Breeding Facility

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Breeding Facility

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at


Archive Warning:


Original Work


Reader, Author - Character, Original Characters

Additional Tags:
Rape/Non-con Elements, Breeding, Corruption, Forced
Orgasm, Forced Pregnancy, Mind Break, Gangbang,
Bondage, Aphrodisiacs, Sex Toys, Degradation,
Humiliation, Creampie, Impregnation, Somnophilia, Non-
Consensual Somnophilia

336 Hours: A Comprehensive and Preeminent Reader-Insert
Collection, Guilty Pleasures (mdcap_3)

Published: 2021-04-22 Completed: 2021-04-29 Chapters:
2/2 Words: 6223
Breeding Facility
by SinnersPalace

Human reproduction is getting low and to combat this, a

breeding facility has been established. Due to its success,
you decide to take a tour around the facility. But despite
its success, the program implemented is much more
sinister than you thought. You/Reader is a female.
Warnings: Non-Con, breeding, corruption, forced orgasm,
mind break, gang bang, bondage, aphrodisiacs, sex toys

See the end of the work for notes
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

There was a faint ding as the elevator door slid open. I smiled
professionally, greeting you politely as you stepped into the
shining lobby of the newly built laboratory.
“Welcome to our human breeding facility.” I paused, “with the
sudden decrease in couples choosing to have children, this
breeding facility has been established with the aim to restore
the population to what it once was. In today’s tour, I shall
introduce you to the operations of our wonderful facility and
the stunningly successful results we have had so far.” My lines
were clearly rehearsed and accompanied with a slight bow.
When you didn’t say anything, I continued smoothly.
“We shall begin our tour immediately; follow me to the
observation halls.” I turned on my heel and led the way. There
was no hesitance in my step, and you knew I had walked these
halls thousands of times.
“Ah! Ah! Oh~! Oh, yes! Fuck, harder-!” You recoiled at the
sound of lustful moans as we stopped to look at dozens of
subjects copulating on the opposite side of the glass wall in the
brightly lit hallway we stood in. You could see the males
pounding into the females as hard as they could, pumping their
sperm in and refusing to pull out long after they had ejaculated
so they could ensure they had properly bred their female. The
women arched their backs to the sensation, relishing in the
feeling of hot sperm flooding their insides, filling them up to
the brim. It looked like a zoo filled with animals.
“We will start by looking at stage two of our wonderful
“Why stage two?” You cut me off, eyes glued to a particular
couple in an interesting position you had never seen before.
The woman looked like she was in pain, but you could clearly
tell from the way her hips moved she was ecstatic with each
thrust the man inside her gave. Her sex was loose, red, and
swollen, a sign that it had been thoroughly used.
“Stage one may be slightly… gruesome to show first.” I
replied, “And stage three is the pregnancy stage where the
females are cared for until they give birth.” I raised a brow at
you, asking if you had anymore questions. You gave me a
sceptical look, but shook your head, returning your attention to
the tour.
“As you can see, stage two is full of willing volunteers who,
under the success of our program, have been engaging in
vigorous sexual intercourse to increase our declining
population. The men and women are kept together in this room
with no clothes or barriers to prevent impregnation and they
enjoy their time together until we are able to confirm the
woman is pregnant.”
“Ah! Oh, please!” You heard their desperate moans. “Oh,
you’re so big…” It was as if someone was playing a collection
of porn videos from multiple different speakers. Every sigh
was mixed with someone else’s moan and every grunt was
accompanied with another person’s needy groan.
Littered here and there you could see areas dedicated to certain
kinks. A section was full of women who were bound,
receiving whippings that imprinted on their skin as the cocks
inside them enjoyed the feeling of their walls clench down
each time they were struck. Beside them, there was a section
where women were doing the same thing to the men. They
would ride the bounded men who moaned and writhed in
pleasure whilst being unable to touch the soft breasts that
bounced enticingly before them.
You peered at the closest couple to the observation hall from
where we stood. The man was slapping the girl’s ass as he
thrust from behind, degrading her with disgustingly dirty
words. Her ass was red and sore. You could see her was skin
damp with an accumulation of sweat and cum.
“You’re a slut, aren’t you? You like my cock, don’t you? Yeah,
I’m going to fuck you until you can’t move and then cum
inside. You want to be bred, right? You want my hot cum
inside, whore? Squeeze me tighter then!” He smacked her ass
