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Peer Coaching Techniques

Active Listening Constructive Feedback

Active listening is making a conscious Constructive feedback is a review of an

effort to hear the complete message individual's performance that can be
being communicated (Mind Tools, used to build successful skills and
2022). behaviors (Oster, 2020).

This would be appropriate for a coach to use This would be appropriate for a coach to use
when their peer is voicing a complaint. People after an observation of their peer's
may not want a solution immediately, offering implementation of a new technology tool into
time to process new information shows your their lesson. In order for new practices to be
peer you value what they value (Racines, successful, the teacher must receive feedback
2019). on the effects of their effort (Keiler et al, 2020).

One way to show that you are being an active There are many great technology tools to assist
listener is by jotting down notes about your with delivering constructive feedback. One tool
peers concerns so that you can address them that can be used to provide your peer with
in the future. Microsoft OneNote is an constructive feedback is Audacity. This tool
excellent note taking tool that would allow allows you to record audio messages and share
you to seamlessly jot down notes while them with others. Audio feedback is more
remaining an attentive listener. personable and is less likely to be misconstrued.

My goal for implementing this technique is to My goal for implementing this technique is to be
be able to determine when to offer solutions able to provide timely feedback in a way that my
and when to just listen (Racines, 2019). I will peer can accept it, understand it, and use it to
do this my just taking note of my peer's grow (Keiler et al, 2020). I will do this by using
concerns until they are ready to work Audacity to record my feedback directly after my
towards a solution. observations.

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