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Importance of testing for vacuum ejectors

in refinery service
Efforts should be made to identify and avoid errors in the specification, engineering,
and manufacturing of vacuum system equipment before they manifest at start-up

EDWARD HARTMAN and TONY BARLETTA Process Consulting Services, Inc.


acuum systems are critically
important to the performance
of refinery crude vacuum dis-
Vacuum resid yeild (LV% on crude)

tillation units. Vacuum tower flash
zone pressure is a result of vacuum 38%
system suction pressure plus pres- 37%
sure drop through the overhead 36%
vapour line and column internals. 35%
To maximise recovery of gasoil 34%
from vacuum residue, the flash zone 33%
should operate at the lowest possible 32%
pressure without exceeding tower 31% Unit 1 Unit 2
capacity. Unfortunately, many vac- 30%
uum towers operate above their 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
design or expected pressure, result- Flash zone pressure, mmHg absolute
ing in lower vacuum gasoil yields
and reduced profitability. Figure 1 Flash zone pressure impact on vacuum residue yield
Many papers and articles in the
technical literature discuss the per- and discharge surface condenser. uum tower and first-stage ejector
formance and troubleshooting of Depending on unit capacity and performance curve. This holds true
vacuum ejector systems in refinery desired flexibility, each stage may provided the first-stage condenser,
service.1,2. This article focuses on have ejectors or surface condens- as well as ejectors, condensers, and
the importance of shop testing vac- ers in parallel. Steam works as the interconnecting piping in subsequent
uum ejectors to ensure they meet motive fluid providing the energy stages do not cause the first-stage
their design parameters of pressure for compression. Load to each stage MDP to be exceeded.
versus capacity and consequently consists of non-condensable gas, In some cases, high vacuum sys-
prevent significant economic losses condensable hydrocarbons vapour, tem suction pressure, and conse-
that can result from their under- and water vapour. Surface con- quently high tower pressure, is
performance. An additional benefit densers minimise the quantity of caused by process loads pushing
is the ejector performance curves condensable vapours and cool the the ejectors out on their curves.
derived from actual testing are para- non-condensable gas mixture flow- However, Process Consulting
mount to any future troubleshooting, ing to the next ejector stage and leav- Services (PCS) has encountered sev-
optimisation, and revamping of vac- ing the system. This reduction in eral instances of ejector design errors
uum systems in operating units. load results in smaller ejector size in leading to tower pressures up to 10
the intermediate and final stages, as mmHgA above design right from
Crude unit vacuum systems well as lower overall energy usage. start-up. When vacuum system fails
Multi-stage steam jet vacuum ejec- Discussed in further detail under to deliver from day one, system
tor systems are almost universally vacuum ejector fundamentals, ejec- performance can further degrade
used to produce vacuum in refin- tor suction pressure is a function rapidly with normal exchanger foul-
ery crude distillation units. They of its load and performance curve, ing and the initial 10 mmHgA miss
are particularly well suited to the as long as its discharge pressure can increase to 20 mmHgA or more
large vapour volumetric rates pres- is below its maximum discharge above design suction pressure.
ent and high compression ratios pressure (MDP). In a multi-stage The impact of flash zone pressure
normally required. The systems are crude vacuum unit system, over- on refinery profitability is mag-
arranged in two to four stages, with all suction pressure is a function of nified in units processing heavy
each stage consisting of an ejector vapour overhead load from the vac- crudes. Figure 1 shows vacuum res- PTQ Q2 2022 01