In response, the girl just moaned, shaking her head to the
words but her pussy was slick and wet where their sexes met.
Through the thin glass which separated us from the volunteers,
you could hear the vile, wet squishes which made you bite
your bottom lip. You watched as the girl shivered and released
a loud screech, cumming all over the dick that was violently
pounding her insides. Her fingers curled and she was shaking,
weak from the intense pleasure he was giving her.
The man continued to pump furiously into her fertile cunt,
prolonging the girl’s climax and forcing her to scream and
curse. She clawed at the ground, looking for something to
cling onto as her partner forced her past her limits and into
even greater heights of pleasure. The others who were having
sex around them didn’t even turn their heads to look at the
source of the loud, animalistic cries.
Eventually, they both shuddered, and the man collapsed in
exhaustion, his cock soft and stained with her love juices. You
suspected he had been humping her with his limp dick for a
while, just to savour the pleasurable orgasm. The woman
however, remained on her fours, panting as thick white cum
dripped from her pussy and ran down her thighs in globs. You
could see the sheen of cum on her privates, like she had just
bathed in a tub full of cum. She still wasn’t over her orgasm.
The way the lips of her pussy pulsated and her vagina pushed
out a bit more of the sperm that it had just milked told you she
was still riding out her high.
I tutted, the noise startling you for a second; you had been so
engrossed with the performance, you had forgotten I was
standing next to you. “He didn’t do a very good job,” I said.
“What do you mean? He came in her.” You were surprised to
find your mouth feeling a little dry. You licked your lips - their
little show had been arousing.
“Yes, but look at how much cum is escaping her, this lowers
the chance of her getting pregnant.”
You watched as the woman placed a hand on her belly and it
was only then did you realise her stomach looked unnaturally
swollen, “isn’t she already pregnant though?”
I scrutinised the slight bump at her stomach, “it seems she is,
and for almost a few months now, too.” You could hear the
amusement in my voice, “well, we’ll leave her in there for a
little while longer before we move her to stage three - she
seems to be enjoying herself here anyways.”
I turned and walked off, “Now I will introduce stage one to
You frowned in response at my quick dismissal but jogged to
keep up with my brisk pace. Before you left, you caught a
glimpse of another man approaching the pregnant woman. The
man’s cock was red, hard and angry, eager to find a tight hole
to fit in. But, more so than the man’s virile dick, it was the
lustful look on the woman’s face as she easily opened her legs
for him that was burned into your mind.
Opening her legs so easily… Just like a good slut would. The
thought popped into your mind and you quickly shook your
head. What on earth were you thinking?
You slowed to a walk as you caught up to me. As we made our
way to stage one, I took the opportunity to give you the
information you needed. “Stage one is separated into two parts
- the sorting and the breaking.” We stopped at a window where
rows and rows of girls stood naked. They were vulnerable and
exposed, and some covered up their privates with their hands
in an attempt to hide themselves and save their dignity. “As an
example, I will only show you the female sorting. However,
keep in mind that there is also one for males.”
You watched as staff members asked the naked women a
question before directing them elsewhere. Unlike before, you
couldn’t hear what the women were saying here. The process
was very well organised, almost like robotic programming.
Half of the staff measured the subject’s hips whilst the other
half diligently took notes.
“There had only been one thing lacking since the
establishment of the breeding facility.” I filled in the silence,
“it was willing volunteers.” My words made you recoil with
shock and your jaw dropped. Willing volunteers? But
everyone in stage two had seemed willing, you thought. Too
stunned to voice your concerns, you listened to me speak.
“These girls are sorted based on their willingness to part take
in our… plan to increase the population.”
“Where do you get them from?” You whispered.
“You don’t need to know,” I answered smoothly. “This is
where the second part of stage one occurs - the breaking.” I
travelled further down the hall. The next window we stopped
at was similar to stage two. Men and woman were all over
each other, doing their best to raise the population again. There
were moans, but mainly from the men. There was something
not quite right with the way the women were screaming.
“Wait. Is that-?” You observed the women’s contorted faces of
pain, the way they cried and screamed was filled with
humiliation and helplessness. “That’s rape!” You
shouted. “What the hell are you doing?!” You were shocked
by the disgusting scene before you and was even more
