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ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching

Volume 9 Nomor 1, February 2022

ISSN (Print): 2336-8560, ISSN (ONLINE): 2550-0724

An Analysis of Grammatical Errors on Undergraduate Thesis Abstract

Syaifullah1) Helen M Sukova2)
Universitas Lancang Kuning-Pekanbaru,Riau. Indonesia

The academic genre of abstract has its own organizational framework and linguistic
characteristics. The abstract summarizes the most important aspects of the work or research
as succinctly as possible. The goal of this study is to find out what grammatical mistakes
undergraduate students make when writing their thesis abstract in English. As a result, this
is a descriptive qualitative study. The respondent in this study is a group of undergraduate
students from Universitas Lancang Kuning's Biology Department, Faculty of Education and
Teachers Training, in 2016. In the April 2016 timeframe, 10 abstracts from the biology
department were completed. Finally, the researcher believes that there are four types of
grammatical faults identified on biology students' theses abstracts at Universitas Lancang
Kuning in writing abstracts: omission, addition, and misformation.

Keywords: Analysis, Thesis, Abstract

1. INTRODUCTION The academic genre of abstract has its

Writing is one of the most practical own organizational framework and language
applications of language abilities. It could characteristics. The abstract summarizes the
not be rejected in an academic setting. For most important aspects of the work or
research as succinctly as possible. The
example, these days, the thesis is the
background, purpose, method, result, and
ultimate project in completing or completing conclusion sections of the abstract are
a student's studies; also, the abstract is a vital normally written in this order. Furthermore,
issue that must be written using proper the abstract should be no longer than one
grammar. Students must meet certain page long and contain between 150 to 250
requirements when creating a thesis abstract, words. In addition, the tenses simple present
including writing principles, grammatical tense, simple past tense, and present perfect
tense are widely employed in abstracts.
skills, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation.
These tenses are available in both active and
The writers should have high passive voice.
grammatical mastery in arranging thoughts Furthermore, the abstract serves a
and information, or good sentence structures variety of functions. One of them is to
to create the best style that is appropriate for provide an article's knowledge. The abstract
the main topic and the expectations of the can also be viewed as a persuasive rhetorical
readers, particularly when writing the device that conveys the significance of the
abstract, which is the most significant text. Furthermore, the abstract can have a
portion of the thesis. vital social role by allowing readers to

ELT- Lectura, Vol 9, No 1, February 2022


observe how people work to establish a. A simple sentence consists of a

themselves within their communities. As a single independent clause. Carbon
result, the research paper abstract should be monoxide is found in cigarette smoke, for
well-written. When writing an abstract, there example.
are several crucial considerations to be b. A compound sentence is made up of
considered, one of which is the use of tenses. two or more clauses that are independent of
There were some previous researches on one another. For example, Brittany was once
abstracts have focused on a range of an autonomous country, but it is now a part
linguistic aspects. Tense, modality, of France.
negation, and passive voice are the most c. A complex sentence consists of one
prevalent. In addition to examining the independent phrase and one or more
frequency with which various linguistic dependent clauses, such as an adverb, an
traits appear in abstracts, at least one adjective, or a noun. Three competitors, for
research has sought to clearly link them to example, spin a roulette wheel in this game.
function. The writing used in the abstracts of Two or more independent clauses and one or
students' theses has not been studied so far. more dependent clauses make create a
As a result, the purpose of this study is to compound-complex sentence.
examine grammatical faults in students' According to (Thornbury, 2000, p. 1)
thesis abstracts from Lancang Kuning the study of what forms (or structures) are
University's biology department. possible in a language is part of grammar.
According to the surface strategy This can be interpreted to mean that
taxonomy, there are four sorts of errors: grammar is the study of how to produce a
omission, addition, misformation, and form in a language. This also implies that
misordering mistake. The absence of things grammar is necessary in order for a sentence
that must be present in a well-formed speech to be meaningful and understandable. The
is characterized by omission errors. The building of forms contributes to the
reverse of omission errors are addition formation of a meaningful sentence.
errors. They're distinguished by the In addition (Azhar, 2007, p.3)
existence of anything that shouldn't be Grammar is the sound, structure, and
present in a well-formed utterance. The use meaning system of language, according to
of unsuitable forms of the morpheme or this definition. Grammar is present in all
structure is characterized by misformation languages, and each language has its unique
mistakes. While omission mistakes result in grammar. Grammar assists students in
no item being supplied at all, misformation discovering the nature of the language. For
errors result in the learner providing example, a language includes predictable
something, even if it is inaccurate. patterns that allow us to understand what we
Misordering mistake is defined as the say, hear, read, and write.
erroneous placement of a morpheme or set Furthermore, according to (Baskaran,
of morphemes in an utterance. Misordering 2005, p. 58), the term "grammar" in
errors are common in both first and second linguistics can refer to the full system of
languages. describing the structure of a language, from
In writing a thesis abstract, the students its sounds system to its meaning system, or
should have the knowledge of sentence only the organization (shape) of words
construction that will be constructed into (morphology) and their arrangement into
compound sentences, and a simple sentences (syntax). It can be inferred that
paragraph. There were four different types of grammar is an orderly pattern made up of
sentences, as seen below: words that is assembled into meaningful
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

