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(Affiliated by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)
(Rohini, New Delhi)

Practical file
Information Technology Applications in Business
(Subject Code: 109)
Branch- Bachelors in Business Administration
Year: 1-Year
Session: 2021-2024

Submitted by: Submitted To:

Jyoti Singh Mrs. Sangeeta
S no. Particulars Date Page Remarks
1 Command Keys.
2 Introduction to MS Word.
3 Features of MS Word.
4 Uses of MS Word.
5 Components of MS Word.
6 Saving a new document.
7 Saving new changes.
8 View buttons.

1. Alt + F Displays the File menu options.
2. Alt + E Opens the Edit options.
3. Alt +Tab Switch between open programs.
4. F1 Used by every Windows program for
5. F2 To Rename a selected file.
6. F5 Refresh the page or current window.
7. Ctrl + D To Bookmarks the current page.
8. Ctrl + N Create a new or blank document or open
a new tab in the internet browser.
9. Ctrl + O To Open a file
10. Ctrl + A Select the entire text at once.
11. Ctrl + B Change the text to Bold
12. Ctrl + I Change the Text to Italics
13. Ctrl + U Underline the selected text
14. Ctrl + S Save the file you are working on.
15. Ctrl + X Cut selected part of the text or image
16.Shift+Dell Remove the selected items
17. Ctrl + C To copy the text or image
18. Ctrl + V To Paste.
19. Ctrl + Y Redo last action.
20. Ctrl + Z Undo last action.
21. Ctrl + K Insert hyperlink for selected text.
22. Ctrl + P To print the document.
23. Home Moves the beginning of the current line.
24.Ctrl+Home Moves to the beginning of document.
25. End Moves to the end of the line.
27.Ctrl+ End Moves to the end of the document.
28.Ctrl+ Left Moves one word to left at a time.
29.Ctrl+Right Moves one word to right at a time.
30. Alt+ F4 To close the program currently active.
31. Alt+ Enter Open the properties for selected item.
32.Ctrl +Shift+ Create a non-breaking space.
33.Ctrl +Shift+< Decrease font size one value.
34.Ctrl +Shift+> Increase the font size one value.
35.Ctrl + [ Increase the font size by 1 point.
36.Ctrl+] Decrease the font size by 1 point.
37.Ctrl +space Remove paragraph or character.

38.Ctrl +Alt+ V Paste special.

39.Ctrl +Shift+ V Paste formatting only.
40.Ctrl+ F10 Maximise the document window.
41.Ctrl+Shift+T Enter the current time.
42.Ctrl +; Enter the current date.
43.Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window.
44.Shift + F5 Bring up search box.
45.Ctrl + F9 Minimise current workbook.
46.Ctrl + F10 Maximise currently selected
47.Ctrl + F6 Switch between open window.
48.Ctrl+ Page Move between Excel worksheets in
Down the same excel documents.
49.Ctrl + Tab Move between two or more open
Excel files.
50.Ctrl+Page Move between Excel worksheet in the
Up same excel document.
51.Alt + = Create a formula to sum all of cells.
52.Ctrl +’ Insert the value of the above cell into
Cell currently selected.
53.Ctrl+Arrow Move to next section to text.
54.Ctrl+Space Select entire column.
55.Shift+Space Select entire row.
56.Ctrl+L To left-align the selected text.
57.Ctrl+R To right-align the selected text.
58.Ctrl+J To justify the selected text.
59.Ctrl+E To centre align the text.
60.Ctrl+Del To delete the word to the right.
61.Shift+Del To permanently delete a file.

Used to make professional-quality documents, letters, reports,
etc., MS Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It
has advanced features which allow you to format and edit
your files and documents in the best possible way.
MS Word enables users to do write-ups, create documents,
resumes, contracts, etc. This is one of the most commonly
used programs under the Office suite.

1.Home: This has options like font colour, font size, font
style, alignment, bullets, line spacing, etc. All the basic
elements which one may need to edit their document is
available under the Home option.
2.Insert: Tables, shapes, images, charts, graphs, header,
footer, page number, etc. can all be entered in the document.
They are included in the “Insert” category.

3.Design: The template or the design in which you want your

document to be created can be selected under the Design tab.
Choosing an appropriate tab will enhance the appearance of
your document.
4.Page Layout: Under the Page Layout tab comes options
like margins, orientation, columns, lines, indentation, spacing,

5.References: This tab is the most useful for those who are
creating a thesis or writing books or lengthy documents.
Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption,
bibliography, etc. can be found under this tab.

1.In Education: It is considered as one of the simplest tools
which can be used by both teachers and students. Creating
notes is easier using MS Word as they can be made more
interactive by adding shapes and images. It is also convenient
to make assignments on MS Word and submitting them
2.In Workplace: Submitting letters, bills, creating reports,
letterheads, sample documents, can all easily be done using
MS Word.

