A Famous Speech by Shakespeare

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1. A famous speech by Shakespeare's Falstaff questions the value of: honor 2.

( T or F ) Aristotle considered plot more important than character or thought. True 3. ( T or F ) Aristotle was both a theater critic and a philosopher. True 4. Aristotle's famous analysis of tragedy is found in a work called: The Poetics 5. Aristotle's work on comedy is how long? 5 acts long 6. What did the Commedia delle'arte specialize in? 7. What is satire? a literary genre or form, although in practice it is also found in the graphic and performing arts, or a literary technique that attacks foolishness by making fun of it. 8. ( T or F ) The prophecies in Oedipus Rex turn out to be wrong. True 9. One actor on stage, speaking his private thoughts aloud is an example of: Soliloquy 10. Satire does what: 11. Only the opening sentence survives of : Aristotle's essay on comedy pg 236 12. ( T or F ) Satire is always serious. It criticizes ideas and behaviors that are dangerous to society. False 13. Shakespeare's five great tragedies include: Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and: Romeo and Juliet. 14. The plays of Chekhov feature: Naturalism pg 247-249 15. Which of the following conventions is seldom found in Elizabethan theaters: Soliloquy or Elizabeths Sonnet 16. Know the plot summary of Oedipus Rex. Antigone: Creon condemns both Antigone and Ismene to death. Haemon, Creons son and Antigones betrothed, enters the stage. Oedipus the King: Oedipus naturally refuses to believe Tiresiass accusation. After Tiresias leaves, Oedipus threatens Creon with death or exile for conspiring with the prophet. That baby was Oedipus. Oedipus at Colonus: Despite the warning, Theseus agrees to help Oedipus. Theseus does in fact return with Oedipuss daughters shortly. 17. Which of these are least likely to be found in the theater of ancient Athens? (Violence never occurred but illustrated by a messenger or no female actors) 18. Who was Thespis? Thespis is the semi-historical, 6thCentury B.C. inventor of acting 19. What is Medea and how does it end? Euripedes' Medea opens in a state of conflict. Jason has abandoned his wife, Medea, along with their two children. He hopes to advance his station by remarrying with Glauce, the daughter of Creon, king of Corinth, the Greek city where the play is set. Jason's recent abandonment of that family has crushed Medea emotionally, to the degree that she curses her own existence, as well as that of her two children. Fearing a possible plot of revenge, Creon banishes Medea and her children from the city. Jason accuses Medea of overreacting. Medea finds him spineless, and she refuses to accept his

token offers of help. The coronet and dress are actually poisoned, however, and their delivery causes Glauce's death. A messenger recounts the gruesome details of these deaths, which Medea absorbs with cool attentiveness. 20. Catharsis is? A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience 21. Ibsen's Nora is famous for? The play Dolls House pg 243 22. Who is Antigone, and why is she arrested. Oedipus's daughter, and Haemon ask to marry her yet she killed Polynices. 23. What does Creon think of Antigone's brother Polyneices? Creon ordered Eteocles buried in honor and left Polynices to rot on the pain of death. 24. How does the play Antigone end? Antigone hung herself and Haemon then stabbed himself and lay beside Antigone, Eurydice cut her throat. Creon is alone and All who had to die have now died 25. Know the terms aside, parody, melodrama,dues ex machina, hubris, verisimilitude, unities, proscenium, protagonist, subtext, recognition scene, exposition, catharsis 26. The first recorded comedies were written by Greek tragic playwrights in order to: get the spectators quieted down and ready for a performance 27. Athol Fugard wrote a play about? (Racial themes) play about condemning apartheid, the now outlawed segregation of the races. An illiterate man, seeking employment but finding he is unable to use the identity card issue in his own town, is persuaded by a friend to use one found on a dead man. Without a card he will be sent back to the township restricted to his tribe. In a powerful speech he demands the right to use his own name:Am I not a man? but his determination to cling to his own identity, a mark of personal dignity, is thwarted. By the end of the play he has been forced to accept the dead mans name. In return he is given a job and little money to send home to his family, He will survive if he can continue to be deferential to white authorities.
Shakespeare's unforgettable comic character, Iago, appears in several of his plays.

Correct Answer: Fals e The comic character is Falstaff.


Greek actors were all males wearing masks. Your Answer: True


In modern and contemporary drama, "Greek element" means that an intensely dramatic moment is greatly underplayed (including deaths or other pathetic off-stage occurrences); while the "Roman element" means that such a moment is played in full force, with the violence being viewed by the audience.