sentences. Related to the above idea, the There are two sorts of abstracts that are
researcher is going to find out the students’ commonly used: In academic writing, there
grammar error on their thesis abstract are two types of descriptions: (1) descriptive
sentences. The term "abstract" is a loose and (2) informative (Davis, 2005, p. 112). A
term that refers to any concise summary of a descriptive abstract (a) educates readers
longer paper. It's not a review, and it's not an about the report, article, or paper's contents;
assessment of the work being abstracted. It's (b) covers the report, article, or paper's
a condensed version of a lengthier piece of purpose, methodology, and scope; and (c)
writing that highlights the most important summarizes the report, article, or paper. (c)
elements, intentionally describes the lacks any results, conclusions, or
writing's subject and scope, and briefly recommendations; and (d) is always brief,
summarizes the writing's contents. The usually under a page.
important points of the paper are To meet those goals, the abstract must
summarized in the abstract. be a short, basic, yet totally self-explanatory
Writing a research paper abstract can report on a scientific investigation. Just like
be done in two ways (Swales and Feak, the report itself, the abstract must include (1)
2004, p. 282). The results-drive-abstract is the study objectives and rationale for
one of them. This type of abstract focuses on conducting the inquiry, (2) the basic
the research findings and what conclusions methodology used, and (3) the results and
may be drawn from them. Another option is key conclusions that can be drawn. An
to provide a concise abstract for a research abstract can be condensed in order to
paper. The writer delivers a one- or two- establish boundaries that the writer cannot
sentence overview of the four sections in this cross. Some of the data in the above list can
type of abstract. be combined or eliminated.
There are two different types of There were some previous researchers
abstracts that are frequently used: There are who did the same topic with this research.
two types of descriptions in academic Firts (Siminto, 2009) with the research
writing: descriptive and informative (Davis, entitled “Grammatical Errors in the
2005, p. 112). A descriptive abstract (a) Students’ Thesis Abstract (A Study on the
educates readers about the report, article, or Students’ Enhancement in English
paper's contents; (b) covers the report, Grammar)”. Word order, plural-singular
article, or paper's purpose, methodology, and nouns, verb tense, missing and misapplying
scope; and (c) summarizes the report, article, article, ineffective sentence, punctuation,
or paper. (c) lacks any results, conclusions, unparalleled structure, misspelling, verb
or recommendations; and (d) is always brief, tense, punctuation, Indonesian terms used,
usually under a page. run-on sentence, article (missing and
Writing a research paper abstract can misusing), meaning not clear, ineffective
be done in two ways (Swales and Feak, sentence, redundant words, misspelling
2004, p. 282). The results-drive-abstract is words, word form, incomplete sentence,
one of them. This type of abstract focuses on misusing possessive nouns and adjectives.
the research findings and what conclusions Second (Luthfiyah et al, 2015) had
may be drawn from them. Another option is done a research entitled “An Investigation of
to provide a concise abstract for a research Cohesion and Rhetorical Moves in Thesis
paper. The writer delivers a one- or two- Abstract”. The purpose of this study was to
sentence overview of the four sections in this look at the cohesiveness and rhetorical
type of abstract. gestures in English Education students'
thesis abstracts. A qualitative research
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

