Laplace Differential Eq.

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—— SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION TESST a |. ga. INTRODUCTION In physics and Engineering sometimes it is required to solve differential equations subject to some initial conditions. General solution of such equations contains many arbitrary constants which can be determined using initial conditions, But Laplace transform method solves the differential equations giving us the particular solution even without finding the general solution and eliminates the labour of determining the constants. Laplace transform method is used to solve many types of ordinary differential, integral and partial differential equations. However in the following articles, we will solve the linear differential equations with constants or with variable coefficients and simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients. a 8.2, SOLUTION OF LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS BY TRANSFORM METHOD Step 1. Take Laplace transform of both sides of differential equations using the method of transform of derivatives, using the initial eonditions. Step 2. Step 1 gives an algebraic equation called subsidiary equation. Step 3. Divide by the coefficients of which is used in place of F (s). ‘Take the inverse transform of both sides. In transform method we are to use the Laplace transform of derivatives. Amoavrimna SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSFORaRS i e 1), £O wae If f(t) is a function and their derivatives are denoted by f '(t), f "@) ete, we have seen Lf) =8 Fs) -7O LM = 82s) —8 (0) -/') LF) = 6" F (s)— 8" 1f 0) - 8"? f'O) Fe-*(0) where L f(t) In further study if we use the function as y =f (), then w . L f(t)= 7 andy (0), 9"(0), (0) ..... will he used in place of f (0), f'(0), £0) F (s). e shall use ¥ in place of F(s) In light of these notations, we write dy ~ L(2| = s3-yO (2) sy-y dy) _ 2s (4) = #y-90-7) 2 2y 4 5 3y =0-t, where ¥O)=y'(O)=1. UU. 2014) at? dt Solution. The given equation is 22 44% 4 gyaet ® . deat “ ‘Taking Laplace transform of both sides of (1), we have ls? ¥- sy (0) - yO) + 4187 — y O)4+3y = +1 25 5 5. or {s*¥-s-1+4[sy-14+3y = 2_ : -yoet) v=o (Given y @) =) 2 5 all ir (s? +4543)7 =— 7 s+ 3)y pal ts+14+4 or (62 44549)5 ea y 5a ShOeH BHT S41 stl $ Jat eb 5246546 f (s+ 1)(s? 44943) (e415 +3)(8+1) _ 8746846 (s+3) (841) aking inverse Laplace transform, we have 2 a|_s°+6s+6 el Gaalenll? wal 2) es) 2 34646 A B.C t —7 FS +t be +3)Gale 543 sal Gaye 3) * s?46s+6 =A +1)? + Bis +1) (6 +3)+C(6 +3) ld) Putting s =-3in 4), 9-1846=44 > A 2 Puttings =-1in (4), 1646-1490 = CHF Comparing the constant term on both sides of (4), we have 6 =A+8B+3C o=- 249845 3.3 7 « 63-5 mn 2 Beg Putting the values of A, B and C in (3), we have -3 71 1 sg? +6s+6 wt 5 Fis+3) 4 sl 2(s+0) =omisale (s+3)(s+1) Til L Hs6s26.| oo Setate ‘+5e 't (g+3)(s+D) Substituting its value in (2), we Bet 3-042 yergert SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSFORIR s 84 PEREMIOD) Soler “2 — ty = aby transform method, where art 0) = 1,0) =") = y"O) = 0. rl Solution, The given equation is a ~Ky=0 it ‘Taking Laplace transform: of both sides of the equation, we have Ist — sy (0) = s%y (0)- sy") = "MO ~kA =0 (stF 89 -0-0-0)- AF =0 [ey @)= Land y'(0) =y"(0) =y"(0) =0) or or AD ° Let sett Cob6 De _ B_, Go+D e ~ stk st+k? ~ Multiplying both sides of (2) by (s—k) (s +h) (s? +k), we have s8 =A (5 +h) (s? +h?) +Bls—k) (s2 + h®) + (Cs +D) (s?