3.Creating & Updating Resume: One of the best tools to

create your resumes and is easy to edit and make changes in it
as per your experience.

4.For Authors: Since separate options are available for

bibliography, table of contents, etc., it is the best tool which
can be used by authors for writing books and adjusting it as
per the layout and alignment of your choice.


1.Title bar : - The title bar displayed the name of the
currently active word document like other windows
2.Toolbar : - Word has a number of tool bar that help you
perform task faster and with great easy two of the most
commonly toolbar are the formatting toolbar and the standard
3.Ruler bar :- the ruler bar allows you to format the vertical
alignment of text in a document.
4.Status bar :- The status bar displays information about the
currently activate document. This includes the page no. that
you are working.
5.Scroll bar :- This bar helps scroll the content or body of
6.Work space :- The work space is the document windows
where you enter/type the text of your document.
7.Main menu :- The word main menu is displayed at the top
if the screen.
Saving New Document :- Once you are done with typing
in your new Word document, it is time to save your document
to avoid losing work you have done on a Word document.
Following are the steps to save an edited Word document −
Step 1 − Click the File tab and select the Save As option.
Step 2 − Select a folder where you will like to save the
document, Enter the file name which you want to give to
your document and Select the Save as option, by default it
is the .docx format.
Step 3 − Finally, click on the Save button and your document
will be saved with the entered name in the selected folder.

Saving New Changes :-

There may be an instance when you open an existing
document and edit it partially or completely, or an instance
where you may like to save the changes in between editing of
the document. If you want to save this document with the
same name, then you can use either of the following simple
options −
• Just press the Ctrl + S keys to save the changes.
• Optionally you can click on the floppy icon available at
the top left corner and just above the File tab. This option will
also help you save the changes.
• You can also use the third method to save the changes,
which is the Save option available just above the Save As
option as shown in the above screenshot.
If your document is new and it was never saved so far, then
with either of the three options, Word will display a dialogue
box to let you select a folder, and enter the document name as
explained in case of saving new document.

View Buttons: -
The group of five buttons located to the left of the Zoom
control, near the bottom of the screen, lets you switch through
the Word's various document views.
• Print Layout view: This displays pages exactly as they
will appear when printed.
• Full Screen Reading view: This gives a full screen view
of the document.
• Web Layout view: This shows how a document appears
when viewed by a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer.
• Outline view: This lets you work with outlines
established using Word’s standard heading styles.
• Draft view: This formats text as it appears on the printed
page with a few exceptions. For example, headers and footers
aren't shown. Most people prefer this mode.

BBA st u d e n t
STUDIES(a ffilia te d to G uru G o b in d Pa sse d m y 12 th c la ss e xa m in a tio n s w ith 89% o ve ra ll.
Sin g h In d ra p ra sth a Un ive rsity). 1. Sp e c ific a lly sc o re d 97% in En g lish e xa m in a tio n s.
I w a nt to le a rn so m e thing
p ro fe ssio n a lly in re g a rd ing to
m a rke ting a n d so c ia l m e d ia p la tfo rm s. LORD RAMA PUBLIC SCHOOL,BATHINDA,PUNJAB,INDIA
So lo o kin g fo rw a rd to he a ring fro m 2019 – 2020
yo u so o n re g a rd in g this jo b . Pa sse d m y 10 th c la ss e xa m ina tio ns w ith 93% o ve ra ll.

1.G o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n skillls.
EMAIL: 2.Trila ng u a l ( h in d i, e ng lish, p u nja b i).
Jyo tisin g h975312g m a il.c o m 3.G o o d in c a llig ra p h y a nd o th e r w ritin g fo nts.
4.Sta te le ve l p la ye r in b a d m in to n .
5.As p e r yo ur re q u irm e nt, I a m ve ry m uc h a c tive o n so c ia l m e d ia .
Ske tc hin g
Da n c in g
Sin g in g

22 JANUARY,2022
This is to inform all the students that online classes have
been scheduled from 22nd January,2022 and internal assessments are in
pipeline. All the students are informed to attend the online classes
scheduled by concern faculties and departments. Your attendance will
be closely observed for eligibility to attend the final online assessment
for promotion to the next semester.
Schedule for the upcoming classes and assessments, details and links
will be share time to time in the department’s group. Therefore, you all
must be active in your respective official groups.
Dr Neeraj Sharma


The Director,

Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies

Rohini Sector 16, New Delhi

Date: 8 February, 2022

Subject: Complaint of non-working of water purifier and

water cooler.

Respected Sir,

I Jyoti, student of your college. On behalf of all students I

would like to draw your attention towards the non-working of
water purifiers and water coolers.
We are facing the problem of unhygienic water since a week
due to non-working of purifier and water cooler. This will
impact our health.
We request you to please take action against this problem.
Thanking you.
Yours obediently
Jyoti Singh

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