shocked by my lacklustre response.
“During the sorting, those that are not willing are made to
become willing.” I responded nonchalantly. “We do this by
forcing them to become addicted to pleasure.” You frowned;
the way I had casually replied made you want to vomit. “The
men in this stage are a mixture of the ones who have been
sorted into willing volunteers and half of the men who have
gone through the breaking phase of stage one, stage two has
the other half.”
You glared at me, feeling a strong urge to punch me, but a few
large sized security guards down the hallway made you hold
your fist back. Right now, there was nothing you could do but
You forced yourself to watch the vile scene of women being
violated as men forced themselves on them. Yet, for some
reason, you felt blood rush to your core as the women
screamed violently but still came to the length inside them.
Despite their unwillingness, you could see their body was
more than willing to accept the pleasure. Their cunts were
milking the members, just as well as the cunts from the
‘willing’ stage had. No, there is nothing arousing about this,
you told yourself firmly.
“This is… not right,” was the only thing you managed to
“Maybe they aren’t willing in the beginning. But sooner or
later, everyone becomes willing.” I raised a brow, observing
your reaction. You couldn’t reply.
Toys were scattered across the floor, coated in bodily fluids
from who knows where. Sex toys had been used, discarded,
picked up by someone else and used again to ensure the
women stayed wet as the men had their way with them. You
could tell by the way the women writhed to the vibrators that
they felt pleasure, but you swore that deep in their stomachs,
they felt powerless and humiliated.
It was an awful cycle, toys were used to make them wet, a
cock would then penetrate them and release its semen into
their reluctant but fertile womb before a fresh dick would
replace the previous one. You could see that some men had
become frustrated with the women who were no longer
becoming wet. When the vibrators and dildos didn’t work, the
men would pop open some lubricant, smearing it all over their
dicks before forcing into an abused hole.
“The unwilling ones are lathered in aphrodisiacs, making it
impossible for their bodies to reject the pleasure. As you can
see, they may be screaming, but I assure you, they do enjoy it.
The aphrodisiacs help facilitate the breaking stage as our
subjects become addicted to the orgasmic feeling of sexual
intercourse and become unable to stand any sort of sexual
frustration. Eventually, the cravings of the body will win the
refusal of the mind.” I explained.
There was a particularly loud area where some women had
been laid upon breeding chairs, their hips elevated to ensure no
seed escaped them. Their limbs were tied down to prevent
escape and their mouths were gagged, muffling their screams.
You suspected they were the ones that had caused the most
trouble with their fighting spirits. The women who were free
were those who were nearly broken, or as I so sickeningly
called it, those who were almost ‘willing volunteers’. They lay
with a man between their legs, enjoying the feeling of a dick
rubbing against them, preventing them from feeling the awful,
needy burn the aphrodisiacs caused.
You turned away. I smiled, knowing that you could no longer
stomach the sight. I moved away from the window.
“Of course, woman cannot be the only ones to blame for our
decreasing population. After all, the wonderful creation of life
requires two parties.” I gestured towards a woman who yelled
and kicked as sex craved men held their legs open to breed
“Once these women have been reduced to nothing but slaves
to sexual pleasure, they have completed the breaking phase
and half of them are sent to stage two while the other half are
brought here.” Further up, you could see a separate room. This
one had the same noises of sex echoing within in and you
grimaced as you looked in.
“These men are the ones who were sorted into the unwilling
category. They are broken by sex addicted females who have
gone through the breaking phase or those who were sorted into
willing volunteers. It may be confusing, but in essence, those
who are unwilling are fucked until they’re willing.”
Men were tied to chairs, unable to move as women rode their
dicks, arching their backs and shaking their ass, grinding on
the helpless men’s lengths. The men weren’t able to hold out
for long to their experienced cunts and every few minutes,
you’d see a man shudder and shoot his load into the warm wet
flesh that craved to be bred. You could tell from the duration
of their orgasm the men had been forced to multiple orgasms
already, but the greedy women didn’t stop.
Just like with the unwilling women, each ejaculation was
followed up with the replacement of a different cunt from
another woman who had been eagerly waiting for her turn.
You could see a corner where a woman was brandishing a
vibrator, pressing it up against a man’s balls. The man twisted
