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Starting of Induction Motors

1- Star Delta Starter

The method achieved low starting current
by first connecting the stator winding in star
configuration, and then after the motor
reaches a certain speed, throw switch
changes the winding arrangements from star
to delta configuration.
By connecting the stator windings, first in
star and then in delta, the line current
drawn by the motor at starting is reduced to
one-third as compared to starting current
with the windings connected in delta. At the
time of starting when the stator windings are
start connected, each stator phase gets
voltage VL/√3, where VL is the line voltage.
Since the torque developed by an induction
motor is proportional to the square of the
applied voltage, star- delta starting reduced
the starting torque to one-third that
obtainable by direct delta starting.
Dr. Firas Obeidat Faculty of Engineering Philadelphia University
Starting of Induction Motors
2- Auto transformer starter
One way to reduce the motor's terminal voltage during starting by using
autotransformers to step its terminal voltage down.
During starting, contacts 1 and 3 are shut, supplying a lower voltage to the
motor. Once the motor is nearly up to speed, those contacts are opened and
contacts 2 are shut. These contacts put full line voltage across the motor.

Dr. Firas Obeidat Faculty of Engineering Philadelphia University
Starting of Induction Motors
3- Rotor resistance starter
This method of starting is only used for slip ring induction motors because in case of squirrel
cage induction motors, rotor has copper bars, which are short circuited at both ends. Hence it is
not possible to add any external resistance in the rotor circuit.
In case of slip ring induction motors, rotor has 3-phase star connected winding whose terminals
are connected to three respective slip rings.
In rotor resistance starter the three terminals of the rotor winding are connected to a variable
external resistances through slip rings. Full supply voltage is applied across the stator.
Resistances are fully in the circuit at starting, so that the starting current is reduced.
The External variable resistance connected in each phase of the rotor circuit not only reduces
the current at starting but increases the starting torque also due to improvement in power
The rotor circuit resistance is gradually cut out, as the motor speeds up and during normal
running condition, the rotor circuit resistance is completely cut out and the slip rings are short

Dr. Firas Obeidat Faculty of Engineering Philadelphia University
Starting of Induction Motors
4- Full-voltage or across-the-line magnetic induction motor starter.

When the start button is pressed, the relay (or contactor) coil M is
energized, causing the normally open contacts M I, Mb and M3 to
shut. When these contacts shut, power is applied to the induction
motor, and the motor starts. Contact M4 also shuts, which shorts out
the starting switch, allowing the operator to release it without
removing power from the M relay. When the stop button is pressed,
the M relay is de-energized, and the M contacts open, stopping the

A magnetic motor starter

circuit of this sort has several
built-in protective features:
1. Short-circuit protection
2. Overload protection
3. Under-voltage protection

Dr. Firas Obeidat Faculty of Engineering Philadelphia University
Speed Control of Induction Motors

1- Induction Motor Speed Control by Pole Changing.

2- Induction Motor Speed Control by Changing the line


3- Induction Motor Speed Control by Changing the line


4- Induction Motor Speed Control by Changing the Rotor


Dr. Firas Obeidat Faculty of Engineering Philadelphia University

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