design was used in this study, with 10 does not leave the readers in doubt about
abstracts chosen as samples. The rhetorical what they aim to convey. Even if there are
moves are evaluated using Swales and some grammatical flaws, this does not cause
Feak's framework, while the cohesiveness is the reader to form their own opinion or guess
analyzed using Halliday and Hasan's notion. about the material. Those inaccuracies had
Except for substitution, all cohesive devices no effect on the abstract's overall
are used, according to the results. The understanding and meaning.
reference device is the most commonly Fifth (Fitriya, 2014) has conducted a
utilized of these devices. The findings also research entitled “The Cohesion Devices of
reveal that some cohesive devices are being Thesis Abstracts Written by Students of
implemented inappropriately. Based on the Academic Year 2009 of Study Program of
results, seven abstracts (70%) are still in the English Universitas Brawijaya”. To address
medium cohesiveness group, while three the study's issues, this research employs a
abstracts (30%) are in the high cohesion descriptive qualitative approach and
category. In addition, seven abstracts are document analysis. The information was
grouped in diverse movement patterns that gathered from 12 abstract papers submitted
do not obey Swales' rules. by students in the 2009 academic year who
Third, with a study titled "The Lexical took linguistics, and the writer chose them at
Phrases Employed in the Thesis Abstracts of random. The writer used Renkema's theory
English Department Students" (Ngadiman, to analyze the data (1993). The findings of
2013). The current research focuses on this study revealed that the students' thesis
lexical phrases found in thesis abstracts abstracts had grammatical and lexical
written by English Department students. The cohesiveness. There are two forms of
data sources were randomly selected from grammatical cohesiveness that appeared in
abstracts of thesis papers written by English the students' thesis abstract. They're called
Department students for one of their conjunction and reference, respectively.
Bachelor's degree requirements. There are Conjunction takes up the most space (52
four types of lexical phrases used in students' percent), followed by reference (48 percent).
thesis abstracts: (a) verbal phrases, (b) noun There are three forms of lexical coherence
phrases, (c) prepositional phrases, and other that appeared in the students' abstract.
clausal structures, which are generally Repetition (61%) is the most important
longer. (a) relaying what others have said, factor, followed by reference (48%). For
(b) describing difficulties, (c) describing the lexical cohesion, there are three types that
situation, and (d) presenting results e) occurred in the students’ abstract. The
Research and study objectives (f) expressing biggest part is repetition (61%), then
points of view, (g) expressing degrees of followed by hyponymy (25%), and the last is
certainty, (h) presenting arguments, I antonyms (14%).
connectors, (j) comparing and contrasting, Budi Susanto conducted study on the
and (k) expressing degrees of certainty. sixth point (2014). He discovered that
Fourth, Hidayati (2010) published a students in class 3A, semester 5 of the
study named "English Grammatical Errors Accounting Department at the State
in the Abstract Section of Civil Engineering Polytechnic of Malang still struggled to
Students' Thesis, Diponegoro University." write English abstracts. External influences
According to the researcher's hypothesis, the have no bearing on students' inability to
substance of the abstracts written by write English abstracts. The DWA
Diponegoro University civil engineering implementation could help students enhance
students can be comprehended easily and their ability to write English abstracts.
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