and cried out. She was no doubt putting too much pressure and
hurting him and yet, you watched with fascination as his soft,
flaccid penis slowly grew, red and raw from all the fucking,
but ready for another round nevertheless. The woman spat on
his cock, her saliva running down as she sat on his lap,
pressing his length against her wet folds. Her tongue flicked
across his nipple and she toyed with the buds as she grinded
herself back and forth. The chair rocked violently as she
moved. The man pleaded to her, but she expertly sealed his
lips with her own. You wondered how long they would repeat
this before his cock simply would not be able to stand
It was horrible and sick, but the way they would reach their
climaxes with primal screams and blissful shivers made slick
pool in your core.
“Let us move on.” I broke you out of your thoughts. You were
appalled to feel a stab of reluctance to tear your eyes away
from the show.
“Why can’t you just use artificial insemination or something?
Why does it have to be this way?” You swallowed the thick
lump in your throat, taking quick steps to keep up with me. As
you moved, you felt your thighs rub against each other, a
painful reminder that you desired the sweet burn of friction
between your legs.
“Why?” I paused to think, “Well, because, that’s just not as
fun, is it?” I laughed, “our volunteers enjoy themselves,
especially when they reach stage two.” I smiled widely.
Psycho. Sadist. Disgusting. Corrupt.
You turned to look at the next place I had brought you to.
Women with bulging bellies were surrounded by staff
members. Some were being wiped down with towels and
others were being massaged to reduce sore muscles. All the
women were nicely groomed; their hair was washed and
combed. Various foods were also being served to match their
sudden cravings.
It seemed like a nice comfortable atmosphere, if you hadn’t
just witnessed the heartless process these women had went
through to get to this stage. The women had been bred and
were now waiting to give birth. You wouldn’t be surprised if
they threw the women back into stage two immediately after
they cut the umbilical cord.
“Stage three, pregnancy stage?” You commented, not even
waiting for me to explain.
“Yes.” We watched for a while longer before making our way
back. When we reached the elevator, you let out a sigh of
relief. You wanted to get out as quickly as possible and report
this whole ‘breeding facility’ to the police. You called the
elevator and stepped into it.
“Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoyed your tour at our
breeding facility.” I waved. Once the doors closed and you felt
yourself ascending, you felt all the tension release from your
“Yeah, fuck you.” You muttered under your breath with a
heavy sigh. Then, a jingle of a P.A. system played. Your heart
dropped when you heard my voice.
“Judging from your reaction to our breeding facility, I have
taken initiative to categorise you into the unwilling. I eagerly
wait for the day you cooperate with us!” You heard me say
The floor beneath you gave way and you screamed as you
dropped down some kind of chute, darkness swallowing you
as your stomach lurched uncomfortably. You landed hard on
the floor with a loud exclamation, skidding across the floor
slightly. You looked up and inhaled sharply. Men fucking
women who were screaming - stage one, the breaking phase.
A few men turned their attention to you, curious and tired of
the loose holes they were fucking. “There’s a fresh one! She’s
even still got clothes on!” One called.
“Fresh meat? Hell yeah!” Soon, men swarmed you, causing
you to scramble to your feet and yell at them to stay back.
With coordination, they held you down, pinning you to the
ground as they tore your clothes off, ripping them to small
shreds that no longer concealed your body. They exposed you
breasts first, then travelled south to rip away your panties. The
men holding your legs pulled them apart, revealing the part
they were most interested in; your tight little pussy that needed
a penis to ravage it until it was loose.
“Me first!” A man claimed, quickly sliding himself between
your legs. There were a few protests from the others, but he
ignored them.
“No, no! Get away from me! Get away-” You felt the round
blunt head of his sex slide against the slit of your entrance.
Tears sprang to your eyes and you were reduced to a stuttering
mess as you told them to leave you alone. Your walls gave a
small squeeze. Another man cupped your breasts, toying with
your nipples. He laughed at the way the small buds slowly
grew hard and sensitive under his touch. Another tapped his
dick on your lips, eager to get a feel of your warm mouth. No
one came to help you as the man at your entrance began to
tease your hole, dipping into your warm flesh with excitement.
“Hey, this will be easy!” He chuckled with delight, gripping
your hips tightly, “I mean, you’re already nice and wet!!” And
with that, he impaled you in one full thrust, making you cry
Chapter End Notes

