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Do You Want Me (Dead?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at


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No Archive Warnings Apply


Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel
Movies), Marvel, Thor (Movies)

Loki (Marvel)/Reader, Loki (Marvel) & Reader

Loki (Marvel), Reader, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel)

Additional Tags:
Smut, Fluff, Angst, Enemies to Lovers, Hate Sex, Vaginal
Fingering, Rough Sex, Light BDSM, BDSM, Flanter,
Flirting, Drunken Confessions

Published: 2022-06-11 Updated: 2022-06-14 Chapters: 3/?
Words: 3604
Do You Want Me (Dead?)
by citylights10

Loki and Reader hate each other. He’s arrogant, he’s rude,
and he looks down on you.
So why can’t you stop thinking about how he’d be in
your bed?


a classic enemies to lovers fic. enjoy!

title and lyrics throughout are from do you want me
(dead?) by all time low.
Chapter 1

Oh, give it up for at least a second

I’m getting sick of your bullshit attitude
And how you walk around like you shine brighter
It’s killing me
So what do you say?
Do you want me
Or do you want me dead?

In the many years you’d been alive, you’d never been a hateful
person. Really, never. If someone tried to tug on your strings,
or pushed you a little too far, you could always stay calm, and
sort the situation out with a few gentle words. If things got
bad, you would walk away; it was always flight in the fight or
flight scenario. You got along with most people, and on those
personality quizzes where it asked for a word to describe
yourself, ‘friendly’ would always be the first to come to mind.

That was, of course, until you met Loki. It had been a few
years since you started working with The Avengers as a
receptionist; it wasn’t the most fun, but the money was good,
and you got to meet the heroes you so admired. You booked in
meetings, ensured no-one was entering who wasn’t welcome,
checked in the rest of the staff. It was easy. Your life was fine.
Not amazing, not thrilling, but fine.

One day, Tony Stark held a meeting. You remembered it well.

In one of the many rooms in the building, you gathered with
the chefs, cleaners, the scientists, and, of course, the Avengers.

‘I have called you all here to tell you that I’m having a
massive party and you can all go home.’ Tony said, before
grinning when everyone returned him with bewildered looks.
‘Just kidding. You are all here because of this.’ He pressed a
button on the remote in his hand, and as the projector lit up,
the face of a man came on screen. He was handsome; black
hair, high cheekbones, and a smile that could kill. You
recognised him, too, but couldn’t put your finger on why.

Tony turned to face the crowd again. ‘This is Loki. You may
have seen him before, because he tried to take over the world
in 2012.’ That was it. He was the one from the battle of New
York, the one that had brought the team together in the first
place. You wondered why he was now being plastered on a
huge wall in front of the whole crew – was he back? Was there
about to be some sort of war?

‘He will be moving into the building next week.’ There were a
few audible gasps, and Tony rolled his eyes. ‘Yes, I know, it’s
not ideal. But he will provide The Avengers with assets we
could not find in anyone from this planet, and Thor is not
consistently around to provide us with the help we need. No
offence, buddy.’ He directed the last comment at Thor, who
was leaning against the wall. He gave a wave and a smile. You
liked Thor; despite being from Asgard, he seemed down to
Earth, and you’d be lying if you said he was a pain to look at.

Tony continued. ‘Loki, as much as we can control him, will not

be a dangerous individual. He is forbidden from using any sort
of magic, and if he does, it will be back to the prison cell in the
depths of Asgold.’

‘Asgard.’ Thor interjected.

‘Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I just wanted to inform you all, and

to put in a request. If anyone sees Loki using his tricks for
anything other than helping us, or if they receive any
unwanted attention from him, please inform Jarvis straight
away. Not me, I’m busy, but Jarvis will pass on any
complaints. And don’t be mean to him, he’s Thors brother.’

‘Adopted.’ Thor said.

‘Fine, you can be a little mean. He did try to kill us, after all.
But let’s keep the bullying to a minimum, okay? Right, if no
one has any questions, you can leave.’

That was three months ago. You didn’t see much of Loki in the
first few weeks of his arrival, mainly because you were on the
front desk, and he was doing his training, learning how to put
his powers to good use. You caught glimpses of him, and he
was just as attractive in person as he had been on TV. But that
was all.

One day, you were in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee to

keep you alive during your night shift. The staff used the same
kitchen as The Avengers, which was slightly alarming, if
you’re eating dinner and mass-murderer Bucky Barnes walks
in. Of course, that wasn’t really him, and you knew he was
safe now, but you get the idea.

