acquired its name due to its role Curr Opin Pulm Med 2018, 24:000–000
in this lung infection and during the first half of the DOI:10.1097/MCP.0000000000000478

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CE: Swati; MCP/240309; Total nos of Pages: 7;
MCP 240309

Infectious diseases

cases of community-acquired pneumonia in the era

KEY POINTS before penicillin [33]. During the last years of
 The incidence of pneumococcal pneumonia has been the 20th century, the incidence of S. pneumoniae
falling over the last 100 years. as the etiological agent of CAP was ranked first
in the world, both in outpatients and in those
 After 1950, the proportion of pneumonia caused by admitted to the general ward or to the intensive
pneumococcus began to decline.
care units [34] (Table 1). Twenty years ago, we did
 Changes in the cause and improved diagnostic tests our own study to describe the epidemiology of CAP.
could explain this change. We had some doubts about whether it was correct
that the epidemiology of CAP was the same as that
 The use of conjugate vaccine reduced the incidence of
pneumococcal disease. observed elsewhere [28]. We found that in most of
the studies that analyzed the cause with a compre-
hensive and systematic methodology, S. pneumo-
niae was the main cause of CAP with a variable
reduction of the incidence of pneumonia, but this incidence [19–21,24,27,35–38]. The final results
phenomenon has not been observed. The cause of the of our study confirmed that in our country the
observed declining of the role of S. pneumoniae as the causative organisms were the same as those
etiological agent of community aquired pneumonia described in other parts of the world (Table 2)
(CAP) is not clear. There are different circumstances [28]. On the other hand, the members of the
who could explain why this reduction could be evolv- committee of CAP who elaborated the national
ing and probably there are more than one explana- guidelines reviewed these previously mentioned
tion of this phenomenon including extended use of articles together with other comparable studies
early empirical antimicrobial therapy, emergence of [6,19,21,36 –38]. The conclusion was that there
previously unknown new pathogens, new more sen- were wide variations according to the different
sitive and specific diagnostic methods improving the authors, but it is also confirmed that S. pneumoniae
recognition of previously known pathogens and bet- was at that time (1985–1995) by far, the most
ter preventive measures including influenza and common pathogenic microorganism, in all catego-
pneumococcal vaccines. ries of the severity of the disease, and whatever the
Consequently, the question of why the rate of site of care [35], Table 1. We focused on studies that
pneumococcal pneumonia is declining, remains included at least one calendar year in which the
unanswered. In the following pages, we analyze greatest efforts were made to know which were
some of the possible answers. the prevalent pathogens including bacteriological
examinations in respiratory secretions, blood cul-
CAUSE OF PNEUMONIA tures and pleural fluid, search for viral antigens in
nasopharyngeal aspirates and serological studies in
S. pneumoniae was the overwhelmingly predomi- acute and in the convalescence, trying to deter-
nant cause of CAP accounting for more than 80% of mine the presence of pathogens.
In this kind of studies, with the diagnostic tools
available at that time, even when the greatest efforts
were made to determine the cause, there was always
a large group of patients in whom it was not possible
to determine the cause due to the sensitivity of the
different methods and the presence in many cases of
antibiotic therapy before taking samples. The num-
ber of episodes of CAP without etiologic diagnosis
was the most common finding in all categories of
patients (outpatients, admitted to the general ward
and admitted to the ICU).
During the last 15–20 years, new diagnostic
tools to determine the cause of CAP, used both, at
FIGURE 1. Evolution of the frequency of Streptococcus the point of care and in the laboratory (PCR, urinary
pneumoniae as a cause of community-acquired pneumonia. antigen tests etc), became widely available. These
A comparison of this cause according to the data published advances can enable an etiological diagnosis with
by different authors covering different periods of time, highly sensitive technology and provide the neces-
namely: 1915–1944 [6–10], 1945–1974 [11–20], sary information in a fast and effective way; further-
1985–1994 [21–27] and 1995–2015 [5 ,28–32]. &&
more, it has excited physicians about the possibility

2 Volume 24  Number 00  Month 2018

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CE: Swati; MCP/240309; Total nos of Pages: 7;
MCP 240309

Why is the rate of pneumococcal pneumonia declining? Luna et al.

Table 1. Cause of CAP, relative frequency of causative microorganisms considering the different sites of care in different
series in the 1990s
Outpatients (1), Admitted to the general Admitted to the ICU (3),
7 studies, from ward (2), 36 studies from 7 studies from Europe,
Europe and from Europe, United States, United States and
Latin America Oceania and Latin America Latin America
Pathogen % % %

Streptococcus pneumoniae 28.1 23.5 29.8

Haemophilus influenzae 7.0 4.4 7.6
Staphylococcus aureus 0.2 1.1 12.2
Aerobic Gram-negative bacteria 0.4 3.0 9.0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0.2 1.0 1.7
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 8.5 7.2 1.6
Chlamydophila pneumoniae 6.3 7.1 1.4
Chlamydophila psitacci 0.0 1.6 1.8
Coxiella burnetti 0.9 0.9 1.0
Legionella pneumophyla 0.9 5.0 6.7
All the viruses 17.3 10.1 2.4
Influenza 8.8 6.2 1.0
Other pathogens 0.7 2.1 9.2
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 0.2 1.0 1.7
Mixed 3.2 8.3 14.8
None 55.3 46.6 38.6

CAP, community aquired pneumonia.