Don’t forget to comment or give a kudos if you enjoyed~

Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

You had decided to take a tour around the so called

‘breeding facility’ which had been in the news for its
success. Unfortunately, you ended up joining the program
against your will.
Warnings: Non-Con, breeding, corruption, forced orgasm,
mind break, bondage, aphrodisiacs, sex toys, squirting,
somnophilla, degrading and humiliation

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Ah-! Aaaah-” your slit was spread by the head of a hot, hard
penis entering your cavern. The sensation made you sigh as
the length penetrated your insides until the hilt of the man’s
member was as close to you as possible. You couldn’t escape
the intrusion, not when you were strapped to a breeding chair
with your legs spread and hips elevated to optimise
fertilisation. You registered a feeling of dull soreness in your
core as the man began to thrust.
How long had you been here for? You didn’t know anymore.
Unlike the other girls screaming nearby, you hadn’t been
gagged; the men had taken a liking in your soft whimpers of
pain and reluctant moans. They especially loved it when you
begged for more to remedy the needy burn caused by the
Your cunt felt dirty. Used. You felt like a personal fleshlight
for the men. Your pussy was raw and had grown red and
swollen from their crazed poundings. Luckily, the man
currently inside you was tired and his thrusts were weak. They
were slower, as if to savour the pleasure of warm flesh against
flesh. You whined and whimpered softly at each thrust, hating
the way your sex relished in the sensation of being filled; it
didn’t seem to matter that you were being raped, just the fact
that you were feeling pleasure was enough to satisfy your
womanhood. Each approving squeeze your cunt gave against
your will was like injecting a shot of pure humiliation into
your system.
Your initial impression of the facility was that it was just a
crazy zoo of animals fucking, but over the past few days, you
had realised that the facility was much more calculative than
you had expected. During the times where the men were far
too tired to continue forcibly impregnating you, staff members
would enter and lather you with an assortment of sticky
creams and cooling gels, all of which had aphrodisiacs effects.
As you squirmed against the urgent desire to be filled like a
bitch in heat, they would secure vibrators on your erogenous
zones, never giving you a break from the intoxicating pleasure
your body had become accustomed to. You could slowly feel
yourself becoming addicted to sex and pleasure. The staff
members that entered were mainly men, to ensure they weren’t
targeted by the male ‘volunteers’, and sometimes, when they
were horny enough, the staff members would have their way
with you too.
“Ah fuck,” The man inside you grabbed a fistful of your
breasts, rubbing your nipples between his fingers. “I’m going
to fucking get you pregnant.” He gave a tired growl as he
attempted to pound himself into your flesh harder.
“Mhm-!” You bit your lip to muffle your moans as his thrusts
began to hurt. While your womanhood was in pain, your
nipples were sensitive and happy to receive his touch, making
you hate yourself just a little bit more. “Ngg… S-sto- Oh!”
You felt something warm and watery gush into you; a pathetic
dribble of cum which was the result of the man cumming far
too many times. Your body was shaking with delight, adoring
the flood of warmth he left deep inside your womb, but before
the man even had time to soften, another man pulled him out
of you, pushing him aside without a care. The next dick rested
against your pussy, but before you were penetrated again, the
man released a dissatisfied noise.
“Why are you so dry?” He asked. You saw him yank a vibrator
out of the girl writhing in the breeding chair next to you and
press the toy against your clit. You felt the other girl’s warm
wet arousal on your privates. You shuddered with disgust of
