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Antonyms (Opposite
Words): 30+
Adjectives & Verbs
niánqīng hé lǎo
young and old


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年轻和老 近和远/密切和疏远
niánqīng hé lǎo jìn hé yuǎn/mìqiè hé shūyuǎn
young and old close and distant

早和晚 快和慢
zǎo hé wǎn kuài hé màn
early and late fast and slow

快乐和悲伤 热和冷
kuàilè he bēishāng rè hé lěng
happy and sad hot and cold

大和小 嘈杂和安静/大声和安静
dà hé xiǎo cáozá hé ānjìng/dàshēng hé ānjìng
large and small loud and quiet

高和低 强和弱
gāo hé dī qiáng hé ruò
high and low powerful and weak

私立和公立 真和假
sīlì hé gōnglì zhēn hé jiǎ
private and public real and fake

软和硬 强和弱
ruǎn hé yìng qiáng hé ruò
soft and hard strong and weak

对和错 增加和减少
duì hé cuò zēngjiā hé jiánshǎo
right and wrong increase and decrease
承认和否认 同意和不同意
chéngrèn hé fǒurèn tóngyì hé bù tóngyì
admit and deny agree and disagree

上升和下降 来和去
shàngshēng hé xiàjiàng lái hé qù
ascend and descend come and go

成功和失败 漂浮和下沉
chénggōng hé shībài piāofú hé xiàchén
succeed and fail float and sink

笑和哭 推和拉
xiào hé kū tuī hé lā
laugh and cry push and pull

播种与收获 走和停
bōzhǒng yǔ shōuhuò zǒu hé tíng
sow and reap go and stop

到达和出发 创造与破坏
dàodá hé chūfā chuàngzào yǔ pòhuài
arrive and depart create and destroy

进入和出去 记住和忘记
jìnrù hé chūqù jìzhù hé wàngjì
enter and exit remember and forget
年轻和老 近和远/密切和疏远
niánqīng hé lǎo jìn hé yuǎn/mìqiè hé shūyuǎn
young and old close and distant

早和晚 快和慢
zǎo hé wǎn kuài hé màn
early and late fast and slow

快乐和悲伤 热和冷
kuàilè he bēishāng rè hé lěng
happy and sad hot and cold

大和小 嘈杂和安静/大声和安静
dà hé xiǎo cáozá hé ānjìng/dàshēng hé ānjìng
large and small loud and quiet

高和低 强和弱
gāo hé dī qiáng hé ruò
high and low powerful and weak

私立和公立 真和假
sīlì hé gōnglì zhēn hé jiǎ
private and public real and fake

软和硬 强和弱
ruǎn hé yìng qiáng hé ruò
soft and hard strong and weak

对和错 增加和减少
duì hé cuò zēngjiā hé jiánshǎo
right and wrong increase and decrease
承认和否认 同意和不同意
chéngrèn hé fǒurèn tóngyì hé bù tóngyì

上升和下降 来和去
shàngshēng hé xiàjiàng lái hé qù

成功和失败 漂浮和下沉
chénggōng hé shībài piāofú hé xiàchén

笑和哭 推和拉
xiào hé kū tuī hé lā

播种与收获 走和停
bōzhǒng yǔ shōuhuò zǒu hé tíng

到达和出发 创造与破坏
dàodá hé chūfā chuàngzào yǔ pòhuài

进入和出去 记住和忘记
jìnrù hé chūqù jìzhù hé wàngjì
young and old close and distant

early and late fast and slow

happy and sad hot and cold

large and small loud and quiet

high and low powerful and weak

private and public real and fake

soft and hard strong and weak

right and wrong increase and decrease

admit and deny agree and disagree

ascend and descend come and go

succeed and fail float and sink

laugh and cry push and pull

sow and reap go and stop

arrive and depart create and destroy

enter and exit remember and forget

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