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GPOae Pore oti gerry Ce oe ee Content Preface 1 Introduction ° 1 Basler 1B 11 Newlogial bases 3 12 Carers and teachers 2 18 Brablishing dialogue 2 14 Fields of application 25 1.5 Content and sims of Snoseel = Media Po 21 Literature 0 22 Marie a 23 Room planning and set up 6 24 Bevipment 0 25 Safety measures 50 Practical implementation w 31 Handling ofthe practica! units or 82 Practical unite a 321 Gatting to know the room o 322 Diseovering the room a 3.28 Bxperioncing the effect of bubble tubes a 5824 Being touched and touching 0 825, Discovering matorials and using them asa ‘utc for sounds ” 826 Developing imagination through images ts 327 Developing imagination thtough sound %” 328 Doveloping imagination through smell end taste ss 229 Associating visual stimuli with hythme and sounds 8 32.10 Light and wound meditation 90 S211 Esporiensing an Underwater sary 98 82.12 Concentrating 98 S213 Remombering ror 3214 Breathing 104 sass A216 ae A218 S240 Deep relation Cosennes to animals Pinding eat Project Orient Darsie and celebrations Relaxation Sooceelen 1 Door sign 2. Lor beok Omervation form uostionnaire aout physia! and mental condition (Choc for the planing of a Snoezclenroom Supplier of Snoenden equipment Aout the author 108, m na ne. 123 1a 14 135 198 17 0 Ce ee ee ee ee i Introduction ‘he fit “irony bout Shows was developed inthe mid etn Inthe investigations i 1968, the two Areian pochlogits Clan Clark had aley reported abst the peesilises of poet development, spring commana, and changing bebior by xing wah oe ‘Sy simulation hen working wth deslopnent-dease, pert ese iy handieapped and ute pol. In specially doigeed ete, he Eos tld stimulated oso hat sella fat well x ngtiaetely Stimuatod.Bon te, ch two autre emphasised hat» scaled Sentry Cattrall ep toward activating st wring th emery ‘wonsef Claland/ ler 1006 7, 220) Tn the Netherland Ad Verb sad a Halnge tlowo ti fne of thine. nd tered a apply Sans ied "spontaneous atiry,xrecentional vey for severely tally Cielo ponte “The tem Sncesun wastha crate wird constrain ft nmmunity service workers tom he nattton “Haarendac in the Nosh A apie ‘Sina tent hd bens uaa fle with lcs whieh sould malts the bie es, sland ht i the maf sting a rponae fen trey “bled pple At that ine thane were no recreate ati vee to Sern, ht als by the runagement ef tho insite, who showed arog ‘cal supp fo Shwaln, The word “Seowarie” is newly cin wi Snufelenmeming sling ala in he ana of esting mtn ot) and -Doeae meaning desing Kiri Hoge Vere! 196 6), The cesta tho “ety Tha” (197) ed Vere laggy op ad desi further rooms. They waro motivated bythe growing interest in Snoezelen to tst thi sauory offering in a targeted way in practice. After several conversions [Ad Verheul has now s large Saoezelen-Centre in Edo, Netherlands, offering Socal elie in number of different rooms in a otal of $60 Air the initia experiencos in the Nethorlands, Sagezelen hasbeen etracting inorot in Groat Britain, Sweden, Canade and Germany since around 1880, Since the 1990s, one ean speak of a worldwide movernent. [In addition to the ‘countries named above, in Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Australis, Japan, the UsAsand several eurern Exopean countries Snoeolen has become en sezeped bnecie, There are currently around 1800 Snoezclearooms in Germany [Aemontioned above, Snaezelan was oniginaly conceived aa a recrentonal ctv ity for severely disabled people, Forther advancement within the prectice has "elt in thing widely ed by people with various typee of disables or vrthout disabilities, depending on how itis applied. Children and adults ake int Snoeaeenraome i miles, nuteerie, pre-schools aly learning fecitios Public achool, intaprstive school fr Azad and non disablod stents, special noods chook Children adulasoont and adult pychintry controe owpitels and rehabilitation cones Recreational faites, residential homes, workshops Independent institations| ‘Nursing homes Hompices. ‘The Suowlereoms have hone equal acoptal among ho ley, mentally “i jopeandchira in muri primers seb. Tere bas bon ‘ene In dead forthe examen teas teupeation, ret, elation [nt mating rm in hasta, arin bros, se pies ote poe ‘sul seed eau dhe prac of Soeesin, Partai tan ebbiitaton of mesa patents, pope wth ‘mamta ii ely people with dementia a poole with eno fal disease the ut of Sooaeooom is on portent pet of thr nr ed {hora Ine mcartine, the apa Saazaonstmorphee ha ln sate be ceted in ewimming pol. Light round cts demonstrate Oe sae poste etnuletng fel thre tha they dou lend ert raat ofthe di Fernt tart groups i that the ener, stricto other originate fe 1 ant af rts backgrounds, nach ax ego and pera, oe ‘hep. pelo, a8 wall fom ferent otesia and mdi el snares "Soenlehas cme ei wordt eatansie a fhe ma onl and feleation, which taker pao an ion ed with teeing are SS dsr a pleut experince hy he ses the om. They Tok at bun utes ge them to stat of relaxation y the rtf mie Th ope Salambiene with aloft asfying ght ad cand eft a wai ‘scsi, poprcetv, cary aed cous stim whi, sane ‘Sbionton, hep ole calm down tpl themselves ogtheraedo et one. The very tinal eran according tdeaee ethical ‘cers help pop remember to compare and te nraniae thems nth any intagraton proses the contac senses (ast, sme eluding the tactile hap: Kinatbete and propeoeptv sons (ing min) 2nd ‘ho emote eee ihe, Rowing) have to campers Designed enirenment her represents an arial resid mul-ensry co- “caonmant, Some eps Deloe that Soaonle,brroning an the a of Called “entry garens” o, Ruhthae 1888, ls possible specially designed teas outside, So-alod “nature Snacralen” could include a walk along ‘stream, in the mountains or slong the seaside. But I would ike to limit the ‘orm Snoezcln to activitios in specifically designed interie roms, n oder to ssillbe se tocontrel and influence the educational and therapeutic pant of ‘his intervention vuuuusyvuuuvuuuyuuuuus 1. Basies ‘Seovnion omits ts inthe neal iat Trang the fet the de sired reno the mca ulintarvnton develops heron retina tan the designe enronmen!, the pain gad the rer More sham nether ‘peng nd therapeat els he soci aime nad in Sten Inno paps «big prin trong inence a nr the vie fap ad cents, The cae, ietrao eachr therapies Inght be ven to tho person based an the ening ar level of competence td "scart mast eam wih th rts stan the rome te alight, sound traperntire skin nul nd som ad mut know bow {ete aly to ntiw tho desired volt O uli ich importance {he edge af vo deveog an wnain rato beter he pope ‘evolved especialy Betweoh the arr and thei A efi pseholoed ‘tontonalenrnmeat estat othe ling wal ing ad rcesfe ‘Stee of Sct, ‘The flomingshapors il aint important matic, pytolgcalpodage tabard techni ase 11 Neurological basics ‘People who tah, train and capers Soezte have yore hai neralog tal nowege Tome te bai or he orstandng feu oe et Process atid of bp who ne to trek Soorsen sean Te ‘aris vesory ml povided tough Shoeelen supe aoe {esas nla inde intormtions havea isipact ona pene, iret ‘mote and eentar senses snd palm thr ra ee they are pone ‘dint, During Snosclon the nbs est, which nine te ee ‘Sng adres bavi, partly ai. Siatmembors workin thin Sueanenevirnment ve oly report pink Livers Everybody who vite x Soeeleronn felonies ‘alee and ether celmeror mor itive afterware, Renter scnch ‘eed ut with eter pole nl people hotcs adc he he comp ‘meting land anioprgetts gone dome teat wer one oe rept. A sireponing hypothesis Wao alread exalted ty Cand on Ghani 1966 (22 oneal, hee wl et be mare recoaeh ae ‘orm all oherrasions. ‘here ares nusber a tuo enpetd i the Meat ‘ture ‘Thebrain and nervous eystem The mnantine, heres ample infesatog fom mic research aout data socessing in tho bai. Evan Ph lina nad sopuive neue Re stanly making new disovoriosthroagh modern technology uch as tomography ‘the koowledge about the neurochemical characteristic of diferent noweal net ‘works iil extremely limit Prootesng in the brain creates & Kind of eld of consiousnest” through the interaction of many bras areas, which goes beyond the aeivaticn of individual ‘si ell ‘Through the synapses every cll maintains connections to thousands af neigh toring olla The organization nnd regulation of sucha network and very compl aod proces between the right andthe left hemisphere, the ereellum and the brainstem isan inereible achievement, There ia constant intereomemunication tween the ussory cortex and other cortical areas whore imagination, mat ‘vation, perception throagh the remote and contact sonser, ee, are