According to the indication, 82 percent of passed level, and 8 students have an

pupils might enhance their abstracts. It was excellent level. The results of the use article
higher than predicted because the success are as follows: 12 students have a need for
criteria were that 80% of the students could improvement level, 30 students have a
write better English abstracts. The teacher's passed level, and 8 students have an
performance was not the reason of the kids' excellent level. The use of pronouns by
problem, according to the findings of the practically all students resulted in a pass rate
observation. The DWA, according to all of 49 students. The final point is the usage of
students, assisted them in improving their prepositions. There are 6 students who have
ability to write English abstracts. The a high level of need.
The last research was done by
Rahmawati, A. (2017) under the title The
Study of Abstract Written by the Students of 2. METHOD
IAIN Surakarta, the findings are in the It was evident from the study's problem
following: The structure of the students' that the goal was to characterize the
abstract paragraphs: 3 students (6%) wrote grammatical faults committed by
in four paragraphs, 44 students (88%) wrote undergraduate students when writing their
in three paragraphs, 2 students (4%) wrote in thesis abstract in English. As a result, this
two paragraphs, and 1 student (2%) wrote in was a descriptive qualitative study. As a
one paragraph. While, according to Cindy result, qualitative data was required in this
and Lewiston's beliefs, the components of situation. Qualitative research is most suited
the abstract form in students are: to handle a research problem in which you
Introduction (I), Purpose (P), Methods (M), don't know the variables and need to
Result (R), and Keywords (K) (K). The examine, according to (Creswell, 2012, p.
following are the results: 5 components 16).
IPMRK were written by 5 students (10%), 4 This study was conducted in the Faculty
components PMRK were written by 17 of Education and Teachers Training,
students (34%), 4 components IPMR were Lancang Kuning University on Jl. Yos
written by 2 students (4%), 3 components Sudarso Rumbai, and used a qualitative
PMR were written by 15 students (30%), 3 research approach to discover grammatical
components PRK were written by 7 students problems in these abstracts. The study was
(14%), and 2 components PR were written completed in January of this year. The data
by 3 students (24%). (6 percent). was gathered from the abstracts of theses
The use of language in the students' written by Undergraduate Biological
abstract was analyzed using Jacobs' theory, Department Students who graduated in
which included sub-components such as 2016. Because of the nature of the study and
agreement, tense, word order, article, the types of data sources that were
pronoun, and preposition. The use employed, the instrument used was a
agreement's conclusions 11 students have a document. In a qualitative study, one of the
need for improvement level, 33 students most essential sources of data is documents;
have a passed level, and 6 students have an in this case, the researcher used theses
excellent level. The results of the tense abstracts as the research instrument. The
experiment 44 students have a need for researcher also looked at various abstracts in
improvement level, while 6 students have a order to better understand and describe the
passed level. The results of the usage word tenses problem.
order study 13 students have a need for
improvement level, 29 students have a
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

Qualitative data gathering, according considerations that come with

to (Creswell, 2012, p. 205), entails more than gathering information face-to-face,
merely determining whether to observe or often in people's homes or
interview people. Qualitative data collection workplaces.
entails gathering information from a small For this research, the researcher have
number of individuals or sites, using forms conducted collecting document. The
with general, emerging questions to allow document collected were theses abstract of
the participant to generate responses; Biology department students. There 10
gathering word (text) or image (picture) theses abstract taken. These were the key
data; and gathering information from a small sources that helped the researcher keep track
number of individuals or sites, according to of material relevant to the research's goal of
the general characteristics of qualitative analyzing undergraduate thesis abstracts.
research. According to Cresswell, the The documents were obtained by making the
method of gathering qualitative data consists ten abstracts available as public documents.
of five interconnected steps: The content or document analysis technique
1. We chose our participants and was employed to study the abstract as a
venues through purposeful document.
sampling, focusing on places and In this part, Preparing and organizing
people who could best assist us in data, exploring and coding the database,
understanding our fundamental describing findings and forming themes,
phenomenon. representing and reporting findings,
2. We'll need more access to the place interpreting the meaning of the findings, and
because we'll usually go there to validating the accuracy of the findings were
interview or observe folks. This the six steps involved in analyzing and
technique necessitates a higher level interpreting qualitative data.
of involvement from the site than 1. It takes an inductive approach,
does quantitative research. moving from specific or detailed
3. In qualitative research, we use broad data (such as transcriptions or typed
interviews or observations to ensure notes from interviews) to broad
that participants' perspectives are codes and themes.
not limited. We will not collect data 2. It entails assessing and gathering
using a closed-ended instrument as data at the same time. Data
in quantitative research; instead, we collection and analysis (and
will collect data with a few open- sometimes report writing) are all
ended questions that we construct. done at the same time in qualitative
4. In qualitative research, we will research. When you're gathering
record information on self-designed data, you can also be reviewing
protocols that help us arrange other information you've gathered in
information supplied by participants the past to seek for major themes.
to each question, rather than This strategy contrasts from
utilizing predesigned instruments standard quantitative research
from others or instruments that we methods, which start with data
build. gathering and then move on to data
5. Finally, we carried out our analysis.
qualitative data collection 3. The phases are also iterative,
techniques with awareness of the meaning you cycle back and forth
difficulties and ethical between data collection and
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