having to share a sex toy with a stranger, but there was nothing
you could do about it.
“Ohh, fuck… No, stop-” You choked and arched your back as
far as you could whilst he made sure you couldn’t shy away
from the pleasure. Your sensitive nerves sang to the
stimulation, causing blood to rush to your vagina and juices to
pool at your entrance. Your mind said no, but your body was
telling you it was time for sex.
“There we go, good girl,” the man praised. “This is what I like
to see,” he said, rubbing his finger all over your entrance to
gather your juices. As a precaution, he spread your folds and
spat, and you could feel his warm saliva leaking into your
hole. You whimpered helplessly. Satisfied with the lubrication,
the man finally decided to enter you. His cock pushed its way
in, exploring your abused, but excitedly pulsating
womanhood. He fit snug in you, like as if his dick was shaped
specifically for your vagina. You knew you shouldn’t admit it,
but you felt incredibly good.
“I-I hope you like sloppy seconds, cuck.” You seethed weakly,
although it didn’t come out as aggressive as you had wished.
“Don’t make me gag you, bitch.” He slapped your ass and you
cried out. “You’re not that scary when you’re stuffed with
dick,” he replied. When he moved, you instantly threw your
head back and moaned loudly.
What the fuck? His cock was touching you in all the right
places. It felt so good, you found yourself begging for him to
stop because your senses were being overwhelmed, but in
response, the man pressed the vibrating toy against you harder.
Everything was just too much, the vibrations on your clit felt
amazing, and the angle he was hitting you was stirring your
insides. He was no doubt colliding into your sweet spot, and it
was driving you mad.
“No! Really, stop,” you screamed, “it feels… I feel-” You
didn’t know how to explain the euphoric sensation, but the
man forced the pleasure to build up higher and higher, refusing
to pause at your request. You suddenly felt a strong urge to
relieve yourself. “No, I can’t! I just can’t!” Screaming, you
begged him to stop even harder. You tugged at your restraints
as you cried, getting closer and closer to a high you had never
experienced before. You were scared, but he didn’t give you
an option.
“No… No, oh no, please…” You moaned, your breasts
bouncing to the rhythm of his thrusts. You gasped breathlessly
for air until suddenly, a strong wave of raw bliss hit you,
spreading from your core to your whole body. “AAAH!! NO!”
You felt a wave of arousal flood your privates as you came,
feeling pure relief and ecstasy at the same time. Your eyes shut
by themselves and you rode out your orgasm squealing and
Your screams managed to attract a couple of other males as
they enjoyed the scene of you losing yourself in pleasure and
squirting everywhere. You heard a few men cheering as tears
slid down your cheeks and you panted desperately to the
intense climax, all the tension leaving your body.
Shuddering, you felt cum spilling into you. Hot, white cum
flooded your cunt, making your body forget about the pitiful
watery semen from the previous man. The dick kept spurting
its fertile seeds into you and to your horror, something in you
snapped and you caught yourself wishing to be bred by this
particular man. His strong thrusts and thick seeds would surely
promise you a child. Your cavern gave him a squeeze.
You could get used to this feeling, you thought, licking your
lips. The moment that man had let himself loose and
ejaculated into your fertile cunt was amazing. You relished at
the thought of being impregnated. As he pulled out, you lifted
your hips up, trying to prevent any leakage. A few drops
dribbled out of your loose pussy lips, quickly turning cold in
the absence of your heat, but you managed to keep most of it
in. You felt fulfilled. Enjoying the post-orgasm tingle in your
stomach, you fell back, panting against the breeding chair you
had been strapped to.
“Oh please,” you panted, hands reaching up as far as they
could go with its restraints and grabbing thin air, “please fuck
