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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting March 16, 2022

Present: Clark Ahlden, Lee Alexander, Pete Fernandes, Sharon Hecht, Susan Johnston, and Chance

Recording: Susan Johnston

Call to order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm. The minutes of the October 5th, 2021
meeting were read. Clark moved to accept the minutes. Chance seconded. The motion passed.

Update on Dues Paid: Susan reported that all annual assessments were paid by mid-February, with the
exception of the Alsaqri household. One late fee has been applied, and a second late fee of $25 will be
applied if the assessment is not received by April 1st.

Treasurer’s Report: According to Busey Bank, a CD has matured in the amount of $2,578, and is in a
10-day grace period to decide what to do. Chance will move it in to the savings account at CICU or into
another account if he can find a better interest rate.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Susan will do another reseeding of the areas where we placed grass
seed in the fall. Sharon will check with Vicki about going around the lake to do a spring cleanup,
including picking up fallen sticks and branches. The geese are starting to defend areas around the lake.
Egg addling will be scheduled when eggs are in the nests. Susan and her husband will dye the lake in
April as aquatic plants begin to grow.

Sharon will work with Country Arbors to have the planned work done on the bed in the northwest
corner of the lake. We will remove the existing brick border and place a taller brick border around the
bed. Two hydrangea will be added, along with a weed cover and river rock. Total cost will be $1,078.
Susan moved to go ahead with the project at this cost. Clark seconded, and the motion carried.

Website: Susan will forward to Lee copies of the minutes needed to bring the website up to date.
There was one inquiry that Lee directed to the other Glenshire HOA.

New Business: There are no new neighbors on the lake. Marsha Terry, the homeowner at 4022
Danbury Drive passed away in February.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 12th, at 6:30 pm on Sharon’s property.

Susan adjourned the meeting at 7:23 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnston

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