- 2?) ww) Pattings=hin (3): =A(QK)(Q) => A= ; Putting s =~ in (3): -h3=B-2h) (2k) => B= + Comparing the coefficients of s* and constant terms in (3), we have 1=A+B+C a) and 0 = ARBRE DE 6) From (4), From (5), = on OMMIITIAL EQUATION BV tn vo SOMMACE Tatton vr MANTIOM ; a5 gubatituting Hhese vslucs in (2) yy ‘aking invert Laplace tran storan, i if wal ye 1 oe) a eT eoshe - (et oem 1 J emt = 5 leosh t+ cs hl. ——- ea") Sol dy dy ere) Solve Cg BUY « y=tin tby traneform method, where —— HO = 70) ¥'0)=y'"0)=0. IM.D.U. 2009] ‘ Bolution. The given equation in “2 2 att Applying Laplace transform on both sides, we have 1 [a9 — sy (0) ~ 5y (0) — sy" (0)— ¥'"0)) + Bla? F— sy 0) AF = 7 ey or ("5 -0 -0-0-0)+ 2(s*F-0-0)+ 7 = [+ y(0) = y(0)=y"(0) = y"(0) = 0) E. (st + 28? 4 Dy = wall) 4 1 1 1 } N ryt dept om, (ats L (a (s? +1) We shall use convolution theorem to find the inverse transform, 1 : yodtty Art. G11) a sin tt con th (= f(t) say) (By AML BL. ree en 2 L erin t(@ a (P say) wot and 86 ee nc EE Fo ) = fissin uu cos u)sin (tu) du 5 2 0” nisin f—u)—w cos usin (tw) de ' = $ J Meos (2u = 1) ~e08 11 = 1 fin ¢— sin (2u-ON du 3 ; > Yd _AlfsinQu~ _ oos¢-“ sint + [usin Qu-0 du 4 2 2 é 0 Untegrating by parts] - 2 ; is al sint]+[ fost, sint 9, sint 4 4 2 4 4 " ale 2 sin ¢-t cos ¢-—> sin t - teost sint | sint eee pt Se 4 4 3 int 2 1 eost-“sint 2 2 " lige g sin (- Bt cos t- 1? sin ¢] dors sah: s 13 —t?) sin ¢ - 3¢ cos ¢), Sa i coin, I. 9 dy . 20; Solow “Te + 2°57 + By =e-tsin t by transform method, where y (079 yO=1 (Ku. 2015) Solution. £ The given equation is 2% 4 9 & 2 =e-'si ae ay toy ze sine rf SrurioN OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS IY LAPLACT_TRANSTORM ATION 2 x Z Applying Laplace transform on both widen, we have 1 FosyO~ yO Bay ~ mete ad VOL BY ® 7 Ds 27 Oa ny bey )=6,¥ Oe 1 (24.284 IF wt Bas 8 s wy eed Fe 8742949 (s? 425 4 205? 4 2645) ey! 5? 42548 a) (s? +25 + 2)(s? + 2s +5) _sit8se3 As +B Ca¥ D a 428442548) S22 sa e486 “ s? +25 +8 =(As +B) (s? + 2s +5) +(Cs +D) (s+ 25 +2) lB) Comparing the coefficients of s%, s*, s and constant terms in (3), we get O=A+C ofA) 1=2A+B+2C+D 2=5A+2B+420+2D (6) =5B+2D AD F saving the above equations, we find A=C=0 and B=— 1 2 25+3 3 3 > From (2 a5 se eae ae te m2) yds De ades6) ried Ga DFad i s?+2543 elotsinteZect Lei | oe a (s? +2542)(s%+28+5)) 3 3 Putting this value in (1), we have ye detain t+sin 20). a EZ J Solve the following equations by transform method : Py .U. 2013, 09; K.U. 2009, 0. 1. a +y =6cos 2, where y'"(0) = 1, y(0)= 3. (M.D. 5 a &. y =t,whero y(0)= 1, y'(O)= Ti 8. (D?+D)x=2 whenx (0)=3, 2! (0)=1. sin wt when x (0) = 2. 45, (D?-1)x=acosht when x(0)=x' (0)=0. dy, dy dy a arta By =sint,y= Sf =Owhent=0. [M.D.U. 2008, 05) ay 7. (D?+m)y =acosnt,t>Oandy=0 = when f=0 48, y"—Sy' + 2y = 4t +e when y(0) = 1,90) =- 1. d’y dy dy . S¥-D_by=2,t>0,y=1, 2 =0whent=0. 9 Gear FTE GO when 10. (D?+2D+1)y=8%e~!,t>0when & when f= 0. (M.D.U. 20071 LL. D+ 2)y=4e™, y(0) =- Land y'(0) = 4. o 3, 2, ds 2. dy jd’y dy ly. dy 12. 4202 9 oy. wheny=1, 2 =2ati=0. a aed 25 at . 2. #13, Sy exe t cos 2t, x (0) = 0; -oate= 0: fs dy _,d*y_, dy ae (S- Ge 8a) |= Pet giveny 0) =1, 90) =0,y"(0)=—2, 15. (D* +n®)x=asin (nt +a) where x (0)=0,x'(0)=0. 