me more…” Exhausted, you shut your eyes, satisfied with the
new you, whose womb would take the seeds of any hard dick.
Even in your sleep, you couldn’t escape the endless, rough
You felt hot hands rubbing against your slit, caressing your
walls against your will. Subconsciously, you knew there was a
man between your legs but instead of waking up to fight him
off, you drifted deeper into darkness, letting him have his way
with you.
After all, having something inside would relieve the burn of
the drugs, wouldn’t it? It would be better to feel good than not,
you rationalised, feeling your pussy clench down happily on
the length inside you. Your mind felt the same, delighted to
receive the now familiar feeling of having your walls
stretched. You couldn’t do anything but accept the cock
forcing its way in to kiss your cervix, not when sleep pulled
you so far away from reality. Not like you wanted to do
anything to prevent the intrusion if you were awake. You
could feel a strong desire growing. A dangerous, hungry need
to be bred like livestock was taking over your mind, and it was
quickly becoming what you truly wanted.
The man took you as he pleased, with no regard to your
battered and abused hole that had been violated many times.
You moaned in your sleep, enjoying the movement of his cock
going in and out, and in and out. It was somewhat… calming.
Eventually, you felt a sense of emptiness when the man
between your legs left his mark in your sex and sought another
girl to satisfy him. You almost felt lonely, but a few minutes
later, you felt the familiar rub of a staff member’s latex gloves
against your vagina, massaging that special cream all over
your vulva and up your hole. They molested your body,
fingering your vagina and assaulting your clit and nipples with
their hot tongue. Your pussy rewarded each touch with a
wanton squeeze. You heard the staff member chuckle and
whisper in your ear how much of a dirty girl you were before
he filled your loose core with a vibrating dildo and slapped
your ass. You moaned in reply.
The next time you woke up, you were free from your
restraints, arms and legs spread across the dirty cum stained
floor. The dildo was missing but you had a man thrusting his
length into you instead.
“Mhm! H-hold on, let me rest!” Your voice was more of a
small croak.
“Oh, awake, are we?” The man picked up your legs and
pushed them against the sides of your head so he could
penetrate further. You felt him dig deep, to places that weren’t
used to being touched and that’s when you realised, from the
shape of his penis, that this was the man that had you squirting
everywhere last time.
“Ahhh!” You cried out. The curve of his dick was pressing up
wonderfully against you, his length was digging nice and deep,
making you sigh with undeniable bliss.
“Come on, you’re that little slut that loved my cock aren’t
you?” He grinned, “Show me how much of a good girl you
He thrust in and you gasped, “oh!” His dick was just too good;
you could no longer refuse him.
“Oh, oh, yes, mnh! Ng-” You moaned for him, clinging onto
his arms like a baby as he slammed into you again and again.
You opened your legs a little wider, unsure if you had done it
willingly or not. He dug deeper, and you cried with pain when
he hit your cervix, and yet, everything just felt so good.
The feel of his raw flesh moving against you made you dizzy
with pleasure. His cock took care of everything and soon, you
were cumming all over his dick like never before.
The man grunted above you, somehow keeping his erection
for a few more pumps before he finally came as well. Semen
spurt from the tip of his twitching penis and your sex milked
him, trying to capture every drop that leaked out of his dick.
He seemed to enjoy your pussy, encouraging you to beg for
him to stay with you and fuck you more.
“Please, I want your cock,” you rocked your hips sensually, “I
want you to breed me.” You bit your lip, eyes clouding over
with lust. He must’ve been aroused by the way you pressed