process Inthe =pinal cor, aerent and efferent nerve tras establish connoction to the brn. Inthe brainstem, sensory and autonomie nervous system stil ste ‘ruled, and vital functions suchas hunger this, central ereulation and mu ‘omni unetions, sexual hehaviour and the sleep / wake vhythe: ave controled (el Rola Whishaw 1996, (1-4; Brand /Beeitenach Massel 1997, 2527. During the extremely complex procoss of porception processing, three systems ate activated the rectors the aferent neurons and tho control setres ( (Gachwend 2005). The receptors react to individual boeleetic signals and con ott throwzh eynapeoe to the many afferent nowrons in the spinal cord and teninetem ‘The presynaptic nerve telesses neurotransmitters which travel to the postsynaptic membrane ofthe next neuron by roesing the synaptic lef and foncrate oF surpress an clectrieal impulse (ef, Gachwend 2000, 15; Ztnbardo 1862, 107114, 185). "This ean only function perfor, however, ifthe eonnetion ‘seonstantly activated, The more often a symapie suse, the more quickly on tact an be satiated throggh tA neuron iscomposedo cell bod. a donditic tees and an axon, Control centres are located isthe earcbral cortck. So called {etctor nearone react to certain signal in tho afferent inflow and separate the information into charateristis, meaning they are ebsorbed and interpreted. Various neuron systeas ate eaponsble to interprete the surroundings and to recianiz, counbine und constrict the information. This proess of elective re ‘Snatrton could be afotedbyintelletual dais concentration and memiry mpiznons, metabolediseases, te, and might led to incomplete or fein frmation wad therefore to iinterpretation. Only constant exercise, ropetition land varied combination of previous and new experiences will oad the extab- Tishment of poreeption patterns, tht will make the events happening around 4 person comprehensible. The individual perepiual systems have to cooperate ‘nd the abeorbed stimu have to mergo in order fr a orientation in a model tf the body which allows a person to be abe so adjust toa Snoezelen-room and {o process these many impressions which will support development and direct ‘haviour adequately, ‘The brain ie ids nts thre mor parts which canbe ether sbvided The india wich sts om te upper par ofthe sil erd tudes Exo sre ‘hres the ower at fh raat nd he cere, re pre of he rate (Och 200, 7) ‘The aden fons the major par fh ante and its Between the foe: Sin and the hiadria, The Iegut part. the forebrain alads tho dn vl the Heaton th coral slperes ad he ence corte, She ate layer af fey mater Abt «quarter of he are ofthe ere Cortex proces sesiry and meter infraton. The man par of he erbral Ssrte ed ar mare compl cogeitineanaljac nd syns, Te ses fe brain an be dvd in fo eateries equation into poseoe VUUUNUIUEvVUuUUuueuuuuua are activatod inthe olfator tactile haptic, auditory and visual estem through particular impulses, ie, m nll one experienced in ldhood,sfeling from & past holiday, hike walking through sand, familiar sound like de moowing of x fat, ora picture of a known person, They have a large impact onthe behaviour fof person. Pleasant ap well as revlting smalls can tigger emotions, but smell fio affects memory processes, control and alarm functions. Gachwend goes as far to distinguish limbic sounds (ep the plemved war, the cy of fae” which ca inded by instinct, express the atte of mood (Gachwond 2000, #7). A pr. fon loarns to casi, tcontal himself to recognize or avoid and meen verbalise flanger Many sient sepecta ofthe imbcsystom are sll unknown. Further ‘esearch in enential to investiga the effoeeofeolours aad light, sounds and melodies, and aromas for their employment in Snoezlen (ef. Goldstein 1997; ‘Gachowend 2000, 12, 108-114; Gachwond 2003; Michalik! Feiler 1986; Berger 1007, Mertena 1997), “The sensory systern Daring Snoezelen the emote sentes and contact sonses send information about ‘incoming etimull to the brain. Ramotecensos include the sense of sight and the sense of hearing. In epecalit literature, the sense of emell x sometimes aso ‘lassifed asa remate renee But hore we wil lay tin the cacegory ofcontact ‘sense incorelation with the sense of ante. ther cuntact sanste are the tactile apis mine andthe serae of balance Sight Light ie pasted onto the photoreceptors ofthe rotina as an electromagnetic oe lation. This information is paso on to the visual cortes Located inthe ecipitl lobes, whore brightntes,elour and sharpness ae snalysed and converted into memory pictues with the help of her pars ofthe brain. The coos oul found in tho retina require minimum brighteasin odor t recognize colour. ein tho ‘dark, only goey tones and movement can be pereived. An inability to adapt to ‘dn light oF daksoss refered tone night Mlindeas. The condition may result side effet from vitamin A defiiency chronic hepsi, strong short-sighted ‘nes or macular degeneration. When warking wth people who are disoriatated lorhave to get very elas to matzo have to fu thom, oe hus to consider the Dossy af auch an illness or ear offa-rghtedone. In a Sooezslenroar a ‘imine ight of 80 xi gonerally used, Tenable clients slfring fom defits ‘wee objets clearly the ight level would have tobe increased to 100.500 Tux. Hearing "The auricle, the visible pat ofthe om, calects airborne sound waves, They are ‘Anelled through the xtrsal auditory meatus strike the eardrum and ovento- = > = = = = EY > > > > > > 2 = = = > ly seach the ation, i ed ae which la futon aan aga ‘bane tests tin The imple streaming a rem he ate ‘th auiary serve an rom thre the temporal abs cto bral, Ther mere ‘aro ae antoated by the india mpalies an, sing sce ‘eciaton, ae tuned io pevens whi are recogiable fo each peas wad ‘ound at be iene Inve fre bods table sees, injure and che amps old ts etemolcun df condo ar moana earings in ‘espe enousteing poles, Le, arta things wren arnt at Mey $oang peopl nuflr fom severe hearing Ios. Ths pareption 9 sd inte ‘Sy depends on age the som ota wer eng wore, previa sca tien expire and individual stein habits. Pople preven fv ‘sound aif. Thereoe thre no partial of ond wish wll ‘tay everbody in april situation Tecan begin With evel Dewees 20 ‘204, but dung thers Stele sean the crmet arta freak ‘ew toup porns be contre, the dese foe commit 1'Snowolnrom elt whispering (10 pon) ei anemia te emare a ot ple witha hearnginpirtnt to end stm septal sderted ed "et thay ae faced when apse ad epaken te very lei ‘Smal and taste ‘The east tant andthe nna of mal eet ts chemi messengers Alto ‘hey ne dfn! ens, thy are doe connected ad enable for nstanes, {osntiyeuetaner and keane poring atin st ened ods fe our or ohar anes mtr ot heb cyto uly p> tole an meister rare ‘here are four lngresgized tacts: aly, weet, sou and ite Receny 2 iin tate called na bas bees recs Una etc the amin ait ‘tannic ait canbe asad ogy hse, opm mat ed fis abe, Tste ‘bd zee ith ifeent intra The hemisal mannges esl fines ed ‘esto nd aestoed as tho othe enor oer are nthe or of sel ‘on caine in the carb carte, ‘Toe maa euity ined wit a mano membrane craig milons of ce ‘orcollaBven thigh hry ae lon seatve and walla n amber ha hy ‘ue in animalsGuman beings aprox. ten milion, dog appro. bili), hey fe ble to perv numero smal very guy Oiactry ifm ‘3 vn the alfnctny tt the pronry lor cortex wt pang ‘rou the tala. Thee iam xtnave intraeton haw th ry tnd gustatory aytom which ae i the ptceptinn of weer. To hinge ‘ephalon, whic eae athe eet pat ofthe brn, diel consecta 1o {ocr yee. ‘Auman being i capable divesting between Uwusanie af loa, bet Anstey fie tounderakeclanefenton 1 mele nnason, Christmas or cookie, how does one deere that odo? In the perception of ‘ours one is dealing with association, which canbe traced back‘ arly child Iiod and an influence behav. ‘Sconts ta manipulate the mood have been used fora Tong time! lemon set in ‘he morning to wake people up, rose scent at lunch time fr relaxation, wood ssn the alteraon fr reactivation and the seet of menthol, St obs wort tr hops to provent fear or doproscion (Kolb / Whihw 1906, 4051, 242, 244, 02; Henglin 1885; Mortara 1987, 7). The ance of smells partly reeponsible {or dternining kes and dilskes, That has tobe tale into consideration dr ‘ng Snoeoelen, since alot of the work requires cnt an carer obs very loa to cach ther chapter 1.2). Some people react very strongly ina nogative way to frtain sents, Mero are alco people who auller from Aronia (a complete les ofthe sense of smel caused by ines or injury. Sometimes cite nesses can tlio oten be “smele ouch