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Slide 1: good morning mdm aini ,

teachers and my fellow unitians my

name is Isaac *soon Cheng and
Zhang jia introduction*
And we are from Npcc and today
we are going to talk about cyber
security and how to avoid scams

Slide 2: so what is a scam? a scam

is designed to trick a person to give
them their private information, bank
details and credit card credentials
by offering a attractive deal or false
information like selling a latest
smartphone edition at a cheap price
or saying that you made a
transaction which you didn't do it
and some scammers will act like
they are from the and banks will not
ask you for your credit card
credentials or nric over the phone
Slide 3: cause of scamming banks
lost alot of money In the process
like for example OCBC lost about
$13.7 million dollars due to
scamming and last 2 years during
the COVID-19 lockdowns there
were more scamming cases
combined as the ministry of health
(MoH) had to call us to register for
the vaccination and scammers take
that as their advantage to steal
more private information and data
from people

Slide4: scams can happen anytime

and anywhere so we are here for
you guys to learn the different
scams in our daily lives

1st we have social media

impersonation or WhatsApp
takeover scam that are accounts
that use the name, image, or other
identifying elements of a person,
company, or organization for

2nd software update scams,

Software scams typically involve
criminals posing as representatives
from authoritative and trusted
organisations they will contact you
and try to get your private
information and date by gaining
your trust like letting you see a fake
build in website or fake reviews and

3rd impersonation scams ,

Impersonation scams are practices
of copying identifying elements of a
person, brand or organization for
fraudulent purposes.

4th online purchase scams ,

scammers will try to sell expensive
or the limited edition stuff in a
cheaper price they tend to use the
money for fraudulent purposes
And last but not least internet love
scam, internet love scams occur
when a criminal adopts a fake
online identity to gain a victim's
affection and trust. The scammer
then uses the illusion of a romantic
or close relationship to manipulate
and/or steal from the victim.

Slide5: and how is Singapore

In 2021 about 24 per cent from the
year before, fuelled by a large spike
in scam cases, said the police in the
CNA newspaper.
Of the 46,196 reported cases in
2021 more than half of the 23,931
cases involved scams, increasing
from the year before when scams
made up about 40 per cent of all the
Slide6: How do you prevent getting
1. Firewall settings should be used
to prevent phishing scams and
attacks users should update the
program regularly,

2. Firewall protection prevent

access to malicious flies by blocking
the attacks,

3.On your device, open the phone

app spam and call screen. Turn see
caller spam id on or off, optional to
block spam calls on your phone.

4.Turn off filter spam calls. You don't

need get missed calls or voicemails
notifications. But filtered calls are in
your call history. And you can check
your voicemail.

5.If you have any ios devices you

can download the scam shield app
and it will prevent you from getting
scam messages
or getting phones calls that are not

Slide 7: how do we identify them as

Remember the 5 ps scammers
Pretend to be from an organization
you know/contacting you on behalf
of the government
say there's a PROBLEM or a PRIZE
PRESSURE you to act immediately
tell you to PAY in a specific way.

Last slide: thank you for listening to

our presentation and we hope you
guys have a great learning day

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