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By Alan Friedman

the Belt
Want to survive the
downturn? Then it’s
time to get real about
your personal and
business spending

t last year’s winter
NAMM show, I had
the good fortune to be
part of a panel discus-
sion on the fiscal state
of the music products retailing
industry. During the session, I was
asked to predict when the reces-
sion would end. Frankly, I could
have predicted next year’s Super
Bowl winner with more accuracy,
and I know absolutely nothing
about football. (I’m a guitar player,
remember.) But I took a stab at it
and said “the end of 2011,” based
on my recollection that most reces-
sions seem to last about five years.
I figured if our economic tumble
started in early 2007, it theoreti-
cally should be over by the end of
2011 — a very scientific analysis
even my dog could have done.




I was then asked to give one with regrets that we didn’t pursue
piece of advice from lessons
learned by the recession. I politely W hen business is booming,
it’s all we can do to keep
our real dreams. Lastly, if your
answer is, “I still love what I do,
answered, “Make sure you save up with our work each day. But ‘Even if you cut but I need to make more money,”
some retained earnings in your when business slows, two unex- keep reading.
business to get you through the pected benefits arise: time and spending from
next recession.” What I really opportunities. These benefits give every other ANOTHER NOTCH IN THE BELT

wanted to do was jump up and

down like a crazed lunatic and
you a meaningful chance to ex-
amine your revenue-generating overhead L et’s take a closer look at the
specific things we can do to
yell, “Tighten your belt — both at activities, improve them and re- expense put another notch in our spending
the store and at home — and stop duce wasteful costs along the way. belts and tighten them. Under the
whining about it!” And while I But before we discuss what you category, it banner of “turning lemons into
would have felt justified mak- can do to improve your bottom may still be lemonade,” implementing these
ing this point, I’m confident I line during a recession, you need recession-driven tactics may be
would’ve blown any chances for to be aware of a couple things necessary to the best lessons in self-control
a slot on future NAMM show to avoid. reduce your for future ups and downs in your
panels. When business slows, there’s business.
Thank heavens I took my a tendency to start cleaning the compensation.’ There are generally four
meds that day. store or spending a lot of time in things you can do to get your
Now, with the benefit of a full “strategy” meetings with staff. BUT IT HURTS business through tough times:
year behind me, I still hold that
same notion. I believe we’ll start
to see meaningful economic im-
In other words, you engage in
housecleaning and esoteric con-
versation. There’s nothing wrong
H ere’s another cliché: No pain,
no gain. Some belt-tightening
decisions don’t feel good, so we
increase revenues, decrease ex-
penses, invest in your business
and borrow money. Frankly,
provement after 2011. But in light with staying organized and brain- avoid them. No one likes firing items No. 3 and 4 are nothing
of continued financial woes (see storming, but too much of it can an employee, freezing or lowering more than cash-flow Band-Aids.
“How We Got Into This Mess,” be a form of reality avoidance. compensation levels, cutting back They help, but they don’t fix the
page 50), music store owners still You’re merely waiting for things on family vacations, or fixing the real sources of poor cash flow
need to make some tough, often to get better, rather than making old clunker instead of buying a — declining sales and/or ris-
unpopular decisions by tightening things better. new car. But not making tough ing costs. So let’s look at ways
their spending belts. They need But rest assured, things will decisions puts you and everyone to increase revenues and, more
to get over themselves and heed improve. Unless your clairvoyant who relies on you in further fi- germane to our expertise, cut
the important lessons taught by speculation of the world ending nancial jeopardy. Chances are operating expenses.
every bad recession. on Dec. 21, 2012, comes true you’re going to have to make these
Some music retailers will suck (in which case, now would be a decisions at some later point in HOW TO GROW THE TOP LINE