Modified from [35].

of focusing treatment by reducing the need for

Table 2. Epidemiology of CAP in Argentina 20 years ago
empirical treatments with multiple drugs. However,
Pathogen Number Percentage on the one hand, the early data show that these
techniques can have a false-positive rate, which
Streptococcus pneumoniae 35 10.1
makes it difficult to interpret the results. On the
Haemophilus influenzae 17 4.9 other hand, some studies show that the incidence of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 8 2.3 S. pneumoniae is lower than before the middle of the
Staphylococcus aureus 6 1.7 20th century, but also pneumococcus no longer
Moraxella catarrhalis 5 1.4 occupies the first place as a pathogenic agent of
Other Gram-positive organisms 9 2.6 CAP.
Other Gram-negative organisms 19 5.5 Those studies performed after 2010, looking at
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 19 5.5 the cause of CAP and with an intensive investigation
Chlamydia pneumoniae 12 3.5 of the causes of pneumonia included all patients
Legionella pneumophila 4 1.2 hospitalized for pneumonia, and deserve further
Chlamydia psittaci 1 0.3 attention. One study was performed at a Veterans
Coxiella burnetii 1 0.3 Affairs medical center from 5 July 2011 to 30
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 7 2.0 June 2012, using most of the classic and the modern
Fungi 6 1.7 diagnostic techniques available, including blood
Influenza A 9 2.6 and respiratory specimen culture, urinary antigens
Adenovirus 9 2.6 and PCR multiplex for 15 viruses [29]. In this study,
Respiratory syncytial virus 3 0.9 S. pneumoniae was detected in 9% of the 215
Parainfluenza virus 2 0.6
patients; PCR identified a virus in 23%, bacterial
Measles 1 0.3
and viral coinfection occurred in 6% of cases, but
significantly, even with this sophisticate technique
More than one pathogen 20 5.8
the cause remained unknown in 55%. The other is
Aspirative 4 1.2 &&
the CDC EPIC study [5 ] of (more than 2000
Unknown 166 48.0
patients) which reported a lower proportion of
CAP, community aquired pneumonia. pneumococcal pneumonia (5%) and all bacterial
Data modified from [28]. pneumonia (15%).

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CE: Swati; MCP/240309; Total nos of Pages: 7;
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Infectious diseases

WHAT IS THE ROLE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN Enterobacteriaceae extended-spectrum b-lactamase-

REDUCING THE INCIDENCE OF positive and methicillin-resistant S. aureus. Further-
PNEUMOCOCCUS? more, the use of antibiotics for different reasons was
In the preantibiotic stage, S. pneumoniae was the found to be related with the acquisition of CAP due to
leader in the list of pneumonia causes [8]. Others P. aeruginosa. Pseudomonas pneumonia has been
causative organisms involved in the preantibiotic described characteristically as a hospital-acquired
stage were Streptococcus pyogenes, Klebsiella pneumo- infection in patients with underlying medical disor-
niae, Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influen- ders. In the 1970s, some authors described few reports
zae with very small percentages compared with S. of severe CAP produced by this microorganism in the
pneumoniae and no bacterial cause in fewer than 5% previously healthy without previous definite predis-
[6]. But nowadays, despite all the new diagnostic posing factors [48,49].
techniques, it still represents a challenge to find all
the pathogens involved [4 ]. ROLE OF NEWER DIAGNOSTIC METHODS
In the early 20th century, a novel technique
During the last 20 years, some methods that were
called ‘antiserum therapy’ began to be applied to previously unavailable, began to be routinely used,
patients with S. pneumoniae pneumonia, and by
which impacted on an early and accurate recogni-
1913, it was called antipneumococcal serum ther- &
tion of the cause of CAP [50 ,51]. The newer meth-
apy. If it was given in the early stage of disease, it was
ods included the immunochromatographic urinary
able to reduce mortality from 25 to 7.5%. However,
antigen test for S. pneumoniae and for Legionella
this treatment was expensive and slow [39]. Use of
pneumophila serotype I, and molecular methods,
antibiotics as a treatment strategy for pneumonia
including the PCR, available for the etiological diag-
continued throughout the 1900s. In the thirties,
nosis of several infectious diseases, including bacte-
therapy of pneumonia with sulfonamides reduced rial and viral infections. Those methods may
the mortality rate significantly. Although sulfapyr-
threaten to revolutionize the diagnostic approach
idine gained a lot of notoriety, this agent was
and the therapeutic timing leading to the use of
quickly set aside upon the discovery of the antibiotic
directed treatment instead of the currently recom-
penicillin in the early 1940s [40]. With the intro-
mended empirical treatment for the therapeutic
duction of penicillin, the physicians reduced their
management of patients with CAP.
respect and fear for pneumonia (perhaps in excess),
Through the use of PCR, the importance of the
and started to focus in strategies for prevention of S.
viruses as CAP agents was shown (Table 1) to the
pneumoniae pneumonia by vaccination [41]. Like- detriment perhaps of the bacterial agents [52], and a
wise, antibiotics such as penicillin, acclaimed as the &
not lesserser fact, the presence of coinfections [53 ].
‘knockout blow’ against the pneumococcus, are the
However, there is a need to continue with further
cause of selecting antibiotic-resistant mutants (it is
research because the method can yield positive
best to say: ‘the wrong use of antibiotics’) [42].
results even after 2–5 weeks after an acute infection
In reference to other pathogens of pneumonia,
and thus be a false-positive result. From this point of
during the mid-20th century, S. pyogenes was a com-
view, it is highly probable that early recognition of
mon cause of severe pneumonia and caused epidemic
the pathogen, with sensitive and specific methods
outbreaks [43]. Today, except for postinfluenza com- that seek the cause in pulmonary infections in both
plications, it is not considered a common cause of CAP
outpatients and hospitalized patients, may reveal
in adults; however, when this infection is present it is
the presence of some of the previously recognized
usually reported to have a high mortality rate [44].
pathogens and other microorganisms previously
Previous antibiotic administration was significantly
not considered (including rhinovirus, bocavirus,
associated with undetermined cause [21]; antimicro-
metapneumovirus), and thus make them appear
bial treatment before the collection of samples has
in statistics as pathogenic agents producing a detri-
been associated specifically with the decrease of the
ment of S. pneumoniae participation in pneumonia
yields of conventional bacterial culture methods [45]. cause. However, we must be careful because of these
In recent years, concern has arisen regarding
and other nonstandardized techniques may also
some pathogens of CAP which require different
lead to overdiagnosis [54], and further validation
antibiotics than those used in the initial empiric
is required before they can be used in diagnosis.
treatment recommended by the guidelines [46,47].
One of the explanations to this problem is the
irrational use of antibiotics that select the endoge- ROLE OF VACCINES
nous flora and promote the emergence of resistant The first polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine licensed
pathogens, specifically Pseudomonas aeruginosa, was the 14-valent capsular polysaccharide vaccine

