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Activity No.

1: (Operations and Operations Strategy)

1. Define operations management and the functions associated with it.

Operations management is the discipline of planning, organizing,

controlling, and directing the activities of a business in order to achieve its goals.
It involves the study of the processes and systems that are used to produce,
distribute, and sell products or services. Operations management is a vital skill
for managers since it helps them to ensure that their organization is running
smoothly and efficiently. It also helps them to keep their business competitive by
ensuring that they make the best use of their limited resources. Today,
operations management is a vital aspect of all businesses, whether large or
small. This course will teach you the fundamentals of operations management,
including how to plan and budget for operations, how to organize and manage
human resources, and how to optimize operations processes and systems.

2. Contrast the operations management in a company that produces goods with

company that offers services.

In a company that produces goods, the management has to think about

the products that are made. The products’ quality and demand for the products
drive the company’s profits. They are responsible for ensuring that the right
materials and equipment are available to keep the business running, that
employees are working efficiently and are trained appropriately, and that the
company is staying within its budget. Operations managers also identify areas of
the business that can be improved to increase efficiency and reduce costs, such
as by re-organizing workflow or finding more efficient suppliers. The goals of
operations management are to ensure that products are being produced in the
most efficient and cost-effective way possible while ensuring that high standards
of quality are being met.
On the other hand, a service company is driven by the needs of its customers.
They are responsible for ensuring that all of the services that the company offers
are delivered in a professional and efficient manner. The operations in a
company that offers services can be defined as the activities that are required to
provide a service to customers, ensuring that employees are performing their
duties, that processes are being followed, and that customers are being served.

3. In ensuring ethical and social responsibilities in business, what are some

challenges in operations that a company may face?

Some of the most important ethical and social responsibilities to ensure in

business are to maintain a safe, clean, and welcoming environment for
customers. However, the main challenge for a company in this area is the risk of
legal liability. Legal liability is when a business causes harm to the environment
or to the public. For example, the company may be sued for a public health risk
that wasn't properly studied or for harming the environment, or a corporation is
found to be responsible for the death of a worker due to a lack of safety
precautions. The biggest challenge for an organization is to ensure that there is
no harm. There are so many laws in this area that it is easy to accidentally violate

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different operations strategies.

One of the main advantages of operating strategies is that they enable the
business to function effectively and efficiently, and ensure that the business is
operating at maximum productivity. Operations strategies are the blueprints for
how your business operates, from how products are manufactured to the way
customers are served and they help to ensure that the company continues to run
smoothly and achieves its objectives. Operations can also be a competitive
advantage, allowing you to offer a better service than your competitors at a lower
cost. Operations strategies provide a range of benefits for a business, including
increasing productivity, reducing costs, and increasing the quality of products and
services. They can also help to reduce the risk of disruptions to the business.
The disadvantage of operations strategy is if the set of policies and processes
aren't well executed it may cause disruptions to the business. It can affect a
company’s service levels, cost and efficiency, and ultimately its brand reputation.
Also, having an operations strategy is that it requires a lot of time and effort to
design and implement.

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