Somatic sensibility Ceomosthesis) inches al ofthe sensory ayers asso ated with the body including akin senses, and proprioception and the ireal longans. There is a underlying diference between surface sensitivity and depth scositvity. The skin sou Iapec sensory arg, with a surface aren of around 2 quare metres. Tho yeopio cls losatad in the akin, such ax mechanareop tars, thermoreceptars and nocitecoptor, are activated by touch and preware and end electrial impulses to the brain. Tho brain prooeses these implies And we peresive pres, pai, tmnperatae, es, ‘Sensor ype | Reacts Bvampls of adequate stimuli Mechanoreceptors| Mechanica stimulation | Pressure, touch, vibration, tension stretching ‘Thermorecepirs | Thermal stimulation | Cooling down, warming up [Necireeeptrs | Acute tssue damaging or | Tissue damage, heat, bruises threatening stimulation ig. 2 Bao types of womatenensoryrptrs (mated crn o Bibaamer Sehmiat 1902950), Just under the surface of the skin, the dermis, are presiure point oF fields ‘through which touch is pasted on with varios speeds and intenitie. The fn gortipe, puma, Iipe end tangu, nose, cheeks and forehead are particlany en ‘tive fo tone, Inthe specialist hterature, ne can Bnd the wo.called “sensory omapealir which illustrates the arene of tactile dicernment reeestnted in ‘he cerebellum Gass 1907 446 Mechanoensors measure the tenth ‘rep this alton Th anes ee oad in nal row a {hater atin ana he perme. Tuck can be ti pe penn ‘ama inspec mts with eet or with ety imple witout ply {Sean ace sly thee irene ee aval os nent td wl of {impression than aie ouch, in wich one ve ne and arn Selig bet. Por Saoczlen ii ery interesting that the prewar eens ‘oor vibeaine which re gnerted by mee pt 0 Bae ones can betel paricalary intecively ‘Toemareceplr are oad in dere reso th kin od diferente ‘waen cold aed wars Tere nr more cold spots than warm sets. The wens ‘Sis ft ding cance fein omporatare ar arg strminel iy thre ‘ureters: nae, he til tempera a tho site spend ofthe fem ‘ertur change andes fhe sin een that amused 1 hi [estore i low, theresa for warmth neato igh, fr nd somaton {fis nw abd ie wes. Small hap arens rect more sna fo snations ‘old and warn thay lane aren Bier Sci 9B), MI ‘Ter pepo ternal sal and the acompangingvegtatos reactions ‘swe alot rr Irean bo placa of unpleasant (8, comforting warmth wenn eng panting. asp rut). The sx applies of oun ‘thor ors of eomaloansn sentation an apes Sime balance "The propio fan pion in apace, he pasion of he nbs in lation ‘oe another and mune anion reeled by wo pornepive sass, ‘hich work sy it he wtb yetom in he ine a. nado, he pester rect the rocees and enue hat ~ during ld movement [parca eg, ewinging or reking~ the movement af tho boy bu ‘eoeary~ provid spt rearing the boy posto snd movement ough {he suroundingenviement,ncuting the ped ofa maveret the posite ot {limbs eit toone ante, th dro af tasion tho stegsh and dees Delta te msci, en the rsstane to «crea penny of he {ts The aloe nda anetians of mus, een eters a Wall as te ntpation an plas in snany parts of the bein nel frm the prope ‘ple and hsustatic perapion ta, ‘ASouesenrom i upped wth mary diferent seating an owns areas ‘ch mat, waterbed esbione anaes, ball od smi Wich equ thnstne of lcs be acicated blore and ar eating ped a ‘er ple ts hind nea sting might be es sale Wich chien ‘hey ate partly ppl, and they provide nation and sport fr do- ‘lopment However the cee rer dan dllertnt esons, a chro, ‘vis for abo omtng areas have cba made ‘During Snocaslon three major function aress are activated: "the afferent srea of te sensory systom, in which signals from the external and interval environment are coneeyed tothe analysis system af the cere- Seti | ‘the integration centre, which combines the information received through the senses and organizes them into menses which are (oot always) omprehen- ‘Sle foe the india the eferot area, through which the energy neoded forthe reactions of the segetaive and motor system is provided (ef, Gachwend 2000, 126). Through learning now thingy, associating, and combining, each person creates their ‘wn aystom, That means that hoor ah s unique inthe word inthe scribe ot ‘Ade Saint Exupéry's “Lite Frings” Oliver Stk exprotes i his context “Boor preption ea creation ery memory arecretion allremembering is relating, generalising, recoegriin. In such a view there cannot be a fied amare any Pure vn ofthe past uncolored bythe presen” (Sack, 246. 1m whieh form che procesing takes place even within newopsyeholgy ie de. ‘cussed an diffrent levels. Depending on the theoretical background and arox of ‘xportoe ofthe practioner, porspativea and approaches based on phytilogy, berchophyical appreackes,moticine cognitive pychology, developmental py" chology end depth pycholoy ear be found (Goldstein 1997, XXXVEXXVI, 58). During the poco of th brains pysiologizal proseing, great importance has tobe attached to tho interaction betwean the right an the lt hal ofthe bin. ‘One hypothesis might be that during Snoeelen, the right part ofthe brain is ‘mare activ. Iie the emotions, impressions and experiences usar, persals once af well bung that i affected by the appropriate, ploasnadly arranged en ‘ronment Snoczlen organizes perceptual simul and givs them a particular ‘quality. But there aro other aims to: tho promotion of sel pereption and the ‘reation ofa tener of wellning, ne well ns extablishing a dialogue and promot: {ng commuriatin. Surly there willbe instanses Whar sensor atimulaton will lead tothe recllection of nogative motions. In sich ease iti osontal to be sensloin dealing with the stunton and to use the opportunity ta tak chap ter 1.3 and 18), Temigh sometimes be neceaary 1 all in profesional help 1.2 Carers and teachers ‘Since Snoezlen i applied in many institutions uch as nursery schools ins, schools, workshops forthe handicapped are homes, youth homes, rehabilitation ‘contre, old peopl’ homes and hospi i inevitable that various proeesons fre interorted in the method. The special iterature in gneral,providos a great ‘eal of information nbout competence in pedagogical work, Tho eapabilitis and ‘he respensity fos eurefal relationship to other pmple are oxtined there. Cr ee ee er ey experts nln th auton a ng sb 2 ba af Sonn ‘Than mtr ae ih . luge is partial in he book ‘The car is ditin fished rough his or Rep ence waren and empathy. Hoon of ‘hoe compe ae hard Tyee operation nd empisealy bard foster, hay a everest Aoncher ot thors ‘Sn his, aco pope for what they are. Mogtf alti out he "pea {opel entrap, fre by Hermann Nol BD yrs ag Te bei ‘feduaton tho prshnate elton between s matte praon snd grew. ‘Se penn fr howe aso ha he ca come oie hf Thin ‘ucrhnal relaineip ts blo tp nstinaive bai, wich red {the natural inerrtone of pope ‘ring thar ieee thir eal, fo wt ods eensngty nde Desdent tlt! bebo 49,109, Anianerationshipwith penn means un uderstending {tthe pera und his or her neon "hong edt, the and 2 in luce him or er: The Bonesene ‘Te ny of management Sem ‘Sie snd ction are lance In-advance but ean el ated rere or teachers sng their bo ‘recharaseriae by s partawrstip ommuniton. They are open-minded twa the fangs of nts ad to's Certain degree gecro. Aero teacher met have «progr Whi af ‘ences the lesson by giving it direction. In Snoezelen, therapentc ements area ‘ital par the work: One is oliged ta have a good look at the dale persons Thography and hs or er feelings. A thorough preparation ofthe lesson aa wel 3s tediquee of systematic observation, analysia and ovalvation af the unit are Indispensable. The results have ensequence for tho planning a farther Snoez- Jensequences. A part of one's professional competenos is reflected in exact obser ‘vation andthe aplication of suitable instruments, fer instance 1, ‘The open observation of the Snonzelen situation 2, The structured cbeervation ia selected catagories such ax well-being, satisfaction, relaxation, rot 8, Serening prosalures which are designed for the eorrespanding nest or dearer 4 Standardised rst procures ie, concentration, momoy,inteligence (One ofthe carers responsibilities ty collect as much information as posible about theikes and dikes of theclient beforehand. Obsevation eviteria ding ation could be ~ Skin (kin colour, moisture, warmth cla sensitivity) © Heartbeat = Breathing = Muscle tne tension /olxation) = Posture = Facial expressions and gestures = Tonos and intonation nthe woe = Temp and rhythm in the moremente Mood fslmness, joy, discomfort, et) riprations betwoen ani the spatial arrangement of the