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Lesson B Vocabulary and Grammar @ {@ 1) Lookat the pictures. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. chet dancer journalist musician photographer pilot police offcer students 3 8 / 1. Hose. 8. She'ea____ 2. Shoe a__ 6. Hes a 3. Hosa 7. They're 4, Shes a 8. Shesa @ ( Unscramble the country names to complete the sentences. 5. ((Suho rAicaf) We're from 1. (Petia!) They're from 6. ((tasulAia) She's from 2. (eurP) I'm from 3. (aonndd) She's from 7 (coxMed He's from 4, (ali) He's from 8. (ganpu) They trom @ (Match te questions and answers. Yes, lam, she a musician? 2. Are you a travel agent? 'b. No, they're not. They/te from Australia 8. Is Ellen from South Attica? No, he's not 4, Are Hana and Reo journalists? 4. Yes, they are 5. Is she a teacher? «. Yes, she is. —— 6 Ave they from Ireland? No, she's a student. Lesson [@] Vocabulary and Grammar @ (1) circle the corect word to complete the questions. 1. What / Where are you from? 5. Who/ Whereis he from? ‘2. What/ Who is her name? 6. What/ Whois your teacher? 3. What Where do you do? 7. What / Whereis your nationality? 4. What / How olds your friend? 8. What/ Where are the musicians? @ 1 Match the opposites. 1. good a easy 2. rich b, bad 3. boring e. sale —— 4. happy poor 5. dangerous @. unhappy 6. difficut f. interesting @ (3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. 1. Jerry ‘a photographer. His job interesting. 2. Dr. Valdez and Dr. Munoz _ scientists. 3. ViKiors job. boring. He. sad. 4. You'te a pilot? What __ that ike? BI ‘teacher. My job _ dificut. 6. She a travel agent. Her job _ boring sometimes. @ © Circte the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. My ibis interesting / poor | happy. 2. My classmates are easy / happy | aificult 8. I'm apolce officer. I's a(n) dangerous | rich | oad job. 4. Her job pays a very good salary. She's boring / dangerous! rich. 5. His job is easy, but sometimes i's boring | rich | poor. @ ( Unocramble the words to make sentences. 1. boring / Jean / person /is /a 2. a/is/ county /vich / Singapore 3. baby/ happy/ my /a/ie/ daughior 4, books /he / interesting / reads. 5. a/ dangerous / ne / place /is Cty 6. not / language / English /a/ dificult / ic ‘No Boring Jobs A good job is not always easy. Many people are happy with a job that is dificult but interesting. Read about three people like this. Lara Setrakian is @ joumalist. She is from the United States, but travels to diferent parts of the ‘world for her job. Sometimes, she isin places that are dangerous. Her job is dificult because she travels a lot. Her job is interesting because she meets many People from around the world. She talks with them about their lives, sometimes in their own language. She speaks five languages! They are English, Arabic, ‘Armenian, French, and Spanish Misty Copeland is a dancer from the United States. She is a principal danoer with the Amarican Ballet Theatre, in New York City. Principal dancers are the best dancers—male or female—in the ‘company. Principal dancers eam a good salary. It is a ditficut job. Misty practices for long hours and Performs in many shows. She also travels to perform in other cites in the US and other countries. José Andres is a chet. He is from Spain, but lives in the United States. He cooks Spanish food in good restaurants. He is also a volunteer. His ‘organization is World Central Kitchen. He works with other chefs to give food to people in need all ‘around the world. Sometimes, they help when there. is a natural disaster, ike in Puerto Rico and Haiti In ‘other countries, ike Nicaragua and Cambodia, World Central Kitchen trains people to be ches. volunteer someone who chooses to do work he or she isnot paid for ‘organization a group or association Read the article. Circle T for tue or F for false. e 1. A.good job is an easy job. 2. People with difficult jobs are always unhappy. 