Interviewing Skills Workshop IITB V03.2

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Interview Skills Workshop

IIT Bombay 17th September 2008

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I. II. III. IV. V.

Applying for the Right Job pp y g g A Note on Interviewers Things to Remember g The Interview Useful Links

Applying for the Right Job

Job requirements and candidates capabilities should be meticulously compared before applying for a Job Job Type Desired Skills
Structured thinking Probe for relevant information Attack problem from different angles Articulate communication Quick & Correct Good with numbers Attack problem from different angles

Importance of Acads

Importance of Extra Currics

Consulting C

Medium High

Medium - High


Medium High

Low Medium


Entrepreneurial Attitude Leadership Qualities Team Work




Technical Knowledge Team Work




I. II.

Applying for the Right Job pp y g g A Note on Interviewers

A. Interviewing Style B. Expectations


Things to Remember The I Th Interview i Useful Links /References

A. Interviewing Style

A. Directive Style
The interviewer has a clear or pre-set agenda, that he / she adopts Your Approach Follow the interviewers lead and satisfy the questions asked completely Do try and make any important points that may differentiate you from other candidates

B. Meandering Style
Usually with inexperienced interviewers, the discussion is more broad or open-ended. open-ended Your Approach Take the opportunity to guide the discussion to things you may wish to highlight Be alert to interviewers cues and ask wellplaced questions

C. Stress Interview
The interviewer is aggressive and tries to put extra pressure on the candidate. Your Approach Remember its a game, not real, try to keep your poise and stay calm and composed Prepare your main points and message in advance to avoid being flustered

D. Panel Interview
More than one interviewers collectively conduct the interview. Your Approach Address the person who asks the question, but maintain eye contact with others as well Maintain poise and balanced perspective if y g encountered by bad cop-good cop situation

B. Expectations
Interviewers sit through interviews for a number of candidates There are certain things they want to hear, others not so much !!

What they expect? Candid, sincere responses They can see through the insincere or half baked ones Crisp, to-the-point answers / comments Interviewers want articulate answers Consistency Interviewers exchange notes between interviews

What they dont expect? Long, extended narrations Time is crucial Repetitive comments Its simply boring Confused, poorly articulated p y responses /comments Leaves a bad impression, reflects lack of clarity of thought



Applying for the Right Job pp y g g A Note on Interviewers Things to Remember The Interview
A. Fit / Behavioral Interview B. Business Case Discussion C. Interview Conclusion


Useful Links /References

Arriving & Waiting

No. 1 in the list of how not to land a job is arriving late for your interview !!

And While Waiting Always remember you are being Observed !!

Do Not Smoke / Chew Gum Converse loudly on cell phones Appear restless or nervous Listen to iPods Do Relax R l Small talk with firm representatives Always arrive 15 mins before time. Al i i b f ti Mentally prepare for interview

Greeting & Small Talk

Greeting The Very First Chance A firm, brief handshake (Not sweaty, shaky, limp or bone crushing) Solid eye contact Confident outlook Help go a long way Small Talk Settling Down Generally initiated by interviewer to help you settle down down. What is expected Pleasant, friendly, crisp answers / comments Display of maturity and comfort What is not expected Lengthy narratives Confused blabber How are you feeling ? y g I am very nervous, couldnt sleep last night. I am excited about the interview

Remember, the First impression is usually the Last !


Dressing Right

Looking your part

Wear professional attire business suits are most appropriate Look clean and simple (polished shoes, ironed clothes) Hair should be neat and professionally cut

Do not distract
No excessive accessories, loud clothing, make up No overbearing fragrances No fancy b N f bags, pens, notebooks No rock star hair No unshaven appearance

Must carry..
Pen Notepad / Paper 2-3 copies of your resume

Your dress should reflect your professional image and never be a distraction

Communicating Effectively

Your body language is half the communication Walk confidently into the room (no hands in pocket) Maintain good eye contact Body posture should be attentive and straight No fidgeting, shows nervousness No crossed arms, reflects unwillingness Occasional smiles relieve tension

Listening & Speaking Pay attention, listen carefully Make sure to remember the interviewers name post introduction Be enthusiastic, but be sincere enthusiastic Speak clearly and at a comfortable pace Ask questions when in doubt Dont be afraid of silence, its better to think than give impulsive answers




Applying for the Right Job pp y g g A Note on Interviewers Things to Remember The Interview
A. Fit / Behavioral Interview B. Case Interview C. Interview Conclusion


Useful Links /References


A1. Fit / Behavioral Interview - Purpose & Expectations

The purpose is to determine whether the candidate is fit for the job and culture of the firm

Skill Concerns Do you possess the required skills? Have you demonstrated those skills in the past? How did you perform?

Personal Characteristics Concerns Are you truly interested? Are you a good fit for the job? Are you a good fit to the "culture" of the organization? Are you a team player? Are you hardworking and conscientious? Can you communicate articulately?