steam jet vacuum ejector that estab-
Motive nozzle Diffuser throat Diffuser lishes nomenclature and symbology
used throughout this article.
Motive The basic operating principle of
Pd a steam jet ejector is momentum
Pm, m m
m=mm + ms transfer. The motive nozzle converts
Suction chamber
P = Absolute pressure steam pressure energy into veloc-
Ps, m s
Suction load
m = Mass flow rate ity energy, resulting in a supersonic
velocity jet of steam that entrains
Figure 2 Steam jet vacuum ejector diagram the vapour and gas mixture from
the suction chamber. The resulting
idue yields for two different vac- a few months, additional uncertain- mixture of motive steam and suc-
uum columns over a range of flash ties can further complicate efforts tion load enters the diffuser where
zone pressures. Unit 1 runs a blend to narrow the root cause(s) of high velocity energy is converted back
of heavy Canadian crudes, while vacuum column operating pressure. to pressure. At the diffuser throat,
Unit 2 processes a blend of heavy These include, but are not limited a pressure discontinuity or shock
Venezuelan and light US crudes. to, condenser fouling, ejector motive wave occurs which is responsible for
As pressure increases from 20 to steam nozzle erosion, and tower an important property of steam jet
40 mmHgA, Unit 1 residue yield internals damage that increases sys- ejectors – suction pressure is inde-
increases by about 3 LV% on crude tem load. pendent of discharge pressure up
and Unit 2 residue yield increases Therefore, every effort should be to a certain limit, and is only influ-
by about 4 LV% on crude. For a made to identify and avoid errors enced by the amount of suction load.
crude capacity of 100 MBpd, this in the specification, engineering, Figure 3 presents the performance
corresponds to 3 and 4 MBpd of and manufacturing of vacuum sys- curve of a large first-stage ejector,
incremental vacuum residue, respec- tem equipment before they manifest showing the relationship between
tively. Considering a vacuum gas- themselves at start-up. In vacuum suction pressure and load.
oil to residue downgrade penalty surface condensers, undersized shell As mentioned above, suction pres-
of $15/Bbl, the higher flash zone nozzles, over-optimistic heat trans- sure is independent of discharge
pressure results in profit losses of fer coefficients, and vapour internal pressure only up to a certain point.
$16MM/yr and $21MM/yr. bypass are common problems. In When discharge pressure becomes
Troubleshooting and diagnosis of vacuum ejectors, motive steam noz- too high, the shock wave in the
crude vacuum systems underper- zle size and position are common ejector throat can become unstable,
formance can be difficult and time culprits. In addition to generating leading to ‘broken’ ejector operation
consuming. The process of determin- accurate performance curves, shop that produces high and sometimes
ing ejector loads in an operating unit testing vacuum ejectors provides a fluctuating suction pressure. When
is full of uncertainties. It requires unique and valuable opportunity to an ejector is operating in a broken
good field data, laboratory analy- prevent such problems. state, the suction pressure is unpre-
sis, and flow measurements that are dictable and depends on both suc-
often unavailable. Furthermore, it Steam jet vacuum ejector tion load and discharge pressure.
relies heavily on process simulation fundamentals The discharge pressure that breaks
models that are only as good as the Steam jet vacuum ejectors are essen- the ejector is known as maximum
simulation inputs. For units that tially compressors with no mov- discharge pressure, or MDP. MDP
have been in operation for more than ing parts. Figure 2 is a diagram of a is commonly represented as a sin-
gle number for a given ejector, but
it actually varies with suction load.
19 Figure 4 shows a combined plot of
suction pressure and MDP curves
Suction pressure (mmHg absolute)

16 versus suction load for an actual
15 first-stage ejector. Note that the axes
13 on this figure are reversed from the
12 typical pressure versus load capacity
10 curve, with X-axis indicating pres-
9 sure and Y-axis representing load.
7 This arrangement makes it easier
6 to combine the individual capacity
4 curves of a multi-stage system in the
3 same plot.
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000
Although ejectors can handle a
Equivalent water vapour load @ 70˚F (lb/hr)
wide variety of suction gasses with
varying temperature and molecular
Figure 3 Suction pressure vs load performance curve weight, ejector curves and ejector