4 Volume 24  Number 00  Month 2018

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CE: Swati; MCP/240309; Total nos of Pages: 7;
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Why is the rate of pneumococcal pneumonia declining? Luna et al.

FIGURE 2. Trends observed in invasive pneumococcal disease before (2000–2006) and after (2008–2009) the inclusion of
the seven-valent protein-conjugated capsular polysaccharide vaccine in the calendar in children in England and Wales. Two
age groups are displayed: children less than 2 years-old (who received the vaccine) and at least 65 years-old (not vaccinated).
The adjusted counts of invasive pneumococcal disease cases decreased overall in the two groups, more markedly for the invasive
pneumococcal disease due to vaccine type pneumococci, whereas the nonvaccine type increased, likely attributable to vaccine-
induced serotype replacement after introduction of the seven-valent protein-conjugated capsular polysaccharide vaccine.
Reproduced with permission [62].

in 1977 [55 ]. The 23-valent capsular polysaccharide valent-protein-conjugated capsular polysaccharide
vaccine, PSV23, replaced the 14-valent vaccine in vaccine (PCV7) was approved for routine use in
1983. The effectivity of this vaccine was approxi- children starting at 2 months of age and it proved
mately 60%, preventing particularly the incidence highly effective in preventing IPD and other pneu-
of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) [56]. Seven mococcal infections [55 ] not only in children but

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CE: Swati; MCP/240309; Total nos of Pages: 7;
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Infectious diseases

also in adults [57]. In 2010, the current 13-valent S. pneumoniae, its inclusion in the national calendars
protein-conjugated capsular polysaccharide vac- to populations at risk and the herd effect that it
cine, PCV13, replaced PCV7. With the introduction generates, the increased incidence of emerging
in the national calendar of several countries of the pathogens and the dissemination and use of current
PCV7 (including the serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14,18C, treatment guidelines.
19F and 23F) in children in 2000 a drastic reduction
in invasive disease rates and in mortality has been Acknowledgements
demonstrated [58]. Therefore, first the 10-valent,
and then the PCV13 including the serotypes 1, 3,
5, 6A, 7F and 19A were created. The efficiency of
these vaccines in children has been recognized in Financial support and sponsorship
several studies [59]. None.
In addition to its role as a pathogen, S. pneumo-
niae is asymptomatically carried in the nasopharynx Conflicts of interest
by up to 50% of infants and up to 5% of adults [60].
C.L. was member of the advisory board of AstraZeneca,
It is accepted that colonization occurs before dis-
Bayer, Cempra, OM Pharma and Pfizer. C.L. was also
ease, and transmission is from child to child and speaker in scientific meetings or courses financed by OM
from children to adults [61]. Calculating the inci-
Pharma, Pfizer and Merck. The remaining authors have
dence of vaccine type and nonvaccine type IPD in
no conflicts of interest.
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