your hips flush against his, because that was when he picked
you up with your back to him and pushed you against the glass
separating the room from the observatory hall. Your breasts
were pushed up against the glass, nipples turning hard from its
cool temperature. The sudden chill didn’t bother you, not
when you were so hot down there. The palms of your hands
pressed up against the window, uncomfortable with the lack of
things to grasp onto. On the opposite side of the glass, there
was an ongoing tour. Multiple pairs of eyes stared at you,
watching you scream for more. Instead of feeling shame, you
enjoyed the attention. With each thrust, your breasts bounced,
and your pussy clenched. You grinned, you were going to
scream loud enough to make them feel jealous of you.
Then, as you searched through the crowd for the jealous eyes
you once had when you were in their exact position, your eyes
landed on a familiar face. You recognised me instantly. The
hot pleasure in your core turned to ice cold disgust as you
remembered where you were. Seeing my face made anger
flare inside you, reminding you why you were here in the first
place. You pounded your fist on the glass, yelling every curse
you could think of. You threatened to break the glass that
separated us and throw me to the restless horny dogs. You
wanted me to suffer the same fate you had, to be forced to take
dick after dick and have men laugh when I pleaded, and to
have my ass slapped raw until I submitted. You knew where
you’d be as you watched them degrade me; you’d be right next
to them, laughing along. You wanted to see my arrogant face
breakdown from the intense humiliation you would put me
“Enjoying that dick, are we?” I replied calmly. When you felt
the cock inside you drive straight into your tender flesh, you
cried out.
“F-fuck you!” You cussed, anger seething from your voice.
You hated the way my eyebrow cocked slightly.
“You’re not that scary when you’re stuffed with dick.” I
replied, the sentence sounding vaguely familiar to your ears.
Tears of frustration blurred your vision; you didn’t have
anything else to say but to repeat the curses you had already
thrown at me.
“Fuck you- Ah!” The man behind you dropped you onto his
dick. You felt the tip of his dick twitch inside you. His thrusts
still as powerful as his first ones. And just like that, all your
hatred became your second priority.
“I’m cumming!” The man growled, pushing you up against the
wall even harder. You wanted his seeds in you.
“Oh, oh! I’m… I’m cumming too-!” The force of his thrust
caused the seeds to shoot up into your womb, but gravity
slowly brought the thick liquid down. It rolled out of you,
down his shaft and to his balls before dripping down to the
floor. The man tossed you to the ground and you landed hard.
Scrambling to your knees, you caught him before he could
breed another woman; you knew it was selfish, but you wanted
his potent sperm all to yourself. You licked the cum off his
balls and cleaned his dick with your tongue.
“I’ll be a good cum dump, so please, just breed me.” You
looked up to him with wide eyes as he moaned. The man
chuckled, grabbed your hair, and started to face fuck you. His
cock tasted horrible; a mix of his cum, your own arousal and
other thing which you didn’t really want to think about. You
felt your pussy lubricating itself nonetheless.
“There’s no cock I want but yours,” you said, voice muffled by
the large girth between your lips. You closed your eyes as he
used your mouth.
From the other side of the glass, I smiled; you had made so
much progress in such little time. I looked at your stomach, it
didn’t show any signs of pregnancy yet, but there was no
doubt it would soon. I turned to a man standing next to me,
wearing a lab coat. “Transfer that woman and the man to stage
two tonight.” The man nodded, leaving to make the necessary
Now, you were just another fertile womb in the breeding
Chapter End Notes
Ugh, I love breeding so much ✌
Go visit me on Tumblr at :)
End Notes

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