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ENT js COR; AND wh RECT AND foe ANSWan on + Polsoni 5 ‘ined Bale are suicidal | a Vicim wi IF THE sty FATEMENT Js, HE SHEET eae INCORRECT Fone |. False ng chest yw ‘ oun, a X Should be positioned on he ijured sie, Tus ¥€ Injuries, you should apply dressing t beth eves. Snetrating eye injuti ye injuri = ‘uses should be kept lying Nat on back during transporting 10 H OF THE FOLL E FOLLOWING ; ae ae HAS ONLY ONE BEST ANSWER. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER AND iy eas ‘ON THE ANSWER SHEET USING BLOCK LETTERS. ANY ACTIVITY/ANSWER HI WELL AS SMALL LETTERS HAS NO VALUE. ly to the brain for short period of time? B. Dizdiness —_C. Stress D, Seizure E. Fainting old male victim with a sudden, severe headache, murbness. weakness of ‘especially on the right side of the body, This vietim should get first sid B. Stroke C. Seizne D. Heartattack lowing is the most consistent with stroke? B, Nausea C. Chest pain D. Facial droop farts seizing in the class as you start first aid exam whats the first ol .¢ smoke inhalation to noses , i mney that need immediate intervention. AS first alder you HST od provide first aid, What are he 0 principal sympoms of tle of whia ih “ie owing pe back ~ Nypovateni Obsires WW oc igh omponwer a Ge easels: SHO Geist, Deel ae © Hypovolemie Di Septic : BOHG Whee LG) esp nara allo ator. Desp sum burn, Feat ving is eoxreet goneral Bs Ca Nasr ratn tcs Ge ' + Break ill listers as they appear ce oll D. nurse the burned part ina water é poe Fecommendled First aid measure for partial thickness burn? ‘ C. Break blister as they appear ected extremity 1). Tinmerse the burned part in cold water lowing is LEAST recommended First aid measure for full thickness burn? . Invnerse the burned partin cold water affected exiremity 1D. Do not remove adhered charred clothing ‘Avoman sustained « burn injury to whole right upper extremity, anterior ea, According to rule of nine, what is total body surface area ‘burned? B, 27% ©. 28% D. 37% EL 38% ug is not & responsibility of first aider during emergency phase of bum C. Removing restricting objects ‘D. Functional reconstruction ris not a predisposing factor for epistaxis? D. Cold, stressful activity B. Dry weather conditions 2 Packing nostrils with gawe /D, Using facial presse points sic of splint? : e C. Short enough 1D. Wide enough DA Apply. band: i andage (0 hold dressing in e Deformity over the skull z pale Aluid from the ears or nose St Important for-a vietim with suspected brain n indicati ‘ Sone indication of brain i ng first aid intervention i lying down and treat for shock lanes, and obtain medical assistance, ssing and bandage over the skull if wound is presont Ning first aid intervention is not reconmmended for a vietim with suspected D. Applying dressing and bandage over the skull. F. Keeping the victim lying down and flat position d, neck, and body as one unit? 5, To reduce the risk of increased ICP reathing easy D, To protect the spine fFom further injury | represents separation of a bone ata joint? ‘Strain: C, Fracture: D. Dislocation ry to join, ligaments, muscle ot tendon inthe reuion of ein!” in C. Fracuure D. Dislocation ‘of injury results from over stretching of the muscle? C.Fractire D. Dislocation ing on right ankle. On history, she bad ® ater, she slipped and her ankle ralled in. duce the risk of re- pain and swell ‘A few days ‘What would you advice to re C. Apply heat for the 1" 24 hours ‘1D, Compress with elustic bandages: : penetrating abdominal injury/stab, the Anife was died organs/intestines. AS @ first aider, what is the xed position swith the knees ina fl A pe extended positon wil Knees inan page| 4 ea imeFeaion i ean app n FTOpTiate for a victim wig aad th protruding foi % dressing the wound or protruding organs lon iS LEAST recommened victims with fae © tmobitize the injured part D. Replace bone fa fracture, you should eks or other instruments for a vietim sustained chemical splash 8 is helpful TOF Sus; : © Of etry De Satn does not ¥s Anereage: OF potson cohinge EON ince? DW! Teach of chit oe alo can cause a IS the first thing you sho ve ull do when you fice-a poisooed person? ©. Stabilize the airway D. Identify the poisoned substance not recommented First aid measure for poisoned! person? ity stident complaints pain and swelling over the ight lower en by doz while hc was wang othe roadside, ich afte ong 7 the wound with soap and water ptic solution, suttre and deess the wound eding or discharge from the wound and give itto the ‘iuen dog m with rabid dog bite, which one of the following is correct firs oi ies vaceimatic immediately symptoms followin stake et _C, Local swelling D, Paralysis fing in the gacds?- ee syasting out 1p, Metrologic! Fata oe ral 1p Ldewsle page | casualty from dano TB is a fast o net “SUer evacuation te, OUS Situation ; A. Shoulder pull MAHON ino asafery? Shnigne to rave Pec 2 20 unconscious © cradle techni ic : hhnique e c Dick-a-back technique 53, Which aca pest technique % the fire man's lift and carry technique a Owing method of tr Victim up/down stairs? ansfer during emergency rescue is best 7 ae st for moving a / Chair carry etre tinncied seat Y. Blanket Techniques 54. Whi P Z. Three-Man or Four-Man Lift ich of the following techniques to transport casualty can be both ae Bee eiper tancpor? ¢ both a single helper transport A. the cradle technique . the pick-a-back technique B. the human crutch technique D. the fire man's lift and carry technique 55. Which of the following method is best used to transport unconscious victim who sustained | MM. The human eruteh technique O.Fore and Aft Method e P Three-Man or Four-Man Lift N. Four-handed seat technique RT ANSWERS. QUESTIONS. FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND WRITE YOUR ANSWER ON THE ANSWER SHEET READABLE HANDWRITING. mmonly occurring type of fracture in children/infants?(1 point) most CO points) types ‘of bone fractures. 4

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