popleinvalvad (Sicvoking 1997, 60) "The use of additional photograph o video recordings canbe very belpfel. Aer 4 searon, they wil vw the team members the opportunity to ake thelr me to Took at and anaes the preceding stuntions. Based on that examination, subse ‘quent Snoerelensoquencer ean be planned, either as open or moe closed situa tons, Theinstrucior keeps his suggestions to himself, o discuss, observes and ‘encourages a course of action aad sation ta tarkifitieceeeary He respond tothe wishes af tients and is open to suggestions. Only though one works in an ‘pen form, the aim ould not be oerloked. This ould be et even very complex ‘The Snoezlenroom, ta high degree, is there to provide relaxation witht com rection and puidance The carer the competance to prodit possible behav brand to recognize cont situations. During that open situation, cortain rules trl ave tobe followed, Safety and consistency in adherence to the aim and inthe contact with ~ i particular = impaired pecpe wil help both groups, the to Postalorns baie attitude: “a helping cre in the procoss of grow: ing up, which, by seeing itm from the beginning ata growing pert, sects and wants to rupport isn, te know how to snflenoo hin a2 ell ae being able ta lt gp. In om thet with Ri». the exiing team ‘work af geting involved and ol ing back is persuasively realized” (Glebe in: Schroeder 1996, 99), ORen children and als Gncading ‘the curr) visi a Snoezelenraom be cenuzo they expect an improvement in ther condition or a change fom their serezfel situation while in that pleasant atmosphere. Because of that, the teachor or carer has to bhave tho spocialeduration qulifiw ‘ons which enable him or hero \teestand and adapt depending onthe situation and the diagnose. Hear she must le able to give advice and intervene in therapeutic ex therapeutically oriented ‘kaya. The ISNA (International Snocasln Avsoition) offs nddtional quali tion ouch a working a snexpertin these ads ‘of Snowanlen. Lt als shout Huthyme teat ment strategies which are "ged fr the soul tr tho mind. Buthymo ia Tnked with poriive ‘motions, ike fun oF sox inxaton Fa fe tng af wellbalanes. It te always Tinked with Viol being and Snovae Tom should bo mgood sxperience, The epecial Tight etacts, the acoustic stm, the temperature and peri the smells create ‘asenae of wall bing, which vole emotions and canals be eniyed. “Tho gonoral aim of Bushyme treatment methods is that a patient hist con ‘work with well-being in tho senoe of self-care” (Lats in: Margraf 2096, $36). In su situations i be somes dear, that the fare or teacher as the Special task of working fas. therapist, which im- plies the capability. to frente relict cial Iie situations ‘The demeate of fora of Impairment must be ee ognized and axalyeed. Ie requires a high Tevel of fensitvty, to discover Shieh Snoeoten ofr figs are stable for the rempective disability or inorder In mont caste, 2 one-to-one situation inthe pleasant atzmosphere ofthe ‘Snoculentoom i fit eed to fer ost stroaafl situations through a diagnostic conversation Through mal arreement between the disabled person and the ‘cru, the sime ofthe Sagceelen intervention ean bo formulated, Sueeess ct tly be enaured when the teamwork between clonts and carer is embedded in ‘network which involves oer eave stall ana family membre. 1.8 Constructing a dialogue ‘The tlzation in Snaezelenreom ean only be sucessful where there is mean infu! intraction betwoen porsonal, profesional and methodical competence, All partis nvolved~ lent family members wnd eclleegueschould co-operate with one another ‘Thepeopleinvelved should be prepared to work with oth fre, #0 exchange ‘hourhts teas and cexpetieno and to Tet others aboseve and. understand their work, A eit tal selection upon Tbeppona due tothe feedback from cl tents and those 2 ‘companying, them “The balance betneen reflection and experince Is what makes th work suck {i Regular eupervision is advised in order to provent resignation and fie. ‘Bodes the anal of aapoct of relationship, thare are alo diagnostic tasks "The work in Smaezelonroome frequontly leads tom special close hond with the client, which can ello involve # dagree danger. The catacs should be trusting ‘ot distanced. Kren if iis the cane with many meres, the lien might ot ise able to communicate verbally ina diferent was, he must fel understood. For the work tobe succesful, an empathetic relationship with th disabled per son is crucial Since che clienis ave often not capable of communicating through langsge and they are also limited in thie ability to make themselves under. ‘stood through indy language, supported communication, Le, with the help of ‘omatic imu, can offer protection from isolation. Ono bas tobe particularly azefal about psa eontact, sine i ean at be taken for granted that wil be ‘understood correctly or fund tobe pleneant. Cavers should Ye aware that their tudes and maads ara reflected by themelves ef Grossmann Schnyder 1982) Skin contac evokes fstngs, which depend onthe part ofthe body the sizeof the zea being touched the proteure, and tho cor of moverant involved in the toch, ‘Through them one can ee accepted, valved, calmed, but alo rejected, confused, ‘or tense. A tactile connection does alway suys something about the emotional Felatonahip af the partner. He might show hat he is sympathetic helpful, up portive and interested, er, on the other hund thoaghtlesness, rejection, a il. ‘erence might be demonstrated in the touch (. Nal! Bartasick 1998, 62) Physical cotact in wey of communication im which quality ir dacisve. Quick sd leting connections can entre uncertasty end load to misunderstanding. ‘Therefore iin very important to use clear and unequivocal signala, Because of| ‘the information saved isthe par ofthe brain dealing with touch sensations, te ‘ale stim pul fol frightening foe one person but pleasant for anathar [one receives a anewer toa touch, one should repeat the timulation which has caused it I the reaction i the eame, one cen continue the quoston and answer {ame for a while until one ofthe poopleinealved would ike stp the conver ‘tton. Teconstruct the dala, famine pereepions and common experi “which are partialarly meaningful for the person should ba used ef. iegor 1997, 10), Relatives know the preferences and interest ofthe family member bos and ‘therfore pay w big prt in constructing the dialogue. Besides tactile timuli, there are other ways of achieving sucessful communi atin. Kefesing to Zioger (in: Leyendecke, 114), the following suggestions to sig a dalogue wit (severly) disabled person should be given: aniline snells (for parsonal wed peoeeeianal surroundings) ~ Intensive stoking careasing, Kiesng (eelatives and clos frends) ~ Supported eo-breathing Familiar noizes (heartbeat, tieking of «elock) and sounds (Ginging, favourite music) Familiar voices (melody, volume) ~ Pamiar beings pappe,animal, air objets = Fanstnepetares (photos), own fac rior During the construction of dialogue @ more intense (new) relationship between the two parties is often estalihed. (ef, Bueker in Froehlich 1907, 106) Thre foreit every important to show the earer that hear sho ean influcnee the sts ation by using basal stimulation By using somatic stimulation, ic, stoking, rubbing, massaging and patting lotion onthe clint, thoclient becomes aware of ‘he signels and insexprets them an understanding and accepting. Usually some ‘erf signal is returned, so that dialogue between both people aries. Because the intense use of the body, which eat fa alin to mary’ of the people vie ing the Saowzelenrooma, «very goo relationship canbe established. The exper nce of recsiving an answer to bass stimuli and being able ta establish x now “Ualogue opens up new channels af eommunication Important conditions for the quality of the touch within the relationship are, ed on Siovoking (1907, 607 6): ~The pleasant external atmosphere Peasant room temperature; comfortable lvaly of light and sound (ef. ‘haper 2.5); starting veationshipa and making contact with, a ist, more trusted poope The pen internal atmosphere ofthe therapist: ‘Tobe open to physiea! and emotional signals from one's body nner peace = Theunintended intention: Being ready to experience what the body communicates after its touched. Furthermore, physical contact should be announced and ave a clear beginning sand end, aswell aya aubetained holding of eontact In general the rule is Very ‘nportant chat tactile stimuli should take place in short units af fve or tan mi tes atthe beginning, expanding atar to fifteen to twenty minstes. The client with apecnl needs rust be given alt of time for a possible rention. I isnot nail che contact is instigate hy once (ef. Layendecker 1907, 125). Such ‘amtact could be experienced as threatening by the elent and. under cerain ‘Greumstanoes cause further isolation. Pai, sudden changes, and loud screams Ihave ta bo aveided. Th offering sould be atersctive, frend, intensive, and vivid The decisive question always has to be: How ean be the most afetionate snd considerate You tothe other person? (Zeger 197, 1). 