it up. They’ll learn from these

invaluable lessons and survive
and flourish in later months.
good time to sell your ’59 cherry
sunburst Les Paul, ’72 Ludwig
Vistalite four-piece Zep kit and
crisis mode. Making them now,
along with seizing some unex-
pected opportunities, will make
In order to increase revenue,
you need to gain a deeper un-
derstanding of your customers’
Others will continue their bad Beanie Babies collection), things everything better a lot sooner. concerns when they’re making
spending habits, simply because will get better. The key is to use This is a good time to first spending decisions. Customers are
they can’t bring themselves to this downtime to prepare yourself answer one important question: more hesitant than ever to spend
downgrade their personal life- for the better times ahead and Do you really want to be in this these days, but they’re also more
styles. Unfortunately, this nar- do what you can to accelerate business? If the answer is, “I love open to describing their spending
row-minded stubbornness and that inevitable era. Think about what I do, even during challeng- concerns to you if you approach
lack of fiscal discipline will cause it: When recessions hit and the ing times,” terrific. Become even them the right way. During any
further financial deterioration media keeps pumping out bad more committed to achieving fi- conversation with customers, re-
until their businesses and per- news, your competition’s prob- nancial success, no matter what it sist the initial temptation to sell
sonal lives implode. ably going to hunker down with takes to accomplish that goal. If, to them — save that for later.
With that said, let’s look at the same old business model and on the other hand, the answer is, Instead, get them to talk, so you
what we can do to minimize the wait for the good times to return. “I’m not enjoying this anymore, can find out what they’re looking
recession’s effect and take ad- Given that short-sighted, fear- and my heart’s no longer in it,” for and at what cost.
vantage of opportunities it will driven behavior, now’s a perfect then it’s time to make some big As an accountant, I lay no
undoubtedly create, so we never time to make gains on them by changes. It’s important we assess claim to wisdom in sales and
have to be a casualty of future trimming the fat and creating the things we do routinely, so we marketing. But I am a consumer,
downturns. opportunities. don’t get to the end of our careers and like all consumers, I want



to feel connected to people I do merchant credit card fees and

business with, especially when store supplies. These expenses
I have a multitude of choices. probably won’t kill you because
The last thing most of us want of their variable nature. But other
is to be sold on some product we expenses — rent, utilities, lease
have no interest in or at a price payments and administrative sala-
we can’t afford, so don’t do that. ries — are fixed and occur every
Instead, connect by finding out month whether you sell anything
who customers are, what they or not. These fixed expenses will
want, what dollar value they’ve quickly create losses and put you
attached to the product or ser- right out of business if not man-
vice they’re considering, and aged, especially during tougher
what value they’ll receive for economic times.
the price they’re being asked to Business owners need to pay
pay. In simple terms, be sweet, extra attention to operating ex-
be engaging, educate customers penses, as overhead grows one
and ask them to pay a fair price. decision at a time. When you
If you accomplish that, custom- make the decision to hire extra
ers will happily fork over their office staff, add another cell phone
hard-earned cash over and over or move your store to a higher-
again. Or instead, be cranky, be rent building, it all increases your
disinterested, ignore customers monthly overhead. And with each
and take unfair advantage of dollar increase in overhead, you
them, and they’ll tell 100 of their need to generate three to four
closest friends why they should times more revenue just to stay
never shop at your store. even. This recession should be
Seize the opportunity dur- your wake-up call to cut overhead
ing slower times to look at the or run the risk of damaging your
processes you’re using to find business beyond repair.
new business, close each sale There was a wonderful article
and generate associated paper- by Greg Billings in the February
work. Examine the sales process 2009 issue of Music Inc., titled
from start to finish. Where do “29 Ways to Cut Costs.” Everyone
customers and leads come from? should read and reread that article.
What happens to them when they It provided dozens of time-tested
come in? Are they assigned to pearls of wisdom on where and
a salesperson? How quickly do how to cut overhead expenses
salespeople follow up? What and needless spending. The only
questions do the customer and spending topic Greg’s article didn’t
salesperson typically ask during address is the one that needs to be
the sales process? What clinches dealt with head-on during tough
the sale? Is the customer thanked economic times: the need for own-
for his or her business? Is the some of the things they’re do- TRIMMING THE FAT ers to scale back their personal
customer asked for a testimo-
nial or to refer others? No mat-
ter what’s happening with the
ing better than you. We can all
learn from the competition. And
what better place to find out what
J pounds I’m carrying, overhead
expenses can creep onto the in-
lifestyle spending and related
ust like the 20 (okay, 30) extra
compensation. Let’s talk about
why this cutback is so important
economy, knowing the answers other retailing leaders are doing come statement in the same way yet is inherently avoided and often
to these questions — and making than the educational programs weight does — a day at a time. causes heated discussions at the
appropriate changes to get things presented at the NAMM Idea And just like fat and cholesterol, store and at home.
running more smoothly — will Center and NAMM U Online? if you let expenses and operat-
boost revenue. Much of this info is readily avail- ing losses go uncontrolled, they’ll BUT I CAN’T (= WON’T) DO IT
Lastly on the revenue side,
take a look at what your competi-
tors are doing, and implement
able 24/7 at NAMM’s website, — and it’s free to
kill you.
Some expenses vary with rev- W hen examining overhead,
don’t forget that owner’s
enue, such as sales commissions, compensation is an integral part



of your operating expenses. Even it attending NAMM or some

b How we
if you cut spending from every other industry event that has a
other overhead expense category, meaningful and educational pur-