You poured the kettle, humming along to the radio; no one else
was around, otherwise you’d keep your mouth firmly shut. You
weren’t shy, but it felt strange to talk when in the presence of
such famous people. As you stirred in the milk, you saw a flash
of green in your peripheral vision. It was fast, and it was gone
before you properly turned around, but you saw it.

It was Loki. You jumped, because you hadn’t heard him come
in. He was leaning against the counter, watching you with a
slight smirk playing on his lips. Did he know who you were?
Surely not. You gulped, nervously.
‘I thought you weren’t allowed to use your magic.’ You said
quietly – the urge to speak up came out of nowhere, and you
were surprised at your own confidence.

He chuckled, keeping his eyes firmly on yours. ‘Are you going

to tell on me, Y/N?’

You furrowed your brows, cocking your head to the side. ‘How
do you - ?’

‘I did extensive research before I moved in, don’t think you’re


You huffed, straightening yourself up. ‘I don’t, I was just


He smiled, teasingly – he was messing with you. You turned

back to your drink, not wanting to get distracted; you were on
the clock, after all. But Tony’s words rang in your ears –
‘please inform Jarvis straight away.’ What if by not telling him
about the misuse of magic, you were letting Loki plan some
evil mission, and therefore helping him? Maybe you should
just say something – it wasn’t like you owed Loki anything.

‘You can tell him if you so choose to, but don’t think for a
second it will make a difference to what I do. And Stark won’t
be there to protect you when I get my revenge. I don’t like …
what do you call them here? Snitches.’

You spun around again, and Loki was a lot closer than he’d
been before – you could reach out and touch him.
‘Um … did you just read my mind? I didn’t even know you
could do that.’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘I have many skills. Don’t question me.’

God, he was cocky. You were starting to get annoyed at his

constant remarks, and the way he so obviously looked down on
you. You met him two minutes ago, and he’d already insulted
you multiple times.

‘Maybe I will tell on you. Wouldn’t be like you don’t deserve


He laughed, folding his arms. ‘I was teleporting to the kitchen

because I didn’t want to take the stairs. If you think that means
I should go back to prison, then fine.’

You blushed; you’d been making a big deal about nothing.

‘And the mind reading?’

He shrugged. ‘Think of it as getting to know my colleagues.

What better way to understand them than being inside their

He was tricky, alright. You were beginning to understand why

people compared him to a snake; slippery, and mischievous.
You held his gaze for a couple of seconds, unsure of what to
say, and hated the way his piercing blue eyes made you shift.

‘Whatever. I need to get back to work.’

You grabbed your coffee and walked past him quickly;
ignoring the sensation of being watched, eyes burning into the
back of your head. On your shift that night, you couldn’t stop
thinking about him. You were angry; you should’ve stood up
for yourself, should’ve talked back. He was so arrogant, and
he knew how everyone saw him, but he used it to his
advantage. You clenched your fists at the memory – ‘don’t
think you’re special.’ You never even implied that. These
thoughts went back and forth until you went to sleep.

That was the start of it all.

Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

Reader has an interesting dream.

Chapter Notes

chapter 2 woooo

I’ve got my hands up

I’m staring down the barrel of a loaded night
I’ve got my hands up
So do you want me
Or do you want me dead?

Hatred was a funny thing. It had you grinding your teeth and
clenching your fists, tossing and turning at night until your
pillows were creased, and your mind was as jittery as a run-
away train. The way he looks at me is so patronising, was the
thought you were hyper-focused on tonight. As if I’m a stupid
kid, as if he knows better. Maybe he does, a calmer, sensible
voice told you. Would there be anything so bad about him
being smarter than you? Yes. You argued back, allowing this
debate to continue under your closed eyelids. Because then
he’s won. Won what? The other you queried. The game. This
sick, twisted game. He pressed play ever since he first spoke to
me, and I’ll be damned if I give up so quickly.
If there was one thing about you that was certainly not your
most likeable trait, it was competitiveness.
As much as you despised admitting it, you were a little
obsessed with Loki. You awaited his presence, anxiously
looking up when any tall figure entered the room and feeling
disappointed when it wasn’t him. You wanted his attention,
that was certain. You wanted to argue, to fight, to experience
the fire.
Is it more than that? You asked yourself – or rather, the mature
part of you, the part of you that didn’t want to viciously
murder him.
Sometimes, you wanted that passion so badly, you went
looking for trouble. You loved the way his eyes lit up, and he
licked his lips in anticipation of some snarky comeback. You
craved the way he pinned you with his stare, cocking his head
to the side as he smirked. And you adored when he got angry.
That was when you’d really pushed his buttons, and God, it
was so satisfying to wipe that smile off his face. All the focus
was on you, and all he wanted to do was put you in your place.
It was almost sexy.
So, was it more than that?
No. It was just what you needed right now; someone to keep
you on your toes, someone to bounce off. You didn’t feel that
way, it wasn’t possible.
Love and hate just weren’t one and the same.
That was your last thought before you drifted off to sleep.