14 Fields of Application [As deserted shows, during Snacasln grest importance ie ateached to Ube tut ing relainship othe peran and the nature ofthe dialogue. An entire chaptor is therfore dedicat to this aepect, Ce ee ee ee ee er tocommunicat verbally. Oftn tho communiation through body language ea {ecto a wel fr various easons ‘Supparted sommunicstion i. Uhrough somatic time ~ offers an opportunity ‘oprotet tat targt group from ieoation and enable the client ta make them: selves understood (agnin) In such ese, Shovzean ie a thorapeutialy-rienvad inervention which, depending on previous decisions and equipment, aswell az ‘on the relevant prafssional qualifications, canbe employed ae either © Dely ‘hernpoutico podeggicl measure. Ta goal could farexample to oem por sm who is spooch-impaivd pr eannot communists vevlly frum Uke preseare this her sffering, to initiate epeoch(tharapy) orto auppar hia ar her deve lopment (pedagogy), The example demonstrates clearly tha, dapending on sims tnd taining, diferent professions often intend to bring wou the same zesults. Snaceten genaraies a nse of wel being aed has relaxing ffets inate peace in ‘erson; Buti als ativate; Kiln éntret it diets and organise the stimuli brings back memories it organizes a person, it helps to overenme {ear and ansiety and offers security: can gue 6 person: i fosters and pro ‘motes relationships; and is simply enjorable. (ote the question arses if Snoczelen shouldbe dvsced orf the pleasantly far ‘lshed room with te various elements should he tnade avaiable fr relaxation ‘nd fog good wishout Us influence ofa carr or teacher. The desion made fects the choi of content, methods and forms of ergaiastnn. {Is Snovzeen a developmental aid or a therapy? ‘Thotask ofa teacher, and in particular special edvestion teaches, among ther ‘things. isto hep people develop It isnot alwys lear what form this lp ehould tke, According to Stadio, it “comprises of all measures influencing a parson, 1nd guidance” (1988, 2). 1 is aimod at people with gud whout impairments nd resents a general ain deveopmet adit the “further development of the personality by ‘Seay meen Cbd 99, 8 209, Genorally ono speaks of developmental aid within pedagogical work when the improvement of tho eireumstandes and situation af one's ie ie mena withthe fal of thus « mater of porspetve and aftan comprehonsve, and means & ge eral developmental exppart and promotion and a further development of the personality (ef Bundachsh 1990, 286 88, 9908). ‘The eonept of thorep. on the other hand, is derived from Greek and mesns, ‘na figurative seman #0 sare, tocar for (or nae) arto heal, and represents ‘heelimination of a stte of ilines or an influence onthe cours fa disease. Ts serve — which has no immedite reference to disease and eure ~sooms to have nen lost in today’s understanding of therapy, wceocing to Schumann (1989, 167), Disease ean bon deviation from vome dined norm oi could deseibe serion of ustan existence, "Therapeutic measures, in ther narrow sens, are subject to comprehensive the retzally and erspivcally lgitimated concep. Ina broader sense, the term therapy covery numerous diffrent method, ranging fm those which are per ‘caption: and movement-orentad to those which ate artistic ard crestve ‘Therapy canbe developmental eid, developmental aid ean also be thorapy. Pub lie epontor efton demand clear boundaries between the concept, but in ra ity uch a ditintin is oten diel to make. Havestional and therapeu Selde of activity ae interlinked and a close cooperation between educators and therapist i desirable, Developmental ad in broader sense, i part of every educational process. Therapy a8 one aspect of developmental ad andthe meas. {roe which should bring i abort requires certain trggoring moments such 36 the appearance ef problems, disorders or conspicuous changes which binder the dovslopment and the eduction proceacos, Carrying out an exart determination af the case makes i possible to search for sulutions and stratogios Which can be implemented in interventional developmental aid. Diagnostic measures are sn important precondition for dovisions an actions as to which are the proper evelopmental und therapeutic measures, en in Sncerlen, auch developmental Alagnosis is indispensable and involves 4 range of diffrent components. All procedures have in common however thoy ‘ke into consideration the initial state of the porzon in question, hi aniran- ment and problems that might exist. ‘The hans all apecial-educationdiagnati processes comes fom the diagnatic sethode used for remedial education, fom which tho diagnostic methods used for developmental aid measures, spesial education, and rehabilitation traning have been developed. While the diagnontie methods form reeds] education ~ ‘umn from the perspeaive af the sphere of medicine took athe fundarent fur education the goal of healing, the diageatic methods or rehabilitation tan {ng particulary velved the intrection of edeation, training and therapy and ‘tho analysis ofthe way damage cocrs, as well as developmental powers and potsble areas where development could be aed (ef Suhrvteiee/Hotaner 1908, 1 Tn recent years, davelopmental aid diagnostic methods have come tothe fre front, where boitc approach i valved, The aim isto atzend to people wit Aiea ving circumstances ad to improve their ability tact. "Developmental on ofthe fav andthe oe of the moval enone, at Alvelopment sad expenaionpeyhologilly, and at healing and therapy in xan falas far ae thats yorible i the special educational needs aecor, but with ex emphasis on tho clso link betweon tke arvas named” (undschuh 1988, 5) re ee ee | parents and people doing community sorice work, Various models for th coo: peraton between the canta and ther “campanions have boon establabed, such ‘tho layperson modal, the co-therapist modelo eoperation modo. The isa ose collaboration botweenprofecionals; that is, people whe have had ai tal training i Snactlen at extablshed iatitations, colleges oF other approved providers, as wel as the group of people who have acquired their knowledge ‘Soot Stneason autdidactiall SSnoczelen may have a diferent structure depending on the sims, target group snd professional qunlialion of the carers Is shery, it can be essiod ita ‘he flowing our applicatian Held: =" Suocelen asa therapy ~ Snoedelen as therapeuticaly-oriented measure Sncotslon az a pedagogical developmental aid Snowzeen a a fe coie. Bnoertlen as a therapy ‘Snowualen ata therapeutic approach has not received any financial support up ‘us ow in Germany. Th health insurance companies decide on approval is tocerdance with afical guideline, Those guidelines permit a relalively clear Aefntion between Snoczslen and other methods of intervention. Snoezelen ca ‘bs dcribed aa “exrtine therapy with a nenropeychologie! bass”, which meen ‘that Snezalen abe presrbed by adoetor and carried out hy qualified and rei- stored Shovzoln therapists. Research about the way Snoerelen works i til at fn early stage and its unkaly for Snoezlen tobe deserbed directly as a form ff chery within the next few years, For ergotherapsts end physiotherapists, things are easar Thoy incorporato Snoctolen into hoir therapy and treatment ‘emer and fer to Shostolon wn intervention method sucha nenaory inte: {ration oF mototherapy, Snoczelen cam achiave god results predominantly in supporting perception, ast sand relaxation, fantasy and eeativty, social relationships, commonsation a5 ‘rll ne memory performance. The therapeutic ax well as the therapeutiealy rented measures requce aconeepe which must be tested fo ison. Sino Shere are no standardized Useapie, i ie ofthe importance to collet obec Sonal data which inludos as many variables es possible and to analyso this smsteriel. Condition and hekaviour analyses aro an approprats cee at the be inning of eaeh therapy. In aditian to the ease histor. it abu also be aseased lander which ereumstancas the buhaviour ofthe person working with Snoozlen ‘changes. Therapy requires