3. Lara, Misty, and Jose are all from the US. 4. Lara Setrakian is a photographer. 5. Misty Copeland is a good dancer. 6. A volunteer works without a salary. ‘Answer the questions. 1. What is Lara Setrakian's job? 2. Is Lara's ob safe or dangerous? 8. Where does Misty Copeland work? 4. Does her job pay a good salary? 5. What nationality is José Andres? 6. Where does he work?. 4444a4 @ (© Check (¥) the correct columns, according to the reading. This person... Lara Setrakian Misty Copeland José Andres is from the United States. G 1 mite two adjectives to describe each job. 4. joumalst 2. dancer 3. chef Review 1G (1) Complete the sentences with the correct form of be, Use contractions where possible, 4. Hello! | Yong-Min. 2. Ms. Costa photographer. Her job ____ very interesting. 3. They. journalists. They from Brazil and Chile. 4. You ‘a dancer! What's that like? 5. He ‘a teacher. His name Mr. Clark, 6. Mr. Shen ____ from China. He an engineer. @ ( Wite the second sentence in each item using a contraction and the nationality. 1. He is from Ireland, 25 Irist 2. They are from Japan. 3. We are from Chile. 4, Lam from England, 5. She is from Peru. 6. You are from Australia. A Day in the Life Lesson [EY Vocabulary and Grammar © () Match ne cotumns to create colocation. @ [Number the aches in order (1-4 —— 1. brush a work 1. Next, she has lunch with her eat the bus coworkers, 8. catch ©. coffee —— b. Finally, she leaves work atthe end of 4. g0t0 4. break the day. Stato . your teeth fe. Then she starts work at 890 am, —— 6 start . lunch _—— 4. First, Monica catches the bus. 7. drink 9 the movies @ (2 Putthe words in ontero make sentences. 1. at /eat / you / oclock / do / one / lunch. 2. bed//he / time / go J what / does / to 3. o'clock | up/ she / at / gets / seven. 4. break / don't //in the afternoon / a/ take 5. she/ in the morning / coffee / does / drink. 6. children / school / at / do / your / three / leave / diclock. 7 showers / they / do in the evening / take 8. at /dont / class go to / ten thirty /1 @ (© Complete the conversations with do, does, doesn’t, or don’t. Use capital letters as needed. 1. A:__Efica start work at eight oiclook? B: No, she__ She starts work at eight thirty, 2. A:___you and your family have dinner at six tity? B: Yes, we. 3. A:___you drink tea or coftee in the moming? B: I drink tea. |__ drink cotfee. 4. A: What time__ Miguel go to class? 1B: He goes to class at nine thirty ‘he students always finish their homework? she eat breakfast in the morning? ‘hey finish class at four otclock? —— They finish at four fiteen. Lesson [2] Vocabulary and Grammar @ @ (Loox atin pcnres. complete me sentences. ‘celebrate costumes decorate festivals fireworks party presents 11. People drese up in___for Carnival in Braz. 2 There ore always ____on New Years Eve. ‘3. Inthe US, people _ Independence Day. 4, The chidken are ata binhday 5. People chen receve ____on mar birry, ‘6. Stoct are popuar in the umm. 7. People _ the house for a party {BC cree the corect word to complete the sentence. ‘1. My graduation party/ fetvalis on Sundey. 2. How do you celebrate | decorate the New Year? 3. The costumes/ femorks are always at ight 4. My parents gve me presents costumes on my Dithday. 7 '5. Tho Primavera Sound music costume festival happore in Baroalona every year. 6. She decoraled | celebrated he table wit ower. 17 The dancers wear maske and costumes | presents on stage. G © White the covect adverb of frequency on each ine. ft toe ct 0 percent 100 percent Sometimes usualy © [Witte the sentences again using the adverbs of frequency. 