‘Are you going to play nice, or will I have to teach you?’

Hands on your hips, your back flush against a tall, cold chest.

‘I think you’ll have to teach me.’

A spin, and you were facing him.

But … different.

Casual clothes – a black t-shirt that fondly stuck to his delicate

abs, and grey joggers. Hair messy and loose, pupils dilated.

This was normal, the attraction coursing through your veins,

the way you reached up to place a hand at the nape of his neck
as he supported the small of your back. It felt normal.

He avoided your mouth as you went to kiss him, grinning when

you scowled.

‘Not yet, Darling. You haven’t earned it.’

‘Please, Loki.’

‘You aren’t to call me by that, remember?’

A pause.

‘Please, Sir.’

He drifted a hand down to your stomach, lifting up the top

ever so lightly, running calloused fingers along your waistline,
making you giggle.

‘That tickles.’

‘Good. I want you to squirm.’

You woke up with a start, drenched in sweat and wetness
between your legs.

What the Fuck.

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

a bit more smut in this one! enjoyyyy

The next morning, an uncomfortable sensation hovered in your

abdomen. You felt too ashamed to relieve yourself of the
arousal the dream had caused you, meaning you had to go
about your day incredibly, for lack of a better word, horny.
Normally, you’d grab your vibrator and get to it, but the
subject of the fog in your mind was insanely distracting.

Why him?

You had sex dreams sometimes, that wasn’t unusual. But they
tended to be about celebrities, people you had no chance of
actually seeing. You’d never, as far as you could remember,
had someone you would bump into the very next day take over
your head. God, of all the people in your life.

It didn’t mean anything. Dreams were crazy, imperceptible

illusions not to be fiddled with. They were nonsense. You’d
dreamt about ridiculous stuff, things that would make no sense
if you attempted to explain. Itdidn’t mean anything.

You got changed – a yellow skirt, white vest top and trainers.
Simple, but effective.

The kitchen was quiet today. Sometimes, it would be bustling,

people making breakfast and preparing for missions, but today
it was only you, watching the news absentmindedly as you
buttered a toasted bagel. Avengers spotted in Washington, the
headline said, and you inadvertently wondered if Loki was
involved in that – hopefully on the good side, this time.

Why did you care? You thought, annoyed at yourself.

Your question was answered when a few seconds later, the

devil himself walked through the door. Your heart stopped
beating when you saw him – the memory of last night came
rushing back, and you knew you’d never be able to look at him
in the same way again. His hands, once simply hands, now
held long fingers that could bring you hours of pleasure. His
lips were soft and enticing, his hair you couldn’t help but
wonder how it would look dishevelled after some rough

Oh My God, this was ridiculous. It was just a dream. This is

Loki, who you hate.

He didn’t say hello to you, which didn’t surprise you all that
much. You tended to avoid him, when possible, because
speaking more than two words would result in some stupid
comeback that would upset you. You stared down at your
plate, determined to finish preparing your food and get out of

But then you felt something peculiar; his body warmth against
yours. He was pressing himself against you, his strong torso in
contact with your back.

‘Can you come for me, Darling?’

You pushed him off you, thrusting your elbow into his
stomach, and spun round, furious.
‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’

He stared at you, eyebrows furrowed.

‘Getting a mug.’

You paused, hesitantly. ‘But you … what did you say?’


‘Just now, before I pushed you, what did you say?’

He was looking at you as if you were crazy, and you probably

did seem that.

‘I said, ‘Can you move for me, Darling?’’ He said, emphasise

on the ‘darling’, spitting it out like venom.

You scrunched up your face, putting your hand to the bridge of

your nose. You were letting this dream, these feelings, get the
better of you. He was leaning over you to get a mug, that was
all. You were panicking now, because he was still watching
you, and you were very aware he could read your mind at any
second. You hastily changed the topic.

‘Don’t call me that. I hate it when you call me that.’

He smirked. ‘Sure.’
You needed to fight with him. That was it. You hadn’t argued
in a few days, and it was making you think he was different to
who he truly was. Exactly.

‘I saw the team have gone on a mission. Guess you weren’t

invited, huh?’ You said, as sweet as possible, giving him the
fakest smile you could muster.

