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CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
Deemed to be University


● Meaning,
● Objectives,
● purpose,
● types,
● scope and significance of research in business and industry,
● Criteria for Good research
● Ethics in research.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

What Is Research?

● Research is a diligent search, studious inquiry or investigation or

experimentation aimed at the discovery of new facts and findings;

or broadly,

● it may relate to any subject of inquiry with regard to collection of

information, interpretation of facts, revision of existing facts, theories
or laws in the light of new facts or practical ideas.

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Deemed to be University

Why Is Research Conducted?

● Research is conducted for a number of reasons, which in turn depend

on the objectives of any particular ‘research problem’.

● Of course, there are particular reasons for undertaking research at

various levels to discover something new.

● As discussed earlier, it may be to find out something we do not

already know or to enhance our understanding of phenomena that we
already know something about.

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In the business arena, however, research tends to be

undertaken in order to achieve one or more of the
following objectives:
● To gain a competitive advantage
● To test new products and services
● To solve a management/organisational problem
● To provide information, which may help to avoid future business
● To forecast future sales
● To better understand shifts in consumer attitudes and tastes
● To enhance profitability
● To reduce operational costs
● To enable the management to prioritise strategic options for the future

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One could go on and on with this list and we are sure that you can add to

The main point, however, is that research (in whatever business or public
sector organisation) is always undertaken for a clear purpose—

to strengthen an organisation’s ability to meet the demands of the


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Who Does Research?
● A very wide array of organisations and individuals do research. These
range from the rather obvious such as market research companies
through to the smallest government departments which need to know
the impact of their work on the community. The following is just a
small sample of the type of organisations/individuals who conduct

● Government departments
● Private companies
● Research companies
● Consultancy companies
● Academics
● Voluntary organisations
● Advertising agencies
● Market research companies
● And of course you, students!
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Some noteworthy definitions of research
According to Webster

“Research is studious enquiry or examination, critical and

exhaustive investigation, or experimentation, having its aim for
discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation”.

According to JW Best

“Research is considered to be the more formal, systematic, intensive

process of carrying on the scientific methods of analysis. It involves a
more systematic structure of investigation, usually resulting in some
sort of formal record of procedures and report of results or

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General objectives of research
● To gain familiarity with phenomena and achieve new insight into it.

● To determine the frequency with which something occurs.

● To test hypothesis of cause, effect and relationship between variables.

● To describe, unexplained horizon of knowledge.

● To know the level of association between two variables.

● To study and resolve contradiction in area of study and propose a new


● To carry work for the betterment or upliftment of the society.

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Characteristics of research Deemed to be University

● Objectivity - free from researcher’s beliefs and preferences.

● Validity – accuracy in research procedure and research instrument.

● Accuracy – truth or correctness in a statement (no exaggeration or


● Systematisation - collection of data in a systematic way and reliable


● Cyclical – starts with a specific problem, finds solution for that

problem and makes way to arise new problem.

● Empirical – should be based on the direct practical experience of the

● Methodological – Research is conducted in a methodological manner without
biasness, using systematic methods and procedures.
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● The Replicability of a research study is important because this allows

other researchers to test the study’s findings. Replicability can also
improve the trustworthiness of a research’s findings among readers.

● Good research is also reproducible. Research is reproducible if

researchers achieve consistent results using the same data and analysis
methods. The reproducibility of a research study and its findings can
confirm the study’s overall validity and credibility.

● Research must also be transparent or available to other researchers.

Research must be written or presented in such a way that it provides
comprehensive details on how data was collected and analysed and
how conclusions were reached. This is why most scholarly articles
provide clear descriptions of their corresponding research process.

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▪ On the basis of application
▪ On the basis of objectives
▪ On the basis of extent of logic
▪ On the basis of methodology


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
Deemed to be University

Objectives Logic


Descriptive Quantitative

research Qualitative


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On the basis of application

● Basic research is a type of research approach that is aimed at gaining a

better understanding of a subject, phenomenon or basic law of nature.
This type of research is primarily focused on the advancement of
knowledge rather than solving a specific problem.