method (argeted prooedures),repertbility (he po- ‘xduros ean be sod with athers) and diversity change of place and the war roundings af the procedure) (Homann / Hartmann 1988, 82) Important data ‘ogarding the nit atte af the cent cam be recorded via various hagostie pro ‘xduros (erees: perception, consontration, social tokaviou and echnical mex “suromenta (pulse blod preacure, breathing frequency, eyemovament contra). Te is pablo videotape the clients behaviour The tape allows ‘unity tw eapture potential concentration and attention difficulties ‘the chance to revisit end review a pesos bohaviur ina Sooczelon situation Further observations and additional questions regarding potential probloms of the peychologca and emotional well boing, working habits or sta behaviour ‘amplee the picture. Aerward all recordings observations and question ttre analyeed. The rors wil influence the content of eubeequant Soezelen fecsions (cl appendix “questionnaire about well-being” and cbservation form ‘These forms can be ued io enti charectoriatics and to analyse thom ina later team meeting, The escond book about Snoezlen provides prvie information; of Mertens 2005, 80:93) Snoezolen asa therapeutically-oriented measure Snooealon becomes « “therapeutically oronted measure” when » specialist (a teacher with ndisional training in Snoceelen) applies Shoezelen as an interes tion with de ai of improving, compenseting for removing primary o econdary impairments inthe various areas which aro obo ined in the agnosis, This require clear inital dingrone of the current sate, targeted implementation ff the method and a reourd of the final state. Aaa therspeutiallyarented mee ture, Snoaclen should serve to compentate far ot overcame conspicuous pro lems or disorder. Through appropriate activities ~ ee dseribol particulary in tho exarices fom 3.2.8 onwerde sel perception is intnsfiod a conscious awarones of tho body is improved, andl generally the ability to experienc, act land to be aetve is inreaued. With scientific rtandarde in mind, the contents, tethoda, aime and effectivenes of Snovzelen wil ave to be more closoly re Viewed and in some casos challenged, All the observation and measuring proce dure mentioned above should also be applied here i the gaa of implementing ‘Seoctelen ata therapy in the broader ane shouldbe filled Snoezelon educational developmental sid Incontrast therapeutically oriented measures, educational developmental aid smaatures provide support for edurational proceates. These measures apply 0 Aaron: areas of dovelopmant auch ae perception, emotionality and cognition, ‘omnunicaton, or motor ails. The ams of Snoezelen are ‘general assvation to dovelpmont snd losing processes fnhancing the experience aid ofthe environment intense intake of sal sti < oofler concentrated and controlled sensory input in restricted space = an intogration in social structure © testablchslomentry relationships 2» toimpar ie kill = rexation, ‘These are also included among the desired aims of therapeutic and therapew: tically-riented interventions. Ifthe ous is ox eduertional developmental id, howover, ite efiiency doesnot nacessarly have tobe ered. (Generally it hasbeen observed that children, adolescents ad adult always are ‘comfortable in Shovadlonzoims and are able to relax easly ther, They expert ence special stimlation in visual and auditor enti haptiewnd whrtion mec sizing, kinaesthotc, and propezceptve as well a olfactory and pers even igutatory areas. From a podagogical perspective, Snoerolon is characterised by encouraging fee choice of ativitis, a2 it was intended by Huleouge and Veeheal (Hleegge ! Verbwal 1907, 10-12}, Bvenifa teacher “aves children and aduls through the Soeezlon experience, this doesnot contradic the org al aim of free choice. Hveryteachor as tho common task to think about the ‘course of « session before it bagns. Many ehiliron and adalescene nd aif felt to remain in the room without supervision and stay focused fr a longer riod f time. For the educational sector, the nial een of "po must ~ every: ‘hinge allowed” hasbeen put into perspective, Brehm describes the efecto Shoezelen as: "an inereasing ability to eax decreasing aggresive und auto-ageressive behaviour — Inerecsing endurance to persist with certain activitiee increasing epontancous stvity Jon initinive = coring betorscisbiity = albetiersbilty¢ ommnicate = timing for balance between ntivation and relaxation (t Brohmer 199, 29; 1997, 376.86; Ronmann / Hertunean 1888, $4). Snowzlen ae recreational activity offers all age groups more scape for devel- ‘pment; the carer merely provider impulse, sbserves, and inonvonds in mo- ‘ments af danger. Direction as required in schoo, is mostly abolished. Generally ‘Snoezelen serves the wid dovelopment and i applied asa preventative mesare orto stabilise through componsetion. A Snoezelenroom ereates an snvironmiet ‘or seltregulation and provides a counterweight to the daly stress, Leaning how to eweato mental images, meditation, an breathing tachiiuee will help tliat tn be able to find their own way into a siate of relaxation after having sted a Snaczelentoom, Snoezolen as a free choice ‘As described above, noozlon can bo oifered without a direct prearranged thees- ‘uti or educational intent (ef. chapter 32.20). The room provides an ensiton ‘ment fr rest and relaxation, and under certain conditions shoul be «place or teerbody to enjoy Ralea forthe uss ofthe rors have tobe established bre and an displayed visibly forall to es of append: done sign). The companion roses the stimuli to choose from — opti uitory, olfactory, gustatory and {nctle-haptic and can change them atthe request ofthe majority of the group Here Sanezelen is offered us a reereational activity a itis generally utilized by soups cf adolesoons and alte and most ofall, to elder ‘oavold danger, viatrs should be asked on «regular basis shout thei opinion nd User wel being. They shouldbe given the opportunity to provide comments In tholog oak provided or compte the "quetionnsie abou wel bing (eka pond. That enables the companion to rcygnize ifthe partiipants would Ike the curentenvizonment #9 be kept a it sort introduce new elements, Ped open literate refers to socalled fre-chsiee offer whic allow much custom. ‘bndand dferentiated precedure. Here, he independence andcoatol.on the part ‘tho clint azo essential. If Snoezolen is applied a fee choice tis up 10 tho lint to determine the actual lngth of the session and tho time i takes place, (0 cours, «timetable will ave to be arranged for the Snocselonrcom, which will provide ll thors who are intrested with the tim avaiable forTsinetion Snoszalen’, During Sneerelen ae recreational activity, aufcient corners and ices shold be avaiable to allow a person to retrent from the outside word Movable walls o curtains, mosquito nets, cascade fountains o artifical planss se dealt provide such spaces. additions] cushion and blankets are avaiable intheentrance area ‘The varied spaces x the rot allow for spaces for private communication (to ltr anda cmap sion. ‘The room is envi: ped wih camfort ble seate and lung: Ing areas, cushions, Blankets and Often the “mesic eater is part of the Snoezelenrom equipment and is partials nitable Ihr the perception of tactile haptis,kinaeatheti and vibration stil. "While ly. ing eomforably on the matioss a the waterbed, which ht a pleasant tempers tre, meditative music nt jt Rear but sno be fit vibrating through the Ce ee ee ee ee | broathing enertos calmness and a dep relaxation. Self pereption ie fed and in an ideal east, physical and peychologealvnsin is quiely se Nowadays vibrating chairs and mats are lag avaable that have © similar set P Parseipants vst Ube rom to unwind, relax and fol goed The general concent of “relaxation techies" encompasses al psychological treatments with the am of physical aed psychological calming or deuctivation and which result in chan es of the neurovegetative estem. Aer a regular aad long-term application of the diferent procedures physiol! characteriatics suck nx slower and more muscle tonus, nore regular breathing and a dereaveofeartbeat frequency cas te domonstrated (ef iether 198, 15 Thi harmonious sat is characterized by chanes in one's conition und the way one exporioces things which re usu ally characterised bya feling of inereaing pyseal and seetal relaxation end indifference toward external etn, This cliente experience regeneration aad rental rene after each exercise wit 1.5 Content special and aims of Snoezelen 1 sim of Snnezen. ‘The preceding