1. Mist my family on Thanksgiving. (usualy) 2. American Independence Day is on July 4 (always) 3. We work on New Years Day. (never) 4. [Ris cold in winter. (usually) 5. We give presents to our fiends. often) e Happy New Year! Inthe Netheriands, New Years Day is ‘always on January 1. I's very cold, so Dutch people stay home and clean their houses. They have a party and eat ewest bread and donuts. In tho evoning, they watch a funny TV show and then there are reworks. “The Chinese New Year celebration isin January of February. The date is diferent ‘every year I's a big festival that last for 15 days. People don't go to work. They clean ther houses and decorate doors for good luck. People give presents and money in ed envelopes. They eat big dinners with their familes. Atright, they watch fireworks. Tn iran, New Year's Day is called Nownuz, and ie in March, The festival begins on the fest day of ‘sping and continuss for the Now Yoar starts fon January 1. People begin to celebrate the night before ‘almost two weeks. Nowruz They decorate the {sone of the most important table with round holidays in Iran. Before foods such as tho holiday, pacple clean their houses and buy new clothes. People put seven special things, neluding ‘apples, coins, gafic, and ‘grass, on their tables. applos and grapes. People also wear clothes with polka dots. They think that round things, like fruit, polka dots, and Iraniane visit everyone coins, bring good in thoir familie and oat luck for the new ‘special meale. Adulte give year. Itis a fun and resents, such as money of noisy holiday with Dotan trom tho Netherland ech ie Beles {901d to chicren, fone fireworks at midnight. () Wrien county ist? Check (he answers. You can have one, Wo, ores answers for each setence. Now Year Celebrations ‘The Netherlands Iran China The Philippines 1. People eat special food. 2, People walcn fireworks. {3 Is always in January. 4. People give presents, 5. Its along celebration 6. People waich TV. 7, People clean their houses. BD) circle Tor wus or F tor false. 1. inthe Netheriands, people give presents. 2, Inthe Netherlands, they dont have abig dinner. '3 People put appies on the table in lan and the Phippines. 4. In tran, children give gifts to aduts, 5. In China the red envelopes dont have money inside. 66. People decorate their doors in China 7. In China, people decorate tables with round things {8 Inthe Philippines, there are lowers on the table. a anaaT4a8 @ 3 circ te incorect optons. 1. Poople watch TV. Ikan / Notherande Philippines 2. New Yea’sis always the same day. China / an/ Philippines '3. Round things are for good luck. China | Netherlands | Philippines ‘4, People put special things on the table. China| kan | Philippines '5. People watch fireworks. China/ iran | Netherlands ‘6. People visit their families. China | an / Netheddands 17. The celebration ests more than two days. Chine / ran Philippines: ‘8. People gve money. China iran | Netherlands (© Complete tne sentences. Use your own ideas. 4. On Now Years Day, | 12. | would like to celebrate New Year's Day in (the Netherlands / ran / hina the Philippines) because _ Lesson [5] writing @ (© [) Macr ne parts of me emall wah the words. and phrases. —— 4. Start the eral a Lefemest st 120, 2. Aactormatp Se you lt 2 Aa forintormation Cen you bring 4 range mest 4 He aiguet, 5 Enaite erat Do youkrow wns tine Review E44 [1 Use the words o write questions with do or doos anda verb to wre questions about dally actos breatfaot 41 what time | she / breakfast. What time doe 2 2. what time / you J shower 2 3. whattime /they lunch 4. what time | they /echool 5, he /to class /in the afternoon. 2 6. they /the bus /at 720. 2 7. your classmates / break Jat 1900 {8 you /your teeth at night 1B (1) Complete the questions and answers with do, does, don't, or doesn't. 1A the students and teachers take a break at 10:90? B: Yes, they —__ 2. A: What tine, ‘she go to a meeting? B:At 10:30am. a the teacher dink coffee in class? B: No, she 4a you eat lunch at school? Bi No, | «eat unch at home, BA: your sister always get up al 7:30? B: Yes, she. 6, A: ___the students eat lunch in the olassroom? » they —__ 1B (© Complete the sentences wih so, but, or neither. 