● Basic research is also referred to as pure research or fundamental

research. The concept of basic research emerged between the late 19th
century and early 20th century in an attempt to bridge the gaps
existing in the societal utility of science.

● The objective of this research is to provide models and theories

regarding some phenomena.

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Examples of basic research

● Basic research can be carried out in different fields with the primary
aim of expanding the frontier of knowledge and developing the scope
of these fields of study. Examples of basic research can mostly be
seen in medicine, education, psychology, technology, to mention but a

● A research on how do teaching methods affect student's concentration

in class?
● A research to discover the components of the human DNA.
● Do stress levels make individuals more aggressive?
● An investigation into the secondary symptoms of high blood

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Characteristics of Basic Research

● Basic research is analytical in nature.

● It aims at theorising concepts and not solving specific problems.
● It is primarily concerned with the expansion of knowledge and not
with the applicability of the research outcomes.
● Basic research is explanatory in nature.
● Basic research is carried out without any primary focus on possible
practical ends.
● It improves the general knowledge and understanding of different
fields of study.

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● This research applies the existing theories and methods to solve

particular a problem.
● It is a practical application of a concept provided by the basic

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Applied research in business
● Applied research is used in business to build knowledge and develop
product solutions.

● It enables organisations to identify the peculiar needs of target

markets and this would help them to create different business
strategies that would allow them to satisfy these needs.

● conducting contractual research would help business owners to get

insightful feedback on product gaps that may have, otherwise, been
ignored. This is a great way to get first-hand information on target
market reactions which can inform brand decisions.

● Applied research also helps employers of labour to identify and

address the productivity needs of their workforce.

● To measure the effectiveness of its recruitment practices or of its

organisational structure.
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Examples of applied research

● Applied research to improve an organization’s hiring process.

● Applied research to improve workplace efficiency and organizational
● Applied research to bridge skill gaps in the workplace.

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Applied Vs. Basic research

● Applied research is a type of research that is concerned with solving

practical problems using scientific methods while basic research is a
type of research that is concerned with the expansion of knowledge.
● Basic research generates new theories or improves on existing
theories hence, it is theoretical in nature. On the other hand, applied
research creates practical solutions to specific problems hence, it is
practical in nature.
● Basic research is knowledge-specific while applied research is
● The scope of basic research is universal while applied research is
limited in nature. This means that while applied research addresses a
specific problem and is limited to the problem which it addresses,
basic research explores multiple dimensions of various fields.

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Classification based on Objectives

● Descriptive research
● Explanatory research
● Exploratory research
● Correlational research

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Classification based on the extent of logic

● Deductive research
● Inductive research

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Classification based on Methodology

● Qualitative research
● Quantitative research
● Mixed research

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Qualitative VS. Quantitative

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Qualitative VS. Quantitative

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significance of research in business and industry
Undertaking research in business management is important since it aids a
business plan for the future, based on what may have occurred in earlier
times. If performed effectively it can help organizations and industry to
make plans on how to become more viable in its field.

Testing of new products. Business research tests the possible success of

fresh products. Businesses need to know what kinds of services and
products consumers want before they produce them. Research will reduce
risk – Research can help design a new product or service, figuring out what
is needed and ensure that the development of a product is highly targeted
towards demand.

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● Guaranteeing adequate distribution. Businesses can also use

research to guarantee sufficient distribution of their products. For
instance, a consumer products’ company might want to speak with
merchants about the various brands they offer. The outcomes of the
business research can help managers decide where they need to
increase their product distribution.

● In-house research is required for professional and self development

of the workers through training and mentoring. Organisational
research and analysis would also be needed for assessment of
performance management, process reengineering, departmental
assessment and well-being of staff members.

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● Undertaking research can help a company avoid future failure.

Carrying out research can also help a business determine whether now is
the right time to expand into another town or whether it needs to apply
for a new loan. It may also help a small business decide if a process
should be altered or if more needs to be done to meet the requirements of
the customer base.