analysis. In qualitative research, you of FKIP UNILAK Pekanbaru. In order to

might collect stories from find them, the researcher separated the
individuals and return for more abstract to be in each sentence in numbers.
information to fill in gaps in their Using this categorization, the researcher
stories as your analysis of their would find out whether there were some
stories proceeds. addition, omission, misformation, and
4. Qualitative researchers analyze their misordering on the parts of speech and
data by reading it several times and agreements in the theses abstract. Then, the
conducting an analysis each time. researcher analyzed the sentences
Each time you read your database, separately.
you develop a deeper understanding After separated each abstract to be in
about the information supplied by each sentence to be analyzed, the researcher
your participants. would formulate the reconstruction of the
5. There is no single, universally error found after doing identification. As
approved method for interpreting long as the researcher analyzed the error on
qualitative data, despite the each sentence, then the researcher also
existence of various guidelines. It's
would classify whether there was error or not
a jumbled process. and then stated what error that was
6. Qualitative research is "interpretive" identified. Furthermore, the analysis of the
research in which you make an
ten thesis abstract would be presented in the
individual judgment on a following discussion.
description that fits the scenario or
themes that capture the primary In this study, the most common errors
categories of data. For example, were in the area of omission errors, which
your perception of a transcript dealt with the tenses in English grammar.
differs from that of another person. The writer discovered a pattern in which the
This does not indicate that your majority of the errors were found: subject
interpretation is superior or more and verb agreement. The writer or sentence
correct; rather, it implies that you producer frequently creates sentences in
offer your own unique viewpoint to which the subject and verb are
the table (Creswell, 2012, p. 238). grammatically incorrect. This trend was
found in nearly half of the sentences where
3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION errors occurred.
The researcher had collected the In general, the content of the abstracts
documentation of the thesis abstract of written by undergrad students at Lancang
students graduated in April 2016.There were Kuning University's Biology Department
10 thesis abstract of students as the samples can be comprehended well and does not
in this research have been copied as the leave the reader confused about what they
instrument of the research which have been wish to convey. Even if there were certain
taken from Biology Department, Faculty of grammatical faults, the reader did not form
Education and Teachers Training, Lancang their own opinion or hypothesis about the
Kuning University Graduated in April 2016. material. These flaws have no major impact
The document has been employed to get the on the abstract's overall understanding and
answer of the research question: to identify meaning.
students’ Grammatical Errors on The researcher recognized grammatical
Undergraduate Thesis Abstract of Biological faults and categorised them into four
Department Students Academic Year 2016
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

aspects: omission, misformation, addition, errors frequently take the form of inter-
and misordering, in order to learn more language, which is a mixture of two tenses,
about the description of grammatical a violation of numerical agreement, or the
problems in biology students' abstracts. use of the active-passive voice incorrectly.
Error nouns, on the other hand, frequently
There were 31 (37.3 percent)
take the form of singular-plural confusion
omission errors in total, with the omission of
and incorrect usage of word families. The
articles, verbs, and prepositions being the
examples and explanations of misformation
most common. The researcher discovered a
mistakes discovered in the thesis abstract are
fault in the student's grammar in this
listed below.
scenario, which omitted important elements
of the sentence. The most likely reason is
It can be concluded that
that the pupils wrote in English but
there were effect of
expressed their ideas in Bahasa Indonesia
cooperative learning type
style or word order. The following is an
example: Numbered Head
Togetherbased on Somatic,
The mean N-gain the
Auditory, Visual,
control class 0,48 with the
intellectual ….
medium category, while in
It might seem that the sentence does
the experimental class
not contain any errors, but the researcher
with a 0,71high category.
identified an error in the sentence which is
the bold words violating the generalization
In this case, it was not a sentence yet,
rule and number agreement of English
there was no “predicate” stated. However,
grammar. This study suggested the
the meaning of the words structure could still
following correction to the sentence:
be understood by the readers, even though it
Based on SAVI (Somatic
was not fulfilling the grammar criteria
Auditory, Visual, and
correctly. In fact, the sentence did not
employ some correct word choice. Intellectual), it can be
determined that
Therefore, the researcher proposed the
Cooperative Learning Type
following correction:
NHT (Numbered Head
The mean of N-gain of the
Together) had an effect....
control class is 0,48
So, “effect” should be in their plural
categorized as mid, while
form because in front of this noun, stated a
the experimental class is
plural predicate.
0,71 categorized as high.
Any usage of non-essential
The word “is” in the sentence is supposed to
components in sentences is referred to as
be a predicate which follows the subject in
addition. In the abstracts of the students'
front. Therefore, the predicate in the
theses, there are 18 (21.7 percent) faults that
sentence was missing.
show addition, and they are errors on
Any incorrect form of particular
articles, conjunctions, collocations, verbs,
morphemes or structures is referred to as
prepositions, pronouns, and nouns. The
misformation. In all, 19 (22.9 percent) errors
demonstrate misformation, with the majority most likely cause is that the students wrote
their abstracts in an Indonesian speaking
of the errors occurring on verbs and nouns.
In this situation, the researcher noticed that
certain pupils struggled to produce error-free
verbs and nouns. On the one hand, verb
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

