Medical Terminology - Sheet1

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Type the definition of the term in the box next to. For full credit, all definitions must be correctly documented. You can find all terms in your
textbook including many prefixes and suffixes in Chapter 5.
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Name Connor McNamara

Abrasion Partial thickness wound caused by damage to the skin.

Acute Lasts for a small amount of time.
Aerobic Metabolism the cellular process in which oxygen is used to metabolize glucose. Energy is produced in an efficient manner with minimal waste products.
Aggregation mass or clumping of materials together.
Agonal (breathing) irregular, gasping breaths that preced apnea and death.
Allergen something that causes an allergic reaction.
Anaerobic Metabolism Cellular process in which glucose is metabolized into energy without oxygen. Energy is produced inefficiently.
Anterior Front of body or body part
Apnea no breathing
Auscultation listening.
Bilateral on both sides
Bradycardia slow heart beat
Bradypnea slow breathing
Bronchoconstriction the constriction of the smooth muscle that lines the bronchial passages that results in a decreases internal diameter of the airway and increased resistance to airflow
Bronchodilation The opening of the smooth muscle that lines the bronchial passages.
Cardiac Output the amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute
Chronic long lasting
Congenital a disease or abnormality present from birth
Contusion a bruise
Crepitation the grating sound or feeling of broken bones rubbing together.
Cyanosis a blue or gray color resulting from lack of oxygen in the body
Defibrillation delivery of an electrical shock to stop the filbrilation of heart muscles and restore a normal heart rhythm
Diaphoretic (typically of a drug) inducing perspiration
Diffusion molecules moving from an area of high concentration to low concentration
Distal further away from the midline
Distention a condition of being stretched, inflated, or larger than normal.
Dyspnea labored or difficulty breathing
Emesis vomiting
Enteral (medication) medication that uses the gastrointestinal tract
Febrile showing symptoms of fever
Hematoma swelling caused by the collection of blood under the skin or in damaged tissues as a result of an injured or broken blood vessel.
Hemorrhage bleeding, especially severe
Hyperglycemia high blood sugar
Hypertension high blood pressure
Hyperthermia body temperature above normal
Hypoglycemia low blood sugar
Hypoperfusion inability of body to adequatelycirculate the blood to the body
Hypotension low blood pressure
Hypothermia generalized cooling that reduces body temperature below normal, which is a life threatening condition in its extreme
Hypovolemic shock resulting from blood or fluid loss
Inferior below or away from head (usually compared to another structure)
Lateral away from the midline
Medial towards the midline
Midaxillary Line a line through the center of the armpit
Midclavicular Line a line through the center of each clavicle
Midline line running through the center of the body dividing it into right and left halves
Minute Volume the amount of air breathed in during each respiration multiplied by the number of breathes per minute
Narcotic a class of drugs that affect the nervous system and change many normal body activities.
Pallor pale
Palpation touching or feeling
Parenteral (medication) route of medication that does not use the gastrointestinal tract, such as intravenous
Patency (airway) open and clear
Pathogen organisms that cause infection
Pneumothorax air in the chest cavity (lung collapse perhaps?)
Polydipsia excess thirst
Polyphagia excess hunger
Polyuria excess urination
Posterior behind or towards the back of the body
Prone laying on stomach
Proximal closer to the torso
Pulse the rhythmic beats caused as the heart beats
Respiration the diffusion of oxygen and CO2 between the alveoli and the blood and between the blood and the cells
Respiratory pertaining to respiration/breathing
Sepsis bodywide infection
Stroke artery to the brain is blocked or ruptured
Superior above
Supine lying on ones back
Syncope fainting
Tachycardia fast heart beat (>100 beats per min)
Tachypnea fast breathing
Trending (vital signs) changing in a patient's condition over time
Unilateral limited to one side
Vasoconstriction Blood vessel constriction or decreasing in diameter
Vasodilation Blood vessel dilates or increases in diameter

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