He leant back against the counter, crossing his arms. ‘No, I


You pouted. ‘Aw. That sucks.’

He cocked his head, examining you. ‘You’re being extra bratty

today, Y/N. Sleep badly?’

You gulped, smile falling off your face as quick as a bullet.

The word ‘bratty’ reminded you of the dream, and you felt a
strange sensation. A somersault in your stomach.

‘You really are an insolent brat. Maybe you want to be

punished.’ You imagined him saying and then shook your head
to get the image out as quick as it had entered.

You were reminded of just how aroused you were, how you’d
been all morning, and it only made you more frustrated with
yourself, and with him. Especially with him.

‘No words? What a shame.’ He quipped, and you scowled.

The sun was shining through the window to your right, and it
streaked across his face, highlighting the sparkle in his eyes.
‘Don’t you have something better to do than harass me?’ You
said, picking up the bagel and taking a bite. You didn’t miss
the way his gaze lingered on your lips, but maybe you were
imagining it, or maybe he was just distracted by the

He gave you a look that said, ‘We both know who started this.’
And he was right; you were the one who’d began the slander
this morning, physically violating him and picking on him. A
tinge of guilt spread through you, and you looked down, not
wanting him to see.

‘I forgive you for earlier.’

That bastard.

‘Don’t you dare read my mind.’

‘Too late.’

You felt a surge of anger run through you, intertwined with

panic; if he saw what you were feeling, if he got even a hint of
what went through your head last night, what was going
through it now … no. That couldn’t happen.

‘I’ll tell Tony.’

He laughed, mirthless, cruel. ‘Go ahead. Run to Daddy, little


You blushed furiously; who did he think he was? Gone was

your appreciation for his looks, replaced with a niggling,
biting feeling of contempt.

You took another bite and chewed slowly, glaring at him. He

looked right back, smiling slightly, waiting for your response.
You despised how well he knew you; knew what to say to
anger you, how to play with you, to tease you. In fact, he
probably knew you better than anyone. The thought made you
feel slightly ill.

‘Is that what you want, Loki? Attention? Even when you try as
hard as you do, no one wants to give you it.’ It was harsh, but
it didn’t matter, because it worked. He gritted his teeth, and
you saw how his fingers dug into his fist ever so slightly. He
took a step towards you, and you felt your body freeze up. You
watched wordlessly, as he brought himself so close to you that
you had to crane your neck in order to see him – he often
made fun of your height, and it annoyed you, but he really did
have the upper hand in that area.

He simply stared at you for a second, those stupid, beautiful

eyes that you got disgustingly lost in from time to time. And
then he leant down, so that his lips were brushing the shell of
your ear. Goosebumps rose on your arms, and you knew that
you would have to wash your panties tonight. You cringed at
that, but you didn’t move. Maybe you didn’t want to.

‘You think you know me, Y/N,’ He muttered, carefully, as if

every word was handpicked. ‘But I can assure you that
everything about you is as easy to read as words on a scroll.
You’re an open book, even if you don’t want to be. I know
your every feeling, every thought and every sensation. I don’t
have to mind read to do that. I loathe you for it, because you
can’t even be bothered to hide yourself. But it also means I can
do this-’
He placed a hand on your pussy, cupping it, so lightly you
could barely feel it.

‘And I know you want it. Because that’s how fucking obvious
you are.’

And when he moved away, turning his back to you, not even
giving you a second glance, you stared after him like a lost

‘I’m still telling Tony that you used magic.’ You said quickly,
and immediately regretted it.

He didn’t turn around, but you heard him laugh.

‘If you do that, I will never touch you again. If that’s what you
want, then please, do as you wish.’

And with that, he left. You stood there for a few minutes,
maybe more, completely in shock. You were unbelievably
aroused, practically dripping, and you had no idea what had
just happened. He was so mean, so cruel, and yet, you wanted
more. Loki was known for being good at reading people, so
you could hardly be surprised that he knew why you were
acting so strange today. His touch lingered on you, and you
sighed (moaned) at the loss of his fingers.

I’ll never touch you again.

Had he really just threatened that, so you’d keep your mouth

shut? The way he assumed that his physical touch was more
valuable than informing your boss of something extremely
important was narcissistic, so self-obsessed you could almost
laugh. And yet, Loki wasn’t one to forget his words.

This was your enemy – you should want to get him in trouble.

But the idea of being totally, absolutely fucked into oblivion

by him was playing on loop in your mind.

Oh God, what had you gotten yourself into?

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