Example: among the students. Besides, the students do

Based on the result of t-test not undertsnd well the abstact componens or
was significant different elements that must be written.
between control class and There are five abstract components
experiment. must be written on students abstract
Here, the researcher noticed that the student completely, such background, purpose,
added the collocation “based on” before “the method, result, and conclusion. Most of
result of t-test” which is unnecessary as students start writing their abstract by using
proper words do not need be stated in front puspose.
of the sentence. Therefore, the writer
corrected the error as followed: 4. CONCLUSION
The result of t-test was According to the explanation in
significantly different previous section, the researcher concludes
between control and that the grammatical errors found on the
experiment class. biological students’ theses abstract,
Some similar cases happened in addition of Universitas Lancang Kuning in writing
word unnecessary. Even though the abstract are 4 errors namely omission,
collocation appears to be little, it has the addition, misformation, misordering.The
potential to affect the entire context and researcher identified 83 errors, of which the
meaning of the statement. In fact, pupils still most frequent error is omission, there are
struggled with collocation since they may about 37.7% of the errors occurred of the
not understand the proper application and total by this error, The omission of articles,
placement in a phrase. verbs, and prepositions are among the faults.
Misordering is any incorrect In all, 19 (22.9 percent) errors demonstrate
placement of certain morphemes in misformation, with the majority of the errors
sentences. There are 15 (18.1%) errors occurring on verbs and nouns. In the
showing misordering in students’ theses abstracts of the students' theses, there are 18
abstract, and they are mostly misordering (21.7 percent) faults that show addition, and
between adjective and noun and verb and they are errors on articles, conjunctions,
adverb. collocations, verbs, prepositions, pronouns,
Example: and nouns. In the abstracts of students'
The method of this theses, there are 15 (18.1 percent) errors
research used was indicating misordering, the majority of
experiment quasi with the which are misordering between adjective
matcing only pretest- and noun.
posttest group design. Concerning the conclusions above, it
In this case, the student misordered the is necessary for the researcher to give some
words “work” and “team”. The correct suggestions as in the following:
sentence should be as followed: 1. This study is therefore dedicated to
The method of this analyse the grammatical errors in the
research was quasi- students’ thesis abstracts of biology
experimental design with department university of Lancang
the matching only pretest- Kuning, for students who would
posttest and control group. make on writing thesis abstract in
Related to the above the data finding, English.
the researcher realized that misformation, 2. The abstract can be thought of as a
omission, and addition distributed equitably persuasive rhetorical device that
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

conveys the significance of the text. Section of Civil Engineering Students’

Furthermore, the abstract can have a Thesis, Diponegoro University.
vital social role by allowing readers Koopman, Philip (1997). How to Write an
to observe how people work to Abstract. Taken from
establish themselves within their
communities. As a result, the ssays/abstract.html, Retrieved on
research paper abstract should be November 12, 2018.
well-written. Luthfiyah et al (2015). An Investigation of
Cohesion and Rhetorical Moves in
Thesis Abstract.
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| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching

Copyright© 2022 Syaifullah, Helen M Sukova

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