1. Filpino people celebyats the new year in January, __ Iranian people don’. 2. Dutch people clean ther houses for the new year, and do the Chinese. 8. Filpinos don't decorate their doors, and__ do Iranians. 4. The new year festival in Iran lasts almost two weeks, inthe Netheriands it doesn't. 5. The Netheriands celebrates New Year's Day on January 1, and does the Philippines, {6 The Philippines, the Netherlands, and China celebrate the new year with reworks, __ ran doesn't 7. People in the Netherlands don't give presents, and do people in the Philippines. {8 Iranians decorate the table with specal things, and _do Fiipinos. Going Places Lesson a Vocabulary and Grammar 1@ [) Look attho pictures. Complot the sontonces. ‘camyonbag charger checkin desk exchange packing hagege passport sunblock take a taxi =“ Ra" b Dl aS | 6 7 1 money atte atpor 2. Srow your _at th checkin dest 3. WSeqpensve tothe atport 4 Younses ______torhetbeach. 8. Steis____trarp 6. A the aipon frst go tothe 7. Henasa_______andasutease ‘8. My phone __is in my carry-on bag. @ (Putte activities in order (1-8). Before you fly After you arrive a Goto the check-in desk —— ®. Wait for your luggage. _——— . Check your luggage. _——— f. Exchange your money. —— ©. Pack your luggage. _—— g. Show your passport. _—— 4. Getto the airport on time. ——— hh Take a taxi to your hotel @ Match the sentences. 1. I's your bag. 1. They belong to us. —— 2. It's my passport, b. It belongs to them. —— 3. They're our tickets. ¢. Itbelongs to him. 4+ It's their luggage. 4, It belongs to me. 5. It's his suitcase. . Itbelongs to you. Lesson [J Vocabulary and Grammar @ eo Match the opposites. 1. cold 2 crowded 3. cheap 4, beautiful 5. dangerous 1. expensive b. ualy ©. sale &. quiet hot Read the fist eontence. Then clrle should or should’ Inthe second. 1. That neighborhood is dangerous. Tourists should / shouldnt wak ther late at night. 2. Now York City is cold inthe winter. He should shouldnt pack warm clothes. 3. Allgjores are delicous Argentinian cookie. You should / should ry one! 4. The new hotel is very expensive. We should / shouldnt stay there. ‘5. The markats very crowded on Saturday. You should shouldn't go on a weekiay 6. Santiago is very beautiful. She should / shouldnt take alot of photos. ‘7. The weather is sunny in Florida, We should/ shoulda pack our sunglasses. 18. The trains between cies are fast. They should/ shouldn't rent car. ‘Ask for advice. Read the responses and write questions. 2s Yes, you should. The food at Caiisto's Cafe is delicious 2 [At No, you shouldn't Gifts at the airport are expensive, 2s Yes, you should. Itis cold at night. 2 hz No, you shouldn't visit Boston City Hall. ts ugly. 2 Yes, you should go witha friend. I's dangerous alone. 2 Az Yes, you should take a camera. The beach is beautiful ‘Unscramble the words to make questions. 1. pack/ need /to/ warm // clothes /do____________? 2, to Kyoto / we / don't / why /train/ the / take 3. a reservation /is/to make / a / good idea / it. 4. to visit need /a visa /Brazil/I/do__- 5. my cell phone / should // bring 6. to go/safe /it/ at right is / there. 7. me [you / some advice / could /give 8. hotel / cheap / wo /in / should /stay fa Even on along tip, you don’t need a lot of heavy ‘teases. You only need two bage—a carry-on ‘bag and a check-in bag. Hore le some advice for pasting om caryontes Checkin bas *Yearcoryonbag shoud be amaland ig. + Your checkin bag shoud tong '* The most important things for your trip (passport, _* Your clothes, shoes, and other everyday things: boar pas tne its, ony uc should goin your checkin bag. cere cel phone ae mo ae ep Nak a lp you eres ering + You sts parila ings aha alg * PKB ryder akon sae ay ‘or jewary, in your carry-on bag, . ‘* Think about he weather. Do you need a coat ‘You should bring a change of clothes in case your ee ie ‘uggage is delayed right clothes! You should pack your clothes inside * You should also take any medicine