Next Year Yesterday Everyday Soon On Weekends Two Weeks Ago Last Month Tomorrow This Coming Friday

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I. Classify the time expressions in the correct column.

next year yesterday everyday

soon on weekends two weeks ago

last month tomorrow this coming Friday

Present Past Future


I. Complete this passage with the correct form of the verb in parentheses (Past simple
or past continuous).

Santiago lived in Argentina from 1998 to 2010. While he ________ (1. live) there, he
_________ (2. teach) Mathematics in a private school and ______ (3. study) English. In
2010, he ________ (4. move) to England. Five years ago, he __________ (5. work) in a
restaurant when he _______ (6. meet) his wife, Rita. They ________ (7. travel) a lot across
Europe after they got married.


I. Fill in the blanks with the correct option, a, b or c.

1. ______ I woke up this morning it was raining and my father was singing in the kitchen.

a. after b. when c. later

2. A: What did you ______ last night?
B. I stayed home and watched a movie.

a. make b. go c. do

3. The telephone rang ______ I was taking a bath.

a. while b. after c. later

4. A: When did you start university?

B: ____________.

a. in the morning b. on the weekends c. last year


I. Listen to the following short story and complete the chart.

1. What Sophie did on the weekends (name 2)

2. Who had an accident

3. What Sophie did when she saw the accident

4. What her mother was doing when the accident


5. Place where they took her brother

6. Person who helped her brother


I. Read the following short story and choose the correct option, a, b or c to complete
the sentences.

A Rainy Day

Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day. Sarah was playing video
games inside the house, but she wanted to be outside. She wasn't playing
basketball because the yard was wet. She was feeling tired and bored of
being in her house.

Sarah was trying to be busy inside the house. She was reading her science
fiction book until the electricity went out. Then, she decided to practice her
drawing. She was drawing some cartoons until lunchtime. After lunch, she
sat by the window and watched the rain.

While Sarah was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling
to say she was coming home and she was bringing a new board game. As
son as she got there, they ate ice cream and popcorn and played the new

In the evening, while they were playing, the rain stopped! But Sarah didn't
notice it. She was having such a good time with her mom!

Adapted from:

1. The weather was __________.

a. nice b. terrible c. lovely

2. Sarah ________ being inside her house.

a. enjoyed b. liked c. disliked

3. Sarah _______ some drawings before lunchtime.

a. wrote b. made c. read

4. When her mother _______, it was still raining.

a. went b. draw c. called

5. Sarah and her mother ______ some junk food while they were playing the board

a. had b. played c. saw

6. The rained stopped at _______.

a. 12 pm b. 7 am c. 7 pm


I. Write a paragraph describing a past event in your childhood that you remember the
most (60 – 70 words). You can consider:

- Where the event happened

- When it happened
- Who participated
- What you or the participants were doing when the event happened.


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