02 PTQ Q2 2022

make up those ratios and with the
Equivalent water vapour load @ 300˚F (lb/hr) 15000
proper correction factors.
13000 Test stand setup and limitations
Previously referenced indus-
10000 try standards cover many testing
9000 related topics in detail. The stand-
8000 ards are written to cover testing of
ejectors for a wide range of services.
5000 Ejectors designed for refinery vac-
4000 uum systems normally bring addi-
3000 tional challenges due to size and
Suction MDP utilities consumption. Their testing
should include a range of suction
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 loads, with suction pressure and
Pressure (mmHg absolute) MDP recorded at each load point.
Although formal testing guidelines
Figure 4 Suction pressure and MDP vs load performance curves allow testing only three points, add-
ing additional test points is trivial
testing are based on the principle of Entrainment ratio: ω = mm after going through the effort of set-
equivalent load. Any combination ms ting up the ejector on the test stand.
of suction vapours can be converted Depending on unit process design
to equivalent water vapour (EWV) Ejectors are scalable devices in and modes of operation, it may also
or dry air equivalent (DAE) load terms of both physical size and be advisable to check unusual loads
by simple corrections for molecu- non-dimensional parameters. corresponding to expected process
lar weight and temperature. Using Similitude laws allow ejectors to swings. Ejectors that may operate
equivalent load makes it easy to con- be scaled by applying appropriate during periods of very low load
vert and plot any given suction load ratios to all critical geometric param- should be tested all the way down to
onto the equivalent load curve to eters, including throat area, motive zero load to ensure suction pressure
check performance. Equivalent load steam nozzle throat area, and motive stability. In addition, the zero-load
can also be represented at different steam nozzle distance to throat, suction and discharge pressures are
reference temperatures. This pro- among others. A family of ejectors essential at start-up of the vacuum
cess is described in detail in indus- sharing identical geometric ratios column for comparison with in-situ
try standards.3,4 All loads discussed also shares all combinations of Cr, measurements.
herewith are on an EWV basis. Er, and ω. The entrainment ratio Refinery ejectors are typically tested
  ω is not exactly constant because with steam as load rather than air.
Ejector similitude and scaling it is affected by friction through Figure 5 shows a representative test
Ejectors are commonly defined by the throat – an ejector with a larger stand setup. This test setup allows
the following three non-dimensional throat always performs better than for control of motive steam pres-
parameters: a similar scaled down ejector with sure, suction load, and ejector dis-
a smaller throat. Therefore, for a charge pressure. Motive steam is let
Compression ratio: Cr = Pd defined ejector geometry, testing at down to the test pressure through
PS any set of fixed Cr, Er, and ω is valid, a pressure control valve. If the vac-
Expansion ratio: Er = Pm regardless of the absolute values that uum system design conditions spec-
Ps ify superheated motive steam, then
superheat may be added by an elec-
Liquid ring vacuum tric superheater or motive steam pres-
pump or atmosphere sure can be adjusted to account for
the lack of superheat.4 Suction load
TI PI PI water supply is metered by adjusting steam pres-
steam Air sure upstream of a Heat Exchange
Superheater Institute (HEI) nozzle under criti-
Separator Direct contact
(optional) TI condenser cal flow. Ejector discharge is routed
PI to a direct contact condenser where
steam Separator Cooling water motive and load steam are con-
Condensate HEI return
drain nozzle
densed by mixing with cooling water.
Condenser pressure is maintained
by a downstream vacuum produc-
Condensate drain ing equipment (liquid ring vacuum
pump) and it can be adjusted by an
Figure 5 Test stand configuration air intake control valve.

03 PTQ Q2 2022

Equation 1 can be used for motive
Values of unit conversion factor U
steam flow calculations, as well as
suction load flow calculations using
Unit conversion factor U ṁ Dn P ρ
steam through an HEI nozzle under
867.9 lb/hr in psia lb/ft3
critical flow. The unit conversion 0.5804 kg/hr mm bar Kg/m3
factor U (see Table 1) combines the
nozzle flow coefficient and discharge Note: P and ρ are for the motive steam upstream of the nozzle.

function at supercritical flow:

Table 1
m.steam,critical =U * Dn2 * √P * ρ [1]
and ω non-dimensional parameters. Adjusting steam pressure to
Testing methods account for superheat impacts the
Manufacturer’s test stands are lim- C. Superheated or saturated steam expansion ratio Er, such that the test
ited in physical size, steam boiler test points Cr, Er, and ω are no longer
capacity, steam pressure, and cool- Ejector performance is based on equal to those for the ejector curve
ing water heat removal capability. mass flow. For typical refinery levels points. Correcting the test point for
Given size limitations, most large of superheat (100-300°F), the extra the difference in Er requires adjust-
first-stage ejectors and many larger energy due to superheat generally ing the entrainment ratio ω by an
second-stage ejectors do not physi- has a negligible impact on ejector empirical factor which, similarly to
cally fit in the existing test facilities. performance. However, superheat the efficiency factor, is also based on
Additionally, large ejectors that con- is important because of its effect manufacturer’s experience.
sume thousands of pounds per hour on motive steam density, which
of motive steam or ejectors designed changes the mass flow of steam D. Model test
for high pressure motive steam through the critical flow motive Ejectors are scalable devices, so per-
may exceed test stand capabilities. nozzle. Steam with more super- formance of a geometrically scaled
The ability to add superheat to the heat has lower density, so, for the ejector can be accurately ratioed up
motive steam can also pose a chal- same pressure, mass flow of super- to predict performance of the full-
lenge. Therefore, test methods based heated steam through a fixed orifice size ejector. For large ejectors, it is
on model ejectors, scaled process is less than it would be for saturated common practice for the manufac-
conditions or a combination thereof steam. In terms of testing an ejector turer to use a scaled model of the
may be required. General guidance designed for superheated steam, actual jet to optimise steam nozzle
is to use the simplest test possible, options are: position and complete the factory
while resorting to rigorous scaling If the test stand can supply superheated performance tests.
factors and accurate empirical cor- steam For direct and model testing, Ejector efficiency is significantly
rection factors when needed. superheat the steam to achieve the impacted by wall friction inside the
exact motive steam design pressure jet. As ejector size increases, ejector
A. Direct test and temperature. For scale testing, throat area increases more quickly
Testing is most straightforward superheat the steam such that both than wall surface area, so that larger
for small ejectors that fit on the test expansion ratio Er and steam mass ejectors are more efficient because
stand and require motive and load flow rate scale correctly. The ratio less energy is lost to wall friction.
steam that are within steam gener- of superheated steam density to Therefore, performance of a full-
ation capacity both in terms of flow saturated steam density should be size ejector always exceeds that of a
rate and pressure. In these cases, the same in both cases. smaller scaled version of the same
motive steam is set at design, and If the test stand cannot supply super- ejector. In terms of ejector testing
the measured suction pressures, dis- heated steam For model testing, the and certification, this efficiency dif-
charge pressures, and equivalent model’s motive steam nozzle throat ference can be accounted for by an
loads can be plotted directly on the area can be reduced to account empirical efficiency factor to produce
final ejector curves without any cor- for the higher density of the satu- accurate ejector capacity curves, or
rection factors. Due to its simplicity, rated steam used on the test stand. the curves can be used as tested and
direct test is the preferred method For direct or scale testing, motive the increased efficiency thought of as
whenever possible. steam pressure can be adjusted to ‘bonus’ or ‘safety margin’. The tech-
get the correct motive mass flow. nique explained in testing method
B. Scale test Superheated steam has a lower den- B (scaling of the process conditions)
For ejectors that physically fit on sity than saturated steam of the same can also be applied to a model ejec-
the test stand but that require more pressure, so density can be matched tor if required by the test stand
motive steam flow or higher motive by lowering test steam pressure capabilities.
steam pressure than available, the until motive flow rate at the lower
actual ejector can be tested by scal- pressure matches the superheated Crude vacuum unit ejectors testing
ing the process conditions. Scaled motive flow rate at design pressure. A revamp designed by PCS of a
test results are then translated to the This calculation is straightforward major US Gulf Coast crude vacuum
final ejector curves by using Cr, Er, with steam tables and Equation 1. unit illustrates the application of the PTQ Q2 2022 04