Got Into
it may still be necessary to re- pose. That newfound education
duce your compensation. Yes, can deliver financial rewards far

This Mess
cutting your compensation can greater than its travel costs. Just
be a traumatic decision that af- be smart. You know the difference
fects your psyche, motivation and between a worthwhile business
commitment to the store, not to trip and an escape from reality.

A depression is one of the worst things that can happen

to our economy. It affects just about everyone in every
industry in our country and other countries, given our glob-
mention the negative affect it has
on your family’s mood and life-
style. It hurts, but it usually only
2. Personal auto expenses.
When it comes down to it, the
primary purpose of a personal
ally interconnected economies. Recessions, on the other hand, hurts once — on the day you vehicle is to provide a means of
tend to hit particular industry groups the hardest, with lesser decide to do it. Like a spoonful getting from point A to point B.
ripple effects felt by others. But the worse the recession, the of nasty-tasting medicine, after Let’s not lose sight of that when
more people it will affect, and this one has been pretty bad. you swallow hard and get used to deciding whether it’s worth the
And the reason why this recession has felt like a depression is the horrible taste, you’re generally extra $15,000 or more for an ex-
because lending institutions have practically stopped lending. on the road to recovery. clusive name-brand auto, heated
While some of our economic woes weren’t our fault, many Accordingly, here are the seats, premium stereo and upgrad-
of them were. When we suffered an unprovoked attack on 9/11, tough, distasteful but often neces- ed wheel trim. If you desperately
our government immediately lowered interest rates to keep our sary personal expense cuts you need a new vehicle and cash flow
stock markets and domestic economy from faltering. While this need to consider making in the is at a premium, consider leasing
knee-jerk reaction worked, we inadvertently created another store and at home: instead of buying. That said, I
problem that grew into a huge financial bubble that ultimately 1. Travel, meals and en- like buying (and financing) my
burst: low interest rate mortgages. Many people were now able to tertainment. Business meals cars because it forces me to buy
afford high-priced homes, which drove real estate values up. But and entertainment should be something reasonably priced (as
when the low rates on variable mortgages started rising again a the first items on the chopping financing payments are usually
few years later, these same people couldn’t afford the increases block. Let’s get real: While some higher than lease payments),
in their mortgage payments. As they defaulted and abandoned meals and entertainment have a and I avoid punitive charges on
their homes, values plummeted, often below the mortgage debts. business-generating purpose, most high-mileage leased vehicles. Ir-
Worse, banks had sold off these mortgage assets to mortgage are just excuses to get out of the respective of whether you buy or
investment pools created by Wall Street. When homeowners store, have a good time, enjoy an lease, the more reasonable the
couldn’t pay their mortgages, investors in these pools found expensive meal or rock concert, purchase price, the more afford-
themselves with non-performing assets that ultimately imploded and get a tax deduction. I love it able the monthly payment. Forget
and failed — the media called this debacle the subprime lending when people say, “Oh, it’s no big the heated seats. Your butt has
crisis. As the real estate market went into the proverbial toilet, deal for you to pick up the tab for enough padding to keep itself
Wall Street firms, such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, this meal because you can get a warm.
began to fail, and major banks and financial institutions started tax deduction.” What a load of 3. Employment perks. Some
posting annual losses in the hundreds of billions. This con- crap. If you’re in the 25-percent employee perks are critical, such
stant flow of bad economic news fueled corporate layoffs and tax bracket, the $100 meal (which as health and disability insurance.
cutbacks, causing our economy to crumble. As unemployment is only 50-percent deductible) will Some are valuable when times are
rose, people became extremely cautious about their spending save you a whopping $12.50. It good (i.e. pension plan contribu-
and began postponing major spending decisions. It’s no wonder still costs you $87.50 after-tax! tions) but become burdensome
the piano business has been hit the hardest by the decline So say goodbye to needless meals when times are tough. Some are
in consumer spending. A depressed real estate market, high and entertainment. unnecessary and utterly ridicu-
unemployment and a lack of consumer confidence will stop And with regard to travel, a lous (i.e. airline and health club
most people from buying an expensive discretionary item. $75 webcam and free Skype ac- memberships) when cash flow is
And when consumer spending declines, so does busi- count can often deliver the same tight. Ask yourself, “Am I really
ness-to-business spending. People who run businesses are benefits as airline tickets, hotels going to be hurt by eliminating
consumers themselves and become more cautious about and rental cars. Think how little this perk?” If the answer is “no,”
their personal and business spending. And when employees it costs to attend or host an online get rid of it. And don’t forget:
see their employers pull back, they often get the message meeting or webinar. However, Some valuable perks, such as
to adjust their spending at home. This classic recessionary if you’re going to spend money pension contributions, can be
mass psychology affects everyone’s pocketbook. —A.F. on travel, make sure you spend reduced and/or halted for periods