● Studying the competition. Businesses frequently make use of research

to study key rivals in their markets. Businesses will often begin with
secondary research information or information which is currently
accessible. Research is important for any organization to remain
competitive in the market. The top function of research is to supply a
business with an outlet to correctly determine its customers. With the
help of surveys, an organization can analyse the preferences of its target
consumers. Furthermore, these studies could also provide a business the
chance to examine its competitors in the industry and analyse and
emulate key strategies which could help in its operations.
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● It can also help in the recruitment of employees. It’s through proper

research that human resource managers are able to determine and
recruit qualified manpower. Recruitment of workers with the right
skills and attitudes aids the company to improve its productivity
levels. Research for the right staff members can be done via the
internet, consultancy firms and institutions of higher learning.

● A proper knowledge of the employees and healthy conversation

would be important factors for a manager to boost performance of the
individuals in the team. A good approach, winning attitude and
behaviour of the manager with proper systems set up would certainly
call for sound research to understand and improve the system.

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Ethics in research
● Research ethics refers to a diverse set of values, norms and
institutional regulations that help constitute and regulate scientific

● Research that involves human subjects or participants raises some

unique and complex issues like
● Ethical
● Legal
● Social
● Political
● Environmental etc.

● Therefore, Research ethics provides guidelines for the responsible

conduct of research. In addition, it educates and monitors scientists
conducting research to ensure a high ethical standard.

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Some ethical principles
● Honesty: Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and
publication status. Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data.
● Objectivity: Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis,
data interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing,
expert testimony, and other aspects of research.
● Integrity: Keep your promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive
for consistency of thought and action.
● Carefulness: Avoid careless errors and negligence; carefully and
critically examine your own work and the work of your peers. Keep
good records of research activities.
● Openness: Share data, results, ideas, tools, resources. Be open to
criticism and new ideas.
● Respect for Intellectual Property: Honour patents, copyrights, and
other forms of intellectual property. Do not use unpublished data,
methods, or results without permission. Give credit where credit is due.
Never plagiarize.
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● Confidentiality: Protect confidential communications, such as papers or

grants submitted for publication, personnel records, trade or military
secrets, and patient records.
● Responsible Publication: Publish in order to advance research and
scholarship, not to advance just your own career. Avoid wasteful and
duplicative publication.
● Responsible Mentoring: Help to educate, mentor, and advise students.
Promote their welfare and allow them to make their own decisions.
● Respect for Colleagues: Respect your colleagues and treat them fairly.
● Social Responsibility: Strive to promote social good and prevent or
mitigate social harms through research, public education, and advocacy.
● Non-Discrimination: Avoid discrimination against colleagues or
students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors that are not
related to their scientific competence and integrity.
● Competence: Maintain and improve your own professional competence
and expertise through lifelong education and learning; take steps to
promote competence in science as a whole.
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● Legality: Know and obey relevant laws and institutional and

governmental policies.
● Animal Care: Show proper respect and care for animals when using
them in research. Do not conduct unnecessary or poorly designed
animal experiments.
● Human Subjects Protection: When conducting research on human
subjects, minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits; respect
human dignity, privacy, and autonomy.

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Why ethics in research?

● To protect human participants.

● To ensure that research is conducted in a way that serves interests of
individuals, groups and society as a whole.
● To examine specific research activities for their ethical soundness,
looking at issues such as
● Management of risk
● Protection of confidentiality
● Protection of privacy (children, persons with disabilities, women,
● And process of informed consent

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Important components of ethical research

● Voluntary participation: Informed consent is required, the

participants should be informed about the procedures and potential
risk completely before participating in the research process.

● No harm to the subjects: No harm to be participants in any manner.

● Confidentiality: participants autonomy, privacy, dignity and

confidentiality must be protected.

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What does research requires an individual to do?

● first identify the problem,
● then understand the problem,
● then know where to go for the information,
● then know who to ask for the information and
● also to know what questions to ask.

● If you think about it, failure to go through any of these basic steps will
result in the research ‘problem’ remaining a research problem—and
the individual concerned is very likely to miss his or her bus to work!

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