1st stage model test results and translation to full-size ejector illustrated above. This acceptance
testing allowed GEA to demonstrate
the expected design performance of
Model test results F
ull-size ejector results
m·s,test Pm,test Ps,test Pd,test m·s Pm Ps Pd each ejector, as well as to generate
lb/hr psia mmHgA mmHgA lb/hr psia mmHgA mmHgA accurate suction and MDP perfor-
89 194.4 11.1 90.0 9,634 194.4 11.1 90.0 mance curves. Overall vacuum sys-
tem performance and its impact on
Table 2 post-revamp unit operations will be
discussed in a future article.
3rd stage ejector scaled test results and translation to design conditions
Scaled test results Design test results Acceptance or shop testing of vac-
m·s,test Pm,test Ps,test Pd,test m·s Pm Ps Pd uum ejectors is used to generate an
lb/hr psia mmHgA mmHgA lb/hr psia mmHgA mmHgA accurate set of ejector performance
325 28.7 27.8 123.8 1,408 128.8 111.0 495.0
curves. More importantly, it pro-
vides an opportunity to prevent ejec-
Table 3 tor underperformance by identifying
and correcting design or manufac-
testing methods. Unit charge consists Therefore, the model ejector is fit- turing errors. Given the significant
of atmospheric residue from a blend ted with a motive nozzle throat area profit loss that can result from a
of heavy Venezuelan and light US sized to account for the higher den- ‘broken’ ejector in a crude vacuum
crudes. In order to maximise refinery sity of the saturated steam used on distillation unit, shop testing of new
profitability, one of the main revamp the test stand, such that the correct ejectors should be mandatory. This is
objectives is to improve heavy vac- motive steam mass rate is deliv- not a topic to cut corners on cost.
uum gasoil (HVGO) cutpoint to over ered. Test results from one of the
1050°F, thus minimising vacuum measuring points and its respective References
residue yield. Therefore, required translation to the full-sized ejector is 1 Lieberman N, Cardoso R, Troubleshoot
vacuum unit design conditions are exemplified in Table 2. operation of a steam ejector vacuum system,
stringent: heater outlet tempera- Hydrocarbon Processing, Feb 2016, 59-64.
ture in the 780°F range, stripping 3rd stage ejectors – scale test with 2 Cantley G, et al, Maximise VGO yield, PTQ
Revamps & Operations, 2005, 22-25.
steam rate in excess of 8.0 lb/bl of adjustment for steam superheat
3 Heat Exchange Institute, Inc., Standards for
residue and 30 mmHgA vacuum The third-stage ejectors physically
Steam Jet Vacuum Systems.
tower flash zone pressure. The four- fit in the test stand but their motive 4 German Standard DIN 28 430, Rules for the
stage existing vacuum system was steam rate exceeds test stand capac- Measurement of Steam Jet Vacuum Pumps
revamped with all new ejectors, as ity. Therefore, a scale test is per- and Steam Jet Compressors.
well as new first- and second-stage formed with a scale factor of 4 to
Edward Hartman is a process engineer with
intercondensers. 1 ratio. Again, the design motive Process Consulting Services Inc, in Houston,
steam conditions include super- TX, USA. He has 35 years of experience in
1st stage ejectors – model test with heat, which cannot be delivered on studies and design packages of refinery units,
adjustment for steam superheat the test stand. In order to achieve specialising in distillation equipment design.
The first-stage ejectors cannot be the same motive steam mass rate Tony Barletta is Vice President with Process
directly tested due to their sheer size, through the motive nozzle, a super- Consulting Services. Inc. He has over 34 years
requiring a model test. The model heat temperature correction factor of experience with refinery revamps and
ejector is scaled down based on the calculated from steam properties is process design for heavy oil units.
similitude laws, resulting in a scale applied to the motive pressure in Laurent Solliec is an R&D Manager at GEA
Wiegand GmbH, Germany. He specialises
factor of 100 to 1 ratio. As previ- conjunction with the scale factor.
in customer oriented solutions and ejector
ously mentioned, the model ejector As previously mentioned, adjust-
technology, and heads the test bench facility.
is less efficient than the actual ejec- ing steam pressure to account for He holds a PhD in fluid dynamics engineering.
tor due to wall friction effects. This superheat results in a different Peter Trefzer is Product Manager for vacuum
efficiency difference is accounted for expansion ratio Er between design systems and ejectors at GEA Wiegand. He
on the translation of each test point and test conditions, while the com- specialises in multi-stage ejector applications
to the full-sized ejector curves by an pression ratio Cr remains constant. and holds a degree in mechanical engineering.
empirical factor. Although the fric- Therefore, the entrainment ratio ω
tion correction factor is correlated to is adjusted by an empirical factor
Reynolds number, in practice GEA based on GEA’s experience. Test LINKS
relies on an extensive database of results from one of the third- stage More articles from: Process Consulting
test results, compiled over decades, test measuring points and its respec- Services
to determine this empirical factor. tive translation to the design condi-
More articles from the following
Design motive steam conditions tions is exemplified in Table 3.
include superheat, which can- All ejector elements in this system Crude and Vacuum Units
not be delivered on the test stand. were tested by one of the methods

05 PTQ Q2 2022

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