16. (D* +2D*+ 1)y = 0 where (0) = 0, y'(0) = 1, y"(0) = 2,90) = a7. D-ADF+SD)y = 01 ¥O)=0,y10)=1, x2) 1 a =1. d’y oop +18. Ge 77 Sint sin 26, t> 0, y(0) = 1,90) = 0. | a —_ GF DINFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AY LAPLACT TRANSFORMATION uriol 8.9 ae war 2 awe w4.p.w. 20071 .yeseost taint os 2 eure le? wi - 1 cos wt yn de a fel (cost + 25in) 1g + 2-1) 13, int +A in 2 Ft 0s [cos asin nt — nt cos (nt +a) 16. y =t(sin f+ cosé) . 1 rt 1 Il. y=1+e (sin 2¢—e0s 21) 18, yagtsin’ s+ Te cost +e eos at t 1 a 15, x [sinew flu du 20. yagh ent s2 a an 43. SOLUTION OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH VARIABLE COEFFICIENT BY TRANSFORM METHOD «of the ordinary differential equations with variable co-efficients can be solved by Lap Dhiee transform, This method is useful in solving the equations having the terms of the form yn ne TL) wl it whose Laplace transform is (—)" — ly" This method is illustrated by the solved examples given below : hh SPECIAL FUNCTIONS /ANO INTEGRAL TRANSFORAT 8.10 E_ Pn aces | Te ly “Exampled. ) Solve t ro ey PY. 21) Yay =0 d d 1-2 +e di as. @3 Solution. The given equation is | f 0,9 (0) = 1, (0) = 2. Taking Laplace transform of both sides, we have u(t ay). 1(2)-2. («)- 2L(y) =0 it or = Ls? p= sy O= yO 17-9 0+ 2L [85 - VOI- 2 or — Let 5-242) + (69 -D42 LF D- 2 =0[¥(0)=1,y'0=9 45 os : a3, =]_os a iL = 2F .5)_25 = or aha 285 a} ve2[sSog 5 =0 2dF os 5 d¥_ on on or ey -1-s ~2s2- 7 sD 4 2971-05 41-28 2-294 25 oF, (67-20) SE +05 =0 2_ ond = (s* -2s)—— = -sy ds or a3. y -2s Integrating, log ¥ =—log (s- 2) + loge, “ log ¥ = log 5 or Taking inverse transform, Taking t¢ = 0, Hence y = 02 i i y =e is the required solution, Gaston OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY LAPLACT TRANSTORMATION 8.11 ——— i example 2. Sale de Fs 2 sy, sint, when y ()= 1, IK.U, 2012, 11) —— z gotution, ‘The given equation is ¢ “4 2 yest ‘taking Laplace transform on both sides, we have ue G2} 21 (2) sea =L (sind) he = GF -sy0- YOl+ 2163 - yor (--L) g) = a -(es2+283)- y(0)- o|+2e7- ayo) 8% = 1 Dy 2551-25542 SE . a [:y@=il wan = 4 25] 1,1 [Tes es? ‘Taking inverse transform on both sides, we have 749 _\af jan ir eal 14s” Remember that. L- [de =f ak | fi wig =-tfl)=-ty. Is SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS 8.12 ety = -|sine+ fain usin t - oval [Convolution theorem) a rr fain 2 Pleas tau — 1) ~ cos fed or ty = |sint afl 0 1 | 1 (sin (2u-0) ' or ty = uw cost n or or : transform method : Solve the following differential equations using L « 0) =5, ye) =0. W.D.U. 20141 a: 0, if (0) =3, y' O)= 3. |, ify 0) = 0,70) =1 4 0 under the conditions y (0)= 1 and y’(0) = 0. Bdy (20 : By 4, vedo <9 OF DIFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY APACE TRANSFORMATION 3 OR AON 8 84. OF SIMULTANEOUS 1 ; | OLUTION INEAR EQUATIONS WITH C i oh aU gFFICIENTS BY TRANSTORM Ne ‘Q IONS WITH CONSTANT ETHOD, rrefollowing solved examples wil illustrate the method, aot Solve the following simistiancous equations ——— gt, dy 2 4 Oy =! ad = dx SyaBysy. at art 8 id 1(0)=3, y(0) =0, (M.D.U. 2014, 12, 11, 04) Solution. The given equations are dx 32D ioe = 7 +f etal A) dy 4 By = oe e, a ty =0 (2) Taking Laplace transform of (1) and (2), we have 1 3[sx —x(O)]+[s¥- yOl+2z = 7 ad sk ~x(0)+4[sy- yO] +3y =0 Asx(0) =8 andy (0) = 0 at “ss : Bs¥-9457-0+2F \ = sE-94485+37 \ — 1 (8542487 =9+= " eo (3) 5 = s€+(4s+3)7 =3 wl) Nultiplying 3) by (4g 4 8) and (4) by s, we have 4s+3 (5 +2)(45-43)E + 9(4s+9)F = (4s +3)4—— 6) an s?E4s(ds+37 =8s 6) a4 SPECIAL FUNCTIONSIAND INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS Subtracting (6) from (5), we have 2 4543 [9s42) (4s +8)- 871% = 9.48 +3)4 = 3s 45 +3 or (Us? 41784 6)¥ = 9.