chapters have dosribed tho go ‘The specific ais of the 17 units and the subsequent thre spel situations are sumnmtined inthis chapter, The rum generally offers an ambience for encour. ging ret and relaxation and focusing attention. Therefore those aims are caly| repeated nani ifthe unit intends to particularly pursuit thie goal 2 Many items overlap and can be fund again in difforet sessions. For that ron only the ams targeted daring specific eesions are deseebed in deta: 1. Practical Unit 3.2.1 Getting to know the room ‘Aims: ~ To be familiar withthe equipment in the room = Be yout reat reat "Tocapture the differen fet of visual stint To experience combination of light ~ To specify personal preferences for particular equipment or rest areas To be aware of eoncentrated inhaling end exhaling To promote calm and elation 2, Practical Unit 5.22 Discovering the room ‘Aizat: To imulaesmaginetion and ereaiity = To build tension ~ To work together within the group =To promote the ability to memorise “te concentrate —Toereate ta music 2. Practical Unit 3.23 Experiencing the offocts of bubble ca ‘Alms: To promote altetion and concentration ~Topromote ization on visual stimuli ~Totrain/enhance memory To stimulate the tactle-haptc area of individual body ones = Toencourage working together within a group = Te motsate imagination and creatnity To experionc calmness and reaation 4. Practical Unt 82.4 Touching and being touched ‘Sims: — To stimulate the skin surface in tactil-haptie ays To unconsciously and consciously experienc ouch enstions = To pratce the body map “to eene the lesturen of materiale = Toeene and elasfy sounds = Peadapt movement tempo and volume = Toadapt toa partner Some stages inthe latter pat ofthe program, eg, about atcentration and exp celatin, aro not suitable for amal children. Beye and girl of mareery Sheol or preschool age are mare interested in discovering th rot crew Jing ound and bing. For that target group it is necensry to encourage sr ‘he installation af bal pnd ora lage bx filled with paces of foam rubber Alter they finish playing they will eaily calm down in the arms of «com panion It ie the responsiblity of the person in charge to eliminate particular ex ercises or unit, to adapt them to target the group's needs ow introduce new equipment. This demands flexibility, imagination and exeetivity. The ‘sume applies to the choice of music. Bren young children canbe introduced to classical use such as Morart or Schubert, When working with cldren ‘on a lower lve af development, the carer chooses childrens songs or poems ‘hich veflet on tho thonedosenibed in he unite, instead ef recording of ‘Khachaturian, Kramer or Mizner, ‘The goala which have Bee identified and deserted belore each season form the main points of emphsss for the developmental aid in each wnt. These have been outline in chapter 4 Ofcourse, a session willeontain mor than jst the main points named. Entering a Shoezelenreom will automatically Tnduce a state of ext, conoatenion and relation. Our children started 9 alm down as soon as they iterally passed through the preparation pha Gio, when they tok thet shoes off ad walked through the buckets filled vith wasan. Adults wore always fascinatod by the ambience and calmed Alown straight away. Ifthe purpose of the session is explcey supporting ‘ealmness concentration and/or elazation, then that ejetive te ln sted in the column header. ‘The individual nits of tho programs build on cach other in always as sumed that mazy people might not be familie with Snocrslen. The ist few ossions willbe used to gt to know the room and the equipment. Materials ill intro indvidull rin combination ~elotronic devices on their (en or in conneeton with musi instrament, somporitons small oft ‘ent, pictares, sents and fod, The second stage emphasioes developing Imagination end epoech. Visual, auditory, olfactory and gustatary stimula ton offered individually and then in combination prompt tho children and sults to expres themselves and tal stories ax well to associate piesires with sunds. Tat sage ends in an underwater story that, dopeningon the ‘target group, wills the whale seasion ar span two to Sve seasons. The Ia stage is devoted to concentration and est. The individual stimuli address the memory and the sbility to remember. Various relaxation and breathing techniques wll help the users to reach a state of deep relaxation. Astimals vr loo bo included to supper the proces: contact with the aot far he alming fc, sothes fore, and seta emotions free ‘The last thro units ilustrato how the Snoezslenreom ean be tiie fer ‘ther projects such as "I dicoror my body’, “Breathing property, “Dreams, u “Flowers in sping’ ar “Lie in Ais” In unit 22.18 the projet "Orient" | introduce, which, i our seminar, was implemented enthusiastically by Aolesents with soa problems. ‘The reparations for such a projet can be very time consuming, On maay ‘casions the room ofered a suitable ambience fo tle parties, Concern ‘thatthe oom might end up in an way state afterwards proved to br un founded, Should the room be avallable a certain times toll interested par tics, iti, of course, necessary to st up rules which have to be aurea to by everybody. A sot uf suc rules are identified in chaptar 3.2.20 and inthe appendix. As mentioned beforchand, tk rom ahoul lea be made available ‘o staff members. t brings calleagus closer ad enenrages communication (practical unit 82.19, ‘Tho exervises suasnsted in the respective units are only propos. Since very companion or person in charge wll be working with w diffrent grou, ‘twill hav eve be probe to copy unit inte entirety, Tei aden to ithe slet only particular exereace, to adapt them or to invent ew pats to the exercise. Naturally the suggested time frame will hen change. Very ‘often there will be unplanned changes, due athe emotions beng strongly activated in a Spoezalenroam. The instructor ce therapist ie then required to ‘eat ins flexible manor. Ae mentioned before all subjects forse on such articlpate in an seit loger if they ae interested, Iti posible that during one wean, tly sing stego might be implemented. Acertain stimalue (pictur, sen ‘ound ete.) might trigger associations which generat further thougte Con, ‘vrnatons, touch or musi guide the remembering proctes and the time fac- toronly play minor mle > Tho sessions are divided into three or four biguer phases, a indicated by he roman numerals, which again are subdivided. Parueular unite, such ‘the “Underwater nary, ould alo ~ depending onthe group be combined, while cther could be sipplemented by further unit. ‘As aguidoline th flowing times are estimated for he inital 17 sessions approx TO Getting to know the room nits) 60° Discovering the room (unis) 0 Bxporioneing the offers of bubble tubes (oun) 90° Boing tuchod and touching (unit ‘0 Discovering material and using then A soure fr sounds unit {0 Using images to develop imagination Gane) (60 Using sound ta develop imagination uni) 65 Uringamell and tant to devaop imagination Gunite) 7S Amocatng vial stimuli with ryehma and vounde (ite) 50) Light snd sound meditation Gunite) % Experiencing an Undorwetor story Sunt) 45° Concentrting Gunite) OY Remembering Gunite) 1 —-Breathing Gunite) 65" oop relaxation Goni) 50° Closenone ta animale Gunite) so Relaxing Gone ogo 60 praca or the last three suggustion, the time frame ca only be roughly estat ‘Tho projet “Orient” can span two to ive days, Por the uegstion fr “partic ‘and colebrasions" several hours will probably nod to be epant inthe Snoeze lenrwom, “Relaxation Srowzelen” eum last anything fom 10 to 90 mints. Our cexperienoe has shown that people who intend to rela in the rom wit plessant ‘ne playing in the background and no conversation spond 45 minutes on ever ago there, ‘Tho fundamental theoretical bases forthe practice are illustrated in chapter 1 and 2, The behaviour of the companion or teacher i characterised by emp thy, acreptance and competence, Basie knowledge about exact bmervation and sensitive direction and guidance are essential qualities every podagogve and therapist or Snoetelen companion should possess. To acquire specific il ‘powlodgo itis necessary to attend special seminars on Shoezsen. Spi tion showld be pa wo sety measures (dhapter 25). on ron eae ca toes of ‘ripen conungy om popemang peso rettoopoqiew anon pow a ete 9 on soe monenes9 onc a ei cao a8 10 pon fp ame smocinasq ponqutey sao ge Te veer seeeent egies dns way, ekrusiop ei denny, addy soa womens eosentsg yesiteg — yeoyojopomnouranDHPI eed nop sep aL eb a oar mopemaeag eno ovojopomseworoepicl pest ARARRKRKRRRKRRRRR RR RRA ‘nga at ena pacteg ene aseogry = tog abe gem 8 ‘worse somaspertesiasae) made oo womens am orsesiig woven oopoqsnonepid ed eaibgn/improurane ay BHP AED seqmoraananinaoa, mony rage seosar]—oHMe oe pt RRRKKRKRRARHKKRRHRRRARAR sop an wwweg — etowpeqamorioerta pew QOterereeoererrerernnren Sinosensnmgsomong onde 30 nA pe ade “eobapen pew See svete uow09 mpi saoreg —oHjepoqwIEPN EEL ‘yma wong Sap Say se Serge ‘trea a savsransn'y i sssmnad epi Lt ‘sors09 —(orfojopomseuranoonid, seen ops 2 “enna zen parece ono yt pu seen 2 wopeaneh Woo\oponeerHoNPIC & RRRRKRARRRARRKRRHRRARARK “to 0.20) prom aoe sp sr vou some gj ewre Ea BY Porespre some mode ‘ipo wonton wg, mores Petiolepemiowonnepi emi yo pur wo suoenbo ins ja en, “op moan deo, u ‘er sonmom omg, omenuaasg wonweg — owtoopemiomanoePI at mopsojepomournawpid eres Lemon or Orange cake 125 utter, 275 geugar. 