you need in plastic bags. goufceny on beg: + Putyourname and your hote’s address and * Bring snacks to eat on the plane. Cookies, nuts, _ telephone number cn your bag. You should put this ‘and died it are good. Denit bring chocolate” _information inide the bag, too. i's vory mecey. For long tps, bing a sandwich. ‘And don’ bring waler—you cant take it through ‘security. You should buy ome atthe airport before you board the plane. '* Remember to bring a good book cr your tablet. (© 1) crc Tort or tor tao 1. You need three bags to go on a tip. TOF 22 Your carry-on bag should be big and strong, TOF ‘3. Your carry-on bag i for things you need on the arpiane, TOF 4. Your checkin bag is for clothes and things you use on your vacation, '5. You should put your home address on your check-in bag ‘6. You should pack your laptop in your checkin bag. 7 You shouldnt take food in your carry-on bag. ‘8. You should put your clothes in plastic bags. 8 (0 Are theoe tinge you should or shout do? Should do Shouldn't do 1. Packyour bags afew days bore your tp. 2. Put your keys in your carry-on bag. 3. Get irtomation abou the weather below you pack. Peck choodlai nyourcany-an bag, Bang waterin you bag. 6. Put your name on your bag. 7. Bunga sandwich wih you. Put your erect car in your chock bag. @ (3 Read the aavice. Is It for the carry-on bag or the check-in bag? Write which bag. You should pack any medicine you need in this bag. 2. You should put magazines in this bag. '3. You should pack your swimsuit in this bag. 4. You chould put headohones in thie bag. ©) Wie the things you pack in your bags fora tip. ‘carry-on bag ‘Checkin bag Lesson F writing @ © 3 Compite te sentences with because oF 80. 1. Some travelers check in eniine ____t saves tine. 2. Alot of tourists vit Barcelona, _it is crowd. 3. Patis is @ beautlu city, ___ lions of tourists vist each year 4. Hotcle ao very axponsive in July the foal ie during that month. 5. He's going to Buenos Aires _ it's an interesting place for sightsesing You cant rent a car___you dor't have divers license. 77. The fight to Santiago ie nine houre, —____you ehould pack food in your carry-on bag. '8. Some people go camping _they enjoy nature, Review @ (1) Unscrambic the words to make statements and questions. 1. monoy / shoulda’ / pack Jin /you / your / chook:in bag ‘crecit card / pay / should J your / with / you ‘money /at a bank / we /should / exchange ‘you / put/ shouldnt / our /in /the checkin bag / medicine . Lotay Photel | a cheap / should / at every day / eat t / you /restaurants /shouidhit/ expensive: 7. g0/you/in / he moming / should / shopping. 8. early | crowded / because / go [10 the airport / you / should its. @ ( Complete he sentences win he correct possassive adjactve and possessive pronoun. Use the words to wrte questions and answers. smerais it? It's hie, igs tobi 1. camera nis hose 2 sunglasses / mine. 8, phone charger / ours. 4. carry-on bag / yours 5. book / ners. 6. lvogage/ theirs @ (© Circle the correct word to complete the sentences. 1. The hotel isin a safe / warm part ofthe city. 2. There are a lot of expensive | delicious stores on Sth Avenue, in New York, 3. The train is very crowded / beautiful on Friday evenings, 4. Tourists vist the Alhambra because itis beautitul/ ugly. 5. Early in the morning, the beach is crowded/ quiet. 6. Take a taxi because the subway is dangerous / safe at night. 7. Pack a coat, hat, and gloves because Toronto is cold hot in winter. 8. Try the seafood because i's delicious / ugly. @ © Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't. 4. They __ go to the pizza restaurant. I's always crowded. 2. You _____ walk there alone at night. It's dangerous 3 ‘we go early in the moming? 4. We ___ ask someone for advice. They can help us. 5. You______fly. You should take the train. 6 |______ bring sunblock because it will be very hot.

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