Chapter 32 Answer Key

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Chapter 3 2 Answer Key

HANDOUT 32-1: Chapter 3232 Quiz

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. B

11. D

12. A

13. B

14. B

15. B

HANDOUT 32-2: In the Field

1. Timmy’s injuries were caused by both direct force and indirect force; the impact of the fall is

transmitted along the bone shafts and damages bones farther up the extremity.

2. The bones and joints that could be injured include bones and joints of the feet and ankle (by direct

force); bones of the tibia, fibula, and femur; and joints of the knee, hip, pelvis, and spinal column (by

indirect force).

3. Because the injury could involve the entire leg from hip to toes, the injury can be treated as a pelvic

fracture. Apply a pelvic wrap or place a folded blanket between the legs, from the groin to the feed,

and bind them together with wide cravats. Thin, rigid splints can be used to push the cravats under

the patient. The cravats can then be adjusted for proper placement at the upper thigh, above the
knee, below the knee, and above the ankle. This will splint him rapidly and take care of all injuries at

one time.

4. In children, the growth plate may be damaged if the fractured limb is not carefully managed.

HANDOUT 32-3: Chapter 32 Review

1.musculoskeletal system





6.Tendons; indirect; twisting (rotational)

8.traction splint

9.comminuted; angulated; greenstick

10. splinting; open

11. pelvic

12. circulation, sensation, motor function

13. life-threatening

14. adjacent joints; bone ends

15. circulation

16. pelvis; hip; knee

17. shock

18. fractured femur

19. Sprains; fractures

20. sling

HANDOUT 32-4: Musculoskeletal Injuries Listing

1. Bones; Joints; Muscles; Cartilage; Tendons; Ligaments

2. Fracture; Dislocation; Sprain; Strain

3. Direct force; Indirect force; Twisting (rotational) force

4. Pain and tenderness; Deformity or angulation; Grating, or crepitus; Swelling; Bruising; Exposed bone

ends; Joints locked into position; Nerve and blood vessel compromise

HANDOUT 32-5: Identifying Major Bones










10. X

11. D

12. H

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