Correct Answer: True These terms represent a major difference between Greek and Roman drama.


Tony Kushner's play Angels in America is a brief, but powerful, one-act play.

Correct Answer: False This play is a seven-hour production divided into two parts.


In the Victorian Age, theater-goers expected verisimilitude, that is, drama that resembled the real world. Your Answer: True


In modern drama, it is the actors who play the most important role in a drama. Your Answer: False


In Shakespeare's play Hamlet, the three unities (time, place, and action) are no longer adhered to.

Correct Answer: True The play takes place in much more than twenty-four hours, in more than one location, and with multiple sub-plots.


The action of neoclassical plays took place in a single day, or, if possible, in the actual time of the performance.

Correct Answer: True Since neoclassical plays harkened back to the plays of Greece and Rome, their adherence to the unities makes sense. Racine's play (a retelling of a play by Euripedes) about a stepmother's uncontrollable love for the son D. Phaedra Wilson's play focusing on the search for identity by AfricanAmericans Ibsen's play about an issue long considered taboo--the hypocrisy inherent in the Victorian marriage code Molire's neoclassical play in which he borrowed the farcical stereotype of the clumsy, unpolished social climber and turned him into a comic character Aristophanes' play with an anti-war message in which the women proclaim "Make Love, Not War" B. Fences<>

E. A Doll's House

C. The Would-Be Gentleman

A. Lysistrata



Correct Answer C. Three Sisters A. Marat / Sade D. Medea E. Pygmalion B. M. Butterfly

Chekhovs Naturalistic play written with the intent that no two performances could ever be exactly the same because the actors must continually find new elements in their character's interior lives and express those elements on stage Weiss's play dealing with the idea that revolutions only breed social chaos as new power-seekers replace the deposed Euripedes's tragic drama about a distraught wife who kills her children when she recognizes that her husband has married her out of gratitude Shaw's Theater of Ideas play in which he attacked the British class system Hwang's play which combined elements of Peking Opera with the theme of sexual preference

In Elizabethan drama, the lower classes, or __________, stood on the ground in the open air, vulnerable to whatever nature visited upon them, while the upper classes sat under the roofed sections.

Correct Answer: groundlings


The phrase __________, literally the god from a machine, refers to a device of having an actor, playing a god, descending onto the stage in a cart attached to a pulley in time to restore order and so that the audience could enjoy a happy ending.

Correct Answer: Deus ex machina


A __________ is a highly exaggerated comic play using twodimensional stock characters, unbelievable situations, wildly physical actions, and improbable solutions.

Correct Answer: farce


In a Greek tragedy, the emotional release or purging that takes place at the conclusion of a tragedy is known as __________.

Correct Answer: catharsis


A comic duplication that exaggerates the flaws of a wellknown work is called a __________. It is also called a spoof or a take-off.

Correct Answer: parody


The Italian pantomime street theater known as __________ originated in the 16th century using professional actors who improvised scenes involving stock characters such as a foolish old man pursuing a young girl.

Correct Answer: commedia dell'arte


A __________ is a form of theater that deals with the conflict between two-dimensional characters who are either good or bad.

Correct Answer: melodrama


The __________ theater of Japan was founded in the 14th century, with no scenery and an all-male cast. Special effects were left to the imagination; for example, a storm could be represented by two characters holding a black sheet.

Correct Answer: Noh Which one of the following is NOT a basic element of tragedy for Aristotle? Your Answer: Spectacle Correct Answer: Death Spectacle is one of the six basic elements of tragedy, according to Aristotle.


In a View from the Bridge the choral function is performed by

Correct Answer: a lawyer The protagonist of this play is a longshoreman, and he does not perform the role of the Greek chorus.


Only this opening sentenceTragedy is life seen close at hand, comedy is life seen from a distancesurvives from what famous work?

Correct Answer: Aristotle's essay on comedy Shakespeare did not write this sentence.


Which one of these conventions refers to one actor on stage,

speaking private thoughts aloud?

Correct Answer: a soliloquy, popular particularly in Shakespeare's theater This recent convention has not been particularly successful.


Developed by Bertolt Brecht, who believed that stage realism and truth were quite different, this type of theatre features plays that are so radically unconventional that audiences are not be able to become involved with the story or the characters. Your Answer: Theater of Alienation


In 1934 Lillian Hellman wrote a play about a woman's love for another woman. Why might it have been considered acceptable to audiences of the time?

Correct Answer: No mention of homosexuality is ever made. The play is more pathetic than tragic.