What is Expected? Highlighting and illustration of strengths and skills possessed, applicable to job Concise crisp answers well illustrating the point, quoting relevant experiences wherever possible

A2. Approach

Approach I. Highlight Most Important Things About Yourself Identify the 3 most important things that you want your interviewer to know about you Figure out ways to highlight and exemplify these things as part of your answers For example, 'Tell me something about yourself, a common question could be used to guide the attention of your interviewer to the areas that you wish him to explore further II. Structure Answers Effectively Use STAR1 framework to structure answers for situational or past experience based questions: Situation, Task at hand, Action taken, Result achieved Give clear, well articulated answers addressing the questions directly and satisfactorily


Source: MIT Careers Office


A3. Types of Questions

Direct / Traditional Questions

Direct questions to asses your interest in q y the job /career field and fit with the organization Certain open-ended questions giving you an opportunity to highlight key points about yourself f

Situational Questions There are two types:

Hypothetical / What If Questions: A situation is given and asked how you would handle it Past Experience Based: Questions which probe you about your past experiences exemplifying certain skill / quality

Examples Direct Questions Tell us something about yourself Why should we hire you What are your long / short term goals What are your strengths / weaknesses Tell me about your extra-curricular activities and interests How do you work under pressure

Examples Situational Questions What would you do if worked on a team and there was a conflict between team members Tell me about the most creative thing you have done in the last one month. Describe an instance when you failed What would you do if you had to deal with an irate customer

A4. Preparation

A. About Yourself
Know yourself analyze your strengths and weaknesses Create a written catalogue of your successes and achievements

B. About The Job and Company

Research the career field, industry and job Gather information about the company through its website, alumni working in the company etc. b it l i ki i th t If possible, collect bio information about interviewers

C. Preparation & Practice p

Make a list of potential interview questions Prepare and practice the questions Be thorough with your resume, never contradict or be caught unaware with any point mentioned


B1. Business Case Discussion - Purpose & Expectations

The purpose is to test skill set match for consulting assignments

Analytical Skills Quantitative, numerical ability Analytical rigor

Creativity Problem structuring capability Comfort dealing with ambiguity Ability to think creatively

Poise Ability to think under pressure Communicate ideas well

Practicality Common sense & judgment Ability to see the big p y g picture

What is Expected? Display of aforementioned qualities The correct approach to solving a problem (more important than the correct answer) The goal should be to demonstrate how you think

And What is Not? Ignoring or forgetting important facts Not recognizing extraneous material Defending impractical solutions Force fitting a framework that just does not work

B2. Approaching A Business Case

1. Case Narration
Listen carefully, do not think answers ahead of the problem Confirm the situation / C fi th it ti question

4. Conclusion
Summarize each sub section of problem before moving to the next one Conclude at the end C l d t th d

2. Structure Approach
Gather thoughts and structure approach t t h State line of attack/approach Ask further questions if required

3. Analysis
Proceed with analysis structurally t t ll State assumptions, if any


B3. Types of Cases

One Big Question Very little information information, one big question Tests candidates ability to probe for additional details Requires a structured framework based approach

Facts Based Case A significant amount of detail - some unnecessary Tests candidates ability to identify key issues In depth analysis based on relevant facts Example: What should client do with ABC technology (sell to 3rd party OR develop and launch in market) ? <Fact 1> <Fact 2>

Guess Estimate As name suggests, a suggests no. estimate Tests candidates analytic and quantitative abilities Requires logical thought process and ease with numbers

Brainteaser / Puzzle Puzzles, Puzzles Brainteasers Tests candidates analytic abilities Requires logical thought process and out of the box thinking

Example: Should your telecom y client enter XYZ market? Client has been steadily losing market share. Why?

Example: Estimate the no. of cars in Delhi. How many passengers can travel in Airbus 320?

Example: Why are manhole y covers round? You have 5 and 3 gallon jugs. How will you obtain 4 gallons of water?


B4. Preparation

A. Formulate Best Suited Approach Familiarize with various frameworks for solving g business problems, but dont try to force fit them Formulate a best suited, own individual approach to solving problems B. Develop Business Perspective Read business newspapers, articles to broaden perspective Familiarize with common business terms and concepts C. C Preparation & Practice Practise as many business cases and guess estimates as you can Try to think logically and establish methodologies to approach various categories of problems


C1. Interview Conclusion - Your Questions

Its your turn to ask questions But not every question leaves the same impression on the interviewer! Ask sincere questions, to which you really want an answer to Do not ask questions about which information is already available on company website Salaries and packages are not a healthy topic to touch unless initiated by interviewer Do not ask interviewer personal questions

Preparation always helps Thinking through questions you would like to ask an interviewer before hand, can relieve you of the tension of asking the right ones impulsively.

Examples Good Questions: ? ? ? What are the expectations for the role of Business Analyst? What are the firm s long term goals? firms What are the key on the job challenges? ? ? ? ?

Examples Bad Questions: How long does it take to make a partner? When was the firm established? What is consulting all about? How often would I be traveling?


I. II. III. IV. V.

Applying for the Right Job Types of Interview A Note on Interviewers The Interview Useful Links/References



Useful Links/References

Vault Guides Kellogg Case Book Tuck Guide to Case Interviews


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