9 eggs Tote lemon / orange ot or ‘boking. 250 flour. 125 potato starch, $level teaxpoonsof baking powder, 1/81 mith Frosting: 250 ¢ powdered sugar, juice andthe ring of to 2 untreat ‘alemons a oranges, Dur the hate, surar and xg in bowl and stir with a mixer util foamy. Sit together ou, starch and taking powder, Alternately ada ‘the four mix and milk othe creamy mixture, Heat unt i fll aff ‘the spoon ae Bab, Pour the mix into grensed cae tin ad bake in ‘tho ovon for ane hour Mix powdered sugar with lemon or orange juice ‘uni i hana thik cnsiatancy When the cake is dno, remove it rom ‘the oven and put tonto & wio rack. Start covering tho eake unevenly ‘with the sugar ing while the cake i till warm, Garnish with bit of grate rind of lemon er orange. (1 hour 20 minates) RARRARKRRRARRKRRRKRARARARR a apap uy weep a seney k “mp ree Spain we sone a copmnieps pe guj ade poe! a8 NL pare SaprmReSENONR, a — conser oom poopessg owen msoopoqnouratowpee oma AARARKRARRARKRRRAKRRA Say So oe To “exng preys awd! Spore ewe qi paige oeeonod eae og Suiseyemdesno posses wy seymasdn oso) ot lim stsumon wean, patdaid on pate fleet mae wopmony oan, yaswweg— woptoepoqomronpia pam ora Pema) o # >> — now 6a pees poe ‘ayn pos perm setae woseae 4 opus oxi woxsoyoponnometanptc pean sl et sp Soneaney wm peopenatng wore ooepoRMONNPL aM euuuuuussvuuudtItt Story “merine being at the sense The wind hows andthe waves oar, Fur eway put see anilind foot land he ln avg bon wating ler you ‘xr ep he and, bt raning ed iu srugpe aint the ‘sro wind and have tae eee oa ov inl ou ech the bath, Yu an fal the wet std and you seh wae ‘ouamp ove heft moll waver snd thea you thro yan iver Wh strong ata De that canntted tote ose ‘meth Ply yo pt on divas have tht diviog outa on sad have dive et on: ou siton the edge the boat an et yours fal backwash wate otank diepr sh deeper abd start i vim awards heals ok st you ah avi sonst yo Yo ln sa many le seas hoe Groen sin of sgn ra agains soa body Benet ou jancosco lars oq It elo whos on oh ems oes sae eh escent be acting darker Maybe ite gting Ito ight jut be the ‘hsow frock Ie ine fo rerio Youswim othe water mua andy nthe apni way ta ou tm {he shi Al he others ened west You bee tte Noro ‘mel he bss at a oucan. Yu tae of your mask, the nk and £6 npr. Ys sip he diving nui and ban Yor oe poe ‘comfort, Yin fel the wind at th strap mui cn ous a "ho caps arts the engine and shertly you will ote oth hata "Now yousre very honey and are gad you wl be ame son” thn so bone soon ae pense ‘vars owesnig eoiwo9, oo y ee wopeyay 0 weowe9 —woBoopomemerorne, LLL otro reranane hans 0 HE TO, wopn0g aot 2 oworpampans}am foul soxdeo"] onsen om ‘wors0g — ortojopoqiomanoNPE xy 00 wa a — usp aoa a= ‘sonoma oma af ‘snows rod stan = ‘or a exdosoyyd wo owe se a sy Suyoquomey sree $01 su OPO TL ‘weg compueee-3 emg) L198 ene soe mopeeueag emo dqoporpometeptC pod RAR? quae snema om) 88 sy IN EPI gn uo joqmewe nop poo Sunset on ae pone sagem fumnig _‘audn emcee emay Sag Buug sa HOHE ave too te 1" ay ipa zona oo oreess9 wowwog — oitowpomawranePr HEN oe See scetcaens sn cen “vanes too Ss Neda "aye tv oan ye ema nO 8 4g a psd oy ep Sao een enor ov ene pow weasel pa poo pom yar ae“) open aa MT ML eonuonat uaraog —_[wosFo.opoRUFSTONPIC 19, ae aE PE WY soos oop a, 4 “961 muemssco 39 ‘suena sont) opoyporpoueoyonpte oo we oay-rsenom os} ene wo dupe do, aenvindn psec om) mses xa yeomog —woidoqopomemonoepid PEO RRARRRKA 18, Pesctical Ualt 2.2.46 Project Orient ‘The Snoczelenacom is suitable for hosting projects that. might lat « day tr mere, a the room can easily be reeranged into » parteularIandscape oF lage setting, After choowng the appropriate light, coloar picture, sent and seadical clesente or instraments, iis possible to create the desired atmosphere {or partcalar somes quickly. In this txample the there of the Orient wil be introduced ‘Aims: ~ To be able tvimagine oneself. diffrent culture —cotablsh an understanding for lifein the Orient To be able to understand fein a bazaar ~Tocomment on about photographs verbaly and through ations ~Toplan a sone tgetber = To motivate imagination “a take on apart ond at out aseene oll rules —Tostimulate the senso sme ad the sense of taste “Tedance rhythmically ~Toreflect on what hasbeen experienced Organisation / medi etree Is peared i a common roc laeroom, Using pictures and fst, the U. wil be given an understanding of customs and traditions of the ‘Guten partiular county ean be aslected: Lebanon, Syria, lees, Yaq, Iara “Jorden Saud Arabia ee), In pasticula, he cireurstanes of everyday funder pce climate editions should be dizeuscod. There are a numberof options ‘Grchonse fom to highlight particular sspects of people’ daily routine thors he example of ie ma basear wil be introduced, Mer take onthe part of stall boldest and waiter in he restarts, whet women, somtimes accompanied ‘Dy mun, wil date ehopping. There are many’ stents snd sounds that can be e- snaeted ‘The Pill decide who they want tobe. They discuss their ol in small group din ctallboldere which spices, fui or bakery products they want eel the ‘Rotaurant owner and hs employes; the mem who st in x café chat make tho {Pater pipe nnd play; the men and women who go shopping, ete. The U. shoul (Tho think about the design of the bazar, the design of shops and af cafe the ‘lothing and general behaviour and manners. ‘The produce offered in the shepe have tobe selacted and purchased forthe eat snann, One group elles recipes forthe possble use ofthe products, Someone [Ghe sextaurant owes) preparer lie of drinks neoded and buys them One ot ‘a pcoatsToura about «gam that traditionally payed in th selected country ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ‘og, Shesh-Besh Quackgammon) or Kalahar. Later Uy will introduce the game fn th restaurant and play ‘The lender companion chooses storie fairy tales (et 1008 nights: “Abs Kie the Dyer an Abu Sir the Barber) One U. could it in corner ofthe room and ‘ed tho starioe ou laud, Reading = tory out Jou is much nicer, uti a also sible inten to the story ona tape (Rafik Sham ‘Another interesting idea might be t include dance performance inthe seen, ‘Unualy these i always a participant who ia familiar with oriental dances oF ‘maybe a professional dance cold be sited. One group could ply drums and ‘utes tive or @ CD playin the background: “Hotel Bl Fatin ‘Tue various rues have tobe disctseed and rehearsed, and privet carrying out the pret in the Snoeaclenrom, al iaterala must he provided. ‘Wi the help fighting and ior, the Snoezslonroom is tured into a market place with miniature stalls and aca. As an alternative the shops could be set ‘i in the foyer or hallway in front the Snoezlenzoom, and the Snowelenrom {eel would then be the place where the group dances, plays games and chats ‘The atl oldere wl fer their onda for sale suchas ste (pepper, ianamon, love, cury. paprika, sates, ginger), ruts (oranges, lemon, pomegransts, (rane dis, fs) aswell bakery prodrts and smal dishes Turkish hones atl not ene, biscuit, humus, aubergine, fla). Inthe eal, ests can oy the fond that was prepared by the group together with water, pepper {en with almonda, and elfen, In the backgzound, oriental musics playing (ive eran). “Thopariipanta tn upin tration eating’ Men with turbans fees caRens Ti trsers and white shirt; women with headscarves, fulllength skits oF frente, xaroidered shove and ot f jewelery. Female participants could leo ppl elaborate eye make-up pir tothe session. ‘The entire project can be recorded aad atervards the group can discus their

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