Which one of these is NOT one of the three unities of Classical Greek tragedy? Your Answer: the unity of character


Some playwrights created the Theater of Ideas, addressing social problems so that audiences would have much to think about after leaving the theater. Other playwrights created _____, another form of theater, reflecting life as it actually occurs.

Correct Answer: Naturalism Life is not always tragic.


What was the name of the first solo "actor" to step out of the Chorus and engage in a form of dialogue with the chorus?

Correct Answer: Thespis Euripedes was one of the great tragedians in classical Greece.


Which play, a neoclassical farce, employs use of the double entendre, that is, a phrase with a double meaning, usually sexual in nature, whereby characters appear to be innocently talking of one thing while audiences can infer less innocent goings-on?

Correct Answer: The Country Wife This is a famous Greek comedy.

What happened after Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest opened? Oscar Wilde was found not guilty after a judge ruled that an artist's private was of
no concern to the public. Your Answer: False Richard Wright's Native Son was made into a film by MGM only after the author agreed to allow white actors to play all of the characters.

Correct Answer: False Enola Gay, the wife of the composer Gustav Mahler, was not allowed to work on her own music while he was in the house. Your Answer: False

( T or F ) Arthur Miller's The Crucible has one set: a courtroom during the HUAC hearings. False In a modern film, Jesus on the cross dreams of married life with Mary Magdalene. Your Answer: True

1. 2. ( T or F ) Ballet companies of today are afraid the public will boycott The Rite of Spring.

3. Calling a wife "the little woman" and saying that certain minorities exhibit recognizable traits such as laziness or stinginess are examples of: 4. Identifying closely with minorities was Edmonia Lewis, whose talent was: Sculpting 5. In one of her essays, Virginia Woolf spoke of her experiences at Oxford University and complained that: 6. Joyce's Ulysses was described by Judge Woolsey as 'not an easy book to read or to understand," partly because: It is brilliant and dull, intelligible and obscure by turns. In many places it seems to me to be disgusting, but although it contains, as I have mentioned above, many words usually considered dirty, I have not found anything that I consider to be dirt for dirt's sake. Each word of the book contributes like a bit of mosaic to the detail of the picture which Joyce is seeking to construct for his readers.
(T or F) Like van Gogh, Michelangelo was soundly rejected by the society of his time. False The Playboy of the Western World caused a riot on opening night when a lady's undergarment was mentioned in the play. Your Answer: True In 1922 the Motion Picture Production Code liberalized earlier restrictions on language and graphic sexual content in movies.

Correct Answer: False Ellis Bell was not a woman. Your Answer: False Herman Melville's death was acknowledged in the New York Times with a two-line obituary. Your Answer: True A Rockefeller Center mural has for its central figure Vladimir Lenin, architect of the Russian revolution. Your Answer: True The Circle is about how Muslim women who have been released from prison are reincarcerated for the slightest violation.

Correct Answer: True

7. 8. Linda Nochlin's essay entitled "Why There are No Great Women Artists" points out that all of these circumstances hindered female artists, except one: 9. Marcel Duchamp was excluded from an art exhibit because: he submitted a urinal.

10. Martin Scorsese's film The Last Temptation of Christ was denounced for its: potrayl of the final temptation by satan to Jesus while he is near death on the cross. Jesus is seen making love to his wife, Mary Magdalene, he refuses then descends to heaven
( T or F ) Nelson Rockefeller demanded that Rivera's mural at Rockefeller Center be removed because of alleged obscenity and its bizarre style. False

11. (T or F) The artist Frida Kahlo was forced to exhibit under her husband's name at first. False 12. The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was formed for: was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties. 13. The Nazi Minister of Propaganda attempted to purge the nation by burning the books of all of the following groups with the exception of which one: 14. When we say that stereotyping is a form of repression, we mean that: 15. Igor Stravinsky was controversial because? When Igor
Stravinsky debut his work the 'Rite of Spring' there was a riot, making him a controversial composer

16. 17.

Salman Rushdie wrote: Lady Chatterly's Lover caused a stir because:

Oscar Wilde was the controversial artist of: Though it was written in 1928, the final
version of Lady Chatterley's Lover was not published in the United States for more than thirty years.