(48 +3) + es -38 4s+3 or (5+ DMs +6E = 9.45 +8)4 25 3s Q.4s+3) 4st B 3s G+DAiIs+6) | s+ HAIs+6) (+) CIs +6) (A,B) fo,D,_8 )(F,_¢ “(set tise) [s ° s4t +a) s+1. lise gia sia), (iti 1 38 4 \-(§ 118 1 Bistl 5 is+6) (2's 5 s+1 10 11s+6) \5's+1 5 1ls+6 Fe -_1, 1 (338 21 = ++. 2s stl 2 11s+6 Taking inverse transform, we have 1aft af 1),3.4) 1 =41(2),19(1),3 **3 (i) wet) * 2" 6 st i loo ste 2 Again multiplying (3) by s and (4) by (3s + 2), we have 8(88 +203 +55 = 9841 lt) 8(35 + 2)¥ + (As +8) (Gs-+2)7 =3(88 +2) ae Subtracting (7) from (8), we have [(4s +3) (8s 42) s*]F =9s+6-9s-1 or (4+ A1s+6)5 25 5 1 + ll ‘5 +1) (11s +6) st] 11s+6 6.15 fF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS anion OF BY LAPLACE TRANS FORMATION B aking inverse transform, we have Hence the required solution is x = Lege 3 oe 2 + 2 eu 6 x “een, The co-ordinate (x, y) of a particle moving along a plane curve at any time t dy De = si dt + sin 2t ey scott ‘Ifatt =0, x= Landy =0, show by using transforms that particle moves along the curve P+ try + by = 4. ~ Solution. The given parametric equations are YY 49% =sin 2 dt dx # _ gy = cos 2 a 8 Taking Laplace transforms, we have y pea oD) [sy —y Ol + 2% = 4 Fea (2) ind [Fx ON-29 = 32a Given x(0)=1, y()=0 +. From (1) and (2), we have 8) sy +2 A) cop eq?! i f-2F 7 Iya FY — 216 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSFORM Now we shall solve (3) and (4) for «and ¥ Multiplying (3) by 2 and (1) by s, we get sy AT 2 and SF 259 Adding (5) and (6), we have (+H = yo +s x= Taking inverse transforms, we have x = Zein 2¢ + cos 2¢ Multiplying (3) by s and (4) by 2, we have 5254265 mC) (9) Taking inverse transforms, yy =— 2 sin 2¢ = — sin 2¢ (10) Equation (7) and (10) are parametric equations of curve. We now eliminate ¢ to get the equation of eurve along which the particle moves. Writing (7)and(10) together 2x = sin 2t + 2 cos 2¢ y =~sin 2 Adding th Qe +y = 2e0s 2 an Also, 2y =-2sin 2 0) Squaring and adding (11) and (12), we get 4x? + Any + 5) NS a ——o~"—s— (iS SETA ORTON a aT CRTC say — EXERCISE ; sotee the following simultancous equations using Laplace transform method + + 9 0)=27, 9 (0) = 55 int, when x (0) = 1, y(=0. 1~2twhenx=3,Dr=0,y whent=0 } 2+O-Dy=0,ifs(0)=8 and yo)=3, ~! when x(0)=3, x'0)=-2, y(0)=0, \M.D.U. 2005) (KU. 2004) WD.U. 2013) Lose => —tcost+cost +e] 1. x= 30 cos t~ 45 sin St + Se! +2 cos 2 2 x= 9 Rsint—teost +c0 1 int si =sin te! = 30 cos 8 ~ 60 sin t - Se‘ + sin 2¢ qitostttsing sin. 1 abet + Sell s2ee%stesing 4, x= Be"! + Be -t Ya Lt Be cose yn 2ell + Be 1 oe 5. x=24+ —[t? +cost-3sinteet eet ity we 1, 2,,-s 2 ej 6. a7 a7” ttt 1 7 4 4 _ 2 2 =1+—[38 t-e fe eae HL Ay _ A g- y g Bsin e cos ¢] y a7 o7° of 9° t T x=(1+2t)et + Qe 8. 22 4—leos¢—d eos 2 2 3 6 Av. 1. y=(1-tet—e® y=~gsin t+ = sin 2 9. x=-5et + 2e% y = 5e# + 2e%_

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