of time and resumed when times get better. ‘Music store owners
4. Funding outside investments. Over should look no
the years, I’ve seen store owners kill the pro-
verbial golden goose of a financially healthy further than the four
music store by stripping out vital operating walls of the store
cash to fund outside investments. And when
these investments are made into business for investment
models outside of the owner’s core expertise, opportunities.’
they often end in total financial disaster.
Not only do the investments fail but they reduction as a new dollar in profit and cash
put a world of hurt on the music store that’s flow for your store. Remember, at a 30-percent
looked upon to fund a cash bail-out. When gross profit margin, you need $1 less revenue
you consider the economic return a music for every 30 cents of expense you save, or
retailer can earn from investing in a rental $100,000 less revenue for every $30,000
pool or a well-run music education program you save. Actually, when you consider the
(in light of a lack of expertise to run other variable nature of some overhead expenses,
kinds of businesses), a music store owner the amount of revenue relief is even greater.
should look no further than the four walls That’s why expense cutting is so vital during
of the store for investment opportunities. revenue downturns.
The only exception I can think of is a bar- Right now, you’re asking, “How far do
gain deal on a valuable piece of commercial I have to go with these personal expense
real estate that can house the business. But reductions and eliminations?” The answer
beware: Unless you can forecast your space is simple: Enough to get rid of the losses
needs for the next decade, you’re often bet- on your bottom line. Basically, don’t spend
ter off renting to avoid becoming an empty a dollar more than you have to. Don’t let
building’s landlord. your personal lifestyle dictate the amount
5. The bullsh*t expenses at home. of compensation you need to draw, whether
My mom told me to never swear. It didn’t you’re earning it or not. And don’t use the
work. And I’m hoping she’ll forgive me if lame excuse that it’s just a few dollars and
my flagrant potty-mouth startles at least it really won’t matter if you spend it. When
one reader into “getting over it” on some you add it all up, it does matter — a lot.
of these nonsensical expenditures at home. There’s no easy fix to this economic
Season tickets to the ball game? Get over it. crunch, and everyone’s situation is different.
Watch the game on TV from the comfort of The bottom line is to watch your spending and
your home with far more friends than you live within your means. Unfortunately, most
could ever bring to the stadium. Country vital expenditures have increased — grocer-
club dues? Get over it. Go play miniature ies, utilities, medicine, health insurance and
golf with the entire family, and enjoy a fun copayments, auto and property insurance,
dinner at Denny’s. Cell phones for every and postage. Since it’s hard to live without
kid? Make them earn it by mowing the lawn, these essentials, something else has to give.
washing the car and doing meaningful, but The only meaningful thing you can do dur-
safe, chores at home. That’s how I bought my ing these tough times is tighten the belt. So
first guitar and amp, and I learned invalu- goodbye premium cable channels, weekly
able lessons in work ethic, independence lawn service, expensive restaurants. Hello
and perseverance. And what better way to packed lunches, gardening, Saturday-night
teach kids a sense of accomplishment than family Scrabble. Embrace the new, frugal
to lead by example? Leave the roofing and you. Trim the fat, breathe easier, get lean
plumbing to the professionals. Have your and mean, and eventually, you’ll be able to
kids clean and paint the garage. loosen the belt without your pants — or
your business — falling down. MI

P eople, if you’re looking for a single huge,

dollar-saving cut, you probably won’t
find it. Instead, view every dollar in expense
Alan Friedman, CPA, provides accounting and financial
services to music industry clients. He is a frequent speaker
at NAMM U seminars and can be reached at 860-677-
9191 or Visit his Web site,


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