Correct Answer: True

18. 19. The Crucible is about: It is a dramatization of the Salem witchcraft trials that took place in Province of Massachusetts Bay 20. After viewing the first version of Tartuffe, Catholic authorities demanded that the playwright: a Catholic group wanted the work censored 21. Opponents of Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ frequently argued that the film: is anti-Semitic 22. What are the rumors about the death of Mozart? rumors
spread that the young genius was perhaps poisoned. Some said it was the Free Masons. Others claimed that Antonio Salieri had something to do with it Two famous literary court cases involved Ulysses and Lady Chatterley's

Lover. Your Answer: True


Schubert, van Gogh, and Picasso are extreme examples of the unappreciated artist. Your Answer: False


The music of Shostakovich was banned by Stalin because he found its style avant-garde and therefore Western. Your Answer: True


Tennessee Williams was recognized as an important playwright only after his death. Your Answer: False


Among those whose careers were devastated by political activism was Paul Robeson, the highly popular and gifted singer and actor. Your Answer: True


Virginia Woolf was an outspoken foe of discrimination against women in the humanities. Your Answer: False Correct Answer: True Woolf's famous work A Room of One's Own is just one work in which she critiqued culture for its discrimination against women.


Both Michelangelo and Van Gogh

were honored, but for different reasons, during their lifetimes. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Van Gogh was never honored for his artistic achievements in his lifetime.


During the 19th century, training in musical composition, philosophy, and the visual arts was still considered a masculine activity. Your Answer: True

a controversial work which is now required viewing in most film schools

A. The Road of Life

B. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari a, controversial work by Edmonia Lewis in which the artist painted Native Americans in the guise of standard classical subjects a controversial work by James Joyce which was banned for 14 years in Britain and for 11 years in the U.S. B. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari C. The Marriage of Hiawatha



C. The Marriage of Hiawatha

D. Ulysses


a D. controversial Ulysses Turkish work which was smuggled out of prison because the author had

A. The Road of Life

been jailed




Your Answer A. Lady Chatterley's Lover B. Tartuffe

Correct Answer B. Tartuffe


a controversial work by Moliere for which the author had to change the ending to please the public a controversial by D. H. Lawrence which was banned for its depiction of sexual intimacy


A. Lady Chatterley's Lover C. Man, Controller of the Universe D. Olympia

2.3 2.4

a controversial work by Diego C. Man, Rivera which was ultimately Controller of the destroyed Universe a controversial work by Leni Riefenstahl which glorified Nazi athletes D. Olympia




Your Answer A. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone B. The Last Supper

Correct Answer B. The Last Supper


a controversial work by Emile Nolde which his town council denounced as irreverent and impure a controversial work by Virginia Woolf which describes what women would need to become famous writers a controversial work by Martin Scorsese which presented Jesus as a questioning, indecisive mortal, capable of human weaknesses a controversial work by J.K. Rowling which some claim creates a fascination with witchcraft and other demonic practices among young people a famous, controversial work by


C. A Room of One's Own


C. A Room of One's Own

D. The Last Temptation of Christ


D. The Last Temptation of Christ

A. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone


E. The Satanic E. The Satanic

Salman Rushdie which was claimed to be blasphemous by fundamentalist Muslims, and forced him to go into hiding after a fatwah, or death sentence, was imposed upon him



A __________ is a term that can be applied literally to the Salem witch trials of the 17th century and figuratively to the searching out of individuals/activities that could be considered dangerous to a group in power. Your Answer: iiiii Correct Answer: witch-hunt


The U.S. House of Representatives committee led by Joseph McCarthy that tried to ferret out Communist supporters in the arts, has come to be called the __________. Your Answer: iiiiii Correct Answer: Un-American Activities Committee


Attributing a set of general characteristics to an entire group and believing that every individual in that group reflects the same traits is called __________. Your Answer: iiiii Correct Answer: stereotyping


In 1922, the __________ was set up by the Motion Picture Producers and Directors of America. It contained three guiding principles designed to censor any "inappropriate" material from being presented in any U.S. made films. Your Answer: iiiiiii Correct Answer: Motion Picture Production Code


__________ is a literary technique most often associated with the novelist James Joyce, that refers to writing which attempts to present the disorganized thoughts in the inner life of a character. Your Answer: iiiiii Correct Answers: stream-ofconsciousness stream of consciousness


On the surface, Arthur Miller's famous play __________ told the story of the witchcraft trials in Salem, MA, but symbolically the content referred to the "witch-hunt" for Communist party supporters who were U.S. citizens and artists. Your Answer: iiiiii Correct Answer: The Crucible


In this chapter, the term __________ is used to denote somethingsuch as a character, dialogue, or visual imageryconsidered abusive toward a particular religion. Your Answer: iiiiii Correct Answer: blasphemy


Women in the 19th century were not allowed to learn the principles of __________. Therefore, there were fewer women artists at the time. Your Answer: iiiii Correct Answer: anatomy

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was formed to

Your Answer: punish those who fled the draft during the war Correct Answer: discover left-wing affiliations of actors and screen writers This was not the goal of this committee.


