Tarea UNIT 12 LEC-A

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Question: I had planned to work for a law office during my summer break, but they just told

me that they don't need me. I need a summer job fast! What can I do?


What I would do is ask your friends and family members. They might have temporary jobs
available at their companies.

One thing you could do is talk to managers of busy restaurants. They're always looking for
good waiters.

Question: I would love to work at a ski resort for the winter. Does anyone have any ideas about
what I could do, and how I can get a job?


What you should do is talk to people who've worked at one. They can tell you what kinds of
positions are available.

The first thing you need is contact information. Check out resort websites, then call or email to
ask if they have any vacancies.

Question: I don't know what I want to do with my life. Any suggestions for a recent college
graduate who hates to get up in the morning?


What my friend did was talk to a career counselor. They have personality tests that can help
you choose a career.

The best thing you can do is do something – anything! The more active you are, the more ideas
you'll have.

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