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Republic of the Philippines


Civil Aviation Training Center


1.1 Punctuality and Attendance

1.1.1. Punctuality shall be observed throughout the course. Tardiness in excess of

fifteen (15) minutes shall be considered absence.

1.1.2. All absences and tardiness shall be explained.

1.1.3. One (1) unexcused absence or one (1) unexcused tardiness for a one (1) or two
(2) weeks course may be cause for dismissal. Three (3) unexcused absences or
five (5) unexcused tardiness for a course of more than two weeks may be
cause for dismissal.

1.1.4. Absence for any cause does not exempt a student from tests and other
examinations required during the period of his/her absence. The responsibility
for making up rests wholly upon the student.

1.2. Decorum, Conduct and Discipline

1.2.1. All students shall, at all times, observe proper conduct and decorum. Good
manners and right conduct shall be observed and cultivated among fellow
students and CATC Staff.

1.2.2. Students shall not be allowed to attend their classes when they are:

a. Under the influence of alcohol or dangerous drugs; or

b. If prescribed, not in proper uniform.

1.2.3. The following shall be grounds for dismissal:

a. Cheating, drunkenness, and such breaches of discipline;

b. Acts or behavior showing disrespect to any member of the administrative

and training staff;

c. Carrying of firearms or any other deadly weapon within the CATC


d. Committing gross misconduct, dishonesty, immorality or any other crime

involving moral turpitude;

e. Creating or participating in any untoward incident leading to the

interruption of classes or office operations, loss of or damage to
government property, or any form of vandalism;

f. Threatening, coercing or intimidating a fellow student/s to be absent from

class, or from any official class activity;
g. Assaulting, threatening or preventing any member of the CATC staff /
faculty from discharging his/her assigned function.

1.2.4. Procedure for Dismissal

a. A committee composed of the Chief, Training Branch acting as Chairman;

the Chief, Administrative Branch; the Course Supervisor, and two (2)
instructors from the appropriate training course acting as members; or by
other senior members of the Administrative and Academic Branches as
deemed necessary by the CATC as members hear, investigate and try
dismissal cases.

b. Any student who may become respondent to a dismissal proceeding shall

be informed of his/her violation/s or infractions by the committee created
for this purpose.

c. Any respondent-student may be recommended for dismissal by the

committee only after the course of fair investigation has been carried out in
accordance with existing rules and regulations.

d. The recommendation of the committee shall be submitted to the Director

of CATC for his/her appropriate disposition.

1.3. Distribution

Training policies, rules and regulations contained in this manual should be

reproduced in adequate copies and distributed to all students during the
indoctrination period on the opening of classes for proper guidance and/or

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