Which one of the following is NOT one of the stages of stereotyping? Your Answer: Minorities/women are okay, as long as they know "their place." Correct Answer: Minorities/women become involved in multiculturalism. This is stage 2.


In this political controversy, museum staff members who posted signs questioning whether the decision of the government was a moral one were accused of distorting history. Your Answer: A Smithsonian exhibit that showed artifacts of the Apollo mission. Correct Answer: A Smithsonian exhibit that commemorated the dropping of the first atom bomb. This is not the exhibit in question.


Why was the Rockefeller Center mural, painted by Diego Rivera, destroyed by Nelson Rockefeller? Your Answer: Because it included a picture of Lenin whose cause was not appreciated by Rockefeller.


Some controversies are caused by political content; some are caused by unfamiliar sounds and subject matter; still others, because of their creators' life styles. Which person avoided controversy by producing art that his contemporaries admired? Your Answer: Oscar Wilde Correct Answer: William Shakespeare He was taken to court because of what some considered to be unseemly activities.


Oscar Wilde had just reached the zenith of his career when which event happened to him? Your Answer: He was ruined by a sex scandal.


Which of the following artistic endeavors was NOT repudiated for having an unfamiliar form? Your Answer: The first time sound was used in movies. Correct Answer: The first time Shakespeare wrote a tragedy. Some thought the addition of sound would cheapen the medium.


Which of the following is NOT a true fact about the artistry of Wagner? Your Answer: Wagner was antiSemitic. Correct Answer: Wagner did not create music that was very complex in style. This appears to be true. Only recently has the Israeli Philharmonic dared play a work by Wagner.


Which of the following now-renowned female artists was originally exhibited with her name indicated as "the wife of Diego Rivera"? Your Answer: Alma Schindler Correct Answer: Frida Kahlo Schindler subjugated her creativity to her that of her husband Gustav Mahler.


Which one of these is NOT a principle of the Motion Picture Production Code? Your Answer: Each picture shall have a rankingsuch as X for adult content so that viewers can better know what to avoid.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was formed to Your Answer: punish those who fled the draft during the war Correct Answer: discover left-wing affiliations

of actors and screen writers This was not the goal of this committee.


Which one of the following is NOT one of the stages of stereotyping? Your Answer: Minorities/women are evaluated based on their individual circumstances and accomplishments. Correct Answer: Minorities/women become involved in multiculturalism. This is stage 4.


In this political controversy, museum staff members who posted signs questioning whether the decision of the government was a moral one were accused of distorting history. Your Answer: A Smithsonian exhibit that used a real airplane as the centerpiece. Correct Answer: A Smithsonian exhibit that commemorated the dropping of the first atom bomb. This is not the exhibit in question.


Why was the Rockefeller Center mural, painted by Diego Rivera, destroyed by Nelson Rockefeller?

Your Answer: Because some thought the bright colors would fade. Correct Answer: Because it included a picture of Lenin whose cause was not appreciated by Rockefeller. The colors were not the issue.


Some controversies are caused by political content; some are caused by unfamiliar sounds and subject matter; still others, because of their creators' life styles. Which person avoided controversy by producing art that his contemporaries admired? Your Answer: (blank)


Oscar Wilde had just reached the zenith of his career when which event happened to him? Your Answer: He died of an overdose of drugs. Correct Answer: He was ruined by a sex scandal. This did not happen to Wilde. He died from ill health after being in prison.


Which of the following artistic endeavors was NOT repudiated for having an unfamiliar form? Your Answer: The first time Shakespeare wrote a tragedy.


Which of the following is NOT a true fact about the artistry of Wagner?

Your Answer: Wagner did not create music that was very complex in style.


Which of the following now-renowned female artists was originally exhibited with her name indicated as "the wife of Diego Rivera"? Your Answer: Edmonia Lewis Correct Answer: Frida Kahlo Ms. Lewis was a renowned black, female sculptor.


Which one of these is NOT a principle of the Motion Picture Production Code? Your Answer: No picture shall be produced which will lower the moral standards of those who see it. Correct Answer: Each picture shall have a ranking such as X for adult contentso that viewers can better know what to avoid. This is the first of the three principles.

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